tarns and him Milking in Silence. At a farmer's,c)9,,iß West Cornwall, Connecticut, a Mar:said that no talk ie'should be allowed while milking, w:s tirigpu. Ha said ho discharged one cf is servant; who pusisted hi bilkingdur-. ing milking time, and• that in three slays ithlt I, ~. pintit? , pilkfittesAttalyte c • to t l -1. sir i ut net hhen'te'eti'ditelor otbefeauses bSsules the one assigned. If the enlarged yield followed solely from the dismal of the man, we. aspect his presence affected the supply- of milk in some way apart frvirti•hie•loquaoity. We have frerpiently.feuud a. change 'of sm.= vants prove benellaial. It. may be that talking prevents hens from, laying also. We know..yve have , often , experiendil a vast incientielAn ~ %Ojai:nal:o of eg g s brought In thelonse aftet the removal of a too officious individual from our em ploy. Besides, our cows have sometimes improved in produce by the same menus, but we generally ;attribute it to cleaner Milking by. fresh, and more industrious hands. It is, however, well known that cows are peculiarly sensitive to sights and pride during the time they are milked, V,ulatpitbe, yanyet •Ilesfeckeaserthey :vill VoPtVOutifililirt,ifeely> :Thor' thauld be daily milked under the same. condi tions. Cows that are fed at milking time requirealhor usual meal, or they become restless and dissatified, and put a stop to their bounty. Many of them will not only allow some efeciiil favorite to milk them. In those parts of the country Where women are solely employed to milk tie frequently find ono or two tuneful lassies sindtie at their work, = and many cows begaitereetlileirsia: with : the rustic harmony as to show evident signsof their approval of the loud sweet, voice, bv giv ing milk only by being sang to. gvery slung that distreetsAlie, attention of the • cow and, rufilii , lierLtitacidity should he avoided when she is called upon to yield the milk. Her nervous system should not be excited to strange ucises, unwel come objects, orrough treatmenti j or ,ihe efirprtrniaatfrelit.,7lll - ard main islied on triL the tailkapail. It' would 111) don t be good advice on the whole to tell those who milk to hold their tongue, and keep their tempers. The Connecticut farmers appears to have sufficient reason to say that speech is silver but silence is gold.—London "ilk Journal, &cigar Beets tbr Fattentqg Wine. Jonathan Talcott gives a aatement of nn experiment performed on a Suffolk pp,,ztki Raul ,p °yet lot 'fattening. The animal was about a year old, and the feeding on boil ed sugar beets, tops and routs began on the 16th of August,. and was continued • three times a dayointil the first of Oc tober, after which ground feed was given, consisting of two parts of corn and one of oats, tbree,times a day until the ani mal was slaughtered, the 'meal being Mixed with cold water. The, result was, on ti ?}t iigtUe - Wbittistl4 sugar beet feeding was begun, that the weight was 360 lbs.; September let, 390 pounds; October let, 490 lbs.; November 20th, '530 lbs. This is the substance of the Illtartaßely lificir we -::pere,eive I tba the -half et - -August, : when fed on boiled sugar beets, was at the rate of Iwo pounds per day ; the same elite of increase on the same food euntin lied through September. When fed on ITOTII and oats, made into cold slop, the gain for the nextlifty days was less than a pound and a half per say. Possible the increase in weighreartv in October, when the weather was mild, was more rapid Allan tbs,m)4lfir.Nopuivr,, and if the 'pea ccielteelpor intelleilby scald ing water, the result would have been much morelavorable. If the quantity of each kind' of food had been given it would have enabled us to judge of the ;comparative value of each ; but the ex periment seems to show that sugar beets Mow I Made a Madge. Osage. edge makers differ pretty wide ly as to . tho best distance to put the plants in therow,and a novice.in hegde making is per:hotly - hetrildeFed when he sjuscla the advice of divers men. He does lot know what is really best to do, and so be makes a leap in the dark sad hopes for 'the best. • I intended two years ago to make a hedge around my orchard, aiming to ' erect aglatiglyiklugsWieveitauti a wind break at the same time. I' had •no ex perience whatever, had never seen a here, and desired to proceed aright, I or. dared "Warder on kedges,' frhinb I carefully studied, but fur the life of me . sould ant tell from that work whether itattirthplarits,'lnra, , Aingle I f, dTtir, vtbuble • row, two feet apart, or in single row six, I eight, ten, fifteen, or twenty iulches apart. Each plan - was highly recommended, and each said to be the 'best. I finally set tled on a single row, eight inches -- apart. believe Mr. Warder hnuself pre 'las two feetmr‘bnkat.hedge made on this Plautroattet in4Wenty eight years tura a two-hundred pound hog. The :distance now recommended by the exper ienced hedge-gtovera of the West—chief; among whom is Prot J. B. Turner, of I Jackionville, six inches, and even, four inches or any greater distance. In s af " " • S ta h r S " ,43 4ll44i g il illt tir„ir4ll (Tuf, • - • • a er: data - keep np With their adjoining neighbors, and - a 41 break" or "gap" In the hedge is t h consequence, as-not one replant in a dor, willgrow and thrive sufficiently to fill up the.miming place, no matter how care , WI it may have been replanted and hiWed. • For this falson it may be safe to iitfeiiatid act accordingly) that close Voile to six inches—is the hest all plans; and then, thii following Eel after planting, if the plants are found tubs too thick, it is far eBsier, , ,and more satisfactory, to remove , every 'other, one taIM4P4 - 4“ °IS.,TeI*PP.X.