The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 22, 1871, Image 4

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    - -
The Wowing persons were; chosen by
the last convention to acEni County com
mittee for the ensuing; year. • - .
Wm. White.
Ararit • ' -'•B - IL Dix:
Apolacon • Patrick Welch.
.. : Bunnell.
Brooklyn • • • IL Tiffany.
Clifford .• • • John Bolton.
... Christopher Byrne.
Dinfoek C. Mills.
Tundair bar°...Jasper Witter.
Forest Like.— B Griffis
Franklin • - FA. Smith.
Friendsyills.). • • John' Foster:
Gibson ~..;John IL
.Great Bend - bcro. V Recklior.
iGtrat Bend tp •Wrn. K. Hatch.
.•.E. R. Barnes.
harmony )V. V. Norton.
, ... ... :John -Leslie.
• Jettup: f • . • • John - Stelg,er.
Jackson:. . . . Betison>
Lenox IL Marc.
tridlirop - ,. • i Brtown.
"Liberty ! . • ' " Richard Bailey.
Little Ilaildoc,
Middletown' ' Otis Ross.
New Milford tp."' ' Oliver Lathrop.
New Sliltord " horn:: Cyrus Barlow.
Oakland • • J - 3L Tillman.
Rusil• • .... • ....Abraham Carter.
Byron C. Handrick
Businehanha.... 2 : ... ... EN. Smith.
, „ ssullivan
Thomson,: . ... B: Whitney
_ . Chair Man.
'4o4rittE l ,guAintos -,gliOttoq.
Tro - /bies thia.Directary; oil)! .02r, 1.40—•
eadis additfinuil,tinif, 30,th.
CAntik • PL.LSTEL-141C1101.3.9 57.0111LSKER.
mutt to grnable Cayuga Plaster. Ftte4 pound. •
V. M. HAWLEY: 'Agent for empire Seeing Narbne,
AA Araerlean Base Borsdtig Stove, !fain Street,
W. i, liossleco ; Dealers In Dry aoods,ltats, Caps,
Boots and Opes,' 012IIrril Nembutal:Use, on Main
''strut,ltesc . ,.l:!4 door btlow the Eplacopal Chureb. •
lIO,TEL, kept by. WiLLiAll $llllll, on ]Sala
Street, war she,Dispot.;-,* ,
31L9.-XBLO,-Fikandry, and bailer In Plows and other
utensils, one door, bona rblnney's Itotel,llaln St.
N. F. SWIM gonnage Mater and llnderinl•es, on
Kahl Street two doors belolr-Itivotey's Mom •
IdeCOLLI3III BRMITIERS„ DixSesta Grocerres • and
Provislops, tiarcet.'"
II , MET. It SON. Dealers in Floor.
Salt. Lime, Gement, Groteries and frovtsions on
Stain Streshopcosite the Depot. • •
W. dg T.LHAVVEN,''Mannfacturers Of Opts and
Wholesale - dealeto 'ln' Yankee' Notions nod Vona
• Goodigi coo Mfdo7dtreet; below Episcopal Minch. •
NOSS' & %NAP, Leather Man utiiturcrs and dealers
Ia Dicroccorudluga, &e., near Episcopal Church. •
AMY HAYDElll: o enless In:Drugs and'kedieloce,
end Stanufncturcrs of (Vat; on Yds Utrect, .ntaT
the pppot, ".
W. BTEPTIM,..I.Iorse Shooing nod general Repairing
onNalet atrcet, mooch of tbo Wino.
J. DICKE/MAN...In, 'Dealer In 'gticsal tneretandieo
• 11134 anking. Store. on Main Sunet.
- S. Manufacturer of Leatber, and dealer
genetil Merchandise, orvilsda Street.
IL I...DORAN; W..ichant Tailor and dealer In Ready
Made Clothin g' Dry.Dooda, Onkel - Ica and Prorie loon,
Main Street.*
lIIRAII XVIII*, Rameactarer of and dealer 11 supc4l
- Plows #nil cmtino 4 _
EDwARErs dafICYANT, 31‘nufaeturera of Wagons
and Metal*, COna the Innlle Store.
'ABEL Tunasu... Dealer in Drug.,
von, Paints, 011,s, Dyo Stage, iiroccriesi, Jewelry,
Winne, etc: ,
JA.31035. CARIIAT, Attorney at Law. Offico ono
doer bOoisTarbellUoux.Pabllc ACCIRIt. • •
W3l. 13. COOPER & CO., Molten, Fell Foreign Par
eage Tiek—ta and Malta on Eneand,lreland and;Secd-
J. It FLETCIIEWS Eattng Saloon Is .place to get
Ice Cream, Oyeters and Onnme, In ercry style. On Until
'47‘1.•!., .
, , ,
snow) a ENOWN,:tteeetif Fire ancrLito Insur
ance Atita; steo.sell Named and Accident Platte
toNew York end Etaladelptda. .otnee oho door cost
F. B. CISANDLIM. General lueorxoce and Sew lug lts.
clans Avlat, Public Avenue.*
- zrass, - astcnors, th s piace z.O c anna, and Slam
„date, .04-EIF% Tiginneo. riPes, ynaft.„ taaak . fp, opas .
L.-COX. Mums maker and dealer' in all articles
' snap kept by the trade, oppontte the Bank. •
vont- tonwer,
In Stoves, flardwarn,
- and Mannfacnirera or Tin and Sneak= Iran, corner
of liana and Turnpike street.
S; Ir `MOUSE,' Maschant Tailor and dealer in
Cloths; Trlmatlngo, - and Furntshlt4 Goods. and
Agents for Singer timing v..Kne, on Main Btrect.
Pordbnin bonding.
. .
PP; ZULTAttli.'D'osier irt Groceries, i'rorliinns,
Books,Ststiotteryand Yanked Notions; at head of
Public Avenue.* .
SPORE-C 0... Dealers :In Staines.' ILarclerare.
drienitaral lirplcmcnts. Flour and Groceries. oppo-
ate TarbelOwase...
.11.AVIDZOICD ISITCHEL, Livery and radiance
Siable.ta reer of peek baildinz. •
DOGG{ST, 4tOliTSO.6ll, P. 4;
le contlnuilly
214{ W 9 , 534 " )8
Andleepitemitantly-oa lump a toll and Ulllollllll=
DistiasxEma:t;rts, csmacaLs, uqcons,
Paints, 'oll4T6e•Sinifi,Teia, Spicer, lIDA otherGrls
caries, Stone Ware, We lland Window Paper, Wan;
ware, Fruit SAM linroara,Lausips. Chimneys. Sem
seise, 011, Tonnersloll, "Seatefoot Oil, Ws
thavdWhale o,Sperni Oil, Olive 011, SplrltaTcupen.
une,Vartaules,CernarySet.tilne.w, ...rocaah,Conenil,
trildil,Te.. Axle Greasa,Trnates, Sapportere,Medlea•
Instrumenta r Ehotdder Brno!, Whlpe, Gana, Pistols,
elstriftea. Powder, Shot, Lend, (Jun Caps:Wasting
Powder and Faze Vjollne.Strlngs, Wows, etc. notes.
rAi b e i t l e z „Fish ltootand Lin7,Bar an
Bair troprotpt
gekergnive.,Spiart s ne re le r tSfi c errletedSTOOns r ,l%r e ta, Outlet .firttOnar,sigenrsalaturztineutof
In ahelt..OettlY .our thing to reatote the .rick, to
please the taste, to delight the eye. to guilty the tam.
and also tticonduee.totha re:land sabatantial comfort/
attlife: - .Entuneralloti. Is 'lmpracticable. u It retold 61
a turvmpaper.- Vall at the Denpind notety Starner.
FrghFOAMS atul Vl:ratan for yak by
, ontroseitior. ,11.411, , . iL S. WEBB. •
TLCGI,EY DWetia Stoll* TLet. Capper. 111%.
An d shectfron Ware; Catelitt,44.&e: elm. mantfactzus
• cr DIP *CI Meta) to.otacx. - zve Trough saa 1.0 Pipe
attcaded to at tat!. pilan-431bstar
Fortilitateet tarsacity
ortttoTei NOT. /.2•47. •
Ft t utt *li teN s . l:, r ;fl h bql,
Contains no LAO SULPBUR-NO
entirely free from the Poisonous and .
Health—destroying 'Drugs used in
othei Ralf Prep artions.'
Tm..parecet nod dear as ctlitol, It will not win tno;
float 66rie,—perfeet1713AFC.CLEAN ataI , EFFIC • '
It restart:3mA prevents the hair from becoming Oray,
imparts a Oft, clears apncaranee; =Meet, handcuff, is
ooetand refreshing to the head, chocks the Hair from
Winged, and restores it to a groat extent when prase;
tartly lost, prevents . Headaches, cures all humors, en
tapeons.erupttons, and unnatural beat, ~AS Jik DRESS.'
Da G. SMITH. Patentee, Ayer, Mass. resParetl ol l/7
by PROCTOR BROTHERS, Oloncester Mase.achusetts,
Tho ;canine Is put art In a lane! bottle, made exprestly,
feat; with the nameof the article blown to tbilesaa.
Ask your Mogi, et for NaTellea Item RESTORATIIre,
and take co other.
137" Send ttTO three cent *tamps to Praetor Braaten!
fore "Treatlete an the Littman Mfr." The Oforazetleri.
It croatamiris north CO ti? Or Daiwa:
The "Putt Emisce• may instii.htiiityled the great
medicine of the world. foun d -sw a ybeen e globe
Into width it has not lts . and largely
need and highly prized. Moreover, there is no clime to
which It has not proved to be well adapt ed
i for the cure
of a considerable variety of diseases; is a spevtdran
safe remedy forborne, acaida, cute, braises, wounds and
Nations other injuries, as well as for dysentery. Manteca.
and bowel ebmpUints generally, it is admirably eintated
for every race of men on the bee of the globe.
It Ise veil sigariticant bet, that notwithstanding the
long period of years that the••.Paln Hiller" bas been be,
fore the world, It has never lost ono whit of its popular
ity. but on the contraryy, the call for It his -steadily in•
creased from its test d iscovery, and to no previons tittle
has the demand for itheen so great, or the quantity made.
beak s° large, as it is to-day.
Another siguilimnt fart is, that nowhere has the l'aln"
Killer ever been in higher repute. or been mere general
ly used be familiesand trollvidealsAlean it haabern here
at home, where It was first discovered andintroductal.
That •the Pala Killer will eimitievo he,wthotwe hove
otyl.i IS, TBS. GIIT-LT MEDICINE Or errs WOULD, lucre can-,
not be the shadow of a donbt. -Prorictsace advertuer. •
Patin Taut Norma: The extensive Furniture
Establishment of WWI= W. Smith. baying been
refitted and greatly improved, the propricirespeet.
folly ADLIOULICestO cltizeni 7110 , nr.. no n 'menu.
ty, thsthe is constatitlymaking raid keeps on hand the
lamest and beetaStaWLlnerit Or
to be found anywher this side of New York Mts..
putts, Dlrans. Towelmeks, Lounges, Footstools Sc.
Cen:ar Lard, Ficr,Tollet,Dinitig.• Eltchcu and
extension tables.
Cnair.s —Cane and Woodseat Rockers, Cone, Flu
and Wgodsesta of every variety and style.
Sottisen d Tete.a.tetes, Punished on short notice.—
Cane dnit chairs reedited.
A large assortment—cheapest and best In marks
Cane Seat Chairs.
Ism now enabledtosinply my customerswith a new
sobstantillcane seat chatr,of home roacinfortnrc,which
will be found greatly - superior to those formerly fh
market, and yet are sold at a less price.
tar Beady made coffins on hand or !matched at
short notice. Hearse alwsys In readiness If desired_
I employ none but metal and experienced workmen,
I Intend to do my work well, and sell it no low as can
be afforded.
liontrase,Fetr IS, YEW.
Blatcldey's encumber
W.trc,"cl3Pittitjcigost - ;
WARMING 2ISAGe feel ht length, or sufficient to
Simple to erfustreetion—P-say in Operation Giving ho
Teeth to the water—fDurable.—Sellable and Cheap- •
These Pumps are their own best recoratneudation
Per sale by dealerefin baldware and agricultural imple
ments. plumbers, Pump makere. an.. throughthe cann
ery. Circulars, AO., fruniehed Upon tipplicatlim by mull
or otherwiso.
Single Pampa Pampa forwarded to partici; in towns when,
hare no agents upon receipt of the molar retail price.
baying, be earelbt tWycmr Pump bears my trade
mart - as alive, patented March Zat,lBl, as Ignamotee
no other. . - _
Ci33.cte1.0.: 3320.tekaier,
Omen and Wiattoom, du & 620 PlillbertAlL.
PhiladelPbta. Itirch IS, Ultras' , - -.- • ,fh.
Are pitinted to furnleti.three rakes of a =Pc .
br•iimlity. at both wholesolo and rthdl.
SAYRE Nazatthetvicrs,.
Nontrate. ; •
IWould respectfully state to my. former
Onto= re end tho public. gr./lc:al 1.1a147 I at& sp,l4
auTylsig on the • _
tJi isols - raosz,grla;propaaa‘ta. 404 wonEl2.l'ma.
-Ana it Satiefsetarl Prteitti. Particular 'ett,tattOn Oren'
toCUTTLNG sad SPECIAL - CAIIE aced to hare the
work Plain forth° person who pats It together.; • ;,'
'llttep on the *est:side of "Public Avenue." aver
Bums & Mande Drngstore,'Adjainlng the Ofnity at
Nourtanc, retrtnarri,lB7l.- - • t/
D k2STISZRY, - • - .
154.C1CE17,8 I;o=4lAm:co., 2Q ap . 11 tlfor d,Pa,
- Particitiossurntion given to an apenatatifott the natia
ral teeth. Artiliztal Teeth inserted 10111'..ths various
files sum In use. , Perrecisstisfaction guarantied to all,
ilShe and tole me, old satiety younclres: (Mies hours.
214CIUCS .Toads .Taras.
ad tam prepared to grind !roar Oran or saw Lumber
UL a Wattamaiike maanrzßnGon lbort Xvticr,
• --amerara.enos
• I bare tbe best 3laehlnefor cleaning Meat, 13ye;
fla~Yvheat.thatcan be procured. Corn 3Yeal .11/oltoi4
detailed. and partlcntar attention given to grusdiaz teed,
noping.toleceire a liberaliduire of pa:razor, 1 invite
all wiantuz any thing in my line to gl re ale a call. .
• aco.:IS;FISE:."
wenn OP ZECE"'wO.IILD- 4 -rittpbuisb.
IT .4mmm whom it " N emo= :—This
is toostify grit/ Mita glop &BALD% ; onusomm.
1.5., tin exclusive control of. tto nit 1 the above awn;
ed remedy LnlinequehazanCounty, so longas bechonscs
to continuo in ebb butinem, and install. orden bottir4or
ItKinid be addistsod iv him, to rends,: stieidion:
X:yl:2,-s7ls ' • ' : x.m.73lToN,rropri_
" • •
- tizna
. , „
eap, ,, a ela
• • e dr U of rb French,- 011
romoit4o- ' Meets LIFE
SlZE—equisite fde;sintike
of original OUSlntings, - G/TMY d W,AYto oral sub.
scribtr •
"Henry Maid .Beecher's
PAPER, Agents baring great suave • I One took t'ooo
names In threo months, another 674 in days, another
Ile In ono week, ono' 47 In quo doy, and many others'
equally well, making from F + and $lO to BIG per-day.
Takes on right I An old agent who knows, says :1
think it 'the belt antigen for , our-Mere era. offend.
Sorry/ 414 nut engage lemma: Pays better 0= !log
book agency. A retro deities to makerthoney.
I'm - T.:limo Tau
gtw Aidutrtir;tmoto.
MtnMynt men and woman 'wanted everywhere. HY=
hound territory. send..eafor cireolar and Lerma!
J. B. FORD & CO., fri Park Ham N.Y.; 11 Bromfield Bt.,
Boat,*; Wct-Maditon St., Chicago. ,
• ;
The History of the Warbstween Prince sedainninr,
embracing also 1 aria tinder tbe Commune. - 150.111ustra.
Ilene: O 4 PeEce I Price, WO; MOO) coplee already
eel& Tne only complete work. Gerbil:lamella G to
1011. Making 10,00:I copies permcmth now. - in Englieb
• d German. - Terms mangled..- Outfit MIS. Address
S. GOODSPEED & CO.; Pt ParttEow, Ncw Tack.
WOOD'S E-15 2
dodo - gthe a M r ffii . eg
to , Ovorr oubscriber of Moral 311n0up,,13a0 Toledo
Illato,Tonemoc .
`,l f
Mbleb fa au orldence of Its tvon4 nod popularity. ilor.
nen Greclev, Tames Pittno, TheodoM Tilton. Hama.
MIL CM . .. nr to or eVery 1113Mnon,. ng, rollers
=Marc as.T . noilicals for the pries of onourthatn.
A - variety of premlatne 8n equatty liberal terms. It Is
an or' ainat ttrahel Bata:magazine. Volume S. begins hutch
an. 7n. t erhn nen tee free. Addams
- 8.8. WOOD, . .ur,T„ 2 .
tnitted to send htsaddress and receive Ftao , and
Postage Paid a cep/ or the
- American Farm Journal,
The most Prastleal. the' Bost and Clienpest Elnstritted
Agelcultrattl paphr.,n the United States. Only 73 cents
per year. Send for a specimen copy. Address.
MILLER, LOCKE lb CO., Toledo, Ohio.
tiTs souclicd bylgarE a t co.,
pATE . When ~Seital(fie. American ; 37
• - - Park Saw, N. Y. Twenti4lve
yearn` experience.
Pamphlets containing Patnnt Laws, with fall direc
tions how to obtain Patents, free.
A bound volume of 118 pages, containing the ffEW
CENSUS by counties and ill large cities, 140 Engravings
of Mechanical Movements, Patent Laws and Miles for
obtaining Patents, malledon receipt of 13 cents.
The oldest and molt relLablo
j uttlintlgn for obtalcang
.111hrtazalle SdncatiotL , • .• '-
CV - Practical busino *men asinstractora. For Lear ,
P. mation write for a circalar to
MIFF 14 . SONS, Pittaburgh, Pa.
\ NO BUCKLES to break I
N tf l et r it, O ß Er e l trer 11 1 7 1 1121
A GENTS WANTED—Agents make more money.
DI at work for us than at anythlng rhos. Tiorinaoa
light and permanent. Particulars tier. STrlarSON
39i.cci.,oFtne.drld'uldleifThrartiand, .
$425 ETA\ V e ,
kmoad Quacks.-1. +learn of early. indlecretion,
21 canting tomtits debility, premature ,dtmay„.
having tried in vain every adecrtitcd 'remedy. hat , dia.
covered a efunpla memos of .relkure,which be wall rend
to Lift tellerrutrererr. lid4rees J. 1.1,8.E.E.M.
A. CburgymalY:wllilo residing hi -South Amerttic as a
lils.slonary r distoVered wsare and SlMple remedy Tor the
Cure of Nervous Weakness, Euly Decay, DtscAses or,
the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of
disorders brought on by baneful and vicious habits.
Great numbers have been.eured by this, noble remedy.
Promnted by a dOsire to dienent the entitled and on.
tortunate,l will seed: the reelpe for preparing and using
this medicine. In a sealed envelope, to any one who
needs 14,v:inn nruccutnr, Andress JOS. T. IN SEAN,
titation B, Bible !louse, N. Si city.
published on every package, there
fore it is not e secret preparation,
censetprently .
.• . •
It is a certain cure for Scrofula.
Syphilis in all its Rums, itbstima
timn, Skin Diseases, Liver Clout
.laint and ell dimmer ofi the
will do mow good than ten bottles
of 1141 - . Syrups cd .
for the past three years and (Moll/
euilonso it as a reliable Alterative
pad Blood Purifier. ,
DID O. PIIGEtia Italthacro.
DR. T.:. 72.0YRJN,
DD. R. W,D ADA, u•
DLL J. S. SPARES, of NishobsyCle,
DS. Kj.
J. L. IIeCAMTHA, Columbia,'
M S. A. 13 C. .
NOBLES, Edgetvone r N. c.
J. D. FRENCH. & SONS, Fall Diver,
F. N. S.MFlThluctson, Elich.
A. F. IVIIEF.M.I47na., 014
B. HALL; Liana, Ohio.
MAVEN & CO., Goniensvillei, Va..
BAWL. O. McFADDEN, Bluffrear .
bozo, Tenn.
Oar space irillnet allay of ally ex.
tended remarks in relation to the
virtues of lionialle. •Tothe Medical
Profession wo guarantee a Fluid Es.
cream:realer to any they have ever
used to the tresunent of diseased
Blood; and to theafilleted we Say try
llosadalla said you vLII be 'plead
to,localth. r •
. .
"Licgiaa u
:outDi an Di/elites'
prim 81ao per bottle.
mt. =cm it oct.
lifiazfalacring C7sccatt,t,
36 . 4
ly ,
"A.O Itapre.d,
For the Belief and cnre attire Erring and Enfortnnats,on
Principles of ClirirtLan Philanthropy.
Essays an the Errors of Youth and the Follies of Age
' ln relation to Marriage and_tioctal Evils, with sanitar
aid for theatillgted. Bent free, in sealed enver. Ad
deers HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P. PlilLsdelphLs.
-T. D. TAYLOR, so long known in ilinghara
ton as one of the , matt popular Cutters, and
fashionable Tailors in this section of ',country
has fornacda, co-partnership with E. V. New
comb, of ...Montrose, and they am now 'prepared
to funaish :pen's'-wtaring, ttpparc lof all kinds,
as in style and workmanslup fiuperior to any
cstabliihrucnt,in this sectiOn °twat:dry, - We
" - • -
to all whe. may favor tis with their patronage.
EtioPat - Post's Old conair, - *on Fhb& Avenue.
s 3 _z"fi. 11 TAYLOR •
, c"7: B.T. NEWCalift
• *arose. Oct -1 k 1870.—Af. -
11/otido to Buildera.
, will reeeme scaled proposals. for the .holl4lar of t
new school 1 1 / 3 11Er. 1/3 Heart Lake District, Intl] July
net; hold school horse tote slmlbr to the olio
In the Poss. , it District-Tor spechleatiorts had petite.
Mars call on IL Thatcher. Montrose: lle_onter of the
W. E.! BABCOCE, Secretary.
Hrldpewater..Tuoe Z3;1611. Cw.
tho Cann adjotninglit buttltr L:114! La or
WertzSt' tr.
30 1 '0'3MNIT1DIE-s-3MI
- -
88, Washington *l.-
13b11 . 1diaton, H. H.
Where you wUI find
The Ltagest Stock, the Best Assortilient;ao
the Lo)yest Prices of any house in the city.
N.B.—AU Goods sold wananted arepresen
Binghamton, Aug. 24, 1870.-1 y
Ayer's Sasaparilla,
a =sr pump.
won P
. . .
_ The reputation this ex. "
cellent medicine enjoys,
. .
• is derived hem its cures,
man •
4 111
. ..
A t1i14..... " in
0: off
w S
. ftn . lo - us Mir aro y
. ,
..4.. cum Where the system
seemed saturated with
5 d....3. corruption,. have boon
purified and cured by it.
~ • _ . • ..., Scrofulous affections and •
• ,:, 4 4.44 - I, ‘ dbordemwhichwereag
, - ,c'' ......43: ..6', ~,., --,2 „." gmrated by the @crofts.
taus contamination until
they were painfelly ending, hare been radically
cured in such great numbers in almost every leo.
lion of the country,that the public scarcely need to.
to Informed of lei virtues or uses. .
Scrofulous poison Is one of the most destructive •
enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfelt
Mentor the organism undermines the constitution,
andinvitcsthe sate& of enfeebling or fataidiseases,
without exeltlng a tomplcion of-its presence. Avila
Race= to breed Inflection throughout this body, and •
then, on scene favorable occasion, rapidly develop
faro one or other of its hideous forms, eltW.ronthe
mace or among the Tilde. In the latter, tuber.
elms may be suddenly deposited in ttio lungs or
heart, or tumors formed in be liver ,. or It shows
its presence by eruptions on the skin, or font ulcer.
ations on somopartof the body. rime Meows,
atonal use of a bottle of Oils Sar
saparilla is ad.
sizable, even when no aetive_o•mptorns 9f disease
it= . gLeg2Ll4 l ll s wiChdta i ll: fg.l l ;gr i n,. Stir,mi
math, cure, Lg.., usoor-..fa SAlttlAs- l Ae.t.-
'1.4: St. Anthony* Sire: /Mao or Erysipelas,
.Tetter, Sail Rheum, Scald Headiringsrorm,
goreZinn Sore ram, and other eruptions or
visible fornis of Scrofulous disease. Also in the
more concealed forms, its Zrepeprfa !
Hears Dtsccuse, rib, X from h =a;
and the redone Vrecrous dots of the ronacn•
las lindlleirOns systems. - z
Syphilis or Venereal and liferenrialDiseaies
aro canxl by It; though a long time is required for
subduing bele - obstinate truslatiles by any medicine.
Rat long continued use of this medicine will cure
the complaint. Leueorrhau or Whites, Vtertne
Liberations, end Female Diseases, are eons.
• mealy soon relieved and ultimately cured by Its
purifying and invigorating effect. glinute Dbect
tines for each case are found in our Almanac, rep.
_plial gratis. 2Thesanatinis and Gout, -when
caused. by accumulations of extraneous matters
In the blood, yield quickly to it, as also 'Jeer
het*, Torptdity,Corirrestionorlnf ans..
of the War, andJaysndtee,wbetn arising,
es they often do from the rankling nohow Intim
mom. -sat.- rskiratarAtart.x..a le a greet re
- Storer for the strength and -vigor of the system.
Those who are Tenants! and Dustless, Draper*,
deal, Sleepless, and troubled with ]Ferrous Ap
prehesubsus; or Fermi, or any of he t atrectiond
zympternatio of Weakness, will find Immediate
relief and convincing evidence of its restorative
power upon trial.
Dri Jr. C. AYES & CO.; Lawell", 'Nand,
Practical and etnalitteca Chemins.:
SOLD BY ALL Dnuradisrs
Sold by Abel Tarred, and Burns & Nichols
Montrose, and all 'druggists and dealers every
where. [Dec. 21, 1870—y
Tilt' v. '. 333FLC10041716ViS
II * * Y'*' - P' 'i
In °feting tide Liniment to the ,Onbilel as we do In
fell Confidence, that Meese rapereede all others! now In
use, as an internal remedy, for the care of all disease' In
the reach of that (lease medicines, we can safely assert,
without the least fear of contradletton, that It stands an
rivaled in the list of medical - compoanda esttrtudfirAp•
plied for the MISS et &sew, leading therefore that It
Is natteemalry to.ptllf a remedy so-erelnently wanderthl
In tee effects, somysterionay Infallible ta its powers of
relief, cowing the deaf tabula, the blind to vet, the oar
eon; drawn and trippledeliettmatie Wise& meet atedle.
toles agai offered power sad store numhood,,thispre•
paralton i n to the pntac on Its own metint. ant
claims no volcanic origin or essential oils of the'Arabi
an deserts; but on thecontruy Ls.what Its imports, ant
is a rare ~ combinallon of the powers of North Amer
eaa products,
Maw Tons, Dm 14. Dra
Thts notice to to Worm CI dealers In proprietary
medicines. that ashore catablished a Depot InEwaltte.
hannasonnti atMoutrom.Pa„ for the sale of Dr. C. F;
Brown's Moog American Liniment, and that Mr, A.
BALDWIN is our a n _..ent for that purpose.
193 William Street, Near York
Agencies will soon be established at contra places In
erery township., and published ha the Bet bcloir, lam
ready to famish It at wholesale prices to agents. Post.
en and circulars seal tree spoil application to the sub.
The Liniment Is now for aslant retail by the follow•
lag agents, to wit: . I
'Burns & Nichols, Montrose.
' B. L. Adams. Auburn 4 Carnets.
Noah Baldwin. South- Auburn. - -
Waltman & Vowburn,likinner's Eddy.
D. C. & F. IL Furdhana. Franklin.
J. •
Barrows & Sons;titcrenscille.
L. M. Sherwood, Itashrilh.. -
Ti. T:liaralrick, S Arse SBo.
William Thayer, Dimoek.
E. B.BcardsMe, Little Meadows. •
Robert Winters, '
L Dail, Btrelardrillo. ' '
D.A..t.Tilsworth. Brooklyn, Pa,
L.B. Bindißectolyville • •
W; IL Cortisatailey Molina/. -"
E. M. Tillimy,Hopbottom. -
. J. B. Very , Montrose Depot.. , •
" 0. IL Bewley. New 'Milord. • • •
T. D. Baaterbrook, Great Bend: . • • .
Tewksbury Brothers, Auburn Centre.
Aiery & Beaumont; Camprewn..J.
Bresnan & Leebody,,Xlicl4k '
F. Granger. Rash. " -, •
• - B. B. Stereos. ; . :
A. J. Silvans. Bast liprinctdll.
• .Ll.. 'denims, Upeonrille.. , •
J. It.. Itosencranta, FairdsJe. • • .
Any persons in townships not above named, desiring
en agency. may obtain it by adlressine
A, - BALDWII:i. Geneial Aititt,"
MailtrOie, ra.
KE c EZ's, , (I ,Li , r. ;12 ma . lie tti'em ost nvmer
in the country end bentowa eipecisl attention to se.
leering and beeng articles la this department that are
pureaudgcnu e.
~. Gelds* keeps a great putty - '••
uszcons ASA tVINEG
bought either direct from the dlotiller, ot importer, and
warranted strictly pure.. •
Also, a fail assortment, of Paints. 011 s, Veredebee,
imbal. - Lubricating oils askst Dye Stairs. 'Groceries,
Well Peels% Arilnla, gCtplicX/C, %%Una, P/5t016,13=5
A Slue variety °Mold and other JEWELIIY, Padua
.el7. 11 0 11.01inotc., and oaten goods too an.
" In/2 .0 161 ' 1/1 lean Pest persona Lase been - itt the
habit or forming clubcand sending to the Great &Deli.
ma Tea Compass, New York, for their *applies of Tea
and Coffee. for imamate. • • -
Abel Teniellilio ow supplylng thapeophs eilth th ese
Tesss Ind (braeSi at his store to Montrose, At the earns
pekes Mit:Abase clubs and Other persons MY 'at Use
store of Os Col:spas:ls New Tbes..putehsosts
sill save the enatis slant. Usable 91 cliibbitig and
rietaisuilipx, 117 buying of • - • •
•ploatiols; PD
_ 041 .- - . 1..-.IIELMI3OIIYS - .'
Component .Parti—Flhid Extract Rhea
barb and Fluid Extract Oataw
. ba Grape Juice.
. .
TOR Liver Complaint. Jairodleo. allitous AM:orlon..
1 Sick or Nervous Readache.Colarenesl, etc. Para
ly Vegetable. contaliarg o 0 Mowery. Ithaerals or Dd.
Onions Drop:
. .. .
These pills are the most delight - RAY Pleasant EMS'
tire, legcastor on, salts, nutgnada, etc. Vete
Is noth mmm acceptable to the stomach.: They airs
.toma in astute senor nasals ping pains. They
are . eosepoeed of Um Angst i nv ents. After a few
days' ore of them. such in inion elle entire
system takes plim as to sptawacula, to the weak
and ems rvate whether oniaing from inrpnedence or Ms.
.e. It. T:. lielmbold's Compound Fjuld Extract CV
its Grape Pills arc not sugar coated, h.= MO tact
ugar coated Tills do not Memoirs, but pass through
the stomach without diesolvlnu, consequently do not
produce the desired erect. TUE CATAWBA. GRAPE
PILLS, being pleasant to mate and odor, do not necea.
'hate eir bang sugarcoated. PRICE FIFTY CENTS
PER BOX.. „ . . .
_ .
Will radially' Orterminsta t ' renitho systbn'Serofols,
Syphilis, FeYllr Bores, Ulcers. Sore Ryes, Sore Levi.
Sore Month, Sore head Deonehltny Skin DlSealte,, Salt
Rheum: Canada, Runnings from the Ear. •Whlte Swell
ings; Turned% Cancerous Affections, Nodes, Rickets,
Olsodnlar Swellings, Night.Swests,.Rash Tette:, Da.
non of eli kinds, chronic Ittrmatisol, Dyspepsia, end
all diseases that tome been established in the system for
Being Prepare eipressly,for the &b re complaints. Its
blood.purifytor properties are greater than- Apr other.
preparation of garsaparills,.• It sires the complexion a
cleat and healthy color..and restores the patient to a
state of health and perity, for purifying the blood. re.
moving allehronleeonstituticmal.disesses arising from
an Impure state of the blood, and the only reliable and
effmtusl known remedy for the cure of Pains and *well.
Ing - of the bones. ;Ulcerations of the Anent antlers.
.Blotches, Pimple& on thoPsce, - Erysipelas sad , all scaly
eruptions of the skin, and braustlfying the complexion.
Price 111 60 per bottle.
_ Malsrtra.crt 33ise2rras
flu mord every tnie of Diabetes to Whirl bas been
given, irritation of.the Neck of the Bladder and Indus
enema of the 'Kidneys. Ulceration of the Maley. and
Bladder, Attention of Urine, Minuet of the Prostrate
Gland, Stone to the Bladder. Dateable Owl:1,1111dt dust
and Mumma or /Milky discharges. and for on
-rmbtod oma doliookoaoso4itotiooo orbotb oriel', attend , .
ed with the following symptoms:. Indisposition toes:
atlas. 100 Of power, loss of memory, difficulty of
breathing...weak nerves, trembling, horror ,of disease,
wakefulness, dimness-of-vision, pain in tbo back, hot,
hands, gushing of the body, dryness of the skio, empties
on the face; pallid countenance, *Meerut Masitode of
the muscular system, etc. -
Used by persons from the ages of eighteen to twenty
pre, and hom thirty-deo to Clay-lire or In the, decline or
change of life; after etnadlicmcnt or labor pains; bed
wetting In children. • •
lldmbofdY Eitraef Dian is Diuretic sod Mood Pu
rifying. and cures all disarm arising from habits of ills
sipation and cicessesandiroprudenccsinlife impurities
of the blood, ate., soperceding'copalba In affmtions for
which if is used, and Syphilitic affections-4u t brae sits.
cues used in connection with ilchnbokt's nose Wash.
to many affectlmis Dictator - 4.a ladles: the' Extract lin•
Boehm Is unequalled by an other rentetipLus Chlo co.
Ifs or Retention, Irrlarltymalothlnessorsopprosslon
of eustomorytemettaUans. ulcerated or &biros state of
the Moms; Lheortblea or Whites, sterility, and for all
'complaints Incident to theses: whether Willow from in
diseretl 011. or habits of dissipation. It is prescribed ex.
tensivelti Id the most eminent physicians and midwives,
for enfeebled and delicate coustitut'ons, of bath sexes
and all ages (attended with any of the above diseases or
Symptoms). .
IIP111210L1:1'9 EXTRACT Ittialtt
Cares diseases arising from imprudence, ha ns of dis
sipation, etc, in all their stages, at little exPense, little
or no change In diet, no Inamvadasee, Mai nommen.
It canine ftcqUent desire, and girt% strength to !ulnae
thereby removing obstmetions, preventing and caring
strictures ofthe Urethra,allayint: Pain and itillamtnotton,
so frequent in this class ot dhsesse, and cmpelling . ali
potronons matter. •
Thousands who bays been the victims of Incompetent
persons, and who bare psid heavy fees to be cur.d in a
abort thne,bave found they bare been deceltred,aid that
the "poison" has. by the nse of .powerfal as !playas."
been deed up in the system, to Incsk oat in a more ag
griontted form, and perhaps Meer coarrhpy
vssintutamirs MIPITRACT SUClitlfor all rider,
lions and distaffs oftheUrinayergans, wberhereirlating
In mad or Fend°. from whatever maw originating, and
no matter of how long standing. Price, OtDollar and
Fifty cents per polo.
• ,
cannot ne surpassed& a Facti Nisei, and will bo Ibund
the only spaelle nmedy in everispecles of Cutaneous
Affection. •It . speedily eradicates Pimplea, Smte,
&robotic Drynesselndurations of the Cot/moon' Nem-
None. etc.,dlepele itainessat abelpientlonammstion,
Mem:Bub, /loth Piddles, Dryness:of Scalp or Skin,
Pleat Mica. and all purposes rot - which &lees or Pint.
mentions need; restores the akin to a , stale of purity
end softness; and fames cOntinned healthy action to
Normals. on which depends the aMeneble•ylecroess
and risarity of compraWn `so much .longtit anti ad
mired. Bet &warm valuable as a remedy for existing'
'defects of the skin, it T. Ilembolt's /tore Wash. has
long Sostained its principle claim touts& raided Itatton
age, by poSseeting.quiditlestehich render it a toilet op
qldago of the most Superlative and Cougonial chars.
, combining In an 'elegant formula prominent re
q sites, safety ond efticacy—tho Invariant luxampsni
meats of its use &se Preservative clod Refresher of the
complexion. U lean excellent Lotion for diseases of a
Syphilitic Nature, and as oninicetion for diseases of the
Lnnary °Monk arising from habits of dissipation,
' &din convection with_ the . citizens. &mho, Santana.
and catawba me, in mach diseases as re
commended, canno rapemanned. Priem Outt Dollar
j 'i
Full and explicit directions sere:wan, the medicines.
Evidence of the most responsible and reliable • char
seta itunlshed as application, with hundreds of thou ,
sagsotllving witnesses., and upward of 30,C00.unstr
ne certificates and nrcommendatory letters. mem
of wroth are from the • highest sources. including old.
nest Physicians, elenunten, Statesmen, etc. The pro
'prtetoshas Lo dges rted to their publication ha the
.uewstuipers not do this hem the facr that his
seticies rank as Standard Preparattarl, apd daunt
need to be propped pp hy certhicatcs, . .
Bei!try 42-matziae
Delivered to anyaddrees. Enennafroin observation. -
&tabllahvd psqsd of Twestylfesse, Sold br Drug.
ridalcstry whore— Addscw attars for Wormigoa.lll
emilklekice to XIENEY.T. 7151X13010/3,rvalstroul
—olo7Depotit—it. hadaitotst's Dna stul . devateni
warthog" Ito fat Broadway. :New Yeah. or 11..1 .
nstricaxes 1:4P3,1 0 1 Santis Taub Strati,
IieW.ME OP COMintiPEPPOI .Anti for Ilicairr
lizz.zzoLDll Take :to other; •
Dr. weaszum oALrEwpsrLt.
. sanThori b. 2g 4
, dcr- - t. Or
' 1
y g
0 0 .
3 Ra
1 2
5 4
e P
M i v
• a a go 4.
v .a
s Z
0 g
g 27 g
O am Ana par /Vl= F.
t f
gists or Poor Bum, Whiskers Proof Spirits -
sea lICI7OOO Llooo2o 6, Ci"gd. SPlead and tored..
seed to please the taste, caldott"Tonlcs,".Atipetin ,
son." • Pkttorets,. vs, that lead the tippler on to .
thonhannus and roln, bet are &Ono Elegoine, made
'Dom Doggie* Moots and Barba of Calforola, free
from ail Alcoholic Bllintainto: nay an the
GIIICAT BLOOD Purasua 'and A Luc
Grano ralNClPSX•feritct Renovator and
Intfigorstor of tuaysteue.**tils eff aU polsonons
matter and ratarlag thelVA to a healthy condition.
go porton eon tale them Bitten according to Me*
ton and remalnlang nnirtlL -•
$lOO willbe given for anlitofsehlis mai, provided
19,3 bones angerdettioyed by,ixdneral poison or
Other lams, 111104110. 11121 omen\ rated beyond the
point of retiair;
row Infintemutery and tirrenie Eh main.
Oem nod Gonti dear; or indignatiotir
Bilious, Gault tent ant Intermittent Porn=
Ditienses of the Mood. Liver: /Llamas, mid
Bladder, tie:m.Bliter* hays boon moat atteeem.
faL ,Bneh Disetines aro mesa by Vitiated
illetwL.ohloh ts generally prodnemlby derangement
of the Digestive Organs.
DYSPEPSIA OP. imczeTiox,
Sete, Pala in the Moulders, Coegto,lightects of the
Chest, Diseeintaa,' door Enzetathis of the Stomach,
Dad taste In the Month, IMMO Attacks? Palpitation
of tho Heart, Inflitunatton of the Luny:Pala la the
Steens' or the Eldneys,and a Insmind other pendhl
symptoms, am the olltprings of DOPolials , .
Thal Invigorate the Mormon and stlmelato the ;or-
Mall= and bowelsothlchrenderthera afanegni ti d
seems In cleansing the bloodbf all Impurities. and
leparling new life and rigor to the thole listen.
HOD PIM DDSBASES,,greptions,Tettw, Balt
rheum, Motches,Spots,Phisples, Pustnintatogs, Can
linneles,l/Mg-Morms, Scaidgead, gore Trea. Erptip.
du, BM, Ban% Disegaratkoss alb° filde„Phrtuers
sidDlseascs of the thin, of whatever name or natena,,,
are literally deg op and carded out of the apemen In ant
short tuna by the sum of these Petters. One bottle In
such eases will convince the moat trutretalots of their
gozzlivo end.
Ckaose tho- Vitiated mood *Unarm Ton dud Its
emparitica tituattogriarearehato skin laPl=rdea. Err?.
atom or Bores ; tram Uinta avie Wit orlarruited
sad doggy 1u the relief elestasei uvaea it la NA,
andrar taoUUga aft toll zonation.; Soap tior blood
yen sad the health of the apt= wM follow. •
rm. TAPE and alba:l9oßn% lorkisifilkAbo
rot= of so many thousands, are cfrectiallr derirop
ad and ;ramrod. For fall directlons.'read carafaily
rho elresilar Iron d , each bottle, printedfnfomlaa
gaagoa-EogUah:deiman. heath and apardeti.
J.3li o i Fr , " a'rogrictor. rL 11. MeDONALD é Ca:
Druggists sat Coa. Agents, Sao Traorteco.
end glitOLSlCgairacrog Btreet.Nci l - on,. ,
Oct. 28-3 , solpete
Would teatieettolly soy to the loaf; that to addition t
their anal ateurtmeat of
hey base Paint's and MC , Varnish: DpeSradl. %Vibes
and Liquors, Patent Medicines, Spectacles. Eye
Glasses, Port Kuhr., Razors, Violin
GultarStnnv. Alen, just received
"'tine lot of Remises*, Goo
Caps Gun Waddluz, ,
. .
'Ws Ireepalersys on hand and for:sahhlnastlng Ptimder,
Gun Dolan.. Rills Powder. Tobacco and tigers ors so
periOr quality, sad a general assortment of 'Yankee lio
Orlietnember the C118..11P C. 10311 Dirt - 0870ND o
Barns & Nichols. , .. . . ,
A. B. DIIIMiS t •
Montrose:Dee. 14,1$ O. AMOS NICLIOLS
- Fire, Life, and Accident
21dazittro8e. Pax.
Minelnvineice Co. of IS, Y.,Cardtal and
Sundae. 154,000,00
Insurance Co.orNorth America,Ce; -
Capital alidSufplus, _ . - 2.000,000
Franklin Firelnsurance co., Ch M , Pa.,
Capital and,Surplus, , ' 2,600,000
Licomingeountdr Mutual Insurance to.of ' • •
Idnuct,Petin'it, Capital audSurplus, 4,000,000
ConnectlentEutnal Life bummer Co. 01.
Hartford. •
Conn., Capital; . 20, 000,000
American We Insurance Co., ktilladel- -
phis, Capital; l . ooo , 9oo
Trsvelers'lnsuraueoCo. Hartford. Conn.,
Insurlogemrinst all Linda of accidents ' oo.o' -
Milford ?Ire InsurlinesCompany, Dart , - • -
ford. Conn., Capital std Surplus, $2.000,000
rtrAllbastneseentrusted to our care willbe attend.
ml to on fair terms; andel I false s promptly *Quoted. •
Copce erstdooriert from Dankleg_o2lce cif W.
H. Cooer & Co.,TurnPlicest Montro".".
STROUD. tr. BROWgots: •
. N, .A
„ SErnow, msg., Friendsellle. Solicitor.
Cum H. SaITIT, - Montrose, do
nausea fireoun, ' . ' CILIELES'L, Entreat.;
Montrose, - • •
I — EU M
Scsooo WILL 8E
Vino any person producing any medicine shorten -halt
JL, as many living. permanent cures as Dr: FITLEIPS
ly only.: .A pleamut meditine, free fratainiatiotni dregs.
Warranted entity oath, to hate Immanently cared 05 In
every 100 patients treated in the past tau years. ( See
testimony is the ralantifle proicrlptleri of P.rofas.
or Jos, P. tier, * D., a graduate of the University of
Pennaytyania. A. D.. ItetilL—now anent Philadelphia's
oldest regular physicians, and Profaner of Chemistry
and Toxicology,—who him made Neuralgia, Chronic and
Inftematory Rheumatism the speciality 'of Lie entire
prfeasional life—fit fact vouched forby the stentipares at
comp:myth: nth bottle of many prominent 'renowned
pbyalelaus, clergymen, and Other testimonials. Tom ,
tect ga mer. from poisonous neuk nostrums and me
leas eapendltare - at money. a impel signed gparanthey
stating enact number of bottles warm:den to tare. will
be focaraaled grata to soy sufferer sending 'by letter a
full description of allietian, la case of failure to tare,
amount paid pOsitively refunded. /Indictee sent imp
where by express, collect on dellymy. Afflicted Invited
to write for advice: all information and medical advice
sent by letter gratis. Principal °Mee, fie Bonth•Poneth
infest. Philadelphia, Penne, The remedy Is sold or ob.
tamed by Druggists.- - , 10;711-1y. • •
Hot Bale by - ABEL TUREELL, idontreve
,11-VC VANAZIES. 1111. esooessfollr treats
all clauses of Chronic. and Acute Dlsatses. Bend
. stamp for circular contatuing portioshiri tor •
Moutslo. ,Addreas Dos 010),:iew ifOrk. -
111 1 RVI • ftanaAts, e LL l i tamer :cinde:d ia . white: oho:
cotton warp fhuclual. Um best.. CM' Man 11.11.1,001
tweeds Ind auburn:L. A largo Jot of cloths on b 112112,
for sato or to
for wool. Plena Ora ono aWI
Itofbro disposing of your wool elm:There.
miles north of Montrose. - J.W . iwrr.
lifonfrosc. Jana T.lBll. ' if
ptrlit •LICATORS:
SEELY'S - rrivrrim GRAPE EILINDY, dlitlflM
strictly pure ; and a variety of other Brandies, Including
Cherry Brandy , Cider Brandy. Cc. INearly illtho differ
seta kinds orßum. Holland Gin..old Bye and Dayton
Whiskey. Alcohol, Pare Spirit., Soy Rum. Se.; mutant.
ly on bandand for stip, by , • •
Itoatross,'Marehtet.lBoo.. : -
Bus4uehanna Depot.,Pa.. • '
Dealer in . Watches, - Clocks Jewelry, 'at. Re ,
pairing promptly dono and intriantcd. • •
FINE SILV2R, 0 - 00D131'
made a speciality; Sliver DetackedLerns for
/13-00.'American Watchesi , at Companits]ro
filmed prices. , - •
Lir Goods ordered, for partiv!, final-New
York, at less profits than if kept constantly. on
hand. Sol3d 18 caret Rings for In 73 peraenty•
weight. -
Susquehanna Depot, Jan.:23, 1871. ; if
. , .
Plant, Batt, Dattet , , , Perk, Laid, Dam, ealF Plat,.
• - CandLia, Crackers, Omega, Cores, Spices, Males
Tiea,. Sugars, Dice, Dried arid Citisd'
' Tobacco, 61;ars; Baud * , •
sada *Mir articles a sadly kept to a Ira t clan OriNt
sad Provision Slaty.
Niro will mart' irclt , Cixils as IoW awe na ale ,
sell for pr exchange Par produos, • - • '
Montrose. Sept. V, 1875.—U.• • •
- uxEcuTon's —ivnErtr.eit -Lumtut •
Jed Testamentary to the estate et JudsOn StenO.lo.4 of:
Varese Late township; deceased, bare been 'granted ter
the sabscribers. all persons Indebted to said_ esdrOr
request.* tomato Immediate payment, and thaw tar ,
ing Maims or demands egatnet theiestate orthe said dor
=lent, .it present the same whhord ; -
Juctuturrenvumn, . VIIEDERICK DAY 11 , 011,
roast Late Aug. 2, L.971--Mr. 'itetidOya.
t. i
.;1 ir... 4 7 .111 1
. ' ftliA,
f. tz= v ,
ABEL TURREti,, .•: ,
IlasJinttrittrited Amon -tit* Yoit itte trbitii tl
• dition to tiler tual stator dialed gototts.‘,. _
Montrose; Ni0r.24.18p. •
Word, of Goods An store for opening
the. Fall Trude of 1,870,•ia.a
gonevalassortmeut . .„;
' DM., and FurnLedvarand Fancy Gods
Ezipriits Calets; fl , 'lrerlsov
Carcos(Shants; Corsetaiinabosid rez;tlidn''.oll. c ar
I.a* s ant r prm Bear.rous.skpies Zap
Rau. af,t4l isFWmall piotit, qattimr4s,.,i
LadineClopg, Flansuls, 11c4le7y,
D'om'estic • Cbtfoli;'4O, Iv;
with a general assortment of 1 - Inta and Capa„
Boots & Shoes, ON; and Paints, tapeeries.
Crockery, Hardwart;Stovesj.ron:Tamilbfillsll
- a , superior. opportunity .for selection's - shut
will,botold on the most facombro forMsebl, )
3 317 X 1 -IRtZ g lr,
airlanbsttlfir ae MO.
r 4 "Bmt 3 33 X0r. 41 , ZIC)1711.0.
- • ° P rt!rn TuK coczrf
JOHN' .19. IAII.IIIELL. 'ProPrittor;
'Bight Share leave 'this Douse 'enianeethigieDle
the D. L. &W.,Lhe Fate, and the LehW VeDey., RFS!
vqs., , • Lltl3 o.lB7—tr
ROAD I.IITTEIG—Tbe Soperfloon of
will meet et the bonito of domes O'Brien, iw North
Bridgewater; April WO, .ot 1. *leek *MOD ...-
- bnilainFof &rood lesulhq frOul Jas. O'Brlee'a to
Liickey o, ;To be let to the lowest bidder. - • • -
. . . 1101L1CB BUEII 7 IBTBS,. ;
Montrose; Arrt11 . 111, , 11.1 Z. M. 13BETSTEB.
„ - 4
Jost Onlved. and selling cbra ,
Elontrosa.Aoll9.lB7:. AB= M EULUS,,
Agricultural College, of retussylvanii.
TIES TIIITION Nvlll,reopen for tk,
SPRING 'TER - 31" OF 24 WELT.% '
' :Ort Friday, February 10.'1871 ,:: •
For need Circular, catnlogto and other ia.f.
ozmat ton, Address; , • •
T 408: 11. BURROWS, Primident, •
. `Aglicultural College; E
25,18a—ra. i 'Centnt Co., IV.
1.9 7 4Yn i Y e a r .li Il a —S A :d e g:: 1
.II g r
t e B ' ge n
ii t e tio=it
Would ) On know what. Ittinn. - how to Pint! 1 , ...
Okada. zvorreen tree . roots, grata. ieta ll sq l
P gre l l s tinrin e nd% en plearly
ants 4 e. 4.10. lovrb ,
VEGETABLE CREDO t knz*Z;bezzeollestion—antskll•ll
qnzlitY. &nail) cents tax Now. Illnitzate4 DeszitipziTh
vatabrao-9 1 ) pancz. - Send stamp Ma tor' Catilosites
or Becds, alt
h pin dizerASons—(l4 pages • Balton and
Garden Zan t.s—M Ones, and
Nkkokkalo him .10.,..ith
pages.- Address P. K. PIIIICNIX. UtoOmlngt Mania.
OTRAYED.-Came WWII's Wesere of the Sob
c r, in portal Lek*. on or shoot tke '2oab day Otletr.
1671. twe. on c e
marked with red paint sad the other
vmh: my, Any woos proving property and paylng
charges art take them away, - -
YOrert Lake, Rept.G;l4l.—U. . . •,•
:Agents Read.- This I.
WO WILL PAY_ALgonto a salsa,. of 4130
-Pee Week gala Yap= or glow a Was
tommattoo to .ell our new and won ertel InennOens.
Address 31, WAGNI:II, 67. .31tat:' -
mon Sped/ides, a nely
2tOnUute,Nor..lo,loP,' •• - °""".
4. - 134L'isaatleue"
Very tarja mamma.
Ineloding a crest iruifty
- elogsat qew , apl
Dill dea l %
v a.
o Sixth Avenue. kat.
3.5 th and 30th
• • ‘.14.!