The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 13, 1871, Image 2

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    ago, I urgently, recommend . a. refonir in..oa •
I e gyi O
_the Civil Service of the country. In con- i at ontrost ciudtrat. ,
fortuity. with - that recommendation, Con--'; ...=-_____, r ..._ ___ _ _ .. , __.„._, ..,,,,,,, __..._...._:.
' gress t itil the iliWstect, idif;,,ef au
,fte..t teak- 14 ••••' , l - li . ; -11 : . n.,kwLE ., ,yr, - , 1 01 : ,. .. , A ,
~.., I
-. to app ttty subdryfvv it e,x-t,i' 2 1,. - - - -*. r--t-;s-:::-!=,:r:r-r-ril,W.- Fr..., - q
'tenses o the Govertweut, andtthr;;ptlier lj, - - --- 1,:; . 7" . "''"”,:r7i , . 1, '0 i. - -4;
purpose approved :larch adi9i 1 7kg,1vei , ,_2.,_,... , -,;._ cu 1 0n5et t,. i5,11 4 1. %. , ,,
tht ut -trytigitlicuit'itto Lhel:xeratat'l2 4 '! , •ga...7"aßj!),.. L."
to. Magni ,to a Civil Service Reform, and; - .
„placda:ll a him the regfOusil 3 4j!,Y.or. 4 1 ;l 4 1. f i r" lc . lA .. rt ... 1. ' u _ ic . imu _"....,.: _.,
. et t .
me so. I ' Aeon matter which should be a tno-
A T udeiihaalthPritifvf B °o g et - ' l 9°°"l tltedtbritsißtjtseVfor the coining, Constitn
' eft fhoird 4 or fl" - 1
veil a . geri eme , ni.nentl tiOnaldonventien, we .would urge • upon
liffed for the work, to derise rules and 44.,, , e _
mu .
. r .. a... ,.. re . . tt .
' 4 l.ltll . lltrttetlittrllfelfdelll4 - ricrftliti: mrl . . , t . 1 D! - !°/ 71 1 7.
i alleir, it are not yet matipleied, bufit-the, men ner Judicialortillitig,sinr Benc . b.-
-.)ishelier . that they iwilkimereed in' de -c As . e zaid!lastlicel we;'•havo.threo its
041rittingaV4danivebieli; et nhe;the I,ti t i o t, powers it t •oa t to i,„ h ii, m,, , ,: fai ii i , •! o f
l o grit ,depa t•rie j. l l. le u r; e v il it . l B l l l 4 .-I:lp ine :i be tit r e .-4 ,; f t c h ,, e ) - n .l g te res :itt l.., 6 ,,v ih. n..,.6,4i i:i i :i;
iv ... isti s i . ,in ,.. stit,jitCtl_ by itsfotti i--
',und,whichl w ill redound to the true.inter-4,tf1,t4. eac l l ft°, Ake.Te ann., pertorm,•seperate
~-ri3tof theothlie •service:-.; At all trents.; functions, for•the,stildpurpose of protect
*he experiment •slutll have a air triaL-• . lug the rights ottlio - ,people,;:;from. •the
.: • j Iharel thushastily, summed. tart We ep., bamt,.,,-,„w,;;,;-_,,,,.,;.„fi1,,,.; of the
•lerations* storeninient dialog Ahet-,...,„ ; , ; 2::
~ .,a ti;i, li.; . 4 ":•r s .• ii ‘ ii - t i i .: i : : 6 - 0 . ,..• : T i : ....
7 i ce
_bitilk,.o, r : =aid. ;made -. eindlitr, :Boggs-, t;';''.”.!°"., ° H, '' :f . a. • 4 - ...;. ~- w 0 -• t '
~ ttefungenv ••an lin..arrane , ;[. ne.,• o ,
„ I xstinktis. lir _to me to be areal' forvottr .„ . „ . ~._ ~ . .. . .
4,,conside tion.: f .I:submit,:theta, . wills • a..';legislate, - thenther to. :azecute-3ind 'Cur- i
... con fideti o. that Yonrootithitietinction will 'cis° u:,safeguardhyllierctoinglitrer,And'-`,
be wise, tateniauslike And in the brat 'ln-. h ii iiisbate bo tti thir • An. 6 4 ; tiieltie i reil „,
• a.r .••• - - -r
• ;terelte? ttkeilthole ° ° °lli ,Ts; - • : ,,, '''' .; to be unb i ased tribiund, ' for a .hist,',all-;,
; ,_•••;.[St rten . 3_,•••` • v.'''. urtAse: 1.-„ , ,..people „, .
. 2:. ; :I.lcOu ire: l 3l444db, Oce-i4, 18 71 - • ; PFd.of the , ,to, decide npon.-- their.
..., - ,f I
~, ...., . ......-r-7.01.41..f.17,7.•+, i .` ..../ ' sacred . rights,- their liberty, mid - their:
..:Bia4i ) ,4s)',airilia.;!it.!".„ . nrer's•l 2 °,,._Pon lives; and they' endeavored "to rebel it'
- ; :1V , „4.1,5,i1 NUTI*; P... t..: 4 9jii*.• 47 I , uur3' l W - . j f r o m of ,:i o ti o n l if and' lirty hi'ae.' What
_,,r4drj efi thel t reasury ni,ll is„. report says. i.., ,
..., „,.; ..• . ~.. •,;.,, ••:..: - • . . ~ Isis
. the revenues arid-receipta;'show..tbe , tense 1 15 Ato comb h9r,i to-!lity in our state • .
, Irctitirrited,when a censidemble rednetion.:redneed to ,rt .mere„ political engine: for
, illithe fiCzea entt he Imule Ueetkaye he - ' partizan piprer,; being 'made *elective
• .ii - udlion dollars annually ; "bar-the.n.llut `,aud inrialles of all the corniption of-par;
. Iron of..the :debt.
,ineltuliiig . the sinktn,,
- roi tiL , lit i .a a hae r s. to, th e,..„, a , dat i oli , that 1 , politics, and instead of exercising an
ihe.aninial ,payment.slnitild net,, be. - less Itudepentlent ilea . l'earless `power for the
than fifty millioni. ,Large,tistlie, 4 .protection of the rights of ;the people, it
hare - heal theyhave not, l ,[ecu•rePPressie4 fins become onengt , Pcirnicki Izineful tribe- 1
t,e;individiali aint-irhere relief .is • desint , •
! naps, and ~_ legislative-,
... executive rind_ .
pile; it,ii also. desirable, Co. . Maintain the
pnblie - Credit its its present,elevated Judicial i „, s i„ .l potrer fig Merged into a ring or
won for its historical video in anticipation, party collusion.. Can the rights, the lib
of the, iiiture; :The_ polar . to, negotiate , erty and the lives of the people , be safer;
lonits:at loin interest r is. deriV . ed; d`r 9 / 1 ) ; the, under such existing circumstances ?. As
exhibition' Olen:honest pUrptise to mini-, , .. .
01 •; : vrett might we be hp . the hen dsof a single .
,mitt public- fault. he •anunint .
~ .r is still so ' , rent that it caw- • 4elPot, yea better than . to be .. niled. by
,paper,mom,. so', rent , .
• netlt' Anaiiiiiined 'at:par. with cein., „'rlie !'slich a condiktstiee of . partizan power.
!'oliff;:rciicelitAireen Papeandeoln furnish-1 We are comparatively safe in our rights,
;;ed-ilic liest_initarice -for. .aSecrtaint ,the t when both the tither powers • are reeking
( i n Otii:l . 4 of 14ei ' whi,c4 ;" 1I ' e " q t -- and . 4; iii ,corruption, if wo have an independent.'
