E.B. HAWI.4I*, Proprietor, ,§uoincoo Cub. D: SSIIITU Mal= tasted of Stetson Center. Itanataetnrera? and • Dealer la Lloitt and Heavy ilarneares. Col•ere, Wattle, Tratike.daddleadce.,tetztnzarstrktartentlon to bnel neva and ale 'dealing, to hare a liberal diva or =lna --a 0100-nia. - • MUM & NICHOL% RSAiARS In Drees, Medicines. Chemicals...rm. (tags, Pal ate, Oils, Varnish, 'Liquors, 13 rant! rr.s.les. Patent Medicines, Parrameb•abd Taller At pales. Ur Prescription. carctally compounded.— plat Mock, Ma otrosa, Pa. .A. A. Dunn; • • • • • Awn Morena. Tab. 51, 1873 • • DD. D. A. LATIIIIIOIP. 6.4ltlelsteri Cetertui Trturim %tits, st The Foot of Chestnut . street. Call and consult la All Chironln • Waitress. Zan. 77.'79.—non—tf. • J. F. SHOEMAKER. c e cen " "°°rbel " an 17,181 llc . I 17.Ilantose, J l—no: • C. E. LDWi IV, arms= and Cat.Nuazinar Law, Great Bend. Perez sylranta. • taa, B. L. BALDWIN, • #TSOIMIT LT LAW. Montrose., Pa inks with Tames E. Carmalt. Arantro.e, Aegant 10,1671. tG Loonis & LtSlll. Attorney, at Law, Me No. M Lackawanna 11tenne. Fw.rtetoo, Pa. Practice In the several Warts or An son(' MO Salqueh t una Cocottes. F. R. Lows. • Net, D. Lwtat. • isottlao;#ePt 0.11-_-71 Ars 1. eng4snOll. Attorney at Law. Cake at Vatt Court now., In tSia Comealutonee• OM= ' W • A. CaotAXON. Sept. 6th. IS - 4.—tt ntraßin. C. C. Furaor. & FAVIZOIN . milers In Dry Goods, Clothing, Lidice- and Misses dna Shoes. Geo, agents for the, great American Tea and Cadet Company. [Montrose, Pa., ay. tl7O, • -- DU. W. W. SIIIITII, DErnillf. Rooms at hie dn•cliine. next door dust of the. Republic= printing office. Offleo home from 9a. at. totir.s. itlontrocte. Mug 3, 1811—tt THE BARBER-11W Ha! lin!: Charley Mortis le dr barber. wbo c3n shore your face to • order; Cuts Oman , black and drizsley ttutr, In - bis odlee,Just up MAIN. There you will 11nd him, over Ogre's loom below Mammies—fart ore door. Illoutroee, Jou* 2.1871.—tr C. MORRIS. J. B. & A. 11. IicCOLLUII, drreserri a: LAW 040ce over the Dank. Mastro= Pa. Montrole,ll.ny 10, UM., 3. IN VAIL, IlorsoraratePtiratcuot AND Settarov. ats pertruinoldb' located Oneself In Slonttete,Pa where he will prompt. ;I? attend to all Cade le his proresslou with ;Web be luny be favored. Otbee and residence west of the Court lime, neat, Fltelt & Wateon't office. ' Manton& Felanary 1871. LAW OFFICE* . - FITCLI is WATSON, Attarsteoes lair. et the oLI once of Bentley & pitch. Montrose; Pa. r. - mot. Pen. 11, -ILE CHARLES N. STODDARD. Pallor in Boots ond Shoo. Bats and Cops. Leather rind Findings, lista Stmt., Ist door below Boyd's Rory. Wort =ado to ardor, and.repairina dean neatly. Montrone. Jan. 1, Md. . LEWIS KNOLL, 11111VLNG AND BAIR DILESSEVO ,Shop In thip new Postage* haildien, where be will be toned ready to attend all who may want Anything lahlallne. Kolar°Ae, Pa.llet. 13, 18t3. , - • - S. W. DAYTON, "LITSICIAN & BURGEON. tender. Lie versieee the citizens of Great Bend and el. lefty. Mace at hie residence, oppoeite Baraitm House, O't Bend outage. Sept. 15418 M—a A.O. WARREN, ArI9S!MET 'A SAW. Bounty, 'Melt Pay. Penstou • sad !Ism eV-claims attended to. OfAce fl ear below Boyd's Store, Elentrose.Ps. (An. I,*C9 Yd. C. MUTTON, Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent, ant Ott ferlendairille, Pa. C. GILBERT, 45..tiati.C.TiOstre Great Bend, Pa. 1:7. 9. anltztr AIME ELY, len llioisoLelcamocer. - L. Ave. 1. 1569. Address, Brooklyn, ill 10IES GROVES, VASIILICINASIX Te.ll3lt. licmtruee. Ps. Senn? oder ' Chandler's Store. All orders Idled in Intent rdyle. vatting done on short notice. and warntntee to et. . • . . W. W. 6311T114. .. • ;CABIERET AND Cann KAN 11L - ACTUREII3. , -Voo of Mita =ea. Skratrueli. Pa, ' ]ant. I. MM. STROUD & BRO%VN. ruts /11.4/3 — Ll.l.ll:lN.S.74.trier. AtI2MTI3. • btialuers attended to pretriptly, on tar terms. Orrice leaf dour north of " • iteutruse llutd," west, eldr or Fertile Aurae', Mostrore; "Fa. • LAtig,1.11352. uts Boas .eZzein.„ . ABEL TUIMUELL, , :ALEII In Linig.; Yatuni Allnti=n, (liens Seals ' Llganra.Paintn. vita,p,yo Vanlbbee, Unurriee,'43ban Waft, Wall and ll'lndo% par, itouo-ware, laszyps,Knrontr.. bilichincrY olll . Trauma,, stuns, nemanittua; linl , ecpnOcctsded Brastm4Franty Oondw, , Onwelry;- •r) - j&c.— !iglus 'one onto ' most nnratraus, %tinny., and Yalciablenollainiondvigendain.nwpalguntnti EarabliabetPl* - 11343.' . lilo. V/. SISAuLm, .TTORtirt AT LAW . °taco .net Or store of A.. fAt.ltrOp;th arta Block, Moat,r6te. PA' , " tiurgi • •., • - • . - - MIL- VV. L. -BILLILIMD,SON. Attu(AiN b litilitiTO:ciender. hi. prulessiono 'services to the eltitene of Alootroso owl vlcLuity. s4s"6l.4lreaidence, on the corner com:dr Onyre A, 16.0cituipt - ..- .: • .•• r" LAns. 1. 1409. Da. E. L. atiLDNEII, PaTBICIAN -and SURGEON. liluntrinsa, Pa.. Wrap' especial allautlvA to awned of the Watt and Langa ind all dangles] dim:adds. Udine °anti?. 8.. Dec., Boards atdearles Dotal. • Lang.l.lBo. HUNT BROTEIF,P, • • . SCRANTON, Pb. Whet=le 6-12Ftail Dealers th " ' pARDWARE . IHON; STEEL, NAILS, SPIKES, SHOVELS, 3 - JILDEIV3 HARI/WARE,. . • 11S. RAIL, COVATERSCNkiI • RAILROAD & IMMO ODPPLIER. CARRIAGE SPRINGS A __ALLIA RIGLIKR 4.Y1 a oxEs. - sacra. NUM cad wAshreßs. etarzo 41111138. MALLEABLe fRORZLIIILDS;SPLIKES., PELIOEs, Bgelr SPLYDLER, DO= de XIIVILS, STCrCKE .-and DM& BELLOWS HANDERS. SLEDGES, FILM dc. dc. CIECULAR A.ND -KILL SAWS, BFLTIN G. ?ACHING TACSLIS' MOCKS, MASTED PARIS . CEMENT, HAIR GRINDSTONES. rEILSCE:TI , DiIIOW GLASS.LEATH Kit & FINDINGS rAMBANIX'S 8C.412.8.. • emus. Ittarstti. ' IMPROVED - HU 11.111111 . , PATRONIZE How zurirrACTIME,I . ... eineNdsißLE laced . a nd DontileDiled WbeeL n Ft-I bolds the Great 'eve fort:State NattonalPreraltua I . . • Ablethe Gond Old° National Ft:en:awns. held V. /am feld.ln Int s. , - ' • • . ......„' l,-- , Ant the Penneyntiala, N,tdiland , end Virpnla Inge The or le sloaple:eienpan retnoyed entlr4frona Y • ...tine domewhat niiihigtme,rai•aff_ rapt-' the d re wheels, and enclosed o tr treat base. in the ~,..r.,...,..., - lin n.n - Vint:cum pat4er t 4 We'n3; ven___, ot thoautchingottatudiy *coring ii.fraiugrit k.v.r.,....‘ -- -- - - - I rri ''''' est ' ' ' '.- - ' \ -..3 - - ' • to' find that the'arinoneement .of the The operation as be ehan,-.. inatnntle from 111 Ma .-..' t.L -E a.r.. .. , .. ~, .-. . . ?deed tooted Wed *lower. without - *top. Ulna adapt- Jamul iv, 'aui..V....15 Il .mayetonc morsak issaser to bad placeoand iLtbt *ad hoary gran, -.- itnn -.- , • .- . - ', - • ' ' •' -' ' • Oat Ctitill'a iiiipaWa9lll perfect, . No brake Ittld one "."'•-. - •''• • .' • % • .- - ' • -•, ; . -.• Penn* Icatfaitead.- It in . awed &Vet thrlllechrelet a ' ti 'A old haehel: ias ' tothinetn - thikeorttli *ads* co &pentagon It.belag , ' -.-... citn..l- .-- o- .. -PA -Af t er- e Weal, ecublotnescripast4calsr. - . ••. - • • f; " all; a . iimittt's heirt is the thing 11""°."4".411.—tt. ' '''' ' 841W3 Bas.s. 11:1 the. 7 wirld; His pineetifliSoA` sip'eott . fell of Sae ' - -- ' ' 1".. ' - =EMIIM! Retro Ceram ;TUFA INLAND' !GRAVES. , Dreamland Iles close to every soul - Its doors will ope at lightest words - Iliad thoughts fly In and out like birds, 41 build theitf 'nests oh every knoll. Verb flying thought will rear Its brood,: Each dreamy holpe !vlll build its nest, And cover with its plumy breast • • Sweet singers who our sight elude. oh, • '' in 'el ill'ajc-14nland recall-. • ' tie butl plans; th hopes so chilled . ; • ' The sealed-up tombs with fond loves tilled; The turf heaped up on greenest mound; Sonia dream-graves shine with soft sward , True love still watches o'er its dead; [bNlit, Spring roses blossom at the head,' And rainbow sunsets drop them light • - Some dig their graves, and proud and chill From youth's dear dreams turn with gloried; You never from them know how clear • Werwthe soft hoperitluit Time doth kilt There teridet nlautnel; 'Wander fella\ , And grim , * for what they never' had ; There efde the ghosts of heroes glad,' There noiseless chants.the poet's song. ' • There hid the books that meet were Writ, There buried in the dreamland mold, /lust cats the omrhle.statue cold, That never sculptor's tools shall At. _ . . 'Them little graves of childish hope Lie close to great sarcophagi ; Where giant plans must buried lie, And neither more in dreamland grope. Thus dreamland is se (US of graves, You scarce can find a spot to place A footstep, or your paths defies Some hallowed turf that memory craves. Oh, cemetery of dead dreams, The vastest graveyard earth can show, Your boundaries no man can know , Till btaiven'a revealing glory streams. We then shall reap what now we sow; No longer .wmpt In silence dnm, Your resurrection then shall come With Eastermonainti golden glow. PETEWS BIDE TO TUE WED DING. Peter would ride to the wedding—he would; So he saddled his ass—and his wife, She was to ride behind, if she could ; says Peter, "the woman, she should Follow, not lead through life." " Ele'a mighty convenient, the atm, my dear, And proper and safe; and now, Yon hold liy the tail, while I hold by the ear, And we'll ride to the kirk in time, never fear, If the wind and the weather allow." IMS= The wind and the weather were not to be Matted But the as; had adopted the whim, That two at a time was aloud never framed For the bark of one ass, and he seemed quite ashamed That two should stick fast upon him. " Come,Dobbia," co Peter, thinking we'll trot." "Pm thinking we won't," says the ass, In larmnage of conduct, and stuck to the spot As If he had vowed be would sooner be shot Than lift ape. toe front the grass. Says Peter, says he. "rn whip him a little." • Try it, my dear," says she. But he might just sa.well have whipped a brass kettle, The ass'made of such obstinate mettle That never a step moved he. "I'll prick him, my dear, with a needle," said she; "I'm thinking he'll alter blaniind." ' Theme felt the needle, and np went his heels ; "Pm thinking, says Peter, he beginning to reel Some notion of moving—behind. • • Now lend me the needle and rn prick his ear, And set falterarid, too, *going." .The ass felt the needle and upward he reared ; But kicking and rearing was, all, it appeared, Be'd any intention of doing. - ....• - Says Peter, says he, "We get in rather slow ;. While one end is t'otber aticks to the ground, But I'm thinking, a method to more Watt irthor ; Let's prick' head - and bey together, aii4'so • .'" . Give she creature a start - all tonne! " So said, so done; AB binds were work' And the ass he did 'alter his mind: rot heitarted avay with 51$ sudden a jerk. That in less than a trice heanted at the kirk, - Dui heleft all 'lading bekind:' •'• '' " • fflraitito luttl —On a Western railway a biide is said to have handed her roirriktrecertiftote .the eondactlr instead" of her 'ticket, and wg bornfitil to liear that it was not good. —lt is rpmored that one.of the be*nti fnl eonntry seats qt Norfolk, Conti, Ji been.taken by the evEMperor and Em press of the F,reach;m4 will he occupied by them next. samoitei 7 " A —A cheerful Oyer, put the following note in a pair of_pastalonns sent to the 'Michigan sufferers: - "There, take'erii, d= von; last 'pair; Tve got; don't get burned out wiam,' .-"—A maiden !adv.' of Guilford, N. Y.. of ghod character, liberal education, and mreaecnrnzlishrnents, is laboring under, a most singular hallucination: Imagin ing she is engaged to .be 'married, though she bile prier seen her intended, she makei extended journeys to see nr meet her be trothed. -railing once, nothinr , diseoirrag ed, the starts off again. „ . Tie little busy barkeeper in Boston iliides the shining law, by putting two barrels of whis.ky in te a molasses and fillmg up the pnnebeon with inn lasses. When a customer calls he pumps whisky out through the Initig bole: when. a Constable ; cilia; he runs nyilasaes off thrall& the faucet. —The supply of emeralds from South Ameri . caymmisea to be abundant.' An immen'se number gemshavebeen found in the principal mine of Coltimbiaeind it is stated that when this mike is exhatistrd, not be , for _pare. It will{ not aubstraet thousandth.parrs t the ground Containing . emeralds : in- faet, the 'chain of - monntaiu _ a extend further Bum the eye can ' ' ' • f 31ONTROSE, PA..; wp o DN anit 8 74? • igottilipiesuo. TB FATAL - 1 1 E04 A PIN! A i'll4l IIY 1111i0D011. POiA. prs I was harrying by. expreas mail 'one Christmas to: meet a lady whore; at that time, I was privileged,to call my Belinda. Eyen' then that! [Areal* was .not strictly aconmte fOr•she-was to be my. Belinda. In short I was engaged to be married to her; but this antic , pation of proprietor ship isii privilege gaisefollY conceded to lovers. All that, howevery'is now fithiair. I can talk of it Calmly. !Ihat'a friends say to reb frequently, nyen won't care pie about ;it.'!! A pail The word . gives inn.prick like • the thiag it stands for. It was a pie settled it. She was the must delicate minded crea ture m the world.. Belinda. A acing more highly sensitiveat was impossible to con ceive., Such *cats as stout, healthy, appe tite, leg; limb, stdmaeh, Sea-sick:she Could nutlet near her. I mean, of course, in a Metaphorical sense. such delicacy of mind it was impossible not to add:fire and praise; it signified a world of figure poesy; but thin it made one's position almost precari ous, and on more than one occasion some unguarded allusion of-mine went nigh to shipwreck everything. She told me indeed candidly, "she thought 1 - was the.most re fined and spiritual being she haul ever met." This was'a little exaggerative, for I cannot claim to more than my fellows in this . department, and to say the truth, rather enjoy a good rough speech. Bat still I had to walk warily, . We were about to make a expedi tion and the train was to stop at a partic ular station where Blinda and her mam ma were to come in. Shall -I own it t I felt not a little torvons at this meeting, and Made my toilet with singular nicety. It was the first occassion, too, on whitili I "sported" (to nee the popular phrase) a little prenuptial 'vrtricau, which, consider ing that it touched rather' nearly on a district marked dangerous, surprised me not a little, I allude to a set of handsome gold studs, aletye links, eta, emblaz oned with my personal initials, which were of course inextricably entangled to gether, after the ',approved fashion. But considering that the of these orna ments is not far off from one of Belinda'sob noxious words, it seemed a strange choice. She no doubt looked at Wei:din a, as they nestled in their. blue velvet case, like a litter of newly-born puppies; for her they were simply studs with no ulterior pilrpose: I wag alone in the carriage, and. as I saw, a little nervous. '.lt Was, the first oc casion on which 'I had been admitted io such intimacy asito be cavalier or pratect or. Here was-a: new resriotiiibility, you see. .1 felt lest, and subject to that physi cal etncition attendant on . heart, which I would not so.much as havedtired to whis per in her preseace. I was glancing down my figure, tilling in a general coup front waistcOitt to 61)45, then feeling what I could'not see, when I became conscious of a certain slackness, something flapping about the re ion of the throat. It was Very strange,hunill was loose; something in sea-phrase, hadgone.: I hastened to reef all in, when lei my nervous fingers seeking the tenter, the Atud on which all depended; rtoutio that it was gone. Slipped down,no doubt. 1 investigated, entered -on that slouth hound chase, which yeedelines the explorer—shook all about me—brit Tit Was not there.. I was dowh ci my knees in an instant, groping all over the . ftoor. It was.lost —a substan tial loss, for the neckstud is the most solid add handsomestof thecoltection. It was tolli4'ottieri as the "main sheet" is to the rest of the .ropes. How Vexatious! But there was worse than that lost; here all -v,Vas .sfaelted away, colter open and drop ping like two-horns, breast •of the snowy shirt all apart aid all abroad. The ship, indeed near theifigitie head; all breakiar , up and going to:pieces. What shall I do? how present myselfto . the over fastidious maiden 1 'I was: being hurried to meet Vier: That feeling orielentleis impalse, as theigli - a alaP" tyete being swept away to exeCutloU hytteam or machinery, made 'the "sitnatieti almost' horrible. for sheer nervoosneds.• What was Ito do? Pre sent thyself in thisin4..my throat lifthis draggled eolidition'Y 1 4yey, even to the iirdinarY boors of the street it would be a sinirse of Volgat', toirtli; I Could net pre emit myself trying t/3 keep all together precariously "With one hand.. There were tliOr it s woold be recollected; no linger could confine: the same point. awkwardness too, even . if. it could,:of throe l - ' doefal 'life With one fihger pressed 'this slippery bal. lance One of th . four,if not two,would . . •be certain., to get free; thers,would to reveal the esgzip ilde ? pa. thei eyei could net- bon:1610;CP view, end- the fingers would have to he probing nervously to see that all . Wes • • Why not a pan ? The female reader will have at (wee suggested the remedy, •inniling that ie'aimple• a cure should not hdve Onmerred at once. I had thought of it long before, and searchingdeepamtely in every part orthelninnan agitre.- Being if Welt ordered Mind,eie'rythieg was made fait 'by' Pgency=button ' and buckle nrerywh'e're did mit work: °nudes perate chance I: kept for. the ; beneath, the coat coliar,Seat of. malty o bucionet, there ryas cart:4olo be some stray pin con fining the etallton, the under side. With these recurringlloWep some stray pin must-SW.Oy hare lingered: With U trem bliWgetiii I turned back tlic collar. -'lt was blank., The careful' servant had been at. too Myth .Rains to remove ,What was to dope Ltd -'& brilliant 'tholiglit to be almott &ashen as tlionght t of. - were- of • the, claas that liere no bigger ,than 'seed pears—little "pops" as, Itvere: They:wonld hold noth ing. Sti . that'tnatttie disMiSsed as 'a 1117 tile shun?: - LTlte - ;tsnly,thing 'left 'en -the stoppage of the train, was to Ify,preCipi tatelyiand,locise, Olt eterthePretpetthat svua bettors me, ,14,arid, not pre/seat:lo- self,lliehtritat thrOat'thda ; diiarmnged. Stay l' here was!the titalniatoppilfg slowly —Pot at et - MOO, Ibr hairAti bonito travel:. ' 1 Ve were stbpping otra deserted portion. of ;the line;,, always desOlato prooeogrq, and appearing a sort of phiainalpersonz. fionlion of agonfzed tusoartainty. instant- ly heads were out of the:windows and a guard walking along the line was called on to espial?). • 7'Only a luggage van in front." But he Was to be mule more thorl theirs. Ile was to he my rescurer. - ' "Guard!" I said. . "Well, sir!" he ariswered, walk ing on. and unrolling his flag: , • "Just come here," I .did not want ,the ears outside the carritoi to know my . • "Can't attend to 'you now, tit ; Must see that we aren't run .into." And bebop rind tiaiihg his bit of red bun tims.— This 'Wei frettnag and harassing. There was- a benevolent looking head that protruded from the'window close to mine, stretching with . great interest up :the line. 'The Ova seized me—the very thing; I - wOuld appeal to him. "There is ricactual'danger?" be asked. "None in the„xorld, but perhaps you would oblige rne with such tithing as a pin• ' My cellar bas got undone—most awkward." But the other express is due about this ime:—we.might 4 ruts into. Goodness! s this the way passengers' lives are to be rifled with?" "There is no danger," I repeated. "The guard says it is a luggage van. Could you oblige me with a pin ? or perhaps there is a lady in the carriage—" "Oh, I have no pin 1" he answered testily. "Where's this guard ?—seandulons 1" The guard came running back much blown. "All clear," ho cried, "all tight. It ain't nothing." I called to him, grown desperate, "&o kere,suard, Oet on the step, .I wan't to ' '"Can't stop sir, we must pull up." But it in most particular. Look here." He thought I . going to show him something in the:carriage, and he sprung. on the step. "LoOlt here," I said hurried ly, 'here's half a crown—only please do da grt mo a-pin." I was speaking in a language which is intelligible, I beheve,to guards of all tribes rind nations. The half crown was a mere ward, bat uttered in the language of money. lie saw and, understood, but-look ed very strangely at me. "'Alf a crown fur a pin!" he said with gpt,such a thing." ( The Impatient engine driver gave a sharp ex posulating whistle) "But when we get in II 'are one for you, sir, never fear.' "It won't do," I said desperately; "ask some wi.man, female, lady, I must have it now. (Again a sharp remonstrance from the engine man.) Five shillings," I said, feeling in my waistcoat pocket, "shall be ,yours." Though he saw that I was a queerish gentleman, the exhibition of the two "alf er crowns" amounted to couvic- tion, to the Most cogent argument he had met with. Regardless of the interest of .the train—a feature I have remarked in officers of his elass.when thus tempted—! &WV him on the step of en adjoining car riage, making his request. The curiosity of the passengers.was unbounded. They all thought it had something to do with the train, the'espresses, etc. The benevo lent man alone, who had heard was in a rage. "It's scanclulous 1 passengers' lives are to be trilled with in this way. I'll write to the company. Yonr'e not fit to be a guard; running about taking money from the passengers." Guard returning in txil umph but looking guilty, Failed all his effrontery to his aid. "I ain't doing nothing of the kind.— Don't you interfere with me, and I shan't with you.. Ilereyou are, sir. managed it," he said as if Ile had performed set ., rice of danger. .t -lye understood each other, the reivard was to be reserved till the end of the journey; he should have seven and six then. Here was the bid.. I was saved.— I threw :t:tyself bank relieved, and we went As all the hopes of Rome rested on this little Oran of ' wire. wenn° work cau tiously: Why 7 -Why! When hooked at it I round it was a frail, ghost of a pin, a little delicate consumptive artlele,withont stamina or backbotie. Its.functitin wits to pass through four pipees of starched linen. The idea was Inderone. In spite of confidence that teOns childish, I set my 7 self to make the attempt-:-."-it bent bon ble in a second ; was 0 0100 and feeble that, on my atternftitig to straighten it,jt bent back again the other way, like an 91f - this I gave way to a moody despair, which increased ai . weaatrie nearer to the place 'of meeting. Theti' as the - engirie houses Mid'siguatpoeteliegati to'nualtiply, and the carriages to reel' 'and jolt'a little us we passed Oyer switches and ciasiiigh I roused myself and, through .slicer des pair; Once more straiglitOwa the pin, and by some tnyeteriond - halagoing, Or super natural pOWer; slicceeded . hi faking it into two or perhaps Ape of the folds. It did not gO through, bbt it held somehow would bold for a few seconda,until L 'weld secure it Stout strong rim that would make all fast. Then tying my limOkerl chief Very tightly over waited With . - out motion. ' '' ' ' Here Wai a terminus--here was Belinda and her mother. I ant Sure they tbdught me'cold, if not snklYl for I only instead 'of leapingiup thrusting my body half out of - the:windoW, and waving my -hand till ithe tritip stepped, at. an ottiO lover woltild have done. :When .1 had got out and had "reinernbered" the guard— who followed •me . .with a doubtfill - eye, whispering to. his fellow, andAialting to see . whom I , should - join, expepting no doubt .to' find keepers waiting- , 11. found Belinda with rather a -"hurt" expression on- her: feee. , -' lint even Then daredhot relai or bit entpf*e; It:Was die dange'rous. -would make all up by ii!of effuslbn' of tenderness later.- I ' ' .i,lVhat is the matter?" she said coldly; "you don't' teeth very glad to see ? Have offended yen ? "Offended 17.-I exclaimed, so impetuous. th'at Teftathnd neatly given "waY,"noi" added` more stattily, "but if yon would let me goo ,sfrltli Son's stall for a mo taeilt:-4nly foi . ,one single seeped —" - "A.s . thany as you please," she said real. , 1Y angry: "Mamma. we' should.have de. cepted Captain-Bridleman's offer and it is unt too late yet; seri him at the door. ,Bridletias.was arrival, sad 0, dangerous one. ' - _ • "Let' Mi. 'go," I said seizing her hand; "never mind Smith and Son, /tine noth ing often all." - : ' • . "And you could 'give me 'a pin for 'nothing after alL' - ' This makes it worse." "Give ,- you a pain," f said veherntritly, -"I declare solemny—Alas I at that moment felt it go. . The frail pin gaye way—with . a sort of ; snap, and the four ends of the shirtand collar flew apart My ready band barely tared discovery.' "Virhat is the matter ?" said my Belinda mamma, "are yotfill ?" "No-not: at all, on the 'contrary," I said scarcely knowing whafl was saying. " No sore throat I trust ? Good gracious! with diptheria so fatal and SO contagions." Belinda looked at me stead il y. She was always a,cold meditative girl, that liked working - put things to a conclusion. "Then why do yon keep yOur,hand to your neck in that way ?"- " Well 1 have a sort of cold, or I- think it jn craning on "And that will Cure it, or prevent -it? said she in the same chilling way. " Give me a pin," 'whispered to Beliuda's mother, "quick 1" She started. "A pin 1 what an odd re quest What do , you want it for?- Good gracious? " „ " Yea mamma," said Belinda, "I stip po.io 'to prick my arm, be is looking so wickedly at the me—l declare I am so glad. to see you, Captain Bridelman." A sort of "hawhaw" -gentleman bad come np, with large month and whiskers, and was bending over her. a Why, good gradions I" he said, "so complimentary, 1 declare, I don't know what to say." • "You must come to the meeting with as," she said. "The gentleman on whom we counted is too mach engaged with his throat. "Mr. Bridleman turned on mo a half amused, half insolent stare. " Why, yes, so is it," be said ; seems something in the throat. Go to Hooker at once—great doctor." And he -looked as though I would go at once to the emi nent physician. "It is not the throat," said smiling feebly, " when I explain—which I will later—" "Well, I do say it is•odd. said the, cap tain critically, " because yen see, no per son ever heard of a sore throat down on the collarbone." I saw Belinda was shocked with this allusion, yet was so puzzled at my behav tor that the latter sensation overpowered the former. Still I dared not removed my hand. However miserable the pres ent situation, what would" be more, disas trous. The saptaip was looking more curiously still. " Why, I declare," he said maliciously, "if lie ain't got something 'concealed there f bet in amount he bee: 'see it. ,, " "This mystery is very odd, said 'Belin da's 1.11111111 l " taIIALICrILIg your proposed relations to pair daughter, think it very odd. Pray take down your hand, Mr.— or you will expose ywirself to the very worst construction."' • What could I say or do! At that in_ staut the guard came 14 and said, loudly enough to be heard by all, but in jocular tone—A " Yon got.the little sharp instrument sir, as you were 100 kin, ,,, for: , They all started back; Belinda's mother gave a cry. "Take it away from him r' He's'ma4l He means mischief 1" • 'Souse Me,' said the captain, "but this won't do, you know." Ahd snatching my hand, dragged it down violently. ' Thereewas no further use of attempting congealment.. Wide flew the four ends, revealing—Oh shame! shame! what shall I say ?"Btit that was pot the worst; The effect most have' behl as 'or soniethlit manioal;•for the. ladies g•tlye a short cry and turned . ..away, add -the infamous cap lila exclaimed, ''.l3y gore, he's mad 1" 1 - J. turned and fled. Belinda , is now Urs. Bridleman, The worst and niortifying part is that he prob ably owed his selectioa to a belief in hie prodigious sagacity in discovering soy Thy Royal Famlllirat St. Ptiunk The iisit , of Queen Victoria and her family to St.. Pearson the day of Thanks itving is thus despril?ed in the London *Telegraph: '• • * ". ~ • . • We heard•distant cheers. She wascom ming, and stir passed - through the As se-13113y. Nov £he notes of the brasshand at the West door could be distinguished aboye the: shouting of the crowd in the . Streets.. Every one stood up and: Waited for the QUeen,..o appear. Fret came the Speaker of the House of Commoni' l in seleinn, procession, With -the mace borne before, him; nest folloWed the :Lard Cbancellor, - also preceded lifhis rdate,tind, after him clue tUo Lcird-Mayor, finely at tended. Now the clergy" of the Cathe dral moyed slowly up the nave s and cuti .osity was on, tiptoe to catehti glimpse of the Prince. It had not been Certainly known wheth er 'he Would come; as ho - was forbidden to - risk himself Arnold the weather he too cold, and almost a eigh of relietcould be heard as the congregation saw that Queen Vio toria was leaping on her son's anti. I ought ritliCr sliv . that she led her son forward, sines weaohscried, with interest -and' sympathy, that•tbe, - Prince's iteps were feeble; its well i es they 'might bp; and that if either one helped the other, ?t ,was her .Slajesty Who did the belying Pait.-- T h eyadstneeld with smiles and with aliclit hows - of tichnowl6dgment to 'either side, between the brilliant lines of officers,naval and military, who' bent low in liomage us they came.. There wits the Queen, look ing, I thought,linrticidarly well and hap py. There was the Prince, safe and nearly well, miking mach strongee in the face than could have'Veen hoped afterahcb aii illness. There was tbe f'air Princesses pretty" and'as gracious as ever, 'The royal children, on either band completed the picture; and those five flgu . res, moving up the 'nave - whilst the organ pealed:forth 'God save the - Quein; and all' eyea were turned upon -them ? forniett the! bisbarisal tableau of the day, ' . -4 good side chow-4 pretty cheek ,'-', TOLUNE..XXIN,4OI4Biii ls: Finder Rings. . . , Finger rings are of the greatest antiq uity and ,of universal fashion. ,One of the colossal figures of antiquity is &whiz, or Cheops, King of Memphis, who during his lifetimeeaused the Great Pyramid to be built for his tomb. Every decree eon .nected with the- building of the. Great Pyramid, or with the thousands 'of men employed onit,:was sealed with the signet ring of Suphis. No otherring was ever connected with such a vast - human - work. The. Great Pyramid which may' have cast its shadow over Alexander anti Catribyses, still:points sunward, a monumi3nt Of man's vaulty and power; and the - same ring wbichtells ail its marvellopfistory'gleams as brightly to-day as viten it glittered on the baud of Cheops, more- than* three, thousands years ago; This is -the ._most valuable riu;of antiquity in the world. This ring is in the highest state cif:Reser, Tativ.. s -.Ent was tens - at utifen, in a tomb near that excavation of • Colonel Vyt.e's called Campbell's Tomb. It is of flue gold. The style of the hiero-glyhics is in perfect accordance with those in the tombs about the Great'PYramid, and the hieroglyhics within the oval -makes the name of that Pharaoh of whom the - Pyr; amid was the tomb. Solomon was said to own a ring which possessed mai, - ,4cal powers.. Pharaoh gave a ring to Joseph, the. patriarch, as a sign of his delegated outhority. 'When the Roman ambassador required-the King of Bithyniar to give Hannibal - up; -the Latter on the point of the King's doing so, swal lowed poisdn, which he always carried about in his ring; Lillie. time of Alex ander the Great it. was the custom= in Athens to wear magnificent'- rings 'with engraVed stones. It is. recorded that Demosthenes wes fond of finger ring's. The Romans collected *cases of:rings, many of which are mentioned as being at Rome; among tlieSe ' ties that 'Finch Pompey the Great took from Mithridates, and dedicated hi 'Jupiter in the. capital. lTpon Ponipey's ring Were engraved three trophies, tis emblems of his three triumphs over the three parted the'world—Europe, Asia' dd Africa.' - • - • • Caesar's ring hi - ir,e.en armed Venus. On that of Augustus there was first a sphinx, afterwards the image of Alexander the treat; and at last his own, - which the sue ceeding Emperors continued to use. Ne-, ;re's Signet bore Appel° slaying 3lursyas. This Emperor's musical .vanity led him to adopt it. When - the practice of defying the princeiand heroes hecames general, portraits of men took the place, of. more ancient type. . This custom gave birth to the cameo; when Greeks artists were en couraged to settle in ' Rome in order to supply the demand for these beantiful or naments. Seneca . mentions a , ring set with the head "of l'iberiiisin cameo. The stones•principallY used , b,y the • Greeks and Romans for cameo-petting- were :ii,gate, onyx 'and the'lndian' sardonyx;-the latter was most prized on account of variety of tint in its . differentheds orlayera dud-the. beautiful, warm, transparent,' Carnelian like ground. The ring of Nonine con tained the largest °vial known to the an cients, on accounts of which its posseisor was proscribed by Mark Murk Antony: It. was of the size of hazel-nut, Mud was val ued at a sum equal to 5160,000 of our indnev: When Welk to. .flight he carried nothing with him but this nng, How marinlonsi a'clds Pliny, !Mist have been the cruelty; bow marveloml the urions' passion'of Antopions;thus to pro- . scribe a man for the possession of ajew el; and no lesi marvelous must hain tteen the obstinacy of Nonins, who could thus dote upon,Viliat had been the caused' his prescrption."2 Coming down to imini modern times we are told that the -ring which George Washington bad place on, the finger of his bridelMrs. Martha Cos tis, the beaUtifni young widow,, in Jahn; ary,.1758) is - still preserved. It rs a gold ring Set with' a topmC The topaz is deriv ed from the - Island TopaziOn', whin, was itipPosecl to be situated in- the .Red Sea. There are two kihds of topnze& 'The su perior is a golden color; the other inclines to a greenish...yellow. ,TheSecend species Was called chrysepaee; a name, which in `dicates the blendin,g of gold' and 'leek color. ' In allusion to the latter .coler, thO 'steno isoilled in the Chaldean dialect jar:. ken (green,) which is the equivalent to Giving rings in marriage perempnies is seipposed to iudicate the eternify-nf the rmion, seeing that a circle is endless. The Jewish bridegroom puts the ring on 'the forefinger of the.bride's ri,glit- band, - and this is•the rule•in the Greek:Church alto. riithis.Rethart and Anglican, the ring- is plaeednn the'fbnithfiliger Of the tv,oinan's left hand, the'brigin of which - has - been "mach disputed. - Sir Thomas Browne oh-, seriinge An . . opinion there- is, inegnities 'the fourth ',finger of the left hand, presuming therein a cordial :rela tion, twat a particular Veda . , nerve; rein; -or artery, is conreired thereinto from the heart; and, therefore, that bath especial- i honor, 'to hear our' rings.* '.. SR' 1 Thomai then refers to this, practice as common not only in Christian but heath en'nuptial' contracts. Pliny states 'that in . the portraits of th'e, gods the rings -were worn on the finger Licit to the thumb; 1 'that the I:oinuns Wore them on the mid dle finger„ as the ancient, Gauls and -Prit onsi'aild smite ripen tia forefinger; as' is deducible from Julius - Pollux, - who tianies that ring.Corionas, Since, therefore, the practice differs in: various cenntries,:' we can searcelk.refer it tiny natural cause which would alike affect all. Sir Thontas nest examines the anatomical details of nerve, - vein and artery ; 'adding' that' irt speption does not . "confirm a particular vessel in his finger,'!..and that propaga tions being Communicated , unto both hands, we hate no greater reason to wear our rings on the 1i ft then on the right," The:Lorain Manual, as'ola as 1065; says: ." The ring should-be so placed because in this medicine &kyr is a certain vein which goes directly to the- heart." * ' Aniong,theJewi'there dime:times :was an exchanging of rings,; the bride - , first wing a . plainning of tilver,and receiving n back aring of _gold, The -difference- of metal was understood to symbGlize an ac• knowledgemfnt of inequality on the part of woman: • - .The raw material—Underarm afak, Speedy Animas; to Prayer. • A poor widor spike one morning to her five young children • "31plea ydhog children, I can give you nothing to eat this morning'. bav6 tread, ho meal, not even' an egg In"thd, houge"Aak the dear Lord 'to belling:— lie is rich and taighty,ind has said aim celf,-,.Ca1l upon re in the day of treltble, and I will deliver...thee.'" • ".• _ ' ' The Hang; who„ was scarcely six - , years old, went veryhungry .and= .sad on hii wart° school. As be pegged by the open door of the :church be went hi, end kneeled down befoul the altar; As hesaw no perion in the church, he prayed with a land voice:—; "Dear Father in heaven; ire . children have nothing to eat. , Our mother.bas ud bread. no meal, not even an help 41s. .Give us and our,dear.mother some ..the naguty, an can easily help us" - • So prayed - little' Hans in his childish simplicity. and afterwards went. to school. When he came home he - saw upon'tho tables large loatof bread, a dish of meal; and' a basket or eggs.. ' "Now', thanks to.Gid," cried he,u . joyf . ; has heard my prayer.' 'Mother,' has an angel brought all these thingethro' the wiridourP - ' : - ' • •'• "No." said the mother;' bat.Ged,lias heard your prayer. As you kneeled at the altar, I. good lady was kneeling also,in her place in the church. You could notTece her, but she saw= 'you and' heard' your pray9r.' Shd has sent. mt:theie thin She te'the - angel through - whom (Ind has helped No; 'then, thank' Godiand never- forget' through . your whole: life tti `call upon God in the day of trouble???! Influence of Newspappret. , Theßoston Trareteritates that a school teacher, who had enjoyed the benefit of. a long practite of hiS profession„ and:had ivatched closely the influenes of newepa:: pers tiOn the minds of' a: family ; of- chil dren, tires es ti result of hiiebservatiOns. that, without . exceptiois, - these scholars of both sexes; and - all ages, Who have,hedisi to newspapers at home, when 'compared with those who have riot, are:. ' .-• 1. Better readers, 'excelling in pronun ciation had consequently" read more. tin: derstandingly. ' 2. They are better Spellers, and define Words with easeand accurr.cy. • ' - .3. Tbey , obtain a partial knowledge.in geography in almost half the time lire= quires otheri, the newspapers haying mash: them familiar with the location of 'taper: tent pladesind" nations, their government and doiags.' ' - 4. They - are. better .gminmarians, fv r. having become familiar, with every varlet)• of style in. the neuipapez ; from common phi-be advertisements to the finished nail classical operation or the statesman, they mein readily comprehend- the meaningot the text, enstip seqn ently analyze its cow : .struction with accuracy. - • L. They write better 'Compositions, using - better language,.contaipmg nle'N thoughts, and still more clearly expressed: From these simple facts three import tent things can be deduced: • ' • 2. The responsibility of, the presa..i.!? supplying literature which shall he nu'-- derstandinoly, expressed: " 2. The absolute necessity of personal supervision of a, ' reading tiY.lai; parents. • - - 3. Having once obtained - 'a 'goodab' , paper, no matter what thd price‘doret .e gridoe it a harty nuppo t. • . —The Wild Pease . dees upP Frgaril .j)r. Ayer's wisdomin mignliing norths imnienSe'nribibers of - thCm as. `ara -11 311V over es new; while litealmanao :says "Bleak and Watering' about ,Ibis. time; :with heavy, .suow."--Veclar 3.` • We were too:fast last week. in :Oar 'ltei;t I S on the conflict betwee hr. 'Ayer tind'the wild geese'. 1 : The 'Do Weis ,scieriew. beat. theivinitiuct this ti e. ' -..,N0t 'for. years have we.had such a anew storrriaslhatof last • SinidA s'''rh& snow lie4"thre6 . feej: deep on a reyel in Alintielotti; and tiro feet in WiseonsiO, while the itOrnfhas strip: froin ilm'Atlantic' to fife... Dicky. Mins tains. ~ Sno‘r fell to rations depths as far "south Its:Detiver,TOrt, Union and, Ptmtp Fe.' : Learned as we believed Dr. Ayerin the} arcane of nature, rind' wonderful as we knew his . niedicineS'M be, we were not prepared for se' sitnal an instance ,of ,hU superippty; not only ever the wise men, but the wisest Of anunali whose. instinct It considered unfailing. We drive up the Peg, more. firmly' than. ever, over our ;hearth for.S.ye's American Aitnanae,-- Cedar 27,4pids Thaes, March 10. , •: ,- 314!abington as a Farmer. . .The farm of peneral-Waallin g to r , :at Ver (in, "con Wined . ten - .thousand acres of.laudia one - bodr—equal to, about fifteen square miles. - .Itwas divided lute farins of, convenient size, at the. distance of two, three and fire miles from the Man: sion Rouse.. He visited these farms every day, in. pleasant zweather, and was i.con.- stun tly engaged . making experiments for the improvement of agriculture. - Boma idea of the extent of Ina fanning opera tions• may-be formed from the followtug facts: 1n1787 he had - live hundred and eighty acres.: in. grass, sowed.six hundred, bushels of oats; seven.hundred aoreswltfi 'wheat,.and as much - more incorri,:barley, pi:46es, itean.f,'peas,' 4.e., and, oue hun dred and: fifty with turnips: His . itocir consisted of one hundred and forty horse 4 ono hundred and tutelre eoivs;:two bun ,. Bred and.thirly-six working - oxen, heifers and steers, and five -hundred .and fifty hands; and kept twenty futir ploughs'' go , inglinring the whole year, when'the'earth and the state of the' weather.woald permit: In-. 1790 he.slaughtered .one hundred and forty, hogs for:the ute•:of his owntfamili: and provisions - rut, his ne - groes for:wbbs 4 ceanfort he hedsreat:regard. --Pleasant eheacs iife—bank: cheelo --rParasylvailia women -- Non.expli.% —Drop U 3 a line, as tlvo tont • raid t, the"angler. • -•