The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 22, 1872, Image 1

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    E. a „ATV:LET, Proprietth;
giioittoo . eattilo.
-=- 1 011111PEIAN -&IICASSE.
Saddle. A irneis call Trani maketa::
store Banding, Ilro.kklyn, Pa. ; - Cale nattlealrll,taany
and Pelt, =ado arder.' , ' - ' '• -
Bfooklyn, .1430!3,1314.—Ute - ' , '
13, - D. SMITH
•. , .
Davinx 10C3te 4 at TioksonVenter, .
fact trey of and
Dml,r In Licht and Heavy throes: ri. Col - sti; Whips.
Truntt„,l4ddles.4o-hoping,htirtrlotalttottou Mtn:W
-00,. and Dalt- thoillog . , to • have a Ilhanl eh.= of
Nttrch 4, t972...001ft,-¢l3.
in pmts. Iledietnes, Chemicals. Die.
•ds". i'ainte,Oils. Varnish. Liquors, Spines. rangy
rt.c les. Patent Medicines. Perfumery:snit Toilet Ar
iel°, • tfaTrescrlptions earettilly aranntatndntt
F.D. 21, 11311.
1 i . Rt.= run Taman. tiaras. at tat_ Fact :or
rho font street. Call 'and Consult to all Chronic
• •
ammo... dart. It '79..—arkt—tf. •
Attnrney at Lac. Moniraso. Pi: 0180 imil4q4b.clinv
inetatbril WISP. Ynhilc ATCAU.
VDT:arum. Jan 11. 1873.—.03-27
Arronstr and COMIZI.OII AT LAW, Great Bead. Petin
.yleaata. to,
m-rcrar AS LAW. Mace with- Attie.
E. Carmel. Fag.
Montrose, Anvil 50,1571.
Attal1:101r. It Lao. Oface No. EU la ammonia& Areince.
Scranton. Pa. Practice in the torero' Courts of La
:erne eel Snequehaxma Counties. -
F. E. Looses.
Boonton, Sept eth,
. W. I. CROSSMON. - ..—
Attorney at L. Office at the ththrt noes•; to , the
Corotalsalanee OtOen. W It.thlattaXata.
Montrose. Sept.
ealerp m Dry Goods, Clothing, Ladies and Mloecs
Ala Shore. for thc,,grcat American
Tea anti Coffee Company : 110Antmse,Pa.,ap.
Dn. W. W. SMITH,
Dna - las". Rninne et his next door_ CAM of the
Republican printing, pal cc- _..0,14Ce htmrQ f rum 9
lo 4 r i. i Ifontruse. May Wee:l—ff
THE BARBER-11W Hat lin!!
Charley Morris I. the barber, who can shave your face to
order; Can brown, black and grlsaley halt, In bin
°Mee, just up stairs. There you will and him, over
Gera , . stone, below ltlclionriee—Just one door.
Montrose, dose 7.ld:l.—ff 4.1. MORRIS.
J. IL it A. 11. McCOLLII.II,
A TVISISCTII AT L. Omen over too Bulk. Montrose
P. Montrose, No 10, MMI. tt
floitEneartuoPntsrmas um SCTAMA. permanently
located hlmwlf in Montrone. Fa, where he will prompt
ly attend to all calls to Ws pruiennlon with which he may
be [Ararat Office and residence west of tho. Court
Bonne, near Fitch d Watwan'n °Plea.
Montrone. February 5.1871.
PITCH St WATSON. AM - rimers at Law, of tho old office
of BeAtloy B Fitt!, Montrose. Pa.
t.. T. ►trtS. Va. it, It( W.. at ATOOS.
Dater in Boote and Shoes, fiats and Caps. Leather and
.Pindlngs, Main Strnet, Ist door below Boyd's Store.
Wart made to-order. and repairing done neatly.
Ikagrose. Jan. 1, 1.4111
Shop In the hew Postoffice buildloc, where he will
he found ready to attend ail Who may want anything
in his Dow. - Montrose, Pa. Oct. 19. 1669.
PIitYSICIAN h, SURGEON, tender his nervier. to
the eittreatior_ Great Bend and lolts."l.oelce at his
rettilleace. apposite Barneimilonse, G't Read village.
Sept. tat, That.- tr
rl'OltirET , . LAW. Bounty,llsel Pay, Pension
and !item on Claims attended to. Otero d
nor below Boyd's Store,, (An. 1,'69
and:. - Insurance -
Frlendysille, Pa
4 P• 44 11. 4PA T I
Great Wed. Pa
1:7. 9h.
ausi Mt_
4111 ELI',
Cr. B. 41.1zaticissaar.
Aar. 1, lea. Addresta, Drucklytt. Pa,
Jll, limar.e, Pa. Shop over
Chatidle s en Store. Altordern 1111c11 liter-rate taylc.
•li ttaolice:l WILTIMILLtd.444I4.-
W. W.
C AM, ell rt.
mu. gm; Nautzose. 1801.
LH& ..NU 1:/.1.14alsit:r. AC:I:NTS. AU
bus,n.F.suendtc toptualpily, ou fait 4crate. Mkt
flat door aorta of iioacrose Ilutol." weft eldr or
ATCII.. )4ontive, Pa. [mtg. t.
