E. B:-HANS7LEY, Proprietor. u inc AUIPIII.INi A;'CASE Sadie, llanseti• and Trnnk matzo,. In C. Rnzetto ..... , tore Butt:line. Pa. Oak. /I.lra.sel. hcary endll2h4 mad, t., nr , l4. Era*lyn. April 1. 31:11). §333T11 Ine located at J er: r. r. At inn Netn rer nt and Dmil, in 1,14§i 11,3”•-•••s. Col lro, Trauks, , a4lll. A.S., • .11. •pin strii•t bast stem) an 4 CA, 41,•allng, to Into a Liberal ',bare of pitrnii-ge 11.rcb G. IST! —no 10 —in3. rizcrioLs, BILTIMNS jai.,Ks in Dru,4l., Mr.itealt, Ch.mlcalk• •:-.10. ?al Ittr. 111 i, V 4 mi.!, Liquors, spices Fancy raJes e.iteut .I...ileloes. l'erfuriner. .111 d Toilet Ar ticles. - orescrlialou- caretull3 compounded.— prirt: Muck. Moutross, l's. .1. ntryzus, Feb. 21,1871 DR. 0... A. LITII7.IOP, kazial.atr+ Ta3nat st, Barmy. at tha Foot of Ch,oaut. street. CAD a, I coaml t la all Chronic 91.414 cit. ilea:arose. San. on 3-1 J. F. Attorney at Li, Moat Pl ficnce next door below the Tarla.ll eu-e bile. Avenue. Montroee, Jan I. lel2. V. C. E. LlALtraVni, Arrow:xi and COIIig.LOII AT Law, Great Dena. Penn olvataa. trn, itf.. L. 13,11.11)Vil IN, eirrOnNET AT Law, Mantralc, Yx Orica with James K. Caramit C-q. ' Mantra.. Aug ,?et 311 ISTI. 1403321 S Attorney, .at Law. orn,q, No. 'VA Lankavransin Avenue . Scranton. Pa. Prarttre in tt o enorta of La. !erne an.? Sr:N:111016mm Cann t F, 4. LONA° , Sc. auto. Sept. ri b . 1571 --It. W. 1. CaoSh7tlol. Attorney at IAo., O9lrr• at the Cunrt Ilona% In the Commle,inaveN W A. COotaALOll. Mutant , . Sola. Gib, IS7l.—lf. hlclieseas.C. C Panto?, ne:iENZIE. rArritOT. 044er. ita Dry nowt,Dr& and :Sli.ten Ana Slane« 1, , e111 4 1., , no Tea and Coffer Couipany. [N10,.114.e l'a .1T 1:70. DR. 'W. SINTZ!, pntr!•T. Rooms lit hi. dwril , orat'door e:st of the ItepUbllcan printing . offs,. I,lltee h.oir. from n too r. n. !quo; ripte, 311 y •I,ll—tf Tile BARI: F.,:rl-7.111.! Eta:. Ila:: Char: Pr Morris I. h•• imeh, r. uho can chon, your fact. to or d er: Cm, on , un , war!, nod urtz - 'cc h dr, In hle em, r.lnvo Toe, "It sr.l. nod o‘cr c.ere e morc. •or our 000 r. Mout roe , e, hoc 7, 1 s7I —if C MORRIS. J. G. A. Ea. rr....-Z.'31.1...17:11, Armr.,rc. nr LA.,the iLtuk, Montrovo Ilozar", 111, tr .L D. I" t IL, 11011,rnr f',ll".lcl %V AND Tito parr.rmentty I in ,1nt•1r0c..... n - t)ert• Ike will prompt ), ntlenl . to 11.- sr.:h which be may Lc fay , o I 1,-, of the Court 11Qure, 1 Ili ' , 1'.11 4,,• • Febrsuy4 Is4l. 1.111 It )••• •t IA A'. n the old office FITCII pf Bentley S. Far!, L. FITCit L% .1 CiLVETA..C"• I • I)9D.Vr.D. 4101 ly• I.,cattlrr sla ••rr . F•tore. W. n • 1 .t,.d Lie Illy. Moutrurt"..l.ti.. IMMI=I Shop la Lb. 11. •C be found 1.1. :o.••!I os 4la Inst. V,. TC-7N, PLITNI , IAN A: -1 I.,rit.N. v• ro`., ttt , ..nt an . • I tvitt ttint t nt tin tteettc.n.rr, •Lit,t-11• It.trtmith !tour.. 6 . . st . .lagt• Sept. let.. itt,l A. 0. NIA:. lIEN, ATTOIINEI L M' (too tlt. !incl. Pay. P• 0.01 .ad Esc , nn Clam, ntt k•nned In. f es. fl nnr bclns , , !.n•. Mnt I. [Au. 1. "1;9 • c. Auctioneer, and Ing , irinee' 87,ent • , 4 ,1,3 - Prlend.vlll3e, Pa. C. S. taLSEnT, .ofila.atlcara.oc.27. •ideal Rend. Pa X. 8. Irtgi fin, • AI I ELY, X 7. 1/3: - ,•11...u.c1ic+23.e.c..r. An I. IH9. Nrooclyn, Pa .6~~E_'S Crn...~'e.:i~ !isn't/NAL:LE. . Shop arc/ Clantllut's Store. 1 Al' /.1 Ilret-ratertyle. ,t 1 Ault done on r!hort 111Ake. nod sturrEsted to lA. 5374.1T11.1, SABINET ANU 1.11911 C NANLIAUTUREItB.—Ew al Ilan. rtrcrt. )nu;;;. 1. ISO. STIZOVD nnz ANU tdeli 1 - .ZSJAASuh , AC.:-..Nrs. Mesinei , e uttencieu to prompts, oh fat; terms. Wirer. Vol avor north of • ...Wet." , west side u. NVeLtlc., 110111.1. , au, Pa. (Avg. ItSti9. nals .tuoun. • - eltatiLLS 1.4tTr14. • ABEL TUFI.2.ELL, D:".ALS,II 13r.4n, ta/Lt VherOCllle Wh fi l lre S tit r o ' c ' e u rte 6' o l e"; tV:t ‘ ; ' , U :l;' . .Yl .- 1 ' 741=1 A lA n t ,, n w l : K u t u n , ,,,l l lt, of .l3:hl7l2 l laf tv e. T~4feca, Gain, Washing, Fancy Guudn, Jcw,try, t'crfit r', b•ing roue erthc wo.t inunt-rous. atanelve and valuable. collectior, of SUMP:101111111B be: B',lo4llPd Ic Iws .Olunixoec, PA. D. snaar.Lia, TTOITSET AT LAW, offiLe thr - Store of A. LatitTop,lll the 111.a...1i0n mse, Pa. katlV DV.. W. L. ILICILVEDSON, TroiciaN tomiorr Lte woirorlons verrint.4 to tUe ;Yin.. of Mmitrooe mot vitthatty.— Office at hie rOildeoce, cc Lite curl., Of Sayre proe. Foundry. [Aug. 1. 1569. DII. E. 11..; pEIYSICIAN and 611ItlfEON. MUlltf MC. Pa. Giver upaelai attonfiod. to .11,415. of tbe.lionrt and Lator and all Suf,4loll ttface over W. D. Dean.. Doan)v at rioorlo'n Hwy), plog.l. R u n rE li-S, SCRANTON. PA- Whotente & Itan.llDaleriin ffAnDWARE, ; S EEL, NAILS, SPIKES, SUOVELS, TJILDER'S HARDWARE, AMR RAIL. COUNIEILIVIVII h 7' RAIL ,gptrA b RAILROAD JILTING .strivq..tes. - CARRIAGE ASLE6', 8/&*.ELVB AN! DOLT-s. S ..ola DAYII NU 6. T AtA_LLEAISLI3 IRONS. 711,21.1.-VIoICEd. s 4P WS; de. ARMS, - Vier.s. sTocKS :ma DIES, lALLOWI3- 'HARILCH.s. tiLEDGE.6. VlLEs..t.c.ae- --- CIRCULAR AND MILLSAWS,DrLTINts. PACKING TACKLE RLOCKg. PLATER PARIS CR RENT. II Alt/ ,C G ItiNMITONES. . . - - . - FEENCII WIDOW G L.ISS . ti FINDINGE. FAIR:S(32ILEI-.3. erattno; nerd 21. 1%3 -' MOVED flUBBIRD! ?..sx4psirs 1163111. LtiartrPAtrliTEE I Cumcostpt•C Rpoed und padhle Driest Wheel. Tt holds the tirtati ea York st.tteXatletill Peanal tita j. AticetheG - eit 6111;;,,'i , t,tron Pioralatas held at Sias field, is ' ' • Ai (the Pennsylvania, 313-7 and and Vir^tnizEtAte Peenitamst'. The mincingly, Id an On. compact, v.:yip:n.4 entirely from The Fe wheels. and ean , n.ted in d Cent 'clan. in the iceitt of the tvichine, effectually idtcariog. it from grit lard nat. The 'onerition cut be changed irtAtentlr from • tdeb !pied to ape a thl rd and without' ot op. ;line atbe;dl.- Inn !teen' t0t . ..14,11am, end rtit and Van Ogle Caltlnt aquanauts perfect_ Sn brake and %one patent kulfe-bend. - It le berond doubt the strongest 'll=eta the world. end you can depend upon lt;belnir reliable In every particular. • Montrole, 1,10;8. 16T1.—t1 PANE pßos, • TUB %tW c4llHicu ORGAN. ET °WILD IL CARLETON. They've got a bran new organ. Sue, For all their thas and search; They've done Just as they said they'd do, And 'fetched it Into Church. They're bound the critter shall be seen, And on the preacher's right, 'They've hoisted up their new machine In everybody's sight. • They've got a chorister and Choir; • Agin my voice and vote; For it was never my desire To praise the Lord by note I I've been a sister good an' true, For five an' thirty year; I've done what seemed my part to do, An' prayed my duty clear, • Fre sung the hynlus both slow and quick, Just es the prowler read, • - ' And twice, when deacon Tubbs was sick, I took the fink an' led ! And now, their bold, new•faneed ways Is comfit' all about ; • And I, right In my latter days, Am fitirly crowded out! Axba Nzcnots To-day the preacher, good old dear, With tears all in his eyes, Read—"l can read my title Om To mansions in the skies." I aPays liked that blessed him— I s'pose I afays will; It somehow gratifies my whim, In good old Ortonville; But when that choir got up to sing, I couldn't catch a word; They sung the dog-gondest thing A body ever heard Some worldly chaps was standire near An' when I seed them grin, I.lfid farewell to every fear, And boldly waded in. I thought I'd chase their tune along, W. D. Luis:. An' tried with all my might ; Bin though my voice Is good an' strong, I - couldn't steer it right. When they was high, then I was low, Ai.' also contm'wise; And I too fist, or they too slow, To "Mansions in the skim." An' after every verse, you know, They played a little tune; I didn't understand, an' so ' I started in too soon. I pitched it pretty middlin' high, I fetched a lusty tune, But oh, alas f I found that I Was singin' there alone! They laughed a little, I am told ; But I had done my best; And toglltt ware of trouble rolled Across my peaceful breast. And sister Bmwp—l could bat look— Sim sits righaront of me; She never was no singin' book, And never went to be; But then she ul'ays tried to do The best she could she ssid; She understood time, right through, An' kep' it with her head; But when she tried this morn', oh, I hid to laugh or cough It kep' . her held a bobbin's 10, it e'en a'most come off CM= An' Deacon Tiddia-che all brake dawn, As one might well suppose; He took one look at Sister Brown, Awl meekly scratched his nose. Be looked his hymn book through and through, And laid it on the seat, And then a pensive sigh he drew, And looked completely butt. An' when they took another bout, Re didn't even rise; But slrawed his red bandanna out An' wiped his weepin' eyes. y wailt nitytht , l:l y r , 1).1 13 1.47./. I've been a sister, good an' true, For five and thirty years; Fre done what seemed my part to do, An' prayed my duty clear; Bat death will.stop my voice, I know, For he is on my track; And some thy, I to church will go, And never more come back. And when the (Mks get up to sing— Whene'er that time shall be— I do not want no patent thing A squeallte over me! —Our Flresid' e Fni.od MODEUN WEDDEVG-1111TES. " Wilt thou take this brown-stone front, These carriages—this diamond, To be the husband of thy choice, Fast locked in bonds of Hymen ? And wilt thou leave thy home and friends To be his losing wife? And help to spend his largo biome 8o long as than bast life? " I will f' the modest maid replies, The love-light beaming in her eyes. And wilt thou take this waterfall, This ostentatious pride, And all these unpaid milliners' bills, To be thy chosen bride? And wilt thou love and cherish her While thou bad life and health; But die as soon as possible, And leave her all thy wealth ? I will r the fearless swain replies, 4.nd eager waits the nuptial-ties. "Then I pronounce you - man and wife, And whom I've joined forever, The next best man may disunite, • And the first Divorce Court sever," grtvitio and Witiciamo. —On a gate-post, in a Western town, is a sign: "Take warn't. No tmes nor life insurance, nor soin' masheens Wanted here." • - .boy in Virginia City, Nevada, painted his littlo brother, and exhibited him as a captured .son of Spotted Tail, at twenty-the cents a ticket. —A Jiltedlover in Diobile,Ala,stnlr• the presents - he had.given the fickle fair nne while she Was being marrie4 41 his rival. lie is in jail. —Female clerks are employed an •the off l eopf the, Roston Tax ,Oommissioner; and - are at this season said to frequently labor from eight 4. af, nutil late in the evening. —The number of clerks who are seek ing employment in New York toy is lamentable. A gentleman met one as a oar driver who formerly be a turafY of three thousand dollars in ti large ".mar• motile house,- - • ,-,Pontine Markham's trim:lda-indignant ly deny that she has become a second, rate and pooructrees, as hai been assorted by correspondents, It is said that her diamonds alone would support-her own. fortably for ten' seam to imule. - —The liwYene k.es in the notorious Tichhorno Case 'amount to sir - handfed thfiusand dollars,- The jurymen Were paid dye dollars a day and for the ane hundred and thuis o_ 47 ;4 4r i ng vbiph the trial lasted, received idztronn him4o4 and eighty dollars. goreo fofrtt, MONTROSE, PA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1872. fliscellaucauo. A WELSH HOUSE WEDDING. A Welsh: Horse Wedding of the olden time belonging peculiarly to the yoemen, and was - customary when churches were scarce, and marriages in"chapels and reg ister offices were nut by law established. It was truly a public ceremonial, • and canned much excitement among the moan ta'ns.l The farmer of a century ago was as primitive as the peasant, and the manners nod customs of each were equal ly original. In nothing did this show more decidedly than - in the Horse Wed ding. As soon as the day was fixed the whole country was astir—nothing e!se was talk ed o 1 Nu telegraphic messages were needed to : convey the news from farm to farm. The very hills proclaimed it, the sheep bleated it, the winds whispered it. Evan and . Gwen were to be united. and Nature animate and inanimate, rejoiced. To understand p.-euliar customs, one must live.amongst the people. To appre eiate a Horse Wedding, one must, at least, imagine the scene which originated it; proiably a farmatehd amongst the hills, surrounded by trackless downs, foaming torrents, primeval oaks, green lands, or corn-fields; and near it, possibly, an old British encampment, or some gigantic stones, pointing backwards, with imper ishable finger, to the Boards and Druids. Hence were sent invitations to similar farmsteads and all respectable dwelling houses, whether tenanted by gentle or simple, for miles around. An old man, possibly of bardic decent, was chosen us the bearer. He carried in his hand a staff, covered with many colored ribbons, which he planted on the threshold of elch house hs he delivered his message. This was in rhyme. He bade all the inmates to the wedding, iu verses, which be sang, intop• ed, ur crooned, according to his capabili ties and inspiration of the moment. His song was suitable to the indwellers, and breathed of love and life for the young, marriage and happiness of the old. The Cyuiry, like" the Italians, were improv;sa- Ion". The old man, his ribboned siaff iiud impromptu invitations were poetical and graceful, On the wedding morning the house hold of the monutain-farm would be astir at daybreak"; so would he the friends and neignbore. tor early is the morning ar rived the improvisatori. These native poets, woo a few centuries earlier would have heeti called 'Bards,' and were then styled 'Seek Outs,' placed themselves on, either side of the closed dour. There they began their lyric measure. They ponred out praises of the bride and her family; they invited her forth ; they described the beauty of the morning or the surrounding scene; they es elinporiz ed by turns, until their subject and their rhythmical powers were exhausted.— Meiiiiwhile the party of the bride arrived. Trampling of jests—interrupted the flow of verse. All were on horseback, and the yard and stables were : full. At•the same moment similar proceedings were enacted at the house of the bridegroom, it might be ut a neighboring farm. At last tie dour unclosed, and the bride appeared, trembling and blushing, ac companied by her father. The strains were nua'swered—the Outs' hail thund. Noisy congratulatiuns followed; then the swiftest horse was chosen, sad dled, bridled and pinioned. The farmer mounted; the bride was lifted, or lilted herself, on the pillion behind him. She clasped, her arms round him, and they rode off. The bridle party fol lowed, consisting of men, woolen and children, some riding single, some double, like the bride and her father. They Ziat tored through the yard, and from fifty to a hundred horses galloped after the bride. On some neighboring hill-top arid ut about the same time, the bridegroom and a simi lar company left his abode, he riding the best horse that he could command. Imagine two torrents pouring down from twoepang c . mountains, and meet ing somewhere in the valley below, and von nave an idea of these impetuous equis trians. 'OW bank and o're briar,' through loose stones, down hill and across date, into brook or fordable river, they dashed helter-skelter, until the two parties ,en countered., Then begun the race fur the Bride. She and her father was ever foremost, the bridegroom and his party behind ; but all rode us if riding for their lives. It was a dangerous wedding pastime. There might be us many as a hundred horses, and they, as horses will. however sedate, got into the spirit of the chase. Sober backs, lumbering farm-horses, steady cubs, frisky ponies, kickino• mares, even broken-winded hunters, %name- race horses fur the time. And as tcrtheir riders, they lust their heads; old men stud women forgot their age, and vied with their !wingers, Sometimes four qr five abreast, some times huddled together by the dozen or score, sometimes single, they galloped on now one; foremost, now another. The sober clothing of the men mingled with the bright Colors of the women, so that sez was scarcely distinguishable, since ' all equally Wore huts. There was no time for love-making or gossip, Their hearts ware in their hirses. It was truly furious riding, and the women were as energetic as the men, perhaps more si). They ride well; A Welsh woman arid her horse seem oire• it is difficult, to separate them. And in these bridal raids, Johnny Gilpin and Ma zeppa might have been eucouragtd to sit their horses .by the fearlessness ; of •the weaker sex. Even rain and mud did not appid them. Many colored shawls, pink and white ribbons, scarlet cloaks, hoods of ull dyes, were forgotten iq the one great object of,beirig op with the bride. All the country side was out to see, shouting; cheering and frightening :the horses; There wits generally a mile or so of, turnpike road before they reached the church, so that the steeplechase ended in a fair race. The bride addher father still strained on in advance, but, being visible to all, were more easily reached by the party of the bigekmta. Re Was usually e drat to contelip with them, and.thea began a Tourney for the Bride. Thelover tried , to tear.-her' from her pillion ;.;she Ohm 14 her father, who held her hot; the loran inapt;44. or reared, aad the. dangerous game lasted until the bride groom elect gained possession of his bride, and placed her on his own horse. Mean while the horses tore np, that their riders might 'be there to see,' and in the melee not even the firm sfeß of the women could always save them from a downfall.. The spectators laughed and shouted while they righted themselves, and amid a very babel of noise, the bridegroom started again with his bride and the race re-commenced. The equestrian tournitment was over, but the church had still to be reached. The arrival of the troop at town or vil lage were generally accompanied by great eclat. The "ewe of a horse wedding al ways preceded it. and brought all the in habitants to the front. It might be sup posed that the spirit of horses and. riders was tried out by that time; on the con trary, it was eversharpest at the goal. If they had flaggeka little after the excite ment at the capture 'of the bride they roused themselves at the prospect of the, pursuit The chances were that the roads had been dirty. It did not signify. On they came, bespattered by mud or be smothered by dust. Bride and bridegroom, father, tailor, or best man, bridesmaids, mothers, sisters, brothers, friends, over a hundred horses, all peltered into the town haphazard. Tat tenng, elattering,whiparm extended—coat tails, petticoats, shawls, ribbons floating—on they galloped by units, tens, or scores It was as though the wholt country were careering away, pursued by some un seen enem;7. The scattered houses, and streets were lined with spectators. Hur rahs and waving of huts, peals of laughter, remarks of personal appearance, barking of dogs, screaming of babies, screnohing of small boys, such a haullahloo us would frighten a modern lover out of matrimony, only emboldened the hero of the Horse Wedding. Shouts of 'Priodasferce !" and • Pri id Vab !" (Bride and Bridegroom) en couruged him to new effort, and he was usually foremost in the race. He finally dashed, into the yard of one of the principal in us, and so ended it.— Others dashed it, after him; more noise and confusion. All the hotels were open-armed —all their armes were filled. A Horse Wedding was a fortune to the inn keepers. Eery available stall had its horse, every available room had its inmates.— The bride and her bridesmaid smoothed their railed garments before the looking glass; the bridegroom and his men freshed themselves with draughts of ale. Before half past eleven o'clock a procession was formed. The lovers proceeded, arm ill-arm, every Jack and Gill, and followed. Blushing, tittering. coquetting, they took their way to church in pairs. Friends joined tbe singing who had not joined the ruse, and a good string it was. Shop keepers were at their doors, their wives in the window, spectators everywhere. Jests flew, and kindly Wing prevailed. The ceremony wits duly performed in the old parish church, and there was no doubt about the wedding. All those val iant horsemen and horsewomen certified it, and strengthened the Gordian knot.— As there was no easy divorce scissors in those dos to cut it, they remained man and wife till death bid them part. The young men and maidens took the privil ege of a kiss. nothing loth, and after the usual singing. the procession re-formed. All thecompauy returned to the various ions, but not ut once to remount their horses and go back to the farm. The body required invigorating after the labors of the morning. The inntraps flowed with ale, and tired nature 'took them at the flood;' but it did not follow that they 'led on to fortune.' Bridesmen treated brides maids,and the kiss—permitted at the altar —was snatched at the hotel. The exit from the town was less regu lar than the entry. The newly married pair and their itmnediale friends rode off, steadily enough, and were cheered as they went. The bride blushed behind her groom, and hod to bear the brunt of jokes and gibes The rest followed at leisure, Liars and even horses were exchanged,— Potations of go,,d ale made the men frisky, and feeds of corn enlivened the hories.— The riotous, and their steeds - kicked and floundered, so that whip and stick were in request. But all managed to reach their respeo tive farms. Time bridegroom's party re turned to his house, the - bride's to hers.— It sounds unsentimental, but as soon as he had seen her safe to her old home and run the gauntlets of his friends raillery, he left her to go and see after the bidding. Before this took place, however, there teas mach eating and drinking at both their houses."l.'he friends of each provid ed a separate feast—or, if the bridegroom lived in his own house, he provided it.— Sometimes, indeed, his bidding was held it , the abode prepared for himself and his wife, even though he had previously sided with his parents.. When us much bread and cheese and ale had been eaten and drunk as the guests required, the great business of the day began. This was the bidding. Instead of lavishing money on costly jewelry and ornaments, us friends do now a-days, the sensible old Cymry gave their weang gifts in sterling and gold or sil ver. The bride stood at her table, and the bridegroom at his, and. received as much money as the guests might choose to give oriend. The sums were only registered. If roily lent, they were, to be, repaid on a similar occasion, 4t an influential horse wedding, more than a hundred pounds might be thus collected which enabled the young people to begin life after their own fashion. The bridesmaid or bridesmen presented to each donor a cop or glasaf Aletheglyn (angolicied mead), and a piece of oatmeal bread,, or--what many people liked better -,bread sweetened w)th suirmi, and flavor ed by a sprig of rosemary, This was,proba the hale ancestor , of our degenerate olar-et-oup. Each wedding; gift was also s et i, c p p knorewriatlikilgAl, no o y : a e s are pri l g ve o te f rosemary- Drinking, r 7 r . the Drinking, Jollity, lovemaking and gas young couple were pretty sure to settle withiii,reaoh of their respectivesparents. Friends accompanied them to their new home, and left, good wishes and joked at their threshold. • • Brush was a Horse Wedding of the olden Ones. This has been Modified, like every thipg else, by the course of events. Print ed invitations, formerly in verse, replaced the pictuiesque old man with ribbons and staff. Theseare called "Bidding Letters," and are now'written in prose. It is truly a *side age! The shriek of the steam whistle has frightened away 'the spirits of the old bards who have taken with them the gift of improvisation ; and the once exhaustless stanzas, or pennillion, poured out at the door of the bride, have ceased. Practical jokekihave occasionally troubled the mad gallop of the riders, and one or two serious accidents have put a stop to the Tout uey for the bride. These way be worthy of record. Or. Johnson says that Children are by nature cruel, and that it is education which teaches them kindness; be this as it May, most of them love fun-=which flequently means mischief. It happeited that a young wag, hearing of a How Weddiug, resolved to have his joke. He knew of a wasps nest in the hallow of an old tree by the wayside,and as the wedding party were about to gallop by. he disturb ed' it. The wasps stung the horses, andu great many pretty girls were scattered about the road, while he stood' behind laughing at the fun. It is satisfactory to add that lie was Himself terribly stern, and did not dare to cry out lest he should be discovered, or to complain afterwards, lest he should he punished. His practical joke ended with its sting, but no further ill ensued. This is more than can be said of'most practical jukes. The accidents that caused the bridal tourney to cease were serious and even tragic. On one occasion the bridegroom reached the bridge in a dangerous and circuitous part of the road ; while he was in the act of tearing her from her father, her horse wheeled, stumbled, kicked and threw her. Snatched from the very arms of her lover, she fell among some of the rocky stones of this mountainous way.— Hp was off his horse i u a moment—every one else dismounted. He raised the in sensible form of the poor girl, and uttered a bitter cry. The mock combat had end ed in sad reality. She was dead! At another horse weelditie ' the encoun ter happened on a hill near the church.— The slope was dangerous, but excitement and love are equally blind. The horses got excited also, andateighing and curvet ing, while the bridegroom and father struggled for the bride, she was thrown oft When they picked her tip thew did not know how much she was injured. us she was neither dead nor insensible. She insisted on being mulled, and in spite of the remonstrances of leer friends, her en treaties prevailed. Her lover carried her in his arms to the church, where the clergyman was awaiting them, and the marriage ceremony was performed amid the suppressed sighs and tears of terrified relatives. As soon as she was made one with him she loved, the spirit which had sustained the body gave way,und it was ev ident she was dying. The sad scene may be imagined ; the pastor at the altar praying for the departed spirit—the kneeling, sobbing, agonized friends—the bridegroom and his bride! ,It- is no wonder that these tragedies , §hould have put an end to the Tourney roe the Bride, and that other accidents—' frequent if nor fatal, should have dimin ished the boistrons hilarity of the race.— Besides, the increase of churches, and the inroad of carriages of all descriptions, have facilitated mountain matches, and rendered a Horse Wedding of the rare oc currences. Like all picturesque and•prim ative customs, it is wearing oat with the wear of ages, and as a pillion is now a curiosity of leather-work, so will a Horse Wedding soon become a "Curiosity of Literature." A Metahcholy story. .A sad takicomea from Selma. It ap pears that twelve young men of that city swore off ou New Years day, 1871, and agreed to deposit with one of their num ber, on the brat day of each month, $lO each, the total to be deiided among the Members of the association. who, on the Ist of January, 1872, slionld prove to have lien faithful to their pledge. ,Oue by one the members backslid and yielded to the liquid temptation, until only a single in: dividual was left, who at noon on New Year's day was to receive 81,460. This Abdiel. faithful found among the faithless. proceedtd to the rendezvous .at the ap pointed hour. He waited until ten min utes after noon, and then he thought he would run into the saloon nest door and get a nip. He had just swallowed it when ten of the other members entered to get their noonday Angostura, and he round to his horror that his watch was twenty minutes fast, and tote money - was lost. The eleven therefore proceeded to the residence of the treasurer, and found that he had lost all the money, playing draw-poker with one-of the church true- tees. The sad occurrence has cast a gloom dyer the whole community. —Capon', the recent importkl tenor, is ln fashion. He hos : a woman i cad .in love with him, following him around and attending all his performances. He has lost no diamonds, as he has not yet ar rived at that stage of the game, „ disorderly person in Rochester Claimed exemption from arrest the 'other night, on the ground that he was. "the driver from pe.small pox express.” His claim was promptly allowed by the officer, This is a new use to which the epidemic elm he PO, —The ease of the chamber maid who gave a month's Warning because ,the co logn toilet was pot under look and key is paralleled by. an uptown cook win: abandoned light wages and on easy place because she was not allowed to supply her sister's table with prairie chickens. —The snit in Boston against the tool Igo 'lnsurance Mompany of New Jersey, by the administration, to recover $7,000 insurance on the life of James,' P. Ilissterfresulted in a verdict for the plaintiff in.the full amount.' The defense aqui that Baxter died otintemneranoe, it being stipulated in the policy that intern , prance would render it void,- —The song of the blue bilis sounds sweetly Wee to n}ontingc CANNIBALISM IN CANADA. The Obltteebee Itadtaps Eating-their Own Famines. Noireilpondencoof the New York Son. 7 Orra.w.t. March 21.--The 'most . aston ishing stories of cannibalism at the head meters of the Ottawa, were related to use this afternoon by a man whose respecta bility and veracity are undoubted. For several yearspast lumberieg operations have been conducted in' the Ottawa valley with unrivalled enterprise and soCcess, the pine trees becoming morekearce each suc ceeding, season, until at length the lumber era have pushed their way to the head waters of the Ottawa and its tributaries in search .of good timber limits. According as they receded from civilization and ear ri, &their operations further north, they began to h eet a more thorough knowledge of the judiuns of the Upper Ottawa, and from time to time almost incredible tales of the tribes to the northwest of Lake Tim iscomanque were related by adventurous Inmberers and fur traders. Many of their stories were disbelieved and were looked upon as sharitymetes yarns without a tonndation of truth in them. Especially has it'been the case when on two or three occasions it was asserted that among the Obitteebee Indians, a portion of the Al gonquin tribe, were to be found eanibals who occasionally, when pressed by hunger, satisfied their appetites by killing and eet ing some of the younger members of their families. These horrible•stories gained no credeuce, as it had never been established as a fact that any of the tribes of North American Indians were cannibals, A LUSIDERRAX'S STORY, This winter, however, Mr.. Wright, a lumberman, living near Ottawa, had, a lumber shanty on one of the tributaries of the Obitteebee Lake. within a day's travel of Fort. Tkiiscomanque, one of the 11.nd; son Bay trading posts, and while on a visit to his limits, from which he has returned, he ascertained the following fads. A camp of Obitteebee Indians was• established about ten miles from Mr. Wright's shanty early in the winter, and the squaw, with her children—the oldest a boy about 14 years of age—came occasionally to the shanty to trade . off Stir with the foreman for grease and flour Provisions were scarce at the shanty, as supplies had to be bro't such a lung distance, and he had 4o forbid the Indians from camiagaronud the place. As the winter advanced the snow became deep, and game was so-scarce that the In dian camp was sometimes without food for two days at a time. Hares, that had oeen plentiful other .y.ears, had been decimated by a disease that had attacked them duriu h e the summer, and the aus were reduced to h state of starvation. rAHENTS EATING THEIR CHILDREN'. The owner of the wigwam returned one evening iu January, after en unsuccessful hunt of two days, and found that one of his children had been killed`by the squaw, and the farbily were - , then satisfying their hunger with part of. the flesh, which bad been half cooked in a kettle. The old Indian; without asking any, questions, joined with the rest in the horrid repast, and satisfied apetite also. The flimily lived ffir three days on the body of the child, and when it was totallxconsumed, the- Indian again started out to hunt, but. was unsuccessful, On returning, to the camp he drove his tomahaWk through the skull of another child himself, and, with outcerenony, theeqnaw proceeded toboil. a sufficient quantity of the flesh for meal. TILE WIPE SACETFIVED TO IMICGEII. The weather grew eoldei, with more snow, and it was impossible for the In dian to go on another hunt.. Ht‘ singed the hair off some dry.beaver arid thry managed to keep alive until thisSnp ply tailed., Then, one day when savage with hunger, without Wuruing. he toma hawked the squaw, and, he and the boy fed oe' the carcase fur several days. In the meantime the weather cleared up, and the. Indian started in the direction of the moose park, several miles from the camp, to try and secure some game; lint the snow, though deep, was light, e.nd he could nut get within retie-shut of .the TputßLE ALTEILTATIVE. After a three day's bunt he returned to the camp, and the boy, who saw thai. his father had ,no provisions with litiv at once made up his Mind .that he Or the old man had to die. Without waiting - to discuss. the question with his parent he sent a rifle.hullet through his heart ; and before the blood had time to Cool he was aseauging his terrible hunger with pieces of his father's flesh. He remained in - the camp as long as the provisions lasted, an then made his way to the shanty, whore he related in a mixture or broken French and Indian the facts 'which we have given. above. The men could not-believe.the horrible tale until the young - Inditia had confessed it to. 'he priest, who resided at ti station several miles down the river..:,_ He ulso confeised that on one other cc casian hi s s i s t er , a year 'manger than hint self, had been killed and eaten .ov4ii years previoee; when they had not tiny owo for s e eeral days.• ¢/ .. TILE ONLY SURVIVOR OE , A LtirlLY. A half-breed fnr trader named Simp son, who resides at Fort Timiscumanque, often asserted that on one occasion; while buying fur 4 an Indian camp, he asked for something to eat; - and wits told to help himself from an iron pot that wason the fire. lie stirred 'pp tho -mess which it contained; and nearly fainted with hor ror vliVit he fished up n linina4 114nd from the bottom, - • now Tut o4..iminhas LIVE, The Obitteebee Indians are described as being tall ,and stoutly buitt,,with Avery 'forbidding cast of coon tenance,the squaws being pusitively'repulme in tlieir appear ance. They, are lazy and filthy in their habits, make pa attenii)t at tilling the, soil,, and lire • en.tirely by hunting and trapping.. They sometimes engage as axe.: men in the shanties, but seldom 'remain long, as they will not work constant:l,s - , and it is as hard to feed oue of theta' as it is to keep six white mei). The 'squairs nisd children are clothed with a sort of blanket _which they make from.hare skins, cut into, stripis, plaited and stitcheil to gether in the required shape. Their dwell; trigs in winter are composed of polelt,which VOLUME XXIX, NUMBER era stacked in theTorm of a tent, ered with birch bark and moss, a fire being built inside in the centre; from Which the smoke Audi its way through - a hole in the top, of the wilwam.. As lung as ganie;itt plentiful, the Indians remain in the same', camp ; but if a moose is killed at any Con= siderable distance, the .camp moved ter that vicinity, and the owners remain them: us long es they can.,find enough, to eat.l , The above is the sabstance of hat:ltr. Wright has beard froin ;his men and from Hodson .Bay fun traderi who have been dealing with. this extraordinary tribe of Indians.and as incredible as the statement appears to be, he'SaYs there art.dozens of, suantymen at the headwaters of the 9t; tawa whoireivilling to testify to the truth . _ of it. The exploratory survey of the rontw of the proposed Canada Pacific railroad , will pass through the section of the coun t , try occupied by the Obitteebees, and, it another year, or probably in a few months; something more will he . known '• of , the manners and custOms•ni these.eitiaordi" . nary Indians. . A SonthWind Longing. Here is something' timely and delicion* from Warner's - "Back Log Studies . ," , iri the April number of Serilvar's. • Perhaps the influence of the four great winds on character is only a fancied one J , but it is evident on temperament, vybich. is not altogether a matter of jemperature, although the good old - deacon Used to say, in Lis humble, - simple way, that his third wife was a very good womani but - :bee "temperature. was very different from that of the other two." The uorth,wind is fult4, of courage', and puts the _eturnina of 'en, durance intoa wan, an dit kobably.w ( 6na into a woman too if there Were 4 series or resolutions passed to. that effect. - --• The' west.wind is hopeful; it has promise : 4nd' adventure in it, and is, except to Atlaittio voyagers American bound, the best' that o'er blew. - The Cast wind ia:pevish-:. • !less; it is mental rheninatiSnisiidgrnmb ling,.and curls one up in thec.chimtnitY corner like a._ cat. And if thechimney ever smokes, it srnokes,:iThen the :,wind sits in that quarter. -"The south Wind itt full of longing and'unreit,'oreffetriiiiatis nggestions; of luxurious ease, and per baps we might.; safof modern poetry, at any rate ' modern poetry needs a change, cf I.atri not sure, but the south is the. most powerful of the winds, becatae of. its sweet perstiaSiveneths. Nothing so stir; the blood in spring, When it; comes up mit of the tropical latitude; it makesinen: '"longen to go on pilgrimages." .J I did intend to insert. ere a little poerts, (as it is quite proper to do in an essay) on the south wind, compoSed - by the young lady staying with us, begittnAngt: "Out of ti drifttnz sow hem elothi tout heed the ulght•htzdhr7."— but it never got any further . thart' this; The young lady Eaid it was exceeditiglf difficult to write-the:next- two cause not Only rhYmo but meaning 'had; to be procured. And this is true; anzi . . body can write first lines, and that ie. probably the reason wr hare so makij: poems which seems to have been- begat': in just this way, that ig,.with;e:'Eoutlii wind longing without any.thong4t iu : it, o d'it is very fortniuite when tlutre is 'pot • _wind enough to finis!! them. ThiS, - turice;•' tional poem, it I may to .dall stn after Herbert went away. I liked it,' and thought it was what 'is- called "sag-:' ,gostive ;' although I did not understand. a, especially what the night_bird was; and I am afraid - I lairt the - young lady's- I'4l- . Was by asking her if 'she meant 'Herbert by. the ‘‘eight very-absurd - ,sug4, gwition. about two unsep Omen Lai people. - She said, "Xonsense "but .she afterwards told the ,raistmEa that there were emotions that one could, iiefci licit into words without the - danger of be:- in g; ridiculous ; profound trotith.' And yet I should not like to say that there ie not a tender - lOnesonieness in - •lore that caw get comfort outrof clond,.if- there - he such a thing. • Analysie: ; is the death of sentiment. .:; • •c 4t: ep the, Gale Shut,n,- An tnglish flirther 7 one c 'd:4l . at l , work in his - Celds, When he saw a party of hvints.men riding about his farm...lle:hail one field, thatbe ,was espilvially .anxious • that they should not ride over, as the.erop was in 'a condition- to be badly . inj tired hy the tramp of . licirses. So - he dispatetiett One - of -Ins boys to the -Cell; . to shut the gate, and then keep Watch over it, inid'on no account to suffer. it .to :bo openedr The bey'went as he' was bidden; but Was scareely at his post bet' : 're Wel huntsmen came paemptorily ordering the - gat:oe he opened: This the .boy ilc cured to do,'stating 'the orders lie had re,;. deterniiriation .obey than. Threats auttliiihes were :offered alike in , vain ' 'one atter another eame ward as spoltestnatf, but all :with, the - sane res Ult ; _the hey. remained immovable:ln the detaining* not to open Alio:gate, After a While, one of noble Presence raked; and said in comnianding, tones= "My boy, do you know inc ?• . 1 Deka Wellington, one not ,accustomed .to ICS disobeyed; and tentanaindloit to open that gate, that I and nmy 'friends may pass ,through." The boy lifted his cap; - and itibod nucoVered - before the man whom, ali Englund delighted to honor, then to; swere4 firmly; "1 ant sure the Duke 'Of Wellington would not.wish mob disobey orders. I most keep thiS gate shut; ' liol. suffer any one to pas.sbut with my master's' eipress permission." I" • - - Preatly.-pleased, the sturdy old- 'Warrior lifted his own bat, and said :.""I honor the man or boy, who can be neither bribed nor frightentAl into doing wrong. With an army of Such soldiers, I could conquer tint only the French, but the world!! And handing the boy a - glittering. Bova; Ogn, the,old duke pat spurs to his horse and galloped away, while the boy. run off te. his work, shouting, 46 the top: of his voice;: " ITttrrah I Hurrah I n o dpne what Napoleon cduldu't do.l.!ve kept mit the Duke of .Wellington.":: : --Solne very beautiful boxes fur :bold• , ing gloves and handkerchiefs aro made of the sUreet scented Turkish wood elabor ately carved, and imparting to the article continued in them a very • delicoto pleasant perfume,