~~ ~.ita -~autr~o~ . e ~v~~ s. B. nAvq..EyouTtron. IqUOPA rsinnumair. NOVEMIEIXIMI 141851. lituatlVe Neverl Tho amp of Democracy is too great and,poiFfed, attadta _organization. ie gr . ound4io principles, pervajA tailki6niftliOalidtront in the_ peso/tee of an enemy, /to more than our. superior 'l. In 1868 ttera'Were. five millions six bu.114r4 and (Ware thousand tab lum clrolimdrixty-threo IreieS 'cast for:Presi dent:iN 'these, Tionttio Sep:tour received Oro milliontrsix, hundred and fc#7- th ivo thainouid 44 ; and twelve., votes Ond .Grant ewci. nullions nine hun dred:. aid seventy,-eight thorisand - five O ft rP l36 T otel only vaajtitity of pree ilitared and.: thi#y-four,, thousand rime lomdreasindthirty-nine votes itgainsttins Deiheeratic party, or less than' seven• per Ceit.or thn *and total 'pigs \ cast. The thong or one vote in every foluteen from die,l3.aclical.party 'lonia change' the ad ministration. ~No reasonable man mill say that ono fourtcOnth of 020 Republicans aiirtiofdiasatlsfied with Grant's adriiinis !Fain; and are ready to Vote for any gtiod Wuottilmt will pato end to the present ruinous and dangerous policy of, the ad ininistration. - ' , This reit Urn' y of DtipticiatiO voters isre.nasalttered and.. divided by a diierk. sity eif,Purixise, but arc united and band ed together, and armed for a common purpose—to save ourpoliticalinstitutionu from overthrow. - • Studi vvezay to them:. ;Ay oini your arms, disband your feirem retire from the contestonallettbe enemy fight among their owii actionelbr the d spoils of office and blast the destinies of ,the l &public ? NOTer I 'The,Demoeratic Party stands up on the right, and can itfforel to 'do battle again"' 4 Radicalism, even in the face of an overwhelming number. Then shall we On pp the contest, now' that State, after Eilatkvihich Soteil for grant in 1808, has *heeled into the Democratic line, and hipatiently. waits for an epportunity to repudiate a military despot? , ":The Democratic party is too strong in numbers and - principles, to ,admit that these principles area failure add worthy only be . abandoned at ,the very hour where only steadfast - faith Will bring iafe ty put ot the political situation. If ten righkens men would have saved -Sodom end - Gomorrah' from destructico, who shall say_that two and a half millions of Dentoeratie voters shall not be' able to says Ti bean .ustitut 3 r•TB from over throw, if-they cling , honestly and earnest. ly to the faith'that is in. diem? No sur render; no disbae: dmentl These are' the watchword,. of, the friends of .Liberty aril free kiiii:rament.--Pittatist Past. The lillatoemi tOsTistes. • .-.Themrotig,involved in a =pertain of the writ of habeas corpus is that it expos tthe innocent to persecution. The only object and effect of the writ is to giye ,men, who Axe arredoi•a heaxing by com pelling the officials who bate them in custody to produce them •in conrt, state the cease of" their arrest, and' give them a chance to be beard.- 4f-there is no good ground for detention; they aredisebarged; if there is, they are kept in confinement. litatspe this'procedure.abolished, as 'it tae been by the President he, came parts of the counts?, innocent men may be in fOtroal against falsely, arrested and im pifiened; and then is no =Ode, and, thcr,efide.,asof redress._ .41erein Maisie the monarons wrong of enspend ing -the habois turpss. If Diemen guilty, they can be .,. arrested;•good resales' can be sown for, imprisoning them;. and the orill-w.fil"not protect them in any. It ismot,..therefore, on behalf of the guilty, bnt Of the innoeimi; tlaktelllorers of lib arty deprecate 'ihe abolishment of, the writ:.. It was invented by:the defenders if ;WA liberty to looted thO citizen guiltless of any offencefrtme oppression, and it is oidy obnoxione to those Who care more for power. tlum they do for justice, law or fOoti#l2. Goirerezz IfteVxr. It is with feelings of ',patriotic pride nays the Ifeir - Jersey /feral, dust ve.ern 'menet the triumphant election of Joel ,44 nett:. ,Goiernor ,of Nor Jcn4. rot once mil truly be add &it the office hes sought. the • man end, not the inin the office. ', When Gov. Parker" before occupied the nleplitiVO:chair: hit vain neon ArainistratiOn "Ond "made a recordisideli:*eenferred Lssting boor , tip= bis name. - That glorious AdIIMILIM trail= WAS tat trial' b3fore -the people in this election and has been i tindioated and, ond - 0A rnanimfrict enThath3 - that unprincipled politicians Alla 'a senalprew Inll - nevaragain havethelundilosad to as- Let the people rejoice that honor and:fear inorit taitunplied; that pa lanai coirnotionlas In= dealt its death blot ina+Tow, :exam find that, beieafter, tutus and nteliisent Oa be hsquali se etUoiel position. ',„lsTa more watip fir the people Thetmefel leeionstaxigbt Lg . 4112 victory we yill endeavor to lzaprore hereafter, la w N ev e in sto , _ / 4 10 Episcop4 Othwention - 'bit; 14 sitting naltialkig, far .ihe pod felOays;g4oPtia ttie,Jragrse,!!!ThelNG. ce 21 6 3 4. ( lentna-:P 63 l B AvaldaP for :V* t e m cuccese, and Ter. A; Do Wolfe lictireitWitietokd St:U*4CW* Tli itiOt bet* iSzotioirilltabl -1116,tilig-0544: J 3 ish9!-L_Vie Thstixl lArt - 04 1 .Pkitteit; -titpreS-Amds.A.4).-..;datitir: more, 24 ; Charles llall; D. D.,1; liforgan Dix, D. D,l. The 14' depntiosindorsed the: 6 9 1 40 b7_P.NOte ' 32 -c - Pr - Ettiwo : has been *eke of St., Lukit's church -for . twenty:Ern 'yesrs gist. was born id, Rhode - Iskud, and As alxmt% fifty years of lig,et'dflo iitenemlly-Con sidered a very able man, and conservative in - -chureir-triattenv-- though-It-strong- Churchman, , , Whkkey Wing. .