Its. falhe ;kept at . par, with . , corn.: cfno i . .. .
ja.6,16...0f relief 4 l b . ai r a4
. 04„ . ,,.,.. gr00 .fi i. o f ~ f earle,ss, anti honest Judiciary, to which . ]
• the eofinfiS; the - Other, to reduce. the vol-'; iii. • , ''4! afiTat 1 ; 11 .4 when • that has fled
-mad Of trio currency.. ;It is ppetillontdo to from us, ' , our life,:libeity,tindtheitomit
. .idl... internal. reroute • but.; of , haPpiness" 'exist; only' in itaii,lo. In :
irscei, thh..4 ; t ,f.4 *rl i t d ed ul f ii ro, 4 in iilo ta ors. ps; 7 o f it hs s ,o pi , r; ,i % fi t i o r - . J.,i,:i.tio,hop.:.of, the ;..f .0.7 ,; . r i o. ii ,t i o o „ seho. erring _
' Alaoile . huntlirl and ten milliousdidlars,4,lle, as well 'as 4. large .liumber of other
:it",riQuelilin iif, - S,i,kkeer- millions: . ',no re- COtinties il] I . oiS,stt s e, Itaie.liad a sinecure
•dtictiefi, ef Custorti . revenue should le . roli o i a i. f u
,the person of an -
,"'extra Law,
..within twenty Millie:its. lle`reComnends.;Judge 4 foisted upon us, for Ito other than
:'a fednetiona iltit PP' E t t,,bil.u.iniuops
partizan andt' verso natreasoni Ante' e In 1
• eoal;niivlideeind skiits,,amttlie.rmor. '
`il'of!till'deties - iin• certain:an:oes usel• in hour own diStriet'been benefltted by . this i
!the arts; manufactured and not prtiduced-jatlaitioti4expense ? Aro the number of 1
lu this couittr,Y.: ~Also a nioder,ate.redoe- . Conn Terms.increased.? Are both of our I
tion :upon those articles whose 'goat will be I
~, ; judges Croployed;at the'same time-? No ;
retlink4hy, _these chang,ei. lle recoil- - •,
~i eeetis the eb e di . simeeat of, this .F
..... 1/ .,,, , of i we only here two judgeS,hoth residents
•ssharde and•inoitieS ha. persons' officially ' . af Bradford county, to do
. tlitt' amount of 1
connected with the governinent, antl - sug- i Work that, one has done- anti • can do, to ;
geSts that the balance of:thh currency, • draw. 61'01nd:tries amounting , $7,000, in- I
uuder' the net 61 .. .iifty -- 12th, 18;1, b
-e left
too distribution as it now stands. ; • ,
have acted I, in this district so dull of pereepticiii;:that ,
In h .the.neW loan the hankS'
libenillv.' Tiny slioulttlie - antliewited to • he cannot see through . .this thin 'gante"Of
Stib*itie. for au aMount equal to the de- 1 - sl iee r s„.:li . y, a i n i p p r i,ei r . A .t, e p t anuearparer.;
litviirr.,:liiiire,a for 1 r6 . , ° , 1ai im iL ',...°,,n,,.' 1 i t .t . , h° 3" i•zan, mire pulling behind it ?;, if busine ,
' recut e" ili t' ...6ren ' t ' ° " ' " ) '''''''""' - y'J r - , '. :„ ' . has hicernsed to such an extent, that one
new associations.. 'lletec'elilineuu°°° , l' -
1 . 0 , /w i at iii a. for a rrea . i,„.„ a , of Nali . , ,a i!eanniit do iklet 'the diitriet be ' nivided, '
_Wank notes: - . • ' .-; -,. f ; :-... 7 z _.. i 4n4 make Spicjut;haliya county, a,district
e.mis:fuktilet!'.ipcomnientlatiiiiss are enew ',,,hi ,ihieit,. With.. a resident. judge • and a
I , l l ll hi.„ifs • teo-3, o°., .th'ij,°- . ll °'it ; ctic 2 :i°, l :,"" ; Chambers Court, with the. garde; •'number
N 'l t t ° l4 l9t i ntsl l4 , ;' im `; ‘ f . ° c ' e . ° ' - •• :1 " 6 " rot terhis in, elvehistliat are- nor' held:lii
'l T‘k ei i!; s ' °i 'l et.k ' °i-e i lre4e gr-Pie 1 hell •' TI "'ir ' idliat ' some show of
":1 tii 411 ',:a , ritit, loci:rot,a.certaliiitig, the L y- ;, Il au .p e
life:intl . ; noluMetee.", of ;tlie cetintir„ in- re:iseh r :ldordet teremedy... the Present
'CiVa,o'!ilf ealariek*tara[ioir of the • Sy- . e.vilisoute,pf Whieh, we hare
liCiher'of tii .. ../ 7 rea - sury and fiatmaple:V. t ve , [thiult , , the people - should demand
t'n l l°- 1° tleide l iai t tileni :4) • l [ 4e th e ' 'Y" -. throughthejr delegates, Zit the; cofuitt ,,
dicdfe. arrangeteents aml:recoinuiebili an i ~• ..,_,,,,, ~
, ,...., ~,., p
„increase. of the. commission of th`e - lehns: 1 , ; -.l ? ll :7 ...t ir°t l °°°l . cluventi9l l. ",.. "' ' .
shekvs,the - rediiction' of" AnieriCae• pecan 1, 'l.; Thatallsinecure "extra . Law judge"
- '•wiminer,t,'6.atid 'repot:sun - ends it enctm rage- [offices ; shall:: die With, the , present.. il3-
. 111i'01.113*112Idi00 03 trio .I?e4- meay 5:,..,_ ;i ; otto b ea 6 . ,,. , , •,„„
.._. , , ~.„ ; i . „...,
;a' , ' - tY;Cotniresstoilai stunns;4l,.. • -. 1 , 2. Thdt all kito creatir,c';:ixrecr . shall
'' -SExat -Dec. '6, - .-.,1:-, uitlidier if• l4lls s - Xtalien frOili tilt r ti;glsilUtuto.: . , . ...
*ere - introdUlitilit telllpp6rilY'llig,°2) 1: :;,3: tlieffilie '. State : OMR- -b
the tabli.4 1.
•italf.iip'hii'ivis - Irltitliajoiii:miLtifi.aiae4tniii,3stitle.rll,,P47l/il.i‘eete-eeet the - - d e uet ., eile ,,,,` M l i ee . h . e P raii . ! ,., d .
tiotho . ,,lookrati orip r fl , „ r ti a l u . ,i•ifi.s ai gi t :t.the ngnts•lif , the - peive: - . .
taitilina - „z hitt Ilie'ilintiOn.tras'lesst = yeas, l , - •'; -kTlie.inoiti intportairttitall; ie;:that,
11 ;:irajs, , •4l.' A;'.nisolii Lion' Was adopted, ;:iii, , Oith ii i o f,,,yod ge 0 , of i • f f, ,.._ •• :v at * of
Offlig,fdreorre.SPOiiilince relative to °i ''' Oltr 60I110201:16.4111l- . • shalt • hen appointive 1
• Cataixiiir. affair.. After -Some ditmission ,
on.tlic Haute-bill; dalifing . the nienning., l ° . t; terml_cl'-.Terirsi' o . l *.- th';Hing:Fttid, ;.'-xr
cif tlie..tiViithOur.lnul ilie• Senate,' et 1:-. 4 5 , haviurf"aud that. by' dtreet . :petition ,' . I . in
-N'tn• P' ''•''' . '' . - the Peefil af t the' diitriet, 'Over. `.iebia.
.-•::'-" • - .. ,
llorsz oft Itirnesr.*Tirri—ln the; E do j t,i ilge . . i s - 1 44 .t iga4 i i
'Roast truirinber. of I'M'S were 'in trodtieed,'• ' W . e . giv . e our readers this, our :View of ,
andmferred.:4• A bill to Codify:.tbe - Postal
Jewell - as - Iml ;.Attlie. eipiratioh - .of the I ti 'tarot interest which 'Ehtinld
ano ter uppo
itiorningdnair, the-liouwwent initiCom- ' lie looked-after at theConientiOniand:ASlr
mittec , . of. the .Whole,:on; the --I'n•pitletits .1 themtteglyClttiteirear.6stcOnSidetitiori,
meiztge;:w m
hichrts distributeiLtimong the
! lOr to its, therein contained a subject of
Appromato ccninsitie p ortiti t i in 1 , the, Most ritatfinipor' fence. to the.secirrity
regard to_the postaltel ~E-,!riph-srsecru Ares, , • ,
°Stern long ditenision, referreilli theAp- i of
_our fer_sou7 l UU l-4 ,rilliberty.;;' , ..
propriation -.Committee; • instead of to aI - • - '...""--',.... ','...". .. ,
selecfcemmittee, as reevcillqr.lir..Datres. l • ' ' "(Ode In 'Gliiini. ,, '• : •.
A rts,eiution mas.adopted instructing the . •-wi ti1eatw ,„,,, Ft: ;.,„ 1 ,...,;„,5,..;.„ . ,_ ,_______.
Conitaittee, -on Etlamticin and..;, I ..., ,•-..:
._ s _ . '" :.."'', - ; U p " ? e1: 7 70 7 1 z
inquire into the esp:flienthy:of .estaldrih- I, :•, "3 . a 1 77 0 15u . _ u rel, , , for
iv^ .3' - .l.lareatt ;of - . Labor. . - At....e:15 the ; tub suspension 01-I.!iat Pant of per-
Rousso a q . jamme [ l,7: • ,f. _ .1, ~-.,, -.-.:. :h .! I solial Treeilote, - tlie Writ' 'of 'haeini ; i,rid?r,fi,
. SENATE, Ded•-•Ge-ltr. S. cniti. front the I I in timeS - 9 . r jeace;foitlit.l64 - tat. - pay — tiz - " L
Ku Klux Caramitteei - reported ' r 4 =rer° l 're' ' an . piiiiiO4" iiilde `,`iim, Klux' hois 4 the
calcitrant.Witnes§es, lint: no metion - , was.l
South, a
.mtoit... Timm- th , - , w.a. , I South, a system of mob - law in the , ncii . th , -
laiil:belbrithel4enate; Uh6reurion. at 1:101 ernstate of •Indiarintilies;'been . ,-gOing On
fto tn., the Seuate.went into exeentive•SCS.S. i 0 - 041011 r I,l•Eid_e!ilt, Cooo6.ii 1110 . .1ta1400'
um., an& aftorsuinrs".adjburned.' , ..; . • -,,..,;. 1 tires::, no 'GeV., Oiler, , Present: ,I ~f'i'at
- livt*orituransursattr . .s.s.,_-p; -the F gorernor - of ; thC slite j - vhatii, -fi•li •culied
- liktiso reread reSidiaticms of inrinir3 and i ,
requests fordommiotiti:sere'uliiited.„-and tutl: l ta'al - ipirliiartia, I , ,lau. , , as- - reltt. ,. , edy,•
alit:a - Übe - be were introilati and re. : This-leaves us to-nonclude: that st , urb e .,
fused: :31i.:AVaddellAL!ked'leare - tainicu- ! dtakotti r io t s 'poa c T o - i n 00 r p , , . : t od i aattia
duceliresoltifioii illing4in the l'residftt i •.;ivi s a Radial iitalinky-gii4,:t,4ri.,.tii:e
for .infennation,' net to the juvasion of L'_',_, , _ . . _. _
NOrth:l.CaaOlina :by !i-iluti% Of -United r ue !. n ". 11e 7, -:• 14e ; ' 4lr ung'urut'PrAfte
Stides:titops Srunt.flouthrt.Farotina. - ;-em.r. : , government..:.Judga Dunham, CliFflt.
Dutior, . of
~ M ass:aohnsetts; • objected., -A cOnnty In thatidatO;asSeits ficat.therehas
resolution - !or a netr:drawing of- Seats was; i he r d ;,,,[l,,,e r r l i•-• , 4io s. ; . i,r 1i,..„•, , t i ,*.: 4 6. , •i i i l
awe-4 shit, fight, defeated.-" l b " l u i l E° 1 iti' . iliOint'circail, ; tuore khon.the ishole ntila
titenprOceededwithlliti bill to' anlify,,, ;
• postal., laws , . At Alm •.expiraiiiin -0.,
_l' t i h il e e l . ber Pt. : l 4 / 1 . , eiC.ecutilm, ij l3 . tke . u ., 110 1 . 0 . state:
niornibghonr the bill:went erer.-zand the i; But forsooth since the three neg,roes were
House went into:Committee of. the ¶1 i-fatelytinclied'fiiitheStipPosed murder of
outhe•Apportionteent NIL' At4'4 - ' p. m., ; t h o ;p ar k , f a t o ff r ;i t it o ia t k i t bi . ne ;,b e e ,;
withott finalactiori,.the Ilona. adjommell executivesl ',ii.- t e e if ee e-, :l i
, sen -7 se, Il f a t i t
-StriATE.Dec:74.3lr.Ramser introcltte.l-- -- • ..
.41. , ~. ,
the tiny- ...
'cil .2,- bill to unite•thb Postal a n t i.To rg . a pioauty, and for tile: first lime. after theltinNi
siertloes. . Mr. , Sanwa. - gave 'notice of A I (lei: of- thirteen whituleti,'!li,i's:lUobblU'&
bill - -to rednee . taxation, zatid. abolish. the i of Abree nerticieliliisitilled tint aii
office Of Conunissioner of. Internal here-? tly pro*C :4 l g u ir tit , Oi se -. t rajj i l i 3 .
istie•-.: 'The joint: resolution for - the arrest i_th e - -
, to be 4 , i i. • - r i m ~
re seems a shun on-o -, or.
,l)f rrec - xt-m` trt uitekstta - in North and South.{ ~_ • ,;-_, ,-. 4. _ • -
Carolina tias 'ealleti upend debated till! "Y iina'aica! gorernarttad a Ku - ICliiii
• :1, pi re.;!orhert.the'BMiate bent into Elec. : Adnihaistratiom; - =': We iuppais: lieigbhOr,
• z l tive7.Resdoxi; and aft:mauls -,_ a'djiiiiruerd `;. Frazier will 'neer feettitirittitediii7calling
until Monday. '-- • -', -.-• -;--., •• ; '- '' ', ;it"a By Elnif4:•end Ofthetrariatiri*
Alat'sz -- ar 1 /graErYT'vrtr'-'"j" -ill ' '• , larer " aid 'irki ' e; teal=_( )fo '.
!louse, the...reading of - the •rostal l'ele- , - , ' i
, • 5 ' . _ • -...., ..140-4 . -._ .s!"tre . tn.
c,irpli bill . ,17. , :11,,atith. - a,.. - •,..:..,„.::..., ..•:. _i .: ;r l 3' . .Y !
_ . .
The time Was 'viten — this-government
arcs foundeik.npofi and atiMinistered 4.1
..0 -i;, -.. , •t •
Titellig,enceglind_that Was4onsidered the
`basis of;oted•reciinstitution#. The intellir
gimeg cif iltitemen, founded, reared and
eitablished,llll - those - gletititis- principles,
which dethroned tyranny and oppres
sion,,Mid thi - liistoty of the world has
proved that they superior pee" altd
I to them alone 'cin' be t tluslCd ifie l iatelk
..r . tinl,perpetuity.oflree governmen t: --41-
though:thepages of hietory.thowthe rti-,
t . l 3 ilialillg• ‘aets , that many • a ,beautiful.
Teinple of freedom and 'libery''has been
razed to tleatinctiOn by-tbe . divaiting fires,
- 1 . II t -•.if ' ' jet ''' fti .
o .po 1.1(11.. Fo:Fjp i ton,, . tut . ~.o
.. !Fir
41611C5-,lias actEen, a monk. nolife, structhre r
•parifietbin the furnaces of adversity; from
Imueli of the tellcly thap Tibi' their 'de
itttietion., 'Tlitertt isitiot,'One"Tot'or, 'tit:
'pe't of history, that can ..,13,e: proilue9ii, to
contradict this ' truth; that in every in
,Stadeerthe golden 'donee:stip principles
I of freedom liafeshone isponilie . ,tibterims
banners of ithiternen, 'o4' .their's . :alone, :
Mid .tlie;gotitfof„litierty.littve—beeo „borne
in safety frorullio handi of those who'
would destroy - them,':Mid - Placed . nponl
F - thizi , . altars of republican '"instiftitions'l
iltilly through. their agetiebitild jinliing ,
i Of the future by the.,
,past, ; , ; we are not
changed-in the least-in our belief. that by
this same-white race, they MIiST and tuts.
BE rttE..altVED at whatever sacrifice, but I
1 time only can develop What that sacrifice 1
I must be ..There are, by the will of the
Creator, leaders, •teachers and ruler's,
i among individuals, and' by that same
1 High Authority, this distinction has been
unsnistakably marked among the races of
men. i We do not detract in the least
from our own intelligence and iniportance
as an individual, by . ticknowleddv, that
others through
,labor eedsrestaili, are 1
"ceinpetent:to lead and instnict'as, but we
glory in the, privilege of enjoying ithe
benefits of their labors. 'Nature has de.
nied us their powers for ‘ her, pwn good' ,
perposes: ;Neither do nie detract one
iota from a, race beticath..ns, by declaring.'
our demonstrated suptltinly over them.
A double- distinction' is mark , er by ' the . ,
I finger of an Allwise God, betweeit tlietWo i
raCes, who are now by ,Itadical fraiat and
tytupbical 'power, plikevit" upon asocial and
[political plane. .Whatever. man in his,:
ClUst for power may do,'lle. cannot change'
{ the inniuttable laws of Icalare, by iiierFis-
i ing his power of corruption.'V nuder 1
the..bau , of Democraticprinciples shall
ipeacefully submit to the “powers that be"
I but NEVER shall we cease fromiwcicliiim
ing our life long conviction, that -white
! men were-born to rule in this nation and
1 by.tirem nlonewilt.its institutions hiPre-•
served.: Dis.gniM it-with all tilb:powei of
-Itadical bypocrasy, that you .in' 'throw
I.around it,yet.the tenth isl inevitable that
'- miscegenation-in social relations between
if-ino:swo‘raCtra ut7rs ,Wl/1/ 110..5 4mit.t.lllBP,
the short life of its offspring and the
same doo.n is Written upon alike disobe
dience to the lan's of political jittelligetibe
and national prosperity. That base fraud
upon state, rights which fixed, to the Con
-1 stitntjon of our country, the bersy of "no
distinction on aocountlof colds" is a fal
sity hi itself as:i.(thinonettated cvery.flay
,11 ! , SvcrY f"-dt,Y,tuill. tow not . E by the mem
'bora a AnY particular political. oygani,za. llllll
flan' but by:. men .of all itparties. It. is 1
morevasY to destroy one of nature's laws
14inixing - Oilundwat6r, than 'it is to tear
[amiiy : tht birriers Which the Almighty
has placed between• the two: rams." • We
tare told by later day uquaeksf that , all
sech "issues die dead." • That' tlrey are
willing toael:noirlddge
"deprqtate, the, discuisfon,", of • ; them
That man, be he POrmerat or Itepaldican,
Who•will.counselin•this - mannerlis a• pa
liti4ilden:lageg,ne and one' of the worst
'enemies ta lila country and develops the
atter.abseuco of pr'faciple.
.We. beliere
1 that what was rightlen. years ago bright
to-day arid will* right'-ten y4rs'' hence,
and no Man, feet or pat#,can : lead us to
'adoPt:. tinf ,
,'lV:hile . the
pricllcae of,frre ipecc))- Antnain 'we
shall.' ton dune :to hold, the "departure"
from true Democratic principle's :regions'.
hie for its encroachment npoirtl.4'itights
of freemen arid;denonnee it in the most
tng"terms ur, post l ek, let p thell do as
- "
's : 7 • 5 '," • :-,.. - . 4 . ,
.±.'. .'. "•!4',.
"On Account of Color."
- •cirtrat 44 Ait,ipclation;"
• arnithl* - j)iece 'l6f , ",neiis" for
the cditor of . .tri4
• Bejiagray
tlat.Pitisburg German •Workind
matee Associatiou." -Enough Republican
'rides were "diverteft " ket • week 'tibia
liOttan, the, Radical "ring''6in aidate l
to el:F4t: lion:".faaie4.l3Liekmiire r ,.roayor of
the city: of Titisiiurg, by a majority of
about LIAO: , Stanton, in , 3 October; 'lied
1.p.02 over: as
4sociation, 4 :WililifoOille.
ackih Of the Eatlieala Aii iq:,§late ; a4out.
No.vCnther '72. , We think eremitic editor
oC the , Republican will liire heard of . it in
lu iteitiaden" -by that Hine: :4'lo fol.
hudicui.oraitc knowledge
;. .
• eity.where; irith amernatile tnmlT
4w:4lm. Iltpublican majority, could not balm
limn Jets than eirnteen hundred, a Denuwat 14
creiied by malorkty 'of some fttorteen - hundred;the 'tnayor'it Flynn over to the opmf..
tfon for the near three yenta; and all din 'effects
of _what tdsoultiliave bee:stoma - Ting WWI*
can c4nnY: l 9at. Ida t 4 .
•iicar emninerciiit, anolbir
Rattieal otgitti Viva . ' '• • • - t
- übo,denonneed wilondli a year egg
ibr- adrotttitig - ileum Ilepublfinitv ticket.
composed ot•tbe best inea In • die nounty, - bn ,
cane it haft not the sanction of niefmlar nomi,
nation.:timr, at the very tbtesbold of the Prerd•
tjal campaign. bolt the. reni„ Jar, ticket,: and
openly Cgs Demon-at, it Melon; Mom*
forithe, office in the city."
41on, Gee. V, oodaArd waa recent.
IYiYaF/iP,I to Mrs. 1L
Lesir.gten., - Ecutncky. ' • -
.:.17.7,-,,(404/4414.4" off l' . 4tnrtlaY Io9f
. T&pique - 311111 on Spit.
We hare ro sympathy says the 'Reading
Gqrstfoovith any. schernetrikteli airns.,At
using thfundit or . eredirof tl276StaCiforl
the benefit of corporations; much
w ifici i. pd to taking sides wheriyonc ‘ rsa-
na*FieiksTo ofttdo atiothert y , litiii for'
the broad principles of 'popular govern
ment smiring- the-greatest-number; de- .
fendediip tliffeying A coningttlitMion,
ire t hOtinlly open titiPcblitilligr • ' `,
tributing the bonds" of the . 'ann.' Cen
tratit it Cciiiiitany;: belonging • La, the'
State of Pennsylvania, *Moil Ong . to:liin e:
millions of dollar!, aniOng - certaiti",ti&-'
jected 'or, gartly , flutshed railioadi in' -the
State, is again - being agitated.' The pre
ten*. Rue this lifteralitr'kia ieeireonnige
local' improvements:' These
.bends arc'
irkrt h :rar, and tho,StatO, Wasite, be In-,
aeturrill4 1.4 taking t, SeCOndinort*e
of - some Sort: 'ln other words 'the ',State.
inStead.'of Selling ' these " bonds'' in ."the:
market; att'it rnight,'for nine.: millions of
,(Itilliirevatid paying so Muck ' of lliC State
'debt,: iic, lend:the nine i iiiillioh's,
,'' On
dOubtfolrseqpritY..': - The Projeetlni - been'
killed on Oritwiee -already,"atillairis
bitronee" by the vets of GOV. 9riiry 7 - •
a yeto - 'Whieh he' giive 'after'etnisulerable
hesitatiOn,Wriggling and tiiistiiig;ninl'it
is"by"nO Means certain Whitt MS 'views
may be ' if - the' bill should - begt i ct" thrthigh .
the figislatireittintlier tinie. : ,'' -",' '
' We stintild' not "advert 'to '.the Matter
now were them not iiitithation frOin :Va
rious quarters that! arrin,„.ocinents arehe
'Mg made for a dead set at - croi,ding the
bill through the' "coming' ieishin: The
project trim seriously considered hist ,tvin
ter, and at one time the parties engaged
in it boasted privatelY that "the pins
were already set up," but sortie "bitch"
occurred awl the attempt etas"n(4:niattz.:
The trouble could not have, been 'the
want of the necessarymoney," - fur ' where '
ninc - inilliAns out of t re State Treasury ••• Cnicsno Nor Tharaorro.—lly way of
aro to be distributed there could 'be no, correethigthe impression that seems to
luck of:the usual "arginesit".to influence-1,1 116re g one Coral' that "Chimtgo has been .
1 doubtful members. 'PP -this as it. may, I horded up." the .ErCning fortilitii 84 8:.
the objects" Of the nine million bounty r i . . •
will doubtless be so increased as- While 18,000 hove' been swept.
to -:g i re '
'every wild-cat railroad in every county anay,'42,ooo:yet remain ; and while 92,-'
where ' th,e rob* 'of the ' members ore 000 personshave been renderetthomeless,
wanted a share of thi...pittlie,"phintler.. an immenie City Of "2,4',000" peilmti l s l has'
How any member liis nid, to • •
riot. been disturbe d. - The 'whole'of the
'this iniquitous 'measure can ;der' Meet •
the taspOyers,-of , the , country L'is - -'-ni„ T e\ immense area of the West (Division, with
than we , pro - conjecture ' and ' tlnipress . of its Milesof, dwelling-houses, stores ;
till parties should speak out ; in Aegard to 'icings,
,elorelleir and", manufactories, is
it,itt time to d,oillit'as - f 0 public 'almost infeet, 'while on.'l,he South Side a
..,-,: ' "•'
.., •"- ••: , ( great
iderices yet. remain,
'lslint ili „^ood policy' for an, individual 'b many flue residences
is gOodpolicy for the'Stute, 1 .. z.: 'to pay
1 with splendid business blocks, churches,
the debts isowes before dinfertuking , to' and inatimeruble man ntacturingestablish
lend Money. ~, '1, 4 6*.'0P.R., Intents." ' '
1 'S.,Telickling Jiidge.
, •
, Jodie Allison, of Philudelphiii,encour
ages_ thcnegrocs of that city In go,' 40,,t,
ilia streets armed. In the trial of a mur
der case in the Quarter Sessions, on Sat
nrdey, the 25th ultimo., in - which one Mc-
ICIlltY" had been indicted fur killing'it'ne
grii"mained .Goiden... i Tlie Siinday ran
seriiii stye that during. the csamination
of 'o
negro witness, who admitted' that he
, wn:s' Mine& Oil etetitin day ; ''''' . '• ''
? A discussion arose beinceri 30:1' *inn
3, ...a • VE,inir -or rut'
VitILICSS to carry arms. Mr. 3lanu &tying
that there is nu objettiott to the witness
coming a pistol. I advise these people to
go armed.
Mr. Cassidy---Then you ought to be
Mr. liann—l did it as District Atter
mr. Cassidy—Vour Mike at Distriet
Attorney dues not authorize,you to ce
power anybody to early arms.'
Judge Allison, 'interrupting, said that
every man had aright to carry arms to
uotect himself, and taking into whir the
conditions of affairs and the occurrences
on election day, he thought • it was a suffi
cient justification fur any colored man, to
carry 1171539.
air. Cassidy—Then I niust differ from
yonelionot's Opinion. '
Judge Allison—l shall shy so to the
This was bad advice to 'o•-bitesor ne
groes;to advise them to go armed into
the streets, and must be piodUctive
further collision 'between yie races: ;nett
Judges 'upon the hetich ta
give this`qse to
the negrees ire have a • right 11); eSpiet
a --
r Allornmt LOYAL Siviignitt . Tvass
ithstanding Grunt'S espre4on
[of confidence • in the honesty-of his Long
Branch Cottage friend, Tom Murphyithe
rate collector at the port of ATr York, it
now turas one that I he` 4! i rau pr o e
s a e
Gprernment Ut OYeF half a 1111111,0,11 Or dol
lars. The Tribune nays;" Startling and
irrefutable as was the evidence published
iin the Tribune of Sept 22, concirnitig
Collector Murphy's hat-frauda upon the
I Goverment during the war, it sinks into
insignificance, when compared with the
evidence which has recently come tolight
i and which proves him to bera defaulter to
the Govcromeut, on one contract, alone,
to the itmount of 8460,000. 'Zug with
the 0000 loss on tits shoddy hats fur
oislieit by him, rtiakes Murphy au actual
defaulter to the 'Government:for ,over
The Executive Committee of the 14:lief
Smiety at Cliicago hire published an
official statement of the moneys frectifed
nji,'M Nov. 7th. The' actual otiuttin U' le r
ceief,d is' elr o o• ollo , i 'id,,ne eR',.5l/0,0 00
subscriber]. ,_."'the a.obSeriAn3O
00000 in the hands of. the Nesvl York
Chamber of Commerce, arid $200,000 -in
Boston, ncit'yet plicid to the orediaf
fond. TesoiefitetioWrelielini ' 6 O, -
f6OO Persouso fad aiding isthicreetibt of
temporary houses ma the:sites of , tbeir
former slutillings or On, leased ground.
The houses are to be occupied during:'the
winter and nest' stit3staer. ThO utimber
airetuly built is 4i*, yeltich, it is catimat•
cdowith 'the ninnlter to to built, will
shelter 05,000 peiiple. - The cost of 4.1105 e
buildings, with some necessary furnitnye,
will be about 81400,000 to meet expenses
for food, clothing, fuel, etc., froin Dauber
13th -tali' the completion of the work
which cannot possibly end with the pres.
ent wink!:
(GoviCamp44l:of Arizoniviereed the
hit[ ovaling- woffiairsilfrivge iVAetzana:
The Dying IPrhice:
SA NDIUNG111111; December 10-•--Noon—
'lle Prince of Wales - passed the morning
ene)fil condition is
liow'sonywhatsmore sat r istictix - y thanz, A it
*as yesterday.:-i • • to
L'xince been.l.ostfiestliffie.
the evening, and there is no abatement in
the dangeriins_sympteins,of,his
"The low condition of the Prine6 causes
ntillanxicty l mul intense es
aterhentlirerditetlirartliontlondon and
the whole Kingdom.'
following, bulletin: his lust been. leaped:. •
• Deceifiber. 11. , •-•1:30 A.
M.--Irtio Prince of Walervinni slepta little
to-night, but there is no change in the
symptoms of hii;diseaseiL , •-!A•1 •
Mr.' , Bontwell, the , Secretary' ol 6 the
Trearlitry; Was a' fernier, and riianagi.A.his
. hiiltiestn it; the'sit inkiri de lte COO
.the !sePiii4.*9 l i4
ploughs,' harness and seedAheati'and
ply-the . promeas itrepayin k offin
Onlits taint' bad'tenyeatir 'ran ;
and at;lbc same inns keepplargeamount
of. ca li. on deposit ln hank:on, winch .he
received no-interest-...At present
:redeeming bonds due in 1881 to sme eis
per cent: interest, with,
ten' per
wprth`te'tliO "PeOplii, ten' per "pent., and
,which is wrong from them at ,a saertfiee,
which only:the eiiginey of igreatnntion,
al calatitity would justify; while one-fourth
of the whole'receipts'—tOreidie Inindred
million- 7 %4 iti• the ' Treasury, draw
ing no interest.. , These, bonds are laehl in
Europe and the money necessarily goes
abroad. •
Ttio,Whlstld Again:
'' For about four weeks past Mesirs. - .51yre
Bros. hare been repairing' their ''enginn is Their
foundry and - machine shop. Last Week the
Whistle ainiln greeted our rais. We find that
niurh of the lifb — and business 'energy' Of
trosc depend upon the " whistle " of Sayre
13tos.' - erderprise.
Or 111 E SiCRETART Or WAIL 1 . .- likliiCl, o o ll Trick.
Reports of thei Deportatetts.
. The Secretary or Wurin his report says •
the total expe . nditumo'llir the` fismil year,
eiidin June '3O; 1800,,, were $§0,644,072-
72. •The expeifditnres for the year end
-1870, were . $51,855,870 40,
$3,687,300 for river
.iniprovement. tim the
year ,eitiliite . ,lnpe 30, 1871 1 lvere • übtint
840,000;000, inclnditig fur'Over tind bar-
itnproyernents $3,90,06i0:" dur
ing tholpar 1.86070 the' the
:eineiieS4,t& l#PettilieitAtnatuit.
mg 0 g un during the
,year 18,7041 it ftirther rednotion . of 817,-
801 40 was 'mule. For the nett.
year, 1573-72 there is anhppropriation of
5:16,550,776, ineluilim , for, lifer and "har
bor improvements, 847407,500,'
The total estimate for the, military fip ,
proprititiems fur the — fiseid 'year enng
jiine'so, 1873, is $32,115,574. Pfthis
lestimatellits su*pf ,
5 n,153,t07.
by• the.pioliilfition of thf.dia of the
unexpsiileir balances' of former thus
requiring, estimates fur 'the' 're-up.gropr,ia
'llop of stinis revert. to 'th the
I treasury niide,r . the "Rh Seetlen . of the.Sct'
t of Jvilk.l2, 1870.. Aifesilinate of 83,000,: ,
1 . 000, is subraitted fOr the payinent„of 'the
the sbites
" 1 .
i 1 a. 64 triiiipt called
into the'seridee'of the United States.
BEPatrr SiFTHE eri*urastriwEn. OE LwrEu
• „NAL AtesEs•LlE.., i ~
The•repart of the Commissioners of.iu- 1
tensaltevenne states. that the, aggregate
receipts from all sources, exclusive of the
fdirectlax upon lands.and duty iipom Cir.
, Mitnion i and•• deposits , -in; the national
batiks,. :were 'for the , fiscal: year of 1871,
-8144;011,76 24•;. the =noun t re fu Wad ur
ing ,the last year on -account of . nixes •ill e
golly collected, 6617,581: ,' The Commis
sioner's estitnate.of the receipts • fors:the
cureentliscal year, under tho present law,
is. 6125,000,000. The total number °fills
:tileritis- registereaderingi the% leat )•ear
'WM 8,192. The returns to :this office 1 for
the last , fisad • year' shows
production of 57,760,109 gallons of liquor.
The receipt& from spirits timing. the pin' ••
Nveio 415,281,84 a receipts from
65bacco for the fiscal Teary were 835,578,-
49718 r: showing na• Increase of $2,228,-
100 over the previews year.: 'The total-pro
flintiest for the year was If/3.826063 lbs.
The Commissioner recommends,a• vol..
limn rate of lusatiott.upon tebocco,.With-
F out restriction: upon the mode of .tnituu
facture, which , would. Offeetuall3t close • the
door to the perpetratiop of: fraud or the
evasion of, tuxes; • , , -..- !;,. : • • 7 .. d -,
1 , ,
Ho:- also , thought that, a -. consolidated
tax ,of:82 cents spay :neeeteurfi in
ePtisellaenee of tiler - reduction oh: the .cus
tom dales, ,•• •,„ i . ,4 • ••. .;• ~ .:, • . . ,••./.. ~.,,,i ,
~,,The:.Commissioner.colisi4eraltlutt the
system of bonded trandieusgs,enn: he, elt
tinily abolished witlicatt detriment, lei the
interests of therivernmentei,The,,reptirt
Is r.quite. :long, iiitil contains a number', of
other.recommendatiorisi , Which wattrettin.-
, able-to give here. , i.,- - ._ or. • ~:. : ..• •,.. • 7
•-• , ' COAIPti<OLLEB or cvnitikox:
The .Comptfo 'of 'the ertiri4dey 're
ports- to'3lr.`Botitivell that4l4s 'nritio'nal
hanks 'have, been organized Maier die phi
visiuiis of OM 'rid or jut,' 14, "18t1,"piii-
Viiliirk for t. 136 of 'Bsl,ooo;ootrytailli
tiopaPbarikentulatian; d little'hiote than
a third' Of ivhl h satriTharr tiosn,:isimitl‘ to
theni. litirlbard Atter:lomi
Of Corigress to the !liefrate of taintioir
impased opal] lizinkstyythe various Statelt
as a proper inbject for retnedial tegislation.
,ir,4o;try;' . `,l
:;'rho PoStamster enemrs re
. ort,to,
Of departmental itotiltica r tiria reeatrimen
dations, of :proposed.; reforni% • Amontst
his propositions are that
,oran additional
mull to Bn4il t the payment ,qt;giilisi4iv#
to s team hip lines, anti th qAtig riot qf
thegovernment postal,'
fiovinge 'mak system, .
usirttion nErom
The teport of the Secretary or the Jute,
ilor deals at Borne ,wjt''.,jarlndiop
r.latione, Mr. Delano finally reconuncinD
in`g that all'the rad-skins in the ..entinOz
be tilleebalioto,ene niondreF‘lesayistinft
. .
in the:ltidian Territory. The rePort'alsb ,
t4:cusses ut,,SciWe length our rallroadiand:
utgrasttoVldeli th ey hare received - from
'tingrese,, l- 111te.Pension- twain
,tas iw,r,srfsmi
', icis is the! work I°f the }Vent i
Offtee, - itid the necessity for risibsplifiea- 1
tiOn oUthe Homestead. and Predemption 1,
Ida' 7 4 ..,L.. _ A,,,, ~i -
s —ltntba Chapman of Liberty, Maine,
bait a stiff leg bike - dikell . lee, linitiered'i
and strengthened by the nag of dim.tfsoA:a
ANODYNE 'LINTUENT. .; ; , ' l. 0- 1 . - t 1 %.- ' i
The e proprietors . of ..Tediti'ablea . ANO- 1
Taw ?Ind.!. SitEni Dirt; C.Obtittny
bitrolt"Parlitas, liare - piildiOied'a read
ahle and -418'am:dire pornplileti,which may ,
be bad SIZE at *hi sterci
~o~u~ : .: `~tiitc~ti~cu~~,
VAPTIST: cilium; • ' . 11Ev: I. 14 Tiono...Postar.
Sabha,t 4 tir.nicti.,..,.',.i ~. ~ „lON a, ta i . sznll ,m;
Vabbilth Sclodl. - ' • 1!I m.
Payer Itectim. WaModr.q/inmLess' ' • -' ' 73i•
:CATlloite'dltlicitt:.... . - , NlN,J.l. , tliiirrrr
EshbackSertion ..... .....51e0;v1 ......... Is each Month
. 5.12c1.51.. ..,......,,Ipusispitety beNreMass
iiiliCOl'At. 1.1)A1tert...11!..T.:E. A. WAsanovs.lteet . or:.
=l , h Stryttes,. :, .
~ .7 , : . • .. : . 7‘,. .,......10,y . :a. : m. a nd 5 N t 4 .01..
Wret...osy Scrriecs-Frldeys r., ,, .1..•..1p• to.
74E+110bIST EPISCOPAL __rev. A, o. , At.ixszsta.-
1 4 417 - hob Stervievl........ i • . ...40 : 4a nos. ancl 7.20 p. tn.
elethba IA *haul ... -i ' - •' '' •'' ' ' •-- IV .m.
PrzYFrZietang, Illyanitto. ... 7 50 p;cn.
PI2EiTITTERIAN arrttell).:.i . 2.• :Mr: 4. n MILLEa..
tihitT c r i'''.'....-".""4-PL"a ; i if' 1
t in
, el:3lectior, ThuriclAy Evenings , t.
- iv; pm.
131181;11CSS Notices. ,
.%6.? . txtll .nttentien.rto the .figlowing:Adier
, -
dtentents, new this week. . ~ ~ • - , •
sato, 0 D.. Roberts, Hopbottoru:
•-:-.,tuditor's notice, IL C. Jessup: .
—Auditor's notiee,"F. A. Cade'.'
--CountyStartifor,-0. Salee 7 4si4,
—CoUrt•Proelaination,'W. T.-11crsley. •
—Shoed Bides; Jantistreourf: '
—Montriile Grafted ftelaiol!
—Denifstrydlt. Whet row. •
—Nem Yearl; Parts at - MTlt6rat SPrite,vs, in
Rush ; D. Butterfield .1: Ttro:;prepkieter.
Work upon the 3rontrose- %Mini
"grCssing finely. Over otic of ,tri ck Is la
tently ,iraded,"and 1114 codsidered th4:the:tirst
tiro oir - piico 'mile% 'Out of Tunklnknfibek are
tuiicti the hardest work of any upon the whole
roue. -., •
boys Monday puke last; amused
themselves by tylmr, a large limb of tree (terns,'
She vralk'on one of our street's, suMcdcnt
fleightand sufiletenlly stmng' to - Catch' and In.
juke any' peraln' who sitettlil pass" along, 'the
night was 4rk,:and -- the.." trick" came very
nearpiOviog of criotis some
Indieldnals Pmcdrig thiit wny. Ottrlll49 should
he'tatight by our miihoritics, that such pastime
'ls a dangcnous lnislness in themselves as well us
Others, , If known they should be dealt, with
Mending' Roottf.
We ask a ltin On' to a call for a "Public
noadia;itooni, ,. . whih will be rimoo In another
column, slg,ned l by n 1ar.:,4 ntiMber 'of our chi-
zens. 1b,..7,/..„11, Penlbttlevotindeonsiderable
tithe and energy t?l,l;tp matter, and we earnest-
Y , 1MP0,)t._.., 1 4 1 1; Pit?Te I ?,Preelw:"We ere. e/ we
acct bu t en
.i {oily bri Misr ; built hands for any
,sneliertleypr:o, am! . vre„hoix) and believe this
due; t be,stillborp. „The otd eel of this
effort, is to furnish, :a maufertablo place-where
the! youth, milltlleaged, and all. can feed the
mind and tievelonthelr'manhood, and spend an
evening with timfi t,inalcad ,ufseukinr, some by i
way, nook to teed upon, the husks of yassion
and sktbauchery,--staming the abed and degrail
ing.:thelMatr.. 'iellow.townsmcrit shall this
.duty whirinyonotre.yourscif, your '•family, and
your " neighbor," be neglected? Must we •re
toid th is tun ong Abe other .lost' On terprlses / If
so, we shall fail to comprehend r 4,h0 ...Good 'Ba.
inaritanisttir'ornontrase: i ''; '"-: 7 - • - , • t
rt-. ~, r , 1,111'.1. 1 ........1 -, i -,. . ,
. .: . Irn , flu tilts,* tt . witty- Concern. ; - ,• •
'.:W,e bee one mare *word to say to our friends -
- :sehro. are Indebted , to ma en 'onr‘ subscription
hisoks, and the lest A lievalrear Is appreanli•
leg, rind wit.b :it will come , n new leaf in *ort-.
ducting the"lnwlness management tof 61* pap&r.
Wei itat.e'frcire :line to 'tittle slatrti , that the'rc
was tiiimi bui'boolis it kips' ambUnt. 'of nutney .
dde ui;mnd it nowfinnebes'ati nitnitnit 'of V 1,503
find - upweidi itl subscription's J'roin.eine'to /brie
'Yeerl ' 'there is itoJoins bit Wlll'iliY,' this is not
'as it aheuld be: ; Illti have given 'Our patnsns
value received, by giving. a paper worthy of
tboir patrertagei'lienee; - vidarennt asking their
'Cinitittes,Aiut nicritY'Onr clues,', We base never
traveled the doady ors{; nor dent ri:men to beg
our patronage, tied 'What "ii more, trO. never
* shark ' 4 Neltherre ie. WidisPosed,tobeg, foi 'Out;
pay; r We baVe iiiviaia'pniS : Onr debts, and, are
coo. able teaii , so, And vi . 1,,z. , +4. , to keep oils
'i'eit th that .i.F.10.3.:".1r0!e:iin..04?,)T4.031K
.'0i4iii.*:1 beninCvaey:of . this county, aVe.O4 In.
,IO ,thetirsicilinniiOn etPeutperattc
?PriticiPles,and -,,a te4irci, clitici, of iitCir, :focal I
intercsti, sin hove no f disPositicni, tO force our
It' i m b a'a uPPu *UPI- :WO ttrU •49 51 ". as ta4oirt4* I
Dent in ; these trpoosibilith.ll,as „they. are, and ,we
relit tleit 'other fields Of,. labOlor,blber tipsiness
fora ilveillenod. We. fina: t no. Ault :,.Ivith l tlie
9Luntr,on our .subletiptlent nit, nititongit tirliti
niiitili :four' !thoto'ettiberttoeratje ,voters.- we
shouldlitivOirettiCi to OM Omit We now haVe
to t,poo subscribers, which with proiaPt, pay- ,
Ple ' rltilt,luad I taht?; tilt
add Greatrr Am PrOn
tOrdtPl A 9. our paper ; hat whet ern 40 it* lu?kr 4 1 1
pritupt payment of.wltatbt dooms. One of two,
litittga :miff take Ptarri' We aloaCtlatl 4u/.pay
between ibis ne.d. dooonry, orlake.ntdasurts.lo
collect. it. , Jathanitutyp.tle who thinks tide un
reels:Usable ,i ylf,scs, la uith nosirent_:: .:,t '.:•! • :
- — T '''' - ': - ,!*;:ll'e - ' , ._." -- r' , 7; •••;; • , i : ':
/Pier:, gPad.itinA!: D . 5 0.. ,n't . 1 .1 1 i*: , ..- ...,:. 1'
-4o,exchangediskthe'iniuswingA. Tltpot, noi.
imilnentiy occurs,. when ,petsoos aro arktxt if
illey:aili. subsoribalopiffil neovaper, -or if
they nitredy take it, ttuit',they reply-: No, but
nclzhoqr a,latNa , it;Ad ;am I gm - ‘ l ./iA Uttar!.
Ina Or ri ',EV KU*.E.C2,,Alicy. tiro - belief:4lo
Every ureek-ht tho triiii. ttotilltlititt, anti 'ea'.
pctuliturter 431%061 aflui rout iultiulhiPg fpm
linnairt ttaUlat.l 14 f , - •• i I,: t +- (, -I's , '') ; .:.
,To: Wald/ tip AttliFienti Newspaper"- Ariel*?
atidaUtura Rl,at
h, gill.: - .1 , the ablate truth:l:should
booqpieti andlicopled In 'every, couetryletper,
mantle trouble !abated. 'The publisher of a
t newspaptt, &Pending, as‘ he titri Ida skinuuso
1 upon his saiscripilon list DO ituppoit,:ilionally
expeetl ark - family wins desire tote:MlAs piper
I to :subscribe tor it; if they, can tiffoo). it. :sato
i seribcri tile:tactics; aiavell! as publisbcmllnd
the newspaper. borrower - allnit-chtas linisawics
fbr lie often botriws leas the owner ji ahotit•io
: read It; retake It al certain tines Wheihe ntiasL
, calltilineroo 'otioi r tfirre":refird.4 irat All; tile
- • .
paper is In such a condition that fto ono of nice
sensibilities would care to ren4ft. We would
stiPtest that rIOWIES" stgere the nig:melee has
.itte.intolerabklAhe ptiblisher print, when
*alueseed, or stantraTiiillarga letters above the
Ilcading;"Subecelbeesnot permitted to lend this
tiaper,";ar, : 4- This 'edit* not for borrciwers."—
. 11e - ides week!. hike with subscribers, and
-prove a gentle hint totie ram:mita all stab) ,
As the proprieterof a weekly newspaper, we
Foprpoth .or ithestreAtetetc and etpiesit with
Ifidsdtitiibents contained therein inithearry eon
carrcncc._ It there. Is anything , to whiett,tbe
advice of old Polonica to hla son Laerlca,
•• *cease berroece noia leader be;'
is applieilde more than another, it is in the
matter - ornewspapcsal They are like
every man should have Otte of bts own.
Mail Trembles.
Enriali , ..;—ln behalf of the subscribers
of the County papers, I now write to you to see
if there cannot be something - aone. to-get' our •
papers at this office in due time. Roth pack
iges afe nVw dir ected b.rwey Of Rushville, the
"Republirans". should- reach bent - Wednestily
morning, find the " DeinOeratk Mona
jog, if sent direct hi" Rushville, by •Wyalusing
malt Forthe past few weeks, our papers have
been from a week to ten dayshebind time. Can.
It be carelessness, or negligence on the part of --
the Postmasters, as there arc but three offices
on the route to Rushville, after letiving:3fontrosr
and • the IlinghnintOn mails whiCii pass this
OftiLV, and- intersect. the , Wyaluslng inall at
Rushville, gives us a direct' line from Mont
rose, therefore the papers must- either lie in
some-post-oftlec, or else be thrown ;off on some
other . route— • Puernaerrit.,
Middletown, Ike. ft, 1S 1.
A Word to Glrlos..
The woman who Is indifferent Miler looks Is
no true woman. God mead, woman to bo at
tractive, to look well, to please, audit Is one of
tier ITutim to carry out this Intentign of her Mak
er. But that dress is to do it all, and tia, suffice,
is mom Th an we believe. Just becaus e we do.
love to see girla_look well, as well nq to live to
some purpose, we would urge upon them such a
cause of reading and study as will cank.r inch.
charms as no modesty can supply.' A weft
known.tiothor•onee wrOte'e very pretty essay
on the power of education to beMitify.. That it
absolutely chiseled the Amturml; that' he lad ,
seen many a clumsy nose and thick pair of lips
so modiliod by thought, awakened and active
sentiment, as tube timecerro, irs'ble. And he put
It on the 'ground . that wo sO often''see' people,
homely and unattractive in youth, bloom in
middle life into.a softened Indian summer of
good looks and niellow tones.
Deirtioratic Meeting.
Wc,publish elsewhere a call for aPernocratie
meeting in dresinp township, and we are glad to
be able to say that through the energy' 01 a few
true Dernocratsove have one township Demo
cratic organization. Jesup presents a demon
stration of *bat a little systematical work will
iloin the great reduction of the•Dadical vote of
that towns! .p in the last few years.' We be
lieve It is th , !comer town. Will not ilic pirty
wake up to their duty- in other towns? Let not
,the work be 'postponed until slifew clays before
the "Eternal viglianceiS'llie,pifeo`or
Liberty." Let the watchword be, Vrrau'Ac-
TION." now awl henceforward, and, an Increas
ing labor for a glorious return of .Demetuntle
t principles and constitutional 'lllierty: We call
upon all the members of the county committee
to call a meeting and perket a working organ!-
, =mon. tlur colurnus are - at your service- Your
names wilt,.bo found published elsewhere, and,
ffff us Chairmtin, we call upon you for an aggressive
carfare upon the tide of corruption that threat•
ens arijonnetilate destruction of our zeiniblican
Institutions.. • You.vvere designated by the last
r convention upon the belief in your devotion to
our sacred„principles aact.your,abilityttndyrJl
linznes,s perform: the. itutfes ur.your Attlee,
Clad In the shining armor of pure IkmMerarY,
let us draw the sword and, throw away the
I scabbard. - A
We want no cowards in the fight,
• Fot , tlicy'll our cabins gy
We want brave, honest men, - • ..•
Dien not afraid to die." • "..- •• '
A licquct4..far. Publication.,
, . . 3lturrnosr., PA., UM.I,• 18/1.
'To Rex. 1 4 . li. ront).titt.' Sin .I—We Ibo
undersigned,: hereby respectlbily mord that
you prepare for publication the sermon dellmell
yoti OniThaningtving Puy,
Signed by The ibliovelog named personas
Goo. f0..1.7ttk;.W.;./.1. rw., -41,
Eldred, W. T.' Moaley, Mt. T, 'Turret, F,
need, Z. Cobb, 13,.1, kitchen,
1443.vrnosit, Pa., Dee. 9,18:1,
GESTLEMIGX:—Your - favor or, the Ist
_Wherein ydn - requited . ,the Puhlinatlon.,or tbp
sermon delis:at - 4 by me at the -IJniorpthenks"-
r giriniSeryiees recently held: here; is'.'reOhicd,
In reply permit me to; say that prepared . es' It
was amid. unwonted ,pastoral (Intice,lfizoktint
it Licks that lintsb which' the' sithino,Ortfl:Put
occasion 'demanded ijieveittrleas, truatlng that
itsPublicatioi May snbsenv in Some der, e the
intcre . sta or q comm.:in ChristiaMey,l t4e4iliiro
accede to , your request, and will furnish a copy
of .er*ni rer'publieation 'at as early date as
consistentis wlitiother darks, lli and lacarki:an
tiime I remain '
Very 'Respectfully . .Yours, • '
13. Forty, Pastor of Baptist Church..
Tolko. - ,P. Little and Others.' • • ' ‘,4
nt,School. !
As the season for opening our : public schools
for, the . Win ter le*his arriiml ire desire tolm
preas apoirluyth Parents and children au!, inipci:
alive rieciiiity - of punctual' attendance, _ the
scholar's object lu to learn. The student should
bfi - prompily in his place the first clay'ttio*lsikal
Ypeni and no trifling exertsff should: keepi'llm
away during the term.`, Weft„lrtairtvithy ernartn.
pointy wile say, them should be - no Itiggia4-43r
lingering, or delay on ills/point, If -they arc
to go to eulabol let , the ehfialren begin' , yelklitK -
Onning I,sal buslrams like manner,es .. liteto 1144
te6nlfo'vatitton. - It they are frara.horae send
for them a few days previous ilot
utter Mehl books and. have them ready .1 1 4,ANS
' start._ 'lMMlleet that. in Matters 'rda .
racing a great deal hf the affects); hoped fa, de
ponds on a fair start. The:pilot," the plowman,
the oarsman and the runner - Alt kocoftlal4.l
thine parents who lovee! their old - wren ;Md . tOCI
to their inipriiyenwitt In gehOol el 9 amongst' their
best ,10 hialkest•lnterests should 'never lose
sight of ' . ' , -• . -• a
. The cilixt an the teacher is good. ifelfie - le
gratified and fiatichad by the full school, aria la:
fern fi'jnit` this a knitaidity that faliceflortii
PrCeo4l; f 4 1 i 3 IJAY9I! 1,1341 14 km 0°_ 1 14 . 4 3 .9.
Mithengh tip; iloic Maybit itn l 4 9rgtligzhiS
and, Specifying . 'certain - matters uxtler.,filsi
cipliae or classification, vadat are, +Piet IP • ill ' s
bug: of e - well•conductod school education) is
top. read! to be lost. ; Ir hop' oirmle 'ln; innia
to day and some Mmorrow, an amount of dist
thrbaniefto Medals Already &need must enema,
which distracts the attention of the studilY,
'Agin the teacheroraates prccinus
Mus(crcate nozood for (bonen comere.. Panel
tuelliy, in attendance on: the drat, day. of.the
year glical thus boys e stamp of hasloesat which
they cannot ,easilrget rid el in alter yeare l -'•
uomnflitkilleu men, do N.p Tecilf.SoOtlfFliPol
days, and, though the rfecdleCtic:ll/Ifingeseith It