vhiro y - tfaii:44o.s;iii;wtiou to ant; ms County-cdu• nu; ts..-314r tiia ensuing year.' - Adclarn. Wni. Arafat: ..° .... ,`.li Ii Dix. lntititoori. •2 - - • POlrTeklVelch. 13titiiiell. ..... . ' John: Bolton. ltyrne. ' • C. C. Duudisittioro Jaap r Witter. thficiatUke... A. 13. ()riffle. irrankliri • = ' IF A. Smith. Prim/duilto Jobn • Foster. ibsonll. 'heat, Bawl bora. ' N. Rect.:llms.. f; m it Bead tp:. - • Ni - th. R. lisicii. P.R. flames. tEr.tniony ' • W:,V. Norton. Harfurd:. ; ......John Tn lie. JeasuP Josep!: Ste g,ur. Jxcbo ' An . ilirose B. , nson. tratOX " 4.; ... lfaroy. • ....... Brown. Liberty . . 1.10,$ liondosil; - J liaddtic. ....... . Otis Ron. ....... F.. D. : llawk)i. tp: • ...Oliver Lathrop. 113tli -Milford -boro • revrns • Barlow. • • '. '±:Abrallim Carter: Spriiigsille".' Byron C. ITandrick. .Sasfi s tiebaun3. - . - :r:.N. Smith": Silrertlke D- P. Sullivan. .. .. B. Whitney. Chuirrpan. totittin Tolittgs gliredorg. lUD , theist in thi40,07, one year, C. 1.36— ;let" nits: lino; '5O: cr.,. law MILPORD cXYcrokitisnre.- 1 -xtcsor.As 4*.orar,man Dealer in:mane Ovng. Mater. Frult venni. Et.,'ILIM - LtY.,'Azont for Emptre FerriogiToebtar, InG! . - ... .crlorn ;a tag Dorulng titoyo;l:r.ltOtrrct, w. t ,l)ellere to Dry Gooch.. ilasx.r•to. Beets•Dd *hum, end Gcurral hierchandh , , eu to ehcsececepritl doer below the Epl•ccgel Church. • L'ii . lo.l;3oiTt; kept , by RTILLUIS sum; or. UAW Depot.—. W.15.11d END, Foundry. owe doalcria Flory. end other uteriells, one door from Jamey's nt. E. P. 1:1111M:R. Carnige Yaker and radertater, of =lf Stract, too doors below Ifawinfe atom • MeCOLLCM DROTIIELq. Dealers an Groce:les sad Provisions, on Men ztreet.• ,GAD E74l' SON.' Dcaleti Its 'Pour: Feed. Dail, Salt, Lime, Cement, Groceries and Dv:lo2ton* on Date Sireet; opposite tho Depot. • . • V.-eviit,lLlTDEN;ralanninchirers- ef,Clnnrs vod Wtinkiinin.niinlirrs in T4tare Nation', and Fsncr GitcHlP.Oil -Mein Street; below iipipropni Cinizett.:l Aos9 .4,,E.,)Z T o rat.Sti Maindantiarera and ers:nra is 31c aced Finding*, &.e., - clay Epilscoplt turd, • AlliittogaLlKSDES. r tmalerniinDrnr.salt.d4ijoii; and klanninctnr , o2 . , al NOn_ ncar 'T. 5TE0.183 . 9. Versa-Stenlnn. encl general Repairing on Main Street, scnth of the brit go. In:q lt' Pilerza etcrelandtte LlSASjelhliv s lloo44'tore, aißStrvec., , GAPAT I.3Pin ttICEIT:6I, Stan ntnanrer bt Listl3,r. end Cala in gentral 3iernhinprei on , itatFiPtry U. Ved)ORK.MorO Tdilor atd dralor is Ready adrClottAnd)gp Cioadr.Usucerirs sal Prorisisce. %IT t.',l-:eIMsTOXVIGLE. . • • El nom ncinnzw.r.: of zol &du In orp.:l- or Plows (luting". - • GyEISON. - rowmzDA S lIIITANT. Mtersteetarere-:or Wzgata and Sleiqhs, nem . the Ingulle !Store. ifoN - TRosz. 0 . .. A, BEESIn—Omn Anrvexor, of Suseriorastm • C..ae- V. O,Me4 to thlfrocull•lloute, IlciuttAsa. Pal—t/Mt. ingt.ltrftitELL Den ?fddtetre.. 11 Ulk,'fhe'Stntf,•, I avvales. :, .71) J.l 1.17. t.. E. CAR/lALT„ Attorary at. Law. Ollce etc doorbrjerwiarjtallivaie, Putlf•s• Arent.. • %cu. 11. COAP,EIVZ Co.. aukkeft. *al Forrign Paw •ve TtticuaadDrolt4 YllZitllCd.,lreltua Llail,Soct .1. U. nertimrs Shia^ no:. is the nines to toq lee Neater, Oysters and asibi. -- ttt start Orittata street* 611.01 CD 6 'MOWN. omen the itt.o.lfc 11.40- Armco ILiottii 4 400.1401Ttallroad Shd Acciircs. - 416 c I. Ib lirir flltlitzstd,=4o.slphia. OZcs door east oftttellank;' t - num Geurral insanuica awl Soria: Xs itt.less saidaf Pct. ctlev.. Cigar*. Tu.b.tecn, Pipes, Pod:et-u.. , x1, Altekte ,tIT. qtr_otti _ AFIL CO.S Slarmia maker and dealer Will zitletee 1111%11; • tAv 417.14e4r,idc, opposite Lb Born' cOnl,l. Ite.ticra to Stove*. ilarascar.. gad MumktrzreAF aI Tll3 and Shretirtna 'ware corner of Kola a**, TuraNkt *tract.. 5, if; .1551;i5; and rester la Mats. Trlzo ;Imp. tud Forolshlog Goods. and 'Ready-14'5e ..`a r 511. t. otst cots la , low LIG re cad v. Gatee'slMr 0113 Ce• .rlinit.r In ilantelter. rructsiuns. JilYnakce u'hoad of ♦. N. 11111.LAIM. ' 13aukt, Statioacr3 Public Arcane.• Alen tiardwp. tleititr.4 T. SPOII t y:CP:: ATrleetto alto Tar 4.1 aunt. :Avery sod rs • VATMS£ORU.,.V inabieg4 rasz • OE YES, 0' AYES! cos a.tzciuccracur.4l, * =mart CmacroGr,23l,G . 0at:4260c ica AND THE stnar• 01:Ld i rer September 14 the tunlnrBign'el d wi heica'l24- " tent. Mt; f . P .P .u tr il . 7 " Dry 4C.11 rearm Pork mil nth, TAO ult ;pro ' tts c.tulty \ I , ' 4 *.brourry Sm-- • B. L. LI. 1." Auburn Cbuttr. butPt:‘'b; tetrl.--47" . LADIES' FANCY' FUF: (S. in FAREiti - Arch Street, ‘ C Jof the Illork 111 Ot i llth aud eth Jima. ':. ...—. 111"DELPI "' ' ii. It; it ie. Time Table. ter,ratitticturerecul ' . "flkklhal r.asTVAIM 1p cal aunts zoo ~, E -. .- . 1 1157 am - . ... itrk 4, „igbt :press . . . I ‘ • S Cincinnati Express : : ...W ." ANCY FURS • ,- a se, waspreight. :,; , : .ALUE6' ,t uni... , 0 2 N ew y or g Express, .: t ; 1.47 p. m. IfElli'll Wk.Ak. . ' 1020 ' • and '''. l e m prn VI ' iter l on. ~ l A a ll '72 6 ' , tiTam ul ti tri oh pa 't Express sy : - : : -... ' ...1. 545 7 "" ~,nt cf alf the cilffiscut i "r l'il=f7Arfa• ____ _. . -.-—. __. _.ildii lii Europe, nod lia%c bud l ... - - LT' a. m t :tan mule op by the nanid skillful VI orsmco, would re. ,, ' 17, ',..117.1:1 .r.rprcEa,- - • „ ,', ~ Pp, etfully Inslie the mieetro of th is paper la cal and ei- I •"'°• l, , En:OAT:OIt. z : : Lt•-" Main his .ere il/rt end itenntittal litictrilllellt Of 1 . 111111 " g fi " a ~,,,,thf iti ati on - . : o.g.'i " 7 . 11 . 1. °r ladle"' ch ittglighdfse' Jam z rterzo I u cti w seit ~ '', . 4 ' , *^4 --- ic e " i„,i lt '. - . .: isr, p. imi. at /cm Pike. at fly). uthrr row:141)1er MAIN/ ill the city. 4„,. ,-1 7,1. nv , • • ... &I furs warranted: .2113 , arimpttsentaion to Ifect sz:c4. . 11 Idaif and Expreta, : : 1a. , ..n, "_. . .10.1114 - 7.11=134, 11§1.11Cli terf.Zl.:T. "- . N°TeMbezl4l7l "" l.4l * -- • ^ - Phlludelphku . ju , , i , \ g ti i . Ishora rt trains *top at Gript, ,, , i!tia_ d --{.O. 7 passerizu - , anfi car, .. PUBLIC NOTICE. IWonki respeetfulli state to my folic+ CIMOIII, re and gor,abWe eceranzaltr near TA/Loa;Efit BoSiVEssi. morrnoSZ- taut piajase l 0 6o jlt Ivo= In tha t Line, fa a. r. A S F e a -4 ZELSMONABLE,XLM=I3.S7OII.ILL'Aff4C2Uat.. . • , 'AO At kittAtaitory 4Atteitfrni to erTTINt; and FrEetityx . .. ktrE 0.04) - to Itt,costo workings' COT LW PettgAp,ltarl'p!At• it:;ttb,At. .. ' - , Stir Mt' wet,. y Parra b ,SLlActe DrSlX.rt:y.—.4attwAber. mew* ti • o..Es`sey. . 4.-2.13105; - • - rzasrun MIR RESTORATIVE Oont.qins no LAO . SULPHUR—IVO SU GAR OF LEAD--NO LIVID:4EO— NITRATE OF SILVER. and is entirely free frem tho Poisonous and Health---destroying Drugs used in other Hair Prepartions. , Trommarent asOl eld.t us mail. It idll oil soil Um lust Ilibrle,r pertOOtliitirE.CLEVS and EVVICIENT --4:sidossiusos. 3.00 ti 801.71311 T 1011 AND FOUND it Ilidlti;i rtCMI29 theh+tr toberoatth Cray, Impart. a aott. gl.way app,awaacw. MUM." Dallthllll. t. cool .goo rareaalog toot» had. cheeks flip Ualr from haling o2', and irstalea It to imp. extent when Rt...ma turely last, prevents lleadaehea. ening all Inaninrs, co. taneous owptlone, and nananwal hod, AS A MESS , INCI FOR TIIE 11.11/1 IT IS TUE BEST AUT/CIS TS • DR..O,aRITTI.PatAae. Are; Man. PrePUI ,IOO /7 b. PROCTOR DROTIIRRS. GlohetnterStaatachuictts 'The galtatlce to pat ap to a piaci bottle. =do expin.sli. for it. with tha natha of the ankle btu...3W the glans. Ask. yotteDrh:2l4 for I/A*lW, Mitt RartosaTtei, and take no ether. var Send two three tont at imps to Proctor Brother, Aar a •Troatida on, the Unman Bair." The information It reptiles is worth WOW to am; parson. T.►S tz. 2M OSABMJS THE INGREDIENTS TRAT COMPOSE ROSADALIS an pulaislted on every package, Stere• Cure 111, not a went consnuently nrucuss pritscains IT. tit a certain cam forArrofula, Syphila in all its Sams; fthauma• tism, Skin lltscasev Liver Com plaint and 111. dmciats of the Mood. Z0tr...13 cle 110,71041:3 will do more good than ten WWI of *ha Syraps .of Sarsaparilla. UNDER:3ONC° PHYSICIANS harp wed RosaWntbeirpractice ,• Car ?ho past three years sad freely endorse it as a reliable Alutrattes I and Wood Purifier. DR. T. C.PrGD et I,ltiacsa DluT. J. BOYKIN. DR. It, W. CARR. DR. Y. O. DANIW.LVI".. Mt .1. S. SPARKS, of Nkloluillls, AL . y, • L. SlcCLlXTlTA,'Calauntrli, S. C. DD.' A. IL NOlll.ER,E2geerab; N. c. 'USED AND ENDORSED BY J. B. FILMICII & SONS, rall Myer, Ka.st. tV. SMTIT, Sack um, A. F. sir HEELER' . IL HALL,I.InIe. Ohio. CRAVENL CO.. Geedenseille, Va. 5131'L. G. 11/c.F.ABRENi :31writeete boro,Tran. •, .; ttir,tri:l ztt am" f wares. tended re narks to relation - to the virniesof Rosadallw - To the Uedlcal Profession we guarantee a Fluid Ex. tractsoperew to any they hese ever end in the treerment of diseased Blood; and to the wlleted weeny try Rosadalls, cad yew will la tutored bealtis llccdalls Is salty Drugzlsts rorira 0130 pc: bouts. 441.rin1. ra. CIXIIEUT3 t Mcaxfacturiv CAemirti, rarautost, 318 Z. Dal lmes..l imERt ITEIE SOLD IN THE !LIR IND, of 5,434.2 1 - . Caciunbar irx4=ixmOlim.a.rum.. Vtirck.ocl.3PilainaCro . telt, M/,'4cst'RLNAt'Ff.ff4 . l.7.lfinriliioliitu.EsVia :imp;. to °pro tloo Giving uo Ta.t o the, trator—Douublt—ltello.lB and Clomp. Them , Pomp, ore *bolt. own beet orrommei.doiloti ror ilmders in Itordwate ond .scrlcoltoral ttoplo moutp. p:umbets. Pomp Maker.. d d:. ths Pooh the orran loy. Circular*, 4c., Arruiebed art= tippltiontivol bl molt or otborwipa. - • dingle Pomp, Inmarded to parties In towns Arlen 1 lance no a.ront. , upon month! uI the cogular retell price. In burin:.br melt] that soar Pawn bears my trade mark ar - aboru, patented March atsoBll, as I gaannt ee n 4 ogles. Caaties. t4.ce arid rareroom, 624 & 620 Ph116er4113., Pa. REVOLVIDTG. HORSE-RAM r Ace pnpared to torufali dies* rael.af a atipert. Tquality, at ban bole lu an sad retail, lanufsetarera. ifuntratt. May 3.157 E - . a H. • • J:W.V. 1 1114, "Alvi Pima afro IZO a call. ' a n ' n 7111 .Ind at anyatora .4f. Chd:o Tczs rag TT Green, ?Jack and Japan Teas, , CadEszkaol, - Lcib Trout. tug & Ake, Lames, Extract, Swab, Vanilla Ext.-At, tte„.4,3lcdal SalCLlttlll, Bar Stalp, Tact o CeLattim. Com 6Mmb Dedc: • .d . Cocoabct rraiin - .J:rra rodeo. !Soda. Prince moCoMii.G9troa, %amain' Oil. Cacao. ' Rarar Cane llama,~Pl i. Ealalus, Crag= Tartar, attitcd 074 nab. Spicer, Cautlci; Static „Caned 1411.1% Crarkeili, Cora. — • Nadas:: Taxaalave, -.lgllo-1111 Very Cheap. illontratc, July 211, - gaito4d time Zi"ablco. 1 1 . 1 C. Voitil Rooms, New Uptord,Ps. A. C %ttif.on'4 , rea tr. an operations rm tits Cato. mes. IL crib insertr4 till the rations rat ttelb. Ar • torrent satisfaction Varanticri, to all, firs oars in usi t tl44 satisfy yOntosivaa. Waco Ann: .3b -a• • k rir d r h i ee N t r ro rE n ir,i t er•or shod Metal. •• • ~* . .t.e.542-Ir-"P::c":-: I'3 IdaptiVile. NOT, la:. potau.ezr.; 'ff;tigars for - , • • • A Avart7,7`,moo, r. •'• 13...t.'n7p132.; . P.tty adurtionutitt;. . "-: FREE T 1001CAGENT& WegliT oroda handsOmo - fMospeota• of one A'olo'fros. freed Angry 824; rOOLutoiog over 2.0 i) fine Scriptorti pool to.hois loony 1t0..1c AgOot fog! of clurze , .. 4 .Notion 4-AlbaditV Gtr.. ~ ..11011.Ps. , • , . Bpurs Mill i SHOES MADE WITH CABLEIVIRE SCREW ! Will Net . Rip or Loak. GR!AT CHANCE TO .MAKE MONEY. Tti ribMg an a teary for TQ6 tiomiK ov GOO'S PLOP LH. Tim Most onectuful new boo. out. nearly 700 .11a , mitIcent Sokrarlage. this amt took 114 order.. In tendals. whoa are doing eqoaliy acwi11.2,1500 dollars per animal eau bu made balmy malo or female. agent biting ordrei for 'bit popular work. The. brat Moines to wake money °rood. blued fur tirealare 'with term,: me. Extra lame Inducxrdent. otrered. Address 1 1 :011TIIINU 4 TO,N % - DCal'IN.t CO.. Ilarford, Cuart. irsurronx OP Th6.Great Fires In CDICAGO and the -WEST by My. E. I . G actin= D D.. of Chicago. ,Y)nlyamplile hirtnry.:Waro. paces engraving... 73A0 already sold. Price el 53. OM sante mathilap3dilye. Pruitt. go to entrecere.46ENl3 watnED, : u: tt. 001 iDIiPEED a Park Row, New Teak. 83163$ & BP,OTHER'S CATALOGUE OF ELOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEM3M7I:I . .. axe • EVEdIEIIPLOYMENG BULBS. / 1 01118721 tow ready. Consisting or over len pagrKou rose tinted room wit upwswls or.lloo separate ay.. awl sLg Bawl, thlYelered Plates Corer. brautlfol tleolgo, la colors. Tn.. richest Untalgue ever pottlishnl. Sono 1. cants for colln not atte.talf•the aulatt or tbe colored plates, In the ruter order. atone' kg to not ita 4 than $ l . the Pele e of t. Catalogue, -no nitunded lu reed. Now chateaus Placed tSa the twine footing. with old Free to old cit.toincri Rashly of seed., rite of toteltets.prleca and nun:Onto. ollet ed. make It to the advantage tit all to pureb.uo seeds . or Its. rico analogue for extraoulluary Indneements You will miss It If yoe donot see our Catalogue before ordering Seeds. Maier at tar two Chromos for Int sloe 1441—one a &mot Plato of Bulbous Plans. coorlellitgatt Ldtes..t c. —the other of Annual. Ineuulal and Nato:us! Kant., guaranteed the ‘, MOST ELEGANT FLORAL CER 0 110$ ever Issued in thlro*,Untry. A sneerb parlororn.ment ; =Wed, plir•puld, nrettipt or 73c MAO rree,l3ll dltloust suet:hied in , naledue. iarrucci-ara 2are.c). , [Estabkriottlsls.] 4tocheister, Nati York. acrrvE AGENTi to .ell the Vrauldo sod Lynn 3lann factoring Cul. improved New Family Sewing Slaehlur, .N TX 4 CO 3Ri. 7 P General °Mtn for Feun.ylvaula ,New Jensty audiftla want. N 0.11227 Cboitnat at.. .Philp. .7 L. Ernouson, Manager. PROFITABLE BUSINESS Will ha ghee mm or two p. nom.; or either le:, re Momon, and toljointoz Mawr. by which thr:r mar realiza trent $3llO to .$lOOO a par with bat little letrtroniace • a tth• tril••arr rrrnoation, In telling . MCCPPT7I9M3Mr.b..tori 11..R.TX.• .01.11. w eA 191 n_wl uter uaa UniTerizi n.e. ir the tr ote &voted a much 1.11,, Twin! may be realized. (Iranian , Pre, girlog eontotrt•• or a tide:. and Mel minions allotrrd. t T. S. 11:001i: •r, CO., Hohokam :I J. tad 1560.) Insuranco Co. (I.rpcpra dolumbiit riro OFFICkni AND [nano rons 9. 9. DErrarn. Pre: r. MILT. ftlvy , . • Vice.Preet. Wm. Parvor. T 11011.1.. Trey. J. F. Faction. J. 14. STROM. J. B. Macnaaa. M. M. •Trucis.zn. H. 7'. UTO. Vnele• c'y Columbia, Pa. • taxa. Doom For Inottraoer or J. V. kerneauff. S SILVER TIPPED Azioots & SHOES Last as Long Again as Any Other Kind. . $425 A, f!;;.° AGENTS WANTED.—Atoms mat' ware mane, at M c ork for us Um, anything else. Itns.nt+a ligtdand pertrisn..nt l artithniars trre. G.Sitsocix S Co.. Pine .11 Patailars, Postlana, Maine. ' on A Di SSW:SSTS. Send .tamp to laredy .1444+Erazturinl Ca., .4 o'rel. Ms. • CANCERS, 71 OLCEP. Mtnniabtn'cotett by Drs. Kline And Lindley. at !be PASladvlpb igLLtucer i.t3l Arch St.. pe.- At. Brawl Mitre. he Or. ItcUtcluel; tit Niagara S.C. Enffap. and by Dr. Everts, over M Gene. c bt.. /tato., N. Y` WONDERFUt•OANSER ANTIDOTES. No Ktiife.Nneacittle bledtelnce.NoUlnoi. Little 1 nut For pas indent. call on or address either or tLe above. IfrlVOTENCl(a—Viettroa clearly Indlocection; sal abets,. eauelevatera.das debility, prOntature deny, ac.,16111 nod a moat rirectnal..mfr and permanent epee Ire addre,abay.. coufiduattally.Dn. WUNDICII,Pust-011ime ATTENTO I NI I WE'LL GIVE YOU "FITS." , I T. D. TATIAIt, so long known in Bingham ton'as one of the latest - popular Cutters, and fashionable Tailors in this .section of country has limited a co-partnership with E. V. New comb, of Itiontrose, and they are now prepared to furnish. MICA'S' waxing apparel of all liluds, and in style and tvorkriaansiiip superior to any establishment hi.thisacction of country. We GUAR:I3:I'ER SATISFACTION to all who may tacor us with their patronage. Shop at. Post'a old corner, on Public ATOOLLC - T. D.. TAYLOR. E. Y. NEWCOMD. Montrose, Oct. r, - - HOWARD 64NITAntAID-ASSOCI . ATIoN, For the Fellefand tare ot tho 'Erring and Unfortarzle,ol Princlplea or Christina-Philanthropy. &ways on the Errata of Youth and the Faille, nrAgt la ttlatloll to liandage and -Foetal Fella. with' untlar aid tor the afflicted: Pent free. intealed caret". to dress AIiSOCLATION.Baz P. P elpht. T.A • TE sciioor„ • ASANSTIELD, 1100 A English and, Classical course-a. Terms begin September.7ll, December 12,th, and 3birch 27th. State api ro nil' ions :or stplents,' Students ad. 'flitted at any tittle. Apply to oflAB. 11. l ERBILL, A- IL, Mind elitTi c Aug. 81.1870.-1 y ST. VITUS' DANCE CURED ‘ l - 2 1' 31Ii8. A. TAYLOR.-17A1211/I";TE6 CURE. 17 Übe tan bo tanon 04 at hor reoldonce In Brlglvaa. tor. on the Pim stlioluthrEspheritt John.oo. Bea of 'Terrence, zlven.- /I. TAYLOR. Br ttrUWAter..l3l4o ' IMO ISt " . bull astaioy bring. permanent outran. Dr. VITZEit'S VtiGETAB RD I:01AM ittillEDY. [trod inward ty only. Ald.mraut medicine. key from lnjuriovdrer*. Wamintrd and. r 'oath. to hare permaneotty cried pale every 101.1 patient* treated to the past ten, Imo,. (coo ; tooter:may. It lithe scientific on.* nation of Probe's. or Jet. P. ritirr.i.D. a graduate of the Unkerelty of Peansylreata. Ai V.. ISA3.-now one of Philadelphia's oldest recular phyricisor. and Professor of Ch..mistry and Toxicolog7.-tdsbo has made Neuralgia; Chronic sod intlarnatory Itheronetirm the cpeciality, of his entire vrfessimutllifo--u fact vouched for by the sr:paten% so comprillying eacirbottic of inlay prominent =toward 'ph*sititans. cierapucn, end other test - Toon* , toot enfforers frost poisounk quack umerems and use 1 Jere expenditure of money.. a leaal rived gamantce.. putting exact lumber of bottles srarrautcd to cure. till be fonserilcd goats to any !offerer feedlot: by totters fall desaiptionitt liesse of filittie to cure, (mutant paid onellirely reffilekti. r Medicine sent any littera bytaprevi, collect on delivery. Afflicted bushed to write fur advice• all Information and metointi advice scut byktter gr4tir... Principal Mare. tiouth Fourth skeet. Pbilode phi.. Penns, The remedy is odd or ob tained by ltruggias.. AprO 19,11-Iy. • Por Sale by, - ABEL TURRELIOIotarotO wo a LL INTERESTED —Take no ilex. that • and Bonk Account,- taw t t o fettl.d by Ow not Day of Javrart_ next . Thom Interertg. inn sara..4a4l try attenlon. - 1 , moat t..tava,raurtey to r s u ay. , z mi 4 -tte ru btp. • - • Rath, nyrember 15:1171 , 414". . • • . , - . 1 0 0 ai% t OipIiEGErABy . SICiUMI - 3h; . .„ - Every year increases the populari. - ty of this valuable Ilair Preparation; which is due to intrit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; • and it is the only reliable and perfect edj?reparation for restoring Guar= on FADED MIA to its youthful color, making it soft, hudrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomei white and dean: It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic prop— erties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes. Byits use, the hair grows • thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to' their normal vigor, , and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. 'lt is the roost cco notiied lima BRESSVOI over used, as it requires _fewer applications, and gives the hair's splendid, glossy appearance. 'A. A. Haya l / 2 211-D, State Assayer of3f9qq chttsetts, says, "The constituents aro pure, and care fully selected. Ihr:excellent quality; and I consider it ;the BEST rnErio RATION for its intended purposes." bold Qv DrunitO, gra beam in JJ'Alkinet. Friss Ono Dollar. ' Buckingham's Dye. FOR Ti3E WHISKERS. As our Renewer- in, many cases requires too long a time, mid too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we hare prepared • this. dye, in one preparation; which Fill quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is• easily applied, and produces a: color which will neither rub' nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by It P. HALL, 4' CO., VAILERT.L. N.H. Ayer'a Sarsaparilla • Is widely known as one of the mast : i f 14 effectual remedies " 6 41 /- ever discovered for O ; ‘7,1' 4 4, 4 cleansing the . Fp. a s, ;,,t tem and purify mg 4 :4; ;•• the blood. h has ~ I,s; . - stood the. test , of . N. years, with a con _ stantly growing repl. • elution, based on its intrinsic virtues, and sataineil by its It. inirkablc cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children; and yet so searching - : as to effectually puma out the great cor ruptions of the blood, sail as the scrofidous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in the system • for years, won yield to this powerful anti- ' dote, and disappear." Hence its wonderful . ewes, many ef which are publicly known, of Seroftiln, and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers. Eruptions, and eruptive dis orders of the skin, Tumors. Blotches, Boils,Pimples,Pttstules, Sores. St. Anthony's Firejtose or 'Erysipe las, Totter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head. Ringworm. and internal Ul cerations of the Uterus, Stomachs nntl Liver. It also Tures other com plaints, to which it vradld net Seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep- Nettralgin,Heart Disease. Female Weakness. Debility, and Lencorrhcca, when they arc inanifesta tions of the scrofulous poisons. , • It is an excellent restorer of health and strength in the Spring. Ey renewing the appetite and vigor of the digestive orrans, it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor of the season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better. and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system mores on with renewed vigor and a new lease of life. PRZPAIIIED 31 Dr.). C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analyticali Chemists EIOLDItt t Dacca zsrs bold by Abel Turret!. and Burns & Nteao lo Ilontroee, and all druggists and dealers every where. (Dec. 21,1270—y Xlkz• O. M". 33.1 17 1.0 1 V1TZA7 'MI YOUNG AMERICAN X-MZIC WC 3M IV • • in offering this Liniment tothe public, as we do in NI confidence, that It meat mpereede ail others now In 111.0..9 au internal remedy. for the core °rail disease, In th• reach of that class of medicines. we eao safelyassert. without the least fear of sontrattletion, that It stands on. rivaled in the list at medical compounds externally ap• plied for the cure of. disease. Feeling therefore that It is unnecemary to miffs rt..-netiv so eminently trot:dm-MI in he effects, so caysterionely 'infallible In its powers of relief, causing the deaf to hear, the blind to see. !hector. vons,dtawn and.cripp'ed thermal le tomtit( erect and tot Juice ■gain in the power end rigorof manhood. this pre paraltan ia offered to the public on Its own merits. ant claims no volcanic origin or essential oils of the Arabi en deserts; bus en the contrary's what lie imports, anS i■ a rare annblnatiou of the power' oflicnth Amen• can products. . • . : - • Nye You. Die . : U. Inl This notice is to Inform on dellom In proprietary medicine,. that are here establishod a Depot ID 14 tlegn. Hanna county at3loatroxe. Pa.. for Iho sato of Dr. .13rown'a Young American Liniment. and .that Mr. A, SALAMIS is oneserent for that purpose. . WARD. SOUTIIEULAND .. .t CO.. .• 130 WEIL= Stmt, Ziow York • Amities will soon beestaldished at central places la every Wayettip. End published In the list below, I ate ready. to furnish hat wholesale prices to agents.. Post ers and charier/ seat tree upon application to the sob. scriber. , . • The Lishneatis now tor watt retail by the rolluvr log azents.to wit: .. Darns &Nichols Montrose: - • ." • A: Terrell, E. L. Adams. Atibern 4 Coimbra. - Noah Baldwin. &milt Auburn. Waltman Yosbury;,Ehlraner'irold,r.. D. C: 4 P. IL Furdham, Franklin: ' J.l3strosn't, tons. thevensvilla, ' : L. M. Sherwood: Rushville." ' It. T. Ilandrick. 6pringyllle., , . William Thaler.. Dlmock. • Milmatialee;Little Ah.adows. Itobat Wlsiters, Prhardsville. • , M. L.llBll. Elreturrdvllle. , - D. A. A. Thstrontr.lirooklyW ` • •• U. thirds, FActoryvitle. • Curt is. , - E. ld. Thlsay. llopbottom. • • - / 31 - Very. wornness 114 po t, - (r. JO, Marley, New tilifunl. - ' Easterbrark. Great need. - - ' ••• - • - Tewksbury ilrythere. tube= Centre., ' • • - Ar,ri isammont. Campton n. Sierran. A; Leebody, o.lk, Lake., tl G Stevens lta.h.. itt • ' A. J. ftilv ins. East nprlnebill.. . . -J. L. Merrhusn. rpsonnite,:. - , J. IY. /tosenanhts. Paltdalg. •.; - Any persons In townships not ahoy. thuned.:*. er,encl. May obtain it by addressing - - ' A. 13ALDWLIC General Agent. - ZULU, / 811 .-aEn • • : 'Montrose; Pg. . . - • BEAD THIS: " • • , , - mui.ED TUE • • , . 26r.11Lai - so,t-ii46-iseteis ' A od ism prrptied Iceirina . your Grain or Emir Lamtro to o IFlntraollke 1413X1 CN Auden ebort Marx. artUSTEII ' - I room lb. bept.)lArlgno for clernalorrWbinit, By AAd. roetwbeat-that.ertn be procured.' Corn Vest boltrd.il dnerrd. mud particular siteattou Alm t CAIIdIAO fad. 'loping to Rot", a liberal Aare at pa tartar-. I Unite on wishing Any thing to AV the to giro AridgcAstAr,l4%T.V7L.7.4 - eta. %YOU.; HENRY T. 11E111180101 COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATA.WI34I GRAPE . PILLS. Component .Farls—Fluid Sztratt, ,Rbiu. barb and Fluid Extract Odom ba Grapoluice; . MWTI Liver Comolotot..hundleo. Wlllous ' , Affections, P Nick or Ncrrooo ifresebr. Cootivrons, etc. Pore. ly Vecoto 'le. col:lAA:dig:no Mercury, Worrolo Or Del sterloosproph There phas are the most del lett hr. 7 plsasent Ergs. Uwe. superseding lantana,. salts. ot comae. etc. Th re Authing more soreputhla tithe stomach.. They' else tone. and cause neither rmusla ? riving pales. The 7 are comporent,ot the tout le lents Atter a low dins' ate at thhm- mach au Inv rattan. of the entire ejitem takes ptace its to appear mtmeolotst. to the week and enervated; whether artrltut flute Imprudence or Ote. muse. U. T. ilelmbold's Compeuud Flul4.,Extract Ca tawba Orapu PM* ere lot sugar coated. front the ram that sugar coated PIIIe donut dleolve:but pass through the stotosch without dtssolrtn7,oconserptently, do not produce the d e sired effect. TI I CATAWBA , VIIAPE - PILL* hems plessens In ;MU and odor. do not, nem. 'hate thel r be lug sane caused. CLINTS PRILIIO2. .-t HENRY T. UELMBOLP'S UlatiLY CC/NCENTIIA!TD COltrOD: FLUID- F,XT,RIVIT .S DUDA P.ARILLA ttlil tadfrallyostennlnate loon the system Saran, Syphilis. Fever Sores. liken. Sore Ey... Sore Leg*.' Sore. Month. Sore Read. • Ihonchitts. Skla Dirrase.• SAIL Rheum. ilianeers. Runnings Itom. the Par. Whits Swell , Ines. Tamers, CII7ICCP4II - ADC 110116 ; Nod.. Rickets, Glandular Swellings. Mehl Screws. Rath Teller, Hu mes. of sll kinds. ebonite Ithetnallsm. Dyspepsia. and all dismiss that have been established in the system for. yam. • Bain: prepared expresaly for the; abirrinontrOatnti. It. blooditurffttny. properties are greater than 'my olhrr ra prepstfon nt Sarsaparilla.. It give* the complexion a clear and healthy color ' milestones the pa to • state of health and purity. for pnrifying the blood.. fro 'ttatvlnx all ehrOnleconstilUtional dt-earrs *riding from an impure state of the blood. and the only tylittldo and effectual annum remedy for the core of pates and On of the Woes. Ulcerations of the throat and' lot .' Blotches. Pimples on the race. Etyalpelas Lodi all sooty eruptions of the kin, and beautify': g thacomplexlon. Price $1 30 per bottle. - , rimmy T. ILEI4I3OLTYS . CONCENTRATED - • . Estracet 33‘.7:675v.5: VIE GREAT D•BRETIC, • - - Bosomed met-tome of Diabetes In which has - Dem ri.l, Irritatio.. or the Neck of the Bladder end tenant. mellow of the Eidurys. UlerratloO of the Kidney. and Bladder. Retention of Urine, Disease* of the Prostrate Gland, Stone In the Mulder. Calculus G meet Brick Limit Deposit, and Mamma or Milky 41Geharam, and for cto fettled and dcllotte cotton atones 01 both el. 1!il cud ed with the follow syMpt met - Indirlioeltlim to ix. ersun,., toe. of Fonner, luas of memory. dilllcatlty of ;breathing, weak aorta. trembling, bonen. of dinette. wahrfoluers. dimness of Melon,. loin In iha.back, but hand& ductile; of oho body, &mosso( the ekla.erunt lon no the time. paltLl countenance; 'misers-11 Waited° of the mutt:llhr *stem, etc: . Ceed by persons from the azett of rlghleto to twenty. Osmanli from thltty•flye tools-Ore or In the devil.e or change of life tWAOIOIIO4 or labor pains; bed wetting In childir.s: • Iletzabold, Extract beau to I)tortele and Mao. Pa. rlfylleg. and eases all diseases rblue Irons habits of dhs slpatbso and excesses awl Icaprodeoces to Ufa lasporltres 'of the blood. etc.. superseding enp:dba fu affisalsesi tot *bleb It Is used. and N.ypblitneaffeetioes—ie trite dlr eases used ha seance:los with Ilelasthdd's !lase Wash. LADIES. - In ininy 'Shelton* pwartar to ladies. tits Entrust .Ttn- Boat, party:tailed by nay other remedy -41s In Chlorc. si* oriteten thin. Irmobtritr.painfnlare•orrappression of enetumary evacuations. oh...rated or &him. rime of thr Men.. Lneorrinra or Whites. eternity. and for all complaints lochlrut to the,erx.. whetherarfaine from in discretion ortiabita of dioripation. It is prescribed ex tensively by the moot eminent phyvicians and midwives. for rofoohkd and delicate roneillutlone, of both sexes and all nee (annulled with any of the attune dlacistai or symptoms). • •• T. tIELMBOLDIi EXTILACT D1TT117,4,. Cares din um arising from imprudence , habits St dls sitratkra;ete., in all their steps., et little ripen.; lime or no change In diet, no Inconvenience, and no exposure. It amnia frequentdesire. and ghee streu gth to urinate, thereby reworing - obetnietions. preening; end curing strictures attire Urethra, allayingpalu and iudnismstluti• so frequent in this. class of disowns, and expelUng aU poisonous matter. ' • . , -Thousands who hare been the victims' of incompetent pcnems, sod who bate paid limry fees to be onto .in shortilma, heed found they hive ham deceired, and that rha - Poison" has.t7 the use.uf puwernil ea rig:eine." been dried op in the system, to bruit. out Ina mono ags greened form, nod prdtaps alter manis,-r. • . USE LIF.4III3OLD'S h.h.TitAtT DUCT IF for all arce• tbdisanddlinawrisoftheUrinnryOrgaus. whether...listing fA Male or-Yeumle. from whatever cause originating, and no matter of law lug standing: Price, One trona:and YUly Centsper Bottle. . _ . TIMEX T. REMEOLD'S IMPROVED .ItOSE 'WASTE Mannino smieert es a Fon° Wash, end trill be (moil the only sdr. rooted) r iu army eluvial of Cutaneocs direction.. lt - speedily crnelmdes Pimples, opens. scr e butie Dryness; Induration/ of th e tmunicons dime. brane, etc., dispels Itedneesas d lotildent Ledammation. Hire.. Rash. Sloth Patebes. Dryness of Scdp, or , titan, yrost Bites. end oil parpolien for whkb &Inn or (nut meets aro need: restores the skin to a •iststo of peaty ar i d soups, end hthires continued basitby action to its tassels. on which concocts the smoothie eeriness nod viva. ti of complexion so ,math sought end ail mired. lint however valuable as n remedy for existing defects of the skin, 11. T.llellaholt's nose Windt Leis long suistained its principle claim to web:tended patron one. by possessing qualities width 'coder its MIAs Ap pendage of tba most lloperiattra sod congenial cwili vr, combining cloinnic fationta prominent te. quitnes, matt,' nod einclicY.Able sccomPanl. mute of its use ea a Preservative and Rated= jar the eoundezion.. It lean excellent Limon fur iillsaine" of nypbditto Nature, and 'sale iliMMiott for diseases of tlin Pnnery Organs, arising ~.iroW• habits of dtsstpatiort, need in concoction wltb, the Wrath& Beebe, lisonips• erne• and atmwba Crepe rill", In mien diseases as re commended, =not be surpassed. tine - Pollee l'er Atottle. Tilt eitt esnlieliatreetionsateomparty the nittittine,: - E v id. m ,4 thp swat re,purolhie mud rclieble they.; =ter tarnished on noon= feu, with huttdolle • tif thou. *lndent Ming witneesee, and tinware. of en.Olo env. netted certificate and rceennneuttatory latter., totey of anted ere Crum the highe4 source.. inctedletr. em.. sent rhysidane;clergetneu.ltitatenuen.'etc.. The pro. prletor has never %vented - to thuir publieithon' in the new/papery ;,tut does not du this from the t 34 that hie article; rank as nutedard Preperatione t nua du het heel tube propped up by cgttileates, . - Veers , ' Elelmbold's aonuino Pnparation, - Delivered to say eddress. Sessire - Inles s;bseerstica. ' 'Estabitsbed tepwasd ot,Tcresty.Yeers. 8014 br gists erverywhere. Address letters tot inturnallus, la • . . seeddesee to DILIDT T. lIELDIDOLIrd. .4x,litspil Only . Depots:—lt.li Deussotsis Dregsnd chemieil Warehouse. do Dal -11rusetway, New' WIG or D, T nits sputa *Meal Depot, 141 Death Tomb ; - • DEWARD SdisUll t TlTELTdi for, , , T - Satt' -SAY. tjthse.' • tx:'ffet'JJ.l riVirtla Ulol.4l , fttti , , - VIINEGAR - BITTERS frirAr s di ston tr r.! ttr intiAT AFB THEY? THEY ?9 - F 7 ;Zig ' ' i; yws QM. a e -t - S c • orrg • &4 617. 1 AKI. .5" o , s I ttelt /o7:8 3 . 0'; A , t\t_C V . D R I !Tr . V;ifi' ilea l'oix I; occr„rir4loici; - ror.r .. 4 .1 'l:ores p r0c;r141.17,1c0l sod cow,- • t cLocrs Wird" tt:Ar . r.,"..r.ostroari„ . or-. gat EN-11 r. 3 to d.-rugerroinsci i.. 1 IttLl.tr4 Oa Erne ArsCrare,,ra44 Boosoa.l Log.. Irco - (corn sl.!rt.torll.4 cro the Al :CAT ULOOD 1•UUI112:: - and A - LrrE - C,ICISCI<MINCIPL.W.nrorrot gcLosotor loud logerator tt Ur EP; t.. 3. a; Lit raL , aa'7o , i.e., tl:u LI.OOl to okrtaiiccuilgoo. torior owl tato. Mist ouo..ncito: to =or. C.ccopd rtuass . r..7oo:L . • • , • . bloc) 0gg.,0 eroat.r co Orrice-1;r cols; rc CAC boner Oro' Los dcatrofr..l cr attar r-cia.s.E4lbs r 4 %mt.,* • 7,3 ad uus . Vor tollasicoutiry 'OCsot (.laisle C... 050100 Vito 'cud llGCti Dooprpols, Or I Orildraclori Tattootor nrcoltorot sod I aturculi tpnt r raid Plioccrooo Or tbo Wood. , I.hor, lildoolco and Mager' tiara Y.: Arco icrio Loon, molt soars:: idoC.tc - Alloccirea rut. cituctd Lr Tgadted'r /Stood. 0t,...th L grrorra4 , 074 . 0c0l t te:F.g..e.eit. . • 'DVog?2I4I,A • 0/1. INIAC..I3TION, , Load liettalliLi ths!AurAlaers. toookor'CioL 'l. , crs cto CLAM, - gl2.r.'rasa, four 7.rr.e.otooa. st tr.. 4 Etor_sch,, LW. Terttag.:.2 crib. riaZ4 . l« 2 4tric.aiou cctho la Ito rrrOcroo cC Cru .O.Olropiorsof olmodicolLothcr pgr.-.lcl. oriOr.c.cro,Or.: tOo .tal.r.r.vief"Lik - pr.ps4. .- ;3ytog.lortt.O . th. 3 ELD=Vill 11:411103,112at3 ' p!.4l:ccr rut toolii„lrbgh Isadcz ett ef•-t1 • r=ose, la cle=sr.r.; L;Ooticr oil Inorgg:o, I.x:oxen; ors Ito c0..11 - 11er sptau. • VDU blilN.llll:liStB.7XeSgoascrettu. s4 : l 1311.-zuk,rAvlsiscs.tvotr,/lr-pkga WU t.r.4.146CL1k, • Ecal.l4:c.a. Ur , irtli.V.PeT ass.ltc4. teurit, T.l3:4ll!pysecUot gm L 14.3, tcracra rr.s.A.r.m Gv t.kto, 4.r v.mai or o • Ira Morally' doz, op sad corrl.:d vat of SW Mao= boor awn tlsr.cby the ova cl.ltcmc cr....Lattb Lz Guru .6Oioirglcongicog,:rnotiLA:cer.:,ois or LOgr cturogroctoct. ' • EINE 41:sizza tSa ‘lll.ll.ed Mood ir:rn-T•rcs burseag 1=1;4 - 4 ths cr Eons t cicssse it shQs you Lr.e. sal Its Fees Is thi sr.l.-e; T , , stsgs Vos•Sms fret I:a your real:silt wrlt ts:l you sten. r...s Mood psis cad Ow p 4.311 of 'Lisps:is sr.lirs'apsr.' • • T.trut..zon.c.wec.ms..l. - Attuzi2.ve. . 5. =icy therssase.s.sra cr..ets.s;ly rf.l, Caws:sr% na4 Ca c!SctilSi irsr.str sids Pz•tsloa fA;Z:S.• ..17.1i20.47 r.L.:.:cO:.•.r.ALD O. CO., • -yra amtt <or% atctitt*. tax. au: ;t • ALi. rtraCt.l:lll AY D, ELeateilzalesktoci 1889. 03TTEMBER6, ROMBI titan DiaCcemt.trcaao, AND SUSQUEIIA:k.INA4MPOT. Tlio Two LARGEST STOR} Tho The Tiro Fined Duiidengs_in, the Minn ty The Largest Stock la-the Ocunty;/ The 'OIIOTGEST . GOODS, , Lowe et, MCP axend Opening of OAJ,Ft:jIE : W.: , ,S:TD.R:E, • . , ,31.0NTALOSE! . O Z•l2.Tc3x,a.V. .O.Slot• "%Br 1121.7 . 1 ". With in *lewd cult rdl Bay Smoker ;splendid Goods uj az.l =Wall .ciectcti Tuid tura. t 0114 STOCK COMPIUSES ORY 0000; CLOTHINGf FANCYlooo3i lithium Oates, Hosiery, ?Awnings. - GENTLEALL.N'S& LADIES' FUIESISILING Carpal!, 01. both,. ILits tad Cs" als..otte.., A Splewlld Jaunt main of DRES S GOODS". Camprishig , Dres*SEcr, Merino.. Enipre.oCtoDs Dualtur stnet, Poplins, Japanese sllkt.'Dnutels Sato. Kahl!, ecitwrior in qaali ix,. • , ' " • A Spla,dlll Asian:nen of Mut Silk. Melt' • Alapags, s Bpctl .. • '— MANUFACTURE - OUR OWN: - •0 - . KZ/..T' .13 2. MT ACV: And Osuwantso Every Pieta We SelL No 'bs.va Use EArZen G ou da tar-Weri't Near, end Make Clulluna to Order. Wqr, Milted to rig ' CITY STYLES AND COUNTRY PRICES r oar .coodarsio too itocoisOwi to voutis.'- wcumy owitta Lame gaanUtldr, And rag AFT° Tu.;sqi D 0 aq,G , ; TECE/1 cluar . ra.viia A:OmM Waid to the Who Asia examlito isouTyms loprisves. • . . • GUTTENUERO UnSAMIArII:4 ' ' • Wtnees4! - loney. 105 1.113-Ipu *Reel. :taw. T9ik , asTo • • 1.55. Water fitrect,Elirsln. " • No. Union 'Mock Elia; irl* t; 9 ".; busquebsons Wont, iant, .:trii4iieptegobor TT VALLEY:It:I%I' LROAD.- 11 Oa suld.alter Ike. "A . . paLtboUlllgli Valloy 11,d:rod:I 4111 run as fulloro!. . • . Warmy . • 4.81 t 1.114 11.45 '4.C4 SAY it 4o IVO' Tuwautla44s,VP:42.l 4.45 ' • AYH X64.11::11,.." pal AIX.' Unica chauk p.m. to.* '• • 4.16 • - A1ic111.01111... • 1444 645 . rputdc'44.lton. . j Its; P-111. P•01..!-t- iTinev4, Nu:4o-1144 IliMi. C 7. ~dflA > 46if~'7a - 16.;• tiest6l . an: clam* of .Chrouta tusdAcatiralswenNs•94 - . outwit rut clrenta matatqtatrrilcularo toil; .aousin. Addrots Baa 601), New . Torkr • FORUM- V• THE 1101711, - tocutrit - dt - id too hivalhty Dlmoek Comm, itnd tooqq tdd4a. 410 min as 00 Lewis liotel.cmqectibd 041i•es or V.tttable Land' • • 0 • • • - 0 • .• • N. pullet:bs &litters oreall 02 • • • Cr, 0.21111.40,_ • ,mr.. Pi.. Jim O. 7•'• binu • . -LAOKAWANWVVALLET . Cr.LighaVM.P.° l4 ir!' ci•oarge Istmcsoll'acmiclP 4 7,1! ESTADLISITEpIBSS.-AUTECOMMY norvlzvar, watztn: t a iirataaigr on _ . " -0" SIX rig= MT. =TERM ALLOWEDIM IMMO . . ..DEPOt.4ITS. - yb -lit Depotits rata ott Dsinitid.Wlthout Persona keepten 'neonate with no uadepoait antl drat the untm u with nay other bank, .11= nelthwatlli will be seconunodatial althea; taut iralitintit Ice ezctuungs4;• , : -.• • • . ItEIIiTTANCES. : . , For deposit. from "plots tie• country "iiiiimanient tis Minna. nitb exprrss. promptly saw/Wired and. remittances In payment, main tr eurreury ar by do*. • Dnfts,lbr role 7n Parts;Alli - of, El:trope. Wised= made arltiout miler ebarg. tbap al nues at ex, bulge, , FAVIAGE'IICI{EIS le and from Ylt Pa/as at Zalete. by nisi. Clara Steurwer. at the lowest suet, Sentataa,Angu•t • . , WOOL-GROWEBB , TARE', .120T1013..!: - 111711.2,1T2.4".. =VP. wmifilVrat cotton. scarp flannel. tho•- best over nude; ell• ems, mends and molt:nem. larLeth-t et cloth. on .hattd, for vale or to exchange for Wool. Please ere moo tai l before disposing- of yens *Oar elsenbere. NM. 1)i mules north of 3lontrose. -• DlOntrose, June T. Ml.' " • " if, - - yETA.Tcii MAHER AND JEW Eia4l; V Susquehanna Depot., Pa..., ,• . Dealer in Watches; ,Clocks Jewelry "' pairingtirmUntry do pe and isarranted.' FINE`: SILVER GOODS!'"' I made 'a speciality; Sileci DetieltiALeacia for $l2 00: - American Watches; at COmpantei to ductal penes... • ,- • . • • - - far Goods ordered tor -partles n ' (Mtn, Now York. at Im profits man if kept. constantly, on hand. Solid 18 canct Rings chr 75 p_er_penny, weight. ' -• A. D. TARBOX. Susquehanna Depot o lan.,23;lEnt. : ' -"' TALBOT ,& STAMP, GROCERIES & FROYISIOK rkmr,Ssit,rintter.Pork„lani. Apse. Salt PIA. Tell Camila', Cracker*. Movie. cores, SOON CLAN.. • , Tess, Saves, /Lice; Dried and carted „ . Yestlt. Tobacco. Char*; Saar, 5„; - =Sail edict amides avowal). kept In a gpt cu. grail • sad Provision Store: . ' lCe will mark our Gamboa; b.er ite we tax ilia/1,4;4 ' sell for ash, ur exchauge Ate pcwiacs, County! GOODS UNLUEITED. , PAIT.O.NAGE BDLICITED... TALDOT & STAMP: , Montrose. Sept 21, ISTCL—tt. . NOTICE.— WITEITY-itt• UTTERS .- TriOartlell LITT to lb,: et tato Jude on Stowe, tele of , VOT. k- toww.hizt,tlecoord, hare tw•-te gwentedlo the satowriltero all perwooti intleft‘d to paid edit* ttro Torrotml to in the travactltt to:lv:trot. dud that* hit, Ittg' CIIIIIIIO or tittn.otl•-ogl'itrt the rotate Craw eald de.; totem, will orr.ret the 1,11 a.• wit hoot deter- • ;, 4011% BRADSHAW. ' WAKITtI AN c:roiNnnitic JCL! % BUTTITItFIDLD, F REVERT. K DAY TON, • GI:OM: R. JOIlAtioN. JERITAIIAU fIOrTORD. • Yoritt Lob!, A 0 .2,1611—r0r. • • • Executer*: ; TEWAUT ;VritrbleixedShitil 'cars bur* senaimol, Windings nmal'avian naw and noni ma donna.. TB.BraiWAUT. aft, , Mr.'Sixth Aroma. UM." . ESth and Van 2‘ . .Triurc Ang,11,412a .$2.0,000 Worth of Goods .in store for the o . openior the Fell Trade of 1870, to a fulkond general assortment of Drinotai Tarme,hiugZand Firm" Opals lisSamas Co e. Mas,n,• Mainos, lts . ntins, C7.1i4,04 Shantr. Corseta.embouti Idle, a 11,4 .Itkar iaditt ancp Gent/lure. Deoloßiga,rdlify Sebes, error ll*, •,/ Cloth, Civiiatitif: , .. :• Acem'Clothr, Mantis. Dan utie Collunt,,dxote, , 'with genera a.t‘ortment of fiats and C. Boots & Shoes. Oils and Paints, Groceries, Crnekiry. lianttiarc, Stoves, Iron, 4te, Ittralaa• h3l a - superior opportunity for seesaws*: sad will be sold on glasnost givorablo terms, - • 33. 33 au Ingc;r4 - 11. Nov. IC 1 , 1.33 311 Mar.? : COI7ESECI• erroura Tax cora: storm --- Jour/ 8; TAU CIE!. I,* Proitrlctepg. '.. - , . . . . ~ . . . . . • • - , ElAitStgt,,_.fte. klieg' tbus V(oeire daily, 'ecinatellsvieft the P. V...14.W.. tho Edo, ' sad the 'I..W .Varity-Pigi Agricultural Cloliege, of Pamtallfaidlts Tllll3 INSTITUTION' 1 11 1 1 1 0 410 fur tbl 4 , SITING • TERMOP 24 WRDIMS, On Friiloy, February' 10,.1871. For arm! mtalogqo aid other Turmatitin, Acicims, : - 71111. 18711.—u. ' Until Con ro - - . .131.0011111'IGTODL . tinntszas 9tlinegitA.7.l. llettgll,7tl4 l p;it, iniuw trim, tow telidan 1 , 04 eVergrrelt mi., grafts. Froulincs. , watt plardo; app iei seed, rial 7 Lton, pulatorn. daub.. Mtn weenbanen and garden planer, , , VEAUTABLEREEDSt dime, best e.littt rug , quatity, - -tiend 10 was fur thpf .01fUnt , n1Pcf irt Codidwin-00 pun. *landsman. en eh for Cats mis of Eiredn. wttb plnkidirontlono-4,4 tzn a S im eddlus - ad thinks rionni-411 stnriN and inolonsth 11.1st-2-1 ddaltU Y. K. PM:BM; B - - 172/41,11.:- , Cam late the Incluse rp thedeb el ; 114 Vomit Laite ea ny Itbogltio 20th day of jidy ICU *du Ado. tele eiarkedeeith pti paha apdthe whin sup tar,. My perree - provin PP3Pra; anit.PATOP ehastdecao %eke them - 1,w.1443;10, Went...lli ierig: l 4 -4111, 11r. • ' • ents Rea This!' e a s tkopt ` 0 1/1 PI Or 1100 . _e_atir and spenacir ia Ww a bre. Ze i 4 arir v aralri r E o 4lo ., a t at I trl hOtentiowt. )11th.. • • - .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers