The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 03, 1872, Image 2

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    Ttiets Welt Paired.
&furring to the try of the Grant lead-
Entroi.• I trs. nail. tic Grant newspapers against
Trumbith,,S.,:nuriand SumpKthe Chid:
go Ltibtine (Rep.) turns the tables upon
• the Administration toadies by tellingsuch
1 truths as the following: ,
Those who are denouncing Schur's,
Trumbull, and Sumner, are trying to run
the Republican party upon theirpaublurn
of linkluxism, and the very vanishing ani•
Mosities'of a war which ended seven years
ago, at the-sap/ „time _resisting
form anttevery investigation of ahnsee,—,-
They have no other platform of principles
than this, no,other issui? upou,Khich,they
can coilduct a campaign. They do not ,
present to the American people a sinole. l
reform measure or principle, apphealale to
the present day, and, to a, condition of
Peecee , .Uaving the power iii their bands,',
at the present time, their own policy is to
read and keep oat those who. do not agree
with them. They keep out of the Senate,
for n yeas er more,Joshuandl of Georgia,
who had been a Union man through the
war,but was too conservative for them after
the War, and endeavored to put in his place
a man who had been 4, rebel, and turned
his coat to suit them. In the same man
ner they kept out Mr. Goldthwaite, of Al
abama, as as they could. They re
fused to allow Governor Vance, of North
Carolina, to take his seat on the ground
that he had been a member of Congress,
and afterward, identified himself with the
rebel cause, but they voted to confirm the
Rebel General Longstreet's appointment
to an imporiaut office in New Orleans,
and admitted Patterson, of Tennessee, to
a seat in the Senate, who had been a
United States District Judge prior to the
war, and afterward held the same office
under the Rebel Government. They are
determined to recognize no man who does
not agree with them.
Behind Schurz,Sumner and Trumbull;
on the one hand, rind Morton, Conkling
and Carpenter, on the other, stand the
people, who make and unmake parties,
and who accomplish reforms as they are
needed. Between them the people will de
cide which are the wisesCandpraest coun
sellors, and whose methods and practices
conduce most to the upholding of good
government and the elevation' of the
Zhc Pontreot grmattat.
moNvntiiitL , PENZit•
*PHIL 3. 1879.
Justice at Last.
The McClure-Gray contested election
.contest has ended, says the Philadelphia
Inquirer,tho committee, after a prcdract-,
ed and diligent, hearing - of the :ease, hay
ingawarded the seat to Colonel McClure,
It would.bet__feebly express the general
sentiment of this community to say that
no 'tither decision . was anticipated. Before
one-half of the evidence of fraud present
ekby the contestant was before the com
mittee the public were convinced of the
monstrous wrongs perpetrated by "tricky
politicians" iu the,intereets of the sitting.
member. The election being that for a
sinASenatorial District was so limited
in ire ate that the work of unmasking
the trettOry which polluted the ballot
boi,atid gave the seat to a candidate who
was nolclected to it, was rendered com
paratively easy. Moreover, the frauds
were so openly and so insolently do'ne,
concealment in many cases being scarcely
attempted, that they were summarily de.
tected mid exposed. Colonel Gray, as the
candidate ; of the "Rings," became the
standard-bearer of their cause, and his
defeat had the significance of the "Rings'"
overthrow. He was defeated. His as
sociates "killed him, as they would have
killed a better man. He was in bad hands
from first to last. "At first he was pushed
forward into place by stuffed ballot-boxes
and the influence of the Custom House
and Simon Cameron; and when the con
test began before the Senatorial Com
mittee perjury was invoked to keep him
in his seat—perjury so_ transparent and
shameless that his own counsel repudiat
ed the-false-swearing hordes provided him
by the "tricky politicans." To Gray him
self men like Hill and Tittermary, as
Gray swore before the committee, suggest
ed to him the payment of eight thousand
dollars for moreelpezjury, warranted to
keep him a Senator. It is to Mr. Gray's
credit that he not only repudiated the of
fer, but that he exposed it.
We confess our profound satisfaction
with the decision which gicesColonel Mc-
Clure his,seat,becfmse we believe he was fair
elected to it, and because he has made a
noble fight in defense of Ills right. Butt
our satisfaction with the result is deeper I
thim this. Those who haVe looked upon
this'contest as one simply involving the
individual interests of McClure and Gray
do not measure its significance. It had a
deeper, broader meaning; it was a battle I
between an outraged community anti a' ,
. "Ring" of rapacious, unscrupulous politi- I
clans, the former contending for their
natural right to elect whomsoever they I
saw fit to represent them in the Senate. I
the latter struggling to maintain by in
farritins fraud and kanvery their organiza
tion intact, their power unbroken. It I
was the people against the repeaters of
the Mayor's office, the ballot-box stoffers
of the "Gas Ring," the perjurers of the
City Executive Committee, the plunder-,
ere of the Sheriff's, Tax Receiver's, Or
phan's Court and other row officers. It
was the Eight of honesty, truth and good
government' against dishonesty, suborned ,
perjnrors and thieving officials. Honesty
his`won, es it is always certain to do when
the people will that it shall. Will the
"Riturs" understand this? Can they ap
preciate the revolution that has closed the
doors of a prison on some of their mem
bets,lhat has unseated others front high
places, that has brought dearly purchased
rain upon their candidate for Senator!
Can they -understand that when4the peo
ple rise they are masters, and that "flings"
having no common bond but that of self
emolument by ways of fraud are as un
stable as running water? Whether they
understand or not, it is the truth. And
this is but March. In October they will
be convinced.
Ordalnation or a Deaconear
The, ceremony of admitting a deaconess
into the Episcopal . Church was made the
occasion a a special service recently in
Brooklyn. A crowded audience was pres
ent, Bishop Littlejohn preached the dis
course-from the text in the Epistle to
• Phillipiane,lv. 31 "And I entreat thee ,
also, tin yoke-fellow, help those women
which 4boied with me in the CospeL"—
ift .14 I am glad to 'know that the sub
wet on which I am to address you' this
evening can be discussed upon to its own
metiti..- The birth of sentiment in regard
to :it 'throughout the church during the
pitsfiess years has been one of the most
noteworthy features pf the time. Twenty
years' ago the very mention of It would
%rig been received with positive diefator.
Ten:yearsago the public discussion of it
sisMlChave been listened to with preju
diced -indifference. But so remarkable
has been the change, of feeling recently
that it seems to have taken its place, by
Common consent, in the fore front 'of the
tineetions which relate to the practical
UvrE of the Church. Happily, therefore,
I have not to plead or argue for it as a
thing disliked, or denied, or opposed.—
The Bishop then proceeded to set'forth
the Earijitural and Apostolic authority for
the office of deaconess, its history as a liv
ing iigenay in the Chtireh, the relationsof
deaconess to the Church, and the hues of
WOrliwitich those relations authorize. and
re nue; - . b 4iterall;,' the uses which it
srdgervei and the interests it will affect.
Bev. Dr. Walbridge net presented Miss
Wilson to be made deaconess. She
kneeled before. the Bishop, hit followed
in alone* way the Ordination of Wa
piropcoilf , the boolF . , of Com int')
*.t.144.1 r oil f43turattv
American name
A Modest Demand.
Thirty millions of dollars are asked for to
support the army of the United States for
the current year, and this too, in face of
the fact that for the last year of the war,
1865, Congress gave for the army 81,030,-
696,400, and for the navy, 8122,617,434.
A large part of this money was expended
for material and supplies and never used,
but added to the enormous accumulations
scattered over the country. In 1865-6 the
United States were richer in all the ele
for active war, on land and sea, than
any other nation iu the world. Among
the material sold since the war are three
hundred and sixty-three ships, of which
the docnMents give co official record ; and
yet even the drippings of the Quarter
muster's Bureau and Ordnance Office,
show that they alone made sales to the
amount of 887,000,000 since 1866! Yet
with all this vast expenditure, all this col
lection of war materials, a demand is made
for 830,000,000 to support the army in a
time of profound peace.
nailerly Inactivity.
The Mobile Register after noticing the
mutterings of the Western Democratic
press in regard to the inactivity of the
chairman of they Democratic National
Committee,,proceeds to say: "For our
part. we haven't the slightest reason to
doubt the perfect integrity of Mr. Bel
mont to his party duties and tespdasibili
ties, nor that, in his opinion, be is doing
the wisest and best thing for the party and
the country in Wilholding the call. -- Yet
it connot be denied that his course is a
cause of worry and discontent with vast
numbers of Democrats, and is bringing
unjust suspicions against himself. Then,
in our opinion, Mr. Belmont should either
summon his colleagues to a conference or
give publicity to some good reasons why
he does- not. 'Masterly inactivity' is
sometimes a;wise strategy, but is a policy
liable to run to rust."
How NeW Hampshire Indorsed
Of course, says the Man Chester Union,
it is understood that New Hampshire was
boughi. up. We are ashamed to admit
that such. a thing was possible, and con
sequently we hire avoided details as far as
passible. The following tom the People
is only one of a thousand eases. It shows
how Christians violate law:
NtEREnt-WE March r l2, 1872.
Personally appeared Ephisitii W. Welk
man, of Henniker, and made oath that he
received 817 for - Voting with the Republi
cans as follows : TVro dollars of Norman
Matthews, five dollars of Timothy Peasley
and ten dollars undera uteasnrein Horace
Gibson's batik More. George Treiton said
I coild Sncl it there. - Horace " Gibson
pointai to it; The above ten dollars was
placed in Horace Gibson's hands by Tim
oth Peasley to be paid to me after I had
fulfilled my part of the Contract by voting
for candidates such as , they had put in
John Favor swears to the Same effect,
and other affidavits are promised. The
Radicals owe their majority ha the.Uouse
every map of it—to just such meana, -
rZi" Ills-believed that the Oldest rose
bush in the world - is one which is•treined
upon one side of the Cathedral of MN
eibelnk, jn Germany.-' The root is buried
under the elypt,ThOow the choir, The
stein is a foot tnick, and half A dozen
branches nearly corer the eastern side of
he church; bearing countless Bolivia in
summer. Its age is unknown, but ,doeu:.
silents exist that prefer that the Bishop
US:Oy u'tltonsind,Yafs' ago, pro
bi;„ .
Reginitinito Soli It
The N. Y. Evening Post is getting
alarmed at tile Unconstitutional legisla
tionenticted by Congress, anal the hold it
has upon the Supreme Court packed by
General Grant. f it thus' refers to the re
cent argument and decision in regard to
the Kaklux laws :
The case was thrown out of Court yes
terday on the ground that there was no
jurisAictiou of review in matters in which
there is a deaar right of discretion in the
lower Court, as was the case in regard - to
the.poi nt in which "certificate of division"
in the Circuit . Court was issued. The case.
Will now come on it review, of the final
judgement, as, a writ or Aceiens.coryus hav
ing been issued tor the relief of the pris
oners, and we shall probably have, at least,
a decision of the main point at issue. So
far as these prisoners, are personally con,
cerned. the public lin,s• little interest in
their fate, for they have been proved
But the
. public has na interest in
Having those principlesan Which personal
liberty rests protected and sustained.—
The difficulties experienced. of bite years
in bringing any laws of Congress to a ju
dicial test are so discouragutg, that "the
power to cheek unconstitutional legisla
tion, which the Supreme Court was in
tended to possess,, pus almost ceased to
Applying the Law to Legislators.
On Friday the 15th inst. : , some of the
members of the Legislature who voted to
prohibit the sale of liquor ou Election day,
took advantage of their free passes and
ran down to Pliladelphia. Getting thirsty,
at one of the stations where the cars stop
ped for refreshments, they rushed into a
saloon and called for some whisky. To
their horror, the man behind the bar,with
a twinkle in his eye, remarked, "it is
election day, and the cursed fools up in
the Legislature have passed a law which
does not allow us to sell any liquor. I al
ways obey the law, and sa. you can't get
any liquor here." It is said that one mem
ber who was particularly thirsty tried to
induce him to relent, but be wag inexor
able, and the party returned to the cars
for once disgusted with their own legisla
Thursday week Gov. Geary sent a mes
sage to the Senate nominating C.D. Brig
ham, editor of the Pittsburg Comniercial,
to fill the office of Auditor-General. The
gentleman, however declines the honor,
as interfering with his duties as a journal
ist. The Senate has sinco accordingly
passed the bill previously sanctioned by
the House, containing Geh. Ithrtmnft in
office until a successor ,be elected in
&The Chicago 'Ames thinks the epi
thet "bolter," which has long been used
with effect by the Radical leaders, is losing
its power, and says that "to be styled a
'bolter' is much the same as to be describ
ed as a citizen who does riot wear about
his neck a coller inscribed 'Ulysses, his
dog : ".
'The Ohio Legislatnre has passed
one sensible law at any rate, which makes
eligible any juryman, though he may
have perused newspaper accounts bearing
on the case to be tried. The harshness of
the hitherto prevailing law often kept our
best informed and most intelligent men
out of the jury box.—Bucyrus Forum.
Proposed CMS Serylee Reform.
The Lonsville Courier-Journal suggests
that the following be included among the
questions to be put to aspirants for service
in the civil branch of the government by
the proposed board of examining peda
gogues :
L Who is your candidate for the presi
g. How much of your salary as post
master do you think you-could contribute
to secure his re-election l
3. Can son swear that you are physical
ly strong enough to work likea dray herk,.
in his behalf from now, until the polls
close ?
4. About how many votes could you
make for your candidate by working in
that way?
5. Have you always been truly loyal,
and if so, how many times did you voter
for the president noble chief executive in
1868, and do yen think iyou could do -it
again in 1872 ?
6. If the administration should hap
pen some time or another to need a first
class witness in a Su-Klux case, do you
suppose you could reffienaber what it
would be necessary for you to swear to on
the or:cation?
7. When you shall have found that you
are a defaulter to the government in a
very considerable 4Oloutit, you will un
derstand, won't you, that you must keep
the fact.concealed from', the Democratic
press, and that, if the thing should leak
out lb spite of us, you must pay fur the
whitewash yourself?
S. In also it should chance to occur to'
you at no digl . ant day that it would be
eminently proper for you to Coward a
Durham colt or a It:rksliire calf, a terrier
pig or a Shanghai pup`_-or all four of
them us the case may be--to a certain
8250,000 farm near St. Louis, vhose gift
ed,proprietor is not wholly unconnected
with the executive mansion at. the present
time, are you quite sure you would re
member to ship with great care and pay
the expressage and all other charges on
the shipment?
9. In conclusion, how much change do
you happen to )3,3T0 abbot your clothes,
and do you think yon could borrow enough
hero to take yon home?
10. And finally, where did we under
stand jou to say that yeti keep your ci
gars and liquor.
The .lean who knoirs enough about
opening, shottiul npaiid distributing the
mails tp answer these questions to' the
satisfaction of an exaniMing board
thoroughly in accord with the presenia
ministration would make a postmaster Of
wh9J the i?idminstratien would justly , be
Mud. - • • •
Dalai in Illiirdlng-House.
Brooklyn, New York has agenuine
sensation."lt is worn interestiri,ff because
mysterious. In Ilaymciund St., Colonel J.
C. Jack, a lawyer of. snow local repute,
presides .over a ~ b oarding-house. This
Pcllnnif,tlowthsts sonic unaccountabl?
cleaue tilt 413 UN
sons in nuMbei,ivere found to be sick, and
one lady, a Mrs. Norton, aged sixty years,
was found lying dead on the door of her
room. At the time the family separated
at night*.all were in. usual health:' rrom
the position in'whieb the body of Mrs..
Norton was found, it is supposed she was
on'her pay ta'suum - co.n assistance. The
family are Of the opinion that they have
been poisoned, but others think' it was the
effect of coal gas from a defective flue.
Rein Conrg. - -
- The . raplelphia Erening Bulletin
(Iradie4)', thlia cciheludes a leader '
Geary:e : 4.1)141140u 4. the Evans bqsi
nem •
Ile does not, toll who' recornmentle4
Evans to lmlr in the first place.
11. Ile does 'not tell why ho signed the
joint resolution, which he confesses he
knew. of. for,,four weeks before, and ap
*kited-Evans uutler it on the same:day,
when it was so full of defects that ho hatl
to make a private agreement with Evans
on the next day.
lli He does not tell why this agree
ment was . not filed in the Auditor Gene
ral's department, or why he did not mt . ,.
force any of its provisions.
IV. Although apparently informed of
Evans' luaus oxrandi iu Washington, he
dues not tell how he got the "disallowed
and suspended " claims allowed and paid.
V. He does not tell why Evans 'kept
the whole $291,046.91 out of his first op
erations with the Treasury Department,
years before the latter collections were
VI. Eie,does not give any
expliwation of the allowance of the maxi
mum commission of ten per cent. to Ev
ans ; the attempt to fasten that allowance
upon the Auditor-General being au absurd
VII. He does not explain why his
Special Agent has twice run away from
Philadelphia, when he has been wanted.
VIII. He does not make any allusion
to the fact that Evans, having apprupriat
ed 8300,000 of public money, is, to-day, 4
poor man.
IX. Ho does not explain why ho al
lowed Senate bill No. 951 to become 4
law, this week, "because of an unwilling
ness to even appear to do anything which
might prevent a recovery of this money
by the State," while he fills fifteen of our
columns with an argument to show that
the State has nothing to recover.
X. He does not tell WHO GOT THE
ccoicßussiONAL sunnAgiv.
SENATE, March bill for\•the re
lief of certain officers of the navy passed.
The Committee on Public' Buildings re-
ported advereely On the petition for the
erection of Pnbtic Buildings in Pbiladel
delpbia, but on motion of Mr. Scott, the
petitions were reserved for further consid
eration. The House amendments-to the
bill extending to aliens the provisions of
the act for the removal of cases from State
to Federal Courts were non-concurred in.
At the expiration of the morning hour the
Tariff billeatue up, but was laid aside, and
a number of bills from the Committee on
Commerce were considered and passed, as
follows; Relative to the entrance and
clearance of ferry boats,and of bonded ztrs
passing from one State to another through
foreign territory; to establish a Collection
district at Duluth, Min nesota.and to make
SL Paul, Minnesota, a port of entry; for
the enlargement of St. Marie's Falls Ca
nal • to authorize the Lake - Ontario Shore
Railroad, to extend- their track across the
harbor of Oswego; authorizing the em
ployment of surfmen at alternate life-sav
ing stations on the New Jersey coast for
the year 1872 ; to extend the customs and
navigation laws over Alaska ; authorizing
the construction of railroad bridges over
the Ohio at Evansville ar.d 3fountVernon,
Indiana • to deepen St. Clair-lists canal to
sixteen feet ; to facilitate theexecution of
amendments; to protect certain public
improvements, amending the act declaring
bridges on the the 'New Albany, Mobile
and Chattanooga Railroad Company post
routes; to amend the act to regulate the
Consular and Diplomatic system, increas
ing the salaries of Consulates at London,
Paris and ffavana ; to amend the act for
the protection of American citizens who
may discover deposits or guano; to author
ize mail steamship service between New
Orleans and certain Mexican ports. At
#:3Q this Senate went into executive session
and soon afterwards adjourned.
Hotfst —After the call of the States for
bills; the teinainder of - the morning wag
consumed ; by dilatory motions to prevent
a vote ofi . Mr. 'Hooper's Civil Rights bill.
A motion to suspend the rules so as to
make the bill a special order was negativ
ed—yeas, 98 ; nays, 78—less than two
thirds in the affirmative. The rules were
suspended, and a bill passed to enable
honorably discharged soldiers and sailors,
their widows and minor children,to secure
homesteads on the public lands. A joint
resolution was passed providing for a co
lossal statue of the late Admiral Farragut,
on Parragut Square, in Washington city,
At n:4O the House adjourned,
SENATE, March 26.—The bill granting
the right of way to the Mobile and Grand
Trunk Railroad Company was
. ps.ssed.--
The bill to-provide for the irrigation of
Bear River valley, in Utah Territory, was
then discussed. At 1 o'clock, when the
Tariff bill was taken up, but was laid io
formallyaside, and the House re
peal the duty on tea and coffee was taken
up. , Mr. Trumbull moved to include salt.
After discussion, this was rejected—yeas,
19; nays 29; also a motion by Mr. Dior
ton to include the Tariff bill recently re
ported,--yeas 22; nays 25 • Several other
amendments were offered, but without
further action the Senate, at 5 p. in., ad
Hotran.—ln the House, the bill autho
rising a site for the depot of the Balti
more and Potopmc Railroad, between
Pennsylvsnia avenue and the canal, came
up, and nearly the whole day was consum
ed in filibustering, without any result.
The Conference report on the bill for the
removal of cases from state Courts to U.
S. Courts was agreed. to. Mr. .Hotiper,
from the Committee on Ban:fine' and.
Currency presented the testimony in the
mattorpf the failure of the national batiks,
yrittitt'resolution that it is the judnient'
of ,the,,,Committee, that the successful
management of the Curency Bureau re-,
quires a change in the officer nt the head
of that department. Tho report was order
ed to be printed. At 4Ltdp,m;, the House
5E1141 . 0, March 27.—An appropriation
was made from the Contingent Fund of
five "thousand dollars to meet the expenses
of the Arms Investigation Committee.
The•Henseilnendments to the St. Croix
and Hayfield: Railroad bill were rejected,
and oxpinttfoil . of Itio- morning
boqr sent: over. The lionso bill
:to -ritriirike'tavon fra rod coffee was
taken;.up,- and having been considered.*
Committee of the Whole, was reported Ao
the Situate. An amendment to repeal the
tax of salt, witclost..,..Viritkioutlinal actin,
the.Sepate, adjourned.
liorso;--* the llous4 the oiOuferenee
report on thn ‘ bill to pro lde, foe. printiii,g
the, debates was'aghed to;', The bill des
ignating a iito for tlfe'Baltimotc•and
toms° Railroad depot came up as unfin
ished business, and the filibustering
~ainst it was resumed. The whole day
was consumed in voting ,on dilatory mo
tions; and Ultima . disposing of the bill
4 1 9,,,111. 1 .1 8 c,
NATE, March 28, 7 --The report 'cif the Conference. Committee - oxi- the 'hill to pro
vide fur. publishing the Congressional de
bates was concurred. in:l , 4 VORlMittee of
Conference was reported on the Rayfield
and St. Croix Railroad bill. At the expi
ration of the morning hour the Senate re
sumed. consideration of the bill for the re
peal of the duties on tea and coffee. The
amendinent adding to the bill the free
list of the Senate Tariff bill was concur
red in. The amendmentaddinp the second
section of the Tariff bill reducing the duty
on cotton, woolens and silks,earthenwarot
glassware, etc., ten per cent. was also con-.
ourred in. Silk was afterwards struck but.
The third Section of the Tariff bill was
then added. Mr. Ilamlin moved to sub
stitute for the first section of the bill,modi
fied so as to make the duty on tea eight
cents per pound, and on coffee one and a
half cents. This amendment was rejected.
The bill was variously amended,und final
ly passed in ri-form substantially the same
as the Tariff bill reported by the Finance
Committee. At 9:40 p. m. the Senate ad
journed till Monday.
Hot - m—ln the House the bill locating
the depot of the Baltimore and Potomac
Railroad came up as unfinished business;
after a somewhat acrimonious debate the
filibustering was resumed by the minority,
and all action prevented. The Chicago
Relief bill was reported from the Ways and
Means ComMittee, when Mr. Farwell, of '
Chicago, offered an amendment exempt
in 0.- lumber from its operation. As amend
ed,' the Senate amendment wav concurred
in, and the bill now goes back to that'
body. At 2 p. m., the special order, the .
bill to provide for the security of life on'
steam vessels, came sp. Pending its-con
sideration, the conference report ou the
bill to providefor the contingencies in the
transportation of goods in bond across the
Continent, was agreed to. At 4:40 p. m.,
the House adjourned until Monday.
—Many persons suffer with sick, head
ache and nervous headache, usually in
duced by costiveness, indigestion, etc.
Such persons will find relief if not cure
by keeping the bowels open with small
doses of " Parsons Purgative Pills."
Have you inflammatory sore throat,
stiff joints, or lameness from any cause
whatever? Have you rheumatic or other
pains in any part of the body? If so, use
"Johnson'S Anodyne Liniment." Our
' word for it, it is the 'best pain killer in
this country.
-Wm. li. Seward, Noah Webster and
Aaron Burr all attended the same school
in Goshen, N. Y., in the days of their
g:rgal Atirtrtiocntrato.
0.11 IFIRTFF'S SALES.—By risme of writs Issued by
the Court of,Commou Pleas of Susquehanna Coun
ty and to me duvet*, I will expose to sale by public
vendee, at the Court Matte in 11ontroso. or Friday,
April Igth 142, at two o'clock P.O.. the following
described pierce nr parcels of lard, to wit:
All those two certain pieces or parcels of land,sitnate
In the township of Spriugellie. in the county of Suaqur
henna end State of Pennsylvania the first piers booed
Cl Igor: dercriLed as - todorra, to *t: (in toe north by
trod, of Are. Meeker, on ;he cast by public htshway
leading from liontrode to Tunkbanneek. on the south
by lands of E. B. Lyman and E. L. Harris, and on the
west by lands of A. D. Sheldon and Laudie Lyman, con
taining to aeresof land, be the same more or lea., with
the anpurtenaricea, 2 frame houses, tram blacksmith
shop. orchard, end all Improved second piece, a
wont lot, branded and desalt:led as followe, to sellt On
the north by Mods of Wm. Gerrltmn, on the. east by
Lando of Jas. Quick. on the myth by lands of Wm.
Avery and cm the west by lands of Wm. Gerritson, con
[dining 5 acres Of land, be tile Came more or leer, wit the
appu S. [Taken in execution at the eutt pf P
killer vs. 3. V. Newell.]
ALSO—AII that certain ptecc or parcel of land.lsitttte
In the township of Great llend.ln Stet:minty of Masque
hanua and Suite of Pennsylvania, bounded and dcacribs
d :iv fellows, to wit: On the - north by land* of Henry Hendrickson, cart by lands of Helms - lc-loon and Locust
11111 mad, south by tande of H. Gifford and Henry-Gunn,
and west by lap de of Robert Norte sod John Smith, deed,
tont:tieing ehxdt fort -pone acres of hand, be the dame
more or less, with t he appo rtemateadew fruit trees and
mostly Improved. [Taken In execution at the suit of
Luke Smith vs. Ira Odell, and Luke Smith vs. Fayette
0 Odell and in Odell.]
ALSO—AII tnat certain piece orp.meel of land. situate
bathe township of Auburn, to the county of Straquehan
na and Statotf Penneylvania lytim and beingon-Main
St., in New Laceyvllle, boundedooddescrlbed as follows,
to wit: Betvi abing at the northeast comer of amid lot,
thence soatTi 01 degrees west GO feet to corner: thence
ncgth ft degrees droll GO feet to corner; thence north- 29
degrees mei 60 lett to corner; there north 'GI degrees
salt CO feet to that place of bogluntny.containing 312X1
square feel of laddr, Ire the same metre or les.:with the
appartenancre, frame house, and all Improved: (Taken
In execution at the suit of S. P. Tytor vs. D 34131 1 5- La.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or Land, eftnate In the
St of Middletown, in thecounty of enequebanna
and Stato of Pennsylrarna. bemzelod and described as
follow., to wit: On the north by lands of MB. Baldwin,
on the east by Inds et John Hickey. Miles Baldwin. and
Mrs Kellum, on (ho south by handset Thomas Millmore,
and on the Imo bylands of Timothy Idlechan,XOnteln•
log 101 acraf land, he the game more or leas, with the
appurtenantee frame house, frame barn, orchard, and
abort ;Satre , iabe
improved. [Taken In execution at the
suit of M. Keogh, nee of A. Lathrop es. Jolla Degnan.]
ALSO—JD those 3 certain Dicece or parcels of I Ind;
citrate In the township of Derrick, In the county of
Srognehenna and State of Pennsylvania, the find piece
tortgded and deverlbect as follows. to wit: Beginning et
a maple tree, the month-weft corner of the Almon Spoor
farm; thence eolith owl along the line of ealdSpoor and
C. C. 'Scathe 143 perches to &post for • corner; thence
southwest along raid Newton'. land 100 perebes to a
corner; thence northwest along adjoining lends of J.
lat Meyers M perches to a elate and etonep on the east
bank of the creek; thence ;dung the mist bank of said
creetrip the same adjoining lands of Almon Chandler
ht perches to a birth tree; theece northeast 1:U perches
totho place of beginning; containing SB acres of land.
be the came more uric... ..The second piece beginning
at &maple tree the .outhwest corner of A. Spoor a land;
thence berth northwest floe perch atom stake and stop.;
thence eonth southeast to the Cochecton and reat Bend
road; thence westerly along the said road to the ea id
CherleaA.Ctunpbell'a hied; thence aloe g Melte e of said
land northwest to the plac;: of oegioning. contaleme,
, about ohoop of land,be the satnemoro er
third pler beoin„ nieg at a earner in the Great 130341 and
Cocbecton trod; theuoraioeg aazd rend in :• a westerly',,
direction 0 perches •to a corner in Hee of•Charlee A.
Campbell's land ; then ce along eald,Campbell'i line in a
foutheasterly direction 40 perches to a poineiniald line,
thence Ina northwesterly direction 40 pereho4 bsek to
said road, ,to the place Of begluniug, containing }( elan
ado of land. be the =MO mare or lees, with the appur
tenances. frame Loose, frame barns, :hop, orelamod.
and about 30 acres improved. Iyaken In execution at
the salt of T. F. Jonuegn ye. Abram Way Man, and P.H.
Gardner re. Abram M'arreen.l
ALSO—AII thatecrielb plebe fir land Minato 10 the
borough of Susquehanna Depohin the cornity of thiF t r , i,e•
bannaand State of I enneylvania. bdrinded and deec ed
as follows, to wit: n the oorthby 'Washington a reef,
on the east by lands of Mica Creitarl. on the month by
, lands of JOhn Tleruey. and on the west by lands of
Edwardlitile with a front of 115feetend n depth Of 145
feet, with the appurtenances, two story frame honse,
ebiAery, some troll trees, and all improved. (Taken in
vire ejlen et tbe snit of 0.13. Eldred, seeigned to Basque
bine; Coen/ burl Astochttion .. 11. McDonald A Jacob Tyler
ALSO—AI that certain piece of lend eltusto In the
township of Thompeon,iu the Contty of limmoehanni
and State of Pennsylvania; boa; ed' tied described ae
follows, ig Witt On Ihe moth by lends of Syhrerder
Mug, otethe enet by lands of John Utterer, an the south
by land. of,Stephen Gelatt, anders.the west by lands
of John SVlllekr. etnitaining about 14 acres of land, be
the same more or boa, with the •appurtenences, !tame
house, bare, few trait treqs, add mo•tly improyea.
I' Taken In execut ) oe at the edit' of Jacob Taylor, re
Dante] Taylor.] •
AL150—.511 toAteertain place-or parcel of land, situate
in the bofoagb of Susquenelus Depot, in the twenty of
Sitiqnetlentla , aed Statei Peunayleanith being the
oertuwest part of Jot number 57,0 f Addison bleKee's at
lotmeot 017:mean. Smith's land.boundedanddescribed
aafollowir, efl a y , ..Begi„. lll og on -the west wide of •
s tr e et or agent. wierth. at the =Si corner of David
B. liolme's lot'; flow owned .by alary Ana HMI, thaws
along '4,1.11301m'. lot south 51.4 degrees west 7 rode to
a corner of 'William ilowarinlot, }hence along the same
south 35)( dcgfeMl cart th ,, t7 feet; 'thence along other
guidlo A s b i a b t .2 /a
nSeb. r yan r t,beesleeg
n the g rreom d a s inipg part Of
tl7neUMdeg o
to the West
theeceadong theeamenortinasX
bounds' oftdOreasid St.;
degrees Wed 30feet to theplette of b ma In . containing
4.11 rods of land he the same more or !eta, with the
none, 0114 two Mori farm hoagie • and oat.
by 1) dicer and sll treproyed.' (Taken in execution at t4o
sulker assignedto Vexing
s.l3...pryentand Deo. N. Brown.LiMisaßryantaasig4a
to hr. Gerbig 41.040. N."Brearn and W.W.Willianef yi
on, tidllrown.3 • • - -
Notice in berg, giVeq paliif
oath egl.tbal day of eelo. t ' ; •
4 . Wit, T, M.OXLA;altlnic,..-'
'itt eft' cit4:v,Vorl ; 9o, Mete 15, nit ' •
loiouruitP,ritill expose to pale by public rcrelae;
e i p c 'Moto lu !font:oar, on Saturday. April
!Cdr. UV' ate o'clock, D. na., tho followlna Ocoee or
'4 of leak!. rilt:
a it; vg
ttha; es rum p or parcel of land, lying let the
Ito *hip orSprin ,in Susquehanna stint),
!Bolunded had dise ri as follows , to wit: B egin ning
In centre - of the mall tanning, west from Lynn onset" •
'thence e0pt31331 degrees west 9340 rods by land of
ral; hence borth 7 . ;r0.s went by lands' of
'Ab r am vh,,46:011000; motto 3 313. degrees, cast by
land of P. L.riti 8-wroas tt enc.( serith Mc degrees •
east by sold r 0311.4 fejiltvotle to the pilot of beginning,
containing one fourth of an aCtetogether w 1321 the apple. '
tenet., one small Bame house,one mall fnitan barn, two
or three beating apple - trees, and all Improved. (Taken
in execution at the snit of W. H. Cieniteon vs. w.
ALSO—AiI that certain pilece or parcelof load, situate
in the,townehip of Ilertiek, In Stlequehanua County,
Penneylfsniaßoanded and described as follows, to wit:
Oa the north by lands of J. W. Bennett and Walter •
`Lynn,-on the-east by landeof G, ll.'and J. D. Lyon, on
the eolith and WIT. by lands of
suess, eootairdng,
about one huudre and eigtitecri of land. be the
same more or lees together With the appurtenance!. one
frame honee , two barns.. few Dolt trees and about
andacres rozzd e .. ATAkisa yon t n n L eg A eo . e edit
ninety o(, Lyos i o
ALSO—AII that Certain Otte of lend 'lnnate 14 the
township idlierty,ln the County of Snequchannai and
State of Pennsylvania, bounded as followe,to wit ; On
the north and west by lands of S. D. Doss, on the south
by lends of Jared Marsh. and on the cast by steam,
property. containg 12,3( acres, more or less. and
partly Improved.'/Takeriln execution at the volt of P.IL
Traria. aselgued to Alexander McLeod ea. C. P. Mott.]
ALSO—A ittrat certain piece of land. situate In thell
township of Liberty. In the county of StLtrplettanna and
State of Pentrsylvanis,'bounded and described as fol
lows, to wit: On the north by lands of 31. Cole. east
by lands of Orrigen tipauhling, weat by lands of Jona •
athan Ingraham andwaith by lands of David-Si-We:den,
containing about 5731 acre.. more or less. together with
the appurtenances, log liaise, log barn, about 10 acres
Improved. , [Taken 'ln execution at the cult of David A.
Worded en. lienntLi. Belem:trier.] •
ALSO—AII that certain ;den or parcel of land, eitnatr
in the townettipa of Bridgewater, In the county of Sus
quehanna and State of Peutisylvania,bounded and de•
scribed as fullottre, to wit: On the north by public high
way, on the Clint by lands of Mrs. Jeonett Muchler, On
the south and went by lands or Baleen Smith. contain
ing one-half coma( ladd; be the same more or lees, with
the appurtenances, frame house, work shop, frime-htm.
some fruit tteca,and all Improved. [Taken In execntion
at the cult of 31. S. Wilson. vs. IL D. Barker & A- Brit
tcnbender. ye. It. D. Barker.]
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land, situate
in the township of Clifibni, in the Monty of Suserine.
henna and Stain of Pennsylvania, beginning at or near
the south-west corner of lot No. b. now or late of James
Barret; thence by iota numbered 5,13, ant" 7 north 116 1-
tooh pcmheeto a comet of let No, 49, thence by raid lot
north al degrees west 99810th 'perches to a-corner of
lot No. 39, thence by said lot, south 10 degrees west 157
11.10 perohee to a corner la the tooth 1100 of lot No. 34 ;
thence by the same and' ot No. 33 eolith 16 degrees east
128 perches to tub Place of 'beginning; tontalning about
109 acres of lend, ha the same more or lose with the ap
purtenancee being lot No. mainly of the tract In the
warrantee finite of Jos. Beach, with a emalipartof Jas.
Beach's warrant [Taken In Rcention at the suit of •
Otte Reynolds VaJoseph B. Brainard and Henry 'Lounge •
& D. H. Morse re. Henry Itorinda, Simon Bloc re. Licurf
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land, eittude
in the township of Franklin, in the countyofSit%one
henna and State of Pennsylvania. itonodedanddiscrits
ed tie followe. to wit: On the north by Silver Creek road
and N. P. Wheaten:Lon the west and south by %ands of
N. P. Wheaten. and on tte east by lands of John Cbm.
well and Borrows, containing' about 10 acres of lat.),
wore or leen. together with the appurtenances, one men
frame house. one large [MIDI/banding or factory. with
natures for manufacturing salt, one steam englae, and
mostly Improved. (Taken in execution at the cult of
Lycomlng Fire Ineurance Company ye. Syquehanna
Sal; and Mining Company]
ALSO—AII that Certain pieta or cartel of land. sitiude
•Iri Oakland townehip,in Sasquebbnna Canty and State of
Pennsylvania, bonoded and described as follows. to wit:
Beginning on the north *Be of the roan leading from
Great Bend to Levi Westfalre, and at the southwest
corner of a lot deeded to Martin Wagner; thence along
said Wagner'. line north 0 degrees and :5 Minutes whet
75 feet toocorner.; thence south degreesond mine.
ten, west re feet to a corner; thence 0
degree. end 35
1 mint:tee east WIN' feet to a narrrer on the north h,ank of .
the river road ; thence along sold road In a northwester;
ly dir•etion to the place of beginning Wl:seine the ease.
[ land deeded by Calvin Brnah. to Helen P hay.
• log thereon ono frame thine-story house. [Taken In
execution at tho stilt of John Bryan assigned to ChanceA. NiiliCT VP Norman S. Kenyon.]
ALSO—AII those two certain contiguous pieces
land. situate to the township uf Jearnp. in the county of
Susquehanna and stare of Pennaylvazia, the first piece
hounded and described as follows, to wits Beginning
inn public rood in tne west line of Dr. Wm. Bissell'.
land, extending thence west along Levi Lltaisdelra
land al 5.10 perchea to the said road; th ence along the
same south 114 5-10 perches Lthence by Catch Carritalt's
land east 915.10 ',etches to !C. P. Cornwell's land :thence
114 7-10 perches to the place of beginning. containing
CI acres and 110 perebee, be the eame more or Ices.
The second is hounded and described as follows. to
it: Beginning at the northeast corner of E. P. ilowe'e
lot and the aorttheast comer hereof, thelica north along
the highway 77X perches to poet corner ' thence west
Meng Fredrick Dayton's line 313310 perches to a poet:
thence email along George Devine's land 215-10 perches;
thence West by the same 111 310 perches ;thence e•tith
along E. P. llowe's land perches, thence east 11 SAO
• perrhes ennth alone the eante a:. perches to a coiner. end
thence cast along slid Bowes line SO 8.10 perches to the
place of beginning, containing frIX acres of laud, be the
tarn , : more Or inc. containing shunt nn) acres
and 12 perches cr land, be the lame More or lees. with
the appurtenances. theme house. bern and out buildings
, d orchards. about t... 0 acre. improved. [Taken in earen
tian at the suit of Cyrus Elacets, assignedte S. N. Stitch
ed VP. Samuel Arnold.]
AL O—AII that certain piece or parcel of land denote
In Ise town.hlp eif Bash. in the count, of Susquehanna
nod State Pennsylvania, hounded and described us ful
lows, to wit: On the north try the Wyalusing Creek
Road and lands of Z.L.Cooley,and on the east.t.onth and
west by lands of Z. L. t:ooley, and 040011 the 011• A by
the NC ‘alusing Creek Mond. containing three.ourths of
an acre . , be the same more or le p. with the appurtenances
one two-story dwelling, one barn. a few fruit trees. end
all improved. [Token in execution at the snit of L. D
Werner vs. Myron IL Eileen.]
ALSO—AII that certain picor of land. situate lu the
township of Lib. ray, the cone' yof Susquehanna and
Stale of Pennsylvania. bounded and described no follows,
to .It, it being the house and lot formerly owned by
George SI. A.. 1. W Fisk - south 13X perches to a stake
.d stones, east 15 reds, north 131 8 rods west 15 rods.
containing about IX acres of bind, be the same more or
less. with the ripper tenon d e ding honse,orchard
and all Improved. In execution at rite salt of
J. W. Howard. assigned to A. Lathiop vs. S. 11. Darrow
and Joao S. Darrow.]
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land, situate
In the tom:lshii - rot Lenox. In the county of Suagnehattna
and State of Pennsylvania?' bound d and doteribcd rat
follows, to wit: Lin the north by lands of Si. B. Hartley
on the east by lands of Charles Smith. on the south by
lands of James Hartley's estate. and on the west by land
of L. M./lardy, epntalning 144 acres of land, he the isame
more or ices, with the appurtenances, frame house, 2
frame barns, corn tiogeo, come fruit trees. and about
73 scree Improved. '[Taken In - exechtion at the mit of
John Van Loan vll.l.V.ltalleitkaud %Vm. h. Sherwood.]
Notice is hereby even that all bids mast be paid in cash
on day of sale. WILT. DOYLEY.
Sheriff's Oface, Montrose. 31nrch 2, IST.L.
LICENSE PETITIONS.—Notice is hereby
glieri that in pursuance of an Act of Assem
bly, the following named persons have filed
their petitions with the Clerk of the Court of
Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the county of
Susquehanna for licenses to keep taverns, eating
housm, 'and tp Selth)'Neasure in quantities not
less than 'Ono quart, for whlcli they will apply
at April Sessions, '1872 :
Silas Winters Harmony, Wholesale
John Beaumont... Ararat, Eating House
James . o. • Brooklyn Tavern
G. E. Feasenden • • " •
Judson Stone .Forest Lake, "
Chas. Tierney Great Bend Born., Eating House
L. F. Rosengrant Harford, Tavern
E. B. Gary Jackson. "
Wm. D. Ketchum Susquehanna DZpot, "
E. R. Abbott.....
Michael Doyle...
Michael. Doyle... " Eating House
Thomas Fernitti-. . I! NY holcsalo
Maurice Meyers...
Dennis Mahony....SilverLako, Ealing House
Jeremiah Stephens.... ...Springville, Tavern
Win. N. Bennett Auburn,
J. D. Lineberry'
N. V. States • Clifford, Tavern
A. H. Aires • Duridaff,
E. L. Rhinovault • Forest Lek e
Ann Tierney .Friendsville Eatingliouso
Mary "
John Foster
Michael Kffrow •
T. J. Barnes....
George 3fellaininti • •
Samuel Holmes Gibson
William Thorn .Herrick
John M..
David Wilmarth ' Lathrop "
Geo. W. Reese " Wholesale
A. F. Snover , Lenox Tavern
1. N. Bullard 'Montrose Eating House
Burns & Nichols . " Wholesale
Abel Turret] • - • 4i .
John S.garbell ' • Tavern
Charles 3L Koons
Wm. Smith
P. Phinney......
Alney & Hayden.
Wm.. 11; Sherwood ' Hash,
P. E. Brush • • - Springville,
Ellen Phelan • Silver Lake,
F. St.- Whitney.. ~......ffuseen Depot, "
Dennis Casey .. . D6pot, Wholwalo
David A:Chandlpr.„.......Thoenson, Tavern
B. W. Pittsley .
Charles llorsei . ... ........ ' Tavern
John W. Gov.. ... ,:llarfortl. • "
LJ. Stratton..'V.:::`.Great Bend Bore., "
G. A. Wilbur.:::.[...Great Bend TWO:, -"
1 oAedelf....Great /3end.lloro., Eating House
A. Miles. .--Sup Depo!, Deane Pauso
• Aclilliiis Trece.o...„...Thnusson, • Tavern
"Minityoseillarch 13, 1872,rN0. "-
CI .
A T ONE, are : prepared to do all kinds '9l /lump
vo and Cattererrral Work Brick 'Work, Masonry,
Rod ralintiv, tan Jab Of i n any tanner lo cua.
tamers: Alto,Saat:C.llltrld,' Doom- Attnildings." droll
cad Wlnd , ror. Fianna, to, order. ' PSie Lambez
adamantly oa liapl. . bb?p, la Fork factory. Ofilldlog,
A. NY. COOLZY . ' RTA.N4T I}79;i:E.
Idontroa*. r1:4'14871: —&,'4la.
-1•-gresall,"0.=11911-10.": j: "1311'8
ter . lthltrtis!inttlb•
Vanity s'aa d Troethionlara. h - op InC.
Mara Banding, Brooklyo,.Pa: oa4 Hammes, heavy
f i od t 4, r
• 17 1131:7"ST gar r;,"f ,
M. C. TYLER 79 Ma DUANE ST, I+l' V
IV T/1 bIItTII i C01EL4.6.1
- • • ..
BPD fl NOT; *NT 'NOV -
rtEttERAZ, 12A1rDtVARL.. - Cutlery: acitliat, - Ellairetic.
taalana Gloaas.l.l4ldnlns #u3 many ether% Cot
Shwa, Steel. andlthn pots AD.". (therbrat In the World,r
every turd or Droshea. Door LoeltS,•yhd Cocks. ID:rotar, • .
Guns, Defamers,
Piatols, Revolvers, Ts - merle, Cave°.
ter's Tools, Blar.losalth's bellows raid Tools.. PMod
snives,Ya.Ye and Spoons. and:orarradalturatitYtoPt
la a Firetelaite Hardware ImportialeadJeabta:llo9/0.
No Mistake
My enema Thank, are tendered to the man 7 th
own county, for the kttict plitronno;nreithrtut therm,.
In utter Coontier, who my mid thre, and ;genera.
Ineltation is hereby given torn =Warned! Las wen n,
to theme who are willing to give Ina tea 4 torhYttnrebo,
4ano ea, by orders ur aJle.
1L C. wirrautt .-
Afentrove, Maith,i49,ls72.—tf.
Apples 2 yoari old. - • Wets ear.. 0,110 pee 1001
Apple Root Orafti leo.loo per loco,
5... . - • • 9.5 tolsocts etobA.
Strawbonies $1 wisp
Adorein., , S. J. NOUTIMOV
Susq'n Depot, 21arc1,20,1672.—iv3,
M. D.. SMITH; . :
TRUNKS t!! •
• • LIGHT -
ETC.. ETC. - •
gescilc.iscon. Ooater, Sew.
March A ISA—If.
08T 1 Caooot LF &hp/a:fed. AB elietery or-seteilettlf.
BIEN detirine s PRoFITALE 13118INESS,een Ware
the EICLUSITE WIGHT for the Fele 'an REOTT'S
(or COUNTIES and sTATES. WNW Tot lufontuttlon
OT Can („11 ' ' • •
ppi~ppn. DVOTT • •
No. 114 SOUTTI SECOND 5T414111.A., PA. -
N. 13.—ehureltenturnhtbed with CRAiiiIRIASTO3 tired
LANI.I% of Every tirrerlptinn, 25 per cent. CMS= than
ninny other estahli.divent in the ...wary—
Sugar Curcd H=JI fur ESL at
al the Stara of 11. J. WEBB.
](arch. la, "11.-41oll—v•I • , , • ;
Frotkpuzipd Fruits
Marc,. 13. '72.—noll—tr3
I,NOR SALE! The undeestned otters for sale a Good
lIOUBC, furnished from .op - to bolicita,Ziest- Earn.
Sacco acres of Lon& all Improved. - Terms easy.' For
further particulars inquire or L. - B: SILVARA,'
Forest Late Centre, Pa.
Commll Farm For'Salo.—
erty Towne-lip, cortAluirig 57 acre's—will Lo sektd
cheap. 11EN ItY U. TTLEM:.
F resh Teas .111.11 received
at the Sjart• of
GOOD FARM FOR. SAL2.II—Of acme well !Mi
tt proved. well stabled. ULM goad building. lying five
udirs from Bend and too miler Boni Lawartile
Center. in LAherty Town4hip, nuaq'n Co, Pa.-; sad ,
known no ill, Samuel Ireland farm, only twenty dollars
per acre and two thirds of it on lone credit. For farh
vrparricularreequire of 11. A. Trneadell. -on adjoining
Wm. or of A- C Campbell, Owego city, N . y.
ALSO. n good dairy farm of lad sore.. neer Roma,
Brodford Co.. Pa. C. CAMPBELL. ,
March, 6, 1872.—t016—m9.
113.1308.G.E CEECEEZ =Amu '
FOR SALE at all principle stations nn line It polar ;
ware. Lackawanna Western nallerer. -""
H 0. ! grcoire. Itirr.:3l9oll:triX
24.17:10 .15.41.1V132:2.13 : •
• PECIAL INDUCEMENTS to Familicto and Colanieo
rh moving went can °Win, Through
ST. JOSEPH. rr. SCOTT, en - rEtt, and all points :a
Micsnstri and Kansas, at the very Inwest tato; and t*Y
their boncenoid gouda and freight slalphr.d at special rates
2 3 '416SSIEIMISTOr2DJEt./E37,1
Delaware. Lackawanta4 Westerti
WM Phnom ta'-e notiee that a Direct Cnnnectlott Z ia
made at lIINCIIIANTON. with all express tr4lis• on
ERIE RAILWAY. L2Erlie cure to ask for Tlotteta ala
"ERIE RAIT.wAY" which can be procured itt Wilmot
A. H. FHANC;SOUS, &,,49.01
We hare opened (bribe SPRING'TRADIC the Lapel
and tesCaasortal Stock a •
Table, malt and Floor TM Clothe. Window Shidade
and Paper, Carpht. Chain, Cotton. Yarn. Vat.
ling, Wadding., Twines. Wicks. Cache..
Looking Glasses, Fane7. Baskets.
Broaccallaskets.Beekets. BM' •
. es, Clothes Weingers.Wood•
FF. and Willow Wm in.• .
the Vetted Stay*.
Our largo (norm/n.lll business etu.Pleaz!p 111,3
price, and flunleh the hest gar4ttyof
• P.i/CE $3.6.1V
Ovei•1900 sold in sitlfist4!
Terme Cirpet.. GOdnyo.
All ot er goods. a) els7r. Nct. -
Fcb 14,13 T 2m. „
Great Bend ",
MIAMI FOR SALE !—A farid ot'slaty-tirti in t 6114
joining the Bore' of Montrose en the
uttered' for gale. It Is weirwetered and has AbOn ita
acres in timber, lueludlng feline grenrolMenab Wed
maple near the dwelling. Wag theelltkelllA 1 40 1 . 9
.of the Samuel Gregory farm, •
For nuther_partlenlaye ontAre pt T;*pattpcoirsivt
or P. Lines .MODI49SC, ga.." ' •
" Wholesale
. _
lIOROSITO COUP, Jn. Thli ifioronett brad
etallion wilretand this prearnt etaaon for ally talftei4
ammo comtnenelog dpril let and ending
anti Somata) s, at Mascara° ofJ.S. Taring!, In 31W4„030,
the Mt of the seek AC the vabaeriber% ono M Ile dill at
Auburn 4 Corners, on the road leading:to Splinkrale.
PEOIOIO..E.—Tho Tordttto Chief Jr wallitirN• by
Toronto Chief, who for tticed Al t bottoiS' to otOod
any stallion on record : Be waer bY /1001 (Wage
and Dia dam by lltathwoad,,_ - oitt Orli* Eclipse mara
Royafeeorgo'Wtta , by Black Warrior ; and be by Impost
ed Tipp° ; and ho Meretnger:orEdeland. •-• „
rattorro Clan, Jo:edam Was aired by the thertilarn
bred Jeremy. out of a Majesty =re. Jerome was
by Virginia he by Sir. Arehle,the etre •of Sir. Dory,
and grandilro of Ambit:an Otar-.lam by Old lrairarito.
Second data 0 d Deli Mr: - • . ' ' '
TOPONVO COMP:dn..I3 a blood 'My milli block dint , .
fall tall, weightt I,ttO 10X bind* Wel: has, dno
training, hula, goodipit. and for his weight fa hard to,
beet Call alad aeoldni,audjadge for youraelres. Pinto
of tali jet can tie oet , a94 the anbterlbetratilaniptatar
ed on ,reaannab;o:t4ttna decidepteandietreaptli iibe
owners,' airy. - • • , • „.• ,
Other rake as OOa r inmaty. Tertaeld WON OA
sls; Wo m o n e y parabloldarch t lard.
•„ ,•man°
7. m.cuismax. pnprtitor.
Anbara 4 Comoro, Pc. /forth
Ne!7 3111f7d,
" Whelesele
. . .
.. : ' •:.• la the placo to buy lour -.7 :,
Crocpriesi Prot/WOO* Gtr 44.
.. , . . . ... , ,
1; 1 G" and Medium tlaTer and TlTaaltly. Bawl 'CUSP.
Good (Around Correa 10 eels per pound,Valri at
rA cease pet honed, COW t3allwarna 0 eira a r pd.
Chale , Vetoed Beef. Weds ell the haute, I ' A
largoatock a WOO had ROI 8=14: YcgtAt4.l
: Vet morrln A faardayin•*; 7 • ••• • • •. ' ' ;', •
Pliii'Asltot let. In bushel lacks, C
Md. and Smutted Ilallbut, and, , In toe rertar 11 4
1 ay.erythlns neetledio keep boo,: -witb nd bapph
all entrentely law for OrCaitr or rutty: Psi: -: -; • •
• - Nen
. Troge.. - march t la, r..e..,ttpit—ill -- : • - ••
. .. . ,
Li: J. CrgISR.
Equ AGENTFOrrits
AT- A. ti. BALLA D'