The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 24, 1872, Image 3

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RELlOrovs ssavloza
Bkr.L.ILFolr, Tuv. mtor.
tog a. m. aml 7
vLbaW School. -
Prayer Meeting, Wednesday Evening s,
CATMOLIC cutraca • Their. J. SLatTLIIT •
Sabbath Serricet. - Second Sunday in each Month
Sabbath School Immediately before-Nava
. .. . ... ,
EPISCOPAL CIICECPL.Ray. IL A Whataartc.itettor.
Sabbath Services.. ION a. ra. aha L.ti p. ra.
f.uudar School la to.
IVeak-Day Scrylaes—Wednardaya 7 V P. tri.
Id ETIIODIST EPISCOPAL —.Env. A. D. Atxxitroza
tuned Os ,ercices.... ....... _10.43 a. ea. aud lAD p. m.
Sabbath ',cum,*4 p in
pram IN...ting. Thurftiy, - 30 p. m
Rev. 3 . . n Iltuza
11145 a. m.and 73.> p,m.
19 14p. la.
.M P. m•
Sabha:4 sem
RAN:mitt School
Prsysr Meeting, Thursday Evenings
lattsinesS NOficps.
We call attention to the- following new adveri
tisements this week.
—Lite of ilaines Fisk, jr.—G. Harvey,
—Agents Wanted, Popular Cyclopedia—G.ll.
—New Firm, New Goods—Crane &
—Centennial Anivemary.
—Cite& J. Co.
—A number Mipeellancons Advertisements—
Geo. P. Rowell & Co.
—The Republican County e.ommittec met on
'Monday the Bth, and elected F. Fitch
as Delegate to the National Convention at
UrThe Montrose Literary and Readingßoom
A,soeintion, acknowledge with thanks thO ro•
cella of -Butes History of Pehrisylvania
teens," in tire rolumwt,froal Hon. A. P. Stephen,
and five volumes et recent Public Documents,
from lion. L. D. Shoemaker.
Further donations solicited from all friends of
our Library. _
Seriously 111.
We learn by the Eratife'rd ftorter that Mrs.
C. L. Ward, of Totranda, is very seriously ill
with but slight puVects cif her recovery.
Lsven—Since the'r above was in type,. we
learn that Mrs. Ward is dead, .She died on
Monday last_
Important to Letter Writers.
Letters once taken from the post office by the
proper parties, or delivered to the address, can
not he forwarded without again being prepaid.
As the violation of this regulation is a matter
of daly occurrence, it - should be undcstood that
such letters deposited in the post °Mee for mail
ing, on which the postage is not prepaid, are
sent to the Pead Letter ()pre. That printed
matter cannot be rent - ailed oxcept upon prepay
ment at transient rates of-postage in stamps.
Two Miners
On the 15th inst., a miner at the &relay
mines, by the name of John 0 Brien, was crush
ed to death instantly by a fall of coal which had
been left too long without being propped. On
the tali instant, in the same mine James Cant-
W6ll, a young married man, was blown to pieces
in a most horrid manner by the explosion of a
Leg of powder which ignited from a spark that
dropped frtnn lamp of deceased while in the net
of tilling his tin can. After auguring intense
agony about three hours death came to the re
lief of the sufferer. The shock was felt in the
mine a half a mile away, and was so severe that
lights were suddenly extinguished.—Bratiford
fleeting of Om l'ouniy Connuitter.
Through Inadvertancy the report of the meet
ing of the County Committee was omitted in
last week's issue.
The Committer met on Tuesday the 9th inst.
A good number were present, cortaidering the
condition of the weather. and an . interesting
meeting was-the result. :flatters Ur 11 .1.rb"."c
were discussJi and a unanimity of opinion
prevailed. Aber transacting other important
business, the following persons were
_named rot
delegates to State Convention. E. R. Hawley,
Representative Delegate and Abner Griffis, See
aturiil, subject to the action of the Conference.
The Committee then'adjournetWo meet at the
call of Chairman.
Odd Fellows Annliervars.
The 62d Anniversary of Odd Fellows in
America will be celebrated at the Opera Ifouse
in Waverly, on Friday eicning the 26Th tact—
Elaborate preparations arc being made for a
grand and gloriotis time, worthy the high char
acter of the Order, and the iMpOrtarice of the
occasion. The law of the Order with yegard to
the use of intoxicating beverages is tube strictly
adhered to. A good sapper will be served in
Exchange Hall, and L'Araotuaux's Band, one
of the finest in the country, will furnlsh Music.
It is impossible to sand invitations persnnully to
all, but Odd Fellows everywhere are cordially
belted. The bill for the entire entertainment
will he bat p.m,
Something Wprth flowing.
In pasting wall papers, posters, etc, especial
ly where successive layers are put on there
arises a most disagreeable effiuvia, which is par
particularly neticeanle In wet weather The
cause of this is the decomposition of the - Rite.
In close roems'it is very unwholesome, and or•
ten the cause of disease. In large mannfuton'm,
where large quantities of Neste SIC 1130 a it often
becomes sour and offensive. Gine, also has a
very disagreealde odor. If. vriPMl l Mhhiff Nate
or glue, a small.quantity of carbolic acid is sat
ed, it will keep awed and free from offensive
smells. A few drops added to memlage Or ink
preventp mold. In white-washing the: cellar
and dairy, if an ounce of carbolic acid Is added
Ap each piton of wash, it will prevent mold and
remove the disagreeable taints often perceived
in meats and milk from damp department, '
Amusement. ,
We are often nilnosed at the pretexts made
use of by people to bring
,theruselves; or their
'acts into notoriety. How prone soch people are
to say,' let me relate a little story." attllW - Fe
they get talc throukh *ith tha.puirktion, ion
discovers that they are the heicies of their own
eto -v.
The Montrose Republican. a short tim4 since
took a notion to lore some 'Plain Valk," Inter
mingled with which it quoted many expressions
of its admiring friends,uuch as 'lnfidel bent pa
per," couldn't keep house 'without it,".ct,
etc., in itslgst issue it makes pretense of halting
hard—orsomoivilyilas heard, or intimated that
the "Republictin,", as an Indfertising medium,
"'slat op gientshalw s eel 11 1,"- - and it Seizes
the onpartmity oI u relating.a little,etory,. of
-haw many post esti there are in the' county,
—the sequel and point, of which is 8,19.1, of our
papers go to said (Palms. TO read the " Renck
• lican'sP-Shitetnent,of-ita cotempararies circula
tion—one would ~sertpuie, -from the iuntitive
• manner in which it puts Own the fide.; that
it had wags to their -bottles. We hare only
this remark to:makcjitat :if ,the -ollepublican"
has underrated the eirculation .taf the lkozrat
otosd the Journal as much as . it Aid pup, boast
thatitecircedation is double all theotherpapei l
in the combined,o will do -Eery Ireg for,
,selfiritulatien,but,it should he qualified stlittio
ombell MAIO as fact:rr2rortheru Painolltaznian.
rw would say to our neighbor , (tamp Pgrf.:
,sartroitiau,Shat we treat all such • nalarettresenta7
Itiona as the one abore referred to, .ip :thc
Jildlesonbio matiner - ,thst the Englishtrian'4lo
,when helms askixi by te,alloyed his wife 19
t*tristfFir 4 1 = " 0h r 111 :9 5 t1V,, -1 , - esio, Witting'
ryingft..,"ftiTyrtactii 4ie 4:0 NOIM gttlird
tidies twist . snyThlp. - •
• • • --- .
Rending ReTtptArsochrttOni • '
The members of, the Reading Room Associa
tion;ar&requested to meet at their Room, on
Monday evening next Aprit 24th; at 7 O'clock,
p. m. It being a regular meeting of tile .Asso•
elation, business of vital iMportaxtee will come
rep for action, and a fidi 'attendance is desired.
Have A Care .
The weather - this month has been, to. clam&
terize It, treacherous. At times warm, it has se
duced some indivithmis tome off their, woolen
garments worn neit tolhe skin, but a sudden
change to cold soon taught them thelt mistake.
Dr. Hall, gold antltority, says: "All changes to
lighter or cooler garments should be made at
dressing in the Morning, end If in any ease the
'changes leave the body chilly, or if, soon after
it is made, the weather changes to be much
cooler, by all means promptly, and without half
no bouts delay, 'resutrie the - lull winter dress.
The old, the young, the invalid, in abort all fee
ble, oonstitutiong, of small , vitality, .should be
especially earelbl to heed these suggestions.
Fire In'Binghamton.
About eleven o'clock last Sunday night, fire
broke out in the rear portion of the old Chenan
go House, on Water street.
The building was old and low, and much of
the furniture was also old and much worn. The
total loss will not be far trim $5,000. The
property was insured for $6,500, on thi
there was an insurance of $4,500, and on the
furniture, V,OOO.
The fire originated in the lath around the
kitchen chimney, in the second . story of the
rear part. The kitchen.was in the basement,
and-there had been no fire in the stove latter
than three o'clock in the aftento , m,
Charles Wales, the proprietor of the house,
went on a visit with Isis wife, to the home of
her mother, near Camprillc, and had not re
turned at the time of the fire..
Court Proceedings, April Term.
SECOND NVEM.—On ptitinn, Ilezekialr Whit
aker, is appointed Supervisor of Jessup town
Confth vs. N. D. Snyder. Indictment, keep
ing a tippling house. Venhet, guilty. pefend
ant sentenced to pay a fine of O.
S. P. Gates vs. Albert Pratt. Verdict for de
Dadvid Taylor, Jr., to the use of F. P, Grow,
vs, The Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Com
pany of York, Pa. This suit Was brought to
recover the insurance money on the hotel burn
ed at Glenwood. Verdict for plaintiff for 3,-
329 50, the fhll amount of the Insurance, with
The suit of the same parties vs. the Lycoming
Mutual Fire Insnrance Company was settled—
the Company paying the full amount of the in
Elliott Aldrich, amt. of John. Walwortb,
dec'd, vs. Emily F. Moore. Verdict for plaintiff'
for COG OS.
Julia Uptegrsive vs. Orlando Wright. Veitliet
for plaintiff for $5O.
Amanda Vanoy vs. J. IL Rosenkrans. Slan
der. Verdict fOr plaintiff for $25.
Court appoint T. P. Meeker Auditor of Jes
sup township,
J. D. Wilbur vs. Tuotpas Patten and Jere.
mish Dow, Overseers of the Poor of Silver Lake
township. Verdict fot the def6dants.
An Evening of Sacred Sung.
Phillip Phillips of "world tiide" lame, will
givonn eveningot Sacred Sang in Susquehanna
Depot, at Mechmdc's Hall, Friday evening,
April 26, for the benefit of the H. E. Church ut
Great Bend.
This artist lhaiing sung in all the princial
cities ot Eampo and Amnrio+, ...•t Croesseti by
thousands of admirers, the Champion of "Sacred
Sung" this vriltnfford a grand opportunity for
many in this county to hear him.
Hon. J. B. Gregg offers tree of charge Me
chanic's Hall to the church above mentioned for
that evening.
A enach will nail from and to Great Bend on
that evening to accommodate all of Great Bend
and vicinity whO desire to attend.
A. train will leave Great Bend about 0 o'clock
P. H. and return after the concert.
Tickets of admission, Adults 50 cents.
Children 25 cents.
Tickets tor sale at Falkenburrs Mule Store,
Susquehanna Depot, at J. H. Clark's Boot and
Shoe Store and D. C. Bronson's Furniture Store,
Great Bend and at the Hall.
Now Hotel Thief Dodge. -
Says an exchange; "a clever thief played a
trick at one of our hotels recently, which he
seeiiis to have invented himself, and which ,iro
prietors would do dell to be on their guard
against. Ile engaged a room and occupied it
during the day. his demeanor giving' rise to no
suspicion. While guests were out in the even
ing, and the halls were empty he opened the
doors of no less than twenty-two rooms by the
use of skeleton keys, and, after droring out the
screws from the plates into which the bolts are
shot, he bored out the holes in which the screws
had bt.Trtao that, after replacing the screws, no
resistance would be offered to one trying to open
the, door from the outside. This the returned
gueSts did not notice, _contenting themselves
with locking their troors and shoving the bolts,
and so the burglar, with the assistance of his
tools for forcing the lock, had free access to the
apartments." Ins raid, as far as the proprietors
of the hotel are inforrnaresulted in his accumu
lating only eleven dollars; but sham thieves have
invented this dodge, travelers would do well to
try the bolts of their doom—which ate their best
safeguards—hetore retiring.
Brooklyn-items. ' '
—Mr. Nathaniel Sterling, died at the house of
his daughter. on Martin Creek, April 15,187 h,
Mr. Sterling has, itr a number of years, been
supported by the township, his age is supposed
to be 97 years, 5 months had 15 days.
—Miss Mary Baker, daughter of George Ea.
ker, Vim low with consumption, at R. W. Gem.
She is now attended by Dr. Vail, of Montrose. .
—Mr. George Chapman, (brother of Junto
Chapman, of Montrose,) Is feeble, and his health
gradually declining. Supposed to have had a
slight shock q( paralysli of one side of his lace.
—Mr. Page's Bashaw,
died stiddenlyyesterilay, while being exercised
before a buggy, in our streets. He. all at once
flew off unusually fast for him, (and was at no'
time Moir) - after going some 25 rods to the - top
of his soccd aid wholly, by, the
driver it - TlnivrenTb, tlichorse• of his own ac;
cord slacked up, dam rixl to the side of the
'road, and dropper' so suddenly, that Mr. Cur.
.thi Duch, sitting by the side of Titsworth was
thronm Over the firwani wheel with !twee. As
soon aitaigs,:and holdixick wire out looae,' lie
.woe B.4ead horse. _ 31r. Peso ohti4 4 4 ails
horse in New ,Jersey two yettial4ri, Ilia age
Would bait teen. lh yeaMio .Ituns., next.
.Ex 7,
eitementligb, sod moumere are staittlitfg•.int
every eon:cast the. streets,. Air. itzes:lciis
. *. - -.•
Pe%Weal lotaterrine°. •
Xpresi:—/low lorm must the biteler-
Atimougendercd by OM.: late lame:rine Ma:
e bprue by the pople of our Couaty. ialrz t ays
m 44 a mtm for a boldaud Manly eximasiou
Z of 1415 opirdou, butrrbe*luteleFtuat" radicalism
. .
i sets outso bold a front as appears In the pub
-1 fishing of the financial statement of the. ex
penditurCs of the Assylunifor the poor In the
townships of Auburn, Rush, Springville and
Forest Lake', then I consider " forbearance no
longer, a virtue." The law makes It the duty of
the Directors to publish's' statement of the in
debtedness, receipts and disbursements for the
past year, hi at least two of tho county papers
for one week. I observe that the statement for
two similarhostitutions in the county appear in
both the payers publiihed at the, county seat.
iatiS a statement appeafi In the Repuidican fur
wriahips, but
- in what Other tiaPer 1 em
roved. As lir as the laW IS concerned it
is girt published- at Susquehanna or New
31ilfbrd, but It might just as well have been pub
lished' in Binghamton as at those places, so far
as machingithe eye of 'those. whose interest is
the greatest; In the prosperity of the Institution,
for the proliabilty is that not one in ten of the
tax-payers of those townships will see a copy
of the publication. This may be all right in
the view o( the majority In the county, but
when we come to local matters, where both po
litical panics have nn equal Interest in taxpay
ing, where fa the justice? Let those having the
control of these matters explain. 11.
Forest Laße, April 18th, 1872.
Legal Points Briefly Stated.
A note by.a minor is veil
A note issued on Sunday is void.
It is a fraud to conceal a imud.
Ihmoranceof the law excuses no one.
, A contract mllde with a minor is void.
Notes hear intenist only when so stated.
A contract that is. made with a lunatic is
The law compels no one to do impost.ibili
Au agreement without any consideration is
Signatturn 'Wade with a lead pencil arc good
A receipt for money paid is not legally con
The acts of one partner in the firm bind al
Contracts made on Sunday cannot be en•
Principals are responsible fur the acts of
It is not legally necessary to say on a note
for value received."
If a note be lost or stolen it does not release
the maker; he must pay it.
Each individual in partnership Is responsible
for the whole amount of the firm.
A note obtained by fraud, or from n person in
a state of intoxication, cannot be collected.
An indorser of a note is exempt from liabili
ty if not served with notice Of Iu dishonor
within twenty-four hours of Its-non payment.
Mrs. Grace Wellman, widow of Hiram Well.
man, died at the residence of her son-In-law,
Mr. Marshall Bali in Birchardeille April Bth,
1672., aged '74 years. She was formerly a resi
dent in New Milford, and she desired ber re
mains to be interred in New Milford cemetery.
Mr. 31. Hayden, at the request of Mr. J. R.
Russell, a son-in-law of the deceased, applied to
the proper authorities-for permission to conduct
the funeral ....:ervice in the 31. E. Church; but he
was infra - fuel that the friends might look outlet'
some other place r The funeral procession was
to arrive in New Milford at 1 p. m., April 10,
18713, and the Intelligence of the refusal was
communicated to Mr. Hayden about 12 a. in.
Mr. PhinneY„ proprietor of the Eagle Hotel,
learning ho* matters stood, kindly allowed
the funeral serv.ce to be conducted in his Hall,
and his kindness was duly appreciated. Mr.
of his Hall hi case of emergency, deserves high
cominendatietn. When the Methodist Society,
more than twenty years afro, solicited subscrip
tions from "outsiders" to aid them in the erec
tion of a church edifice, the said - outsiders"
subscribed liberally for those days on the ex
press understanding that other denominations
would hare thC prieilege of holding occarion;l ser
vices in the Al: Chundt, tam such serrieu mould
not eonjikt with Methenlist sereices as to time. The
late W. C. Ward, Esq., gave the society a deed
of the lot on achich the church stands, on the
understanding that Non-Methodist could use it
occasionally. The covenant which the 3letho
dists made with the outsiders has been broken
to the eternal disgrace of the trustees. We :do
not suppose that off the trustees and members
have heart 3 sh "deceitful ahore all things and des
perately trielee . td," that they could be guilty of as
mean an act its that of Wednesday, Aprillo, but
the New Milford 11. E.• Church standsconderan
cd before thd tribunal of rational humanity.
Mrs. Wellman, was beloved and respected
in New 31ilnird, and one of the oldest inhabi
tants; and, w.,hea every thing is taken into con
sideration, we are almost compelled to believe
that we bare not outlived the barbarous super
stition of the I. l )ark Days. We cannot, however,
think that such heartless and fanatical conduct
will turn back the "wheels of the world's pro
gress; for "the world moves" in the nineteenth
century, in an age of reason, light and pro
gress, in spitti of inspired bigotry. We suspect
that the refusal was made on the ground that
thetnourneri are not members of the 'salable
31. E. Church In this place; but we do not
think that Wednesday's conduct willtend to in•
crease the ten*ll membenthip of the IL E. society.
New Milford is a generous, honorable, and hu
mane little town, notwithstanding all e• curious
phenonienon*tich was seemon• Wednesday,
the product bf 'prirffessi few. We should
honor the champions of progress, io • every
country, who! • have fought the battles of the
world's freednni-with award, or pert", orsublime
morality, anti; who have left us the greatest of
all blesaltreivil and religious liberty;, and
we'sbould pity thebenighted souls who aro not
. worthy of the tunes in which they lire, and who
have not been aisle to throw off the swaddling
clothes of the world's infancy, and who would,
if they cOuldi shut the doors of the grave and
the gate of:the oceropulis, as well as , the doors
of thenlutrell, against the rematch of those Who
asstune the tv'spausibility of thinking for them-
Selva in theological /natters. The genius of . .the
American' Colastitution nets bounds to fanati
cism, and so ire can afford to dispisehigetry.
New Milford, Pa. April 15,1872.
CrDell)" to Altinlais. •
Enrroit of, Davocil4,T you please
publish the illoning lettei and my reply them
E ST RUS7I, SUSTlellartll4 Co.,
' Apr 1112,1871.,
Dina. S't , sor i;.-21.fiefein : - Learning, That
you are in niCnt; Itt Buicittsirsians county or the
society for the 15ip'presslon of cruelty to animals,
I now tahe . the liberty to inforia you of a meet
pruttlessaulrien a helpless dog by (three person
named.) The'ile4 was whipped, stamped upon,
And, be by "t7rose men" for the space of an
hOur, until It by helpless, - and thenstill stamped
eponit. biciod tans running . out of. its
month, and it could offer no resistanne ,
. The
persons knotting and seeing this cruelty are
(throe more ottmes given and withheld.,
it tsa shade and disgrace, and, not being the
drat animals (het hare been cruelly and unjust
ly beaten by the saute partles,sonienoticejmght
to be taken or It now, and the Parties prosoca.
red, and if yott are an igetit lb= tloo said intr=
pose yon - tvtli be safe to begin a snit at once
against:the parties of cruelty toanitnals and to
this dog in particular.
For fear of secret irtjury,l will, not sign my
name to this, btit the statements are correct and
the evidence credible . and full enough.
' Yours truly,
It. Cruzes OF .EAffr Rum
It is true that there is an agent is Susquehan
na (panty, appointed, without her knowledge,
by the Woman's Branch Society : : for the Pre
vention of Cruelty to Animals, with the, belief
that she would he a suitable and eilicientperson
to aid in:the enforcement of dike
..)f this State:
"Any person who shall within This Common
wealth, wantonly or cruelly ill, treat, over-load
or otherwise abuse any - animal, -whether be
longing to himself, or otherwise, shall be deem
ed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on being con
victed thereof before any magistrate, shall be
fined for the first offence in a sum not less than
ten dollars, and for, the second and every subse
quent offence not less than twenty dollars, to be
paid, one half to the informer (who shall
be a competent witness notwithstanding such
interest) and the other half to the County,
where the offence may be committed, and it
such tine and the cost of proceedings he not
paid, then the said magistrate shall commit the
offender to the County prison, there to remain
until discharged by due course of law. If, in
lieu of deciding the cause, the magistrate shall
bind overnr commit such person to appear nt
the Court of Quarter tzePSlOl33, and if-there con
victed of such misdemeanor, he shall be sen
tenced to pay a fine not exceeding two hundred
dollars, or undergo an imprisonment not us
aiding one year, or both, at the discretion of
1 the Court."
Now each of the three persons who inflicted
this wanton cruelty, are liable to fine and im
prisonment, and their names are withheld from
the public in the hope that npizat 'suasion may
be mei:ft:Moat in rt-s . training'44l from a repe
tition orsuch crimes as the penalty of the law.
But what was theduty of the witnesses of this
shocking scene? 3larliftly to go at once to the
magistrate nearest at hand and testify against
these cruel men and bring them to justice. The
writer of the letter 8211L3 anxioas they should
be punished for what he and three other men
were witnesses to. Then why did lie not him
self inform against them ? Because he is afraid
of -secret injury," and this fear prompts bins to
write an anonymous letter to the agent, ten
miles away. to come and perform an act of jus
tice in behalf of a poor dumb animal which he
and three Llicll (strong enough, no doubt, to have
laid the perpetrators of the outrage In the dust
and rescued the poor creature from their grasp)
were too cowardly to do themselves, and that
agent a woman besides, who would need pro
tection from injury us well as themselves, if
their fears were not groundless.
But these very facts explain the reasons for
the necessity of Woman's aid in enforcing a
law made for the protection of the races of ani
mals upon our earth, who have l!to voices to
speak in their own defence, but the cries which
nature calls forth when they feel the pangs in
flicted upon them by inhuman man. Woman
Is more fearless as well as tender-hearted', and
the poor dumb created& may safely look to her
for protection from cruelty at the hand of man.
Where has it ever been known that woman
was unkind to one of the speechless beings
I which God-has made? No! she is the advocate
of every dumb animal Lae Almighty has placed
within bet sphere. Then 'why, it may be asked,
has not the agent of Susquehanna county made
appeals with ber pen in behalf of their protec
tion within the limits assigned her? Simply be
mom she was under the impression and belief
that - ail the men of this county, or all, at least,
who claimed to be American citizens, were so
highly civilized, so thoroughly christianized and
refnall, that to ask them to be kind to their
working and domestic animals, would be receiv
ed as au insult. SU has written to the Society
from whom she received toe- appointment that
RICO was tue tact, :mu nas Wit
icr collected, although asked to retain it in her
hands for the purpose of defraying expenses in
such cases as the one above. She has told the
Society in Philadelphia that an agent for this
county w-as not needed; that no cruelty was
eve' inflicted upon any animal to her knowledge,
but - was willing to raceive contributions for the
City'Where they were expected to be more
common; testing it to Mr. Bergh of New
York and the ladies of Philadelphia to watch
over the oppressed and ill treated animals in
their respective spheres. True there have been
instances of excessive beating of some baulking
horse, but not sufficient to call 4 Or public appeal.
But duty now calls fur some efforts placing the
poor dumb creatures beyond the power of the
most uncivilized in our community, and if the
Editors will publish her appeals, the agent will
try the effort of Moral Suasion upon such
" cruel" persons before resorting to force.
Mita. L, S•st=e r
Montrose, April 24th, -1872..
flomm—fiLow—At the realenee of Mr. Thomas
White, April 14th, 1673, by Bev. Geo. Green
field,' Mr. Robert. M. Borne, of Pittston, and
Miss Isabella Low, of Auburn.
Y., April Bth, by ItestLyntart Wright, Geo.
B. Sturdevant, of Wes 't Auburn, Pa., and )Ilse
Tenie Carrier, of Braintritrt, Pa,—Cornm—At the residence of Mr.
Wm. L. Cox, IA Montrose, April 17th, 1872,
by Rev. A. D. Alexander, Mr. Eugene
to Miss Harriet C. Corwin, all of Montrose,
SHAPPEE—CARrthrEn—At the residence of
Mrs. Barnes, in Montrose, April 17, 1872, by
Rev. A. D. Alexander, Mr. Garry D. Shappee
to Alm Carrio Carpenter, both of Ilarforti,
Srentoro—lo Middletown, April 16th, Mrs.
Ann M., wife of Abijah Spofford, aged 41
DULLMID-113 Bridgewater, April 15th, Haze
kiah Bullard, agcd_7B fem.
STANToN—In Bridgewater, April Mk, Mary,
wife of John Stanton, and daughter of lieze
kiab Bullard, aged 44 years. •
PERay—ln Jackson, March -4th, 1872 , of con
sumption. Mary V, Petty, wife of F. A. Perry.
and daughter of Thomas Butterfield, aged ga
years and 6 Months."
Beauty's. Best Auxiliary.
Ask the belle of the season, what appointment
of her toilet-table holds the highest place in her
esteem, and she will reply, without a moment's
reflection, flxons's 11.toxclua Bstat. Nothing,
she is thoroughly aware, power
fully to enhance her charms and render her ir
mistableas that most delightful and healthy
auxilizry of Beauty. By ttsmg it ladles are ca•
ahled, long after they have passed the meridian
, of life, to preserve the yonthfil bloomand purity
- of their complexions, and where Irs.:ature has de
nied that superlative attraction, the Balm fully .
compensates for her defiCiencies, , '
MlliknAlicent. .
- The Areerizm Centennial Aniversary Chart,
just published by Messrs: T. R. Callender Co„
Philadelphia, in aid of the,Centennlal Celebra
tion Fond,; is a beautithl end' appropriate orna
ment. boa valuable memento of the
great event. Pull description will be found in
our advertising columns.- '
Odd Fellows' Tbanksztvlom •
'rbe members of thel. O. of Q. F., of Mont
rose and vicinity, will etiebr.tto the. filly•third
Anniversary of the Order, on Friday, April 20,
1572, at their Usil, 3lontrose, by a Festival
and Miter appropriate exercises. All brothers
and sisters are cordially invited to boat the Hall
by til-2,o'clocir, p.lll,Precixelyt
lilontrose, - April 20, Idn,
The spring Eiatninatioris will be. held as
follows, each commencing at 10 o'clock& m.l.
Ontngerville, Friday April 10th'; Montrcee,
Saturday, April 20th ; Springtille,Monday,'April
22nd; trophottotni.Tnesday, April, 23; Clitlord ,
City, Wednesday, April 24; SrulleyThundaY.
APrll23th ; Susbuchanna Depcit, Friday. April
20th; New Milford, Saturday. April 27 ; llarford,.
Tdcsday, April 30; Friendsville,-Friday, May 3d;
Teachers will need pen. Ink, paper, pencil and
Union Fourth Reader. The presence of Direc
tots is carnmtly requested.
W. C. TILDEN, Co. Snpt.
erot Lake, April 17, 1872.—w2.
COunty Superintendent Election.
To the School Directors of Susquehanna
County 3-
.o:lMrtexxxs3,-In pursuance of the' -forty
third section of the act -of 313 y Bth, 1854, you
ttie hereby notified. to meet in convention, at
the Court House, in Montrose, on the first Tues
day in May, A. D. 1872, being the 7th day of the
Month, at 1 o'clock In the afternoon r and select
rim met, by a majority of the Ivinile number of
directors present, one person. of literary and
scientific acquirements, and of skill and ex
perience in the art of teaching, as county Sup-.
erintendent, for The three - sikeecrling years; de
termine the amount of compensation for the
same; and certify the result to the State Super
intendent, at Harrisburg, as required by the
thirty-ninth and fortieth sections of said act, ,/
Co. Supt. of Sustfa Co.
'April 17, 1872.—td.
Tgrbell nous° Livery
ATarinz removed my half of the Liyeri to the
Tarbell douse`, I shall be pleased to accommo
date my friends and chstomers with anything in
the livery line. Carriages with trusty driver.—
Good horsm and buggies always on hand.
J. R.-flT:Namur!
Slnie Roofing •
The sufiscriher can furnish and. put On No. 2
slate nearly as cheap as hemlock shingles ; also
all the ditlerent colored No. I slate. I can lay
slate on old shingled roofs and make n good job.
Terms reasonable. Poston:ice address,
No. 14-tf. Montrose, Ps.
-6. 60.
A Voice Prom the Pnipet.
Ras. D. S. Prost, Pastor of the Free Baptist Church,
Jontavllle, Vernon t, writes: '•I had snared for =ay
part from Chronic Diartbma and Colic, becoming so
much reduced that I was at times unable to attend
to my ministerial duties. I bad been treated by
several physicians, both Allopathic and Flomecopathle,
but with no permanent results. While on a visit to
Scranton, Penna., I experienced A very severe attack,
and by the advise of home of my friends procures/ a hot.
Ile of liltsithen's Ileun Berrans. The effect then pro.
ducal ^ace pmmisa of an ultimate cure and on my re
turn home I continned its use. I have taken six bottles
and em cured. It is rrofya reamWe remedy."
The True Grounds of Confidence.
Whence comes that firm reliance, that absolute, un
doubting faith In the eMcacy of Ilootelter's Stomach.
Ilitters as a remedy for indl4,llon bilious diaonlers,
intermittent a d remittent fevers, which notoriously
prevail in all parts of the Ilnited States ?• This curia.
Crave has been growing fur twenty years. and ft Is still
extending. It it not tl c result of credulity; it has not
been engendered by any human device, but is the
tpuntaneons and natural collet ma nee of experience.
Whet peoplo.see daily going on under their own eyes
they cannot question. When families In untie:llth, dis
trims that resort to thin whole-ome vegetable tonic. as
a preventive. escape p.alottlul fevers, and theirimmeril.
.ate neigh oars, who me alect title precaution, are prostmt.
ea by the disenee, how is it possible that the phenomenon
should be without its leosine. ? in like manner when
it is nom that obstinate cases of dyspepsia. of liver con,
allatClo, at. nen one weakness. and of general debility,
yield to the operation or the (amen- remedy, how can
even Incredulity It-elf withhold Its endorsement t Eye
witue., of the relator. effects or the Bitten. are to ho
f.aend In every chinned settlement on this continent.
The thousands noon thous node who owe their rmstor.a.
t bah to health and strength, or chair preservation from
sickness. to Its extmordi u ire medicinal) properties, are
enthustastic In its praise. The multitudes who reCom..
mend It in a neighborly way to their friends and ac•
ionatn of It's i/rrtia;',l , l l 9.l . .i:Vii ;Tag 'lllraktlLO
axons for the faith the In in them. They have all
either telt or witnessed Its beneficent operations. •
A GENTLEMAN whorriffered for years from Nerrons
1L Drbtlity, Pennatnro Omar, and all the effects ot
yonthfal indlrenitfou mill, for (he sake of suffering ha.
Inanity. send free to all who need ft. the receipt and di
nietloa for making the simple remedy by which he was
cured Sufferers setshingto prod. by the advsers expert
cries can do to by addressing, in perfect confidence,
No. 42 Cedar attest. Now York.
The adrerticer, harlog been permanently cured of
that dread disciue, Cunaumption. by a eloiple remedy,
la analunc to make known to his fellow salfercra the
SIMMS arms. To all who decirott. he will send a copy
of the preccription ofed. (free of cuirge,} with the direr
done flw preparing and acing the some. which they will
fled a 50110 Coon fur Cuuscarstok, Awns a, BacercUl-
Tl 3, C.
Parties criebing the prescription will please riddrese
261 South Third Street, Williamsbnigh. N. Y.
iporamsoso es a waning and foithe benedit of
rano MCI and cam, who - entree from INIMTDIIIS
/CA„; sopplying TUB MIAMI or =Kr=
Written by one who cured himself. and sent tree on,
receiving a post•pnld directed envelope.
Address, NATHAN' hLAYFAM, Droohlyn, N. Y. •
Drooklyn, Ilay IT, DM, Gm
IX - Getting 117arrled.—Ensays for young Irv:l,m
the delights of home, anik the propriety or Imbroprlety
of getting married, with eonitary help for thosscatio
feel unfilled !or matrimonial hnepines, Soot tree. In
sealed envelope, - Adores* 110IV.ARD ASSOCIATION
Box P., Phllndelehhi. PA.
Corrected weekly by Harding Hayden ..S; Co.,
WS Washington St., New York.
Butter, pail
Cheese, dairy, per lb
" factory "...
Eggs, per
Flour, per barrel...
Corn meal, 100 lbs...
Wheat, per bushel..
Eye 114 • •
Coro . • •
Hops, crop of 1871..
Lard per lb
Potatoes par , bb1....
Apples • • • •
Turkeys per lb..—
Chickens "
Ducks "
. AT A. N. BLit: . LARD'S .
I. the place to. boy your !
Groceries, Provisions, 4Ne.c. &a.
Ls monad Slalom Glover arid Timothy Seed Cheap.
Good Grogod Coffee 10 cats pee pound,- Good Tea at,
rat cents per ',taloa, Good Saler-sp 0 prom per paper,
Choice Corned neer. minus ad the armed, Ell E kl• I A
Largo etack of Canoed and Dr - .llllow, and.Vegesables
and more In a for days..
Pura Aittarilils. ituthel atlas, collo.. tack
end and timoke Gannet, and, rim near yor quite
erebrldtm needed to keep hopper wlth.and be happy
all extremely low fur 117 - Cash or ready Par , ,
Aloatroso..3l.ara,l3.ll—Eedl , —sra-
roans Fort sAr..r,: r x. ,
rarn- of siztptwo acre•
.1 Joining the Dor* of 'Montrose on the Booth; t.
offer/ ,c
for vale.', It le :well watered and boo ittn.l . ten
*erns n thither. Including d flue greet, of besch nod
meple neer tho dwelling. boll:tat/to hooiettend
of tOclia mud Gregory farm.. •
Per further particular* entaro of I, B.Carmalt, Eiq.,
or P. Llnca,..iiitetrose. ea. ,
Hith.. 7, 194
I .
Now 3511xxvi.
riiitreyrrni AND itmains—MTssne. coot=
tiroNl3, arc preparod to do all lands of Sown
andusnd • caurrsTra Work Brick -,Worhagtonr7.
rnttnir, by the Job Or a Aug lIIDOIIe/ toPIC cub.
tomer,. Alva, barb Minds. Doom. tdotddlnza. Clad
kiwi,. cnd 'Window Frame/. to order. rtrio Lambe?
eouttantly on hand.. Napo a'ork. Factory Daldleig.
lituairota. . - - - •
A.: coor.Er. • - ill'AtiLfrt BTO'SE. •
Dtpntroae. Dexinhar.l27.2B7l.-32-can.,. .
Peery kloii oiTealaMarketjustarrleedAna
or Mal at Now ak wholesala :Aloes Mna.
mttfoeot of COFFEE. ~ B o) of me and. save e
4,11 "
iItURUNTO CUM?. dn. TM* nearly thonanahr bred
1. stallion will stand the preek &swam for fifty roarer,'
11111100 eummencing April lst swimming Jnlyd.Fridays
Saturtta3 a at Me stabil, ell. S. Tanen, in Montrose,
the reit or the week at the substribm's,one milt east Of
Auburn earners, on the road Wilding to Springville.
• BRIRGREE.-..Tho Toronto Cbief Jr,, wee tired hy
Toronto Chief, Obn fur toted and bottom is ahead . or
any stallion on record. Be was sired by Royal George
and his dam by Blackwood, out of au Wipe mare.
Royal George was by Black Warrior; and ho by Import
ed Ttppo and baby Messenger. of England. -
Tottomoßgatur. JJ1:11 darn was rlre(by the thorough
bred Jegervon. not of a Majesty tam.- Jefferson was
by Virginia ; be by Sir. Archie. the etre. of Sir Real?
and grandrire of Americaa Star—dam by 010 raTiJIILe.
Second dam u d &11 air. • - - '
Tomato Cutts, Jo.: la a blood bay with DWI points
.fell tad, welgite I.2tai Ike., IC3 batma h•gb, has had no
llnot has goad gait...and f.,r Ida weight IP turd to
beet :Caow:ism alukandindge foe your,delves.. FUlles
of bit get an be seen It tho'reibectiber'e. Maros pastur
ed= reasonable, terms. Accidents and escapes at the
, omwrs' •
risk. ; . •
' Otner rules as costomary. Terits tolneoro with 0;1,
81k; insurance. money payable Me rch t
T. %Y. CRISkIAN, Proprietor. .
Auburn .l i Gornenr. March M. 242.—n015—m9.
A. xi. rnamciscus a. Co.,
We base opened far the SPRING TRADE (botanical
and heat alsoried Stock of
'luble, Stair and Floor Oil Cottle, Window Shades
and Paper. (linnet Chain. Cotton, Yarn. Dal
ling. Waddinn, Twinto. Wicks, Cocks, '
Looking Glasses, Fancy Vatkets.
ea, Clothes Wrhverg.Wand
.„ en and Willow Ware in
the Enlikal States.
Oar large inereare Jahn (anis enables as to saR ;tie!
prices and Duni eh the best qtality of Goods.
OvprlBoo sold in six !baths , .
Terms: Carpelßl:olllyr.
Feb 14.1872. eta.
]rug OitOre!
X3'o'll.l\7g3 eb NiCriCrLiff
BRICK BLOCK, montnosp, PA.,
Sign of the Golden Eagle and Eortar
WE Desire to total= the priblic that ere base moved
our Stuck of Brie:., Medicine*. Paint a„ Oils, Brush
Combs, Perfemay, Fancy Articles, etc.. into 'ha
Brick Store, toruterly occupied by thittenberz, Hoven •
We have recently fitted up this horn Modern Style
and a udenvor to heap e ell supplied withal! arlicicr
to twining to Lao Drug if uainers.
%Vey/tend to everytooly it cordial invitation la cal)
and see us when in ward of anything laour bur and
o ben NUT in woe% give U 3 a flacuttly tall. To ni l our
old at -towers we deem to *upturn oar thanks for the
very liberal patronage heretofore extended to us, We
shall endeivur to uteri , . a continuance of the same - .
Very Truly Tor.rai
A. B. nurors. •
Montrose. Dec. =0.1511
FrIZT Et. INT airiCsall3o
ExterAlve Furniture Wareroonsyon will find the Largest
To be fond In ,this section of the =ditty. of his nem
rearinacture, and at prices that =wet fad to give satis
faction. tie =tics the rep best
In the Conetry, end mtmargs tbeea.
Of ell kinds done In the neatest Manner.
ES 37 ) R. Jr. ST a.- 33 33 31D 19
The ruhecriber frill hereafter make the toadertakia a
§V il it Y lei t itil li gggia ,1711:1`0, all
needing his services will be attended to promptly and at
eatisfactory charges.
Montrose, Pc, Jan: IL 1811.—h05—tr.
WIT nr Without Eledricity. as the me almaii . dit,
for Rheumatism, Metalho and :Arcata Rheas.
At tho toot of Chtstout atoact, ..)lontro.v. Pa.
31otittose, April 03,1871. ,
..... 19020
.. . 3.1504.00
..... 89081
The Laroat Variety of
Dress Goods, Shawls, Domestic Goods,
Flannels, Fancy and. Millinery
• Goods, Dress and Cloak ..
....1 7 , 5430 00
... .2 00®3 00
Velvets, Velveteens, Lidies* , Furnishing
Goods always kept on baud. •
Youths' and Boys Wear.
for Onstoni Work. •
HATS & CApg,
Best SeleCted in Town, and at
OarMatta la, "Nair er to bo andareolg," whotbee gt
bum° ar abroad. _ , -
I A~Y i wl
35 1 liares. 32t0..
-At greatly regueecipriers foe tvh. '
3i:outrage, Janaaey 6, uraiata.
JEWELRY --A Pine - -Assort:
- log „ m att, and other rarltiles of Jewelry. A few Gold
and hiller eased %Vetchtp. and Watch Chains. Sliver
nod all ter platedhpoons, Folks, Raises; dm., and a gen.
enal assortment of Fancy Goods, Nutions,?erfnmery.
- Drags and Medicine... slaty stock,
Montrose, Va.. Dec. -hr. 'U. • . A hir.GTlTßlatra'... -
fiIIOCERIES.--Teis in 0 - vat vanety
VA and' cheap tot the gnatitfea. Dried Peaches, the
beg hi luarket. A alcaqoallts of elolaseal, ,lar, Cot
tefAend a full assortment of. liplces, ea: • .
ontsoae, ABEL' TttattEit,,
. . .
Counit guinea ,§itettort...
- - --
Two ?inn in Oda Directory t ena year, $1.60.. , '
each additional line, Eti) .ctr, . •
SAVINGS BAWL NEW bittroltrk—Stx pea test.
terest,on all Dep.:lam pots a•generst E.vstns Flu&
pee!. -1111-0 - 8.13..C0A88 &
cilaro.k PLuTrrt.—lnciious szomaßia.
D a l e: tr l ge.ntae Came Plutet. Stub trona, t
L• MOSS ,t co ,Deskrs In Diygoods,lllU.Cllik.;l
Lteoul and Ahem and Often; Meschaanse,
street, Bccoati door below the Episcopal Chur.b.
UNION NOTEL- kept by
Wed, near rite Depot.*
W. A. UE&TIF. Fonn . drY, and dealer In Plows and °Ant", door from Phlnney's lio!el. Nita at.
kr: F. 1;1MB - rat. Cernace Meter lied 'Undertaker. ea
3fatu Street. tire door* below , Ilawlere Store. • •
. • -
UcCOL6llsl:igtotnEr.s. Dealers 1n - ,341,
rrovisloak Ilata btreet.!= , ' . •
- -
R. GARRE7 b SON.. Denlere In 'Flour. Peed. Meg,:
Salt, I.lccut„.Ceekent, Groceries aad ProrlslaitS,GS,
Thin Street, opposite the Depot. _
Ar. T,' EL&YDEN, - Ilsnnfacturera of - Cigna flat
Wholesale dealers In Yankee Notions and raanr„.
Goods, on Main &rccl, below Episcopal Clara: •
11 . 059 A EIIAP, Lealhor liatoilacturers . an 4 dealers
to Mi nnzn Findings. 42c:;, otos Episcopal Chardt.::•
AINEY & ItAYDEN. Denlore in Drone andMonkhOn6 4
and Mani:anon/rent of Cigsn, on Man Street.. WOW
the Dopot. _ , • • , •• -
STEP.IgNa. Horse Shoelacaudgenerairtspitaisr
so Stela StrveLsontb, or ttut brhCes ' _ ~
DICKERIII.N. Jn.. Dealer In_generl V10TC43111411.1
Clothlnx. Brien Store. On male Street. • •
L. 8. LE , ..IITRIM, nanataetnier of Leather, ant. Oahe
In gezwral blerchaadise.oa 3talst Strret.• • .
IL P. DORAN, erchant Tailor and dealer In lt.itr
Nada Clothing, Dry flooll,tixoterles AnslProvislOßAW
Main ,tßreet.• . .
111V.A3( IVIIITE. Menu
fsetaror °land dealer In sere.
or Plows nutliCtutings.
11. X. TINGLEY—DasIer In Stores,l7n. Copyist Broal
and Sheetlron Ware, Coolop.. de. Alp. manufactar•
er of Sheet Mauls to order. Eve Troogh and Lead Pips.
business attended. to at 'lair ptice*—Glbsof liolloV, -
Pwassliar.l,3.-17. •
EDWARDA - M‘nnfaeturers of Idfmkenka
and Sleighs, nose the Ingalls' Store.
. •
qty.DßED—Coanty Saror. Eltitqltebitnna CM;
Office t e a
the Coot t noose. Itontrose. As.-1504f. - •
ADEL WIUIE:Lt. Dealer In Termer, Siedlelree.:M.
genet, Faints, 011 s, Dye Stnlie. Groceries, Muesli?.
lietlooe, etc. [Rep, 21, 'V
MIES E. CAI:MALT, Attorney It Law. Odes ow
door belovrTarbell House, Public Areaam• " •
WM. 11. COOPER & CO.. Beakers. sell Foreign
[are Tlel4-ta &lAD:nits oa Eogleuid, Ireland and llioeMe'
lands• .•
. ,
S. R. PLETCIEER'S Eating Saloon Is the place topls
Ica Crean, Oysters and Chao, to everystyla. 012
STROUD d 11110W151. Dermal Tire sadLlte Tatar;
ante Asranta• 11,0.601 Railroad and Accident'llek•Di
to Near York'and Philadelphia. 0/11011 on t o dOot Sala
• entre Dank.
F. CHANDLER. General 1 netcratme ¢Ed sewing xa.:
chine Agent. Pabllc Avenue.* . .
NICHOLS, the place to
tDregesnd Vette
CIIIM Clears. Tobcco, Pipe*. Pockot - tkioks, Bpodae
cies, Tatikee Notions, Sc., Mick Bock. -
WM. L. COX; Nereus maker end dealer la all ittlelei
sexually kept by the tmde, opposite the Bank:: - •
TD A CORWIN. Dealers In Storni:- Hardware;
end Mtnnfactnrers of Tin and Simonton wire, ootner.
of Main and Taremtke street. -
H. MORSE. Merchant Tailor and 'dealer 111'
Clotho. Trimming?. . and Furnishing Goods. and,
Ready-Madenot h on Main tq root, next door We
low Utile and Btaludce's Law Office.
A. N. BULLARD. Dealer 'in Orototis, 'Po:Molokai
Books, Stallooory and 'Cantos liotlons, an best at
Poblic Avenue..
T. SPORE It, CO., Dcuirra In Stores. Runlware..
Agricultural Implements, flour mad Oroeeries. Oppl
alto Toxin:ll Roue.
RAYNSFORD Limy sad Szehante
Buhl°, to rear of Dank bulldlot. - • •
Sewingi • Sochlue.ll
fin° ed friends and patrons of Snopnehanna eta,
main in the soliciting your patronage for_
The Orighug Mowe Sewing Machine,
EsunLislitaloarr, istpcivirDomi
Plemie cal nod see It. vr Iththe imprOteittmits. it Wit
son's store. • Remember the tienabze ROWS • •
tuts nq medal= bad,
66 Court. Street, Sinshapptoii, !sr. IN
Wilson'a Storis, Macon, Fa.
Montrose, Jan 13. lan.
4. jta. MintEX
StgliftlitnaelY343SE/It '24Plol.tholltestima
smairs ttrAtratE-ticiATER WHEEL,
Portableand StattnnarY fingtnes, Manufactured:ad' kir
• Sale, bybrallti A #11.03.
Mom role. Pa.; Feb. 7. Isll."—no6—tt. •
. , . .
31°.,;71;r9gRISI!,T;igiiif2.,,-IViATuit at-to
;net the remaining instalments of Ora dollars pes• stun
each, called
by /Notation ot,the 13oard. Or Direetunt
payabie ee.follows; . , . •.".- • - ,•-- ' • '
Firthinstalnaunt ' - .Innaail !MN Ills.
1 4 12th Dwain:the • • P.mthiri 15th, 13711
Ocrrenth InsiMment 'March laity 74111
Eighth Initalment - - April 1315, 16111
Ninth Instalment - May thth.lrts
Teeth InstAlment. Jute 1515. len
/is thernsortsis progressingmost fareraldy. it le emitter,
lydesired end absolutely necessary that the peptised." ,
should be promptly met on the part of Stockhohnalu •
t.'.7.. DROWN, Secretary ..
. , WU. U. COOPER, Tl:eastret,
. • .
Itontrote. 'December:o itin,---cl-t4 ..- - -
ETC. •
- • eTcaolszacaz 4 7 0236 : 404 7 9 .
much 10.1812,--tr. • .
. .
A OOD FAUX yon OA= I—.of 1 4 .. *erns welt Ina.
At proved. well watered. one giant building. fling fivo
ratlestroin Unlit Rend And two Inane from Inerimill*
Center, In Walt) , Township, agogs Pa. vend
knowaits tha Samna) Ireland tarn). MOT tWeltty dellara
peseta and two third* of It on long treat. Yor lurk.
er partleniars enonlreot R. A. Tramiel). on tugolutua
farm. or ot A. C. Campbell, Owed)) ell', ' -
ALSO. a good dairy Cann- 01,160 sore* , wan nitre,
. radio r
lo rd , ° Co (wt . PaL t .• !A.