- •thC=f o. l . %Witt Sprint. Now far my stew plan. Being turd with the labor of setting every plant just I ' eight inches frtim the nest, `And holdings it there perfectly - straight while .aetting,• I commenced as y tad; lice to put them in a trensh which hila 'been: made per. die.: `tames, linfeng tliefn carelessly all the way from' two to (one inches, and . not binding whether e' Might or croqked. 'They sr jist ns well us any; and in the I'ull I" thinncel -them to abont"fpnr inches. • -Now this t.lo.*.tor-Alatrizakorligago.7tuld ,ftweatiiitt - tAbisper.fttfarit Ver. UffORATIVR, MaMM OthiLiinino AHRSULPHUR - -NO SU LEAD—NO AITILARRE -_Na:NITRATE OP - SILVER: and la ,antirolg Brae Cron tbn Poiaanona and IMO- —destroying Drage =a in °Mei Flair Piepartiont. TrapiparettAirl clvu etriall. !ally ta! /el Ow !nest fabric.—perrectly.SAVE.4ZUZ Ea WWII= —4l3ldatatancs LOO SOUGUT FOR AND FOUST! - ATLAS?! , . It Totems and Premeds the hair from bocatalu; Gray, imparts ooft.sloary appearance, m orce Dandroff. la coal - arid refreshing to tho hart, do:as the ILt4 ham EllilltEctrOulti macre* It to a *tat extra 'rhea prema turely lam, ptiMeaht Iliadachas, cures all humors, Co. itucontemptlorm.. and um:Murat heat. ABA DEM, Da FOE TUE UAIR IT . IS TUE EMT AUTICEE Iht TEE 31AIMET. _ , , . - G. GRIM, Talc:Gee dyer, Mau.. Preparrd only by PROCTOR R110111813:3, - Olonceitcr Slassaylnisetta. The genuine la put up IQ a panel bottle, roade,eapresely for ir; itith the =Me of On article blown In the glum. Ark your Drn=lit for Nnvaire Mal Rierronamrs, and take no other, Mr Bead taro throe cent otttopo to proctor Brothers - .faro !•:Ttattbteturthe Rut= Mar.", The Into=Odom It videos to worth PM 02 to so! Potion; ... mai IT. 18:1. IT ROSADALIS . . THE: INGREDIENTS 'THAT CDIIIPOSE HOSADALIS ire published.= every package, them fore it ia note coact prepasation, noninp2npAly • PIIIIICIANB PBESOBIIIS _ len certain care Tor Sintrida, Syphilis in all its fonna, Ftbsunia• tim. Skin Dimas, Lim Caain- . pleat and 'nil damsel of the Blood. 4 ONE son= OP totaaas will do more good than tenbottkai of tho Sysnps of Banaparilla. THE unornstarito PHYSICIANS Involved Rogaddisintheirpneilee for tho past three 3:4=411 and freely =dorm it as a rchabk Alterative and Blood Pacifier. DIL T. C. ?CCM et Daltlcuae. . H. y.. 1. DOYEIN. *MR. W. CARA.: • " DILY. C. DANNELLY," a. J. S. &perms, of Nintoditritly CI L' J.l. HcCALtTEIA, Columbia. D.ILA. C D.NOBLES.EdgatataIy USED An EN. BOBBED gy J. D. FILVDH SONS, Valllttram, Masa P. W. ESITTFI, Jackson. fish. I A. V. Sti ll F.ELK.R. Lcs.a...oldo. it. HALL, 1.1 m.. Ohm. CRAVEN 4, co., mdmentMe. &OM. G. M et' MMES. Sturfreen. bora, Tean. Oar apace trill not allow of any ex. tented remarks in relation to tho lemma Itosadalh. Toth* Iledtral Praferdon we misrule': a Field Ts. tractsapatarto any Dap tame test used in the treatment of discoed Wood I and to theadlicted so say try Italad3dlA and yea will be rotated, to health. Basaddis b sold by all Ibmgyiste . ye.. 0 .2 01.30 per batle. Adaym DI CO. lircaufertariq Mosier, . iwatirozz, MEI= HERE WEER SOLD Pi TDB TEAR IS P, 13,2341 Iliatchley's Cucumber - Alicirt;a...7333-43 " VVC:bCO42. 1 2D WMlirll37 .AlFirernisGt2lP:rsr.t Met to Uelrrair3llnactn"n, 'Cimple l' tnind=eilonflaey tel °platten' tilrlug no Tukte to the trater—Demble—ltellable and Clasp: - These Munro are their own heel recournendatiou For sale by dealer. In banlentro and arrtealtural balde r ereetdi:pObars. Pants matml c:claretlittlthecellr• ' try:" Circulars, t,c:, - rarulehed Upon applicetien. by malt or otheral.r. RlnglaYtunpa forwarded to parties to towns ',here 1 tore no agent% upon receipt et the rnpllar retail Rem In buying, be carded that your Pump bears my etude ixork &sebum patented Illarch Mat, /Sll.no I gagsntee to 3131csitoblesr, 11AN'UFACTU11EB. Office And Wareroam, 624 lir. 026 Plaltriert-511.1, Phlladelphie, 001.—Cm Pa. S'" FANCY FURS. LADI i5 - ' - ' 301111 FABEIRA, .-.47.441.,., _.• .718 Arch Street, , -4")1`...bi - . ? diddle of the Block be. loves ;th and Ettb Ifitteeta t -tr-, k l i",: '' ' . .: a 7 . PEIELADELPLILI. ik; l ;Tis lteporte r.lianufacturerand 4 . I.Z ,t 17,:,, ,, - Deals in all kinds and F ,I•ttip'fi,,,l Tr,,c....= . .... quality of E ' .. Al. r= _,- - -. , ._TANC.Y FURS r...-14 FOR LADIMe & CUM. '. '"'•`" DEETS WIWI. ;- ).. 1, , 11611: -" 4 . flaying bnpotted n very - -r — '`. - ' -----g , largo and,apbndld assort, ..-,,,-,.....- , ,' inept - of all • the different tin& of it'u• - 's hem trot band* laand hay bad them made op by them:oat sktllful E l=el3. pingd Its spectrally luvlterthia peelers of thin paper tear ;I_l . a. endue his very large and beautiful natiorfthea of ro c r y •Fersibriadree cad Children. Into determined . c lu at tear prim wow other respectable House trt_k i4 kL: litP.Fara trerrented. Nornisrepreacakdion ladled •-401111 ELTIEIaa. - 118 Ail= STREET,. •,• rioGsN. 14,./STL—Oat.. ~,- , . ~ Ph , . iladelphia, titrosh ES2IIII and silk Crackers for sale by cpkr. Is4rr welt. 11. J. >1709. 4ltilroad time gablo. N. Y. & El,Tllme Table, kA.MB EASTWAILTI, , . No.- 4, .Nigkt Express : •" ' 8, - Cinetnnati Express' ." I,ll, l lcny Freight, : - 2:Nest:York Express; o , - E2,-.A.ceommodatton; - 64e,umboat Express, _nrw:se . wEsrwana 7 .; Ne; EsPreA • • " 4PCOInK1 0 01 0 . 41 Woy ht. • - 1.07 p. tn. " .5, Madcind ram, : : 8.50 " _ All of the above- trains btop at- Great Bead namealarrll. 11701 7 • • Blew Yenee: . 1.131f3, . f4L 7 tiii4 Ngif.ih'i ..—....-22Santreptafg, - ow) Relpectuih. tiOrm Oipcople.of thlo II- I Tri civitlA:4 lir/WRAP: 4 i MUZ'!IP - .Eige 4 o r lifig,:eapit: - .• eunpbe.%imp:l/ink grilina. scatikriutitipar Utak ASl'm Iri Rf tfir.2'4 l io.re,Pts. *ka t C o FOreirs. SIU9,l4 , 744Ol43itofT.4 , l2PTVYAOSINelliNiapit. Cif PPLllo.9.l3llMrattak:_ Aiyikftivvia,p4l.7eim - ard•upytrfroctAdrtv• f v er, vt .. , *v. s. Pattlgiutogoutnp. ENSATION: ~ O F. ',AM V 0 WO, - a WbFri t lisMirs A gva Mr y Q SP Ito tplestrasti =warmers ; Ira Ittl4b,lndFl;llllre • Its orartgoltabora and dart( dens; Ira iotrattinni and dangers; Its LUNGS and FUAVID3; landing. mru•anamulciann 4..1 - 114Telltttrtil; ib cLadilco ; ita mote:far mod crimes.' - film s toCtrafttly 2TP om r r fi l iNgidg!tOur terms abd drrepilon ttiu work .: Adclrr.sa National PithilsAlno Pa. ..11111STOAT 'OP . The Great . Fires tiIICAI3O and the WEST by new E. J. Goonsnav, D.D..eichlpro. Only tupelo. blatety.:ooBvo,patrea tO engraving. WOO eltray soli Price $0 150. .Jal eu cud* tall days. Prethe go to Ratrinlll.; awns w m isNto. S. 000Dsristalp 5 Co.. 87 I! ark Boa, Nov ; vork. • . CELTIC WE E L-Y. The mutest Illnstrated Orldloal Story! Amer In Amenee. Eight NOW Oristual Storks Iv the Ant ntunber. , o literary trent equal Init. a vine and eantassore wanted In every town louden', of the Union. ejap a wad: ca,fly realized by the Pate of thin extraord. Inary Matt and American Jeumal.' 81.tieten hoPle* rale by all newribralera. Paler. fic.• IPA° per year. Addm J . O'LEARY ct.,x. 6. Box 0,071. Nor. York. WHA.T TO READ • AND HOW TO BEAD.': Bohm classified Ltets of 1M44e0 Trading, eritti ap toroortato Riots and Remarks. adapted to the Gonomil Bender. to Subserlhors, and to persons Intending to fonn collations of Books. I vol. Mrio. 14 paces. Priem SO cents. &Nathan nr ort erect pt no pricy. D. AtPLISTOn. it COy Ptsblllteere, !kw Warta. rXTRAORDINARLIMPRIIVEMENTS CABINET ORCANS The . !JAN'S & } lmre Onnes Co.. respectfully en Bounce the Introduction or Improvements ,cit notch more tharionilasto Interest. Therm arc. . Reed and Pipe Cabinet Organ., being the only auccental combluntlon of IitEA.T. PIPITS with reeds once made. ' • Dors Transposing ney-Itoard, which can be tnettuttlp: moved to the dela or left. eltaaglng the pitch, or 'mow:rein: the key. For chair• drags and derrriptiorr, see Circular. New and. Elegant !grin' of tiloullect need Cabinet Organs. - • at $l4O, sl3 - atd $I rack. ronelderice ropmetty, fil.ra:ce. and Tholong,b.lircellenco or Workmacetdp, there arc cheaper tract ■q before offend. The Munn & liastra Organs are &anew - lazed BEST . and from extraordinary Lcilltles for man uhre at tide Company cae afford, and now undertake to ern prices which render them Vognesttoruably Cheapest,. Patin netsvo 0126A111 r 4 TITE OCTATO enacts $lOO, $125 and npirardri. Willntbroo seta rends SlD:land apean3s. Foto ttyleo. op to 41500 rack. Direr fr.stannsern CAT/1061:r. end Ttsersrom Ctn• crisis. with opinions of DORE TILA.N ONE THOU. SAND 111.1SICLINS, sent tree. lIANSON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. 131 Tremont St-, Boston. 503 Bet:dawn,. N. T (lueorporakil 1860.) Columbia rim Insurance Co , OFFICERS AND LIRECTORS; S. S. Ormuz. Presl. Row. Csa►e. n. Wa.sns,, Vice-Preen. Ws. Parton. lister TIZON.Lf. Tfe23. Jas. Sertrummts. J. F. PIIMAUTT, Stey. . J. S. firtusS. J. B. Matzos. 11. M. sr zuFro.n. , . Cm. Boom R. T. Bre*. For litrurance or Agrnele.. addroro Z. V. Fruennit, Sec'y Columba, P. IIVANTMD, 7111$ SPltilio, 10.,000 FAMERS! To Improve 1.111:111:0 aereeor the beta Funning Leads In lea:tartar= ntortzageor otherincouttnanee These lands oomprlee the Goventmeurralhead cunt, adjacent to thOgrett therouxhh.res between,Chleno. Oznabs end Sioux City, and beatify in the • middle Region of Western lowa, its moat fertile/KW healthfol pcntion (peer and erne being unknown). and lliTtlVld by ral,ro.lda in every direction. - Now le the time to Secure a Rome ,at. 44 roul:05 per nett% upon long time. with six per eint. tetereet In the texerisot tralley of either the Boyer, We Maple the Soldier of the Little Sioux. .inents at stations aro pmclded with trams to show lands Ere* to potshascro. Send for s It gists priors, tortos. desCriptlOtir.whtroczploring tic strand sod how to math itto laud.. County maps also not rms.- Address JOIIN B. CALBOUX.-Laun Com miAlutter lowa 11. ILland Co., Cedar listirds, lowa. SECURE THE AGENCIFAt ONCE FOR THE BEST FAMILY :E VINO MACHINE .1. L. FVUGSON 122 Chestnut Street, . , '.Profitable Employment :Far ore orfo - o wenna other sex, i eery town In the Malted :•hard. by whirl' they may: realise from Pk to EIJCO per Sp©r,withbat little Interference with ordinary occupation. If the whole time fa domicil a murk larger ental will borealis-EL Hoye and girls con make terniy as mock no grown pcople. Some inekinir from $l to $l5 nee week. For partionlant, addrossJ. J. FAHDELL i C0..741 Elm deal, N. Y. 11110ENTS WASTED —Agents make mine money at 14 work for ILI than anything else. BLIPIDIS4 light and permanent. Fartlenlan !me. G.Srmatii & Co., Pine Art POW:4s, Portland; Mahe. 11. S. llalilaiarg - .1 . ,,V= t n it**M"' antrAs. EATERSt.M B a t any CLIC of Opium llablt oar At tldoto wan Dot core. Co Tsaln or ircdbrettlence. , Bent on- tviolpt of $3 OIL t'. G. ARMSTRONG, M. D.