Xcith s l,-;,.:/ittOlicnci; ittitizotrs'isivacEs'. - , . L __ -.._.--. - - - BAPTlSTClluitt.mi..s • ' Der: 1.11. ratn,riztor, babbsth Services ' - - lON a.m. and? p.m.. •mbbath Schaal. - l2 m. Prayer .11cetbe4 WcdneadayEvtrilsgs , - IN evrtiOtdc "etimacli • - . ' Rai. J. sarrtirr Sabbath &Trines,— 'Second Sunday. In each Slonth Sabbath School • Immediately before Mies . trTsctri , Clitlittl...ltsr.E.: A. WaSmacint.liciinr. w e . . Sab ems 10N a. tn. sad IN T i m. San 'dm! - m. Week.lay ..Servlcca—Wcanesdays 71: P,lrls • • . • ' ' - . . ,'' .. 1101110DISt EPISCQrAk:.;;Xiii. - A, twActxmopt. -Sabbath Sczireo 10.43. a. in. and 7.20 p. an: - .fiaatelth Pence). ...., „ , 41. m: rryser Mactimt:Thli'vaaya. i' - :"" I 30p:M. . , , :pt&irrr.iii.4..i.OVAcal..—_ , " Itiiii. A: irtii.iße, Sabha „.. hServkve,...... .... „10.4.1a„na.rwil IN pi4m., fabhmb Sehpotr, -..- ' - : 1 4 13611. tn. pryer Uceting, , / banally Evenings . - - - 31 r, p. 22. Illiglic!!‘ MilleOp. 6111}Atnlio!{" to' tbolfolintsitg Vertisemnts; •13 - 3_, N9t:tcft est?.4S or. Davl4.l r .AsY s . Auditor. . • —lllshich iierti .—Licerpockl;t:ortdprkiptl:WlßA anti Pcnn4 ry , tiOzl Fire lu§lraizt:e company_ §trgyd# Itro*n;qgents: 4etittstty In Jaelesett--.1.4, Italaton. . • - Mextcatt **tang TATO - mtg. re; :31. 4s'exiAilforil. . . to's:Aga - L-0:4: —I). Wilmaii,h,ftepliettow, issutiSlaritatinns far a dancing- porr.t.'; . !os. "" invitations fur ti titiP ot Ilegres Hall, Brooklyn; Feb. 2'l' Vitt2tOitii flts. ," —All should remember the Torii Meetings, - )shielt take place nest Friday, February - P:l(h., The buzarne Legal fleghlre, is the 'title Of a nev.,law,...pabliption, in, pamphlet Which `tilatle its appearance in, Wilkesilittre, under the editotillip of-George B. Kelp.`- . —Michael Vonacusienfluh, when) we mention ed' liz:4t - aleek as haring been sentenced to :the Easteh ren hen tiary, one year end nine months, for stealing a brasa i kettle, has since died in prison. • . —The nest regular meeting of the members of the Mcmtrose Reading Room and Lilt Association, will be held at the Redding Napa. on Thursday, February 15, at 3 p. ra. • A general :attendance of titesultseribers to the fund, is pcs. lieited, as business of importangc will come hes f ,fore.the.meetiug.: C. C. 114.m17;1 . 1',Os10,0 $ Secc . retaij.„ *! i i . ..• —Atllw:tpaarierly inecting of the Anti-Secret Seciety,Association oCNorth Eastern,. Ifennsyl-. aarnia, Letitia - I the Court House, Montmse, on IVednmley and Thursday evenings, February 7 and 8, the follairing resolutions were .disens,...„.s . adopted and ordered lobe publishei: 1tt,02 red, The: Free Masonry is a Religion, and Its ; and, judging them from the Christian stand point, they are, .both alike, founded ariaLlostered Ia dangerous:eivurs. Res•s'red, That we hold ourselves ready to niece the fraternity in a fair and honorable dis cussion of the Sentiments of the above rtsolre tictu, at the in—esent, or any suliable future lime, Which taa3•••he agreed npon.• . • Our knowledge or this "Religion" is that whatever may be its doctrines, it is ditfer .ent from scatue.!" Seets,".in that it never attempts • to proselyte: So• as our knowledge extends ,no atm Was ever asked to herniate a member, 'but eacli oete dorn so of "LisUivn free' will and nelsatA" otherwise he is not admitted:: *4 it is asserted to. hia- a "Religion" nod' its , lodges chaired/ es," under the - princlidei of religions - toff:rance.„..,these who wage an intqlerent war niusA.-. be. "seetaian‘.-bigots.".. If jute wrong,- that God, whaalonit lies the,•prov ince to judge of the conscieneesol Inen,is corium tent tai pais sentencenpon • —HonalYin..3l:Ely, of Bilighinttritiilatn Re elcei; friam that.district, died last week, after a somewhat protracted ill ness. Mr. Ely ha's 'served three terms in the Legislature and was elected for the fourth. —The negro murderer, Lewis a7unior, a call far whose arrest we published last wrnf,was over taken arS'eranton, and' , . arrested by Deputy Shetili JOlin Dwyer, or OntaritCrnunty, N. Y., and lodged In jail in Conan(lngua, on Wed ,nt*lny ,or lint- week.-- He had been staying-in Aforitnne Tome Acro ti?Carths with O white fetuale ahem 1G OrleffeSri pf age,'lrkituocc clings to laru ecer.'in his adversity and followed him to C.anandamin,mt even asked to ho imprisoned with JAM whick*as denied her.. He Mnicused by his lieingantanaudam,of tendering .a white girl 41tose!body was found in the canal, and that he gavelter (his 'wife) poison Ware be left supposing itattitilled her, so 'that she could not csiu3su itiMibut by medical aid -she rtteercrnd. It to sid that he has been guilty of other. murd=s also. kiay justice be administered. ' _ alio 4 . 4 TO Tea' , • - • ...-^Ourreaderti will ietneniber that a abort flake sinenwe'expissed wh n at tine believ;d a of. a "eancercras confidence man," wholittempt cd,p,impor upon.w,and our Patronsi,by 'asking ;la to Piiliftsbiliow'lle - cured a cancer on- his nose witli Wild tea." 'attend:lA pubrOing, his advertisement, ire denouncedhim as a swindler, and as a proof of the correctness of our conject ,lro„.W°,6ll,,e the frOM the Grpsville whiel4nitiongiCiarg,ennuilier was decoyed Into publishingthe" card" to as sist him in his nefarious business: . "In December we me. eived mad publislied, as "did many other locatjournals inthis section of the State, an' article headed.the "Great Cancer Cure," purporting to be a beneficial article and the object having branded on thaface of An be nevolent look. .styes the, agency through which said article represented Many to have been cured, and we were assured thatlhis • tea grOws in most of the - States and is well known.' A. certain - health calker. named . Wil liams, of Alegh:any, affixedhis name to the com munication us a guarantee. of. good faith.. A friend wrotelo:WilliaraS concerning this' Wild Tea,' and we.s in darn referred to party named Smith who was la . the Wild-Tea - Ursine:kr road was apparently tha r eareSpanding secretary of ii i]liatna, n 3 hd slated that it bettanialtitt duty answer thousandsof letters for the .said . awl tecommended that oar friend should remit hint ten dollars, for which paltry 'consideration Id would send him a quart of 'boiled down'-wild tea.. .Me-sent stdrcrtisingto. , Stratit, but he has ignored. it. our.eschanl;T:glye *them the benefit or a free notice ?"' We, do, not prude Mr. Williams but (hoes tractSwe hale Printed lead one to suppose that he has allowalthe use of his name,- innocently: teirlaips, fbrn disreputable purpose. .If he:. has tmythingto say let him speak out. , Ten dollars a quart is ratiteraltigh price for"*Wild Tea."' ifoeur Plltrord Items; - • _ —The indent heayy all of snowsando _ _ .; 7-74.ritlias.bnen•ormaidtTalde nieltirsa Ifte ,thisreinter; 'A itunibe s i qt macs of -- s.q.rit.i" fens ;:tire,reperted, three of proved , fatal. • 7-I)onatiqiii andlectuteitniedito'inost` takka ~.Plyal?lents at, present. *-: - -:--The friends of Rev . .. 14. Thcnitim sin in .donatien and oisteiinizier;nt , Tlitirsday eYeningTebruary ^1.5. A general incitation i extended.- - - :4:Ther Okada of the Ver:Ain .l3tvb_l~` paid Jiinxst donation yisit at the lipase of a hauxxy 2.511;tn theninotint tit -el'ho Del% - A. D. Barbrx is gisiiit a . geri,.4* of. le:lutes Zinelpetes, et the Presblieiittie-cliarch: TLa lourth lecture, by the Rev./ 6'lll9lsP ,sore was 'elivered before oppreCiatire wadi; . _ Pee, last evsnliig, nt Selleet— will it pay! . Theproeceds of these, lectures Is apprepriated,towanl.the payruent`Of neer. or. gan,, purchased by the soelety of Which...llr: TbnotPSOn is pastor', Through theefforts of the Mite -Society, . (now dlicentinuedd ant )Ir, Thompson'e diaintetested labors,:the organ debt is growing ligauitililty, leas.:' —The: eholr, Under the leadership of 31r. G. B. Tcrcrilliger, showi.a marked hnprorement. IL pluipmanreeentlfsold his farm to p. Mr. Shelp for Mr. Chapman intends to spend in year:in.:visiting/ and 'travel:before pernmitetitly r, I=T o,bo3rding tiOnse,;beartlic sterrampierri, oceupleil by any.nglish faintly who hare recent , . lyntoreti there, Was tile' scene of a stabbing sr. fmy a few nights since.. Weltave riot learned all the particulars, hutit la said that the ins bind; in att of josiortay,jiablied his wife with a lbutclieflsolfei and left - 6r Fula unknocin.— Thi Wetila.4ls.c Onsitlero dangerous. • • - seems toile great need of dwelling lionscs in .Naw Milford. Many,,of the houses 04'0'Ifaty 9,^olp,tlA tky'ttici tantilies..and n'trly erery...tenable pinsi:over hro't into requisition for a ~bevelling._. • • ;.i.'horse,kelone.„lagio ,i:l::Sweet, Seral ton,- was stolen the night of Jamie*" 17, tionk the ita , ldes; adjoining ,chnrcb's lintel. The thief went as Der rießitietori;,whOie he hied to sell the' horse, bnteras snspectediand tOnAer.iiik the handbills, with dcscrintlienOt the lterie.and: the °Set Otit.; Ivied ; telegraphed to Mr: Sweet who came and idenlifled: the jtorie . nyfieeetved hrs The thief; whole an old oflim*r, is now lodged In Willies-B*OPM _ B. Roadily.Report or the Ronlriise Graded School. . . • • Runt Scnoo4—A.. Reattui, rurx6itit., No. of Piiilll.s; • 22 Acgregato 21.ttemilc2131 No. of NO:Ort Roll Ironer, 10 stte.. irttoort--31tas JCLlll.llicr..nn, Teacher. No: otrPur.,4:. ¢ Og't 'Attendance,' 84 No: Classes, 11 No. do Roll Honor,' 23 Gn..1113.tt0. scnop! i -'sl"rs.% MART' Silent% Teach'r No. ofl'opilo, 03 .i.gg't Attcnilance,' , No. of [hasp ; 1• 12 NO. on, Roll Honor, 10 M . • A. , TON., • ea CJl's No. elf. Pupils, • 47-Average itteod'ace, 43 No. of Classes, 115 . • Prawarr-,-31o5.ELLA C.marr... , ;TEn, Teacher. No:of Pupils, - , -52 A.verage Attendance, 43 No. elaiseN, - • 10'No. On Roll flonor, 20 It is with phiasure that we calf- ; attention to the above report: lt exhibits a..very creditable fact—the-full and regular attendance of the chit-- drcri of. the-boro, st -school— The .average at. tend:ince of the whole school is over It) per ct., which compares favorably with•any school of similai'gradein the 'State. The iitivaneement of-every ,tlepalment h a s. been such as to Merit speciahreOgidtion: The teachers do their work thorod,..dilyAnd faithfully. . . We have but one regret, that is the small number of visitors. Parents should more fre quently Le found in the school room, encourag ing both teachers andscholara. We evtend a cordial to'visit the different de partments. A. IL Bunt.m,.PrineipaL -cos. The New Preacher. Long months ago, one April day Our bonomd Pastor Went okay WWI tearful eyes Ire SfiNT him go, But then he couldn't stay yon know ; ' Mithout the tilieTewit h. . . . „ ' .•;,.-: , ; ' r 4, ... , , • ~,; ... Tiniiitr: th 6 Zirt4enliciginibini " Men of no nnmoi Worth have been Among; na, to point ant the way- That leads unto the perleet day, Who didn't snit. . Ttb :Ina never pays The •ItnneNninest of salnrim, Although to one whtr.r.e merit mnks Second to none, we tender thanks If nothing more. To ,Onnmeeds demand what has been found At last: A holy Mart, in dnetrine sound His diction faultim.,, and physique Most charming—to hear hint speak .. Ls to be edified. Yet now and then "sme word }oat .lips Qoim gently from censorious lips, , Rears: bi 4 prea,hing ails to show That he wasn't made a whit below H - . The angels. . . ... ... _ _ Nor &trifled to scourge, the man, They bring his house beneath their ban, And say, "we never in all our life Saw Buell guy fixings on the wile • Of a preacher." .Wrsrhfhlions'.niantiontretwify:-.; The tlogitta.of depravity, And furnish to,their ancestor A sermon of • StlCit character To the hungry dock. , , .. - A few eccentric souls appmir Who gather round with words of cheer, And stay the prophet's heavy hands While,Lsrael.Atnalek.witkstands In I plaindmloW. Thristlaris; of every - moue and blood, Ye are a common brotherhood, ,- , And by the words of those wild seek As oracles of God to speak Arc ye made strong. 'Without the church enough are found CCASUTA diSCMICIIIPItge ! to sound, 'fence let futrire dliinhonee o — trliglitious !fps:4lo iitternriet 4g,sinst the preacher. - . - Joeeruts Toni. Great Bend; Feb. a, 1872,. Sosqochatina Co. Ag, Soc. 'Ai tile regular 'heeling Of this .. - Sheiely, held Janary 0, 1872, the following persons were elcct cd es officers for the ensuing year: Pmident. James E. Carraalk Fag. ;.Viee-rrceidents, IL C. Conklin and Abner Griffis; Reconlin ,, Secrete.- rY, - 11Ani C.' Tyler; Corresponding ~ . oesetary, .1. E. Lyons; Tratsurer,-C, IL (?ere; and Exec : uthiGommitteeman, Allen Sheldon, who was el , q - 4 , 4.105crt - niltree yeast.. U. IL .11arringtou. and panto r t completo 14,t ciommip eq. Att adjoarned meellnrjyas held on' Iron day Feb.l2lli, 1872, trter:rive plani and decide' in relatlon to suitable and permanent hnildings, to be en*ted upon the Society's gror44 riscaty C. Tst.?.n, Secretary: A POlttibitory Party. ' % - Proceeding ;.of the Prohibition Convention held iultle .OA Templars':nail, la New ford bore., Jaimart• 2ttf. Pursuant to 'the -call, friends a Prohibition ,frota'rarions.parts of' the eminty,met,' and organized by electing!William Emery, of Susquehanna Depot, Chairman, end "QM Mackey, of New 31ilford; Seezetary, . The Convention. adopted he following resolution: - Regard, That We'licrw - proceed to organize a prohibitory party in Susqucharmapounty, and that a - Q.lAm' Committee be apiminted, consist ing ttei•en Parrohs,- •!!!!' !The fallowing Maned , petiOns - Were eaten said committee;-. Wiai:EmerY,Of Susquehanna- Depot; .G.! W., Mackey; of New 'Milford, A. 13. Tucker, of garter& A. D. earse,-of.Jackson,! A. Churchill, at T enosriUe S:l3, !chase,. of Great Bead; andEicharilMartin; of Lancaboro... - By net of. tCeeerfienlion the !Central' Com- - mitten were*Mpowered-to appoint sub-commit ika3;lo..c.O.rk.consrention at any time or,place, ! and .to Orange a plailfor the election! of Old- Otts.' , Theennventiotkelected Hon; §. B.Vitise of Gre:stllend,a delegate to attend the Nation al Convention to be held at Columbus, t:thio.— A. ChurehillS. 11.-ChaAP and George W. Mack.' Verc'appointed a Committee la - prepare a Prohibitory Law for Susquehanna county, - to ! .be presented to the Legislature. • I.•• , • • The SterStary_srasinstrUcted to tend the pro ! tme4ings , pf this :conventionto the county pa- Kystone teadTemplar7 and ."Tedtpert ortee.-Vindicator,".; for publi&Aloir. after which 'llitfcOention tidjouzierL E - 0.- NV. atierzi Wistuntrizi-Nsu—la Gibson. January. '2B, by Georr Ftirsyth, loYa.shburn, and'Fllle Nye, both or Jarksoir.f, . - Hunves:4llaLtr--lii Gibson, Tan. 13, by Aav: R. GiLamb, Hubbard 11. Barnes :an -31Iss 'Relent: Hall, both of Jacksbn. . Kranndut---Cultrts*At theirresbyteriart Par. ' sonage,ltloutrose, February 10, byjle*. J . . O. 311lIer; liishpau7l) , and 11. Cur tis; both of Hope, Warren county, N. Y. TAYLOR--,An.qm-D-1n Pike, Bradford county, Pa., at the house of James Boatyard), on Sat urday, February 10tb, 1872; by Bet. Gilbert; Wrn: Taylor, of 'Montrose, and. Misi .. .lunde Arnold of Bush' Pa. ' - • , Great, Bentl;;January 21, IS7d, by Letnc lteckhowe. Esq., James lkenner. and Miss Jeanie M. Wilmot, both of Great Bend born. HAn - Ltii--llA,,nrono--in South Bridgewater, January 28, 1872, by Hey. E. A, %Varriuer, Edward Hawley and Miss Eamon Itaribrd. Ilartronn-11.twr.ty—South Brigewater, Jantt. ary2B, 1872, by It or. B. A. Wnrriuer, , Samuel Harftird and ' iss trances Hatyley. • ',' South Bridgewiffer, - January 23,1873, by Rey: Warrltier; James • Fox • nntl , Miss Ella White. • • , 3Z1333.49. 4 1 1 2MC, Smarts—At-the residence