The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 08, 1871, Image 2

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    --;: Atlgliiiittiistiliniet,itie:
Novartomm e tii Oen
The liontroie .I,fesublican makes a very
• . gPOOParP, he ne ard ho
will learn to repeat any 'neaten& that he
ne:63 iorcisie ifieVirk.
Whets inmaking the tolloiing quotation
• franrthe!Pittantrg Pti,itorbtOr:titicbgli
able Deinoizatio
fatal eriiir in advocating a .I. ‘ 00-
. „.
-a Wiieriever findoi Demociatie.(eo
<idled) newspaper:- refusing to;reAptize
and abide by the action of the majonty of
the Pmeventton., there you finalhe Demo
trittio vote falling off. onacountyin
this State, which we might mention, the
Democratic organ was: burdened with re
flectiens Rion the action. of :the conven
tion, aod the DemOcratslost 2,000 votes."
The above is a retaliation of. the 'Post,
upon the editor of the West Chesfer: c reF.
. fersiii4i4; in'onswer to a 'faxithiegrehake
and therPosl, like the few metropolitan
journabof the Butte, tries:to excuse er
roe by botnliast and -a city- airs"`over the
"iainatry" , press, because they did not: all
- taut theirmanheod, and politioallonesty,
to eilio "Radical" Scheme - flit peisonal
power. We shoitidaot4leen3 it worthy of
notice; did letiot contain ei'unfouoded
charge that the
,Democratii- vote Only-fell
off, where the Democratic press opposed a
dekartarefrorn'principlei to:gain power,
and Cites the deficiency 'of ;1,000 voteli in
Chester ae, proof. - Tbt,parrot Awaddle of
theMoitrose" elmbilam".irr. applying'
it to tei, will undoubtedly (?) .." " astonish
the datives." Let us present a few' inter
rogatoriesfoe tbe'"Poit":, ‘!
Can" ,
was (here a falljng
Citf: of over . 2,000: - votes .in. 'Allegheny
*ma. ty; whero,:tbe , " Neer Departare" t
of ge!"POst," - shOOe forth!in 'all its glo ry,
*Olio other jouraolto, "molest or-make
6644404dd l',"„Why was there majority
410vrx.11.000 instead of 4,000 'id 'Alt
tlelPhia; the home - or Cassidy, the treat
"New 'Departure" apostle, who strangled
oppOsitionTo the cOnventioh to foist • his
• pet sehetne upon the peeple,`With,the
sureace !that nearly: , all negroeS, Of,
Plibsdelplaia," and , a large number 'of!
Radicals would come to his rescue ? , Why
Oak , old• Democratic screitiihold;Oi
eiliAiriand district, carried-by *dicaf
arid by. tbis , means the State Senate
lost to the Democrats, when " the silver
tongued orator"-'"Stenger," editor of the
Valley"' Spirit ? , the: party organ of,that
aatiict, was willing to tern himself
wrorigable!biit to sepport,' this new ,doe-,1
trine, and did, and who-amid at-the =con
tendon "LET us 'ma conT THE
Sin*" and Who fought the • eatni.Tlin,',
that basis?! Why was it Ant - in the State
the Deileciatio vote fell off nearly :100,..
000'.? Doce, the "Post" and`Frozier give
the ,yclude,iredik to the:-power of the
".leiraspaiim".and the , Momoso-Dgm
ot ut? did the cen6ties of Calm
bid; pc, istscland others'give an - incieased
Demoequit. o majority, when, such papers
as ih d „Bellefonte " Watchman," -" Blooms
trurg "COembiao," and the' journals' in
almost every ionnty where any Democrat-'
few& ii !noticed, as the referee will
show, would not , depart troni the time,
honored "i bled . marks of the party
to snit caiiidy, the "Post," . or Fraiier ?
When the .are answered
sccondingto fecis,tben the,isartottte,iddle;.
twadd1e,0f:1 . 2.4,44m be fully espl,4iiia
We, are ' williag that our readers Ahpuid
deoide Wholes "sold oat." _ Those who
bare, attempted ; ; to sell us out, are the
ones, Who ldm the GrOtte, - tbe sad
the Grantit„'esiltundet nii,zed
but adop . ,liey . corrupt . " - espedjeute for
power, and'who would go a•onran
emies,•of adoPt miything ieeure '
.The -Mei:arose( Republiian flays
oar article of last creek': , *„ •
"llereafier,i,wben, the DEIiOCEST inn=
sett things'fixed, the-rank and file arigo
nig to "marsh:lJ the lenders," instead of
the lenders marshaling the'rank . and file,
as h•eivtofcire—'fsrhich coral be an entirely
sore systesit of teal* and Indy be ex
pected to produce_ sorae_remarkable re
sults." • - •
Such a system would be entirely nen in
Eadicad tactics, where editors and parl
slim 4 are acctistomedto be led like ring
nosed Striae, by seli-constititted monarchs:
milerders, and Neliere would .be tymnts'
under ;the bah. •of • shoulder-straps, !Ain.;
dal their 'Titivates" bffelard and thrrip:
don, and •Alige them 'ft.-ties the ,hand
that siiites the.M. 'We delnOt: Wonder, that
the editor thinks that such liihing "may
be - expeeled 7 63,Prodhee sonie ;remarkable
results" Tht;restilib" would be aretiain
toarepublic"ti.formof gorernment, based
upon Datuvraticprinciples,thattliepeople
are f!captiiim7, and thatall;'olDee holders
are Mere• 4 bigh pri , Mter - tibjeci
driantiiid" court nuirtial;_: atylie`. ballot:
boa At any ilisettiedience of ordeirt: • We*
are only obliged to . go buck into the pasta
few:years; for just such "novel system!,
We'ope that a twelfth Motith will britig
`atiotttnain the . rpnte,syetem. .11(ew years
. which .tho - - people bare'
been marshaled, slaUghteredrindirobbedi
by their public serrartts; bas etitirely
destrUyed the DeerMeraije truth' 114:the
14 1 eili 611 030 . :tbe ruler&
- • I
C,L6•lftbliie• lthiao, l !,lt#ol26ixis". 11;'
Boston - .
EAisacria 4nibminatiop seethe n'tiVist,,
-Raitivq*.:iititipteit;i4i49tioni, the
•- • • • - - •
(natio for:
mation - ofjnielt Christian
tui mai edneist ith Abe rules and govern -
itertrapon "Ittotxt
' trended theyespeuttru diocese" ; ant
-4012417 Inrisdiciiiina desiring;lhe 'aid of
Suc' ininizatie r ne to adopt measures ad
enUledlo konsote \ !lteir efficiency Una
guard - spinet' filo philes
_to which they
are stit t jeit. W 4 presume it is not genet%
rillyAttoktf, brit is nirertheless • a fact;
that these sisterhopdsalreads Ji ave a quasi
ttur2rticeolittlttitiliiittiori and:
in twU or. thrioYof atti•Attierican cities
hal - el:ond qouritenaiteetor . ,,,heiractivitY.
This cer6mstithee 'rendeni this deelara,
tion 4 Daltimore equivalent to an endorse
ment;undlre taniiot doubt that the words
abortequoted will give joY' to inunyLwot
With lips .ukieptiontibleSeatpreiaf
forced : seelesiUn otlibacy
elimitiated, there is nO Jenson , why the
,system of the , catholies . .sbould not find
gen favor." •
'`....ron. 2l boterr -
TherPittiburi Post ire ales its residers
inch a long article in favor of. A. Scott
for Pmeident—President , of the United
States!,-Mr. , Scott,: says thetio'bifsburg
ColutAiiin, is at present and has been for
some Yeakask Vim-President of the Penti-;
sylvania Railroad, and is by occupation
getierAl. , btunriferV:fdr: that
Sincelthe Radicals hare been An power hp
has " Aun'T the Legislature of this State,
by Means which would lxksmrcelyrespee
,,tahle• in a -President aspirant. - He has
been the marBlial of' the corrupt zu'embers
Of that
,body . and: has the reputation of
being their.paymaster, so far_ as
tegiO4i9n . ; the Maimge, rnenVoLthe Treas
ury, the repeal of tonnage tales, the ex.
tmction tof.the 'fund, and the
ereeilotiisf Seaaters,,lTreaSureri, itc.; are
prince fit a man:, for- the Presidencyi .
then Hr. Scott has fitness.
But" it is a birlesinii opcla -the Presi
deneY hnd upon errodidacy t 'ai welt as up!
_'!i.lilrEP_APc 4 *.tir men , to.. be 'Data-,
ed . 'for finch ed positions. It is
degrading :Ilie•Officeand to rho -people
to whotrilliesWggeiti6ii* is addressed, and
shoal& tie met' with the severestrepieheti ,
sion true That 24,$estt has much
distidetiow as a'saanages of lailrbadsAnd
in that eapacity . may well he trusted with
the coodriot Of the enterpriio Laced in
:his chaige;.but it would 6e as sensible o
name a man for Presidentbecause he bad
beewai successful horse drover or mule
trainee-So abiurd are 'Presidential aspi.
mitioniOn Lis p4tt;:that in fac t
be di' ediiabie
,lu_thscttes. thet it .could
of propriety iii naming hien ;in That con
nection: Iflahy body 'h'ai — a egielative
job or a keen railroad sperilation on hand
it iniglit Uo _well to employldr. Seett,,and
in that line is found? The, measure_ of his
taientalas well as distinct:on. '
Death of Dr. Stanton, Auditor-Gen.
Hiatus - at:no, Noveniber-5:--4Yr: Stan
ton:The tlewly'lected Auditer-General of
Pennsylvania, died at Lis • home at New
Brighton; PennSyvania, atone o'clock to
day. He was taken ill, - yestarday 'MOM
with' erysipelas, which' Went to, his
brainy. He will be buried on' Satunlay
next. •
„New. Batarrrotri'l'a, November 6.--
Colonel tfavid Santon; AnditOr-Gineral
elect of this State, died ;suddinly at his
residesiettin • this place, at ten minutes
past one this morning ' lie had been tar
feting fora day or itTO with-herpes in 'the
face, causing him , mach pain, and about
seven o'clock last evening, be .injected a
small gunnity'of morphine into hisaria
for the :purpose -of 'quieting the'-pain
which - had;beCome 'very mere; and by
this be Ira rineh
from which his vire fonisd it impossibio
to Oriente him. Dye. Jackson; McKinney,
Winans and Rea
.tisuitnon'ek. and
OA everyeffortt bring about tire-aerials,
without pernitisient effect... It is the 'f)pin.
1664% theThysfelais 'that in making the
injectiowor-the marphitie, he punctured
a - blood vessel, which; - airing to the peon:
liar state of las sitteni, vas the immedi
ate cause of his death: Ile was forty-two
part of age./ • t • -
Phil SkerpdEux
A Epeeist' telegram from'.. uticogo con
veys the-following intelligence,:
CurcisO; ,Novemberi.—General John
P.ilnie,r, governor of the state
no's. issued orders to Attorney 'General
Bushnell, directing him to *care in
dictment before•a wand jmyraf Lieuten
unt General Phil. Sheridan. A few days
ago. an incompetent major, despite the
protestations. of it board of police, attemp
ted te place the .city ander the control of
the military authorities. Then followed
the murder of Colonel Grosvenor, the
prOreepting attorney, by a university stu
dent named Treat, who allowed at the
coroner's inquest that he was only acting
under orders-front 'his captain, an er-ton
&deceit, hewer . named ;Colston. Tbii
I tiomegnardi captain in turitlhowedhe had
received his' ordera .frola Colonel
Sherman, who bad in turn, got _ theni frim
General Sheridan. The antits,tialian • of
f Grosven or aroused the indignation of the
,public, and an appeal was made, to the
I ,g,uvernor for. Protection. - Goramor
met at onee mterkired, and Mayor Ma;
seri. reelnested the nalitari to,Vicate.
BiCelliAcy was-not jet satisfied, however;
and - lie•beinth an examination jam tbe
nf , death.
emulate* U 114.110317,74 firmly cou laced
that:Genes al Minden_ :sld others Would
be severplydealt,witb,. sale has directed ,
the attorney.general to, procure an indie l
; meat beforoa grand jury of. General Sher
idan, ,Colonel - Frank gherman, and all
others , engaged iu nalowthl 'proceedinV,
including the killing. of Colonel ••Gresve
nor , during. the • military- lisurptioa of
aliCagO. it is understood 'that General,
Pub nell has: held in:.cou'attitation : with
Ghat's Attorney Reed, who_rwill - at - ,once:
bring mutters before the-grand' of this
Minty, • - •'• • • • ~
The associated grces send the following :
To ;elms= to thostuncolf that Governor
Pahner had authorized M. ordered Attor
ney ftenerel Bushnell to :move 'lndiet
meets against General Sheridan; for _ the
murder of•Voloitet Grosvenor, it is only
neevoarYto IV that neitherthegovernor
norattorneszeuena has letal• authority
, to anythinw . of-theld.' . -
3f0u01.8 OF JADEZ BIRCITAIIEV , -Death
has been bitsy aniongSt &regain. Hardly
it Feelc: ago:wo lig' to atirionnee the do
mineer one Of 'Oar oldest eitizeris t and it :
is now our melancholy dut3-. to'add to the
;obituary, of 1871' for Scott .connty the
name of Id= Biicbard, Whose character
foryears:lir added ' - to' our - credit for
-worth arid stability,. and wbese , labora and
preMUCO : have- assmted—in Aiiikitig , this
section of country what it is,, fließ l ardeikj
- of lowa. -
The deceased - gentleman .was a-native ,
•-otl'einniylrunia,einir born ut - Middre;
t•OWA . , :Bniqu Wen Oa; . pea sty, •-;tict:•• :22„Pcl,
180 L' His Parents-Were of .old,l'entisilps,
sinia'stOult and were enga,, ,, ed in,agricult
'tidal porsiiiti. ' Jabei, was hi:might - up. Out
a frirmer,"itud. Merely, received tlie educa,
Om of a eerintl'Commiiii . School, his ca
tied information,and litentry eulture being . ,
t lierestilt 2 Of self instruction diiriiig,yanthl
and early ManhoOd.c . Op .arriiiing.,ll.4
Man's' estate, be purelmsed a ,farm .in•
his .own neighborhoOdr en twhich,he re=
imiined•notil,lB36. Wbenabont V. yenta
of age, he linigied'a :Miss -Lydia , Chain!
berlam; of: Silver Lake, in the genie corm ,
ty,•who.preied a: faithful-helpmate,: and;
bore him ' tie sails and three daughters.