-,2ltrwilitnitterternewury - majainEsl or Stuitow, and is: shout five thousand. ' It is accounted for, by the fact that, by the..: Secret :aCtiou:- the Whiekey_lting, • twenty-Ore -Inndrod RepubliCau - cotes -Were.; diverted;' (mini Stanton to ArCandless,l:(MakingWe thousandin the. cornt:)- - : Bat aia:. nc it some Temperance 'Democrats irote* for Stanton, to make•up thelosanitmay•be asked.. NCF such, case has come to lightP, —Meafraso Raityblierm: 1 , We aro always prepared 'for: any laser-. Oen:front the`, abnViesen*;but.'.we',.!xiii, frac Onit l'railerhiditgOnt Herodenl,llerOd" in an attempt ta Put fOrth awarribignons misrepresentationf to vent his spleen open? honest minded member's of hikowit party ! One of two things ltaPpaTent, either hd made the Obere statement without -any knoiledge of the facts, or ho wilfully .did it to misrepresent, and in either:case, ' guilty of hishonesty ciajOiwnalist., The facts in the case are these. Thediffercnee in the majorities - for Stanton and Beath, was caused by the . Vote in Allegheny county, where the German Workiiigmen'd Association adopted -litandlesa and Beath , by which !walla theWhhis differ ence in the vote-was ',We demand of the "Republican" a denial of the above facts if it iltire;or stand convicted of the charge of falsifying the facia, and tOad - opk such a course, te jogs* . _upon the credo.. lityuf its renders, is an..additional attempt to " debauch" 'Ole principles of honest men, and a most infamous Radical fraud:: We have - bead the cry of " _ whiskey rings" from ,the ."Republican", and! we 'chow, if it speak the trcith, - it cowl dig-. close some very nerfacts; fors beingithe leader: in this district of - Ria':" Branum ,(whiskey). - teriipenume rine- which "through secret notion," aid preciselY what is revealed in the abare,quotation, by fraudently substituting a, Radical whiskey man for. a Democratie temper ance man; it knows limit wig denc..-- --Jacob Rosenzweig's trial, for the HI - ing of Alice Augnsta Bowlsby, which deed. has attained world-wide notoriety_ under the title of "The 'Trunk Ityskrr." Wit 3 concluded Oct:29th in the Court, or Genend Sessioni. The .jury 'returned is verdict of guilty, and the . prisoner was sentenced to seven. years' hatilllabir,in State .Prison. In. pronouncing '.sentenes, Recorder Ratkett said. he regretted-the punishment was not the same as for Mur der in Tthe first degree. After the ad jotiimment of - the Omit; Aosetizweies daughter Rosa, aged fourteen.fill_m_. boy. Lames in the Wirt room; asehe was about to bid her fitther good-byeiand vehement ly swore that she would hale the' lilb of each and every . person 'who had taken part in the prosecution. She Ina finally silenced, and her father removed by the Court officers, • - A writ of error bas since been granted fora renew of the ame. TUE 'IMMUORS. Elections were held in New York;Nerk Jersey, Virginia, d, Illinois ; 3iin=: nesoic,llissuriappi, Wiseorisin,:-Arkeng; and lkftt - miolittsetts.' _ In all but , five , officers to be elected,, Were the VoveilitTe State ticket aridturii •, - in Virginia and Mississippi, a' Le slater' only ~was chosimi, Illinois; one member of congress was elected by the ,State 6t large and another to fill Aracenty.. In mimed:mitts four parties were in the fieldthe'neitul; tie Democratic,' We ',Lieber Reform and the LiquorPrehibitip.ri;:',We give the results a au s e f i Ft a' One . .thg , .. 1 4u0 dis patches: - NZnv Emile—Owing to the Demoarat iss divisions between TamnianY said _ Tainmany, the . Republicans , ; liave carried New York hy12,000 to 17,000 majority,_ electing . their whole , State .ticket. and ma jorities botlibratches, Of the Legisla tare.. There is no *diger, :ofilievir-:korki going for Grant , - Nrw Jrinsgr.Joel Parker, Dem., bee beezi elected Governor bye : majority of abont 1 4,000. Eis pill in the city of Newark alien jvrasorcr . ,, , l,ooo. The islature Replibliein m-both branches: Vrcommt.—Virginia b o a hcen carried by the . Conservatives , The gams are large over the last Congressional, vote l Adieu the State was carried by an .aggregate of 8,000. ' The aggregate majority willpreh: Ably. reach 20,000. Wiliteil- ! -The Democratic candidate for Goierrior, is elected by 12,-. 000 Majority. AU the other State:- elli tiers are elected by about : pieta= major . htis..hCerisared.tor: the :Republicans, , the Congressman., at hrigegetting about 30;000 majority. a the city of Chicago the Fire Proof Ticket, headed. by Joseph Died fl, - eldcted .by about, 11,250 majority. - - Mriszusou.—Themtrunsisdict theßepubficrin. State ticket has I been b7fl m 8,000 to 10 . 000 - Theßadasalearididates fof Governor rind. Secretary of: State rot behind their ticket -riocorint of a : - .disseriiiczr: =rig-the S can di nav i a " - _ , • Lti . SSISSIPA•-Thiii Reptibiliktne ;CUM i• • Pitini-by is - majOritj terirtiffifteen thousand: The Senate as Repnbliouti ,by small majority . . The "Assembly se.clasa ! esi_b" both seam Wiscorters—Vishburn, , the Enyabli am candidate for Governor; is elented'hy a small majority. -Thellspubliiianallive !deo a majority us the Xtegtelatare. itmieseass.—r4, belieied that ;the Brooke tiebt (so - called) in opposition to Senatotelgton is eleited_bj froniooo 600 nialonty. 'Aboitt 300 .pereone 'were denied ;the light-to ••Vete because" their mines did nut up,pear regiOration Ileinibbeane have again ,canied ganuhusetts. The •returna fronrl77 'and -tonne - give, Wishburntf Otel4 in round Itinzdans 51,- 000 votea; 'Mame- (Detrt44lpoo_Anal +Chamberlain and 'Pitman (Labor Medaittt Odd 0,00 itch: Thelegielatuto iiidsittenisl;..ldrilj 4 11 = publican: .04 @laldlßack, Ibr Eltipe .1111 the - , 'market. i ~..—. - , A Pennsylvania correspondent, himself a llsrmeratidttrActive, th . cmghtfut man, read with,suiprii3e our mince •to agricul turalprodeeers to, sell their; rops ai soon ai ra wly for Market;, withont regard to ,turienprice:.." " Arntho sea_ pp! so reg. Oa," he aski,Aat they require no u m= wheel ?" And what better check is - e - aTer - the "Spebulating - &educe" - AI?, than fives, tens, pities and- theasmide. iii . , the producers' handl result for delivery when the price shall rise a little? AU UlSMlXDiplantible,'l3ntit hi 7nOtionlld olitiaalecionomy4 and experience shows that it does not work 'as anticipatd for the benififiif prodfieers. -.One - - season is mote prolific thin another but artificial balance wheelslneirer regulate the Work.; ing 'of 'nature's maellinery. , When 'men makes an engine ,'it -needs tech' an appen dage; Int•thatm; whose miniatest laws , comolkom the Almighty's hand, riqnire no such mechanical :contrivance aid far.: .nisheilier own corrective's. •Vho holding bank by farmers, .who ihink•thereselves shrewd.- in his .= reservation; 2instead:-of Cheeking " the •ring," only plays into Stn. hands.:.l: The specrilators buy all they agt carry aid 'then put np -prices, •-) The' far- mere who have not sold. -felicitate "them.; selves aid keep their. granaries "locked. The'ring - chueldek at this and pro fi ts' by it. :At twat i the-highest point s , reached, arid "then the turn tomes f- then all "the reserved lots come out at once breaking down the market, and the holders do not t ai,moch often as they . might on the • ay.their"phidnee was ready for market.' Or if any of , theiwifo then realize a little' morelthey have only checked ,- tho Con sumption by aiding the -speculators, and the average prices will be enoughi lower another semen to make up the difference. Nature's co"lnpensatioini work infallibly if left to themselves. A small crop the:old "suiplu% , pets up prices and cheeks ociustimption. It leads also 'to increased production.'- : The larger yield, when , it conies, if thrown upon the " market,' leas to lowerprjces and increased consumption,' thus clearing away the - accumulation of another year. 'We advised a , manufactur er-to' 'self his goods ot the current =wilt Price as long as there was a deniand for -them.- His old plan-was • to' timid them and try-. the dodge of feeding the market only when prices were up.f belied 'made some kicky:hits, butin the long run no average, profit.: 'He tried our , suggestion; and-now ofteri-speakiiof it as thefonnda: tioii °Via fortune , , A wool grower hiui been experimenting with' the market for Yearti.: , :Nothing from the fanners is so easily hoarded with so little daniage or waste as Wool, and yet _he fou'n'd that -sothehow; watch as carefully an inanage as adroitly as he would: nearly alf the high prices wentlnto the pockets of the spec ulators, and Mil hits at a high rate id not t. pay him for the trobbleca hi gh and suspense. It seemed easy in theorr He ha& 'only toweit Until the miee, ad advaneed and then-sellout„ -But thousands of other eyei . i w were atching,too, and his time"wes their:time also; -so/that he could" never sell at 'flood tide:7 He came finally tei sell hiterowas sosnyas it who =seedy for the Market,-tied he'compirlid prices recently With a sharp neighbor, who had been one of the 4, Watchers," shiiiiing - an "average for seven years of.one and three-marter cents-per viand over the other, without reckoning the loss of interest which was those, who are behind the scenes, : but as plain:as the simplest raja in arithmetic. We wilt gtraimntee snocea for it if strictly followed through for years.-21 7 . Y. Jour nal' of .commercc. - • ' ' A Thrilling !neldent.! Dnring;the greatprein Chatharnitreet, New York, IWIBII, the lofty - Spire - 0 1 0e Old Briok Church caught from a spark. kblizittg, spot was-seen oritSide: and parently not Much' hiker than a man's head: Anstantly a thrill of fear evidently rairthrough the bosoms of the 113,usands crowding tae Park'and the wiae' 'area of chatharrt streef. The kindling spat could riot be - reached froth the inside of the tall -eple,nor 'by* ladslers - outside; neither coda any fire-engine, however .powerfol, form the water to that lofty height. With the, deepest anxiety; fear and . .,tremblink, all - faces Were filmed - in tlrat direction. - At this Moment of;alat'm and dread a - sailor rippr.ared on' thereof ,of. the. church; and very 'mon -,ivas seen climbing ',up , the steeple, band2over head; brthelightening roa - z-3 - ca,'hy the , rusty , 'slender minl Of course - the excitement now gyetriritense; and the perilous , undertaking of the dar ing nian - Ives watched 'every moment as he slonly; step by step; grastivatlr &Kr, literally crawled upward by means of, Ins slim eondnotor. Many fears were 'enrag ed itb:toug the ,immense Monde watching every inelief *his ascent; ; for there was•no yesting 'place - for - hands and feet, - and he mustbirld sen or fall l / 4 1nti. ; rind should balm:Cecil. in - reaching the .Imtn ing.spot; hovr could he tiossiblieitinghisb' it, as water, neither by hose or . 'hucketir, could:liesent - to ""Brit. where - there is a Will there ilia iro," the - old ma.Finr, aridit'was at this feniful crises he reaped the kindling spot,' and firealy'graqung the lightening rod hi one' hand;„vvith the" other , rho removed the tampadin hat'from his head, Una 'With onfig, and 1111teasin . g . ,kitnished or beat Tont :the'fire 1 ShoutS Of joy' and ttliiiotzieet. lid theneblefelleiv as he Slowly,,ndiiife l Ply deiCerideCtolho 'earth again. - The "iOJd - Bdee . Wei trine eared' froth the treat ;I*COndignitiort . of, that .118 e urthati morning ...: Ourliero quickly disap in thecroird, aid it wart Mid imar lj sailed abroad' - With2the . .favomble 'wind .thewhlowing. reward was offered for thefferso ; . who peiforreed thiii; daring, generows apt. t! I is' a some.tm, 7 po,stO paoKhimulf Off for.4l* sot Otairt4thp powised atnoitut , : • .441eorge. 0: - Etat% the gay and featly° - Reim: wine cheated' the ConsmOnlealth out of 8360,000;has wriggled himself out of the meshes of the criminal law. He was brought , befm'n Judge Pearson, -of Harristatrg ROborts- Corpus and die- Charged. fron2 theoliarge oferubendereent, but ham the espies in Rend SIOUX* JudgeTarrsoa sale that Ennis has not - commuted onr criminal Arend, and" cannot be hold - to answer, He censures :thirAndiforGeberal end State TreaSurer fortbeir 'etniduct*the Wait, vial. hid; mains that they are'resPemane fcrr Eranq not being punished for his crime. ' , This decision of !nage Pearson will slut= ; the tis-payers, who - believe in the g , .. bid doctriue that fraud and= theft ishould be-punisbed. - -1t is generally. *licked thatit was' sever :the intention =to juke Evans puntshed for enibezzlernenti folds &knee ihrolvertoolithemwhota it Jneuldit &An eiPctit, -- this : State if Suittiras - Old; Of -fine - and , strong ;:iieshei to catch a bi g Radicalthefb. , 4 l 4 1 . •-• EitigbU U ' oungls Ucslru.: SALT i Less, Nov. 4.—A well;known Mormon writing from Beaver nuder date of OctotserBl; ssytinther.arigham ar« rived hcioFiis morning, and afteriesting about flye_himrs,,leftfor Bt. George on the, southern beer ofthe i terOtory. ktelie Awn n tek jinn' of Ate Nautrob legion. 'nom told, says — the writer, "that he hide a final adieh to Salt Lake •Oityv . Xhis - movement i vrAlruther .Brigham grpallp,sgitating-thoininds,of peoldelibreabbiU.W.v ~ .lk‘;, :` C- The Mormon press' have made no re ifysinttiertlicpublblit&rettlist-polygn-i my fa Utak Mull utterly. - disavowa .condembed. by:tho, Mormon , authoriti% until Aix months after the passage, fof .the Territorial act against -Adultery and: civions cohabitation. The, act., weal ap proved March 6,185 i re The Revelation ofloolygmtiy nksaid, tff hive: tteen,:znade Mgr:lst:29, 1852( ; This overthrows: com pletely thexharge that the znitea States Court here was wrong in 'allowing. A-Ner-i. diot, under that .act, azaipst polygamists, on,the gratind that the act was PassetrbY a polygamiitlegislatuie—. hence thentert est to pnnish-polygarnistsZ. goo nstaators eravicks _ . BAPTIST, =nip- Thsr. L. fermi Pie biz/ Sabbath ......... DM tat Sabbath Schoo ^ma. • PmyarEleatillg, Wednesday Becalm:o 9x cATitoi.lo' ' SNttlaarg. Sabbath Screees,....i. - ..E:muld Sunday In each pionth Sabbath School Imtriedlately bets a;Prscoint, cireagr..asr: E. A. Fransgmtn.lteetrii.' Sabbath Sersicea..... ' 1 0 X a- In Tadt n at. Sundayatdmo)......- /•••• Week-Dag Services—yridare . . ISIETTIODIST EPISCOPAL ::.31e.r. D. Aiarrantorn. Sabbath .... and 7,33 p.: M. Sabbath 5Ch0014..... p., m. Payer Dentin,' Ttnarlayat • 1 30p,ht. - PEESIII7 _Maki Cctvacii.: J. t3abbatti Benue" ' m. and p, m. SabbathSabooL.,.. 3 Prayer Electing, Tharagay,Ercnlngli • '•"Xp. m. Burstocis Noll —Nese Custinyeguitarist,iim anotheiczn&- telnment at Tinielptliell this eitsing., --We wouldask'eeleciel attention 'tit the call Wane for'the relief or the 'Wes tern sulliplFtratettlieloelrs4iviierc." atilert*pkent jl . :l4ten, In anetb er Yon eaniely upon what he says. , ---40r.* Snell &essence to credit/ars ts. settle and sacOccot - • , . . , The :Elio =plop= at SUNiebaIIII4PCP . Ot, gave one days ' s wages to the Chicago softerere. —The± veritable:llok plas.C`mas licro lasi week, morgue a. eancert•. Tim . audience wu small, bit; as the "guitarist" -- lial;rosed...i.t. "bo , gas io atiprecate as 6 imam:A tip :with sub• 2. . • ; . . ti Westgate of Herrick, has raleala eammoitat tutaip, Uarco feet fn elteninfenince, weighing twelve pomuls,;•: _ ' ' ' --Leaitites Bef Itinieni peiroimini fora large audlence:on F#day cveninF.lnacnad. nippianded; . • . , - . . -.--Our ',town ,was ,aroused by..tbe, abrm of fire on "notsy evening, Nay; 7th, wbleh prov ed to be in this bark pile of Fostefa tannery. 'lt had made tont littl6 - progras; and Was - .flood er.- tingrdsekd. Fiona appearances :the work of design, as there was a bundle of bay ainder one earner of the bark,' Isiah was. oh--lire and not enttMly «minted. citiithis bud hard ly beisaMe settled again, kefort ar second alarm Prert, ts• t ,,, ty • t4t-wi near the widow llcaft's -barn; which was con enured, aid on examination believed,' like the former one, to hive been designedly itet,.as hay was found stuffed around the barn with the evi- dent intention of firing that also. As it* rimer rains but pours" so on Wednesday; abodX noon the third alarm was raised, which proved to ben . dwelling.hcmse owned by ..Treeph,l3ackus, and occupied by Robert 'Ma whinn ei, but through - the activity of the Bremen was awed from total destruction, although badly • dMungeti. The house w 4 Lett locsed early ,In . thitinorning, by the fiiinfly; and it is believed 'that this'itas also tiredhysome evil disPOsed person.. 'Stoat cif the tbrnithre was gavial, but much Of the cloth ing #as'buliled!" . Whelquiidieei - Ail :of :'ceinisu, euggistecl itself who.Thd this t It in wok geaei ally believed to lie the work iifthct".ofermiune,l' • at from:tertian chew:natant:es:lt islnettygcr tidzilt was done by setae" who. tuadoubteilly;Were 4.olling Tor a tire," as, a la dy ever heard metal. as • she passed.it group "there is'a hay stack wo can buna," and shortly after the stack waxen Met '- • The 'Lecture. The,loitme of the Hen, Thcnnas F#ch, delly cred last:Thursday „evening, before the young• Min's Etc', tote Motchition,, was , received ....with the utreett, satisfaction, awn left a wholesome and lastirig implossioik.upOt hiCandieaci,-aud one, if nut irholly auloreetl..wincli.cannot: Mil to arousethe Christian charity. of all who.heard him. The statist% of Polygamous fanaticism under tOnis,"guided applihation of patriacbal adthority' t was presented so elcquently and with such simplicity and evidenteandor,that itseinos to arty conVktion -;to:. the minds of all :who heard hint, that all efforts to eradicate this evil should be clothed with-the vaintle of Clui.stkm toleranceiand tempered with thrisalike charity. Far fimadefeading Polygami,init clenomming it in the Otrorigest Uinta, yet, be questioned the deinotraely and chrisiiaititk: of the Method of enforcing matters ortimkicticalry forced civil aad'mllliaty-pom+, Mid 'bell iced if antaga: rasa c toyie * first Huai - des of oar marnment, and that the force of example mad the right, kind of nalsalcmary effork4buld better sect= the desired, reformation.:. . sort ,forecitily applied 'Ctriirs tent' ofiltep,*.lifiing tomple tie East whose .eitig‘ towns are cursed with the 'so. - called "axial nil," more' direful In its. results . than Poi** nice, ffl Mei aropleparcd to cast the fust taanei . ' Our citizens are piriral Scrim Die, prospects far the nerairewhaterhyna fovOrahlo an outset In Um course' otlectumorbich the , energy of the Assatiation.has ,fonnshed them, rind how much mom bstingik sonata is-.money ex -040- sl. gum- for MVO . - blew:Met. J 1 Judie Ejected From a Trade. ilade4Edotool2, ova Con °will," Gozotte:! Wm pat id? Ono the craning train Canial;ioth (*Alm '4 , yricuse' and llinghundon-rullorad;at %de* rant, oa Thinsilak, Octo* 12th bey pause conductor Villdley would , not receive his fccf `ire:: By order fiquitinteratent.e. Zionaddif Sloesr, anickcissro "caned. Waco nod for; thssficue - 44 POthaa4d,iol no - .•" 40447 tlckehr'aiossucd. , Judge reArarda Wahl it ticket titin Coobuid to 131n*anacin, WI tide on it an tabs Lisle, .where Ittihad as mouton to atop off. Menlo wanted ko-conio 7 to inegtanlton hoacrol ticket tithe conducto*Olm 40 fa of the jot:viten bid it_ va* cot tiCoePtoitit Ttuand'An nzfusedtopayids farooblinouuLhe waiptiEdf by ender Of the cowhide& ,•IS was all4cousin.afrltaully:.n9runt,. Thd caealonfar explained that he was only carrying Out the insifncdnitt ot the :6itpetintendent, =nizdpfho Judge **lined he iiOuld bo puityfr jf tharceni 41naat-Iftsl;o4i and bithig ri suit Viixtst:the ioad company.W4ainigat-,::•1.- Ear Bing*. • . Our ladles will take notice that an exchange says : that many of theni ruin theehape of their earst7-wearblG4 2 extri 2 ".4 l tgii the: shape : oF the s ear py chnteating/It *producing hedidache pa Linz. "• ' • "Too. TWA I Streaddiflieldled tttho radii:est thITV " tcio tide—genendly regarded as a :verytighnutberity:—bratt 6,-BeenegAdllen-- ry yw..,thslgonarch retorts as feAgurri to the fataraiadulattihrsj6aciPirloSlinjT 6 lchelter.; "You repris ever good at suddeuromendations, 431sturx**5Winelsesterk , vitut 3.-vrenisrnot , To hear such,Butterxrmpad i hs. ray presence They are soctiltrtr ind Use rda ofrnicts." nouns .131112feder: t . 1 / 4 . The house of James-11a Iy, deceased, otGlea seca3d; situCatallyiuton)6meil o'clock last MondaifinOruing. Tke fire 'urge aused by allcitecifyii Milk' The grestirt Noll= of iho 'hoesehold/gonde were lank slyS tlio .14101615b;1"Ez*neiraldotiglithe up* pi 4 of the'fiiitise,•,l inestlf lir Mimes- befdre the AM' d/siovereL' 4 Lose' nhcut sittem lon* drtll dollars. lnsured for efgti hundred:4looi I*l.llil4latolietiiigilicy.; • - Wititrli Tette." , - stud therni4 a manta . pervading:46lOn.; Ole swells for white vests with gilt •buttons. 'f•his I 3 somewhat singular, Or swells never do anythdivilhhi.maaori;esPiddlyle matters of dress. A. black coat and pantii; witliwhite vest, is :the neatest diens' M gentleman. can wear. We have nothing ''to' sex , abonf the gilt battens, though to inodem tithes' they ought not to be objectionable einaihrase forms the staple pre duet* of nine-tenths ilia fashionable; world. TCthe swells are raging -far atilt 'a 'dress heVideacritied, it is the first time weever hMird of then as haying common sense..7-Ezeirinae. aleehante Engine COmparry. - Arrelction - liy Mechanice Engine Company, , • etas' he% last Tuesday einnititi, to fill We vacancy causal by the reaignation'of B: Droa, to accept titeposition Of Assistant finghker in the 'Are depart:them. 'Netinn Darrow; the - former Assistant Foreman, was eledtedibrernin, and E. • tiongliton ivanele66lAtoilititnt Eorintan; C. H. Birchord.was emoted Sec etnry Un theetinfin"g betheetectiOn - the new hose 'carriago for the company wad received Awn the. shoitl,4. Xeirenton, and plitend'ikthe ettgl)nt', room:The'COlcilikany wlit hereafter tierve as • fti,CP&C comma ; 1 , 615 e coppaii; the barna b e y, , which it 10 - been m ltn• brvnfoi so aiiiiizir3. 4 4tighaiant Vey; , . . . AbOrti Advertiqrui. „ You2uan't cat enough Inn seek 10.1 131 3* year f and yoit. eur4,!tadvirt*on th'at 0211.0* , People that advertisci only once in threei monthscorget that most iblbs tuinuot anything longkr thUn itbisnt seven days .. . .lio,liellcus Ting. do loudly as a good ,adver-, tisettient. People, will - believe: what they, see rather than• what They bean , Qbittiog sulTUrtiarments its dull _times is like, tearing'out, a:dam , bemUse the..water is low., Either plan.will prevent goad dimes,imm evert coming. •- • • •.• • An Inahn once tried the softness' of .feathers; by Wing on a rock and stretehmghlioself upon) it. ' -Thire are Isaias who - try ilia -Milne , a ad-, vertisink as of anything else in that It nisi worth doing at alit is worth doltig,weih < .; Bread is the staff of human life, and advolls-, ingis the staff cif ,business.J: • A trinspkr , "conl" may, ,proAtably stand-years: without changing, but rt,sensatbrzt advertise- AM nil= rusinsimssi cr"" the printer to,do -,• • - : • We abm't recommend advertising as the bast' way to get a gliod wife, but we can recommend) it as the best way to get a good trade. A heavy' advertisement once ;Is - more than' gimdrupled in a small curd piiblhhed for a few' months' after giving your address. - . • : Berrams of long prosy,adverthesbents. Fire lie 131nallizaton.-- About 3 delock 'Sunder morning Ore sins diSeniqued in Maigoiif livery' stable on theca.% aid's Of iheChenarigotiver,near theCourtabeet bridge; ~ - : It is claimed byline who saw *the flin before the conflagratforibairiall ever 'tinitenlit• ing; tbaithei7i irtirn flameilit the fioni part, and also abbot the Middle of the, tha east'side of the Main The bases wird-ill taken out except one main, valued at 031). " " pod Polteeinmilleyequabed to the bunklif ilieofilie; Where they' Deb* lietzgur, the juniorpartner of the fincooleeljing soundly ? almost: by' smoke: George wars dragged Out of Aeon+ 'ineerendonicaily,und it dill noktake:hitii king to awaken 'cold ali,WithonCliii clothes cm. „ . Tho*tzgar , P/t4 6 / 1 3 ',9r7i4gers,,iliessf7 , romps,'roles„cutters, 11 4 1 /kils, amounting to over $5,030_, were destroyed, mob ing -; their loss about e 3,50. Their property was insured fc,44,0Q0.,.:„ • • Dr. Gem.4,s:7Thayer was aroused in time to save his ileAlesax4.tsiniages in t a', small barn adjoining . the main building the east. ' The limAxini the barns communktited. to the rear mei. gt.lLe buibliiiig adjoining ba Fayette block on the west, and °coupled. hy, 7 1. S . Frcat ds acoffn warehouse and,.aliap, and .dWelling. This bididing was so intifiy, injured that it prob-, -ably ommot ,be refoiral,,,iindar the ,firo osl rcar'ehotusehohl futiittore „was • reamod erFood tlui street to, Late; BotluoV , boot and ehoemactulactury. Nearly, elltlus thnitture walk east& - • - Jon. , On .stock vlll.'probably smmitotg,oooosnd is 4:mitred by •Itaxitonee. The Iticry hitt bokToged bi Dr. O. Thayer. ft was cri semi ieccre ego, and cast $2,5001:t i It mitt Mined tor t:0,500. i; The betiding oceoplcd by 7 Mr. Preof +ma tip Itev : Bel& . 13tocking, , of . Syracuse,. :aid le: damaged hold , $1,0 . 00 to $1,60!1. The The boob MI.! coiaredly iniumnee: :* •;-", Thil)'Tea:r of the Chet ongo - Maio ictot coast& erabli i scoiehol hut little titfifibigiciid palittv log, the least that,canbe 1/014 wjtt . t .. it,lAy sarnnt tit 11 edits It took:10ot thali,feald berore.',:‘ *,•”' ' 111 - o;4iiko biOck • TobalT.Rhoilt.Allo,9Ro„;', ff mum: „ • Whiz Puntifer, !in .11 6 * tii** . . 6, Att 94001* Pqr a OrrY 4l4; I l e *" isenioo yelit's pnitar kV= is paled of warm, phasint waither,whkhgetial: ly °mita cm, yawl:ow the sktgilier% Troti ; the Vstiti4 Bletceattix thtituttuntidettrie, And 004Mtia*vaiii4Piteirut'itan far irrOer_ tbm weekl;witeit it 1 9 . 8 11s4 4 AP( 6 3T ) 10TeaPh'' er 00; ids cbilflt s kin% lir Ji aware to be :more otrtlio yeei portintrol tke Punt-tY tiutit menet', Litp,t t, Bud iti 3 OVrniAll or 11 4 Poo bkeslt city uggiefsbir , ! rhergoT IFing tit.(0011. 'mice tin plAcid,lll,,juitrka•M q ll- Yi4 their 4istgbed egtiiittoP,Kittis; Miler Park fqf theitutumn, them:o4r Arei: the, atmer ., , phere PIO_ with lifraitr:' time tie forests ate Itt Qui bre/tett 4ictiora r tim, Jeeves;berolt44 lll 44 4 = 3 ,l.lo; 4 2 4 1 4* eateruntliittlee,PocurtattotirAtieriglaticligl; 4hta'sloll 13ereeter7 111:1A>, , eelledfilley - 410 getiVee er 00 1 6 9tioagii4 I SFAI#I,I I A geii°4l thIIMPRIT r Y'wriait~sard do bithiiabiiiighacklirofit idiom it derivad its nanae t . aa a tairorie 5CL15014.6114 as Freeman, as a eft from they -most uvioled Deity, the GoCat, &lathiest *hide; and to whom they belletO I..fr W) aft' their demise. Thtl Witersi SufferCr* by E' r@. ; a irrt:=7Enirotri—take other. woithy:cluuitlesi the' appeal in beltalf of the 'sufferers froM the gmat—Western--firea-baa-met-.with , a -gigicnsiti response from the people of Montrose. Twenty ! one barrels containing bedding and wrrirM lug for, men; women; and children havo been 'And:forwardealAcitlic4lelief Coarnittee of Green Bay, Wiscensin, by ,ihe Ladles' feller Association,vflieritreii. The good work has beetraerompllshed ittither - plariarttliall kindly offered : 06Gota , TemPlari. The immedhlte.oxessities.of Wisconsin being supplied, our , attention-Is called to_ Chicago, by an appcsil t x igtt rfeitri trOfter,' rig.; late Montrose, in of faitillieg whieli have come under his nofieerin4F desitirde by rho tire` in that-city. Clair* tor inetOrenneti;Children and lama Ei!solielted." wlio desire to" con. tribute!abythinifoithis' p . iiirC;: - :a0 are invited to send their contributiOns to ibis residence oftev. J. G. Miller, at th'eliqurliest coliivideriekwhere they will be packed and forwarded!to the care. of Henry roger, rag, Chicago i A Friciad.:' . ... . .. , ....... .1;40 00 Dea. . .... . ........ 500 Miss Biddle. '' • •1 00 itra'Weelts, (by Mis 3 so Mrs. Cornish, . 200 Josepli Drinker, Esq„,(by.Mrs. Webb)..„ 20 00 By Mr. Lalnbert 200 By brut. Clkas. Bead • 200 To 40 ynds. tniae4ctojitudril g 500 Batting .. .. ... 2 2 Tarentrdollariof the money remainitik in the treasury has been' forwarded to•the Mayor of Chicago. The remaining thirty-ails dollars, to which was . tuided a collection of seventy-sev en jdollars taken .M Abe Presbyterian charch k was forwarded tc! Alexander Mitchell, Bsci.,.Presi dezt'td" the Mar* auclrire Insurance Bank of Milwaukee. A. W. Mrarmn.Ticasnrer., Annals or 71111ddictOsca. Isaac Denjamin 7 and Selah Dart earn& to the 'township about DDB. Jaaar.l:leuel enaki then on . the Blair pLate r init, tivogears later,%,...na.cd to InlBlo, the towashlp included at least a third Of what is "now • the Borough of Friendsiille ; and, to this section, witfilathe next yeafOr two, were added isznmlie-r of new comers. As thcseivere Thomas -Christian, William 'Salter, Samuel Savage, John • Weller, John Buxton, Daniel Riedienla Hinri-.3f. - Fierce. • The majdrity of them ; Teloneil to the Society of Friends. A son of the last named, Henry N. Plerce,-li' Wills reeentlyresigned the Presi den6* of 'RutgersCollege. N: T. -Another son is reported, in Brace's Work respecting • Cali fornkt, as returning thelargest Income -in that State. • Dr: teri TtObetta lOcated on the "ttttipthe; abou% 1843. - In 1823: Mb and john 13exton,jr., were in Jackson Valley: They came from New Ramp! Caleb C. True • settled in the 'MUM near the county line, Gut afterwards removed :to Bradford, County. Ellison! are Lhnien, now in Iowa; 'William. - in Michigan, and Mum R. TrueXho resides. cni the - North Branch, about a mile below; Middletown Center. A nire relic—a Bible bearing:date 1013—is In Mr. IL li, Tine ' s possession. Ahoutl£2,o, twg brethers,.litcoli and Michael Andree, Dutchmen, Who had - previously come from Pittsburg to Finfilin; where they were engaged with one Miatael Dinvell in baring the salt' well, Were: eMplcijed 'by Dr. Rose and - B. on i the salt welt' at MiddlelOwn Center. pee. chapter on - Mineral Besouce4 Michael Andreernarried and settled lithe town ship, residitignhont two miles West - of thei Ca; ter until his death., ' In 1220, Caleb Carmalt was taxed far 1000 acro in Middletown. ; Possibly these were not within, the present limits of the town ; but, ha afterwards purchased;lands here, including the' Pierce farm near Friendsrille, where his . eldosti daueder,:blts.:John O: Morris and her family resided ten.years previous to ;their removal Scranton. , ..lt'wai while lere c in 1802, that !ter busband,Cept, Morris from, this and neigh ,ring , H whole of his ComPlaiY of - i - Oinntrarifor the Union rimy. 'Tag Wr-vi Jpne IECS, markslite4d - rival Cif-Pavic)Tbomai the: first' Welshman 'whew &Mai settled ;in - Middletown, and t> a first in the Ceaaty.. Re was himself smitten down by actin-stroke only si.teWeeks idler he; 'came In. and' 'before be had completed his hOtt.se. FOrtnitatelf, his was ilia' third family in `.`the Welsh settleinetit,"Which haa.s . dways beet Mostly ovir'thei in Bra.' d ford eonnty ; and tints the whicki and' her atherlesicmtanm had trnpatliy and care frOta, those ortiitit pwn :tongue. David Thonias, Jr:, now on the old place, was then but rovinteen; anti his brother the present Rinr:ThomasThoni as; ryilla brit twelve yeari of age. • • , ,tpreph (orpavid) Jenkins the,first Welstudaa or 411 e ca.Temv - itezi; Efriut: . E c'tePLie#4../PUrkgat4Sl- Ididdletarrn and. remained some '..pari,,tdma - Edward done:keen:, tier- ececmd- ordei-Of ectilement;cuno In'the Fad ItrA, anti kicited, jusi,ovii.the lino. He had p biothe' ThOoins Joriesi leiJ. Thomas 2nd,', is , son: of Edwird-,Tones cad is on the fins_queuthna elde, as is idsti . 49 brother James% '.' _;. :,' Hewn. Jenkins and 'dimes were Indueed: to' look at - land fit th 6 vicinity, by a' Welkin:kin. PhlladelEhla, (Shrintons) who Was friend 'of Thomas Mitchell, the.' landholder. - Thti. tract Wei ilicw'n wilderness, lyitig principally upon thetas, David Tinas Landed at New YerlF and thailinacceded to Philadelphin,,where ti * f o g in with 81121030111 V who recommended this locality., ;it is but three miles from Lemys• ' that Seymour sm• all ettie at the tstter Opt; necoinmodet ed the bummers by Riling them aw;ltan4 Conunen articles' of daily we. 'For a. mote'el tended anortment,though sufficiently Ilmiled; the danglicer ;crilio Pioneer Could - Walk' egpeti MUM, bg, path through , he - woods to Frienas. vnlp,Mtel the Morning's work •in tho,henset coma , visit; or de her shopplrnthctt 1 4 11 ; * h. and d't up the cyoilhei 1 , 1014, ' filaelpi v Ls„lcketi, tiiii,ectifel6n6 in lA* and is Using with his: son, John on a high' l o l l iclar this-440 et the e°YltFl!ne-- Tiering tldl year, tliptirst Wets!) . chttieh and .0 1 44 halite' mere ele.d o d over , #1 0 : Fmk AO oP*liii 4160 Via 94:.14A 1411".Vw4qi Daniel DoTotica waa the founder at , the:church, • ttkpaateP . 11 ) Ffo lied la `;t34PJ the ycar iliter.thqPWat Ifcil'ißo ol afi ll l4 l 4, .Hein .9 1 : itta4Ying and 543'410 3 0110 .relleetUrtie*Prtinaltiain I:the Welsh settlement. brother Grinith filvtrms,allteriztalder. frt lumictifineat n the rarnir.tto* I =o4 b fii"P,; 1 # 0 i 32 ,,. - P 4 aofl 4 . tattiblauckt . 4' 044 t y., „ i ., spti Wikb favailles were Moitlifrini , 6 .04 1, gautddie turd elanmorgalshlpa,Alm •Isttetr thqfseuthttnl4o-it)l4 t e tßitnc libmat!Pi the 004 tt l Waii*jt4 kt.ii4.11AJ610441% Withlaionarchical - Inatittttiotia, which Induced them to leaver thomothcroofintry, was to rid themselvca cd-lhoobnoakrus tax kr .thesaPport of the estabilsliekChttfch of Lag. Thbi animated to Onti-tenth of their In cOmo; and, in addition', anr finiabyterists or :Citigrentiotuil initinfentr' they had to support their own chttreheL Thefet ants nearer Itomtmeitholic among than. Arad drily of the community are proteges:lly pious. 14nighbot• hood • prayer meeting and — Orrteider — blifo warmth and sincerity, and, aanentss4 Int4teat Opd feeling pinviulni.tha -entlrernettkottieut:- In all, it contains from — iterty-live to 'lllty families, runt:rim= rytviitretrrilastialuattitiraittlftr these are Evnis Drams altdDirtid . Aims On of John Jonei) in' ApolaCon: Thotran_'' Thomas Owens; Johit D. Thomas, Divfid-Tbsvos as and Samuel Davis with ttia aiin,rohrig Davis, on flin t s aillolning'Brairci t ra COUnti; oftheseareThomns.J.,Jonca,Samuely.Wfilbtlit Tames Jones 60fC it:EdirifOTheinia DavisHeaiq and David P., Davis, binitliti sons of Evan Davis (bridliered'&annelD4pqrlto died - cni UM intssignlfil*Vilks; an d d 'near the 'North itiarith of yryalmtingi are Thomas Jones, 2nd ; . .Terittin'Sanes;(vrith his Sot% MO John 11L Davis (son of Divid Davis, now de d,) and_BogerPhEdps.._ _ These forms'cauntattnity princfPally of Ilum cts, thouglea few aid niechanlasousil sires, miders. A largo number are school teachers, and several are college !graduates: The . Arst, anion; the latter, Evan Sy. Evans; is at present Professor of Mathematics:ln Cornell trnlverslty. Ile is,the son of Win. Evrins, whose residence- Is across' the line of Bradford 'county, whfiti. his daughter, the wifd of Rat. Thou:Ws:Thomas, is near him on this! side. .= • ..5310 We are told, tlmt.wheM Prokuic . Fero ua a ToSre Ind, his til!nit I.44.knowledge 71113,5° grMit - thit his father d4ierminedlo'send'hUO * to Yale Collegc..-. - Whilst there, young. Evins:* as the moslyetiring,diftldeAt and induitriOns' in College. Of ioune heir graduated well ` t 319 kuowtedSP.r ScOoFY*Lis sue.hittittfraftV Pilin in Western, .Virginia a sew Tears aga r balms ,induced to go into some 4)eadallons there with% afterwards prima to In richla loppgat on, and he. is now said to bei worth over $100,00(h While travelling, in Entape, and happeninelo bo In Italy at the time ,of the' gnmt : eruption of Mt. Vesuvius;he wrote in. :mount of 11,.irliich able and scientific 3=0. 4 dace - pronounced very much The best of all that cier° published. - . Mum the Faculty of Consell ITniversity was argaitr, ed, President White„ litho knew' Mr. - Emil? worth during their a*'ae course together, of fered him the chair Which 'he now 11111' with honor to himself and the Pniversity. $ 7 27 A. characteristic of Welsh names Is' gait the omission of the final 8 ckanges.a smut= into - a given name; thus,- . Eten Evens, denkin:4ep. khis,Parid Davis;Gritiltharifflths,etc,ixo agn• inert instances of alliteration among thew Pb litically,-the Welsh are flteptiblhat,, e• , This .side of the chard', and of tke creek, which at this point crosses the County taa, the settlement has recently been'accommodated by , the establishment ot. 7e,Tarttpost•office.- ---- EremTkere there ere; eddenees - of thrift and Vresperitt Cksid whlatt on, tbe bills mak. .tuauses an well cleatedtArms,bavingatinenough foresttomake thO landsimpe picturesotiVheEtile hutch and the Trhite mimuments gleruning near it; the bridge over theiirkaling cirektwitnr..43 combine to make the locality inviting. • The musical taste of the people has Ocala es• pression in the - itisiell'ptioni upon one of pie- p monumu t inst mentioned, is well as the pi,- colon and character otthe and it conamaratcs. —a musician. Upon Marble linis of the 11 Zig aro:engraved the lieges fof a tuna to which, just below, are set the words: "Bow blest the righteous wham be dies . The first interment; this burying-06nd, was that of a child of bavidThomas; Its grand., father, John liorrell, iii:fBS4 s the firstedule buried hero. The sr* of one Union bOidier tound even in imiall 'exicloitre—thnt of Theron H. Jones, trho OA in thertetTice.7- Alley that the graves of 'others of 311ddletown; whese. lives were thus sacrificed; sticuiltlho remote and unknown. , , • , [The Irish Settlement . is unavoidably deferred until next week's issue`] (TO. BE übilvPi 2 u wEEL) Notices of Book! . and Papers.. • " Orange Blosiomrri.Freth and Feria" by T. 8. Arthur, -Fhiladriphia Eitcalartit, L . Formore than a. corter,oEa cantary aiu% thur has maintribied 'ie - proirilneirt and learting e position among /Hi wide circulation both!ln /maid arid Everepc. Ws writings previs!peculituitirti that endear. them to all 'pia prop* TheyardibilOr beau tire] truths, and are,idesi„ed r to: o*lkca lad keep :dive flue tendertit affections °tour nalre to strengthen video° increase domestic joy,and to sweeten home life'bY the abiding presence of mutual trust end 10ye. 3 •- in this new giveritnit series °kite pletures Maim with that skill and power which is 'peculiarly his own ;'.never weak, alwayit_deep; ly in earnest and fregtlyintense Ma'am? matie effects, bas e b brought ta theaubjeet here disetased Ms subtlest dist:Amin:idea and effort • Alen and women bound by the coV i i tie are brOught ;before the,reader and be down into their lives and sees the nidaes,offear lng--sees in some- casts Abe: `ink , laze 44 work "spo iling the tender vi near and in' other - cases the peace atoll restiand joys.:et. antdried At this time, 'when's° many talented • Writers are .putting., forth fetse and pernicious views oT marrLige, -thereby doing untold social injiii^Y; " 011.4140 E, BLOSBOII/4" , WWI .as a:, trae and healthy-book , and lotto wide elretilatien Peraoi pi to do a Lime amOn4f Pod. • As a suitable gilt to -the newly, married,. or those contemplating riviniage, this work, canned, be too. highly, rettrelannderl " • ' The volume is haniliomali *fatal and gamble:mad, and contain a fine steel Portrait' of the author besidor many illustrations hunt original designs by Schnessele and Bentell • It is sal:only by tights. • To - maim rnen sad women it offers a almanac° for a lucrative ba, eines, and we would advise all wanting etriploy-. meatier apply to the publishes:My an agency{ ': Ist GAZINE Dr, PcrtmriO 1 D C CIA 34, er oar table in advance. ! r - We do notrainder at the . • ghat populiniti of 4 .'Feterstsrt," „thr it ielettC gives ' morn tor the ' 'aimerthartOy ether. /a -1872, bradditlon'tco lib used qunatitity of shoat stories, ,Fivo Original coil-tight be even, viz r.tqlou,oo.wlth a FlicerbiVAtai; - , S. Stepl;e4; !"Tho Harry Dardorth; Oneeitisa.Often," bylfaimk • Lee Benedhiti "L ltriaskir.Lttek.4 Mks , F. Hodgson; rind " A. - 1 ffe, Yet Not's, _ the nuthera " Thti fecund Life"-::l7roprice la spite of ;he irnprevortiallts, remains mow* 'dot; Jars a yeal' I Ta .Clo* it lasi/piper Atiti„ ids,‘ Four copies forte Wilir.a" WO' . 00 .* , (24 inches by 16)." Vim Tbpet One Tckte_ay," as a prmiltan to the person getting up 'Vat 101 4541510 i 13 RIK rim bollismulk... or tim ap rtio (Irani 'es. no b o get OP 44 * }2&rnenii of the oeentgratia.`l . • lenJale44ll=7 l Bane Mk 114304147Ladya BOok; • 1444 tghlclj wo have Wei bee n fond, which,. argoorl • • th. • • inartint„t4 'tortes, Priotry, er terary , re!egyaJs 3hewortd :ICmiens haveraddedl. to it oft ;with. Bev( 444 au:WI - Ili raltio,': • • ria rtiokin ant). tionsollold ,departmonta maintain .1 1 1 elf • OCalictiCelrideb has *won* for it such an :eatigirle. tepuirdlo o . is no - magazine to*Moroaptry we can mem cer.. difillY m 041104,414 plOcT-F11 , 4 3 1 wiscapsifi: _ , ! wt. pTect..74imollanmAncitteirmrita- Oliiii7,mr:9. ttiO 4r414-14Fikrzatiallti