PIZODV - CB • man IS ET& •Coteeetocl "weekly arding,• Hayden &Co., .lirzMAirigteat' Rew YOPk • • ; IIOQS2 Clietie, dairy, per lb ...... • .. 41g12 factory ........... • . 10Q11 Eggs, per doz 34037 Flour, per barrel V Corn 'mml,loo 1b5.... ' 2... 6 ft230 6R3.9 •• • psotoo ' .„" •—• 610 55 f,eord.. „ , ... ... t ... . .80d0o tsto • • ti • 'Potatoes, perbbl. ..... . Balo . . Lard per lb . 9EOO Potatoes per bld. , cr±.4* • I coal 50 Apples ' " 4 0004 tratltcre:pct i:nto Chickens, .": . ... . .... ... ...... 12(t14 St. •,`,l 'I/ • 8013 e.% ; ......... . IrktiS Grouse p e r pair......... ........1 IJOQI 25 Rabbits ' " ' :30(&40 . CATTAIN Lilipt N. ,tl_ 411.1.011131 Ditaledbitif Deptein; of Pillaborgb, PL., write': "Tim Inventor of ittiiin.sit'a Dims Dimwits is benefactor to The blicoan race. I wee a t leant to the worst' form of Dyspepsia; my health failed to tech an extent that .11 . Physician prononnied me Incurable. I had tilted ell Corte of remedies end even toot a voyage to Calitomb but nothing relieved roe. When bitsm..iii'e Dims lirrricas trim recommended I refused to use It; bet my Meads Insisting, lat last yielded. lum thankfat that I did so; se:ltcaredpF,. and I am now nitit:it, bale and strong r eras lifteenyeeri ego." ; ..; k ' - ' ' the Great Pic:tonal Annual. f - postetter7a United auto , almanac almanac for 187 or ills• ) triliittlult,onsys, th rongboatthernited Sla ts, and all citillicl countries of the Wester° Ilemisph, trill be published about itic Aria of J. 11111127.311 lite'l,Englieh, piennau t pceuell, t )l'orrytsian,Weish,tittecdish,!ol4nd, Ooltemlan ani - K.p,aulell lan r plays, and all who visit to understand the trite philosophy of health shonid read and ponder the vaticalin entrzestlons it contains. In ad. ditlon to an admirable medical treatises on the C.lOl.Ct, l'Oueitillien - sind cure of a great V.l.Tiety of disemes, it embraces a largaaenmut'oritifermation Inierestin; to the merchant, and mechanic, the miner, the fanner, the planter, and prefemienatmen , and thealicniations have bv,ea made for such mend!". and latitudes as Ore moat atAtable tot a t.II7CCt AnScuriarrclslr2 N ArOX AL CAL. UNDlia. The nature, noes, and estraordinary sanitary, effects i , ,taf - TfiMt r ctlefit Stomach Bitters, the ettiple tonic and sil -1 }misfire of more than half the Christian truelik amorally 'pat forth inns pages, valet are aleo interepersed frith aliistratiour, a - tilt:able map,* far the house. ildold and ta ma, humorous anecdotes. and otter Insltunt. ,tra,atl amusing reading mhtler, orlitnal and scleited. =Aram: Ake .11.untial to tip pear with the. , opening or that -year: I htlf will be nue of ' the moot teciol and may he /tad tor Vie 'irriElog,.••The proprietor., 'Ma'am. llinittctter "Smith, Au .burgh, P.. on receipt of a two cent stamp, will forward a copy by mail to ewe person who cannot praeura ace In bin neighharhood- 'The Illness amt.] in trery city. town :tad village„said ant extensively used eptotighoul the entirecivillsml world. • ea-st.: TO CaNTOSEPTIVIZI.. • advirtbier, haring been perraanetatly caeca of Coatutatitioa, by a-simpin twmeily, la anzicia so Inaba It LIOIM *olds fallatraufac e •tnbetzwo orettre. , lN, 'who lt; be will tarantifi ,' 411 " the pretiariptlon it wit (tree atettarga,) with the dim- Wins pTrnaringnud utltiai Mantua. which they will qlnd a aunt Cunt Ter Cuittratigtax, Ant! -a, Ilnonctu• c. Partin ‘rltblug the preeeri . ptiou will please saareps Ilrs 2 . EDWARD A. WILSON, - %I - Sonth TAtt - d tltrect, Willtamoburgh. N. Y. ICZE CONFESSIONS OP AR INVALID. 13t1ILIVIISD a warning and for the benefit of 1. young Men cod others, who 'afar from Mamma ttpn'ying TICE XEANC OP ■CireVO.P. Written by one who cured blm,elL and Agit-krec on mafainz ll:j3oll.fiaid:aircFaFf ..addrnFa, NAM 'lliVF. , allfr:Mo T. Brooklyn, May 17. L~7l. Sat • OrGetting harried.—Ersaym for young thv dairg,hts of nomo, and ant propnety or lin bropriety of :Winn: sanitary help for thorn who lot. matrimonial Impplmso Scut free, to r pled enveiopeo Addre,i, lIONV Aril) ASSOCIATION r,. *as gfrdrertigutruto. rt . tl7ll"Oft'S ZiOTlCE.—Theandernlgard an Aaditdr, /Vappointed hy the ttrebaWAC.oup, or £a-goelotoos twenty. undwiri to the fonds in the hands or the ad. mmtnastratoror the unto te or Ezra Venuedy, Aceeised, w ILI attend to the duffer or his appointment at the erten of A. 0. Warren dt :ton- in . 441 - trolte.Ntidny the vTe, day of December. ttett.nt t etlott p. m., st which time and plate all prrrons Interested In raid fat d mutt present thrir claims, or be forever debarred from coming in on raid lend. C. A. WARREN, Auditor. r- - XMatron,pettinberG, 3XI-04w. IrS NOT,VE.—The onderrlzted an At - Altar, aip - Ocrliftiod bribe Orpbell'e Conti;.or.so.quiquona 111,21117 to Elifttinnletbe toads in ttintmudsnta.C.Tslet. Atwater orate estate ofdulia Dunmore, deed, will at- Warta the intim of - ids appointment a Uhl* office, in Montrose, ott the :Id day of Januar,. nett, lAtt. et. c'eloct ab:c', Lone and place, all venous into. X i lnittest fee claims. or tt.Fer==ix ainsaki r R. ii. LITTLE, Armful?. Itontrou, December 6, • UDITO NO7lCE.—Theoe4ersignett, on Auditor 11 appointed by the 2a !gee of the Orpharia Conn, of Sonnettanna county. d tribe le the to ode to the bands of It. P. Weed, Adiothistroor or the estate of Ward N. .i.tMetrred. 3 tin anent, at la otileejo Itomrvre.on Fria - aythe YJth at/ Deorroberagni atatecioGrierthearternoon of that day. at-a - bleb ttroe Arrl place all persona ink-tested are p IX.peete# toprereut their define, be former debar-. - L.SO or LVilf 2tuattor. .Vis.atMe. Pepoe• robe? itc,lB7L-41-4w; „, 7e447on4anderstned An 'Matter eM...appolnted art the 'Court'uf Common Ph** of Sur , queboartS etrtmte. - to s thud la the bawds of the Sgeignet.of it: X cents. *lll attendto the &Iles obieltd oppointatent.et Ids offlecOn.3lontrnee, on 6 n. ~ ,nedey,the 2i:hitter of ..Doeember.l4 - 11. at VeMeig. ittettlutt time tutdplemen pereenelatereeted In thed/e , fritunlon of raid .fattd;. pr.sem. Their claims. be Maurer tletarred Irma - said fund. t--.lfletatrose Zeit,- , 41.1.4w. • _ ttCtiTEOP Gos afthe tosrathfp ofdpolaeoa, 4,:a• sascpumalla canner. ra, deC.CitSCd;.,Lofiero of Ad .mintatratioa tip= tbe vatato of the abore• framed deco {deur. bola: bee:oval:lad:to the ttdcratzned, till per Mow Itoloblett to raid rotate arc brreby coUfled to make paw:ditto. papaeat ; and itioeo bating +tinfoil+ agaihict aa Lac, la pr9scatiltem 4 a ly sat h antlcated for wilc o:teat litAllY GOFF, Admlcistratriz. Apulaatatatt=abet j• • tirm,zroci....- - -Ceme • into the rut:town. of fbe C - babandoer marabout ibOnlthday of September 2M: a Dark Moira two year okl Dull. Any person by invr and paying eberge,,,-ean takebitu away. Auburn, beeembrt, U,11.-..32-Ar. • . JOL!N RiLLT Ultl6o z:Dismaioill A fall and cornidrin bisiotyor Chinago, , her path; pron— , ont and future. Withlyrophic ic-nea,intitgents and full Iletaila of tht diFatter: try Georgic Upton and J. W. Ebrahnit,,oillioni of the Chicago Tribone. With ow: 400 pAcrs,!,siad , lllniarations,`ti' L.'now re;Cy tor • - VIENTRAVITED• • Semi $1 44 for mtint • wittotta of territory. Woo PoLUAinco. Chico' Ili, or Philadelphia, Pa. 1 01.VAIDURANG O. DLLS., HEENE & CO.S Fluid Strtraet. The wonderful remedy' LWCancer VMS, Smog* Meat ..Pslxtrary tottplants,.S t Skews, a all Cletrotti= Witmer+. jt-prF,nsttLaftwn Utt entitt itta-Cana tr-Bazio Low Ecuador, teamed bY tostisttnet-ot lath Ofititt itbat-febb• -Up the most Iffeetlce,"proMpt end trite* alietutt And hbod ink, kmAnt. 1 1 4 4 A , T - aS .SkraztStit. AS _plat teltilet hating On Mem our .anme, trade mark end ell rectleint. Srad Tor a eirealnr. 91:11ee and Lthowttory. No, 1 2 1 Ceti street,:/1.-Y; 50th year nmw Tona onszuvzsi, IS3 pei Aiuram. iadnding Iresir Soak for 1872. Wrap; Morse, 3r., 11. Co. ST P.BP.E Bow, aro YOWL ariall"„li P LE S . F WEB. ne , . • iir. . ... ~ - .:::,,,' '-'..= NlVElloilltu. :•_. -,..: gi;„,,...trris cilantieopy of the CHU_ , .11111ThILEi$D-- Pitnt-clarl weeklyjoortuil, potathen , b7 the bey e lc State Cortention of reteersallete.'acul contadoinz Sermonko ei f Dr. 11134t 6 TVAI, PIN. Terzsr s tt We Y whia . 7.:80vr, - tork iity; - -- : -,•.- ' ~. •_ AV;OClVA.S'arfErredgEgfreelDurinZavancdnaang 3 gp f r . to craw:Vl:ter at laerrfs M.awntrli tbs 10 = 0 *at, • Stich U eriagaco o sus ,ro •-• • • nsit_ifor segGerelor,Satuts Puton.Theodoro Itton. Gall Utuall. 0,1.-VIC M .. OM! .1 , -.l•Vry U... • r., ace , 11 te • e 1 7Moticalktor the price 0 cuie v • cm. *Anxiety of prpaltpos m egetally libe;nt prate; jt orfAinal firmemseClVlAge. 'Yt/111=1..Vbepai ••" • ' imen copies fret... *Adana •r" S. B. WOOD . _ . wept ; Pagers for rile by /.7 faa:lreeei Yoe: a,tcrr.t. No, IP , aiNDB) As. I r • s OE M. f 13 9 42 2- . bV211,-03g BtrIirDIVE,D.M3BO. Mated In Tin Colon, on superb TtATIM PAIIIOI- pis clanks, otred ft7t2Acrtit ofp flrdwlrs.: Plants and_ Two,coLonzm PLATES. 'Directions and plus for making Walks. Lassos, Glnlens. Tbo handsomest and best FLORAL GUIDE In the World, All for Tett Cenbh to those Isto think or buying Scuds. Not a qnsttor the cost. 200,000 soldpl JANES VICCSER, itoetadar. 'N. Y. The ETE Sl : o'l ,th i t TaS h i , ir t nirt. , ll . •l".l3 .7 l2 tOrie. IWO bark Woo. for 50c. roar ° for % mill MUSICAL f.r tt V r erbr e l e r , end ed v e. s TVeVele'abilitt:':`,", M isa /bo u rrup,EV,Gatiziod, etc. Addr:ss Y PI ' GDd 11"-aw"j1:- SAVE-- YOUR PM • we. mama: Fame: . tlypopricapriztlis, A. Chemically Pure Preparation of , la a moo ennititinidit of tbit r himAD hods, existing Powell - In the Bmin. icerrinte System, Moon and BUller. ire rotes UNDUE WASTE . on• DE. FICIENCT•• or Tat tArE.O . IYIWCI 'ard tlmerramixo Eirecia atom us= IMMEDIATE MDSE.( - CONSUMPTIOII, NERVOUS DElll7=l4 - Pallia• ' VMS, DYBPEPEad, Ete. The pmper itemidy Ydr the effect tut treatment and care or the above Bleat on ectiisistedn restoring to the brain. Serena Syntem Langs,and Blood. their dun pro. portion of tuotrircurs.,:. ~••• . • WINCHESTER'S , trpo Pm siolltor le the only preparatlon'tehleh•actompllehee the remit, and it b an absoltiteenee for the Disearesabare named. • Cironlarl,. Infotinntion and Advice Tree: Prepared mile by J, INCH ESTER S CAS.; Cnottrr, as John St. N.Y., andaald by all Bro=lsts: - -Pdce . $1 and $1 per Bettie. Atnnuism.l (Nollehreti ecll,ll4cl.slprvamfrrnr 1,5p5y..1.1 andl tnnej ef iheZ.7lr. k Irk,ann. s°ll Crnzgl,ti...Breve:e imitafierts. TIIEBESTSIMGLIMMEIOUTOW,SIS. - Grindera at $25, $lO, sna $:9O. -load Tathibg'Cools, $l3; "Solid Emery meow..az 41:41.- kadTelts The 75:m1tt Ch., Strawfstars, Zama, CU:, N. IBTIOICT g —Ark Pomona d Chirmey.lleirtebarg. Q Per., ter free Oirerder or Dexter Cotter. Iregkee zreeCormErrelder Neal to bey. -Neer Wee c 7 60 Agents profits per week. liSlll prose IL or forfeit. CM. Sea sztteles,„pse entell,lnty 1:411. Samples sent two to 01. Atl - 4!ess Ir. Cittnnessu. « Vroltd* . v, :Fete 'York. • . $425 & IMTRl•inrite cdraisbeiL lispena.ai paid. id. U. sums', nuft.d. tiffENTS• 1176,1111711—Agents maka more 'sway at vark (or us than ads - clang else Dusinen ligbt aid parmtn,st. rardmilank 13.811.411021 & CO., .rue -frt Pub/kilns, rorttsud, Matoo. VOID QIIACKS.—a. VIVIR/ of .uir ladNemiloo. cannnn; nerrotto debility, prematute decny pd.; harm, Pled in rain crnry "nd.•prilfrd wined!, - has dia. envnrnd a simple peace of nvircurn, which be will *end to bin kilow•eutrawn. Address J. IL lIKENCti.I'd Nat tun Stan[, N, Y. . THIRTY YEARS EXPERIENCE M TUE TriEATIIENT OV • Chronic Sexual Diseases • PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MARRIAGE.. The chcliPest b•wh ever pubtiehod—containing nearly three hundred pares and one bombed and thirty Ana plates and engravings of the antitomy of the human.. .pant in a state ad holed and di.ssm srltb.a trona:won early taro., itedeplursble COO &Name. ;moult* mind and body. with the author's plan of treatment—the only rational and successful mode of ewe, up shown by a re port of ca.. treated. A truthflai advertiser lathe maw fled and those tontempistin; roar Inge, who entertain doubt of their physical condition. Sent fee of postage to any adore., on r.celpt of twenty.flre centt in stamps or?lo.tal currency. by addressing. in. LA CROIX, No. lit Malden Lou.,. Albany. N. T. The author may be Con sulted upon toy of the Clauses upon which his book treats. either personally orbs . mad, and medicines sent tonal part of the world. UCTION.—The undersigned will sell at .Ll_ , her residence, hi Franklin township, near :Slunger's Tanner:', - nri Wednesday, Dec 413,1871, the follawing.onpeFty, _Five chome„dtdry cows; 'tWci - good . - farm liorke4, - two tali one large hog, one pig, atioutr,orm7hundred bushels oats, eight tons ltaY, a quantity of anisr and cornstalks, 20 bushels buckwheat, Ca .bushels corn, in ear, 40 bushels potatoes, one good lum ber wagon, one light spring wagon, one mow intl machine in good order, one fanning mill, one double harness, one grind stone, one grain eraddle, 50 sap tubs, one churn power,rwo large iron kettles, a quantity of Milk pans, line bed stead,-cider barrels, a quantity of flax, Beecbe's hay rake, one corn Sheller and other articles not mentioned here. ,Sale to commence in O'ClOCk a. M. Terms sums of e.,5 or under, ; over t.. 5, nine months credit, with interest and ap proved security. Mrs. 3iARTRA Franklin, Dec. 4,-Isr. D. Brewster, Auctioneer. Bounty $191.011t111-01 Liberty Way ob ttrabr Andoud dor , as per Lat'stalirmad, (1414)' AMR M 101.otoolitom .11471, INIO, 1.14 , - 1, OM: • .1111111 1 4= SD • lialladoi dna .71algaziont'of &Ivy Ta 34 ? A esucka i 01. f Bounty daptleated In twat MVO-$l, 03 • - 1.P.ct051.5.1) SI. N. I. TVESDEL.I., 3VII. M. BAILEY. • JAMES MONVISS. I,odltris I.lbratr, NIA caal,cr IS, 141-4.9-.2a. . k I.7DITOWSNOTICE.—The underslzned.an Auditor -13 appointed by the Conrvof Common !lessor Basque' Latina comity. totaaketlhdribadoa of die faDdsin Wo hands of the Aikaibis - rator, - *Attn: Than the etsuril notke that o b r e c ip attedd to tke dints of td* opDaisetmeglntja* In Mon trate. on Friday, Detwober tieVtb.lll3ll. at o'clock. P kV; whicti•llute andialabit,k3r: Minn "Istrestod - fall read:davit to ta.eLt or bo fons'ee barred Iron:401*o nix upoasald (and. • Aloutruttc.NoY. NT. SNITTI,Atta'r. ASSIGNEE'S SALE.—The iutdersl it ifini, will Welk.* rote, on tberrembev. late die estate of M. N. usher. fit Santb thEl4.44Famoeb.utas mortar. Pa.. on Tuesday. November preciwly one o dock, 11., the, following properly, viz: Ono two Horse Mai torm timing Wagon, one good 2'eaartiorae, Oho or nix ycore old), Ylverons OAP, Sixteen liedsnakte antic* tion. Viol, 13.01 Glbsost,li:ovember zs7t:"..i7-Iwr lATROPItIEDIOATED BATHS - Wirt/ nr Without Vietiiiity. is the we (taiwgr, If! fm• Rheramstsm, Iletalho and Chroric Diens- I At the lout of Ch.:Mal/L=4 110.450151 . .. Pa,, -o r - OM/M.OF TEE WO/MD.—II ittLetz . January V-4;18;to whentit rake concerti :—Thlo ft to cetiry that I bate giro A. ILsrLDWIN, oL33uatrore, 4.0.4 the e;clutre ale trot or the We 'of the ebnve mon-. ed re tedpin d two etigradpmuly; KS toil is beelooses to continue in the botto etc and [Wien - orders beitAller should be addressed to ban, to reeetieetitteattoo., -, - M. U. pu:roN,Pioprietor. match: FJf. • 342 AGENTSWANTEDILVV= a . to —with. Go I.llastratione. kenveses or no.rtesidenla, beautifully bonad, and printed on tiataaper. ' " THE 'NATION Its Eden - and • . IN. ENGLISH „AND -GEILAIAN. _ NeObtog itkelt.' 't4trikes , everybodinsPiel tlicibook the/ aaEneyilopedis or she goterrnaent. Slade aszes'ln tt. *roof slotwelteavonlistis ptine.ct ta e lo OW:Mower anslenlyS9 bd. -aziel• ea keCenrsorts - oa gentlennew,rxesma, seedless tund steidada.',Gtiedgeatevski3. (rarest* Ofor daytteitAdneffar ecout. three oce Loa q7+ealevd.l $29 a day con be clutrid to kar tertliSty *lll.lre at one° for Orman SO 1 aunsatioo. .NEW: WORM% rraustuncra (.70.iraer .7th =I 3lnstel acm.l.4lldlndeplita: HO . •ICi7r t. CT Mat ItEBP4 tysti TITOSE'StittI( 1774 /.14'ciff Jettolicivcc me tt tr potroltec7r arAer mylran telt *backs; and twit • cccticiliaccr pt tt t a ~.11:15 StS Met Iptiaeuce, to ti c; SPLENDID SEW . zauwas stoma, : of-Saab, Cohn CO., 12 add' St Matto' Wen; 'Now Tort: wbero orders thou Id•bo dictated tolnd fad &reef; ed to the drm, to Insure irsilf ottention, aa9 1 1 woold Add to ray patrons, sod to ttrom 'who poorly orrtie - orber stde. , !' tbot rue not to be caderiala, - bY dniit Ilttle'coormix la New York, or elsewbere, *topless, live s Mir VOL' , Our good's ars &Ulmer. cod bof Mt tub, tor the starand'Northern tristez• ' , - C. 711 . 171 4 r Arstictuld Arttfotal4 Xostrogre - lisitb73,lBll. - - " Boyer. ESTItiVW.ILLIVS.V.A.T.LACZ,bti oleo torsi 'olp QtStoulach*m.Cottati,..F..a.: do. comeett.4.etters ada&Mrotlun open the agate or the abosoilluxtrddeeeddat hawing been Canted IP tin nOdersigood. all•persore Indebted - 0 'raid *ilea f.re hrfeby ootilled to r7kttlWmetitstOpaymertt ; dal those bayln:cb.lcos opilosi the came..to pnteatt , than 4rair antAcattrated r.rwettlerrient... - _ - JACOBiliniprAfT adtarlatia f Itlinock4Cor.B 1871 ' - " " " -a *Xiwaer >, wen- 1,26C111 , 01ra ntal.—Tbe Executor of nth estate Dardel.Wood, Lath of T aternlt townablp, deteraed , it tial tti Watt lettatim au thn pretnlkw of said de. eedentyon=eaday, tiothMher 7. len. at S. O'clock, a. reabortinalinjOroPenTr to with 2 honeall sotslouble lumen, .leon I Ilog,l lumber wagon, I market wagon. 11 / 2 lthlfMatil in Anna gettlUittltlce.tarla Wintitity 'of cont. nay and oats a plow and ca nom. and other ankh* ran muntoned. • . Tansw—Alt mum or es !ot len; cash; Wnr , l3, els months' credit, with Interest and appro ed ;warily. 4", it' 1 ',DANISLP. W'ool.k garotter. Lathydo Tenstablp,Oetotier PA S 0 thi ti l l eitwa r t4tWoiabiYat tart glleVe l cob et, count one Ilea 'And White Mita rarbla heifer.' Any Penton ,proving pruperty and payingthargeor n take her away. • Fr1c0utp10.,00q,W25,16711. 3a• ADIIIMISTIIATOR'S poem:lance of an order of tho Orphans' Court. In and for Sorgoehan ins Notify. the trodendgerd Allenlttletretnr of the estate tit Dating Barney, /gear Little gleadistra said county, accrued, will 'esposo at bile *omen. oo tiro plum on Friday the Fah day Of , etriher next. the tollowlog described real estate, to wit.: All that Certain wood lot, pletc,partet or Witt ofland, situate in Little Meadow,. afore , aird, bounded on tho north by the New York State liar, on the east by Peterlicardon on the smith by rat. rick O'Shea , bnetty and ,Toaeph Beebe. and on the west byloseph Broke. contenting ally acre., more or the same beings valuable phse eta hemlock timber lot. Tnnza.—To- cash` or prompt paying security, on striking down the properly, the balance within one 7ear, , • , 12A11111MAIINEYauld WM. T. peva,. Adzoltdoustors arnattos Baruey, dee'd. "'lloatrosaiOttober hfi, lett. . . . td Fer NOTlON.—Wbeten► Letters. Trete. ijoleetary to the estate of Danlvl Wood, late of the towneblp orLathrup, deemed, bare been, granted to theebbeeribez all persons .todetrted to the raid estate are requested to mate 11mactliate payment ;end allthose taring claims Or hmand► wales" the estate of old de• eedeat trN wake Munn the esme unbent delay to DANIEL F. WOOD, Es.oentor. Ittlatap,Oetebet . lB,lB . l l , ' Ow vont% -4it of regular meeting ot the Town Council IN &the Boro Sairtarbantus Depot, hold at b momas In said Boro o a:tn. Umber In ICI. an O ' rdln t an e c i t r t was passed cztomitog the Ilsolla of the Bore or Sopa*. harms itcpot., according to Plot and rummy. made by Timothy Boyle. Vint,ll. lIAItTLEIT. Durrmar. (Attest) Ono. N. DOMFP, Clerk I:Niguel:Lamm Depot, OctOber IS. ISM Sw. eCDITOIPS DOTICE.—The utidenk lard, on Ana. tor appointed by the Jokes of the Orphau`s Cowl, In unit fpr thpeoptity lot Susnachsnna„ to distribute the I hauls to the hands - of , the Administrator of tho mute of Oraiin D. Mayo, deceased. will attend to the duties of hl a appointment. at his unite, In Snrnaehanna Depot, a Thareday the Mb day of Dlnvemller, A. D., vra, - at l o m e o'clock to the aftetututp. Altpartlcaintorested are hare miniteet to anoint and present , their chime, at the ahOto agit , Andilach tyr be forever &batted, VIOL IL POST: Admtulstrator. Storypttuina Depot. Oetotstr r atti Wiptli•_ *cell arta 1741.23.143 T. & BUM NPW 9?Ftipll AN URIVALLED -Assortment at ttietatatandlifiiiiefliKefit I OAR% GIIZAT NEW GOODS! AQ the Newest Stylus of Stripe Swim' Wool . Scoteb Plaids tad Popl j uo. Satoeos, Idirittoos, 13:11Itiotioes, Pronch Cfaimv,maikana ore 4 - Alpacas, Ilohalts, .Dolaturs, Etc: Worsted and Flannel Department. All th. emeltlirsiti Single andrbouble Shawl& • Waterproof. In all styles. Flannels of all descriptions. flood. and Nu Was. Scarfs, Uoslcry, Noes Wants'. lscd lifpreads. She Cloth Stock io fog. comprising all kinds from manta sig.pro , s jr . tlit iv ar—Thr : Rt.witt strp "Es lane, Root, ing* La .. • Beedy4Sadis Cl9thing, Ctwap and well mute. :Ntc3e baba to utarke.. • . . • ' Overcoats at Great - Bargains. • it Our Custom Delortmeut 'is Ituuoing, • Night and Dag to Keep Up . With 'Orders! , • 3Pl4,lrca-4211dispAnt the Tatiana styles Roua Maw*. Lag - ku4 Bane Blankets, etleape4 irlis market. „.. ' . many alba* - goods, bet .meationed will be *Ad ' , Mum far cast' a Bkadj. Pay Own can be fond elev.nitro. tar Call end ire for yeenelres, and be cons-Theca of the fact tbab yen can save aihney In thane hard timer by berthry your grocerlecrof ", far...KENZIE atrAtlllta. Alcdrose. November 1.'1871.--11. Pa Ullinitit MMIMArr )4 :/° 4 :> 33 t ' ROME 4AY FORKS.! iiitiosi,l'.l*/StrieLtIPAPTED; TR 4i-Tro ButoPaliPmolamßAisrdidTAD,Port tarmacs itontli_s-.416'1 and Ora!: v,„,) ALSii • tiELLIS GRAPPLE PULLEy, As hipleascat, Mil Frail !miser, Carpenter. )Leon sad Patater ell=id nave. Fie.o•vcalmci a H_o 11 S:' E r - 31 s zu3 es, Se Alus,' &lapis, Gain c_rstyci,_ chly •!•• 441111.410 Balls. Oft Danlr(ss'4l3 sad Iron) . Teraziltax• aco XP 3E4 co %yip noLictorirenoilk!".A.Le . ist *lien the lirtree Ul Rosary tat the 2/.104. TRY oNE sn4 you 'FLU . M49* tt - 40*.42,1,1‘ Bled - Aut. ! Grind Ware,Botta. Picks, 1 - Bays. Locks. Sure; • t 11.1.0 - • • NAND*. Droilapng, . ! wawa_ - ranter.:• • • Vanish, . -4t17"; _ 1:121444'A • r • , q • • i-" 3!0tr0f.7417 15oxiip , b conwni --- • - k ILIDITOtt Si NOTiCH.-Tbe andorsigned. an Audio 41 tor. appointed by the 'lnagua of the Court of Com. mon Pleas of Susquehanna county; to diStributo the - Ihnds In tho hands of the administrator of the estate of William 11. Williams. deceased, wiltattend to tho dulled of Ida oppointmer tat the alto of Minims H. Justin, Vag,. In Montrose, on Theraday, the mond day of No. vsmber next, at ono o'clock In tho afternoon of tbat day. All parttes Interesteo are required to SPSCR: cod Preset , their claims at the 'bora time cad place or be forefoi debarred. ./ C. ESSLIP, Auditor. ilontiose,Octobor4. . must 'iwkatimitte'ci leaks. tUTURIBEttO,ROSENDAK& Mailtori.trcosse, AN) SITSQUETIAtsntiA DEPOT. The Two LARGEST STOIWS iu Tho The 'VvolPinest.ißuil6ngs in the Conn ty ! The Largeai Stockan the 001PV: Tho.OHOEOEST GOODS, Lowest 'Prices Grand. Opening of OUR. NEW STORE! . . . , • .. • * .31ONT4OSE 1 . . . . . rgvar.osicia3r, 80ra 2,2, 3.8,72,. with itti attnott calker AM Stock ofAiplendtd Good% n'rFi~-a t hire *albeit Machinfor etc:l2ll4 Wheat. Wei in 4 Doeftwhear.ttotritan be proem& -Cora Zeal hosted. Fr citstrrdiend pardetairatlonttoulttretr tegtindiazfactit Bonito:to moire allbernt abaro-Or , Intatololtodi Lorke 11 within: ant thing In uty lice to giro mo a cm.. • ilrldgrowter,rtcpt.6,ll.—tf? - J. Dwirgintmg..ln., Dole: nvapmt . 113 70 ,0 1 4 1 " T •"•-••• a..lol,laN.l.lelSate.4t=l).Stes • is • • - •.• _ - w. & T. inkragni - suireotureia of - Clikrs skid. Wholesaly dealers la Yankee I:allays C hurchan 41!4:rods. art Mobs West. below Eptsenal • . MOSS 211 AP, Leather Maantaelareas; atsd dealers la Zorn= radium de . ..near Eplaeoyal Charall:: • • Attrgy DemeataDragovidatialetnbc • and ISfsbuttc(uretv of pkent, 012 Man BUM, Veer. the Depot. O. STEPHENS, Irons ohootor amtgencraniopairlo: op Vain Strcat, wag orthebriate. I, S. I:X . 311E114 3lsmadetarti of Leather, 111211 della la griuctsllleithaudlie, on 51114 Street.. ' R. P. DOITS3, Merchant Tailor nod denier in nand, Made Clothing, Dry Gtoodsjirocertes and Provisions, MAW Street* IaIIICE. WAITE, ItsoutwiarSa otsul. glatsr In sort. or Plows and Cosl}ogs. - EDWARD. ot BRYANT, Minntsetnrers' of" Warona and elslg4, non • ABEL' TURRELL, Macs in Anglo , Makin*,. Li quors, Rita.; Oils, Dye Stuff( OrOccrits. 'husky, Notions, stn. CAMIALT, ,Altaray Law. I:lopp . osie aporbeAcyor Tarbell Xtentso.' • Mi. IL COOPER & CO.. Rankers. ireli.Pereitn Pee 'saw . Tlelpts and India pn 'Engem', Ireland ewl 13coI nd.to - • . , IN.FABEIRA, Arch Street, of the Blotk DC. MI and 60s, Streets, n.3.l.anotattararand all kinds and J. U. FLETCIIEtt'S BAlo ti the plate to ret • ten Cream, Omer, and Gloms. Igkilyernilite.,Chs Main - 'Erect.* STROUD & DROWN. Deanna Plea and'Llta inane. *nee &vine ; ale°. sell Railroad and AceplentTleketa to New York and Philadelphia. 011iernatoor eael , lithe Rank.' , P. B. CILLNPUtt Oiderplinsurince "n.l Seeing Its ebine AgertirPti lc Aveppc.• NCY:4IIRS annss & NlCElOLl4..etteplUeete. ortDast'stuul Steal• eines. Clenev,Tobeeeo, Mut-Fbrt-Puoko,Sp.. 6 tui. elm, Yankee; Notlon;ao4:nrubtle Avenue. Vir3l,li; =tee atierlielalrrankttlelee usual kept by the trelenippoelta the Beek. • , . . VOI7I- AS - • eonivw, abiders 1n Sinies4 l trafdaisi , and Mumfactarerik or Tin and tittegra!artfo,PNTlCT of Katz and TtrrnpLte stiff!, - : . : : • ..,. i i - - _ .. B. U. 210128.12, Marchlot . : .Tailor =ld 4We; . All Cloths, Tgimoslots,- ...Aid-Burnishing Qoods. and ' AstOti for diner slowhorlischtne,on hliist,Bloorl. ' • Yo ratutla boLlellog: •• • • . - • , _ A. Zl. BULLARD, Daller In Prprlalom, Bookt;lStiflttaiTy tad n*, N4lqns. , 4lVistl of Pabllc AtentllC.. • ' • ' SPOR-S , CO.V- Dealer* Ati Stores. Itardwitte, Aviculturist Implemeu ta, Flour suet Gror!cutimullPP o, .ittet.Thrbtalloula: . r ". HATNEVOIID a. MITCHEL. Lira' , " apd Pr^ nn • .Stablallnraarolidaskbulldlapri. .• ". ,• • pF ! L TUTIRELL I - DRUGGISTV .Jrortvasr, 11contbruFs r!icelytNr . • if* GO,Orta;•••-•, • • Arulteepeconsuelly on bind atoll tpd 0441004 at lottiitllt9l VIGDS. ' DRUGS, SIRDICISES, cautens, warons,.. Paints; One, Dye•Mn4a,Teas,l3plexe, and other Ore. eertes,Steme • hare.:Oralland Window Psper,Mlaee ware, Fruit Jeri , ,. Miners, Lamps. 'Chimneja, Km. Nene, Machinery Oil, Twiner's` Oil, Nearellnot Oil, Ito , 00, Spent 011, .01114 Oil, aptriteTsueen tine.Varnianee, eyearyttepd. Vint= r.Pataati; Comae. ttA led Lye. Atte OresagArpaaes. Sapporlamiltdkir, Instruments. Shoulder Dracem, Whirs, Gana Pistol*, Cartridges, Powder. not, Dead , Onti Capa;lllaating Powder and Pose . : , Viollrra,Sertn;el MoWe•ele• aNea •Rifee. ate, Flak M , ookeand Linea, ibelladTalleilloggs. Our ON, Hair Restorers. and lisle Dies. Ortwhiral Poocysaet Kniy,..spwiciepAtherriefea psioarOurks. Kafiri. de. 'Deallat Attlidea;* genera amendment of FA-IPPl(Pri.gegsrEVir. #941 r_gEnniT!T dll tbelesdinz and bat Mild. or . In 'abort, nearly every don 'to restore the elan to p1441e rho Ugre, to delight the eye; to rally ihelaner. and *leo to dentate lath teal and substantial etwarorto Exameralluer le Impracticable, or It would dl *newspaper. Call al the Drug and Variety el loco or . • ••• .• ii• Montzose,Jan.s,lCo . . ''• '-' '. Inthrop Township SinnSy: , ,-- , - 13ALANCE.nnpravided for. June Alt63"; - .. r:130 Id Intern.' on bonds ' " ' ^ $l4lO by additional tour hot:lna dollars not analtroitort. • • - accounted tor imitated In deuratartira report , /DO 00 „. , • . . - • __ a BOarlirc4 - from taz etso2v3 • • - -!' • frAl %nail ileirrfp:t -1468-ISM 'A Anaoput onprorlded for, aline IQ, 2871, boloi al ocair t °furl as we csi LEt at it this limo, _„ G „121.31 To . SAMUEL, WRILIT JOllll WOOD •• ' srAvivfo4o . -oN•oo Aro* o ••41IIP .1. sa Pm. p.m. p. J. W.E.118 V!titney E. B.llAWLES,'Clvairinan.. NEW ISIILFORD GREAT BEND.: • LENOXVILLE. GIBSON'. . 2 - _ ' , r.°77 l ' 3117F1114: atkijiyo litni * B. 7111,1n0 Table: Ne‘ , kiNight 4nrcts ,:„ , . ; /57 4 ," B,,,Cincinnati• Exprms sit : „ • " '3B; Way Prolgh .t, ' • 10801 "- - 44 ;• - igiNevi York 'Lyman', 1.47p.r.t. • •44'i Seeikrunixtatioa,, ••: +;" Steoi.P9;; KlArsts7, : - t• - 9.17' " 2elS - igtit. Espriss, .;: s `. 1.59 'tn.. " / o V.oll„mn t o • .; , 5:24 , - ; Aeooxikuodairoir; • : 433 ", 44*- er,+ Way. Freight 1: : 1.07 . - 44 Figious, •1- • . 4 % ;" 140 " All of 'the above trains' atop lit 'area • • si Snail/Irk 41224: Allli 2CULTICIPf.Iite tuttlendmotd. a dminlitra of the estldnot hlent Wallace.' late .of Springville ornship, deecatled, 1/11 soli at pubbe Salo or the pre mises of said decedent, on Tuesday. the Slth t fitOretubt 2871. at p act"' dam, the follotetuttprapEttt.Nist no lett caypentatools, ono Deny , one sal ky.ttra be and bedding; IWO t tlWlsa two sena °rebates:two standis anal:oyes I sock- Inge bales. one haze looktog , glaer. elope% allff.f cad &swum and • great tunny taker .tOO/I= l l2* • cu. lO ientlm. Taints nn Bata:—All sums ander $5. ash Clentfeof. *IIII Interest and approredsteentltis. • • • .118C01313. WALLA.C.14d1,1422202. At e. come 'place end the tameay, as eon ;Ls, tbd '. pe-si othar. tale Is Otte, 1.-artil. yen-a suetltaithe tolloating mon els t; yoke of three pont-old aterto, , matched and *Oll breVet 1 'three yenta old. Olt, L amina 'and kind In an Luna.: P chow , ' dairr mulct tat vow. :Jesuit no ticircrwith calf, 4 fiqed cafes. In C o6 4 ol ' o '. • I chore 'beep; chutra - 81540finutbdogn 'butte. I Istnndlageow and riga. 2 Ittal ttulays, 20 ;Welton. 2 horpe rake 5.40 duthelt Garnet Chill potatOes, all of eai- Inc deist' 10 toes of .• hay; a quantity of straw and cent- - stalUs. Tiums* as eaLt-M1 Sit, i 34. $1 1. 04 over. nide menthe time with interest dud ippror's entity ;4 per cent. off fur t!tah. .7. , .10th1ni to awn o t A ctoddfiv.- . • , • • •• 1; nt*t. L. Roaate Eir.44/9e.V.....- eprltaYel?,...r/ 4/49y, e,1:271 PUBLia "NOTIOg; IWould resrvetfultretato to my fo er Custom( resod the pabllesenerelly gun I co eridu pi:74 , a• ou the , - .• :. , 1 • :.7, - .. .: 7 ,.: , , , TAILORING 11;041O4/4, -, i i IN MONITOS . , all vol , ese fo do all Spll{ in. litat T't 4 f 4l2 2 . . ::‘, :7 ::', 4. :. ": SlinitAN'TIAL Anef at Satisfactory Priem Partied:sot saver toetiTTING sad STECIAL CAltr used to halo wort Iltistforthcpfoson who pats it toVc, tjtar. 7r Shop tat the-welt .:. tido aPNPnbllCAltatine. antnra Mcbola , Drog Mark a4j6l44.lgAtbe.Ot I:R.1411cl% P. LU -I.lowlarps , EffbrsFy !, OTT,. ' ‘ .-- ~ ' " 1 BEBD SIB; C, A. OACIEVTri Dental Ilooml;rewlitllAir A..- d,Ths. i. - im • , Putleularstienuon &min operations an thil vain. ntiteeth. AriLtlelsi Teeth inserted In all An* various stes now tams. •-. Perfect, satistsctlon initimiitiet r i t trit 000 iodine me, and. satisfy yotussires. •XIIIIn unt. 1:10111#1, sod Sticetitcm Tram SSC :eEeaf; Alto, mantractur , oCAtioct 310alsto abler. Eyo Trent' end Lead a i bushman attepticd to at fair prices:l4l43n Uollow • • rattratlyagla2=4,..• " •-• •‘• • ,'.• Cfackets for saiev i b z . idol:dram NUT. /ilea, I;,t, • ITRNITUREiggSBLISII3iENT . • diTrAttlit • . : SILLTIE 4::. rAgAn Tinn 1.-firotA: The .extentlrec, Iftfrallorfi EntlbliihnfOnt lcrtaim - W: • flnllttf,- hwelnifi been fnottof sod greatly I noinito,l7. thevroprintOrr4poTh folly annortnces to thane:l=mi 4112tgarroan•anini• -ty ; th at ttatscortatantly waking andx.r.qaon Lbta tare et antibest nano:intent of .‘•,•=l• , (!' 'Z'sl:T3EtWirlo:CrEiLpSl 10 be fond norther Chi satdo of New-Tork-911..- Ca al • • aztcnaion table.. '4 • -Caria.'—Caneacid`-irjedi . edt and Woodstnda of aver, vartttyncid a tale..... dorssandTettlktrxii , (471210f.a Oil Cane Acalobala rcacatcd. , • , A lama assortment—cite:m*llLO • . be• • `-•!' Cane at .Chairse tam now caution doirof noinpin'annfaitite;)nblelo vri=d' greatly ; Anputii"fo thoa4; eriartetdirutyctrire g ol4 at albo , -• • CANE.SEAT tbr;4ll?s it,t'SEArEp. 61iTiisii4 at abort notice. II carte al ways In xna4lonis . Tomplo,• none bat careful andoxtierteticcd v t oYktri t n. tattled to don:Apr(B'l;lra. pod luflowl 1 91 2 ;strztztak:V:. , ..B.2ll2lg: Th le69. • •••••••• ,•••; • "' . IIIERT WBQBSOLD IN • VIP -. • ' T r Zt,=.l3 W004:1 7P 12 4 33 :1igif Simple h se constrnetlou— !„asy Operation Carte tni Tette tq the water,Darible—ltellabla and Chao.' - IPO r i h res . ; gee= 143 1 0• meats. phirtibetw. p mat:err, the emu* try. tlireatart, d..e.Juraltbeittpod ata . 11tatlenbymall or otbenrise: 41 . BleglaTataps fo...dded opa lea In torts ert4ra 3. 4aro anagrato noon rertipt of Ute =Oar retoU . pike. ID Daring: liatarefallaatTarm l'irmfriatra Irada mark a* Marro, Ratana!qd Marra atiVoB7l'; art, rpm=tee mother. CrAwatzw.44...!3'iletZteliztOlr. .laysint.kcsonzni ,-,Qteee „ind parTinn, 024,0t..429 fwbert-isc; 'WA' .-:' 7 " . RIO.VOMG' IOII9II * t-, ... 4 ve,uormirettiothitelimp!! ~,.: ~. ~., . .4, 1 4.4.,1,.44,,4..g...4.4 ~ ,_41_.,.....Atai4.1.0„.,.,,.,..,........, f A.,"1 x, • Lute welch It eine. _ _ sued and blear' Indeed. ' no dime to Which It has tot provea to Inkwell-adapted. for the care of neorunderattft witty of &seinen It i$ 70. rety.erly for bn sus, Kakis. MU, brut/set. 11 =M teflon* otbeilbltirl, &Ito well BO drontantr‘tnantdnit• and botrti torn into Celle/ay:A is napalriasy altaltan foratery race of rhea ottibefgeo'of the gnaw- • • It if • very 'Watkins fast, that notirtandlalf the fang period of yaw that the .ninsauer bag beta two lore lila world, it has never lost one whit of Ise nottqr• Sty, but cm the contrary, the call Orr It has steadily; LP ereetren front Its ant ellactivary, and to no slogans Slam. has Shenanigan for I t been so groat, Or the qlnlattl.f rand!' bean es larreisa it late-day, • . -•••-• Another iignlneant fast la, that novber• 1112 Xlilebevar Wahl* Whet , repots, or bean mere sal. fy again. Laillett sad failivideasotesalenksiber n hor n at began; when) tt was Ora discovered-and fotrotheltl. TbarthltPaltt Kilter vhf mute to be, tr hatrrs boo* %triad it, TEN VIITAT IMPTCTICA Or Mt MOXID• wen an-. nos be Ma atutslon of a doobt....Pr4eteLeaes ,4, • . • • inTur Dan &Luta ' • 1 6 'Ul t ra; ei inftl i d itt7 l t l e r sideoce In EA CL7XTy ter. on the ton I.4oltill4lis Bbettalobnio , .. 4 ; Teacup:term • A. ILTAYLV Tt ratorntei.44ll4l7l3. • . 0,1 .