Pat' gutelligenit _ lill&1011)IIS SEENacze.. SAM* etIOROII ''' Mai. L:11'. FoatcPastni. Sabbath Bart tes 1 10.4 son. iota :p.m. ' Baobab Sebonl. , la tn. Pap:* Weating. WoluelidatErolsP . -,Y CLTUOLt ttiValtna. Itint.S. tr' , ' Str ' . lit= Sabbath Setvicea. - !brood Sunday In each Month Sabbath School' - ' - InimndLotely borate Nara S'FISCifOAL altrßCLl.:lltry. - t. A. WihntiMnOtoi. Sabbath Servlcea.lLOX a. ni. autllN ?. at. Pa ndatMchool.' _ . . Vaelt..Mhy Scrriodat-Wt ~ '; .. ...Ili D. In. . IMISTIODIST SPIS,9O..CAL--t-r. -tato!. A. DkAtxxlllibtli. Sabbath lacralces -- - -10. in a. m. and 1. at p. tn. Sabbath School . a Meattn ims' it.Thaths” . ' R 2 30 p.m: entimirnatukii =ACM.. Aabbaiktlcrirtees Sabbath School PrayrrlffeutlV,Ttinesday Mcsati. Maxim 10.43 a, m. p.m; .1233 m. MI m• iiitutiseacpiplieca. We would call attention , to the folk:ming ad y . crtilensents, nu* • . —Dry floods; Guttenberg, Rosenblum & Co. -:-Sheriff zeleti,teltrunty 7, —AncUan..&pringvillc, Zuglicr-BaraTif Eteporeilng. - • ' • • , Plucker, who stablnxl his : rr i fo ,Bingham ; lon, Sunday . motnlng of last treelt, end then cut himself' slightly in the abdomen, ingetting over tbetilitirioim . Antra.' Vitieltd,who :Was severely , Injured, is also oilottly reenverlng from the effects of the stabs received, said is cOnsider cd_ont of danger. Nl!titillated 'Currency, , The following law regarding defaced and =tasted cogency of the United States went into effect on Nair Years _ day. rrattional cur redey instead of,Detrg tedeemable by the Tress urerof tbetnitcd Statcs,aubjeet te",a discount of mutilation, will be ittitiemahle, td„ their; full flee - value In new - notes and enriency, by the Treasum tutd the several Assistant Treasurers and desigeated depoaiteries of the United Mates, and all National Bank depositories; and Will be not-hod at their full face value by all officers of the Treasury Department in payment;of taxes slue'the United States ; 'provided that three-fifths of tlm titir„inid proportion of such notes, itro presented In one piece; fragments lent than , fire eights will be redeemable only at the Treasurer of the 'United States. If • more than one-ball and less than live-eights is presented, half the face value will be paid; less than Allah will not be redeemed only on affidavit that the missing portion has been totally destroyed. Gcit "Bothered." • - . The edltrr,of the s Montrose Reinriikan, in re-, fekiine ctz- noti ce: of Col. th..4.McCinelreir last week, says : The first part of the annorincement apflcars to bean right; but What bathers nix is to know why the Colonel took his slepartate fermi Green an suddenly, es reported by the - Dzatocrux." We would explain; by saying that the . Celonel (nand he had omitted to renew his subscription fir the DENIOCIIAT, and he lininediately returned to .Montrose, gave us abearty shake of the hand; paid . us a year's subscription in 'advance and went back rejoicing. is all right . now Mr Frazier. (Mesa you will not be "bothered" any The editor of the ReSugitian meths to be "bothered" very badly lately, but if he will mil neon us'we think we can attrzi7.ltha him out m 0 4 .1 nay - time. .. . . • • Oarpel.43ag " Busted: , '6 o.;i. W.," (me ut the many "fungus editors of the Nontrose.,Republinini `hosted" his old Radical In the last issue of that paper in trying to get -"Johnson." "Webster," . and " into It. basearriedit setionk and lit ao pianY . Padical amilgantatiod psu st the rights of the peofile; that he . should have known that in its threadbare coiadiL lion it couldn't stand so nitich white blood and in telliaen cc. We hare oot Ittord whether tir not: the • clerical" corps of the .POublicait office are to bemaile to "come down" With a per centag,e under Radimil rule to fartimh funds to buy him another, but we hafti' this sympathy 'for him, that we will furnish, gra'ils, fi , sack for him to pot hi head in, but wecoulkkbt be induced to inreA in a Riulicircarpet-bar P. S.—He may probably hart the same diM eulty with - busted" that be did with '! thrib ble"-:---bettl?Secni to be posers (lir /tint to answer:' A Good' Word for Local nipera. The New York Time. says yoinnight nearly M. 9 well forget your dr:mites, your academies and school-honses,as to forget ytarr . paper. It 51/ f.O ten times - the actdiceta that your local minister does and if it hai — l!ny ability at ail, it is zeta eagerly each week from beginning to end. It reaches you all, and if rt lima lower spirit and less wisdom than a gantlet; it has a thousand tinies better chance at you. Lying as it does, open on every table, in a s ithost every house, you owe it to yourselves to 'Ally liberal ly to Support, and exact from it, int able, high tonett character asy9n . , , dofrom a4.'eataMlor in yonrMidsL... Itis in no sensoliseitisitotiee and care—uuless yourselves are beneitlt notree and care—for it is your representative. Indeed, in Rah - dicta it is tho summitialit of the im portance, interest, and welfare of you all It is the aggregate of your consequence, ithil pit cannot ignore it without miserably depreciating yourselves Public !Meeting: • A:public meeting, inaugurating the opining of the Montrose Reading Room and Litnitly, will be held at - Good TeinpLirs' Hall; Montrose, on Friday evening, January 12,187.1. Adthessen7ill be delivered by C . C. Lialscy, 31: D., - President or theAs'sociatiorca- R. 3l cC oll unliEsci• ; Eon. W. .1. Turrell,-Esqf; the Pastors of the respect- ive aTirelhes,.. and: . other- Prorialnint citizen_ Thelfontoase-Coreet and ft:mll9h 'music for ilic - occa.sititif , :,Tlie lad'es 'sited to attend. ::Adinissie n the:- Coate 01}1 Esti:ascii to eenntneace at 'Z'p. • , Pea Oaai ' . E. Foto., &enters; Montrose, Jan. 80.871' . . P. B.—Sabseribets-are requeited pny The balance due Anxitt their-subscriptions, at. tin) rooms of the &Aberration (formerly occupied. Burns, l2 / 1 9/N*.ngisis/3 7 itignit - Ms7 vF further notice. Acknoulgdeonent. 31Iss Sarah Walkerhae received the follatrinip, Eolmrsti's neirm:Pnitm., Dec. Ur, is Dear MU' Wat/zr.:—rve been -eery sick, and must ask ibliteness for not acksmiledging your kindness rota that of other . friends before this The motley, $l3 tiO and barrel and box of provisions verereediVel and duly opined:laid by our: oiii*en: * TolhkpleaSure of eating the. good tkirtasOent stiMidded that that the name of ''Soldiern vu dent to some; for there are z any-note who seem to soldier is but,: another tunic for.o.vap*lta. lc - lather they are well, Or may have been !nem. My &Wed in,tlMseivico if Our countrY.. .Of the last our home is corepirmd. PoerAll; they ain l .p.iseing rapidly away, and rev_ yeaM *ilia!' the wounded ones , will ho' gone` With suanyttanla on their behalf; and with .n hope of braving drum you soon, I am, - • ..-- - Tours truly,' i ;2-7 ,~~Cdrucu~ Grmcsas:, . .s ad Aintstant Ber gtant-M-Anni,t7 the Muse.P'rePresezttitilvelP 911 Tacsdair last • • - • , We were Wised' to receive a crtll,tirrPriday hist, from Mr. Nathaniel West; one of our sub= scribers from Ararat towasitifi, thla utiiinty, who is trztlyrt Veteran, both is Mentectney and as a citizen, in this part of the contalT• ' West Informed - us that the that Week' in April, map, hq canto Into the county, now *tiled Susquehanna, and the township now knob as' Ararat, with his at tiort his shoulder his only stock and capital in trade, and located filly Aires of land, a part of the titan upon whieb ha now resides,. which comtisted, Woe." parceling out to Ms .- ions and otherwise, of 220 acres of very vaiunble land broUght andel' - cultivation by his own:ililigent and' hard labor. The Par 'l3fly atri2Which he lecateit antl which he retitina;" In hishemeatead liar pissedthrOugh quite a Mir berlof vlcLnitudts, havlig by political change, beep located In tvili . ditYcient rouuties, arid four did§rent towns; elite ho hailivecttipon It. - Ile soh; when he cause, there'were only two . houses In 'what is now known as Montrose, occupied by • David and Isaac Post rtspectirely. le is the only •ono now living.Whatinst settled in' the -township of Ararat: la 83 31:5ini 10;120, hots aa blithe,of and tuck it er In intellect as man of forty. The day he called upon us he hid driven his own' team from home that - tnonting, a tilstafice of 20 plies, to Montrose, for , the purpaso of transacting some important business, , witick he had already completed andle informed us' that no accident befalling, he should be hem* at early evening, making a trip ot• 40 rata travel. Mr. West Is In per feel health and exhibits the sunshine of *remarkably cheerftd• and happy old age, and has the lull reward of an honest In dustrious life in n Munificent eampetencytir self; in his deelinittgyears and a • goodly inherl tenci for hit arrilliafter , West latest of the "has been's" but, he is now able to jump up and "'creek" his feet twice before touching the Boor, just foi *.pattern for some of our "smart" young men of the "Period." It did us good tartlet% ant of "Nature's Noblemen" and a former acquaintance, who although •an Octo" b enarian,hr - all aglow with the health and vivarity-Uf buoyant youth, enhanced by a long life of regular and temperate habits and untir ing industry. , When these noble veterans shall have. kid oil their armor will there bo recruits to fill •the ranks!-'Let' the youths of today ansWer. Vailouts Item,. - I. N:Pardec, 'will deliver a sermon up on the life and character of Jim. Fisk, at Grace Episcopal Church, Inlfreat Bend, on Bunday mon:dm-next: —The fzienda 'of Rey. .jkihn A.' Jerome, will make him a donation rib, on Friday erenini, January 1.2t1, at the itonse of A. Von Wormer, in Greet Bend.- • —Mr.. Jacob Chalker, of Brookdale, this county, =tight a handsome gray fox on last Christmas morning: It is said to be a rare beauty, creti"forrone of it species, and exhibits its "foxy" nature by at once submitting to. the ['will of its captor and becoming as docile as a kitten. —Court opened on Monday morning, with Judge Morrow presidingg. The .attendaree, ap• parcntly; 'earal Itsli as 'usual toe IliO And week. We aro to hare a three week's term, and 'judging by ther bat term s good amount of bus!. ncia will be disposed of - • —Mr J. Lorton, of Durham New York, de livered a free temperance lecture at the court House, on Abinday bight, to a viufibli audience which was well received. The "hat" was pass ed around as usual to defray expenses, and ;10 70 was received, • —The Stockholders in the Montrose Railway met at Springvil:c, on Monday last, and re-elect-. cd the old board of directors and President, for - • the ensuing year. . • —On Wednesday morn big, January 0, another alarm of Ike was raised In oar bona, which proved to be a barn belonging to Joseph Backus in "the Valley," and was evidently the work of an incentilary.„ ..- -We saw the lxsly•of a very large wild cat at the Tarbell House, one day last week, which was killed by N P. Stiller, of Oakland township. Mr. Millerbas killed six at afferent - times this winter. Re came to 3luntrose to secure the bounty. • Woman's Idiarkma.nshlit., A Writer thias happily alludg to a'retnarkable , pccoLatity of the down-trodden se:: Did you ever see a woman throw a stone at a hen ? It m ono of the most ludicrous scenes in every day lifer übserved"thaqtro eesti—indeed we paid more attention than the hen did, fur she didn't mind It•at all, and laid an egithinert day as if nothing bad happen ed. in,.fact,thatkeit will now 'learn for the first time-that she served in the eispatity'ef a target. The'pretiatory Owl had invaded the sacred precincts of the flower bed, and was Industrious ly peeking and scratching for the nutritious seed or eary7Ftn, blissfully unconscious of Impend ing danger. The. lady !lOW. appears npon the scene 'Atha bream. This she drops, and picks up a rocky fragment ot:the Saurian age—"they all do it,"—seizing theprgjectile with the wrong hand. Then, with malice aforethought, she makes the farther blunder of swinginglser arm, perpendicularly instead of horizentally-where upon'the atone files into tbe air, desert - ling an irregular, elliptical 'curve, and strikes, the sur face of the earth about as fxr from the hen as the thrower stood at the tinie;and in a course due west from the same, the *ben then bearing by compass N.'N. E. by- E. half east. AL the Second attempt the atone narrowly missed the head ciflhe:throster .herself, who;fseeing , thgt any fartherattenipts of the kind:might hive beeasuicidek does what she might have done at first-4taitsitter the , ail old family wcapon. ' The natoralot MAO iis,"o4ek, to the. Mfedteat riveting. The annual meeting of Use Soup:snug= coun• ty Medical Society was Intld at Smith' Hotel, in New Milford, °into third inst Considering the severity of the weather the attendance was good, • there being members 'Ohient from New Milford, Montrose, Ilarfonl, Oteatrtend. Susquehanna Depot; Hopbottom, 12, whilascreral others-'sent word . that they 'were unavoidably detained. -The delegates to the State Median 'Society (one of whom is a Vice iteddent thereof) made a full and able repels br. Birdsall read an elaborate report of an at pi at the knee Joint, and there were taintitiVicforal reports , of cases of uneseal or Speed Icittoest. Several pitlents presented them -o,thti tkiteclitiie. A ecarnlttee offline° was Sp poititeetO circulate &petition praying the leg's. 4atitieto" extend to Susquehanna County the `me:Wont:of AciNct.'637, PanipMet Laws, IS7O, tailfied:" An Act to regulate medical ;practice counties of this Cominrinwetiltb." The Tnsacirista .rtport gm a flattering con :MOM oithernasielal condition of the Society. Dr. D. C.'Zdirards -was elected President, Dr. 1: C. Blakeslee:Tics President, Dr."- L.- A. Smith Treasurer, - and Dr. ZL. Gardner was ra kesed Secretary. Dr. Halsey, tbe retiring prviddrat, Teri , ' bristly addressed, the sock* * , as did; also the President elect : 11 taking' Alto chair. • The attentions , ,o(•our host at the dinars tit•. bis and elsewhere were all that repaid bodasired. St tro ' iltz.!cia °II Stis, oflorts - Aro: • '` s. flejtaitiol *atter.. ' - _ - • lkii...Entroa--41ir : you . permit me to tali!) 'Nip Ow tilitito thane from the or "An Old Teacher," and occupy A space la your pa per, iritka Partial reply?, rtoi for controveray . do! 'writa, brit to contr.& whit may tie ,a._ false ltopresiott,,and gtau o little intbrmatlon,. *ll4 haibott attempted. 31anystersons are interested in the subject of Corolnon Bc.hoOli((fin . .no . otiter way than to find fault) while orarra rind intelligent friends Of schools" . and the school syltena, Mlice Of Veen ty Superintendent inchtdcd, are 'in all 'sixtions of this county.' Our schools' aro not a swindle, neither are they a fatht re aud,with ,all' raver enee lor older times, the schools are Ihr in ad varlets of former days, although some - excellent customs have passed away, while graded schools and Institutes are directly calculated to help prepittn teacbars for the practical wort: of the public Selma I have nothing now to say In defense of the peticy OrpaYing the salary of 'County fluperin tendent,jtut to suggest that the pressure upou' the Our Intended by Directors and people for permits (Unlawthi) to mach, and &Mattes for ase Uargardifled,:. might shore - the , class that; would be lathe schools as teachers If the super intendeney were abolished.. • . . It Is Hint that many get intcithe Schoids,who cannot teach, and untiring care by the Superin tendent will not wholly prevent this; for a knowledge of books and en ability to Impart plain, definite instruction, are not always pos sessed by the same individual; nor arc all those who contend able to govern or properly man age a school. The Superintendent is aware that some teachers who have atttendcd normal and graded sehools attempt to teach In a 'similar manner, and so as tolniure the school, because of the want of adaptation ;,but they are not the only eneti who beglect theseardl: tic:11101am and appear incompetent or unwilling to give a suit able number of exercises In each half day of school. It:Certainly cannot be Interesting nor just thsf a portion of the school receive so little aid ftom the teacher but how and sacra shall the Superintendent (mired all who do so little? Ile has Sought to correct this in many instan ces. Institutes are beldjeachers, directors and patrons ere arged,to be present, that ways and means be before all, which will aid in eccuring, good schools. A cotinty,lnstitnte, for five days, is held each year, for which competent Instructors aro em ployed, paid by a provision of law;-and about one-third of the teachers attend. District Insti tutes are held in convenient localities on Friday and Sntaiday,that teachers need lose but ono day; beard Is : provided free, expense mot by instruct ors and Superintendent, careful Mitruction giv queStions of Importance discussed or an swered, and the errors In teaching and man agement are pointed out, yet frequently teach em, In adjoining school's; do not attend lest a day of school be omitted, or because no one in the neighborhood,takes interest enough to aid the teacher: Let direttiiiii and pairs:ids urge and aid teachers to attend institutes; Mad works on teaching and. school order, second the work _of the Superintendent, cease to desire or employ incompetent or negligent teachers, and a great reforinatton will commence. Nay the good time. hasten! W. C. 'NJ:ex. Death of Garden fietwitt. After a long life of activity, and nsethincss; Mr Ounlen Hewitt, of Owego, died at his resi dence in that village'on Sunday, Dec: 241 b. Mr. Hewitt, had reached the advanced ago of 82 years. Fifty years of his lifit had been. devoted . to active business pursuits in Owego, : Success tutd very generally attended his business opera tions, and his labels were crOwned by an abund ant pecuniary reward. Ills business operations not only increased his own wealth, but also ad vanced the growth and prorperity of the village of Owego. He was very generally esteemed and respectesl, and his death will be mourned by A large'etrele of relatives and friends- His funeral occurred yesterday afternoon,and was:lamely attended. - Mrs. Stephen T. Arndt, of this city, Is a daughtir of the deceased.-r-Adrarrissr. nea.a,wa.m.x.a.c,-mta. , FE.ssmstme-7-3lcrrrL-In Forest Lake, on the 17th of Dec., by 'Ell W. C. Tilden. Mr. Edwin IL Fessenden and 3llss Etneline L. Mott, both of Forted Lake. l'ESSENDEN—TmuErro—Dectember :17th, at the bonne of Wm. L. Pendleton, in Warren, Bradford Co., by Eld. W. C. Tilden, Mr. Choi. E. Fessenden, of Forest Lake, and Mis.; Susan A. Tibbetts, of Warren. Virat.ntac--Ss - rnEn—At the residence of the bride's " father, Dec 31st, 1871, by Bev. M. ) Swallow, Dr..A. B. Walden . , of Morris, Mad. Icon Co; N. F.. and Catharine Amelia, eldest daughter of N. D. Sriyder, Esq., of Rush, Snsq. Co., Pa.- • • . GnAlLsrirn—ln Ends, Jan. 1. 1572, -by Rer, M. Swallow, Mr. Frances Gray - and Miss. Marl Ann,'‘labghter of W. A. Larne, Esq., all of Brush. - BUSINESS LOCALS. Clotr.aud Timothy far Sale, ' By tile subseriber, at EL J.. Webb's store, Mori. trose, Pa. Call and see my new variety of siko " Clover seed. Montrose, Jan. 3, 1872.-Bvs Jerry Mtn. Jsznani Tgnar.-Commencing, January Bth 1612: Tnairest dcnons-Second Week.-Anbirn -William White, John Snorer. Bridgewater-Clark Ti Vaug,hia; WiMalta s e. Curtis, Guy. P. Wells, IL d.. Stephens. Brooklyn-Anson Sterling, Edwin Lathrop, Chauntey B. DeWitt, Albert W. Kent. • •DinMek.-john W. Allen. Forest. Lake-Sherman B. Loomis, Michael Franklin-Henry Summers. Gibson-John IL Clafin.. - : Harmony-Lord • Wellington Scott Jacob Noble Thomas, TIIIIIIIIIS F. Cook: 4-Abel T. Sweet: Its Ketchum, Jonathan T. Eta Lenta . :Georze, . Harding. Montrose..-Amory N. Ballard, Jas. It. DeWitt New.. ;Mont Township-Gilbert Williams, Stephen Barnard, Lewis W. Tennant. Oatlandllarvey Itnidridge. Rush-Wm. A. Larur, Isaac Gitlin. Elver Lake-Thomas Quinn, Jeremiah Doe, Anson T. Meeker, Thomas Sweeney, Jacob Howard: , Springiville-Samutl Sligok, John Compton, Mouth D. Wiikoelhouse, Mlles B. GrinnelL Ta.tvratse. Janos-Third Week-Auburn- Daniel B. France, Elijah Taylor, Charles Fes. senden,l3enlamin Taylor, Norman Sterling. Broativn--Joseph Ireonians, Bridgewater-Mortimer A. Wpcsi. itivenburz; Datis Stevens, William Lott. . . . ' • . . Disilock-Friend IL llollistat. , - Dundafit4saac Davis.. Forest - • Forest Lake-‘-Marsliall L. Bali;,' Franklin'- - -Clarre )3. Bryant. - Gibson-Thomas Kay. - . • - 13rdat Bend Boro-Orin HAIL - • liarturd-findmw Osman, Daniel set J. Stearns. ILarmony-Harvey Brrant... IterKeit.-Hortlmer Williams; Ii: It: Nlehols, :Dunn. Lathrop--Georg.Decker,'Nen. 4b;rtson. Liberty-Martin L. Truesdell, James M. Trav is; 'Mu. H. Ives. . • • - Lenov-John Robinson. - - • Middietown - "EIiA 'Mott, Gen B. Hardy. - Milford Bore-M - m. L. ' • ' . Neyst3lllflortTowaship--Ira 3losi;Ditts D. Rut -11enrYlrerbryck,TaLli"ti -Susquehanna - Depot-A. W. Howley: ; Lake-ElishaSAgcs K. DM- - - a - Springrflle-}k4. Ithley, ;as' Spencir. Vendue. The undersigned Will offer forams by auction, at his store,,,iw-the- village at Springville, on Thursday, Jan. 28th, 1872, the following prop.- erty :-A lot' of Boots, Shoes; Yankees Notions, Gloves;lifittebt, Short Cases, APals, Stoves,- Watches -c locks , Buns and varions oth er IderchaticlisA Also; a lot of Black.with's Toola,:consisting of 2 Bellows, Anvil, Scales, Mahn% arid all other articles necessary.for carry. lug on a tilleksmithlng .busincss. A. lot of Chains of various kinds, Wagon LCutter; and other article:3'mA. mentioned. Tema Cash. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, Zorn= Bums. Jap..3, '7412w3, • „ . Contributions To tko Viromna'a Branch. Society. of Pa., for the Proientkin of ; Cruelty to - 41nininIn : brig: - Henry :Drinker. $5.00 ;,• • - Mrs. 'Joseph Drinker, $2.00: 'Miss Sarnia • 'Walker, ' , 4 1 1:00; Mrs. Lt..a. Searle,sl.ol). -•-• • . Ino. Tr C. SURGE, Ice President for'Susif, Co. IsslntrrE.—Art Institute , will be hal at Ilopbcittorn, on Friday and Saturday, Jan. 10th and.alth, commencing at 10 o'clock, a pt., of Friday. Dr..A.,T.,Brundage, of Factoryville, is expected to giVe 4lecture , enphysiology, With Illustrations i:also - essnya, questions. etc., Fri day-evening. Teachers, 'do not' fall -tci be present for Atte'Avhole - ' tiro, Mecum" a n d friends are cordially invited,' W. C. TILDVS, Cu. Suet. remit Lake, Jan. Ist, 1872,-21,2, . Quarterly Meeting. . . The Fourth Quarterly Meeting for the pres ent year will be held in 'the M. E. 'C,lntreb, ,Montrose, Jan. 18th und.14th,1872. Services to commence on Saturday, Jan. 13, at, 2 o'clock, r. periat -goticto. W REN DOCTORS DISAGREE Wherettan pallrnis look fur teller? The expelicueo of ann.:Dyspeptic tends to prove that the Proper method of trealment or thelVdde tProad‘ dismay DispcPste, la not to be totmdtn any of the regtaar schools of mCdlcinv You eaunot Ind three phislctins nbo, WA, Sarre upon this point; each has some pet theory aids , own, and earl patient It but to truth u rubJeet fur experiment The obi effeetail L rexce;dy Car this terrible scourge la NISICLEWS nEnn nrrnms. It Cone Is certain autl isulOtitt:lt_t4 effects. It has cured thottsunds nod will cure you. TAY IT St 41300, AND strap DISEASE frith is #ispep4l3. ir be atomach and the boon unto° Intimately allied for tho one td Suffer erlatatit tba other, so that dyspepsia and despondency are Inscpsrable. It may be added, too, that Irrlatlon of the Stomach to el. moat It:variably accompanied by Irritation of ,the tempos • . . The inrlgorttlig and tranquiliting arretatiounf Nos tetteesEitterils'=ostpowerfdlly deselbacti is eaz,A, of It:di:tattoo, the tlret effect of title agreeable tattle la comforting and encoaraging. -&-mildglowyerradea system, the threat& uneasiness lu-the region of the stomaeb to lessened, and the lICITOUI restlessness which characterises the disease is ababid. Thisjoaproseteent Is Dot tmnalent. 'lt Ir r not succeededltythe'letbruortne old symtomps slth intrenadded forge, - as IS lltrayi the case w tics unmetlicated ginrulatts lee gives far tae com plaint. Each dose tes^mato impart a permanent actor alan of heatthlul theimaration. Bat till Is not sill. The aperient aml qatl-1111-ous properties of the preparation are scarcely s-condary to Importance to Ito tonic If there Is an o erflow of bile, the secretion Is soon brought within proper limits-, and if the tollary organ is loon and torplilit Is toned •and re-plated: The effect upon (lan dtseltarzing oceans Is equally salutary, end In cages In constipation and cathartic action [dims; ontll• cleat to produce thodesired reeelt graddally and without paha. the Bitters also promote healthy craporatloe mom the surface. which is particularly desirable at tint , tenon when sadden spells of raw. unpleasant weather arc aRt to check the natural perspiration and produce cotatestlou of User. coughs. and cold.. The heat. ear. guard &Talton all disease* Li bodily 'rigor, and thus the great Vegetable Itestunitive especially promotes. Tho adtortiatr, baring bow. pormationtly cared of that druid dlaotie, Cousoutption. by a Ample routed , II sunkins to retake knOwu to Ida fallow natatory Ibe means of care. To all who aware tt.Te trill stria A Copy of the .preteripthm used. Moo ore:largo) with theittrow. !lona for proonriog and twiny; tho name. which theY stilt find a arta Cent for CoNalia121101:, A.ATII, A, lintatutb TU, C. Parties trlstdaz the_pretcrlptlos trill rdesse address ' Rev. HOWAft.D A. WILSON, :GI 5031 b l'lttrd Street, AVllllstasparp N. Y. TEE CONFESSIONS OF Al ntxua - D. pouuinED as a naming and foetal: beneat of rono men and' others, alio sneer from 'Nervous vms steams or samsccame Written by stns who cared himself, and scat fine on receiving a yost•patd directed raveloye. Address. MAMA:7 MAYEN Mr; Do Wyo. N. T. Brooklyn, May AIM. arGettin: arrlcd.—Essays for young tue delights of home; end the propriety or firihropriety ofgettirm married, tilth imnftery help for LbUfr %rho feel [Mated matelmoolal happinime, Feut free. to sealed g.lvetoper Addrekm, tiOWAEW Pox P:, [' htladrlphla, Po. NEW YORK rnoDucc 'MA BEETS . . _ Corrected weekly by Llardins,.llayden Co„ 1:2,3 Westin:igloo St., ;SowYork. Batter, pail .... firkin 285,10 Cheese, dairy, per 1b......... .. 10(011 " factory " ........... 12(013 Ens, per doz ' • 85(4' Flour, - per barrel Corn meal, 100 ........ ,0.7.5g3.00 Wheat, per Rye • •-• 03007 Oats • 50K/1.58 Com 83635 Hops, : crop at 1811. r. 1331)(cf,30 Tallow " ....... ............ Bd9 Lard per lb ... ..... . 669 'Potatoes per Lb' 1 5O r ` 22 00 Apples " .• •• • .0 0065 00 Tarkeys per r . 14616 Cbiekens " ' - 12614 Grouse per pair... Rabbits " C. D. LATIIItOP. A. RARE Oil A14.0..E F or Sale i tr d lil , enk the Store N a i lf .. lregr e g id e trAs e e larol shoot therty ceni l e% tal l oabie thud.- Or the Ste r r . end Ildlrma Ith abord two LUCe of land. A to ll dared p e lion of the omperty given by addresalna * the antnteber at Franklin Porkr, Berg . * Co., re. N. P. WHEATON, Jan. 11,15 - 72.—N0. 1-9. w. A DUIN/STITATOITS sat.r.—Tik parse:men of an 13.. order of the Orphism` Conn. in and for Susquehan na COUnry. the undersigned Adminfetrator of-the estate off:Mr:es Ramey. Late& Little Meadows LI laid county, deceased, will expose at pnblicanclicar. on the premises. On Friday the nth dayof November next. the (Wowing described real estate, to wit: All that certain wood lot, plate, parcel or tract oflaudeoltuato I.lRic Ileudows, slots aid. bounded on the north by the New York tante Hoer an the cast by Pctcr Reardon: on Mew:min by Pet. rick O'Sbnuohnesey and Joseph Beebe. and am the treat by Joseph Beebe. containing fifty acres; tante or leer, the same beincisealuable pine and hemlock limber lot.• - Tenfes.—Two-thtrds cash or prompt paying occurityi on striking down the property, the balance within Otto year. • nAnny fIARNEY and 'WM. T. REPEL. Administrators of Darius Barney, - deed. Montrose, October 23. 1 . 67 t. Id CIARPENTER9 ANEWEILDES—IrEASES. ecior,rt Al& bTONE, are prepared to do all'ltlnda of Bens. iso and C•rumsrnal 'Work Erick Worki - Alasonry. I and Pabettor, by the Job or n any manner to putt cot tomes& Alin. emit Windt, Doors. Non oral; kinds. end Window Yratnre. to order, Noe Lamber constantly on band. Sbop lA. York Pattary, kalldinm Montrose. Ps.. A. W. COOLEY, ' " ' .137.V.V.EYSTONE:• Kontroae, December, 27.1811.-0-4.0. s . NEW VOEIC OBSEEVEE, $3 per Annsm,lrcindin Year Mork for 1872: , Sidney E. Morse Jr., 12t 00. - - 27 max now, 21h - 19 YORE, ; , SAMPLE COPIES FItEE. . . 'A , PHYSIOLOGICAL ItIEW 'OF - MANGE. t ie*pol, boon. ererpatillabod—tantalnia, neatly . three hundred pagoa and one tatatind and ihirtr tine plates and tanzrattegr of the - anatomy of tbe human or an' in a rtateof health and discate. with &treat - treat= eatty more.fts deplorable contegneaces upon the mind 1191 body, with the author's , plan of trintmetthr-the only rational and nonmetal motto of tore. g rtioniti by a re. port of tares treated. A trathrol adrettiter to the mar lin and thaw; mar. Lao. who entertain doubt of teeinabyalcal tonaltlon, bant.froo Of Pertaan to any address. on renal pt ot ttreatptine coat in r tamps o r 'mutt en rreacyzlrputtitetykr: DA , Li cittax; Waldcn Lane, aloarly, N. ' The antbnx way con. fraud noon sty of the ttionietieb Upon athtrb Me twat trate, tithet personally orbr mail, and 'mon:lathier( sent tosny pert of.the world. . . • ~-, • , . _ • ~ LATEOP'S_BIEDIOATED BATHS; . vurrn , %r Without Elettricity, sus tb e &eland r. .1 • gbenlieurastloni ffietallio sma Mingo Diseas. ,r-At too foot of eauesittet street, Ecenrose, Ea. -310strose k - ly TO CONSUMPTIVES - ,11612 74 (&37 Now Niirria. 50th Year [4:4,OLD JEVIL'LItY-A• •Fine - ..Asaort. Ment: and nthcf +visite* of derrelry: Mew Gold and Sliver Cased Watchea and Watch Chaim,. title , and surer plated Spoons. Barb. Knives; Se.. anal gels. end assortment of Fancy Goode. -Notions, Perfumery; de: Drugs and Medlelnas. a largo sleek. Montrose, Pa,. Doc, 20,11. AbEL srolertELL., G llootßltS.—Tens in great variety and cheap fur the quelltlce. Dried.reecba. the braC to ruirket. nice quality of Italy. rte. Sttor,Cof fee. and a full nesorrmrut of Spica. /re. llontroso. Dec. A 13117, Turinztu , . 1872. Nevi Tame& - ••... ••• • • • -• - • • S. H...1110-RSE , - - • • • MERCHANT T AILOR•, . _ _._• . . reCcizitranO, • WOULD Deaprelf.illy Inform . the pmnita of . tbla al- Malty Out be fa prepared with A Lugo . Muck of GLuTIIB, Ready Melo Clothing; Hats, Caps, • , Fara, Mater Cloibiar. or all deecriptlony..llmbrullat. 1111.1 a- good variety of Gents FIIttNISILI".TO GOODS of all kluda. I am also prepared to MAO .• Cllearthling to „Order, in the Luteat and hfoat'Approved SiyIet,N.VAUDSSTED to EIT, of a Superior Goallty, anti at. , Bottom- Prices . • , Call at my f tore on Main Street, one door below Unto .h DMltealver LAW Mace, and .mpply yon o-urea. llontroro, Doe. 20, '71.-01-3w. S. L. MORSE. . • • 44 = ACRE 3F I 3EL 314 C , RI..RAsAtiTLY 01,TCATED. nbont 11; Niles in= 41ONTRuSE, on q good rood. at $4 4 Der aetv, ban Ram. nun, Frolic., and Neon? Fa tt ing • • lair 23/ by ii, BREWSTER. Itontrose, Dec. .31, 11.-31-e.0.w.3t. C NOTICE.—The undersigned, an Matta; Lis appointed by the ladder of the ;hipbone-Conn of Suomi:Armee eenoty un'oreeptlonsdled to the accorrotof Doyld Wilmarth, as rulniian ufU. W.- TiN•tabury, do• asesed.olininer, will attend to the duties of tilsoppolut ; unlit at the otileo of William U. Tamp. Erg.; to ?doo ms°, on Wedqesday, the thlid - day of Jill3ll3q, 1573. at °needed; In the afternoon of that day.- At, parties Interested are requested to aPPese andpresent their claims isethe above thou and place or-be forever. debar red,-60-4i _ C. JESSUP, lindlttir.. Moutruie, Dec 4t A CDITdR'S NOTlCE.—ThetthJersignertan Andtter. /1 appointee' by the Judges of the" Ortpreanif Court of Barquetumua connty, to dlett.hute the fond In the bends of (hear Warbburn, AlLlffniatrator. of D. /11:9m1- rented, Will attend to the dunce of his ap• polotment. un Friday. January sth, 1321, at neap. in., at hip in Montreve All parties Intere fed are re. coked to appear and present thar clalms,at the above lane nod place or be forever debArred. 9lontrove, Dee. 13. ldt N, A. CASE. AndiNr. A.ODlTOWS'irOTlClL—Tlietmdenilm3ed an Auditor, appointed by tho Orphates Court, of etionnetutrum rounty, 'distribute the funds to tho hands of the Ad. mlnistrator of the cadets of Errs Nennaily, deceased, will attend to the duties of his appointment at the oMee Of A. 0. Warren dr Son. to Montrose. Vilday the 23th day of December, 1871. et I o'clork p m , et which time amt place all prrsona Interested lksald fut d most present their clalus6; or bah/rover debarred train Coming on on said food. C.k.WAllfttN, Anditnr. Montrose, December d, 1971.-ID—ter. SALES.—By virtue or writs issued by S the Conn of Common Pituts of Satiquehanns County nod to cm directed. I %rid expose to sale by public VOA. due. at the Court House. lit Montrose, ou Filday, Jahn. ary 12th. 1872. at 3 o'clock, p. m, the follolvlng. pieces or parcels of land, to wit: All that certain piece or parcel, of land, situate In the townrhiporDimock. In the county of Susquehanna, and state of Fenneylvapia, bounded and described as fol lows, to wit: On the north by lands of Olney Dailey , net the cast by land. of Matthew Shay & F. & B. W., Woodhouse,on the south by lands of War Sigmund on thy west by lands of Morris Sheehan &Win eon. tainiug Iln acres of land, by the came more or lost, with the appurtenances, frame house. Daum turn and shed: frame earn hobos, Orchards. and about 88 acres Improv ed. (Taken execution atthe suit of Joseph Llnibuty vs B.T Tinuan.) ALSO—AII that certain placyor parcel of landAtfustri In the township of Herrick. to the county of fineetle , banes. ar d State of Pennaylvsnla, hounded and deocrib mi as follows., to wit: On the north, by land, of A. Chamberlin. °nth° cast by lands or Irs'llOwen. on 'the oath be lands of John Washburn tad Thomas 'Fibular.. and on the welt by Dude of Ira Nichiple, containing tt sixes of land, be the same more octets, with the appor teriances, frame bourn sod ahemt five mores Improved [Taken in execution stilly emit cif UoratioPierce valeta rr if. Turn-11. and F. J. teal* vs Beery J. Tit:Teti ALSO—AIi that certeiwpicce or pared of land, athl ete in the owniship of Jackson. t e county of Seagull hantia.and Suiten( Pennsylvant.tbeended and describ. edits Billows, to wilt On the north by lands of A. 1.1111, on thee cart by Innis of Maynard Bates and Clzer Oelatt. on tho tont h by lauds of Clecr Dash and A, 11111. and on the area by lands of A. 1.1111. - contalolog about 80 perches of laud. be the same more or less. with the ap. purtenances. frame house , law milt. and all Improved. [Taken in execution at the snit of R. W. Betsrbrooka. toe of Atnes'A. Attlee to C. D. 11111.1 nuffee la hereby given that all tibia - meat be wild In mob on toe day of sale. wet, T. Mostiv, Sherif. SherifTs Office, Itinitrose, December 10, 1871.--81-3 w NCI , TXCIZI. II fOICTROSE RAILWAY CO.--Stoekboldera nI the 11l Montrcreo Railway Company. aro hereby nodded :oat the remaining Instalments of See dollars per share each, called for by resolution of the Board of Dtreetura payablo as follows; • ' •• .. Fifth Instalment. 4ancarylStb, ISIS Stith Instalment 15114 15R Veht Seventh Instalment .' • nary ' -- alara ISitt, ISIS Eighth Instalment - ' - April 15111.1875 'Ninth Instalment Mny Ibiti. Ira Tchth Instalment '• - ' • - late 15th, Dm . - de the works pherrenelngnlo!trsmo're , ny, It le earned lydentred end aboolutely neeematy that the payments ehould bepromptly met on the NM% of.Stnekhdldeti. • C. 1.. BROWN, Secretart WN. 11. COOPER,.Trtuti ref. Montrom. Deeemberr.o IYll.—Gt-td AI.TDITOR'S NOTICE.—The anderrlgned as Auditor appointed by the Court of Common I'lcau of Sur. quehanna county. to dirtritold a third In the halide trt the A asidnee of J. 11. IteCaiu, will attend to.the dada of said appointment, at his ollce. In firontmee, on SS , Imlay the Lifilh da of December. rill :at 1 o'rlockft. M., at which time an place all perrona Interested la the die. tributlon of sal food, will pr Aleut their claim, or be forever deb from fold fund.. D. W. SEA TUX. dluutrow, D Auditor. VSTATE OF.TometiGaltot the toQueldp efApolecon, Dastputekena cottnty, Pe., deceesed.—Letters of Ad mintektenclau upon the e‘tate of the above named dece dent, Emeing btan ;tented tci_the undershmed, all per eons Indebted to too:testate are hereby podded to make Immediate payment; and those Lavin elalnt• against the maize, to present them dnJIJ anthentleated for eettle otent. ,316.11T0061 0 ., Adthltdetmtrix. Apolseop, DeCember 6, 1871.=:16-43w. QatZ•o4Tenci.--CAmo Into tbe melanins of the o /a [tsarina. on or about the VII 4ay or September,l37l. a Dark• Drown, two year old gall. Any palatal by prior, In property and charges. can take him away. Anbarnelleetinber,.o;`7l. , .-19-4w. 401111 ItILET. LICENSE PETITIONS.--Notice is hereby given :that in pursuance of an Act of Assem bfyi the following named persons have filed their petitions with the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace Air the county of Susqueharini for licenses to keep taverns, eating. houses, and to by measurein - qualatitleinot less, thari one quartifor whlch they will apply at January . Sessions, 1872: - • • . L. 3faclrwrhsY Choenut,Tatent T. B. Williams • ' Dimock, , ' William Wholesale, Philli Ryan ' • ." •.. Tavern SilasDowell,: .. . . , .011w/ft; Beery Ackert...• Oreatßeild,ationi, - l":„ • Joseph Doyle '' Lear/di:h/use Richard Stack.— . " • Wholesale Thomas Cusick, • • " Eatingllonst Julius B. Drown, Great Bend Township,", Charles Kirk.....llarmony, Tatein Jacob... ' . "• I. N. Thillard.:: ... Montrose, Eating Ilodse Peter TenEyck.New Milford Boni,. " Thomas T. DicNatrutm. . ... ...Oakland, Tavern N. D. Snyder - • • - - I Kush,' '"- William Franks..., Lakei Eating Douse Charles IlfPresbny • " Tavern . Dennis Mahoney ' ..." - , • Co Malec. •. 41 ,Susguthattn4 Deppt • " Michael . , - " .. • " John Tierney . " • Wholesale Maurice Meyers:... . Achillie -. • . .-" , - Hartley . • - - Eating 'Route Joseph Allen -.. • , Eliza MeGraugh . ..., , ..• " P. co. Donnell" . , Dien McOnire..... . : 0. . William Dowarth.; • . •• Adolph Zona "- ' • Henry Pierce _ -"- " I - • -lb:nitrate, Doe. 20,1671/.41-Bw--. 16ttoriticoxi4 Elv'ory boar! I A LARGE Nod or New' Goo - &„" at ISBELL'S New Clock,. New Jewelry; Matz anct-Waltham Wanks & in 067.varitity Of -CSCIII"Of Rod Own. an,egf the very beat tal ly, end at -th e ate , Pert it Might than the sword f' r4inn 11. IZBELL, bee the Best id Pen In market. abd as are nearly orquite al mighty aa the pen: he then. tote. 'keeps a few of the DOW EaldherillMettlDiellt- And LIU of Thad Waxe,^Coninl w . ss:4B3 - e - Mania 0. NOY. IS. IL .' • -,teat Sidi Pu t 4. lie , ' . Catider's - Sonr, As yodeomninto town - • On e cold-Winter's day:.. Just drop Into L. 11.-Ishell'a": -.-- As you Pas 3 Mong tbst vtaY. , • And see the largest M - 0 Stock clout,* •- Ever brought into this trims, Which be will sellvery eltedp 1 PM•rendyeasitdovittr; wetries, pins andjewelry, Just come from lite city; , • . - And if you should fail to se&thein, - • L it would be ci.greit PitY! All.the new and Lite styles Of solid silver and plsto4 vrare. : :Sold just as ell6ll as In -. . • ' •New York, or anywhere - - • Revolvers,,earrs,"Ande4rtritigea— , • Agent tor the,Silver,Whito-- , • . • For clueing silver ware. z. . And yod will And It all right. . • „ Also, Table cutlery , a good assortment. orib,c finest quality, andevaythlus usually kept in a first-class jorrelry store will ho found at -- L. B. ISBELL'S, ' Montrose, Nov. 1S; 71. West side Pub. Av. S u RT(IM. 1 1. 1 171:! "' ft.:. wstal Ware' 11.1?. by Di! DOWN TOWN NEW§; : ' , .' . ••.' • , • MINER AND . COATS,---: Sato Urea.. 6 , doors below Boyd's Corner.lioctros 147.0U4,.dROCERIES,l'AND . PROVISIONS. ; • ite cantata), rot, Moat nd now ture - ookob'd, •trash stock of Goods to out, /Mita we wilt/ell CHEAP! CHVAI CHEAP! T o reasli.orazetti , ge ocprodoco., 0 OD .; T.N.llb, I : • • COPENEI::.SVIGA • IiOLASSRS, SPICES, • --PORR",::. FISII, , :LARD, :•' H4MS, DRIER,:'FRUITS, CLOVER,i-. TIMO7IELY' . Wojtaviralltted androada additions to our.liteeko Palls. sod are now ready to torwardflotter to the ,ba t CarronVision houses I o Now York,lree of ch mtge. sad makelibersladeszteesseats constraraeats.-- • Callstod examlaepur Stook , before patelaaslag els* whera.andoonalote yourselves o Übe - GOOD Q,I7ALITY. do 10 W PRIGS „„ of oar (loads.- - O. MINER. . ... . fI.t'PATII .Ma mas. lawn te. 11503. - • . , aIiEAT BiIUUVAL, OF N'ENT'" 0 - 0 0 D,S! rcar Atm* I;97la:ter. McKENIII & .HAVE NOW OPENED AN VRIVALiMi Assortment of Etch Fall and Mater Dresa Fabries • Ad the liewnt Stsles of Stripe Series.. All %rut Scotch - nal& and ,Popllns, - Battens, Iforinoes. Ild dlandoes, French Crapes, Mack and eol oiad Alpazio,"llollairs. 'Delalnaa; Worsted and Flannel Depastriumt; AU the ooraltlesla Sligla and Double Stair's. :„-ITatenniota In' all atylaa. ylaaaels oF• , • id do i ly! , pilaw". lloodo ud 3o ~ Scat', Ilualefil Wire Mantels A , Bed. SiFeads. , • The Clash Btdek liihiheeseritiflng ell Made from TS cent! to $lO pcs Tara, . . . Eats and Caps—Th= trcwCA styla cf 51114 Cat , slizkerc. Wool, and Clow. . Bbofai Sb.cisii Largu Stock: neadyainde Ciottilig. Cheap and irermals. 'None better ut istuicrt. . . Overcoats at Great.. Bargains. Our CustonvDtpariment is Runuitig Night, and My to. Ketio With Orders! • Zevirio..A tall Mock of ill thovariois style► % nee. Buffalo_ vibes,. Lap and' Hans plankets.ciao;pcit anti Opt In milli:. ' These awl men) . ober rude not meutloved will be eold Cheaper for cwh u Bear l'sy thou we be Sound elseWbere.- 7 - . Deland lee foi yonrselles.ind is innelneed ' the Ent that you can glare money In thew herd timesft baying you grocrerionet -, 3IeKENZIE &FAIJUOT.Iy , Mumma. Sorember : . STR.OLTD ItIiROWN'S Tiro. Life; and Accident GENERAL INSURANCE •AGENCI t Issdrivircaiso-i CAPITAI. nsintszyrzri. O. ' sca.ciakoce . , .. LlMoitiumrartee Co.or S. Y:„Capital And -.-.: • Sumba', ••• : , ' ~.... • $000,01.0 Insurance C0...0f North America, FON. - • CapitaladdEniplus _ ~.•-• ~ l'ooo,oe Franklin Sire lase:rase; co.; rung,. Ts., . . • Capital and Surplus, i 2 t r l rcly_, e itli ga ll : ttputtialln;lldnurry!# Co ',_.° r a - 4 Wk . •• i l ' A rlb:c.i.otlittitaaahe Itunisumuo. s of . • , - tlartford. Conn.. Cannel.. - • 33,00 r . , /Mohican' Lite ll:gammen Co., Fbiladel. • ,' • s • pills, Capital, - • • - • I,n• - ' Trleeleralneuraneo Co. Tfartford,Conn., -.- ...-;-- , •• Insurtagspdastall kinds olaccirlents . _' • , itartford Ftra I nitimaeoCompouly, not. — , ford. Conn, . Capital and Sophia, - f ~ . 0 6 tor All baginete entrnitetito nor me will t• I • a ,,,..„,., ed to on fate terms, and all novas promptly a% p ,";i . , - VirOffleeprstdnar aid ham Ihnklpg_Of -. 2 ~,,. • or v r. 11. Cooper, 6 Co..Tamplks st.ktontroro, Ft. • •••• _. .., . -. .. ' ' STROUD -ft IfiR6Wll4 i - ! ,gents: :.... .. . . , -.. - - Ice: strrtni• 1 4. 141 "d" 111 ° , 11 !":- Mo ' tor: ' - . ' CIUS. Tl.Sxrra.. . Montrose. . ... d o ~ : • 'Maxon 611tat73. , , CaUtit . 7 AH. Grass. . Ma • . l:Arita, ri: . Ai. II: iri. ... . . . . og= 03T3'723./P x l r tttabargbi . PC; it to teary that have ere° A. SALDIV I irit=l: . p t tho exclusive control of Omuta f ett remeWn Eio a:magins County. to • • coata. tithe business, aa4 taatn rtg WI choreic , st.otallte Mantua to tam. to *tilos b -1.0011.00371,.' • AGENTS-WANTED Liff.D.`",c" 4 „,... 4 .t1 : mltinstrntlona, Ilkenesnen,'Ettbe yniltdally bound, and printed 4m 1 T H E -*ATI N.,- : balitutionti :."' Ih :AND GERUAN.'•• reiMig c1a.7b:.11, at NA ths . bisei Ihey need,. .11 ta an Encl., lupedin of Ike 4ltinnlnans I t til , :ettnll..trebt ttlG s Arris 2 f t etb a liala . Tant - 115r. CiarnsarMdles anT g r iptlranon.4mlllevm:. .tencbrn. end *laden:v. (WC:a tabt 'l5 orders MI:: dap, ig*Admalor alone. { , pier Om triyinett 'l4.liy can be thiond in fOr femme'. writ* tirtnlarand Infunattlon...NZW.WOßLD PUBIII9/111NI— CO.. earner It 4 end Naktet 0p;WI.: ' 410 1 / 4 451.12. . im • -vonbat 1, - • MO 11f"...`1" - 12.71$ And - otlteis 'Ern" lonzglren Me It - rf p*rob.l4i. r• tinder. tar b tat felt thanks:an:l temp. ernitnnanco of Um emmk, ant, their Inancnce, to .r • SPLICE/DID' lirEW USD ABE ISTOB2 t or smIlL. CW 'it Co, TO and al th:uturistleet. Torii. %film, actated to me and dlitri , id turbo firm to inn en early attention, and I erbrad ad 4 to zny..pettent; and to Moro "rho pan by on It.* otter Ode: that LIR nOLV, be wade/7414_ sbr bbit' MU concern to bare Torb. or err,etrhere. u ylest gs.f men Otir trLil. Our good.. are ttfl new. ittll - barf,f caul;. for thoneartitnd Northern trade. „ O.'TTLEII, Agent. and alontroao March V. 1611. . -. • - 3 afar, ttilotoire, 'l 4 :Plrip " Or% v iNv i iitn:9lgg'eutty , ____,_l%. to. eased.—Lctun admintaustion upon tha ' emase the above-mimed dnadent• baytegimen granted to flgs, coders . Igerd. retsoes indebtrd •to u U - myten•lre re twby pained Lo make Immediate Lamont;, toddies* baeleg claim against. the +mom 4o mien acts ill XI anthentketed for oettlemamt. - • - •• - IACOB V, TiraLLACE.AdadedeThr e • D3IIXIWTHATOWeI SALE' AND' r 19 undersigned.sdialoistrator et Its eatateseritlllinte seWallace. lam of Springville township, decessed, sfq ll t public - tea on the premises of said decent. oir Tuesday, the of Navanber. }571. et 9 e'eloen. - the following property. six: one sett carpenter's Wiry one buggy, tine sulky, two Witted halding.TWO two settsgrebe's., two stands, come bureau, two rash... fog ellairsclue large looklepytsn t - arpets silmwsush gLoottrare, aids great awl other iirtWea teOgitnalifr oast° mention.. , ' Tints or Pau—All sums under is, aunt: Metalle el; smooths' time with totereet and summed secauitr JACOD 11. WA.44CE;Adsitilditteittet..,: ia the llama Vico UN . Iha oma: as Rios . la Vb other fide I. oror,l Will sell at spat- Lon the lel pr.porty, and walla of lhoso out old ataoria r k =- matched and brute; I throe rests oldoott, salmi sod kind 1u ail hameert 2 chalet dairy coirs.l at *or 1 yearliug heifer with calf, 4 good cslreo , 10 COOdrines.... l 1 churn cheep. 2 choice grade fiontbdusro backs, , breeding sow arid pigs, Isom Harken, Z 3 &leftists.. f horse ra "M.:401001ml. (Unapt Chili pota 4 ort,oll of irat for sire; 10 Was of hay. it quantity of straw antooro.. Too*, of flux—Ann= cider $10; OS S 5 tine over. nine swathe' tuna with interest acid avows' if saw suety: per cent. off for cash. Notritaglolmsaasars...' I/01431d . . • • ' r. IL I .itlenglai, It:aim 8. Mr.Austlea errs. I! pi !will e.' Pa., Nor. tr, 1 STU rev ityrr v ßg.EstAx;rasmizzpr . •.. _ OF lira LIAM Ihsaas SULX. Harm: The ealensllfi Cstablishment .of WU.tam W. Aseitb, braint ll Z . refitted and greatly improved, • the ittelettot (ally al:113 cm:Lento the enigma of littoetroeo sod to 17. that ho le constantly snaking and kaspaoll bald to lamest and bestassaertment of - • • - • • " VTI:T3EI. - IV - 5171311 to be fueled elybrber tbli aide of New talc ; • Desk% Mr ant, Towelraeks, Louvres.- Voetaeoebo -Ctiot tard,Plet. Ming. £llc stand agitation tablet: • • • .•• . lbnamts +Cm:tend Woodstat „Wakens, eine, TI and Woodseats deaf Cry rade,' and style, • hotsvand Tete.a.(elea, facalfhtd on Oat nobteStr: Case stet et afre reseetee. - -11ED3. . A late itf:OtMea—citifiii lad b - Fil Cane. Chairs I vdno4 cult:kat° Trpliedtoostromtre orltb Menne:Vial eecte sent 0.10 It:OrroMeaumbogicreArbleb will be Nita greatly superior to those tonaerly &argot, lad yet are sold sinless plea: CAIiiSEAT CHAtRa 11&311.47:E1P.. • Jae Wady eafflia tsar animal/DA - shatenotlee. ' fliarra &Note lb readiness If desired: I. mploy n dna bat metal d expuleaeird IrOtkEttll I Inland to dciraylowkselliatid sell 0, gtly Icor- ppita.: tie afforded. • - • WILLtAlif - 19. Mara. Montrose ;fel) 18,13(41. • - Lae% TOlnatip . l439 •• • , it,A4.4SCk,,unprOwldtd to; Jana ~,x0,...147 41. 4 /ifietest on limit, fir adddlonal tour bundrrd do semaaris llarg not satilasa,. np.o eitl is az co sti mulated for as stated Lu P I FE C a . tag nplleatet;lllq . wan fr.= former Trcasiurr,,,.:„.;'.., lOU ' - .Llioarttnupro , bled Jaz, 10, 1871,145eg - • aerator:vet Is wean get at tt this ttesek l, .aggfl UD SAMIDEW2I.I • . . • _Wu STAVSfOrt i r . '; - 4110.1441 . . . THIS MY,_GINNER! ME4Str"rat - - HORSE HAY POll,lOl A. s. RittessfrAVEl4,lt ittarnolnue.: Treaty-Two etiti latftriettitgais hivtud4lls,..ti! roe: Is !Meta 314:1tbs- 1 -18yi , 4 1.50 ifELL'Ag GRAPPLE/Plain ittk imPlAtent Frea7 Farrier. cuiwo:. ,/ . sad ralsda IThr:dd - ht... 71.3.94064. H 1; 4 ' . 8.' " Ft'A , : aild , ' . kkes, itcythet,ll44lo6 Optht CNC, 2 - ‘.:. - . Jr* (1: dun Bapit). Asks! '.. Cu / t Agii spas. chri plc (Stadtai).,'" • ~. ~ . .... .. . ... - Mitiewsaltcar - ' ,•-• • 311 ' 4 a .;:iig« atif jives . ia Atint . WM:WWII *lie?," Oa Itouli far tie TAW.: tEIT On and yo-,- . -.--.. •.- . d-' ;.. cud theitictriiCA!wils Talititi ' - : .., P4' its, • - • Rant/ - ' ' Lack''.-, beltne Stan, . • , ~; 4 Ate l .. , Sloitmtst, 1/171.41. = .10=4 alltry:Sz .lEllAttan.a4.64#7 - eat - ' S I.IEsT BARGAINS-IN 'TOW3.-:" CHOICE VhllllX I, OCERIELIPLAU:i. Tislowp,Driqd And - Canted Irral; Vegetaldt,: a., tho Haat Haiti ttott. A". 11. bLIV. Manuals. NabnillW= /142.: 7 . . °tuna New Y rrniondo prim. • mrtfont 01 C 01117.. Day non on 1.., • •••-• nknr, - . - • -411,14 i C. U N D U. R A NI G: ...`::- Dvisi, gamin it _minim' st.., t, r: ,‘.• Tbi waiderfal 'randy E lns c S l P l it tr ia u tM isp Dae gaznbi iSaet ,tali, , tkausiolaDeoMs suthOUISS N t e h n S s t d ton :- : r - : , .....t , . : .:.: ..,: I. gm alost Odic& pram* cad arta** IP. :-...:c. A: t bloatt puniter knows. , told by iii Dragy,tv,.,l7, , ;, 1 Wiley. atlas oalltaik otir maj trade vv.:. walleat.-, Send tot a litaillit. WUCit =I -1 . - °7 - ,:i'• , Nos 0 Cildlßetlilea. T. . • .. • . . . ' .„.. ' - , 0 " .. ~ .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers