The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 17, 1872, Image 1

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E., B. HAWLEY,. Proprietor.
- guoittoo:lo.
saddle, Boom sun Trenktotkels. Bbop In Q. Rome
Stare Bolllatorr, Brooklyn, ft.o* b Fogy
ium4 Itettt, rude to order. -
Brooklyn. Aril 3, 1612.—nr0 •
liming located at gartzpin Center. lasaantaetstrer clang'
Dealer to Welt end Helm Hamann. Ceara. Maps,
Trait* Saddteabe..hoplng,betrtet attention to bast.
nen and fair dealing, to- baTa * 10=1 shun of
)Laren 6, 187.3..n010-7m&'
zooms a locums,
DAL:IRS 'Dra, lEredlelnes; Cizemicals,
s tas.Palots;o ll s. - Varnish , Liquors. Sploes.Faacy
es, Meant Ilediclaes, Perfamensud Toilet/tr.
tides. tirPreserlptions carefully compounded.—
mek Block. Moutrpse, Pa. ,
A . 0. Bonne. Asios
Feb. 91.1572.
. .
Dfl 11: A. LATIIV.OP.
handl:asters Bizerte:. Ihuttutu, Flavin, at the Foot of
Chestnut street. Call and eptienW In all • Chronic
hiontone. Jan. IL '7l.—tto3—tf.• . .
I. 1. 8110 ENIAKEII.=% . -
Attorney et law•, lloniroseiPa:: °Men mat dOnelielew
the Tureen Itoure—Pnblle Avenue. •
entreee., Jan. IT. 1879...n03-I,y.
ATTOMIT and Conessnonav Law, qevat Bend. Penn
.ylvanta, dm, -
Arms= er LAW. MOntrale, Pa 01115. asltli Same'
E. earsaali. Esq.
Mputrooe, AllgaSt 50, Int.
Pusuoys at Lay, °Oleo IQa SSlELadottrauas Jaienne.
wanton. Pa. PfACtlee In the several Courts of Lu.
seas and Susquehanna Contains.. •
F. E. Locals. Vt. D. law&
scantly. Sept. fth.lB7l.—tf.
• W. S. CROssmo7.o.
Attorney . of Law, {Mike at tho Court Haw. In the
Commtltteoefa °Mee. W A. Chasms.
Montrose. Sept...4lh, 11321.—tt.
McKsx. my. C.. C. Zarin,
Wen in Dig Goods. Clothing. Ladies a nd Mi sse s
So. Shoe.. Mao, agents for the great, American
tea and CoAce Company. [Montrose. ,ap. 1.10,
DR. W. W. SUIT% ---
Disrurr. Rooms at We dorelltna. *old tlefoh east of the
Repetalete printing °face. °Mee hove trot! 9a. te.
thee. et. Dlottttose.3b73.lBl/-41.
THE BABITEII-11a2 8011.
Charley le the barber. tibia can glare 'amebae
ey 'M n
order; Cow brown, black. and grizzle,' hate,in his
ecimpa.t op rktalri, There you will 'and as,. neer
aere'e owe. below alcHenales—)n=t peke door
4=o 7,1821.—tr C. maims.
J. 113. &11.1111eCOLIAT31.
Are. Mo morer' r..r L , eer Oat
10. en ce lB2l.rer 'l3ealt., Montrose
ntrose May tt
J. D. VAIL,_
floarararme Perneletale iarr.Scnotort. llaa permanently
tooled hinnelltu Idonnotta, Pot lettere he will prompt-
I) *newt to all nano In h4profeaaloa with which be may
be fanned. °dice and naddenea an tut the Conn
Hann nen Finn dc Wanton's caw.
Ilontroon Febrodry RIMS.
PITCH tk wArsot:, Attnnoyt at Low, at the old office
of Bentley d FiteS. Idontr.e.
IP ram Ran. It. '71.1 w. w. warms.
Dealer in Boot. and - Shoo., finis Ana Cana. Leith.? and
Findino, Slain Street, 1,1 door below Boyd's StOre.
Work arida to order. and repairing done ; no:dlY.
Iloutrose, Jan. 1, td7d.
STUMP - VD PAIR . 11,7""'"
Shop In the rinciVatorate,hnllddint, liters ha will
.e (nand ready trtnAtentlitO who my want, anythlng
In hl.llne. Alordrose, rt. Oct. IE, MD.
P l Sm's!' ( - lAN t SURGEO. and
bit verecee
elecenc of Groat Bend anal aria Salty. Wilco at Me
meeencc. oppontic Barnum Unit'. o\l:lead Tillage. Irt, ti
ATTORNEY .A, LAW. Bounty, Rack Pay. Peartcnt
Loa Ezem on Mateo attcodod to. 01Roe sr
war Del ow Dord's Store, Stentroae.Pa. tAn.7.YO
n. C. scrroN,
Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent,
aut vetenavvie, re.
Cr. - cesmaolticorLeole. •
aigt ant • -Great. Bend. Ps.
VT. F 3. 11.1.2A,I;Icazimo'gr - _
A. 1, tra. Mllresr„ Broaklltß.Tl6
. -
riirnoNADursTAnoit, Montrose, P. Shay over
trundler's Stine. !Word= ik4th erst Ante
coning dozs on abort notloo. end astritatodtals.:
W. -W. 6311T11,
r Mag atm; 26mxtrose. . /auto /./Mk
STROUD 46-.D1WW2 1 , -. -
ME AND Lin • 111534ANCE AGSM& AL
bairlskenaUondrdtaprucoptly,orthat tams. OfLes
Ir 4 door norr.b.of • AOLIMOSO Hotel; we alley ,
rablic Avenue, 3tanttoseS Ps. jAng.I.IBIZI.,
Duaisas Steam. PECUMVI L. Bloani.
DILLER In Drags, Paten/ kedtaimpi iTheadcals
Liquors, P4has, 0118,00 Gtaffs, Varatiliousjila w
tilww, Groceries, Glass Ware, WallentrWilaGow Pas
ye,Steue-ware, Lamps, lierosene, Mathias?, ODs,
Trams, Gans Ammunition, Bth BPet Lida
bashes, Fancy ' hoods , Jewelry, Perfa.
Wang tout etas moat numerous. extmslie, tad
saleable eelleonons of Goods In susquebanna Cite
listablished 'in 1848. i r trionptmr.PS. •
D. W. WAWA% • -
TTOIVET AT LAW, omen over the" Store 01' A.
Lathrop, to the Beek Clock, Moarroas, Pa. - (aura
ISYSICLAN iC aUIIGE.O3I. tenders Ills prcifessions
lienicet to the citizens ofilontrose and stelnity.—
Office at hisresidence, en the Cotner castor Saheb
Dm, Fonary. • talig• /. / 612 . •
MIMIC/AN and 8111143BON; Alantrose. Pa; Gives
attention to Mamma of the Heart and
Lanes sad all 3arecaldtreeeen. °Mee over W. B.
DCIIIOI . Binrde at SeerWri Rawl. jan.1.1.80.
sczwrazi, P.
vnuiews C BMA!' Du&AO* -
azzia Bdt4, caunzasmar ib 7a3il ARUM
180447 NUBS. SPoSES, -
117E2C11 WINDOW GL ASS. LEATHER & iffspl39B -
frl4F9P.ALtreht4.lB33. • :17 , .
mono NM
- .
• AnBol*lio4l . ZeiIIIPI=III3I,
cum:tins sed aad padble Drive ' , Wheel. Id
tto 9, iNitt iv.794WNqattenalPrawlata
Nw4he Galas %le Sweat' Pletctlaati 1, held at
pm, is MO.
..• _
Axil the Peardrylm i ts yerylepf eq. rryf.lqtate•
are P. gd i P im= an e ill
cf ttrectPaY alf
pad at
Rae aparadpa tau be thaaied %gently box Chigh
iPted.lepao aildfrd &Pit; 10 0 3 0 MP , Ad' 114 **
awls to lad Odes had ildbytad
paict=trtrti ll =d t ''d N bt the' atl on e t
=hive la the world, pad 05 can dt ' 1- 5C4 P.:.
attscsb taltahle mutt:titular.
• _t 3 AME,BaSq•
•••• • • -
Fatiest efliprinfs &r Children,
Babes of the flowery year,
Violets with dewqrprent eyes, •
Deep - hued as midnight skies—
• What b It ye do here ?
Here, in the pent-up city
Far from your native dell,
Where the finch her nest entwines,
And through the budding pines,
Fitibi March breezes swell
in place of streaming sunshine,
And free, bud-blowing air,
Upon your beauty falls
The shade of prisoning warbi,
And gas-light's yellow glare.
Through street and crowded alley;
Your fresh.pluckcil buds are borne,
Laden with pleasant tales
Of woods and ancient vales,' ,
the *the sloe-thorm
Ever amid the tumult .
- Of traffic's ceaseless ham,
Sweet as a babbling rill,
Or a wild linnet's trill,
YoUr guests of perfume come.
Seem they like fairy vices,
Those odortreighted
Telling of vernal hours,
And rain-drips in the flowers,
liew•chaliced from the skies.
And that taint floating fragrance,
Like a low loving word,
Stirs many a heart of care,
As the passing air •
NAIL= chords are stirred.
The worn face of-the weaver,
As be hurries to the loom,
-- Grows brighter, while he stays
Ilia weary glance to me
Upon yonrpurplo bloom.
The palo-browed seamstress pauses
A moment, as she feels
Within her room your scent,
That from the road-way pent.
Through her dull casement steals.
To thousand.. thousand workers
' • In labor's serriediunks,
Bright breezy thoughts ye bring,
or meadows white with spring
Green crofts and sunny banks!
And therefore, Spring', fair children;
Babes of the flowery year,
Violets with the dew-spent eyes
Deep hued at midnight skies—
Thrice-welcomed ate Se herel
Little and pallid, and poor and shy
With a downcast look in her soft gray eye,
No scornful toss of a queenly ham,
But a drooping bend or the neck instead!
No ringing laugh, and no dancing feet,
No subtle wiles, and abandon sweet
No Jewels costly, no garments fine—
She Ls Nobody's Darling—but mine
No "Dolly Varden" coquettish airs ;
No high-heel boots to throw her down stairs;
No yachtingjaeketand nautical style,
With R sailors hat thatelfe calls her "tile."
Bul'Lridy" Is stamped on her quiet brow;
And she crept in my heart I can't tell how,
Not made to dazzle not born to shine—.
Nobody's—nobody's Darling—but minel
No saucy, ravishing girlish grace,
But a settled calm on the sweet pale &cc ;
No sparkling chatter and repartee;
Very silent and still is she.
White and still Is my pearl of pearls, -
Yet to me she seemeth the queen of girls;
Why I love her I can't define.,
For she's nobody's—nobody's Darling—but mine.
Were riches hers, or a beauty rare,
She would lose her charm, become less fair;
:Were rings to shine on those fingers small,
They could not add to their grace at all.
She would learn to smile end to speak by rule,
In the foolish book of Dame Fashion's School
And the world to spoil her would soon combine;
Now she's-Nobody's Darling—bat wine t
"Tia not for nxat to tam . Life Wet
And sin is hero;
Our age Is but Om iaUing of a leaf:-
• .1. -A drooping tear.
We tare not time to sport away the hours.
All must be earnest in a wiattd likettnis.
Not many lires,but orilj , one hare wo-.
- Orte,,cutb , one_
Haw witted should that one lif ever be--
That narrow span!
Day alter day Ailed up with blessed toil,
llour afterbonistill bringing in new spoiL
Our being is a shadow of thin air,
• No vacant dream;
Nor fable of the things that never were.
But only seem.
?Tin till of meaning ns of watery,
The' strange and solemn may that meanlngbe.
Oar sorrows are no phaittonas OD the night.
, No idle We; '
No eland that nests along a sky of light,.
Orr suntatergale.
They are the true realitiet of earth,' "
Friends tunreemplutions mit hem eras tilith.
guvittegi and Wititiono.
Spit-ones" are' in fashion again.
—Chiaar„o tuxes one cent on the dolhir.
—Ono' of onr- exohanges speaks of .a
new color, "burnt lore-letter tint." That
will do. . •
—An ohl 134,12 years of age, was de
clared the hest dancer present at a recent
Cincinnati balL
—When a company respond to a • senti
ment in -Nebraska, they giro hearty "three
eheers, big inj n, elephan t and shanghai!"
—An Indians girl who liad ben iiilted,
bit off the thumb of her faithless lover.
She evidently wished to secure as much
of his band as possible. • •
—There is Some difficulty in getting - a
Competent court to _try Marshal - Bazaine
for the eapitulatien of • Metz.' He can
only tie tried by.bis peers, but nearly all
the marshals o 4 France were - concerned
in some 40h:dation or surrender during
=The meanest maiiiiak. lonia lately
packed hie wife off on e traltigoiog&ca4
.oa the pretence of aonoiripanying her,
and then jumped off and lied to - parts
unknown, because the partner of his joys
and sorrows bad lost her comeliness by
Tr The Portland Argustive that at -the
R 9. pleating in Baited it One %Mani
tpono v Vetel to exempt Ilom taxation for
ktatM ei o .years the Property-or WV
ecopeketivpirehivonld engage In mann
hanging in sitirthO sPVIPeat-therelli
' t ttLa s'api 01 '
.810,000 Or jrre. • -
Alba ReturnWs Yearlltiffoind now It
Ileppillit Her a Busband.
' "I don't belieye Ketury would sell that
critter for its weight in gold. It's a cosset
broUght up on bream, I tell her, and see
ing she's notional to keep her ciompany,it
ain't a wonder she sets such store by what
she's raised. That's just how the case
stands, Lisher r '
The Man addressed as "Lieber," was
leaning on a pair of bars that led into
Miss Keturah's pasture, doing just what
the - geridd hook commands nanot to do,viz:
"Coveting his neighbor's possessions."
"I jocks," said he, with hill gaze fixed
on a pretty, frolicsome ' young animal,
clean of limb and straight of back, with
soft, bright eyes, like a girl's,"l wish I
could contrive to got hold of hat Alder
neyyearling :.there ain't another like her
in'the country,MulTd be frilling to fork.
down anything Ketury might ask."
"You'd better not get your heart set on
it," said his brother Jabez, in the tone of
deliberate emphasis, common to him, "I
do believe Ketury wonld almost as soon
give you herself, as part with that year
Just then the graceful creature in the
lot, with her white feet buried in rich feed,
and a whisp of: gran dangling from her
mouth, gave a little caper, and a frisk of
the tail, as much as to say, "You'd better
Jabez, the _elder brother, moved out
from theshade of the butternut tree, where
the two men halted to look over thevail
fence. "I musthe gettin g home," raid he,
"or my old woman Frill scold about my
keeping the table standing. You ain't got
any wife, Usher, to fret if you don't come
to time on meals."
Jabez, a sturdy, bronzed farmer, went
trudging his way homeward with his coat
over his arm, and his checked shirt-sleeves,
and the red flannel back to his vest show
ing. Lisher, however, lingered in the
road. He was,a-different build from his
brother,- not sosquare and thick set, but
taller, with cheeks hollowing in a little
about the mouth, a bushy beard and kind
grey eye.. He lingered behind, half mus
ing on the words Jubez bad so carelessly
spoken. '"t believe Ketury would almost
as lieves give you herself." He knew'his
brother meant nothing, but the words
were sweet to him. It seemed as though
he had needed:the assurance of their truth
for a long time. I
There, down the road, which wound a
little, and clasped a thicket of trees in the
crook of its arm, was the old red farm.
house where Keturah lived. It was a
homely place,and no effort bad been made
to fix it up; but its air of snugness sug
gested comfort and good cheer. The sheds
and ont-honses straggled to the barn, or
else the barn straggled to the sheds.—
There was plenty-of shado.from the cher
ry 'and apple trees, where robins and
thrushes nestled. The old eaves were
swallow haunted, and there was a roomy.
old-fashioned garden, and a patch of green
sward, sprinkled with white clover, where
Keturali stretched her drying line, and let
her clothes flitter out Monday morning
earlier than any of her neighbors. It was
a tidy old place, and had conic down to
her from her father's estate, with a'fevi
oat-lying fields, well fenced and tilled ; a
bit of timber hind, a good spring of water
and several other- blessings belonging to
this sublunary sphere.
Keturah knew how to prize her hide
pendence. ,Theta; were a few plain rules
she never transgressed; to deal fairly, to
always live within her means, and to make
the most of blessings, seemed pretty plain
duties. She was not supposed to be friend
ly to matritnohy, and she did enjoy being
her own mistress, with an nnlimited scope
for the exercise of that which is knownin
New EnglaUd as : faculty- -
She was is :woman of middle height,
with bright, frank, blue eyes, a face fresh
yet in color, and dark hair, combed
smoothly behind her ears, and twisted in
a smallish knot at the back of her head.
None of these; thin-yarnaas Miss Keturuh
said, for Der.: She was a world too,sensi
ble to wear a false wad on her cranium.—
She had been'tout jnst at nightfall to at
tend herrickens, and to , see that they
were all in the , coops , under the feathers
of the chi ling hens. iAn invalid crea
ture, a pretty ball of down, with a sprain
ed ankle, she brought and put in a warm
basket on the mantel. There was a shrew
ish wind blowing entside, although it Was
May, with blessoins from the apple trees
whirling Own to thoass. Asmall wood
fire snapped and cracked on .Miss Ke
ttirah's hearth, and the lilacs were in
bloom, and 'ho door yard gay with jon
quils and da y-d•iwn dillies. The dog and
cat, sleek an . well fed as dog and cat need
be, were lyin ou the hearth in their own
appointed places, and there Miss Ketarah
sat, with a little round stand beside her,
in the circle Or light from the genial fire,
wiling away at a pair of unmentionables,
for little Billy! Shaw. Mrs. Shaw, his
mother, was 'poor, always in hot water,
With a dre.silfu want of ..tralonlatiou and
good judgmeht in her upper was
either a feast o a famine in the Shaw es
tablishment all the time. The juvenile
Shows had to go without. their crust but
tered six days 'lithe week;.but if on the
seventh - their in ether happened to earn "a
dollar, jtist asakely as not it was all spent
in butter, atiefeten up at one meal. Ile
turah despised such shiftlessness, but he?
hands never , stopped doing good for the
Shaws. i 1 • ,
. Now, as she at the& in her cheerful
and contented loneliness, with the. big
clock ticking in the corner, there came a
knock at the door.
"CO* ini 3°11'44 Shale,"eallej out
Zotnrah, - without, turning robndi---
!There's the Rig 4 potatoes •Lp_ronused
-year reother in the cellar-way.. - You , can
help; yoirsalf. - .1 shall churn to-morrow,
and your wither tray said over-for a pail
of butteitilk." ' " -
- i‘Aheml"..; ,
Keturah, tiraij'rouid "suidenly,"and
there stood Usher Bates _holding his hat,
iinttlooking Cato it as it his expected to
. disdaier , the a profbitudost 7isdomin its
depths.:.` 1 :' --" - - 1 • - . . .
• "Megailior exotaimedkio gaturah,
' you give ate ; molt D.start.:_:l, thou ht, to
De ittroOt Irtil• Johnny ; Shaw. s:ake •4
chair Usher, aug, " draw up to the tiie.—
Cold, ain't it, for this time of the year?":
"Good fur blue noses," said Usher; but
ho:felt as be expressed it afterward,
"streaked," much as a man feels when he
is about to break the ice, andplunge into
a cold bath. However he eat down on the
edge of a- chair, carefully.depositing his
hat under it, took out his red silk hand ,4
kerchief, and mopped his face titterer.
There was a preliminary clearing of the
throat, and then Lisher said, with that
circumlocution of speech habitual to the
born Yankee:
"I don't epose lieturah, you've got any
grass seed you'd be willing to part with
for a fair pnce
"Going to put down more of your land
to grass?"
inquired Retard), with a slight
accent of disapproval.
"I was squinting that way l" .returned
Lisher, hesitatingly, almost wishing he
could babk out of the sonfpe, and go to
grass himself, brit be gave a hitch to his
chair that brought him a little nearer St
torah, oti the other side of the 'stand.
"Instead of seeding down any more, if
I had your farm, I should put a few bar
rels of limo on the triangular lot, and sow
with clover."
"That's what I mean to do," responded
Lieber, giving his chair another 'Mob, ut
terly forgetful of St. Paul's 'command,
"Suffer not women to teach." "Your pas
ture looks uncommon well 'this spring,"
he added.
"Yes, the feed is good," said Keturah, i
sewing away calmly n the candle light.
The chair hitched a little nearer. "Ke
turah,tbat'a a mighty fine Alderney yearl
ing of yours." The tone was soft, persua
sive, and melting.
Keturah just raised her eyebrows;:—
"L'mph 1" she knew what Lish was driv
ing at now.
The chair hitched a little nearer, the
tone grew more coaxing, and oily. "Be
tory, would'ult you, conld'nt you bo per
suaded to sell me that critter ?."
The small unmentionables dropped from
Betiimh's hand; the audhuity dm) ro
quest filled her
.with anvement;
"How can von ask such a question,
tither Bates ? . You know I would'nt part
with her for any money."
Lisher had heard that "where there's a
will there's a way," and another wise say
ing: "Faint heart never won fair lady."
He determined upon the strike.
"Then Ketriaili;\ said he, suddenly,
"you mutt marry me, Tor I am determined
to get a lien on that critter, some way or
If his unheard of temerity had stopped
here, Seawall might have thrown the
small unmentionables at him, but he did
not wait 'for such" a dlsaster—he got up,
made one stride over to where the,
bewildered spinster Sat, and gave her'a
rousing kiss un' the cheek. It is utterly
impossible to predict what would have
happened, if an nninistakable "snicker"
had not soundeiithrOugh the room. The
door hadnp'ened during the loving scene,
above described, and admitted Johnny
Shaw, just in time to witness the denoue
msnt. Ile had come for "them potatoes."
"Them potatoes" saved Lishir's bacon,
althungh I suspect Kettirali had always a
sneaking kindness for Usher. At any
rate, some months afterward she gave him
the yearling and herself along with it;
and he-being•a good man, who knew the
use of the door mat, was regular to, bis
meals, and was appreciative of a good wife,
whose price is above rubies, I can safely
say that Keturales last state has not been
worse than her first; and as to the yearl
ing, it has grown to be a fanons'cow, the
best milker in the country and lives in per
Buffing a Store by Steam.
On the Upper Sacramento River a novel
business has, for a number of years, been
conducted by Captain-Geerge -W. Case,
which partakes somewhat of the romantic 1
style of the - homer-traders of early times,,
withlhisdifference—that a well appoint
ed steamer supplies the place of the prim- I
itive canoe, and the customers, instead of
bearing the redskins of the forest, are
well-to-do families settled upon and own
ing ranches along the banks of the Sacra
mento River. Captain Case commenced
trading between Sacramento and a point
a few miles above Colusa about eight
years ago, by taking a small'harge load of
goods as high up the river as he wished
to go, paying a steamer to tow him Up, and
then dropping down with the current from
house to house to do his trading, supply
ing the settlers with whatever goods they
wanted, and taking in exchange all kinds
of produce, especially butter. and eggs,
hides and petrees—anything that could'
be converted into more goods for another
trip.. Some four years ago - Captain Case
built a small- steamer at a post of $6,000
and fitted her tip for the trade Which- he
had found so profitable and to enable him
to keep np with his increasing business.
The floating store was supplied with nn
assorted cargo of goodsworth freta 65,000
to $6,000, and with the assistance of a
pilot and an engineer, round trips have
been - made about once in two weeks ever
since. The settlers along the river and
this fl9ting store a great convenience and
one of them informs us they get goods
from the steamer just as cheaply-as they
mild from merchants in town. The
.Captain -and-. his steamer are anxiously
looked for every week up or down, when
he makes his regular calls, does his trad
ing and gossipping, and posts his friends
on the , news of the outside world.. .The
call made, business .transacted, nod
ashore"-given out, they haul in. the bow
line or steam nuchor,'es thet - case may be,
and steam nn to the next.. mnohe. -The.
enterprise of Captain' Case has been well
rewarded, as it'deserves to be, for he owns
a comfortable property - in Sacramen to, be
sides his steam store,a - fine stock of 'goods
'and being in the enjoyment- of an :,unin
terrupted and ..iriereasing ,,,M
Democrat. - - • • .
-A storekeeper at , :Qamm Mich,
haying a pup that habitually.. upset the
paint cansfla the rear end of the store,
rubbed the dog'a nose in the spilled paint
as tt reminder that he must not do. -so
agam, Last - week the animal'again spill
ed the paint, and, observing that histnas
ter was engaged in waiting on a customer,
the docile pap rubbed his own nose in the
mixture end ranlowling out the back
How Beecher Beinti'Prectehlom.
Beecher thus tells how. - he began to
preach: "I' wasitiaked - to cross the river
from Cincinnati and; preach in Coving
ton ;. an d I Went over and Vegan' to preach
therm I did not know but I was going to
stay,there: And I was perfectly - willing
to stay, But I was soon called by a worn
an to Lairrenceburg. She: was the fac
tor= of the whole church, And I went
there and spoke tots Well-nigh empty build
ing. ..I was settled over a town with two
distilleries and twenty devils iu it. I was
poor. There was noi patritriony coming to
me, as you know: The moment I was out
of the seminary I was without my fathera
support, and obliged to take care of my
self. I had a salary, but it was a salary of
only 8400. And I took half of that to go
to New England to get married with.—
And as the parish paid half of it, and the
other half .waii to come from the Mission=
ary Society, I found myself very short of
funds. I had just eighteen cents in my
pocket whin I came back. I was taken up
by a good Methodist brother for about a
week ; and then I got two rooms. They
were up stairs. One was the kitchen,tel
lar and sitting room • the other was the
library, bedroom and parlor. So that we
had six rooms, calling each three. The
cellar was made by putting things under
the bed, and other rooms were added by
sundry devices. You who go into flush
houses, furnished byyour grandpapas and.
gmndmamas, do not know anything about ,
the joys of housekeeping. Persons ought
to begin at the bottom to know what these
joys are. And I began down there.
I had no idea that I could preach. I
never expected that I could accomplish
much; I merely went to work with the
feeling, "I will do as well as I can, and I
will stick to it if the Lord pleases, and
tight His battle the best way I know how."
And I was thankful as I could be. No
body ever sent me a sparerib that I did
not thank God for the kindness which
was shown me. I recollect when Judge
gave me his, I felt
that I was sumptuously clothed. I wore
old coats and second-hand shirts for two
or three years; and sometimes, as I was
physically a well-developed man, and the
Judge was thin and his legs were slim,
they were rather a tight fit.
Enamelling the Faee and the Result
A lady in Lewisville paid seventy-five
dollars, we are told, for having her face
enamelled for the ball given at the Galt
House to the Grand Duke Alexis. The
enamel was warranted to last three days,
and so it did. The lady was taken ill up
on her return home from the ball, het: face
became greatly swollen, the most acute
pain succeeded, and it was only. by the
employment of medical skill that her life
was saved. This statement we have from
an undoubted source.
But the case of this lady is not so bad , 1
as that with another Louisville lady who
became enamored of the odions fashion of
enamelling the face. She visited another
city, far to the eastward some five months
ago, for the sole purpose of having her face'
enamelled according to the latest Parisian
mode. She had heard that a noted Parisian
was engaged in the enamelling business
at the city in question, and to him she
went on her arrival. Fur the aum of 8500
he agreed to enamel her face so scientific
ally that the enamel would remain un
damaged for three years, hod a year or
two longer if extra care was taken in wash
the Tice according to his prescribed
method. Tho devotee of fashion conclud
-ed the bargain and paid three hundred
dollars of the sum named, the balance to
be paid in yearly instalments divided into
three years. The lady received the enamel
and returned to her home in this city.—
Since her return she has disappeared from
society , There was so much poison in the
enamel that its effects.were almost total ,
paralysis .- of the facial -.nerves, and what
was once a truly beautiful face is teeday a
distorted, disfigured, and ukurous one.—
The lady's beauty has disappeared , forever,
and if her physicians succeed in saving
her life they will have accomplished more
than they had a right to hope for. Her
eyes are terribly inflamed and disfigured,
and the sight of them fast failing.—Lewis
ville Ledger.
Holmes on Women.
. In the fourth installment of The Poet
at the Breakfast Table, in the April num
ber of the A tlantic, Dr. Holmes says a good
mane witty and wise things about women,
which might be read with pleasure and
profit at the conventions over which_ Mrs.
Julia Ward Howe delights to preside. For
A woman, notwithstanding she is the
best of listeners, knows her business,
and it is wotnan's business to please. I
don't say that it is not her business to vote,
but I do say that tlto womsn who does not
please, is a (also note in the harmonies of
nature. -She may not have youth or beau
ty, or even manners; but . she must have
something in her TOICS or espression, or
both, which it makes you'feel better dis
posed toward your race tolook at or listen
to. 'She knows thetas welt as we do;
her first question after you have been talk
ingyour soul into ber consciousness is,
did pleaZie? A woman never forgets her
sex She would rather talk with a man
than an angel, aily day.
And again:— "
The less there is of sex about a woman,
the more shit is to be dreaded. Bet take
a real woman at her bestanoment--well
dressed enough tribe pleased with herself,
not so resplendent as to - bo a show and a
sensation, with the varied outside influ
ences that set vibrating the, hannonio
notelet!' her nature stirring in the air about
her--and what hast soeial Well) conipare
with one of those vital interchanges of
thought and feeling with her that make
an hour memorable.. What cari'equal her
tact, her delicacy, her subtlety of appro.;
tension; her quickness to feel the Changes
of temperature as the warm and cool cur
rents of talk blew by turns? At one
moment she is m icroscoincally intellectual,
critical, scrupulous inludgment as an an
alyst's balance, and tho nest as symphetie
as the open rose that sweetens the wind
front whatever quarter it finds its way to
her bosom. It is in the hospitable soul of
woman , that a Man fotgeb3heis a'etrun
ger; and 'so becomes natural and truthful,
at the same time that he is Mesmerized by
an these • divine ditierencea whieb' inks
her a-mystery and a bewilderment.- -
Wild mu.
Among the white scontkwereumubered
some of the most noted of 'their class.—
The most prominent. roan Among them
was "Wild Bill," whose highly varied ea , '
receives made the subject of an illustkated
sketch , in 'ono of• the popular. monthly
periodicals a few years ago. "Wild _Bill.,
was a strange character, just the one which
a novelist might gloat over. lie was a
Plainsman in every sense of the word; yet
unlike any other of his chtiis.' In person
he was about six feet one. inch in height,
straight as the straightest of ,the wariors
whose implacable The' he was ; broad
shoulders,* well-formed _chest arid limbs,
and a face strikingly handsome; 'a sharp,
clear blue eye, which stared. - you straight
in the face when in conversation ;13 finely
shaped nose,inclined to be aquilne
turned month, with lips only partially
concealed by a handsome. moustachK--
His hair and complexion - were those of the
perfect blonde. .Tbe formey wart worn- in
uncut ringlets, falling carelessly over his
powerful shoulders. Add to this' figure a'
costume blending.the immaculate neat
ness of the dandy with the extravagant
taste and style of -the frontiersman; and
you have "Wild Billr then as now the
I most famous scout on the Plains.
Whether on fOotiii on . horseback, he
was one of the most perfect types of physi
cal manliood I ever saw. "Of his courage
there could be no question ; it had been
brought to the test on too many occasions
to admit.of a doubt. His skill in the use
of the rifle and the pistol was unerring;
while his deportment was exactly the op
posite of what might be expected from a
man of, his surroundings. it was entirely
free from all bluster or bravado:: He sel
dom spoke of himself unless requested" to
do so. His conversation, strange to say,
never bordered either on the vulgar or
blasphemous. His influence among- the
frontiersmen_ unbounded, his word
.was law • and are the personal quar
rels anedisturbar.ces which he has check
ed among his comrades by his simple an
.nonneement that "thin has gone Tar
enough,"•if need be; followed by the om
inous warning that when persisted in or
renewed the quarreler"must settle it with
"Wild Bill" is anything lad a cinairel
some man ; yet no one but himself can
enumerate the many conflicts in which. he
has been engaged, and whicll have almost
invariably resulted in the death of his ad
'versary. I have a personal knowledge of
at least half a dozen men whom he has at
various times killedyone of these being at
the time a member of my command.—
Others have been severely wounded,yet he
always escaped unhurt. On: the Plains
every man openly carries his belt with its.
invariable appendages, knife and revolver
—often two of the latter.
"Wild Bar' always carries two hand
some ivory-handled revolvent of the large
size : lie was never Seem without them.—
Where this is the common custom, bra,wls
or personal difficulties are seldom if ever
settled by blows. The quarrel is not from
a word to a blow, but from a word to the
revolver, and he who can driw and fire
first is the best mau. No civil lan. reaches
him; none is applied for. In fact, there
is no law recognized beyond the , frontier
but that of "might makes ri,ght." Should
death result from the quarrel, as it usually
does, no coroner's jury is impanneled to
learn the tame of the death, and the sur
vivor is not arrested. Bat instead of these
old-fashioned proceedings, a meeting of
citizenstatesplace, the &writer' is req
cd to be present, when the.circumstoneee
of the homicide aro inquired into, and the,
unfailing verdict of 'justifiable," "self-de
fence,". etc., is pronounced, and the law
stands vindicated. That justice is often
deprived of a victim there &not a doubt.
Yet in all of the many affifirs of this kind
in which "Wild , Bill" has 'peiforateti a imrt,
and which have come • to my knowledge,
there is not a single instance in which the
verdict of twelve fair-minded men would
not be pronounced in his favor.--ifpr
Peter the Great.
It will be two hundred years in June
since Peter the great - was born, and it is
proposed to celebrate with due solemnity
the memorable day—the eleventh' of, the
month—which gave to Russia its greittPst
Emperor. As usual in this highly culti
vated age, the commemoration will assume
a prominently educational Oharacter, the
foundation of two six-class• elementary
schools being contemplated, for the build
ing of which, government has set ap t lri
a sum 0t2,000 roubles, and for the main
tenance of which an endowment of 7,000
roubles a year is appropriated. •A statistic
al, topographical and historical, account
of the city of St. Petersburg is likewise
to. be published in honor of the - day.
Czar 'Peter's marritime merits, too, are
not forgotten. An imposing stone menu
ment, to be erected at lAchten, is to com
memorate his gallant saving of shipwreck
marines at that place, and collections will
be set on foot for the enlargement of the
mercantile fleet in the Baltic. A full
length portrait to Abe painted by one of
the first artists of Resale, and a solemn
procession with it through the streets of
St. Petersburg, will corielnde the festive
programme by Whienhe grateful "eiipital
purposes to record its tllanks to its found
Loadon Poor.
The evils of "overcrowding" are begin
ning to attract general attention in Eng
land, and it has been found that in Han
over Square, London, 25 houses contain
480-persons, or several, tinies as many as
a moderate regard for health Would allow:
In one district of the' parish of .St. Gilea
there' were 570 fatnilie, none - Of, whina oc
cupied more than a„eiuglo.ioom. This
was the &as° throughout a dozen districts.
In one ioom 12 by,l3 feet, and=7 feet
inches high, eight persons were packed ;
in another;cady six and one-half feet high,
a - man, his .svice,, and five children were
crowded: -The worst feature of the ovir
crowding, is the occuPatiom of:the same
bed by two sets of ppeeople during the same
night. Certain attending= the
theatre - everynight—ballet danears,supes,
and the.r.nob which is 'attached to a pan
tomime--let their beds to market people,
whb: are Pat ready to. get up and.go to
wink, whoa • the'Jheatrical folks. conie.
VOLUME .X.,-.lXtitfUltipEß'l.o.
Tlid Eurthquiike4n osiOinrift,
Lati:advidefi from "Itykr-
where thi-enithquake:of Tuesday' .s
morning centered, reports thab-Vamti frt. •
dependence is in complete rains. ..
The court house is destroyed,,Mid nett 1 .
single abode or brick building is standing
from Bishop creek to Inderndeuctl.'"-
Feamare entertained tbr camps fiirther, 7
South in the Sierras., Mrs. West, residin
near Independence, vas seriously injured,
and child Ives • • . . .
Stage . passengeis 'report aireral - fastirla
miles m length; auci fifty to two 'hundreit
feet wide, along the eastern hose of tho
Siemt NevyKlF, near Big- Pine Camp. • At -
other places in the, vicinity the, ground
is hewed up; in..: great nip& Large
springs bate stopped•running, and other*
have brokemant... • •
Heavy anow-elidea occurred.: in ahs:,a
Sierras and large:rods rolled down the 1
mountain's; blookitig s vip OM/ stage Too&••
alto shopla i das,,tedat intwm.Wfrom twat" . :
mintdea poctio to'sit At Antora, , -
Nevada; no dotage was - done, • and at
Belmont only , a mill maellinwirnalttrorni
, No ench earthquake has before viiid4" . ."
hie place' within the memory of the' - '
radians. • . • ,
Can Women Keep anneroit
bfen say women can't keep a secret. _lt
just the reverse; women can, men wet
men carry with them to their±graten -
secrets that would kill any man. - Woman "•
never tells;
man always does. The womon-:.
suffers and dies.; man blabs and lives,— 2,
Men cannot keep a secret; woman cannot, ,
'make it known. ,What is sport to the man
is death' to the woman. Adam was e.
sneak:. -Eve would have kept the apple a.
secret. Be ye fruitful.- Who era heard a.
woman talk abontherlove fiascoa? Every.
body has heard a 'man gossip. Man de ! -
lights in -yelling of his , illict conitiests;,, „
woman would cut her tongue outfirste-r-
Men are coarse in iheif club room talk;
women refined ,in -their parlor converse,. •
tion. Who ever heard of a woman telling,_
of her lovers? -Who has not listened to
the dissipation of the , men? Men bond, ,
women don't ' W
; Women never tell et out '
of school; men tme nlways.blabbing.• Bo' 2
- down with another, old adage.- Women k_
can keep a secret, - and her ability to do as
is proved by the conduct of. a st. John's.
(New foundland)L girl, who did not tell her"
lover she was worth forty millions in heir.
own right until after marriage.
A: CrOwn of Thorns.
A Madrid letter says; ":Thepreitent
generation may boast, or perhaps nom- ,
plain of having been cast into the world'-' •
in troublesome times,more troubloui,per.
haps, thin the rough age evesof the red
repnblic• of 1784. Spain. has got a sov- • •
ereign on the throne front which o by
own free choice, and in the exercise of her- -
lndisputEtb!e right, she expelled. Queen '
Isabelle,. The acclamation which greeted' .-
him on his late progress through his do-
sad sounded melodious to hie
ears; are turned to discordant yells-of div,
content. • The king had - violated none Of
the conditions imposed by the constitn-....
tion ; yet the 'country would seem to be- • 5
wearied of his rule, and has expressed its
diseontent so audibly, that we do notmar
v-el at the rumor of his - abdication, which '
runs'throngh -Madrid likeWildflre. They .
who..have access to the loyal person, as!'
sure us that these. rumors* &un-,
nation ; that the king will not shrink from
the task which he has undertaken." Who
would, be a king?' •• • • • -
A. Madero Allegory.
A mart-had 'sold himself to the devil;
who was ta-posalt him at a'certain time,
u Mesa he could Vroponn d a question to his
satanic majesty which he could not an
swer, he being allowed to put tbree queries •
to biro . The - time= came for the devil to
claim' his own, and he consequently tip:
peared. Tho.fiilt question,th e man asked
was, concerning theology,• to which • it'
caused the devil no trouble to reply. The
second ho also answered without hesita--
tion. The man's fate depended on the'
third. What should it be? Ho hesitated
and turned pale. The cold prespiration
stood on his forehead, while be shivered
with - anxiety, nervousness and terror, and
the devil tnumphantly sneered. Atilhis
jnncture the man's wife appeared in the
room with ,a bonnet in her hand. Alarm
ed at her husband's condition, she de
manded to know the cause. When inform—'
ed, she' angbed and said: "I' can pro
pound a question .which the devil himself
cannot answer. Ask him which is the
front of this bonnet ?" The devil gave it
up and retired in disgust, and the pan
A Terrible Eairniqtiake.
On the 16th of last January an earth
quake destroyed the city of Schemacha„.
in Russia. According to the 'official .re
port 118, persons, were • killed and forty
four wounded, but all the inhabitants were
left without shelter. Schemata is, or.
rather•was, 'a city of 25,000 inhabitants,
and hes betweenrTitlis and Baku, at the
foot of the Caucasia Mountains, about
'seventy-five miles distant from , the latter
city._ Schemacha is 2,516 feet above the
Caspian and 2,230 above the Black_ Sea,
and wiis formerly the seat of - government
of the province,•whieh, however, on ac
count of the frequent earthquakes in that
region, was transferred, about ten yeara
ago, to Ilaku, on the Caspian Sea. The
inhabitants of Schemacha are nearly all
Armenians. •- -
--Phsebo efiry;lid thetime of berdeath;
was at the head of a. movement for tho
establishment of . a " Woman's Dress
Guild," similar to the , one: instituted in
England. - The Klan has been taken. Ur.
by other influenbal women of Boston, and
the following Are some of the rules of - tba
proposed -association,: To purchase for
cash only; to -buy nothing sbioli is,not
wanted merely '•eause It it 'cheep; to
dreza in a manneitecotiiing the stapon tit ,
life, to pay . proper deference to the tastes
and peeumary ability of families; to. wear .
no false jewelq, falsibsir. pads,-et4 to
avoid an unseemliness indr . ess, and to do
aWay . with the foolish andial:(custout of
' dressing a number of times a day. ' "
~.. ~