En _tam land tivoide. Samraing Zeet?-Stato:-.177, To be a successful bee-keeper the per ems keepin,g them should see their bees often,- and'know at all thnes.their actual condition: Tisdo, this satisfactorily we mast have the movable frame hive in route form, and be able to open it- and take out the frames at.pleasitre.- "But," says one, "the beeS will sting: I should tt t dare open a.hive full of bees." Yes, wa know the bees will sting, if you are i•areless, and in taking out the frames yob hit theist oae against another, thus jarr ing and . stnashing the bees and honey. But if you will be careful, and use a little emoke whea needeO. there will be , no -trouble. When you wish to open a hive step to the - back side of-it so as not to in terfere wills the bees flying out and in, re move your cap; and, with your knife or something else, pry gently. -Utile weath er is warni the propolis will come. off without- =jarring a particle. Have on hand some smoke, and as soon as you raise the honey-board blow in some to keep them quiet. Begin two or three frames from the one you wish to take oat and with your knife or lingers move them away a little, then take the one you wish out. After-the first, you can take oot any you wish by setting one down on the outside of the hive. With the blacks and hybrida you will want smoke; but as far as. my experience goes, with the pure Italians you will need no smoke. I will describe a stoker Which works with me like a charm, and what suits me I think will snits any one. Take a piece of sheet-iron and make a tube eight inches long and two inches in diameter. Tills is easily done with small rivets used tinmeu, and almost any person can make it. Now, make a plug for each end tapering each down to a point: - Bore a i qmirter nch r hole in the plugs, and ever t.te large ends of the plugs with • wire clothovhicti should be bent so as to raise them in the centre; this keeps trash from titling the hales in the plugs. Next—one cud is nailed. fast, and the other •is left, movable. so that it may be taken out when,the pipe or tube thus prepared is to lie flitted with decayed weed which is to lie kindled at, the opoi end of course. Yon yet want a handle, which is made-by boring a two-inch hole.in a piece of one half such plank, and shaping it to suit you.. Then slip the tube into it, and it may be fastened by inserting a nail be tween the wood and the tube. One ping should be shaped convenient to be held in the mouth when blowing . smoke through - the tube. When you, wish to use the onoker insert .the plug made for the so uth piece, and then you can smoke the loes'srdliciently in a short time. By ad dingifuel occasionally you can keep it I strain any length.ol time, keeping one cud Open when not in use. Do not use , tuba= for smoke, as it stupifies the bees asta,ruakes them irritable for several days of.. r. Now a word for 'the Italians. I Lind them very peaceable whets compared With the black bees. I con open a hive I Italians at any time when they are i-tising brood without smoke, and not he e one offer to sting me, unless by some mishap I jar theist so as to arouse them. which takes considerable. Besides this eats find the queen readily ; the young bees do not drop from the comb as the Heck ones do, and as far as my experience roes. they will make orie-thirl more bon , ey. I have one stock of Italians that gave Me one good swarm and 125 pounds box honey the first - season. The Italians, so be pure, should all - have three yellow hands, and some will Occasionally show the fuurt..ll.—National 13e: Journal. Spin Odeliens. Very early Spring chickens arc general is, dear, but pay well for the raising. A writer in- the COU utry Gentlenum asserts that they are much easier brought`thro' t 'se cold weather of the latter partpf Feb- nary and the following mouth than most r rn plc sappose. The writer proceeds to give his mode of rearing, as follows: The way to do it is to have the hens all com fortably lodged in a warm roost by the 'firit of January. Have some nice, sang; warmly situated nests in a place n ear the roost for the liens to lay in, and contrive that they can go to and from without go 4ng into the bail Veather,and if they have 11..:en well fed they will be laying when the eold weather begins,and if Brahma blood is in them (half will do,) they will set by the end of the mouth, and alter hatching, pat-them in coops which can be closed :o‘d made dry by letting down the board, :.id be shut up again as soon as they bare •-aten, which will cause the Len to sit still and , nurse them till they are fed again ; have no bottoms to the coops and move every day, putting dry fine straw or any kind:of litter under the coop when the granud is wet, but in' moderate weather or whenever dry let them be on the sod.— Keep "the hen confined till the chickens arc a month old, unless unusually mild, and these coops be en a slope facing the , South, and away from the haunts of the : old fowls. There are many days in February when the Chickens will : run oratind , the - coop picking blades of grass, Ice., enjoying the Ennshine, which 'puts them in strong health, and close confine 'neat in cold spells had during snow &terms, which, with these coops, do- not hurt them at all; - and there will be no -dro4thigyings and no crying, as there ' inrenably - is" when little eh ickins - are rais ed hot-houses or in any kind of hopes orbarns; far in any of these places thei miss the fresh ground -to be daily rtiOyed on, and the fresh air and sunshine which gives them an appetite out-of-doors, 'however spacious the appartments may be. - 1: . have 1.3 W. to dig the 'snow away from the coops several times in 011 G sea soh, and brash places for them to be pin cd on, which is quickly done by having a :spare peep • and going from one - to the other' with-a bucket; 'and by 110 or 11 o'clock the whole of the broods from 30 to 40. coops would be seen as 'brisk as bees, a dozen_ er more - at etch coop, and racing to meet the feeder. raitzavatio PousitED. -tirrfa. Sum-, y.tcrs.—Aceording to Dr: Puscheri a very' -useful . coating 'for - preserving • - nntar- I • lashed the -surface of metallic_ objeets, 'eau be mado by placing au. ounce of- par . :u pe. in a wide•mouthed and well stopped and then adding thri , e entices • td after harmg melted The parafrine by dipping the vial iti‘ boiling water. -The.coirteats of are then to . t 4. shaken' up till whOle - thickens into , a kind of salve. -The;application .of Mire to polished - metallic aurfacei, to be afterwards wiped 'oft :p'r , eseive their insure michingodlora-dong time. •• here ant -persons into'ivonld ili:ndixtle,tsii 'the. Voutid, if their marl ity. s;ride did rc.t tip-vn '.TATURE'B HAIR RISTRATIVE Contains no LAO SULPHUR—NO SU GAR OF LEAD—NO LITIWIGE— NO NITRATE OF SILVER. and is entirely free from the Poisonous and Health•••destroying Drugs used in other Hair Proportions. Transparent and ehlarr as eryetaL lt•Qyll not soli Via Quest fabric,—perreeity OAF IL CLEAN aud EFINCIENT —oMo:tom's LONG SOUGLIT FOB AND FOUND AT LAST t It restores sad prevents the hair from becoming Gray, imparts a eon. plusey appearance, removes Ditudmff, to coal and refreshing to the bort, cheeks the Bali from fallingoff, And restores it to a grrat esteut when prema turely lostorevents Headaches, enrevall humors, en- Uncoils eruption', and unnatural heat. AS A DRESS ING FOB TUE BA& IT IS TIIE BEST ARTICLE IN TUE MARKET. DR. O. SMITH, Patentee. Ayer, Mars. Prepared only by PROCTOR BROTHERS, Oloncetter Matqaelmeetta Tho genuine U put up in a panel bottle, made rimmed, for it, with the name of the ankle' blown in the Claws. Ask your Drv=let for NATCEE'II HAM REMILLTETS, and tato no other. R'lB Send two three cent stunps to Proctor Brothers tor ..Treottele on the Hanlon Bair." The Information It contains Is worth POO 00 to on? person. /DIY 17, Isil SADALIS THE INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE ROSADALIS are published on every package,there aro't is cora secret preparation, consequently PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT It's a certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in all Ss Ennuis, Shama.' limn, Skin Diseases, Liver Com plaint and 1.11 diseases of the Blood. ONr 73027L2 OF WILD= ' will do more good than ten bottles of the Syrups of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHySICIANG hav;e' vised Rosulalis inthetrpraetleo for the past three years and freely endorse it ea a reliable Alterative and Bleed Purifier. Dll. T. C. PCGI7. of Daltitium OIL T. J. BOY KIN, 1 DB. R. W. CARR. La. F. O. BANNF.LLY,". DR J. S. SPARKS, of NiclaelaseMe, DIL II PL. BIeC.UTTFLA, Colombia, DR A. IL NOBLES, Edgewomb, N. C. USED AID EBBOBBED BY. J. a FRENCH k. SONS, Fall River, Mass. • F. W. WPM?, Joelcson, Mich. I A. F. WHF.ELEB. Lima, Ohio. B. HALL, Lima, Ohio. CRAVEN & CO., Gordonsville, Va. ISA.SPL; G. Zde£ADDEN, Altered. bare, Tenn. Our space will not allewor any en tended remarks in relation to the virtuoso I' Rmadall 1. To the Medical Profession we guarantee a FI¢W Ex tract super= to any they have over used in the treatment of diseased Bleed; sad to the a.Tieted see say try Rosadalis, and pm will be notto. to health. Itosadalls Is sold by all The „tr,ists prieelll4o per bottlo. Address DB. =ISMS CO. I drcauferturing Ch.. W,, ILtt:IXOCC, say 19. 18:1.' ly Baltimorc,.7 TILDE WERE SOLD IN THE YEIII ISi t, . OF Bratcbley's Cucumber 1rri..413:1133 rier,eb..vezEr..- - VP co co a. 3P larn.p.s., 11i R ft, A e s . r .rr,ZTAr 5 TIkVa 47iV1•071ral7tE i ll' Simple In con•tructlon—Fusy • ln Operation Giving no Taste to the water—Durable—Reliable and Cheap. These Pumps ate their oien beet recommet dation For sale by dcaders hanDeare and aurtcnltural maple meats, pinmbers..Pamp makers. ae... through the clam try. CirCithift . , Sa, furnished upon apptication by mall or otherwlec. Single Pumps forwarded to parties in towns where 1 have no agents upon receipt of the inulir retail price. Inbaring, be careful that your Pump bears my made mark deateurF., patented March Mit.,1871, as 1 guarantee no other. Qhse. Gig. s33.Catai2.lo3re MANTFACTURER, OMCS sad Warcroom. 024 4 026 Irbllben434., Philadelphia, Marcbl.3,lKl.-0:11 Pa. LADIES' FANCY FURS. OHM FAREIRA, 8 Arch Street, Ila of Um Mock Oa :a 'aft add talt butt:la, PILILADELPIIIA. portrr.3lanutiaorerand afro In all Mods and lay of FANCY 'FURS . meit of all the difTerent Xinde of Form fret bonds le Europe, and have had them made up by itiemostiebllltal workmrn, voutd re , .pectrully 'elite the renders of this paper to ail and ex. amine hie remlarre end beautiful areortment of Peary Airs for Ladle; and Cliihirta. lam determbied to Pell at low pricen,as any other reeperfable Ilmaie to she city. Ail Nate warranted. No mterenntnentarionladred Man. JOHN FAREINA, iiN ARCH iiiTLEET, • November 1.1871.--Zin. - • - • Philadelphia Gush Fut= =1 Milk Crackers for sale by - s. Km. 1.141.. 11. J. iVIZIB ithc N. Y. & E. Time Table. THUM Ed6TR'ARA • No. 4, Night Express " 8, eincannatt Exprese Way Freight, " 2, New 'Fork Er press, " 32, Accommodation; " A, Steamboat Exprfts, TRAINS WESTWARD. ' - No. .1, Ni ght Express, " Emigrant, : " 29, Accommodation, ' " 31 4 Way Freight : Mall and Express, of the steno trains .top at Great Bend New - Yezea .072 MINI CUING I S. B MORSE, MERCHANT TAILOR, ' netcaati.ogio. - . 'WOULD Ilasosettally toll; rat kb e paps this sr . 111 tinily that be is prepasq islib a Laire :Stock of SIASTIIB • . • Ready Made Clothing; Rate; Cape,. Tun, rider Clollalsg, of all slescaltelltais. , rsobrensit., end a good variety or-Oasts Fl.LEutioLusa tiIYODS of ~ • _ - am alto prerairial to redo • T. 1 : 1 1403423.0 - litho Leal sotaltrostAttprotrot Fitilto.VakitliSTlLD to rir,os o Superior Azimut', talci CsSlitt: oaUaitiStrcet, In . : lsaacs islooStlttto 4,lif.l4ks•Alres tAor (Mos, and supply ronrsalass.' ~..- s n.at roc*. 11..3041.4E gctit Wiltdigauctito. P. Unld ar,% *S.O, khgl Et Di • OF •WIE V/ 0P ,WORN DESMIPTIVE of the CITY OP NEW YORK and all to VAliloba PIOLASES. Its splentioi a and wretchedness-, Its bign and low lire: Its marble palates and dark dens; its totractliins anti dangers: Its 11111 4 165 and FIIAVDS; its Icallivg men sad politicians; La adventures Its ; '*Caritles ; Its myliteries and crimes. Illustrated with Nearly 220 Fine Engraving,. AGENTS WANISD.—NeutI for circular. ands. e oar terms and talt,detcripilon of-thin work. Address National PnbaildiNtCo.,Plilla.,•Pa. • The Great Fire;s In CHICAGO end the. WEST by Rev. E. J. Obeharne, D.D.,of Chime. Only complvte bletorv,.7oadm.ptt..• la engravings. 70,000 already told.. rrfte $T 00. 2000 agenta made trakdayt. Pmlltt go to tatrererellClENTB WANTED. S. GOODSPEED tb CO.. 37 Park Row. New 'Pork, CELTIC WEEJCLY. The geratett tithrtrated Oitalnal Story Paper In Amenca. Eight New Original Stories In the first number.. Nu literary treat equal telt. A genie and immrattere wanted In every town end city of the Vat lon. $lO a week ca realizea by the !talent' ebb cal runt]. leery Irith and American Journal. Specimen caplet free Per sale by all netrAltmlera. Price, Cc.: $2.5 0 per year. Address M. J. O'LIIARY & 0. Hoz US U. Kos York. WHAT TO READ - AND ROW TO READ. .13,thrt CLl6l , lned Llf IS of Miro Ttradlng.i with ap proortate Riot, god Remarks. adopted to the General Mader. to Subgeri 4 hero. and to personslntending to form collartlour of [Mohr. 1 vol. Um , . 111 pves. Price. &Drente. Sent froo by mail on recrlot thy prim, D. AVPLETOu, dc CO., Publishers, New York. EXTRAORDINARyIMPROVEMENTS CABINET ORCANS The }Uses d PAULIN Orono' Co., reepecttolly no oonoce the introduction of Imprneemetti! of much more than ondloary intercet. There are. Reed and Pipe Cabinet Organs, tieing the only soccensfal combination of REAL PIPES with retitle ever made. Day's Transposing Key-Dotted. which can be ft:intently mitred to the rigbt or left, changing the pitch, or t etespeel tilt the key. For chute. logs and demipdoua, sea Citrutar. New and Elegant Fityfes of Double Heed - • • - Cabinet Organs. at $l4O, $152 and 0:75 each. yonsiderlng capaeitr. Elegat ce. and Thorough Ernilente of Workmanship, these are cheaper t Lan soy before offend. The Ils3naN Orion. Are ac ku..wlcaged VEST` and from extraordinery !Jenks for man aP this Corneal:ly can afford, and now undertake s' prices which render theca Unquestionably Cheapest. Form octavo ROAN. ttO inch; rice ocriso 0000tt $123 noel upwards. With three scot. rot tls sltO slat upwars. Forty rty!cs. up to $1:.60 ,ro L. • Nov /ILL'S:M=7D CATSLOGUZ. sod TV.TTXONIAL with opleiom or Mohr. 1111.1` , 1 Thud 8.4,ND MUSICIANS. refit (roe. RANSON & lIALIn.YN ORGAN CO.. 151 Tremont St , Baryon. Lod Broadway. N. Y. Columbia !ire Insurance Co OFFICERS AND DIRECI ORS': S. R. Dcrwazza. Fuse. RonT. I rat-t. H; ‘,VH,..w. Vice.Prrel. %V as. PATTPN. REM'S TnoMAe. Treas. JAs sonsurprn. J. F. PACEAVFT, Scey. J. S. Rnsis 3. R. MACUNAN. M. M. —osystr.n. Gro. Boats. For In:wooer or J. F. Irrueauff, S WA STUD, THIS Sr RING, 10,000 FAME.RS! To improve 1.700.r00 acres of the hest Fuming Lands In lowa. freefrom mortgage or other ineurolitalitt Thetis lands comprise Ibe Got moment rail pad grant• adjacent to the greet thortieJstares between Chicago, Omaha and Sioux City, and Beth', fly in'tlie Middle Region cf VI( stern lowa, Its most fertile and healthful portion (refer and ague being unknown). and ttavrrsed by rat made In every ,Now le the time to Secure a Hone at $4 and $5 per erre, nylon tone. time. with sixper et nt. Interewt, a the laser:ant valley of etcher the I.itr3ei . , the IJopte, the Weltr or the Little Sicox. Agents at stations arc provided with teams to show Lands fire to pnrchavern. Send for n linide. It given prices. termn. denerigi loon, o in re er.pleri v.; ticket. and sot and how to reach the land, 'onfity 1111. r. also 'sent free. Addreas JOON It. cm.nous. Lan , CUM' We-stoner lona It, It. Land Co., Cedar Valdes, lowa. SECURE THE AGENCY AT ONCE FOR THE BEST FAMILY qING.:MACHINE 111 1 , L. At . L i asapAxM J. L. FUIRGSON, Profitable Employe:teat For one or tern Denotes ofh, see,. retry town to the tutted stater. by whl , h they may nnlieo from O tosl,olllper year. with but little lothlcrence with ordinary occupation. If the rank time Is devoted a much larger RUM mill be realls-4. !toys, and girls ow make nearly as ranch m gr tern people. •Some ro.kitt nom *I to ils per week. - For particolare, athlrets.l..l. FAIWELI: 3 1.0..71.1' Broadway. N.Y. AGENTS WANTED —Acents make ninre money at *work for na than anything ciao „Ilnalneas light and permanent. f articular. qi . e. G.STINEON Co., riot druldiarrs, Portland, 3initio. U. Pasoca . N.Y. Wats. $2O. No Aucnta Q. Bataan of patrons to 40 States in Circular. OPIUM EATERS 174• any moo of Opium Habit our A ildotilirtii not COW. Co pain or t convenience. Sent on re.n Ipt oft 303 s. G. - A IDISTRONO. M. D., Healing limitlie, Berlin Sprit:a, Ilia. To Adveitlaera.—Ml . persons who contemplate making contracts with newspapers for the itesertlmi of Adrertlremlints sboald rend to GEO. P. ROIVELL . ; & CO., for a denier. or incloaer; cents for their Lit eThindied Page Pamphlet• containing f 3;000 Newspapers and estimates, ell on log the cant of advertising, oleo one; nodal Wrap to advertisers, and soms • *manta of the csperlenc. s of men whoa re known ny SMCESSFOL I NEILTISERS. Thla deco are intaprletore of the American Newspaper Advertising Agency, 44 hRK'IIOI.II I N. Y. •. end are posysied of nnonaled facilidea far aectoing The irvertlon otedrortlsemeots In all Newspapers and Periodicals at lowest mks. , L%DIES' a CUM. DILEN'S WKAR. tying Imp° ted a sere and epleltdidovport. To any person prodnctar any me)Ecino running hall as many liroing.permanent cares era Dr. PITLEIDS VEGETABLE IDIEUMATICUsed incrard lyerdy.. A idenrant medicine, fret from injuriou , drnes. Warranted undtr oath, to havo.permanently cured AI in 'every 100 avatients treateffln the past ten year.. f Sea testimony). It Is tho scientific prearriptlon of Profcts• or Jos.? Fttlor. M. D., a graduate of the University of Pennsylvants. A. D.. ICl,—now ono of Philadelphia's oldest regular physicians, and Prof&ror of Chemistry and Toxicolowy,—who now metro Nen ratala,Chronle and forlorn:dory Ithearriatlers the syreclnitty v.,f Lie entire prfceslonalllfc—a fact *embed for hypo signatures ac nomparrying each bottle of many prominent renowued plasichms, clergymen, and other testimonials.. To pro tees sufferers from polsouons quack' nostrums end uso less expenditure of money. a legal signed gestantec. stating exact lumber of bottles warn:voted to core, will be forwarded gratis to any *offerer sending by letter IL Tall description of affletton. In case Of failure to care, amount paid positively refunded. Medicine‘sent any. whore by express, collect cos delivery: Afflicted Invited to write for advice; all information and xnetticsladvlce I sent by letter gratis, Principal otter, ta South Enorth street. Philadelpbia; Penns. Tho remedyis fold or Mined ny Draggle:s. . Aprillo,' u —ly. • For Sahib) AIM?. TURZLELL, Montrose Pa. 2.57 a. ni 10.30 -w IA7 p. m CSO - - 0.17-„- 1.52 a. m • 5.24 " 0.25 " 1.07 p. m. 8.50 UM: A. A. TAYLOIL;.. WAIIIIANTED CURE. 1.0 She eanbe conFolted at her rt,ldebee in firLlgeon ter.on the farm adjoining ea hherlfr Jobnvon. Belt at reference, given., - A. H. TAYLOU - ll,r,direvratcr. March 211E71. - EvCrykind of Tea ID iiarkStjastairised,snl osssessi Now Y ork wholesole -prim,. Alias Sinews sartfosat of comp..- .Bar of toe sod rese_ostss Chars. - - .ALIEL TUIIFF, VIII) . ER g? . P WOBlD—Hrittiburs?. 41 4 t0..06-drynultlt Fa.; the cultisttoontrol of thooslo of tho abOvo nom rehanuY e leE h t tq uc tannoConn - ty.ot o acolos s bochooco toOunti hetolueso,ondthat re llcider hereafter sheall addrozodto - Machomet dtbnakih: —.- _3f.4LTitTON.,Proptto l tor. - : Iforeh ' .m It STORY 0 (liteorporand 1860.) It. T. ItToS. genett.A. nEhlreos Columbia, Pa 129 Clmitnut StsTet, Philadelphia. Pn ST. VITUS' DANCE CUM Ayer's Hair Vigor, Fob restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which i s •at once agreeable, healthy d a n effectual f or preserving the hair. It soon restores faded or gray hair to its original ..- color, with the freshness of riouth. Thin ...As thickened, falling 'flair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a now growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, anti consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious, snbstaxices which make some preparations dangerous and inju rious to the hair, thb Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chmnisth LOWELL, HAS& Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Dhows of the Throat and Ltuags, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. „,,..z ; .4 .70...4. •.: ,, d mn is A Co n n :T i on e: 4 l s eS ti. O li n f ie t M h Osl i 7eM er t .. i.. 2:; , :, :7 ,. :(4;• in ec o ic r :cc m , f i err n a h ro . of ilik ' , - s' fectual remedy for all l ib ft i 110 . ri g” : diseases of the Threat 'and Lungs. A vast trial of its virtumi, throughout this and other countries, has Fi . .. :Trips- shown that it does surely and effecbudly control them. The testimony of our best citi zens, of all clouts, establishes the fact, that CIIECRT Prie - ronaz will and does relieve and earn the afflicting disorders of the Threat and Lungs beyond any other medicine. The most dangerous affections of the l'ultnenary Organs yield to its power; and cases of Cortanm . p. Ilion, cured by this preparation, are public ly known, so remarkable as hardly to I.ro be lieved,. were they not proven beyond dispute. As a remedy it is adequate, on which the public may ray for full protection. lit curing Coughs, the forerunners of morn serious disease, it eaves unnumbered lives, and an amount of suffering not to be competed. It challenges trial, and Con vinces the most sceptical. Every family should keep it on hand es a protection against the early and unperceived attack of Pulmonary Affeetions, which ere easily suet at fret, but which become incurable, and ton often fatal, if neglected Ten der lungs need this defence: and It is 1111Wi‘e to be without it. As a eafepard to children, amid the distressing diseases which beset the Throat and Chest of childhood, CoEnmoy Pt.cronst. is invaluable; kr, by its timely use, multi. notes nre smelled from premature graves, and saved to the love and afkction centred on them. It acts speedily and surely against ordinary colds, securing sound and health-Fr-storing sleep. No ono will stiffer troublesome Influenza and pain ful Bronchitis, when they know how easily they Can be cored. Originally the product of long, laborious. and inicecuiful chemical inredigntion, no cost or toil is •pared in talking every bottle in the utmost posfiblis perfection. It _max be conadently ro. lied upon an inuscnsing all the virtues it has ever exhibited, nod capable of producing cures an naennumbic on the greatest ft has over effected. POZPAILD zr Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Pc=tlcal and Analytical Chemists. BOLH . BY ALL Duraaisra EVERYWHERE Bold by Abel 'lucrell,and Milne & Nichols, Montrose, and all druggists and dealers every. where. , [Dec. 21,1810--y" ar CI. W. ZSIZCVIATTO"'I9I TOL"SG. AMERICAN .Ms I DO' I TILE M M . 'T in offering Ibis Liniment to the public, as we do In hill confidence, that it tout supersede all otheronots in not, as an Internal remedy, for the cure of all diseases In the re. ell of tblt does of nae,litlnes, we can safely a.sert, without the least fearof contradiction, that It elands nn rivaled in the list of medical compounds externally app lethal for the care of disease, Feeling, therefore that It is unnecessary to puffs remedy ea eminently wonderful in its effects, eo mysterionaly fafalilble to Its power. of relief, causing the deaf tobear, the blind to see, the ner vous, drawn and crippled rheumatic to walk erect and re- Juice again in the power and vigorof menbocd, this pre. paratton In offered to the public on Its own merit.. ant claims no volcanic origin or essential oils of the Arabi an deserts ; but on the contrary Is what Its Import', ant. Is a rare combination of the powent of North Areal can products. • ' . Nnicfrouz. Dec. 1.1.441. 'ibis notice to to learnt all .dealers In . preprletary medicines,c that we have established& Depot In Butane banr.a county at Montrose: pa.. for the rale of MC. F. Brown's Young. AmeticAn Liniment, and that 11. r.: A. KitIAAViN to oura.trufor that num.e. 10. Bar rilmiL AND k co.. 130 William Street. New:Trak Agateles will soon be established nt central &cis in every township, end .pnblithed In the list below. lam ready to furnleti It et wholesale prices to agents. resh ere and'elstmlars lent tree upon application to. the sub. scriber. The Liniment Is now for caleot retail by Ike fellow.. Ins agents, to wit: Bums it Nlchols,, Montrose. A. 'Darren, E. L. Adams Auburn 4 Corners. Nosh Baldwin, South Auburn.. IValtman & Vosburg. Skinner's Eddy. D. C. & F. IL Fortnum, Franklin. J. DEMURS & eKril literenntlle. L. )1, Sherwood, lineltirille. - • It. T. Ihuitick, William - Thayer, ;Dlinock.' J. 13.1k.anislee,Little /lobed • M. L. Ball. D. A. &. Ti travorth: Brooklyn, Fa. L. B. Hinds, FactorYtlne. - " •W, Corns, Bailey lionow. E. AL Tltrany, liopbottom. • • • - J.B. Very. Montrose Depot. "_ • - 0. 24.11awley, New Milford. 'r, Easterinnok, Great Sand.- '- - - Tetaksimry Brothers. Auburn Cernitni" Arty &Br aumelltitianiptown. .. • • • ' Stevens &&eshody,,Br& Lake. ' • NA l3 lrenger. Rash_ - • B;. Mavens, 4:lBllintra„Baste prinalMU. , • J. L. - 31errimatt; Cpsonnllc, - -' .1. W. Roseuerabta.,,Fairnal „ Any pinworm o btai nA,mam no w t m anor . ot. e mtra iron. 141, 141 14: 11. 17 nungeocy, May it byandraiisine • - - 4ati.ll,l3ll—_an b. U.N D" . _U;R:A . ',N G 0. Emu. rw , tc. Inns co - titbit laiitrneiti -•-- • _ . Thonderfot remedy Div Comte ..P7PlaWle EOM)fu t i 14cets.Polmonsny Mourn. ottutt Cttroo, Wood Di sensor, fe punned from tho Gent' tnieDnuntlyango Barbi-from Lobe. Dstutdorieleenred by She stratanoe of tbs ontbortie , of Itr amour , '1•1 IS The moet - siNfirs, prompt aid certain alteroll ye pint and p Weld int:del know'. Sold by alt DreTeets, IA bostog an Debi ant tennto.trodo ntetk End di. stclatens.._Sendlor tirniag. • -DIP and isbolllol7. - - - ! NM T. HEIMBOLDI COMPOUND PLUID EXTRACT . CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. Component Parts-- , F7nict Extract Rhea.; • barb and Fluid Extract Gahm , ba Grape Juice. VOR Liver Complaint Janndies, Billions Affections, r orli'errons Ilesenche.Costisenoss, etc. Vars. Vegets , ie, oontalnhg no Mercury, Minerals or Del. 'talon Drags. These pith aro the most dellghtht.y pi resent pum3. the, superseding meter 011, salts. at ,gnats. rte. 'Th re Is nothing more acteeptsble to the stomach. They etre tone. and cause neither nauela nor griping pains. Volt are compered of the finest ingredients Alter a few days' use of them. etch au invigoration of the entire system tikes place as toappear miraeulons, to the weak wand smervated. whether arising from Imprudence or ate. e. H. T. Helmbold't Compound Fluid EstraM Ca tawba Grape Pills ere dotes sugar coated. front - the fset that sops coated Pills ot dissolve, but pass through the stomach without die:wiring. roneremently do' net produce the desired effect. THE CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. being plearant In taste and odor, do not heerit gents theists:fug su ga rcoated. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PEBBOX. HENRY T. HELHBOLDS InouiY CONCENTRATED COMPOCND FLUID EXTRAIT SARSAPARILLA WRlmdleally exterminate from the syetcm Scrofula, Syphilis. Freer Sores. Ulcers. Sore liven. Sore Legs. Sore !tooth. Sore !lead, Bronchitis. Sian Dimes°. Solt Rheum. Cancers. Runnings Item the Sac WWI., Swell ings. Tumors, ermccrocts Affections, Node,. Rieketp; Glandular Swellinv, Night literal., Moth Totter, His more of all Mode, chronic Illiematiem. Dyspepsia, and all diseases that hare been established In the syytem far years. Being prepareitexpressly for the above complaints. Its blood•parifytog properties are preater than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla. It elves the complexion a clear and healthy color. and micros the patient to a state of health and purity. for nitrifying the blond, re- Metiltir. all chronic euustitritional diseases arising from an impure elate of the blood. and the ooly reliable and effectual known remedy for the care of pains and ravell ing of tho bones. tlicemi lons of the throat and legs. Elotches. Pimples an the Pace. Esyslpelas and all scaly eruptions of the skin, and beautl4l , -; thwcausplezion. Pries $1 t Q prr bottle. . M HENRY T. HELMBOLD*B CONCENTR-ITED IPlui.cl 33strat,izt 33%z0b.5.a. TITS GREAT D•UREPIC, Rat cared every case of Dlebeica in which It lota been diem Irritative of the Neck of the Bladder and lotions matlon of the kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys add Bladder. Retention of Crinc. Pleneses of the Prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder. Calculati Gravel. Brick duet Depoeit, and tincuorm or Milky ell.cturgcei and for en febblol and delicate conetitutitme at both oozes, attend ed with the following sympt me: Indisposition to ex ertion, base of pone , . lose uf 'Memory, difficulty of breathing. weak nerve*. trembling, hereof of disease. wakvfliineeei dimness of vision, pain in the beck. hot hand,. fleshing of the hotly, drytteee of the skin, eruption on the Bice. paitid conntenancc, out vernal Welted° of the muscular system, etc Used by perrono from tits ace* nt tightens to twenty. five, and from thirty-gee to fifty-five or to the decline Or change of life i • after cunducmcut or labor paiao ; bed wetting In children, flalmbold's Extract Kuehn t Dlnrcflr and Moo, Pr• rifylng. and cures all dlconscs ari4ing from bahlleclf 0.4- .I%ooon and caresses and Imprudencr•in lira Impirlt.cm ofthe blood, etc., superredlng ropalha In eft, et lone for %%blab It Is mod, and tiyabllalc affccananc-1,1 ilnao tac o:uncalled In cunutztlon Yana Wash. LADIES. • In many alrectlems pertain . to Indic,. tin Extract Bib Bnchn la unequalled by any other remedy- as in Chloco ate or Retention. Irro-n painfoluesa or ruppression of cuetomarc eVACOMI4I2II.. ulcerated or Schirua state of the Drente. Incorrbers or Whitee. 'tart [By. and for all complaints Incident ro d issip at i on atberi-iter from in. discretion or habits of lt In prescribed ex tenelvely by the meet eettheet phyolcians and mlanicee. lor enfeeble awl delicide conatatnt'one. of both sexca and ail aye d s (attended with any of the aboro d 1 eaten or eymptenne). U. T. lIIILIFBOLD'S =TRACT =CHU Cores diseases arising from Imprudence. habits of dis sipation, etc., to all their stagisi,st little expeor. Bubo or no change in dd. nu inconnstionv, and uo axiom:we. It camera fnquentliesinkaud gives strengstito totem. thereby rerrovirff obstructions. preventing and coring strictures °Mae urethra, allaying pain and Inds Meriden, su frentunit In this class of disease, and elpelling all pulsonties natter. Thousand* who bare been the victims of Incompetent persons, and who have paid heavy fees to he cured In a short time, bare funud they have been deceived, and that the "poison" has,by the use of powerful as ringents.". been drool up in the system, to break not-in a more ag gravated form. andpvrtuips after tuantsge. ÜBE lIEMBOLD'S 111. TRACT BUCIiU for all aim tioneand discuses of theUrluaryOrgans, whether existing in Shale or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how Ling standing. 7 One Lilly and Fifty Centsper Bottle. RENEE T. lIESIBOLDI3 =MOVED ROSE WASII; Cannot lie mupaseen u a Mice Wash, and will be found the only apeman remedy Us every epodes of CntancOns 'Affection. It speedily eradicator - Pimples, bpots, nerubutic Dryness, Indianian's of the slowworm-Elem. borne, me.,rdspels Itednessaid Incipient I udawmailon, Litre& Raids, _Sloth Patebes,lnynow of isr.alp ur 'Ohm, Yves& Bites, and all piirposee fur-which bakes or Una. meats aro need; restores the skin to a state of purity and *ormolu, and Wares continued -healthy =awn to its rowels, on _which depends. the 'al ceable clecrner • and slew Ity of complexion so omen • sought and ad mired: Out !unmet valuable as a• remedy, lot-existing defects of the skin,ll. T. twin boir• float Wash boa lung rcestalund Its principle clam touuboeadod patron. age, by possessing qnslities which render.ll* [met app pondagu of the most Ituperlaiire cord congenial chant; ter, cunibining 'so 01%,nt- mratma prumlnout're qtelettes, safety and eilleacy —the inrarlsbie accumpani snouts of its me as a Preserrativa and Itufresber os the complexion. It Mac excellent Lotion fur ditC6XOll.Ol a 14011111 e Nature, and aim Injection fur disease* attic Urinary Organs, • arising - from LAMM of dissipation, need In convection with the extract* Main, Clamp villa. and Catawba (kayo Pills, in such diseases as va.• onninandediOnand be .stlrPsuod• Man Dollar Par Bottle. . . Full and toUiltdirectlone accompany the medicine*. Evidence Of the must rovunaible mud rennino char actor rarnithod on application, with Wadi,. do of Unita. sends in flying witnesica,attie upward of SUMO - how. Unload cedillas." , sad recomincudand7 lettere, mug. of width Are Duel the Aluticic 110MCP. including eau, vent Idayelciane o chagrueu. Plutonium, etc. The pro prietor une never retorted to ttwir publication in the := 9 :1 11u flr ""!" e f ti t7ll:.Tiiti urn,ta L atektotropoppod dp bt Itenry':nelmbold's preparation. .., Delivered to Say address. Deenro.from , obserratlets. NstabllsbeddpwerdlA Twenty Years. Bold byDrog- Sten escrywkere., Address letters for Worms:leo, so dallamto lir ..Uraftlf..T.' utptnourtNiunzliztiivil tlerntst; . . . - ' D . d - ch led Only Depots:—lf. T. flmansotn s r0..,_. an em Warehouse. No VA Broadway. New Yolk. or 11. - T , li t13111014:009i1a1C111- ikpritol4 Bongs Teats Street. PlilladelPhill , ' - yaw= .07 „COIINTDDREITd! _Atli for T -- Dt.vdnottent , rake _no Men • '2 . - .' - . r , • ' ppyi7ll:-,TOWN NEWS. •.. • :MUER- AND COATS, !{ainetrai,4 doors below Iloyd'i Carnet ,Xontros. '17401:7R5 . : GROCERIES, AND - • -:-.PRO.VIB/911'S Weave sonstintly rev briapind saw bave anttand, 'abash stoekof Goode In oath, e.w hkh vie willsell CHEAP!_ . CHPAP I CHEAPI toicapb .oteictuvEs orprodice, GOOD TE4,,S, • • • - COFFEE, SUGAR, : MOLASSES, SPICES, • • -PORK, FISH, LARD, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER d: TIMOTHY SEED, &e. We.bave refitted and made add Mon t o oar Steele Mk. and are now ready to forward [lnner to Ile bee t fromml salon hoarse! In' Now York., ree or - eh argil, and mak..l I neraladvatteemente o n consignment a. _ Call and eamotn eo r , t oak before numbs/tog elsa where.andennerneeentirmetees °Jibe GOOD :QUALITY a LOW- PRICES of onr tiooda. • • G. 'MINER, • • • liontraie. April t 6.180 STIIOI3D BROWN'S Fire, Life, and Accident GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, Zack:Marokso. PA• CAPITAL lIIIPAH9nTED, ovcr ElomelnenrancaCo.of N. li.,Capltal and Surplus. 54,000,01.0 Insora.neo Co. of North America, Phll'a. Capital otedSorPlos, 2.000,000 Franklin Fl re Insurance Co., Phila. ps., Capita Land Sorplits. 2,600,000 Lycomlng,Count? Mutual Insurance Co.of Money Fenn a. Capital and Surplus, 4,000,000 Connecticut Minna' Lff, InsuranceVo. of Liartford. Conn.. Capital. 50,,000,000 MlSfitllll Life Insurance C 0... Fblbdel pbia, Capitol. 1,000,000 Traselalnanranenen. Hartrd, Con., Insu I ngo alust all kinds o fo f accide n nts Capital. 700.000 Hartford Fire insurance CoMpony. Hort ford. Conn . Capital and Surplus. 51.000.000 riTAll briefness entrusted to oar are will be attend. ei to no fair terms. and all Insses promptly adjusted. ras.rldies drstdnor cot from Dinning Office of V. a. Cooper itco.,Tarapikest. Montrose. Pa. STROUD Et BROWN, Agents. 31. C. Suwon. ISQ., Friendsrille. Solicitor. • Mug. 11. Stunt, Montrose, do Brumsas - Sruoun, ca.suis L. Burin. Montrose. Pa. oran.ll. 1671. Tills WAY, GENTLEMEN! mia.rpcocin. HORSE HAY FORKS t A, J. NELLIIP PATENT ingenovsn. Twenty-Two State Fair Ptesolverts Awarded Thle POO , : le Fifteen Sloatne—teG9 sad 140. NEWS GRAPPLE PULLEY, An Implement thnt Frcy . 7arniar. Carpenter. Wenn awl slater Slionkl Lana XtovolviXle HORSE RAKES nand Itakes, Scythes, Samba, Gmln Cradles, Iron, (A cltor Catad) Asles, • S ,•, Spring& Caniage Botts. etest"Bars, (Steel and Iron.) DILa:At/ow 0 O 27 1 .21:1 M" 0 TIES That caws arcs an A ARM WIIISTLEI whentlba Cu&•e Is Ready tar the T he. TRYONE aad yun mill Intl the Cog e Alvnips llgbt Axes, Grind hones, Tinttr, Picks. - nary* . : - Lock.. Sawa, Fah., Ktiobs, Draw Enivet, - ' Stith Stones, : • liikh.r, I.4ints,. Oils. . Vat:deli. Marta, ' TM-NV tre, Lampe: & Montrose, July 5,157 .42. BOYD/. COMNT22 L EHIGH VALLEY ItAILIIOAD. On end arta Dee. 'AM% trnins on theLeblet Valley Railroad will run as follows )roam. I sorra. p. in. ..m. a.m. I a.m. ato m.p.m • Elmira -0.45 3.33 12.40 0.10 7.40 11.63 143 Warerly 0.00 5.05 11.45 8.03 2.80 13.40 334 0..0 Towanda 013 4.W 11:0:1' 7.10 0.23 4.43 4.20 7.W Tnokbannock 000 . . Pftston.. - .4,45 Wllkeallairi: 4.20 1.13. 1.10 - .' Mauch Cbnnk p.m. 10.43 p.m. 4.10 8.12 Allentown.... • 0.41 - 6.33 8.25 Bethlehem.-- .0.30 8.30 8.40 Easton 0.60 - 0.20 0.50 12111adelpala.. . 1.55 p.m. p.m. New Teak.... 0.00 Storing NirtY-Ilead Upward. South-Read Down. H. .T ! .I.leAse givo.pe a All.' Yonwill uccu my ate - Choice Teas sue BO Green, Black and Japan Tex Ala rich. Mae2creir • Laiss Tot, tumuli Rice, Lancia, Extract, • . Starch, Vanilla guru t, Sold Medal - Salentine; ' Bar Soar, Toilet ti ballasted .Coeoansit, . Gelatine; Cora Starch. - • Farina. Jaca'Colree, Soda; Peones Rio Corea, Citron, • 'Xi-rosins. Oil, Cheeso; Sugar Cured Hams, lelga, !tablas, Cream 'radar.' - I OciesiedCod This. Sakes.' Candles, Stine Ware;. - Canned Fruit, liarard, CraekOrs, Cots. Paiehrs. Toraatooi, .Atgo- Oran emit Crillta•3bes, Very Chap. 31.catrosa.JuliV3.13n43, OH TES OH 7EB 1 . • . COXE AID UM TIM DEAD 110 , sgar . C l l*Ovirl22. "- Ober ocick Z. :Oa? THE, LIVE pos.,nunzp ink STBAW. / - ko suia &Pt/miner' tat' *hi iiiders' lota Is A.P. to sell goods aridly rot ready PO. end leillya pet cent. ettelsper and keep ,conmunly . on. toted Dry Clads. Omeoeies, Boots elld • hoes, Yankee Notions, - MORT". Pork 494YleNatta ustelly kept la ei *lt:runt:7 Store. •- pOTT. Auburn cotet; Sept. J .W.,vANAIKE,;w.. D.' itiermiginly treats In classes of Qum* 4titet Diamtsos." t3s od stamp fur elmitu cuotalnlo g paultulars tad -test.',. Addreasilka,DX.l'§us!!Vork. ' 213.A.MIUMNiM.IC=01.1 PEST -BARGAINS' IN a' . OWN IN C.IIOIOE FAMILY Ot.OOERIES. FLOWQ no rtfooto, DON and awned Yrall, At tha Read of Montroviatbrann - - .A.BE3U Wl;rpM=lLMor DAUGGISZ. 1101FPROSE PA.. le oenthaailli nkwir - c-riaTarjc c tsg r tl i i;:is !mad !!ullslls . lds trall DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, LI QXO/16, • Paints, 01le, Dye-Staffs. Tess.SAts, and otherand carleriOnone• 'Ware. WuHand Wladlow Paper, Glair ware. Pratt late. Mirrors. Lamps. Chimneys. Errs lone. 'Machinery OlLllnere 011, Nwrefoot Oil, Re tined Whale 011.8 perm Oil. Olive 011. Spirits Tarps* tlne.Varnishes, Canary Heed. V inerar.Potarh.Consms. naiad Lye. AM,tlreanc.Tresire. Sapporters,llledies• loan= rota. Sho nld er Bracer, 'Whir..- Cans Plato* Cartridgca. Cartrldgem. Powder. 81.01, Lead:Akin ICaps,lll a ttlng Powder and Fare. Vlollns.i 4 mlngsr.Bows.ele., Finns, Pik* etc—Ptah Bankston Liurs.fla road Toilet Snap; Harr 011 a. flair Restorers. and Hair Dyes Baraboo, Pocket Unirs..l3preracler,Silver Plated poons,Parks. Knives. @ c. Dentist Ankles . . gencta assortment°, FANCY GOODS, JEWELRY, and ei74PUZBId W. It. COATS All thelciAlad an cl best:kinds of PATENT - mr 7 nlcum3, le abort, nearly every thing to restore the'eSeit. to pleura the taste, to &Unlit Ilia eye, to gratify the fusel, and itlro to conduce to the 'rill audanbistantlal comforts of life. En amrratinu le Impracticable. as It would dl a nawapaper. Call et ale Drag and Vali rty Buda of ABEL .TUUftll.4. liontrost,Jau.l3.lB72. $00.000,C00 AGENTS _WANTEDLI.II2:I°4_I;I7III -w,th GO Illo.trations: Ilkeupteep of the rmsidenpi—. beautifttlly bound; and prizted otiffeledpapr: 4AT 10 - N Its Rulers, - and .Institatione. IN ENGLISH. 'AND. GERMAN . ; Nothtne , Nhe it. diriker everybody iii jolt the beat they nerd. It Is so Ertel. !coedit' of the Ooltrosnent. Merle !ages In it. are of thrm.elven worth the prier:et the hesat, titer GOO page✓ and only 5270. A Bich gar. meat for Cenvarners.—lndlee nue erollemro—fatmers, teaches nod students. I no *vent took 75 cede - rafts Ohl a da cgT .w c f i l ti jk L i echz e re r cl . ffi e ixt f re d rit i oly. W Look re stea m a.-.4 f i l 4,lredbastal Informailon. NEW WORLD E iN' o p CO.:Corner 71h and Market Strects, Phllade:Obsi IIa• vcroberlOrril.—lv LACKAWANNA VALLEY BUM 19 C33SL-dXJTICION. 43Vocor6c, Eileizicipross cm& tftk•C:!e. ESTABLISHED IN 1855.—AUTHORLTED CAPITAL UNLIMITED. - INDIVIDUAL LL9BILITY. We tniniatt. a Gen ernl Banking thisitlels.withatit LIMA tw ton tu'OUr Ltnbliity. SIX PEE CENTASTESESTALLOWED ON SPECIAL DEPOsPTS. an Deporite Paid an Demand Witt, mg :Collat. Persons keepine accounts with cants deposit and dnw the same so wil hen> other bank, and oar customers will be accommodated %Muni: extra charge of discount or extbanc,r. For donoilt, hot% points to the conntry 'l:onset:lett' to railroad, Writ by express, promptly aekhowledged and remittances in payrarut mode Ir =Taney or by draft.. Drags for ' I All Parts: of Elirope. Conections made without other charge than MO. al rates of es Image. PAIS3AGE TICKETS to nod from all puts of fiats" by Firnt QUA StMLIMN. Alt, the hßent MK% Senates, AU:13.4 In, 1137T.Ztri. WOOL•GROWERS TARE , EOTICE. If OTTg. WOMEN BULL Tx moloaftg onnLwiltit ill Inn trnol flannels. checked and labltr• abo cotton ' s wam dconel. the beer reer" made; all wool tweeds and carclineres. A lane let of clothe op.band. for nr to exellange to Wool. Plovtc glee me before dispel.' ed of pee wool elsewhere. .14111. IX, miles north of 11100 t rote. J. W.II9TT. ISenteuse. Sone 7. 1871. 500,000 Worth of Goole in store. for the o Nimbi • the Fall Troia of 1870, inn full and • , general assortment of ...• crd Cs:4' prey: and Iltiniihivg,anci Arne.) Malt nprta are Persei. - 3.krlntw, r.* - Caicos. Sltrarla, , amts. emtraied Fells. and 17.40 Marti Ladies and Gent Atpt.,Decto Rota. Fadry Zap Raw. of CticrStrertef ckaJr., Canisgrya• . LaJitedolla, Flimuts; . DOlnellie Co. _ with a general. assortment of Bate_and.C4pl; Boots & Shoes, Oils and Bolas:. 'Brogerieis, Crockerk: Berdware:Stoves,•Tron: . &e:; throbb ing a superior opportimity for. selections, - and will be sold on the most favorable terms, by.-. -S. strzam.x.w.r. e* Sttllord, Not. SC: ISUI, m=taa szt al:Tes23. encrs.riL^vus coFirr uovis.: JOHN 8; . i'AdEtnEtz,' 'ricipttetor,' Eight Stages keys thid Route coatetttti: the D. L. &V., the Ede; tied the. loaktgtx •valley - ipii va,is. . „. ouiso.ipr,tt Agricultural Coll9gi, oryanylvpli), T IIII3 INSTFITTPN '#open for till[ SPRING TERM. OF •24. - IVEF.E.:3; . On Friday, Fel.;ruary Ift, 1811; • ' l-11 • Thar geneal Circular ; catalogue and Mhei, iA formation, Address, . • - , TIIOI3. IL BUlll2olVB.Prceider4; - . • - Isgrieulmial College, F. Q. ~an. 23; 18'4—.01. , , BLOOIMIVITON, - (711.) , -EFURSEBT 1 9V;gi GOO Arras' I'f (Jrccnbonrts4 Urarit AI Would on know what, when, how-to plant! :Frail shade, evergreen Jr rootr; Trona. soigne!, p,ut plants, -,appia itoelintAnne.* ll rob!.oo greenhouse and garden sands, ke xe., - 1 1 1.61VEG and IIEGE,T.ABLES=b i Encer.berlconcellon•reortsand quality. ; bend 13 opts far N eye. Ilinstnted IleseriptlO Cutslogue=r9l ringes. bend stamp,. mat for -catiNgat, of Sends.with plArt dlrections—b4 pages• Melding and Garden Plants-74 pngt`P. and WbutesQn Pelee Litt-2f Addn?r F.; Ji• rigeMY.,..PlOrdrdl4lon,llinto4 iaTRAYED , -Casta I ato ti‘o thelware at the Bob er, In Itareat Lake, on or about the tVtb day of July Isll. two !Area, ova matked with red Weiland tqu bttint with Mr. Any p eram : proving propel and r i rf charges inn take them away, Forret L840.'8014.0 0 34;11.—LV. • - . . Agents Read T h is I: - .. _ . W. E....• TRall e d=l.l.. 4 1t17,.11111 coplotratuu .o reel cm uew and wcdertut tuvellttotil. Aodrerr U. tI.IONXI. &cp. „am atigi. .; ~,,; S,&-NITARY:AID . IO3SO.OI.- ir o r the gelid cantofthe thin.: and llitllntMtiMiA . • aitrlnclpler of Ch inn baltantbropy, 41:Nsfritrarerii,„rarzifit md,Or tba afflicted. S ent free, la y ediltdvai r r u Z i f .0143 ONAUD.4.IBMAAS, rot itE3IM'ASCE3 • STE %TAUT'S , liarbleized Slate el l Muss tloss. V ery larr.e . At9ortment, ~, • lIIiCrUM i: a vent ea riet 7 t(e 4 : 'V,;/.71.t'11"' and 54(9* ii.., T. B. STF.WAIZT.IiCo. It soivh Aremee. bet. : situn t: BCtb street.. . 4 . l7'.' Siew SZ ' ork, 41av1...'74,1t;