41-1.11113. ...111UUD. • eIIAZILLIO L. boon.
• {A• . "Ili 11.1F14 . L. , 11a11.1.1.1e
tdoora, .ml?, Varnisher, Win
cisieeriea, W.3re, Wall and Wib LION
par, stow. wart, Lamps, herueette Ilacbther) Whs.
traits, LUIS, • AMIUSLILLI (:. vectsclee
grusue., Fancy qoodsJewelry earla. r),
bcta~'etc orate moat tnmatuua.stenalve,and
valnatje.illectliine of Goods in Sueiinebanna
tatablialcd la 16413. iliontroac, Pa.
D. W. &gams.,
TTOILNEY AT LAW, office urer Stare of A.
Lett:Top, ts the Brick Meek. Atonteose, Pa. tatilT9
nrsxcuai 6 atruusoN, tenders his protessions
services to the citizens of idontrwe and vicinity...—
Unice at lihrOsidrace, ou the corner out of lissre 6
Bros. Paned*. (mtg. t, IdC9.
PIITSICIA3( and tifiltUEON: ktuarenie. fa. Give.
Lspecial attention to elleesaca of .be Ileart and
una and all Surgical dlicases. ()Mtn river w.t.
Demo floardeatSeirlea Hotel, Liing.1,1669.
- , scaszitos,.ra.
whole:aka EMAD.Bealeista • .
. .. .....
!Ban, EBBS. dPoKES.-- , ,
tnezzozs, BRArSPINDISB, , DOFFZI;&c. .
. . C.A.TEELS:
18 N.E.15 news. „..
emt.on. Nun St. M , As . ~, . - :
_Paige= tail/ ItAZOIVACTITZEV, '
ariIIatCOBABLE Speed -eta gamble Detre Wheel. It
V twins he B O
tieaSsztk Rate blinintudintatintta 1
ItiacOlterttneg- Ohialliatibtud Preiningliktadd adrnatas.
dielti, lain& , . ,
.:Ani the itentergivinin; itfargiagifand Tier:daft:de
~ .P.1... new
'The tIC ll; IslmPleotoalPseteninied - entlreig front
the m whnele.aud en cl aged In a neat ouse, in the
.eaa or th e an a dlineOtTattnetig,.ettatiltd . tifriub rtt
and net. •
The operating, tan be ehanattl'inatazda from a high
apeed to *nett thbd *lover. witboo .seopr.. - ttius adapt
ing Omit to had Own end Ught and hairy
one ceding iaw s,perftrl• No t‘ , .......1nat0tt0
eaten knife-head. It is beyond doubt 'the
machine in the mod& antigun= depend apotift
prketly reliable In every pattlenlen,
Xilndto3oltard. W.- SAM BROS.
_ rocto Comer. ,
The 'following poem appeared some years
since. The writers name is forgotten ;
Two thousand years ago a flower
Bloomed Ilgtitly In a farofr land,
Two thousand yearSagn the seed
. Was placed within a deed man's hand.
'Before the Savior came to earth
That mauled lived, limed and died,
And even in that far-off land
The flower had spread Its perfume wide.
1 ii ' l l ,l Li '0
Suns rose heterset; years came and went;
,The dead hand•kept its treasure well,
"Nations were born and turned to dust
While life /aylidden In that shell •
The ehtFveilad hand i:l3 robbed at last,
The seed was buried in the earth,
When, Int the life, long hidden there,
Into a glorious flower burst forth.
-just such a plantvi thgt• which gebw- •
From such when buried low, ,
Just such a flower in Egypt bloomed
And died two thousand years ago.
A~oa iicnoss;
And will not licrwho watched tho seed
And kept the life within its shell,
When those he loves are laid to rest,
Wnteh o'er their buried dust as well ?
And will not Ile from 'nenth the sod
Cause something glorious to arise ?
Ave! though it sleep two thousand years,
'Vet all that buried dust shall rise.
Just such a fitcerm,greets you now,
Just such a form'as here we wear,
Only more glorious far:will rise
. •To meet the Savior in the sir. . .
Then will I lay me down In peace
When called to leave this vale of tears;
For in my flesh shall I see God,
Even though I sleep two thousand years.
Wis. D. Lam.
After long years—
Years and years,
Where will the baby's picture be?
Who will those dainty dimples sec!
Painting so fair,
Cherislel wilt] care,
Up in some garret tossed aside.
No one to gaze with lore and pride,
Name never told;
Cobwebbed and rusty and musty and old,
• There shall it mould ?
After th es e tears—
Tears and tears.
Some little child shall find that face,
Full of all tender beauty and grace,
And ttgerly say—
That far otl day—
Say to some mother young and fair,
Seeking her darling on the stair;
-Oh, mamma, see!
Who can this dear little baby be,
. So pretty, like me ?"
Nothing but dust—
Duseto dust.
"Look, what a pretty red dress so lige,
Such funny feet and wee shoes like 'Mine
The mother will sigh,
And soft reply:
" Ah, my precious, we do not know;
Some little one ont of the long ago ;
For years have fled
Since mother-love wrought on the dress of
And all are dead," red,
Still we tnist—
Trut and trust;
And dream and flutter for a day,
As if we had so long t 6 stay
And laugh and weep,
And tresurrm keep;
And hang our pictures on the wall,
Though time shall little value aIL
glevitico and Atiticiomo.
—Bus conductors—Lips.
—Black friars—Colored cooks.
—When liorace Greeley wants to hide
his feelings he puts them in writitnz.
—Siam is beeoming cicilize•d. Its
King haslearned to wear shirts and swear.
—A doctor calls his dog Cinchona, on
account of the bitterness of its bark.
—"One of those things no fellow can
find out." A good husband after 11 p. m.
—A Wisconsin editor speaks of a wind
which lust sit on its hind legs and howl
—The man Who "stood npon his own
respoosibility" is to be indicted for in
fan midi!.
—Pay you little outstanding earthly
hills. awl don't romance about the falling
dues f heaven.
—A big fellow was boasting of his size,
when a gentleman qnietly remarked:
•Ani:l yet you look smalt:'.
—We don't think the John Chinaman
succeeds lu “pointing a moral," though
he may "adore a tail'
—Shakespeare would never bare asked
"What's in an aim ?" if be had been hit
on the head with a brick.
—A Yule joker remarked that if all
flesh is grass, then one of the students is
neither more nor less than a hey-stack.
—A Danbury agricultuist has put a
bundle of straw upon his barn bemuse
the straws show which way the wind
- =.l - 3andy, (to shoemaker.) "i say, can
yon cure a defect in my boat, here?"
Shoemaker. "I won't promise a cute, but
I'li.Agree to heel them."
—" I say, John, where did you_get that
rogue's hat?" "Please, yer honor, said
John. ' 44 It's- an old one 'of yours that
misses gave me ,yesterday"
-A gentleman recently created a
"bustle" on Broadway by simply . asking a
lady the news. She thought he Intended
his.remarks to be 'personal.
• —To a correspondent , --kreal tortoise
• shell Thennascat is a very Tare cornanlent,
It would probablycost you twelve dollars
and a halt to hare one wade.
Ps per bed guilts; .
Comfort, is the latest suggestion.
known editcirs who have. 'been. lying on
japer "for Jeans and yet erg'' • not
PPP", •. :
'junior of Yale returned , a book to
thelibmrythe other dayOsithlilishlin
is it es;book us .ho for the
—Assornitisologist wants to know what
mit ores& flies :tbo, highest. Gilden
eakteeily the - ,fiateeteilre awr postisely
sure of Ult.
• .: .
t ; WEDNESDAL.MAI-2Z.:1872
try cAriouNTE.
For thirty , ,
vears Miss *gins had
looked under herbed every night, and had
never found a man -there yet, still she
looked Whe;tlicr it was fear that impel!:
ed that deathless research, or a fatality
:hat was beckoning her to her rate, I
know not. It would seem, however, to be
the former, fir she had often been heard
to observe : "That of all the abbniiiiiitions
on earth, a mon is the most abominable,"
indeed, ut the informal tea drinking of
the allied forces of Chesterville, the three
Misses Wheeler and the two Misses
Jones, she had often excelled them all in
the withering tole with which site would
mi. at: " Man! man!" and no one could
breathe greater defiance ut this foeman
than,she. Jt,wris at one of these tea par
ties that they had entered into a soleinn
c , rnpact that, in the event of Woman's
Rights giving either of these allies sorer=
eign power over the nation, and Eastern
law was to be by them imported and im
proved, and husbands buried with the
dead bodies of their wives:
As Etiiike Higgins well remarked :
"That would put an cud to widowers pret
ty lively." And with this remark the
ityson liowqi•atid the wassail went an—
wit/I s"c lll 49r l t, that. Atitelia Wilder, the
most radical, added another clause:
"That the children of widowers should
be thrown in too, and not be a botherin'
other women.", .This was also well re
. .
Now if any one thiuks Miss Eunice
Higgins ;rasa woman devoid of virtues
and womingly graces, I pity them—they
are so utterly mistaken. She had assisted
a drunken father through the world, 'till
he made.bis :exit—snstatned and support
ed a feeble ,mother—and three or fotir
children older but more helpless than
she, till the mother went home to her re
ward, and the children had fuund flour
ishing homes for the mselves, With .the
exception of? the eldest son, who had 'fol
lowed his father's footsteps, literally. In
deed, when one contemplates the speci
mens of manhood she had been most fa
miliar with, her aversion, to the sex does
not seem so wonderful. She was now
shretvd eyed, but good and kindly look
ing. No home was brighter than hers.
No farm better managed.
The night on which commences my
humble history, Miss Higgins went to
tier room intuuusnal good humor. . She
tea party, The allies bad long,been
present, anti: °Omitted unanimously that
such fragrant tea, such snowy biscuits
and hoitey, such golden butter, such
cakes and'sweetmeats had not .been par
taken of that SeaSoll. • The scenes of her
benign victory rose before' as she took 'off
the little-sviach of hair at the back side
of her head, and pensively roll it up ere
she put it iar the top bureau drawer.
She saw again the siuking sun shining
in, through her house plants in the win
ow, upuu the cri , nson drugzet of the din
g-room ; the snowy tea-table with its
silver and pink sprigged china; the ad
miring faces of her frieuds as they par
took of her delicious luod. But one
memory disquieted her:, 'She , alienist
mistrusted her lemon extract *as ` Incising
its strength--the frosting on the fruit cake
didn't seem •to be flowered quite enough."
But this haunting manner was softened
by the thought that "she could get 3 new
bottle to-morrow."
Be this time she was arrayed in her
long white , night-dress and night-cap.
She folded np every "article of clothing,
and laiiLit 'dorm at light _angles.; she
locked tip.her. , breast 7 piti fund ?,t lien, -iin
pellCitgacate;shernaholy:litliiiiiced.tO the
side of her b 4 and rived4be r*wy va.
latices—gave one. ph rit*, „MO fell back
ward on the carpet, hitting her head bad
as she did 14 on a chair ruder. There
was a man under ther.bectl'
gisorliggins had often, fancied how she
would awe such a rohlrkun . ch burglar,
fehilers and scarobi n &noes ;
how she Would detead her priiiiertl with
her life. Let us not be too hard with her
—she is not the .only one of us who has
found that it is more tAsy, to dream of
great ach leveMents than accomplish
them. rdieliknot the Mly,' . .one who, at
the first shtick,: hie Shriektiaitd tumbled
down hpfore adverse fate, 4
- .
But Etidice lligt ns nias' not one to
wither away li.tere a calamity. Not long
did she lie there; hat as short a , time as
it was when she lifted her head tier man
confronted`her. lie was a very small
man, indeed, not more than seven years
old, and sthall at that; very good looking.
and .►cell Clothed, Although exceedingly
disheveled and uncomfortidile In Appear
" How came you hem, under my bed ?"
This was the first question, but it was
repeated, before he answered, with droop
ing head and glances.
" Fre ranned away."
"Run away from where ?'
"'From our foffr's home."
"Who is your folks?*
Hero the dialogue terminated suddenly,
Eunice Higgins becoming svfd4enly con
scious that a night-gown and a night-cap
were not the proper raiment in which to
entertain even so small a man. Out in
the 'pleasant. 'sitting `-iisern,'-biiiseith-:the
warm light of kerosene gleaming through
rose geraniums, and the-keener light.of
Eunice Higgins' eyes, the fainisition Was
continued. From which these facts were
gleamed ; that the boy, Johnny Dale, had
been so tried with his father, beoasse he
wouldn't let him go to a , circus.-that• ho
had run aWay.
'lt was early in the morning, he said,
and he had got'a ride w;th. a teamster,
and had rode with him till alternolin, so
he most have come some distance. After
the teamster - tespliedle - bluf :walked on,
ana, tomibg oboe, in 'Via
be thought he would ask roisonsiatpper,
'bt there was no min in Mies Hig,pns
had gone a piece withher irisitors. ,- But
the tea table 400 a there, laden with rood
thins: he bad helpel himself generonst
Iy,:and then, as he earl her stepauddero
ly onfaide,,guilt Which nuatereoleards 'of
us all, drove trio int_o betl•rooTa,..ana
atm step MittM nerireeniiile44* - 110der,
the bed. His unusual fatigue had over-
powered:him, and- he had fallen asleep,
and waif awaken only by her screams as
she discovered him. , -
Hied'Higgins had found the man she
had been looking for for ihirty but
now the question arose, what was she to
do with bite As he lititt•no'dissigns
her propel y or, her life, shti could not
lecture-him therefor. J - And tas his copi•-
age arose, he displayed a pretty—a very
iiretty-face, surmounted bra mass of
bright.burls, in which shone two hen's
feathers. Miss Higgins was' very. neat,
but where is the feather bed that will not
occasionally shed a few feathers, 'dry
Wars Imply falling over memories . of for
mer fightiQ.
Miss Higgins' good sense,' backed by
her good heart, Might her whet her man
needed was a good supper and a bed.. But
in the molning, the question again vexed
her.•: LAVliiit was she to do with her man—
should 'she advertise him ? Again she
questioned him in the sunlighted dining-
Mora artie•ate his excellent hreakfast. •
"Whereabouts do your folks live—in
what place I"
He looked up mildly at her, with a
large piece of peach pie midway between
his plate and mouth, and answered obe
diently :
" Our folk's house,"
" Who is your folks ?'”
Father," . " •
The allies were called in,. the stiffly
starched inquest sat on Miss Higgins'
man. The additional of their over ques
tioning being' that there was every evi
dence that the father of Miss Higgins'_
man belonged to that corrupt and shame
less sect—widowers!
Miss Higgins trembled.
Had she not better dispose of her man
at once ? Was it not in a way encourag
ing widowers in their nefarious doings, to
harbor these small men ?
She asked these questions with some
relenting of heart, for already had the
childish charms of her man won upon
her, and it was with great relief that she
heard the decision of Aurelia the most
radical of the allies.
"No! keep him here. Such a chance
was seldom vouchsafed to the allies to
teach one of these men—widowers—a les-.
son they would not soon forget.
Punish that wretch, that unnatural
widower, by saying nothing about the
child. Let him think he is lost; let him
hunt him up the best way he can."
The youngest Miss Jones—she was on
ly forty and naturally timid and appre
tiensive--suggested that "it would be )test
like one of these men to come right here
to Miss Higgins after him. There wasn't
anything that they hadn't the face to do.
It would be just like one of 'em to walk
into her sittne-room."
Here Miss Higgins remarked:
"She would like to see•him walk into
her house. He wouldn't stir a step beyond
the ball, and as for that stair carpet she
n•oa going to tolto it, "r a... 1 olounoo is
anyway. _
`nit; remark, which was warmly ap
plauded, terminated the conference.
Johnny did not seem averse to the ar
rangement. Ile was at the age when
bodily comfort overshadows the mental.
He appeared to have a great deal of af
fection fur hie father, but there was a
Bridget, at the very mention of whose
name he almost gnashed his teeth. "She
was awful—she had shaken him, pinched
him, pulled his hair."
Eunice Higgins' warm heart almiist
melted within her at the recital of his
A week: passed away, and daily had
Miss Higgins' man gained upon her affec
tions. She was the youngest child of her
parents, and had never known the de
lights of childish society. .She had dwelt
so long alone,
that to have that, bright,
manly little face. opposite, hers at the
breakfast table, looking • out of the win
dow. hailing her return from her; short
ithsences. his merry innocent prattle and
ringing laugh, was all the more agreeable
to her than she_ would ,be willing to ac
She grew lenient to the boyish nerve of
her man for the best of boys have unreg
ulated moments; looked, benignantly up
on him as he capered in the garden paths
in startling proximity to her marrowfats
and cluster cucumbers. She ravelled out
a long stocking, and out of one of her
b es t morroeco slices made a ball for hint ;
and alien he lust it in the best meadow
she herself boldly breasted the clover
waves, side by side with him, in pursuit
of it.
that beantifttl week passed away and
one morning Eunice Higgins was called .
from her snowy dairy room by a ring at
her (tint door,.
Opening it, she confronted a pleasant
looking man or alma her own age. Wo
man's unerring intuition said to ber"this
is he." Here was the oppoitnnity to with
er him with her glances. Bnt how could
she when he looked so much like Johnny,
just such a . pleivatit manly look in his
rtide.--Bruiri,e4 t herhirti..
" I hate bees informed,, Madam, - that
there has been a boy, a runaway boy here
—is it so?"
Instead of the prnsaii'acid and vinegar
that she tad designed to have inlier tone,
the likenesslo her man so 'softened her
voienf thatit wiii only pleasantly addit
ions, like. IP - ripe -lemon; as - - she- replied:
" Yes,- sir, it ia."
.;" Is he here now ?"
- '!"..Yes, sir, he is."
Ilia anxious eyes so bnglitenedat this,'
that she entirely forgot her carpet and
her enmity. and actually invited him in.
No sooner was '
he ,seatpd. than Johny
ran in _ with eager eyes. -
"Father ! Father !"
He threw,his arras-ar.oanct his fatheee
neek,and kissed his bearded , lips, and
then * in his delight. te firmed and threw
hisnring 'around Dinka Higgins' neck
and kissed her with the same pair of lips.
and still Miss Biggins could saylla the
dVing wirdi,or ibetreat statesman:
fir. Dale was a':lnun 'or= ineihe and
leisure. He thought the air alba little.
town ezeeediugly., good. lie obtained'
boutiter the summer, for himself and
son; at the - Utile botel; But in all gries
terville no air. wee soimre and salubrious,
he tbought., as the - .air;of Miss Eunice
1 0 6.1 1 2600 1 sequently h . e.settgbt
that ealMtal retreat often;-Johzulyteing
before likeiri olive branch
Day after day Mr. Dale treaa over the
immaculate purity of her carpets, and
they were not taken up and "cleansed."
Hour after hour did he sit upon her ,par
lor and it was not purified with soap.
cud's br beinine..
Atid at last, ono peaceful twilight, it
was.On the fourteenth day 'of September,
at the close of .a !Ong con vorsation4-both
of the parties being at the time, ofeoutui
mind—,Tohnni'S father kissed Miss Hig
gins upon beer ; cheek.
Whop eaythat sho did not immecli
atelyburn out the spot with lunar castle.,
you May be prepared for the result,
The next. week Eunice Dale, late Hig
gins; was ignominiously expelled from the
allied toree of Chesterville; her name
washed out in hot streams of Hyson. and
still more burning indignation& But
Eunice made a happy home f or her man
and his father, and rejoicing' in their con
t. ut. and her own, she cared not for the
"allied" proceedings. And thus.stuletli
the story of Mis Higgins' man.
May Blossoms.
"that's a pretty picture," said Jennie..
I reined 'up my horse and we stopped
to look at it. We were on our way to
Heinrich's to get some early spring plants.
In the field adjoining Heinrich's green
house was his little girl, fat and rosy, for
aging among the wild flowers which
decked the meadow's carpet of green with
many colors woven in nature's own inim
itable pattern, and tilled the air with the
amnia of the early spring. It was a pret
ty picture. Pencil cannot do it justice.
The artist can no more catch its full beau
ty and transfer it to this page than the
perfumer can reproduce the breath of
tho.v sweet flowers by his manufactured
".1 am sorry cr.-om my heart, Jennie,"
said I, " for the poor folk, oity bound,
who see such pictures as this only in shop
winnows, who know of this fragrance
only what Phalon can teach :them, who
are acquainted with May only as the
month that has moving day in it, who are,
in a word, without May blossoms,"
"'May Heinrich is the prettiest blossom
of then, all," said Jeanie. "I am sorry
fur the poor folk that have none such as
"They cost more care," said I," and
how much pain, from the day of their
first coming to that in which they bid
father and mother good bye too out in
to the world to be rooted in soils."
",Care and pain "' said Jennie. "What
eosi,s nothing is worth nothing. I thank
God daily, John, that our house is full of
such May blossoms. I pity the home that
has not a nosegay. A single flower is a
blessing; but what is a single flower to a
field full ?"
I Jimrl rot] think so, Jennie," said
I. " Americanl wish all wives thought
with you."
4 I wish they did," said Jennie thought
fully. ." BUt I know they *don't." And
wall that we drove on, and left forager to
go on with her work' mite unconscious of
the admiration of which she had been the
nhjt'ct, and the reflections which she had
I have been thinking ranch about May
blossoms since that ride.
f . visit oemsionally a rich cousin in the
city. She is married to a prosperous
merchant, and lives on Murray Hill, and
hai a_fine house, and the carpets are like
moss, and the curtains are rich and heavy,
and the silver is solid, and the carriage is
luxurious, and the span of hoises cost
nearly as much as my house cost Me, and
in a word, she has, as the novels say, ev
erything that heart can ' wish. But the
npyyls are mistaken. She has a magnifi
eeilt conservatory, but she has no flay.
blossoms, add my heart aches for her. I
spend a day or two there and I'growfione:-'
lv -and desolate. There is nO cry of
" Here's uncle.: There is no.big boy to
form foil next summer's fushing„and
no i 'little girl to clamber up in my lap and
ask for a story, and no baby to nestle her
head upon my shoulder and drop to sleep
in my arms in loving confidence. And I
cotne home from the grand mansion on
Murray 11111, to the plain little cottage oh
th¢ knoll at Wheatedge, where the car
pets are ingrain, and the curtains are on
ly:plain white linen shades, and the sil
ver-ware is plated, and not much of that
and the carriage is a common country
wagon, and the horse is plain Katie, not
to high-bred for Harty to drive, or too
fine to carry me on of through pelt
ing rein, and where there is no conserva
tory, but where there are four May. Bios
that every time I come home, after
a day's absence, rush out on to thegreen
sward to glee me a tnmnittions greeting—
and I am sure I am richer far with my
for May Blossoms than my rich cousin
in, her wealthy desolation.
There is great deal of sympathy be
sthwed on orphaned children—though not
more than they ought to receive. • But!
sometimes think that childless patents are
to be pitied almost us much.
And yet the papers tell me that there
is•unthing American. mothers so much
dread as the coming of a May . Blossom.
They tell me that every artifice is resorted
td in order to forbid the little childress to
clime unto them. They tell me mat foul
and unnatural murder 'servo:mon crime
in reputable circks. They tell me that
the bud is blighter before it has blossom
ed into apparent life; and this is - not
once At twice, but in scones and hundred
of cases. They tell ins that in American
homes to have a house full of May Bios
slims isaccounted a misfortune.
—An, English _writer of a bundnad
years ago thus 'speaks of the status oftbe
potato; "This root.increasea s prodigintisly,
and is veryintper - for feeding'and fatten
lag cite° "They are hailed in water, and
require but little boirsag, though they,tnai
hisrebeen kept two tuuntbs in the Atare.
Cattle eat Am
. .raw, but for,the' tabl(; -
~- . ttholesoine boiled. earnestly
ocinniiend thikmiture of this; plant tai
ltusbandmen, as if is not - only excellent
food for cattle, initliiat for man in years
of-scarcity.- ,Afters littletuul,. :the :.taste
'beconies at.leset as agreeshic as- hurnipa,,,
and puticalOyo-the,Votatoea (404414,
pithbaden and "salt pork." '
Goc4:on troller; • L
A rather amusing. story is in circula
tion at the expense of the eminentgentle
man from Idestiachisettg.' . •At tl.e .Presi
donee leaven the at i her night, which was
densely crowded, an. old . lady. irom the
interior some w h ere, in a fainting condition
requested her husband to gel her an ice.
" Can't be did," responded her husband
in some irritation"; there ain't no refresh...
ments here." .
" Don't believe it. Didn'tve get plenty
at Belknap's the other evening ? ' the.
good woman said angrily, 'now go ar.d
get me an ice and a lemonade
"I tell yoti now, don't be a fool; there
ain't no.refreShments,everybedy says so,"
grunted the lord and master.
" You are quite mistaken,sir,lesaid the
Ron: S. S. Cox, who happeed to be near,
and who never loses an opportunity, to
put in a joke. "The President alivrtya
provides substantially., There is the but
ter, whose business it is to shii4 ladies to
the supper room," and the lion. jester,
pointed to Gen. Butler. "You'll find him
a little stuck' up, but you musn't mind
that, tell him to get you Borne terrapins."
