The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 11, 1871, Image 4

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    Desists Frain tile Sting of n Um.:
A very stran,„ n and ire should say a very
doubtful case of death from the sting of a
bee, is reported to
-have occurred at Lynn
ville„ 111. A Ws Str#ge, the wife of a
blacksmith of that town, and the mother
of sveral children, - was Stung, by a honey
bee while pickinapples is the orchard,
and died. from the effect so rajndly that
the head . was swollen to twice its-natural
size, lb less than au hour, and on the fol
lowing day the whole body presented the
appearance of being In the lust stage of
decomposition. We find from our'ex
changed that several persons have lost
their lives in different parts of the country
during' the past few weeks from .a similar
cause, .Itrivet weather the sting of the
bee is always increased in venom, and last
at this time the hives should be approach
ed with great caution. • "
A writer in the American Journal of .Blb=
crosc?phy has been exploring the forests
Of bristles in a hair brush surreptitiously
purloined from a ladies' toilet "stand, and
though it contained nothing, which we
are accustomed to regard with unqualified
horror, the results of his -investigations
prove that there are mysteries ordinarily
undreamed of the toilet. There aro.con
coaled in the damp lint of hair brushes,
nnlesslept clean by the use of oi-carbon
ate of potassa, or carbonate of soda, many
living things, too small for collection by
the naked eye, some of which, we are
told, are more of than suspicions charac
ter, being known :as the originators of .
wild-head and other diseases - ot the scalp.
The anthor concludes this: article by a
caution against wetting
i the head, recom
mending dry brushing instead He also
recommends the use' of a weak solution
of carbolic.acid, or sulphite of soda, as a
cleansing material fer hair brushes.
Ernrstn.—the We Empress of Franco
need often, when a child, at Granada, as
Eugenie Mon tijo, to dance upon the knee
of Washington Irving. -In a litter writ
ten in 1853, just after the elevation of
Eugenie to the high station she filled for
eighteen years; Irving wrote the following,
which-now reads almost like prophesy:—
" The lust I saw of Eugenie Mon tijo she
was one of the reigning belles of Madrid.
Now Eugenie is upon a throne, launched
from a returnless shore, upon , a dangerous
sea infamous for its tremendous ship
wrecks. Am rto live to see the catastro
phe of her career and the end of this slid
denly conjured up empire, which seems
to be made of such staff as dreams are
mado of ? 'confess my personal acquaint
ance with the individuals in this, histori-
Cal romance gives me an uncommon
rest in it ; but I consider it 'stamped with
danger and instability and as liable to ex
travagant vieisitudes as one of Dama's
George Whitefield was once preaching
to a seafaring audience in New York,
when, suddenly, assuming a nautical air
and manner, that were irresistible, he
broke in with, "Well, my boys, we hare
a clear sky, and are making fine headway
over a smooth sea before a light breeze,
and we shall soon loss sight of land. But
what means this sadden lowering of the
heavens, and that black cloud arising
from beneath the western hemisphere?
Hark! Don't you hear distant thunder?
Don't Tort see those flames of lightning?
There is a storm gatHering. Every man
to his duty! How the wavessise and dash
against the ship! The air is dark!—the
tempest ragesl—our masts are gone!—
the ship is on her beam ends? What
nest?" Thj appeal instantly brought the
sailors to their feet with it shout, "The
longboat!--take to the longboat!"
THE MOTIST CaN - rs Ttrxxxt,.:,-3bdern
engineering his achieved one more 'gnat
triumph in the completion of the Mount
Cenis tunnel. When it was first propos
ed to pierce the. Alps with a railway pass
nage shrewd engineers smiled incredulous--
ly. Sommeiler advocated and proved the
feasibility of the very diEcalt task more
than thirty years ago; but it was not until
1857 thatethe xnighty work was really be
gun. This tunnel is nearly eight miles in
length, and its construction gave employ
ment to two thousand men for fourteen
years. Trains thundered through the
rocky heart .of the Alps on Smalley, ac
complishing the entire distance in twenty
minutes, without experiencing, the least
difficulty.. No mephitic gases were en
countered; the rails proved firm and
steady. The ventilation of the monster
tunnel is excellent; a current of air was
experienced by. the travelers, and this
wind blew briskly enough to render an
overcoat comfortable. Ithis sets at rest
the Swiss stories of intense heat and as
phyxiating cases rendering the tunnel
valueless. .I.he railroadlhrough the Alps
is as complete a success as are oni own
Pacific rruiroads or the &fez minaL—Phila.
friend wrote to Scott, warning him
not to attempt too much. "Do not 'be
rash," she said; "yon are already popular,
more so perhaps than you yourself. will
beliete, or than even I or other 'partial
friends can Sairly allow to your. merit.—
Yon . stand high; do not _rashly attempt
to stand higher, and incur the risk of a
'fall—for;:idepend upon it, a favorite will
not even be'permitted to •sturbble with
impunity." :o To which Scott replied in
the words of Montrose: •
"He either tears his fate too lamb,
Or his deserts are entail,
Who tars to pot it to the touch,
To in or loose it all."
44 lady; impelled .by the demands of
fashion recreation in the country
during the. summer months, writes back
41esiiainnglyl, "Did you ever revel in the
gayeties of a lialf:grown, torpid village,
:wheres walk - "to the graveyard was the
only recreation, and where; if yonindign
antly refused to walk, you were shudder. :
ingly reminded “Ah, poor child, yon may
have to go there soon -
—A Tong wife in -Detroit. . 3iichigan,
was discovered = three days after bermar
riageito be a =Um of kleptomania. - She
conTessed to her husband, what he bad
never anspected„thongh be bad known
her forlears, that she could not resist the
temptahon to steal , whatever was before
her.. Subsequently she disappeared and,
it is feared, has committed 'suicide; - She
had Mtn stolen many things of not the
slightest valuito hei, such as empty cans
I failf he. continued, I ..tit a
sign that I -might never" to have Succeed
-4and..l will mrite prose-for'life; you
.see,no thange in my temper, nsr
will" eat u sinzle meal the worse.", jr,
Oontaineno LAO SULPHUR—NO 811.
No falTitA'rE fOLVEA. Eira le
entirely Ate from the PolBollotlB and
Ilealth.-4introying Drums-.need in
othediair Pripet:lions:
Tramp:eat and elate as cryttal:li will not Soil the
finest fatair,--painetly SAFE.CLISAtt and EMCEE=
U restores and prercots the bolt froinbecomPtiOrlD
Imparts a 106.. gluuyapprzraneo, *tom Dandratt, le
cool and tsrresblag to the clucks the Dalt from
Ihtling QS: and restoria to a great eitobt when prnme•
tunny lost pravenb Desdachet;carca:an
taneolas eruptions, vid l suanatand best,. AS A DDSS&
1.`72 POUTS& U4aUt IT IS TUB 1367ST , Aftna*Ut
DR. 0, SMITH. Patentee, Ayer. Masi. Prepared only
be PRODPOUDROTIDDIS. Glinleetter Itassathosette
The gametes la pot op ta a pinsll'bottle, made expressly
for It, With its; name of the article blown In the ghee.
