The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 27, 1872, Image 2

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    Zhe pontreo gtmotrat.
3. D.' - 1111%LEY. EDITOR.,
WEDNESDA 1411113=U 27. 1872.
We find in the last Montrose Reliubli
can containing a eulogy on the
military career and private character: of i
the late Gen. R. E. Lee, taken from Black
void's "Magazine, a British
What, this has to_ do, with the national
polities of America at the present time, or
in whatway it is to effect the interest of
Gi, people in November next, is not stated
bitho writer, and it iiiimpossihie for us
to determine what the opinions of English
journals upon the talent and character of
a dead General has to do with our nation
al,politics. The article closes in the fol
lowing assumed patriotic dissertation, of-,I
el asserting that Grant and the Itepubli-1
can party is our only Saviour.
"If ire wonld avoid another and inure
dreadful cor.flict, let us keep the advan
tage We have gained at such cost, and not
experiment on the magnaminity of con
quered . rebels by again placing power ie
their hands. If we hold, with • Old Dick.
ory,' that 'the Union must and shall be
preserved,' let us not entrust its jn•eser
'ration in the hands of its enemies.'
What "other and more dreadful con
flict" is here alluded to, we ail unable to
decide, unless it is to put General Grant
into the White House this fall by force of
arma. That he and ( his followers have
"gained their advantage at such a cost" is
easily comprehended by reference to the
turdens of an enormous system of taxa
tion and a plundered treasury. AS to
"placing,power in the hands Of conquered
rehets,#.we can see no application, save in
the actions of the present Grant dynasty,
which has exalted ex-rebel Generals to
place and power from the office of Attorney I
General at Washington to Collector of
Ports at New Orleans. Can this be a'
thrust at the present administration ? It
applies to no• one else. Is it not demon
strated in the past that the present cor
rupt administration, that Murdered a wo
man (Mrs. Surratt), and released a Jeff
Davis, on the grounds of "expediency"
would place the reins of government in
the hands of any man, provided by so do
ing they could continue their lease of pow ,
ertO tyrranizo -over and plunder the na
tion ? Would this be more marvelous than
many things that they have done? Their
infamous "expediency"• would place Jeff.
Davison their Presidential ticket if it were
considered their
. ultimatirm. No man of
reading and sense can come to any other
conclusion by scanning their course in the
past. ,
The final sentence iu this article "That
it we hold with Old Hickory,' that :the
Union Ding and shall lie preserved,' let us
not entrust its preservation in the hands
of ita enemies," is the most bare-faced po
iiticalbonsbast in favor of Radicalism, but
at a test of their claim to further power,
it is the most .damning. Ve must not
"avoid a cenflict," but the people must
warsone at the ballot-box in November
next that shall oust these "enemies" of
liberty and democracy. It will not do to
longer entrust power in the hands of a
military satrap backed by a venal Con
gress, who is fast centralizing the purse
and the sword, to overthrow democratic
institntions and erect upon their ruins the
most Soulless of all tyrants, a money des
'potiem. -
Calmat Tote.
Warned by late occurrences in New
Hampshire, the`Chairman of the Demo
cratic- State 'Central Committee of Con
necticut lies notified former citizens Of
that State now bolding positiona under
the Goyernment atWashington that many
of them are disqualified to vote in the land
steady habits and Must take the conse-,
. s grierioes if they attempt to do so illegally.
:Those , clerks and employes in the sere
departments wbo contemplate "going
Lorne to vote" it the approaching election,
, will tlidefore do well to heed his warning.,
tiince the last Connecticut election, the
District "of Columbia has been ,granted a
Territorial government, whereby perspns
.residing there have become qualified to
. inte for members of ;the legislative body
and for a Delegate hi CCong ress . Mr.
Brown, the Chairman j of the Committee,
aforesaid, informs these new made resi
derds of the District that the above change
, of status will prevent them froni voting
Connecticut. ;Measures have been taken
to preyent their being registered, and
alio9l they persist in attempting to vote
- Mei will be promptly prosecuted under
lawaottlie State. In connection with
this subject, we understand '. notice has
oeest served upon every Connecticut offi
'Vial la Washington that he must go home
inn vote; and as these same department
'Clears were compelled, at therlast Wash-
Ington election, to vote for the 'Republican
candidates in that city, they are in astrait
%Voris' t the fears of loosing their places if
''theydo not obey, and or prosecution for
; *jury if they vote in Connecticut after
'swearing to a residence in Washington.—
it is a bad,ease for them. But from Con
";.lnecticut there comes a report of the gene.
sad advance of the Democratic cause which
:is sparring the Administration to vast ef
fort:: The preipect is highlyencouraging
`. let .the Democracy; and , with the-strong
.ticket, he„unexceptionable platform, and
The thorough harmony of their orguniza
tion,there is good expectation of a substan
tial success. Connecticut will more than
offset New Ifumpshire, and the'Adminis
may_with reason begin to tremble
and to tend on money and aptuaerito
and, for there 11 bard work be-
Tile oenernlf tezdeney of the ,gold.
premium tots been4ownward, closing on
Satcrtlav at 1 09 41 . ;" ' "
•alindlcals Dasalbunded.”
In three years Gm. Grant's All roinistration
Our readers will remember that in our
trn T . l f v ron aned the value or a $lOO :United States
issue of the 2;241 of November hrst we spoke
43: 7•424t o M o to t t io , m Tbotsi t Et , , t i t t ho h se as w a i c i t
of the conflict of Secretary 'Bontwelre ded over
lOaned their money to the country in its days of
statement with the deceptive deerease of doubt and trial.-- - N. P. Thom
the 'Odic debt, as promulgated by the:
Radical press Which sent "I:Indic:11s" in' the
Monteose Republican to "Webster," and
forced the !'responsible editor," in absence .
of facts, to subsequently conic down upon
us with hisenniversal argument, "you lie,
sir," whieli,must becopiedfrom that 2N
bane editorial 'of
,Greeley on Bryant
some years since. • The editor having de
nounced Greeley, must not use his argu
inents now. Woltionr Rift atentlei spot
in the Radical body politic . , to tench
those "hundreds of millions" of Radical
"discrepancies" and defalcations,
have not disturbed our neighbors of th 9
Republican for some time in this direc
tion, lest their afflictions should be great
ter than they could bear. The following
is ditested of all "Demociatic lie" as it is
from the Philadelphia Record, a paper
that no one can charge with baring any
leanings toward the Democracy; and to
which we invite the careful attention of
the reader. - it says:
During the next six months all sorts Of
financial bugbears and statements may be
expected to be put fourth to influence the
public mind at the Presidential election.
But that there are nevertheless discrepan
cies in the bookkeeping of the different
branches of the Treasury Department
which require an explanation would seem
to be unquestionable. The books of the
Register of the Treasury should possess the
onlvauthorized and true exhibit of-the
public debt, and formerly these books
were received as the best authority; but
latterly, Mr. lionized! haring assumed the
function of making monthly statements
large discrepancies appear. Mr. Boutwelfs
statements are monthly and those of the
Register of the Treasury once a year, yet
both should agree to a cent; but they do
not, as is witnessed tiv the following com
parison from the official ddcuments
nonterell. Re-OAm Dinrepraney.
Iva.. Satle.C27.Vs3 $3. 4'1 $1001.473
2.4,50.672,427 94,113,628
Contradiction does not ceaselere :
For ISM, Ice Ltoottretre report of
isra $2,c0050000
For mu, nee lloutwelFs . report of
Diferroncy $32.000,7:0
The public will not be satisfied will: such
confusion in the most important public ac
counts—nor should it be. They may be
susceptible of explanation ; but such di
verse statements of the condition of the
public finance should not be sent broad
cast throughout the country under official
sanction. It will be teen by the above
figures that the debt statement for 1869 is
represented in one report to be $68,000,-
000 greater than in the other, in the Sec
retary s report for 1371 ho recites the
public debt year by year, from 1801 to
1868 inclusive, and by comparing state
ment with the official report of Secretary
Chase, Fessenden and McCulloch for the
same years, there Will he found an aggre
-I,,eate discrepancy of $258,528,476. Has
there been any "doctoring' of these ac
counts, or have our treasury officials - been
taking lessons from some large corpora
tions in the use of book-keeping, or rather
_the art of mystification ? Again, if we
compare the annual reports of tho Secre
tary and the Register. there will be found
the monstrous discrepancy of $350,929„-
483. They have never agreed during the
course of these ten years, and the differ
ence swells from $250,000 in 1861 to near
ly $100,000,000 in 1870, and yet this vio
lent conflict between these officials sud
denly disappears in the report of 1871,
without a word of explanation, and for
the first time in ten years they concur
precisely to a cent. It wonld be satisfac
tory to know just. how the agreement was
Reiar Ilsmpablre Election.
In order to show the means used to en
dorse General Grant in New Hampshire,
we copy the following form the Manchester
Daily 'Union: "In view of the means
used in this eity,and throughout the State
probably, to secure the election of Mr.
Straw, it is alike snprising and' gratify
ing that the results of the election are not •
worse than they are. It is a matter of
very earnest congratulation that nearly 1,-
800 men in this city, against such appli
ances of fraud, intimidation and corrup
tion as were never used before, secured the
right and , .stared to execute it, to vote
against Mr. Straw. We have - claimed that
Manchester Would do nearly as well for
Governor Weston as it did last year. We
have not been unmindful of extraordinary
influences that might be used against him ;
but we knew that where Mfr Straw bad
Dna personal friend, be has two and we
knew also that gteat many Republicans
would never vote for Mr. Stra , v. Our
judgment, to this estent,was verified; the
extent of fraud on the'ebeck lists and in-1
tituidation and corruption at the polls ex
ceeded all the cstmiates that any tthe could
make. The names of at least 600 Demo
cratic voters iwese left from the lists, and
of these not less thanloo were finally re- 1
jetted by the audacioui exercise of arbi
traripower,sind an equal number Were put
on cerungfully. Money was corruptly used
to an extent neier known, before; and not
a man connected with the ritanufactoring
establishments was independent : of some
sort 6f coercion, more or less direct, from
gentle intimationeof personal interest t 6
open threats of discharge. In_some cases,
perhaps, papers were Passed round to take
'the political inventory; and in Other cases
the workmen were kept at their business
until it suited the convenience of their
overseers td take them, one by one, tot,be
polls 4dtvatellicm."
The }Filth District.
The election of Waddell to the 'Senate,
ficna the fifth District by 700 Majority, is
certainly not couch to boast or. in the
Fifth District the Itatiitad majority was
4,101 at the election in October last.--
Chester gave 3,205. It now tivea,i;4oo to
the nominee of itS choice. The 4Detcher
majority-in Delaware was 1,807. It has
now fallen to 1100; while Montgomery in-'
creases-its Democratic' tiaiimit7 Nml 6 4 .
riO_ 1;000. 'if izintitcklilte
surely.-the:=Democrats ` crud ' liberal
Feiniblicatei bare Kto eau for Complaint
The Way It to Porte.
That is to say that the pnlilic debt has
been increased $338,000,000 for the
special benefit of the bond holders, who
paid from thirty to forty cents on the dol
lar for their bonds, upon which xis per
cent. interest in gold is paid by the work
ingmen uf the country'who are compelled
to take paper for their work. fihese bonds
are also exempt from taxation. No won
der the bondholders like an ,Administra
tion that runs their thirty dollars up to
one htindra and one dollars, and at the
same time exempts their investment from
atation. The bondholders like it, bat do
the workingmen like it? Does it suit the
Base Venality',
The Portsmouth,New Hampshire, Wines
of the lath, presents the following facts
in relation to the corruption practised at
theNtivy-yard in that place at the late
election : "Origen S. Criswell offered vot
ers money to vote for him,: and the men 1
to whom he made the offers:of money are
ready to swear to it, and by the mouths ofl
at least three competent witnesses lie can I
be proved guilty of the crilue. Mr. Asa 1
Caswell will swear that he offered $l5O in 1
cash for one vote for himself for Repre- 1
sentative. Mr. John B. Dolins will swear
that he offered $lOO for a vote, and others!
that he offered them larger sums and ask-1
ed them to name a price, saying that he 1
had money enough. Mr. John Caswell '
states that Origen offered! him 0100 iu !
cash, and to renew a mortgage held on 1
his property for five yearA, if he would
vote fur him ( Origen ) as flepresentative.
Afterwards, Origen offeredgohn and Asa
Caswell $l5O each, in cash, if they would
vote for him. Flathermore,it can be prov
ed that Origin threatened Mr. Henry N.
I Cat"well that he would sell a house that
Henry's wife owns, and deprive him of his
property, unless li voted as he ( Origen )
I dictated, Origen having some sort of claim
upon it which gives him the power so to
do. Origen also publicly threatened that
none of the Gosport men should have
work on the Navy-yard unless they voted
for him." Bayonets, money and frauds
are the means relied upon to re-elect Gen.
According to aWashingtdri special to the
New York Tribune a new:era is about to
occur in politics. He says: "The import
ant fact is announced, from a source that
cannot be questioned, that Mr. Charles
Sumnerhas 2onsented to attend the Cin
ciimati Convention and preside over its
deliberations. lie was approached on the
subject some time ago but has only now
consented to take any active part in the
Twenty-two Lawyers.
The Senate of Pennsylvania is compos
ed of 22 lawyers, I tanner, 1 surveyor, 3
farmers, 1 physician, 2 gentlemen, 1 piano
maker and 1 peddler.—Exchange.
Perhaps this is the reason why Senator
Graham's just libel bill was defeated.—
Hard op the lawyers, tha.
i • lam Os
The Louisville Commnii-iirl of the 14th
says with the pathos of Jeremiah: We
wonder how ebony Pittsbnrg feels, seated
complacently upon her coal couch and
looking down the long silver thread which
trinities to the Mississippi and thence
doivu the tawny rope which links her
with the ocean, beholding cities, towns
and villages lean and hungry for her
sumptuous fare.
We are famished for coal.
Day after day anxious faces looking in
to the Mikes of coal dealers with the mute
query: "Hare yon any coal to-day ?"
It is useless for the dealer to respond,
and the mute interrogator cries: "My
kingdom for a coal."
Let us look at the situation.
The river is law. Barge after barge
loaded to thegunwales await shipment at
Pittsburg, but the ice bolds them fast and
firm. Four days of warrior weather might'
get them out. It will take a heavy rive to
get them started, howeve., and seven days
at least to get them here,4ind towns hun
gry as wolves are watching for it. Will
the river rise? Even if it does, the sum
mer will show no low prices, and if laid
ilown on our levee the figure would not be
less than six dollars. Yesterday there was
a cheering bit of news4West Louisville
had two barges containing 40,000 bushels
of Pittsburg coal which bad been verbally
contracted for by New Albany parties.—
The late cloudy weatherled them astray,
and believing in a speedily, coming thaw
they hacked out of their s bargain,
This coal will be in Lewisville to-day
land will - for a moment allay taniine. Be
yond this.the prospect appaling for
Pittsburg coal, and= the limited quantity
Of other coals is far from satisfactory;
Smiate, March 11.—The bill appropri
ating 8100,900 prize money for the officers
and crew of the Unitid - States steamer
Kearsarg,c was passed.' The Finance Com
mittee reported adversels on Mr. Sumner's
proposition to substitute compound inter
est notes for greenbacka ; also Mr. Sum !
nee bill to abolish the Internal Rerenne
Bureau.. The Chicagollelief bill was taken
up and the substitute of the Finance Com
raitteewas agreed to. Without reaching
a 'final vote the SenatC,ln 5:45 p. in., ad
journed. , • • - - • '
.11oWim--Itt the Efouie,lifr. 'Randall in.
traduce& a resolution Calling_ upon the
PreSident far information' relative to the
'ease :of Dr. Howard, a, - native of - Phila.
adelphia, 'who has been( arrested andlin
brimmed- by Spaniards •iarel has recently
een!tranvorted to a Spanish penal, colo
un west coast of Africa; :adopted.
The Senate bill in relation to the capture
of - the .Confederate • fruti-sled- Albeamrle
was Tumid., The consideration of the Sen
ate provide for "reporting and. -pub
lishing -ibe debate of Ccingreswa-s resurn-.
The-hill was emended ina passed.--
The Committee on Rules was, on motion
aflift.Cot, instructed to report a.rule re.
striating the - publication of- , de
bet*s•-whicheschallypectir.-.A large-cum-,
her al priiratebillsWere passed; „A.-•reao.•
latiott tuts , adopted: di recting.-tlie
ary Committee to itiestinto lcbargee-
against Mark IL Delahity, United, States
District Judge for Kansas. The bill sto
carry into effect the provisions of the
Washington Treaty in relation. to the
cries, Was postponed Tor sonic treeke:
3 p. rn.),the Honda Went intotoinniitteeef
the Mink on Ihe'Postofnee Appropriation
bill, the qiiestion'lliting On &Milling the
subsidy, for the China Mail Steamship I
strviee. Messrs. Halderrian, Cox and Buck
opposed it, and Mr. Swaim advocated it.
After farther deliate;Witliont disposing cf
the question; the Cominitteci-"rose;and at
4 o'clock the Manic` djonened.-• ..•
SENATE, Marah 20.—The hill -iinthor-.-
izing the consttmition of a railroad,bridge
across the Ohio ut: Evansville; Indiana,
was discussed until the expiratiOit of the
morning hour, when the .Chicago Relief
billeame up. Mr. Carpenter again urged
that it was unconstitutienaL Mr. Trum
bull replijd. bill was then passed—
yeas, 30; nays, 17, 'Thelariff lint was
next taken up, and Mr. Trumbulladdress
ed the Senate at length— Ur. Hamilton,
of Maryland, tollowed is support of a
"Revenue tariff." The Senate then went
into Executive session; and soon after ad
Iloysz,—The House, on Motion 'of ILr.
Holman took up the bill reported by the
Committee on Commerce to authorize the
construction of bridges across the Ohio
river, and to proscribe, their dethensions.
After censiderable disessiod the bill was
passed. Senate bill antlioriihi g the con
stniction of a bridge over the MissisSippi
river at ClintonAnpa,ais passed. A bin
to authorize the appointment of shipping
commissioners to superintend the ship
ping and discharge erseamen On American
merchants ships, and fur the protection of
seamen, was reported and explained by
Mr Conger. After considerable discussion,
the bill went over. The bill for the reor
ganization of the Civil Service was post
poned for four weeks. At half-past two
the House went into Committee of the
Whole on the Postoffice Appropriation ,
bill, the pending question being the in
of the Pacific Mail Steamship snb
side. The debate continued until four
o'clock, when the amendment was defeat
ed—yeas, 87 : nays; 92. The bill was com
pleted and reported to the House, and
passed. At 5 °clock p. m. the House ad
SexaTE,March 21.—The House amend
ments to the bill to extend the time for
the completion at the' hayfield and Saint
Croix Railroad were called np, and after
some debate, laid over. At the expiration
of the morning Juan the, Tariff bill vas
taken np, and Mrs raitighayMn address
ed the Senate upon it. - The debate was
continued by Mr, Sumner in favor of do-1
ing away with the expensive machinery of
the Internal Revenue Bureau. The dis
cussion became general, and was partici-i
pated in by Messrs. Cole,Morton, Sher
man, Johnson, Sawyer and others. Mr.
Sherman gave notice that ho would offer a
resolution limiting debate. At 4:35 p. m.
the•Seuate adjourned.
llorsE.—ln the House, the bill to au
thorize the appoi Omen toih Shipping Com
missioners was postponed for two weeks.
A bill to incorporate the Asiatic Comer
cial Company was reported, and explained
by Messrs. Lynch, and Ward. Messrs.
Randall, Kerr and Potter opposed it. Mr.
Cox advocated it. The bill was finally
laid on the table by a large majority. The
Senate amendment to the Chicago Relief
hill was taken up, and after considerable
discussion, was referred to the Committee
of Ways and Means. The House then
went into Committee of the Whole on the
Army Appropriation bill. The bill ap
propriates *29,548,797. After some gen
ral discussion, the Committee rose; and at
4:30 p. in., the HouSe adjourned.
More than forty years hare elapsed since
Johnson's Anodyne Liniment was first in
vented, during which time hundreds of
thousands have ti:en benefitted by its use.
Probably no art iele.ever became so univer
sally popular with all classes as John
son's Anodyne Liniment,
Pills which contain antimony, quinine,
and calomel, shottld:be avoided, as severe
griping pains Wong be their only result.
The safest, moist, and best pills are Par
son's Purgative or Anti-Bilious Pills.
March 11,1874
LOADS. April 4, 1871 $1,60000 .
Pauper Tax 1,01.3 80
From Supervisors.— ............ . la 80
.. Products Sold 311 00 .
Sheep and Lambe . ' 6880
Pension (Mrs. McDonald) 1:000-$8,57010
Paid d. Baldwin, on fan3i,.... ..t .. ..11 3,0')0 CO
Labor and Materials for building and
repairs 1010!
Merclandire 810 40.
Flay. Feed and Salt 119 71-
Farm '
lelxir 15000
. . . .
Female Help. . ..
IX 42
Bedding 66 10
lammace 137eara 72 87
Taxes for 1071 • • Mt al
Blacknalth Bill = JO
Ordm Rook. sad Ronda 600
steward's salary.
Directors's ••
•• 4 . 1371..;.
Treasurer's psi cottage.
Farm containing alaottt 04 acres. Dwelling tom.,
for in sane pauper.. erected: In-18D, horse barn.
cont house, hog haute, ipso of horses, yearling colt,
hogs. illght cows, 2 twolear.olde. 4 pralines. limber
WA'On, buggy , anti enth tools 46 Sal necessary for farm.
DAVID 8173111ERS, uec - um. •
13.. LA ffIEOP.
New Milford. Marsh 0; - • H
Brtdgorater Poor Mylam. for thepaat year. =din
the Sd Mond/yet February - , ISM
To Montrose Dopllcato
_ pidvirater .•
Hay and straw.— . .
and as
Cider._ ....