This was Bahl so gravely that the two
struggled through the crowd to where
Gen. Butler stood talking to some ladies.
"I say, mister, lam told you are the
butler,' said the man.
" General ,Bntler," teplied that
gentleman pleasantly thinking the two
country people were liked with admiration
for his greatness.
"I don't care whether you are general
butler or not, but my wife wants some
terrapins pad lemonade."
"Sir!" roared General B. in amazement
and disgust.
" Oh, don't take on airs, olcock. Come
now, hurry up them terrains."
" Yon must be drunk; - Ni; yon must be
drunk!" thundered Hr. B.
"No he ain't," screamed his wife.
"He's a Nnight Templar; he ain't a bit
drunk, but I guess'yon air."
Boars of laughter greeted this in which
S. S. 'COS was forced to jciiv.. Gin. Nutter
reddened in the face and began puffing
his cheeks out in a most ciolent manner.
" I don't understand this extraordinary
conduct.' What do you want sir—what
do you want ?"
uTerrappins, I tell von."
" What do you take me for, you cursed
fool ?" roared Benjamin.
"You call me a cussed fool and I'll belt
you over the snout, you squint-eyed
At this juncture an officer of the police
sezied the belligerent husband and led
him away, amid' great laughter. Butler,
turning suddenly, saw the Nischief malt-
" I say, Coz, did yon do that ?"
" Well, yea, Fin' affaid I did."
" Well, I owe you the terrapins, and
nay Vl2ll. mind that."
And the two walked locmgly away.
Mount Vernon.
Mrs. Emily Edson Briggs, (Olivia)
publishes au article in tbeeiVashington
Chronicle concerning the treatment of
Mount Vernon, which cannot but attract
the attention of Congress and the public.
She makes the gravest charges -against
Miss Pamela Cunningham. regent for life
over the estate, nutlet the charteranthor
icing the "Mount Vernon Ladies Associa
tion of the Union" to purchase two hun
dred acres of that ,estate, inniuding the
mansion and tomb of Washington. She
charges that Miss Cunningham has
usurped all power heretofore cenbirc4l . in
the Association, and states that' Mount
Vernon hag-becoma to all intents and
purposes Miss Cunningham's private
property for ; After this, gives the filets
upon which these startling charges are
base& She direethr affirms that certain
moncf given this . Mount Vernon Associa
tion might as wellhave dropped into the
depths of the sea. Miss Cunningham is
represented us living to extravagent style,
with a great retinue of sen - unts,.etc., her
expenses paid to and from South Carolina,
as well as for -her fashionable sojourn at
Cape May; and the writer asks .why-the
large sum of 8200,000 is being raised for
Mount Vernon, when the estate is self
supporting; the steamer Arrow alone pay
ing into the treasury $5OO monthly. The
arraignment occupies two columns . in. the
Washington Chronicle, and has attracted
general attention.
I like children—he said to me one day
at the table—l like them and I respect
them. Nearly all the truth .there
is in the world is done by them. Do 'you
know therplay the part in the household
which the 'King's jester, who often had a
very long bead under his cap and' bells,
used to play for a rrionareli ? Them is
no radical club like a nest of chiltlien in
a nursery. Did 3'otreN-er ivele.l,' a baby's
angers? Itave often enodgh; though • I
never knew what it ws to be one. Did
yon ever se*:, how' they .will poky those
wonderfulle.ouill fingers of theirs into
ever y oa t - crack and crevice they can get
at, Thin ii the: first edition--4eeling
..teir way into the solid facts of the
material world. When they begin to talk,
it is the same thing over again in another
shape. 7f there is,a crack or a flaw in
your answer_to their, confounded shoulder
hitting questionic`theyzidtpoke and poke
they have got it gaping just as , •the
baby's fingers have made a rent out--of
the atom of a hole in his painafore -that
your old eyes never took notice of. • Then
they make such fools of us by copying:, in
a email scale, what wo do in a grand mari
ne!, . . •. • .
Madatti,"said . nhueband to his yonng
wife,' in a little- alteration, which ., wilt
spring up - in the best ;resrulated4fatailies.
arthren a man inid , his wife hacef qtuereled
and:each *mildest the ether fault,
which'of the tweyetight to advance to
ward reeenelliationr otha be 4
tared and• wiser of the two, said the wire
pntting up hettnenth - Jer 'a. kiss, - Widay
warcglven with'unetion..r , %• • '
A New. Jersey Waieliii ) piliiiiiunl4
lonf etirionrieriftbat4t his lots/tic: "there
are no mosquitoes.' I ,•-•
VOLTME xxix, NtrmßEß
~ There is, perhaps, no ono in Ors vorki
more to .be.pitied than the pootnnin-411e,
man 'Who has got into the habit of 'saving
until be saves from sheer delight in see
log his wealth increase, and.•of . ciiuntitig
every dollar of expenditutes es though its
loss was something that could ; ,never. : be
repaired. Yet itis the. dduty, of eeve ry poor lanii snie something. Tha pease*:
sion of a few dollars often makes ali , the
difference between" frippineivr.and•unsern
and no man, especially with a family-de
penden t - upon.him, can he. truly indsmatids
ent unless he has a few 4olioxe reserved
for the time of need. While extreme
carefulness as to the expenditure of money
will make a rich man poor, a Wise economy
will almost as certainly make a poor,man
riob, or at least make him to a
able extent independent _of the caprices
of employers and of the common welted=
tudes of life. Nothing is more important
to the poor man than the habit of saving
something; hut his little,heard.will soon
liegin to grow at a rate which will sur;
prise and gratify him. Every working
man ought to have an account in some
saving bank, and should add to it every
week during which he has full limploy
ment,even if the addition is but a dollar,
at a time. If he doenhis he will soon
find the dollars groWing into' tens, and
these tens into hundreds, and in a little
time will be in possession of is SAM With%
is conStantly yielding an addition to -his
income, which secures him a reserve fond
whenever one is needed, and which'Will
enable him' to do many things which;
without is littlenioney, he would be. pow
erless to do. -
No blister draws sharper than the' in.:
terest does. Of all industries, none is
comparable to that of interest. It works
all day and night, in fair weather and
foul. It liaino sound hi its, footstep!,
but travels That. It gnaws tit a man's
substance with invisible- teeth. It .liinds
industry with ita film,' as a fly is, bound
in a spider's web. Debts roll a man , over
and over, binding hand and foot, and let.
ting him hang upon" the fatal mesh Until
the long-legged ' interest devours him.
There is long legged'
thing - on a farm like- it,
and that is the Canada thistle, which
swarms new plants every time you break
its roots, whose blossoms are 'prolific, aria
every flower the father of a million"Seeda,
Every leaf is a an - awl, every branch - 4
spear, and every plant like platoon of
bayonets, and II field of . Orem like an
erased host. The whole plant is a tor
ment and vegetable curse. And yet ji
farmer bad better make his bed of Cana.
da thistles than be at ease upon interest.
Changes or, Climate.
Whether there has or' bast not 'been a
aceiacd obonge of 'climate in various
parts of the world, even-during the time
of the present, getter:diem, is• a question
which has lately engaged the attention
and aroused the speculation's of many
philosophic minds, all over the -world.
flat such changes have taken place ,in
former times is not denied. Forexample.
though eleph,unts live, iu a state of nature,
only in the temperate or'even worm
mates'of Asia and Africa, elsewhere tie;
ing mere stmn,meriii intnxiticed saiohjeots
for public exhibition, itis ono of theism*,
ascertained, facts in th e geography of
natmul history, that these animals equal
ly abounded througlionttniopp„anirovett
in England 'at one period; and ,that to
this day the frozen remains of thbusinds
of these "ball masoning animals are tote
idly ex tricated, by, digging, from,. the -ice
bound shore of Lake thou!, iri
Which clearly indicates that at onelima
that remote and' now ineleinent country'
mast have had a climate as Mild, at least,
as - that of •Erance. • -• ;-
lirthe United States, the winter which
is now passed; away has been , one
of considerable severity, though not in
such excess as to be of a phenomenal
character. It has been remarked; how
ever. that year after year, since I•1882,1he
severity of our winter season has sonaibly;
if not gradually, increased, and that, be.
aides a greater depressien of temperature.
the arrival of spring has become later and
later. .We arena w in the middle of spring,
which, if thest of..lune continues to
rank as mids i mmer day, should properly ;
begin in the, first week of Febrnary—and
yet, in the present month, wo have had a
five Inch fall of snow,and the out.of.door
temperature is only a . few degrees above.
freezing point. •• ' • ' - . 1: ,
Other countries sro similarly affected.
A few days ago we Were permitted to read.
a communication from alma lific observer
in Calcutta to a friend id\Philadelphi4
written in the third week 'of January,'
which complains of the see' rity of the'
season in that. part of the: East'. Indies,
declares that iwthe camp. ,at -Delhi '!the,
cold, is in tense ;",. that, through the'greater
part, of Ilindostan, Christmas has been
received 'in regular English fathiou, with
blazing fires; that in Simla; which is only.
170 miles north 'of Delhi, and, from its
salubrity, considered the Montpelier of
British India, there was snow on the
ground more' than a foot deep; that
throughout the whole northwest of India
the weather was unusually cold; that
Bombay had a lower temperature than
London, in December;_ and, that, amen
the Christmas amusements at -Shanghai,
in China, where there is now a largo:mix
ed European population, skating
most, prevalent, and garments lined with.
far wore worn ,tor warm, not fashion, by
all who could afford.there. evident
that'great 'clinitifory changes • have taken
place and are is progres.s, and that they are
not confined to. the :.Western 'Continent,
but have been.observed in • Asia as well.
Perhaps some of our greatainen title eiperts
May be able some
- account 'for - this, seeing
that Nature; vihiett is only another name
for •ProviddneO, performs her various
operations: of all solts wader settled vales
and Eternal : principles, which, alas! the
limited understanding of Mau is not al-,
ways able te't:omprehend. . '• ''. •'
--Brolbor-iu-law Cramer received but
tarefvd favortible votes oat of a poll of
800;it theeopenbagewßoyal'Clube
vitlißdures& biautioOtc4.:'
' Ab!mn saw