goad Ilittcl*out. tsithious SERVICES LAPTItt COO= ' • Rim 1 4 , B. Raw ,p In. Pititor. Math Services 10x a . w. and .m. I•labbstb Se.booL Prayer )(eating, Wednesday Eventszs 12 7X biTITAkIC eIIIIIR.CII: P.m J. &Arran. Sabbath narrow ..... ....Second Sunday in tact Month SagaWliebool Immediately Woes *am , .. ItPIIkII T AV.CIIVECII—Itay. i. A. Vrannman.llector. Salemth Semites. 10M a. m. and Mr p. m m. EandialSetiool ... U. Weak-Day Baffled—Wednesdays .......... A . ..7X P. in. 111STUODP3TE - PraeoPAL ....Rev. A, D. ta.aziablat.: Babbitt' Baykal' ' ' ' 10.43 a. la. and 1.30 p. in. Rabbi% _School 9 p, in. Playrt Zeldin; Thumbls. 9.30 p. in. —Ha imssnieTsitax mama Iter. 3. Cs. Malin. Bibbatb Minim. • - 10.43 a. mama 7,14 p, in. Babbstb Behnol ' 1/13 p, at. Pinter Meeting, Thursday Evenings "V P.m Business Notices. We tart attention to the folloning new adter• ttsetnetrts thlimeek. ~. e4-15Thrsi'llaritess,Bliop in Brooklyn—Shipman th Case. —NI:. C. B. Upterrovo will open A Boot and Shai store onMonday, April gtb.in the building opposite tbellank, one floor below W. L. Coz's 4arnessßlAp. .tiMie Thermometer down neatly to zero, mad the triad several degrees higher than was ever hnow•n by the oldest, will do for April Ist. kfie 4 grasihoppers Must surrender we think 111temlon - 1111telnoeratle Cormaiittee! .111 members of the Democratic Connty Com .hereby notil.N.l that a meeting will •take place at the 'Exchange (O. M. Soon's) Hotel, •)tontrose, on Tuestley,, Aptil oth,lB . l2—it being •{he first week of court—at 2 o'clock p. m.. "Ac- Jrron "Is the watchwaii. , , B. HAtm.r.y, Ctiattman. Killed by Whisky. - Welesm from the Morning Re s publican that little-boy but Elixir years of age, living a 'Wilkes- Barrie, killed himself one day last week, by drinking nearly et pint of whisky. Diphtheria. This word oyould not be spelled diptberia and should be pronounced diAberin. Even Webster says diphthong is vulgarly pronounced dipthong.. Its pronunciation is di/thong. Newspapers. The, number of newspapers and periodicals pabltsfied in the United States is as follows. 111y,.374; Tri-weokley, 107 ; Semi-wdeltley, 115 e Veekly, 4070 ; Semi monthly, OS ; Monitdy,4l94.3lp4stontbly, 13; Quarterly, 49; Total, Wyomlm. Tim building of a brigde across the 'BusqUe hanna at Wyoming has now become a fixed tact The bridge will be an open structure 1.41 feet t4e, with seven cables on each side, and wrought iron tower on the abutments. Its esti-, isanted cost is about $4.5,000, and the authorized capital of the Company $40,600--38,230 of -which have already been taken. Itepepled. The Act repealing an Act, giving the fines and forfeited recognlzances of this county to the -Legariatiort has ,passed both branches of She Legislature, hence. Will become s law. It was gratifying to us to know that the people so unanimously sustained our views in this matter, and' We arc glad of the privilege to commend the action of our Ilepresentativcs for having carried out their Wishes. Important to Gardeners The following is the approved philosophy of preycmting . hensfrom scratching up the garden. Put gaff" or spurs on the bens, reversing them, instead of the points up have them pointed downward. Then when a hen lifts a leg to . scratch, as it descends the point of the spur catches in the ground, placing the foot forward "and a stroke with the other leg is attended with like results, until pe hen walks herself right out cd the garden. Beihkethachr Tares.. • The Lehigh Valley Railroad Company en April 2,41, 1872, reduced the rates of passenger fare on their main line (from Pittston to Easton) a59n1 . 42.4.11 a cent per mile. The Company will alsaissue and sell excursion tickets to and from New York, on, and after that date. This an• noulitepeTd, will b°' bailed with 'limn= by the traveling:public, and is another evidence that the company IS ever ready to accommodate the public. Their reward, no doubt, will be a largely increased passenger ,travel—fkilefehem ifence. -msen, The Piano. - The following simple rules more generally known than ohSetva4 ~,aye all that 4 required to keep Sp aaoit gqad older; Keep it out of a damp room ; never place it too near the fire or the window, or hetweett them, or in a draught, hut place it at least a foot from the wall or in the middle of the room. Do not load the top of it tills books; and if it is a cottage, da not tarn the tmttom—as some peapy do - 7 - int9 a au?' board for wino and dessert. Keep the keys care fully dusted and always shut down the lid when you are done playing.' Borrow/km Newspapers. An exchange:warns people in regard to the danger, of borrowing newspapers and not sub scribing for them. It assures its readers /hat it oncelmewn;poor but honest man who lioriww ed a patkrlitriocently and inadvertently. Fatal ant:, That terrible contagion, the small pos t was conveyed insiduously into the extensive and in larding fandly consisting of a doting father, a and wife, several intelligent and heroic sons, thirteen lovely' dauithers, tiro Popular mother_a in-jaw and three beautiful tincit, one of vrismn remains to tell the talc. Thy-Years In a Min Tap. • The long expected companion to "Ten sights M allsItoom" is nearly ready, and will shortly appeal:. the popularity and great usefulness of this standard temperance book is evinced by the immene sales that have been made; much greater, it is,heljered, than those of any book of its clays ever published: Who has not read this remarkable honk, so true to nature ; so intense in Gilect,•and so terrible in its moral,and who that has read it has not Wi4ted feir a emapanion f To satisfy this widely exprimsed,dealre' , the author Gas undertaken and just completed a new "vol. nme, that unmasks the liquor-seller and his 1 1 1- J uriaus traffic in a way ttistmtle and arouse the bblie The new book is entitled"Tpazz YEARS ne A 343. *TRAP." It gives an inelde view of the Plu9ffsretle,and prointys :thei.terrible effect of that Millie in a series of pictures, fall of the In tensest interest, with the skiji and.. fidelity to nature so eminently characteristic of theauthor. The book cannot fail to make a strong itaPrei sionraml,as -a new auxiliary in the cense ,Rf !•cr l . 3 ,Per4llo,iyinhaT O a wide and powertitliollt- S!ce-, could be more timely than its eiTeeranim now. We learn, by the publishers'' e"reehd:, that It A to 'be - sold exelosively.by agepts and as it is a good opportunity to secure a bo a ok _which easily , and at 'the setae lime* 4l'yast amount of good, we advise ittlY one seeking prilltable bnplevment of that kind to apply to - the'publishers, Stodderf ib Co; *z 4 1 )4 - gt l 4:4 404,-; eldiadelphia,. rot army, and t enter Mato thls work Qtirioi4l6/:- portage at once.' The following is a full 114 Of officers of Great Commantiory, No,'47,:gdl'„ fF.tho : en. suing Templar year: Em. Sir, Rev. Ira R. Pardee Dutuntander, P.T.B.Eminons, Getterallisaiino ; J.L Mayo, Capt. General; Past Em; Slr.J.ll,Daselitairy, Pre late; Sir, A. B. Whiling, S. Vti t 'Past 'Etti.iStr, A. P. Stephens; d. _chat'. Simpson, Treasurer; Past Em . Sir, W: Sinirell, Re corder; Sir, IT, W. Fox, ,Standaril Bearer; Sir, Henry Tyler, Sword Beater; of, David Mason, Warder; Brown, Sd Guard; Sir, B. T. Gillespie, 2d Guard; Sir, B. pul l l ist,9o4 and Railer% The usual Easter scrviecs were held at" St. Paul's Church, on Sunday last Very much credit is duo the ladies, :or the beautiful anti tiii propriate manner in which the Church was decorated with spring flowers, vines and signifi cant Inottet'i. The attendance 3:11n good, not withstanding the storm of .rain so much needed and for which WE all shotild be thankfill. The chlldreres service was well nitendedat.SO'clock p.m., and the usual service and exhortations Were interspersed With songs ofjoyfideoMmemoration of the aniversary of the "Biting Lord. l L The Sunday School offering amounted to ahout .180. and the usual Easter 'collection was $l2O, making in - the aggregate $2BO. : , Safety and Speed on Railroad. A Pennsylvania engineer has invented a plan of laying rails which will increase theepclency and economy of railroads. It provides for the laying of two narrow gauge tracks,sido by.side. with a spacebetween the inner rails equal to the present ordinary gauge of four feet eight inches This thrnlshes three gartgeal ail, of which it is proposed to use. The narrow gauge will be teed for freight at a slow into of speed while for pa.a.nger traffic the wide gauge will be employed, which will admit of a rate of speed being attained as high as a hundred miles an hour. The cars of the passenger trains will be mounted on four lines of wheels, which the inventor claims will prevent oscilla tion and thereby increase safety. The idea seems a practical onh and will doubtless soon have a trial that will test 4.—st. Pout Pioneer. Control Tonr Tongue. There Is as much connection between the words and the thonghts as there is lietWeen the thoughts and actions. .Tbeletteiis not °idyll/9 expression of the former, but they have a power to react upon the soul, and leave the-stain of corruption there. A young man who allows him self to use one vulgar or profane word, has not only tsown that there is a foul spot on bbs mind, bushy the utterance of that, spot be Inflames till, by indulgence, it will pollute 6W - ruin the souL Ile carefid of your words and of your thoughts. If you can control. your tongue so that no improper words are pronounced by it, you will soon be able to. control the mind, and save it from corruption. You extinguish the fire by smothering lt, or by preventing bad thoughts front bursting into words. Newer utter a word anywhere which you would be salamed to speak in the presence of the most relined lady, or the most religious man. Try this Prac tice a little while, and you soon will have com mand of yourself. 4C11.11.--•—• In _Nature. Every day' we meet with persons who in their families are cross, ill-natured, dissatisfied, finding fault with ererybody and crerything,whose first greetings in the break - 6.51-room is a complaint, whose conversation seldom fails to end in an enumeration of dilliculties mid hardships, whose last word at night is an angry growl. If you can get such persons to reason on the subject, they will acknowleko that there is some' want" at the bottom of it ; the want of a better house, a finer dress, a more handsome equipage, a more dutiful child, a more provident husband, a more cleanly, or systematic, or domestic wife At one time it Is a "wretched cook"..islio staxids be tween them and the sun ; or a lazy house-ser tant, or an impertinent carriage The want of more money than Providence has thought prop per to bestow will be found to embrace all these things. Such persons may feel assured that people who cannot make theinselvesieilly com fortable in anyone set of ordinary circumstances would not be an under any other.—Dr. W Hall. Where Is the " Man amid Brother V' We netiec in the Radicalhypocritical " neqe equality " papers of this Congressional District, a call for a "colored" convention to convene at Towanda on Thursday last, and also that a "col ored" meeting was held in "Zion's Churcb,", in 1 Montrose, to send delegates to it "to take steps to secure the success of the Republican party in the re-election of General Grant to the Presi dency." What has ;fincoine of the infatnons Radical heresy of "no distinction on account of color," so blasphemous in theory, and which is constantly developing tVbase hypocrisy of the Radical political demagegtteavim disgrace their kindred by a blatant and heartless defence, to further their venal and corrupt designs upon the liberties of the people?. Whyrtre these "citizens" whom the Radical politicians of Susquehanna County will bug to their philanthropic (?) bosams at the polls and in their "back4fice" on elec tion day's, and tell them that if ',they don't vote for them the County Seat will be moved and their property in "the valley" will not be worth half price, but When contentions are held thti are driven to act by themselves' ,Simply be cause two thirds of the hon!st members of the parts , tO-clayire fully aware of the ltollow heart edneaa of the scheme that gags their manhood, and which swept away one of their most sacred of Constitutional rights, that - Pf regulating their own. State affairs, by the, actiottof-a mtalSon gmsi and a corrupt and Jo/Is-like Legislature, and would bolt, the party did they Priketico, l7 44 they preach. These "colored brethren" are to wears'Grant dog-collar, and be led like cattle to the polls, and kicked out the back door after election as a "nigger." Radicals denounce an hont Democrat who dares to proclaim the-tua.- alterable flat' of God, (a destineflon of races)asts, Copperhead and traitor, arAi yet by Abele every action declare to the world tliat they are galley of a most Infamous libel upon truth and justice. Are - the people blind ? Singular Revenge: ' • About forty years ago there resided in the town of Jackson, Washington county, a well to-do farmer by the name of Ferguson. he was industrious and fritgal, but after a time 'lit:came addicted to the use of intoxleatingthlnks,_ anti -when under the influence Of his Tsioritei bevel age a ge would be liberal to such an extent that be would give away pioperty which might be at his disposal at the time., Feariog that ho wOuldthussgatti!der: all his - effects, w =Mints- Rion was ehttlined - and 4 the property placed b) the bends of his . yon—ften . the papers. was served on the old uatinielvitiFt4 "You base takeu,my property heti pie, arid are obliged to support and take care of rite! giiinkcic:dtattly took to bm bed arid .C . ontiriued tio 'Mudd there, day and night, for twenty Years. ror the that iew years he 'Mould g et upand sieve iiiraierf every OPierat;Yt und,,then intpedlatery take to bli bedagaht, for the hen fifteen Yeitie of Alta ilia he mai veiled upon its a inhuat, notwithetsid; hag fie eniqediced health, and wag in oosses ileti Of nil his faMtitles, .mental aad 4:•byskal. IliteCoikupondent mho sends •us the'aboie ' , ignites for Its truth:-'. 1 , a6il *IF!. On 'the night of : the 18th init, a Welsh Minis ;ter,ind bl wife , femeihat beyond the maidian of life; tesidetits Faltereek;.Bradibrd county Pa.; ivhile retarrOg tothideliome frtim Frank lin:(tobi tiles diStant)Whether they had been for)kPititotis Miters of which. they had freely Indulged, dropped by tho' roadside leading up the inchnitain,hopeleiSly intoileated, Morning 'came and the old min by the aide of 4 hollow stump, which 'heimbgined was his Wad 'owe was barely . a tite la crawl, while the old 'oman .only a fa* Pipet!rpsy t sleeping , thb steep that knew fives unable tbli'sli s !md to his callio light pirOlifid: liadubt lei 6, refreshing smoke. 'Ceronee's inquest hltught hitt verdict that death was produced by exposit:et drunken ness,thei iMsdrkifuldcitabauld remind all of the evil4,4f intemperance, even when springtime coined' with Waibling blue birds, as they might think it unsafe to take lodging out doom if highly stimulated with the ardent. Lest iyometr. There Is a whole sermon tli Christian charity and unedited Tiodness in the following lines from the pen of lifts. Burlelgh. They refer to a subject of the-gravest Importance, and if every mother and slater In the land would view the matter in a light , 'which it is here depleted,who can doubt the blOssing that would flow from It prietical application of the Weise advanced.— Sheskys "Has it ever occurred to you what a commen tary upon our civilization are these lost woman, and the attitude of society toward them? A lit tle child spays frdm tire home Inclosure, and the whole community Is on the alert to find the wanderer, and restore it to its Mother's arras. -L- What rejoicing when it is found; what tearful sympathy; what heartiness of congratulation. There are noharsli comments upon poor, tired feet, be they ever so miry, no reprimand for the soiled and torn garments, no lack of kisses for the tear-stained face. Bet let the child be grown to womanhood; let her be led from it by the scourge of want—what happens then? Do they provide all possible help for her return, or if she returns of her own motive, do they receive her with such kindness and delicacy as to secure her against wandering tigain ? Far from it. At the first step she is denounced as lost—for 1 echo friends and relatives—we disown you ; don't ever come near us toilisgrace us! Lost says socie ty, indilrereutly . ; How bad these girls are I And lust I—irretrievably lost i—ls the prompt verdict of conventional mortality, while one and all unite in bolting every door between her and respectability. 'Ah, will not those lost ones be required at our hands hereafter?' Local Option. The following local option till' Which gives the people the privilege of declaring by ballot In any County „of the State whether licenses slunl be granted or not ratted therein, has fi nally passed both theses of the Legislature and been signed by the Governor. Originally the bill was framed leaving it to Wards and town ships, but it was amended so as to allow the people of each connty to vote on the question. Acr to permit the voters of this com monwealth to vote every three years on the question of granting licenses to sell intoxicating liquors. beetle et 1. Be It enacted, That on the third Friday in March, 1873, in every city and county, In this Commonwealth, and at the annual mu nicipal elections every third year thereafter, in every such city and county, it shall be the duty of tbeinspectors find judges of elections in the cities and counties to receive tickets, either written or printed, from the legal voters of said cities and counties, labelled on the outside li cense, and on the,lnside for license, or against license, nod to deposit mid tickets in a box pro vided fur that purpose -by said inspectors and Judges, as is reqltifed by law In the case of oth er tickets receive d said election; and the tickets so received shall beprented add a return or the same made to the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions - of the peace of the proper county, duly certified as is required by law, his certificates shall be laid before the judges of the said court at the first meeting of said court after said eleition shall be held, and shall be filed with the other treords of said court; rind it shall be the duty of the Mayors of cities and Sheriffs of counties, or of 'any other offier whose duty it ray be to perform :inch service, to o eive due pub lic notice of such Special election above provid ed for three weekt previous to the time of bold. cog the same, and, also three weeks before such election every third year thereafter. Provided,' that this act shall not be construed to repeal or affect any special law prohibiting the sale of in toxicating hquors, oenshibiting the granting of licenses. Provided, that when the municipal and township elections in any county or city do not occur on the third Friday in March, the election provided for in this section shall be held on the day flied for the municipal elections in said county; and provided further, that all license granted after the Cult day of January, 1872. shall cease, determine and become void on the first day of Aprlh 1873, if the district for which they shall be granted determines against the granting of licenses, and the Treasurer of the proper comity shall then reftind-to the bold er of such license the moneys so paid therefor, for which the said Treasurer shall be entitled to credit in his accounts with the commonwealth. . . - Section 2. Thafin receiving, counting arid making terains of tlit`vopes east, the inspectors amtjudges and. clerks or ati4 elections shall be governed by the laws of tile 'k Commonwealth reghlatingzetteral elections, and hit the'penal ties of said election laws arc heTetkir extended to and,shaltapply tct tile voters, inspectoth:Judges, ant' clerks voting at and in attendance upon the eleCtlon held nude theprovisions of this net Section 3. WlaMeyer by tiny yeturns of elec. tionii in chy or county aforesaid it shall ap pear that there is a majortty'ag,ajnst license, it shall ha:tie - lawful - for any court or ReanTof li cense commissioners to Issue a license for the soli :of *tritons, vinous, malt, or. other 'intoxi citing liquora, or; any admixtures thereof, in said gawp at any time thereafter, at ann - election as above provided. a majority shall vote in favor of license; provided that nothing. contained in the provisle of Ott der Midi prevent fhb lesu ingof-li sdi To dtligti. its for the sale of liq uors for calcine and - mandfactioing purposes, provided .that: the - cittls.es of- the-borough':ot Lehanoashall.vote upon the question on the thitza Priddy - of .Ikterch,lB76, on. the .arnia - liey ancilime_vvbert,the townships of the county of Lebanon hold chair spring elections. OblUwy. , doss&—ln• Libeity, on Salatesy nnlAng, March 9th, 1872; Bela Jones, esq., Ia the 52d reatof has 9ge: An en:daunt good man, and a highly respected cithwn has depart among us. 'Mr..Tones vat - Vern inlvew‘Undon county, Conn, InJuly 1790."emigrated' to this -county in 1810, when only about 20 years of age. 'and soon after engaged in business near. this village, where Le resided all a few years ago, when he removed to his late tame in Liberty. His native intsillect and cultivated attainments, acquired by extesive reading end - a rdtstivei memory of facts and statists:4, Yith ItV.Blinsisiesdgcsi integrity of 'character, rendered-hire a man of um riCamong his 'neighbors and fellow-eitizdts; arld among the _Coleus pu4llt thuite to Which 4e was called, he was appointed a ,U. B. Marshal to . take the first census of Ensquebanna &runty, rp - 1820, servethmaaryears - aa Justice Lithe Peace :and wan twist elected:to represent this county in the State LegiSlatnre' l lvith-bonsitio himself and to the Mead ptlisfaction of his constituents. - 61140 e lettlieg to his small farm pad kilo neat and quiet, but cheerful and hospitable cottage, called , the "Valley Houser' fh "Litcett, tfitrttggh seeking - to publienotoriety, he WSa ojed safe high esteem of hiS neighbors as a km friend:a wise counsellor, abd premoter of " - pc' ace and, gomi will smug mum"- Ills worthy companion, to whom he west:tailed in marriage In earlylife, Imithr teen prostrated with paralysis 'cyo' year - ego; his nattrrallyrobuit constitution has tinnily gwen wiry;lo lui InCeisaiit 'tire of her, 'with his •declinuag ege and 144 t*ditriorkrad• ilea sp that he hes preceded her,shrcrogli the "dart v l 4 o .le — Vb b 9. 20 tq tact brighter shores beyon a. deatitwo aim as his life, end his reps* 7 . ele colthtved to their restia,g_plaee by his Surviving eklirett and graadthildren, ithd nut:profs' sympathizing friends and neighbors, by !shorn be wiLlJOng.be fondly remembered. W1L1= Roan Column:tar—At the 31. E. Church, Montrose, March 27, by S Elwell, assisted by Rev. A„.1).. Alexander, F. A. Rose, Jr., of Matamoros, Pa., to Miss Fanny.A.Cernwell, youngest daughter of Pr. X. .P. Carswell, of Fairdale, Pa. - AvEnv—Bncrero--On the morning of tho27tb of February, in Muskegon, Mich., liy the Rev. A. D. StqWell, Henry kiery, of Hones dale, Po,, and Miss Minnie :S. Beckett, for merely of Montrose, Pa. - " 7ZIMILEILT=USN, „- Ptilsumturtur—Th Rush, Mareh child of Charles and gilts R. Plininerfeß, WALLET—At Silver Lake, Widnes* /lath 18th, 1872, Jennie E., youngest daughter of Nathaniet U. and Emily C. Wakely„aged 8 years. McCrteents—ln Montr - ozo _Mach ath, 1872,.0f consumptlor, Vulney A. McCracken, aged 97 years and 11 days, Rismir..-At Nicholson, Pe., on Sunday night Mahn - 17th, 1972, of brain -Wier,- Altai Ida R ige3r,frged 15 years.. • . • TYLSII—In New DRUM, nti the 21st Of meth, Caroline S. Tyler, wife of Edward J., Tyler, and daughter of Rev. A. Miller, aged 80 yeah Bantu—Mach 19, 1872, in Clifford, Pa., at the residente Sr Wtight Welly, Mrs. Sally P.-Ba ker, relict of Rev. Einathan Baker ti 7 years, 11 months; and 12 days. Esits—ln Nicholbon, March 15, Dr. Samuel Estes, at the advanced age of eight.five years. Re moved into Nicholson about My years ago, and has been a practicing phystelan for nearly that time. Wartxtv—ln Rush, Mardi, 15th, 1872. Mrs. Mabala B. Whitney, in the al year of her age. Baurrxrx—ln Jackson, Fob. 27th, 1871, Gracie P., oldest daughter of Avery W. and Addle A. Barrett, aged 2 years, 8 months, mid 18 days Ssnrrn—Mrs. Phebe Tingley, wife of Albert P. Smith, and daughter (only child} of Chauncey and Mary Tingley, deceased, died at the real dente of U, Smith, esti:, ih filmock, lirach 20th, 1872, aged twenty six years, six months and eleven days. *BUSINESS LOCALS: A Melancholy Break-Down. There are yvely break-downs- that make an audience laugh, and there arc sad and sorrowful break downs that make the kind hearted grieve, T. the latter class belongs the enervation of body and mind whMla Is nstutilycalled"geneml debility," or nervous Weaknms,'_ and when neglected, too often terminates in =ropily and death A wholesome medicated 'stimulant is the one thing needed in eases of this description, and science and experience unite In pointhau to PLarrattok Burgas as the true specific: The fact that it coirMines the properties of en !wig nraht with those of a regulator and alterative, in exactly the propattinns necessary to prdduce a radical change in the tone of Um system, and the scarce of Um d igestlve. ovgrtmOsim unsrer able aigtilltent in its favor as a general' restora tive. Toni List. • APRIL TERM, 1872.—FIRST WHEY.-.4PEPCNNAS ItETURNABLE WEDNESDAY, dram lOth, 1972, AT 2 O'CLOCK P. M. 0. E. Pickett vs• B. EL Kennedy and James Bosworth. Juegment opened. Wm. Burrows vs. N. W. Eastman. Appeal. Charles Hay vs. E. H. Lathrop. AppeaL Jennie Andrewa vs. IL F. Inderhed et al. Ejectment. _ _ Jennie Andrews vs, R. F. Inderlied et al. E}cctment. Daniel M. :Newland ra D. D Mallards Dena Aseumpsit Abel B. Snow Tn. James W. I3osworth. Judg merit opened. 0. E. Pickett vs. John Filen. Judgment opened. John Cann - vs. L. A. Tompkins. Judgment opened. ' Ezra:Mayhew vs. Ehas Lee. Afstanpsit. S. F.4l.ane vs. Harvey Baker and Martin E Baker. Judgment opened. SECOND WEEK—Strurce—NAs RETURNABLE MON DAY, APRIL 15,1872. AT 2 O'CLOCIP. IL Llenry D. Casson vs. Lathrop Tusvusipt. As sumpsit. Driwtri N. DeWolf 12. Lathrop Township. Assumpsit. William J. Vaughn vs. Lathrop. Township Assam sit. H. W. Robinson vs. Lathrop Township. As sumpsit. )sear P. Hurlburt vs. Lathrop Township Assumpsit.. _ A. P. Gates A's. E. Pratt ft Alb% Pratt. Judgment opened. John Snorer 1 - 3. Harrison Dougherty. Ap peaL Liberty Township vs. Charles Stanford. Debt. 11. Bender & Son vs. Geo. W. trig ,•a. Debt. John Fitzgerald vs. William Daum, Gann. aim of J. Fitzgerald. Execution Attschnient. Jacob Brown I . s. B. Chichester. Ejectnient Wallin:it E. Darrow ta, Thomas F. Meeker, Fa, J. M. Donley vs. Michael T, Lauglilin and 'Stiehl Laughlin. Judgment opened, F. F.. tow vs. Farmers' Mutual Life Insur ance C 9. Covenant. Jolin'Malworth, Ad'r. vs. Emily Moore. Set Fa. , • Julia tptergrnire vs. Orlando Wright Trap psss. Calvin Welhrinn vs. Samuel Grew., Case. , Oaken kTievson Ins. B. A. Gardner. 4,p -peaL • Anitinda Vardicry 4a. Jacob' Ro4ntiiints. Case. Jenppe B. Townsend n . Polley M. Ifjaney and J. N, Reynolds. Replevin. J. B. Wilton' vs. Silver 140 township., Ap peal. F. P., Grgiv vs. Lyconting Co. Mutnalinsur nnee Cd. Debt. J. J. Campbell va IYm. T. Mosley and :Wm. Reynolds. Appeal, John Bennett va. Martha Bennett. Appeal. John Lannon vs. Judson Stone and Wn. J. Small. Trespass. H. C. Bross vs Wm. Potter. Appeal. • John Vokely vs. Philip Titmtua. Appeal. Moselle Brusb.r/ al vs. Bruce L. Brush and Geo. 114 try, ejectment. Miles Croak vs. Washington Hawkins. Judgment opened. plotlcc t , I hereby give notice ;lint all outstanding ac counts must be settled withdirt delay The brig nmi will hereafter be carried on by W. W. Smith - and George A. Sinithonider the firm name of W. W: Smith & Son. Snrru, Cabinet Maker. Itforyppe, March ID, 1672.-4 w .." • NEW lEEE PU9D17013 XtARIFAK:SS. - Corrected weekly by' 4ardiv, IlAtiden a Co., - 35. 1 5 Wasbingtcrtl St., New York. Butter, pail ' t' • Arkin 3iC24 Cheese, dairy, per lb . ' • ... 18019 facosry" 18p10 Eggs, per doz 23@524 Flour, per,birrel....... ............ 5.803420 Corn meal, 100 lbs. 3.10@.4.00 Wheat, per - .1k§1ie1.,.4........ ..... 1.50Q11.68 Rye ." .... ..... ... ..... 01@,93 Ont.. 61054 Corn . " 10072 Hops, crop of 1871 80egG0 Tallow " ............... ~.... , x_B¢B Lard per lb . 860 P A otatoes.peT bb1........ ..... -. .. ...i 00 'SNCIA Inl pples ' • 8 00Q8 Turkeys per lb—. ~.,, ' ' . 221g80 Chickens " . . .2.•9e21 Racks" . . .... . Grouse pe,r pet i t ' ..... •. • flaTibite ' -1. wctmql4. ..: _•• -, Itirotrlmpsz RAILWAY co—koanaiderjaibi .4.yi montrbio Ithihrey compeer ere hereby notified uutt the renialeteg Inettameute of life tToltue per there t adelhqledforhy reeoltitten oi the Board of Directors parable as &Doves i ... Fifthlnealetett , ... -.Annoy ItithOtrit Fluhinstalanzat - Fetntiary 15th 1871 Seventh leetalineet ItareVlsth, 1811 Eighth Instalment , April 15th c liat Ninth Instalment ' • ;,121025.i.117„V3/2 Wllll ' Jtethe wartewprot.,nastogniarottavora'oly. cariast iydeatrattatti absolutely necessary that tba imaseats ahottld be promptly Jut oa 4.1.01,,part of Ekttzektuatre; O. L OROWN,AbeteOPI • - R. COOPER, Tnuarer: Montrovi, December:l3 11371:-51-td . Aptcial gaticto. A Voice From the Pialpet. Rev. D. 8. Frost, Pastor of the AT:erg:l:Abel Meth. Jonesville, Vermont, writes: had etacted for many years horn Chronic Dineybont and Colic, becoming so much reduced that I teas at times mud* to attend to my ministerial duties.. I bad been trotted by several pbysiciane, both Allopathic and lipereopathic. but with no permanent reeras. While bri -a ilia to Ilefanton;Pernm:, I experienced a very,seiere attack, and by the advice of moms of ray friends procured a bet. tlo of Ilnamen's Hann Ihrrins. Tits effect Then - pro daced gars premise of tin ultimate core and on my re: torn home I coatihnediti pie. I bare taken slxtrottlei and cured. if It truly o salvable remedy." . The True Grounds of Gintddtee: ' Whence comes that Com reliance, that 'absolute. on. donbilii faith In the efficacy of litietetier's Stomach Bitters as a rented, for indigestion, bilious disorders, Intermittent sod remittent hyena which notoriously prevail in all parts , 31. the United States I Title confi dence has been growing for twenty years, and It is still exceodiog. It is not the result hi' credulity; it has not been- engendered by any human dertee, but is the, spontaneous and'nataml consequinco of eiperlenco• What peopto ace dolly going on 'tinder their own eyes they cannot question. When families In anbmlthy tilts Wets that resort to this wholeromo vegetable tonic, as a preventive, &scope perlodicsi &Teraina tbdtr tmmedi ate neighbors, who neglect this precaution, are prostrat. ed by the disease, bow to it possible that the phenomenon should be without its tension I In lite manner when it Is seen that obstinate cases of dyspepsia, of liter con stidatloo, of notions weakness, and of general debility, yield to the operation of the &moos remedy, how can even Incredulity Itself withhold Its enemy moult ? Eyes wttness.% of the salntnry effects of the lllttersare to be found in every civilised settlement on this continent. The thousands upon thousands who awe their restora tion to health and strength, or thalr preterratlan from sickness, to Its extraordinary - medicinal properties, did enthusiastic In Its praise. The multitudes who recom mend It Ina neighborly way to their friends and ne. onalatneees, its well Rs groom who troika riblie theft ea reasons for the faith the ly In =l7. .vtes. l ..tigTh th enif zither felt or Witnessed Its bmlne4cent operattone. • ERRORS OF YOUTH. Ag= gri mitt!, Carel fo i. r y d ear an efg e mar t r i on . 3 l youthful indiscretion wilt, for the aake of outlctiog hu manity, mend free to all wile need It. the receipt and di rection for making the simple remedy by which he was cored. Sufferers midden tw,prorit by thuadelaer'a expert once can do - so by addressing, In perfect confidenee, JOAN B. OGDEN, No. 4 . 1 Cam street, Newliork. TO CONSUMPTIVES The advertiser, having been permeriently mired of that dread disease, Compunption, by a elmple remedy, Is anxious to make known to his fallowpafforers the means of cure. To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the prescription need, (free Of charge,) with the direr, hose for preparing and using the aline, which they will find a ell= Cent: ar CO3l=lloll, Aarn.i , BRONCELV Paths wishing the preserlptlou trlll please address flaw. EDWAND A. WILSON, 204 South Third Street, Wllllamsburgh, N. Y. • 42-17 TEE CONFESSIONS OE AN INVALID. PrausnED as a Warning and for the benefit of Anna emu Chnct *Mm, who wilier from Nervy. DeWitt: &c., supplying Tom SWAMI Or 1137.1=112. WHtten by ono who cured lelmeelf and sent tree on receiving a post.pald directed envelope. Address, NATHAN MAITATIIr, Do klyn,N. T. Brooklyn, May /7. rs7L Gin us-Getting Rfarrfed.—Eseay• for young Malmo the delights of home. end the propriety or imhropriety of gettlug married, with sanitary help for those who feel unfitted for matrimonial hap_piness Sent, irte, In sealed eirvelopew Addrese, 110 WARD ASSOCIA.TiON • Von P., Philadelphia, Pa. THE PLACE TO BUT TO ti! DRY GOODS, • READY MADE CLOTHING. ETC., IS AT - GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM,&,co. The Lat.lyeat Variety of Dress Goods, Shawls, Domestic Goods, Flannels, Fancy and Millinery Goods, Dress and Clhak• Trimmings, Velvets, Velveteens, Ladies' Furnishing Goads 'alve4s kept on baud. READY MADE CLOTHING, for Men's, Youths' and Boys Wear. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, &c., for Custom Work. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS CAPS, Best Selected in Town, and at POPULAR PRICES! o Or m°[ I O;3,":COJOt Oa CIII3gSGICV Irtle4ter at Latac or abroad. !MEANT WINTER GOODS, ir1ar19..2111t0,. At greatly reduced prices tor cub. GUTTVICBERO, ROSENBAMI & CO. Montrose, ?Armin 8, 18731:12 GIVE lIS YOUR MERIN! Po YOU WANT fr 3ra 3%i .13 S 3 520 SCW iCI *whine mo old friends and patrons of eurpueAatula county ',IL *gain to the field soliciting your patyonsgs ftir The Original Howe 13.4W1eg MaeMeth Enka isi ED,IS 7. nifiom, please call and see It, arlth the improveteepje,atli'll • eon's store. Remember the Ueentne Rowe • hes no medallion bead. ROOMS AT- 56 pop!. Street, Vinghampton, N, Y., AND AT WilsPn'!l storel,montrOß o P#' H. a DITNUOILF4 Rtire. ITIVX le. 114 ..C5C3 0 .4561a, CAC).411.1.11 1 4-. ri EVELZ - EI siirMelti*. anal: l, ll4e at ai i r bi Lat i iana. • CII•Co -41 O . P. 8.0 T M I am*, quantilloor Romp, bi tbe Ton 4 tiitl fo wleglorprices ; stair.. . . . :,.; . $4 00, CSeifnat~'•• • • - • e 4 no. groptiOttoat t ric. 2611. -. --is• • • • MERCANTILE APPRAISENENT.• DEALERSIX 'MERCHANDISE, &c., In Sus quehanna County, take notice that' in pursuance of the several Amor Assembly of this CoMmon wealth to provide revenue to meet the demands upon the Treasury and for other purposes, the Appraiser of Mercantile taxes for said County, has prepared a list of Merchants trading in said County, and placed each merchant in that class which to him appears just and right according to the Acta of Assembly; to wit :• Lin Errs% Joseph Webster 14 D. to Stanford' 14 atrnim.v. P CEnstwerl 14 E L Adams 13 A. A-Bcoman • • 14 1 - ' MIDDLETOWN, Patrick White ' li , • ; korraom.:. . • Ii J Webb • .14 8 fl alone 14 Miner & Coats • 14 E Bacon • 14 C 0 Fordham 14' A li Bollard II IVJ Mulford • 11 Tewksbury Bras. I P Benninger. 11-. T Carter 13 Geo.W.Browrt . 14 A plan); 11 , AMMO'. Payne A- Moll= • 13 0 40 Worth 14 John Beaumont. 14 &twain. DAAT Titawortb 12 Lyons - Drake &Co 11 Z Cobb . • 14 , BR Lyon .t Co 12 IC Morris Gent -14 IF B Chandler '-;. -14 1. R DoWBt 4 12 (hamburg Rosen.' , 0 • basin &Co . IBuros&Nlchols p m 412 Read.(biflis &Co 11 A Turrell p as 4 1.2 S 31 Wilson 13 W &Deans 14 I II Bullard , d 4 W W Smith ' 14 C N Stoddard 13 d Brooks • 14 Kent drEldrldgo Al Daiwa.) , .141 Win Craver' 13 O P Malay 111 J Very CiLOCONO3. • 11 Hickey 14 cilsronn. G Welk at Brother 13 T F Johnson 13 P H Garchierp in 4 '.14 J W Baker 14 T J Wells .13 DLTXDAFF. E Davis 18 B G Wearer p m'4 14 A Richardson - 14 B Thatcher - 14 Bdvd & CoK•la Il.' 14 Ildren.sle & Faurot 11 Henry Spencer 141 E P Chambers 14 Drascs. A Niles .• • 13 'Stamp lt Talbot, ' 14 Sayre Co - 14 Geo 013111 14 A Bmtonic° Stei , enif& Leebody 14 Wm H Thayer 18 . librorg. ;McCollum & Bras 42 31 L Ball Dickennan & Colo L Blowerl4A F Tntffl " 14 Dll Merriman 14j11 Garratt & Son 11 J L Merriman 18'Ainei&ilayden inn 4 14 Joshua Boyd 13 W L Moss & Co 10 DC &,F H Forclhara 18 1-1130T1t p In 4 13 JH&EP Munger 14 Clements &Edson 14 FEUZSDSVILI2. H W Decker 12 M McNamara 19 J Barnes .14 David Summers pin 411 • OAICLA...NI). T T Kaman 14 Mrs M Tully 14 WISH. N Granger. pm 4 14 11 )1E44111 . 14 Wm &aim pm 4 1" *hen Winters IB GREET BEND. Staik 14 R Clarke a. Co 12 T D Eastabrookp in 9 11 ' L 8 Lenhelm N D Snyder , 14 A D DatterfieldADro 14 sPaiNociun A T 114drick 12 Dun gerford 3leserole 1 • Speneer & Dewitt 13 itelt Alger & Co 13 I SILVER, LIKE. Wm Frank 14 A G Preston b 14 Stephens &Reckhow 14 W A Colsten - 14 Geo McNamara 141 H Doran • • 14 L W Chichester 14 Walter Padilla , 14 Geo-Wessell 14 H A. Clark 13 Thomas.enissack 14 , Mahofiey 14 'T SOllicma 14 Dennis 1E G Meeker 14 6L'SQUETIANNA Dr.POT. J W Oabum 14 IMrs E E Forbes 14 A C Parleyman. 14 W 8 Mitchell pin 4 13 C Feinan 14 J Alibi • 14 ID Cagey 13 0 H Crandall 12 C A Miller -14 W Howarth 14 Thomas McDonald 10 McDonald &Nate 11 D 8 Lyon 14 Lewis Freeman . 14 D A Lyon 13 ,Guttenberg, Rosen- I .6 bamu &Co .j.^ Z B McCreary Jr 13, J Eticurn 14' 8 D Moss 141 II 8 Hanna 14 D C BroWnson 14 attstut. D E nolmes p ta 4 12 James Fuller 13 Dunn & Cop m 4 11 E Milroy &,Co 14 & Smiley pm -4 .10 Cooperative Co 12 Geo H Wells p m 4 11 H M Tinley - 14 , Wm.D Amer 14 Kennedy & Bon 12 rtartmosy. J B Stevens • 14, copm 412 J &lager& Co 12 IT C ‘t- JII Cook . 12 James Bell '-' 12 J Clk J II Cook 12 11 (1 Lea p m 4' 12 Geo T Frazier '2 11 C Lea p Lc? 4 14 Illnion Stole 10 B F Smith ' 14 F B Thayer 12 Noah Bisbee. 14 A Lyons& Son 12 S Winters p co 4 1/ arsenics. C Ii Ellis " 18 Moisc4Nlclholsp in 410 C Vitt:neer 10 itinronti. . " T J Carr la J C Foot P, D 1, B 8 Fnuae tt Co ...' D Lkun. 15irs E MeGrat4 1:4 IWra Bata! - 14 0 L Adams 14 IA 14 Tarbox : 14 rftr J Falkenbuty 14 P. Doren - 12 Maurice Myers 14 'Johntrukkman - 19 'John Tierney 14 M J Pendergrast 14 lElleti May • 14 itio T Smflti l3 31 3taylono 13 tiß Gclatt 13 - .l3abcoCk4. - NyTtoo 131 J C Edwards 14 1 13 31`Joaes 111 E T Tiffany 12 Ck e Payne to Sou 1 C Edwards p m 4 11 isorrsois. D 11 ' 41:tens. pto 4 14 11 Il J Ponor 14' Norris & Fitch 12 ' ansstrz 11 Rosenktans pm 4,34 John Wainer. 14 LITTLE MEADOW'S. Henry Sperl . )4 C J Lyon 12 J G Dniko , 14 Geo F. Barton' 14 Thos BleKernan 13 Cal 31tCarty 14 T 1103.13011. G L Longs 14 Rabert Grlatt 14 11 1 7 Messenger 14 E B Beardslee 11 D 13. Garfield 14 I,..vanior. M It Zia 19 G W Reese- pta 4 it E M Tilfatly 14 Hall & Bros 11 J 8 Wright 14 1..K3mr.. Thomas Handout ia [lna, Scalds & Co D Ransom ' 14 Grow &Brothers L Brook, Burltans, I 2 Clinowarpr ClassWootton of Tenders 91' - ' Sales less Sup $5 000, class 14 Sales $ 5,000, less than $lO,OOO, class 13 Sales slo,ooo,lms than $15,000, class 13 Sales $15,000, less than $20,000, class - 11 Sales $20,000, less than $30,000, class 10 Sales moo°, less than $40,000, class 0 Sales $40,000, less than $50,000, clasi S And the JudgeS'of the Court of CeraniOn Plena of said county will hold a Court of : Appeal at the Court House at Ildontfose,in lor saki county, On Tuesday, Apritplili; 1870, at one dclotk is in., at whiCh thre 4 and _place or of. the ,rner. chants described, defined, and classed aforesaid, or their agents or attorneys, liar appear and peal:fri;:an said am:meant 1r they think roper. • :Methuatile APpraiser. I`lt9mscal, 11,arr,4 2,1672.. MIPCT ram me 3R. WILLIAM SMITH'S Eatensisreyntafture Waremtnjon milt find the larr„eal FIRST•CLAgS AND COMMON . I T. U „ E To be fond in this Section hf the tOniitty. of his esvn manufacture, and 'Amite, tbat'eannot fall to give satis faction. tie makes therm best IMETZENSION TI MILES I •intV; repairs, ardisVillittgrn item. • UPHOLSTERY WORX Of all kin& done the:neatest manner. *!'xt. irtz' tra; 11 320 g 3 OF VAItiOUS PUBS IC.O.IIIATRASSES, . d COMMON MATRAt-.;SES. • U N D E.R TA ICI NG. The subscriber will hereafter make the undoilaklng 4 gra lt andlh t s d ;i4 b A t eVgit 11 1 11 4 Palltil c ritWe e .. d A needinghla 'mites will be attendedle protoptii and at sattatictory SMITH - tr. 00111. Montrose, Pa., 'lats. • • LATROP'S IaPIOATED BATHS, TiprlT/1 wittlout ElearidiV. &golf Ma d""t 6 I V' .for Metallic and :inroa d Diem: - at. tee root of Chcsarat stract,3lentrose P. April _ Plately out that ix apt" explode, • far turning l td f ig ifautrel o lamp; hlarnstattorcii bypauslaw 4 Thoth • ABEL TURBZLL," ' ataxc4,41:2612.—w6 .aIIoOtRIES.-.--Teas- in great vanety and, cap Siribngoalitte. bri the DentOlol.llllEtt. • A aka gut R I , of 14118111 g, sugar, cur fee. gotta Rill eaaertment.of r!s , ! er.e. 4011. • • Idontruee. ABEL IBBSIZI.L. Jury Term, - 1872. ' • 0 - 11 AND JUtto/19. - . ." _ Aehtlin—Cilerlf4l ' L, • LtYw r Jno. W. - Apolactln-Obsdiah Bridgewater--Andrew, *trick, Wm., Jones. - - Franklin—Lew% Travis. • Gibsort=4"his...t. Kennedy, Solornotaitker- • „Great Rend twp,—Enoch Hawkins._ , Verilck—BurrAtiturns,'Cluos: A. !loran.; ... I ' llaifor&-Alvalt 'Mama. • - ^ iptrinony--James 31. Thomas. Jackson- , -WllHatn HOltneS, 'Fred. BYrane etbroP":44 l,ll /P Keiluna. • • -- • • Bile Meadows-Howard Kimball. - 3liddietoWn—'3lll6 Baldwin, Hanna rue. . ' nontrefc , :=Divid-W. Glidden." :New Milford tap.-.Wlillam Gunn." •-"" ilrer 141te—..tamn 'Meeker. -. • L .. Thomcou—Jno. W. Writer. 7n.tymoz,JCl:tallfrbl; :!Yeek.• Ai : a - rat—Lyman E. Baldwin, FreinnunaliJOev den. - . !kern ier—Benjumin Constantine, Spin:am- Ilas J. Curt% Latham Gardner. ."7 Brooklyn-..Charlo F. Perrigo.- . Clifford .0.. 'Weatherby, Alplnvisci., Rounds, Baniuel Owens, Pulaski ChamberßA..o Citaeount4Letris Chamberlin. • • Forait Lake—Geo. 11:Hendrick: - ; Franklin—Brainard B. Llandrick, Lawvoneit - McCabe. Gibson--Geo. 13.3lilhken.. Great Bend tap.—Peter W. Hemicici Albert Fox ; Robert Fursteson., . . Grt Bend 80 - roX-La ea -Lather E. Coisten: , . Herford—Bcnjamin Watrous. - -- • ' Jackson- 7 Gen. , .Ciirtis, Orrin Foster, 'Amin Williams, • - • - -2 Lenoz-31ichael Dceler. Lathrop--Willlam O. Gardner, fleol . W.;; Tailor: • - liliddletowil---Jno. 21 Davis, Nelson reoni. , J . ..i ' Montrose—Fdts,tard Hinds, Wm. IL NcOldri- Abel TurrelL New nilford Boro.—Octavitts 3L Hawley. New 3111kird twp.—Formin •• , %- Bash—Ebel) B. Cobb; _ Charles Davis, eta: Shoemaker.: . • . Silver Lake— s anSel B. IBM -- • Susqa. Depot—Chan A. Miller, Jacob E. TaY: lor. Thomson—Ellis 31. Bryant • NitiTtllTE SUROILS- 2.d - Week. 'k Apolaeon—George. Baiter, Henry Whltai4. Auburn—James B. Gardner. Ararat—Edward Warner. . •Bridgewater—itarvin K. Bush. Brno - Wm—Henry L. Bailey, Ethein.:l. , Weston. - Dundaff-41enry C. Mau: . Erie ndsville — . Edward DuKey. . - - Great Bend Boro.—Erans Griggs, Het eldaj Skinner. , - • . Gibson—Henry HoWell., -V lisrford=Orlando NS'ntrous, Asa M; Data.' mond. L• • Herrick—Alvah G. Corey.; • Harmony—John Keys, Daniel M.adan,LV iforton. Jessup—Jasper Runde% ,Tackson—Francislif. Whitney_. Liberty—Gee,. P i ak, Southsroilis; Aleguider Webster. •- • ' Lenox—Andrew Halstead, OrLswald LnOlgis f . Henry 31fflaicl, Isaac Truesdell.' . • Lathrop—Rufus S. Lindsley. Middletown—Jeremiah Canfield. ' Montrose—David 0. Hendrick. - V . • '; New Milford Baro.—Wm. Brink:W.l=J, Snap. • Hew Milford twp.—Edward J. Tyler- GaklandJohn G. Baymorid. Rush—Edward Granger; 'Thos. Redding: Henry W. Wheaton, Wm. IL Duel. Silver Lake—John C. gasp,- Ebenezer Gage Sop* itoittcoo girtacinti- Tiro tines in tliie DSreetory',ons year, gx.so- each' nail/until line, SO - cti. '• • icr,w '3LMFORD. SAVINGS BANK. NEW lIII.FORD.—Stx per toren ou d 1 Deposita. Does a vnerat Bardstag .rtt• nes•. S. B. MAU IC CO " CATGOA PL! ST -57.01111417ig11. e: Doer In gen nine Caynga Pl!sstcr. Fresh groFoL W. L MOSS 6CO. Dealers la Dry Goode, Lists. CU..: Roots sad Sbocs and Ocni , ml :%terchandlea, ma Was streq, secaud da:prbelase Cup./plSCOpal Cltardt. eNTW.T." TIOTEL, kept by WILLI= .13311TE4 Hats - street, scar eke Depot-?' 4, '7, W. 8. 118 M). Ponndry. and &eater in PI oles and ether nfensiJa, ono door (ram Pidnnef 110%), )dala Y. P, Nr7tole Stator 'end Undertaker,-o: Motu bStrtet, tFe doontbolow Ilawlera Stott, McCOLL.II BROTHEIV3, Doalers_in growls* &WI - PrOsislono, OD Main b.lteti.. B. GARRET & SON. Dealers $n pour. Pee& Mw.. Safi. Lima, Ceniint, Grocedes and Provisions o. MalnSfreet, opnOslts tiao'Depot.. ' ' • • TV. .t T. HAYDE'S, Dtantliseturers of 'Cigars' an•i Mtn!meals dealers in Yankin Notions sad Fmk Goods. Of 'Sato Street. below Episeopsi Chnreb. .]Loss KNAp. peather Ittutufaetnrers ind.dealer4 ID U, Deco Fjudluge, &e.,prq Episcopal ctmech. AESTY d trAyn=. Denlpas In bins and )ledlellie-. nod Manarsetarcra of Otani, on 3Snln 813 4 0111., F1R1,5 STENIF.33, llone Shoelag and atneraltopairlii,c,L on Main btrect, lop% orthA britte. ' • 7. mc - Enstasr. dn.. Dater In general •tnerehandli:3 and Clotntag. nrict Score. on Hato Street.. . GTIEIT BEND._ L. H. UNTIE : M. Manutsottater of r.entbir. uQ itesl' in Fenoral Xerclaudlie.,oraLlin Street,* - 1)011A s;:3larthant Tailor and dealer In - fea tly Made Clothing, Dry floods, llroccrlea end Prortaina 3143 Ntrcet.• - ' • LENOXVILLE. t11.11.11.1t %HITE, Slanafattaror crud dealer 12 inv ert , or Mae aad Caatitige. • -•- • - GEF3SON 0.11. TINGLEY—DeaIer In Stores...llN Copper. Drape and Sheetircor Ware, Caltiage.Ac. Aka; maanfactur er of Sheet lletelato order. Eve Trough eta Lead Pip. bnetneu attended to at fair 'ptleee—Cabio,n Rolha)V. Penrierteintn:-11. . CDIVARDSs DITYAISS, • 3tAnnfaaturais of ,Thigospe ' and Sleighs, scar S?ye. • . - - 3SONTRQSE." 0. S, BEREITI—Cnnete Serveyer: of Sneniebarms Conn. V: °Mee In the Ciart Boasts Yontrese., ADEL TIMTIELI t , Defiler In'Drogs ' Itedfclois; Ll.' tolols,-431141,Dy0 Starri;ACirix:ctles, inroltr, hottoos,clC. • Enei); AI, •70 . • • JA..y.rs CARMALT, - Attornity at Law. tttica.crot door Inlo)r Tarboll nom, Public Meotto. • ' WAL FL COOPE4 A CO— Bankers.--iell T o m 'Fick,ts anddDrafts on.E.,nciand,lrolno4Linl:boot• J. R. nEtcatkaa P.stinn - 13aleira' Id'Maniac& to et: lee Crcaln, Opners and Clams, In vier). &We. On Matti &treat.• "- . . . sTnotrp & MOWN, (Jenard Fire 'ulnas inane. • anca Arent* ; also, sell Railroad and Iyecideat Ticket, to Mew . York and Philadelphia. Odlca, ant door tart r.• 11. CILI:NDLEEEL General insurance gid Sowlngidt ' chiciod:Fnt, !Mille Avenue,* • • BURNS NICEIOLS, the place to kat Arno Rad )diret,l - Clgart, Tobacco, Plpea,•Pocket•Booke, flpecta• cies, Yankee Notiona, dc.,lßrickillock. • - W. L. COT, Tiara see mace , mid doles In all iirtleleli lit wit ly kept by the Littie, OP:Otto gm Dank .•-a, BOYD & ronvvit;, ncaik..r. Is Stoves, Madinat, and Ilasurrrinscra a Tin andElbtotiron ware, corner of Scsl.n und.TornollA titres). • • z 8; 11, nonyn. 157teb•ant - Tailor - cad dealir . (R efts. Trimmings, and Furnishing Goods: it . P:cad (loth lag. on• Main Street, Oral door's •Mx fitlie.and ytifikelee.a Law OPIoe. • • •7 ••• 111.1LIA111), Dcdexit tratettes..Prolitoso.• +.B4,oll,Stittonegas:4lrankeo Notions at Iteatkel Pr t:,llc Avemic. ,l . T. • ISPOIM -2c CO., Dealers to Stover, Hardware zr . t cultural Impleelse . bl, Flour and Grocerles, epra she TarbellUoatte " n' SI MITCHEL. Meer! aa6 Yastir Maplo. l o rer,oll3ank buittUng. , • -- : lIVIPS,OIIEM outpuLm, t. x s a avn i ve crr BASSFriy llNTENT.,a,taltiela • n WATT IVBEEt, . • Portable tag. atiopAl7 Enifin es, Ntemitietnrod lard Salo, 67 - • SAYRE* 'MOS; t 2.loattVe, Fa.; Feb, 70672,..4011.45, -