The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 25, 1871, Image 3

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    . fibe following is a tit of Grand and Tratrerre
. Jurors drawn , tor the teen' of Court to•nOm
-mance at Montrose. November 13.1.Pr'
OnernsJunons.-.l.rarat-4arnes 11.lozJIAID.
. Apolanon-namel Rice, Lewisßeebe. •
Bridgewater-John Stanton.- - -
Clifilod-Lienry Bennett, Teter Bennett , -
_ Chacwaut-Jolut illstaraci s janies Donley.
Dimoe.k-Edgur A. atuith.
Franklitt-Zelaalon Sutton.'
Great Bend-John "Allen.
•Hatfortl-i.Gardngr J. Babcock.. •
Rartickti-' Alvah Chandler.
459:143947-01 1 ver rem; P.Bartleu.
-1..0n-Nilanza BA Al Jew„ " . J*14411" T.
-"Liberty-'4.lonto - L: Gonthweirtit.. ,
3fontmsa-Heryl: Webb; Damilr.dia-ttn,
Eldilletown-Samnel T. Williams.
, Bpringaille-C Cartes R. Davis. Win. L. Mery.
Tuavnrisr Junons-lar IVFXXo,-AnntlAyr
• • ' .• '
Apolacon—Thomas Evans . •
Brielgewahro-Isel 1... Gritting, M. M. Ho
W. Hawley, Myron Baldwin, 3lolUa &parks !
CM id-Evan Jebided,:fallaitic.Vitells,Chann•
, tit
Wranklin:. l -SitiMon L.-EdllwaTL -
ercesi./.lgad Township-Barret Jobnalsia, Goo.
2, rest Be nd LC Matra •
q,ct•Hannonylleitry Hobart. • -•
:41arlind—lt. w. Ttittle. •
Henlek.-Seoige H. Lyon.' •"!
-„,4acksoar—Ass. u Corso, Urbane Hall.
Amon—John Smith, Nelson Bolles, BeTiamln
Lathrop; -William Stanton, John Johnson.
Liberty—lra 1L Diiwley,Josepli Bailey,
Little Meadows--Martin Newman. -
Lenox—Wm. A. Halstead, Henry Coleman.
Montrose—Daniel Brewster, Win. W. Smith,
Solomon Langdon, Andrew J. Berritson.
,„; ;New Itilibrd Township—Jim. W..l.l,Liradroid
,1-4)island-•-lioyal Tyler t •
,Stitak•f,,Oonzo r •
Springville—C. C. Chamberllri,EdWard Sleek.
'•BllTer Lake—AiabelL. Roberts.
.TnivEnsr. Junons—Us WEEs—Apolaten-..
Lewis W. Barton.
Auburn. , --Rufts-.T.• Carter, Jonatinue Bunnell,
Sohn li,'Linrebers3clsanc Howard.. • '
Ararat,-Ntlsob deer.
Bridgewater—Milan L. Beebe.
. Brooklyu—Ass T. Packard, Sam'L Westbrook
4Clutrles Willieuus. - •
• Clifhard—Dewitt C. Wells, Dariii . L.-.Fiteseeus
Dimock—Sanmel S. Tyler., ,
:FranklinnyWillians urrows,JamcsTowniterid
Forest. Luke--Seth B. Wright, IL
islinter.Oratigullott, Jr.
Great Bald Township—Artgastlna--,Terbiasi,
Joseph Dußots.
---Cheat Bend Bera—Aaron Van Wormer.
;'"' ,, Harmony—EA. Lyeins,.Nathan F.: Patel:::
'.rerriek- , L-Lucius Curtis. .•
,ILstforil4James ~.Tenant; Watson Jet:Otis.
-egenesup—F,dgur Bolles, hue Bohm; •,-
laCksotetrles French.
Llberrir7-ellenrY C. Knight. -•-•
.Latbrop4Alrin Brawn: , - • •
liontrase—Abel-IL Patrick; • , ,
" - 'sllelilletown—Saintiel Dodge, •
A .
ew Milford . Bona Peter MeCeiflura, Jaabd
Pleterinsb o ,:- - • - ,
'sand-Bradley Beebe. • •"" •
''';'.."ll•Thier.Labelfiebael M. Gage.
.....41emsow—Benjamin F.:Sterbint„
~,.gssa Jaaans—So WirEn=Aulturn—
: .drirsG=tTlllis 11. Barnes.
• Braoklyn4.Christopher S. Praha.
A. Lindsey, Nicholas O.
Pusseure, Alfred E.Corain. • •
Clifford—Milton 9.'-ilvverth; Gilbert. WcAs.
Dimeek-,Dention . Thmuss.
Priendsrille-,lnhe Foster. -
T r orest Like—Wrb. G. Small, 111103 Stoneild
Franklin—Daniel IL Blowers, S. D. Terrell. ;
Gibson Jame Chandler, Nelson Potter, Hoe ,
'risen Barnes, Q Brundage.
Great Sent/ Township-,Timothy Atwood,
Robert IL - Hoaso., -
Great Benet 13:Oil—Alarkean D. Whiting.
harmony—David Lyons.
3L Leslie, George S. Whiting.
Jessup—Gera - 2n W. Karmy.
Lathrop.-George B. _Mackey, Geo. gastman.
Lenox—atarfrei lie/ey, Silas Hartley,.
Liberty—Henry A. Truesdell, Kirby Marsh.
Middletown—ehos, C. Fletcher, Jas. Jones.
Montmse—Perry Barnhart.
New Milford Township—Jefferson Ayres,
dime iin Burdick. "
New- 3liiforet Bora—William S. Mead,
"hush-Georg W. Devine.
Spiingrilks--4ohn Brooks.
Drs. Wheaton & Smith hare postponed their
!visit4.o, Friend4ritle untid the 2tth ißst. Elsie
! and give them a eati . .and yot4
tare your teeth: •
4i,i444erlT '
TheTtrat quarterly meeting of the:arid:genii-
Fr Baptist Association, will be held Oct, 2811:1
'lll . e . meeting house near Aul:tura Four Corners.
2C6irroiOace-:at.:1144 o'clock, a. m.
fitatimmon tor F,id J, Smith, of Liberty.
18.4-Omrt St Slink
jurraten4;lN•rf.:, sisitFriendsville, • g-
Tills andjunk npck, in the order named, for
the puirpose prriicing his profession. He
trip .1, S Smith, who
ittitirt tUrtartor as a:scientific operator, aridto
--ke.r. they will devote their time exclusively to
%be preservation of the.natural teeth. As an
IteCtuntnrulation, orlere trill be, taken for crerY
styleend'vntimy of plate work, froM the labor
tories of otter dentists.. Parties in the vicinity
of the above named plates will find this - is . rare
opportunity to availthemscives of the best den
tal skill the town or ritY affords ,without, going
fhs from their homes, _ • • ••
bent Fostoria Hotel. Friendsiitlei Friday
October 18, 1871. Partici wishing,work done
must call and make tke - engagements (*bag
the first three days of-their stay. -
-Binghamton, Oct. 11,197 E WE:IINPON:
Dander- suid'lSMen:
als. — otice is berebigiren that le order iri refute
theleparti and insinuations of Ilya's In the b
a:o2nm business, the tuadersignhT herebyinn-
Romeo shat they.hare.lhr the past seats
insured against the damage dunb 4y tir,htniog
to property insured, whetherftre ensues or not*
in eompantes haring,over ten mUlions asse.tts.
That recently Ail our' leading companies have
quilmiced that feature in fire insurance, -
September 27,1871. - ATIZOt'D it SHOWN.
. .
The season for coughs and colds is
rapidly approaching: and every , one should
beintored to Check tho first symptom's;
a'cough contracted between now and
Christmas frequently lasts all winter.
There 411 no better remedy than Nlohngnio
Aiiodyne-Linimen , ." . }or all diseases of
the t firma and (lungs, "it should be% used
intertmWand esternally.
Jl ing:fever. oirrim:ms cold,.catarihal
:ser,Land-nasal- discharge of) a brownish`
ago; i n homes, may be cbeeked ;at once
bg libend use of Sherida n'. Cavalry Con=
How paorlitaw rich; bow abject, 'how august, '.
dotriplicite, how wonderful is taunt '
• - Aa heir 4g,Jory. a frail child of the dust. • -
To day exultant. hnoyant with health dancing
. In grary, vein, to•nacirrow. writhing.
~,lke'a rnnhCd ' worm i n agony:
• 4tAttle ttdtitteiativn of food •to gratify
cupidity; liss- this' helpless
:infits&4l - in the dust. • Bayard . of what,
4 5;znrettt.'• (}oldSttleristus-is chettsi
' ' t . 41y fkitte.ittid bealtby: ipod
me-etas-se it. - • -
says: Antotig; the' many
scenes incident to the klow4us op of the
- pecan 713rave;',Iye turn Limo zJora
tatefe to notetVat or a babe
abOut 7 months old, who fitinid
mediately .attt;r thsintident tigtitlyjanm-,
ed-in between two heavy . beams, kicking
"up b?4Aod ,finpliowanio...;tbe
.4„rmlftAtiarnage*verfeetly: happy and nn- ,
conscloOs.; In hiscondition ft tviis tonna
• by itskair,Caized mother, who•was rushing
FilVuts tuPP9 l4l 4lker ja4tl.lii
ta=t. .
. .
Irenelhers tiewaltuttiestik . '
:The timid esatmixtitlons blikiebl a eel-
Auburn. I', ow Bekool lionsalloiday; 0ct,,139'
Rob, tinydez " Tuesday. '! -
Jessup, Bolles ti " K. WednesdaylioT.L
Areas and Cboccuntt, Fria4ds24llleMkradV
litiddletowit Center, School giii4.Flltbyi
Dimixi. Caritas, Scbitol:BOase;TiesdityNov.7.
.Springville Center, School House, Wednesday,
Nov. & , • •
Letbrop, Hillsdale School House, 'Ziorraday
Nov - - -
11wtoklyn Center, School Hansa FrityNar.lo.
Haribrd,Harford Village, Eatunlay or. U.
Le9o.l.:Ulenotootilehrol House,U?raday..N.or.
CUirord City,bekool Bogs!, (an 1,494t.,)79:1-
- Itesday', N0e..15.' •
Mead City, 84001 "Haase, M 3 l ll l l rit 4 n)
!Monday Nat 19,
Bridgewater, Moutr=k9atotelri_b NOV;I4
Forest Lake crater, - fr.itool
,House, Monday
peer Lake, tracinef.Sel2ol' House, Tiesday
, • -
Praditlin aid I.lbeityrfAWaville Cent Bawl
Mum Wednesday Nov. 'DV:
New litilkird, New al/MA 'Bore., Tbnisday
Great Bend, Great Bend' Beiitl., Friday Not'. 2/4‘
Banioney Oakland, and Spode:inns Depot,
Saturday Na,. 21 • ' •
Jackson - Corners, School' grate, Idoildtr Nov,- ' • • •
Ararat nu& Tliment, /4,l4ol4cltifrl )4=4
ntesday Nov. 8d..• . '
Renick, Pyolp 1 3040 /E[onse,Walii
Gibson, Kandy Moot. Heti; TharstiaP Nov,
Classes will be. teiratteat 9 o'clock, a. m.,
Teachers to be admitted Must be present before
the Moat OVUM examination: trt the fleet brim*.
Each teacher to be. .provided: t7ltb ttan;
abeeta Of paper, and Union Fop*, Reeder. In
dividitilf.designing, to , teach tri46t.'oo4 ex
4raintaloptte secure a certificate, =limo can
be Wally. employed to teaeb %%theta ..a..certill•
wino: welt should join a class .in blac own
tries or wbere they expect to- teach Directors
are requested to attend. --- • -• .•
IV. f.. -- TEa - .Cof, Sao. •
Forest• L a t e, Oct: 1 etti,
, " • •
ACITic lima ; Of Bttsigrttioxi. - .4
'Foo vela find &choice lot ofFeaiQaeacez,
Lemons. Apple:4.lml a superior stock f Family
Orocerim;&a.ote.,Aultl all for salaelkeap,py
*got3:timl*;!! 4 :Q - Eb-
lit' Tiroettlyzi,
- Ig7t,-by t,, V.; Porter, Goo. .L
‘X I 4 4 Emlly I3siicyi 11n W,or Brooklyn„
Tass. Ect—Kota--.ln.flopbottom.. at ther.=l
- of - 31r..1,-C. Tanner, on dhe Orb
by Rev A. Miller, Mr Edward WT'anner,
and Miss Jennie Kerr. - • •
, . t
th ,
Hattori, ae -rsi
dence Of :the /Mad , parents. on the 18tiibist.
err. A. Miner. Mr. Warren Follett, of
Hinghaattan ; N—Y.,.and Miss Hellen A. Ton.
nar, aftatford. • ,
-- Ta3318'4 1 33C19,,
3irt~a .4n flophp.ttetio, Oct., 12th,1871;Parnle,
wife of the late Parker Mlles:aged 77 years.
Wdozi—ln Hillsdale; Lathrop, Oct. lith, Daniel
Wood, aged n years.
GattLITSOR—In BridgewaterSeptaibeillAlB7l,
'diary. L. Gardner, aged 23 yeais'S months,
and 13 days.
Our dear setter has left us, but we feel that our
loss is her enternal gain. Sbe was one to be
loved by all who knew her. She showed in her
last sickness no ordinary degree of love and af
fection for her friends and acquaintances. She
had no desire to get well, for site said it was far
better to die and go home to J c susthan to dwell
in this evil world. And she prayed that her
-friends might be pre perod _ to-seteet- her in that
better world. - Her whole life, though feeble In
health, e
th,7 sry cs one of self-denial. Her aim was to
one about her happy. She mar
-1 mured not at pain, but said, "It Is well." At
last her spirit took Its flight to worlds on high.
May we ever cherish her memory sad imitate
her virtues. [Cox.
Corrected weekly' by William liodsdon, 231
Fulton St, Nen' Tiark.
Week ending Oct, 21, 1374
Caner,' pall - 25g43
firkin - •-•— • ' - - 221,27
. . , .
Cheese, dairy, per lb 12013
• . factory ' 12@13
E,gr„s, per dos .... 110030
Flour, per barrel ' 4 75@i0.45
Corn meal, 100 lbs. 2.20(2.30
Wheat, per ',bushel • - -,,. 1.20(01.50
' "
Rye 05011.00'
Oats " 51055
Corn , . !I ,'
',,,... ~.. ~ ...., .- 89690
Flops; crin r of 1810 • ' 16059
Beef, aldeN perltt ~ 10014
H O Te. '1 • ........ 0012
Potatoes, par:ll34. .. , ~.„.. J, , 2.0003.00
Tallow ' ...::. ~ . ~.;',..; . , ' 9©lo
--7 7.4 paint goticto. . r ...
gir,lt. fi, Merl; ?byslelart•toCEdet.of lb, UmEtat.
Seto tirtanntina—lieer TorklihrboOrtitact
•.I bare pen ram dhrtaxtra filinnttplrens to =pm
leseente la liotnltal with good malt" nod bane , e them
to be a good Tonle Bitten, well adapted to all um te
qm,ring tante remedies:.
SIIC:1 to the testimony or Mph::tern in every section
of the neintey. TtteMPlikelt Wale:a:Most patent
medicine generally Is eine:reed. and Sitainata's Venni
l'ErtnmtiE to atetPtoite/ OtelProfetalon nam4Plying a
sestina:felt. Prleatinte Dona perpottla
Trost Mast. Tine Has_BagrctiFLlla,
The maxim that the voice of the peiple'ls thessiee of
the divinity, mayin some cases, be open to doubt. hut
the testimony of 'honest and enlightened witnesses ex
tending through • epics of .yeare. medal to the same
report. Is worthy of credence. admits of ntineettlan.
Upon such testimony the reputation. of. Ilostetitee
Stomach Sitters use antidote and ewe for maw ail-'
malts is baled. Dating the twenty years that -It bas.
been before pe innumemble preparationi, in
tended to compete with it. hats Sens op like estkito.
audooluedowe tbeentlemaisholstleks.. hisszewillis the .
proves_ s thstineeinperable tome ha been swift sod
stiady.4lways upward andonivard Dimes' ogle's - 410c_
its introdoct)in produced s Mantles to thematic.,
End tt proved to be one of those salutary resole:lml
that atonal go backwash. Te....25y pastelist's' Bitten
is one of the most popnlarremedles in chriszendeen.and
Ontnamrdea furs We than any other mcdcinal preset
ration., domestic or Imported, on Oda side al the Atlan
tic. As • owe for dyspepsia. billions dbooden. nervous'
affections: gate* del:4l4olnd as s prorentive of epi.
doe:term* it taken precediare of' every other remedy.
This test should, tomb the =bilious eotosr - dealers
who elttlearee to foist their local abortions on the pub
! Seto Its stead. how fettle their mall attempts teindole
the commeelty rout necessarily be. Mews the gates
fsb haverfalled there is no chance for the ••stiehttre."
IarBLISIIED as a warning; and for p_et of
pg,,,.7 qua out catig,.•rhci . eferii - tiiiii4 Xi:Twits
Debilt7.44; 114114113$ TOE ar-iss - . 4z! luzuPrni. •
Writs.= by - i , ite lirhercisrall *welt and se* grsg'ou
receiving a postleeld directed envetope.
• kisirios,-NATUAN kip, N.
grartling- foz yeirpglilen,an
the dettitts or me. set the propriety ar thifiemptiety
eriertrisq - marritert: with smelter" . telp fur those tree
reel anestedier matrimonial bapplwaic. Seer tree. to
ocelot taveloper -Address: tiOWAIIt!ABSOCLATiON
avriT...Ptittedeirite. - . . ,
422rZloolnal time • Mari • labool.
sad Lrmsalrir tommicetai, ham ni).
of this Imninnima atm ba ratr dunangb In titer Ls.
auttenanouni • la lack mindair Ann the lancittii can
nem an 4 morilact the Endenta: •
APPLY fO 2 CLUIVID tit Wane/ aAnirtut r i ti,
Oa and after Dee. lttr, Mains on the I•dant,
Tatty naltraa4 win rau as tuncors: 4
• • - '
p, in. p. m. a.m. a in.
elgara 141' AZ 1140 9.10 144 11.43 5.20
w an d, 9.00 0.00 11.45" 21122 AM 22.40 3.31 5.0
Tawania....... AZ 443 4.20 7.Z
TAmitannatic 400 • t4n. . . i . r _ .
Zn x : . ! . 6 . • tin
rm. tin 113 . 1.10 , 115. 2.i4 Al 5
illaschusiqt.p..l4.„ 10-43 4.20
i1t1a6.0202:; PP;
ISolintilOittego - - 1 iv!**
et' in - 4GoHlpiterzen- • .
adPionta lit* Go di._ °nal 'Mtn $1.50...
0.3.11101 t. PLASTER.—NICTIOL&S, _\151:031WISII.
~.7454er ratan Fluter. Fradi •••• • , •
04 21. newLEL Attit tor Empire fiamina Machias.
and Anterjeati Cam gaming ewe*, =in Street.
*EeIMOBS di CO ,Ddiderain DtrOoodNliatisCads,
add Edides, and Genezal klarebs•Clei Mild
atm; stead; doer Walt the CpbecrptiChzush. •
UN1027 EtOTELOceptiT
_VlLthat BIWA an Wilts;
street, neat rim -
W. 8: 44R8D. Bonnehi. Ind dealer 18 PION atidotha
utensils; oat door from 18 Mater& INA retain Bt.
N. P. EMBER. Carnage Maker and Undertaker, On
Main !greet, taro doors bclow Mawley'a Inane •
McCOLLUSI GROTIGIS; Dealers in Groceries siad
provisions, on MaD111:11101,.
U. GARRET b 1301 a; Dealers in Plonr. Yeed.
Hatt. Lime. Cement. Groceries and Yrotistans On
*si n WPA,OPIKId!.FIf Depot..
W. 6 7..lllol4loli , stitturetettivto of Vow! • Otid
-,Vnioleale • dole?* to Rankee*Nottems 'and Fancy
99 0 , 01 . on MAUI Btreet• bdoW '!it;oPhl ettnreb. •
. _
VOSS '4 ',IVA.P; Unities 11
ear and dealers
in innixtnno Flinitests, pplncopnl Chnven. •
MNEYA.ItaItInCt, Denieri l 0 Dtaga andMedlcip • •
*MI gonnnkvitifetolot Clgsro, on Nolo Eni:octi
' sli•Dco4. -; • ' '
wprilms. Bboeltiltandlteut*ll44thing
, - 9 1 t MAto Street.att. watt of tho brt -'• -
J. DICFCEIWAN. Desler n_ sentient •meittiansllo
elothtne, Met Store. on Mein Street.
S. LEhTfiEllf. Minufhtturer. of Leather • . and dealer
_ _
R.Y. DORAN, Morthant Tailor and dealer In. Ready
Mad , ClDUllair.Zrl Ooada,tanncerlen and Provide:*
Maly StroeL'
tiNoxviLit. f
uycnatArl3ll . 7:: Misinrutaret ciand 11414 • cirri..
2of rAgwi and
i o pprrizce, mintirdekinws . dt'liV
I . ....lmid.VejAhs,near the in.eibe" toie. • •
ARE TVIRELL. !reeler. - In Dro 4 s, Medicines. 14-
qoore, Paints, 011 e, Dpd Stotre, Groceries. Jewelry,
Notion., etc. "AP
JADIES T, CAMIALT, Attorney at Law. Oflee =ls
door below T•rboll Moose. Pabllc'Aetoor. •
. .
:rt. 11. COOPER eCCi.:ttaragte: Forvigif Pao.
saga Titk ts iaq Malts o 0 gogbuhl t irettn4 sad Scot-
PLEgetgn . g 'Eatlitg 5.1166 n. get
Ics gtetitn. Oysters and CO.m* , l a emery sty stfin
STROUD PROWS. General Fite irritate tdritti.
anon !minor; Railroad alid.SeeldFslTltkelii
to Nero Yor and - PsiLadolphl , 9,440 oaedopr *SO
of tho,liarik.
F. Et. CHAN DUCH. Sleben' insurance and Sewing 311.
. chine Agent. Piddle Menne.•
BURNS d. NICIIOLS. Aim; pface to get Drag. and Meal.
Clzers, Tobacco, Piper, Pm - et-Bunts. Bpecur
Yankee No:lune, 4tc... Public Arcane.
w3L L., COX,'llanvess metier &nd eeeler in d l
eettatlY k.ptley the trade. eikeeellet the Back. .".
Dorn & coreikpc Dealer: InAtonen, Hard.are:
and Planabetarcre of Tin and Stu:climb yarn. corner
_oiltabx awl rn pike street.- .
stongs, littrttiant 'Mar dealer tti
Cratio; Trimeo I np s and Fallrilltan .oauds. apd
:,,Arento far dldger.diritur 31434111te, *A • /Lao stze,Fc.
.I , l.:...ntria..ann. Dna.. • 411.0.2 i..
Salim stationcry a$ Ininkce -.Nations, at haul , of
• PUbliz Avcrus..l •
T.: SPODE & CO., Dealers In Stoves, hardware.
Agri cultural I pi citatAta. Floor and Urecnick °PIK.
- *lto Tarbell Dove • •
LLAYSSFOLLD A MITeIIEL. Livery and—Exchange
Stable. In rear of Bank Duabling.
B 7 vittne of *Dia issued by the Court of Co:Maim
Pleas of Svostheramom come and to me directed", t
will expose to Me by nubile vendee. at the Court Bout
in Afontrose, on*.Astorday, November 11th,1211. at 1.
orotock P. It.. the following described pieces or parcels
01 land. to .1E:
AU that canton piece or pare , ' of land. sltnate In the
townra.ipof Forest L. la theenonty of Nuequelinntia,;
and Penn.ylvaais, bounced and described at
follows. to wit: On the *walla so:d swot by Land. of John.
Tayiur, and on the north nod east by public highway,
awe of land, be themes mom or.
mss, together wish the apportenatierrs.l small home and
101 itithEnvid. [Token in eSterstiett et the suit at A.
'Latbstop vs. George W. '
ALSO All that certain pleecenr parcel erfitatel. site.'
thte In lite vino:o of florintolife; In the County
quehanne, and Moe of Penttqleonta, bauble& and di,
soribmi u (",lows. to wit: ter the north and mat by
D. S. litests,on the sonth by pnbjb histhemy, and.on
I/lemma by pubLehlgtwey, containing abett onethslf no
acre of buiL be the aoran morn toles.. With the .af Der
.tenstaces,,i, store wad duo 11101 i 1,9 e. I Mae-Smith shop
I frame barn attnant-halldlogrndoil r ed• Cr%
e,, theuentthesist tiff trf Al o beff
IA A Littlx , !p,x... Zotaml3.reee.l •
41,150-74 u Inlet tot•mbe piece meet of teed. eln,ste
An the townahl get 14 cot_ itidforl, in the counry of bits.
tinchantinvirrS.ottfof rtunsylaantn. blended and ,de
oaibest as follows. to Wit; - Ilegtenborot a Mint In the
taiddte of the min leading fors% N, S t
to the ILA Math (to-colital I and.oppwite a post and
stows on the east side of said rued ; thence by a line of
other Lands of rail Hatton onto h 43 thrgrass east :50 per.
clew to a chestnut saplingprtheriee by lauds of 8. S. Page,
north 47 degrees use 03 pr-reges to a large stone set pp
for scorner; thence by laude of sold PaLe. and by lands
of Towner, north 43 degrees Wert IV; psyches to a
point In the middle of said road; and thence along the
middle of said toad south IS degwres west M perches.
tomtithoFF degrees oast I Dperobei-e011igi 1 6.W. 0 . 4
II pembes and in oath 51/4 tie:revs west pert to the
Om of terglotreg.contalelog saes of Med. be the
some more or lel,, with the eptinnenthees, t fladie
house, 1 frame barn and ant buildiegs. some Crulttkrees
I said about 45 acres Disproved. (Token In caseation at
the suit of Gen."lll3cCotim we. John Donal] • -
ALSO 2 -.51.1 that certain pineworntareelel Ise dtttafs
In the townibip of omelet to - thd Cadety N Sasaticto
Irani, and Staleof renespranta, bounded anddeveribed
es forlovre, - Vioxit r On the north by tends of J. W.
Bennett end Walter Lyon. on Mt eastbilacelvof O.
.2 J. B. Lyon.'ota' tbd samth and west by beds of IC
Bores. metathing stoat 10 aermto/ Led Morn or tow,
with the othmenzance4, I frame hone. f basliSrs few
frelt treetr.ond about no aerertitoprtormL • /Taken in ex-
Lyndon at the atilt of .I. B, Lyon. Jr., sod Giles D. Lyon
O. Lyon, intent/. Lynn ca. A. 91. Lyoo and J. C.
Olmstead vs A, O. Lyon.) • r,
• ALSO—AII that. certain piteous peree,of iW a satiate
Is the township of Auburn, to the. county Itt sostlehe
anal, and State of Penneyivanto. haunt/Wand descnb•
as follows. to wit: On the south by lands of James
_on-the east by Lae •of Irs!fick Catrenangtt Ind
Bichsel ',labile. on Die can'th by lands of Edward
-Caransaub andJarecaLprn, and on the west by lauds
n Leander Lott and Will 'em Bennett. containing about
)14 itercsof land. be the same more or hiss, with tbesp- •
partenatmes. 2 frame bosom 1 frame barn and abed..
[tame earnthemse, 2 orchards. and mostly Improved.
(Taken In formation at the Mt of 0.11. _Locket s ea.
Dtedin Finds - pea& nag 3lll 7 loll l krtni.
Witham thoilln.]
ALSO—AII that Certain plerater par el eflithrilttate
/tithe toontinp of Forest Lake. in the eotertymf=
bannatithtate of Pentwyfratils, Wooded and. 4
as digowtrrthegineltul at Bur corer Oft Entencribnd
dmveyed to Terrance A. Brien ; thenetthy his land south
63 perches. thence - tern by threland reserreddorAgiß
pondblpeerbef ; Menem by the cum south CI percher;
thence by the tend of It li, • Dose r Estate 20. perebett;
thence north tOperthes One line of B Mee bed;
thence by raid CirreNl sapdd north 40 dry. net 711.10
perches. eon 101111343.10petaltes to theold23llCottnead
"Ad thence _ by laude's land note 114114-derta
mat IS perches to the Lacs al bey,leulog, Containing
St 81 , 0 item more or lege, kryethet erith, the appurta'
MOM. 2 Gates beam. 1 Same bawl; I °rotted. eo4
mostly improved.' Mitten in exennion 'at the, emit of
Bitter &Coats. re. Daniel Stsrp mad A. Q. Gemittati,
rt. Daniel nary.]
lfeticn 1.- tenths givett that oil bids mist be gesld in
cash on the dr• of sale. Was T.llol[l,Bl;t3hatr..
Shtetre OhleeiNuttleoet, October IS,
puBLIc Nonag.'
T Would 'respectftilly.elate to my former
ClMa= riv tad the pub! lc generally that / Wan
auTyln: on the
Wr-eMtun, aza impala t.a do an woBA ut. that
S XrrAMW. ,A=t:73,
Au it kathabeemy raiximittitecitkik isito
to V t ILOtt OM' PPZcrAzr.c.Arts toeti to tam the
Work Mtn fonts* pas=trltryttto toir r lbtr.
. .
, . ..
Ehrp on the west tide et "Pithlte
r. LINES Antai." over.
Rams & Nichols' Dreg Stone. ediar44ll ibis °ace .cr
C. A. BACCZTTIrnapI.O Comas; Inroa,
Partkatrattra Van ;Fro. ta oii openntaaa
rat %cent. Attinatal •I'&• th
O Inverted an the
af Jam r.cisa ea - Perfect naLicloagaaraasteaVa
Mme Gad sae askaad satisfy laarranaa; • ctraqa bows.
a.?aa. •
• . .
'La ECUTOE's BALE.—The Ihuiehtdief . etWiisfaiit'oe
4.:aDantel Wood, Late or Lathrop tnwaslity, de , wed.
will sell at public vendee, cur thilartalids_of laid de.
Cadent, on Tuesday,lToretaher 1,1611, et 4 tided% a.
ta,ttierollowingpropetty. *horses. I set double
hanattesi leow 1 hog, 1 lumber warm, cuilket ratan, I
light wagon. 1 ox out, 1 aleigb.a entter.end a Quantity
of torn, hay and oats a pluw and ca.,,ttnike, and other,
articles not todetloned....., ,"‘„ „.,
Tgaza.-6All4ntht 4.1 bstleaf.-Casti; Over 45,
months' credit, with interest and,apprced gets
DANIEL Y. WOOD, Executor.
Wiry' Township, °debar 3.161 L IW •
QM.lEakiriSl22...-bitit 'lO6 . .1118
4/1 the subpeelben outer gbetlielbeZtetvf September,
one artellVbl te tbree,YeatettgelfeA k AV Perna.
PraTipart r "d::11444,-Mritfre&aaart,
A DMINIWTBATOWS BAI.EMn gurtegwen of on
onler of the Orphans' Court. In and for Susquebuti.
ntt County. the coniendzold itdmbilitratnr of the Wale
of Deliusrftrney. - late of Lttuelleadows tr. WO county:.
,deceased. will mote at public antelon.on the premium
'f i tu , I= the nth duo!' Norelar , next. the oollowleff
teal estate. to wit: All that =We wood Tot,
Oen/41:4=10z tractaMa anted, 'Mute In Little Meadows,
alma 44 Awarded olth bribe New York- Bette
floe; ca 'bet
bnewy kit by
d 7 ote eord ph oßub:owenv than= byrit •
ridtlmue and eta the affit
.by.leeeph Beebe: coots:nitr 88,
aefes, men, or Inn s
the same beluga riluable pine nod hemlOelt thwber
Twouto. —Turtatdc , lllq.l hrf=r o nWe t ruit.l:
741 r i t Ititt.Mrind Wm. T. D Mr 99 .
edmtutitratoratrOarlUA ten, 1.1; 00 0.
• llextreso, Betober =OWN. ttl
..qt. tuba's ivanCE.—Wheme Letters ..
toeattup to the estate of Ltsald Wood, Isle of the
awash's, of Lathrop. &ouch his* - been granted to
the to. all persons Indebted to the Lid estate
WI ReitethomateettenteeltattPennalt; and all Mose
re rnher
bowie , elslmsar demands against the estate of said de.
ActiCa .Ithltnakokaosta.the straewlthont delay ta
- ' D.SNIKL F. WOOD, Ezenutor.
Lathrop, October MIMI, . Cw
le 011= 11 414 ilgulat reciti t
ng - of ihiTotia'tenindll
LS of the Bore of urquehanna Drot, bald at their
rooms In saltidlorcmgb. Clabber , la.• 811, alt Ordinattee
was passed encoding thOlthits of I i; Bose of Soaps•
haansii, aceolo , not. sod renor, made by
!Timothy yc. Ww.ll.BAßTZ7,,Bemptiat .
westto:Natiittefe. Clerk - . '
a.sithiOr-Bgettbet (94.1.97L-",rn-f,...A.5w.
qt, 04,g a li. (1 0 6
Arriitxrt and Corstrios ai LAw, • o;:outa.gair.
.:11ylvasta. -0 •
1111 maws ssLEN-Breb(tee of write Inotel by the'
nett of Come= Pleas of Ntimplehatna minty and
Wale threctethi itlhso to p
y, ahlwyeadti,
taircactrt llcareio Montra*tuslitchts , -Voretn r
Lath. JS7pttt2w'eluek. p. folloirlee pieces r
panels of hind. &Wish .. •
t..atttlatteertidnittect at water lasi& attests In tie
burneshol Near dllleird„in theamutty of Sitteoehann
an State of , Panerybranis, bounded end' described as
Wilms; Wait t .OnShelorth3y bola of widow Pratt.
crua toe :text he the parsenimAnd /math,
mein' aeon trit-4.. }Teti frerldan7fereek: on the - west by mein'
streetr euntaitinT , abotitetit verde* of tand; bell:one
mare or lessoslth-the appurtestAtittli•V (=choose. I
stash tam* finstrult trees. anblellinsprored: ashen •
trxtrecutfmrat dm sun at F. WhipplerstyW:Bl.Tingley]
AVA-Allthat Certllll lotof landr sheets.. tying-an d
hews in, this townshler of GM& Bea.: on the easterly .
Mira the 'Mkt. Drum Ben end 44mbeetan earaplke.
entedeenehri at stainer on said Ternplke.m tarter cif
erldow.bentwal alsehee,nertittery Wenn.~ sald , taitipika
feel t tuxes ea.terly Inallarat attar angtettrith
aajd.teshpuee ifa feet; thence seethe rtyllXl feeritt thb
Unigstrautd Mainers mud nhetes enesteslrlefi feet to
sable itrekers eon*. the Toihod or heiffeettraktoatele-
InehaCrfert, Tgaretzleall; Welber vlthite,alipstro
came haulm tlmete tarn.,game tirattitud
M d 1 1
V 4 1 1; A I e l o tptbaed .
wa r ot.o#l tH ,p, "le: INTreeidell es Albert
lit him *Veered of hind:ilia
ate 'le the tnateddpdf 'Arena. ealtotyAT - shmturvuchtuk+
and , Stidar /If 'Pdan.3llPentaVbanalmentEediveribed as
elliska;toetit'f-Ileatntliel, MTh! t comet of
lot N 2, IV: thence ainn,. theeourtlereettjneof the awns
torii,Weof.llari-N; , .Vdfier.:tfi feet 10 the line -of thO
Jet:tenons - railroad• Share.-bribe 1414 - tibrth
until It hiterst•etethennehere4 hes or said tote thence
by said etieinel Bhp and Lodof Slier S.Bildain rondo
rest Ha feet to the tattier Deglohltgleotestatig 41
rods tif larld.-be the sernid'uthrilue mat ileamtner w i th
thouPeerteermete.. l Mechem:al:slop; an& ell !martyred;
frakto In execution?* ' .. tho of-Arbe Vieasoil ra
ismer .4 . :Partert - • ^ -
iso=nu ai prat ne, stetatq
them.tenehisPaPerneAtiAltiVie:delinry - of Peron
henna, dune of Pentv.ylesstra..boneded Ana. desert -ed
a t ici=lartetetl , vpihe "bath ivih<Cattrolle'Etoryi
®`the nnith% tithe Idglierey; the ;elm'
or letegerliend tni:prenseet bra; vatistit lot snit mil
age swertment theretekeeith sprupitidOces; I (Mean
MI staled Wiese haslet alront orteretity'feet a n
depth of sixteen Pet. Mikes-An eseentntisitPon a
tUaraer,MlV . l.llt ti ott 1:l',31: 1.-X Ohne- d 1
Notice is hereby green that alt hide sued be pablin
cash On dist nr sale SVM. T. InOILItT, need
Sheriffs Olhee,.Siontrote; t/etoherZ,
• -
Mattxiet:+c)c)u. ,
ItORgE -F;Otltc!,
♦. Si MELLI 9 pxzwirr IaPBOVED,i
Twsztty•Two Stab Fair Preml=s A.nreted Itas Foy*
tri Plftnn No:ltt*-1801 and
• r.-*:
An Implementemir ver — rt Carpanum, Mason
and Painter lid Han.
- : tre*.a..cliskilt 4 4l:4T- 1 0,
cuoi k pic;lt.clev nuo,(steetind por,LY
f ;:fr M I ; 111 f ,- - 4 r> EP . *:
That,:praya girt* an ifiltsTLEtArhen the
CiLltels Reidy' raw thri Tahle..TitYlo4E . and yolk :WTI
. .
Azar, . 104 Like ,xtres..t.isra I tie, t;
Picks. Ussps, '
Draw Salvos, ScYthe E 4
Plaits Otis, •
' • "C4'lVa../7111.,F
Noatiose. J' 5.,
•11,EAD-TRIS, •
t mrsz . Is - ssemriLti
=aim zit - . oliiveis'i.ottar.4o.
? A Ed I am prepared tdg„riEdloar Grainer saw Lumbar
to a workman .I . ote oloojter sided alert Nudes.
sail_.-Esdnotrodstassets-. •
I Wore the best .I.ttichibeTdi elesolog Wheat. DO. and
Buckwheat. thatan baprsetored, Coro Ideal bo:ted,
desired, sod part tealar attendee gine tbtliadlng teed,
Ittepteir to receive a liberal abate of pa remade, I Invite
EU *titling nu , thing In to,* tine. tostiro me a clll.
tridgewat r er,Sept.. • ^, Gro.S.FLITS.
taus n oa.Us
ecar ssisoiskapossz *odor
.• • • • •
0321,0vv1ALC"...1 , graltzkocico t
eZID um LIVE inAlsrunco Ims sraev.
Ou sad after Siptemilerlsrthi tuldersign - ed U plop
W .all goods* clittl7 fOLV., Foy; and v ' it sell Pro
pre cont. eueapet lad keep ntornly on 'hand Dry
Cr tioods. Grumise. 4002040.4_elkeek, Unto:, !tattoos,
DoAfeli. rprimd
al,sOall pods iortud/T Mo . is
corntry Store. IL r.
- Mktun Center, Sept.WSTP-13.
t it T 4.4. p.
0 TiabEd ASTti And others' wh o.*. so
Tong Siren mo tt Ir IlatrOZume.. 1 tender my been
tett thants.sed Seer ettmhtluustme srgra t
their Iddeetme, to t
tenzarg riVVXDIv w„.syciat
9!B=tub. c;tin Is and 81 Doe greet. :Tem
Totk. where orders shiteld be dictated to sir sad direct.
ed mike dm. to insure eerly
to etr at
at tenttoo;end would add
my potutimed tdole mho goel brow tte . .sther
1171 i, -brrandatseld. ome big. Or
WO , contern to New. Tort. Or elesahmo. *0 plena Om
ess • est/oral. Oat meet teto snaitsr;- and tussle's. for
=du for the oar heard Northers trAde-
WC: TYLER., Agent, iv:lA*ooton
Moatroao ht 05?,.. - - -
WOUDEU 01? TEE Wolitt-Patibuir.b.--ra.;
ro Oh= It 'am entmens Thb
Is or catty that !tunic &co& BALI)wIN, of Montrose;
the ezelesive coottel or the sale 61 the abate moo
ed temetly la Easquetuthna Cowry: re leug es heehaw*
to Cont,ttete la the tralhettieod tbotailardert hemline;
0440 be stdetlttr,l4 to teeelinetUelttoVe
1 . • x.?d. TlLTOT,Yroptietar.
ilardTh 2 . 2, Mit • . . ; - tat .
.• . .
Notice_ .tolluildttro.- -,-
rpm scnootterticrOgst
vlll now* ocilod sovixosls :for' b 01141.1 or •
s e w &Imo Ijoiss, 10 Ilan Lake %loofa. od ox tll.lnly
Me, 1631. • 1:111.d echooltollsOl*to of t o th e ma
in the Babcock 1116.11c4c?. Fols4.6olliotio cod conic
!Wallop& "notairrL4togrolie, 117 braes of 14
- , • to.
bib. tor:appointed by truandges of tae Conn or Com.
mon lime of boutnetutana county: to dtrattette the
hinds to anthem& of tee adsninterretor or tbe rude of
Setlitamff.S9llllenta deameed,lrtil snood ro the donee
01 bls IP_PPIOtma tat the °Mee of .WWlam EL Jeunp.
Seq., In ontrona on Ittorodsr, Uts second del of: No
rm:ibex acrt;at one *Want to the atternoonot that day.
All puttee Inbanstut are
id regglnd.t9 l l7Ptar emelt
der claim at the above tlrawana:bleed or be metre?
nebrred• 11. C.ABWR, 4.mittos.
ontrose,CattitarclaTl: • '
MatiAltangcalott ,14313
{B{! i f~~u!~11~ lIoO~~AV Ei~LS{Y~
f; rittiro StivatrExtA DEPOT.
• ' • -,
M i ll-Tir,TARGEST,STORP.S . $l2 TI/e
• == -
ihe Two Pinestt Buildengiin the Col2titY
The Lamest fiteticklwAlle .
TheOROIOEST GOODS, bowie et Priam
`Grand Opening „.
gries . acseioize. Perot- 34 4 2 . 12173 i
With . an Miami entirely Fto9 Stedi of SSlllllllllcooao
tspecially arLd =WWI) ecal tot TA 4 71 m
outs stoat ciarPnts I
iminiTioopas, - scadfly, •
tmets, 01.1 Oat. gum tad Or^ ate 7, eta. etc.
A titplen ., lid'Akortment of DRESS OCiClDS.tamyetsing
DNllPl3 ll o7.Melinds"emorms Cloth-Bombs:
sines.:Pontlar. Jammensi talks. Eticsests
8110,.P1sIds, soperlor to cketill:_.
enakd Assortment of lllseititgle. :
. : AtiPtmils SPC:44.UP
CI Ma ZIZE MI 1W 42k t.
- .
dad thezettheit g 0 V 7 Elie Ws Be ll' ,- - 1
W. tare the I.Aittesi Astrottmette fitteiods torMeni
Weer, tad Mak. - Ciotaitur .4. order, Cr.W
=pied to 'Pit P,
Oar tektiitii3 too Narciel UnliOnni. •
WADay-Oildp In laurt gnaw:Wm. 7 •
. Lad can AFFORD TO. and DA 8134 t.
A. Word to tbe.Wlre Is Ilaelciaot.... COX ata •pmint
and iinavincs fours* . Tu.
• • mime. de 110.3 r; 10112aape Street, Nil* Task.
9 1.13 8 1Pt n erS1 Y.
ao3 MA= Bloek. Elmlrs. It. Y.
s" ll7oCitco/401'4, ,'•
.113ntrasit,leptanber 91a, • •
icA Acidftor,
appointed by the Orptuttia Conti , of nnatinetuunta
eonott.sodiariesite the funds la the Weds of the Ad.
minim:afar of the estate of Cetherine McGrath. &coin
ed. willattend to the duties of his appointment. shins
°thee. to Montrose. on Wednesday. the 19th day 'm.o6
tuber. ltnt. etieelsockp. at', at which Wow and place.
AD persons interested in said fond must presentrlhnlr
claims or be foment debuted from =mina to on paid
forstr , ' B:t:h. WIMP. Andlter.
Itentnete. •tent • len. .4w
- ;11 ItAILWAY,
101001miteiranderatte stmememeot—to3o wales with
outOm to(rgitehre,. proedgooPotbabla,Weee_ula
to I.llWate mrcit..l tuiett-nose. and eOutttniest. Are
-.ntltoptehes ifa nrt thrterh without chums
to flochglierVMlO'Dantlth, Cleveland. and Citsen.•
• •
Binghamton et the felewinsboareilitta
9 . 00. P PZITC
L 55 iiares.; outang e
F Fept#9
Mk"; t0 , 49s bvziamap, yo • -•— , ;
I°-antl man TNN.!Ftalri limiptett . or.
typit s
& 30 1) , EnmmakeeoMmada ' tfaa',BMitt
5 S 4 r-SL: ala VaDseas.snadayrevseptad.
fkls p. m. Express Mall.flundaya CDcepted.
StB.s p., m. Way Freight. Sztudays rceaptad.
1:03 Ml:deanr tor newest;
• - h Aorlill aaar.
itOks.airNistit.Rtpress,B4443pi ,
7:26 a. m. Cincinnati itapymni, 111.ndara racfitiatio
1:514.-.6.1/4)*Elptes..lianctsyreseepttit.- - -
7:45 a.m Aectincnitdat tonTraln. daily Of Anicsietagita.
mi. Wit* i'vek Sundsys - excepte4--;
10:291i. 21 . . 82 6 ,7 e 66 . 7 6 111 7;, •
2:lo t aitn. Wqy slreisl I, Ostattaya excepted; ,
.11hCOADES CRECKED Tattovon. .
verA rastsedaent complete.-Poetst Thslii Table of
PassengerTratns on the E.rierßalltray and imodedibit
'Dees has recently beep published, and ean be had on sp.
'plicatlen le the Tlchet t of the Company.,..„
n: UtiCEED.. • .. wactr. HARD,
Genii „ Gent.l I'moraitzt.
Dee, 1.1.:11C0. • -
umumis STRODD, relset Ageat,' litrOtrosi
ABET S Tpinnu t -- —
- .."' 4 DRElQwBti't MONTROSA P4 l
I "*P t iu.."?: ' .
Ana icijurteritli hild MU imid issitable as
fortuOuldt. - '
Paints, alie.a re:Stors. Teas. Spites, awl Dike' v6rs..
testes. Moo Wgre , Welland Wirttlaw Palter,U l sui
grilse. Prole •Jilll Mirrors. Lapps:: Chimneys. Rem
sane. Machinery Oil. Turmas' Oil. Neat 'root WI. Re,
Ailed Whale 011,8peria OIL Olive Olt, Sphits Tamen.
T ow.
.tineArerbienes. Lynam Seed. 'sib aotasti.,Couceit.
[rated Lye. Ast. - Visage, I'm pm p stem Medlar
lostrumente. Shoulder limos", Wb . Guns, Pistol, ,
certrldges, powdet' Shot,. Lend, no V41)1,13111114
Powder altd Pp!, Vollos.litrinrs. Bows. ete. Flu es.
Fifes. rm. illit Hooks anti purl. Ds r and TolletSoaps;
RIM Olts, list; Restorers. awl hilt Ilyett.'lltosherl -
Pocket Hulse.. Bpectiteles,elher Pitied tipoons,Ports.
!OTC& .go. Realist Aritcles.o. geocisliessarlasszt Of
J►uib~lea4tcdaaCbpi; da '; of
. . 4101 WIT MlDlCpiii, . '• -
to thortittivly OvortehOli to restimei ti o itet. tit
Alma ea lace Use no, to irratif du fancy,
sold also to pznaate to t • MIAMI labs= it ontrartt
orlite• EittoticTst lon Is Impriottrible. •• It woold 111
knelt's - limper. Call at Ms Dolgioad Vivid, Store ot
! • -'. " ' . '1 " . '".
'-': 4•VITMAIIatiA '
Malttfail.a4n.D. ls7 o4 . • • . •
Wig ar Without Eltel a ttg a tetue dr"
go a b rA t t lt eel Mon. SttgriW
kqUVA Afrslq, pm. - • -
ow •
. 2 g * ZW*;r4 35. c P : 2a2:P .:
" . ,
rhehittEtrastreed vistametesaf ths'itrAsess of
Jrzebans tad lasaklag, et New SUM:CPL. stetter ttall
came sisd stele at
Dehsttiwtil lbsateeelsia Weetith''itMlaf ti toast Paid on can, De•WPettet Of
azi t
4cco,tarrs,tubltetto suarr cimalboutar
as ste,sellel tad ftosta ll Stuttestl Mer. •
cmiTAlifTsßat tad SW. - elifiCall bet ?led*
tr•rtf. UNITED .6TATO sa4 Wall&
• Rai* tot•b*kilmorz..4commirr •
nottemornacmplsorst,'"?Ceprysi 6Asmusi
IThisks24eiersete, 'ettitt. bt&stik*Aiedipeent!tatei
and-Justkestaseks For Ws. : - 4-•;/ ILA 1.;
tgrMr. ctutovrill err ble:retteesal atteitton t o
ss. • _IL CiLts C A A
tretritittotd. Augniif, tra,. , , y.
E u dla t.vo taw With,*
Mai flaratliy=
ddr.ll Taff:artgli7S r'l"
0:1t •• -1 : S
AF.o9lMcY , Al l 4 l 9.4a.tfitah
1 C°4 . 7k14 / 0 4 1 M/1# 'a!" ?rant. -‘CM I .•
kir4 -,i3tvo.liughp , &plat
03141Medil. Wawa*: TAM* rre9, Mast ' •
D[flcated Ccgmliat. Ge Itlae. Ca;ii
-Sirlss - -#Visteceicollittii; - Ptinti
iterodim 014theliti;' ; fivii•biten3•l44;ktio.
to. emp,Tariar. Pa1cit,0,C54.11.a.. 9 0: 1 N
4labl,.•l3scal,war,;•. - catneth !ran, 1ivr4:44,•
'- • -
• • • .:•-•-••"7
f ; .-ALso
Orkss)tad Cradle CztheorTerTChesP•:
TElLNrikieg im fu r , oikp le
impaer'reyaCuandeonvPat ta
0101113tto Delta, tka,, • TWX4IST CLUX/Ilt.• •
Alt,121:030 neppt,F4b.ll.lB7l. • lilt
an *editor. app e lated b 3 the' Caert of. Cottpatem•
Peat Of earetnehnua county...lp zoslieitilitithetlert
t 'fond arising from Seerld's sale of - the rest edits f
Jamas and ..Idr,sr."Planaltas, hereby glen nottCe
that ho will attareCte thedatleaaf biSsAIP O /^"nentlit
the office of Witetel t ritsett bal.tannane, on Weds ."
day 0:t 6 r,1671, ,o'anndka:na • at time lad
place, penottsitatctested are.reettestrd-to prastitt'
It'd? outer beftrerofddberrodiroaa etnalata apop
said Ate. WATSON3K-itar. 3
5 ,4 14. 13 pE1 , 11t A • ••• •
• -
• " 10 t
"flag SUBICIMB fl taiiiablcd To Itgrsilatt ana-tat ah
satoudgaahtyat 400ttog Rate 41mat as rip as
.lletalOck shingle,atao:Ale-t va11,4 tank red Ws
green Oita. at tedac , d_prices. But particialga.ca4 oL
WI LL1A24.11ALV1M0LT.11.4.04 , 41kt.P. , -, • Pa.
Sttontroc. Saptezaton.l.3,.lB7l, ,
Madinat Holig Dist . govi :13,CitiireiT 1
.. , . Jett .aobliiited, a neer
,e,D4on , Ory.tic Ciirizt,
4 cretre.CaletTitod Veal .wid - 1114 -radiCCA,„... 4lO ?
~ V (erDnotit moaltiOn) of btrx 4 .4•9 7 Tir-u 4 R4` . . - "•'''''
- • nal Wetanve,:lsrroluerasz 1,,, ,, - es...l.ana,
T +
biota *tut Pbra'4ll.lrtuar4ulV.L.VtatAzitultt i
eirt4e. etuii.e;.oercaipututa.-,..ec0. en ro,
bidoc.W by seirrindelc.voco or ACSISILi C.131 , 1r5gatV.:.... •
latr.PdCl4 l / 1 *Alga CAVOPprOply G ignt.C . . -1,
The celebretwi =bor. iu ilds adatinta t et.3. ll 3;o2 7 ,l
detwanstrates thirty - pane: * ria Cet 1
Iguathealermla conteguencesof seltabutatasybaradi ,
city eared wit h cilia drops eta of inierattatedl .1
tine or the•appligation ot - tlO kplfet;" .pointlnt. ottt a
mode cd are atonce'straple, verta in debbcrcAby
means r4 c wbich'erery sneerer. no znatterethat.bla cm. •
tilliatt Ma; ba,.l4.4Sare ItimwS4 ckoArit MFv l l% Re 4 •
Pfr This Lecture should be in thelatzei of ms 4
youth aniertwinnutin thebnatt. - -- - • --- • •
eent. under seal, .n &plain enveropp, to,, my addresai
postpaid on receipt of via cease, or tWo to,,
Also, Dr Drileerwell's ••11arriageGuide. , ntica =eats:
-Ada':ma Abli,Petll,,ber. . _ „ - . .
. 1 , ..- -•••••- -.-- T r UAte. , f , Sl&it — r.CCD:..! -. 1 r •
127 Dowers. few York.' Putt Deice 11,4,• Se, !
V SUbscriher 41ferilds - Forth' # l 34rerjealie;
Susi:lntim:ma Co ,. i Pa., Coutahts olM•:10 :Saes
no or ioa of istletrare cleated and mulacaltiow
don the land Is well watered andloodtbr eithrY
grain orztass,lhere are between two and three
hundred grafted'App3,trees On theWishesSdest
Peacb; ftV l 4 - "PfaOrees," tatql Sunseta,
rut for churches and schools ;with bulld4
ings,.lBo rods south of Quaker lake,l;kolaras Is;
a good one and admirably located: Addr&Li or ap:
ply m ' • 11AURICE11. 111A10.4 - BILL
_,§ll,Tur Lake.. Busna: Ca:Pa.; Itatch S'''7l;
METE iiOT-St; -
DII:nos1; Comp, and ton-{pd isaannty xaawn as
din Lewis 'lota'. eatuiectepataUlablaY. arn atm= Twentx
Ayes ot. Valuable' Land • - " • •
,?ar partienarancalcaa• arena an C. CAIILLS,
Annoi.k. Ps.. Jan: 0, 1811. • : • • Exemtar.
SSlGREms.;awrxcr..ol t es berebyglicir hist
Flenry. Utast, of Ifni btu - oath or cin!•itr. ipAtt Pi;
nnyllsons connty„Pn., by deed of rola ntary d e n t } .
bbit allagae4 aft tire witsfe. tind pessenaliotlhn min
Henry Achett,lW A. P Sttphens. or Or Band bordo
fn inld tautly. 7n trait.; Mettle Tpenefit of WO creditors
of Ufa raid Henry Ackert. , .M 1 oersonn therefore.
ed toshwewhillenry.Aek,ext, make payment: Wilts
said Asingnen:anditloteLlreil ow= or demands. will
inako known the lame int out delay.- -
A. P. ifTEPIIICIS. Automat fumy' Aamcri:
Groat Dead, Aorta I. 1871.-auraid.nw.
MIALfaSCE.. tulip ro ided Or, Ztums =.ISZY;:...i6
.Hll Interest on Bands, :14 - 841
addtttonal totulandreddarairttiatistbiator7
ascgliT.W.Cor Agg4t4 to d=r4P , ..flAPP 9 n‘ 43 3 OD
C . • ' 7.
Deceived from thi'dolicatell.l3l%,,,4 l m_n
fr.= fortaterrSxszret.l-t4.1.-3. SO 1313
Amount auprovlded forrJane4OriB7l. Wag As
• , nest. comet as ilypcsikgstat.lethhi time..... 11.113190
„ .„ • .
. W3L,ST4UN 5:-.a •
4thrisp, Annal. „ .4cuutoii:
TV ATI! at PrtANCTS;tOII.2/...lMate of the UMW
ra slily Fri.newtuc, Ihign rhaium *in tr. PL. de.
eeasol: Lettere Of odottetsFon opno the estate , of
the above neated dettibMot, Eratbelf ievaiited to the
audeteignecr. allzersoas Jaye red to the veld eftWe
hereby ucttlited . voakt 4 itabeibilate pelvaereetvl there
dotrea azsbrat eFwo. to present them deli
6016=3k:fled Pit leitinatan. 4011.11 7 .130101 AN.
1371.—pvre„ Attaelt4atottor.
- -
Storm 1'
4ocarao ISlanarectoi•qacaT^l. eitt Cio.
T?AitNlEWo lls . lBs l**g 9/ 4 4 1 4
: : • ; .71 . •
W 11111.13134 EtankinglAneri,irlihrit:LWV
• • rattan tabor . •
All Deposita Paid on Demeild Wlthent
Persons keepinc aeeonetttilth usrap deposit and draw
Ike "Ma 11 11 Irina Err pther bank. , ntteor. customers
will be eccommodated crithoareatra Onrge of dlrscrint
or =ban&
.7 , =MITA NCEIt
For deposit. from points In the country etmeenteit to
ialtroad, opacity impress ptempily_ A. ater
remittances In payment 111141elr currency or - by*ea,
...prays the rale ; ."
, All- Parts:Of -Eur.op6:-.-
ca t irci fd r i inide,'wlthont other ebargo than the lira-
PASSAGE. TICKETS totted from all parts or Eanypa, ,
by Sint Class Steamers. at the lowest rates. -
neranton..Angust t 1971,—Zn, , ,
, . .
A.tIDTTOWII NOTICE:The inderslgzed, en
.oa. tor attoointed by the andrmof the Orphan' , Conn.:
in and telaeCenely of fieellq4 - 113TIA, to , ltadbute the
fund, In the bands of the Administrator of the estate of
Orwin Mayo. deceased. will,auend to the dattekqf
his appointment. at els alfted, tri Susquehanna Bence, on
Thursday the 9th day of liotainher. 1, ;. lan. Of and
**deck to the afternoon. AV. Pettice ttder.eeted V_
require/Tine Oyer . orreenc • lllelr etataur,
4bove Ante ailitiolate orb. forever dsharred.._ i
Vu. 11. POST, Adzeintetritni'
BURMA ntirtepot, 0e . t0ber11,1511... • • •Cs
• Otia to ' ttke 61Glics of lie War Gina
• k ND ; rnEnfiVTD6 4 3Bl-Conoressitutr rOceatlipere,
XL et • Law Grp dna. Peolloop ofNicht Dollar, per
month, abet% there my a Service of Ritty Dept or toore,
Torun, of 3ou Iprxotol Lard. WatriMie. Thort 4630
Uptq1. 4 ....2 11 ray retords,stot tberproada. lands*
cow tile tmportgot Pet, =canary to pruccuinz Pen-
Woos. and perame tainting or - pending - the:lr ettlmp. to
my oo3ce can hate tae ar.o Welt c{r my records, eau
therburtaeowill tut putooppy 43ttcotted to &prates et•
[pitted by the , fpw •, 4„„ . r., , rg cm
240.141v40..mgar0gn . . - : .
tkineat„ se' i l ie;
tor. appoluted br the Court o Common . P/thr.
ruacsebannt county. to dlatriterte tuna extent Ahem
savire homer rail 'auto or John Chartotak hereby+
strap nottee that he yin atmod to *hada!! •-ot his sue
nit 2t kleoflwln ItklletraltOF
Y ttu
nooa .tretardis, at ',filth timer and 'plate :ran*
ll:iterated trill avaand make known their tga ma t ha
. tothnteetdahane4 lean cougar, th_o_u Witt
JAXIIS z. Ca . 1 1 - 41,1; AMON. ,
llootroke.Seutoot.7bsrrt. thit. r, 4.,
, sr. 111 m DANCE CUBED
nvirts. A 4 lAll44ll.4.4WARnOrritr 4
' , :lit,A.7l . !PtEl 9 o .
.; ,~
°bids no. iflolol=M-411231.
pro ; mum ottutinsa......ittib •
eati boo front Uta Mama cid
timtvum-n*antw (.4% 3 : ' .
'l.o.ThipiremEgad dos o med. it oda atisoll _not
-:+ 4 3!S9tC E 4T.M..-0 /41 IMP / 2
. ' , • -- 6 , 4)
ii.r.lAils)o4: 6- ; the hiir:ft'!Mbli 6 zkuB..... ai rt
motto a tet,glotty poetnoto:losotto
toot iot! - *Stahl` to Al, beak - amid tbi 13air&-a
ftiltog tottomitt toy stud lotion Thai paw
Aars l .7 l o4 PrOimitt nißdtr-444 Mes
tanmas erviasts, ana tputinsna kftit, . DnEgS!
11l ItavisumAkrr Tat JP* pI , V4
DA O. SllML.Potottos, arcr,ltiti RitOozoS 024
by 'PROCTOSIMOTIZEtt. Oloatostor Masiattintetta.
nil iamb, Is pot too la o pool bottle, toads expooly
Ar-N-Sak Okuntliereto At* toms Woo sloqi.,
Aso icitliVittiss an' 1);01.-atc3._ Ba ± 3PAA m.
too tam Osol44: ft4telt *4w
Pat. 7 "t iostial, on
,1141baut Bo p.^. Tto, Igo .041 QA
it isataniis 'Orb VW Moot: poop.,
- .1 11 4. 1 7. 1 NL' ':•
... n . i
The -
- - — th -
Inectle—ra thirvetnt,Tot nen._ —...„-_. ....41ebe •
.Tetct• Walt this tOpflonad Ms vii, *pa bench:CO
tied swltleitytete. morecreirr, =pre LEG ellia• to
whichfibmita 'pew/alto be win in:anted the
et • eanstdeiable tetrietret elneants. Wen nn 2 '
nr""n trlg a b b="' ls ' g litttr_tnen br4U Tert .- Om: "
CEOteleMitotPkolotiltitiMetriti•o27 04 1 W '
cti A tu*
lore" xcel Mete cm; un • the fah el Inn Intnc - .:"
, fell anlerllcanttitt.‘ .tom
:lone POW yvrts OA this% =ler.
ft* t " it 4._/)ollllTrrtzet whited' les
RV Wait th e o.wary. Vs tali for it tate
o f eal
lzraimd item Ilts 'dlimortll,llo 6m no gr atureda tlelens .
his the dessur 'lt Wally iin t errlif ,
' Anent een'W %
rellithe t tionher• hie
ILIDer (Teti) In nrt Ones, orlplez mart
17 asta 1.1 , tam et fiullv Ides% fEen Ittonbeen
It bone. "tits levip Ord read erd
That Um Tale Miler irM mato, td h 4 Ithirrn=
styta tt, TOOLS Itinnann Wen ream' thltri OW
nut bellus "Ude! , GT a tIAW-TtOLiptel#ol
Fvni , ;mTmc , . : :vzoo;4 - 4mx!.Af.
OP' 30-4,14411 f. -
-Isms Taxi 7.ttandsr - itii - Istentlys-ferrattadi
Vd e34 W Xagi Sld
talyzbiatcestatime Inns o
f Moutsoi and dal.
077. awake
lieaasWlAl =ad= 0 7 14 keePscai luadlha
/021Massidbestateraor4ni 9t ••• •
3 33
. :I = t;I4C 7 ,4 II V.tFI E T‘
" 4441511*tb.ti 4.1409 1 *tit Xf4 ,
Al!ifkAl Eltriff. Tompluelts. ,LoffgpO'clotsigcjittt.
- -Ma* arl,rtfr. Totla, - Da tog. aitets. ang ,
• _ • eAttf,47ll WA* " ' -
W.4.4ticat Clll,as
sairWoodicats or every and Kyle; 7'
4412141.114 , T.Ma 4 1ke1• N 011 , 11,01 aer:ISSWIkr
- Eros:
1, assortaux4.-Oclii*iitotbitt -La ,
Cake Sea t Chairs. 1- • • ; r.
Dttsitiaoteil th;tr.of tiontf iniaidietate itt4th
.Ull. found STSlitly,,saperla Was . ii • tormuly.ln
uks44,4dd7dt 2,4 sold Arf las OM: •
abort ttoliC.O.,: Ilestreatircivtn tivgaess ifelltaf• - •
• t =ploy Done tint caratottqd !Vella ced wprlalleti, •
I mond ro do p r y say it,19(141 asst( '
DO Ofordid. . • • •• •
• . .
• irmtuat ir c ßmira:l; l
-ifeatreacTirb if. IVA:: -I r
- - MINE ' B::42irD; 00.44:8,;•:
elabilltreet: Vitdoor. below. Boyee rata Corbet.4lo ll lrlll
-40.Qa0tWAX45e .
~..Siresiouniitittiliree. feint e 4 eiler ben !thine%
'eftelb slabk o.iCtotitsleovalq4.oWitikiAllpit-
Vll*l4r,t • elfrAl. t' r•.,11 1 q
tor eleb,os trete ve,etpse4te.
, 0 011•1140.,-:
04ASSRS,:qPZ . gRA ,- ,,' , : , ..;, - •
:: - : - ..: - '4'!6RX,' - : 1 7 2 H,::'44 1 2.0;_ , :1'''.;
- - - , , t . .:04 , 1f51 - /)/aZD ,2?StaZSc.::':; '
W .1t • Itttadigariatla siddlikatiisitaat Stork
Tail in d are awe ready to forward Batter to th a bee`
aormailataa house* (sr law Itork.trereat charlot t gad
ra tberatadanleemente on eaa atgattaare;
call and eaugaaanalatt• hatota ontahastag else
"here: endeaartnae ouraelm the . •
• - • 4 450/. 0, 1 411,
I Monies . trill 'IC
3op--0 - TOE 1118 1870 , •
- alfg3 4 X - X ..- •
•Elatobleis Qncamber
• "nom
NArC3104:91V 1 11314031.3p0. '
XASTBING 113,065 feet. taleasb., enteelene tel
-0-11-•lhn torA WYLY trIFOMILESIMER,
Slmple construstlon—EV, Wring ale
Tetuan th e water — noble— elia -
MeV , ronlee iste- theft- Pan best rerommenelillnn.
Yor ewe, by &Were In bamnars Ind 'agricultural Ilapin•
D:embrti• Frabll v ertketa. tbregrb !be MO*
fl 7. annum ac, t gmpplkipon bf 43111,
Sloes Purim': pities In knreninibete
bare AO SICCUIS111)013 teeel l at t hieregular Man. Arlen.
In burl be esrebatere ramp bears my *ma'.
nark u above. parented us; wa, es I gnarantre
. Chaco. CSI6
entiie enA rartroms, 0444 ri2G
Pbaedolital. Xur4lA. ISTl.—lten - 141.
MIT Mit.),.tAL.soactor,, . •
" English and etagota masa; Tams begin
&ptember7th,De er 12th, and Math rail.
suktdapranpisueguatainudthl3. E t lUdf - ! 3 ! A , 24-
-tratte4" anY tat i Pt r
0 A. A., •
bin* eld, r4A,14:81;1870.---li
• - 101.42 . 621Ete1.46.111KT10 ' ' •
Inn `, -BARGAINS . ...Tot /cm
_Dried and Curzei Irndl.- Vegetables. to
at th e Ewa Sttint• 813,Lairt.
mosalw. ire =nu , ittt" ••
'Ecar*,tklaa V s selstari*j•si intik la
as Woks Wear at 4, mak pia.. also • Snow
amfaen . at COVIVA )3117 aI,PAM4 "" "Er
In"! akU TIP •
i euglagratatcscii:Asupg*
783.1023-11 11
-11sacossakal.Iffi. - -
I NaTYpilti g t.:=
.!fPkv- az,Now°?`l
tP: s. Ceirq