The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 06, 1872, Image 2

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    ffihi ggebtrot genwant.-
3. Ti.-13A.W-LET. 1)1TOrt.
330XTat . i. 1•11311414 t
• wratarsesniiirt lUIICu e. 3812.
• We would Mirka a correction in our
statement, as to the Representative, that
engineered the "Legal Association" Pill
thrist*.(Wegislatate : being Col: Bur.
nit..40.411010- 0 19Scr-s-lAmingion , . mu-
OrttthsVlKßtiriitt. - Mari elected in 1867..
but fake,his seat until JOIL;l8 , 68,
4 1 4 WR , = was passed - in April -1867, at
`which time; cameron, of- &ire-
Emma Depot , vms.-onr RepubliCan" Itepre
rseitative.- Moutrose has a sufficient
hUiribe,r: . Of sins , both of omission
and commiSsioi,in,thityes of. the peo
ple of‘the4aStiiis trict,":-iviOtont the
locd ipilimtion Of this infamy. It was
imontragir tho lawyers of 31ontrose to
birt it was a greater outrage fur
the BETrelentatire of ilMpeople to get it
passed. What the. considerutioris were
that secirridibis action;those interested
tell, we cannot. The people of
RusquOurrna/ma,plainly see that ill DM
crirckulipsiks doesmot exist. in _Montrose.
We are more particular to make 'this ei
planatioriat this time, for the reason that
Cot r i3nrritt is not a resident Of the con nly
now, hence cannot defend, and further
more we *onld not '"knorviOgly misrepre
sent the actions of any man, eitherDem
oerit or Republican.
atraitstal bat
- not Etoodtent."
• We bate .
another "curiosity" in the
Montrose Republican this week, and we
rrughtivith proprieti, judging from , his
s.tions, start the inqiiiry, "Is he hu
• Elan I I ". for, our,,exiosure having taking
ifie wind all out of his and the, editors
"Li Rh= investigation," he now endear-
ore la !et himself down from his high
perch ty . is,,sertingiliat Dr. I.ainhert, who
wrotethe.!'ls the Negro Unman 1" was I
"crazy." This is evidently true, for no 1
cane man ever could be an abolitionist.
This however is a bad admission for 4Curi
tisitf shd the editor of the Republican to
make, as it fully corroborates the opin.
ion of all who have seen their effusions of
This curiosity seems to be very sor•
ry that his stratagem has been exposed,
aid het says i'slionld have -given it no im
portance," * if he bad known what.the DE3I
°MAT mar going to say about it. We
th'oughl at the time it was a very poor
"strike." But there seems to be,another
thing that bothers this intestigator. Ile
flies off in a tangent of forf,becanse he says
that after the Radicals have made it
"lawful"'for negroes to vote 'they won't
all of totem be "expedient," but they will
vote for Democracy and the miserable
pro-slavery Democrats will let therd. Now
we can see trot ono remedy for this, and
'that is t,liat. theeditor of the Republkan
and bis totiriosify, 4 shall apply to -Con
grebi and get these negroes patented, hav
ing, the exclusive right to vote, marry and
kiss tittem;with a heavy penalty for any
Democratic infringement. As long as
the'Radical rulers have placed this power
in the hands of the :negroes, it will be
likrial for them to vote as they please, if
it should not be expedient, unless they
are patented. Wouldn't it be well to have
Grant pattntecl at -the same time? We
do notthitit the editor or his "curiosity"
neetlget patented, for there is a certain'
dart that protects them already.
The Tbunder.Gone.
611 of the talented thunder in the Dlont
roee bore such wiumis
takdble evidence of Horace Greeley's "ear
marks" seems to hare vanished of late i since
rougeS.have parted company.. It seems
toms very ungrateful, as well a 3 ludicrous,
to see - these two editors now arrayed in
mortal combat. It has ever been the prao-;
train -our courts to allow a Confederate
in crime to "turn states evidence" against
his associates and esempt, him from pen
alties, as a means to bring them to justice
and it is the same legitimate province for
the people*jskacc,ept the.tatie eridence - to
sec* the punishment 'ola "ring" of Mil
itaoespois, and corrupt
. lerrants who
two .plotting , against their "inalienable
righth 'which are: life, liberty and the inn-
init "of 'happiness," and there is no one
more competint to do this than Horace
Greeley.: "
_The editoi of the. Republican-,
ihobattalways thown„hitriself to be very
obedient tobis-usuperiorsP is still under
the mililaryban of the Griint dynasty,and
we find - him oensistent iq one , tbizr;-=-in'
adopting "expediency". talbe exclusion of
law and justiec--andlf!that makes him a
miaf,tben ttaly leo* Mr,preeley hai
mitnireteed motel extensive knowledge
of . 'Urfa History" than our neighbor,
and sees clearly that "the wicked stand on
klipm places" and peis determined to
ediVeint.. r4 Lbig! 'is :it nqiiestiOnhtly "4w
itty," lint the "expediency" tor Perpetuat
ing thalease ot.power of iladiod plunder
an is °What's the matter' with Grant arid
his minions. Mr. Omeley hal a better
tbe title et- a itaalio “sanr
tbStn our rielgbber on one account, fur Le
inieleisee greater talent, if dot bonerty, and
he has long been .ort:the road—not to
nßennuaone but to !nshingtori—in his
, pei*et ., of true men; endues all things
tionsible, he May have had a light bun;
which causes fepoweLip,
and detntleverCtlasa he' - has persecute/
Mk:declining years -could- be silent, we
tbintrisith 'profitrin - :eidin - g' to histroY
teltrathe litetinnti false gods which be
hafitiV4 totet.uplefeinAtipe4lea; and
then) to norsbilk•
theT 941 4054 . 41400.iie ttki editor
Are ktige4 tq tbeir
ta c a,fkrguit,aud: tbo
le teto let them alone; and tre'hOpra
• The Wrong Oa Gored.
tldta Znriort:-.The last number of the
I Independent Repalleenr, contains an ar.,.
`4 . lcle front its., , Tunkhannack correspond
entoilichh cOmingl:roin re - puhlierai
inure than amusing. ' The vvriter oocti,
rata half wceltituti, to that ChOes
Sumiser, Ili3nee, Greeley; and Carl
Schutz, arc the very worst men_in or out
of the republican party. .
.I do not .propose to quarrel with the
writer upon that subject, in fact it would
tie strange ifmen, who had followedrtbe
fortuntaiof the Republican , vaiti, os long
as thosdinerrhave, should not be fully np to
the average of badmen. is bat Piet,
hthreVer,lhat Mk . foliates , cause
gotta; should state 'candidly :the. 'MUSen
why, be should cap : halt.. -It these - men
have been false to their party phitforni,
state wherein;and give prixif of the hut
Ai theYartip,nblic . this of course
carild,bieasiTY dttie, . 4 T." having fitted
to do this; with your permission, I 'will
give the only masons, so far as I know,
Why these' risen were . mad out of lho
Carl Schurz protested with both force
and, effect, that the. Administration at
Washington should not interfere with
the local ears of his State, against the
laishesed the people. This was his 'of
fence, no more. • -
Charlea Sumner protested. that Grant,
should notetra/ San Domingoi and. divide
it up among his family and military
in revolution.of every principle of hon
esty and international law. From that
time he became a. very corrupt man in
the eyes of administration men through
the country:
lloraci Greeley has been" is everisoaci
knoive, the great biglt,priest of the Ile.-
publican party. When he took stinff,
the party felt bound to Sneeze. In some
Sections - I am told; republicans considered
ao oath atlnainistered ou the Tribune, as
more binding than ou the Bible. how
this may be i do not knew. but we' all
know he was their Prophet, Prieit and
Shag, and ,l have no doubt there was
more republican families .in the Country
without Bibles than Tribunes. What
brought the change? The Tribune 'be
came satisfied, that the present man
agers-of the Republican patty were cor
rupt. Greeley thought they stole, and he
said so. When the Tammany ring was
charged with robbing the city Greeley
said yes, but that Murphy and the Cus
tom Muse ring, had and were stealing
more than Tammany had a chance to
steal, and of the two were most corrupt
Ile did not stop at one exposure but made I
a hundred, as be said; to drive the money
changers out of the Republican temple.
A. committee of "loyalists" came on to
New York City to investigat e these
charges'and found one of Grant's staff
hadtor months, been receivium ° pay on
the President's Muster Roll in Washing
ton; and at the =me time was in New
York City. interested iu and having
charge of the General Order business,
and that the situation was obtained by
him 'upon a letter'of recommendation of
*the President. Now this would have becu
all right if it hid not. been found out, and it
probably would not have been made 'pub
lie only for Greeley, and of course, any
man was ti traitor to his party, who would
expose its corruption. The truth was, the
corruption> of the Republican party, had
became too great for even Horace Greeley
to endure them longer, and he exposes
them, hoping to purge, and thereby save
his party. What was the result? Every
pin in the party, that. had office, and ev
ery man who hoped to get an office if
Grant was elected, suddenly found out
that Ilorace Greeley was an old fogy,
and old fossil, a political knave, and a
fool, and all because he charges the pres-,
ent republican managers with being so
many thieves, and proves it. Vaterras. -
A Photograph of "His Eseeftenep.w
Senator Sumner hasgiren to a-friend a
very correct statement of the character
of President Grant. - * Chicago paper's
Washington correspondent
..,says Mr.
Brown, of the inctependent, visited Wash
ington to see • how thing, stood, and
sought an Interview with the 3lissischti-
Bettis Senator. asked Mr, Sumner if
he would not rote for Grant in case ho
should be renominated. "No," said. the
Senator," I will not vote for him." "Why
not ?" " I ern satisfied," said Mr. Sumner,
"that Grant is a dishonest . That is
sufficient: to jastify me in saying most
poitirely I cannot and shall not support
him. For other reasons ho is unfit to be
President of the United States.' does
not possess- the necessary t.a . pricity., - , Ile is
ignorant el the details ef civil -govern - -
ment, and does net manifest a disposition
to.learn then". Ire 13 renal, ainbitions,
vulgar in his' habitii, 'und possesses a cun
ning, which is lore anddegged.. lie has a
strong will, but it is never. controlled _by
reason, hence lie beconfeir perrerse,: and
the inan when lie shOuld be most yielding i
andgentlerainly, is most 'obstinate and '
unmanly: - Such a man unfit, he
President of theddnited States, and most
unfit ta be the candidata of the republi.
On party.- 111 ought not to bo niniairia= ;
tedjby that party, and shall not be if I I
Can help _lcannot honorably. support ,
a paityl.6t will sustain such man."
To the further enquiry, . 4 S - oppose the
bonventieashOuld place your etilleigne,
lar:Wilsot; on - the - ticket' pith - trant;; l !
tvfiat wei 11 4..../WW -4 /W thak — eaier.
would oppose ff."- was the
_prompt . .re
spouse of Dlr &miner. - Mr:Brown - then
questioned the = senator upon the'lirrinibfi
ity of the riiiminatiOnor,gt.c4rB4.4; , i3a
Mr. Sunnier 'paid. :stippn.4:-Mr;
Colfax...or- any:. ether good. republican
11,1'0 P:44der Conkringnad' the : -- in*fit ,
4901 0:4 46 ' 404104161i:Ate14
nu toil -
One of the snail - stinging blows Which
has peen delivered to the great °thee hull
ter and gift ?raker;Grati for along time,
is',Judgc•Divis' acceptinCo of the ticani
natkiti tehdered him bfthe Labor Riiform
Convention; Judge liavis says :
To E. N.' Chambirlin,Wairdent Aitfienat
Labor 11<form.
Be pleased to .thank the Convention
for the unexpected honor.they have• con•
ferred upon nie. The Chief Magistracy,
of the Republic:should neither be•sotiglit
or:declined by_.ais American citizen. •
(Sighed.}; ])earn Davis.
- That tiffs, the Gift_ Taker plump he
tiveen the eyes; •Sineelis whole tinie• has
beeti pat - in since his inauguration
takitTpresents, junketiing at thn . sea
Side and Seeking for a, re-election. But
Grant and Davis aill'never agree on !this
'paint The latter thinks that office should
not he sought fai, the forimet 'thinks that
officeieeking is the aim of man.
g.>•,±3ir. Fitch, introdPeed a hill into
the Senate,. last week, entitled an Act to
authorise the supervisors of New Milford
township, Susquehanna connty, , to• levy
and collect a tax for toiriaibir . purpops,
etc., it was placed Bib "bands ;Of the
Judiciary local committee. . •
Judge Day.s.whose uamtr, 4seCiat
ed with that of Governor Parßer, of New
Jersey, has been presented WI the.people
of 'the United States as",4t fit . ocattpant of
the White Honk, voted for the following
resolutions in 1838. They are -indicative
of bie views on the question - of the tights
possessed by the states cad Federal govern
ment '"Resolved, That in' the adoption
of the Federal Constitution, thei States,
adopting the same, acted, severally,as free,
independent,and sovereign States,and that
each for itself, by its dwn Voluntary as
sent, entered the Union•with the View to
its increased security against all dangers,
domestic as well as foreign, and the more
perfect and secure enjoyment of its,advan
tage:s, natural, political 'and Eogial. Re
solved, That in delegating a portion of
their powers to be esereised by the Feder"- i
al government, the States retained, sever-1
tply, the exchisive and Ole right over their
own domestic institatiOns and r pelire, to
the full extent to which these powers
were not thus delegated, and are alone re
sponsible for them; and that any inter
meddling of any one or more States, or a
combination of citizens, with the domes
tic institutions and police of thd others,
on any ground—political, moral or religi
ous—or.: under any pretext or sub
version; is not warranted by the Constith
tion, tending fo endanger the cluiriestic
peace and tranquility el the States inter
fered With, subversive of the objects fur
which the Constitution was formed, and,
by necessary cousetpienee, tending to
weaken and destroy the Union itiedf.'
A Dungeon tbr Sahara and Sumner.
- CONDITION AS 1714 T. • '•
From the Speech of Eton. Carl Schurz.]
Ali! sir, it is a gloriOus spectaCle. Hero
stand two American senators, not entire
ly unknown to the countrn whose record
is not entirely devoid Of, patriotism and
services and whose euliraim is to investi
gate the abuses and thTe violation of laws
and have them punished. Those senators
aramet here by 'ono of the spokesmen
of the administration,flourishiug a stat
rite in his - band, threatening them with
bas and imprisonment.:
Lot it be known. in • every nook and
corner that he who is earnest in setting
his face against those in" power and who
boldly seeks to detect'.fraud and , punish
violations of lair is aMfronted by the pow
era that be with the prospect of the dungeon.
Why,.sir, 1 did not know that the ridmin
istration was in such p desperate condi
tion as that. They ate developing very)
fast. How long will it be until you Can
not even-get up testimony against Lent
and Stocking, the knights of the general
order, without having L some Etaute - dug
thatu ill fine and imprison you for it.
[[Laughter.) • But ifi the -senator Irvin
New York thinks that he-can in this way
strike fear-into mgg sold he will soon find
that he is - great!?rnistaktm: On the
path of duty that 111(tve walked 1• have
seen men fat more "datigeroui than he is,
and before a thousand of them:rhy. heart
will not quail., No 8 . 4., I will vote for his
amendment; cote fo r with all the scorn
which it desdres.• i •
[From the Ohth Statesman.]
The National Labor Beforin Conven
tion yesterday concluded its - labors, by
adoptirig.a platform hf principles, nomi
nating candidates foi President and Vice
President, and then adjourning subject to
the call of the executire committee. When
the convention first met there was au evi•
dent inclination to ridicule its pretensions,
but now that the deli tea have perform
ed their duties u-e find the; diapesition to
sneer has pasted entirely awny, and that
the work they have, done,and the. manner
of doing it, challenges the respect of . all
domes of citizens. Although the conven
tion was not large in point of numbers,
it is claimed that thditahor inoementrep:
reseiits.not less thad 100,000 voters, tiro
thirds. of Whom are organized into associa
lions add labor onions: .The Untidier of
states represented it the convention eras
eighteen, including;-tire; Mott populous
iortitins of the Union.
- : The platfor.n, ou thiawit6l question 4
belie% a -close 'resemblance to thatadopted
by the Chit) deniedracy at their aoaren.
tion in June last, and . svlachWas elaborat
ed in the epeccheePor, General Thoulas
Ewing, during thercanras that followed.
i t
It 'favors the abolition f the "national
banki,atul the Waif by the government
of a notional curreacy, il etnlian,lnbleitt
theoption of the holder foi-gotcniment
bonds hearing 3.6ls ; per: n erit.' interest. l --
Thetsational-debt,!it Itt insiSteAlshOuld
be paid lib . OA faith; as:vim:ling to AO' br-
I igiugllcontrant.v' , ll'azation; or national
handsils hedosed:- Tile Eerie rzloliitionis
zi temarkablY.trude piece isf 'poplikeitimi t
undleens toward the priiteetioti Fintobt; - ,
- : Davis -arta;ParkOrF 'AlUitida of the
Supreme Court ottlte I:Tnited Stites and.
a•governot of •the_iititte et Xewjeney—
the list a. liberel republic:in • knii int icrbe
strongly -opposed til • the itsifpationa' til4
borrttpthms of tbeleitut , Lidmirattra — tiiii;
atiCthe' bther 1041#tridetet:::"of-ine4ehtt
1 7 ;e:WfAitt ;fi - evet, , *:4ll - 4e, 0 ithe> ,, ipikt.:' a
•dem -iiit4.suell is thetici, - tbt of thelabose
reformers. - •
took I) . 3:Surprise, and'lhere
good„ nary p . roinineht inett.lrom
all.Parti;Of thastata tir COliiintiiiitYrelit
dayi: but; neither iailicatoedem
crat Was' beard liiirwordfor,ridicule as to
thenctionof-thi,conventfon,- . It was con - -
cedekpirfall liaials-to be - rtuexpectedly
wise uud - expedient, especially as these
very names have been coupled in many
men's minds as-theyr-obable candidates of
the mfortatepuldicausiond possibly of the
I .
_From tathilitigosinite.l : 1 ,,,
The nomination , f)aviSt
of Illinois, for ,President, by t6;ntitiMial
labor,'oll liAtf'l4.,a.Y, is
the most ,imp.4tunt event 'that has
in the presidential elingiajgn of
the_ present year. - ..lts initiertaiice is due
not vnly riot that it, is the tictioe
Ji Party:PesSeisini very eoptid
-enable; Popnlor - strength, but also, te Tits.
'popiilar.coosequeheis.; It Is one of Many
evidences' that tiM'Absi;rtahle of it Span ta.
'neonSfeelingAhron i ttlitit 'the colintry .
foor.of 'the selection of. some .able: and
eminent Citizen end - Mi.: elevation to the
presitieney by the to ! operatiug support of
all . the 'people, who fatild'guard the 'eon it
"try agatust another - term of calamitotis,
- corruption . ancrtnisritle.,The htbOr refOriri•
era hayesuggedted, iii the persatid Judge
fiavis;sucii a candidale,.a gentleman pos
sessin,g- thb. ta ti ts, acqu trei ta - atiit per
sonal character to restorelhat . .d . l ,4 iiity to
the otlke of 'chief 'magistrate — the'lnss,ol
which has been a'sationat
and one who is peculiarly fitted:to. unite
the strength of all parties, who are oppos
ed to the present-administration. •Thev
are to be congratulated upon their excel
lent and most judicious sclentioiVrind• es
pecially upon' having placed themselves
in a position' where,, in. advaucing their
own canes., they tuay• also advance a cause
that is corninon to all patriotic awl' right
minded citizens of the . republic. •
ra, New Dog Law.
SECTION 1. Its it enacted- by: the Senate
and Nouse of Representatives of -ihe
ConnnOntrealtla. of , Pennsylvania .
General .Assembly met, and it is hereby
enacted by the authority of the same,
ThatTrom and after the passage of--this
act it shall. be the .duty of the commis
sioners of the county- of: Susquehanna,
and they are hereby •reqnired, to cause an
accurate return to.:be:•taket by the asses
sors of the respective 4orunghs and tuan
ships within - said cannty, annually, of. all
dogs owned otpossessed hy any periffin or
persons wiffid tairaugh .
or townships, particularly noting the
number owned or possessed by each . per
son, or kept about• Any • ono • house.; and
whewsaid comruissithiera shall have so
ascertained the number of dogsaforesaid,
and aftertheholdiug of the courts of up
peut in said countyi•they shall cause the
saideerrected aseessmeut to be duly cer
tified to the aupertisors of the respective
townships, and :the proper . borough
authorities in the respective boroughs, of
said eonoty, annually, at or before the
ime of certifying, or. furnishing said
township and borough authorities the last ,
adjusted assessment for the purpose of
levying township and. borotigh taxes as I
now .provided by the law • and the said,
township and harough officers, respective
ly, shall levy and cause colleeted,ty
the collectors of the county taxes, main
ally, from any persoa or persons owning
or possessing one dug, one dollar, and for
every additional deg kept about the . satue
house.or promisee: tore, dollar and . fifty
cents, in the same manner as the county
rates and levies are- collected; and •said
collectors shallpay the sums so - yilleeted
to theproper township or borough tress
user, and five per centum of the same
shall be allowed to said collectors as col
lection fees; and it shall be the duty) of
the 'borough and township treasurers to
keen . svarate accounts of the money
arising tram the tax •on doge, and the
said money shall. be and is hereby appro. '
priated as a fund for remunerating the
inhabitants of said county for 'any loss
they shall sustain after the pas.rage
this act by sheep being destroyed- .or in
jured by ;logs. •
ISsuriox 2. That every dog le'pt or
staying about any premises, shell be deem
ed sufficient 'evidence , of ownership to
anthorizethe assessor to return...the per
son inhabiting said house or Promises as
the owner or.posseor..of such dog; and
every dog not retuiried ;ellen .be deemed
to owner„., and !May be lawfully
killed by any person seeing him running
at large.
SECTION 3. That'ailien any inhabitant
of any township or_itineough . of thetonw
ty "aforesaid shall have any sheep destroy.
ed or injured by a dog-. or. dogs, he may
make complaint by affidavit tiled to one
of the' justiees, of the peace of his or • her
township or borough,-who shall thereup%
on- appoint three disinterested persons
appraisers, who are hereby. authorized
and required to view- and-ascertain the
amount- of damages , 'sustained by • the
owner of the sheep so destroyed or injur
ed, and who' shall. have full power.: and
authority to cxamine upon oath. or 'affir:-
maticurto be by them administered any
persons who may appear before- theistas
witnesses relativelo said damages; having
first given notice of the time and placeof
said hearing to one or More of.the super-
Visors of said township, onto' , the proper
borough authorities of anyborough,• as
I the ease may be; and when the staid.,ap,:
praisers shall have us.certainedthelegality
I uf the claim cartl - thedamagsgio_ans . ' rain. l
ed, they Shall cettifyllii,Satins 'writing
to the „stipervisors said . 'tjawriship„
the proper borough nothorities;; respec
tirely, Who shall'Ortsw wffrant upon, the
treasurer of the toirtiship . or . borotig for
the amount found and certified, - .,t0 be
paideut Of the. , n d ;arising tronf; the
appraite:yo r thal(not so . ariy.chan, - ..thak
certifieate daninges, titt afore:Said:in any
calk , iif.Whieli their opinion thersihtill be
sufficient: proof to" . ..chirgelibb - Solvent
/inner 'or owner 4 of , tool:: dogs with such
damages;utitirtiftSi'snit-ibult litiya, been
brought;' triSd,, : artil„jndgment therein
rendered. againsethe . 'plattitiff.
Sicittitr4:ln.all.eases - afteni - g . - „no l aq
this net tke,4o - appraisers shalt :,1444iFe
>vbeilicr; the' - ,olAnwit,'l4::4atrukgea, as
ntoidthid on:qt;f*.eps; . possesses maj
iing,: : onsloke; Ivbethei same Was
the ;,afore#l4,. skttiOcate ' thq nkninty
cortiintisionels to ftio inipolifors At t iv b e
the - iiiclericei - '464:i f .;W:APPear', that:the
ptrnerbr,omtn '
Any:such flognr dO„"dtt
did not ittako a trlttii•etura: thcit i Oh,
owner or-.goners
aliall:sot bc-entitled•to sr crivesny .dutiia.
get tad this:vet, :nil -ia: itictl i ciAO,;it
tihnlr.ot. IrtordrizY to
Ivelto :400794 - ,—Klail: it
-licep.;or . permit to he kept, or 'to '
about • his or- her premises, any dog lior
dogsinot duly returned ,to the proper ins-4
tia'll.Pers(!ltAft persenteshall forfeitl
ail(' be liable tetpiy . the tunviit live 0)'
dollars, reco*eroble in the belie !of
commonweidth. before d jostle° of Ihe
peacii,as debts of like autputitire: by„Taw:
recoverable;: one-half' thereef.tolie paid`
to the informer, ana the otheibalf to be
paid to the treasurer of the township, or
borough, to be credited to aforesaid ac
conut of dog tames,
• . ::SECrriol44. 'That found or von
.enclosure,witere sheeparojtept
Within iiild'eoiiiify,7ithoht_ his owner or
other persoit;having.lrful:Charge of him,
,said 5,.. appraisers; shall
receive one dollar each, and the justice of
the peace fifty cents,.for services in each,
case in which they shall serve us aforesaid
ansinunider this.actilo be paid froin'the
.;% •,
And , funds. now in; the
hands. of the, , .treastircr..Al :said county
arising from taxesffin dogs,. , sball
plied to. the payment of damages' now •oh
tile in ,the commiSsoners',: office ,of• :said
countYkin the order in. which Said Claims
were illedoein the proper Warrant .of ;.the
said.commissioners; and 'any certificates'
of such.damagei thereafter. remainingin
the bands of. the. commissioners of imid
:cooutyand unpaid, shall be handed.over to
the.sopervizors or proper harotigh author
•i actor , the respective boroughs and town
ships in which 1 the same originated,. to
take effect and be paid in. the ElllllO order
and manner asif . the same hail been duly
found and filed. tinder this net. 1- ;
SECTION 8. If : at any time-the funcLac
crued from :taxes on dogS:as hercinbefore
provided. shOuld exceed the amonnttldent
ed necessary. to curry.oub The purposes:aaf
this act, the supervisors of, totru.ships and
the proper. horongh authorities shallordbr
so muck of said fund as they may deem
properto be paid over. to the.treasurbe of
the school funds of the respective district,
borough, or township wherein the .same
was : collected, to be.:used fur common
school purposesuud 'accounted for hi/ike
manner according to law.
SECTION 9.. Dogs .in said County:Jary
hereby declared to he personal propertv.-.
,SEcTioN 10, The, sit pervisors ' and :bor
ough authorities aforesaid shall have au
thority to make such eyonerations to said
Collectors as they shall . deem, just and
&mos 11, The 'assessment :or aseer
' tainment of tbe.uumber-of dogs . -in• said
conitly already made. and reaned to the
office of the commissioners of saidlcoun
ty for the year one thousand. eight hun
dred and seventy-two, under. the first sec-
Lion of the act of .....April eight one thous
and eight hundred and sixtptimeutitled
"An Act for the, protection of sheep in
certain counties," shall be certified. and
returned by ,said commissioners to the
township and borough officers, respective
ly, according to the: provisions of this
act ; and all such parts and 'portions of
said acts and its suppletnents as arc alter
ed and supplied, - arc ,repealed,. so far
the same relate, to
,tlic 'punts. of Susque
. V.ELLtorr,
Spi.aher of the. Hope
JAS. S. RUT .1 X, •
. .
' . :tealiet of, the ; Senate.
APPROVF.D the fifteendi dny of :Februa
ry, Anno Domini, one thousand eight
hundred and seventy-two.
CONGICESSIONA If. sun ra in.
SESATE, Feb, 25.—Mr. Conkling offer
ed a resolution calling upon the President
for information relative to recommerla
lions to office madd: by the SM:ators from '
New York, Missouri; Illinois and Neit.
brash. At Senatcir Sawyer's suggestion,
South Carolina. Was inchtiled. 31i.;',1`ipton
wished to amend, so as to include' all the
States, but Mr. Colliding would not "ea : -
cept the amendment. Mr. Trutabull de"-
pounced such "reSolntions as the pro
ductions of sneaks; who went :truing the
-Departments trying to nenertitin • what
Senators were doing. Mr. Morton replied
at some length to Mr. Trmnbull, bat the
morning bonr Cspiring, thci resolution
went over.- Mr. Nye then - took: the floor
on the Administration side; on Simmer's
Sale of Arms -resolution. Mr. Freling
-Imysen followed on the same •Side. - "At
2:4o,,without reaching a Tote, thtt , Senate
Iforsa.—ln the House, after the call of
the States,the Supplementary Civil Rights
bill . came up, but dilatory 'motions pre
vented any action until the espirdtiOuof
the morning limn, when it' vvent - pver. A
large number of bills - for the., removal - of
political disabildicia werernt the sugges
tion of the Speaker, included in one bill,
and it svas-then patted t' 'also;ts Senate bill
removing political ditabilitiea from 3,624
tersons. Mr. Brooks, front tho Commit!.
tee - on Ways and , Means, reported: a bill;
repealing the stamp tax on packagetitef
jellies, mustard; stances, pained and
served fruits, vegetables; and `meats, et:,
as enumerated in- scc:dule C. of- the inter
nal Revenue act. Passed under suspen
sion of the rules. - 'A bill passed authoriz
ing the introduction of Alte'study of Ge
man tat'West Point.' 'A resolution- mt.
adopted !fitstrricting' the Committee on
Expenditure's in: tho War:Department; to
inquire into tho sale of arms te'rraiea. l
Mr: Cot Moved' td suspend the roles nna
adopt sr-resolution instructing the'Coml
mittee on Ways and . '.lfeaus to' report a'
bill reducing the duty on pig 'run ;'reject-
ed-1•74 to 09.::A hill passed extending the
UM° for the ;completion of the - rOrta t tr
Lake arid, lake Superior three
o'clock the lionsa;recutinto Committee of
the Whole on the Deficieney;hill,;;Which
appropriates 80,250.000; 'Mr. Gerfiehl ex
plained the bill. :Without disposing cif it,
thallium° at 4:;10 - p. tu. adjUuroired:
'BErratc.;--Fobruary27.;-';-The hill !hi the
trliet ;of•thel Chicago 'Postniaster 'Tire
vassal; also,. a 14,1 to admit; free of duty,
photog.rephs; paintings end statuary", im !
ported for exhibition derilig theYnestarx
months.. liftv. Conkliite, s' • resol ution - ;'rie!
rinestingjhci, Presideht,lci qenil to' the.
Senate's statement; "of the •reethanfentli
tions_fornppeintrieents hiade
tortbf Netv IlissOuri;.ltre!
_Soutli'Carolirin; - Was-debated
until are expiration"Ot the inornitig . heria,
when it went oVer and the res_oulutteril6
ingnife ittio'lliaiailea of arras Ito Filnqo
&Me utr."''llessris.'"Wrightaird: West itd~
dressed .the Renate neintist-tlieleSolatiini.
Schurz follotreent reply to ., MrArie:
linghtilseti:-. At 5:35, Wittioutlctionithr
Senate - claim:trued. - '7
ea 'ootaitittitiag,S.hrecepori, ',Louisiana, a
poreoftelivery:' The - FlOttsc• reftiA
pass $ bill,authoriaing oflictera of Nattirs=
n 1 ~anJcs to wholii , cousiterfOti altered; or
' ltrditt4 States "or
Daxili:atitet re -, represqatedi to at t #4o
theatitstieli.---ThoMotnie :them pr .
1 .4 j (?. 4100,ge crtialpifats Ott ThapeA.lties
lithlt4NThe Senate' bill j• extending the
time for t , tlie, completion of the Green
pay Midi Stu rgeon. Bay and' Lake. Mehl
.gan Ship Canals, was poised. -Tlfe.Pea
ate bill tettingTapart the Yellow.-Stone
Valley, in .31ontlinti f as a; National , Parlc,
''Fos explained and pas At half:past
two the louse .went into' Cbmmittee .of
the Witoli,nn the Deficiency bill.
clause repetrhig, the law for the publica
tion of the Stetutrs in 'newspapers, was
stricken, out as being independent legisla
tion. After getting through half_ the hill
the committee rose, and
—Puoonr..w i oxt4llE,TAVi3LlPTlOrr.—=N
light: dawita uyiiii',the World with . the
- in t : - Ittprens
twelie'YearsVe:' • 'lirastiePiirgaticrn went
out—rusteration,i4Tia - iepqv#ti.op came in.
The eyes peOi3la. were opene,d to the:
fact that, th0,Way,. , ,t0.'.: cure =disease!. is --to
sttengtheffnird itipport ' ! its' 'victims,. , not
to place lierii - a . .it r s - ,iperey:` ; 'hy "depriving,
thern'ot the litir istiength they have., It
becatturevident, that as: a means of
infasing vitality WO , the leeblei ,- qstem,
regulating the 'seeretione,:onillig Indigea
lion, and reforming. habit of
body, no imiedicinaL preparatim . then
known was at till comparableto the'. new
' restMative."'Siucellien - litin•drods , of• at
tempts have foliflit' the Bit
ters.. ; c hime , :'all:: faited„ and the
31s7,,Whioh, this vommenced in.lBGO; is
still in progreis, "Nothing`cari stop it,
tar it is founderl„on.- the4r,inciple r now
unifeniallYgeknoWletlged, .that Thysical
vi.eJ iatheMost formidable antpgonist-of
all human ailmentS,''aird'eniertence has
shown...that PL.A.FrATlox_lsurrt t s - js. a
&err* ivelr, Ms this best
possible o.regetarcl zgainst
'•==:•3lErtrkti„Dikif.titztOtt. .
known ..GrOtOn' 'the . great
thoreughfare. Of:the .Xortliero:lines to
Boston, has ceased to be. With a large
and fnereasing-iiOpulatiop, 'krona
mnss meet
as proslipriitiajts c,itizeltisi'in : ,
ingaisetabled,:lioYtiyatctl-lO . eliange the
name of their town to itsS.Ttn"—afterone
of thesbeSt•knowit men in Atnerica;•Dr.
J. D. AY rof this `,
enacted that
decision int6lati. commend - their
choice, for. not-only is the-name . short and
.distinetiye, bill - 1)r. AYeti's tnedicitielni . Ce
made itgl'atefalty known to, the ends' of
the earth. Probably noliviiig . 'Man has
carried rebetto such countless multitudes
of •tholick he,. and- this Isigh . lionor,
froin hits neighbors, tells the estimation in
which he Is held jiy . OoFTchiAliim him.
—BristrlVTiales. „ . e
—There are probably a buntlredor more
persinii in thil and neightiorittWas
who daily suffer from the distresst ug effects
of kidney troubles; who do not know " that
jOii WON,* Aliorksr Ll4lnient is' alirtiist a
certain care., In severe 'cases; 'great relief
may be obtained ilacit a perfect - cure
—We notice that the Agricultural papers
all over the - einth try,recom inend the use of
41raday6: . ;. 1 .- •
Farniersand (Alien-in this section have
hug known and ;appreciate:l:ll:i+. advan
tage of thet:e'powdersOvernil others...
.Icw_ .'s.Aciffetti#mtutO.,
• 1£1,1).-S911T11 • •
Ilarlnz located at Jackson Center, Monnfarlaret otand
Dater lu Llcbt andlleacy,Uornetqcs, Colara,-Witt
T rank, Saddles,&a.boplng,av arloa ba4l•
nee*, and fair' deeper, to have a *barn of
fultroinge. -
114reb 0,15.7 t
Pli iLtc SALES anliseriber sill offer tnr gate en
111, premise., lin Jetaap. on'VP daesday. lituch 13.
121.1. at 10 o'clock. a, In.. the following proyrztty t 't
Ono bum. :5 tune,, 12. two•yetrulde..4. yorltage. I
yearling Tbrocid Potre:l two•burre carrLign andn
err:salty of.eorn In ear. 1 , .• "•. •
TERMS. nine months ; credit, with , intoned and ap•
proved eernrity. B. X. DUN ER.
Marco t, • . D.Bartrorra,'Auctioneer.
• GOOD FAIDI FOR BAtEt—Of T. serer Ira !m
-it w.ccd„.well wet awed. lane good betiding. lying Oro
mites trom Orkat Baud and. two miler from LaWrtille
Center. to Liberty Townetalp. anstra Co., ['mt. and
known as Oar Mammal Ireland. f.irm.' unis twenty dolbus
Pei acre ac In. Writ, of It, on ton; crania,-.For turn •
rp trtieniant tenure-0 of 11.,A..TrocadelL on ad,oloing
farm. or of A•Campbell; Owego el ty: N Y.' •
Ai So. a good dairy faun Of -IV aorts;w,We'
Bredlord Co.rhi.., , 44:0-I.IANDIIELL.
M.rth. G. 1372.-1 CM ; .
TO ALL - moVIDIO -- yiti sr
BIG AtiroittOnif 38:6'0as
_ Tick Eivr - At:tOwSBl" tps
:xis' • '
FOR SALE at all - prtimetplci'af,trons . nn line of Dela
ware, Lienannuna k Wettern Itapway.
Ho t 'wc,x4- , --ranitssicrctri.x
5aa..217.3=0. .71EGSLX/71tEf.,0..tES
TECIAL INDUCESIINTS to Yarnillas and .Colonies
ird moving cr sat can onion Thronch Tickets >n ST.
ST. JOSEPH. PT. SCOTT. DENTY.It, and all Wats In
Monne. and Kansa', at the-ram I , mimr. - rims, and have .
their hunacnoy.dgoacisandfrclgi.t shipped at 'pods] rates
Delaware, Lacitawagita & W e stern.
win Plen•c eirnitlee that a -Direct' CninCelon Is
made at lITSEGILUITOIt, laltri all- axonal' ;train, on
SRI. RAILWAY...4'OIkt #7lll/13 splt rpt,Tlclvls via
which can be procured at 0113.ce of
ISS . OLVTIO I N.—Thii ant M. Tiffany- & Co..
Is this day 'pm:4%nd. by:mutual 'consent. and the
,I and aceonnts will remain atthe Store. tern time.
hart:atm sett led accounts will confer a Limn by call
-4g and settling at onen:: . •
The business in the Tatars byE.
A. Tiffany. who being thankful for nut favormearhettly
Bolleltp n continuance of the same. .
llopbottona, Fcb.V41672.h.h0n...,
Pu m 4 q 6 ls — Tb:iTl7lVVi b fis4 ' 1 !
i esday:ori,vet,oenb
n%on Toe
ha, 187; aiten Ett..
the folloning, prO1)017::- • •
One span of mares. II 100111 . 0 014,, w ub Foal, 10 choke
tom, sow. with pip, lumber wave. turria;b; one-horse
tramt;ldOubto.aler, colter; Itubbard mower, corn •
sheller, plow•ha ince .trata biro ess, nearlynew, ea tibia o
hantesAtabtelmL , ptubs.'-elretrWtosurtoeklumber.
plows, barrow. crowbars, chslos, arindstimo, crosscut
kaw,i,dalry ,ormaellik , :household , thrblrareo tido ros.
quantity of pouttoesr. sad otheriirticles mot a eusl aoso.
-T17,1V3..-,Allscimo tinder/4 ash down 443.itta0 our
9 months creillt,.with ;utmost and approved security.:
DAUteurwrirr4Auttldocer, D.COB=L
Forest Lake, Pi., Feb. •
:'• • 1 . ' .. • • 1 JaMtpX, Feoreari 194811.
ClSSl2.tiCara.,: , , Alt prsoni are.borenrnOtated.
nor. to purchase Itro Pronasory ..14otairlarto Cur
$250.C0. dated'; 187 r, parable to Tra DrOlni.idgn
cd by,llarsTOrteuell.. end Oka dated' Vet , . 16.1= for a
like aranzint.strned br !semi:Mae toad notes avitiob.
tarned , bilrend. and 'oW not. 09 Paid. bl ifs
t r two
mbar notes p i
payable toald Drown and' wiped D. U.
Dix An (I L. AL.' Mdrieb fru like amonnts and di nit the
tech or 176 of yebroary. as tbt ea ZOLA worts Obtained
. ...
. ,
by trend. - . -'• • . .
...Yebr.gtft!itrt — 21 0 8 73,7'......- - . -.. ,, .;:l :-. .....:
ticiiEDWIYDA OP STAVEIIt ommtinriopt
morkiiintaleclag Seiromvott -
Aritb two' men and two 'hnmes. .A'lleur %tan; on
orittr,-:ctitoacc Untf.ttri ilditrourci and
vn• Ice the amount of workflow>: Ch !ay, elmplo and dqr•
Oleo tobt toc tlranbr Rlytnn plrtivola rs and snt cants.
clangs To Om 01119, SAWING 310.qtqs-co.i. canal
vont. —• •
:job. A
own' MILL end Bev MILL,• Pm ISALZ'." .
gibe enteeelber.offete fee este ble (Wet Itainsel par
11114eireettil AmTow`• riottear Attain' :Tenn.
lilt% Save* Aol. Cetbreoll.linter itsdregotnn
n, tbereegb repair nod mill be reedy for buil aeekez_sop.
Iken )1111ir will' thew. be ,In pima -ender,= Teets
Mins are :betted mires Awn the A. 1,4 W.11:/1.4
on a -good road. For fall •iiebtant Ifieelre ortbeenie
peewee. G Ibenn.,Saleisa • '
• • •••...
tf . Me di **lr yitf4 forfeit
tVt4 /4.0. 2 Ait01. 4 :F: 1 .
,-; 'litgArtaff '
Ballintoldue oA Jitd=ifflf 0 f WOO
0-• •
lastount DA piti 444ft:fetid fil tdisiefiat CAP N.!
trtcm, Notcrabc,lSTl§7).7-tft4ll.
-We 11111MT0 toned for the SP#lllll TRAM; Maims%
d. beet atrorted Stork et, • .
Table, t.telr. and, Floor Oil Clotlk,Wlndow shades
end Paper. Curt, Chats, Cottoni Yarn. Bat-'
• -,. Whin*. Wicks, Clocks,
• Leaking Muses, Fancy Barkers,
Irroonta.tlaskera, Duckett. Ilmb•
es, Clothes Wrlngers.Wood- .
en and Willow Ware In
_ • , tha Unuctletata.
enflame benne itOrtirinentlulitestli tO tgrldlttli
re.cm_4 21 4nR 111 41.4110 baviqualltibi 00041. LS. -
Tina.: Carpets. Cadari.
old er al daye,Netr:
Eloase , 7 1
SO Many „Nam * Statements are Li- eittulatine,,
1 desire to say to the public, titidialkselelly
to-Policy Holders, that :he yorepanies mention
cd end 'lavorilif the en.
tire confident* of, tint, People! Phfasonilf at*
sec standing and condition of eacht ,
Queen Fire Insuranceco.,,,Livewionrirrin
don, WWI
Coutinenyk•. N.Y.;=-1 Mutt, 2,509,628
Lodes, ,:do. OWO, . do: --.1,786,586
Amazon,. .do; • do. , do.- : '
, 5158,
Triumph, do do. x• - • -do; " `IWO
bilagnr3; , do., Zi. - .)77., '1,230,24(1
Hanover, • - do. - - . do. „MAO
Itepub)ly„. •' .• do' C03,11'6 ,
Farmers do. York,Pa., do.--
Girard, : 41.10,009.
Mar Ls an "Independent Ageneyr :1 , -•writo
I - • •
my own Policies and have settled ray own pw%
Can insure you Pawl 10• DAY pgamst — danuto
by FIRE and Lutp.-{wirso.„l have long been az
quainted with ThompsonDerr, of Willcetratm,,
(feudal, Agent;'. `...Queen rim Insitrince , ells:`
and " have rem WM A vnar matt nmenn."- =
• Get a Lint and Accidental Insurance,' at
let's Insurance Mice; over Wilsen's -
13tore. Very , Respee.tfully.
Feb 21, '7--1.43-4w.. lI ESRY.V.37gdkr,
Vint Eon BALE I—A' rein of stilOwnitie•'st ,
.jolnleg the Dore of Noatreee on the Bout). 1.
offered for rate. it la well watered and has *boot teat
acres lo:tiratter, - ineladltz R. tocartirs - cdaftch
maples bear the dwciller.belz4t4e poipezttea,d cpoopa
of The Sato at) Grevry tam,' -
" !For Mitherpirtreulare enquire 4.71
or P. Voce:mon treat, ""-- " -
Feb., 7, 1577
FATIII 1 , 011 A ALE t—mi 'iltibanfher nifiv-o . thritiflo
' salt fiti+ Lunn 'Homed shout at:wand - a balfwilles
•ontheast term the- of - New Ifilkird.-'174 fame
contains One hmadred acres. about tiit aqua=4
the balance in *oat and - timber ,r to Well lea by
several, never-falling swings. sad a surellailink,craft
runs tbro=h pasture. jr, has kept during
year 19 bond of cation borne, and sheep, and harpro.
Mired hay. grain and caws fodder sufficient to .ker*:
f perusal .; the middle of lt,reintainses.
orchard et grafted trait. and s fair supply of !malt l.
The buililinmi are gliodandnserly neweonedsting atoms
house: 'MO borne. wagon Tones; etc. - Us hey Wins
with third attached. I. ittsiao thet tor - ro=riZ a
end tomplete, ut f hews mulls and rant cellar
The lunismte new anal picasstitlyserangod, contains
mom.: rm nt ry. and closets, 111 s Mill finished, papered
and painted throtietiont, and baS a good cellar for, milk
and tontine.: 'A wood have Is ttaehed bathe linfisMilnd
a LIPTC - ptaitrt: welt brattier Manias abonit t 3 feet frappe
This (MI) lien, handsomely thetas llit'soirttoesit:Shill
is considered one-of the most desirable location - flits Os
township. :It hid no stumps. less hill and egret than.
any farm ofttseine, and landdry. All the meadows an her
moan by ,e; median. and a Inaded wagon can he driven
of It.. It la about 20 tainuteedrbre to lbw
i tWI Depot.,lf desired:l6o nhola istockOites..
site. furniture. d diry fi Mures can co with -dm !arra.
Poseesslan given immediately. Pair further particular,.
call at the fmns. sr address - .
• • • • New tdilfOrd.datiliteltStwut Co..
k.greM.7.4tllit,rtivAttnto:" ; -,
A. ;tiOnek —'ll;p,stadershgne4 an o.ndllai a
11 appointed be the Orphan '. Court., f su.nuehantot
- eonnty.ti dlstrihnia the- fan t' 114 - -Itand*Clattaa
, deeea a. will attend to the duties of his eppo nttaent,
at his onice. In Monts-Life. no .SaturtLv. - 3larch dO, IBV,,
at I tie!ock P. hi.. at mhieh time and place all pumas in,
tereeted In maid In - ad mast present their eLsittns 03*
tureVeh debarred twin rotalm. In rand,
fi. w. sw4,E. htidltoe
Montronr.rnbraary tst, •
4..1 - plTorB NOTICEe-The• macro . att.AtAl (.-
bll,. tor; aNielnted by the Judzea of the El•lutt of /Pqat;..
'matt The.. of Safqnrhanna connty; to lTharibete 'the
funds In the hands of the - lit.rid" - or ' the *talent
Jahn Man, will uttered ie. the dutlra or Ids tip
palutmel t at Me laliantrara, - ou Vrlday. thitsd
at rehretary I,a'efeeit to the ellen::Nu 01.4'4 thy,
Ali - puttee Interested ON required to eppeafsed ro
their thaa.horelithe and, Ul,ee artee, (WM -
Marred- 1.1Y. - BILITTL.AudItar..
Matarose,Jaa..qqoB3l : ; , . 41/
A 1:101TOR'S WITATTS.-4'hattklesslatted tuiitng Ale&
I.l..sopot,OtegL:ty .11bo.".roart of Common 4300 of
Zn 4 n= a r n i g t : t r. d l'i ttle blu al th o e f Meal
Ea*ate of 131 , F . Titonn. will atten d to the duties of _lda
appointment's% -TACultee4 , lo liithiroth., Initenft.ll.
tho lath du ri`Fthreary. A. .: IMO, at I o'clock...POl •
Alt1;o:l..-,ona..laterceted o pima?. and present th eir
. debarrel from mentor Weil - met sold beds.
- El lESSFP.4OItor,
• , 00troie. Joe. 24-,.lSa=aptai —• ' 7 •
t. 7 Court ot Common - I . lmo or !Ito-emeltnun totutty and
to me antler% I Irtli - oupor.o plebs' pubtle yendutt t
tit tbo Court Ilintio Itimtrokwt &Unary; .21anteln
Otb, tint' id 'o'cb.rk, p. tn.; Ibtr !Unialve plto4l.or
parcels of land, to +lt -
litt that om loth litpoi or uttrect443o4llttmtela the
borough at blootrosr, in the cortatyofti . usqouhatnnon4
elute orretinrylmnta.boundedon tbUltorth bribe , Owe.
gcatirnpite u thn ca st br ul ieyinnutug Ilan ltrett,,
on the tooth . by lauds or Vm.ll.Post, ntid tturtlintr.
by Landsat/Won Nichol,, cobtolotutt aboilt TCOO Whack
feet or laud, bti the same morn or less; with the apputteft, .
ante , * one large building tired as York Vattoryortth ttut
urtehbtery nttattuntrunt a.l.lmprovutt..[Tolten in meta.
tion at t c snit of James Thoton4on S
co.clatev,-134mtal &at 04
Luthrolo tont A EHurrterl •:.
. rotten it hereby glen that allblaouiast be'psla
on Oa day otiale . • . ,
. .
I:2)'x' 1.1. a te oz' .01
• •
‘4 1%.
)1 t
•,: 7, • •
.11 paopmErons, 4 J - --
• -BRIOO-ILOM-ZOringlq i ,,'/Tikv:,, ,
• •••
the.,Goldisit!tisto.)lnd.'Zratan .
• • •
Btoeuor Drup,,mcdiclamPatosim,,;En*Co
-6.. Cotohei . .FitreartrrYetteyt'aittleletc - ete., Into
S..bkrvolorn.Wo' f o i tl i;4 e 4 ',ll , °4t !F!S r t.; 'E°." .
We ifontiltairTelitiok
and WWI endeavor to keep well ettOP.lind!
pertaining to the Dreg Bastian: ,‘ —•—
•We extend trverenbeer eardial.invitalleet„tn.
and e th r vibes wanted' anpthiniplo.opLAß
h en.; 'anns: era in s ilni/aYfa.,,,.. , Pi 4 1 b .
olde ete a adagio tn " 10 = n al"""C s . ;
vet" libaratipathenagirtatreto landed a,
slat endeavor to merit a continence of the cane.
.I,3lteatapan, Eine: 113 .1trIL 0
. . , ... . ~
'INARtrit.IVAND nuizons4aucsa4coolinr
V) a oligi'int fulltkrad L 9 ,4011.11 kladig at. BMW
[34 - att Cumnons . wait ..Becdv.Wa:ki.:l=astro
rind ralnltlnr, 1 , 7 tho lob or In_ EU xi!snnef so
tape*. , -Also; GI.W. plinag,.. mos: •KOCIIIIIDgir jral
Model nut wind°, ytrowto *Mt?? Flaw LOOM
mu ual, .01. twit - eibop,in - torklicterlidallW.
t i i i r;tairr, - .
_,. -,- 1" , == AZ 0 0 -siti
v.... Votitatie;Dixerooiron./871.%4346 . • r: ... :., - *A.',
UV" 111.01na. :01 6, 014 0 43,...
triandfig tam latatpormankttiotalm
simians Tula* xtrziTrai:'
Pir{alg a itidifitiftSry Zogthes, SlAmilatttarsil
2121e,11, . OATH Vt.r..