- She 3. D. 11,..WLEY4.,D1T4014: Sair RaftEPTIW,If 01 kit arEw4ibmahr.tualoa..a—,.: The pet Aile of alit, nation under the reign.l4-zorruption;aadzinsiesvof-the faitid,etriAeLltdPA . 0 1 1 F,PreAlt 4stkael; dila *Pa .1604-ixantrive.ltaildili4& ward the centralization of theynrse, the I lii77 . i4drig time witnessing thefAeicsfeMerno-: 7 .'eiiitii - prineiples he:pt falieltd it in ;11res. parity: and. happiness in yontbi mitt - prodiplity hag fdreedit tore4;lllon' the lititars,4 grasp of Irand;„ corruption and. - the nltimatatendanoy 'monied aristo ct ey;tiiid npii in 'Abele' 'tiepi,dation ,, ` ere -jars° -'! 4 -;bry Fk§...*:l)4iktV? ln salla -- s ik tiectatnea the tinty. of arery:citizen i f coolly,i4elligdaniaid ii*iietarty.blas; !•,t6 dally doper ,tile 'rotate; rind - , we belio 7 o,'tho can ; ` s o; study of `,*".r.tt!".4l-94* to the4lwlc4 or I fFlOr° • Eeperatioces, - • • _ ,„ 4 3tortpeity, e.s. : Ortlittlf.f4iti,; you ; ass tme te, - ,13eL1e0d.% licopie; then-we say. Walt nin, certfpnisT tße'Almiglity hnsten, the traci nh 4 1 1.# Kliy, f. 4 tiis ElinciOfei;o:oK And. dessiterons in . the. farnre7 Eta : =it lisslt the fee! Antis that-prelinskl ~:the 0114. W'hite;:tilneli; elninge 'the' 4411500 of the two c'elOrS?.lt i 3 true ilQfl,4ntl unbcito geoerOtien beingfrirightio,itecelit-the elitinge;irauld : AisillqiiistriCreerreetlt be - Otiac.i.Pl4l4. 4 4 be 4444 1 957: iln.agotiotjs of anychaiikeiniztall end not S the "titite'paterani;? toatiy: baie,owt:Opiniena ,kiicinf,' re-. 1 and liolitietd: s tatn9-off 1 , 11 "To applyt is to ,our poiiticai ' sttuation, :toetillOo principles wronr,;:whiolt tietbroueif theLlyinimp .. .mid.apPr4siOn the - Moth' :country;_ NM 'thirteen . :'confederate• 2itti* : hndiM.Sheij. on its 1'74 1- . - 341 ill diedsof thensoods.A'; enftiohle testers; established periOnlitlfriilepetnienee'ne #iris' inalienable " olia'c'anal lights' could erP 'P..F.I 4cI P eO right which ot a later ila,yoriider, the 'wine . nounnel of honest, telligent and patribtic :retatasinen;forniegnienerni gbrernnient,t. t 1 Yntni : Cliild ' et.eiritimitnnee.%innt et} pouts!" €03136,u , trmats7ai;ttn . ‘ tirr - Zysri - - :tug to,each stuti'the same- personhl zsul equal rights, is a t e ileelared be 'the ,;,. it right to establish. the doctrine that. onr government was .wholtylb*eil upon frthe:will of the governicl,"anknOt .:in thelaw4.of any One Ipowerwml Military prestige? Were the*e > Axhiqh trO. general principles; involting 't there; deleterioaa ini,h4Oinen :ina.riitiowalandlnaividnat "piespeitiin ,the past, ilinaziOuldih4lbedn the.r*rel. Are not the true \honest masses of: this nitiiii . Willing,nay , ; , armions for w spied) , return - to them 'assunie 'what we AieliaTebikit..l7fact,lfekMk ,PPork4he honesty . and, inti.Ttigeam of the people; L that they ore, for W . el3elieve that these men ,woilitMit lave poured'. out - their blood. -end treasarefer what MIS clainieltrroul4 inaintsin these prineiples,i.s dernoristrat 'ed-Mthe'teTrible struggle !that? has just pa " ' theyheli th' rich _ ess . ,,.a .deefre 13. their continnaupri saidby iamertherels nothing ihw tame, Demterney signifies nothingAttbe ,preientdttyr. - ; The man Who.malceS:thif It:skidoo; either;is Speaking. r fican: :- a and- , den imp* and titliont,g,iiing the sub ject one moment of reflection, or else. he is, a dislioriest,' deS7lgning„ ._demagog,us. Democracy does`not mean any thine? . glswelkmiglit you'siy.that light does not tneaa.nnything. Thera:is no .wprdia the Englishlangnage that would embracethe principles tihielr it Corers Wny ittornAhan you could distinguish light from darkness, by earns other - naine, :Sarroundinitilsl glinitras =we shines forlV—ifi: splenft all tbat`tiiits-' of lire 4airits-attendicitend nobleinetitn laPily a new; naive ihke • prinCiPles would be tnaiatige: tbc; : , 'whale lisit - bistoriof the World _rind i le : would necessarily be Minted oat: . We:ant n 6 change; of name of, change of principle s, but itZltnoves us anation held up tai the maid es a model in purity of repdblicau -institutions, 'mike, a busty .return'_ to these inincipleS l 'and filitTn is no othername - unde r r iteWren, or among ruder Which th*glorions truths .eatt.- he 'classed, but DEssocitscr. - • fell* •Doinotrots, instead of lo oonsistanily'claniorng t,Nmr. Deportoke,"-under trety* - 11.t. sag stop) tt expel, from 6nevrity c!. - trlve -ftorter,°eltangis;,”, , arbo 'tiraP i le;"and f r cirek4stitija;O:**iii oriktacentex.itriisatell. • a. , Tberinopyiit bind;-to bold -"Plc , kasi" • againitibe boats I ot'ta`erceriarp' (lemaffoOeff, , vilio' vonla , cal k= rox.:4 7 = B qkridtt teiNut tit tlrerlizi guard,-And obori prirtrealifirat thn truthiCkiid,-.down the'nOblflipiOtev_ritilrd nor prettkotr to *I tort' 1 !?:,thi : 044, iftromtvanittemtgribn 1 120 Ple. but has become a mud ~ national "Gift Enterprise" on a magnifieent scale, and iliataee4ly tickets "drarr are r in tb4 bOds eta militarysatrap; 4' a. I laviiiions herd orlietendantOiciOlit.\ usiptithfulli• eikpel every le4der our*hrtyNaluo-Vouldlis.s4 way.gamble with our principles, and marshal' as lead ens only•sueirmen. as , are -mpresernatiiee qt- t tu.ialdialytioni they can be safely titifikiiinidttemain in an untnimelled 1 1 4 1°°6t Il i a .0,%-tr-Tm--PIS% .020,0 11 • . rercrii7:d'our - stpb;adrd - iiiia her it" ori; ;Or ii 4 t . If* il 494,4trij, I*l.4:bee and. bmve,:lbt • vporr them sticeellstritr preSiftition`ef-*ddie4ii.:;l etitittiOS.;:.43!#r,if iffiirdnted - resio6l.:' lility_iis , noWillanl.; . eisi wn:ripork,,iis,Fine t , is hich. u Lttler tsio,:bp ;ctiosetr. • pe ruto liimpOwer fbra notion'tivertibrtroe. Whin ottpitteral.: - , liar the, en eartiztentelit {P . Olt 'CilFigkr/F Atoorlik?„-tm ettilulhat'wO arts not l lalotte.iwourtipposi,; don: 'toi .Ridical Innovation larch -Mir Tithe' hoao}ed latidMitirtilq: - We, give "tlie: relloWT/Sg I.k . .niarrof t - eite . of. tho. Ablest: joornals; of the &ate.. which ‘iit Only zwn : among -the! large; majority who eliptisti i it. :he the; de: fefiders-o..iflie i .giato, largely Radical,, cten• exteeding-iihvexpectatioas of-the leaders itt tha' party,- Allele. Xtititklinic• deetO-Xetitett flit it." 'What; that cat islor aid " 4 4g it, 4 6 .2 t4'., O9ti l thei great populatity.4 itatitadlital candidates; for they were - coMparatiiely i obtenre men until - tidiertiSa and ptirettf,hi,' II Pcileo" 1 1 1 /i9 -arid Cooper werwalfthitt4 .. conld -fished oti tile4C6reo:iidpnlicrity.:. This; briogi its lifirte4ctinliii - Metticid; O f d e l l 'e4es°4; psi ireleit fonitfltoo,/fl `,/-fetieral patron (Mr ...appot?pitis? , •iNeitlier - W/ 11 ./hivie4e ll :". 1 4.41 4 1 potent ittlittence,:anch money.4iti: . ayo,profusk,nsed.-,:Ailvery-witibb 1.9' help:the i•dstilti to'• ;in this = qaf kicei,*44; tiiol*ent;, faCts; P I P / Lm*c3";. 4 -/i/a . plegtrltattea carroptiort 9n: /tie.; partl,:of the: eople thattoei: not exist, 'Mid' this' lio,extiorratteli`9f the . raseals o - iim iili.tio'and ;tie' - tii4 are 6e Peoltle , ,ara all right.- tfife4ronblitisi:they bpse.beext badly4ma ted-bktuitnagers;-,Ther would not Stand , flip' AV/in/Pg.' rebu ke iiii..thfriesali'dr;ihE) Wit - election, f" • , Before the St Me.Contentittr et, 'De- - mdcMcy 1•79' was titilt:l9did;•96ll steaflf tictilince';wPOit:tite majorities ‘pf. jhe ine4q,4 l 4 sticitsaannat_with r ho4t lue of tide.flumes& -There a few uteri' fall of pen:mint 'ambition;' ; 'Winne _statesmanship, .chexiit,to 'the:fatal ; f ir passing the so-Allied sel ation,"depr A deproca. : tho.tiscaSsion =rdf ne.Which, up.'to that very- day; the - Presi 'and spent- era 4114 unparalleled, 'botdiniiiintis or the Con stitutiowandof. the rights of-the .States, forced throne fraud, 'cliGne; 'and 7 -.,Aft one' fell, 5W04,1; these men sought tit *ilia :7,eclo‘ll - or Yeer.st Ood P . bpaik thal c theretofore they liad .beeni zealously ready. to , ,kliep Iv, : what- ilbsoline:fay . It sums 9lnnist a ierideathin - -the-.pi* te.rhilittilfh#M'"the odd would destfor, they prs6 ut49494 - lAyrior to this we '=were sailing Smooth, ly with th's'enrie4.: Of'pithii6 fever,' aid offeneit:eli'eharzing,h9M upon : Radical 4ra_-.14 1 3 course: Was changed, and again", theonnentari had-to • assail, The morale of: 1119 Party Was seriously our POptlitr„candidateiWere carry. Itig dead Weight, and We:were hit-weakly on the offensive; if :on itat silLapd- the contest culminated I:,eq 'naturally - in atie-' vere defeat. - "It %eosin:lei us nOw,tio Meet,ltJikii men • wbo : knotv.honr ti:•.organize, victory. out of,' defeat:. That spirit wins: : 'To do it,': we must' discass the cMiset'of the rittty, cerneily-theto; and organizr, fresb fOr iaerta iigorois niiddeterinined charge op on_ :itaglicali.snt. - Drop lee,. hated ninth resolution sad its concomitants, the Cause of onr - defeat—let 'unity be restored-4et out Ine*nien and Men ,tin -CtintiicuonalY free,irom guile of lack of:prineiple-:- . . take Up honest and capablirpen for office, PTCD 'down to -the loath% 'Municipal' position, for theiticiiith Of the 'abate - reitti*pOn thelutegrits ny.AainiParti fhaeks' (fui they are a standing offense),- battle against-corruption in every, form:- 6 . ght against (demi influence in - State faifi—Stinggle its tninatiOn—maintain alerictCon trtictiOn:of.the ConstitutiOn nod. insist upon keeping ptitrer in :and with the peo pie and ottenr. the federal head—war :for the, , of the States—berrari diibtfallmen= 7 let Yoniplatforra lie plait* !Y:D:eßneratie , ;lindtrn,isc: ll6 , man *nn cluiroCoAs, who, srili not stand openly and . tuplarilyttpon.h,4rgttnize thorough 17* for the catnlmiO'fi! . .lB7,;-' 7 -Und ire will be back"againlaltie,' , aktitie.:o(march . , fall or :clams, moving;`,on,rt►►; ; rictorg! Time fninciertiPt d iLarourerinine itt tnailageinent 'and avoid 'melt yhinclera cis thii-laik'tie trill lityoheit votes 4124:Dor!ocracy VP44: 11 , 1 .e40 1 .0 4 1: k 3 • Tb negro. Teti 44 this dote ,ia touted at 3 A* they nearly all I :°tea ioriy ;arat I.4Aii..4l**:tbiAtto State Senate. State-Senator Geo. - Zoe!Coll, who for the past niae l years ,bits been, a member of the eenate, tinartiho has jfiSt been re-elect, to the of the cyC t iohZtlay. lEUVing received a shajatityatileyowimf4.&w. he he deem ed elected ?. Votes for...dead mon are not calidiend-no man an Ave. , lege,ally elected until the official spto is antiprusq,and. .the certificate-40 Aetticei mystioupf_some igimrancet onC i qt ..:"AlAe.geTOPtallNgEig three Ake elerea.BenatOre chosen on Tuesday, Which' V601'6114 the: Senate stand Publitsiti) ' 1 ,434 thktlitco r fA6(44fle4nllalleve`flis aeCtion. or iiollitriiemoccdt : l'gad ; if fs , C6l l : ll eif. ied:ussepersept:op ; orOine_ot the r 'day of,:theelectiutv, - the certificate of elea-r lion:mint-bittaiyen; !0 1 4 - 4 1 c..0, , oiVi4,Tatt4s- , I.P;r:tfonoig.or lelligenper;: 01.13WIthutiintrfirettriliew that;3lr:ClOnnell: t!ol. dlCO'fi cleetign:- day, ba • that liq has 41Wd ithiefi, 'r:ifse• the "oines- 4joh-Aetilk?;b niw-.0.0491.1 be v orde e'doybicbAt ifLciaimed cannot. e Aerie, to nil titi,tacancy; and , shah' . thiicontested: seat rtif Mi.. Wald y, of the enrisherhituf district; ifs 'AeCided-le - faii,k' *l':Thin 9utio s orpnen4thelv,wp;4lll,l;F#Den!,_. and- 4 4 We. lir...Weakly succeed icisecarkikhirseat a rtio - willtherrreenr. '4 - ' : - fgErWel!ohlit z eit)l.tlli , littentio*OF:fiti ":,0:0 11 ! flit;:-.3: 94 nefrien a 40.0i9Pg11.1 n9lllP9lll9l l 3.othetti Irqght Afire; vitir iiim .otr no or Iteo nonsissoltihE - suk,gestioha, tthth and 011: i!.h hie 104'4 I)**ti6.4 iiilve•4 . l OrtliepriOlggri' a= 'theoretical hstile , o f ogh ite„chlviti_g 111. "We jik ;:tiquei are-Ao. , #4retoriink,.a: mind: .capatile of gratpihk•sd'indeplOintlyoi4tiettlkihnd 1 10 0 gtIliti: - ‘,tt0";_ ( 1940* .f ~', -4 14: 44,01e4, t11P.:40/19tA90)41icAn: instintionv iind bur:uatihnd.liberty • DcatketiiienerniAndetzon. lifieldeativof.,Genentkltolie.rtAnilfraon ftalls Mi . fidelity in iiii-flai,•auilthilf gal-: t r oik'S ; #9444 IVY • ••l i! C il 4ovievcr.. 110,,watt LDenlocratina a iSentszciAsn, thwiNeW York filearipts.-alid'rdhi* lLtd Calliapert; 1,110;the niost ropi . an4Turfebs'atlinae l atione Of ;947aT4Ica':a 1 4 treachery.; But-'the -falsehood of these was manifest, and he 'Enfe ' o - nrrrive,i+444slant 1.1. J ...11 , At- - Fzeatrirrthc iiiadithCOrig r 'ef T- 11 ? n Alive* a w e lung It It was tpnatac• - ; et -the_strain on hhi:rnind, pithap3 infautouatalutaies tcrzhieh . be; milt !sub ett; imAiffeetea'bis health thitt' *.hidli l t4 the; fiat * PO. „beard:la-A • L., DENOCEATIC SACTORE IN WEST Via attira.-LBy In telegram,' dated " October 2 ;'the :Regh/Ci: ' says At'the''titne rof uriting _ire la% q s reeeire returns`, troth geven,pf the, ten, to' ualups n,th s cnunty suificient to short.that the entire Dem., ocritie - ticket - ie triiiMphatitlyo'elected: There'll no ilonbt i . rhaterer 'that "tlitre - iolf,be:a,Wge);letnecrati"4 PPIP"PIAtiPt4 il .ll 24 ,l !) ,: ach:!biaach 5 oi -Legislature of the State, though tew :land returnwhave - yet been reeeiTed. A die-: p3tA froth lilartin'sbt"rg nForms dA that Iftoe:ly „Fonuty:;has eIeCK4 'the "I",eiiiie Dxmactittip ticket.there by ever, tuo, huu-, dred hrid.fifty majority; ..about oneltun tlnid.mort.: than 413 expected or tltdh was ' - given "i 0 thiit :County, for the "Call. Of the. . • ;Witt . rtial — •' 644,V. Listi .Cirr; October Justice :McKean; this: mcituittg,' . . - liasted. entsatelopow ! flaWkinei the -polygamist, as- follnws: •••‘. • Thomas fiatekintc-I'sorrYfor;you,',, ' vitytterry; ydu - rimy noti think -so now, hattl- "shall try to make you think iii by the riterey which I shall shOw!Viti:', "':Yotr. tame Tram England'lo - 2 tiiii - VOblitry With. the ;i!rife! of youf Joutti; and!' for 'wady, 'vetirs'Yon were, d' T kiid buebiintl ! and a ! Icing fattier: At length:' however, the evil spirit of pillygainytettifitKanfiki*fled hotisegiold; and non hYthe'eoiriplaints!Of fv3tielliittifuf Wife: and the i;eritiet a "jury; lon itand'at:thii.har, its ediitioted trued:lA! - The fait lieti'ine a large discretionary power in passing Sen. fuititt,yoM'zlnught hotb-fme imprisbn'sl on Tor "(treaty. yearn and'fine. you one thous= itud'dellare: l'eatinot iMpriscla yon for ! less thitts'' three vitt* !War' fide loW - 1 i Pan'thiee: hundred: 'dollars. if-se right you shiinid -be fined, among tither ' L i:nil:mil" to-help defiay!epe - useu 'OT-eliftireing 'the Imfe; lint mg expenenee in Vtab,,baS been itiebithatT. - were 1 - tofltin' you '1 am Satiefied!the'fine , would be; 'O4l (int of Other' funds ! : than"- youia, 1141 thus you monld! gd free,' absolutely - free. frOm rill ' puniehment, - -aud then ' tote men, who mietead people; would make thousands of others believe 'that' God" bact - '''sent the intinTY to!Pay'tbe fine; that God hid Pit• rintedcthe Court from seeding vonkfrom • prison, and by, tr mitttelel'aou beef. &kited from the tintheritzeOf the IN tett States, linnet look . !lei'..lVihi4:iny judgment give no aid and nottifiirt tO - utien men: -'= to 'that my ;'judgment betiot,lOo severe ati; • to - seem Lvindietive; -twid - not;solighttitO 'mint teqrifliatith jestidei; 4 /I'h tortitonnity . ,efight kik - 41*i thaVlVel :Voce' nor intetixeie :,to-rescue 'etiminialstrOtit , the*nti,equernii:Ottlieir crimes, but, on the, contrary, be so - eiders tar ittlaireof his ntirvitue,",thiictiannet later, Y ' "AO lie islE)i-!StiO toe; jnOee'. l .C . .fliti : Viontitii.'Jrlyfit - !_saY, hetet -3114 1 160 %-t•W Ima;tiit.titif (rpm wA 'me in; doing so, .1 will gladly recommend that you be pardeuetb_ The pidgmout Of the court is thatlon be fined $5OO, and th - arpb - rd inrprtioned, ; schtwd laborToY the, terni: bf,threecyeapstif, d eku oto inf'Vennial inn . l4/ COUNIES. , 24 A 91 3 i'0,11. DER 035. 4 11 0) 1 .33.1% :ft.f,T.V:i . .i. - -c4479,8,r i 11134 'Armp4ong-:•,.i.;14:.;;:::'; . . '.' 3515 3144 . ...Qt l t : 11e - dfoid. - ...1 1 ..i: .-.'...::. ..-. - . 28191 - 2832' Ticrlcii..''.":.l l .Pi.'.f:''..: - . '... - :.'''v - 5303 1 .11,13,7 111tah0... , •.... 1 "?....T. . 1 %, ...' :":$:,.. ',. ' ‘33B2'' Ig3r. ';•: . : - .. - ::'`'01,11 -2 'igoeo ; 8iwkiii..:., , ,,, , - ~,,, ,, . .7., , i...-; : : : , G 902 ''' . '-'65 , 43 8nt1i i i.:.*:;' . . : „ ,, ;:p . ,. , ... ,, r i:,208...5 ~citi11ititi...ivi;,.,,,,,....94r,„3029. :eamet0iiii.i,...,,,,:::::,,•.,,:,.,,,,.. 389' ' - 339 I.Carbbil.l...'4. ,'' , l, :-..fi'.l.'T 1 1935'" '2165i 10eiitit'i.4.- - ..`• ','...'.'.-.'. '.ll - . 1 .'.' . ' 117 W '-`3470 1 C IfoVer '1 i 1 .. :'..''.'•.." - i -- ;:.': , 1 .... - :1"' 1308 r '''4os3: ''OrtirOnW;';'_: .1-: . . r ..'' . .', ..'. l .!...;' ''- 443' /511' 'olsintfikil&l.n.".4F. ':..''.i,`?. ': - E . ''' . 441 .: . 27 , 44 g A CtintoliVicl';''.. - ' - .', 1 .'...t. ''.' :"L" . 316: '''9l3ll .Colunibie.l..l'.. t :i.'..::::::-',4' '.. 608''''3282. ;gran': Ritif..iy i."..'i '';'.'. l i . l' ,- 5172;': 42 1 a viiinEirliiniLl . 'l''.` . .:.''.--• 4' 901:: :1 4368 Thinplwiti.ii' - .! 1 . i'ii;. , ': :::; .' ,. ..i it 1388'4134. Deid„ni(tft;'.l. , .:. ,. .l .' .".'11: - ....':'t'1173 . 7" ( _: 2130- Eik,.:."....- '.',• .., . `:. 'ira;4; - ..-'.ri; •' .' 568 '''. •oip-7 ,Ert6:-.-:Q.-....:..; , ..L'-.'..iL'l' '4284 :.`-- :2950. Favette.: 2 ;. .. s'. ;'. l !. i"..1 - '' , 2921 '. '3854 iGii kilti .L:',-;.: .. ; ~ '. . , . .;'1... .".'...f1 . 2406 ' 'OIL - Fitit00;::1 ~ , ,''..:,,c ; ':;: . ':'::q''''';777. s ';1114 Yolket; '....' - ;•:.:..... - i..i;'.-...'.: ''2s4' • ': 218, Gtetiji. g J : ,' , : - ..!..:..'.': ,- .i. •.-': 1376° -2654 llintinitdix.;i- ' i- - . 4 •. ,,,1 8140 ' ,l -280:, :Indisina::::t.';' -- .- ..i:"..'i';‘: •i i .4.343 'l2l6ir .4 Jeft6rson.t,... ..*... , .!1'. rfr. : ' 1866' '.'. 4 1785. Junktnii;..4 .-..v...f„;4';'.;,:., .-1204'; , 647 inuOster::::.:.... 4 ; !..: ::1.1,0740'...i ;10645. .r.vaTeace.:.::-..;;.: .. .;.:.• V.J. , - ,7 .2432 , . ' 1 . 288, I..ebition.v.y;:i ....:s t -,- . ;' i 3 3665 - 2386 .lAligh'.4C; ..;;...1.4t ~1.d......... - 44211' :: 5635. Lui4r4:1.:. , ;i.:....;;.: - .i1izi7.'.1t9105 !.10,5,51 Ly o ir l i n ..,-. i.......'.:: •.).....f. 1. 3996.:-4406. • . ' 113c'ean.‘:.. ;....; :.'.. •'-,''. .. 1 , ,, 1(q ,v. , -751: 1 :31 . eitit;4 - 4..4. .1. ; .:..; :::.:'4041........ , •.3225 1.11101e.7..i_'...": . ....., .....4.....:' ' =l7lo' , 1796...: 1dinirc4..:4 , ;'....... ; . 5..'. -. .-4.-1 . .0 r :.: . ,23.6 ::...25133, lilotiltOneryay...,:-.....-i .......;:'; - 6551/-: -7315. • s.lontoura. e.cl:L:;.,{.; i'.z..1...'i.:i2020 "°1366: Noitlinfilpto . h. - ; ..-.,....; . ....;... - i, .. , ' , '!3.248 -," ; 0102. i .Ntiril, tomberlawl.. - ..' 4; .t. t' • 4004 11 . : 537`06 Pt. 4 1 174:1. 1 .;::.r. : ...;:.. !.,. :.; :'.I 1t , ..2476.:. , P2497:. Phila'dt;litio • I • 7 '4'.... , :::. $2005 , ' 1 5051L: Taii.. V... ::: ........','".i. , ::::. , . - .). ,-, .i 249.. , -103 3 INit(er.v... - .... ;...?,i , ... - A!.1,....1.. "3150 : -1188 . , - Sobnylkill:.,..:. - ,4: 1 .:4 , -,.-.689311- 8499. iSrby4c:t.:;:. - .1.... - . , :i'..'.:. , .tv . . :. - .1755' '...: ;1391 Somersqt.i, .4-.4% ...... , ...I'. ,1.. -. .1 , 3063 1 1877, Stillivao...., .;141;k4,4;: . ...3. -- ... :t. .407 i, - .'.106. Suiilin.hituna..4-:.41.. - - - .:, ? . .3555 •! 2457 Ti0pu. , .,..-I.':-r- - ,i - .:"..?.::-.i . 3612:"- 174} :Upon ..1.;: i...i . .....;..,..ti; .. , ..:i ., ; 2012 ' , ..t1332. Venthigcr:?........i'......;r:, , :i. , ,, ,. . t 3722 a.' . 31,54 .Wai•feulj. —r • : - - -; - ';. ', 2128 1 . 1627 ,Wuolli . niitorK. - i.. - :.4.. 4...... :_ • .4854- , i 4888. Waple....,i .!.:.:-4 , 4: . : ,a;,...,1.1 , 120.1.:!- , 2396 • Wi•6tin03'e1i1nd'...:.::.'4....-: , 4 01706 !;-.=5041 • ...11irson!hig...T. :•..,:; .....,:...-.1.`. , -1.1131.- ,1`: 1546 York.' .... 1 - 4 . ..!;.-2.1....;:.,. (570 L ~, 7196 '1• . - -, • ;I ti i ; - 7,. , t, : 01 _. ~.,...;.,-.:. ~ ..;••••---c . To --.--. tf • 'et'4•'. ......,.. ,c. '4483999:265503 ..g60,0/:21488;.(b0n.)'4.Y0tvii.2695.09%,4--.—'- :t; 1 ,gitioritYL• ::..:r.. 1341kr,-S,magler, hild 3,175. and:Arhreltr, Llloidates,lutd 3,012, Nutes. /.or :a7Vollyentipu ;332231; —Agajnfit: a ;Coliventi n,_% 0i8;; for a:_Con4 -41) Aivftst insustssr;, , , I.Drruoir, Oct:24, i-1871.:— T Tno Coburn left Sault St. 'Marie;.. on ;her .vl7 doirn froth Duluth to Ihttallooon the morning of Saturclay, the 14th init., Der. officers wire ,Coinman der; Gilbert' Denton t, of .Detroit; first reale r William Simmons; Of Detroit;' first engineer, A S.Robinion. of Marine City ; - second engineer; Vim. flutcligattniof Detroit; clerk, E. Major, of Hrotofieldir Out: stesvurd, ' (lunge Westcott, of Marine '— • -cites-idea the aboVe - officers sins' had •board , a crew of,abont thirty Theron rand nhout lofty Spasst:hgets;, sevenref , whom ,erere:,sionserr, -and ithre , ei children; ;:lier earge conisi,itetl of. abont , fifteetrthougatid - bushels of Attest itft; 3,500 barrels Of-11...nr -fdrsarcl,• tiktin on itt Dein th %for t Bofflito, untl3o bartvls :of sitrei- 'ore trip Silver - ,:dly ', 10 .o'Cloelt Situ rday , ntgh tit ' was bloteingra fierce glde; and there was no l aving on deelc.: -, ;' : - • ',..: Abofit , seVen iiiloOlt - 'or. Sunday nicirn jte,..,, When` nbout. tiventv of tiventy-tive mileS 'off Peinf 'aux Barques, it- beinine evident to Copt. &mina that the steamer mist he wrecked; and the order wasgiven to stand by the'boats.' She' carried` tire bon% twohdblyelfintrieletit :tipacity 'to take or all the , pyiple- on 'bourd:rnt ' a smooth ski ; but nysneb a gate;' ishietrt . 'n `•stutitich Steadier - cOtdd'• 'not Withstand, there was little htiltelein.fralF3'itrAout. •At thnt time no"•person on tbe'llbfated steamer - e . eted leP Ompec,tilire.- Hoir ever,' thew' onl,y''hOtie' iros' In' the small boats,,and one was untrtediateTylannclted. -None Of 'the wonfeW or :childnin' could be - gcit'ilitOt air thertiould .136E' leave the 1 •cohin; n seretil of thein :Were in their etate-room • sold seemed unable to get out. Itirtts aline t impouible, to stat•out on. the deck; so-fierce IY_Was' '.. tLIo' ; Ring . log at the tinte.'"Ne*rtheletts the :trinal boat. watt filtetrWitlf.pa,ssehgert - add' was tifelyranneheit'stud • drifted awayleired 1 the , Citnadi shore, ind -was' soon out id' , sight: , '-'-'.' .• ":' ''''' - ' ' '''', tharitugivtna• iteiesclatnatton 4fis Nscellency, : : the - .Vresident..of the United States,' having. :by his - proclama tion, iiet apart Thursday,. the thirtieth of NorholGer, - 1871,. as a 'dor of National Thanksgiving.. . Now, - thirefore, tiontr , tW. Marcy, -governor of Tenn qlvania,.'4lo. herchytor dially.ciimmead, to =the people thereof the observance ottlie sameas a 4ay of thanks giving to Almightyßod for onr gate, tku. tibnat and ;individual 'blessings,' and prayer. for the 'Continuance of: flit !gra; cious favor. ; : . 'As entirely as may be. possib e let busi nesspursuits te.suspended.',Letz ns spend the day lit religi . onantratip,and such saCreaignAninnings and festivities of the hal* 'ciente, and so secure . ,its - plea:sures and pe'rforni, its_ aa 'to'. make .out. hearts tiore deeply seizable of 'out' obliga' tions ti; God and out. relic)* then. " : Who GO offereth praise. glorifieth. " that Inith pity %ion the poor lendeth niz td the terd, and that thich - he bath gfi r , en-Wilk...pay him' again." Oren under my baini and The great seal 1 -,of the state it ifirriiitinpg this 'twenty - :sixth daY'of Ochiber,:in - lbe yeareittnr Laid" One thousand ei4bt handfed and -, sevent9.bne ; and otthenornaion w'ealth Gorr /3 ; )t thirOolernot4: - ' v-V;3Mitia t vkleefireW of,ttommoni *fah, V. 4 Pensprilyanta Stinday•School ftellet OFFICE .OF TUE EXECUTIVE Co:411111T TEM .I.:EIiNfixLVANIA, Stt:TE SAI3- - TlATu•Sitopt !Asso6tkrto2t, - ;`, • To Ait. whom rigAit a meeting of the',F.4ecutiVo binnmittftyof the. PenaglvaninV StateiSabfigth-&Ifool - Association, held - this mr, it war Unani mously resolved to set on foot the We propose that, the.scholars of all the 'Sundayociteoliisit nintriSidte,ho called up., pp to contribute to the relief of the suf . , Arrets. - by-tha - latet , fituvinathtt-31444.11* North-west} • We stlgest•thatlit f-etbst--- 'tine of thifotir determined„ Appdnk4elfitof,,,ldPeritt tendettititnid Isttifs in'escli' totality) be set apart in .w ' gatber v khese, tiou&' ' 7- "" ':" . the %appal Batik, I,lte `stuns` collected 'in srfi r tlOnit . 1.1,f;t1 karts ACknOtilddgentent . :*ill' made Iti .sina ief?oOk.hYtltf, itn if • desirei.,, in.the ATetardoCulitentiOf:thp be deented,brat.' - , .'" " Connty'sdeftiMrieS inighlti*4' Riper Lica; Trastors - ,r!pq' ch*clies :40'n ofthe , prrss • patent's, inikrintetidentS;`.teao4o, and ail S}induys'Cl invited end urged . eo - lend thli,fhintive! l ee- Ziperation in' thebbject tethis - We t3hillt to cenitt'AP O ' the`mtn 'Nim - ,finoiv.. ; tlieit ' ATe . :nre persuaded that - our,"Sh nday-seTiotile to 'Y - On Mity'beiiispnied 'Of ibeifinosteareinifite' efercia# lit th'e trust assumed. and that the'. benefactiiins bestowed; ;iittist eedetrdireetions; eipeefally net for, ..etting: in the - - bluiths - sT the g.citY, Ifjrink ;COMO'', uPiin rout harrit towns' and Vinag4' of the western frotitierl' ''" TWO ho Pei tb t ire'eetAr6 in the tiiii ,day§fchdel 'Andrea of ..itir'State,.tz':fettl - ante -war . 11$ bi e tlai mat} gt •Wtllt vounorteini the ft ' I,n, `"of 'the grutUfht OiiportnnitiO a pruet real beitele.net ly,'order, 1 , Exectuive,Cinntoitte. • • - Pei.7:4 4 Staret''' 1. - Icr.tirfo4.ll.tat en; . }.diter • .1 .'" "'Staidity4NilOtiTipies. htilathdPlija; r , • - • -*he ittenierNaikiwcitt4,l*rs*li4. A sec . () tal ' etrer the Denver 'and moqii4iiile'Aar . :riiitiz i Kgi railreatthe . . nairdtv "gunge ,con structed in the United Sfittes-,on/ the I 23d'insi. - The ,pitrty Cetoprieel'ati;int. n perstinii,'•ineleding'the'Bliiyor;of -,Dii,rivey,, - Conneilnieu,..represetitativsk.or tlie pres s ,, and hidh4. — The exciittrqpn,Foli for a A ist once of !tee d'ifillks r 1:T sc pi . as the roar ' 'yee•iecetved :the rails. The trainfac;ed Up against:a fotiona %tint! teorm',. whichfor • a tviiito , dotifested.',l 4 ltt. light of the' hicoMotiVOlit ,`!,MoVe, After ifid - stort,. however; itOM Prosill its eitperioritYovet mint-; and the train ed on gracerally - and rapidly? -,ros test ivas regarded as 'rather "fortunate.: as it refuted - an arginnent often ntied', 'against' thf rein], that it be"found bfelti-ilmc'br nigh winds. - - The. genver such roads should not he'operated as, sitti4 broattgua.,,o6 ears; they just as''aecnratelY poised; while the, centre of gravity is fixed nearer the grontia:, adds that the seats,in this newchr4 are more condticive to comfort. thant,bosii of the care of the broader gutigCS... „ The satisfaction rendered by tlie.exCnrl slot) ices so gretit, ed so much an - eSiablislied • fiiet, tha't' fife guests, Organized - anteetingin i tit:O" big ca, and adopted. a: series tio n s,:one of vittich'o Resolcer4.T4af the; trtfulphaut of Denver . a g n 4i':P Gra-dthC,Piirzr narrnvgat Senger ntl'oetmoctolt i n- the' kl* - *Men) " ?6 'and prttes's expitiment in r i a4,iCay line ding which por'ant rtevolution . m. induStriarlind ptitnperclill PnEsinuvr' ittnor*- I The gentlemen' were elected "President i ttithies on,tbe;loth lost: , I • ' I. Philudelphia,-,Tas.l. 8, , J R. I.4ncaster—...T, B,Livingstrlm.R:t , -t 3.„ 'Bog°, Potter, Illiean,Catnertiriand' .Elk=r-11.1V.YiMaras...B. : , 1 ,, Bucks and Mon tgomery—.3toss,lhu '• 9. Cumberland, Perry and Juniata-ft-II: F. litnkinell. • ~ • AI A -1 stroni4.:A. '" 12. Datipftin Pearson, It • 15. Delairare and' ,heater-; :g rin .oat- , ig • 16. :Fianlaip, ,Bedfor ar qtaerW,., kn. 'Fulton_ lizil); 4 , " 18. Clarion, 30"ersotA. A.:Jenks, D. . ' 19. Yurk and Adiiias= 7 .ltotier)4;.Ellin- 1 20. Bother; D. : ;, 1 21. i SChnylkilf-- - Wallcei,lh...4 • I, w, ; 24. Huntingdon, Blatr_ John Den6,ll . . ''• ". Lira to Aitivar 'lurk City • Of families thmt`r . SPO'nf between . 4l,tioro and $30,000:m. `pea r, there '' are rabour:'it thousand' New York: :It 'be impossible'tosascertaikthe' but the abOVe•fignies' are': the tesulf considerable researeb;;hnd to be re1h . .44 us app roximating' the fuel. Fasiet is, it to give a - Ouse 'figure as" to the spending between 850,000 implo,ooo, ear. There; are - Abut - ;66cal such families. - .,OUr , figures would, 'stand thus:. lo.000:'oe'ia,000 - that spend 016,0004 Year; 1,000 - spetik42o: 000 to $30,000 , 'a year; and :sixty', OrSe l / 4 4 enti whom it Costs tt50.000 &Year to liv e r • On Fifth . AVOtiuditti. costs e35,000,' . to live respectably. In this suti, wo'do'not, include the rent °lithe which fronl4iertainly $00; 000: A first class establishmVnfon Fifth avenue has, 'eleven or tirelvicleritinti; n man cook; uritli thin female as stay4s scullery Minati t that 'waits* An the tatAc ; lantidresi;tiCoMehMitiiiMd a footman , -- - the lattei May, help iraitingon the table, as his citifies on the koziare not serkisidatiuS—si stable' tn . :mitre:or Alive girls Tot - op-Stair laforki. , and. if there,-are children.nt the family,a ritirs6.—TheVAW lay in cariittges mid borses alone 'timovnts. to' 410,000 - a year, niiiabers aesi3yi tMr&y It it' Teilljonty.of inbabitatitig to AW bst ceprit i r.r ;y.., of gutelligence. L... - '.. :4:-: 'lnoue stsvrcEs. a t ,-.Ple7n =.. 1 Use. L S. Posto,lbtator.T. to a.m. antrifiza; I r „er Ailng Wednesday Evenhigs ...1., ~I,Vi le mJ ini 'C C MIL ', TIVE.J. E _ 4.17;:ttr . ... rablakth crifter,i - Second Sunilatalaatte Sabbath School:— Immediately before taus - ! • • Rl.F.P.OrdieNASlAgnatzT,...g. A. W_Altramat.Tteoor. ' bbath Sanwa., ` 103ra. uratsd'Vrirla7 Sanday &haat' , -11 m. Weekaay Services—Frfilaya t.l.o_ 2 _ ‘ : l" dtrt 1:110D1ST EPISOOPA I. .'...ltair. A: v, ..Pam= abbath services - 10.43 a. sa. , aadl.33p, ma. 1.1n,,rt _ cc 11 tq l34 7 214 L.; - Tir'..lM 3 r: . i;t6d. i r7f":". - 7.3V1C ir, PRESBYTSIVItateg.etic Mid Itault gobinttserviees - 1 . a5 arm. an d IM p , M / I . rfanaggttAM7MhsaIIAICOMPVIA;VIN P. F 4 ;te, NOT r t, rtr "Great Artifariffat'thittirToodrraurot'a. Read torcStutitstaitsittrarattfter cattrairtrA htm.seg ti; Counz tp BustgitifklOq.dt l "°: ,l "';'. l7l tireW, Wl'; gime* , trade, 12tategranatiAlii 1 ,---Agerifirteitiated . tiiielt - tbita eatiticil Ilia N' at i on. .4;A. „ z il • asp:==== A. - *` ;:tL - . fiii;tiiik; enblied'oco,t one Of 131 i fielda, 09. t.71 , 2fiz0961:r-tOthri, ...7 01 !Fik.z:ReaRurP: 1 am texi lo lorgAn4.l:v4lmilmare.pqridaiantl .fivit ourrees,,.lt.,is,Qr.the species imown LUT tlm " Cal horn to Joe rpYitc.4,mia3. l . ll lx4l9PPeß,F 3. : aPpl!-1, cation ittzlicerflyng. ; l44% j0x444.. , : • Our 4 friO4 iStr.Men, 9(prfiplitiOp,*eiria to , Vilig agate to ¢e-.....u. , .."1 • : - Et daily will ,411,941 Y: 13800:0 0 4k "Ptihttc. gtXtellttneee§entrytnn;SCooniipg.to:lta.Wwn an., nelinernionti , it Win 120.inslapeadnutall Politics anode rntiss tOltiointareatyrsitizana, , , , * 141 : 11 TYP I I. C1 .! Tfie Nviteri?:trii g:t!iltiltAttuT4ATeri„ o 3 l the Tunkkannook .lA'moerat: was never known—ln' the !memory iirl,hat-rary antiquatedindividani, tbel" . oldcaninhabitant"-46 toot as - aiNthe_ prei ent4 ettloWiliatitusnid acibigiutte4 imriossibb; , tn,llll the paiiatuan tontiortespncity`. . 11 . 4 " 1 "! I,FtiViiiebieif the . Ortitiaileelbr'ciiiisnan ' ba-6iista will do"4iibilirsiairirlaas Lake, nett §!‘l4ql,mc'rEaPP-riPvcla.ber-P.!1!, by the Thltos9fiViski!isteigird; 4:4;41.4i* L., • aro_tprio-FT:whico . .tyKlyken s per sets, es . iVith tgOi:e r itl;',inint,,And as yet have'itelqtrtiniaiiti'eri are lei only to oottjeottiretGt:tit ' a - tiattidi ' dre waiting tO;bring,l49T 6514 it At.(11.91 - Mitßxi coVA we sincerely Illppo,4l4l. : 4;she,gasse. -rolisearance wknetimes MteEtQ.bo virtue awl wp, think it has with someptstity euhee!ihepond I,3re hope it. 444 X IPAIAI4I I .s.,PA% tsiciaVkl must Itsise to carry on our • It is tlastm mt eileasapt.*:49)4l7s to ask for our due5:134,706A tedy..p?i,,Aet theta Without, awl sk 4 l.,we4Seas do Let those in 4nsted anmcratgqems:3 -zrz ‘f More Debanchliallitthietietir.ti We find in".bezealurnbi of iherunlchannock HoPuldittag !vamp; -.puff .pt.T.beadoroillton's 'Golden Ave., Who is lookan. O, ^IIIIOISWOr IE I O/mg county now t,---..gont thx . e iei ) .'4P 4 9ll!. - ' • The readers of i r ; . oti;Ltiin abolle papas were Badly afflicted thrßaglimin,y,wearT months prey Onus to thd opeiting.,o, !its last Wit* cam. Oaign, by - vain t:ndeacors of 'both We ed. btors tovdwit third' Rotes , anee, ut after thattlinettherrami( , togetliii-lilte oil, nbetraying e•debanch. tng" the eause'ofor-their owabaseends. Are we to suffer another infliction ou,the ",man" eluestion ii9i4bl ihat tbma same Brunzos tenAilinee" aittirs aie'tfoiteljaying tipe" Btriiii4g4',:fiW'dro or: gnniiing a tilOi to tiroidritifeThebdOi s e t Tilton: Mrs. Wocaillaa alldlliniricolio*MitaAtatisfY their own base antdresi; Int9nUegti9;M,turallY arisea ‘ asiikgra.,Wlitullondldr,goodore Til ton allow it? TentgentioOtten 4i04,6 • LegtureAlalibeintion. The opening lectiarearthe.eourse.toibe givnt by the Yontwarensllveture Aastlatioh ,- 14 ill be. delivered In Montroze,.;Novembers.94 by the' Lion. Thomas Fitch, or Nevada, Subject:— !' The HinViim or:Mtillone(OriiieT.'‘te'str" MnrkTwultl" sap idt Me/ kiicri know ttlm to an orate.; 'Enid any !Indiunrc priaptienvfor ,two: itogro that' can be gathered tferomblcalqaawity.pf Amer ka, fr0m:474049n - to . 4ectr, Orkin& matter :what subject be ehoosen, whetherAt„bp :worn or flesh, old or new, he will make the people . think' they neVeiv , Ilitfted" t&tingthtni ire; deligJtttul before. I bait' heard Welly often, 'and' so I ,tlint net 'afraid'lO'inake thiselitrong. Statements." `..:..c0e: 6:4 SdIoisAIPVP P,FF/43•:,")rick 6ts for fill oraii lectqr.3s, 0 50 . T o be obtelee4 1Q.111.131* 13'43'0 . 450f. • ," Let Thiie ittatrity EDIToRsN 4 4 11 z4n*its'rmpr4, There is in this - section of the o , lquistry, upon' by ,the cams I/f'. D. r- E=4474134, whq.Pretemkto be a minister of tbe&spal t atuilrfiosegats,to think 'that his Master's work Is only to' ho -Pgrformed,, by en openamd p4mtlitent: oPposittorl se.; cret socletieiAnd.rnoritesPoehtfly•-to , rino Ma; sonry. Haiti been . licturing:stiabist such rganizations, andpinteinis AltiblosObe se ;crets of Masoofi, which tic says ha, Isarneprbile a membef'Of ,Tohti?i l ; o 4.7.ei Vilsoonsle - laciiguifo'enilzktia the pi:M.lloas !to the characteioff : Mis Publish the folhiiiilng 'letter in your , /afiablo pa-. ;;: S. W. Buctt;'Sisit'yri Le ftattcidge44. Y. 31.' I Leßaymills.-OctoberA 7 lB7l. - -' 1 atutluiritatil'al4Aoo4llB7l. A. W. Butia,,,sq.,LelitilsysrUle,..;' Mesa g.mind 110:-711(uurIFttsant,I t tio 11th S e ptem b er , 'ifrill 4 __ - 7F90 13 4 n("44 . , .71:her. ,;$ no suelitnanap?..r t _4ua?urk,pr,Agpong to Our. fodie, noiever — l l llO hare, within. the' past two:or Circe yearsstaelted ininfoommu. n Mations find' 'Lcitlvlt= In the Eftate'rk Near lifork.;uhistsirnlqtlitilnith, sithtieby iiipeam kentis;`-hied! ctustilictlnitr libiself the In Crreit.o,*llWil Ofitit 4440.01bibtter atmur..b.eCtunso.thernistlEatithonsualtylrving IXtblwroltiflikYinnfilmaltml taascertaiti.tThetli. er ho was 'a Mason belongitt %fo'sgite - Witt Vital ter but' oPPJAT that: , rwontvknitwi-tho ,Mfln . but by, the Inqufriei&M' U 440 7." cttiq; • - P S 9WAPONIUNOw,:f. , - •• 1 13 1 P mid 814142 a, ma Wirth & ltr4iitisilincts' Ito Winditor ifl e; *ltmeiaiteiretwal. abaft% 4exi-i4kiett ( 7040fialentliiitalk OrtfA*Polo Aleroadworditir-4-4-4,ftwandirorilik,..,t 111 yet eilo . um.' .1 On Sunday morning shortly after No. 12t, had left Susquehanna Depot, aVertano PUSengri -the strain left hi slat and 'stepped oat on the 41stform, and hasbot been seen since. A Oer nnELWho had been 'sitting with him tor he from La Salle,llL, and was on Ids- way to -Germany. A carpet bag, umbrella and ova -1 coacheitinging to WM, were brought to Pad Jervis. Search has been made for him but wiffiuufa'dcccss ": Ii i§' ItipPosed;fierfell'arthe traip„but what begume ol him hi' Imlay." ijiej'avis4giatu: • ,111114nnettOly'Aieldent: •.><-•••:- We learn, t.nav two fdinten isAron towinddp, named ..I•Otru dod Times Garilciti*th thtlr wive, •• • • wried4rt whit is known tut ldtul4tund fist SundttrOvenlo4".; The„partsrottempted tQ awns the pond Surma. old 'skid. and wattled. siontly overturned. .Tludr bodiett,wini*Oror• eittest - morllkrZr - ,Eum7 4 UaioD: . Atnan named ! lona:Lan Taytor,Teiretettlor; biinso of -James Brannan, Teitturtialo;i • .1 - Eitutday, clrenhig. :Am laciness' - upon - the koA .m*itor ihe: act ilia .the'eecea dled the.aects • proci;ed at Otter kept by a roan mined Gilroy. ' It Ds thought thediquor contained on undue quantltyohtlethe. nlne:—Lneirne - •Unein: • - • ••• Pont. Extrtiordirtury.', I : , RandallSte7ens ?Or' Ma i frces. hat; been - einvissing in ilia !faulty and for itio information of Our resdets. 'nfe following from the Nhigard ,Tourazdf , ••• load or.6can s . the Arkipliija variety mrassplii Thursday by :a Stoodylikflotsa, 'l9`9,urtts,c'ell9ston• for $5004' wti lad*, Vata the,sarrie flan Wd'ASlXlY•ibree Darre!s4t! rho same cdrletp, ftp 09 tier barrel cir 41,216 eikeo tot, ititso;t6 Curtis.. Tlits is a triwyklolia mitt& • of.pear, and is' cultivated - anastirtlf,•l Dlessrs. bloody & Sans. It is probably the lam% •Pifee - eier given fur penesltiilds market. Mdodc it Sobs are iamong ' the nititf4Xll:l - and skilled fruit powers in Westain.•,;`l4. York. and we congratulate them Upon thelicon tinned success. :1 • • .A BitOri Shot by Ills On Thursday night last about halftpait:ldne ticlock,John' Slater, - employe3 ay . Onglneer at - Imaltig's - ploning mill, was .shot' by Elirtfifit, DoiFmes Canal street; opposite. the srorlohot the Dickson 3lanufadturing CompetiV: %elle "• orf on „which says the uzern n on, ,whinh led telffO•triliginly ant as "ItierAriMmo "ealpe here ShMe yeaislar as tits Tolunpson who was - iniployed la the :erection of the planing Mill. „Piton lie' tient left the woanitibehind, ariersliefliasiddetittent• I drytriardeat to.- Skier iby Justice' Zygler The Worn= was tuderiensly evil creatrue;end the inafrimeniiallife or thertoldn'grew MS:p . *4h separatiori - ensalt ter-which Jaek.teris harmsied frequently by bin trifiir especially when ishe.was intoxiatedra.ths. thelity of - the : fatal oCcerrenresslie wentlolbis beartliedhinise end demanded thaiLlaigatilil support hef,'When; tillers few ,wonis were ex :changed, she seized a kettle "which tat 'tlantliet Stove would :have scolded tatia:l,4o 44,grat. er been hot, In the evening,havirig armed-her self with 'a Smith: Wess'od,VstOpe repaired to the c.llke the mlll,:maendelonr ed to gain admittair P. eir.. Tentwa.3'hl:2the office with Slater and refused at that to-let-her in. When admiited'ehe requestd quit thelescp be lighted, which was not: granteir,"aid - '44rer Jell the otilm and went down the middle of the 'street closely followed:by his Nife, ate ° keit ate sidewalk. until near the street ialwehea . ribs larratica4ghra a indliii - olirect stepping)! few feet front of him and firing the 'fatal shot. Slater escialened that he was 'she, when Terry Went to hisassistan6;• the woman tnaringlikr eschi,e ihniagh the bid 'graveyard. 'llialietiraa assh ted to the.hotet of .11.ap-Alowery, and medt ell aid summoned.',.• Dennis philedTilie• wei;anci, whiolt was hi the left bwerit'sibtint three inches below.themipple, bat - could not ascertain, the locality of the hall, as it -glanced-detente:ant after striking tlearili and was apperenliAdded: somewhere in. the stomach. Sharpe D. Lewis, Esq.,was _sent for 'and,leiak antelt2Pit,e, Catiruony of ttie`woanded inan, which:kw lti . aecorr,..lence. „ t „ rith., the acts - given. abovP-- i3later was afterwards coaryed- to thermffices ai the. mill ,Where.` he littered .ttka,itipittlar morning. He died 'sr half-pait.fire.--bm-Den.- nis,l3, , throckind dratrlbni made Wpost-morter ataindtion, of the body, but l .wei,arablito , Sid the • Emit ; which was very saie4 , tirid. had passed througlitlie in teitlnei and :ridged In the< Disseation wouldluxrittemniatiSta• airy for di - Cirri. • :Alter the commission of . the deed ?wen was arrested'and committ al to tha Ica-nyit ill morning when ,`t she had-a hearlavbefere . Justice Lewis, and was committed to the county fall. - She dented having a pistokand;*tislod .ber husband with the parchise of jetiehl and ilothlngliw and illicit whom the did not name. ie. vertu/ Telegraph, .ttoblua t lie - death of Mr. Connell, - raises the ques ion whether the - Speakert be . ,Senate • has now a right-to call arteleCtiOn.••toAll the °thee id... Senator. to which !Vi v i CM-- nell 'was eleett:d.: ly clear,,that the Speaker 'can have.no,of.• tictai"knowledge - mr a Senator ontff hellos appeared in the Senate- • and ptesentectiiis credentials, or•his' detwilse•itiart 4 h . ein An.- noiniced to thatairitlY.7 There.eati, he . :,no• Writ issued for anew election till after tbre Senate meets in ;innearY, , • • • I —The Alhany Argus says:.."Onr Aa r I'ol'lll4o . from... different tairte"oF the State confirms the-assitninee wren tithe Demobrutio State Colotnittee that thels peet. of r affairs is; in the ` highest - degi_re, race - in:aging 6) the Democratic cadge:TUß Rochester Convention at. once OleVl4 - end - united the piny. The • platfOrns pledgkl into: great nieaintreti'al. Worm. !Die nomi u ationik were, whiten& exeeDtini tit:opinions. There is hardly a -ixturmar of 'ditsent heard itgtikist them!" . r.- 1:t1.P.".41 - E...yr The New Orletio&-Ptea_vons sajv u We know a young lady .wha takes thg. anperintendenee, of her. inOtlnetiAbOiii; makes nil the. dressw Ittefatitill'• 'as - well a3het , own,'ili astle which would do, credit to an accomplished - dniastolikeil 1 shires her sisters tebsc hold gives•them.muhitifeasons,:,titidts. #.lli) for quite a larm-'etirrespondencei istlietTstet. perior cool?, always cliti•rfal . , 'but mortgaged Property, as .you might:knot. tier,. I - anther- is . tint within!! • for =her to tmarry so ut to get her off heti liiitid~. I. sha' tit the Tong melt thattlit4 Whet tind this kind of .young lady passing her time nu the street, or in frivolitiesithOrtgli I will tell you n- :secret, There .are: fed' rainn:orthe Willie sort, liee.yett I:Unseat-a; theta to Bud them. This kind or a wiry Salomon seta above the price of 'rtibtijeta When misfortunes overtaken you.'shittrill be like theivine the'oak--heixatie yittlt MOial snp riinthetimeoftrouble. How Many d.oliewiiineli : .eni: takint : Caie heir thmihes to;•dity. who have - r.ever bad itabipiidllllVMn!, - iji! .topatuy v.°241,A1