Hide •
Bark. -
Balance dna eterrud.i..
etemat for Prorinoaf •
Clothitt ,
stow .... . oo
coal,piisii'a7siriiciii;s 177 fia
• Percentage to Collettors 67 00
losaranto Et SO
Exonerittons..., 947
. •
Taxes • 2721
Pratt trees • ' OS
flap orrthe Fgrm 1b221
" feed wheat. r J 2 al ,
- PAW Auditors ' 223 '
• Publishing statempst.... 2O 00
. O Lar.tsz Ufa
ntelae ...... 302 PS-$1.1”
coiprilh.l24i oy P 72I CVM • •
Amount Paid Directors
- *toward..
Vsystatura, a. D. Vail,
J. W. Osbi;..
• C. Matey:,
" Cc)iss-sd
tialinei Trearrarrestarpli.,4
Pommel propc3.7 looneating at 14 -•
agire. bhtl fen. ~.: horsell.ve4,. • '
on', Wand min. bowebold goods
provislons, etc.._; • ..2.616X-114415
pub ,-
Aselat‘ber etizjiastes.:;.
, 1 11 0 110 .r it, :jurmtan'
. „
gtorit Allutrtiotmcllto.
BALICS.-13y ',lrina of writs Issued' by
thereon:tot Common Picasso! ithrstinahanua . Ctm-,
ty and to me directed , I wilt expose' to sale. by public :
vendee, at the Court Mouse In Montrote, on Friday,.
April 1311* 1832,01 two o'cIoGICP, M., Oa fallowing.
dyncribed pieces or parerliof land, to wit!, • b
• Ail thrum two certain pieces or parcels of land, sitnnte, .
In the township tif Springville. In the county of Basques
hippo and State of Pennsylvania: the first piece bound.
ed and deecribeilea [talons, to wit: On toe north by
Lands of Mr.: Meeker, on the cast by public highway
leading Burn Montrose to Tunkbrinnoth, on thy south
by Muds of E. IL Lyman and E. L. flarria, and on the
nest by lands of A. ILSheldrm and Landis Lyman. con
taining 2.0 acres of land, be the come more or lees, with - . •
the appurtenances, 2 tritte.e houses, barn blacksmith
shop orchard ; orchard: and all IMprtered..,:.Tne•sednuil piece, a
wood lot, branded and described-no follesca, to wit; On
the north by lands of Wet. Gerritron, on oho east by
lands of Jas. taillek, on the south by lands of Wm. L
Avery and on citewest by lauds Of 14 in. - Gerrit son, can.
taming 5 acres of, lend, he the same mere or lees. wit the
appurtenant a. ' I.Takett in eXeChtion at the suit of C.P.
fuller '-e..l. NetrolL]
ALSO—Allibot certain takreor.partsel oldand. altnate
in ilia township of Great Gaud, lh the county of tin-lam'.
hnnua and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and desert.,"
ell us follows, to telt: On the north by bade of Henry
Hendrickson. CMS by lands of Ilenorickson and Locust
(1111 road, Fonds by lambi oft(. Citron] and Henry Gunn,
and wtut by lands of Robert Rose and John Smith, deed,
containing abant fortysouo acme yf land, be the Immo
more or leas, with the appertsmancts;few frail trees and
mostly improyed. [Taken In execution nt oho salt' of
Luke Smith vs. Ira Odell, and Luke Smith vs: Payette
0 Odell - and Ira Odell.) -
ALSO—AII that certain piece °travel of land, situate
/lathe township of Auburn, an the county of Busrplehan
. Ell and State of Pennsylvania, lying and being on tools
EL, linNew Laterellle. boundedanddescribcdssfollowa s
to wit: - Beginning at the northeast corner of raid lot,
therm:tare:oh degrees west IA) feet to corner; thence
north di degrees well 60 (cello corner; thence north
, degrees east 60 feet to corner; thence - north 61 de,gries
east GO feet to the place of beginning. containing - 3.1100
some feet of land, be the same more or lees. with the
appurtenances, Immo hon. and all improved. [Taken
In execution at the suit of 2. Tylor Ta. Lana S. La.
ALSO—AII that certain niece of land, situate in the
township of Middletown , In the county of numsehanna
and State of Penerrivanut. bounded and "described as
follows. to wit: On the north by lands of Milos Baldwin,
On the east by lands of John Mickey, Mlles Baldwin. and
Mrs. Kellum, on the south by lands of Thomas Mlllanwe,
and on the west by lands of Timothy lilnehnn, contain
in2 101 acres of land, ho the same More or lest, w Ilk the
4 and
aVitt ia tMc U r c afs ' in r i r p a r i o n ee ° d i . 'n oak, fr u a ti m l c n ha e n xt:c2trn ' lt
oak of /d. Kartgh„ tine of A. Lathrop va. John Degnart.]
A LSIO--A II Muse a certain pieces or parcels ut Int&
situate In the township of Merrick, in the canary of
Sn.enehrinne and State of Pennsylvania, the egret ptcce
bounded and desalt.' as follous to wit, Beginning at
a tropic tree, the south-wrxt terms of the Almon Spoor
farm; thence smith east along the line of InsittSpoor and
C. C. Newton 143 perches to a post for a corner; thence
southwest along raid Newton's land WO perches to a
Corner; thence northwest along erljoln tog lauds of J.
Meyers' PM perches to a stake and stones Ott the east
bank of the creek; thence along the cast hank of said
creek op the some arljoluleg lands of Almon Chandler
57 perches to birch tree ; thecce northeast 52 perches
to the place of beginnitig; containing 03 acres of lawl.
' be the same more or l ens—. The setaind piece begnaning
at a inapt, tree the southwest earner of A. Spoon. land;
I thence north northeast too perches to watakeatid stones
M ,• I
thence tooth southeast to the Vochecton nod Great ud
road ,'thence wesmrty along the said road to the said
Charles A. Campbells land; thence along the lion of Sant
land northwest to the plat.: of at-ginning. contatteng
about ono acre of land, twine same more er loss T he
third pien , beginning nt a corner in tko (treat Mend and
Cochecton road ; thence along tend nand In a
diroctlondperthes to n corner In tine of Charles A.
CampbCampbell's land; thence along raid Campbell's lino Ina
s nut
direction 40 pe relics to a point 111raitt line.
thtmce In a uortiovesterly direction 40 verelcs back to
paid road, to the place of bairtuninri, COotallii,•,% of an
acre of laud. bu the same mare or Ids., with the appur
tenances, fenmo house, 1 frame barns. chop, orchard.
• nod about arras impnoted. [Taken in est:teflon at
the suit of T. P. Jonnson vs. Abram Wayman, and
Gerthier as. &wain tVilynanuj
ALSO—AIi that certain place of hind eltnate in the
borough of Sn-quehanna Depot.lit the cobroyTit
Noma and State of t enneylsimin, liana:hal and deacrihed
as, to wit: I n the norm by Witehington street,
on the cart by !antis of Miles Crvi.ran, on thetooth by
lands of John Tierney, and on the west by lands of
Edward Little with a front of 63 feet and a depth of 125
feet. wilit the nplitirtcooncer, two Rory frame bootie,
ebickery, Mme Bolt trims, and nil improved. 'Taken In
execution atOhe suit Of O. 0. Eldred, assigned ioSnioine
henna County Legal ASSOC/8111. no. 11. Mclloattlii ‘ls
Jacob Tyler
ALSO—AII that certain piece of laud situate In. thin
township of Tliompron, la the conute of Setsmehanna
nod State of Penntylvatatt; bona al and described no
follows, to wit: On the north by lands of Sylvester
King, on the east by lands of John (Borer, an the south
by lands of Stephen R. tisinti, notion the weal bylands
of Jahn Sumne.r,vontalning about 14 Immo of land, be
the same more or lees. with the appurtoutitiCeS, frame
house, barn, few (Mit trees, and nostly Improved.
[Taken In execution at the suit of Jscol, Taylor vs.
Dan :el Taylor.]
ALSO—AII that certain nice° nr parr...lnt land, situate
in the borough of Sutunehonnt Depot. in Ihe comity of
lineurtrhanna and State of Peunsykanio, being the
northwest part of lot unaher ; nut sUldison McKee's al
lotment ol JaMes lindth's Lin . d.hontried at d described
aelullows, to wit: 1.1,-ginutog on the ws•st solo of o
Street of three rude In width, at the...1.0,171,0r David
E. ilultae's lot, now owned by Wary Ann Bell, Ocoee
along said nolme's lots lath dezrecs wust 7 rods to
n ectraer of Wiglam Howarth bit. thence along the same
south 3N. de.,;rees east tinny feet; thence along other
tondo( aluresaiiSeb.t Itryant,tre tug the remaining part of
said lot No. 27itor,b delgn.o. east 7 rots to the roost
houndA of aloresahl St.; thence alt,rt.; the roma nor th.
degrees were 1:0 feet to the place of begin ronlaNing
IS Ott node of land ho tire same More ur with the
apportenances. ullO two thiry ttm Lows., and out
buildings and all improved. ['scat execntionat the
suit of .f. W. Car dogma. tt,signed to Marton (Sr dug
vs. S. Bryant and tiro. N. Brown. Louis* Bryant ass geed
to M. Gering so. lieu, N. Brown bud W.W.W11116111., V.
Geo. N. Brown.]
Notice is hooch/ glean that all bids meet be paid to
cash on the a:ay of sale.
%Vx. T. MOXI. EY, Sharid.
Bt:erl,l's °rice, Montrose, Mara IG. 1611.
PETITIONS',--Notice is hereby
given that in pursuance it an Act of Assent
-10y the following named persons hare filed
their petitions with the Clerk of the Court of
Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the county of
Susquehanna forlicenses to keg, taverns, eating.
houses, and to sell by measure m quantities nut
less than, one quart, for which they will apply
nt April Sessions,.ll372
Silas Winters Elarniony, - Wholesale
John Beaument krarst, Eating Reese
James 0. Bullard Brooklyn Tavern
G. E. Fessendea "
Judson Stone retest Lake' "
Chas. Tierney Great Bend Born., Eating House
L. F. Rosengrant Hatton!, Tavern
F.. B. Gary JaCkson,
Wm.D. keteliutn Susquehanna Depot,
E. IL Abbott...
Michael Doyle.
Michael Doyle..
Thomas Fernan
Maurice Meyers..
Dennis Mahony. Meyers..,
Late, Eating Hansa
Jeremiah Stephens..., —Springville, Tavern
Wm. N. Bennett 'Auburn, '" •
.1. D. Lineberry
N. V. States 'Clifford, Tavern
A. B. Ayres l'llundaff,
E. I...Tthinerault Forest Lek o
Ann Tierney Fricndsrillo EatingEtwase
Mary McNamara....
John Foster........ Tavern,
Michael Kilrow Great Bend
T. J. Barnes 44 ik
George McNamara . " Wholesale
Samuel Ilolmes .Gibson Tafoll
William Thorn ' -Herrick •
John IL Byres.....
Geo. W. Reese
A. F. Snorer.
LIT. Bullard
Bums to Nichols...
John S. Torben....
Charles M. Kenn...
Wm. 5mith........
Wm. IL Sherwood 'Rushh
P. E. Brush 7 Spnegrille,
Ellen Phelan ' Silver Lake;
P. 11. Whitney , Susq'a Benet, ": 1
Dennis Casey Susq'a Depot, Wholmile
David A. Chandler .Thomson, Tavern
B. W. Fittsley, Jessup, Eating Muse
Charles'Morse lttrslt, Tavern
John W. G0w.... ....... llerfonl, "
1. J. Strettoo.l. ..... Grtst Bend Bent, "
' G. A. Wilbur Great Bend, Twp., ". •
.11,D..Bedc11.;.Grent Bend Born„ Eating Itouse
A. 3111 es - Stisq'aDeptd, Eating House
.Frank Hoffman:. " ,
Achillie Trecco Thomson, Tavern,
. 31ontrose, 3Larch 13, 1572.—N0. 11—w3'
4EO 01
100 011
.105 CO
7 VD
a 00.53,77510
p. 3,5 3S-StATES
593 II
353 Si
.-$ 95313
1-4, 'EC= OltS SALE.. , -Tho undendgnell wft fell At
IJ Public Salo, to the highest bidder,. onAtin.presnlies
of the late Judson' Stone, deceased, in Forest - Lek., on
Friday. the. !.V of March; 1612. Commencing at D O'clock
tho fonowbw property:
Swenty-four Cows 6 Yearitors, .46ovre, - With pi. t. I
hott.l horse, I carriage, I ctitter,l elaluh,llm 4ty wag.
on, I. pair bearish:de, - I on cart. a quantity Of hay.hud
eins, buckwheat and arra, Panning uterudis,• Dairy
datnrrs and otherarlicles noslentioned, . •
aunt* °van9 months credit, with
lotcreat and approved secnrity,fonr_pet tent: discs:mat
On all antna over $3, for catb.. JOLINIIRADstrit W.
, Executor. •
Forest Lake,
T ORONTO CRIER,: Ytt.'. - Thle nearly thorringh bred will stand the present SCSISQD Corday matte,
season commencing tail let nd caning 'duly o Fridays
sad satordays;at tbo atablo of J.l3:Tarbcil, to Montrose,
the restot the week at the oubscribefe, ono 132110 east or
Auburn 4 Corners. on the road lendlng to
_,VBDIGIIBB.—The' Toronto Cblef Jr, was sired -by Tonto Chlef,who for speed and bottom to ahead-of
mu stallion on neon:L:lle was aired by Royal George
end his dam by Blackwood-Dan of an , Rodpse, mare.
Royal ecorgo - was by Black Warrior; and he by import.:
edrTippe; sad ho Blereenger, of - Bnclarei. •
Tottooto Cater, Jn.'a dare waseiredby tho thorough:.
bred letterset', ont of a - ,diejesty runs. Jeffersoe.w,, s
hy ba by dlr. !trek, ther sire - of 81r - Henry,
and granddre of AMCdela dtar—dam by -OW Favorite.
Second dam On Bell air
Tenant° Cuter,, blood ba,y.iritit black palate,
fall tail, nrcihrtta lA* ibta,lBX bane* WO.' boa had no
treining, but hoe - coedit:at, andforbiswei;bilkivirdto
beat., ellandseehlm,andjud^eforyoarselras,.Filllea
hie get can lao seen attire subscriber's:. Mares pastor
; /don reuonable terms, - Accidents mud canapes , at „yhe
owncre_rtsle. ' - -
Other tales norhasteonary.. Terme to tesiire aviti flea:
„ iponandanea Meneypairtablellareit
'ltabtalt ieoreara,'?a , : ;83.-7-10/si-45.
. ... 45000
ea-S fa 23
237 W.
r ' 8 2 4 52 61
6 4 9 BALES—By virtue of writs Dined by the
0- Court olCuramon Pleas of Susquehnnna county and
to Ma directed. I will expose to sale by public vendee.*
at the ConOt llettaa lu Siontroac. on Saturday, Aprd
Gth,1872.' At 4-o ' clock, ' p. tn., the following pieces or
parcel. Othind; to Salt
WI that certain plthe or parcel ofsland, this
thatholdp of Spring - alga,. in Sustorbanna : cotintys
Bounded and des -ribed as follows, to wit: Beginning
in centre of the road months:weft from Lynn Corners
thence rent& Ism degrees west 88.10 rods by land of.E. t
3[. Phtlltpa ; thence north 1714 degrees treat ityLende of
Abram Laced 648 rods' north 12 142 degrees ' clot-by
tanker P. L. 8.041 a 2-10 sods; thence south 7178 degrees'
east by said mad-d. 40 roils to the place of lm Inning,
containing one fourth of an acre to; with the apnea , -
teneco, one amalifmma hoes% one moll frame bami WO
or three: bearing apple trees, and elf Improved. rTo ken
in execution at the Mat of W. 11:Genitaan vi. D.W.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of -bind:fitaate
In the towooo'p of Derrick, In Saaquchantra - county.
Pennsylvania Bounded and described as follows, td wit:
-Oa the. north-by lands -of J. W. Bennett - nod. Walter
Lyon, on the east by lands of O. 11. - and J. IL Lyon. on
the south and' west by lands of R. Was. containlog
about ono hundred and 'elfhteen Silica of lard, be the
same more or leas together with the appurtenances. one
frame Immo:. two .barno.-1 few frost trees and about
ninety acres improved. [Taken in execution at the null
of .1. It. Lyon aud (11/roil: Lyon Xs. - X G. Lyon.)
ALSO—AII that thrtalit Vote of Land situate In the
townehlp of Liberty, in the Countfof finsquebanna. and
State of Panmoyirania, bOnnded arfollorra,trawit: 'On
the north and treat by Mods of D. Beat. on Menotti
by lands of Jena marsh, and on" the that by grata toll!
limperty.contalng shout nerce;
erica". arid
partly Improved. [Patten In execlitlon at therult of P.D.
Tniv e. assigned to Alexandre IdeLeed Is: 3141.1 .
ALSO—AiI nom twain piece of land. Weal° in the
townohloof Liberty, in that:minty 61Sasquchanna and
state pennoylvanla; bounded and 'described a. fol
lowa. to wilt -Of the north by lands of Ft -11. Cole. etat
by laud, of Orrigen Spaulding. west by lands of Jima.
a thou ingethatu and south Ity.latile ofJany id A.Wotden,
containing about tl.f acre*. more orleso: together with
the oppartenancei;log- (mese, log barn, atioittO acre,
improved. {Tamale execntion of theatatof David A.
Worden anclleary.O..Delemarter-1
ALSO—AII that Certain piece or pared of bra oltnatr
to the township of Bridgeweter, in the Courtly pf Sus
quehatusa and State of Peonsylvania, bet:ado:lmnd do.
scritiedna follows, to wit: ,On the north by nobllc high
way, on the twat by lands of Drs. Jenoett Nacttler, on
the south and lands of Nelson Month. contain
log one-half acre of land; be the same more or less, with
the appurtenance& frame house, wort oboe, frame biro.
come fruit treca,and all improved. • [Takenin execution
nt the suit of D. S. - Wilson; ro. R. 1). Barker & A. Brit
tenbender. es. it.D: Barker.) • • '
ALSO—AII that certain piecoor parcel of taint situate
,In the township of Cliffunl, In the county of Sotqae
banal and Slate of Penntrythanin, itegleming at or near
the seatteweat corner oilot No. A now or tote of James
Barret; thence by late numbered .601, ant north isz t
ruth perchea in a corner of lot Nos-40, thence by mid lot
mirth resdegree4 west MIS-10th'-perches td a corner of
lot No. 38, thence by said lot, south 10 degree, tee...t 137
8-10 rectum to a corner lu Cho south line of tot No 31; therame and :Ca So. Zta COWL In depress cast
perchut natio:place of .beginning; containing about
tat ucresiof Lind, be the same mere or coo with the- up -
',betel:lances being lot mainly of the tract to ibe
warrantee name of Jos..Betch piths amall - part of Jas
Brach's warrant. [Taken lit execution at the atilt of
Olin Reynaldo rs. Joseph IL - Ilrainard and theory Rounds
& D. It. Berea .vs. Henry Bounds, Simon like vs. Decry
A LsO—All that certain plethor pathel of land. athlete
in the township of Fratikltti, the cennty or busque
henna and State of.Peituayli ..
mahl. -- 110dridel end dcs e rib.
cd as follows , to wit: Onthe north by Silvertheck nod
and N. P. Wheaton, en the wont and tenth by lands of
N. P. Wheaton. and on the east ley hods of John Com.
well nod narrows. contaMing- about 19 scree of land,
more or lesa, together with the appurtenance. am smelt
frame honk, hue large Nate haliding or at cry, with
((stores for ntarnfactuting salt, brie steam mgt .e, and
meetly improved. ITaken In execution at the atilt of
Lycornlng rife Inalleatletl Company cc. SlliqUeininUa
Salt and Mining Company.]
AI.BO—MI that cousin piece or parcel of land. Mutate
In Oakland Susquehanna county and State nt
Pennsylvania, bounded and tiercritted as follows. to wit:
neginning on the north Wile of the road leading from
Great lien! to Levi Wonfalra. end at: the southwest
corner of a lot deeded to Marna Wearier; theuc, along
sald Wagnees Iloh north nth-grecs and 33 mitotic- west
73 lett toe corner ; theum loath an dadrue, is and 23 mum
tea, weal hn fret to a corner; "thence tt degrees end 35
mini:tee cast 07% feet to 4 corner on the north hank or
the river road ; thence Nonrtald road in 'a uorthwester.
ly air talon to the plow of beginntn.lit baring the same
land deeded by Cuticle Brush. to Helen 1.! WBRams, hey
log thereon one Immo three-story hhuae. (Taken lo
catention et the snit of Jolla itrysin aselped to Charles
A. Miller vs Norman ti Runyon." •
ALSO—AII thnee two eertaln contla-enua pieces el
laud, situate in the ton-nsblpof Jeti,ep. in th e county of
Sasonelinnna and State of l'etinayithinl-t, the first pine.
bounded and described aa. followa, to wit: Beginning
inn public road in the -weit line of Dr. Wm: Bissell •
land. extenning thence weft along' Levi. Biaisdell's
land itt 5-10 penile* to , the sold rend; thence alone, the
came south Itt 5.10 perches; thence by Caleb CarmalCa
land rata 540 pm elms to N.P. Coro well's land ; thence
11 t 7 ; 10 perishes Co the place of beglontn.,:, coata i a ju g
f.'t acres end IMPorches, be 'the same moraOrlese.
The tented is bontolcd and described allollows. to
wit: Itnatotlng at the northeast corner of H. P. Bowe's
lot and it:, rout heaotesither hereof, thence north along
the high ay TU4 perches to- peoncorner ; thence weft
Moog Fr 4.lrielt ltaylons line CZ f,.10 perches to n post
thence south slum; George Devibe's lend tais.lo percher:. .
thence Wes( by the mine lii-1100 perches; thence 10-tith
nienq E.l It. Down's Jand Zaperebel Ibanez eaat16.540
perches South ohr ne the salad 01 pc ye hes ten corner, and
thence ekst along and Manse's lineal:tan purches In the
ptase of begloning,,containfog %XS; acres of lend, he the
e.mer morn or les,, coidaining tozether chant leo acres
and 12 perches of land, be the .orne more or less. with
the apprioenances, frame house, barn and cent-lotil•lings
2 orchanis' &mat Si) scree improved. [Taken to era-co
tien at th,eortit of ( yros n hems, assigool to 5. N. Stitch
ill re. Sainnel Arnold 1
ALSO—An hot certain precerir TrArcer of land situate
In • he teem -hip of 11.041‘. to the counts of Susquehanna
and State Pettosetranta, Main dal nun describmlas tel wit; Oa the north by the 'try:dosing Creek
Mond nudlanas of Z.L.Coolcy.rind 03 the oar %south and I
west by lands of Z. 1, •n Icy, and oval on the neat by
the tytales lug ert.ek.tiond, eontelniny three- ourthe of
an acce r he the CaMe more orb., e,wltlr toqappartcnauMs
one two-story dwelling, nice "Mtn. a few flint trees. and
all improved. (Taken in execution at the cult of - L. 1)
Warner vs. Slyn•n lt, Edoelt.2 -
ALTO—AIi that certain piece of lend. situate; la the
township of Lila rip, In the county of Sosquelienna nod
State of Penus.,ylvattia, hounded and Sete-tits-du blllowa ,
to twit, It helm; the house and lot formerly owned by
Gm - Inm 11. .1. W. Flak eolith 184 iterelmato a stake
and sconce, that 15 rutl,,•ziortit 1313 rode tetat 1.5 reds.
eonfalninn about 1% acres Of loud. fee lie sane more ass
less, with the apparterianece.utiodtredlog holise,errhard
and oil Improved. ITas en In executioti at the soil of
J. W. Reword, assigned to A: Lathwsp vs. no 1.1. Bartow
and Jane E. Darrow.]
ALSO—AII that certain pleas or parcel of bind. ' , ltalie.
In the township of. Lenox, In the copnty-of Suaquebanna
and Rao of Poon,•1,oul.1, boolol d sod dean-tilted as
follows, to wit: On the north by bode of M. It, Hartley_
on the curt by Lands of Charles Smith. on the so •th by ,
land. of James Ranters tatato. and ou the wort- Nyland
of L. 51. Manly, containing 114 acres of land, hello yam,
mom oriels, with the appurtenance.. frame house, I
frame barns. coma blithe, sonic fruit trees. and about
- 3 scree improved. - [Taken in monition at the- salt of
John You Loastve..l.*V.ffallocit and:Wan N. Itherthod.l
Suttee Is hereby given that alibied moat bepatti in cash
on day of sale. Wll. I% 310XLE17.
-Sheriff's Office, Idoritrdoe, Muth 2; inl2.
" Eating Mouse
" Wllo'mak
. .
• r rid - .
mticrir - Om*
M, C. TYLER, - 79 &81 DUANE'ST,i N. yo
rwyni f...3.11T11, Cant, ct, Co.!
AND IF .1011', IyJJY N67'7•
GENERAL TIAI2DWARE:CuIIviy, Scythe!, Shovels.hv
Lonklnd GlcaseKLlghtulng'godtnaur other X Cut
Saws, Stud. and Iron polo A zee. Cho brat lathe World,)
every klud,ot, Brothels, Door becks, Pad Locks, litiobs.
Gime, Demmer!, Plsiols,, Mullet:re, FllCtle, Carpel).
ter's Tools, Illacksinlth's bellows and Triole. Med
. Kolvee, Forks and Spoons,-and everythingn.tutllv-kept
Inn First Clio% llardworo itoporatigan4 4 dbddr.Mnro•
kl hank., I I . • r
Sty aliment Thante are . tendered .to the many In my
own County. for the kind put:gouge. as also to then:mot
to other Counties, who limy rind and a genera.
Invitation lb hereby given furs contlnuanco ; well os
to those who sea Willlnd to glen too veho have not
done so,:by orders Or culls.. Truly, ,
• - TVL: •
.m.ntroia; Ifarett,;tl,ltrp2,!... • - •
-Lathrop ."
ii.Ontrose v
Bating T Ao c us ill
" "
Nev titim ttl,.
a : Wholesale
Apples 2 4 5reits et& - , r- • Mots iach; $l6 perld3
Apple Boat Grafts • ;GI W pc: tea. $lO per low
Grapes • • - • - - - - - 11 to Wets each
fitialVbeTTlPD P. - • ' - iD Pe: 1 00
AddYare, 3.1'. NORTHROP,
Stiven Depot, aural V), •
M ' P S M.I •T H
SAD - HLES 11 • • •
• - TRUNKS !!!
ETC.. FM. , ;.
..Tesols.oCpiti ' CioxiiteX4`2PP•
31.areliAlk12.-41. •
• ~ ticiiviettl e At, t ii TILE
OSTS Ccianol,t4 Itrploaect. , go chimney or irk* used.
11EN de.lrlng a pauFrritg, BlitilNP-tS;can main
ibo EXCLUSIVE _MOUT' for. the sale of DYOTrB
for . COUNTIES_ ozd'r,TATES, Wrlto fur Infilnsattort
0.10/rOti k l — , „
St.CONDAT. , P!TiA , P*• •
" rT . .4te n g; l tAL,Vtlie G ;Pc All T "L a i t i t l e S ,ltiark .
at any otherosloostshanat r ulttto mita
• Hardt:44, 1811.413. . ' .
,Raff /013alutor wets--;
ataicuoi.v.'4r.igi-1et.:..- - -„. -• :. :1 •
goy Atlrtvtiortututo.
174311.31 PKtit RENT t The itillseriber ra to rent tdi
farm, situate lit 811Tcr LOa• township, near St.
Josephs. gontalaing,l3o sorts.' of Wad, 123 ltapmeedi
quid ander a good state or Laltivation 3 la; yo orchards,
sad good water. and holidings.,.,lloll. let a row, with
tho farm and a mowing machine A 0 40 1 1, 1, ft/Pie:Dads It
desired. Forfarther psrtieulagi apply to Itschew Kelly
Dear the premises or to • TLIC?„11A8 11. KANE.
t 3 Diaelamtcm.
la &fail Oil! that' wll.l not expiotia. for Swaim la
iz crud -no Lamps. 311matsclared by Douglass & Basb,
for sate by • . ABU TOM:MM.
Marcb, "
Ii 3 OR DALE! no notterelgtell ofere (or WO a Good
11 Rowe, forolsbeft from .up to bottom. New Iltra.
Serest time of Land, AIL Improved, Tarots eeei. sor,
farther particulars Inquire of 1.. D. RILVARA.
• Purest Lake Centre,
rarnr°/E310 :" 1N ' Ll1 ,
arty- Tow n shi p, tor asl crew„l be .014
th re . tr..7Tyura.
—Stropo, tfAret:l3.lB7—n4ll—
. .
Ter t i Jut. rewired
thotora of
March 13, 4.-rnopll—w3.
A 610015.8AX3L. FOB, SABI—Of TS fin•
prodal, sr4dLantrred. one good bolldlog. lying flys
miles from r , nt Bend and two miles from Lawrylllty
Center. In Ltherty Townrhtp. - Ettnfn Co.. FA.1.41M11
'Mown on the Samna Ireldnd form, only twenty dollars
per IlCro and tun thirds of It on lanag etortlt.- For MM•
or plrtlctilars ttuni to of U. Av Tromdell.' on Intiolutn
farm. or of A. tt. - Camphert.o.o - mro dry. N.Y. , .• r
ALSO. n good. dairy faun .of 1e awed; near Homo.
Bradford C 0... Pd. A, C. CAMITELD.,
Nttreh. 6.1611.—e 010—mi.• • •
FOR.SALE at all principle *talons 011 Ilse 'a
Del i ,
Lickaaduna Western
H f Ir AN CiPMV. ivrxximoop
PECIAL INDUCEMENTS la Famines and COlonted
moving wen can obtain' Thmugh; Tickets tOST,
JOSEPIL PT. SCOTT. DENVER: and an points In:
Mluouri and Kann.. at the very bdreat. raw, sad us.
theirhoncenotd goode nod freight ahipp. d at .peels( rated
• • ' r'.424.X1117G-311.1711.531 '
Delaware, Laeliarranea (SG:Deestem
lialhray; ." • •
. .
WIII Plenw ta'a notlre. that a Dircit Cantirelcia is
made at BINGHAMTON—with all cake,* train. kina
ERIE RAILWAY. 0.7' le cure to irk Inc Tfelieta 'to
dBRIE RalLwAyd which ran be pro/:medal °alma
moyrituse. STAOE,IEVE. MONTROSE, PA. 1.
L. 13=.41.R.Za7:7,, .41.602:146;
60" ° 1 1 `.11% Y , V.11; 4 . 1 .17 , Trc.K..'s . 5 .11N74
Cut trithitso turn And two homes- A near tblng- on
Cu:kg-CV( eiltring fluirtlic time paved mut
twice the, amount of lem I( done. Chive, exude stud du r•
lend tor Iru ntt r nq p rticnl3 and cUt Or Clll
- to Ibo 01110 8.1.W.13(3 Cana;
Dover. Ohlo.
natturnr STREET;,
. We 1131/C openetilnr the srrana TRADE. thalami%
and he arFotted Stock of . . • .
Table:Melt and Floor Oil Clothe, Window Fhldlif
tend E+ per, earrttt Chain, Cotton, Yarn. Dot- •
• Ling. Wadditt,,, Tulnra, Wicks. nekse
Looking Wawa., 'Fancy • Itetkets, •
1121 .1 , 1,,kra , die.t , nacho.. littwitm
e*. llothe.” Wrinv.n.-Wend•
et en and Widow gem
the tinited States."' • ' • '
Oar lama inereanc fa ha An nen ennalna an tonal alloy
prices anal furalri:"tha bent qn.allty or Goods. , -
PRICE $71.30.
Cver23oo sold in &slit/nth'.
Termo 0. Ga day..
A g caber 7,10,1 r, VI aye, Net-
Fcb 14, 13:2. :Ira.
Rosso goad This:
100 Many Poise attemerals are In • circulation,
I desire to say to the, public, and calieniallY
to I'olley Roblers,abat n:Companies mention,
ed below Are AU Right/ and " ivortby the en
tire confidence of the People." 'Please call nada
see standing and cOntlition of each:. •
: Queen Fin.: Insurance Cu.; Lis spool and' LaUr
don, (Gold),I 0.000,(104
f."ontitiental, do. if. V., " Asieta; 2,500,524
Arica,. do. Ohio,' do; 1 , 76 0, 5 8 4
Amazon,. du. ' da. 758,09 ti
Triumph, do. do. 1"62,268
Niagara, do. N. Y., .r. l do. • 1,23 dA 1 Cl
I fano ve r, do. '. do, l c do. POO,OOO
Republic, •, • (In. d 0..,.• da. •517.3.771 i
Fanners, do, YoriciTa., do.' Ealing
Girard, ' do. Philadelphia ' 4 50;0C1Q
MINE is an Independent Agency." I writs_
my own Polities arid IniveSet tied my own 'mull,
am insure' y613-11t01 701,11 T. agninsi &filar ,
by Fins and LtGIITXLNO. I leave long,
(painted with Thompson Derr, of.Wilkes•Ban!,
General -Agent; "Queen Fire Insurance C 0.,"
and " have PAR nut A. VERY . _ -. :-
Get , a Life and Accidental Insurance., af• Ty,
ler's Insurance Ofliee. over iViLton's Hard Want
Store.. Very Respectfully,
fob. 21, aßzcnY , C. TICIX.It,r
LIAM' f'OR SALE ftrot of rlxty-two are, i&
I Joining the Boru' Of Nontrosa on the South, I
offered for rolo. It is - well watered nod ham :about. tra
news In timber. (including a flue grove of beach and
m apl e Saa r
!lair the dw th‘..ollry ein g-, b eing: dm , hateestead dlyislog
_of farm,
For forth or fort a 6tor. enquire of 41 11;cartasitt, - 24.,
r r:. b
1. 0: ls .10 . 21 , r0 a. 5 ... c. 1
xi3!: , xt=lß da =N X CmcaLikia.
Sign of the Golden Fade .and Zona?.
vurE Derive to Intone tbe pifblla Wet we lien move.
U Oar §tfek nr Drngv.:Medlelnee. Paints, Oilf,Wok,
et. Combs, Perfumery, Fancy Ankles, etc.. into tele
Brick ntaie, formerly. netntpled. by
,Gattettberw, Rotes
'ivams Co. • 4. • •
-We have recently fitted upthls store In Modem Style.
and shall endrayor U. keep well anpplled ' , Oat all aytltleit
pertelning to the Dreg Buslueve. • -
.Wn ppend to everybody a curdlet lovltatten to All
and rev MI tall% In want of anything bay, and
alien :Noy In Want . , 'give us ittrlendly qtly To all on:
-olds ptomp,re tre drain) to exprzve vto tfineks foD-r
l et t =Tl:: ) ; a Z. l2 , " g t .l i gi,% i gt e LTZL l : *-° %.
-Y cry Truly "t"onte,f• • - '
7 - Itenfroit.Det. , = 441.0#5 NIVI •
• • „
. .
. . .
Groceliesi ProvisiOligi4C; &C.
- -
.nn 411 1 1SiedlauttlovortiOd VIZOGI7 CAPP`
.I.I a UMI GronwiroirdolO cots perwand, ialopdTc4.l)
6 , 3 cents OCT pond, Good Sahmtgeit eeAta Mt * D 1 144
cbolco Voructi Aloof, MII3III nII tna
Is &tack ut Canned and, J . :ol,:ied real UP, 11114 Veettblea
and taor ,, toe dna.. ,• • •
PArliAdttoriilait, bletel annka.COdialk.lgalk
eta{ - SRWlied Halibut, and, 1A Let nearly ar gun
neer" thlng needed to Loop lsouto,wjth and as. tape,
ptl ostroxo - oly low for Oresab ur reedy pay, ,
• Idoutroeo, ]torch, 417 . — nott" - U l , : ' •
. ,
printelialaaties and gyms ,'
' - • / I ' 4 : 11713-Vil
Z 741
TERS AND 1,131LD.u5....31E99ruf. coomr
um a bToNgoire preoted doall Mad* lit •Sept•
nd Ommuitta , Woilt, Brick -
and Patatint, by thifJob t-Ls manatriOgitto;
comm.. Atm.' S4 , kb • Minds, Douce: btale.4ll l .
kind* end 14Indair..yritcpetzte rib, Lumber
altabiatly,ba.l3an4l. Aboptsi"fork Mictoryltubling,
A. W. sTArit,z, tyrima
- IVialD'S