Ask yoai : Dragest for Nsroves IttsrOaratx;
'lad take no other. • •
far Send iwo tbroe cent etampito Proctor Brothers
for a ..Treettale on the Dna= MU." The toforcostlon
It eontalos Is worth *WO Dl to an!-person. . .
'Day 17.1811. I ty -
1840 1870- '°
The "Pant kalifs" may jteitlY be styled thereat
medicine of the world, for there Is no re,ionof the globe
Into which ft has not found its way. and been largely
used and highly prized. Moreover, there lent clime to
which It has not praredto be well adapted for the care
of a considerable variety of diseases it is a speedy Ana
safe remedy forborne, scalds cats, braises. wounds and
various other loimirs, as wells.' for dysenterv,:diarrbets.
and bowol complaints generally. it Is adzoimidy doomed
for every rest of men on the glee of theglobe. -
:It Is a Ivry significant fact. that notwithstanding the
ye's& that the... Pain Killer" bas bocci be.
fore the woul d . it bas never lost one whiter its popular
ity, baton the contrary, the all for It, has 10-I,y to
amen kohl its first discovery, and to 120 previous time
has theft:need for It been so groet, or theitaantity made
been um large. as It Is to-day. •
another significant fact bctiutt nowhere has the Pain
Killer over been in higher repute, or been mere general
ly used try families and Indivldaals, than ft has been here
Si home, where It was Mot discovered and Introduced.
That the Pale Killer will bonnie to be, whet we hate
styled it, ten smear nonnurinor lire wont% there =-
not be the shadow of a doubt. -Providence Advertiser.
T. D. TAYLOR, so-long known In Bingham
ton as one of the most popular Cutters, and
fashionable Tailors in this section of country
his formed a co-partnership with IN, F. New
comb, of Montrose, and they are now prepared
to, furnish men's wearing apparelof all kinds;
and in style and workei , hip superior to any
establishment in this section of country. We
to all vrho may avor us with, their patrcame.
Shop at Poste old corner, On: Public Avenue.
. .
Montrose, Oct, 19, 1870.—t1.
Prsaga - Tams !Terms: The extensive Furniture
Establishment of Wiltlarn W. Smith; Ageing been
leaned and greatly Improed,, the proprietor respect.
telly annonneesto the eltinens °Montrose and vicini
ty, that he IS ennstantly making and keeps on hand the
largest and bestasesortment off'
to be ftmodanywherilds side of New York
Desk... Means, Towelracks, Ls:urges, Footstoolsde.
Cen:ser Card.rter. Toilet. Dining. Kitchen and
`extension tables.
'MUMS —Cane and Woodecat Ember', Cane, Flag
and Woodseata of every variety and style.
13orasandTetea-tetes, tarnished oh short notice.—
Cane seat chairs. resented. '
Marge assartmeat—ettexpest and best" 1a - =The
I • Cane Seat Chair&
Wiest I with a new
su l b a s u dm u llca enn ueseatc=of iro Y m ea ema "m uuraCture,laith
will be forma greatly superior to those formerly In
market. and yetare sold At alms Prim
• or Ready made ecifais on hand or fundsbed at
short notice. [(carte glans in readiness if desired—
I employ none but woeful and experienced workmen.
!Intend to do my workwell, and sell It as law as co
be afforded.
WILLIAM . 197;
Nozdatat,reb 141663.
Milo Street, 5 Axon bela. Boyd's Corner'‘Nontros
w ear . cemstaatlyret•Priag t ad mow Inn Dahill&
&teeth stock of Cloali.lataarlis.eortdeb we wllleell
carA PI Car Al CHEAP !
for eash,oresstui We . Orpflidaell,
. COPPEE t SCGAB.,.. . •
PORE, : FISH . , .LARD 3 -
cio,VER a TIMOTHY SE#D,• dse
We hate refitted and made additions to oar Stock.,
Pails, and aro nor ready to forward Butter to the belt
eonindaolannonnea to New York,tree of ehatimand
makellberallulTancaments on consignments'.
r Call and examine oar Stott before pp:chasing elol
where.andeontloneyonreelres o fate . •
- "tangos,. April 11 110.
gaiiroad Eime tabto.
N. & E. Time Table.
- TRAINS warrrmus..
No. 4, Bleat Express : : 2.37 a.m.
" , CinelonotL .
Express :
" 88, Way Freight, : : : 15.80 "
" 9, New Tort Express, : : IA7 P. rd.
Absommodation, 6;50 "-
6, Stiramlxot Express,. ': • : 9.17 "
?wrts trzortracrt: - _
No. 7,Nlgbt &pram; 1Z25..rn. -
_.." 0, Er:dim/at, 524
" a 9, Aorommodation, 9.35 "
" 37, Way Freigtt - ' : : 1.07 p. m.
Bali and Express, <: 850 ."
An of the acme trains stop at Great Berid
andcarrypasscngess :;
5&47.10f13 Dentid name, heir 111111foid,rs,
PutirdLizi.ttentlteo gSitel to alloperatkai on - th• mate.
pa seat. - datttelarTetth-tosezted la alt. the MIMI
Mr low IR Perrettaatistadtantaahntled to al4
Cum indgeo_ure. end *attar/ yatusclite. - 'o2ore Marg.
Cr4lllll2tb *ay.
ta/113. e. WA,
put Vartionninto.
Bromo Chloraluni,
labs roporrovs, otoontass.
Ttsed. In -private dwelling', hotels, rtstintrants,
schocls, hospitals. Insane asylums, dispensaries, jails,
Prisons. _ hospitals ,
on, ships, stesubboat., and In
toeement oases, markets,• for wato. , closrts, strialda,
alnks, sewers, cesspools, stables, &e.
spee(ftc ta amfogiota' and pediteollal
el cholera. typhoid fever, ship fever. onto Epos, =Wet
rover, measlee.diselves of animals, Re_. prepared Ceti
by' TILIMIN & C 04,170 stoblf.llr.
Sold try all druggestib ,
1,003 -GIFTS.I7
,Chiand title CaneeXtittidlfietiliniieim fin , itte iictteite
Ofthe Fcrcuidlingiaylum of Ilewlrork,anllBol4l7'
tare and Bailors' Orphan' Home Washington,
To be bed to TtailtineonlAS SOON iii-AELVICS.
WILL EN GWEN.) ant - not later then November lead,
en. Settre number of, tickets, 62,000-4nAmek. , 1,003
Olfts, amonntlng to $200.000, to be awarded.' Sehd for
arenleralvlng - Mt Of GUIs and Referenda% Tieketa
CIA be baa of RILEY & SARGENT,.,
comer Ttdriptuit and Market streets, -••—
-- • - • • Nblladelp . 14%
DETLIN_, General Ag, New Yar.k,
• • _ • Nassau Silver
ploa. U. Kean - LOUGH, Elkton,
Alai. OEO. T. CAS rLE. Baltimore. ' f
pOtt. J. B:NEOLEY, Pateborg. Trustee.
' • Ili 11111NDERsoNts • •
EAClrCesa eontatelo; ono Boucot' r
- • .13110
j o gg e ntfTik e3 , - . 1 020 n d
1, Pio 0 . 2
tort Old . Bootban. •
Cu' 'treed Petro orkil'of iwr Best Quidity:
Plan !WEB D07u88.. 1 -
Sint biEttiss o.D.',OePostodlee order, '
DLNDERSON,IS Broad SL, lierr 'Twit
t o Tr a e mlms~aiioa
or taro
COM:MU Olt TIT NAT 0111110) 1120E1= 0,1%11 11/407.
umi Fullerton. 'DT Dn. NAPSILTS, author of "774
fYlyrioai L4/ e otlibours." It relates to (ha mate =I
t. (all of Pell Ucta• dent:ldt) but natapaben ; practical
and molar, highly c mimed ; *elle rapidly. Sold by
autoorintion only.. xclaelve territory. Terme liberal.
Prlcajd.' A(drcsa for content*, dc., J. PEROI/13
Pubibbert. Philadelphia. Pc.
, -
* ' The
..,..,, t The BEST mInterOTBRIMOB fi
i :-, ~ ... ... NO'BIJCICLES to break! ,
I , ,- r . ,.... 64 , L Werit,Gent i fer,a n vtal
' _ASH zOI,JW uOll BRAISE NO 01 .
11[E T g ll a Tt n" —. 1 1 :4 31 ;F8T. °1-i'u E l7:42 veyy ll
•veti rs°°' k li a °l ll l . 7 l
U,. Talk by Beecher; Sermon 01 article by.
;it •-• , (second only to Beecher In popularity), Mrs.
_llllng's great gala atm expoelng nesret worktors at
Ltbaututam In America. tlnd mach other good reading
. i , " G.J7airtead.ll4 Nassau st.,lrem rat!.
,rar somata qa Worsting, crod our adorers 10
GEORGE W. GAM", Fesltikll, N. ,T.
1380. "Oro 10171.1.11.. 3Pa:4p' oleo.
Agee >ro ger vreek to 001 l our great ant valuable dlr.
corer'es. • It you want permaneut, Wearable andp:Cas•
ant work, apply for particulars.
j Adams DISH CO.,Jarkoriti,llllBlgatt.
VEMILLE COLLEGE Bardentaami Pr; t. Famish.
e. , the best educati , ,nal advantages, together with a
pleasant home. Board and Ttildon, find per you. For
L.ltalccueftaddress ROT. J. U. LIIIAKF.Lb4",
0.12 be made by ant , email man viol tan kerp , bis
Ltnittnese to ldronelt. :end OE9 for partleabot to
HOWARD C 0..& Williamsburg, N. Y.
N 0 EAST NESSOM Yoram and Unimproved
LAM'S for sale by 31eNtIrr & 110 SO, ratiklio.
nitwit ls done. and' who does ft. Thti, Mena Book,
192 pages. gorgeously Illustrated with es% positions.
dr— bent bytasil. *untidy sealed, for tiftyetents. Grand
Circular; Rte. - Address PRILM% ER ERLE.
G 33 Beauties Now Yard.
Agents . Read T s • - ! =
,Wl.l'.lll' 4 vd . Arglan a
OD:ill:111510D ta,sell Our new and vanderml
Address M. WAGNIgt & CO.. Marshall. ]itch.
- A.Clergyman,arhhe I.r:tiding In South 'Americo ea a
ilisa i onary. discovered a tee and simple remedy for the
Cure of Nerrone Weakness, Body Doray. DIOCIIM of
the thinray and Seminal Organs, and the whole trait of
ditorders brought on by baneful and vicious habit..
()matt:umbers hare been cured brittle noble remedy.
Promoted by a desire to benefit the Meted and en
fortunate, I will nerd the recipe for preparing and aging
Ude medicine, in a landed• envelope, to any one who
needs Monate? cnaltoi. Address 703. T. INMAN,
Stationo. Bible Bowe. N.Y. city. •
ItsMi:=e, J
Worth of Goode in store for tho npealog: of
the •FeU TradOaf 1870, In a full and
general assortment of
Dim; aad Farrittabg, put Pim* Gad" 1 .
' .ftpftss' ~ Deane. Aferinos, Itmanso
Catzor,Marat, Cbroskwatessal Falls, arul aims
• LadiattAd Geetittlei. ZherdOEC 6 U.Fangl . lo
alga erartriont crekett, Ccurimerm
/41Ierckas, Ftamels, llosienk
Dwnertic atkost, &rote.
viith a - general assortment of HA awl GSM
Boots a Sham, ,011 s and Paints,. Groceries,
Crockery, Hard ware, Stoves, Iron, &e., Purdah
bags superior piSportimity far selections. Ind
will be sold afUse most favorable terms, by.
' tirKillard. Not ao, no.
#Wanes b l[ VaPq~74K!h~
• ~ :A;l' 1
published ea every parkage.thezto
fore it is seta oast prepuidloa,
it is a eertain - arre for Scrofula,
Syphilia in all Rs forms; Rhammo •
tisEN Skin Diseases, Litre COLI.
• Cat end all ditmct of the •
Igo& , •
OHS ZOTTIM OP 71,0101132111 t
will do mote good than ten bottles
Of tho Syrups of Sassaix
ham used Rttodaßs in theirposetiew
fot the put three visits - Sad freely'
endorse it as a. re lia ble Altanitire
end Blood Purifier. , •
R. T. G.PDOG, et Ratialcso
DB. P.O. 1: A - N '
• 1, 4.Bpaass,i.Aril4 f arati l p . . ::
Da. K PLZwecAunia, Coifblar
S. C.
DD. A. B. NrCripN,F.dgexonl),N.
J. a. VIlENCtils SONS, Fall Sim,
P. W. =WA beton, kith.
A. liFF , vn, Lima, Ohio.
S. HALL, L di ima t o_ - • .
_Gordonsville, Va.'
BAWL. 0. dierdlo.l=l, Slarrea_ at).
etont.,Tenn. - •
Oar apse tall not alio* of sayer; -
tended remarks In relation to the
•trtagof Itosadalis. Toth° Medical
Petrel:don we panties • Maid Ea
rner superior to any they airs reek
mod In „the treatment o f diseased
Blood; and to the afflicted we pr trl
EtosadalLe, and yea wi l bo taatonat
to Doan&
Rondalli u soldty allrengettif
Fits . ol.6o . per betels. Adds= .1
.D 73. CM= CO. 1
ilatzfoderfag Clentistr,
Baia - mos; SG?,
234 33
0111 UM ,
N • •Zt.. ,
8•8 , 313211100 n Street,— fir ;
Binghamton IL:!,
Where ydir will Attd
he Largest Stock, the Best Assortment, and
the Lowest Prices of any house in the city.
ma—All Goods sold warranted a.srepreeen
Binghamton, Aug. R 4, 'lB7o.—ly
Ayers Sarsaparilla,
Troia PlUrggifriNSl sum moon.
Ito reputation Ode Vs
; colket Medicine ettglis, '
is derived from its cures,
many of which ant truly
marvellous., inveterate
cases of Scroftiloos die.
ease, where the 'irtinia
gestated saturated with
" :• :"rof =Phan ; hare tam
pinalea and cured by it."
scrondous affectionsand
, ditiOrderlArbletWere
granted by the scrota.
tons contamination until
were painfully aMiltri bare been radically
media nal Mit numbeta ahnost every sec.
Iron of the country, that the public scarcely need to
be informed of its virtues or Wei.
812'0113.1011,P0i6011 is ono of the least dettirtictire
enemies of our race.• Viterrylibis Unseen and unfelt
tenant of the oneadencindertnineatheconitiration,
endinvites theanaek at' enfeebUngor Mteldiseases,
WilliteseitingitanspitiOnefltspresente. Aran, ':
BireeMs tO breedintection thronghout theborly,and,
intone soma favorable oecasion.repldly develop
on or other of Us etros tones, either on the
surface or among the T i
tle. In the bitter, tuber.
des may bo, suddenly deposited In the lungs or
bout, or truisms formed In the licer, or it shows
its presence by eruptitras ori the aktn, orient Meer+ •
ations on someparl of the body. hence theme'. -
' clonal use of 'bottle of this Sarsaparilla is ad.
• ( gisable, even when CO active symptoms of disease
appear. Persons afflicted with the following rem
els..? generally Ind immediate relief, and, at
cure, by the rise of this sextwearz
rirlit. Antiurnies lifer, Mose or ErpriPiing•
Eetter i Elltteuns, Scald Head, Binpvrerm,
Sore , Sore Zara, and other eruptions or
risible of Seroyklows disease. Also in the
More concealed hares, asrifriptplrlat Dropsy,
Heart Disease, Fite, E y, heart:tea,
and the various 11/ermine mul of the muscu
lar and nervous systems.
Syphilis or Venereal and Nerenrhe Verner*
gm cured by It, though long time M required for
embdaing these oirsUnatemalatilesby any medicine.
Buttons continued es* of this - medicine will elm
the courplaint. Leueorrhiro or Matta, Uterine
IT:iterations, and Jfemate Diseases are cum ,
sn relieved and ultimately c ared by its
and invigorating erect. ;Made Direr.
674707esetx ease are found irt ear Ahalnac. tea.
tl i t:ti Arrant, Mhe i r t ratas e. s=nit, Van
In the wood, viola '
luny to It, eit sire E4er
=tints, Torptaitg. Congestion or Yoram
of the Miser saidJerniniiee,nhen artily ,
as they often do, emir theenvokling poisons in the
blood. This 1141134 PADUA ASt great ny
starer fat Me strength and vigor of the MUM.
Tb3llollllo are .Lasogodd anal Listless, Deepen.
dent, Sfeeptess, and troubled with leerenns Ap
prehensions or • Fears, or any of the erections
symptomatic of .Weakness. will find Immediate
relief and concludes evidence of Its restorative
1 C. AUR @ CCNOLowell,
Practipal mu! 41Lacqutitat
Sold by Abel Tamil, and Burns & Nichols,
Montrose, and ill druggists and dealers every
where. -- (Dee. 21,1870—y
7:lr. O. X. .1131%,C1171V:211,19
MN X 1%7 X ME 3f3 INT 9E°
In offering this Liniment to the public. es we do In
full confidence, timattemst supercede all other° now In
use. es an internal remedy, for the cure elan diseases in
the reach of that thoteof medicines, yearn safely sweat,
without the /cut wee of cent thdletion th at It stands an.
rivaled in the list of - medical , compou nds Mentally are
plied fer the core dlsedse,. Feeling therefore that. It
istrunecessary to puff a rettuady so eminently wonderful
in its effects, so mystesionsly to its powers. cd
rellefoutusing the deaf to bear, the blind to see,the Der
nee, drawn sod crippled rheumatic to wilt erect sod re.
joicearAitt iv the power and vigor of manhood. this per:-
panto:nate offered to thepublic on its Own meribb ant
chdats no volcanic oHgin or essential one Of the Amid:
an desert*; but reran contrary is what Its imports, and
Is a tarn
products. comblithtle of the powers of North Ameri-
Nam IrOse. Dec. 14. MIR ,
This notice is to Inform all denten to propitetsty
medlclnet, that ire hue established a Depot In Stove.
henna county at Wanton: PA., for the salo of Dr. C. F.
Brown'. Young ?merit= Liniment. And that Dr. A.
BALDWIN leato neat for that purpose.
I . 3iiillll - Juit Skeet,
Agencies will soon be entablbhed at untrue places In ,
every toltatap, end Inabliehodln the list below: lam
ready to tarnish it at wholesale. prices to agents.. Pust,
ere and etroalana sent' ams upon application to the snit,
The Liniment Is now tor, maned retail by the 1.011 .w'
ins agents, to wit: .
Bums & Nielsota AlM:arose. • .
E. I,: Asiams:Anbarn 4 Corriere: • '
Noah Beldw i r South MINIM
Waltman & (*burg; Skinner's Eddy. - • .
D.C. a, F . . Fordioun, Franklin.
. J. Barrows a none. Stevensville. _
' L. X. Sherwood. - Nashville:
B. T. Liandrick,Eprimytille.
Winbm.Tbsypeerr Dimoek.
'' E. B. Beerdalet.Llttle Xeadona. '
Bohai Winters, Frleadsillle...-
)l. L.Ball, Binherdetile. • • •
D. A. a. Thenerth.Erooklyn, Pa.
1,11. Clads, Fertorysille., • ' • •
W, H. Canis, Bailey Hollow.
E. ii. ?Many. Mph:diem:-
J. D. Very. atantnete Depot. • . • . ,
. 0. Id. Ilearley, New '
T. D. Easterbrook, Great Send.'
Tewksbury Brothers. totem Centre.
Are* A &natal:rat, tnunpnlirts..
. Steven. A Leobody, hilt LAM.: .
N. 'Onager, Hash. -
S. B. Stevens, laerrille.
A. J. Slims. East SprinahM. •
J. L. Merriman, Upsonville.
J. W. Rosenaards. Fairdale..
Any person* In townehips not steiie piimsd. &miring
an agency. may obtain it by hddrewint - -•
A. BALDWIN, General Agent.—sm Montrose. Pa.
liEStBcoa baud ono o the molt anise
. ,
be the eduntty. soot bestows especial 'ett,eletlon to so.
lettsgsßd buying ankles to this derttelteht gust Are
pre and pueeps lse,
le also k great varlet: of
. I*TM/a ' •'•• :
botthhielthit &est/roil the dle4et, leepoetot,Ond
testrented strtociy, we; ••••• , ~ • • • • - •
Also, e toll alsototteet of Paints.: q s, Itsraishes;
Brushes. Luhrlestlogulls sob Aso Stag*. usoostles.
Will POPC7. (3184 1, Kerosene , Violins, Pistols, Guns
and arunealllonl
Acne nrict7 orciola ice other AWEIST. Pertnn.
cry. Yankee. NOTASNS, 444 and sacs gupds,too an
Danigerressi sears pad 1,C1.011111611:40 teas in the'
Want of twauang clubs.and seading ratite Great &mi.
can "pea Company, New York, fur their supplies sf Tea
swir.oree, for . , .4 ' -
Abel Teasel 4 pow applying' Met:maple with these
'Was salrorreur at his sterols Mo 9 Moe,' al the Rms
pekes that-these ebbs sett other 'perms pay , at the
store Wes Q.ertstny Ziev,York. Tints;
sin sus the extreme cisme, trtsth42 01412.Mrst,
riskidiesultagoy brriim of •, • _ - • :
, Xl/43tpits.
comment Paris—Maid Extract Rbete
, barb, and Fluid Extract °dam.'
I ;k •
eadata eicatee e. C . MMus MistakenPere
nicer Saxons Hchostitreneu et c. „
IY Vegeta 46. cootatatig!!).*ese;u7; hUnizn . ilm at pet-
nails plilb tinn the moat dellghtikiny Violent purge,
the, seperseelng castoroll. salts. magnate, etc. 'l% re
Is nothfon more acceptable to the stomach: They etre
in d
tong,hat canoe neither imuslanor tinfoil:atm .They
are composed otat's Copt. . tote . Liter a tow
days nse or them , such an In don of the 'Baths
systete takes place as to worm edam, to the weak
and euerreted, whether arising heat hapradence or MS.
case. -
.11. T: Itelmbold . * Compound Field Extract CI-
OtabaCtropellils are not sugarcoated , are na the fact
'thee lunar contest Pills do not dtseolre. eat Pas littadMh
the stomach' without dissolving , : eausequently to. sot
produce the d0d0:41.0%41.. TUB, CAT&Wah,GBAIT.
PILLS, being pl menet 1/1 twos and odor. do not usage.
*Vete theithaltg sugar posted. - PRICE nrrr mall
... .
.i.i . iii iiiiiti , 4„%t ttliii#A - 11.1 LL A
mdkally entenatasb3 hem the .systmn Scrotal*.
Syphilis. Fever Bores. Ulcers. Sore Eyes. Sore UT*
Sore Month. Soto Had, Bronchitts. Sal* Varese. Weir
Rheum. Cancers. Rhenium from tho,Far. White Swell.
ince. Taman. Cancerous Arecibo*. Nodes. Rickets.
°Modular Swelling*, Sign Sweats. Rash Tetter, Hu
mors. oral kinds, 2chrankilltiensatinio.-
altdtseues that bars been established to Me system tor
~ L' , . ..
' Being Pretitiel Meets* for Ihe hare aiMplainte.
Mood-Purifying properties are greater than any :other ,
prevention of liampatila. • It gives the eoroplexhort.a
clear and!henhy enlor.lind restores the patient to a
stattrot health and mitt -fof pnriftteg the blood. in
moslost all throttle entedaullonal tliseeree arising from
an Impale state of the blood, and the orb tellable and
ellettnal known remedy_ for the cure of pains and Swell..
ino of the bones. Ulcerations of the throat surd legs,
Blotches, Pimples on the Paee Prolpelris sad all emir
emotions of the skin...m.4 beatsllll4.s the completion.
Price $1 $$ per tattle.
ittfßt . T, HELMBOLD'S
33.1itribot 313u.0h15.
THE OttEIT muairric, '
ellreli etteil'eanYof Diabetes ht tablet .D hal bien
given; irritation of the Neck of the Madder and Indent.
males' of the Elderly, 'Ulcerative or tiro Rideau and
Madder; Itoottation of Urine, Disc:see of OM remand,
filand.Stone in the }Decider. Calculus Gravel. Dfick duet
Deposit, and unctions or Milky dio.ctuorges, and for en
feebled and delicate constitutions of both seikos. al ten&
wioti the Adieriingsympt mat Imlll4ll9lllllan toax
ertion; lott of powct.hloss of Mentery,..diglenlty of
breathing, weak nerves. trembling. hbrrar•of disease..
wakribloorss, dimness of vision, pale lotto, bask:how
bands, finabing of the body, del:nasal file elan. eruption
cott the face. pallid countenance, adrenal lassitude , of
the mesalder system, etc. -
Used by perooruto from Meagre otrigitteen tol.twenty.
five. and !tom tbltlyogai to fl ity-dre or In the decline or
chan t: Fe of lgg after conliaeleent or labor plus; bad.
'II -
ffelmbold's Extinct Bitchn Is Diuretic and Blood Po.
!Hying. and cure* all dioceses nisi= honk habit* of di.
tdr a t i lottr o d d i 7xceeees anZo t ortr t ra i lr: ff izeriti ma t c.
which - It It
I. used, etc indrynbillfie ettreikna—ln stole,
eases used In connection• with IlcltnboldL Dace Wash., '
' • ."
In many affectionspealliar to ladles, Ire Retract lb
Botha to unequalled by arty other remedy. ABS to Chloro
ele or
of customary eiraccatlans. nicerated or Satre. tout or
the Uteri. Lneortbces or Wbltrs. rterlittj, and for all
romplelnalneldent to the rex, whether adder Dom In
discretion orbablts of dissipation, It Is ProntliW ex
tensively by tbestiost eminent physicians and
thr enfeebled tog, delicate eonstittWons..of both seen
end aB are. rettendecLerith any of the atm. diseases or
. r".
. .
H. T. nimnorartarrnscr srfcau .
• &ins (Musses artsinni from Impaidente. habits Of Ma
slpstlon, rte.. In att their magmas nuts expense. • little
or no change In diet. no Ineonnucil ence, and no exposure.
eleleeSeltequeutdestm.aud gives strength tot:dilate
thereby removing obstrortknit, preventing and ruing
strictures of the Urethra, allaying psinand inflummstion,
so frogs.: In' shie class of diamsei.'Sna ezpellbmall;
• Thousands who hive ben the tfetlmi of Inionnuetent
persons, and who hare 'mild henry fees to be eared to a
short time. here Mod they have hamsdevised. and MSC
the!' poison" haaby the use or• powettal as ringentle! ,
been dried DP In the systems, tobreak out In Senora ar
glZruloGia=Trateclrarz e drefor all agee•
Lions and diseases oftheUrhowyOrgans, whrther origin&
In Mils or Ferlaskr.froba whatever cense orlatroolon. ima
no nutter of how tent standing. Thee, Ons Dollar and
FILy Cents per Bottlee.
cannot oe as a l eer Wash. and will be fond
the ally remedy in every epecles of Cutaneous
Adectlon. - epeedily rradiblitee Peeples, -
Scrobatio Denim. Indaratices of the Cuteneout Lem.
be, etc..aspele Redoes's: diuelpient lonammatiou,
Rives. Rash, Roth Parches, Dryness of Scalp -ur
Frost Bites, and all purposes Or which Moss or 054-
meste are used; restores the akin to a state of purity
and "Ones., and insures continued healthy active to
It. vessels,-on which de peMis the eldremsbio =crams
and viva • ix of complexion ea much 'sought and ad
Mired. .But however valuable ass remedy we existing
defects of the skin,ll T. liementes twee Wash lues
long sustained Its principle claim tounbounned patron
age, by pommeling qualities which render ie a tohet op
pendege at the most Repertoire and congenial chant
ter,, combining in an elegant formula prominent ra
ciest tea, safety and efilcae7,ebe Invertible aecomrank
meets ar Banat asa Preservative and Refresher of the
complexion. -It lope excellent Lenten for caresses of a
nip Witte Nature, and as an injection for dioceses orate
Brom) Organs, arising trout habits of dissipation,
need in convection with the extracts Each,. 'Wass.
rids. and estierea Grape Pills, In such dioceses mire.
commended, cannel be misuse& Price, One Dollar
I Per Bottle. ,
MI Mot explicit ittreetiOns amomjamy the thedfehhe.
Iteldence of the nacos rappon•lble and tellable chita
atter Omni shed on applltation; with Mindy Me of thou
aandr al nylon witnesses. tot onward of MOOD nnen.
Udted etrlldeaten - and - recommendatory letterr, many
at watch ate from the Itlgheet. sources. em
Dent phreteiees,elerimmeo. Wartime', eta* The pro-
P 4 ef , of hie SOW P/1014 to their prialleetkm In the
newer,' pep Ifte does node Wm from the fad 'that, Ida
Hilda teak aa dPindattl Pr-Wm. *Mai en& do not
need,to bo proppoilAp certgiotOrle : '
Eftlny lielrabolat 413 l entdrio
Published say eddress. Swims trodi obternai.
apwasti et Tweet) Pore, Pad by .
state arrywhons• tidettue bum Pt Won:ado*
=Menu to NEnkt7lllll,llll-oyYPDpszlos:ted
OW, Dopcdifs--11. 7Alistutosies Meg and aerates)
Werstense, No Nei <J o dsrq New Yolk, or IL 7
e re netikal , Depot. led Postb Teeth ellutli
r i v 4
Wd - -
On COUist A s 01- 4118 for 742107
T sissoimoli sake so MR;
A oREAT Asiemegisethiki
4# .. Hundreds of Thousands e . f.i:
tv! ," 111---
' Ili 2 i p
tq.. l
1 i a sr
il l
e.. 2411
3A c' 3
. IN.
7 cou II
'9,11 ro
111 2 E`DO:
; :a.ll o -ra :•
• : It -5- -
•cE 2 . .11
-lasrltE ZIOT A VILE
0 . . L
atrogie ner4.vraisser, roost - his
and steam Lioatorodoctorsomleco and sirwl.
Ina tb ntento the. taah dined" Toiaa,....dnpqan!
as," "asaoraor trcl.. au and -as taiga la !,
Inatascra sal adatatiron Ma 111.." ,4 ^^ 11WZ1....
Vona as Nara Baia and Ilabi at .Callarna, Mien :•,'
lionsialtileohnla Stimulanzs.
an an .
MILIT DLOOD Postman. and A . l-IP6
ARVIN° RIZTSCIP/Mateinxi lanonator and
Unicalima( thellystaxo.u.inVai 911 on PoPeakti. ,
'laity azderstoitngtbs blix4 altcankrecousia . .
Xapeposcso WA Mos itlitea.amoripag Loamy.
Una sad re=alidangsmwv.ll. 1- • -
5/00 Falba gin? far - F1 LTimarsbpiesse,pmrsp?dr.
Ibile7sarars --- tiot 4tiWctliCTl.7l.ini be
Other mearsomd tats TWA orpasarkstal beyond po
pant of main
Verlnflanmpitory and'Clironfellbebsetpi.
'"startatid Guild Dersossan, isr .-Isidtgonttosi •
Ittlioqyalotot tient mad Intermittent liOniOfs' ' '
senses of ihe
Bladder, th eta Innen bare hews Most ream*
OM Burl, initeases an eatint tT. Ifltintollt
flood. rtdati la Minn/ Prglallod dclflgasalh
of tbODlttestive '
..rfitaiirfaL-.OIL azuoierfON.
lists.Vilit the mouton, Couto..r4altanall
Chest, Oh:ninon. Soar llenotstlobi of the lloonstly
Mad tests tbs Month. 111llons .b.stschs, reprallon.
Q Iha Mud, kttanuasoon, of ths Lamp. rats In the' , " .
kV= of
,the Wangs. ea bluisltid other pa:o4
agaptaiiiima effort:pat I:mod& - •
ihr7lartfouti tbs Stesoseb so 4 altanlate oho :err
jaunt sad bowels.oldsb ruder themofonestlalt4
aloha txt tholaster the blood of all btllstattlos. Itn4
lmstettnx row life scAsigor to the obola system. •
YOIIBK liDlCEAMS.Eflintions,Tetter.Bell
• tbeson. l3l otelsos;epotsaltaDlM rotttletrpolhl. Clog
htmeles,Blos-Worms, Ileilttanad, Ears Efosallry•••44
slasattb, Bat% Dliedloratlons of the
anill Masts Glib. blau, of obatoscrastas or mantel
air Ittesally dug up sod cartlot oat of tbs syststals e
slum time by the use of Ulm ratters. One hottlo
kat cuss will econtsce the most Incrsdatois of Mir
Maass Ina 7:WOw73lm:A iitmatai paa ILO lts
tonsifttles bunting brash the ath lartmples.trttp-
Mons or Sorest clansett laza you had tt otetrceled
and sluggish In tbs sobs tleasso It idles atm pg.
tallow toallags trill toll prom who. Reap
Dora and Um heal th Of tbers;stent villrfoOoo.
itarg end Gibe W 0123014 lnstln*the
int= of so mazy thoosands.arliefoaray &strop
4=2 removed. For roll diroetloas, nod erschAr
the circular aroruso cacti botae; prlatod fora lao•
IMM—Faistlals;Geico . asi. French sal Spar.Sala.
wiisszt; Proprietor. ItII.IIcDOIiALD 41
co.. yiroglrt, mad Ora. ..ligenti, Bin Fra.rielscO.
tagJ audZlCorturiorco Street. New Tan:. ~s ,
C.7 - 50.11i DT ALL DItifOOISIS .A.KO
impels •,.
, . •
7 ^7 , ..inw0r ..- 7.
. .
-• • •• - A. •
• • • ?
ia7cmla ec-tfolly.oar 4p the imbllai that la ad 14ca
Oett - atAl talOortfatif ~• , , •
Etas DfcthaS iaub "moictsms, ,
they hare Paints and Ogo. Varnish, Die-gttiffs, *an
and Liquor., Patent Medicine', Spectacles, Eta
Gliastea. Packetlinivet, Rainra. Viidid I'
OnitarStrlno.: dion.jast melted. _i'
• fine lotyst Iterniren. Gun- - , .1
Cap", 'Gnu Wadding,„
, .
Cat odga• itc ,
I . ". i't - re., • _..t.
, . .
We ieepalways on hand andlOr . Poirder,
Onn.Powder, Rte Powder. Tobarto and Mete ens so
perios.r quality; and enema} asrannwit liiinkeS No-
Sarltionwerober the =AP CASII• DIWO STOlyr. o
Burns Nichols.. . . • ,
11 - .
Montrose, Dee. 14,150. AN08.141(.111L1141.
Fire, Life, = and Accident
XIX orstrasso.
Mine Imo:mance Co. of N. Y.,Capital and
Surdas. .S44COIXO
Insurance Co. of North America. Phil's: •
CSPItal mei:Surplus, ' 1.0.00,004"
Franklin Fire Inatmsnee Co., 1111104 Pa.,
Capital- and Sarplu.
trominglionnty Mutual Insurance Co.of ,
Money. Penn's. Capital and Itturpina, 4"000
Conventicle Menial Lin. InanreaceVo, of.
Mut:ford. Conn.. Capital:" • 000 . 0 7 ,
'American Life insurance Co., Philadel
phia. Capital.. - •
Teareierivinsamnee Co. Milford, COliD T
Insuring against all kinds or aecidenta
nartPord Piro Insurance Cmnpunialnri.
turd Conn.. Capital and Surplus. st'opo — Aon
C4`Aalratness onrrnetedb nor care wlllMottrnd.
ral to on rear terms. and all Inner promptly
. adjouted.
(!'OmerPrisdnor es.t Irani Itenklng_olllen or,
11. Cooper &Co..Turnpfkest. ;. •
EITROI7D 8c BROWlli; Agenie.
'Svrrow. sip., thleadriffile, aoll'eftl4;:
f 11. Palm; Montrove,, . d 0 C
flurtoros aniovn._ L. {qupni
Montrose: FL Anat. 2871
scs - 600 WILL BE,PAYfit
MO au) pttvoll laular.ll4 au} sualUlna:•truirtlil half
air ermoy lierne. permanent cures*. • Dr..BITLEWS
ly only. A ;aslant medicine. Um froarlolarlone dingo.
%wanted nods tooth. to have pennanently. cared pa lo
mery BO patients treated In the cast km yew's. (bee
testimany). It Li the sclectific prenetptitm of Brefesa•
or Joe. P. flitlet,.V. mradaste of Um Unlverilly of
Pcollt/lTatila. A. D.. ISA—now one of Th llB . l ool l o l
oldest mauler ph - Melons. and Professor of Chrtelstry I
and TosteplvT, .—who has made Nearalgia,Chroola and
Intlreastray Ilholensallem the epectallty of Ma entire
mzfeestunat pre—A root TDOCtiv4 for by the signatures an
cutopanying tea bottle of merry ommioent nin7ned
pb)sfelans, clerzymen, Ind whet Wtlmonlels. ; T per>.
tees 'offerers from poisonous Soma ammo= me
lees amnia:ol4mo of Mane,. legal Sied Eltafeatm
ftatlag exact number of bottles warran ted to Me, wilt -
be forwarded malls to any snileter sending by , jetty a
fall desaiptloo of 'Motion. Io watt failure to cum
amount paid positively refunded. No:Heine, any.
algae by express; called on densely. • Afilleted
to wytte_for Wiwi all Infbanatitm lad meal sdelee
sat by letter grails. Prlndral elate. 2, Boillb Into*
dreet,Phllmblybis, reaps, The remedy s ono! , ob ,
caluedl llTlnuntstA ' 'AP "4"./Yr'
TOT trge b 7: irMitilLU
full treat '
; Boit
UMBlT‘llbtfilualllllenbylatinws Pal*
JIMMIE Addrets Boa VIAD, ow- .or . .
T V - Susquehanna Depot., Pa., • ,
Dente* In Watches, Clocks Jewehy, Re-
Shin promptly done and wammted.
FINE.; 8-1 . 1.17 ER ODSZ %.
MI 6 BlNigallii; Bilne Detiched Lerraitz
duced p
SU 00. '
rice& American Watches, at Companies- re
rifgoods ordered for..parties, Item Now
York, at less profits than Ii kept constantly on
hand.- SolletlB well:Up for 176 psy:pes•44nY.
weight A , a TAitstuM
, Susquehanna Depot, an. 43,187 E = -
TALBOT svakip,-
' .:34`mt
Floor, fialctatter, Pork'. Ps* kik; T all
'Caidins, Crackers, Clem,. Cciffire s
Tint; Suglis, pre; Drib:l,l%mi Coma
Br9lR TObatetr, Via* Snug': •
aid an rOJliiirtkuro unit, kejot or a List eiiaa arm
isl4/'2aldslon. Store.
We will muk our floaTiaslow as wi tan Mid, MA
!sell Prouty orexchsnue for produce, ,
Montrose, Sept. 99, 16111—ttTALBOT '
DRUCGIBTV '100.X27208A-P-4.
continnalli re.lThkl
nEw 000ns
Add keeps daunts:ally huid' a f all a nd deg/Wilts'
sorument.ut gaoling
DWG% YEDICI2IIi6, cuimiwas, z!tqcrons,
Paints, 011 a, ye-Stuffa, Tess. Bp lees, ind (Aber Oto ,
ceri,..fitane ate . Wall and Window . Papa. Olasa•
ante, Frail Al !mire, Lamps. Chinitirs, Iwo%
sena, Machinery Oil, Tanners' OIL Nealatont 01420.
ditedWhale 011,8 yen, Ott , Ohee, Cl SpLrlts Tarpon.
thin, Varalanes, nary ticad.Tineyar-Potark-ouncsa..
toiled Lye . Ask reami,Traarrs. inapputtersilledica•
Inetrenneals.Shonlner BricinyWhlyr, cant Plata*
CantlOyes, Ponder nor,' Lead, COW Crifili.Elaallnit
Powder and Yost.. Viniina.Striens, Balm etc. /lianas,
?der -etc:: Flgh Hoots and Llars,Bar awe Toilo Beam
Hat Oil.,Hair Reatnrerr. and Hair IDyss. Brushed
Fothet . mire.. Spretachis,Slbrer Plated hpoono,Ferte,
%Wass die: ireathit Ankles„ a general assortmeas of
MI tfillaregez sad kit kinds 'of
In -abort. treerly eterritbleh into» thte eta; to
please th; tasterto trel ht the eye, to anttltY T . hhie
motet.* to coodeee e Ireland iabetaatlat
- Onto. Sumo:m=lton le Impracticable,. as tt would SU
a newspaper.- Coast the Drag and Vattet, Stall fir
.114 MULL
ptlnt LIQUOR& • .
stictly pare • and a nrittylf pthet Ilnu2dleeJecladlns,
Chem ades MOT allthediffer•
seat kbadiot um. 'Ballad Mat alb klyt sea .Bourbas
whisker: fi toft 6l ,PditiSPlrlf4Dit DM. aft. =maul.
ly tuull and for salt br ' . •
TA..11.13 t.. tiorrittib.
017earrZ TR* cam ackls,
sonic. is...isu . nziar.. preprifisor.
.ElzbtSl2olllo2llll thlaßouse - daily, coaziettligolth
CherD,L.a . dig Eris, andthe Lehigh Tail kali*—tl
Gott). sr'. ELRL .
moiiett i ZSMa e ar PPlYe ABM TllBl='
ItOAD LeTTLIO—The Fupenisoil 4:lBdd/ornate...
will meet az the bone of Jame* OTirkn, In Bluth •
Bridgewater April Ben,- at 1 elect a.. to let the
helloing at a . road lading Man Jae. OTirten's to Thomas
Mary a. To be let to Aha Jewett bidder..
Holum; DetLWBTIM
Itentrese, April 19, nv L. a. DIUMSTErt: tw
'; Just airlved. and. afes diesptly_
Montroike.4DrirlD,lB7:. ".- ABEL lIMR,6LL.,
Agricultural Oollege, of Patinsylvaldii:
T ire INSTITUTION reopen Ear tho
On Fritl4;Feb - remit 10,'187i.
Yoe geneal andel, catalogue 'and 'other
Addreci. •
THOS. 13...80RR0W5, President, -
Agricultural College. P.-0., -
- Jan. =,..irce.....vm - +Potato Co. Ps.
I ( QT R Year, 600 . . Serer • 11Greettioares,.Lergeri•Aa.
1. 0 antwent,altelvec Boit Word', Low Friees !
Weald ton know who% when, bow to pleat! Fret.
abode, evergreen to vs; roots, grans, seedling", Ouge
plants, apple seed. eddy. Iti:st potatoes, abrOs. room
. • • bones and go
_Men ' , lonia de . de., nowen and
EGUABLESS fi nest, best collation—sorten&
z ,;• Ihyt ' Bend Intents for Now. Illnstraten Deseriptivir
. ottra al in tilEtillntflOns-I . 4 eacti s t ,_P r rirld t tlin t :
Garden Plants - 8I laps. and Orholivale Prlte at-411
pages._ Address B.,,II.,PHCENIX, ploamthgtan,llllwals.
Esheyklad orras In nuorket.tast atehwd.aalt
or sae. at.Naw Y .71! wholesaler prig.. • Algol gassy
nuitoast or cayrsz, Boy ens and fast aspens
ge.hata, ADEL Ty/Merl
. ,
'REVOLVING 1103113PeRMIE:.'.
VVY.- /ire preparedlo tannish these ran !no
• • °rVOlY'll`!bVittkithlißrulig.,ainetiatsitimit
• Ifontxtmedital34473. '
- -14f0011.0110VIERS TABS 1510510 E;
artlc WOOLEN 'rant*u md. '
LU lug CI wool fistulas, ebnciced and eldtil Owl
tattoo IMP flannel. tie-ant over Main OD - wool
4,w:denied corlmeros. A largo lot agitates on band.
rot We or to etchlngo tow Three glro'me till
bolbre diing at put: 'lowa , SIM I,g.
adios wloth o mm nion Owe; .- • L. , ' • •S. W.;
• Now rose. Jane T. Inn. '• • - • •If •,
. .
1.3 EBBLE ItiPECTACLES—dom com
mon Bypctieieir; s'itow sup . plvitit ralelet.
. 7iontroz.o.noy.lo.lmlo. : .: , &nu. TURES.. ' '
Good lista io the taglittcs Ono Wit of MS
JNDTIMIMIDOWs I—Ctrpgresshas raaatlJpUs.
estarlow Granter'. Pepsine frf NUM Denys Itror
reoete...o6en Mere IMO atyendee of Meryl:4yr 0r mon.
Ireramarof jag I procand Lind -Warmers. 4010 lea
=Wig my nrevidgr and perm*, I t E rl=o;Mt! •
Amu salmon bfluirill et *e xesee
nding Ode claTme.trl4 .
my °Ws= have the free benefit of 017 record% pa.
therbuts.i. win br promPtlY.ltteadc4 foal ntes q.
Vanuo!Otalcll2 l 4Pn' ftf