The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 10, 1872, Image 2

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    I%e pantioac gentocrat.
rito'NritosE. PENNy.ts
- 13tir Legislature having adjourned with
eat any action upon the Usury question,
there is no prospect of any further relief'
ilk another Year to come, hr that direction,
'hence the onlyrentedy we have ie to make l
r itseOfsueli • means_ as are already upon
our statute books, and by otlmintstering
thelaws wow have, much can be done to
throw off - the villainous yoke of the I
merciless extortioners, although they can
escape merited penalties. We have a
Court of Justice, (so called) and it con-_
reties this week. We have a somewhat
stringent usury law, barring out proper
penalties, which was undoubtedly intend-'
ia to protect the people' against the ravages
of these ravenous money ' oyates, and we
here say that it has become the duty of
every citizen to urge and demand ifs ex
eintion. What was it placed r on our
statute books for, if there vas no necessity
for it and of what use is it Unless execut
ed!. Let us try its virtue at this time.
Let the Courts be forced to pass upon
this gadsßon, and aectae
'made for the protection of the rights of
the people, or to furnish means for Legis
lators and Judges to draw salaries. We
cannot say that the people will get their
sights by asking for them, but one thing
ire can sar, they do not deserve them un
less they do ask. The following is the
present law against usury, and we ask a
careful perusal by our readers:
" Where any rate of interest for the loan or
UN of money shall have been Desertal or con-j
trilled for, the borrower or debtor shall not be '
required to pay the creditor the excess over the
legal rate, and it shall be lawful for such bor
rower or debtor at his option, to retain and de
duct such excess from the amount of any such
debt; and in all cases where any borrower or
debtor shall heretofore or hereafter, have colon
;t arily paid the whole debt or sum loaned togeth
with interest exceeding the lawful rate, no
- Act ices to recover back any such excess shall be
sustained in any court of this Commonwealth,
unless the same y shall hare been commenced
within six months from and after the time of
such payment" •
'lt will be plainly seen by the above
provisions that a remedy forthe oppressed
victims is at hand. All that is necessary
is for them to assert their rights and de
mand the interference of the Courts in
their behalf, and not only the victims but
every individual in this county is interested
on removing the blighting curse of these
infamous harpies who infest our streets,
and carry in their own countenances the
evidence of guilt as they sneak to and
from their " barberons shops" and th>
offices of Record, and public indignation
should fasten upon them such a stigma
that a respectable dog will fail to notice
them. Their "publican" prayers that blas
pheme the House of God on the Holy Sab
bath, and stand as a "stumbling block" to
the rising youth in their christian training
should not shield them from a righteous
judgment. The combined indignation of
this community should fall upon them as
they 4 oreli upon the misfortunes of their
fellow men during the week by their
heinous extortions.
These modern "Publicans," in addition
to their doctrine of "no law," but "let us
regulate things," have had their mouths
stretched Wm ear to ear, proclaiming the
to them under duress of circumstances to
rob the indigent of their hard earnings—
Ohl 12(ow sacred such contracts have
.become in-their eyes. They not only rob
their victims and. distrees their wives and
children, hnt'ihelendeavor to. intimidate
- them to prevent a public exposure of their
damnable villainy by the cry that a aeon
tract is spored, you must not go back on
that." How about Jaws? Are-they sacred
or were they enacted for bombastic
flourish A "Dick Turpin," or a "Six
teen String Jack" under this same prin
..cipleof "sacredness of contract" might say
that when he placed his pistol at the head
of the benighted traveler and dernsiaded
oyoor money or your life," and then and
there the victim made a "sacred contract"
a to deliver ; hismoney in preference, that he
should not avail himself of the law to
punish highwaymen and secure hie stolen
*veil, Oh no! It matters not under
what duress of circemstances a contract is
made, or by what law it is forfeited, it
must be held sacred. We believe a contract
made with a highwaymen, who displays
some courage is, mere binding than with
him who takes d'cowardly advantage of
the straitened. circumstances of his neigh
bor. •
Will the people be, frightened by such
infamous bugbears from claiming their
rights under the law ?` We counsel every
man who has not paid tllo usnrydemand
ed to withliold it as tlie law directs, and
alI who have, to not allow the allotted six
nl4lOlOlO pass without instituting pro
ceedings to recover it back "God helps
them who helps themselves."
far.,Ea-GovtRNO.T. CURTIS Coco
HONE,—We understand that Governor
Curtin, Minister of the United States at
St Petersburg, has...resigned that position,
and will return to bis haute in Pennsyl
vania within a month or two. This resigna
tion is - not altogether unexpected, and has
a political significance at this time, which
will soon find authoritative expression in,
i k ro
an - important form. The frien of Gov
Curtin have been systematically, scrib
ed. 1.1 tke administration, thrbugh the
controlling influence of Mr. Cameron, not
only in the distribution of patronage, but
in every form of political consideration in
the Republican party. - They are' power-
Jul enough to make their strength felt in
the Presidential canvass, and hare all the
tlisposition to redress past grieva4aces.--
The Legislatare adjourned at neon oti
Thariday, the 4th i6stant.
"Independent' , Nentrnlh.
We have three of the most " indepen
den t " neutral papers in . Susquehanna '
county that can be found in: any restless
of the common wealth of Pennsylvan
perhaps we may say in the Union: We
hare one styledthe "Independent" Repub:
lictin, at Montrose, which seems to be very
dependent on "Rings" and "cliques," and
"independent" of saying any thing in favor
of, the flagrant abuse of their power for
fear-of injuring "our' party at Washing
ton," and neutral on, all subjects of vital
importance to the local - welfare of, the
county, unless forced by circumstances to
say "Amen.",. -We ban two others, the
Northern Per and. the Risque
henna Journal that are "independent" of
saying one word that can be construed as
Conserving -to promote true Democratic
principles, and very dependent for their
local support upon Democrats, which is
the grand sequel to thOir bottled-up Rad
icalism, which usually, however, is uncork=
ed a little just before every election.
We do not refer to this subject out of
any "malice prepense or aforethought,"
but from pure motives of sympathy, and
we ask the indulgence of a generous pub
lic, for any man or set of men who are af
fected with such cowardly fear are more
the objects of pity than of censure. We
are Illaukfa 0,A4 Um 'Junk* io otoo con
tagious or infectious, but merely a con
stitutional deformity, or the DEMOCRAT
might be "taken down" with it..
If we "come down," the people of this
county must be pretty well assured by this
time, it dill be from some other cause.—
We are fighting for no Ring or Clique,
nor for the agrandizement of ourself or
any particular individuals, neither shall
we conserve our opinions to suit the fancy
of any man or set of men nor allow our
gun to be spiked by their asperity, but on
all subjects.of local as well as national in
terest we shall level. our battery at injus
tice and corruption; and whether,, Repub
licans or Democrats be within its range
they must -beat a retreat or take the
Local Option Law.
As the saying is, and which. maybe car
reelly applied in this case, a Radical Legis
lature has "been and gone and done it" on
the temperance question, iri the passage of
a local option humbug, in attaching to
the bill a most flagrant monopoly and
whisky life preserver in a very covert man
ner by the following provisions:
"Provided that nothing contained in the
provisions of this act shall prevent the
issuing of licenses to druggists for the
sale of liqntirs for medical and manufac
turing purposes."
This islocal option with a vengeance.—
It makes it merely "optional" with the
people whethertthey will vote the sale of
liquor into the bands of alew men to sell
it by the pint and jngfull or allow equal
rights in this matter. Will some one in
terested show us the benefits of prohibi
tion "on that line ?" We think it will
take all summer." What an immense
amount of "mechanical" work will be
done, s snch as raising barns, etc., and how
wonderfully prevalent the cholera-morbus
and. other colic affictions will be when
such a monopoly exists ? If the sale and
manufacture of liquor is a sin and a curse
it is as much so in the hands a druggists
as in the bawls of landlords. It appears
very much to us as if the framers and en
acters of this lace' bad a good large bottle
of French brandy in their coat-tail pockets
to "wet their whistles," presented them by
some druggist, when they filled the balls
of our Capitol with their fumigations of
Radical temperance. Our faith in tem,
perance politicians was very much tried in
this county last fall, but our faith in tem
perance legislators is "clean gone" now by
this specimen of their "labor."
TIM Memory of Morse.
Wesnurerro:s April 6.—At a meeting
of the National Morse Telegraph Asso
ciation held Last evening to arrange for a ,
demonstration in respect to the memory
of Professor Morse, a're,solntion was sub
mitted and adopted requesting thepeople
of the United States to meet in their re
spective cities, towns and villages on the
evening of the 15th of April at 8 o'clock
to give expression to the loss sustained
by the world in the death of Professor.
Morse, and to bold simultaneous commix
mention by telegraph with the assembly,
orthe people's representatives and the
citizens of. Washington and the district
of Columbia convened for-a like purpose
in the capital of the nation.
A resolution was also adopted instruc
ting the committee of arrangements to
correspond with the presidents of the dif
ferent railroad companies, requesting them
to issue commutation tickets to such per
as may attend by invitation the coni-.
memorative meeting in this city.
Maw Is ilso Word.
"When you. don't know what to say,
say nothing," is an old saying which is
most faithfully obeyed by the Republican
press. They come out once in a , while
with a pleasant little chirp of satisfaction
When they thinkthey have something to
say in favor of the Administration, but
obt_how dark and-shady theY keep when
there is any thing likely to damage their
beantifnl little coterie of ' the- faithful.
num is the word in regard to Dr. How
ard, an American citizen in the bandit of
Spanish cnbthicats; and mtim is the word.
with, the Lowery gang in North Cafolina.
tr, Another Repuhlican journal de
serts the dying Aynisty. The ISt. Paul
Dispateh, the most respectable and ablest
Republican gaper in Minnesota = bids
Grant a loug farewell, goes in for the Cin
cinnati Convention, aud a hurrah.: for
Trumbull as the next President. -
• ,e,a — Profs. F. 33 Morse, "the Father
of Telegraphy," died on Tnesday Dight t
April 2d, in New 'rorlr : years
Constitutional co n ve ntion ; litascssillics In Oda.
The act passed by late :Legislature The New York Gtoidian condenses
of this State; apportioning the Delegates, the following for digestion;,
to the Constitutional Convention, provides ,_"_l e dy business in this State
. . Mad me a looker - on hero in Vienna,
for the election of one hundred and three 'Where I have seen corruption bolt and hobble
Delegates on the plan bf the limited vote. Till it o'emin the stew; lairs for &putts
But f4uUs td countataneed ; Mat 100 strong
Twenty-eight Delegates are to be elected atatutea
at large,' fourteen by each political party. 81 Vlag t e l e V i a cm i l n a ,:r r P.
Philadelphia gets six Delegates at large,
three from saah political party ; and Al- Go m vernna:nt officials selling Govern-.
mont arms arid ammunition on their own
legitenr nine, an apportioatnent .which hook, millions made exul high parties
will give the Democrats - three from the connected, with the President implicated.
county, if they make selectimis from their Gigntic frintddlo" the New,
n York Cos
best men. Each Senatorial District sends tat ° a s° ur .‘ a tb° '. 7l' sbin g tca rin g a
- principal. ' ‘-\
three Delegates on the plan 011ie limited - A' specific dehcit in the stamp account
vote, except' the double districts which of the Revenue Departmenf, $6,000,000.
choose six by the same proceis. As the The Seneca Sandstone Colupany jobs to
Convention will be of a grave, triomeh- squander 80;000,000, and the President
tons character, the Democrats ' in all • :Secretary of the Navy Rob-eson makes
parts of the State should nominate their with case Brown a $500,000 contract to
best men, and only these. !Better ; have forilish Government "Ilse oak and other
no Representatires than stupid, incompe- timber," said timber to be cut on Govern
'eut ones.ment reserves ; 8300,000 enema to have
- - been made on this )ob, and shared be
tween Brown and said Secretary.
Secretary Rob-eson, in conspiracy with
one E. G. Cattail, of Philadelphia, where
by said Cotten, without competition, con
trary to law, and at his own prices, sup
plies the Navy Yard freely. The arrange
ment, however profligate, must be 'Rothe
ble, if the following specimens are cor
rect; 1,000 tons of iron, worth per ton
8150, charged at per ton 8223. Made on
one nice little coal bill, 81,200,000.
January 1, 1872, Secretary Rob-eson
helps himself out of the Treasury to a
New Year's present for somebody,
amounting to 892,000, and is called a
"successful robber" for Isis pains.
The Postmaster General-Llhorpenning-
Cresswell. swindle, which only took from ,
the Treasury $144,000.
Bogus mail contracts, for one year, in
Texas, $400,000.
The Washington Ring buy, in Chicago,
for government buildings, the Bigelow
property. The price agreed on exceeds
the value a sum more than sufficient to
pay for a block previously rejected because
it would cost too much.
The mint robberies in Philadelphia,l
styled petty and contemptible Compared
with the " magnificent robberies" going
on near the 1N- hate House,
Davis, of Texas, for false and fraudu
lent election, continues Administration
Governor or that State. Clayton, of Ar-i
kansas, for the same thing, has a sent in
the United States Senate.
Next, we have Forney's two term ar
rangement with Grant; to make the thing
pay, and Grant's re-election arrangement
with Forney, to make the thing sure. ,
Then the Washington Alaska monopo
ly swindle, for protection-4. e., extermi
nating seal, with, in close preparation, a
like monopoly of welnis, the next hest
thing that costly purchase is fit for. Fi
nally, to top off with.. a snug $25,000,000
steamboat subsidy job, with Cresswell and
Company to spend the money. •
Civil Service Committee Report on In
ternal- Revenue ; stealing by collectors
annually, 800,000,000.
Southern State and railroad bond rob
berieS by Littlefield, Reed, Hopkins,
Holden, Scott, and the rest, amounting at
least to $3,000,000,000.
Pnblic land robberies, footing up, ea5i
Since the war, sum total stealinp,
"loyal," patriotic„and protected, exceed
ing far $2,000,000,000.
The WbtskyWOr.
The Journal of Chnunerce incemment
lug on the new born zeal of the adminis
tration in prosecuting the parties charged
with being engaged in whisky frauds,
says: "This is a late day to attempt the
recovery of the many millions "of dollars
alleged to have been unlawfully withheld
from the government when: the whisky
tax Was two dollars a gallon; Years have
elapsed since the frauds were perpetrated,
Some of the offenders and .witnesses
dead or out of the conntryv - Aioofs and
records have been torn up or otherwise
have mysteriously disapplared. The gov
ernment thus puts itself in a most-dis
advantageous position, if the move it is
now making is sincere and earnest. While
we warmly approve of every effort, at
however late a date, to vindicate the laws,
we cannot refrain from asking why all
'this was not undertaken before. 'Rumors
of whisky frauds were in all inen's months
four and five years ago. Some distillers
and some government officials were cur
rently reported to have made fortunes by
cheating or coniving at Ifrauds. The
same administration agentOrho now ex
hibit such bustling energy in proceeding
against the ancient whisky ring, or what
is left of it, have been in office ever since
President Grant took his seat. It would
be far better for the cause of justice and
the interests of the treasuryhad this novel
exhibition- of zeal been of much older
origin. The effect of its display now is
only to arouse suspicion :that political
motives have something to, do with the
demonstration. There is an inordinate
amount of thunder, but little lightning.
The government agents woUld have seem
ed to be more in earnest had they kept
back from the administration organs those
long details of secret operations and find
ing. of grand jury indicliments, which,
being printed only serve to put guilty dis
tillers on their guard and defeat the ends
of justice. It would havOv-looked more
like genuine businega had; publicity not
been sought for these facts before the first
arrest had been made. Men belonging to
the republican liberal wing declare that
the whole thing is a trick to call off at
tention from the custom house fronds, of
the present add set simple-minded peo
ple to thinking only of the old whisky
swindles of President Johnson's day, and
that the government does not expect to
recover a dollar or care abOut convicting
anybody, but look for a decided enhance
ment of political capital for the campaign.
We have no evidence before us to sustain
these opinions, the product, it may be, of
faction feeling and prejudice. The future
will show what the government is really.
after, and by that will we judge it. If
the whisky delinquents, or any of them,
are diligently prosecuted and 'money re
covered, then we shall see:that the gov
ernment is not April-fooling the public.
But while it is doing that! good work it
shoild by no means omWto deal out re
tribution on the custom house and other
official swindlers pow going scot free.
Even as a petty questions of political
policy—if such a Consideration must have
weight—we believe that the administra
tion would stand much better before the
country if it would carryi the war right
intolhe ranks of its friends. It might
lose a few votes by the act, but it would
give the lie to those statements current in
the opposition press, whiCh attribute to
the President an undue desire to shield
his apilointees to office, and would , make
new friends. Too mach delay will render
conviction difficult in that class of frauds,
as we fear it will in those of the whisky
ar McClure don't snit - the Radicals.
They are already crying 'put: .'treason."
If insisting uponta fair: apportionment
and refusing to 'be controlled by the
tßing" constitutes - "treason, McClure
'evidently thinks' they niay make. the
most of it.' They abused him 'without
stint before the election, bud denounced
hinrfor all that wai Tile for daring to con
test the seat of Gray, and for exposing the
corruptions of the Radical Philadelphia
Ring. - Since he"has . suceeeded in gaining
his seat, Isowever, they :expect him to
further all their partisan echemes of leg
islation and bemuse he is not disposed to
do so, the howl , of disappointed, rage is
set up by the journals :of the: extreme
ri!!sometkody intervieired Bea Wade
the other day on the ..potiticnd .situation,
Re answered briefly, ' , bciantilnlly, perti
nenqy and 'nonalasively is teppay
nil rowa n ' , , -
garA State CpnventiOn of the - Labor
Seem Party of PettnOlvania iviil be
held at:Williarnsport, - -on the Ith ; Alan- of
.The call Eta* that a Gover
ner...Judge . - of ,the Supreme, -Cana and
Auditor-General will,be nominated. • In
mining regions and Borne .other%nertione
of theStaWheLaborloformein are able
to,tuake of, ratralnr.
e ~~
In Chains Awaiting Matlacss
There is a farm house about two miles
from Arnold Station, Clay county, over
which sadness, and sorrow, and terror are
brooding, for in one of the rooms of the
honse are two strong men chained to the
They are waiting there for a most ter
rible malady to take possessing of them,
and after putting them to torture a thou
sand times worse than that of the inqui
sition, to destroy their lives.
When a mad dog killed by Campbell,
at Liberty, several days ago, was on its
destroying mission throughout the
country, these tgo men crossed its path
and received its terrible bite. The mad
stone was applied, but, fearing and
doubting its efficacy, 'they prepared for
the fearful ordeal of an attack .of hydro
phobia. Not knowing what hour the fell
disorder might make its appearance, and
fearing for the saflay of their wives and
little ones and friends, they had heavy
irons made for the purpose, and• bound
themselves so securely that it would re
quire almost the strength of Sampson to
break their fastenifiga - Their hands are
securely manacled, a strong iron band
is locked around their waists, and to this
band is welded a heavy chain, ono end
of which is fastened to a heavy ring bolt
in the floor---and there they stand, wait
ing. --Kansas City (41.0.,)
HYDEATE Or CaLonAL.—The drug was
that to revolutionize the modern medical
system is fulfilling its work in a different
way with alarming rapidity. In 1869,
hydrate of chloral sold for 880 a pound;
so that each "sleep" produced by cost, at
wholesale prices $l. Now a German
chemical factor3r sells it for $2 per pound.
Its use as a narcotic has attained_ enor
mous proportions. According to official
statistics, within the last 18 months four
dealers have sold, in:England, 40 tons,
enough to put 36,000,000 people to ifleep.
The new drug is more dangerous than
the old because the system gradually
comes callous to the effects of opium
while every dose of chloral makes-, it
more sensitive. A. dose, of 180 grains
would be fatal; but, in the establishments
we have mentioned, the-ordinary allow
ance is stated at 120 grains.
SENATE, April L—The House joint res
olution to errect a statue of Admiral Far
ra,„ont was passe/ The bill to provide for
the mail steamship service between, the U.
States and Australia, was under consider.
ation until the expiration of the morning
hour, when it went over, and - tho Indian
Appropriation ,bill was taken up and ex
plained by, Mr. Cole. The amendments re
ported by the Committee on Appropria
.tions were acted upon.. =The bill relative to
private land claims in Alabama, Lottisirth..
ma and Florida pa.4ed. Without further
action oti the ludian - bill, the Senate ad
'thirsted. _ . '
House.--Under the call Of the States; a
large number of bills were introduced and
referred in the - Un i v.. Action on Mr.
Hooper's Civil Rights.bill was prevented
by dilatory ?motions, until, the - expiration
oi the - morn ing - hour. The rules were sue.
pended, and the .bill• passed, locating the
depot of the'Baltmlore and Potomac Bail.:
road Company on Nxtli street, between the
ennsylvanta avenue and . the canal- 7
Yeas, 115; nays, v 5. , The rules were sut?.;
Fended, and a bill passed repealing ail
. _
lows giving portions of fines and penalties
to informers in internal revenuo cases=—
The rules were suspended, and'a bill pass- 1
Ca extending the time fiir the completion
of the Raitread from COoper Harbor,
Michigan, to' Green Bay, Wisconsin.: Mr.
Sheldon, having asked: leave to have an
Amnesty bill passed, the Speaker required
the names to be .read, stetiug that objec
tionable 'names - bad - been introduced -in
the lust ono that was passed. Tire pend
ing bill was• passed. A - bill to establish
the Western Judicial diitrict of North
Carolina was passed., The 4fidiciary Com
mittee was authorized to report special
Amnesty bill, nowla coarse of preparn
tion, at .any time. .44,Z0 g. ra,, the lions°
adjourned. - - -
SENATE, April 2.-311... Robertson sub•
mitted a letter addressed to himself end
colleague . by General Wade Hampton,
Kershaw and M. C. Butler, denying', posi
tively the statements made byilr,Ed
munds, that they _were connected with the
Ku-Klui. MI.. Blair called attention to
equally unfounded statements made by
Mr. Ednsunds, asserting that Dressers.
`Reverdy Johnson and Stanburry had
abandoned the cases' of the Ku-Klux
prisanerti in South Carolina, Mr. Ed
munds-made a lame reply. After some
unimportant proceedings, the Senate re
sumed consideration of the Indian Appro-
priation bill. Various amendments were
offered and discussed until "5 p. tn. A
message was received from the House, an
nouncing that the Senate substitute for
the bill repealing the duty on tea and,
coffee had been laid on the table. The
message was ordered to bo printed, After
a short Executive ses.siem the Senate ad ,
Housx--In the House various bills were
reported from the Committee' on Public
Lands and passed; including the folldw
ing.: A bill making it unlawful for any
register, or receiver, or surveyor of public
lands, his wife or clerk, to locate or pur
chase any tract of public lands, or to act
as agent for the purchase of reafestate, or
for the location of lands for any person ;
a bill to declare the Osage Indian Trust
Lands in Kansas subject to diSposal for
cash only to actual settlers; a bill in ref
erence to the lands granted for improving.
navigation at the Falls of St. Anthony,
Minnesota. Mr. Davies, from the Commit
tee on Ways and Means, offered a resolu
tion that Abe the substitution by the Sen
ate, under the form of an amendment to a
"bill of the House for repealing the duty on
tea and coffee, of a bill to reduce existing
taxes, is in conflict with that clause of the
Constitution which requires all bills for
raising revenue to originate in the House,
and that, therefore, the bill be laid on the
table. After debate, in which the speak-.
ere generally favored the resolution, it was
adopted-,yeas 153, nays 9. The steam
boat bill was taken up and discussed nn
tit 4:45 p. m., when the House adjourned.
SENATE, April 9,—The bill to break up
the system of straw bids for postal con
tracts was called up, ameudtd, and order
ed to be printed. A bill passed repealing
a clause of the act of July 15, 1870, in re
gard to the paver 'Akers promoted iu the
Navy. The bill incorporating the North
Carolina Eaten Lion Railroad Company was
indefinately postponed. The bill assent
ing to the District of Columbia subscrip
tion to the Potomac and Piedmont Rail
road was discussed until 5 p, in., when the
Senate adjourned.
Housr..—ln the House a bill was con
sidered and'passed granting the right of
way for a railroad from Salt Luke City to
Portland, Oregon ; also a bill confirmtfig•
to the Selma, Rome and Calton Railroad,
the land certificates issued to the Alabama
and Tennessee River Railroad. After con
siderable opposition to the bill to incorpo
rate the Great Salt Lake and Colorado
River Railroad Company, was postponed
till next week. A bill was reported to se
cure the public lands to actual settlers.—
After an effort to pass it under the pre
vious question it went over. At two
o'clock the House resumed consideration
of the steamboat bill. Without action, the
House at 4:15 adjourned:
SE` -:ATE, April 4.—Mr. Corbett, from
the Committee on Commerce, reported , a
bill to provide for the appointment of a
Labor Commission was taken up, but at
the expiration of the morning hour it went
over. The bill'giving the assent of Con ,
gross to the subscription of the District of
Columbia to the stock of the Piedmont
and Potomac Railroad came np, was-dis
cussed, amended and passed. At 4:35 p.
m. the Senate went into Executive ses
sion, and afterwards adjourned.
Housn—ln the House a concurrent
resolution of regret at the death of Prof.
, Morse was offered by Mr. Cox, and adopt
ed. • Mr. Wood made some eulogistic re
marks. After the passage of a few private
bills the House resumed consideration of
- the Steamboat bill,aud it was passed sob=
stantially as it came from the Committee.
Mr. Dawes introduced a bill to amend the
National currency act' The bill reserving
the public lauds Or actual settlers Ives de
bated but without actioa went over till'
Tneiday next." The report of the Com
mittee on Elections in the Alabama con
tested election Case, declaring, Hanley, the
sitting 'member, entitled to his scat, was
adopted, and the contestant was voted his
expenses to the amount of 85,928,. 'The
bill for the appointment of Shipping Com
missioners in the 'interest of 'sailors
and commerce, was taken tip, and Mr.
Wood made an argument against it: Mr.
Conger replied:' At 5 p. m., without final
action on the bill, the House adjourned.
The Cleveland' Plain Dealer says there
is something lidicrovis in the alacrity with•
wb icli Forney, got down from that stool of
loftly independence.. When people saw
Forney: climbing inte • it, and affecting'
such a patriot's widigcation at the course
of the Administration. they were suppris
ed and said to - one another, "John bas got
something' into, hiin. -.after nil;". but when
they saw him hustling 'down, that, be
ungbt get his Marrow bones into the Ad
munitration. dirt again, they n smiled and
said; YForney's himself again. You can't
make a silk purse out of a sow's, ear.
TUG Siwraßora or will meet at, too
North ttchoolfloureom Saturday, the 27th day of
April neat, at 9 o'clock c m.; to tot tho'balldlog at a
rood from near tbo North School ammo, to srpolot near
C. P. Tyler.. Bald road to be let to the lowest bidder:
ELI3O-4t 2 o'clock. of. the mime day, at Jonees take,
begkardn: near the outlet of Bald Lake and Intersecting
Z. , m. aftEmSTSI4- -Supervisors:
• . .
D issourri pattnore4 pviii-70,4e%
botwcen-jug the.
Royaeford AeattoYei obdel
the Ann of Reyntiord & tube.% was ditiolved
the -4th. day of Aptll.-18111, by mutual conteat. , The
book amounts sad rotes of the eatil e re are In
the Ittbda al D. L.Balderto for settlement.
- •JOHN R.ll.l4ByultD,t":"
-Meatiost, Attu thrs.—ious—wa.
(11i00ERIE9.ATeas_ ;• .great - variety
tr.d . cheap for the qkalitiel._ Dried Peachpag.
bad to market. A Wee guilty of Itelmala, Sartr,„ccg
tee.mul grail aseertm=a PPLces. &C-
gontrose, rtec-1),211- - 444%.7p1z
gega Advartionmento.
imitigy!S SALES.-13y virtue orarrits Issued by
the Court of Common Plea of Sesquiebanna Coun
ty-4,4/d t 9 me directed, I trill- anyone to said. by public
vendee, at the Court Nouse to :Montrose. on bridayi
April IDli 1672, et two 0 P. M.'the relieving
described pletha or parcels of land, to alt;
All those "two certain pieces or parcels of fend, Situate
In the towiahlWof lu the comity of Basque.
henna and State of Pennsylvania. the first pieta bound"
ed auddereribed se follows, to tell: On -toe north by.
Linde of Airs. 'Meeker, oe'the east by public blabwa7
„leading from MontroseSo Tonkhannoem on the annul
lands B. Lyman an on. L. floras, and on the
west by of A. 11. Sheland Landis LyMin,eon.
tainleg 10 attests/ land, be the mine more or less, w I tb
the appartenances, tl Mule heesee, barn' blacksmith
they. orchard, and all Improved..,Taqtecend pipe"; $ I
woo,' lot, beemielaud descillied as follows, to wit; Oa
the north. by lands of Wm: Gerrit/au, ors the 'east by I
• leads of Jalt.Attick. tog thisyscalla by Made of Mee":
Avery and on the west by lends of 11 qt. Gerrit/um, ten-
tainlngs acme of lend, be the roue more or Ima, colt . the
appuromana I. (Taken In exectittOnat the setter C. r.
filer vs. J.V. Newell.]
that certaln piece or parcel of land. ' , neat cc
to the
_township of Grua Deed, in the eouuty of Basque
henna and litateMf Pen esylvanta, bounded and &grit.
ed as fulleers, to telt; _On the north by lands of Henry
Ilendrickepa, salt by lands orllonaricksen and Locust
Bill road, tooth by lands of IL Gifford and IlenryGann,
and west by lands of liebert Rose and Joha dmith.dee'd;
containieg stunt forty one acres of land. be the same
more or. len, with tl mappnirteopnc tw; fow trait trees atid
mosUy.improved. (Taken In execution at the salt of
• Lake Smith va Ira Odell, and Lithe Stalth ea. Fayette
G Odell and Ira Odell.). •
ALSOv.,AII that certain plees or pareelof land. situate
.Inthetownship of the Orion!, of tiesenehrei
na And State et, Pentleylvatda, lying and 'Ming on main
St., In New Lamyrtllmbetanded anddeserlbed foilowe,
to wits Bagiuning at the northing corner of veld but.
thence tenth 15 degrees west 03 feet to comer ;Vienna
north fit degrees Was 60 finite comer; thence north 23
&gross cut GO feet to thrum; thvneo north 61 degrees
eant,6o feet to the place of beginning. containing a MO 1
Kure feet of land, be th e same more or lere,' with
I n frame hone. end all improved. [Takes
la execution lathe snit of S. P. Tyler - es. Dana B. La.
ALS AB that Certain plein of tend, situate in the
tows/gilt; of Middletown „In thecountyof Suirmetunies
-and State of Perineylvatin. bounded mud described as
' follow*, to wit; Clutha north by lands of Mlle. thildwin
on kr.t. b y,o h .''treol f .. J .l h r,„ll., 2 c k grAci„ Baltif•Ape d .-
and on the west by land* of Timothy Min ' aini, craTtaie
leg 104 acres of land, Ito the same more or less. with the
improvednce, "Rome bare; orcha owl
Meng 75 acres (Taken le execution et the
snit of 111. Keogh, ate of A. Lathrop ye. John Degnen.)
Al.lo—All lists A certain pieces or parcels of ;ed.
I sill:Late in the township elf Bernet:, In the county of
Smaehanna and Slate of Pcoeeylraaia,the first plow
bounded and described a* follows to watt Begturdng At
sms pie tree; the semittarest corner if the Almon Spoor
farm; thanes south east aloof the line or saldSpoor and
C. C. Newton 143 perches to a post fora corner; thence
southwest along mid Newton's land 100 perches, to a
I corner; Unlace northwest along adjoining Lands: of J.
.11 Meyers; 1.4& perches toe stake and stones on the east
bank of - the creek; thence along the cant bank of said
creek up the came adjoining lands of Almon Chandler
67 perches to a birch tree; thettee northeaet 52 p a r c h„,
tothe place of beginning; containing SS acres of land, the same more erten—. .The second piece beginning
at a maple tree the southwest corner of'A. Spoor e land;
'thence north northeast Ave perches to a stake atuletonce;
thence eolith ;southeast tothe Ceehectou and Great Bend
rued; thence westerly along the said road to the said
Charies4.Canaphell'abind; Chance alongthe line of said
land northwest to the place of ore:ming. containing
about one acre of land, bathe same More or less.„ ; '.The
third plc, beginning at a earlier In the Orcet Bend and
Cochecton road; thence along raid rood le a westerly
direction °perches to a corner to lieu of Charles A.
Campbell's land ; thence along said Campbell's Pot In
soatheasterly direction 43 per :heels anoint in raid line,
thence Ina northwestairdirectron 40 perches back to
said road, to the place of beginning, COutatnlng jf of tin
acre of land, be the same mere or len, with the Appel ,
tenances, frame house, g Lame, toms. shop, emend,
and about 50 auras Improved autos in execution. et
the mat of.T. F. Johnson-ye. Abram IS'ayman, and pc
Gardner ea_ Abram Wisymaa.)
ALSO—AII that eertaMpleCe of land. eltnato In the
bonnet of Susquehanna DepoLle the meaty of Susque.
bonne and Stateof t ennsylvauht,botinded end described
as follows, to wit: e a the northby Washington etreet,
on the east by lands of Mlles Cregamon,the omit; by
bads of John Tierney, and on the west - by lauds or
Edward Lillie with a front of 63 feet and *,'depth of /13
feet with the appurtenances, two story frame home,
ehickery, some fruit trees, and all inthrovoi. ' [Taken In
execution at nosiest or°. B. Eldred, assigned toSusene
henna Count! Legal Association es. IL McDonald
co tb.
Jab Tyler
14LSo—Al that certain pleee of load situate-1n the
township of Thompson, In the 'county of Sinquelianna
and State of Pennsylvania, botusad - end described its
follows, to wit; On the north by lands of Sylvester
Meg, on,the east by leads of Glever,an the loath,
by lands of Stephen R. Watt. and on the west by lands
or John Sumner. en:gaining about 14 acres of land, be
the ammo more or leas, with the appurtenances, frame
house, barn, few fruit trees, and mostly Ira roved.
[Taken In execution at the gilt of Jacob Toler va ;
Daniel Taylor.)
ALSO-,All that certain piccolo. parcel of land, eltitate
In the borough of Snequeharina Dente the county el
SnonSliniv'ehaspot"rtAtanf4ir te ger I .4. U effld r d l l t s ' o b li I b l :Pk e t o h l!
lumen; 01Jan:iron Smith's land.txmoded vd described
Ise fallow; to wit; Beginning on the-west aide of a
street of three rods in width. at the rageorner of DaVid
E. Iloime's lot now owned by Mary Ann Dell, thence
alien ealdliuline's lot south nix degrees meet'? rode to
a corner of WHILIM Howarth lot. thanes Along the same
south MS degrees east thirty feet t thence along other
land of a rur.ald Seba itrymt,beieg the =ageing fart of
said lot No. a 7 norths•l34 degrees; eon 7 rocs to the west
bounds of aforesaid :IL:thence alongthe ramo north. aliN
degrees wett3o feet tothe place of begin./ In, cootahaleg
140.11 nods of hind In the same more or lees, with the
appurtenances.ODO two story farm honed and out•
build's/genet' all improved. (Taken insxamine at the
gilt of J. W. Carsiiigtom psalm:tett to Martin .Gerie.
vs. S. Beyent acid Geo. Drown. Lout Fainter; tan' main
to AL Gering vs. Gso. N. Brown and W.W.Willlatas ve
Geo. N, Brown.]
- .
Notice is hereby given that all bids meat tie paid in
cash op the day of sale.
Wm, T. MOTLEY, Sheriff:
Sheriff's ClMcmgtentrose, March la, 1872..
given that in putsuanco of en Act of Assem
bly, the following named persons have filed
their petitions with the Clerk of the Court of
Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the county of
Susquehanna for licenses tobeep taverns, eating
houses, and to'sell by rueasure,iti quantities not
less than one quart, for which they will apply ,
at April Sessions, 1872 : •
Silas Winters Harmony. Wholesale
John Beaumont..
Ararat, Eating House
James 0. Bullard Brooklyn Tavern
GE E. r Menden... .... , " c.
...Jason Stone Sorest 1.40,
Chas. Tierney Great Bend Born., Enting Rouse
L. F. Rosengeant Trarford, Tif ern
E. B. Gory Jackson, ".
Wm: D. Letchum Susquehanna Depot, 4 '
E. It Abbott... II
Michael Doyle: ..
Michael Doyle...
Thomas Fenian.
Maurice Meyers,
Dennis Magony....Bliver Lake. Eating House
Jeremiah Stephens. Tavern
Win. N. Bennett • Auburn, "
J. D. Linabetry
N. V. States Clifford, Tavern
H. Ayres - Dundaff, "
. Forest Lak a '•
Ann Tierney. „ ~ .. .Friendsville F,ntingilouse
Mary :McNamara.....
John Foster ' . 1 Tavern
Michael Eilrow - 'Great Bend " -
T. J. Barnes II •
George " Wholesiale
Samuel Rolmes .Gibson Taveru
'William TLornr..... .. . ... .Herrick
Jcillritli z *fres
.Lathrop "
. • " Wholesale
Lenox Tavern
„Montrose Eith_ig House
" • . Wholesale
pavid Wirmarth
Geo. W. Neese.. -
A:P. Snover...
1, N. Bullard
Abel Turrell....:
John 8. Tarbell .
Charles Ai. Noon "
Wm. Smith...—. :.....:New Milford,'- "
P..Phinnoy - ' " "
Ainey Jr, Hayden
"•Wm. H. Sherwood.i.,.....Hciab,
P. Brush "
Ellen Phelan • Silver Lake,'
P.M. Whitney .Susq'a Depot, "
Dennis Casey.,..., Depot,' '
David A. Clumiler . Thomson , . Tavern
,B .W. Pittsley ' ' , —Jessup, Ealing.Honse
Charks•Morso Ilnsh . Tavern
John W.. Goly Harford, • " •
'J: Stratton 'Great Dend Bon,);
0. ;....'.Gust Bend Twp:, '"-
11.:' O. Bedell....Great Bend' Born., Eating House
A. Miles..... Stisq's Depot - , Eating House
Prank Hoffman
Aebillie Treceo -:.'..Thomson,' Tavern
Montrose, March 13, 1872.—Nu. 11—vv8
A. GOOD PARIS FOR BALE I-01 . T acres Well Ina.
mined. well watered and good building. lying fire
miles from OriatMend and two .milea train Lawarille
Center,. in Liberty Township, kuarra Co.. Pa.; and
known he the Samuel Ireland farm, only' twentrdollars
per acre and two thirds ut It on long credit. . I_or turn.
,C7pattleulars enquire of IL A. Trocedell..on adjoining
tarm.or of A. C. Campbell. Owego c Ity, N. Y. . . .
ALSO, a good dairy Una of M sores, near Boma
Bradford Co.. Pa. • /LC: cleatruLt.
BArch, o,l3l2.—aolo—me.
-. •
lif'01111:1 1 03811.61LWAY CO,'-Btoaboldera at tba
17L171 Montrose. Railway toorpotiy.eze hereby =tilled
mat the remaining teretellnents - otere dollars per chars
each, ealknll for try resoluttla of the - Iknad of /Wester*
payable es follows: '• • • . • •
Firth Instalment' . . .Jeverylntb, ISTS
Math Instalment.— . . - 15th, 187 S
Sesenthinstelment:...., ....... . tib, lOTA
Eighth Instelecent Art 11 311 0,172
blroth lustelmcot -• • " buy 15th, 1811'
Teuth butalment.. • Jane 15th. 1512
........... • .
its tho work la pm:mobs moat ravorzatr. It la
tlastrrd and ittaalately•Pecereary•tbat paymaPta
Mould !wimp:4)oy pot, ott am part of StocaboWera: •
• AIL: DROWN. Secretary •,,
- • -P1
-- IfOntn so . - Dieemltl 20 ;:':
, „
prune 1101lissas anksyncps Iir 3 wEn / 3 : ll '' 13 . 41-40 4"7. 1 1 . •
March, 14,
gals gikertioimititto.
tit IPMAN' Ac. CASE.
Saddle, ilaroesa and Trunk : maker... ' Shop lo itogoro*
. - Droolrlyn, Po. llartmtees,
nod Sght, made to order. .. , .
Brooklyn, April 3, IST.L—w6 ..•
IH THIB cotnaT Ermixmcgt:
33Q mr 33mr-s-'
Mi . C. TYLER; r 1 3.811111)INE - RTOT. Y
, 1717 s Saito, Cazrt d:
i Co.j
Grmut. nAnowmut..Catlery, Seythes. Shovels.
Looklax (Theses. Lightn i n g and Many Ober X pit
Biwa. Steel, sad Iron pole Axes, (tho nest In Ibt CS'Orld,)
earl kind of Urnehes..Door Lock+, Put Lneka, - Knobo,
(inns, Ilammers...Ksibtf, Revolvers, Panetta. Ca_ *an,
ter'd Toots. Riseksnalin a Bellows and Tools; - Phted
Knives. Fmks and Spann.. and tVerythlOg tumidly:kept
hi a First Claes Ilar4warclmporthigiuni Jobbing Hod's,
lin Slistaka 1 -
• igy aineere Thanks He 4s:derail° the many In my ,
.own County, for the kind nstronage. as also to tbarnanY
in other Countlee, who May isad.tble. and A general.
Invitation in hereby Oren furs continuance; as Wall as
to those who are willing to give noe trial, who hart not,
04110 so, lay order* or calls. -Truly,. - . •
-• . • r4l . o.Verant.
Montrose, March, 9), 2819„—tf. • -
s-m H s .
DEALEI7. - Di , •,-. -
HARNESSES I. • - • • •
ETC. ETC. - ,-to .-
- - arevoicaiscni. crosa.r.
'March 'XI; , ,
OSTI- cannot be Erplorfed. .2Vo chimney or Warted,
NEN 'leaking a PRDFITALE-DDtINEeS, eau attars
for COVNTIES and bTATES. Write for Information
N. 8.--Chnrehea tarnished with CILLNDELIERH tea
LAMPS of Every cl,ecriptlan, 25 per cenf:eitalezetthaa
at aDy ether establishment ta iho country.:
Small Farm For Salo. —lN LlB
erty Township, coctaigthg AT acres—will be told
gontrol ;(arch, -
I Z;elh , ' re r
t S r gt Sv or l
Math '72.—Aull—w
80IC SALE at all principle atatlons on line of Dela
ware. Laeaawanna Wcatern Railway.
Ham.. tinzw
~.„, -. FECLALINDUCEMENTS to Families and Colonials
moviny, west' two obtain Tbrramh Tickets' to ST.
.BT. JOSEPEL FT. SCOTT. DENVER, tad all points to
Minottrl and Kansas, at too very lowest rates, and have
their household goods and freight shlpp‘d at special:ate.
.-,..,W 1 .00J2E2L1V1G-,131103
Daltwvarc,. Lackawanna Bc.lNcinern
`. linAwa3; •-• ; •
Pleaselal'anotleo .that a DI reet'Contwelion Is
made -at BINGHAMTON. with. all express trains nu
ERIN RAILWAY, -Lcrlle sore to ask fur Tfekvta. via
"EWE HAILwAY” whlcti ran be procnred at QtAce of
7-2. 411-goat.
rstaNciocus &. co,
11411.1 LET
r/Crttd.ncLP,lllA., •••••
hnro opened for the SPRING TRADE, thelarkeil
and bent nevorted Stock of
Table, Katt and . Floor Oil Clothe, Window Shades
and Paper, Carpet Chain, Cotton, Trrn.llat,
Weddln',,Twines. Wicks, C•ocke,
Looking Glalq.ClF, Fancy • linelcetz,
Ilroonmintekerr..Dricketr. Waal,
cc, Clothe. Wringer... Woud•
trk and 'Willow Warp in
Onsbege !name In brinin esn enable' vs to tell allele
priors and Intnleh the beet quality of Goods.
- .
PRICE S 5 - 5 k
°rev 1806 sold In siillgat4s,
Termer Carpet.. 6011.9r5.. =
Another •
Feb 14,1= Sm.. . _
"LIM/t:FOR BALEI-1.• form or slst74troheris - ad,
jointog.thq Dort? of Montrose 'tho Bomb. 1.
offerod for rate. It la well vratercd andlas about ter!
*errs In Umbel, Inelni/Ing nAne groye of beach gu24
maple near th e welling . . being the homestead dtrislott
of the Samuel liregery Una. - •
.For farllier_parllenlere vicar* of J. E.Caamalt, Est.,
or P. Lino. mot:arose, Pa, .
" F x sting House
. . . _ •
•.. . .
tripwrniTo &REF. Jn. This neirlitheicaigh bred
JL stallion will stand the preatnt scaron for My mute,
season commencing April I 0 an d ending JAIY,S) Pearl
and the arable of .7. S. Tubell, in siontros,
the rest of the week at the subscribers. one mile eitshof
dulled, 4 Corners, on To ronto ro lending to eptngrille:
PROIGREF,.—Tbe Chief Jr.. was sired b 7
Toronto L'hief.'whe for speed and' bottom is ahead's?
Any stalled On record. He was sired by Re ., George
and bin dam :by hisekwttotl: oat of as e mare.
Royal George.wns by Blank Warrior; and be by Import,
ed Tippet sad he by tdessehgcr.of England. . - •
Tonentro thart.w. Jn.'s danrwas sired by the thorough-
bred Jefferson. out of 4 Majesty mare. Jefferson was
by Virginia; he by Sir: Archie, the airy of Blr Henry,
And Pundsire arAmetican Btar.ribleiby Oki_rayorite,
Seemed dam 0 d Bell - • • - •
- Tenons° Carer, Jn., Ise blood bay with blank points,
- full tall, weighs I,UO 1br...15X banns high, blie . lied ml
training. but has good gall. and far his weight. Ishard in
beet.,Callaod see bins, djudge for yotterslett. , Mks
of his get can be seen at the subscriber's. RarPiPlietAr.
ed on reasonable Annidlnde !Ind o, Car 4 4 ,- "°
owners' risk. - •
Other rides as icestoirteri.". Terms to itie!t y let.eal,
$10; insurance mow I.
payable March
J. M. CGISMAN, Proprietor.
• Aibtapp‘COrriors;Pi.... /LUTA
- Wbolmalo
163r.13126- 15iL •Or,si x% 61
33T:M3:t='Elt "d 4! IN7'X'C:I;!:7P::gtXO3,
• raprnwrone.
BRICK IlioOlif,'ffioituis P te ;
Stga of the Cfoldeh'Ectste 'end ;lotto,
Ur tbet •xe a I,e ore
'ourfieoek of Druee, 3feclieli3eo. rata. 4 11 . , 11m' b
es, Combs, Peeloneey, Fancy - Anklet, etc...blo the
Brick Stony toreaerly.oceuple.4
--- tur Ws 04.141141417/15!7,1°!
, : - We bug retreat's titled zip this store m. 0..—
and shaltendesvor tokeep well 'applied within - inlet*.
pertehileg to the - Dr sehaves. ..
Wo extend to emery a. cordial reel LatIOA , lCv tall
, and stens when in.. or lioviblog iv orir sea
whew- Nor in watt, giro as it ttietully coll. To ell out
old narrower" we desks to =pros our thanks tor: the.
re ry 'lberia' patronage heretottrrs extended to Ott'
ahall endeavor to merle' eontleccuinca or tile eat*.-
Virg Tralg Yours,.
goattisr SO;101. -. •• • .-" A11inf4441014:- •.1
• •
'.U.Jk=l l s`
11. J.117E1313
J ~. ~ i~r
- n~.~*5.:.~ ... .... ..