While in Susquebanint county; he affiliai
.ted Witlethe,Dernocmtio Partyiwhieli , he;
never left4tt took. an. notice ,share '
cept in'running foioffiCe, in its Nail pol-',
Wes. , Ile rnoyed.tit lowa in 1836, lame
diately purchasing and settling. down on
the farm he occupied to theittlay i of. hi&
death, and in conjunction_ with -the -wife
nuniing 'the town of PlesOunt.Wley. Ile.
was among the earliest settlers of that .de-.
ightfnl 'part of our county. ;
,pt his chit-.
drety oricson died . in early manhood 6.
ether occupies the homestead.. Ills eldest
daughter having married a Mr. teller,
removed to
,Gtorgetown,, COlorado Terri,:
torY, where • resides;
,the second
is the wife of . Mr.. Garrett, •of our city.-
the' third of Mr. Samuel Heagy, of
Hampton, Illinois. - •
.... . .
During his lung residence among,
Mr. Julies Birchard has occasionally taken
a lively interest in piilitics, and . was a
member of the first lowa J.egislatnre.
which 'coniviied in. Burlington, - and in.
those - early days of tho . history of Scott
Cointy„he was seldom out of office, -. His.
last attention. to official
.business ; was, as
supervisor,, Aboutten years ago,. while
on a visit to Pennsylvania he met with• a
serionaaceideut, in falljn,g,fromn buggy
Which peraidnentlylnmed him, and &ca
Wally led. the disease- ,w b ich ceased:his,
death undesiating, con.: •
scientious einwrapf• the old school, in
religion a' tin iversalist of •thernOst 'lib ilo
eoPllic and liberaltype,:in social vonyerse,
'au amiable.and.iustructive.coinPanien,in
his relutiorss.wiili his fellowmen, it nei,gb
her in the breadestsense . of. the term, and.
in. all his actions, ripright,:' and .alpive
board. he has left an example, worthy ;of •
followipg and lionomlileto his name. „HO
was a great reader, a careful student and. •
a frequent.correspondent of theikmotrat, al co was ,to the
fatal. tho•tb - i - erritisainreeii of Agneui.,
'tube, ; ,"lieliail lived for 'some timelnom.
,ing thaebe mast soon die, and left all. his
'affairs in•perfect order,• leaving his family ,
iu very easy circumstances. At the lust
meeting of the °lit:Settlers Association,
he delivered the address, and then-made a
toriching allusion to his own :departure.
sayin'g•fhat if he bad anything hind or
useful to communicate, that would be his
last opportunity.
lie has three surviving brothers, two of
them living•here and the thinrit Lyons,
in this state. They have fei years held a.
reunion annually, and tomorrow will
meet at the saddest-of all' a union above
the coffin of the first to die. The remains
of Mr'Jabez Birchard will be committed
to the Barth to•morrowi the funeral will
take pkice - fram the house -at' 11 o'clock,
and his corpse will be deposited in the
Oakdale Cemetty. ;We knew' him well,
tint: esteemed him highly, t) ut regrets are
vain - over the remains of one who has
lived his allotted time, and is gone to- his
just and well merited reward.- •
The Pioneer Settlers, of Scott, county
assembled tliis morning- ut the ':offios of
Geo. L Havenpo'rt Esq., Drj . 1 iF". 'Bar
rows presiding ; See:.
The eliair stated the ~,object ~Of the.
Meeting, to Make :suitable arrangements:
and. take action - in reference to the deceaw
of 311.JaLki A43irehard, who died - yes--
terday . 44 - liiklate re/if - deuce:MAWS county.
On motier; Capt. A.. H. Davenport,
Hon. Libre] &Miners," Hon. A - .l. Ilyde,
Geo. Hawley', Adam Don atdso
and notertrFleming. EN, were dlWouited
pall bearers.
On motion, Hon. James Thoriniton,
Hoti. A. J. AN de and J. L Collin, Esq.,
were appointed a committee on resolu
On motion, the Pioneer Settlers agreed
to aiiemble to-mOrroy! (Sunday) atv A.
if.; at the store of Morrison In Ulaspell, on
Brady street, fur the purpose of attending
the fimeral of their deceased fellow-mem
The, committee on Desolations, report
the.. following, which was unanimously
adopted to7wit : • -
Wrinaras, Death has again lisited our
ranks, and taken froth onr midst, Hcp•
:Latex A. Dirchard, snaking that
those, who know him, know ; it. will not
easily again be filled.; - - •
Jabez A. Dirchard was ai man of many,
valuable traits :of, character, honorable* ,
honest, and gust, a man that
~ pocsisy. Da was beloved .hy all, a- fond
fitthe,r, a loripg husband, a firm friend.
and a good citizen; lie is: gone; and we
mourn his -loss. - ' '
A Mall of industry habit • and a good
fimneri his life etas.,, devoted. to ; practical
and theoreticarfanning during his many
years residence in Scott County. It, he ,
comes our painftil duty . as Pioneer settlers so worthy m life, and AM;de
voted a friend to man •and an-affectionate.
member of_ our society, - to show, that mark
of -re pest so' justly due to - his memory;
therefore:, - - •
lttsoltxl,_ That tre as pioneerzettlers of
Spott, -Rounty, have learaetl7 erfth,-deep
regret, the 4ezaise of .our fellow. member
Jabez Birehard.:
• Itembed„ 'hat we tender to•ttie:fiunity,
anartriends of tbq decea4, our hearTtelt-
Intathy ut tkie•their gieit and. iittpaia.:
Roane, That "a Opp silheie
tiEnibe pa:Wished in -the' city papers - of
Dn'renport,lind a copy furnished the fata-:
ibr `thee deceased. • •
Resolved, ;That the Cbaw appoint some
suitable gentleman ) a Sumter of, the. As
sociation. to ptepare and file a shed
Sketch of the life of the, deceased, tot' the
arabires of.. this Asseciatim
. . .. . . . ..... .•,-
• 4140ur3 T.;4• :.. ,
•I .- . A:J.
_,-• boi l i, l :
- ' JoLlF gi P,Coltrn , t . r...... }
rat JnMigence.~r
1{1:1 Ini;itra B Itiagge •
43A,PrISTp L.-11.4%nro,filiteir;
Elableinth 8 s. In, an d Tn. tn."
PabbatA oOL. a 18).
Preemlfeeling.aim* reenqinp- i
nrJ.BL.I my
...... Innnedlenely Warn Mass
88i8COPAL t. A. w..thinntn.ttectoi.
• t•• 1 9x L - T.ornd
: 4...1fm.
• e-wih vf.• Otlr •Vd-slc 4 P. , ••• -r e
otoltheinelicenk,t,reo Et , e. non 7.88 p. a:
sateursa.oo2. • . so.
Prlrerlos.:firti-ridVs• 30 P. my
Setnattlecincer • Alan. ind TH P; m;
BabbBtBBthqnl:; " • ..... 0.
1.14(4 , 111 " t . i nZ. , 71 5 11 0 0 Ef.'l l Dr ,
r":"`;......`,W54 m.
- 1 .65+311044:d0es tial; ilia iistat4Oflilttinm
1V tThice Litci"„otftgbrlnailp, putiltsliett this
heck P, itimijill'kip . An nOt .
line - •
nanan*Wr lr
'the caiitti a - WM= ' '
-tl3bccpio ii6lol4ientetion: - / ko'7.
Zetpurfimilh, Jessup. '
numberof . kulteellapeonetiis
lie* ibis leek. ' 1 • r
:Be%dont, - •,,
Snlnlstry of. fiec.- ;Alexander ire
.ItiontrosC, has been'giimtlYidessed, 53 persons'
ialve'reeillibr'llectimptlselli.. , profesdan of
faith, and 83'hatiturilted with then. E. Chinch.
de &an] r : . C.
The WordZlrrlal. . " . 4 . •
The. T r obthernOtk r -IP:Ptegic4 4 Purim% to
Publish daify.iltigs inpamphlet form, be
glntibig tin Tuesairitriffeinßerillt,Coritaininit
full irroceedings 'of ail from day to day, in
the carrot the.goicminwealtiOis.l3afryltfrird,
of %wands, for Midden: - Vito' copy -AIM be
sett by moliCdall*),liikitelpinf 61ty - aids; •
Another Den*tore. - •••. d ,
We are ealltsi titan° re:Corrittoder animal
'departure; iiellltintilkaipltiall-fieii'liotaba6
this' thew-, btit,'W.Tarnan IlletchmnW, Liber
ty, ibis county; Bast restated as witir'Wkitlitter
nulith; ' weigidnOtre - epOundi-'-iiial'fatirtecti
onneei. ' , Two (*dire mom of 'de- saMe, sort
-r. .
oiiiiiirniiiiiio:'/ . .. ' ::.:\ • -'- ','• . -
' ilani'fon Speihtnan,", in - the 'llftnlitnA R
piol;:iNan,'inake 1 i AT47 - / 4.110w10g - mention of that
:esititli*C . ittit*ifliiret +fleeting" Derneetht;,A; ‘ir.
llowfey . ,. of sus ' 'ils11:410i:=--: :c_ '
- '"/ToliAlW4 .- ' gi4cit . A . 46tai :.,-
1•11.33v1e w : Estt;;; Went of , tint Common
CountiliEs-Postmaster, and -Es-SaStice of the
Peace. Itantell,:ninbtrat theft:rani ofinstituting:
the. 'Nerfhent Phroisylniniam..newsPulurg , now
pnblished at New4ipthnl. _ • 7 , .
~, .. _... ~
..e..Y.,“ , e,t,i4o4l,':iiiiirliii;ind us,
We can:auke our lives'sublitne ; '
And, tlepattur, leave - behind us •
'' - Poottttintti,Fri lU:saids . cd tune I , * -
3ft lictivliy.tlid-not:name the politic; of that'
journal, else it nlcr would have been ` nett
tralP ' but would -tidily; iceen :• al Tuleri And
sound to its pricte4es ns its ',.' godfather.", • -
We are 'al* to . 'announce - that ''' Leavitt's
RingerOsvill giveone of thelrpOpu.
lar MitertitinmmaciAt-tha : Gerart 11Onie next 'PrV
,day NOV. 11*- 1 ' Gui'cittrinsiviltbeve.
a rare oPPortue i tyto bear a fitst,claSs — ciatcrtain-'
menu' Thls traitirfeff_Will. be renicnabeird the
one' who visite d atirlbotottir last We be
speak foi titem A ,anothermOirtleti house. • Ad
mlsslim, :IS titibirekefents.. Itc err.
ctl spa, 50 ccii ih phi . at IZ•ra's 'NeVMltotina'.
Gra.Lif 'corie , er • •
• Morm• Cask the .srdild-renowned Guitarist,
will give one 'Entertain
ments to the ladiesand - geattemen of this place ;
at Good Templank , lfall,. on • Wednesday even
ing, 250; nth. liti,Vasels balsa the Seven pro
fessional Guitarists in the United, States, and .
the only one who is ifiling to GMT the Interior
districts, as well ap,Argid cities, with Ids delight
fill music. Mose . caie will play on his $lOO gui
tar, which was p : ;wanted by the young coca of
Syracuse. *Adraiiiien, 25. cents.. Children, 15
cents. :Disabled .soldiers. frau. Doors' op at
7 o'clock—to coinideace At 8 o'clock. -
t'lleips to 11111,i'ikji
:Wefften wiceivei'CAncstalrOmlndirkiteth
puhlishkonte persOner pdIT". ofsoreethlng,ad-'
vertisinithkr bisinicii4jwitt*:With' 'the remittk
that i(vita -lill4o?+Wilg to OfiirtianY resilefs,.
itrrljdio 1, help to.fiDtip"- (duty Cohns* they
*o l ' l2 i l l l 4 - 7 4 r - : - fxi xii end. Wabscriber.•
Ur: Hewn)* Sup*,,lrtrrinikllti, Presents 'IS - fifth
SI3CV ittlifitaath tesiiffe;',' weighing elerie
pOunds; tiipecku*Of Whatte bas raised this,
senson;*i he did ao.l7,eek,i.'par reader's bre in;
terested inlhe fatt:nur ObliOtions undue him,
and weak " filled : yr in a substanthit way. '
, this coruseegpn we Would; matte'
mention of a large mad overflowing basket Of
dOelints apples froiri,his . fann,trl Franklin, pre
-iented as by Mr. N.R,Whntoo,consistiug of sorao
of the finest specimens of " 9recnings," 'Temp-
Irina County Kluge," GillyStowers," and .ether
varieties, that it havever
_been our • privilegeto
behold or taste. 17iisse iztterinted in fruit Mar
in would do well, ie . :enquire of Mr. Wheaton
how 'he . =nava - terse clearly 'glee!. in that
31r Wheaton terthnrahrays renteinbers the
mit:deters and prints ra: - poet Alit - have any.: do with it
gthrrV3. ) POSl ll :_if — unt . ' 1 24,";
hailing.thlr alhecut 018ce,ot Montrose, or.soaseichere,cipaibraysai : to - shows Vent,
eare4ra. t i -* 1 0 7 ; .„. -
.14,091itt,44303p, Itate4lllloltl
math** ntullonperance tactics, and atioceedi
Admirably in -siKertaisatiable igtorance, nod it!
" 40 *Atrike wti4.l*.Proosinrs toloatiown. ,,
• 'Pith "g." and: thevattY to which ha.ClahnS
by, Vsyythat are dork- arid: W I
tricks thttt.* vaiti,7,ts'eadeavoring to; and has
partlirly aitoieeded iti-fatiothering 'the ITezaper4
'lance vines obit at the late election. • • • 1 1
We tvlß take fits: one of the nssettlons of this
wise 4 :X."- - f" . .Theliiciperance eandhiater for
County yreasurer.'rectivod no volpt lta - hh"Orn ,
t9wkr i 3 7s.lbisWhejtek This b 4dsehood I
3Fewses - ertkA yaws,
And yet they do ne4 1
ty . the'"OfoC4-' - use_ haladed to the edi:,
for of thi /kiwi s/4 and which he'd** f 4
have ".copied .Tagkac'aieitst nearly
forty votes for lir, Eraeryl atittlita ", 4)&14 . ! •
„hit saYs,"pin
itaraabay Temper.
f4r liitettityt 41,4e1f4ilfgar "Atte* r
vetear .
,:That avid ."4;111Chal'•!. Jilt;
lionqs .fl'iairibbitaterafirlirr . i o'ol 7.
. •
8 4* - 1 34 . 1 ii1* reaffPfa*Arcii
lie' -SYrto
413.soroti ?0T to
• Make =river, lf.yotfai ) 4)141 44111:,
pie, do It; and ask forglveratet ; . 144 4 30rp: non:
[ Abide the conse4itencesl
Cease yourtrinnanhint-ancem end - derision's,
and attend to.ihts biattCror, tho. TiFoperabee
tarty. - *Mai retlili*4.ool,4Till sw amp,/ yd4r
God'atul 0 y t'oaoaf thee
' 4 1,7 ki"ti4ettee . c4ix the
State; it:Awful= the doings of your clan: - •
returned (7) ito -Tat:it/craw sates
Peo37 VointYrWheti tornshipot ;,itetrol,
I itlaitC cast" an Jt ispi aYlicpitbUcan county,
~tinut it Doff : f • •
Who euieilieind GOO,trimpcfarteetloieS
. "11 1 .11 . 3 F e ga t tl-7:i lfil Y,-
Ward in the cities of Pittsburg nod . Alieghcny
&Ong *publican cofttly, isn't It 1. ;
• lyboriniotheritt tfutfehtira
t n- Pe-rte , P f l4 l2- 0044 4 perfltsIrousf, , F l -
t- - -..*d*sidid . .P.ornaiee Medi:At:rpm,' re:
trutkifistafnity "votes
city l osbeta•naaFrad,/ 1.53;! . end
thifOilre bitA 14501 ' •
"And %Irby did the "Tlcv:jelnaltterienittelt,a
RePubficia, of God," in n
po4 caceting, tbat,the styrrzt 'OW Party ES,
fct*fiT P
ov,, f 940 t • • 1
xopt.F* l 4.9.r- ,
: 4 ; l . l fA l3 . .it:tful_ , Pr:.PTClent,ictfritr.Of :OWN
tlattt . ,bknatutrang:but4,llingspersine
,yotealn. ~ State e youe God and nrendity„-elen;
b:g4t4ty,of efuotberiogAttio titonsand?
. . .
bow many 'client* did :the !Demo.
matie party organize, and by money, deeeption,
and.thrente, attempt to crush the infant -Tem:.
peranee party ? , Talkebout"...Tamtnany Alen"
State,Corteption". no . more, until you;
Marc cleared .yOur ski" of this matter, 0 girt
Republican Party l ' ' •
Ainl thiserowd Is preparidg for thebanipaign
of 1672. Ifow bath tits Mighty.falldriy,., •
Ml:UrTen-Tirrita • I
Nov. lied, 1871. , .
A*utie , .
By permit:don are make tbetbiloWing extracts
fMni the "History of this , Qouttty," , written by
C. Ihtlt Ale MAP. may
judge of its character: . • •-.
Ihls,township.traisn named because it wes
the,imiddlo one of the three townships, Into
which Rash *as illvided,in 1818: It *al bounded
north by. Choconui, edis by - Bridgewater; south
bY MusD:, tind •west by Bradford county; Its
fair Proportions, six Milts north. and South, by
eight miles cast and West, having since been
twieemurtalled by the encroaelithenttr of Pc'disii
Loki; township, 161115,1 - the aridatiliddletowe
but little over 30 square Midis. Thli 'Change' le
even less marked than. the re•castlng eta Com:
emir* of thorintg,h•grained. NeW Etiglanders;
for time composed . almos t entire of ;persons of
,foreign birth 'and' deacent-iiirineinalli With
and Irish. NUrnericaliy the,lettes
Thiir imbilgration * tlatatitiicril less thili:,lorejr .
Teais, while the that_ piorteem of the se O lon
,nOviincitabid Withhilitiddleteivn;Settlisf,ht itq
dinAt over seventy Yearti ago. These Were Riel
Brister and Benjamin Abbott, in the Spriug of
471+Jft; Andrew Canfield end
~ Sibs Etenrd49„in,
thn,Yell or the same ear ; Albert Camp end
'Joseph 'lrma in the Springof ISOU. : Mr. Mister's
family pipaidstsid, of eight . persons, including six
Brister was,,,one; Mr,
number at !least, of wborn,
Amos Canfield, 'then 17,13 now living in his • :tb..
yini,i.Mr.fleardslees, ten persons, eight chiklicti
311.41'4 : 98i' family, the elate; and, Mr. Camps;
seven, five childrer., et whom four were •sons
one amnanty mazes silo .in-corntng of Marble
Colemanarid Josia4 Cr-entitle sameyear. Titus
forty-live poisons 01=4 in the
the century, were located on the North. 'Snitch;
of ,the liryalusing, the enction beiogJinowW,:to
them as Locke, one of the. townships .laid;eest
brzirveyars under the Connecticut claimanta of
the land. The reader of these Pk* needs not'
to be told that aeon some 'of the high 'ntpeeta.
tioni. of these rettlerswere. doomed'lo
Ott a previous page, it has been seen that
Antos , Canfield left Corriectient inT79l,locat
ing.not far below the Forks - of the iryaltising . ;
when became to the North Branch 'ho/rithll
just 'above Riel . Briiter, Mt what b 9111C9 • Wen'
known as the &edam!! ,bras. Berweett thhni
Josiah Grant afterwards settled. Whin'thedan:
fields came to . theNortb Bratteh,theibad for souie:
dale only the Milk ofone Cori, as the
Lance of the family. The men wouldv
woods to chop; get faint, and est the inside or
bark, and when their work was finished ge betee
tont hare milk 'alone for their supper“ •
Antos, son of Andrew Canfield, ellniw i
cleared h farm Jost above Middletown 'center.
Benjamin Abbott and Silas Beardslee; hinted
farther north, but Mr. Abbott •aftcrWartisi
moved into Ituaß. There,,elp no mills ,nester s
throi ihericer. 11r. Amos Canfield says 2 1..
"Thn, : first ;summer, we lived on the; Notch
Beaech, we burned a hole in rt =Pie stamp;for;
a !ports*, in, whirl) we pounded our corn, using
a ntmdc;tlOlte 40111 • farSAie
*liple:ll6,fthourrlactd." , s
Of the ' actual settler, ..sehirse tolls ctongtl
the :wilderness into a fruitful:4ldd, only .too
meager items are recorded, but : "their works do.
follow theta,"' ,
. .?
- Biel Biiiter died prior tolBls. Hon. Charles
lII= mentioned, him: more than iirty. yam
afterwards, as "the renowned wolf slayer."
Benjainln Abbott was at. Wyoming , ' lit the
time of the great massacre, and in old Ifyalas
lag township, outrave he canny, in 1700, as
were also a large number of those who icatitid
afterwards in Bush and-Middletown. When
IHr. ',Abbcitt came to the' Korth Brzmch Of 'the
Wyelpsing; he settled above 'Amos Czintleld,
but afterwards afeorect foto Bush. In 118 old'
age he was fond of relating many ineidantrients-,
netted with Wyoming. He removed 'to Pl4e,
Bradford Co., lulBl6, where he died In 1858, at
the ad of Oft years. ' -
An ' Arew Candeld was-a .prominent. 3let¢odi t;
and,hia Limo was :ever opin 'the' itlnersnt
The following In - reference early
itfelhodiafs, is flaniAbOlieti entreat PeOt,10,1);:
"In Itatch. 1809: 'llO
dal year 'oftils itineranti, will on the oldTlegn
nactidartid - fiatn ,Owego. &V,* "ib-4-
- river. with Ids colleague, Palmer Hobert!, to
'appointment. To. use - his own, i winitaii,ffhe,
whi'd %via blowleg ti.tornatto, .threa t tealng,
'to engulf us, but. Mother *414 sin out
• . • ;
!Sometimes temptatiMa blows.
dreadful Agri= Oe;&e,', f„1.:1
and at length shim out,' "littitlier Otanti.xoti
paddle, and I '! lpray.", We finally , imecetledlia
nuildnn• land, Which wehnd Mg ,
Oui can't led us 9y : ex, iha naMtrtalcs. to,t4e_
seaters of virywn ! dpg . tivo,and at brother ,
Canfield's we Amid a mowiJiparty welcome.'
Tliay hinlA eircult Of 400 miles, Wlth_
between iripointmerits. 331 r. Brant was 21 Tears,
of aga tha fallowing 3 • -
"Some yeam later 114 recorded
elm to this section if One ulg,lit ; recollect be!
1 4 g; 1 4 01 3. - 4 : OI 4FiIY or -4 Yna r liS .:44 1 ! 4 !iiist
Presebef• ri!calio: Grad . .0114 PorAltil
were with us; Rio ;Atilt ao dellt Ps to bo
Tpiroadotesier laying been linfelinliOr thew- -61 d
log removed, wo whited our way on, lifting
onr,`wagmi .over:ittnnaps rind ..fogs,..ind were
souietioeisiin the &Weil scan or, ornagelng
fortinud leading the forward horse,'the- *chi
frank Eidn to iddo tn Unit' the *lion it
possible,rl;ht side up, 31n. Orantla the` Maui.
HOlllOl9 the back aid 04 u sldekoaddle.;
kept on fi9in ,1 4 , 4 16
tockoona; can naming the babii,the - ptllee
/40. Gaunt, till sometime , bonze day, wp wok
weleeme from Broiler Condeld,Atlyir
be was awakened a llttlo.earlh4 than uncap?
Dr; reck adds; ~"T o travel nlzta aztfl das , fat
gitootatta or a year, and cadge atie faitt7ar
five &Pare, In. money, wen ,be ttuntst ful
absolutely . desperate ease In these (14es of
-- hli ,
S A _ dant s!Mai,and small sacTifices. "Thls,..
ko ver, wa#fien done In those • early,llmes."
5 1
6 7 •-• it 81441/dletcve viia in the Wyelnshig
CIF , hout _2O by 40 miles 4',,eoist.
_ d died Juno 1813, svvedll3 V*lni.•
,Ketmla brrAher orAndrew CaAd, wan dle
an early soar. -,...,...,.4_.5.....
SilAs BeardsleoVealb occurred in 18g0„ He
irroiralls - nealt - by,lilling from ' , }bad- of-ba .
Hls widow rtenoiled to, Little Meadows, whet
his deseendinis aqi•pk(ii.
t.l3.llearaslea., (MO - a merabar of the
gui tt ur s u tare. -
The Carapsivigise 416.3cqui4ra tto Wch4
cabin boy Ottlia.Mayilosier. Albert Camp w“
one or arannaroas ablliirest of:0..0mo,
plon'mpiktr,tfl./?13.0 tire
miles rata - its mcditb. Oboe occupied by
his desaendants; and milled Camptourn, He died
at "a very amp 2mstamin t iM,,tly•Asigbier
syp o tbaltira;sf Josepifßoas,: i tire sons of
Oradtafd Co.
Lori,'36 iti,4ll. 1 "1 1, PliX 11 4 lieLscq
Camp, non on the old placio jail below - 311(bik
town Center. , •-•
Jcriepii &Mt wiarMici: of the; throb l(others;
who settidd 'en "the Wyalualbg. '" 11AFtattier.
Perth Mss; flfl In' the Wyonilitg Massacre:
after having rundownthme,houres.toreackhome
the day prealous,*Ul their mother ) Fps_ prie et'
tlicac..tiyho...9cd to) Con'
*tient Joseprt Buss was an :Isctive man •
in litddictoini and tease -.via its
pOlitical center. Ile 1703.9ftg1l engagedia stir
voyingand itaatt Sig, reads, and from hii'bcOM
parative.abundnace id Means ; Sias called upon
beUMx - theta Bus at 'one '
to the succo , ~
What werrici7lng . tor
food, Mrs. Rcrialierieir hid: but, a diy cinst to
give them. The:iptiolp'pestle was-tire- thd mill
privilege Act bd had toe- years,' except eiti . Mr.
Ross took corn on tits beck, 11 miles,' to Black's
Will, het& .CamptUwn. When he camejlp the
North Breach first, he crassedit eight:ieri times.
lirs. Ross would erica take her child- her
and go two sa . ; three miles into the woods'' after
the cows. They had ten children, tit: of •whom
are living. • or the oti,illossickicuples
the homestinirt z ' Th 6 present lar6' house was
erected over 50 Yeats ago.'' NOrmah in litchi-.
gin and Orin' Litass'iii"leitradrolirixttutiy.
Joseph Ross disdlit4,loth,7lB.ll, aged 81.yeats:
Sin. Ross dki'Aprll2tie4li,' fa her? 88th year.
Daniel Ross, blunter Joseph;.vras ..loOated
near the the Fade orike4Wytdaslll.7,-..,D1R soya
were Jotm,
Jesse, tlio.yietegest. soh ;Auld twoaons Pohlad)
• tit this countyaentrand hp= %Masa i Ale
sobs of OAKRosanra•joscph
His lir.iss;'.
atlliddletownitinter/'-;"' "-.. t • '"'"
In 1800, MO= dt;lonnirset4ed aria tlie'?..elliitt
BraiielijtiatnaiLe;;ll . s
' well allicase!of all itet:saits' fit' .
be found on the aiscament roll of “"Itindmie,7 of
'Rush, far-1801:' At 'The *Arai:Oß:llo'3,l;4 Giant
Wii,eeTA C?flt S•lw, - , 1 ‘ 1 4 1 , - t ilg•-/ I,
DariUSPACTIAnAM is ininter../a.Poe,year
he killed forty *ar t bealdas beam panlltent,'.4l4
Re had nine daughtemand tlirewsoretAbelatter
were Amos.Aloazo , and,Darlas • Mrs. Cole Man
survived her husband many years, dyingbut re
althcold' t,tem to 'Which
!he came seventy years Ag?..P141 which is posy
occu,TA kon'Alonzb enlei'lanti e . •. 14 • Old
honie',4ll6Mrs the ruin onus Btile'imitli:• of
his resitYenCe. tarins, was.
.ever a 4
pc . ace with
.ness and ¢dive in the support of the selmols"Of
the' Seiglitsirh • doit. - llb esitis was on ih "Sae
between Middletown and Rush.
The outlet of,Wyolusing,l t alut, eller passing
through Jackson:Walley; runs kir amilcor two,
in BradfaniCo. i•tters,Mitlalmo.wri at putt t
vide, and falls hato,tl.l4Terth i lleattelt two miles
abdire the Fprks.. • „ , - ~ •
At Prattville .roacl_ passing from the
Creek intO7BintlW. COuntY. _OVlV:Pretiseltee
the line, is now the , Methodist church-edifice,
one half of ; Whieli f L's Mbldietown, and
this half is all the house of, worship in the town
ship. The little village takes its name.from the
location , of Isaac Pratt, who tome in 1801, to
the firm norroccuplett by Jercusillt Cardiegjr.,
Isaac Pratt was in old, )Nryalusliag; ,as early as
1703. Russel Pratt
'Beery Ellsworth came 'in, Prior` to jeckand
settled on the Creels: neer the tiortliline or the
township. His Joseph begin ' on
what is
Called the McGratli pSsee,Arhieb'risafterifirds
occupied brlf.l%Bengs. , . !•
fletweeit 1801.!iuld'1811; , -Darlits Bey-
Moor Galutla, John 71oleMarittvenYtidded to the
number of riettlersof,tho tettrllskiP-Ake.Mtile
compiler must speak pf the :tlitScolly ex- :
P erf r n ee d . l4 .4o ll Plilintit7g.! 7 *.bilo•
foregoing such persons as Man, belon,ml to the
Same township, such p? the .1117 ehertle,
Sbane3,Tnrrells,TaYtora, eti,betwhoie foe:titan
were on territory since aitignedtolonieit Lake.]
D. Bixby's firSt Meath:hi wits'nee.i:thetis: / limy
andlothers who, most of their Ries,' Wire resl= ,
dents of, Rush and Middletown, for, reason
mentioned elsewhere . - • • ;•,
"Bixby Pand,'i. a my pretty sheet of water,
takes its name fromthe second loetitkitof Derias
Bixby.. The town line passesthrou„, ,, h it, blat he
was on the Middletown, see. Ms 10 1 inkissa.
afterwanfaresided Ott trio Atrother,uon,
'Richard, settled within lire ;knits .4'littsk r Atut
has since removed. — The 'reniithis a Darius
Bixby rests in Birebardvillttcetnetery. ,
The first grist-millwlthln the tamability' it
is, was put up tot - StulPh (7) Shoemaker; crime
of the tribal:WM of. the North Brizeb, -*here
there Is now a//chair factory, a mile west of the
Blister farm/..Linas, son of Rid Blister, lisd. a
grist kftinfi NnYth
Joseph` loss beat the,first savt-MBl,qtt,inbat
-snow 4/114 1. 4 44;ettlYiqPCtiWt , 'fi*t ~/go%
A few / rani - 144, ite a4SS-ißkilV44.4h°
4:ither. end orthe ' same uttlit*S:: pas t hpsold.
1rr1843, to Otts.:Frost;e4M - bullt s i new MAI on
o she of the chi stesszoill.-fonebeforb
Chulee.Tripp balm preseet.Ownes of
the .failliwogoity , here.! , -(For. modern ehter
itrises see the Cows cuts late: --++'
In 1810, tho ganticiclit itsayuntill on: the
INorth prancli• Tti? same, 4 49116aul t)iid
Thnothy,Ditilfnlikkio kntml,Aß, 4141 0 V !' n •
'T he firs t it.PYt ric i l ,r, , 11 iit l iPS'a 44 41 P,P tht
preacher: of some loca ilotorkty. '
NattiAtael 1311nite,411nribildo'In'ilidlionti a
'part of the liars f» idlettryinli Wag tof
d. Ellscrottli: Aatio"tutlblnittier f;e4114"61138.
lirardelsoldtblinined ,
Andrew •tolicl4.Tras lits 4 tbo WV* I : l3l 4fut
Aitx.payer, •• c r ...
Ia a 4 T. , "-! , ':#
Thomas ,I,lltaitlt• litVernd Irn. liCatnnel
Mciedith, fiannlel,Wßoorould R, IL lirsto,friiro
otmets of unscitt?l,Lan4l,,lut.7etc.tioß
deals • ' ) .1
geginn.thi,!4 .
the settlers on !Ili. orAtjjr,ulch 0: 311°
following order:
Umt, CP6ll,,rlascliA'r*"Alilritv
Canfield, 11161 Brlttei, Thltlite Colcaittu: "'
,13410131 Bpsenti was ini,ll6..viclnity, , ofml!at
been ktuntrwasSpefforiCteek. Twenty
Zeus later , im was 14atice4 iluvilau*
Slietowl3; Rob and-Atibninp.: S.
1321 /AFllsi , l , 4llt tia fjJfF s 4ftlAlfl sgreflt4l
viler° it cripacp tholtinfit .44404;tiw.
IBA !PALO 11413 Ming Tokuart .P74xJ in
Or 84%4/ Pine called Jackson Vsgel•
-cid Teggutilltiairlionvid:thb catazty.l4.lllo
. .
Biota • Lestsistax. Ho hed . deo 'ehltdreb, of
,whom •two(t), with a.soa-ia-laer, ocovy the
old homestead. —1 r ••-•-: ;_ •
_Shades. fLeadsPtiell canto also, in 1817. to
: 41 rticktojt:litaletr, an was afterwards . the Ant
*l:_mager hem. lb - removed to Vntoot; 1 0 ,
hot after! soma vein i• cams to-El mira; N. Y.,
ithem kb, now resideta,
"nn lallt 'Peter Siunderson, at°, three year.
previous had come from Naw.ilampahlro to
• manor, settled vicrif those lust teen 'on
16010 nor Aitx*esil s bkhistunk.latinOlun
tarica, balg4thesmips, Geo, TAiimilarson
is.dottC4d.Peter. amutdessan hariemcived to
~lißWrtt• ;
•':?. 4 " ll 'irrsp
a3 . i - k3E9I.
BTAT-Oonm.L4V i tho.irsldenaicof the, bridles
tbfbet,lii t4f.' 21st; by' Rev. 'J. rf,',Ao
gol,JoluiL. Non of Gituvrood, andlika Jolla
M.Pgilen.,:, 5 lie: ;.7
^-BamsdNairrom4—ds the bona at diertifidea
tither; in Dicnock, Oct. Altb.lB'ili,by Bev: 1.8.
,Wllliam .311111.ird. of Springirgi s e; and
Miss Alma,E; Nwton. of Ditnocin
Dixatasx-Viertrehocaz—cict: 2 . 33, , by
(I V. Arnold, IteW It
m . ..Dinginan,' : oriAllerty,
Pa.. 40, l).trz. Esthef ly4tedictiase,,pr'CwOrilp,
knitza.=9 . .•
. , . ..•
WA.44.4ce—lnllinirlgellle, 'July 10, .1000;,43a.
mantliaJanc, ultd, of William Wallace, aged
47 yeius. • ;
•Wa Tr
ibes Wallace, ged 48 years.
B+tnwar: In Ararat,. 0e427i14 1871, Xra..
Ranh* Baldviln,,wllb of S.A.Paldivlo, (leaved,
agtal 79 yeari; - • ' • . •
- •-lioao.—:3lrs.lizglofiedl W ed the 1841l'Orae
tober.,, In her 83111 She aS,ona of audits%
actilera tic:township. She By and
Gibstra, P on TaC:day,•Nov.
1; ChaAo;te, wife Otfleo.
preetober,' of apoplexy, • G4Kiige . 3 r:Gereo: o rm*
, arty ofZrooklyn;la *lds colony, ar,ed Ryears
and 7 months ' • . ,
That the finst LGeture 4,the Course, jrer
d livered at the Gran House, oh' Tisnradek eve
n eg of this week.: lion.T_Terats Fuca, b the
ker., and .the subject 13 .11011:1101115;11.:. ,
' ei I. T 3. Ford has reternestiarodrestrilser
be:held-0 the Ha'ptist ehurch !text
Illookrßludltrilj^,--.1, , '' -.- ~" -' - •! -- ..n '',-
An'. Vetrougtif ! n b - illgti Oc t : fila.itie
liow b diuvl tuni-k - ' - - Boaa'r"
- - ono . Mr
.i.- 1 -rone „your . uncalled for, *tat
Collaidiee Jdrcren otykar.- , - • ,•;
. Mom; DnAme 4 CO :
Nov:. 81.1871; '4,511v
Notice. - ,
.pipar I;l7tiri . iist tgincy
. , Kr.raTbss .•
' Paz= Oiwiiiss =Ent 47t11E11 •••• -
. " 1 Sitcom
alontrcekNar: 8,1871. 45.1*,
At Oip` ll loC4ic / Nasittitlaq.:
_You will that et;leo lot of Pears, Queiicrs,
Lemons,AlVleNand anpetior ateelt,of Family
Orocaies,, 4c.,,te., arid all for sale cheap by.
Oct. 113 t h 3 1871. 1 A. Natinatwo:-
~The Undersigned b l aring lost 2 Setters We;
from his drove, bettiden Ditsiocrand
,on Sunday, Oct. 22211; 1871,
reward tar any information, or by, dellitOng
the same to Jay Tbottiparat, Dimodt. ' • '
. Ona light red hei&rovith star, *mad
ltsi) the otheroidartr. red ' teer. • -.
• • 1 - HASZT.'
Bossardsville,.Pa,lCev4 4 ,.lB7l... 4i5-1w
iltralttslng lEttolltra y lfieeiltt
All:interested eonstmetlon.
yowl bY way ft tha Wyalusing and Choconnt
Valleys to Itlngitintion, as a link of & railway
reaching to the tirilliinti.c•tsl4lo.l4s, or iinvll6lT
to meet Aube home !of C. Morse,- In Rtistrono
Thursday, the 9th of Novrinher r at o'clock, In
the evening. '
By , order . &the Ikciril'or4llldoettits. • .• , s
-= • ' •.{ 'Jolts Bre.trisnaw r thrector.
Blrchardsvilk, Nov; 8;1871. lt
The undeitigned hiving just "Imported Qom
Canada one car-load Of valuable-Leicester and
Cotswold.siicep and Limbs; 100 or mom in Ulm- •
her, *ill offer them for
-sale Ott. rotation,
farm, is Jessup township; DCA/ Dr. Comweigt,
on Saturday, 14nif.11:8114‘1871..:'Sale to atm
mentgat.lo4.4k --r. r A: ,
•nNtsts—All' sukill for 410, or antler, oil
oterslo; Mar Crlti;ll.l47. oadit.:withinhinst , *ft'
approved aceutity. 1 Ic..tut
Jessup, Scot. 8,1877.
.45 : 2*
• cc:E • t -•
importaiit tO
3fee3ra D: Lothroti l pt Ca, &titan; .innottiree
thiti.3i6B. * fes. n 8..8. Owls for the. Pieuitceie-Ot.
$l,OOO, will be keeelfie until 31wieb15,1872;ind
offer 'an' tiddillonal plite of
, epoo fee, tbk:iiot,"
. • ..- :
3tEr;sui. D. bancnor d -co or ockston.
still adding to the already Lillie number of pub; .
saations,.the , somas of which sham; that they;
hare been Tertuaate edough to entlcip - ate and:to
meet the want of a large clam of the Christlidi •
community. " Their ,eight- canoes of original
$3OO prize stories and lhirteeth ruining),
Ow attics, tutu commended essomethlngespeo ,
fally excellent ; a leading religious joeunal!her- -
aids theie en:carat:me a net ti'is.'lll
the history ofjdsretsile literature. -Their Shell
Cove Series, Talbery dirk' Library Fro and
Coh Series, Crown - 3ewel Library; 3:Atne'.l3l*
som's Stories, Little Bertlu's Pluture Minty,
thellunny.Dell Ettiritis. Little Bch; Haddon Se
ries, and Bomespun . Library, are considered -to
be among the best of their etas& - -
31essra D. Lothron ''lb Co: also' banteterysdn-,
eirableeditfuna of Ituitatkinhf Christ,llcdy/tli-
Ing , Holy Dvinp 3110.and - WoxiserJems,444
rained 1 3 ;ssintscr,. blousing and Night 1:441ft ,
es,it i sr cents per volmue; Plfgrliertw Props%
et r Ots varying Alvn' cents ep V1 , 60;-.130
150 •44;;Avx ltv,o - • P. &Stith; Pr.icg.
no Ilium of. Chriatind 'Devotion. lot
"holuek, price .2 Oct or 'the Rom Prig
Ridgensonnun elegantlttlOvolurapjust
per. Dr, Day_ nye: " It tkijulit 03 , j051i: 4 1/ ,
Iresirneas, and character.' ' Dr. Iwo
writes: "It has a Imhof= lihet4ltti" morning
stir, and spridb like the _
dewdrop in the sun.
Tried In tha Fins;
anttthe Torch Beaants, Much. -
S ATlrrr"of Four Llitt i rend This One Thing
Do, pica $p 6Q *b. nlttjust And 041'.
very el :ant yoluentat,i conveying vtjlttable
sons !brill, - Tito samp May 40 Ohl .tlf All 'al D;''
LotinopkaCm'apublicatious. Would tier/fell, ,
for theses-Wm - contemprate .tnying hock for •
their familleie to send to *lila ilemetic Orm for
thelergtilkiguil, o 4l4finin,dhist tylentlona palm
mad o WWI =strand With confidence that , noun , A
but te md .booltahronlf the 7ttit,-7RostayDeag
Don't fa U lei rend the fwa elegant Tiliao heat .
-43hott VAitningittud Lotig•Chsings;vitice 111.1.11 , % .
Late Falconer, price 'lid" They. anahil
entre. The publlihere„D. Latino:94 - CA; Bet
Icl4e fiA
f x t W Azi WV; Pi
T 5-1
4 yi trot iAt;S 4 '
--iii4aph ii 9 •
rtio.; 74m -• Ph - 440141M :ify - Pti7 ' fotri j.
11aii , 49 1 1 . Otitrue,lof 1 4 1 . 1 4ci-caPPT , -
by; rheumatic pul p s?, If co daps= 4• 1
4nt4.4e( a specific Tempf,ldt t '',,,
and 144180, We beat. Oa liilief 14", be .r
world . :;r
Are,:' - ottpul see largo etopkeof cattia •
wiljah ilet pot septaita, 't rive, : and. conic' ,
0 4,.c: opripg pop i," 0 *?
or_wopt of ,1 0 M*:=,`
thing to stapt flicuirla t he riglittlirectiop t ,,
Que dollars tvcreh;4l•Ptriflait's roAafir
audition:Po:dint,' .omoo to such pa sto*t
oaqiil4o„t g: thefltirjp "tyfutetc aikkl,W,
WPftll . ll2oWeidifirk elitrB/040/3 OthiV.