The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 08, 1872, Image 2

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    eltt iffien#oot gitittotrat,
n..):LArLEv, • Eniro
WicoNatsmiT. 4.21.V.8,181.2.
TUE ,FIUST nomnsutm.
•_''The Cincinnati Convention; to which
Radical politicians have been looking In .
ain't.' zit breathless suspense, for some two
' '' . i.plit_:past,ineton Wednesday last and
on', , Piidifypuf "3fassa" iliiirtee Oneley in.
nomination, for President, and Grata
I Brown, - of,Missouri r ,for
wbich has fallen dike a. wet blanket npon.
the "Gift-talmr.,Pand his office seeking.'
brigade. ..1t the "hail" Grant organs had
their editorial drills all sharpened! and
the polividerand safety fuse all purchased,
asthey supposed, to blow up and demolish
. the Cincinnati rock, which boded Radi
cal ship Wreck; by calling it a Democratic
snoretr.ent, in the ititerest_ef rebels and
traitors, and that it was another 'attempt
by Jeff Davis and. his followers-to , in
augurate- war, reinstate. slaiery and re
bellion, and deluge outland with blood,
and by this. Radical oratorical climax,
they.'c.vpected to draw tears from the old
women and frighten the child ren back into
the plundering brigade. - Bat when this
Convoition proved to be a simon pure
Republican outburst,and placed the father
of. Radicalism at its mast heady showing
conclusively that the corrupt . house, of
Radicalism isilivided against itself, they
find their supply of amnuition useless,
and their whole army is threatened with
a panic.l Oar neighbor of the Mantras°
EcpubliFan had an original editoriaPpre-
pared which he bad been
. keeping in type
for a agneiebar to the rincinnati Candi
;date which consisted of the following
powerful words,•"lTurrali for Jeff Davis!"
but when the pews - Came that not only
the political parent of Radicalism, but
the, 'patron "saint" of the editorial
coluinna of the Fpublican was nominat
ed, in his trepidation - of mind he flew to
his "forms" and added "(s - bail)" making
this powerful production read;"llirrah
for Jeff Davis ('s bail)." This was a mast
er stroke of policy' in the editor, for it
would have been a pity to have had,such
a purely Radical idea and Radical com
bination lost' to the world. -We would
mirfse our neighbor, however, to prepare
fora retreat, for in case Grant should de
cline before the Philadelphia Convention
Meets and that Convention should endorse
'.TeX Davis ('s bail),"his, position might be
Wlittle unpleaseut. Such a turn of affairs
is - among the probabilities, for as we said
' a short time since, this plundering pack
_e of Radical official hounds would not only
adopt "Jeff. Davis ('s bail)" bdt Jed. Day
iialso,provided it would coati-lee their
prospects I,f power to glut their official
maws on a nation's life blood. Ilerace
Greeley 'built and Ins kept in zcl.air the
Radical house of corruption,and by right
of properly we feel to grant: him the
Privilege to build
„additions, improve, re
pair, or even tear downy to abate the
nnimnee, which he himself de
dares 'Smells to heaien," and it only
Maki% all such
, ojßcial "whiffets" as Grant
and his followers appear insignificant, to
be yelping at his heels. We have no in
,terest in the matter except to acknowledge
the compliment paid the , purc principles
of Democracy, by air. Greeley and his-fel
lows, in basing their reffirm upon the
truths at:liveMed by the Democratic press
and Democratic statesmen for, years pa.t,
and the extensive endorse tent it receives
by the people, shows conclusively that an
untrammeled expression of the masses
would reinstate a Constitutional govern
ment. -
Although ID% Gumley, like Saul of. old, I
cannot undo the wrongs he has aided in i
upon the people, should he re
pent- the remainder of his life in sack I
cloth and ashes, yet it light has dawned
upon ,his vision and ihe proposes to Le- 1
Mini - 3 political Paul we. are, willing to I,
commend his zeal. •
Eiery year of Radical rule develops I
tine fuel; more plainly to the minds of th 6
people, that Constitutional liberty and re
publican institutions can only he perpet
tutted by a return to principles based up- •
on pure Democracy, and its faithful ad
ministration. • Let the vunin
a Democrats stand iu. the breach and
hold the pass for only a short time longer„
and sufficient reinforcements will arrive to
overpower. the " demoralized enemy,i and
the banner of 'tree Democracy shall again
Aoat .from the nation's Capitol. Let not
theltiit_of tempt us to forsake
principles, which 'Would prove , the same
source of eorruption and inevitable de
strnetiOn - that is now demolishing, the
Radical Babel, but let us stand upon the
true ha/4, 4 that I bad %rather be right
thari President," and the time is not far
distant when truth must prevaiL
Mo" Now the Grant papers arc abusing
the illtantk lionility for ahandoning their
nutiter's canie. The Inlet Ocrait, of
billing° tures thus - "American manta-
Ines are' abort-lived, and if the k
commences .to abuse and insult the people
it, they will eease to!`,
istAit will go down as the Tribune is ga
-lOg down, Allanfic cannot fall back on
odiertisements as - the Tribune does. The
- indigiation felt and eipressed Against - the
uvaettery of the Tribune will be visited
upon:the Mantic. ,
- 127"T:tr. occupitiou of's Fed
erui olEeekliolders seem to be that, of the
eouth 'wind,. spoken of . by Mr. WiLusit
SIIAKESPUEE, viz "stealing and giving
odor." In. fact the people have about
<mime to the conolusion'that there is more
"stealing",and "'odor' than there is any
call for, stud purpose to' pat atop to the
business , . - • -
03 fetegniat was .receired: here yes : -
terday, slitting. that the metrivontan
I etin s _New York city, tsis burning,,
A Now Uudi.
'gad ical dog whippers, like the Montrose
Republican, have now added a new lash
to their party whip. in ailditiowto
roi)wva “copperheals," Iteter'i•Trai
taip etc; when one of their Mambos', ail
serts- hie manhood and deternaines to
ihiirk and act for -himself, -;they now
feightrn them With the threat of exposing
their robberies. We notice the Washington
"correspondent of the Montrose Republi
cai of this reek, charges Senator Trum
bull with stealing the paltry sum (we say
paltry- ; in coniparisonwith others) or 1/310;
000 with. Which to manipulate theCincin
mi Convention. - :
Tins - is the basis, iff,the :-Grent , Civil
Service fteferm ; that if you will support
nu (Grant) you• may, steal your millions,'
Mid %re will shield you; but if , you don't
we will exposoyou. Whit - can the mass
es CA' the Republican, -party think when
men like Sumner, Schurz, Trumbull and
Greeley, whom they have followed: as
types of honesty, being driven hy, disgust
from ,the foul den of corruption,
charged. by such a " saintly" organ as the
Montrose Repuidican,withaiding and abet
ting rebellion dnrinethe whole of the last
ilecade,bailing .TellDaVls,.and finally steal
ing $10,060 to manipulate a Convention.
It such men are traitors and 'thieves,
what can be the character of the official
banditti that remain ! "Good Lord deliv
er us!" - .
The Lato Senator Grimes on the
A letter written by the late Senator
Grimes, of lowa, more 'than a year ago,
has just been published. Referring to
the approaching Presidential election, lie
said: "The Republicans will be over
thrown, and ought to be—lst, because of
the utter fidlute of their scheme for the
reconstruction of the South ; 2nd, because
of their resolve to perp_etnate as long as
possible all of the- passions of the civil
war,Und their consequent refusal to en
francbise the men in the South who were
honest enough to fightim the strength of
their convictions; 3d, because of their
inexoreble resolution to maintain an
enormous tariff by 'which a few 'are bene
flt tcd at the expense of the many, and by
which they kave 'utterly destroyed our
commerce ; 4th, because of the persistent
attempts of the Administration to force
upon us Spanish Negro States, not only
with the wish, but against the well-known
wish of the , people of the country—all in
the interest of a Ring; sth, became of
the corruption that is reeking everywhere
in legislation, in the s, ape of land-job
bing, steamship subsides, Chorpenuing
claims, and iu administration; as. in the'
Cherokee land sale, the gold 'corner in
New-York, and in various other cases. 7
No stronger indictment of the dynasty
which misrules the country has beerr made
than his of one who in this lifetime was
among the foremost Republicans of the
Ka Etna Raid.
Every mail from the South brings ad
ditional evidence. of the brutality with
which the second Grant raid on South
Carolina is being conducted. Defenceless
old men, and children, the poor and the
diseased, share the fate of the. well and
strong. No distinction is made in favor
of sex or condition in life. Around
Spartanburg, which- may be considered
the headquarters of the raid, the sconce
baffles description. All business is sus 7
pended, both in town mod in country, and
the streets of the once happy and smiling
village are filled with an agitated crowd
of citizens, and a bustling throng of blue
coats. Forays on the farmers, far and
near are made every day, and "prisoners"
are multiplying with rapidity. They are
brought in triumphantly by the soldiers,
and lodged in jail without warrants or
explanation. One squid searched fire
days and five r.ights for a ragged, home-.
kss, idiotic boy, and finally the effort was
crowned with success, and the youth
was marched into Spartanbnrg at the•!
head of hi; elated captors. Another very
old fisherman named Paris, who for years
has had no theacht fur anything beside
his traps and lines, by which means he
managed to support his poverty-stricken
family, was shot dead in the middle of a
stream without sword of warning,. In
stances like these are many, but they are,
of coarse, unimportantein comparison
with the suppression of the •' Ku Klux"
and the re-election of Grant.
:reeks since Grant issued an executive
order, closing with tile riords
"llonesty and efficiency. not political
activity. will - determine tile tenure of
Office." - = • -
Answer : Cesy, convicted. 'of diShonesty
by-a Congreesignal committee, is still Cal
lentor of New Orleans. CraMer, the moat
inefficient .31in istir - mar accredited b%
Amerisa, is still at .Copenhuzeit. lest,
convicted' of estortidn,by the „nierelaiits
of New York and' a cainraitte of Cougrese„
is still in office, Legate; ~u tool of. Porn..
eroy's in bribing The Kansas- Legislature;
is kept in nomination for Govenor
Washington Territory.
Another of General G runt's friends
and appointees has, beeOn indulging in a
little Radical , finauciering. George D.
Orner, Polleetor of: R&lrentle for the Fifth
district of Mioohri, - has only , served tiro
yeare, -- iind yet has senor& shows that J3e
is 8100,000 behind in' paying over 'gov-
Rrianaent money. $50,000 per year in ad : ,
dition to his regulai pair is grend_rwages for
Orner,ulo is a red hot suppo:terot Grant
for renomination,and denounces Sumner,
Trumbull and Schurz as traitors and.dis•
loyal 'men. In irsorteriof the :cone.
try; tleneml Grant's . office-holders are
stealing the poppies morteY, in suns,,
from .one thousand dollars to. half a
*.Oitr. litlght Arm flroken."
To the attack—nu these Republicans
who refuse to support the Evans Rink
State Ticket, - ; made Ilarrisburg
,Telegraih,pited.;by , Grant's Postmaster
Itlint city, the Philaaelfshia Press sass:
Ifahe deeree is or, ea ilialraif it pro-
Ceeds from 11 ii..ThisselrErrett, chairman
of the Republican 'State! Committee, we
simply.enter uplin the,grtat campaign of
1872 gitlinur right arm brolien. \I hole
to adjust the irregularities of the Repub 7
lican State Convention ? tWjiti to decida
when General Harry Ntrbite.resigns, as Re'
believe he intends:to do,'one of the - don- -
ble nominations conferred. upon
. Ikiin
the blunderers who met tit-Harrisburg on
the lO.of April? Who is to ri!concile - tlie
angry complaints of, different Congre
ssional districts against the del
egates to the National Convention who do
not live in the districts43m 'Which they
are appointed? Hera are': eases outside of
the laud complaints against the- nomina
-1 don :General .11artrataft from such
' counties rii-Luserne,. Lancaster, 'Cumber
land, 'Wayne, Allegheny end Philadelphia.
The - exigency is' grave , — ; too 'grave to be
confided to the State Central Committee,
and too serious to be allowed to remain
unsettled and so develop into an incurable
cancer. -4
Hurrah for "Old White 111.Td.”
-`lie heard' a gentlethan, from whose
cortvereatian,we were Convinced he was a
Grant man, say" be did not believe there
was a supporter of Greeley in the Repub
lican partyof this county. We were not
disposed to dispute him:at the time, but
we can speak . from evidence now. We
received a letter from.a friend' of ours in
the " Esstern district," on some business
matters, who is arid has been a staunch
Republican, "wlio said to us at the close
of his letter, "Hurrah for the 'Old White
Hat.'" We can safely tally one for Greeley.
Grant's scheme to make a Govern
ment monopoly of• the telegraph system
of the country, is likely to divide up and
destroy itself. The plan promised so much
that a scramble to get on the ground floor
ensued, the ones who hoped to engineer it
are now divided into three cliques. There
are two companies seeking the monopoly
while a third movement has been started
to make strictly a Government concern.
They are at present engaged in a triangu
lar tight, and it is to be hoped that they
will imitate the praiseworthy plue of the
Kilkenny cats.,
tatocklue Mxtr.
MBANY, April 26.---A shocking affair
occured in the
_town of New Scotland A
this morning. •family, consisting or a
Mr. Volmer, and his wife. and tire chi!.
dren, Volmer's mother and his wife's step
father occupied a two-story buiidiug„.
which took tire. Volmer, his wife and
one child, who occupied the first floor,
escaped. All the others perishedin the
A few days since the old gentleman.
Mrs. 'Volumes step father, came to
city and drew out of the smings bank
some three or row hundred dollars, wbcii
he lied kept on deposit, intending. it is
tßid, to take the money and proceed oiw
11 to Wisconsin at an early day.
When the fire reached the second story
the old gentleman, in his anxiety to sacs
his money, kept backthe others in the
-mom witli"hrin, end 'would nob pc rtnit
them to open the window and jump to
the ground.
ANECDOTE or TIE—A lawyer
riding through a town, stopped at a cot
tage to inquire his way. The lady of the
house told him he must keep right strait
on for some time, and:then turn to the
right; but said that she her self was going
to pass the road be must take, and that if
he would wait a few Minutes she would
Show him the way. Well," said he, "bad
company is better than none—make
haste." After jogging, on fire or gm miles
the gentleman asked if he had not yet
Come to the road he must take. "Oh
yes'," said'she ' "we paged it two or three
miles back. But I thinuht bad company
was better than none, so I kept you along
with met'
—A - gentleman tram Illinois, who
thought himself peculiarly fitted to repre
sent_ the country abtoad, followed Mr.
-Lincoln with great pertinacity, button
holing him. at all times and in every place
without the , Elighteat Mercy. Finally/the
president,. with a pleasant Emile, asked
if he . could speak Spanish. "No."
"Well, learn Spanish, and I'll tell you of a
gond thing you can get." After three
months of Lard study the wonlil-bediplow
mat.retur..ed• to the charger . reminding
the President of his !promise, and mut
' ins him that he had ilioronglily mastered
the Spanish langnage.: ." said Mr.
Lincoln." I promised , to tell yon of a
good thing .you could get. Get Don
Quixote and read its and it will make
you laugb." . .
Here is an anecdote told by one minis
ter about another. A certain. presiding
elder, who was noted tor being, seldom n
to time, seldom 'very animated, and eel
doM Ivry brief; once, Dept a congregation'
waiting a long thite 'for his 'appearince,
and when at last he, did come be preached
them.very . prosy ;sermon . of unusual
length' on the test,"Feed He
had not yet finished alien that original old
minister known as"CamP-meeting John,"
rod from a Seat in the congregation, ad
said: ", Brother, I have bad- some osper.
raisin„,lanthamyself.' antilbave
found that the - foliating rules are abso:
In telyessen tial to Stiecesfnl lamb-raiz' iig i
First; gke them their food in season ; sec
ond, give. thein a little at 'ajtime; and
third, give it to them tcarm."
—Speaking about being 'buried.. Mire>
there's story cif au Os in Wisconsin
which surkived the loir , est living burial
on. recorct haf rho' . gOod fortune,
howeter, to tie buried in a bnystack, whieh
fell upon him. 'Nobody }tuft whit .had
heciitue tice creature .un tit after his,
torsterions disappeatance hid lasted over
ilifee weeks, when he put out au appear
ance tronithe haystack; basing eatenhis'
way from center tocircninferencs. There .
was snow on the ground, wlfich afforded:
moisturaeuough to prerenthis dying fans
Au iiidi a ga lady hio a 4iv0.r.00 froM
her husdand in her pocket, and 'whenever
be don't mind, she takes . out "the docu•
'nerd, and shows ikto Yhen he "weak-
SENATE, April 20.—The House amend
ments to the Tents Pacific Railroad' bill
were concurred. in. The lions° bill an-
thorizing the
.Commissioners of -ciairnsio,
make rePorta r ni their proceedings when.;
ever: they shall. deem it ,expedient, was
tukeA up, briefly discussed, and postpon
ed: 'The 'House. hill authorizing • the
President 0 appoint a Commission to in
quire into the depredations committed by
Mexicans and Indians on the
,frontiers. of
Texai was taken hp and passt:d. xhr bill
eitendip,, dig 'tithe witlan-fWhich
ukay avail theinselVes of the act granting
land iit "establishing:Agricultural .
Colleges - *at: The - consideration
of the Deficrancy bill Was .resumed. - The
Vote byivhich 31r, - Morrilrs Amendment,
restricting•the jurisdiction of the. Court
of Claims was rejected. Was reconsidered,
yeas 23 nays 2G, the Vice President vot
ing in : !the;al3lrmative. The- new five
minute "gag" rule was -appliediand the
amendment adopted.—yeas 26, nave -213,
the Vice President again; voting w the
affirmative. The,Dehcieueybill was then
passed. The louse bill to repeal the duty
on tea and coffee was talzen up and amend
ed so as to make it gelato effect -July I,
1572. An amendment adding to the bill
the free list of the Senate Tariff bill Was
offered by Mr. Murrill, of - Vermont. Mr.
Trtimbell opposed immediate' action on
the bill. The amendment adding the
free list was rejected—yeas 17, nays 32.
Mr. Trumbull moved' to include coal and
salt; rejected—yeas 14. nays 33.. The bill
then passed. At 5:30 I'. M. the Senate
Ilousu.-v—The bill .to encourage the
planting of trees was taken up, discussed
and rejected,—peas 81, nays 88. The
House then went into Committee of the
Whole on the Tara bill, and was ad-
dressed by E. 11. Roberts in favor of the
passage of the pending bill. Mr. Beck
followed in support of the bill, Mr.
Brooks next addressed the committee in
favor of a reduction of taxation.. In a
colliony with Mr. Dawes, the latter said
he should not vote fur the bill unless es
sentially amended. Mr. McNeely follow
ed in favor of frve trade and direct taxes.
ThtFommitteethen rose, , A bill passed
providing fur the mine of unplicate bonds
in cases where the originals had been de
stroyed or defaced. At SP. M. the louse
SENATE, fiat' I.—Th6 following were
passed by the Senate: Nil changing the
time for holding the United Salta Courts '
for the Westcrii districts of Wisconsin ;
bill repealing the provision of the Army
Appropriation act of ISW, prohibiting
promotions in the staff of the army ; bill
regulating elections in Washington and
Idaho Territories: The Naval Appropria
tion bill taken up: Upon an
amendment appropriating forty thousand
dollars to make experiments in converting
the smooth bore guns in the navy into
titled gnus, a long discussion ensued.
Messrs. Trumbull and Stevenson charged
the Navy Department with extrarimance
and maladministration. The amendment
was rejected. After further consideration
the bill passed, and at 8 P. M. the Senate
H or s z .—Th e House concurrcd in - the
Semite amendments to the Tea und•Coffee
bill. A. number of hills reported from
the Committee on Intlittu Affitil , 3 Were
passel The House then went into Cont
i unttee of the Whole on the Tariff bill,
and Mr. K. liev argued in favor of a pro
tmti ye tariff. Mr. Wakeman also spoke
M behalf of protection.. Mr. Stevenson
;vas next speaker. He supported the bill
as one of revarte reform. Mr. Conner
made a tree trade speech. The C.m
mittee !bob r:Jae. Mr. Neglvy withdrew
the bill Mtraduced by him en Monday for
th settlement cf accounts of railroads ter
Iran:porting trtops duriog the - war. At
4 P. M. the House took a recess until 7
P. M. The cuing set-iitin was devoted
to TerritLrial business.
SENATE, May 2. —A ruolution was.
adopted making 11 A. M. the hour of
meeting, ou and after Monday next. The
Annual Route bill was taken up and read.
At the expiration of the morning hoar,
Mr. Cameron moved to take up the resolu
tion permitting diplomatic and consular
officers of the United States to receive
testimonials from the Emperor of Ger
many for their Services to Germany in
France daring the late war. Messrs.
Stunner, Glasse - 11y and Sprague objected.
The consideration of the Post-office Ap
propriation bill was then resumed. At
4:30 P. M. the Senate adjourned.
hairs;.—ln the House a bill was pass
ed for the dittributiou of fifteen hundred I
breach loading. ,rifles and two hundred
thousand cartridges among the settlers of
Gallatin valley and other exposed points
in Slontana,to enable them to repel Indian
midi. The bill for the organization of the
Indian territriyy of Oklahonia was post
polled until next 11:cember. The follow
ing bills passed: I , or the renters! of the
Flathead and other from the Bit
ter Root valley, 1',1,0n tat la, to the regulation
in Montana: ' To confirm to the Great
and Little Osage Indians a reservation in
the Indian Territory. The following bill
was reported i'' TO abolish the tribal re
lations of the Miami Indians in two years,
alter which the individualmembers of the
tribe are to be citizens -of the' . United
States, The House, at one -o'clock, went
into Committee of the Whole, Mr. Scofftrld
in the chair, on the Tariff bill, and was
addressed, by Mr. Maynard; member of
the Committee of Ways ,and Means, on
the pmtectiOnlict side of the question. )Ir..
Kerr follotred. on the ,other side of the
question. 31r. Speer stated his objections,
to the bill. ;:"I'he debate was further con
tinned hi3lesSrs.Rello,gg; of Cerineeticu i.
and - Storm, both :of ..rhea favored • hiriff,
duties its against. the. : internal' revenue
system.' At 5 P. M. the House foot: a re
pess tititil 7:30 P. M., the evening session
being W.W . II!' debate: - :- -: : '," '
'ags - atrE, MOy. 3.—.Tild Senate - recoil
,' ii'dered the rote by which the bill . for held. :
ing'eleatiOusin Washington and'. Idaho.
Territories' passed. the queitioa'returr7
cd .an: the passage of the
,bill; but: the
morning. hour . expiring, bronght yip the .
Postoffice Appropriation bill. The
minntes':gag-law was applied:: The Con-.
ferenge . report , °xi - the : legislative , Ap;.
„hill was agreed to r " 'rite peud•
ing,qiiQstiop on the rosC,Offige Appytipria•
tioti was en the amendMent inert , astng - the'
"Peeifie Aluil subsidy, te , One ',liiillion . dot-.
Jars. The amendment was . discussed :at i'
length, and amended :so as :to. authorize;
the,Postruaster-General to contract :.with '
the jowest bidder forearryipg an addition-,.
til.4mithly_mail tar ''ten yeara,.froinjhe:
let 'of, .oetoberaS7k et compensation not
ta.'eitceathe•rate - per Voyage news - Vaid:'
It arasthen adopted, and ut 0;55: the,Sen.
ate adjourned.:. . " - ; - --,:.. '• -: ',-! -- ..- •
liotTs!....4 l ttnedbittely site; reading p.f.
the jOurrial:_the Ileose great: iittp ..ov
inittee of the ;Whole . oti ;the .- Tariff. bill.
Mr.POI spoke iafaior of- fieo trade.:.: Mr.,
Raticialli favored . T - the" : bar:with. certain
amendments.. The debate was further
continued by Messrs. Conger, Bright,
Townsend, Lurnison mid Eames, ind:was
.closeit by Mr.. Dawes. At.the conclusion
of his remarks the 'Cumniitteerow; and'
the COnfdenee report on the: 'Legislative
Appropriation hill was -"concurred-in.
The Nouse, at , 4P..3.14 adjourned.
littlobOv ili,Palmyrn *tying with a
ball of worsted thread attached to his mo
ther's crochet work, accidently swallowed
it, and had to he held by several• strong
Irish women twhile - every yard of it was
unwound in his•blessedlittle stomach by
reeling. the -.mid .:proieeting ;from : .• his
month. - - .
- pot Nverttsciugato.
HEHIFf'S SALH.—By 'eltrun of a Writ loaned by
sZ the Court of Cumin:ton Pius of Sniqnehauna Conn
ty.And_to tae directed ,t will repose to, -onto I:Ly petite
venduct at the Cowl; Ilteaso In Montroec.on cat today,
Jags 1,1872, at 1 o'clock, p. in., the following piece nr
patrol of laud, trill,'; • ' • .
that certain plYe or pare'd of tend, Situ:alike the
township; of Joestup. In County of Suntichattna and
Stntout rontsyloattin bounded and thwcylbed no follow*
Inuit.: On thy notth by lands lilkattinth I lieu and
L 1 , . Cooper. on thy east by lands of Win. /lager, On
the South by lands Phut Millet nod Elizabeth ricdell.and
on the rest by lands of Henry licrtholf end Elhanah
Holley, cantata - lug nhont 7s] Acres On Id) porches of land
bu the *ante mom 'or less, with the appurtences 1
dwelling future, bona. young orchard, and about 50 n eon*
improved. (Taker. in execution at. the cult of L. N.
Coopers's. P. A. Haller.]
- ALSO—AII that Wilda plebe pnrcol of land. PltALlte
in the totrnaldp of Lenox. In county of Sorquchnuna and
State of Penns.. bollbLed and deserllnd as follows, to
wit: Beginning at p staled and stones. ton aotutterest
corn, r of lauds of Curtis Pratt, in south tine of Thomas
Jordan, alone, eald liratr• line north 178 porches to a
stnhe and stones tda corner of Benny Bran's Welt
thence along said Bent' Pratt'. Sue 81; degrees west
SI perchty screLeke and stones in west ift.e of salt Jor.
don's warrantee: thence along the came south n.n; do.
gtxes west 18 410 perches to poet .nnthwegt torher of
wurrniitee; Ounce kin the sante meth 4 S•ilegTons coot
tat 810 perches to tpe (l be of begi uni..g. containing
113-nerve. together with the appurtenance*. one frOMO
hoUse. ' [Taken to tzars] lion at the suit of i oletnent
Tselor no Oen. W.lttnitit.)
ALSO—AII that cirialu lot of Inn& situate In town
.l'in of S2Pringf tile.; in We County of Sq.:pennons and
Stainer r, nasyh'annt, hounded end de*erlbetlas follow*,
to ; Itcolnulne at the centre of the fund running
from the bridge guar Jechua T utouna r to Eassun
Corn.'" north lour tr.cerers cart 8 rod- 1n the centre of
mid read; thence north LS de4rers west 20 reds to a
stair end etotea t thence tooth 4 ergrt es wee l 8r ds to
nuke nod pleura; thence mouth SO degrees eat el reds
to the WACO of 'segueing, containing ono ecru of land.
Govt or lons, wall the appartermeecs. one frame lomat
our frame ham, sonic fruit and aramental Ire... and nil
improved. [Tnlicoln execution at the cult cf Cort:llns
Cozlor. to the nee Of A. J.l3erritson, les. L. J. Mocker
and Cornelius 4ronhe.l
Notice:is ha,eb , , given that nil bids rout nod to
=oh day flak, WM T. Mf/XLEY. Sheriff.
:het fire Often, Hentrote, Pct., Apr11..27/11'12.
( e`gm' artrtioctuntt,s.
4 1` the OLD COURT ITOL:I3Ft in Ito::Tnesr
tl FASatOttAE DE.E3S-MAXEI. late or Hew
lli. w
York City. Entire PSllllnctinn will be given in oil oho
.111 (Av., hrr n ithnrzoi. 00" PLAIN EEWINt; dour
to tte NE.IIII-.3
Dirs. COLE.
.121cept..., DeVanneran:a, and Eqamlitura
of the n,yhtmforthe poor of town-Ups of
Auct - ux, fU Sll. 4riluicviLts 4; FOREST LAE.E.
In the coon: ) . of Fo:sonelmtme. t o the beeped M oo ds ) ; of
If7ttleV32. Tin !TOR. Dr
To A:Alma rapl:eite, ISII ' :I,MM
Tint•li w. 15
prlocsille "i " 1.:a1.7.3
r' , LnUe .4 'i •" 1.C1.0 LI
te , b of J. IL Ml!ey 11.11.01 , )
toiborn Ipantlilp or. bond CLO 1r)
;all) 1..:ri , ..? ..L hotui C.:O tr)
I.x. t. tLE..)ed trua. Z. Cum IP ' 711
ny in Autuna cullatta 136
E. ,, ,,,rnt,nr:, r. 0.4 " tr. di
C'omm;nto::• I 4O
Eznst:altos• ;o Fprhip 111, wllee•
tor 11 41
Cc.tio:Lerler_s to L.-or:lags - We collct
Eton emit lot* to rorret LltCco!lre.•
tor 12 CI
Cootto!..*lor.s to romst toku coVer•
Atnrantnt of hntonnenl t.xna an
Krzuggwill!, Iwl:mtes Tr.
A onnt of DiOlmrsonrotp I, 3 - (nr
endlog. aft be •Arcond Monans
in Mr.lrb.4 FT: Weir. I'd
Asnnont wed I. I Donnmre on bend I,on 81
Acton," 18,1,1:1'..1.01 . t It:. CO
A tootra f.a. provl.lvon and me
colonj MT .14
ilelp In tritsl(:eulako) P. 07
11,Ip on - f Inn , 1 ti 07
BlAcl.rnllh bill 15 tri
Ca4o lan 1071; L• 9 00
Iload .' 1 in CO
beed.A portbailird for Es= 173 el
‘ ta.,1,10 r 4.11,4, 141":".:
Sioek p,rob4fed 85100
linutaluki ga1,40 porchnsed ItS 5)
Slcsrard'• Sijary 500 'XI
Fold directerk,l379 nod 1511 1:0 OU
Phyplcl,l4 A. Ouna-nn 2 14
.. f.,..A Font. - ' P C. 3
.' ItJTltarer • I 0)
Conned, Win,' 11. toink • 101*
Wm; D. Ludt 1. CO
Ttepa:r on tra)1•111ne 0119
Fanning to, - .lp, cic ltd 19
Sfincellaotonil • 8 93
rim:lwo - 445g. Dr
102 42.
. 464
Erpenalturri to excess or receipts tleal 11
TALL'ATION or raorztrr
Real Estate PAW CO
Rersan el property. ethatittlarr of 01 eohh, 3 year.
Mats, I two , year old. 2 towc 19 fowls,
farming tools hautehal d good', port/110as
hay, sod Grath 51,5c7
Average numberof lumstes • • 8
Present, " "
" JAMES KAMM,/ t • •
. M. FRANCE Directucii.
Ruth. April 0, 012.—w1.
, -
Literature ; Art and Song
Is the best selang book ewer peered. It enmbluea the
humor of edecodnte. the wl.dons of essay. the I bforin , l•
Von of tktory and blootohy. the ..weetness and gradepr
of poetry. the esqolske charm of mule, andiCo brat!•'
fat Mustn't tont:-
-2.011 d readied for ;rare moments ; !demon. pictures
to Morning qateh,hours ; and gents orlon: for thosorial
An Anent Writes. `Sold 127 copies thin week: 12111
sell Too this froodkpastly."
Onr new spot= of canvassing does away with nth..
jeettoes to the business. - Particulars free. A rateable
proont to every new Afent•
IN TKRNATIONAL PLIBLIaIIaO 00.. 03 and - k 0
LISMITY VT., New Xu:k.
suy 1.
S T NET. I 7: .:. c tretlVS7 l l' 3 W I A I IIITA P S L n lltrli
. Dr:
. ..
TO . balanot 1M 6'14 aFttlemeat . Miceb "
4.1671 ',F - • .' - 61,=173... '..• ,•
' . Doplirate poor taxes . , 464 •1N .
'Rad Daplleattr - ,' , : , ' 'lll a'• ; ' •:.
, .. , ~-si.k.l it
. .
By ordriir4+lerniell -- ~ 'SI.OIRBI •:' •
~ , - - -
7i .Z4l '. • '_ ..
• . colketneaL . . Oa '
- Valance la Tole- Parre. hntidit ' .14.17
' ,"Markid TOles la Una, of IL' N. .
el . . . . 'MI Sci -
- ..: , WILLIAM WITIT4, 5 6 .143 it
t ~,,,,,,
iltemt: , - . ' a. M.. MUTSU:CELL. I -•••-!"•
B .PAlrsom.Tn;ratlfrk.
! , dabara..elprij27.lB72.-wl. . •
-- •
it - Woe It new edition Of DR,
CULvEitivgi,t.'n CSLEMIATSD r
SAY on tha natneat CCUZ(W/ 1 1t0.t Med . "
eineyol Sptutterounota or Betutual
Wrakttys,. Igruhnuary.E.e mina .., Lenora, Impotency
Mental and tooptco I Ineanaelly. Impediments W Maui- 1
dge.eto • 12104c011ownYtkak:EPticiPlannd itulncoti
by eel!' indyyPence an texost.extravogatica,
Prtee;) ti scaled encelops, only cents, '
Tbe celebrated 110tbarAttabia imitatiablo cony. clear.
b[fdemonslndo from * thirty yeareatinoccogol pudica
.that iho=ular9lrax Consenuonceo of 'el: abase ituy bo
tAdle 3l, l =rot waibon,i the dttngorOoa goo,or.totorual
- rocdkioo or Ow *poll-cation or too knit's; Waning out,
a mode of corona anda obnititt. cattalo/ and'eMcinal,
by means 91 vablab every suilbror. no mattee what. is
condition maybe . For toloTtatasaircalopiy; prkrotily,'
131 , 'Tb etutoatinaldkin Yard* ot crety .
tAindveatut .1q at plat Ve r st: to a=res!„ .
9 1Ta Te d ? Z P o r rigl 4 ez '&l4 11' 4 1 0. Imo 444.
Addreta the rut4llopre i - -
- - • ofts.z.c.itz.r.qs &co.;
• . -ISr
,Mostay, VC, York, Y 0540130 Box 4.G93.,
. .
• • To =mans
woutzwrsi ABM 130t1110 7 47;47
pon sax, t, 3jl principle orations on lino at ela.
- are. Luanwenna& Western
HO! Fiffra. Tvgreaki7lslisico4s.l:3rrEßLlC
LINDUCRIIENTS to Fainlites and Wattles
' A r tfrivlny nett can edam Throne, Ticket. MST:
ST. JOSEPH. pr. SCOTT. f/ENTER, and all ;mints m
blimonri and ihtl43b. at the vary lomat caw, and n ue
bonschoki polo aodltelgta ships. d special rats*,
Delaware, Caekawanna & Western
NodOlaftee ta , o notice that is Direst Conner 100 Is
made At BINOHADITOIV,,IrIttI all expect.* Loins on
ERIE: RAILWAY. '1:1Y•Ba tare to oak for Ticket. via
moan RAn.wity“. which can bo pmeared at 0 Com of
19±3.&.71. 01 . 41. 496603a**
• - .
U 0 E
Ming azifidandld Stock of
Ju.i..,rlTodfi;ta the City.tnanelstlngot an kindi; !Or
Hen - , WomEn, Misses anabildren.
. be !old at ' '• .
I= I XLIC/33f3e •
For Cash.' t 37" dote end Simon mere to order, and
all k. min of teptirlng done on • than notice. Tbose
wifhinn anyttlingin thin Hoe can Savo Money
o c l a zill„= „ re . ogg i re wen!,
0. E. St,- •H. G.EL 0 IFE.
)lontrose, April 17; 1872,—nr3. '
ni:Astinr, , s 51.1 I.ES OF UNSEATED LARDS
In Snaquehauna, County- Notice te hereby Oren
that agreeably to the Act Of- fhb' General Aesembly of
the Cotementrealth of Penatylvanta,thiectlngthe mode
of Pelting unseated Wade. the Janda or utdch the 'war
rantees. or °tenure. or the number, a re elven Weer. wlll
be sold at public TeUtiCle, et the .Court 110050, In Mont
lose. on Monday. I th t ay of lane. A. D. 1e 1. fur
arm...traps doe, cad the colt accrued on each. tract re•
socvtleely. ante's the came he paid before the day of
ode. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock m in.
Irarretafees as °ernes Reimu. as.
Acre:. • Ntilioo7. Taxes.
WTI:01= '
224 James Bench
40 Andrew DtAch........r
6 Peter Bench
40 JulOplsaliadi.... - '
Ito 1,46.601 Mereditlt, 21 . 0. 1
61 N 0.2
7, , 4 John %loch. part
Philip Beach, .....
1236' plzabeth IScwpolt. part .
rains' [Aux.
73 ' Syblll6 T. Morrie
lik7s %Vard .t.lttilterdeld
24 W. I).yton ........
1.17 C. J. Skluurr
AG Anson Tlfriny.
5.3 George Wallier
C„ L. Wa1d—...... ,.
:r4.1 ekorn Sborark.. .....
267 N 03.11, 16. and.l7 .•-•
119 14. IL e. Vol'. 4 year:
14, L. M. titlfze.
841 248448 Sboarack
1,11 Thom's Ceti wßilatki.rat ••• • • ---• • . ..... • 274
7.0 S.•ructel Men-illth
3 44
...... ........
Ch•ur:fe 18 to
VI James
100 Thoma* Zotilan • .140
J0J,.1.,u Kart y . . ... ..,........ ................ . . 0,4
10.5 Joova I'. tiarilry4 4 0
443 Genr...e Farnham
ISS JOIM C, 31c:rla
43 C. L.. Nrard.
p Engill^r .....
75 Samuel D4t0n,....
°la Mr, Witt, min, catiMe
ClarhAs Martaulzta
131 0.0.0 r, Vrolll. ....
1%0 1'aery..........
IQ) Poor suyikr
2-1 James :Samford
h LSO—In porttemee "of the orotielotot of the Aci
elf Geutpral A.•rrppablp. passed the Mat slay (f April. A.D.
ISI sermon 414. at the wante time and !Aden wilt be cci
.1,0-ed le pahhr rate, the tracts it pateclo of Inn(' or real
estate. tleAlgaated In the following list. emcee the tasre
dee Vets the rame, and eerie, are paid b_ ere ItAt time:
Tear. Nemec/ Taxalk. Acres. Tar.
no 0
.470 : q uire A. Campbell
169 Thomen Ilcughzn
Petrick CarLey..
:Casio Fargo....
ti - 5711 Thomas llughs
18:0 David Port. mist*
Oberto Warta- 11 tlO
11 6 (21
• Wpm=
110=4, John end 51144. ......... ......111 S 60
FmStn r, IVnt. 6
G.;c6mund. Wm. 11 100 0 60
ltmlud4, henry nog - 0414 y 102 I 03
Bridzet 32ekloon a a t. 40
James O'bhaughorm,t S L 1 10
0196 AT =ND.
Shp. W. D. . ......... ....... 1 L 00
w. J. Carpenter
urn Ablgatl Cruse
Pairlnk Itemannis
s That:Lt. Ullmann, estate
Philo J. Snyder.-- ......
Iro A. P. Zanzen
Royal Thayer
Joseph Driulter - •
EII L. Lord '
1971 Wm. 11. Llrdster
V. C.llltlnnood
Altason Wrlsht..
prO . VOrbeet Caffirli -., So-
Add Glemon Addl,an Potter 10
1611 ...I. tlrundnon.,-..1... ...... .. ..... ' . -...-•
gt .
Almon P. Doml
Henry Bailors+ • 60
EilTramp Tj0zj0y.;...,.... ............... 61
iVrght.., -- '
• =turf. . .
Jo rob Drown , 400
Cyms Upham and W. L. Wesley .2X • 2' 00
P.ll. Trnels
1871 W. I. Lliwderhan
1810 lohn Brooki
Munson Ctialker •
Fl II - Dayton ,
T. D. F4.terluo.4
LI-odgorictt -
Amick McCoy
Amos 0, Akluuer
1111=. Case
!farad,. tirroi
P. 1L McCracken
Miner Draltheor
1371 ilr' , . . ..
P. ..Farwell " •
Lna3b , rt Pi keit.
• • - •: . 3 4i
. E4gphen . . buovmaker } :.: I 75
J Y: n1.4)1 9 41
1870 Thelint V. /taker
Warrao Plat! '• -
, TRACYMAIMEN, County Trrasaser..
rnisodivril 18. 1872.—vra. , ,
An Oran/eat for llTery Eao#cart tome
Wl= .416.12CEIVILZOGasr
. .
- :41::,33.01t1rter
Mph eletrit elqiuteiwneteere "Oa Ihe
blettectereek , V.lreionetl'ark:• - 'l7p the lielillyt• -
klil,' , .lltrian Leaves Uteree.7 a txtgetiestitiroiliJelur
ea firm 411'hiladelphlh thotyl ng Itemeenat Peri:, where
the Centennial AMA Organ' Doildlop. will be erettea;
'Oll „
Pob1171)0. ,
dp Worloo - Yroo4o to 1120 po Ofty cto ba mid*
Beep af ;tots; /Ina 'Reclaim my sad forma Jo szents,
po *apt 1)7 reJoru meiL - . - - - ,
T.R. CALLENDER It 06,, Vubilelior pit.
. - -*, 11)11 , 5,m117.4a4 615., PhLadel pras
tar Sogar.Dootedi Concentrated.; Ileet;
• and- Herbal Juke, Andl•Tilltotte
Granules. TIIECM.= CillAinr•
CATLIAIITIC, or Malta= fa 4 : arva
The Pacify of modern lieddeal, Chemical and Phar,
emu ultra! Science. Slo use of any looter takloy the ,
rtpulalrtrand nansetatt.lrilit, CoMPOned
cheep. crude, and bulky ingredient& when we CU by
a careful sppllesslins of chemical *clams, sSinset
the calnyrs le asul sass csollcics/ furoperliCe burn 114
• must valuable roots led bola, and threcenlnto them..
,Mttssi minute Grannie. scarcely-larger 'bats a
mustard sersl, thstun topsail, swAllewel
thew of the men sensitise altenteelm and tanidlons
maws: i6aeh little t'orrSatilePeiletepraeate.:
ins most concentrated term, ea meth When m Doter
a. I. embodied la noyof the larzoldlia tuned tut ale
in the deny thope. Fr= their wonderful eathurdo
power. In preportlim to their aloe. people who Imo
net tried Mein are Apt-to sapiens au Wrens lams
or tir2 . 6tiC In erect, Lit math 111 sot at all the ease, Wq
didtreatuettre Medicinal principles of whteh they ara.
composed being so harmonised end =Oiled. one by
the others, as to produce a most searching sad.
inoron.a; yet gently and Mildly opera,
ling cathartic.
$5OO Deward is bereby offered by tb;, pruiprie,
tor of these Pellet& to no , chemist Who. upon an
theta ho
of mecum Arany other mineral pawn,
Geier/ entirely wegiellibleo , o *PAWS* .
esto Is required while suing theta. They &petals
without dlstorMence to Ihn tonstitulka. Met. or OC ,
Mallon. Per Jaund lees Headache, Colt%
stlpstilon, Impure ttioody Pain In Gm.
Sams Iders, Tlainnessol th e Cbest, DIA--
Lineal, sour Eructation* el Cstalittom
a^b.i. Bad titbit, Std Usalitb."lllllolta..
attacks, Pala, In realm'. Ilidoo/as.
Intermit rover, Yiloatedleeling about.
atio.staels, Gusts otlpioodloltentlalligla,
. Colored Vasoelabillty and
Gloomy Porobodings, Wm Dr. Piers:.'
Pleasnut Darstatlee Pellets. In =plans- -
linn or the remedial parer of my rumat. ire inlleac
over to great o variety of diatom& lielah to an; that
thole action upon Om iseonow.
'slip' Is suilverstl, not it aloud or Gazust•
escaping their ennatiee Impress. , Ago
doe. oat tmpair Elem• their anyur.emtWo and being
eneloa.l to ghat ,. preeervo their virtues Wm.,
paired far any immix or . Utile; In ant elbuste• sa chat
they aro shrsys fresh and rellahles, which Ii not tha,
emu with the pale Monti In the den: store& patenla
cheap wood or pueterboard boxes. Recollect Motor
•, all dikarea wheel a- Laxative, *lterative or
-• Parantlso is Indicated, thews WWI Toilets will
giro %Impost perfect antieinction to al Who itso Mims,
They are sold by all anterpri•lng
Druggists at-25 colitis Dottier.
Do not slow any druggist to Induce-You to take
sorthinz else *butte may sq.% kult 0 poi an Mr
Pellets SCOMJO nmhes a Urger pnuflt on Oat - which
•ho tdtsmosends. If your deondet caaftei supply
them, endow 1 t cads and receirs,thecn , b7 morn
trod ' •
Sc. Jr. D., Trap";
...... 43
10 00
5 40
22 G 5
31 33
10 40
.. 1 sa
M $ 15
a LI
ra on
to t
44 I OU
V) 1 IV
4 ti
ft 0
1 40
1 ' 113
10 13
00 1 141
.... „g a t .42
.... 100
100 . - :0
' W) •1 00
00:"b0 Iq
..1112 803
13 1311
MI 1 23
Ire 14 eSt
Tnv; how. 11 , DOW completed and roar for SeeitMM.
lotion of elAtora owl-the Waimea of flteendet
The following are oolong the dketteer known in‘hava
been thease of tkuSgegnellanas3l44lltrintery
nisgAszs vEszit4L-Disz.tepiintepr;
itvgn CpMPLAEST, tLCE/49,
nizs,- =to:au DIAIII2IIILI,
miTzsz Yawl:,
EL.IS, SALT L. 7 ( vu, scnoruLp
Oa: toxic) 4,:kiiuNo
To toe wbo cosioulFldo TtoElog-Dr ept lois, - To
would taythat tiollOt'SFL FLTTED With it view toilho
of oar GIIEP 11.4.fu1d wc.rhalftztre, •
mule In Nokia; tq
their tvelrire. 'We guarauteo stoat, oh derided bey, of
nu pay. lectr further puticulazi ;minks of. or &slants*
9asqualtuir.a Mural Spings,
Rush, Innin'ix
April, 11, Ifiltr:ra3
TV=li77 -1 72 X7L73:111r.. ,9
A.laterTfr d tg:V.V . ,"`'lVATV; h A'Z,',. l
nt 1..:7 1 i1:1144 4 ..gtre. u t fo u*w y pre_pared to .. lurk
va ""
DR Y •G 0 0 D-S
CROCEER.YI dc., dr r -
As can be found eiumben;ana at u Deslrsblo Mei*
9. IL ("scam.. . S. C. awns,
Prwsillio &Ater, P*, 24,
13.1111in:it Pen Tictinea of the - '
• - 611111T,1d and SENATIONtt of NEW SORE.
TA I‘l3l - A.N Y:
illomplttea Of Vendiedlt.Dioli.Cintd and other MN,
alfijointes. ,All ebony Ji , .tE 51.120E1E1.0, the Aren t
and ETIOTAIM H. STOKE-i, the Albumin. .Ottlivo of
nrer LOn -Dazes. on - it:wry Illastrated. , • Ar rots wasted.
Pend I MI (or °wilt. sad error. terrliorria one.
ntUrR fir), 'Addrcat G. MEM, Ettidt, 31:110
Co . Pa.
April 24 1872.--• .• - -
, . ,
• now tquAt . AT own.Etortm Tux
c owr t aural td Expta Jed. No ebionc
_or tricktad,
s.lEN'lle•lrthe. a PR , iFiTAEH /11.11 , inmate
the Excursivit RIGHT lor the sale of • DYOTr4
qtr POLLITV,V4 ;ad LiTyiEgh :Witte lor . . thronattlon
or - .
Y. It.—;4Chtirclits tantisheli WlttiatANDlSLlltilll Sail
LAMPS nt:Every dmeriptnn,lSllCF tem, cusysaltiliV
W any other establishment In the eatint7.
lak.Cit:WM - 16 1 ". 1 X• aFt to.
With tinierlltiEs ?amen rieimat
Ye The Okeepett and Alenteitil .I,ltertuy FM431140 111
of the rileetextel Century. The • -. • ,`
rolotexrital 23Ccoriao 311121b Il as
Coutalitleg the OLD AND NU HC TUT/MEA,
Addres s 0.11. nAnv#Y; Seth; Btexesi'Ca., rem* ,
. ,
111490/41T-1017.-4fattect to be rOly eyes, that the
It Pl4C•rriPilidtly Eillsi4t4aaliltween job%
it.yziA and.gashAllittolifoLuontectrhit.V4in
the Med or Itaynatetd A. 4 1. dr Ws, anomie tee
the Oti 0.4, - af Agri), 1671. b.l enTiOg• cOntletaw . T h i•
book Vefthtt Andtetatottba pastaerssup are la
Itiellea4ettD.l.Wdeaktot entestent. L.,.• •
• := len ItAlrawOuth •
MtultrOte‘ AhttliOhii;-13018,..04 .