Bost re,inting of, ant Bind 11Heis 1 CO Best Drawing_B:H - 1 IA Id B. B. F. Hine- • 50 Best PlettireFnune B.C. Fordi .... .. .1 03 td X. C. Faiths= 121 Best Vinery Of Vimrers !Ilea Addle Crtipenter..... 1 11 ) Id Hrs. Joseph Llocs 50 Beat Floral Design hirs.'..Toteph 1. Melt ';.• IW. :a mu Massey • • 0 0 • Best liothibitioa of Artificial . 11CM141 . 1 end • Way J.l.iteenbsek • • 1 03' ltd.illay i. Ettanback.. '•'• • Miss 15.—Plowing. Best Iloking 1.:,11. • • do • „11, z 4 ctianapeduk » ..... ...... W 58 . do — „.H. Later.: lt do Spencer Lathrop. - . - " le: .. ..... lith Hos `••• Claesla..—Treensolosted 4 1110001 . - SR guitar Wean z. W. sinceboash _ so wen Club and Becket 8. H. sayre A Bros.— . 50 Road Scum 8.11. fisyre A 1tr05..4 ..... 50 Wee% !farrow Bonnet St Moody , 1 00 Cat Skin Robe H. J. Illard44 • ' 100 Work Box Ja eth ' • 03 Bracket Jacob Fritacti " 50 Tbs Pretottiois will be paid by the Tseasurer. Hr. 0. 3. Babcock. 'if =Bed for berme Jammu Ist, 1521. Otherwise bevy be considered doostol bathe !kola t3 1.41: Paamem, Tugitt#!.: /St= OYCI ' 1 7. • r_t ili i ',-.11;• 0744***0 Nirat,iroug... c pponacps KARR •• 'arielily . tiy.: - 11viniani31. oty. iwzi Fultodfit, New York.- Butter,. pa 11..." , • - • 25035 firkin Cheese, deity, per lb lOOl3 fat t1317,_ • 12010 Eggs , Peril= ; " Uoas l : Flour, per barrel 4 . 74 1 0 .4 5- Corn meal, 1001b0... ..... ..... ..2"116".30 Wheat, per by heel " 1M01,150 05@1.00 Oats • Corn . " , 130090 • Hops, eroF!isrlo7o • 40000 Beef, ildespeslb 10014 Hogs, 0012 Potatoes, pvtblil. 2.0003.00 Tallow 9010 —The, authorities of Wilmington N. C. have announced that no person arriving directly from Charleston diming' the , pre- , valence otthosellow fevermill 'mellowed to stop Within the 'ciiiiii6rate limits of the city, and that no person who visits Charles ton from that city will be:allowed to re- I tapi during.the continuance of_the fever. And on Sunday the Mayor sentaretter to the pastors •of the several churches, in which-he Said that•he' had been .offioially informed by the Mayor of Charleston that yellpte - fever is prevalent in that city . and hakbecomb'epidemic, and; believing man overruling Providence that governs ,all thintajni requested them to ask their eengregitions to unite in prayer to Al mighty„kod that their own city mi lit tie spamt thO ravageS of this terrible disease. Celia n. goodtsbould never he relin quiilied: for uncertain• hopes. Therefore. use no other than .T. Mon - roe Taylor's Creatrt:Watt liaising Powder. • —Cramps and pini in \ the stainach; are the results of untierreet. iadigestion, and may be Immediately" iniieved by a dose of .Talinson's Anodyne -Liniment. , A. tea4pcionful in a little sweetened water is Heavyvats,* good for 'horses; note will deny - Witt; but oats dna _make a horses coat look smooth and glossy wheal be is out of condition. lilheridan'a Cav alry Condition Powders will do this when all else Fits Wnstattn—WaTuous.—ln liarford, at the res idence of the bride's parents, an the 4th inst. Rey. A. Miller, James .3. Williams ,altd 31 Wattle F. Watroui. VirEwsa--Siarko.x. - --In Forest !Lake, on the 2d Inistatit by Elder W. C. Tilden. William. M. Welling; of Millbrook, Dutcheas N. Y..; •and 3434 Julia E. &unison, of Mon trose. Tnnitait . -4112=t-.At hisresideace, In Dimod, Atria 14th; by C. 0. Mills, Esq.,' Isaac' Tit men and Miss Nancy Queen; of the same place. No cards. Ne.lg; , (lTarterly Peetidenee permittlnd, the Third quarterly Meeting of the X & Cherch, in Illoritmse, will be held: on Satunlay_And Sunday ,:: October 21 end.M . .11. Pinric - D:D” :0 T-TimnAnnekg , will oath:tea Ile occasion. , ferdlescto emu zoiFace,S, at 2 it • • fr.-I.:Wluesten, from 134 Court Street, keg., luswiton; N.- Y., will elsiariendsville, Briring• eale4pLd7unktuut*sek, hi the Order ranted, far the purpose of practicing his profession: • He will be accompanied byTh J. & Smith, who has no co superior as a scientific operator; iited:tor gether they will devote their time-exclusively to the preservation of the natural .leetb." As en accommodation; orders will be taken for every style'and variety of plate work, from the tabra tortes of other dentists.4.:Fortles in the- Sicklier of the above named.places will find this a rare opportmaity-ta avail themselves of thetsust den tal skill the town or city affords 'Without 'going far tram their homes -- • - • - Will be nt Foster's Hotel, Frleildsville; Fri4y: October 13, 187 L 'Ponies wishing work, done must call and - make their engagements 'daring the tint ante days attack stay; Binghamton, Oct. 11, le7L - T. J. WEIZATOtt; , • Dmider • NOUCji 'IS hereby given that in order to Mute the rep:win and balm:l4lmin of rivals in the In surance hnninetn, the undersigned hereby _an nounce that they have /or - the past two :yearn insured against the dama *me by lightning t.,\ to property insured, whe er lire ensues or not, co in mparnes having - OmA mairdons ha assetts.. That recently all 'our lexiil comp: inks hien enahreeed that feature in the a net: September 27, 1871. Brno a , Bnowar. 1.: Lest of itanevaino '4l - Drawn to wren itt an eilicnireed dottrt, et Montrose, oil the third Illenday of Octobe r. Aunt:mat4satte Carter. BortaatWargs—narnsoia Ullratigtolll; Daniel B. Prink, Charles E.: Spout - , Buttoar.rr—tasac Curreizuo---liarns" o' n Bagley, . ' Ttusocs—Plulip Burdick. - - tin — larles:Churc4, - ' ; -Thastassl-.-Barauel Battey. .• Fougsr Lorxe-4boraas Brown. Garcsos---Thcartal Erans,Ed_win -;CThitott. Wlltiam,T_ Gale GaE BEND—Reuben _ _• • test st Bram, motto. - --laaac Beckhow;itlired Licauttcs—Frank Sims, Ilktatati Darrow. BAErcum--W. B. Wilmattli. Jacastut-”Cliirles B. Bennett. • 4 Ussur-Aacei Carnp•JasiniSts‘rer. Lturox—Xlarloa Conrad: Lutpurrflititui T. Shaw. 11tootst*oviri—John 24. Daria, 4Ruan 4317 ford, Peter Dowd, Mules Caca.p,., - Morricost.---tocac Barris .: • - 'New ilnaroro craao. - -Nebxnallager.e • Bcl/-- P l7- F 4 Patßc l . l4 oreni 6 Braqemtlersta Desor-,Gityletrd&rtit • " "Compton, - Cbanther 11.Fardzian; • Edwatil:S . - . • • Rll.sEtt tise—lecda t:ZWOLVALLEY ItilL110A.11; '-On and niter Dec. 20, ISZI, Vane on the defain Valk) , &WOWS will/cuss -- - _ - azOsisse• '81 ,0 1=•-: p at I‘l4.2l . lt k l a gliritarn ny=l i t: ' .Y 5.0 n 11.43'8A5 int; I t4o isa Towns 815 4.p.2/0 I . IO AZ. 4.45.40 CAS wpt e .aur6:4,2o lan lan • "1.1 n• Tall= Xoncli Clinnlep.R.lo.4s pan. tit aninrwn..; • - • • 5.. n -8.13 Sei Zerrtig Scati:.ltrad tipwtad. Mb-2mi Dakan. tin* @tioittO gicytagt, Too finals Otis Direktrivise par 41.50 4 # 4 (4411 / 3 " 18 . ti° cttL NEW, MILFORD. ' cArtrok nalm—stetious stommuttt. Deilt,rbigema&Cklug a • rzuhcoplut 0.31. f• _ sad Emerlean Ease Bar w. moss aCO , Deakin in Dry GOots,Usta. Cips; • Boots and 81 , sesi" and Oak& Merchandise, on Ulan • ' street„socond &whelps! • Episcopal Mush. • rzzunt ROTEL, teat by atm!, tear rho Depot—• W. B.IIE,LD, sten!' b. ono door from ' ntOCOLLOSIBROTIIIES. 1 0 :144 1 0 31 amci eeri Aza.. Protistans, on Main Wirer,• - 11..Gi1latT a 8017. Danina in Thur_. Mai; Lime. Cement. Graeinion ant Previsians ;on, lialikBUnct,oppostterpuitlepat: - % S.IIATDEN. llanotactarell of.ananli -. 00 Wholesale' dealers - in I)nnkce Notions' and Fancy aocop.cca erstet.balow Episcopal ChcretC • 059 . IptAW Veghirl.Manufltitireriiin4 &tilers' la )10,',M3 raidhlti:"&ep!leat:groyenpalettoritte..'w 'AWRY , 811ATDElik Destehr In Unica and lictitelt. and SlanneActaseis of • osa Stattn..butet. - utsr , the Depot,: , . • • ; _ , Sti r ; VV. EVESPHANS,Viiti on Ariqii Striiet, sontliof DICREMEAN. et In *mend itletta and Clothing; Brion at • on Wain Steam •••,: L, S. T.alNlll3ll4Mandth it'of Lather:add &alai , la geaaralAlarelmalte , , n Vela Stavet. o- ' • it P.-11:101teN0dercluararatxd dealer. In Udidy Madß.Clottallt , Dr 7 Minceria Ind PrCITMR", Inltar Inn= lissoi• : .• o t and deB4 " l ' v r ti. or flows and Pisan's. „ • , ' - EDWAIID - 3 1311.TANT, ,instraetorst* 44; 1xid81e1 ,, 136 utat the Inialle Store:," ABEL TURRBJI, Debt. 1 4 411;P , , 13114 I ieatss B.,6 ,. .ittith. 1 4:- dcootbelowTarbeJA tiocc W3l. II "COOPER & Milkers. Pereign Pee: sage Tlck.ta ardDrafts EllelnX4 Ireland sad Sea; J. n. PLSTCHEIII3 EatMg Saloon ta ttleplate to. pal Ice Cream, 07E1= glad *Um: la =cry style. Oulllaln . . • STROUD .1n A.:cantal Fire andLlto /mat : - 4 nen:Ananta :a.lanNn .l l tallroa¢ and Actident Tlttcen to New York ant Pfilla • glptita.. Oise, one door elk F. B. CILUIDLBEL, Oct. • ralltuarasno and Sewing** ebfgeAgrnt,Pab, • - Bunt's a sicnots, tbb place ta, cat, Draie antl3lodl ca, Oran, Tobacco, rip.a., IWlmblluaka, Specti cleft:Yankee zq ant. Public Avrone., , . • .. . , WILL 'COX Thirties' 011=117 kcpr by the t . &MD te CORWEtt, tenders in Stains, Thirdware and Wenetatearere at n and Sheetlnin wire, came of Mato and Turnpike • 6. A mons% Tailor and dealer in nd Farnlatang Goods. and agent. far Singer Sudan linelzine,on Main ntreet. Foratuan A: N. DULLARD, Dealer Groceries, Provisioto, G.A., stationery aralWaukce nations, at head of Public Avenue.• • T. "SPORE CO.; D' AO:lailturnl imprenta• l Tarbell lloafo C3PM'EA. IUTNSFOI11:1 S 31111 , 11FIEL. I.lvci7 and Exchange blank', In was of Dank building. • WA.'" Dealer In pairing prom) F I made a apeciaa f 0.2 00. I duced prk tirGi York, at , hand. So) weight. Susquel TALI' P}4.Sslt. landau other ankles and PATIIO litanyose.Lla k , • 'IMMO , MONTROIgt,', ana.uti s teid+ts:' =WM= Dutra%kBDl4citiaticaui,`LlQVOlll3. Pakituciolla,Dle.Sitat.radl.flpletisrazill other Gm caries. Stone tt Art4ll4lol and Window Pape:, Wow tram Fruit Jim:a:lours, Lamps. Clamant. Strew ii, 1.7 i e. Itauhlooti 011,1Touners' Oil. Scuola° t Oil. Ra n %nude 011.Sperto Oil, -Olive 01, Spirits Txtrped li e. V. lanes, Cpiltry.Berall. Vlutuar.Poultb. Couto'. tra it. Lab carafe, Toserii. tittpliorttruatedlea- I touuts. Fliouldrr Beatty, Wbitv, GIMP , Flutols, Cote gesi - Poirder, , Bbot, '' Lead; Gait Caps; Bingeing. Powder and Pau, t, tonna. Striiip. Ilowa.alc. !Men,' Fifes tee, Flo h FlOOtt and LlDet,Bar awl Toilet Snaps. flair Oils.: flair liteaUmtrg. and lialri - FOri. Bra obeli Packet silt e-.Spectatl6.,t3ll l'er Pitted bpoout,Farkl: Kudinta. altc., Ourtial.llollsica; a Futirtalassertsucat at : '-. : •:. ''. '-.: . ';.. ,- ' 1 :i ...',.',.:' ';' '':-. .' ' -1'.7. "; -2 ', , _ . rezrqr 4 3ooriff, alm#Mr:Pl m=it4Y. All Itestiklnao'cl to sbott. newly etati 'dart: le restore the id*. Oa Vaasa the tastr,tt atit the eye. to gratify the and also tocotalaaa Otte nil and sabetauttal =Wan" of utd---r.nalocrstinsrls icaPrzellesiblet 1 / 1 actroaptr. Calla/4W pug stud Vona, Store of Arato `, ir1ig:14(1 1 :7 616 ; , .. raTlvrourit liftaNDt. ' 4 , l : t i ct r, wad Miflty of other Bat ! includiv r t. cb Mtstof Ignollazd6, Ole l ityind ths, i i3cll:% r n; Whiskey. - Alcolaol,ttre Spit, pay Ana, es4tstaat , .. 4 - °2 ?F 4l # l• P li4e . irr•*46 ll o4#titx. o .-. ' EMIM sidrra.musla, dealer In Plows and othat nneyll4l:cl, Math bt- and ce*pplapsdatit: „ °REA BEND. G oN - MOO to tiniqs,-Liedleloes. Li stait.,-uroccries. 4'41,07 =;MM krr tmd dealer to ialt irtfrle• ~ e,oppoilte titer Bank:— • en In. StOtet., .1111/411,06. ,Floallimitireceriocappo- iEWELBR, ~ Pa., ,ew thy, &a. Re =toted. iCI-0 DS Cheri Leven for 'Companies re- 15;, from . ITew constantly on r pe 73. TA.RBOX.nny -1871. tf. °VISIONS , Balt Fisla,Tallt. a. 5i 4031 4 aid Camzed Snuff. SEMMii iai low la vac= Cord, ant Sot prodsta, : ' • • soucrnw - • . TALBOT }rim 000pe 4 en iigiati . :a mu .pa deatralgo‘as '= _ Pae:sigaicusB~'" '''i''''" , ;',P . f - M#lltotiOg . - siat4 . Dr.1:0„11.„Alasel l Attlysldec t ts!•Fhlet of, theiloottai 4 , rileari,"74tinutlachiienticiiol4bo, 4-1 birighin niddzeniso:i Mons 4:l3l;insio.n'onsn. lescentsln f rood results, and ballets 'hep to,bein good Wald 1114efs t wSil , sinoptea vies so- Wring testis re= r *" Snob Is the teitimeellltihjeiiitill.kMlTiectlw , of the ixano7. 'flon'ondadlan estidug spins% patszt InfacenijfiEo l 7 siir olo o. Dress to SiniPfetfp7 tin 1 01`3'ff!lUdi. .11 • annilongls4t. gas Dollerysi*tde. ' • . t an Ana *ll6 Siniat Tint ir The smiths tint tfirifolci of ttnapotpla lathe yoke of the divinity; may In some cases. bs open to doubt, but this testimony of honest and enlightened witnesses es. tending through &aeries of yuri end all to the some purport. is worthy of credenpe;edmita of no question. Upon nth testimony the- reptitaticm of Hostettsea Stomach Bitters as an antidote and Cure for many all. mitts is trod Tiering the twenty Yanlthat it has been Wm" tba Fielkininitatable ittapiratbnor to: landed to aon4eitt taltb tt, Worn gone TOcketi., and come dorintitero;ingultheciaticks. Meanwhile the organ of, that Itoroparable teak Ito beet rain and atenly—ilways uperindandonwsidithe the eigle'sillatit: I Its introduction produced a the:entities. and tt proid to beetle - of those salutary revolutions anaemia go hthlitianba., To:dal tipthetter's Slitters Is one of the most popular remedies Incluiatandom.ead commands : a larger isle:than any otttatmodelnalorepa, ration. dates* or !Meet:tell, on ltd: side of :the Atlan tic. As a tare for dyspepsia, nervous affections. general debility, and as a preventive of epi. demie fevers, it take. procedure of every other remedy. This fact elionld teach the ambitious country dealers who endeavor to foist their Wed abortions on the pub• lie in Its stead, hoer, futile their iralallattempto to cajole the community mast necesurily he. Where the game Ws have gilled these is no chinos for the "Suckers." Tir#Col27l#B.lloES:til AIX MAIM 11361)Ipl31ID .at a spasal4 asul for the ,baaa 14 at Mari mea aak i CIA," 7 , llo.,salrer Pam Nervous Dethlitii 44; atikk 'tali atm mama aimaccsui., Wrlntenby one 'Who eared bbaselt and sent tree on receiving* 904 . titild directed emir-Topa.' Addrns. NA:ll"kt NiMA.lll.r, Bo k17n,14:i. Ilrei3klyn, May It ISM Or Ceiling Iftarrted..;4l4turs for youngUell,an the delight. or home, and Utivproprrety or .opriety of getting married, with unitary help for those who teal mulcted for matrimonial happiness Seat free, In sealed envelopes• Address, 110WAIID ASSOCIATION Box P. phihttielphts, Pe. gar Elioomel State Normal School. and Lamm a lommacur. ftsmrra.—The Famdt7 orthla Inatitntion iim to be very thorough in their In struction, And to look eamthUy after the health, man mere and morals of WO strident, Apply for Conalooo tat -IIEN/tY ,CLUVErt,. A. Id, geot.*- -Ir • • . Principal. glew Advertiounnto. AT.ITIITOILY3 NOTICE.—Tbei tioderilgned, as AndV toi appointed bi die siesigsSitt the Orphan's Con. t. In and for the Comity of Susquehanna, to dietritinte the hinds' (nibs tutudi of the Administrator of the estate of Orain It3lnyo, deceased. oill „attend to the duties of 01. appointment. et his office, In Susquehanna Depot. on Thursday the 9tb day of November. A D., Int, at one o'clock to the eltemorm. All parties interested are here by requited to appear and present their claims, at the above .ime and place or be dome? debarred. War. M. POST, Administrator. Stueptebans Depot, October 11, 1571. as CUIDURINGOI I`9lt CANIPII. , maws, SCROPLIIA,O SALT RHEUM cad lAI.I. °THEE CIPROS/0 LOOD DIZASES. • DaP. T.. ftlif'fit having jut returned from Euro. dor •eed hronsht .asith biro a goon ley of the Gamine Cunduranco Itaria..sccured through:the °Metal recommendation and &visuals , * of ule Kreeliency the Pre•ldeut of Enuulore, and the Governuirnt of that ne public, Ise are yetoarad ooterafor it 4n; a litnited extent mud et a,priee spout one Touter of that which the torte the Slat vets small *apply compelled he to ecatr Aspaillotoi irllele tarocrw wive:tinll and void as Cruslateogo. We hare e ed a considerable expense, tad with the en-operitiou, of the authorities .of Loje, the pro'-nee where the plaiitgrowe..o directed the channel or onr *empires tp eneute that none but the gen:dos *rattle .stuill be sold by us; nod we particularly ex 1 I the XtIqIIIIOIi at the potthe. for their trrotertletzt. toll& gut . sgiums, 'KEENE it CO.. GO Cedar Street New Work. D. W Dula. 11. D . Waxhing,tun, D. e.: z. E. Dun, New York': P. T../Iscsa, W D.,New sort. ECU R Erra ~, IVO -0 OA: N E A compmtl•l.,l twon-tnef t. proasK9n,r . ille own-a ad berm!, &f the I,rie. Ilmttnn. 44.1. by all t div,;„•st...l9 Zrera re of ERR F UFfritt i te. rittr i reig;TlV7l t rs B =dig —° . Agtsiantake $5 a'dal• Send forgalSaturs; . • Ci • , . , \.. . e....0i ., , . .. Tiii4i7et iit • iiui;t ;eitible bisiltailazi fin ()Mal*: inert:m.lllo Edtieaticm. tArilhuiftlllnolite • teen ',lnstructors For Law% intake write toiXeircalar to 'P. DUFF &EOM. Pittalmrgh, Pa. pATEtTs =ism &CO., t , lisYers A:lentifie AmeAecto..l,7 - " • Park Haw, N. T. Treaty-nee yeats'.experl en e. P.roblete cobbabinly Pgbeat Leirs, trSLh fait-dlree. lions bow to obtain A bowel voltme of Itl3,pagn. vintainfOr. the FEW CENSUS by cot:miles urge' citics,l4o Sugravitigs of Itectuogral 24uTemynto..Piceat LASWIr sod : Rules. (IF obtabllog Patents, mailed oa sceelpt of A) eez Le. 9 choice farm (11E3 acres In 4 - "casi• ebertei Co,u au miles from PhiLtdripbfa. Address .14116; AAILII Marlboro P, 0.. Pa.. , > , . .EARTH CLOSETS.-6d Ma Best Mood C 0.4 , 41,5 Stat e street, Hartford. Connecticut. ..sge - u. 8,-PraPriarrk,ql diodes, dzout oirdir.rion4 /tares. Waring's Netrtoee and haititla's Patents; The .voly llosete.that tarroprored egreEttire. The „Earth closet, b its..rileinheelleOof teecer..l* the most roloablo movie or previgrittom. 'pond of cholera anti other enOte gto. difeas e es444 fur etrculera. dgentr trage4 =err whey', tsid I -19 Duaue aralidwa/. 1-; Iral Market. Stree-Philadelphia. itHEAPEST ADVERTISING : . its' THEI-WORLD! Per $B4 per Indira. month. we teeerr en Ad. rertlsedteut la Drn R s it • x raise Pd. NS WS. PAPE7lll.ladetdimg Fouthen Daffier. Proper tkroate Moo tar wonder lidvertitetrtrots. Llsi . , gad Trod: Addtega GEORGE P. ROWELL it CM, 40 and 11l Park Boit, New York. .. - VX/40 , 161 - 6"1.11.1 . Otto. tvizn S3U per week to sell our great sad saleable dlr cantles. If pa *act permute:a, Itonom!da and pate sat workAggor tray falters. „ • • , • - • s & alfetagala. _ 1.-A..CARD:. - • - • . „ , • A Clergyman; srbtle residing . . In Soutk Amide/ as •a h i m dbeereted esloand abnle remedy for ibe cam b,erenus Weal:nen. .E•rly D e c ay, Diseases of fin 3 VricruL u nful Seratneltiranne. awl tbe whole Mtn of tUeuraers nabs on by tatefut and aletons habits. Oreot panabersare been cared by dila noble remedy . . PromtoPd by St desire to. 'benefit the :sdlieted and un fortunate, I. srni seed the recipe for prepseng and using able toed eine -In a sealed enrelope,,to any __on e vho needs It, ranfo: =mugs. • 'Address JOS. T. 15Sfaff. • . • • Station D. Bible flows, ICY. dry. A - Wald. claim wt - esrtv truilscretlon, nervous debilig, pnaneuire dtasy. etc.. barb* trwaln vein every aarertteed remetty. , has dte euverinl a }temple amps of self care, which he will /end tette fellowtruffezers. liddreisJ. Li. RPJIVES, Na tal Y. THIRTY- YEARijXPERIENCE . !Ix THE ?merman or • . Cliroiii' al Sexual Disease. . , . ,--vmsiquitioAL _fiEw-o-ihRIIIAGII.- • _.thil ebnip‘ book . etrir eibilshintothlos notriy inted hundred pages and on.tboralmcand thirty flue .plates end engravings of the anatomy of the intend or. gamin a elide of health sod dhome, with a treatise on . early ern:or/ s loe deplorable camequences neon thee:and, end body, oath the antbor's plan ottreatmerd-the only rattotal sod * suomstful mode of core, as rbotrri by a m oot of. cos.:tre:Med—A to atbini admen. to the martior and those coriternplatled marriage. mho eatortaln dcobti 'of their phyalcd maidi item. - Sent free Of toigrito any !receipt of twenty den cram to tam4to or =en la. 1, 1:174 1 . N. Y. l N r tdt author c t ria l N °CAI cw;... sateelliv Wm of the .ilbtalses npon which Mr beek Ocoee. e ib sully or:by Matt, and medicine* teat to any pri , itte world:: . ' - ~ • ." - COod'lltore to the Bolebreit Ili War 011812 • ItDrnstawtociws I . —Coopers tote tereinly pus.: Alla ad a LAW Grind= Passion* of MAW Doll= pet ionstb.-intain Manisa, itionicanf einY DM 0 % =Me gan:p.n./ 01; Saud ptomain lard Warrants , from.= lhA and iny retindsioil poem Ord midi, fnrnleh now tba Important ac is necessary in Plume 'Paz, now, and parsoni tatll2ind or reading Sher_ elem. to tar clacc, tha - Um benefit attoy recorde..Aad their tacitness will be_ piomytkr, ittanded to %mantas [sallied binds .L . mcw. l4FtrO:l4 :UFO 29) Mt; . e tie . A EDITOR'S EOTIM—Tho undersigned, as Audi. IS. tor, appointed by the Jadima of the Coast of Oohs. 'non Pleas of Bascskehanna county'. to distribute Um Ihedetailtebanda ot adadalstodoe of the exude ot Witham IL Williams. deceased, wut attetnitotho dottee ot,hls appoint:neat et the dace o,ll , llll*th 11. Jessup, e E m q. b e t r o ne st. atOn e o o T o h c u k d to h y i , e h af e e s rn ee o a o t n d that No. day. All patine interesteo are requlred to appear and protest their claims lathe above time and De ' onto A:4MT detmored• _ - H. C:JESSIP. Ladner, hichitteee,Octonos4,ld7l. - ' ess • ndl- A tor l . T a t tgf i nlet i I by -the C T o b n e e of Co l gan li Pltaa of Buionalianna count', to Olittiti nth lambi attfing. ham Mears Ulu of real Mate of John nut hereby gives make that be will attend , to the dna a . Of bit ape •ntmant &this ofhOtt Kontnttn. Cu ; We4theedl7 the dna day of Note:ober, 101, at ono o'clook la' the altar , noon •ol that day, at ithkh time and .toltee • all w.ra one Interested will attend au4 otat t it !mown IV dean. Cr be "r In ao !TA-tor::: gootro.r.;oip - ozab.rfaizom ; . Eloitalallspaaottl acsam. GUTU.Niieli,BbSSlßAllita , co, 3 :•11. • -• MiXcorciriii4s3l3,ol, , . AND SUSQUEHANNA DEPOT. The Two LARGEST STORES to Thl County! The eataiiidir is the Cgarty. , Tie Largoit Stab; hit Uu) County. The Oozoprir GOODSilowest Prices Grand Operag of' 0 Ull, - NE R E.! iNOIiTROSE I -r wsi;6lstlia. 'es - ida"Sra 45.32 with in shunt mitre/ Eriar Stall anladdidiliods cipimis/li and earopdly selected for EITS 11AAKST OUR ISTOCE COMISES I DRY GOODS, CLOTHINGi. #ANCY 60003,r 111111.Rry 003da, Easteryi Tammiagr. GENTLEMEN'S •E L.i.DEEEVEITENISEING GOODS! •' CAtpeto..ollOthorlfito tot Gaps; orte., Ate.. at e., Vplimdld Anozioment of bar:49'oooD . : Compii Dr.'s Slko. Merfoos, fimpre.o Cloth Bombs, JilosuesoSlltsatniuslo . oupalor r oillty, . — A Sploodid Amortmem. of Rua platk • - Ala Picas. • , ; - MiIitrFACTITRE 01Thi 9WIT , „ a •r! ca, ita Chaarainee tiAirNtre Belt We bare the latratkAt Aatortateah of G:poda fallen`, Wear, and Make Cloahlaut se order, War ranged Bla 1-[- • CITY STYLES AND COUNTRY.PRICES! Our Goode ant too Funterens 'to Mention. Re Boa Oood* In Larva QuanEttea, r Aid nip AFFOII.I) . TO. and DO SELL 1:1/E1t1.01ItlYEE "MAE 811E110/4 A Word to the Win le Illodleion. Can and cumin and =Anus 'nun vu. GUYTENRENG,.D6SENDAII3I. CO., Wholes de nollie. 103 Doane Streit. NM Yak. DIMNCII STORES, 139 WUTCS Etteet,Elsoks;N. Y... No. 3 Union Block, Birolra.N. Buquehamis Depot. Pa. Montrose. ft, . 3(ol2lioSi. 6 ii ll3 l3bet 214./ril ADITCIII"S NOTICE-17ra tuaderalkned. aidradltoiv ,appointed by the Orphan't coms, of tratramemaths meaty, to diateirade the faudata.tpe hods Or the ad. ministrattra of the estate of Catrawine lilearath, deers* ed,lnll &tend to the dirties of his spornontrent. at Ws ante, In Montrone. on ,W,edoetataye the 18th day of 00. WOO, 1871. at 1 th., Marble!' time cud place, -persons Interested in laid Ina matt preterit their esters or be teener debarred Mr= &teeing In on said Inn& • - SO. CAhlP.Atiditer. Ilontiole; . l,septmmher '4w • r iF • 10414 V A ,X' initesnadeiantitnantiiiitianV-460 miles win: out dama ammeter: Broad guage. double Mack route to all paints wee, nartb-west and smith...est New .nd mpmeed *metes- are run throng without change totloeheata,BaSelo,•Dnnklrk,Clayland,andCihcb ' On and after Vonday,Dee. '10811): 'Trains . 'NNW" Bingham= static following hotipi,y4: ouuo • . r Shah sza Nlghtixdreas.(Montiviicilitid] ' 1t25 a. m. N ight Ight Express. dal Gas and Day man Train,..timulaya . aacep tad, far 'Dada. k. Eta) p. m. SlmtraAeeommodation.anadayTikeepted. Iko4 p. to. „ tua p. to. Express Mail, Sandaylexcepted, tsa p. m. WarFrefght, tianOvs,theepted. itirt p. tp. EnilltanaTiain. dalkfrattnaWeat. . oasis 'Esir. &010 Nt.,siti Expiate:Sunda/1i excepted. ^.:53 a. tn. Cincinnati Express. /Sandy, excepted.. :. 1:51 p. m. Day Eqprew, Sunday* eseoptell. itren a. ar_iter, .mmodation fortSitquetamna. e:43 p. m. New York Nail. lintidainaweepted. 10:2Op. in. Lightning Exprems,ttaily4 ' • atIO a. m. Way -Freight, rtandaya exafpiad. DAGGAGEr. , CHECKED .TgeouGu. . OM revised and coin Ode ?Oda Time Table of PassengerTralus on chi ErleltaUtrily and connecting lin es has recently been putarbed, mil can be bad on ap pUeatiira to Out Ticket Agent oC the company. : . . L. D. HOOKE% • •LWN.' N. DANR. • Oral ewe. • - .iDelalPassltAgt, • Dea. - • DILIANGS ETUODD. nexet. Agent. monticati DT.'VIITS' DANCE CUBED A. B y tle be be . e l e7ted other - ttldente &See' we on tbe Win ittljolfilog Ex.SberUf Jobn.ort. Hen of references Orem A. U. TAY WM Brittgewsta, Manly O. PM.' • : r tf PUBLIC NOTICE. \roilittlispectfully slate to my former 'A. Caxtom, re andahe.pabliageamtli that I era apha carrying ea .7q T BUSINESS' IN 110 - IMO/kW *id Owns to 14 - that PASSION *EAT, IUIM*.IT/Ati Awl at Seldoetosy Prime. reflector attention glen tortrrirSti sad "SPECIAL CAILS wed ter bac the marterloth forthe pence who pule it together. . . . .. . . -Shep•tre the wett-elde of "Petala-Averine." ever Dame a Made' Drag Wart, gleltdrig the ogle* ct Dr. DaDe7. ' --•- • - 7 14 , • ,P. LL'ilZ. , . Alaartan:Febiuri T. 1871; -.. . 0 . '...- . . IV. : S I NFAajut .‘"CaM IA_II: T VV i ii i i=l 2 " dly . a P s e k UM. twoAnee; env nitrAed with till ;an and ma , LA with. lAA.- Any wino , yeurficproperty 4n4 Awing tin:Tam take themaw.r, -.-- , • , J. J. Lit. Wan. Form lA,ka, A&A 1.8.71.-3..,.' Agents - Read. This; $9O coQLmmtufautosclloarecorsaL4l l 4 Llama Manzi V.:WAOSEB-61 .0 4. 4 a1At Micb. . - _ SAVINGS BANK i\l'33llMT. maw xis oit :co . The tmdersfghed hive eon:minced the Edainear of Exchange and Eanidng,atEcw Fa.; ender the tame and.otee at, • . . • .. .. SAVINGS BANK Oi.NEVJ MILFSRD Deposits will be Use:tied De m , lO Cant,. u=s, and latorett Paidim enter from Date of ' ACCOUNTS, stibject to 81QAT Caws, willbl takvil and sne solLetted from all Bovines* Nan. , ~ , r ' DUAVIDS Ikeightind Sold and Canadian's - Dade an &Spans at Um .ugnED. Bina and. QM/IDA: ' .. _ ... . 1 DItAYIS SOLD ON BUSOPE.-GOVNEMILIT .... BQNDS BOUGHT cad SOLD, and CUPOLAS CASETBDt. . . . ' Venice aantracts.Deede Noregas,JadgeurneNotes and Justlce*Blaaberor Bab:. , 1,. .. -.-. .. ..... - Sr Mr. Qhue . wfl giro Ms pimp:mod suerdlori twitting. dc - CO. - Nn! Milford, Arignst Id, 18'4. • lor • _ T 1iV3Ef493,,;(1,,frirevP.421.11.1 Pie,a;a en ass a call. ' il l : 14111CA at au Emit:" : C44llliipl.osisisati • • • Green, Black -and Japan-Teas, cal IPlibMaakturg,'„ .144, Trott . Erre, Lemon, extract, Starch. Until& Stint, Golintedal &arab+. ,Bareoq. 7. oft *. Dettaiii Coetrimut, Oeli!Une.. leitLtu. Jam Coffee, PlwHis lito Coto ,tlircq, Korman. OH, Mena, ;.Httrar itil4' Ititillr!l,CrettM I:DeSICIted it4ndles. stem ware: caarieetioltddasu4 Curls* reads*. Tomatoes. =.-ALSO.- , , CMS and Cridle,Cnheig'Ves7 Obei!P!, Xontroin, • - • PLASTEIt, PLLSTEIL— WE kaap abtolo *apply of Weal:Cawood Caroga Plaster, for ale at ItontruteDotatt, by TIFF4=..a ry • VT , * Montages Depot. 1'0_80671. .. • Ow' A IMITOR'S NOTICE: TRIV UNDERSIGNED, .biL an Auditor, appointed by, the Courier C 011313100 Fleas of Sarquehanumentinty, to make distribution or the rand arising Deft Bnerifs sale °VIM!' real estate of James and Widget' Crimmins, hereby gives •notlet that he will muted to the dalesof .htsapyolotmentat the office orFitch &Watson to Montrose , on Wednea day_Oct. lith,lBll, all o'clock, p.m,. at which tlmeand place, all persons Interested 'are reeaested to preterit their claimant' be roraret abbarr.d from comieg to upon said trod.-. 1 • W.W.'- weersos, Auditor. :. SLATE ROOFING. SUBSCIITAICitti enabled to &inf.* and c e . tOn t w l. natant" quality of Ronan Slate alrearteen p as BesolotY eldoglb. oleo - 111 , 1 quality of blue, pal and green elate. at reduerd rscee. "For partici:llBA, all en WILLWI 11AUGHWOUT. !Untrue Stull!Co., Pa; Idontsose t t3eptembet 18,1671. • , tianhoodi. How Loit, How Restorod. ;ad published, new edition -of Ili.- Culver weirs Celebrated Essay and the radical - curs grarupte7. execs. MentalattePhyslcal Mean:city; Impediments to t i lgtgu=elial=sfag. FlTl lnduced by . kr;lerbrittioda ; tuesitlig.vrgirem=4 , . - elee demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice; that the elarmin th e of self-abuse maybe radl• cell eared without the dangerous tile of In merit. cane or the application of the knife:. Pointing nut a mode of Leas oncesimple,cartain. and Mei cal; by tealles of which ace, lUWeter, no matter whet his ewe. Mt lon may be. may cure Itialscif nheaply,ertrately. and radknUy. • •. Off" This. Lecture shaeld be in the band* of every Tooth end evert' mat to the land.• •• - bent- under seal. al a-plain- envelops. to any address. tiortpaidortrecelpt.ofelt centv too posteze camps. Chd Also, Dr re... .ell's.! • Idea Gtilde,"intee facets. Address the Publisher. - • 'CMS, SURE COL In Dowerr. Nal, York .P01tUf1ice5044636.... NTALUABLE FARM -9A.T.,E.-;-The aubecriberoffere his tam at - Silver Lahti, Susquehanna C0., - Pa - , - contains over 180 'acres 100 or 103 of Which are cleared and underealtlva tion the land Is well watered and good for either grain or dais, there are' between two and three hundred grafted Apple trees on the place besides peach, plum, am! pear trees, the tarm is convent= ent for churches and schools with good , build ings, 180 rota south of Quaker lake,. the farm is a good one and admirably:located. Addresi or ap ply to MAURICE M. DONNELL. Silver Lake. Stisus. Co. Pa., March 8 'II, Bm. . ; FOR SALE. pm: HOTEL' Property, located at. a. Mooch Corner. cod loug and laTorshly known cc the Louie Hotel. connected with which aro abont!Twenty Ave. of Valuable Land ?a particular. addrerp or call on - C. C. MILLS,: .„, Stour*. Pa.. Jan. $3,. 1871. , _ ExemtoT. A BSIGNEWS NOTICE.-'-nyrcs ts herebigtven that, Hurry Ackert, of tho borough of Grcat Idand Sue. guehanna county, Pa,. by deed of Toll:nary assignment, hes &reigned all the ettsteacal and pencil/shot the saki Henry Ackert, to A. P Stephens, of Great Band boro, In said county, In twist, for the benefit of the creditors of the' raid Henry Ackert. , A7 pumps therefortf,ludebt. ed to Oa said Bator Ackert. alit mita pionent-Jo the raid Assignee, and th ose having claims or ftmanda;verill =he hooves' ;be note without delay, STEPI,IOII,-healgiteti of Tigtraclvat..;t Greatßead.Aagast Litt7l.-awao.6w.. • • Litliroji Beauty. IDAL&ECE.WCAded toi; June 80731,...341M0 AIUP Inummt 11141 E) lly additional tourbundred dollars not Battersetory _ _ teeounted for.o stated In illeeretaxte's ripen : 30000 ;MUM ;Lamle edllitatik d0b1ientee.1870,.....#129091 , Ir former Treammer 20 83 131815 Amount tinprovined fOr. Joie 10,1871. Ixin g u . nes: correct as wean get at it Ma time..._ .534:1 90 SMITE!, WRIWIEF(...; . , 4_OE:3 WOOD, _ NM. STall:iTo7l • • LA1LTPi. 1 41 31.34 P 11,4w. • Atithitori• . . asitAit6l9. °DUMAN:tato ot,ttie t0wn ..1.1 slap or - Yrtexidsitile. 9nsonehattnneennty,"Pa4 de. eased: • Letters, of Adasfoletrattoo orsnt She eltate of the aborenuitned decedent...baring been granted to the undersigned. all pettoas-indebteetto the laid estate are hereby' uotilled to maker imatediato pan:mots and those. nalast theeame. to present them dal, anthentleated for settlement. :1101Ei F. GORMAN. • !liendstille, Ang^.,A 1871:-8ws_ ' • Administrator. LacatioviirmA NAL= BOW. q1121 , 11.11%T. 1131-berraffil9coac3eix 6 slopasoMa ae. ESTARtISFIED 1855.-AUTHORIZED ':..-'CLPITAL .lINuauTEIN , Ismlnsver. -- utsztrg. • Wei transact, a tlkneral Bantleg *lane's; without Unit. teflon bl our Liability.. tlfEtrzg CSCT.I TEI/EST.ALLOWED 6143C1AL AD liepoiltiP i ttidnii Ihnnand'Vrithdat — talie. Persona keeping hautei with is inn deposit end draw the same as with any other bank, and our - customers will be accommodated without aura charge Ofnitconnt OT , rimurrents- For deposit, trom'pointa - the omit?, &natant to rallroad,kent by express; promptly acknowledged and Millittances in payment made in currency or by draft. Drafts for sale in All Partss of Etwope. ca7teeo:li' twolo Whited itbir - charge ttaa.theusn 'd rates of exchange. • • PASSAGE TICKCS lo and ikon al/ parts of Enrope, by rim Class blamer*, at Ms lowest rates. Scranton, August 23, • . 7.; MIEECUTOITS IcOTICE. —WHEREAS LETTERS 1:4 Testamentary to the estate of Judson Stone, late of Forest Leas township, deceased, hire born granted to' the sabserthers.All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment. and those hay. log elalms.or 'ionised* against the estate of the add do. agent, will Dreamt the samesslthout delay. JOHN nantistmw WAREWAN lIANDRICK 'JULIA BUTTERFIIILD, FREDERICK DAY (ON, GEORGE D. JOHNSON. JEREMIAH ROSFOUD, Forest Lake. Ang.LlSTl—tiw. Executor* ABEL . TVIIRELV, • . •. • - ILO" rist rettarned frost:l4.w Torte srith bugs ea dation to his nos' stock (lobo's° goods. Montrose. Nsv. ht. lEZA: gOt'ARD . SANITARY ..6.11).• AaSOCit • • ATION, - - - Tor tie nellatind euiedfthe Eningand thdbrtdasteon Principles of Chili:MA Phiiantitropy. Ewan on the Ern:inter Nontb arid the Follies otdall in relation to Morrisge and Social BTUs. with itantUu , aid for the &flirted. bent tree, in sealed Virrelopoa- Ad dxso 110 WARD ; ASSOCIAT;OId. Box P. Philadelptda,. pEBBLE SPECTACLES-also cow 11,000zeorayptydaiveriia.._ 1111$ -'r- - G111111111.11 .-. • Jim . 'HORSE \,,RAY FORK S A , ram " H ua i . i mr t Eryiso,.. vim !! . . . ; _ • i;„ k . ' • • IELLIS , Aa L;piAT;citi aviTsintas IWO Elam . - • 14 0 . R ..$.. .R.A-K liand Batelkanytinn, Inset's, Ondn'Br . ildni. fron (4 , thnr Brandy , _ • 3 ,et Spring". Caridailk4ti: Cir. Zara. (duet and _ . • _ Xtcantos• 0 14 :1!13 11 , 3311 • waar %jai. .11,4 e 2 •Aunal,wthEellZl what Cpffeo is Ready to Table. TRT 0212 Ltd Ism 4111 Ind thiaCcdree Alien's Right! . ' • Axss ,Rrind Mum . Iltutas; . Picks, •Raops, • L o ck...;“ - Draw Solna. Staziqa. latches, m p.% ; ; ; _ • eh Staves; ' • lid Wale. r ;NcTitti;.e.4ol7 cril) THIS: • . marl) xEm _ ' ziarAilio*C.icoacost tin arelie;ed to &tar:Mr Grain Or saw Lumber in a trorleman-UkomannLs and on ahort N%)tles: -441iikaracriniacan theist the besataehlnii for cleaning .Vileitltya, and Illtekaheat.that eau be procured. Corn gear Imited, if desired, and particular attention given to gvinalnzfaed, !loping to recellatt liberal share of pa maga, I invite all relaxing any thing in my llna to give me • call. Bridgewater:Sept. , Vl5B. - _ . . 1* YES, Oli YES! • - -• • • • • eta: ' 0 44 art ma zizati 3ms:sr ' • • 0.134 1 7 1 C 14 ;) anl upl:: . raion trimaran - :Grna 4P4Vit Qtraad alter.Septeinier lit the [indent:pled ts 'rotas . VI - to tall coact* atrictly for raidy pey. and It'll ail live per carat cheaper and ,keep eaerceatly as bend Dry ticods, Grocerfea,lreete tad Vaukett • Notheao, Creearty. Perk io Fhdt; aadall goads pods Ily kept la a country Store..:.. IL L. LDTT: * Auburn Ccatr. amt. ,tb, um- 1 r • . -- : • tOrr t* AND SEM] v10313 - 1181tt inti And others who hair se long given tale tly ir patronage,' I ender soy-heart, felt thanes, and hire a continuance of ttUl same, with their influent:o,lo; o • SP=EARDWAIi2 1101t,E, of Beath, :Cohn4- . 03., Is Iced 81 Duane street, :teat ork, where orders should to dictated t en de aod direct. ed ta the Arm, tO Insure errly attention woold add tom patrons, audio thaw who pale by on the other aide, Vat I am; not to be nridersold,_ ter any big or little concern In :Ow York, or eleewhere; eoplearegtve me a Lair •Our goods are :anew. and bonett for cosh, for thesiev try and Northern tide. • _ _; 31. 10..TYL311., Agent, and Aislatant Montrose; March 29. USU..'" , lnityer. WO,NEER OE THE W01t1.1)..-Pitrahnrgb, Pa., Jannary MlB7/.—To who:nit may concernt—Thls N to citify than have given A. BALDWIN, of Itlontmee, eseluslof control of the !aloof the above nam ed remedy In ginuebannaCountr. se longue beet:met to continue In ; the business, and that ail orders hereafter should be suldttiaScd to him . to receive attention, 31.BI:TILTON,Pthprietor. March ' . . TIIE SCHOOLDUIECTORS .IBrldgcsrateetownship, wia recelni*aled propwals for the building or. new School Udoee. in lion Lake Ditttlet, tomtit July elst, 1811. cald !school hotote to be similar to the one In the Babcock District. Pot specidation. and partio. 1 1 1 3 1=call on Tateter v. 114n Montrose.' lii . o s rgr o t a tt ri ths ., Bridnewatei. W.B. ' , Altai, 3w. • • ESTATS of. BARB= Lxtuarancg, late of New hillferd 13Ops, tiarquebanuah County. detrained : Letters of adminletratlon upon the estate Of the abase mama d decedent baring been granted to the undersb.m• ed, all persona : lndebted to the raid estate hereby potbled to mabe.immedlete paymellt. emit/inn barlmr claims against the rams to preecut %bete duly authenti cated for settlement. Er.LioT A.LUItICH, _ New biliford4tute 21.187L,-forr: Administrator. • LATROOS BIEDICATEP BAT/11h' -urn% nr Without Blettriaty. Os the cote &wands, for itlyinUtolisto, all gad Chrolgo Mint. ss, At the footnf Chestnut street, liontrase, Pa. • • Yontiasa. April ,_ , • • ly • . =. 1 1/7' 470101-'-WATO22OO . Brow cottr.—Ttudids«:—. . 18 ht. Gold " .t 4.1 • . 114 Gold ~. , . $l5 19 Pura Coln bilver,; - - RIF 10. GrOlde Gold - • - We offer to the Watches cleian siertment of Ladles' and Gente_Watchel and Chains dotage kinds Pt Jewelry. at the lowestcalh prices leer offered hero , I torero to ptircl4usent _ _ Full ituby.feireled Levers. 18 kt. Child Gentler cased- Watches, warranted, asually soldatsls,_only Set each: Elegant feeond Quality 1818 . Gold. full:Jeweled Lev er Watches ; warrante d fur time and wear. $lO each. Fat= wino 'Mae Keepers. Aluminum( Gold. Ranting cued, Pall Jeweled Lover Watches, eons] to gulittu sp. penance and for wear. warranted, at $l4 and 'lntact): Pare Coln Silver. Roothts ca , cd, fall jeweled Lever Watches, atsll and 815 each. - Fine Orolde Gold-Watches wllltextro fine movements, at Sid and 1115 - Fine GoldChahnt Ladles' and Gaeta', from $lO • Rolled PlitA ttna . GoldCbalns, at $4, 9,5 and RS each. OUR WATCIG-14 ara regnlated and adjusted to keep time to the minute before sent to purchasers, sad, if not found sows frill take them hick stony tints and return 131011e1. WE REQ,OIIIII' NO MONEY IN'ADVAN6II. and all foods ordered from us will be sent by Express. V.O. D., frith p,Vilege to examine them before paid for_ eIMIeS trtdattig six Watches t,s time, the Eurchaaar reweave One Watch or same gtuaty • tree! Please -sts(e the Rind itad i p tice or **Leh required. and order direct from • .011Inceir dc co. z P. 043 0 2 =OW • 21 John titrcet, N. T. Nov I ork,laritl;l37li . ' ' Ito ?BEDE WEED SOLD IN IDE TEIII Elatchlefs . encumber!. - - . Tr uszpla , vvrocolammuLzups, 1 , 11 1 EADMIING 418,500 fist Ice icnciboar- eufgclent to In the aggregate ford. WELL OVERSOMILES DEEP, Simple in minetmction--Easy in Operation tilling no .?pate to Dm arstcr—Dunable—Rellable and Clump. • - • These Pumps are Muir. own .beat rreemmehdatton. "Per sale bydralem In banDraro and agricultural Imple meatr.plambers. Pump makers, ite.„ tbroughtba coun try. Otrculatai fundabed upon appytatton by malt or other:dam f • . , • - - Single MOM' toewgrded to pestles In.towoe giber* i 'have no sgran receipt of the regukr retail Trice. In bay weal that your Pump bean my Dada nit* as sbo patented Edorcb slat, telt; se I parasite* .an other. . . •-• ±Slitt.Zacprr. - . MANI:MA=I7IMA, .offiee ;ad ,Ifarvrooso, 024'a 030 r„tigper . PhiladelAttilth 15, 1871.:711a2 ; .; STIVEVAIIT'S - Mgr blei sedila ie Mgrciszt3oas. Very taiga assortment, ineledings groat vertety :rut , n , r and ort , b T..I3VIMAILT,QCo, co Sixth *Yellen, nes. - ISith end Eitll Stretts... New Toric::Airp.ll.ll.3m STA:IE4O%IIAL NANSFIELD, , TIOCIA PA.: EnglisTt Classical courses. • Terms begin September ;December • r ltittt; aridd 3larch27tb. State apptop ;D riationa :or students: ' . Btutleats ad. I:ratted apaay time. Apply to • CHAS. 11. VERRILL, A. M.; , littasti Aug. 81;1870.-1y - • 133.0.1XiCi-A4MTE 3 1011EST713 A VIGAINS IN. TOWN IN cuox,VveanuroFrocmurooi BLOVII.I PRAT vislons,Pttel and cameo Fruit; Vegetables.- te. at the Hott4 of' A. ]R; UULLARD— .No • • yobratrTrA, 1874' . Ott . . • _ . . T , iTeryltiad of "reale tairhattime aarive.d,and or meat New 4 eh wholesale price— Also thee as. mrloenteal posit= : guy of me and SATO LAM. - Ail/llo.l;tag&LL. DIM ISTItY,... ,i. . . _., ::- •: - '- " "e 4,... sup:Erre pinta Fldama,xoi. Fuonim.• ILVVOLVIIMG HORSE-IMICE..',':'- raitlealstienti°°Vut"ii°Peratw"" 'Os onto; . .. ,.., —. ' fal tedh. Attllctil et* boned la all ins tuna, ICUS •Airsprepi to Mini Bit *theitrrates of I . !, inperk: lot now to. - Taka . P•rtess saustattion rotarantled to ali t • U "qu!' 100 " 4 " ' w h nl e mia inUt " 4,01 . _.; • ' , 2 - .. ' ' too and see ma, and !ix,tisfy match*, 0 ,1 1 !COM11(‘; -, -.. . :... . ... -. B.II,IjAC RA*, pulcitiociilici. , ^4 - °much My: -. •:- . • -.-:* • ' ), -,• ' • .. MoitrOity ID7 3 i Pit"..: -. ... ,^ ;... r, - . •r" ' -•,: 'lt ; • 10 -T r 1 i 91 9, tT • . • •' - -- ' - - - ' ' ' ' - • • - ar coawnt [lithe :to: Builders. 63, 4- fiI'ATURWS BAIR RESTORITIVIL 4 Contains no. - LAO SOLFHllll—Eo,ol'i'll ... - , GAB 170 OF LEAD— ;NW VITHATeQF &VEIL and . . entirely freelrom the' Poisonous end;:' • „ Health—destroying Drugs_lned other Hali.Pretartions., - ,%.'. - 1 siipll*ll3 and ckaru ur31 1 4 1 , tt !Id not soli the driest falarla,—Rerfactlr SASE, CLEAN, and ETTICIENT —dlildastaas ,/,0110 - SOTC4IT aquziAi; ' _ It ileans . s aneproient, tbeitirfrOosi4orisindalrlii lrapitts - a soft;dlussy appearartercia ttiadziaT, 18 - tout and retaining to - tho tunri,cierird the EA' frOnt • ' , Eallingoidutairatores dui - avant dont, who:sinews. tardy lost, prrmentn.llaadeetia‘. aures. all' Samara, cu'. I teoeouseraptioas arid barmen:al deaf, AS," MITTS, 130 TOIt AUL XT IS TITER= AIITIcL3 TTII: TURKU; . •• ". '- • • ." • Dg a. swift. ratitit , 4' ier. ,br PITOOTOR liIICATIITT3, - planceeter This ts put up In a psneltrottle,dHted, eiprestly . tap St, sad:the nitpsei of dne Ardent, bi onin Lao glaaas Ask. your Drnda* for NAMUR'' , Mit INtsio.RAMIT'A sad Dike no other, . - „,. r. • iitud is{o ernt stazaps TrOctor , Trainor, fur 11.`TrestIsla on amain:can Hair." ±bo 1011 - 1118204 ft 6311141ns Is smith TTNIOO tO 181rD 8788 7 1 > TUT 17;1871 • The "Pain 14t it mailitilj - be styled the giMit" medicine of the world; for there la no tesion ofthe aloha 7 • Into - Which It has not found it* way. sad been:largely,. sited end highly prised._ moreover. there tette dime to - which !this nbt proved to bewelladapted 'far the turf. • of a considerable variety of &lessee. it le a speedy and , safe - remedy for Demos. scalds. entre braises, wounds and. various other ini.e, as well es forysentery. diarrhea. and bowehcomplal jtu nts generally. itia d admirably Orbited . for ever; rate of men on the taco of the globe. • It is a very significant fact. that notwithstanding the. long period etyma that the " rain Killet" hasbeenbo• -, fbra the world, tills never lost ono whit of Its MOW , t • 117. but ea the contrary.-the call for-it has newly . • creased from Its first discovery. and to ne nes'einnplion' has tho demand for it been so meatier they:nullity tande. • been no :am... ea it is to•day. . • -Another signiSeant feet le, that nowberehtts tho rain ". Hiller ere: been in higher repute. or been mere getmtd; :ty pied. hf families and Individuals, than It has been here at hams.' Where ft was first dieeovered andintrodnced, 7 That the .Vain &diet will 'unarm to be. what we .hsve styled tt. Sue GOAT Mentente 07 TOE trOttLD, there can. not. n the rhanoW of a doubt. —Provide= Adrerfikar,; TTENTONI 1 SPELL GIB YOU "EIVR" •. _ _ . .D. TAYLOR, so long known Irillinghami T ont as One of tho most popolar . Cutters, ' • fashionable- Tailors in this section of country has formed a co-paituetablp with. R.: F. New' comb, of Nontrme, and they are now' prepared to furnish men's - wearing apparel of all kinds; ' and In "style and wort , romodp -any • establishment in this section of country.- Ws. GUAItAIiTE SA'TISFAOTION o all who map favor us With their patronage. Shop at Post's old corner; on l'obllo Avenue, T.i D. TAYLOR, • •.• • LI F. -.IkrENCOMB, Montrose, Oct: 19, 1870.--1 L . •, P . URNITURE -ESTAULTSLIMET ',OF wir,LIAJr , . p t Toiz •Novent The extenslie Funtlittre Retool:Mon= of W Ml= W. dealt 0, haling. tem , rem:Roland greatly Improved, the proptieLor respect, • folly annonnce.sto the ettlrensof !Andros° midfield.' ty, that he IS constantly ma-11124nd keeps on bilidttur !attest and beataasnrtmcat o f. .. -- VrtnEt.s.:NxT,T:rrt.m . to be-Sodas:inviter this aide o f Rew Tork Desks,Dirans:; Towelracke, LOnages; Footstools Cc elm Lard,Pler, Tollet,Din tug. Kitchen arid eatmdoa tunics. - - Cairns 1 -Canostid Weediest 'Rockers; Vine; Flag end Woodseate defer, variety and elte: - • -• - RefasabdTetka•letes. - fornishect on short ootito.-- Cane lest abaft resented. SPRING' • .BEDS. • • Llama ussortinent:clicaPrestand besttriat It; : -Cake .Seat Chu a,• .yam now tnstdedto supply My customers with new substantialeanescat chalr,of hommaanufarture,whlcti will be found greatly superior to those •fonnerly to auuicet.and iota= sold at alma pried CAN.B.SEA2'OHAZAS , AE : SE4IT4P , :lir 11610 r otade.ioillni on hand or fordsbed• at abort notice. :Retiree alweys in readiness If desired. I employ none but mad and experienced Workmed. Intend to do my work wall, and-sell it as low *soul be afforded. . . • WiLLIAM. SMITIL - ! 3iontrose,Reb isogrAo. Dt)WN. TOWN NEW .: y z• • . Ira RR A2rD vo4 Is, • •, 2 2dalnitress,ls doors below Iloyd'sCortier,,Mootrot FLO AND . PRO V1.9102ig • - We aro ecmitautly'rre Mugs nd now tiave orbank attosh 'took 01 ti9od , ewhlcb we wllLiell CHEAP, li ct'Al I• CHEAP .. . forcaeb ..r ezebk %Ito i)rprOdact. GOOD 2'8.4;5,-. -,' . : . . , . • CO F:FEE,.'S UGAR,: ~...;•:, MOLASSES; . SPICES, FORK, . FISH, : ‘. L.4HD, iLellifS, DRIED- 172 pIZTS, CLOVSIi 41. ,7711.1:0271Y SEED,' &a,' , . • Viro.tore ratted and ma do additions to one Wall Pali', an d - arst noir rca Oa° lomarti Batter to the belt commis pion houses In Now. Yoilt.lten °lobar', antl Lasko I lbaraladvancemants on consignments. , and oxstntneotirStotic before purchasing elsa arborc.aatioonsincepouraelre• Dian . • 0001 1 :QUALM. to • LOW' P,RICF.S. ofantUoodC; 0. mrssit, - • . :w. n.-corers wino Pao. APO _ . . 4 - - • gailtoad egitUt` N. It.• - dr, IC; Time Table. ' No. 4, !sight , ght Expieti : 2.57 "8. Cincinnati Esprest' - 719 ". .; 118, Way Freight, = s 10.30 • " NOV Yoric .Express, 1.44. ID, " Acq/nItoodalloo, : 0,50. ." 0, Ste;maboat Express. -- , 10.1? - Tiar v 'is rr.srtralto. Nei 7, Melt Express,' • : 1.52 a, M k 9;gltigrant,t'? ' 2 - .1% . 5.94 , - -21); Accommodation,' - 0.85 : 4 27, Wor - Fretbt t -I.OYI 0 --. 5, Mail mmi Express,' - t = Ali or thp aboTo traLuit, . . , 411(1.caM ruse:Wm =
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers