.Thelbiliiivfiv - p&rsops e were - clinFen bp, the litSt cotisetit onto okt ,49 evilut,y COM- fa - flevedunift year.' Auburn-. . NM. Mire- Ararat _ B II: Bridgewater Kirk)._ Bunnell.. • - • , . Tiffany. Clifford. , •• • :John I3oltma Brine. V V., kills. Jasper Witter. Foreg A B !Griffis. . „. ........... 17; A. Smith. . . John Foster. dih.tori . „ ... . John H. Claffin. Greatßefit , J)46.` .V. Reekhow. Great Bend Wm. H. Hatch. Herrick F E. R. Barnes. Harmony. ...... W..V. „Norton. Ifarford" ' - John Joseph-Stele!. -Jackson ~.AnthroSe - Reason. IL Marcy. Lathrop.. Alvin Brown. Fiber... ; .. Richard Bailey. ..... .... C. Maddoc. 31iddlefotrn ' Otis Ross. Vontrose..., E. B. Miley.. New Milford tp • Olirer TAthrop. Nenr,3l.ifford-b0r0.........Cyrus Barlow. Oakland' J M. Tillman. Rush' .Abraham Carter. ....Byron C. - ITandriek E. N. Smith. • 11 P. Sullivan .J. B. Whitney Svisquehanns. SitVer - Utke... Thomson.... ll.twt.EY, Chairman iountg Turf -tam. w . Two Zinn in *kis Directory, one year, emit addiiionai line, 50 eta. NET MILFORD CAYUOA PLASTER—NICTIOLAS Dealer in genuine Cams Plater. Pvtah grout& 0. IC GIAWEST. Acent Int Emptre Sewing and American Bass Barran: Move, Malin Street, W. L. MOSS & CO. Dealers In Dry Goods. Itsts,Caps, Boots nod Shoes, shd Getters' Merchaudtte. on Slain street. second doorbelow the Erase:oral Church. • 1131SION nOTEL, kept by NiTLLIADI SMITH, on Main street, near the Depot.—• W. S. MEV% Foundry sad dealer In Ylore and °that I:amid's, one door from Mom's Uo el, mkt. st. RlNnialt, Carnagelinker and Undertaker, on Main Street, two doers below lfacrley's Store. • mecoU,VM BROTREitS, Denten :n Grocertcs nod Prortslboe, on lain at • It. GARRET, .S. 80$. Dealers to Flour. F. salt, Lime, Cemeat, Grottertes alai Provisions on ' Mater Street, opposite the Depot. R. & T. HAYDEN, IlanWnicturers of Cigars and Wbolcsalo dealers In Yankee Notions and Franz Goods. an Main Wool, below Episcopal Church. • 11103 S a :KEMP: Leather Manufacturers and dealers to Morocco Fla - dings, !Lc., oda° Episcopal Church. • AINFT S 11.ATDT, Deniers In Deno and Medicine., and Monotactoetre of Cigar.; on Main Strcet;'near the Depot. W. STEPIMS, Harm Shoeing and general Unyoking onlitain Wen; sotalk alba brlage.. d. DICKEILAIA.N. Jo„-Dialer In :emend rocmhandlie nod Clothing.; Brick & B bre. on ain Stied. GREAT BEND S. LIMITEI3I, Namtraetarer or t.catber, and deckle, in animal 31erchandize, on Main . Stn - M.• • R. DORAX, Merthant Tailor tin dialer In Ready Made Clothing, Dry Doody, tirocorica and Prorlenane, Matti threat! LENOXVILLE. Ilaserlnclarer of and dealer In enamel or Mona wed enatinge. GIBSO.N. EDWAIII:11 b BRYANT; Manufacturer. of Wagons and Sleighs, near the Ingalls • Store. MONTRost ABEL TIIREICL.L., Dealer IR Dr 122., lledlelnes, Ll qnors, Paints, Dll.,Dpe Stdre, Groceries, Jeßelry Notlatis, at- [Rep, 21, "21 JAMES E. CAERALT, Attorney at Lim Ofncto ono door Wow Tarbell Bonen, Public Amine. • W3l. R. COOPERS CO.. Bankers.. mil Foreign Pas sage 'Micas andDeafa Ireland and Scot : . .1. IL PLFTCITER'S lintinzlnlornrlo. Own 10 gni Ice Oystetsand Main, every 1.41 c. On Main erect... • STROUD - _HII4IWI 4 I. General' Fire endrLife !mer men dglnde - Ualtroed and AteidentTieketn to Nelernek . and Philadelphia- Otre one door ears thettdiant. F. D. CHANDLER, Gcueral insuranceand chincligett,Publie Manua* BUITSS & NICIIOIS, the placottV Drags d oes. Cigars; Tobacco, Piper, P t- Evoke, cies, Yankee Notions. &c., Pabll TcOUS. WII. L. COX;lanrsiess maker sod den in al inenallyincp tWile. opposite ilae Ban! MOTD b COMM Dealers in fitcrees, Ilsrdsrare,- andMa Mdenf npik pr arylsetarers of Tiri addt. Sboelisuri ware. comer of 'Ture stree B. It. NOUSE, hien-hunt Tailor_and dealer In Cloths, • Trimmings, and Furnising Gonda. and Agents far Singer aowizurldleblnt, on Main Fordbara BULLS.B.D.sienicr -In Groceries._ Provisions, Books, Stationery Ind Yankee • Buttons, at bpd ,ol Public ATC31.110. • " T. SPORE. lb CO., DeVers '-in Storev, Ilardwarr4 Agrictatnie IMplemi.uts: F . lonr am; Grace-tits. oppt site Tarbellglotrie. ' .. ItAYNSP . ORD 711TC;11£1., .Llvea and Enable. in mu of Ain% haUdind. k BEL , TUURAL, DRUGOIir, - NOITI:0 . SS, PA. Ir continmay ast.ror- —9 09 D Andkcops wnatintlyoa bziad fillanideshable at sertment al sealazio DRUGS, MEDICINES, CURSIIC4S. LIQUORS. . _ Paint., 0112,117e4111.nra.7ene.Splara, and other Oro. aeries:Stows Aare. Wall and Ur tudow Piper; Mara ware, Fruit Jars, Mirrors. Lampa, pnluuna. sere. acne, Nachloes7 011, Vonnera',oll, Neal afoot Oil, Re need-Wtmle 011,Sperto 011rOlise 011, Spirits Totten tineNarnienee, Cynary Seed.)lnegar.Potaall. coneen, truSed,Lje. dale Grease, Truest". Sappotters; edica tosttmnents. Shoulder , Dilicer, White,. Gear, PUPA*, Cartridges, Powder. Shot, •Lead. - Ono rOlpa.Slaillud Powder and Pose, 11 lolloa.Strlnr; Tama: etecca, Flies, etc" Flab lima* and JAner„llar *hi Toll pa, Ilatr Oita,' Hair Postai - err, and Edit Dyes. %heal Poehet Haire.. Speetaelea,Silver Plated Spoinia.Forha. ,the. ,Deariat &Oda., Ugencral aesortment of FAIWY.GOODS, JEWELRY, and PERFCMF-117 Atl theleadyrr,pidbestktodi of PATSRT to short, timely eptry Bong to restore the slek. to please the taste, to delight the, eye, to mtlfs defiles/. tad Oleo to conduce to the pretend sobstaatlsl contort. of life. Enumeration to ltoproettesleo. as It would 'AI , newspaper. :Call at the Den sod t lately Stareof. ABEL TV LL. 7[nn►zo.eMa.LUa hoist].. -!* BALANCS.oojdalided for, donals, . : ,,sirjo latorratoa . 110124 c • -•,.. 73y adddlode taisrldusdren dollars slot Satisfactory, :oixmuded for assisted Socusdrlellern ! .11Codvcd Atm des dopliadot,lB7o,,::.ll4slteld .tram formai Z)::lts , =r,.„;.!,-... 181 M itooold sinpriorlde!) lame year tetra $l4lAPPget st it Mistime Iid3WEL " - • .7.OIDMOOD; - - • f111111::::-::RESTORHIVE,!':. , OontainsaCLACIDULEMINO SU GAR OF LEAD—NO LITHARGE-- NO 4,I"NtATE .OF SILVER.• and is `entlielyiree from the Poisoneis and Health--•destroying Drugs used in other Hair Pmpartions. ' Transparent and altar Its ersatal. It' will not thn inest nebrie,—pertectlySAF4,CLEAN and EFFICIENT —dloldniavarna LONG SOUGHT YOU AND FOUND AT LAST t It resumes and prevents the hair from becoming-Gray, Imparts • soft, glossy appearance, rumor. Dandruff, is cool and refreshing to the head, attics the Hair frbm billing off, sod restores to a Brent extent when PMma. tartly lost, prevents Headaches, cares all humors, cu taneous eruptions, and unnatural heat, AS A DRESS ING FOR THE HAIR IT IS THE BEST ARTICLE IN THE MAIIEET, PR G. SMITH, Piatentcc, Ayer, Mess. Preparcd. only lir PROCTOR BROTRERS, Gloucester Massachusetts. The genuine I. put np In a panel bottle, made expressly for It, with the name of the article' blown In the glass. Ask your Dromdit for NAXPAU . S HMS RZSIVILATITS, and take to Other. ur Stmt two three cent stamps to Proctor iirottnws for n -Trentirle on the Human Hair." The information It ea:Antos In worth $5OO 03 to any person. May 17.1811 ' The ••Tarsr Ktu.an" may jnatly. be styled the great medicine of the world, for there le on no lona the globe , Into which It hit not foetid' ita way. and been larg. l l I need and highly petted. Moreover, there I. no clime to which It ban not proved to ho well adapted for the cora of a considerable variety of dlstaises , it is a speedy and safe remedy for barns, scald.. nate, braises, wounds and rations other inlartes, a's n - ell as for dyeentery. diarrhea. and bowel complaint, generally. it Is ndmirably eftnatid for every race of men on the taco of the globe. It Is skyrry signlttaint fact, that nntwlthotandlng the long period apart; that the tin hiller has bncn be fore the World. It has never lost One Whit of Ila impeder- Sty, bat on the contrary. the call for It has otearitly In creased from he drat dlacovery, and to no pretrions , ban the demand toe it been.so great, orllir.quaritity made been no bar' e, as It Is to-day. Another significant fact (*.that nowhere has the Pain Killer ever been In higher repute...or been mere general ly need be families and Individuate, than It has been here at Mime. where It was flirt discovered m.d Introdneed. That the Fain Killer will ermine to be, what we have, styled it. rent onnar =memos THE witatn. there can not be fleshy:low of a donhz. -.Prozidence ddrerUisr. FURNITIntit ESTABLISIEUENT OF WILLIA3I W. SMITH. PLLAST. Taxa Norma: The extenalre Porniture Est46bailment of Wiliam W. Partial, having been rctitteitsind greatly Improved, the proprietor respect tally annonneeste the citizens of Montrose and vicini ty, that he I s constantly making and keeps on band the Israestand . bestesasertinent of N'T:Trt. INTITII:Trt.3O to be found tardier this side of New York City. Desks, Divans. Towelracka, Lounges, Footstools &a. Csa:cr Lard, Pier, Toilet, D inieg. Kitchen and or tension tablet Camas —Cane and Woodseat Rockers, Cane, and Woodseats of every variety and .tyle. Sofasand Tete-a-tetes, banished on short notice.— Cane seat chairs resented. SPIUTIO .13ZD3. lerze am ortment—cheapeat and best In marks Cane Seat Chairs. lam now enabled to supply my custom:rem with a new enlotantialeene neat the] r,of home manufacture, rh ich will be found greatly engerior to those formerly in market, and yetare sold ate leas lake. CANE-SEAT CHAIRS RE-SEATED.' 07 - Ready made comas on band or furnished a, egoist entice. Hennas stymy/ to readiness if desired. I employnone brace:ant endextrerienced workmen, llntendtodosoyworkwclhanad selijt ail low aspen be afforded. WILLIAM W. SMITH: _ 31yotrosit,Vb 18,1869.: 3 THE- TEAS IND, ?DERE WEBB SOLD 0,841 / Matchley's Cucunk i ber 41w13=z3 _ _ ViTcoo43Eirlimix - ips; 11EllAllEIIIAG EU= feet to I..h.war wofficient In DA the a=regato forlt WELL OVER 4031ILES DEEP. filutpta to cousaructiou—Easy In Operation :+tilving no Taste to the water- - -Durable—Pellable abd Cheap. Then. Pampa are their, own best .recommendation mints. 'by dealers in bardicaro and agricultumple plumhera. Pump Makers. itc.. through the coons try. Circulars, Se., famished upon application by mall or otherwise. Single Pumps forwarded to padre. In towns where I have no emmts upon receipt of the regoler retail price. In buying, be careful that your Pimp bearamy trade mark em above, patented March Mot 1811, as I guarantee AO other. cllstaitex:34leit9ii . er n, 0171 e; 624 & 0201Philliert-St., Philadelphia; Match 15..187L-L-Gth BEVOLVING ItORSE-RIIM. WE Are prepared to funds], these rake. of a taped- NI or Orally, it both wholesale and retail. • • . • _ • SAYRE BROS., Mannbieturere. Idemtrame. 3411.1871. tf PUBLIC NOTICES IWould respectfully state to my former COld.ollllrs and the pnblre generally that I am sitit carry - Mg en the • TAILORING ausiriEss, . MOThIOSE, ;ad propose to do'all WOBEIn tbot Lino. in 4' FABIII[O:S2tILLE, mu7/-SUBSTANTIAL Anil at Fothgtheinty Peter. Partially attention gisati toCAITTINEI aid SPECIAL CARR used to base the work Plata for the person who pate it together. .„ • • , Ebert.on the yea aide of .I'oblie: Almoner, twee Pares& litlettobr Inn Store, adJotelog,the office ct _ WEI? , Dr. k ita otiftkrebittet7 1811, tf DENTIS'ITY. O. A: ettOKETTIA - P!htsl Boum, Neer' )111ford.Ps. , , . . . ... _. Partlahlaritteutton given to an Cupe s utliiim,ll,,,,t,,, sal th. Artillettl Teeth Inserted In all the various yles now In use. Perfect satisfaction guarantied to all. . Litandsee me.uud satiety yourselves. Value routs. 4i.r.7.171: " 4 . - -", • - - BEAD TEM; EificzLEmziontr.: 4 ; . . 'Maths itit.dcbiLeUsi a ap And I am prepared triglind your Gialn Arno Lsimte,r . IDi porlOspa4l . ke =don short trul:dn• ' ..—imaraersatteTarnetZha—:, ' . • 1 hare the beat hiaettine for cleaning Wheat. Bye, and ItackwheatAbatean beprocared. 'Corn Meal holted,if .dealred.and particular attention ginnt to grlndiag, fad: floplanto.receire &liberal there afpa /awe, 1 -0114 t all wishing any thin; In say line tosivn rat ealL Bridgewater..64o-6.`ll.—tf. • . Gt0.0.11:43. Inslig w igna And Mit lt;i3 ,TEIS'ELaY ' MIPPL u. N. VINGLEY—DatIa 'Biwa, beiver.jinn Audgesetirett Ware. Caleb:we. &e. • Paw; matefaelmu edObe4Nritlktoorder.:gre Treoldiand Lind Pipe • beeArene sPeAole.te 11 7-Oir-Witee 4- Witue, . . j Div. Aiiiertionnititrw' oy brininal Oil Patalngi; GIVX.,TAWArto away nub ocribt r to, lt , 4 . 2. • • Ward: Beecberti— ItIZEAT irr.trastreitt LIOIOI7S,,IVUELEY.-NFWg. PA PER. Agents toning great emcee I . Ono took LiXO ' namerirrthreernanntbn, anothor W 4 In 24.1daymuloher ilia in one' week, two 41 in - ring day,littg'many °then eg mazy welt, matick froth t• and .tiu to 840 , pen Tanya on si,ght I An old agent who knout!, 'aye:, "I thing' it the ear Trirsinnto for ginieruserii erer greyed. Perry I did not engage r.ncr," Pay* Want_ !ban any book agency. A rtreehanee to make mangy,. irmcaL Aciiporrs intou c tut men and womanly:Wed °vette - Ann,. 11 you wirrh good territory, teed emriy for circular end tenon! J. 13...1:01t1) SCO., l'orkrla,m. N. Y.; 11Dromficlillit., Boston; .7 Monson Et., elticrugo. • . ' . • • A.CIENTS WANTIEDIPOII, • . The 'History of the War brie/ten PranCe and Germany, embrneln.,o also I arts under the Commune. 14D Ulestra• tlohst; SO pages prior, $2.30; 80.000 eoptea already only veld..T. . e on complete work. Nothing equals It to sell, Making 10,000 copies pt rmonth now. In }loutish and German. Terms equaled. Deter, $1.3.. Address IL H. GOODSPEED & CO., ET Park Row, New York. 'WOOD'S Mgrall.ftf,Mr. s , s evory tabscriber of Merry's Manna', -Om Toledo make, Pomrrn e Mumma. clc eittatehir an. eellietled Of US Worth nod poltutortte. 4f or co Greece, Some* Metall Theodore Tlttoll. (Ina Ha m 1011. OW.. Ur If tor everi lILLUI u=671..c asi .. T .. '",' .. ,pMulleale for thepriee o Duna t em, A vorlity ea premiums on equally liberal terms.. It is on original Itrahelotsinagralue. Volume X beghin with Jon. 121 loree • trillion en les het. Address S. S. WOOD, . ew • ;re, HIRT FIRMER 'is - haslted to . send Me address and reeetye nixie/LS ,Postago Pit A d a copy of the . American Farm Journal, The moot Praalical, the Bost and Cheapest Illusticted Acclealtnral paper .n the United Stat.. Only 7S rents Per year. SUIIII for a Fpcclaen copy. Address. mthum, LOCKE & CO., Toledo, Ohio. - • ' Sole!Lod by MUNN & CO, Pub- PATEN;S' ' Urs she Scientific Arno-Icon, 37 Pal* Ea77,: - . N . , i'T. yea.' dritetietiee: - ' • -- ' ParnAlets containing . Patnnt Laws, with full direr" tions how to obtain ratvras,Trer_. A bound column of ltA page,. containing tho NEW CESSUS, by counties and ail largo cit ICA. 140 Engraving, of Mechanical Movements, Patent Lairs and linica for obtaining Patenta. inallecton roccipt of • The olden and moat reliable Institution for obtaining a Mercantile Education. Or Practical busing * men as Ituitpet9ra. _Fotlntor• mutton - arite'riii a elmilar to .P. DIIFP & SONS. Pittsburgh, Pa. The CONtik&SrECTIC.i' The REST i liitcr OTEKSJIOE NO BUCKLES to break I NO TROUBLE to put on Neat, Genteel, Stylish ASK TOUR SHOE DEALER FOR IT I . AGENTS WANTED—Agent, make more money. et work for na" than-4i anything clee. nod - nese light and permanent. Particblars free. O. STINSON & CO., Fine Art Pubfizherii, Portland, Milne. $1125 'it...7(-4,T."11..8%Vw'rit.1%.' .t.l.vpld Quaeks.—A victim of early Indiscretion, closing tisrvons doblilty, premature decay, etc., having toed in rola every loverlited remedy, had dis covered a simple means or self-mire. which ho veld send tots Cellmesttiferers. Address J 11E81W, iN Sw am Steil V F. A CARD. A Clergyman, while residing in South America as a Ylisaionag, (11,-eavercd a ranged simple remedy teethe core 011ierretui,Weaknesti,.Eirly BodY,lliisnard&of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of dtrorder• hrrorght on by banefol and 'intone habit, Great clambers hare been cored by thle noble remedy. Promoted by A drotre to hellcat the afflicted and nto fortunate:l mill serd the recipe for pretendeg and tieing this medicine, in n. sealed envelope, to am one wino "'de It, F 641, C u ri t — r aitgri dittArtiqtol4 W.': OSARALIS THE INGREDIENTS THAT 'COMPOSE ROSADALIS - aro published on every package, there fore it is not a secret preparation, eoniegoontly • PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE a 3 . It is a certain core for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms, Rheuma tism, Skin Disease, Liver Com plaint and ell diseases of the Blood. t - ONE BOTTLE OP BOSADALLY will do mom good than ten bottles of the Syrups of Sarsaparilla. THE uNDERsiaNED PHYSIgANiS have used Rosadalis intheirpmetke for the part three years and freely endorse it as a reliable Alterative and Moil PariAir. Dn. T. C. ?von oritanmack. J. BOY KIN, " BILK. W. CARD. ' DR. F. Of DANNFT.LY, DII. J. S. SPARES, of Nicholanfile, Ky. Dll. J. L. McCAIITRA, Columble; S. C. DII. A. IL NOBLES, Eilgecomb, USED AND ENDORSED BY J. 11. FRENCH & SONS, Fall Elver, Mass. F. W. SMITH, Jackson, Mich. A. F. WHEELER, Lima, Ohio. • B.JEIALL,Lima.Ohid. CRAVEN & COI, _Gordonsville, Va.. SA.SPL. C. McFADDEN, Merfnres. • bore, Tenn. Our spate viand allow of any eta tended remarks in relation to the virtuoso! RosolilLs. Tothe Ydhat Profession woven:tee s Fluid Es. traetsuperiar to any they have aver used in the treatment at diseased - Blood; owl to thee /Dieted we why Dosadatis, and yen will be rnfar id to health. . , • , Rosradalii is, sold by silDrtfaistil pries 51.7.0. per bett4; ..Address „- DB. CLPIIENTS & CO. Shutufadigring D Ammo* lei) Baltimore, July 10,1671. HOIVAIM Bi'LV 'Mill": AID ATIO.N„ , For thelledir'fatiWenre oftlie'Prttt and reTtOillnite,on Principles of Cbrietinn Philanthropy EPEZYI. on the Error.. of Tooth and thr or Azg In relation to 'Marriage and Social &lir. vlth tardier airl for the ntilicted. Sent free: in Pealed envelop.... Ad dren.lloWAUD AStittelATlON,Boz P. Philadelphia. ATTENTONI WE'LL GIVE YOU " FITS." T. D. tiltOß:, so long known in Bingham ton as one of .the most -popular., Cutters; and fohionable Tailtirsin this ,gction of country has formed a ca:nartniuiddp With E. P. New comb, of )lontrust; and they are now prepared to famish men's wearing apparel of all kinds, and in style antlworkm • ship,,superior to any establishment in Wiz section of country.. We GUARANTEE SATLSFACTION to all %rim may furor ty With their patronage. Ebop.at Post'a old corner,. on Public Ammo. I E. , E - - , 2TEWC014.13. 31ontickSeo, 0 0 19 1;. 1 879it—If. = - 7.: - •!.Nolice MUM trfIOOLDIRIt&TOIIS at Bridgewatertali-I:4W recove.sealed prepare's - for , the huilding nr new f•ehool Mute.. In Heart Lake Metric!, until July Mat, IeSL , Faid fehool borate to be }]collar to the one 'lathe BabcockDh+trict. For epeelftlior and pule blare. t& onit. Thatcher. lion,tseee.. eider of the IV. - E. BABCOcii, Seer ilii4ieyafer.annes,lsm ST. VITO' DANCE CUBED A . rla l t/ L 1 a l ls7:Terile_ "M mk Amon the farm ajmp,lng Ex yr rr.4 n 11 . n. B 11 r;: r e 11. 0 • yerererKer OM). _ ' • TATLOB -- ' Wikcsrafer : DittrekV. : - " - • • CA LL ' A T • -1“31.3 IN 8.0 *Ts • • SOUTHERN TIER 3S 4l ll:rktraM r l l l:ti — t.M EMPORIUM, 88 Witeliingtou• Street,' lillghareton, N. Y. Where you wM find The Largest Meek, the Best Assortment, and the Lowest Prices of any house in the city. N. B.—All Goods sold warranted as represen. ted. Binghamton, Aug. 24, 1870.—1 y Aye's a Cathaitio Pills, r0r..•11 iho I=le:ids of • Laxative Perhaps no One men. • As' eine is so =banally re . d e • rushed by avetybotly as a cathartic, nor was ever any before so universal. ly adopted into use. In e ar=s u ot ti L turn Aye but elliclent ymtgative PhD. The obvious m ica is,that it Ise route re. , 1•1.43. 7 • • liable and far Moro eget. ' - t than any o Those u'd . rem edy have tried know that It creed theta; those who kayo „mot, know that It cures their neighbors and Meads, and all know that what it dues once It does,always that It never falls through any bull or neglecter Its composition. We have thousands upon thou. sands of cettldcates of thehresearkable cures of UM following complaints, but such ernes ato known In everynagsborhood,and no need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditicras all climates; emit:lining neither calomel or any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar coating pteservesthen ever fresh and makes . them pleasatitle take, whlle behl—og partly vegetable • no harm cast arisei from Peer else in any quantity. They operate by theiripostafal influence en the internal-viscera to purify tba blood and stimulate It into healthy action—remove the obstrattkma of the stomach, bonds, liver, and other mans of the body, restorinteir Immattr aztton to health. and by correct/a& ga where they exist, such derange. , cants as are the flat might of disease- Mune directions are given in the wows on the box, teethe fbllowitzg : rental:as, these PIM rapidly eliati • - Par Dyspepast -et ladigesitioa, Walesa. nese, Assagoor and Loss of Appetite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the atom aCh and restore Its-healthy tow and action. For Liver Complaint end its Tartan symp toms, Bilious Illeadothe. filch ileadachts4 Jacuadtee or Green Sickness, Hitless Colic and Hilton* Fevers, they should be Jo. diclously taken for each case, to cerrect the diseased action or remove the obstruetionsphich cause It. For Dysentery or Marsha", but one mild dose Is generally required. For Ithectesattsmoaciat, taiavel, palm. tattoo of tie Heart, Pate la the. Side. Dock and Loins, they should be continuously taken, as-required, to change the diseased xenon of the system. With such e •••••e those complaints dillln sappear. r Dropsy and Dropsical Ourtslitens they should be takenin large and frequent dto Pre. darn the effect of a drastle phrge. For Soppreadon a tame demi should be taken as It produces tbo desired effect-by sympathy. As a Dinner PUS, take one et two Pins to pro mote digestion and relieve the stOrnach. • An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into health) , action, restores the appetite. and Invigorate* the spinal hence it ts often ad• ranUgnons when) no serious derangement exists. Ono trho (cob tolerably,well /Man ands that stdoso °Mow Pins snakes bim Pori doeldedl), better from their cleansing and separating canes on the diger— tivo apparatus. DR. J. C. AYE& & CO.. Peddle/a Chants% t",..1.1 ..•••••' ow. •••••• ••-••••• c•vrs vir rt:13,17., Montmge, and all druggists and dealers every. where. (Dee. 21, 1870--y x3x- v. xre. i3rtca.citrzovis Ma 11•.ItalE 3E4 PG' TI in offering tbler Liniment to the public, as we do In WI confidence, that it must supersede ntl otbere now In me. as set intentsl remedy, fur the camp( all diseases In the retch of that class of medicines wean safely assert. without the twat fear of contradlittion. that it stands un rivaled In the 110 of medial compounds externally ap plied fot the cam Of disease, Feeling -therefore tbet ; lt Is unnecessary to Puffs remedy ma eminently wenderlitl relict tr us s ingysty innallible to Its the of the dealt° ben, thebllnd to see, the ner- Tens, drawn and mippled sten:matte Iowa& erect and Te joke again In the power and vigor of manhood. this pre- Pwaton ilitleral-lo the Publican Its own - merits. snit clams no rtscanie mien or essenttsi oils of the Arabi as dawns ; but as the coltinuy tewbas its Imports. ant Is a roc combination of the powers of North Amer'. can products. Nsw Tons. Dee. 11. TM Thls notlee is to Inform all dealers In prop_rlear7 medicines, that Ire have established a Depot In tinsque banea county at Montrose. Pa., for the sale of Dr. C. F. Drown's Young American Liniment.. and .that Mr. A. BALDWEII Is MIT47m for that purpose. WARD. SOUTLIEILLAND 6 CO.. 1.10 William Street. -New Tort Agencies will soon be established at central plarats to every township. sod published in the list below. -1 am ready to furnish Hat wholesale prices to agents. Post ers and circulars sent tree upon appliestion to the sub scriber. The Liniment la now for saleut retail by the follow leg agents, to wit; Duni& Nichols, Ifoottose. A. Tuna, E. L'Adains, Auburn 4 Comers. Nosh lialdwi_p, South Aaiun. Vmhorg. Skinner's Eddy. D. C. & F. D. Foniham, Pnadd/u. • J. Harrows & Son, strareeeeme. Sherwood, linstiralle. IL T. Hendrick, Springville. William Thayer, Dimock. R. ILDeardilee, Little Ideiplows, Hobert. Winters, FriendseM. M. L , , Blethazdvlllo. • D. A. Tilsworth.Droeldrat, Pa. ' L. Mods. Pactorpdtis.: W, 11. Curtis, Bailey Hollow. • B. M. Tiffany, Hopi:ottani. J. IL Very. Montrose G. IL Hawley, Nflff T. D. Easterbrook, Grist Braid. • - Tewksbnrf Brothers, Aitimm. Centre. Avery A Beaumont, Punptown. Stevens A Litebody:llk Lake. N. Granger. Rush. S. H. Stevens, Lacivllle.. A. J. Slims. F bpranvtd., 1L .1.1.. Merriman, l ast lpsonville. J. W. Hose:wants, Medals. Any.persotts In townships not above =Med, desiring an agency. may eta/dolt by addressink ' A. DALDWM, Graters] Agent. Jan.ll,lB7l=gm ' *Wow. Pa. ABEL TURRELL KEEPS constnilf on hand one anus most names. otts collections of •! to the countri.Und bestows epeeist atteaUon to oe lettings/Id baling trUelesin this department thautra pare and gennbe. LIG ohm keeps it great trilisty of Lll4l3oltil, bought enter direct hour the t alaßGl cr, a/ importer, and sranuntert strhtttrpure,- Also, a full assortment 'cipiinis,OUe. Vamirdieti, Brushes, lubricating 011 a and V e WSW - Groceries, ITPiper Ginn. Gerstein% Violins, Pistols, Onus :.,/,:ffne misty Orr:444nd other JEWGIdtlr, Pierer.; 'elV :Tula% NOTKiNti, &c., and otber goods' too no. !aerostat* rageGbd, ' „ - • . . . , „ T. D. TAYLOR. . . . habit . , Daring earraf e rati,past Dowd. luxe bak tot ho orlorallog atraand sending Mika Great Arnart =Too Company, New' York, for tActr typplics of Tel and Coffee,tor , Abel Torrell is now elpplying they- . pl. rich Wait., Teas and Coffee% at Me store In Mongolia at i W Pekes abaA fboiackaba rid Vi-porton( pa . ' store ol tboCononany ip meet For • Tbas t n Yelp Ws lba mew teir ge i tr o t to of osibbj u g LI . r,leleatarx_ttagl` pr , ,: . - '..- ' . • .". ', ~ , 7 i lAnintnnaa ra. - : • - • Lo WE'LL. 7f4H5.. U. S. A. YOUNG : AMERICAN DRIJOS & :11ERRY:1 1 . C.OIIIPOUR •:..*:' 1111111 EXTRACT cATAWSA GRAPE PILLS 4 Component Parte—Finid Extract Rheu- barb yact Fluid Extract Oataw ba Grape Juice. FOR Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Billion' Affections; Sick or Nervntoi Headache. Cortivenves' eta. PUIVI- Iy VvirrtrOle. eonteinivg no Memory. Minerato or Del, eterions Doc'. • . Timm pills are the most delightfilllllaintmet Mika. [ITO, superseding castor oil, salts, magnmis. etc.. Th re is nothing more acceptable to the stomach. They give tone,and cane neither nausia nor ping Mans. They' an commuted of the dept in lents Alter a few da, lo nit of teem.auch as ins ration of the entire system takes place as to appear ra leas, to the weak and enervated. whether arising from imprudence or dis ease. 11. T. Ilelmbeid's Compound Fluid Extract Ca. tawba Grape Pills are not sugar coated, from the fact that sugar coated Phis do not dissolve, but pass through the stomach without atomising. consequently do not produce the desired effect. TUB CATAWBA GRATE PILLS, being utmost to taste and odor, do___ not neces sitate thelrbeing sugar coated . PRICE FLFTY CENTS TEE BOX. HENRY T. HELHBOLD'S THOULY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRAIT SARSAPARILLA Will radically exterminate from the system fkrofola. Syphilis. Fever Sorb, Ricers. Sete Eyes. Sore Legs. Sore Month. Sore Read. Bronchitis. Skin Disease, !kilt Rheum. Cancers. lintinings from the Far, White Swell ing*, Tumors, Cancerous Affections, Nodes. Rickets, Glandular Swellings, Nicht Sweats, Rash Toiler, His. mars °tali kinds, chronic Rhematism. Dyspepsia, and all diseases that have been established in the system for year. Befog prepared expreasly for the abore complathts. its blood-purifying properties are greater than any other preparation of iblemparilla.. It gives the complexion a clear and healthy color, and restores the patient to • plate of health and parity for purifying the blood. re moving all chrcinlieonstitutlcrual diseases arising from an impure state of the blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy forth° cure of pain , and navel!. log of the bones. LTlccrationn of the throat and legs. Illotchce, Vulpine on Vate, - Errslpelas and all scaly erupt lomf of the skin; and besotifyti g the complexion. Price $1 60 . m -bottle. • HENRY T. HELIABOLD'S CONCENTILktpD 5'1•424c1 Mistreset 13voo.twas.. Ill& (MEAT DIURETIC, Has cured every 'woof Dfabetes In whisk It has been given. Irritation of the Neck of.the Bladder and intim motion of the Kidneys. Ulterniton of the Kidneys and Bladder. Retention of Urine, Maws of the Prostrate Gland, Stone 111 the Efladder. - Celeolos Chard, Brick dues Pe e etT:Ari nod d Am u e te ' co u' Zlr l i ti k sro s d '.7tri. sod. f a o r r t cod: ed vrbh the following syrapn'erts: Indisposition to ex ertion, lose of pow, loss of memory, dlflicalry of breathing, weak nerves, trembling, honor of disarm, wakefulness, dimness of vieloo, polo in the back. hot hands. gushing of the body. dryness of the skin, eruption on We fate, pallid countenance, tiolveraal lassitude of the muscular system, etc. Used by persons from the ages of eighteen to twenty- Bee. and Dom thirty-ace warty-asp or In the decline or change of Ilre; after condom:mot or Labor pains; bed wetting 1p children. ilelmbold's Extract Ductal N Dlnnetic and Blood Pa. drying. and cure* all dleniera arida: from habil* of di* sipatlorr and exact:ma and Imprudences In life impnrlhn of Lila blood, etc., supeteedlog eopalba in allettiona for which it is need. and Byyddlitic affectlone—lo these dbe awn need In connection with Ilelmbold'a Row Wash. . . . LADIES. In many affection, pernEar to ladles, the .Extract &mho Iv unequalled by any other temedy—aa tnebloro sir or Retention, Impdarity, painfnlne”ortuppresalon of enstoraarc evacuations, ulcerated or Rehires elate of the Uterto, Incorrheen or Whites, sterility, and for all complaints Incident to tha sex, arttetherarisine from m diveretlon or habits of dlevipation. It Is preveNbed ex tensively by the mostendnent physicians and mtdFtß•. for enfeebled and delicate conetitat'ons, of both sexes end all area (attended with any of the above dismal= of symptoms). II: T. n BOLD'S EXTRACT RIMEL , Careidisrares arising from Imprudence. habitant Ms. sipation, ete,,in all th eir Stages, at little expense, little or no change In diet,_no loconyen lame, and no exposure. It cause's frequent desi re, and eyes strength to urinate: thereby removiug obstructions, preventing and miring stuictures oldie Lrethra.al4tog panned hoismmation, so Trequent In litho. elms of disease, and expelling aU poisonous matter. Thousands who have been the victims of Incompetent persons, and Who haverld heavy fees to b ited e curedand " in a shod time, base foundthey hare been dect. the " poison" has, by the me of " powerful as 'intents, been dried op in the system, toblmik oat in a more air. grgeated form, and pelimps after Martlage„ ESE HELIIROLD'S EXTRACT DITUU for all enc. dons suddlseases ortheUrinaryOrgantoshether ang in Male onVemale.trom whatever CinSe °denoting, nod no matter of how lung standing. Price, Otte Doltar and Fifty cuntspes EtUtiot. HENRY T. ELEMEHLIPS IIIPROVED ROVE WASH, mane:AM an is a nos Wee. and wni be found the onl c remedy in every species of Catena= Affection. y It !speedily credit:atm Pimples, Spots, , Stiolnitie Dryness,lnddrationy of the Cutaneous Heal. ' Inane. etx„allypelS Redness gird IneiplettinllPMMatkm, tlkeL Rash,liletb Patches, Dryneso of 801 p. or. liht% Prost Ikea, undid' perpomMlor which earrbs • Or 11. t; mentor are end; restore' the - to a state of rutty and softness, and !Mares continued hadthy action vo Its vessels, on which &pandit the agreeable ekanese andstrarity of compleXten so -hutch sought and ad mired. Ent however rideable as a- remedy for exfatlnd delheta of the akin. H. T. Ilembolt's Rose Waste ham law curtained Its principle Malin tonnboanded patron ay,e,kypossesslng qualities which render it a toilet sp. penge of the most Itapertatlve and-cangsnial chars , trr, combining in an elegant . formula prominent re, qufittef. safety and entmcy—the invariable accompant• .ments of Its use as a Preservative and itefresher of the "_ yp m erl c Nature rara n n a gjg.totlcfr or dl aiP riVint traitu7 Ortnals.aristng from hahlts of dissipation: used In censer-Hon with, the extracts Itttchu,'Sarrapa. rills. end twtawba Grand Ms, In mach diseases as re. commended,istint4 Dollar -Pez,13040.: Foil:and ;solicit directions acemnpany the medicines. Evidence of the most responsible andiallabla char atter furnished on application,griljs 'Modred, of thou sands of living ititnetsen, and upward of 10,0:* unto. Ilcitod eartillmdes and recommendatory. tallow =Aar Of winch are from the bigheat sources„livtuding emi odd 1111.Vettlanit.eteeVIRVO.Statesaren: Md. Vie' pro. prietortas never resorted to .tterie paiMeation' dm newspaperi; be does not do this franittio fart that Ms articles mule as Standard Preparationsontt do. not pep:i to bepropPed - op by certUicates, • - • rtenrf g. 410540: :r!,,,i0,00,ii;:',. • 'Delivered in ony addrise. '!••• • ifre obserentittn. E.t A bugwi upward of Twenty reare, , %MTV' glitl everywhere. Addreta letters for .12tormetionon confidence to pEar I'. ILIMMIt9I.IIII, - Dredifiletind OnlyDepotat-11..T. tfidAtente", Dnig r end ordeal E=n ratl l l=l:7k Wih lath niarvlLlNPllol;int; *44OPR. , - caufr, 'GREAT. MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WAI.IMa.3I,X=UIt VINEGAR 'BITTERS Hundreds of Th senynads tip• art?. • • o .rrizr arm NOT A TILT. .. V FANCY DRINK ' rev ot Pan Sam, Whishrar Prowl ;Will, ond:Defeso Lbrolme Axiom:4l*a endrezet. etir4 to please the tote." WWI" Tonlai,"AppeCz• ere,' 6 1 licatortra,. CO. that lend the tippler en to drscOnnets gad rata, bag metro* Medicine, maa DearikNettos Boots and Ilabio( California, freq from all Alcoholic Stimulant*. They are tea GILISAT BLOOD PUIIIPIEIL and A LIFE GMNG minor= a perketlteacrfator Lartgarstor of the System, carrying elf en volume= matter and matottng the . blood to healthy Condition. To person eon hate these Bitters sccottpr" to dirce. Bon and rernaldlongunvelL re 6101) Oren for= hunarable cue, provided P. tones are cot dettroged by mlacral "anon or other mesas, and tho slut emus wasted. boyond the potnt arena. For Inflammatory mid Chronic libellant. OM nod Gout. Dalrecsain. or Indlgostlo 11111oco. ismulticut and Intermittent Severn Diseases of the PIMA, Liver, Didneys, and Illadaer, three Diners Moo bun moat enema. fel. Such Mammas me need by Vitiated Blood. which la gencsally produced by derangement ef the DigefllTO Orgurm. DYSPEPSIA OIL INDIGESTION, Rcad ache, Paln In thoEttoolden, Coughs, Tlghtnisso f Ito Cnat, Darlncsi, Boar Erectallotui of the fit:much, Bad tutotn the Death,' Dab= Attacks, Talpltatlat of the Scut. Irsorc , ^Ttlaci of the Longs, Pain to inn reclean of the Sidney', and a handmel other pllnSel symptoms, aro lac Misprlegs of Puturelen they naTlVrate the Stomach sad stlminate that. , pl4llTer and bowels,which readartheutoftmeonallzd atiLcacy In cleansing the blood of all trapnrittca, and trayartlns now Me and visor to thy whole system FOIL SKIS DISEASES, Ereptloce, Setter, Ball rheum, Mottles. Epots, Pimples, Itatules, Dons, Can laucles, inlon4Vottos, Siteddleul„Sore liyee,lerysip• etas, Itch. Sourfa, Dba§einanona of ass herd Meares of the hide. et whatever mama or =OW aro literally dog up sad emnisd omit of thespian la m short time by the use of these Intern. One bottle tit sorb essei=rill convince the tie= inctedolous of their curative 4trixt. Cleanse the Ranted Blood nheciaPer jou flea Rs tirdrorilles barmineltieingh the =lulu rhaplemyrup• Ilona or BOreti elasioltltiben you Lad It obstructed sad alusglatt In tho Oats; cleanse It arbealtil fold, Lad your leellags erol tell yon slum: Seep the blood pm% and the health of the system sill follow. TAP7p oud Wee. \YOWLS,' loildslTM the syvt.vo of so cum , Morwands. oro effectually destroy, ed and removed. For toll directions, rood earefolly rlrcaler mound melt bowie, prlxdall fa tots Ma. gv.z..ttes—Engllalt,Genamo, french sad n.ll rcr. rropactor. T 11.1ScDOSALD t CO. nracg lea and Gen. Agcntn. F. Frr.naseo, Ca. Oct. 28—y =Mc SIGN OF TEE GCLDEN NORTAR ' • DRUGGISTS, Would reepectlttly say to the publla, that lei addition t their mid astortmeht of PURE:DRIP:IS /ND XEDIOLNES, they hare Paints and Oils. Varnish, Dye-Stare. Wines and Liquors. Patent liledieines, Sprecisefea. gyo Glasses, Pocket Naives. Razors. Violin & GultarStrings. Also. just received • One lot or Revolvers, Gan Cape. Gun Wadding, cartridges, We keep always on hand and for 'sale, Martine Powder, - Oen Powder. Ride Powder, Totwico and Cigars of a au petior quality, sad a general assoetmeut of - Yankee No Hons., . tar-Remembo the CUEAP CART DRUG STORE o Bartur& Nichols. A. D. BUILNS, Montrose, Pm. 14,1E9. Amos racuuLs STROUD it BROWN'S Fire, Life, and 'Accident GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, zacaztrosse. CAP&MIAMPRES&NTED,mmr aurae Insurance Co. T., Capitaf and • • • 11d,000.0t 0 Insursuiee!.of Sorg} Ainariea, Capital dui s, Franklin Firelnsarauce Co.',.Phila, Pa., Capital mad Surplus, 2,600,000 Lyeoming County Mutual 'agora - 13GO Co.of " Janney. Penn'a. capital nudSasplus, 4,000,000 ConnecticutMntaal Life Insurance Co. of • • llartford. Conn.. Capital, , A030,0q0 Amerteaa LiIeiZtODTIZICa Co., •Ptilladet. phis; Capital, • - ' 1,000,000 Trarelers'lnsuraneeCo. Ilartford, Cann., gagainst all kinds of accidents Capital, . 7004 9 0 Itarttord Plre insurance Compsoi,liaii far& Conn., Capital wad Surplus, - $2,000,600, lraritllbustness entnistedto our earismillbe attend• ed to on fair terms, and all losses - won, ptly adjusted. gmro Moe firsidoor cart from linking Olden ot• W. Coo Der &CO.:l' l , l =omM.. !tontine, Pk. , • STROM). a BROM •Agente. Strewn, sae, FriendsTille„ Soltdtor. Cuss. 11. Snrrn. , Montrose. • do / Inumma Simons , . • • Clusiula L. ItaowS. Montrose. Pa. ,j n.II. ism wan ihlti pens. VEGETABLE RUEUDSATIC RESfEDY. Used luward• le only. A pleasant medicine. free Duce ittlarlnto drug!, Wamteted under oath. to dare permanently cured Mtn every 100 patients treated In the past ten Jan., (Sec testireenl). It Is the aelentitle Dretellption of Pieties- Or Jos. P. met, m..o..iissadoitg neUgfPriql7 Pennsylvania. A. DA IS—now.eue of Philadelphia s oldestler physicians,. and Prolcuror of Chet:ditty and Tostoologyi,whobasmadeNentalgia,Chronle and Infleens Rheumatism the sspectelity of.'his entire prfessio lifo—a fact vouched for by the signatures Sc cumpanying each bottle of many prominent meowed physicians, clergymen, and other teilitaohtehl. 'ZS pro• test suifeters from palm:moat quick nostrums and use Ices expenditure of money. a legal signed guarantee, Stating exact panther of bottles warranted to cure, will be futtrarded (rap to any aliens sending' bf tenet .full description Of &Mellon. In ease of fattens to emu, amount paid positively refunded. %Redick:se set; t Any. where by express, collect on delivery. Auricled invited to crate for advice; all information and teeniest ethics sent by letter gratis, Principal CfiaCid, DB South Pohrth atmeLlPhiladelplals, P4Ollll, remedy is sold or ob. tithed by Dnx4ists„ . , . I For 0.46 by'; ABEL . TIERELL;3I.O,truse Pa.- 0012 • VANAIIIEII3, U. 17, OVOta Sit 'Oases Cbronle' anorXcate ',bead .021t1;rtactrinilar artitatalarirttienterslind WA". • 'iontsilk *hum Doi 41.77, cr York. • . WOOL•GROWERS' TM_ it I• 114' 51;7474'"iecle'cals rann .zt ia .43 cotton., warp flannel. -ufa beat am. andet..... .tweeds and eaulmeres. -A largo lot of Cloths= for sato or to exakango for, wool. Pleasoffiro Morin before illaportng of fow lwool 'elect/there.UM. - 1)a , mild notch of Montrose, ' - 4. asr, Noy". . .40mm/wanner T. MI. . • • •punE LIQUORS. . stEtrs NATIVE 011APE.ENANTIT,"-dhillEsi strictly pure; awl I variety of other alandlet. Cherry - Brandy, Cider Weedy, cc, Nearly lent kieds of Rum. Holland Gin, old Stye And Tioarbess Whiskey. Alcoltolatte Spirit, Say Eutu,Sit.,Cettiasi• iy on baud end for Idle by • ABET; TEEREIZ. Ilrintroes,htszth hAth.INS • • TABBOX, NVATCHMAKERANBJEWtY.B4, Suitpieharina Depat.,Pa . ..i.:. Dealer In Watches, Clocks Jerwelry,'"4le. Es. pairing promptly dons and warranted.. FINE . SILVER GOOPSV made a speciality; Sliver DetacF n Levere lees $l2 00. American Watches, at Mien ink duced prices. . . Itgr Goods ordered for parties, 'hero. lit/ York, at less profits than if kept conitiyabi hand.'. Solid 18 caret Rings for $1 'Thr o rtlY• weight. A. B. T Susquehanna Depot, Jan:2s, telt. IS= TALBOT 5G STAMP, GROCERIES & PROYISIOIS Fioni,Salt. ranter. Port. Lam. gam, Salt thdi; Candiaa, Cracker., Cheese, Cor*Opltea, OWN,: Teas, Sugar., Dice, Dried acid Catialad Fruit. Tobacco, Cigar', l; -.4 and all other articles moan, kept la a flit daia ,Aript. and Provhdon Vora, • We will mark ciew Goodies low as we OcriISOWIA4 "ell fur caab, or czcbmoge fur produce, _ • PATRONAGE SOLICITED TALBOT & BTAZIN Montrose. Sept. 29, leio.—tf EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. vinEnsmi 'wants Testamentary to the estate of Judson Stone, lath{ Forced Lske township, deceased, bare been vanteill. Otoeubseribers. ail persons Indebted toknlS cattlarldha renuested to make ImmeoLlte payment. and thaw bay ' Jug claims or demands against the estate of thiliald 111•• cadent, will prescor tho same sinhout JOHN BRAWSUAW„ • WATCHMAN C,TIANTORCR. JULIA BUTTERFIELD, YHEDEIRCH DATA:INi GEORGE B. JOHNSON; JEREI4LOI ROSAMD., Yonst Lake, Avg. 4, ISTI—Cw. - ABEL TLTIMELL, 112* Jost Tenoned from New Toth with a lama illttrot to bts wont stock of choke goools. Montrose. N.V. Yl, 1842 • 0.20,000 Worth of Goods in store for the o prim% the Full Trade of 1810, to aMI and - general assoriment a and cent • ' Dress, and Forrashisg, wad Fanq Gamer In Enures's Cons, !Monet, Merinos, Psalm, Cateos;,Shanii, Condi, cabana Fdts, cod IL* nitro, Loan and Gen!. fore. Bold° Rodes,lerner LBW Aolres, atoll ossornnent Ladies:Cloths, nrsorls, Maria% • • c ' Domeslo Cbtlans,,ke, de. with aeral assortment of Bats wad= Boots .shoos, Oils and Paints, Crockery, lianlware, Stoves, Iron, deo.. fa:tabb ing a superior opportunity 'for selections, and will be sold on the topst 67grattlo terms br . ew 3111 ford. Ito;. 30.111"0. wds,. ram 33 zaT.. mzic 4mlSlllllll. $110.000,000 1011T110513, • JOHN S. TATilliELLe' Pleepe*Oalrell , t' Blatt Stam leave this Haase tha 1). L. L W., the Eels, aad the Lehigh' Valley - 7 . ways. • • . • GOLD-, JEWELRY. . -r. itontzt 2 .lo:l4 l3 ,l 2 Er. " 17 *, :ABEL (101jGRE1313 WATER. _ _ '• at TURRELL'ii. _. ...,...... .. . . , a 'FOGAD LETTING—The Fimefirteofe orett 1.1i1.111 meet at the bonse of James 01-If tall rtelfaMrs . ' April les 'To n i ' a" om J A'be, lSl k e .114 t° 1" ' j' Maar& -To be let to the lows u i Wal t er ".. - • • 2 • - JAIIES CAL:fil. '..'," ''''''. . WRAC% BREWSTER, A. -'..s - Ifoottoie..Aloll IS; 771. Z. M. BREWSTER. - -'.111,4-.-! 'MEW WALL. PAPER; • Jnfl arrived. • andanlllnpp ebespb Montrose, Aprivlo.l.6l% . APP., . . Agricultural College ,- of Pennayttniit: THIS LtifiTITUTION wPl , reoPen tbr,9 l , l lk , • SPRING TERM 24 OF . V/KEF43. On Friday, February 10, 1971, . „ , • For geneal Circular,,cetalogue and other lex tonuntioni Adrlrtim' „ . - T.llO. 14.3URROWS,Froadiet, _ • . .ergriculturafeollegern ..r jam 2:3 - ; . lB7o:—tr. Centn),Co4ll,l4 BLOOMINGTON. (ILL.) NIIRBERB, 14filatt Year. COO Ulm Weenbonses i7 faineant-all slam Wilt Bloat I LoW Prleasl4.• -Would )on know wbat„wben,, how- to ptstalt Fretits;,:, shade; evergreen tr , es; eoniti gtaftiNleea/theh O,*O plants, opplo seed, estly Rompotatoer, ninrnosorwe groeobonsa and Mden.plants; Jae:. ate.; TWIT= VEG STABLE faD3 I finest, best collection-4ms egiutllty. ;Send nehGarden q. I °X.. wrITET dtion.-% - Plants:-.33 paged. And - Wholes* Witco. pages. Mlclress P. K. rims= Blootangton laTltikY SU—Caine into the inelosnre of the Sub E.l Cr. In Forest Lake. on Of about tiwltOth day Of par, , 1611. two ewes, one nacte4l lOW red palatine the *that *nth tar. Any , prson. prnlpc, n.a r yltsc champs On taket bent many. • ' • Fornst.Latto,ltept; l 3, 1811.-3 w - • • Agea,i NVll,gllfhf%ldA gen :: i sL i tftil rat commission to tell our TIM and wouSerful lave;pltVlll , 'Address 11. WACI . NEII4I cp.,.mvp . pot:, .;i. prvgar tabu Sp ctacles. s uinew soppla t a XontrotOlac 10,100. • • srawanrs Ti lab' el ail Otos k TieCabicitleift. Very bnra'nenartraist. Including's great elegant new anl I M nal datum. , . T. B. lilb Arenas UMW, ago. thIS 8. Ind. IY,th and 36th Near York. - ang-IMArs •