„11callog loalltute, Berlin Spins, SUM To Adteratacro.—All - *sons who' contemplate making contracts lath newspapers for the intertion of Advertiscoduats should seed to . GEO . P. ROWELL Jib _CO., fur ft elttnltur. er !miming:s coat for their One Earallad psaupidet. containing Vat t.f B,OOD Iqtrwomaperi end clamant, thawing the curt of advertisbag, also many useful hints to advertiser*, and sumo aemonot of ?,t e s=rigts '° . fma gn i ma r" ift i rpetja s ri t eV EB m 071i L ie American liartpaper Advertising Ammer, 4~ PARS ROW, ' II anditre posatattad of unwanted belittles _for teeming the insertion of ndverauments In nil gartopappre and Periodic:ls at latest rata. S as eo VEOETAnt.It ditzumATlC: RitblE4Y. used Inwar ly_ohly. S A pies rant Medicine. tree fro 4 injurionsdrogs. Warranted and, r oath. to bul t perm rally eared Win , every IV patients trotted in e pat teu years, (bee teertmony). 'lt ir the scientlfie ems-Option of prioress or Jos. F. titter, Af. D. a moduato of the rolverany of Pennsylvania, - A. - D.,1833,—n0te ono of Philedelphla , s oldest molar pt;yelciattn and PrtgaSklf of Chemistry suutTositedoey —wbo has made Neuralgia. Chronic and Inflematory Ittientoatimo the rpeciality - of Ills entire prfesslonal life-4 fact vouched fur by ;he signatures= coupanying rub honied many prominent moaned physicians. clergymen, and other testbrmials. To pro tect sufferers from poisonous mtark.nostruma and nos lets expenditure of mouey..A leg a l. signed mutrantce. stating exact number of bottles warranted to etre, will be forwarded gratis to any sufferer sending by letter a fa description of afactiort. In case of failure to cum amount paid positively refaudol.=at any where by express, collect on delivery.,! 'Afflicted Welted to write for advice; all Information and medical advice tent by letter grans. Princited *Mei V South .Putoth Amet: Philadelphia; Peon, Tha remedy Is sold or ob tained by Drel= l - 41 - April 1 9 .1 1 - 1 - For Sale UTTUR.R.P.l.4.lfontroatt 2.57 a. ta 10.80 " zri 147 p. . 650 “ 9.17 " 1.25, m -5.24 " 47. ifintakDANCE epialo DI MU, A. A. 7.m.,ll4„—syllur....lTEti r t , pne. 1.10 She can be coneulte4 at bee. 'cadence lull dgalan ter. en th e tuna 04p:rifling nbegilratobnoon. Dead asteseneergiven. 4:-Ir:Fxrunt r INiecauerrzycloszurn. . - , • . , oly.a.gtf BorrAgy Aip 4sgock; -- - AVON; -.1 - • - • pa tn,, WI:00d arecorfhe ErtpdandPantagatla _ • PAncla re arelteidlan ntmtocoPT- „• ^ Elts:4l op 41c r apt ; T *dine Polite* otigt in ninth= to and Social Itrils, with =altar , Jgbilmthealleldl—Scatreeineriblenrc.44 AM t1017?5V40.0e/w49:l,PF4',"PgatiPa . TPFAI •- = ' sieskS New ralOttassiiirSikke...Asos_t its* tatttoettf iiin" . l . l.ptitte gave , littPrqb • • Ayer s f l Hair Vigo Ton reitoring. - to t ray 1 natural Titality.Colon. dressing - thich. is at; tee agreeable, nd' Factual'-.:for )tdocrving the. It • ropy - , :stoma faded grlY hair its. original efgar v itria' tke gam, "Irina:, - Thu.. hair .ingtair checked, and baldness often,. though not awaits,: cnred , by its use; . Nothingcan , restoro; the, bait where the 'follicles stroyetl, or the. glands atrophied :and , ' decayed; but` enslt .as renunti - 4X eared, by this application, and stimu lated into activity,'• so that a' new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it cleanand vigorous., Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff; which is often sonn- cleanly and offensive. - Free from those deleterious substances which male some 'preparations dangerous and ink!, rious to the heir, the Vigor can only benefit but not Inure it. . wanted merely for a HAIR MESSING, nothing else can*, forma so deiirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric.; and yet 'lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. I. C. Ayer & Co., rmucal and Asistruca cbetrdsth LOWELL. BUM. Cherry Pectoral, For Disossa of the Mimi! stad . lssoCs: such as Caoschs. Colds: WhooDing CoWal. Bronchlths, Asthma, wad Consumption; • • - .., . . •., . Among • the great • ~ w. ~,i', ~, &Semmes of Modern A:We , - „schttree, few„ era of ' ,-, . (. 1 More real value to .- .• - • 'l-,•,. • ,; mankind lIIIM this ef. t Ill.( . - . I:t i f m all t i,PI . . -null Lungs. , A leaf. trial of its slams, throughout 1111 s and It a i 14 '''‘l ‘•c \1 ;:' other Countries, has - chosen `that it -does surely and effectually control them. The testimony of our best cid. rem, of all classes, •eshAblishcs the fact, that . CIIEDILY Pan-roam. will and does relieve and care the afflicting disorders of the Throat and Lungs, beyond any. other. •medicine. The meet. dangerous 'affections .of the Pulmonary ,Organs' yield to Its power; and cases of . Constimp.. Um:, cured by .this 'preparation, - are -pubhe ly known, so 'remarkable as Imrdlv to be be lieved, were they not proven bejciial dispute. As a remedy it is adequate, on which the public may rely for full protection. ily curing Coughs. the forerunners of more serious disease, It saves unnumbered lives, and an amount of suffering not to be computed. It challenges trial, and con. winces the most sceptical. Every family should keep it on baud as a protection tautest the early and unperceived attack of Pulmonary Affections, which are easily mot at first, but which become incurable, and too often fatal, if neglected Ten der lungs need thls.defence; and it is nowise. trs be without It As a safeguard to children audit the distressing diserove which beset - the Throat and Crest of childhood, CIILCZT Pan-sonar. Is invaluable; for, by its timely use, multi: hides are earned from premature graves, and caved to the love and affection centred on them. It acts speedily and surely against ordinarycolds, muting sound and health-restoring sleep. To will stiffer troublesome Influenza and pain. fel Bronchitis, when they know how ' cast) they can bo cured. . Phlladel. dia. Pa. Originally the product of Jong, laborious, and successful chemical investiption, no cost or toil Is spared in ranking every, bottle iu tho utmost possible perfection. It ratty be confidently' re lied upon is possessing all the virtues It has' ever exhibited, and capable of producing cores as memerable as the greatest It has over cfrogvit Dr. I. C. AYER &CO.; Lowell, Mass., Prseircal and Arodyticsil Chemists. , BOLD BY ALL DltEGClititi EVEIIYWU .' Sold by Abel 'Farrell. and sal 'lClebols, Montrose, and all druggistS amidealers every. where. (Dec.2l, 1870--y X2x• 40;,.ZIA.:...113i11.caivirmans xr 3 To offering this Liniment to the public, alt . are.• do In full confidence, that limns% superce all inhere now in nileAr en Internal remedy. for the cure of all diseases to the reach of that class of medicines. we can safely assert. without the least karat contradiction, that It stands no els-Wed in the list of medical compounds externally sp- Mimi Mr the Cl= of .discrise. d reylifitt therefore that It trittlf:gf:ll l l' d e r 'oi rellfif.funring the d to t(e itnf totLir.theblind to sertbener vous,dMpli and crippled rhenmatieto walk erect Andy°. jokesn in the pivwer and *lpso( manhood. thieve pandton Is of io the pohlie on its own merlin. sot' Maims no volcanic origin or essential oils of the Arabi an deserts ; Mann the contrary Is what its imports, on& is, a ram combination of the petrcra elf :forth Ammi can prodPOS. rr Tnt Vale notice t tp turom el - deniers in ptOpeletsry medichme, that ere hive eetablithed a Depot In fingeme hahns county Mfdontroec..Pa.. for the gale of Dr. C.Y. Dmirre•Younr. American Liniment, 40 Dint .*.F. A r IiALDWIN Is our e-ent for that pamOcc. WARD: SOLITLIEIMAND if 00. • .430 Valiant Street. Neir_Vntif . -,,AgentesirUl irptmbeesiablialteddit central, plinatin erery townobtp, and p allotted to the lilt befog. lam ready to !timbal It id trhuleude:pdtes: to !meta*. Post ai:a and 44;mdaza scut the upon smdcatkm to tlo_attb _ The Liniment. le wit for eUent ie4ll by trip WO, Ins agents, to wit: . , Borne Ma n nia,' Montrose. . • . A. Turee, .E. Adamn, Auburn 4 Corners. , lgonb Uakhrbi.dontb &dawn. • - Vozbord,Skloners Edd,r, . • ' 11:0: U. Fordluma r naalln. . - • • J, to sons. tunvenut4e. . . . wuaam Viayak. !mock. . , - R. D. Beardikm. Little Meadows. • -Robert Wintem rrtendayple. ' Al. L. 1337/. DirtlLlrdrige. , IL A. Tltatrurth. BtOOkfte. . L. B. UM& Eactoryeate AV, IL coed,. Battey uodnar;.,,,. , • N. At. l'iffatiy, Itopbottom. J. A Very. Uontruae _Depot. 13. U. IhnateVNep 141/ford. va.); Eablettfook. gnat. Mad: es, frooksturylkothers, driborn Centre. . , Avery ItentimontOftWptoprn., Steeena & Leebody t tik.1144;.' , tilranv.r; Rub.' • • • A. J. SilorrOpam Sost,Spiinel4. Iteon, Vgnsonedle. • • .J. W .Itosastriste,,Parrolile , L • -' 4 .4ny (*.facts Iktocentldps not etire' odtdodOStypni oR InruchalarOMl .l. l l,ol 4 0rergAir 032,141en5-.44 . CIV N7.01 . .1 - R - Alt.G 0,,, ...: szysi-4.14130 Ai..-..01-4 Al:t %L. 4 - liciAiikiderfa o mzly tor Canc3 A hill& tiz al g s t4ooo4 .7411171,,, ii..Pll-8 4 .„..rt .. Mit t I z um teyot,r.casoprobec e Ac rill eltfeo l Sptit7lAkfpilittit ttettptiy. it it 1127 altße v tite, proMpr mut fertairCalterapri,jiad =. Of katutp; , 434 . IbrlA•DingtrOdg*ln .Its 4:41-tbesa,mtilasiiiSaro.nialii azu•dl 4 1 ' medas, iletld tor a eitetati.v&te.'rd4.l* , FAtary, • N . ci, CI cen , •r, , ,i', if. Y, —• ^ • ..• .. • -`x':... M==2:IMMIZM Ayer's YOVNG .9.31ER1C4N 11111114 1111111011 S.. 00 - 11191N1.1.111.0 EXTRACT' O:WANDA GRAPE PLLLS: Component l'arlo—Flaid .Eztraa Ilh barb and Flufd...gilrapt.Oatant - - ba (hap° Juice. •LlollLtvareeniiilatt Janalee, 131111ou Afficito stekar 4erroto, licsdache.Costlveness. etc. "on ly V ,cleta.'4o. annainprosp.lllsl:ars.Mlnerali or MN otinlosts ‘.• , • • • TWO in! a o tba most dellentrany plamett vitro. the, swats tiling cannon, salts. Moab, stet la nothing more acceptable to the stoutaelt. They this OM. au 4 seas Deaner =al* nor Rita palm Tay are composed of the tam& fp eats 'Altus few days' nu of teem. such so.twi lOU or the calm system takes ntaeenaio sp UP. iota Weak and enervated. whether =sing from proppudine* or dts. rise.- A. T.'llelmbuld's Plompound nun =rut Ca. lambs brays Pills arn not sugar =Wed. from the bet that sugar coated Plus do not dlssolro,lmt pass I trough the stomach without dlssorrins. consequently do not produce the desired effect. TIM CATAPPIIi GRAPH PILLS both e twatd 10 mete and odor, do not tem. stints limb barn:strips coated. raicznyn-czwrs PEIt BOX. .• .lIE.NRY T iI.EI.4IIBOLD'S 1110IIM -CONCENTRATED -COMPOUND'. FLU-11) E'XTRAIT - SARSAPARILLA Will indica,' extirmiiiie Awe the system 'Scrofula, Syphilis. - Feverßouth, Sore 11 Bro Som i tftcers. Sore Eyes. Sore Legs, Sure ucbitte. Skin Disease. Salt Rheum: canecrs. Mum nate= the Ear, White Swell ings. Tumate, Cancerous Affections. , Nodes, Rickety, Cesodular I , llgbt Sweats, UsehTetter, De mon orall kiwis. arcade linensatlasn, Drpellsdas and ail Mimi* then knob been estabWbodu s simonise:dor year*. Doing prepared expremil ha the abort complaints. Its hlood-parttyty -ropettles aro greater than any other preparatiou'of b y It gives the .plexlon a clear sod healthy color; and .reatores the pattebt to a m ate of health and petite. for purifying the blood. ra mming all ;brook. obtreltatlOnal dlrearea arlohlg from an Impure elate of the blood, and the only reliable and effecttull known remedy no the awe of plans and swell, leg of the bones. inentatlons of the throat and le;s. Illotchea. Pimples on the Peen, snralpolla and all ecoly erupttona of tha akin, mei !leant g the entnplezlon. Moo 111 50 per bottle. : . • • MIRY T. RELEIBOLD'S CONCENTRATED W.lsal4l. maz.tro,eit 311,11*.avimiu • TILE RIMS DirIIBRIC. Ban cured iireiy cum of Diabetes In which it has been even, irritation of the neck of the Bladder and Inflam mation of the Kidneys.. Ulceration of the Kidney. and Bladdri. Retention of Urine. Diseases of the Prostrate Stand, Stone to the Bladder. Calculus Gavel. Brick dml t i ' j elt m grin a r i derliTe ° c u L o artifultiti d s i i;r d b u gl e :;x s es ad . anon: ed with the following ympt , ms: Delleposition to ex ertion, lost of power. loss of memory. difficulty of breathing, week nerves. trembling. horror of dhow,. waken:dares, dimnas of vision, paha tn the hack. hot bands, flushing of the body. drynessof the skimeraption on the face. pallid countenance, cuirass! baltede of the mmenlar eyemm. etc. Used by perwns from the of eighteen to twenty flee, and from thirty-flee to Ofty.fire or in the decline or change of life; after confinement or labor pains; bed wetting In children. flrimboltre Bernet Dacha bi Diuretic and Moot. Fhp rifying. and aim all diereses azioinz from habits of dia. *Marlon and caresses ancilmprudeneen in life Imparllses of the blood. ote., 'omen:citing coPillbs to affraloas fat which It U nerd. and Syphilitic allectioue—ln these die reses used in eunntrtion ulth lielfabraer. MAP LADIES. In many erection* penalise 10 hale!. Ire Nutted Da. Blithe 1. unmanned by _any other remedy-4. In Chlorin; .1. or Deem:lon. Imrtilarltv.PehiltnowereePPr l Mico f custom., treenail/me. tncerated,Or Spblrgs state the Diem.. Lam:ad:ea or Whites. sterility. arid for all complaint, intideert,to !hexer. whetherati.ine from in. dlseretlon or habits of dimipentilli 11 is Prescribed ex. enevely by the moot eminent pbmilchine and midwives. for enfeebled and delicate anteltat.eas. of both urea and all arcs ottawdeinettlintly theaborp 4lstrales o sYMPEMIt rt. T.M.3IO4IIIIMITIVICT RllcnCr Cares as, ascs erten hens impradtwee. habitsof dle• ripatlon, cic.,ln all their stivis, at little expense. little or no chano dlckno inconrenlenee, and no exposure. taiuses•Treenentdestre, and gives strenigth to urinate. thereby r eel abstractions. Prerentind and easing strlcnues of the U reams, suayindpam and Indananation, ECI frequent In this 4,01 of disease, end expelling all pulsations matter. Thousands who hare breathe victims of Incompetent persongli and who hare paid beery foes to, be eared In a short time, him found they hare be e n deceived,andthat l the"poison" has . by the 040 " powerthl fin:nuts; been dried op In the system, to break out in a more rated form cad mE ;MOT 131.10. attee k , for all affee• lima and dlseasesoflbolitiaaryOntaas:whether existing In pinto or remale.frotti whatesar mese oriOnating, and no matter of how lad; standing. Flier, One Dollar and kitty Cents per Dottie. 11141illt T. 11ELDOIlT13 111 MOVE') jUla WASH, cannot to serPeased as a lines Wash; and anti bo found the only monde remedy in erayspecies of CuUmcous tArfeettom—eft,-,uptedity.reedkatcs- Pheplee, -lipota tlcrobtateDryneas,lnduratious of the Cutencoos Item. teams * ete,dlspels &tamer dindpientlngammation Hives: Rash, Moth Patches, Dryness of licana or akin: Frost Bin* end all purposes for whkh Sahib or Oh& meuts are faind; restores the Wu: to a Mato of purity and sonnets. , and barites continued healthy AU= to Ita Teasel', on which depends the =cable clecraeut and vivarity.of complexion sar rauen nought and - ad mired.. But boomer valuable as a remedy for egstbag &rods of the skin. U. T. mini'llang llattrYi . on lung mall nen ll•ldneltyle co w l'smunorlnbls ageiby possessing quail ett render Ito to ap pendage of the most, ilopertativa and cuagenlal there. wt., combining In en MeV= rSTIPOr. Dsuphient giites, earczy and cMcacy-"the leveriablo ittampani meats of (tease as a Preeervatlve and Itetresher of the; amattlegioll.' ben Mmileut Lotion fur am= of a aypfidide Nature, and as RD tpJettion for diseases of Um ninety 'Organs, arising from habits of elimination, i l i t ajoy .. ec i tAnzsith - t i lt l e u zxgs: i t 3 s ch ila=arr . pat I s catinitnelgrcithnot byt surpassed. Price. Una Dollar .rf!'.WHiF:.- • . • reljatrititrtatraragttretecry: Viva Ms re b inter thrttlahed on applleat 0 p , with hundred* of th an-. sands ol Helot witneasea, and upward of MAXI tuna IteitsdnertiassOncabld reeotionawistory letters, nun or trandi - nra from the bat noareatellneladlng nor. nantillyelcliins, clergymen, entterlati , dd. The pro brietor has Dent resorted to theta. the newspapers•, ha does pot dn from' be 11 ntlden Mot' as , SMAdad • Preparations,: dn Pv. , pippAd ti7M!gt!ltgi! • ~..-;:;:. , ii.Fit.iazi; ll : - ' -;:1',..! - Delivered fa any additirs. - &toils from ishsereldfsw. Established upward of Twenty Years. b Mar letter* fm.n oj, loa l fa cautdetit W3=ll' T. llTlMOtemr.a.vrtpoti. tend oat &par T. Drew andEsemical Warebouse. Wo ItEst roadirar. _VW xotk, va, a. T tisulauer/esitIKOYATFPas !I'M% tadel ar . EttlitiTt ' • BENV OP -Opid Alle tor T tustrtasn'at7utz- tp - oteAr,x J. A °PEAT mFamit iiittOttiot wzas.:4- VIREQ4II - 11 . rf • • Hundrcdscf ThOulaztEr...VA,i ,l In . , 15 Iftar trittlmoor ltofef: odder. Cal curative ISErtets., nit WHAT. "ARE' THEY? F:',l . 0 I. 0.1• yjj 1 '4.2 9 I - Rya 1.11 4. = gdi ft. . ivrt DPAttell—DRINIC:$g oaf rota' Iduci.Ariklatter, Troof Cubits cud Zabel. 'Liana= dostor.d,spbol at% les,tr surd to abort the tutu, 1 , 41:t1t •- fot:es,"- . 47F.1. 1 a . gror ..•,r,or.cdttrr IC, t te.a tt..c Eyftr.i. -cn to . dreatel=t4 41.-tl . I tan. but ate A trao tram bit If cf:itt ItsoiS Cita' MIS, frco from all Mincatter.l3. 1-I.:y axe tx3 BLOOD runtrmt and . ITINta per:..ot re:my:A:l . cul • Aaslyoraio'ref tuit tii - alow.eatt7l..7. off 41 vottor.otta Luta and Mimi= 11.5 tt.cd to c loetty ccafatlca. No pascal fastr.....i Lb= =At= 'r.ce,rf.tzg toditto. CM* and matt:atm% cm-01. - . *VA tafllb,e giv_ r ettfor..4 caic,irositted . thi banal gr , act- dam.) tar.cr.L pcitoi ether maul, =Mc v:til or,nlas - aatr.d 'to - and ;U.' .pobt atonal:. Ter halo myna ors and tie rOrlo )- -roan. Cm. a n d l a dl~uc: !aa. . Ittlldriss, nobbles* nod Int errnltteut ine?" plioraari of the Wood., /Xi enlitdorte, cud Irlouluee. mot 'littera lave. boct watt mum , tot. Bath • 1:118esse• ire cast -v.l Tiarued laden b g03cr.?117. trodneed etists,„ - ¢p;x.. WOO Illgr sitiv Orgams. wristirrats, "um ispicsertoxe Tura' .-schiNraa La cot s tia.lledx.ia of Chad, Inszbeas, tour Eragtatioe , Liltco Itactsclt. Dad tub In Out Monti, tuots saisti.s: - 11:4*•.taker' of the Caul. Lt.f. - amr..uttots Of too LunP• rah.ine. oaa „of too 134,717..t0d a huratiod ottxr fabtal , hintPtictukrre the otrintlr.us of Ortpopals. - y the Etcanottcntlethaalota thetor• • italloto and torwoe, witch rcof.cr thortof tutoststallat A Lleary eltaufag tho bloodoCatthopurttlts, 83d bapartbe nos Ufa and vlgBr to thirohnla system: . . YOUEttl3 ttllSE&Ste•rtnitlect.Tstter.r a n Zbecta.Dlotobs.ePtdiatneato.F c te del . Dora, c al. turooks.Gba.Woritts, Ecald-Uned, tare Erti.Etzttp. etas itch. Esolt, thodbraSors OXIXot Etta.tumoin thid Mica' ho• of be htta, of loader= buccal . nature, am Morally dug op and rarlud out of Ma getter 13 • short Cult Or the use of theso ratzera Ono bettla b each hues wr...lcourtnei Ihs tacit bcrodulosiot the/ sarialr• atreet. Chute the Vitiated Wood uhrocsor jon food Its hoporttles tossattag 1000th the thin 13 Thnelis. i,toni orderer; Oloanse Itorhta roe thid c el and sluggish u thO [drill OVUM I{ wnettlt It tn.': and roar Coding. vlll tell potaLon. 'Ecep Mattoon Tare and tbs tualth or 00 Mb= uttlihnow• PEund *Cur CFOU3ISB ,11ntinht tae 1 71 1" :° . „ofOar44F bon...tads, ctr.z:Vr4 . lly . do troy. abut Marna! 'For hal dlroutfaio; rgicoaroltry }i• - etrealnr. neinuA cash bad., urhdret in bur caaura—F.nalhh,,CaroUan;ynnotiafaC e p ar d ah. Stal.S.Ett. Troprhetar. r..n.NcDONALD 4 Co.. sad' Gra. Arent.. Elia tranares. Cal.. Cornmeraco Stmt. Tarr Tort. tr ALL nr:roaisTs xx.D Oct, 91-7 64PetC THIS MT, GENTIEMEN! 13aaaroolcia3. HORSE HAY FORKS! 4. S. NELIALS O PATENT IBLIMOYED. Twept r :Try §,toi Fail pro:dant, Awanledtble Tart In Fifteen Montbr-13Q and fish. IIELLI ORA A ;LE PULLET, pn kkitleniont. that Peery Futter, Carpenter, Nwp. sad Pslutes Shotaktltate. 3FievoZNMiza HORSE RAKES- . . . nozd Rae' , StrOgf, 8- 4 , !Ple! Galt/ Pale*. "'bon. (I cher Britetl)..lalpa, tS e . 4 Springs. ... Carriage Bolts. ie* Barr; (Steel glad Witcpssiterc CO MI ifs If ILI V' 411 Eat . . That. a..ways eyes in A AIII.WILIISTLE: when the Wee le Ready tai the T te e TRT ONE 42d rot will Lod the trod e Alwaye Right Arm Gliia - 3toier, fin. lfol' Flits; littrtw' muzipreoTql , sor! poawrs Einfirf V4I , LEY 1141POAD. tatith4cta447,;:lawufl°l thuLcbJgb t I pq lroai 2;. 4 •41. 1 1 a. m. pimma Mars 6.22 • 1t0 0.10 1.40 11.62 243 KM Ward 0, 11.0) 11.42 itt6 &V 12.70 Ada 6.20 Towanda 8.13 4.20 11.01 7.10 9.Z 4.4.1 6.2) 7 . Tunkbannock 900 njxr N116 6 9../ 0 6 7.1 .:, 1-18 7.10 110 7.15 6 • 43 ucb cbsni love p.l* 1.11 832 Alleaurin3... 9.44 9m. Bethlehem.. 0.10 8.50 8.60 sown. ~ 9. 00 0.2 0881 Iltlltde.)os.. 746 New 610 R *win Airq—neattrpsltT4. glptb—ltesd Down. . . , . . O 8 8 t OH psi finar Alm sultattrop scartir. . - • : . o'ply/4:gaol z • AUD TEM LIFE nos Ern= itrat ifiliAlr. ,nkri and after lierotember Ist the poitimagno is irotni ro sett giseds itrlctly forr.udl pll7 l ll ectAeraMl=:ca_,,,,TV.it , _Nou? „ 7; saltaligalois wavy kept la • ...unary Stare:_ Li. L. 'I.OTT.. Aalnitrp ypater, • i. • • •-, s" .114 i 1134 In. Bend setrisPaDy traits Insal-0.9*. stamp fur chscanz *.ligntWurall-Tentit . ..monials..,„Address 130x.15194 ACIF York • - • '*" gar"Z"No t To' 7N , * egol.cgrAutisy ottoetutesoetOvaurno. Katasaatiuftktalb 41:04PIspy.g tt••,: etho • ela erittirigatton,. .uueno. prspg‘nbrurrez•Par;• .1" - • AGENTSMANTEDIZSTe 4 7* titt wlth au Illn{tritlonsi, 11km:etas f rlemildsapi— tObtthilly. be 2 , ; • 4413*. and '7. IN -- ENCILISN:".ANI[y VrEIOcIAN;• .- . ' Kathie; liktf- - 11. • &rites ' amthetly.tal o nUi• not IstOa: ' It Is as Soerlopedla of tte 'OaTottlaaoh. Wet pages In *LIMO of tbouttahroi imp tr i a tho hoot OrtrtoO a cts eI:2P bp i . A Utz-. rfri4of t t ann 1 ts: ( m s epee! frArAitia ttz fiStit 1 tr e etVaty. - wdArrei.l6 -ca .1.1 nand lamas flaw - NEW WOULD PUBLISIIIING . co., Corm Tag ad Market Inrettl. - P11111124411. *C.. • • FOR SUE. - ••••-' T itE.ltoirEL-properti;,locitia. tbargLa rn ec=cL i a l igarVal lxiva N . 4,1v0s or Vou.blo Yazd - - P3r partl.eriartooldrpes or 001 l of; .C. 1111=11;' 093M0R U... woad& VOIKAWAMVA VALLEY .s ,Jstaxa.,%,wig-a2sr; Ckockr6o Oa.=,Qoi os dtkagit ESTAiIitISIM IN 1855,-•AUTHOILII22:I CAPITAL UN =NUL :-- n !moai . il*Bluff triasart ' ll. ital eader Bttttette.WilbeaS LbraL, 11) M . OIIT MOW 811 p)rg. CMIT. ISTEItESPALLOWEp Ijinakit , ‘_ • J4l - Deporits Paid 'oil teatatid Vrithori Noqu .E..ersonateeptaz eienuats wltb es eau dipeitt tad draw the tame es with arty ,etber bank. xt ead,oar caste % win be ereofttatedated wtthoat era charge of dine erexebseF,e. ,•• I.I3tITTAXOES t • For depoolt. from potato In Hill- courtry conTositot teN Vayrogl, rot bi - expes*. promptly aciinowledget toOlittoncis poymeut made Yr parteney or by ' All. Dra, forsOilsi , • • • -farts ~ of Sturopeo.7 . Conant= ttnid 6 011tioat other tbarge ems think. rota of rvitsuage. • , r • by Pel l ital eL TlCKET l ß ir. t: t ali=i ra parts ietropek Scranton, /tage.WZl,,lB4,—,sla. • WOOL•GROWERSTag' MOTIOE: *anti* 111.1. To rnontng u tistuil; mak I.lllng.lllllroolebetked .4E1;1.1'1114; *lair, cotton warp Illeunel. the' best ':erer' sande; , IPt 110414 tweeds and esti Immo. Margo let of 'clothe= for alp or to *zebrine for wool: rletfeZite loot 0611, before dtoporle.. Of your wool 'eltoob_ore. urn. lm miles north of Alanoee. , pnitcpte.4o2n•t.l.: •- , . TA143.0T a; STA3p,,, E=M GROCERIES & NOISINIS Floni,Sali, Butter, Pink. Lira, Sam, Salt Ptah, 2.14 Quidlu, Cr Lea. Meese, cam' Sptess; coke Hopis, Wee, DKed and Cann' Volt. .Tobeielio;: 'flnitit" .- • ' iv . i . 4cAl !Aber talltles usually kept to, a that clay Ono tad rrovislon . Store. Ne will mark onr Goods as low 'at to eta land, tot tell fca: cash, or =asap pc prudate;, .I%T/lON.iGE SOLICITED -TALBOT SUM!, Montrose, Sept. IEIFECUTOIFIV UOTIV;. - . 7 —WITERF.AS LETTIIRS .1:a Testamentary to the estate of Jodron Stone, We 4 Forest tat, totrushtp. deemoed., have bora granted to the subsceibers, all persons ladchtmt to said estate. artf requested to make Immeolete payment. sad those bat. to Malmo or demo :di ephot the estate of the laid de milesst;alll Orescat the mode without delay. .101191 BRADSHAW, WAEEMAN C:119,3 • 19 XCR JULIA BUTTERFIELD, 7 FREI/MUM HATT f GEORGE Fl. JOIINWN. JERE-111MS HOSFO • Yop.si Lesko,Atm 9,1371—M5. •. " .F. 9, 0211. • 009; 0043 Worth or Goo,ii" to itorifoi the' o opeth4 the Tell Tt-Sdinf 1870, in:a folkitosi' • general essortnieut of . _ _ _ „ . and Cti.C. Drcin, arid ranniglyil, and JrangiCi;o , P - ' • in : Katmai &twin, Mallon; Jbad t. ' cattai. %hawk' Ciinets. eadastut was, :and 11,0. &UM Lettlits mut GeVATursahardp # . 4*gtaxi7 - . fest. gfatt arurimrnlef Coal, Cars;lpuem, 4uutac Wiens, ,tc; dn.' • ' ' witli 4 general mu CO atGr ssortme4t Pan t awl Cc% 8c.),R4 - Shaoorfri; (twiaocr, Ilartiurare,Stoves, Iron, Ito.. thrultb 4 in , iuperior opportunity for selections,. an 4 will be - sold on 611.n:toll tiyorable terms, lry Mr.- 23 ewunto[Q.Fo!.X.o °PAL ISM 38 Zaiof • ;Mr ®vim =MI Bolts. Locks. Knobs. Vandsb,.. Ll.Fondc.. JOAN 0. TAlltriAtii , rgg , P,t o Or• EbelAlpe:es lean this noble flatly, eibbeettag the D. W.,Abe Este, aturthe LebtgbVella'tall ,rtsf. • - • Will-LB.V3VI4S Agilculpm4 Colleti t ,of Piump. Tms INsTrilY 4 ' 4 1 ` 1 ,‘qg re!;1'cll tht sPItMG TEAM 0F 7 24' *M*4,- . . , • On Friday,:r*Rn*lo, 1071.. Pcifget.:eal CiriAtk; Orttgogui'ind i?O4 formation; /Wrest; - T1108;11. BPlRROWlll,,Prealdni, • - - - Asnictiltntsteollege,P, • Jgq 30 t /07 0, -!ti: -• " CcutO Cgerr ':11/1001liaiGTOBL jnaii.),"MUMMT 1 aTil Voir: COO Acres: lartentioiate t titest 411. -a. iv- sattalczu-sa stsai,-, t Stotla,Low NOP. Woukt tat .know what.. w i Waeta Prat - trtudih - tvezirrteolvts, p:Ots, grafts. *mai ne t plaits,- pp:rued. twit ,EVt?potoots, shruut" ___ rem* otos and gkell_ell plant#go.. de. PLOWLI 6 I I .! VEGMIiWi6=S 1 CLOW. 000 collectlan—aartsaad qualtY• Wad IS) a:attn.:kw. Illustrated Pat:WM 1 catatrue-40 pig*: send stamp. each far *WV of Ott, wittt - gastri MOW Gorden qaatt —32 pages," ki,== g a l l.f l l,4l . pagati Mbireall Y. IC. PIICENIX, Illobiangtoo;Mol . •C of We the incloihre or the 80 or, in Forest Leke. ow or Our; tho day of-Zr - WM two ewes, and marked with.riat Wats:dee 11 =tar, - •.dn}. t rqu - PruTinit Pr.grwil stAa . semi tole Oro away. • . Foratt4th.tePLOOßlL-31r. • • - % " Agerets: , Read , Thil - 19 1 11:Vvtg.' v d'ZI;f4.tarMing ...won to ,ell °tumor, sot waterftt tigal # l 4r. P 7 l :"i C Q' • IMIWARTIP LI ar blot sod alit, 216Thastleramo. Very Inge aseettmaxt. Ineladint mit varlet! elev.= Dem and nigJ nal *dom. • T. B. &TIMM?. &Ca, CAS Rut h mom. bet. 35th- and =lt Strette.— New York. A0g.3,13.A2 - ~. •.. COURT norm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers