grand guttiligence. ItELIGIOtt'S BER7IgEq. ltcv Lat. roan T'astor. —lox m. An 7P. M BAPTIST cnur,cn, Sabbath Seniors ointleath Schnol' Prayer ;lesriugi Wednesday Evenings, .. , . . cnncitio-cuußea... second . ..11ti. J. fliaTriler Salagth.Serticao - sandal' ha each Month Sabbath School, Immcdlatolybcfare, Mara EPISCOPAL enunen..nrc. E. A.Vaim.rarrli. eclor. Sabbath Services 10AI a.m. and IX Fondsy School " lam, Waal. ,- Day Sncyjnes—Wequase226. 'M . P. In. METIIODISTEPISCOP4I , ..tter.4l., D. At,SZAVIIIM. Sabbath Nertiete • • 10.43 a: ot.and 7.20 p. tn. Sabbath Prayer Meetin:, Thu4.lnye.. "attp.m. 7 , RF.FRYTERtAN'CIIrFteII • rtv...l, Drum tiabbathSenicea 10.43 a. tn.aud p. m. StObalti Schnol 12.1:1p. m. PrapiFlt6elln:, Tnu ee day . ; . - • . • . • . • AireCallittention - to the following new adver, liseatents Notice—clissolation—Raynsford & Mitciel, Ilause Livery—J. IL Raynsforit _Road Letting,--ilrldgewater Supervising. Slate Itoofing-- . llTro. paugliwout. The April meeting of the Bu,cluehanna county AgricUltural '43arietY:will be bekl:al,:tiiertourt fipuse, on Monday eygning next, A 0115,1872, . - 2RIRT_C,-It, SeeY• A Hint to faU-Gocre, When you find a newapaper. on n baltlonet form it is not niways proper to itch it op and wonder where it came front and ask unnecessary finestion eonenining therimettlarity . of the folds. ,A young man did that riot long since, and .ho couldn't get another girl to dance virith:hita dar ing the erenini. • Accidents willhappen Mauch bustling throng of people is arc generally ran• gregated upon a ball-mdm floor. ' . }lmprovements. We are enabled to announce ico the public, that there bas ken a portablo picture gallery and a pOrtableblzeltsmith shop erected :iipott a potion of the "burnt district" in our boro.,and we add (not without some trepidation of mind, however, for fear of its being premature) that a portable wagon .shop is 30013 to be erected. yi'e presume it is another esparimeitt ,in nariow fauge-n Death of iao:laid Grant Donald Grant, step-father ofWilliarri J., Wal ker, of Binghamton, and Gornrnor Walker of - Virginia, died suddenly of haul:disease, at his residence on Court Street, early last. Thursda - y morning. The deceased was about GS yeam or age. The older portion of our citizens will re member that Mr. Grout built the grist mill at the foot of Heart Lake,ncar where he resided for many years. aeminury RuMtn: Injured. ' in the late gale, says the Binghamton Repuk- Kean, a large part of the " llom6" building, on Chestnut street, was blown off. The tin is rip np, and rolled Into s - great body. As the building is mot- oecuPied or „ open, ffe are not aware of the extent or the daniue; but an ex posure of the kind will be sure to rzsult in large yninry, if it is not at once attended to. The persons in charge of the premises are not prob ably aware of the facts. Another Norrocr•Goor„e. The Oxford Priss says, there bas been con siderable talk in that town recently of the con struction of a narrow-guage railroad from the coal regions above Reading, to MiddletOwn, on She Delaware railroad, and thence to the Dela ware bay, via LanceSten Quarryville. Oxford, Lewisville and Elkton. The Prear claims that the project is not altogether speculative, and flare are only' two or three links wanting in the yaliain of thin grand cavaral of which are Giready in progress. •Wo Settle rafree A piece of codfish-skin, the size of a penny, washed thermcgtily and dropped in the boiling coffee will make it perfectly clear, and requires Less coffee and ims•boiling than when egg is used. A very economical why of settling coffee Efftlyeggs 4,10 bre*n 'potted et ours,: twine on taking it from the oven, break on the but coffee one egg, stir rapidly until erTry ,kcrizel becomes moistened with - the egg ;" the bsl,t of the coffee itilltoon dry ,it, when -it it , reedy for Rrattietien Strike,. - The brakemen on the L. &S. R It says the 31aneh Cunk Democrat, struck on Tmsday last in consequence et 'an orderissued by the Com pony making a change in the payment of wages to the men. instead of paying list. 90 a day of !goy= bours,, and 19 cents extra for all over time, the Co. issued an order that tit 90 would belle daily itipend and in no case would over time be allowed. To this they strenuously ob- icete I and quit Work. %Several meetings were called and conferences held with the pincers of . the road; when it -area finally agreed to rescind the order and alloW the men te go to work on the old basis. IllnelsWalnut Stain. To impart to common pine the color and ap .pearance of blck-walnut, the following Campo• sition may be used; One . guarter of a poupd of ,asphaltum, one half , a pound 'cif common bees ?war, to one gallon of turpentine. 'ff found too thin, add beeswwq it too light, in,color, add asphaltum,' though that with cautibri v as a sect, little will make a great, differ-. enco on the Aide, and :1:64k-walnut ismot what its name applies, but' rather ariee dark brown. Varnishing is not essential, as the irax gives a good gloss. .• ' Enigma. ; • • • Mr. Eorron.—Please' submit the following to your readers,: . - . • _ 1 mu :composed or 26 Letters. 7. 6. 24. 22. name of a metaL • a .24: G. 'lO, .4omestielteid: • -- 1L 13. -4, --a Irind of grain. ' 13... sprely. I. 17. 7. 23. to oreslali with gold. 11. 'l4. 18. - 9L to ramble:' . 29. 2. 25: 28. a cry little, 9. 8. 13." 28; :25. a buy. ntiole is a sentiment tittered by .a patriot of MIL _ . - MiEWE A Word to Young Alen. One of the meanest things a young: man'can do, and it is not atoll of uncommon occurrence, is to monopolize . the ami. attention_ of a young -girl for a year,- or more., , svithent - any definite object, and tO the 'exclusion or other patients:a, who supposing him to have matrl monialintentions; al.lsent .. tbetnselves froth her society.: This selfish' " dog-in-theinanpr"' : ivay of proceeding should_ be diseOuntenanced and forbidden, - by_ parents and guarchnus. It prevents the reception of eligible ()tremor_ mar riage,, fastens upiin the young W3y; ;Elton the acmiainiance is filially dissolved, the stnenyi -414 and -Unmerited appellation of - !!llist.'k idly= dealings With women, young men; be frank,"liontst.atid noble .That Monk - ;Whoa° education and position in life wouldwarrantOur leokini for better things, am Culpably . criminal on these Points, Is SM excuse for your short eiwaings. That woman . is often, injured 'or r9ned, through her holiest feelings, adds but a'biticker dfe to your • meanness. Ono rule ,Js altinii,tatet every.woman you meet you t would wisimutother men to „trent' your lity, nocent, =riding 0,1;tcy.." A Lame Estate. Last weer, Mr. Samuel &cies, executor,of the esti:door David Reeres, deceased, filed a par 'tin] nceonnt with Major 14 G. McCauley, Regis, ter of Chester county, amounting to the aum of $9,48,075.08. The executor:charged for his per vicen 234 per ceetum ,on $*11,470.75, while un der the law we believe be would have been el. loived 5 per cent. ' Ilis pay Was $18.781) 82-a email fortune in ltself lids is a preliminary re, port; when . the final account is filed, It will be found that the estate foots up over a million of dollars. It Is decidedly. the 'lngest estate eves settled iri Chester county. - Tha papers models,showing, that they emanated from master hands. , Mr. Reeves' Investments were chiefly in and around Phmnixvllle, and the people of iha borough are largely Indebted, to hlua for .their business prosperity. Our Prcuent Proveol. 'Afters, long and bitter "frozen tent," we awake this week to enjoy 4 line balmy April air. ')Ve have a consolation ht the hope that the freezing Orde".ll thrungh which we ha - ye just past his been met out. to us by ma Allwiso brea!er, for a good purpose, and some , think that the 'grasshoppers and other vermin Atlas hare:been devastating the farmers 004 of labor must surrender. If we can now have a Legislative frost to curl up the gaunt Angels ofthe "curb stone brokers" that Infest one community, there Is no more desirable section, to' live in than Susquehanna county, or the born of 3lontrose. Let . the peo ple" prey" forsuch a visitation with ,"taithand good works ," and their "petitions" arc think may ho.answered. - . liememher the promise " ask and ye shall, receive." , Jowtsh Passover: The passover season with iiar Hebrew citizens commenced last -Friday evening eon continues through this week, the Oth and 7th being called tho firat days of passover; the Bth, 9th, 10th and llth the middle days, and the 12th and lath the last days: This is celebrated in commemoration of the great event illustrated in the Bible, when the destroying angel passed over Egypt daring the imedeite of the Israelites and smote all the first born, (bore -the first born of Phaioah to the first born of the beasts; but sparing the first born of all those who had complied with the or der of the Almighty in striking their door posts with the 'bloody Lassen. No leaven bread is al lowed in the Leasehold during the continuance of 011 i -season, and religious services are held - daily. The selson ends on the evening of Sat urday, the lath of April. mCfl. _ Last week was "big" with entertaining amusements We were first served "en' Wed nesday evening with a performance Nun that very popular ; troupe, - the Tremalne Gro's4Which was -well attended and vociferously etpplantil cd. ,A particular amusing feature of the enter, tlin [tient was a free ride on the Montrose Railway from Tunkluannock to Montrose, on very much of an "accommodation" train, stopping at all the way stations, "George Walkers," and the "cheese-factitrY" included. The *troupe prnmise us another visit:in May. • • —Last'and peritaii.s . notjenst, came tile - clos ing Exercises of the Montrose Graded School, which took place before a crowded audience in the New Court House, and. was renewed with good satisfaction. The suceCasful efforts of the principal, Mr. Berlin, in producing thorough and ctlicjents students, are duly appreciated • by his patrons in this pommtutity, Let the march of thorough cducatiOn and a liberal support of our schools continue. Spot Ulm. The Cleveland papers warn the public against as irnpnator Irbn trarblinz airnnt rt.", evs...s.q representing himself as a secret serv-icordetect lye." He calls himself JoseploWalker, and claims Bethlebam,in this State, as his place of residence. His aiming operandi is to approach his victim with a cock-and-till story that - he loss an office in:the United -States secret service, and that by order of the secretary of the treasury be will on. the beginnig of the next fiscal year assume the position of chief of the secret service department in place'of the present incumbent, CobenelWhit bi-. He carries with him either fOrged or genu ine letters of reference from Governor Geary, 1 Senator Cameron and other florominent person, ages. On the strength of his aMrmation he ex torts money from parties, to whom he promises situations as assistants after he shall have a* snmed general charge, assigning, to one person ;the supervision over One 'sinte, end' to another control of another state. Ile travels on free passes, which he obtains by reprcsentingbimself to been high an Officer in the service. - It is said also, that he is in the habit of putting up at first class hotels and leaving without troubling him self to pay his bills, The paper frpm which we obtain these factssays frit is not mistaken there is now am : indictment against him in the Indiana courts for burglary. Pass him round; it is bad enough to, have the people robbed by persons actually in the employ of the government, with out having them swindled by impostors. Terrible Accident at Carbondale. The high winds that prevailed in this section an Monday gays the Scranton Journal, assumed the proportions - Of a gale at-Carbondale, and about two o'clock in the afteinoon blew down the high firstling at the Lackawanra Breaker th* persona, Dwight JOin Palmer, and John Clark, anti injuring two oth ers, Jmes McLaughlin and Lawereßce Smith. The Lackawanna Coal Breaker is situated at the upper end of the Flats, nearly a mile north e! the centre pf the city, and some distance be• Sond the pima passenger depot. To get the coal into the breaker, a steep incline plane, soma threehuadred feet in length, exteitdsfrom the ground at the mouth of the mines to the breukci platform, which ban elevation of sixty feet., The :mein' portion , of the Mall trestle work washoarded to protect it from the weath er. At the head of the plane on tlie platform is a head house; in which, at the time of the noel dent Were, it is supidsed, the three victims, add also tk red hot store. • The pressure of the gale against the brosd boarded side of the trestling, although well built, caused it to give away, together with a portion of the platform and the head house, which weie : hurlod . with a crash to the ground. The burning coals in the stove soon set fire to the; surrounding debris, but the flames were soon extinguished with the, aid of the die en gine, which arrived - Tromptly after the fire alarm 3i.173 given. _ •,Wben found, Dwight E. - Mbros was consider ably burned and one jeg broken. Ho died in about fire lours after being taken' home. He WAS about twentpone years Of age, a 40n of Williani P. Mores, and was to bayo 'Peen mar ried in a few daya to pas ;Jamie Joyce, of Car bondate He was a weiAnpster st the breaker, but hadylianged, work Whilithia be:adman that day;. - gad hie_tieeri atlas own Btatpap,ite werdd probabiy base hmen uninjuredi, • , r Jolin'l l .4lmpr was fomid against theatoyettet sibly, bruised andel-laud, andhired qnt asshour He was a son of JaMug Palmer and ro, employed'im - pihboy. - . - Jelin Park, was 4.4.7 mangled f4O 1 4 0 d "itMsdaY morning., - ", ::.- ,fatheiliferf4iglilliAnd finditt e;eoped tvalkout _ The breaker itseif was pot; 4101141hrd: .the tale, and :Ilinatth the efforti of tirmnexi "hi saved from the flame'.' - Definelinent Of Common Schools. .I,Ye received , tho following circular from the State, Superinteneent; ivhich we takUrpleasure in placing before Our rustlers at this them, hoping that _the' interesting and important 'suggestions will bo. duly, heeded. W"42 may add some few thoughts 'and urge an imperative. necessity of discharging. the ponderous-responsibilities rest ing upon the sehohl director's and parents of this county at more length in the flame.- A word, however,_ the Ails; should ;be snalcient, and the following eittiuld be cloiely read and rigor ously neted up 4• • - ...• - TAT= El/2TO* 01/!12122 ELOVOCICAT.:--$lll/- , - • On the, first Tuetiday,of -May next, conventions of sciumi.direetois will assemble at the 'county Seat of the squat Cann ties of this commonwealth for. the purpose -of electing County Superinten• dents of Common!Schools; for the term of three years, commencing on the first Monday of June. At the same time - there-will he - held, if the re. speetire boards ofdirectors so decide, in all cities and boroughs possessing 7,000 inhabitants, Special elections for. the election of City and Borough Superinkindents of Schools for the same length of term as that for which County Super , Intendents are to tie elected: . Theca are' now serving In the State 81 County, City and Boron* Superintendents, to be In creased probably 4 the forthcoming election to 85 or more. The knportauce or the interest in trusted to these ollicers can scarcely be over-es- timated. Pennsylvania will have I,ooo,ooochil drop to educate in her public schools during the next three years, and 'her annual expenditures for school pUrposesi will most likely average full $10,000,000. Whether these children shall be well taught and trained or otherwise ; whether this vast sum of money shalt be judiciously or injiidicionsly expended will depend very much upon rho men aboui to be chosen to fill the of flee of Superintendent, for it will be admitted by all who reflect upon the subject that as the Su perintendents so the teachers, as the teaphersso the-schools, and as the schools so in good meas ure the social and political condition of the people. In view of these facts, and appreciating the ,power of an intelligent Press as an agency In creating a right tpublio sentiment, I feel it my duty to ask von io Impress editorially upon yrinr readers, both school directors and 'citizens, the importance of securing the very best man that can he found willing to accept 11;0 office pr Su perintendent of Schools In your county. No other ofilee probably has a relation so vital to the interests of the people. Persuade the mcmbera of the convention, if you can, to lay 'aside all ex, huncons considerations and allow their choice to be determlnel by merit and merit alone. Pennsylvania jugs within the last few years placed her Self Pnaudly alongside of the foreinost educational StateS. She is taxing herself for ad neational purposes as heavily as any other State of the Union. She is pouring out her money for the education other children most onerously, and it is the high day, of all who have to do with the official dianagement of schools to see that every dollar ;thus contributed brings back the greatest possthie return of that fur which it is given. Our pePple are wining to pay for the best schools, anti sve must have them. Let none but men folly qualified he placed in the office of Superintendent, and the rest is guaranteed. Hoping you will be willing to lend your aid io calling attention from time to time, through yomr columns, to't the matter herein brought to . • spur notice. I am, very respectfully, Ytiur obedient servant, J. P. Wmx.r.ttsttast, Supt. Coin. Schools. Harrisburg, April 1, 1870. To Make a F4shlonablo Worrinta Take ninety-nitie pounds of flesh and bones —but chiefly bones—wash clean, bore boles in the cars, and cut off the small toes ; 'bend the back to conform to the Grecian Bend, the Bets. 1 ton Dip, the Kangaroo *Droop; ties Saratoga Slope. or the Bullfrog Break, as the taste in- clhkes ; then add three yards of linen, one bun- dred yards of ruffles and seventy-five yards of 1 edging, eighteen yards of dimity, one pair of silk or cotton hash with patent hip attachments, one pair of falseealves, six yards flannel, em broidered, ono;. pair of balmonal boots with heels three 'rches high, four pounds whale hone in strips, seventeen hundred and sixty yards of steel tvi?e, three quarters of as mile of 1 tape, ten pounds! of raw cotton or two wire hemispheres, one wire basket to Lola a bushel, tour copies of tam New York Heraid ttripple sheet,) one hundred and fifty yards of silk or other dress goods, flue hundred yards point lace, fourteen hundred yards fringe and other trimmings,, twclye gross of buttons,. one box pearl powder, one saucer of earmirniandtm Old hare's foot, oho bushels of false hair; frizziest and fretted a la maniague, one bundle Japanese switches, with rats, mice and other varmints; one peck of, hairi, pins, one lace handkerchief nine Inches square, with patent holder. Per fume with otter bf roses or sprinkle with nine drops of the "131Msed Baby" or West- Mid." Stuff the bead le. ith fashionable novels, ball tie'kete,:PlaY bills, and wedding cards, some scandal, agreat' deal of Ipst time, and a' ,Very Utile sage ; acid albalf gran of common , sense, three sertildes Of religion, and a modicum of modesty. Season with vanities, affection and foil!: Garnish with ear-rings, breastpins, chains, bracelets, teeth*, and Bowers to suit the taste. Pearls - mid diamonds ,may be throwp in if you line-c them, it ant, paste and'pinchbeck from the dollar store,will do.. Whirl all around in a fash ionable- circle acid' stew by gag-light for six hours. Great atte l should bp' taken that the thing is, not overdone. does not risesnfli cletaly, add MEMO copies of the New York ifer, aft ' pas dish:T.344ol l j' . or#amental, and' %fill do to put at, the Lead of.yeur table on .. grand occasions, but is not suitable for every day use at home; being very expensive and indigestible. It sometimes ere men the heartburn, and causes theni to break, 4111 a is certain:death to children. If yen; have .1:10 th 9. ingredients at hantryou Can buy the ankle ready-Made in any of our large eitleS- 1 7 if you have moneyenough. Pibortine . Habit is More univeisal, and.none,more unneeessary than, that of profane assparing.— Latr-makers, judges, and ;in fief every class of society, indttlge in the disgusting habit--many, perhaps, tithoutjmotring' that in addition to violating the' third % commandment they arc breaking the theta of tho laid and, mating them selves liable to punishment. Below tiigiVe the satiate - tin this • "Whoever shall willfully,prereeditaledly and despitefully blaspheme or speak loosely and pro. lately of Ainfigliti.God, Jesus Christ. the linty Spirit, or the scriptures of Truth, and Is legally convicted thereof, shall forfelt and pay the sum of ten pounds, or sutler three months imprison= meat at hard labor for the-use of the poor._. "If any person'Oftheige of sixteen years or-Up wards, shall swear by the natue of God, Jesus Christ ' or 'the Holy Ghost ; . every person go 0f... feridiag,hehigthercorconacted, shall forfe i t and pay the sum of 67 cents for every rtieb" profane curse or oath. turd in case he shall refuse to pay the said forfeiture, beef she shag be - commullted to the house of (*reed= not exceeding twat ty four hours for each offence; and whosoever of the age ofsixteerrycari and uplift - rig, shall curse or swear by any other name or thing atoresald, and shall be convicted thereof, shall pav'the sum of 40 cents for every such offence, and in Wasach offender shall refuse to , pay the game, be or she. shall be commilied to the-house of correction, not exceeding twelve hump for every such Of fence!' . . , . . Wellaboio Tragedy. • ' - Thefoihawing,respecting 'the late tragedy in Welisboro, as account of which we published, is from the Wellsboro Democrat: - There Is but little to ridd I o what is already known, in regard to the homicide in this Boro, which lies been the cause of- Somp excitement, and of which to many different accounts aro told of the way In which it was done. The Court is the- only competent tribunal to try the case, when the facts will be given which led to the shedding of blood. There is no doubt, how.' ever, but that Lewis Culver was killed by John J.•Burgen.on Sunday night by a pistol shot,• the ball entering near the navel and- lodging In the spinal column. All day 3fonday Burgen was not to be found, and a reward, at two hundred dol lars was offered for -his apprehension: Re Lad been stopping at a farm-house In Charleston township. On Tuesday morning ho tame here In company with a young man, (who , dew not claim any reward,) and gave himself up to Sheriff Fish. 'Bergen will have a preliminary examination before &mire Brewater, -when be will be legally committed to Jail to await' his trial.. Deceased was buried on Tuesday atter noon. An Ohio Editor on !..13Inghttmlon,l' :We copy the following Aram the' Columbus (ohio)6lale Journal: I t 'seems Impossible to get the nametlinghom, tortoN. Y., Into an Ohio newspaper. We have laborously printed it, Italie manuscriptand tho' compositor always thinks flop must have been left out by accident, and he puts it "Bing, hatnpton." Then we have tried writing It with p,atnd afterwards atrilte out the p, in the most obtrusive manner possible—hut to the intelil kent compositor this Is the,result of a !Rot emo tional insanity, and rho word appears regularly as before, "Binghampton." Then we havo cor rected it in the proof, with the vigorous della. which is the sign in all languages for the proof reader's " take out," and it comes up, like; Ban. quo's.gbost, (only the other end first) as Bing hanadton." It Is no use. You can't convince any printer that the name of the respectable old party the town was called for was Bingham, and not Binghamp, any more than you can convince him that there is no mut word as tecrial, and that instead of being a dipthnng the first two vowels are separate syllables, thus a-o rial. We give it up. Put merle!, and remnant, and cotemporary, and reportorial, and newspaporial, and Idiotic Asylum. and Binghantpton. M2BIELNIXELCI,XIM. BLAAELL—TITNAtiy—At the Presbyterian par sonage, April 2d, by Rev. J. G. Miller, 3lr. W. L. Bunnell, and Miss Emma S. Tiffany, both of Dimmock. GELbarr-31Ennti.---In Thomson, March 22d, .1272, by Rey. M. D. Mattoon, Elbert E. Gel latt, and Miss Flom Merrel, both of Thom son. S3irru—At 11111 Side Cottage, Match 25th;_hy Rev. A.' 0. Warren, Duane D'ollister, of Brooklyn, and iliac Ida A. Sinith, of Lathrop. Glity 7 -Smory.irrox—At Windsor, Marph 21st, by • Rev.' L. F. Eel:chum, Francis Gray, of Fond du Lao, Wis:, and Mrs. Katherine 'Sum merlon, of Great Bend, Hav—lastra--At the residence of the bride's father, in Rust), March PO, 1872, by Rev. A. B. Lung, A. J. 'Lung, of Auburn, Pa., and Miss Mary A. Jemes, of East Rush. Laxo—Wr.arusTE—At Merrick Centre, March 24th, by Rev. J. R. Angel, John E. Lane, of Cherry Ridge, Wayne Co., sod "Miss donna Westgate, of Berndt% . a~~.T~xs. SWI:ET—In Scranton, Juno .13,1873, Charley 31. infant sun of Ammon E, and Adda A.. Sweet, aged two months and two days. DA - ritioir-In New . :411ford, Wednesday, Hare 4 27th, Joseph son of Ins P. nad Harriet Darrow, aged L'O years. • LnrocsurEn—ln Scranton, George R. Ling fetter, youngest san nr Samuel F. anti Sarah A. Lizgfelter, agent 17 years and 17 days. Goner.° Jesus. 3lAnsuatu---In South Auburn, Snsq'a co., Pa. March nth 1972, aßer a brief of four days, of congestioh of the Itinfrs, - Earnest, In fititt son of 13. C.. and Mary 3fatsliall, of Jes sup, liasq'a Co., Pa., anew o moath- Llttsinir,ss LOCALS Map:, The subscriber can furnish and put on No. 2 slate nearly , as cheap as lihmleek shingles ; also all the colored No. 1 slate. I can lay slate on old shingled roofs and make a good job. Tereus rcgisonahle. Post °glee address, Wm. Ilnuonsvour, No. 11-tf. Montrose, pa. Torben House Litery. Having removed my half of the Livery to the Tarbell Hong°, I shall be pleased to accommo date my friends end customers with anything in the liycry line... Carriages with trusty driver.— Good horses and buggies. always on hand. ' . H. J. RAMCVOIIO Trial List, /VIM flmM, 1872,-FIRST =AEI 14STU1tICAIILE WEDNES.DAT, APIIIL 10th, 1872, AT 2 DFLOCK P. U. 0. E. Pickett vw B. H. Kennedy and James Bosworth. Judgment optmed. Wm. Burrows vs. Tk.T. W. Eastmtm. Appeal. Charles Hay vs. E. M. Lathrop. Appeal. Jennie Andrews vs. 11.. F, Inderhed et at. Ejectment. • Jennie Andrews vs, H. F. Inderlied et al. Ejectment. Dante' 3L Newland vs. D. D. 3lullane's Ex'rs. Assumpsit. Abel B. Snow vs. James W. Bosworth. :Judg ment-opened. "-. O. E. Pickett vs. John Filan. - Judgment opened. John Cann vs. L. A. Tompkins, Judgment opened. Ezniplayhew vs. Elms Lee. Assumpsit. S. Mane vs. Harvey Baker and Martin E. Baker. Judgment opened, SECONT) WEES—SULIPLENARPETtrIiNABLY. MON DAY, APRIL 1872, AT 2 o'CLoca P. If. Henry D. Casson vs. Latkrop Townept As sumpsit. Edwin N., DoWolf vs. Lathrop Township. Assumpsit: William J. Vaughn vs. Lathrop Township ASSOMpSii. W. BobinsotOrs. Lathrop Township. Av• summit . Oscar P.:llariburt vs. Lathrop- Assumpsit. A. P. Gates vs. p { att Alb't Pratt. Judgment opened. John Snover vs. Harrison Dougherty : Ap peal.. Liberty Township vs. Charles Stanford. Debt. •IL Bender 44 Son vs. Geo. W. Griggs. Debt. John Fitzgerald vs. William Btnium, shee of J. Fitzgerald. - Execution Attachment. Jacob Brown vs. H. Chichester. Ejectment William E. Darrow vs, Thomas P. Meeker, Sri Fa. J. 31. Donley vs. Michael T, _Laughlin and 3iich'l Laughlin. Judgment opened. • F. P. Grow vs. Fanners' .I}lutual, Life Insur ance Co. Covenant . . - . John Walwortb : Ad'r. vs. Enn - "ly F. ltrolire. . . kW Fa. Julia Lptergrove vs. Orlando Wright,' Tress . • pass.' Calvin Wellman vs. Samuel Green. Case. -Oakes ,. Rynearson vs. R •.A. Gardner. Ap peal Amanda Vannoy vs- Jacob Rosenerants. 'Case. . . Jerome B. Townselst vs. Polley 31. Kinney and.J. N, Reynolds. Replevin. • . • J. D. Wilbur vri. Silver Lake Town.slaip. F. P. Grow vs. 'Lie:arising Co. lintual 1 4- anco Co. , Debt. - d. Campbell vs. WEck. T. ?armlet and ThiL: Reynolds. ApPeal. - - John Bennett ye. Marna Bennett. Appeal. Jahn Lannon vs. Judson Stone and „Wm. J. SmalL Trespass. 11.0. Brass vs Wm. Potter. - John Cokely vs. Philip Tltmait. APpeal. Moselle Brusliet at vs. Bruce L. Brush and Geo. Henry, ejeMment. - Crank, vs. Washington Ilattidns. Judgment opened. • - Notice. 2 - - • . - , hereby eve notice that all outstanding tie-, counts must be settled without delay The bust; news will hereafterbe • carried •on by W. W. Smith-'and George . A. Smith, tinder- the: firth name of W. W. Smith 8: Son. - • - • • - • W. W. Satiny, Cabinet Maker.:". lifontrase, March 19,1812.-4 w, . Dead.or Dying: Where the hair is naturally- dry, pin may, be sure that it is dying; and unless artificially 1 ritallized, it will soon be as dead as' leaves in Ncirember. Feed the withering fibers and stim ulate the torpid scalp with LTON'2 NAT1L1.1310.5, and the evil, which must otherwise soon culmi nate in baldness, will be speedily remedied.. , It is absolutely necessary for the health 'of the bsain, that it be kept moderately Moist with a preparation capable of nourishing and Inylgoi. sting IG,. LTOX'S ICATILVIRtm fulfills these CM.- dWonR, and is the only article that actually puts nevi 10 into the - cain7larsi tubes, through which the natural nourishment ha, ceased to Lpass. rThispure and harmlesa *vegetable preparation is 'absorbed by the skin of the head to the roots of the hair, and passes into the filaments by the force or ,capillary attraction. , • i)crint gotim, A Voice From:theltlppt. .11: S. Pinar, Pastor of the Free baptist cburch, Jonearille,yermor torritea: "I had anfferett for many years from Chrtinic Dlerrhant and Colic, becoming go mach' UdUttiibat l wan tt tlmeannable to attend to ety Ministerial duties. I had been treated by nevem! nbysiciang,both Allopathic end nomtcopethle, but with ne permanent results. Willie on a visit to Scranton; Panne., I exPeriesieed a, very Mete ittl'elg• and by the advice of some of my friends procured a bot tle of illantin'a Ilona Brrrans. Tbp erect then, pro gavoprozolso of an ultimate eon and cum, re turn home continued tie nee. I hare taken aLmnottlea cad am carql. It to truly rpritatile slipup." The' True Grounds of Confidence. - Wheneo tomes that Arm reliance, that aln!olute, un doubting faith In the efficacy of Wegener's Stomach Bitters as a remedy for Indigestion, bilious disorders. Intermittent and remittent fevr_ra,...6lch nntarkmor prevail in all parts of the United States? This coed dencehas been greeting for twenty years, and It l 4 still extending. It is not the result of credulity; it has not been engendbred by any human device, but Is the rpontaseous and natural consequenca of experience- What people see daily going on under. their own eyes they =mot question. !hen families in unhealthy Its tints that resort to this wholesome vegetable tonie;as a preventive. escape periodical fevers. and their immedi ate neighbors, who neglect this precaution, are prosiest. ed by the disease, bow kit possible that the phenomenon should be without its legion I In like manner when it Is seen that obstinate. cases of dyspepsis.of liver con stidation, 'of nen enn weakness, and of - general debility, yield to the operation of the famous railway, how can even incredulity itself withhold its endorsement ? Eye ' witnesses of the salutary effects of the Bitters are to be found in every civilized settlement on this continent. The thousands ripen thousands who owe their restora tion to health and strength, or their preservation from skinless, to Ito extraordinarr medicinal properties, are enthusiastic In Its praise. The multitudes who mom. mend it in a neighborly way to their friends and at , goat abluees. as well as those who make public their es. thugo of its virtnes, am e always ready to state their masons for the faith tba is in them. They here all either kit or witnessed its beneficent operations. ERRORS OF YOUTH. GENTLEMAN who suffered for years front Nervous Li Debility. Per:oats= Decay, end all the effects of !outlast Indiscretion will, for the sate of storerlng bu• Inahltr. seed free to ell who need IL the receipt spa (11- - section DSc waking for simple remedy,by which ions cored. Swlforets wtehlot trCprofit by theadvlser's esperl coca can go so byaddreesiog. In perfect cooadeoce. OGDEN. No. 42 Ceclar stmt., :tifoly York. TO CONSMU'Un.S. The advertiser, hastny been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption. by a simple remedy, la minions to make known to his fellow sufferers the means pr core. To all who desire it, he will send a copy or the p ee r :l o p e t d l i o i n m a an sokaesl a ch c a a rg : ) w w h i l t c h h t t h h e cy dl , reii dada anon Cens ' inr Cossuirmos, Acre DZOINCIII TIN C. Parties wishing the prenrlptiox will please address Ita►. EDWARD A. WILSON, 264 South Third SOW; Vi'lthamsbar,"4o. N. Y. ME CONFESSIONS OF AN INVALID. PUDLISIIED as a intruing and for the benga t of rung vun MI alien, who starer from Nations Debility. &e., stspplytoz VIE I[E/S1 01 ant.recti.u. Written by one ortii cured himself, tau; sant free on receiving n post-paid directed envelope. A4drces, NATHAIf BIATE'4,CRe. Bo ki7a,N. Y. Brooklpi, May 17, DWI. Sin . the dplights of home, and the prolix-lei; iirlmbropr t of getting married, with vaulter)/ Delp for those o fret on for custrimonlarhappiness Sent free, in sealed envelopes' Adams,. 110 WAND ASSOCIATION Pox P.. Philadelphia. Pa. NEW Yon*. PELODUCE AILLIIILETS. Corrected weekly by Hardi_,nr , , floydep co. 823 WsplnAgtou St., liew York, Butts, pail ... , . Cheese, dairy, per lb 17A18 " factory " ....... ...: .. ~„ „ , 19@„20 Eggs, per doz 214g= Flour, per barrel 13.80130.63 Com meal, 100 lbs. 3.75a,4100 Rye Whom, per boatel 1,561211. 38058 Oats . : - " • 54@,46 Corn 'v ,• • . TOZtai Hops, crop of 1871 851350 Tallow .. ' - 3.1 .., . ,_ B®B --• • • ... ,•• •• 1j.4.9 L;la tier lb • ..... • • 224- Potatoes per bbl 1 7502 00 Apples. " , 2 00Q3 00 ,Turkeyaper lb • . r-.3g2 5 •Chickter • . 22620 Ducks " ... • g 2024 We would tae that new butter has been Blow /ale, but now that It bas been pretty well cleaned up, It Is again In moderate demand. THE PLACE TO BUY TOTS DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING. ETC„ IS AT GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUNI,acq The Largest Vgirieti of Dress Goods, Shawls, Domestic Qoods, Flannels, Fancy and Goods, Dress and Cluak Trirnlnintsy - • ' velvets; velveteens, loadig' Furnishing '_!Goods always kept on baud. READY MADE CLOTHING, for Men's, Youths' and toys Wear. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Sc„ for Custom Work. , CENTS' FURNISHING CCODS, 'HATS & 04P3, • Best Selected in Town, and at POPULAR PRICES! Oaribtatoie,..Nent to be '4l;Lairsold," rtiiihi;,x at hceaealebread. • . - . • -;• • • -siEavy WINTER GOOD€ 3, • ' ;3t cresur redlited - prim for ea* GUTTENBERG, ROSENtAUM nioniffe,:faiLuz4i,v372ll2Ol3.. • C . 4. *TONE, :rtiPreak p rod to do atldnda S• of l IA lt. Ina and Can an worn Brick Work, Masonry. and Palntbur. by the Job or Dour. to VIM Call.' tniners. Mao, Katt, Atouldingo. °fall tl6d. tod Windom Frames, to order.. lino Umber toodtalt et' Msgr." tthoppt rorit?ittAFtlbillldlng. trote. - ‘a. W; coolor, sTANLETEIO:m; Mor.troao...DateMbry.V.lB7l;sti. • . . . . • CCE I WISMII Caka•Atall 9 , P ~ ron-sattl CTUPE.CbeatnnetindZ,g.b!te - air LOWTOZI OT gia 11m:tared. re" Lens orders 14 the - zußgss nontrost,J=2l.ism—iiotio; IPPRAISEriIIEIIiT. CTIANDISE, &c., in SUS. notice that in pursuance ss.einbly of this Common- We to meettho demands l for - other purposm; the le taxes idr said County, ierchants trading in said h rnen:hant ia that class lost and right according rito wit: •1 .. -. ... - . - LIBL74Ir. , . Jcetpli. Webster ..' T l 4 D. D Stanford - 14 A. A Beeman 14 1 ..arunamows., Patrick White _l4 111EIHVAltiTILE . DEALERS IX ..11E111 quehanna County, take or the several Actsof At wealth to provide revea upon the Treasury and Appraiser of.Mercantil has prepared a list of . lit County, and placed cad whirl to him appears ji to. the Acts of Assembly AIIIIVTLII . .. - P °Bushnell, 14 EL Adams - ' • 13 Tewksbury Bros, 13 IP. BeuningF.'.. 1 R J Carter - • 13 Geo W Brown -, ' 'l 4 A V Lacy :- " 'l4 Payne & Bloahani. 13 C 0 Worth • •'_ ' 14 JohnEkiumput 14 -BaoolLum D A & T Tittiworth .111 Kent '& Eldridge _- 1 0 M Dolaway 14 Wm Craver 13 G P TiEsny. - - .., - 1 ' J B Very - 14 • cuocascr. -.. . . M Illekey ' - 14 . - CLIFFORD. . . G WellS & Brother 1 T,V Johnson ,-. 19 PII Gawinerp nt 41 14 1 W Bake? - - 14 T J Wells'. - 18 srrmars. 1 E Davis '.lB S G Weaver pm 4 14 A Richardson 14 Henry Spencer 'l4 E P Chambers . 14 ~ _ _ __ . DISIOCII. ' ,1., 11 Isabcll . l4 A Mlles - lailießensle & Fauret 11 -A limkeslee 14 Stamp & Talbot -.-. 14 Stevens & Leenetly 14 Size & uo •14 Wm H Thayer 1 Geo C Hill • 14 1 FOREST LASE.• trEW srusonn. M L Ball - - 14 McCollum & Bros ~' l3 smarcurra. J Dickerman &Co ' 10 11 L Blowers • 14A F Tuthill . -14 Ell Merriman 34H. Garrett & Son - 11 J L Merrlinan 13 Ainey&Hayden put 414 Joshua Boyd 19 W L Moir & Co 10 D C & FR Vordbana•l3 Er Burrit p m 4 ' 13 JII &X, P Munger 'l4 Clements & Edson 14 FRIVIDWEL I LE. • II W Decker ' 12 - S107.:11105.E. ' II .1 Webb ' ' .14 ,$ li 31orse . -1 ' - 14 IMlner & Coats •- 14 E ambit - 14 - , C 0 Fordhant ' .- 14 ,AN Buliaid • ' .14 ' IW .131ultonl ~ • .11 ILyons; Drab & Co • 41 Z Cobb. . . _'. 14, B R Lyons &Co 12 I l Read 0 lambs Gera , 14 F. B Chandler - 14 J. 11 DoWitt. - , ' 12 . Gutlenhurg Razen..}. 10 ' baum &Cu' • ' BurnaNiehols pm 4 12 Grillis it Go -- 11 4.,4, Turrell p m 4'...13 Sll Wilson ' •la 4\P B Deans • s ' . 14 11r Ballard 14 ,W IV Smith , 14 p N Stoddard 13 (J Brooks 14 13 Thatcher- - - 'l4 Boyd & Corwin !! . .. J Barnes 14 David Summers pm 411 OAKLAND. T T Munson- , 4 I Sirs 31 Tuby A RCM. - N" Granger pm 4 . 'l4 111 II Edsall , ' 14 N D Spyder 14 A. A Buttertield&Bro 14 SPRINGVILLE II T Hendrick . 19 Aunaerford & t ll Meserole I Spencer & Dewitt 13 lA. B Alg,er &Co 13 SILVER LASE ; ' 'Wm Frank 14 Dennis Mahoney 14 'T Sullivan l4 IE G Meeker 14 SESQDRILIINNA DEPOT. J W Osborn .14 Illis E E Forbes l4 IA C Parleyman • 14 W S Mitchell pin 4 13 I C Ferran . 14 IJ Allen • , 14 rCasey • • 13 G II Crandall 12 C Lt.3llllcr , 14 W Howarth - 14 Thomas McDonald 10 McDonald & Kane 11 D S Lyon 14 Lewis Freeman ' 14 ID A Lyon 13 Guttenburg,Rosen- i „ Baum & Co " ,JC&J A Cook 19 'Junes Bell 12 I C & J II Cook 12 llCLeapm4 12 Geo T Framer 0 II CLeapm4 14 {Union Store 10 If l E 'l"fil'y h e r - "H a C Foot 10 IF D Lyon. -.. 18 Sirs E McGrath , 14 IWm Built ' 14 IG L Adams ' 14 , A. B Tarbox ' 'l4 1W J Falkenbuty 14 11. P. .Doren 12 Maurice 3lyers 14 !John IMckman - 14 !John Tlentey 14 '3l J Pendergrast 14 Ellen Maynard- 14 0 T Smith , 12 NI MaYlone , 'l3 II B Gelatt - 13 r e le j na p Sperl 11, .1 G DraN 14 Geo E Barton• .. 14 (Thos McKernan 13 Cal McCarty ' 14. •rnomson, G L Lewis • 14 Rabat Gelatt . 14 W W MeSsenger 14 mud Searitgi &C 9 M McNamara 14 Wm Balm pm 4 12 Robert Winters 11 GREAT BEIM R Stark 14 R'S Clarke &Co 12 TD tastabinoisp 111 411 L 8 Lenhelm .1 8 A G Preston il4 Stephens &ReckhoW 14 W A Coisten 14 Geo McNamara f:l4 H P Doran 114 L \V Chichester 14 Walter Pamtha 14 Geci Wessell 141 H A Clark': 13 Thomas tnaisack 141 Z B McCrea/ Jr la B Brown, 11' S D Ross 14 H S Hanna. 14 D C Brownson 011130 E. 14 1 D Holmes pm 4. 121 James Fuller 13 Dunn&Cbp CoDI J E Milroy &Co 141 1 Milliken &„ Smiley p in 411 1 , Cooperative Ca' 12 Geo H Wells pm 4 11 11 M Tinsley 14 , Wm D timer ' 14 Kennedy & Son . 12 EAILIZONT. B Stevens. • 14j llWBrant&coplt4l2 l J Sehlacer &Co 12i Noah Bisbee 14 A Lyon's & Son 12 1 . S . Winters p m 4 14 TCEILEICE, C H Elmo us Morse&Nielmlspm 4 10. C C Spencer T J Carr 11 S Hinds & CO 14 Babcock & Newton 11 4 t J C Edwards 1 M Jones ' 111' E T Tiffany . 121 0 Payne & Son 11 CCEdwardspm 4 14 JACKSON. D Roberts p to 4 1 UM Benson . J Y Potter 14 , . Norris & Fitch JE3,SI:Jr. JH Rosenkratis pm 414 John Warner 14 LITTLE ..11E...WETEL Beanislee 11 D R Garfield' 14 LATILEOP. MM Finn.. 19 G W Reese pm 4 12 E M Tiffany 10 Hall & Bin's 11 J S Wright 14 Thomas Hallsteaar -1 G D Ransom 1 Grow &Brothers 12 Black, Barbet:is, 1 12 & Clearwater Classification of Venders of. itterolo andlso. Sales less than $5 000, . clads 14 Bales $ 5,000,1e:is than $lO,OOO, plass 12: Sales $lO,OOO, less than $15,000, class 12 Sales $15,000, lees than $20,000, chow 11 • Sales $20,000, less than s4o' ,01X0,,class IQ Salms3o,ooopless than $40,000, class,o Sales $40,000, less than $50,00% class -8. ' And the Judges of the Court of CominenPleas of said county will hold a Court of Appeal at the Court gousa at lilontrose, in and forsaid county, on Tueiday, April 16th,-1.872, at one o'clock p. m., at which time and. place any of the mer chantddeseribed; defined, and ri•med aforesaid, or their agents or attorneys,nny appear and ap peal from said assmsMent fr they think proper. G. L. LEWIS, Nercaatile Appraiser. Thomson, March 3,1672. • ' vincrptra.ruercrir:e.w , AT WILLIAM , SMITH'S' Exi,enstro Famituro Ware tech corm mon will find tem largeet . • - & of FIRST CLASS AND comxpx:_ FURNITURE - ! - : TO ho (mnd 1p this section of tto Centel, of hie own mandeetine, and Itlzteco dist minemt Agit° giro nth fnetion. lie nukes e TOOT beet . • - EXTENSION TABLES - IntpriVonntri.nnd W4lll "p-11'1 111, - ' UPHOLSTERY WORK ell kinds daukin the neatest manner. m es I _ 01? VARIOUS . . . PtEE ND.I.IfATRASSES, COgliON 41ATDAS5ES. UN-D E - 11 , T A K N-G. , The enboeriber will Permitter mite the andertsklng _specialty In hie boeloces. - IlavindAnot completed a NEW and the most elepnr, piEgasyg in the Mete. ell Deeding his 'melees will..besmnaded to promptly and at satliCut.orychatzes. • . - - . Writ IV,. SON. Ifontione. Ps., den. 01.1T12.-;no1-41. -; . LATROPI , EMLIOJITED DATES 'WITH or Without Electricity, eepeosedramo, 22 tor ithenntatiesn, Metallic end :Arad* Mums. At the toot at cotetnut street, Monteos . e, ' Montrose, April 20, . 17. , AT A. It BULLARD'S - • - Is Itie piano tornii'yoq • - Worisions, Large erittledlum'Ciover aid Thnotby iieed Chun; Good Ground Coffee 10 OM Kr van& Good Teo it SO cents per pound. Good Eularattle a .cent* per paper, Choler Corned Ue V a rD l l l r " Vs " 1 1 1 1 1 " P m b arc, riq r Yrn , rgotableq 0 1 0 FlO • . , • Pais /SAW' auks, Coati& R ac k. erg). and amused bus, and.lo Cut nearly or quit, oreryttang needed to keep boars with tad be happy. ell erittOuly tow for tarCruth or ready -_ Montrose, blare', 13, 11.—n011.7-r. Jury List. Aprit Turns, 1072,, MAVEUTD.JLIIOBS--iii Apolaion—Betirgo Baxter;licury Wbitater. 'Aubum—James B. GtudrieT,- . Ararat—Edward Warner.' - Bridgeseater-31arrlu 11. - Bus.h, BrOoklyn—'dienry L.: Batley; Edwin '4Y -Thandati—Henry 0. trudge. -:. Friendseille —Ldsranl Duffey.- - , • Great BoruErans Ddige, EtezeAtals Skinner. - ' ' Raiford—Orlando Watroui, :...lierrick—Alvall G. Corry:. Ilannoriy—XotuT Keys, MO 1044110 .i' JesTip-;-.Tasper Itaptlep, Jackion"-"Fiaucts•M.:'Whitney.:, Liberty—Geo:M. Fisk, spg, Aiel:mtwr Webittr. s • Lcrioi-L.Andiurr "Teary Millard; IspAie-Trvesdell. • - Lsithrop:-Rttfutt S. Lindeloy.: middievowa-tjerprilink Canacid. Mcnitrose,-. David.C. HatidriCk., : i:E= l3 .4 l . l ;lvm. Isle* ttrit.:ZEdiv`atd.LTylo.r.,'• - ; . Oakland—Jakak 4;Rayroond , • 2. _ Rusb—Edward Granger..., Thoa Henry . W. WheatOD, Wm. IL Duet': SilverLake-445,hn C. Ctge,T.beni* - et FOage. &until *oh*: giv!o.o4, . Tao.tines 944 - -Direetiry;onif yearitl.e&- sad additional lino, 40 eta.' NEW; lIILFORD. . . BAGINGS BANKiIiEV7.IIII.7OB.D.—SIx per tent. tn . torest on al! Deposits; _Does a general Banking But cArgiA pLAsTETi.4LNICIEIOI, snotmAKErt. Denier In genuine plognPlastn!. TY.ub groank • . W. L MOSS rb ,ISCelers in DryGoeds: riein.(AiPar Boots and Sheet, and General Merchandise. 1111 • Rua street,. eccand door beldse the Eplacepal Chinch. .- • UNION 110TEL,' kept by ?IMAM SHWA en *Mg , Erect, law the Depot.— , - ;. , . W. S. HELD, Foundry. and dealer to Mani and taker. WWI?, one door ken; Ph=We Hotel, Main Ht.. N..R. KIDDER, Darrtapa Maker ruttrtfolertater, qn Main Street, tlyo.duers below 31cCOLLIIM DROTHERS. Dealers * 9roeciles, juid PZOTfiliOnll:oll4lsts Street.• . " - H. GARIer rt r i c cis, in roni:. Feta. Salt. C Went', and - Nan Stre4t,oopAstt,etliqpgipt. • W. m T. Ilreitardl, Manufacturers •of -Cldire 'arid Wholesale dealers In Yankee Notions and .Vancr. Goods. on Entolllteq,lielorr4piseopal chruch.!, Ilas9 E ;SNAP, .Leather Manutsetarers and - dealer' in slc onto Findings, Cm, net; linlscopal Mara.' ,* Ainlt a lINTDIOT, Dealers la Diagiand MsdlciasS; and Ilattaractarept of Clgars,:-:oa Nal a Errata:l:tax W. BTEKIWS9. ItoraiiEb.ielb , andgencralrtspalzfa: on Man S trei,fit*tik of .tho brie r,o. • ,f J.DICRSIIDIA.X. Jo:: Dealer In_lenetal..niercUrigeo and Clothier. Brick Store. on main Street. . . t QItEIT L, "Slannractntrer or Leather, and &War In general Ilarahangtleo, go 471.11 EI:P. AtIRAN, Nerebszt Tailor and dealer ht. Itatily Ilatio Clothing, Dry Go . ods,Ciro'cerleattncl PtoTtsipp, L.tNoxiimLt 1111 AM WHITE, lisinti'darar <if:ad dialci lit' trial ! ' • or Plows : GIBSON , U. If: TINGLEY— Defter in Stoves, Tin, Cqppen Bros" and St!rein= Narc, Caitin,._^Etc. - .' Also. =aurae:fur of Sbett Mettle to Wel.. Eyo Trough and Lead Pip bastnaes atteided to-at fair ptlect—Gtbsoa gam!. : . • :2., SOWARDS .4 BRYANT, Msourasturatt of Wilds and Sleighs, tear the Ing;alls , Store. - - • 1101iTRaV. 1 - 2 0.8, Ilgth Itf—Canniy Matreyos,nf ensonputnna oeitis tr. Ogles In the Cohrt 110 nee, Montrose. Pn.-041.- t • - -•— Floors, Paints, Oils, Dyo lOrocoTlef, Jo*Dry; Notlons,etc.. loopi 2*, y9' ;VATS E. CATIMALT, AitOttey at' - <Mica oaa door belo7 Torbell pow., Pyblte Artinio. • WM. COOPER k CO.. Thinkonr; telt nirolget Pas ge T r4ick,:fgabODTpßaca Englanippland =MO: lar`dr • " J. B. FLETCOEEWS . Zatimz Sal9Ms ilmelle* 1 0 _314 Ice Cream, Oysters arid Clrlaa,, rin7itym.: On STROUD '4 BUONIM Genera Fire andlPo Insitr; Int. AgwiltS I .also,eell Ratlroval and AceldentTleketa tali= Yorlf.aail ?1,4184e1041it. Otte* quo door dal F. D. CTIANDLER. Grenpraljurarastpi and Bew . ingla : a EVA lnoAoenc.le Avenue. , - . -• . WENS da PIaITOT,S,Aike place to rct Dnagsaad Medi ! daces agam Tobacco, Plods, Pocketoßooks, Spat* Ace. Tacollotlopt„ itc,Brick Block.; . WM. L. COX; Muncie maker awl dealer Iv ill sitlrlei ,ultAal)Y Ipyt trade, OPIVOSitp nip 13an!t: g!' BOYD a cOleu - LI. Deiders•lnlltoves,Hardirirli,' and 3f anatneto tan of Tin and Slicatiron awe, corner of Main and Turnplka street. - • - , 8 It.- MOBS Notr.lisot - ood- Cloths. Ttimmloks, ~ and Porsklithlot• Goods. awl Ready.MadoClothlog.ozi Mtn Stacy text door b low Mello and Illakslco's Low °Cleo._ • N. DULLARD. Dealer Groceries. Proirlidoes, Noka, Stationery and Yankee .hlotleas, at head 411 T. t3P9BE & 0.. Dealers ,In Storou:nardwarg. Atticultrual Implements, Flour a;ul Groceries, on. site Tarbell Mat. e. BAINI3FORD & urrinist,, Liroxy and....Exchangl• ti tat!). in tear qf pank bullollag. • , „ , • GIVE OS lON HUM! DO YOUNANT TNT 332 wILI sealing Machine .ITVD old friends alma aatrono ot:Ssoputkitanotaasdy- t i juagaivijm the !told soliciting yotit patfotago tat . The. Orighia4: - Hole . Sewing. Machinei ssT,otisz,temliscr.:FuTtovro, Pi. 24111 C3ll and 1101, it. with MO tropiorementa, at WU4 sbres eta& Remember the Cienetne Boers • has no c _Lte:l4lork heed: _ ROAM iS AT --• 56-CoFt .64 . e0t) Binticupftoßt AND AT 4.9 1 V 8 §tgrer 20 Wcts, 0 1 Pa. J .., JL pENMoaB. Itoixtr;ap, Jan. 1A 13r, 9InP 11. N 77 x .14 - 1 o .ouketbing tte . w 11.e.Stre#V PATES!, the Watt ited':' P. beat to use. sminrs'TIIBBIEP warai wimp t . atcittli T lti s aitriet,itntretaria wietot Bale, - • toru, mos. Itiontreie.Ptt.;Yeb. 1772.7nott—tr, - . _ atsfotv OM tos that' win not exikto; tostia Muth, Ico, 16714—wi, • • , , ' '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers