The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 04, 1871, Image 4

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    7.4rEe1l -
or TEE 10$1 . / GAIIIIN;14 eptl_N TY
Meld Sept. 12W, lab; and 1401,1871. ^
Best Stallion. tiro of beat yearlhelf colt. Lawrence../
II clnerney . ..... - .. . .Dlp
Heavy drsiv3llBllG-- thiCdire" Wet. '
C. Chandler 1 3 03
2d , D. T. Hoe•-•• Grey Stallion" i.. 3CO
td".7. U. Crisman, Toronto Chlefjr - ' 300
Beet (Inlet draft titallion„.W..-.IC- - Alga. 1' 1310 , 510
Autism" ' 500
21 C. M. Crandall-"P/41 Sheridan" Div.
31 W. 3. Phther-•-••herayl" 11 CO
Best Single Gelding, main* in wortnt7. Mrs. Bawl
. 8
Drinker 00
W. li. Cooper . ' 11 121
Best Si neleonare. rallied to Co,ltaochOUClls 600
5d John Trumbull '
Best Shire .51011111% - not rallied In
, Col Friend pOO
. ul
Beet Pair matched Ilursce or Harm rated / 2 , 0 4
Paq C.inklln . sfa
24 H. C. Conklin
. - 3 CO
Lt Frederick IL Wllllents.. _.
Best Pair Mares not Tallest in Co., U. U. Unvieg.
ton $ CO
But Pair of three -year-old colts, Mattis C. Chat&
.-.- ler (XI
• '5l Charles Whitehmtd.,4 ..
,'... . : ICO
• Beet Pair two-yoar-old colts . , Geor g e Punk 3CO
id William Stint ' - ' " ,
Beet threoyearead colt. MI. Weeks ' - 300
td 17. G. Bishop 1 03
Beat twolearold colt, Edward Smith 1 00
Std XL C. Cotkliti • ' . ' •
Best Brood mare and colt, John Mown-- ...... .. 603
.51 Dr. D. A. Lathrop • 3 CIO
.1d J. Tanta • ' 3 00
Ben Yearling Colt. 0..4. Tiffs 27 1 CO
24 Asa Townend 1 00
Jae its-4 Ones Sterling, Janus E. truth, James A.
Dinstaxll.-Caa3Bl-Dnirnania3 l 33 Gnats,-
Best IhutuariSsal;ll. IL Sklatif - -- ' sco
td W. 11,Jetetv - - " 3 03
13est Durham crow, IL 11. Skinner ...... ... ..... ... * 03
24 - 1... T. BirchanL - ' " - 03
Wit Barham three•yeaVoldbelfer,Jes. B. Carmel,. CO
114 11. H. Skinner m,
15.0 Dedham two-year-old, UL U.l3lthaner 00
21 11. 11 . Skinner op
Best Dutton oneyeaiold, U. H. Skinner CO
51 JanCarman - • 03
Beet Barham con Jas. E. thumalt 00
Mi H. H. Skinner CO
Beat Barham boll eal4 11.11. Skinner 00
2d IL K. Bush • • 00
Best Helper Calf A. & D. Banker 00
2d A. Smith 0
Beet Helfer, 2 veer. old, John F. Hunter.. - • OD
td John F. Hunter - • - • - U)
Best 2Tearllngs W. T. Austin'. • • • • Co
tdC' J.Hollisttr - • • . • • • • 00
Best Four Cairo J.ll/ D. Banker • • • • 150
51 JrF Tinnier -- - . • . • • 00
Deer WI Calf Y. H. Bush - L - • • • 03
2d A. Smith • • • -, -', . • ' • • ' °O
Bert ueirti Calf C.. 7. Hollister ',; ' • • • ao
Zd C. J. Hollister-- • - - - . - • ' W
.7,•.1.,.c , ala It -.418AD11.01:113aWi1.,-. - r : 7 :
Best Grads ball.e. J. Ifollleter.... ... ............ 000
24 Horace Brewster 3 00
Best Oracle F. U. Willa= 3OO
24 C. Conklin Sao
Beet Grade three-year-old F. EL lielliater 503
to W. 11.13sbeock... ! *' ..- ' - ' 000
Belt Grtde twoyear old.C. Conklin ' 300
21 John Harrington.-- a 00
Best Three Grade yearlings. John Harrington.... 3 50
51 C. Conklin 0 00
Beet Four tirade calves. W. 1.1. jeseep . sco
Beet Grwee bull ealf;ll..E. Bush. ' - . 11 00
20 W. It Jessmp 100
Best Grade heifer calf, U, 11. :skinner 3 03
211 U, C. Conklin 1 CO
JtmardB-John 9.ltarts, IS. L.Beeke.U. IL. titer/m.
- ' ' Cutts 3.-.DironBAND HUMES.
Best Dem bull. lehn F. Latter......!. 5 io
td Packers Blakeslee ' 2 Ul
Best Devon yearling bull, Anbray Smith . 3CO
51. John F. Hunter 300
Bast, Devon cow A. & D. Banker 501
td AnbrY Smith
ad John F. Ranter 100
Beat Devon threeyeaneold heifer C. J. Hollister.. 3CO
2.11.J0hn F. Hunter 300
Bad Devon twayearsold. A. S" D. Banker 3 CM
21 A. & D. Banker 500
Best Twoling heifer 5.. Smith.. 1 00
111 A. Smith - ', 1 .. - - 1 fra
A Claas4 •• - •Gtiatilta.
Beit Grade Ball F. H. llollister 3 00
21 W. P. Austin:3 03
Beet Grade nor A. & D: Banker ' 300
2d J. F. Ranter .....3011
Best Grade heifer three years.ol,l C. 3 .11alaste r.. Ito ,
Beet Grad* ChM Calf A. aD. Banker ...... ..,...- 300
21 Smith 1 111
Jena= A. t
-F. M. Williams, 3: P. Gardner. U. J. Lent,
: 1 •'. 1' • Clan 3.-OW atm Serena -
Beet:Pair Working oxen J &. D.'Hanter 5 00
. 2.4 Iluntrose bore. IL Sherman 3 tO
ild D. D Hindi -10 i
Deed Palrthree-years-old *news Jai. Downs '3 00
2d C. J. Hot/later 2 CO
Best Pair two yea:veld steers Perry Conklin - 3 ID
Best Palt Pat Cattle 11. C. Conklin 500
Wass 6.-Aunrigers.
But Aldeney Bull IL 111 Rose i CO
- " ' e4sit-:2,2nsarows.
Beat Ayrshire Bell J. F. Batterdeld ......... ..., 5 130
Best Ayreelre Heifer 310
:ono.. :.-Win. U. Joan , Millbane Oakley. Z. U.
,Thellieter. .
' Claseft -Henn.
Best IllertiOurhams end Grades 11. C.Conlkin.. 10 IX
51 Durham and'Grades IL H. Skinner 500
Beet Herd Devon and Grades J. &D. Banker.... 10 00
I! Herd Demme and Grades
Ankeny Smith • 507
Jonas:-B. P. Wheaton, A. Griffis. BodneyJnehl.
Divielon 3.-Claini 1.-Sneer,
Beet Flee wool Back L. T. Maud ' ' , 3CD
51 1. T. Beek 300
Beat Three Flne wool Ewes L. T. Blithard 100
Best Three Fine trout - Lambs L. T. Biretuud.... a. 300
Best Threat:came wool Ewes F. H. Hollister 3 CO
IleatTbree none *cool Lambs IL U. Bow 3 03
Best HMOs wool Beek Dwd•t Stewart 300
Ild Horrid; Oman, 5 03
. Lest Trove middle wool Ewes John Hunter ....: 3 int
5111tiddle wool Beck lamb Daniel Stewart...
.. 103
devout-P. Byrne, &lieu 3. Sheideu, Willis C. Bab
'Swat extel.ortdost•.-Class 2.--Sma3.
BeHßoar Charles E. Tyler.-- - ......
, - ' Oass t.-1 onset. - - '
. . . ..
Best Trio of Turkeys Albert Roy '
Best. Tele of Decks J.S. Lyons
51 EA.-Weeks.
Best Teie r of.Light Saimaa Z. A. Ltudsley.....
td. Satiny Smith
Beet Trio orDortings Jas. E. Carault..:. ......
eel Anbray Smith
- .
Best Trio en Sleek Spanish IL IL. Hose
Best Tido of Hamburg+ E.ll. Austin
td LH. Aydin •
Ilea. Trio vi beano= Aubrey Smith •
Deatlot id Wats owned scull exhibited by one man
- Aubrey Smith 200
-:34 Z. A. Lindsey - - 300
Jotenter--a. it. manna, E. T. Tiffany, D. Stewart. . 1
Brink& Csimenawn seems . Dlvision A-Be-rens al
•,, '.. .• .. Camum..--Class 1. i
- Bed Patkagelnito Better W., H. Jessup . 4 1101
id V. Halollister .' ... 300
' Best Packers Sept. Britterldrs. Mary Mettatish... 400 • 300
Not Barter made' by girl under 16yeers of age W.
~- - IL Jones.... ,- - $O3
S. Hon
Sr& 201
Clan ort e-BridgeeraterFaetary-J. F. Batter. 1 CO
field. 400
. ft Waste Brewster - . , 3al
Chas L-flntos
*it ii ica , - fa- :- Ex 1
yg s oa . ee •ler-W. U. Jenne-- 183
.24 viintplev" jobs liarrinvt
o r,oon
iloet4Lbuidielvehest Geo, Waiter 1 OD
-• Id . . • - ' ' 103
Sd isoneolfered -
Boat cereb-I'llattford".W. . Jersey .
1 ` 1 34 er Mills
ICU. lessee ; '-'" .........
Chieh , , - ' • -
Best Spring Wheat Z. A. Li ridley
. .latalort -Y.' -J. Harringtan, P. Carpenter, Henry- __
• .
Sciddiangleldadtge iteltudeb Bro._
13est.Ladatiar idapn Itelhulat Bro.. .
aidil..Sletaddi 24_
Bost 6lngla dledgt Is ettini.b .....
2d Lumber ingesamPartet - •
BLit TheixtStdat ILiraess Leather Moab & Seam tCO
Best Three Steletl)vtler Leather Moat it Knapp.. lOD
Beat Etas% Hamm — Allrard Cracker CO
Yam 2tra.
Itestithiriitiv;ay enitmea - • ' 03
Best Plol 13
h .H. bar ro e /Ca w
tel : 'lntsarVater a t Datturd - Ch.4 ee—D. K.
4,, ' , Woodburn 4 • ' lal
Caiansait.A. F„lkieeler, E. 14.2.14er5, John Lake,
Poittisio ifin ; eneritmea.
Bed* rods Flannel Kra. O. A, Tifuly..
Id Vac Ittplasacelln. • . ...
leynatit woolen Cup; YlasJmsSe
..... .. ....... OD
mpar woolen bottalrs. ...... W
Ma. II- W. lEant.,.. " ta
InartpaltiletanaJos. Foxier • ' I .00
awl' EMI- Winn woolen Artklea Mrs. U. A. Tid
;,4 . ...... -4- 7 .CD
BasLlO;imla- . .
AUlna Oakley 10 00 0
01410 „rate! Lime Calls Jima' Faunal - 00
!d X. r: Whanoti - I No
Bud Barth Stag Mr" P. .1,03
WeHt 4.8/ , 150
Boat *lards Cass! mcrJ. W. Meta • ti 00
Yd IAcIW SOTS Atte iracterlitlia ;Itzt Eicota..l. tOO
Juttitst.;•Yst. Rath Seat,
-• 1101.-AVII
is. lama; B. Sitantaas— . ICAO
91 Xis. TlMe ' 7 CO .
Hest Quilt Grimy kind .6Hr t s Far Multard ..... '..*- CO
2d - Hza.'o. Tiffaai.,. - 310
Beat Bed Sprat Mrs. H. H. 'if
2d We. Hannab Harper " 1.03
" Hot Ttdor Was Virdaklu• ' - OD
Bait BmWOrdet73imita,l22 60
-Mod Mate Caeman Mimi Alice Sumo. . . ... .60
Mad Zan Shawl Bra.
:Dan MP:aft at. FlOtrara 211,8# Ella Ocephe,ns....
Tiltaut ... :60
1006,6 amp. Kati •ciatooo.. . —1.60
Jilla Va4akin
IteetO.lMentd warned iiroaltra. IL.W.Herthigt sCO
8C1r61160102166 1 . 21 8eTM 2 F0 11 0 ,111 * raw.B. Jr*. ' •
- Atop tO
Xrd. 8. ir.Bent. " n
• - ,60.
'Ban rstmartibtp TV. ... ..
HarzeHar f
,rx= l = o r!O /WiP0,', 0 !' 71,2 1 1 ZIA" '
411°!W.. 81764•13;2*1i06.
• HaA ..6.26OrtliettrAtßdrpgei,
_ . ,
Sat Vile Her ApplesJo62,o2o t•-
- ••• •
46.13. AL Allea - • a ico
Ded Altlnt93l n-t• .. .. -fAI;
IlitslQ4tmeas 31. A.:40313.11; . - .
3.-.. i 00
Dot sad Ettatestllltlety otterattbkm 4. tt. , 311i..
, 03
till. It, Lima A 03
lkittbrce Cabbage /Indy Z 3,. 1.113. •- 1 '.
-, 100
2‘.1 W. U. Jessup •, CO
-5.434 Ullbststweas Z, A. Ltailogy
Beal 3 tritter KT:m.3M Z:f 0 .L 13 a 4 e3 4 ;," , '*"" -,1 V°
td It. L. 1,11110 _ „
EkstlFunjsklas Z„.A.; Liattsey ' ". ~..-.. 1(0
Bat 13 thaleas Thts. Warner.; ..,' -.1,, i "L 50
Oat 3 heads (213113,1FF0r. 3 11.4.4, ~_ . . . 1 41,2
- antlno_ ~... _
Tea 10 - beete Z. - . lt- Unary
Best 10 TOrallOeS .1., B. Damon'
Bat )1 Babel Potatoes Simon Zionntlo '
Brit assortment Grapes S. B. Damon - ' 100
ti assattrant Grupo* B. P. Wheaton - • - ICO
Best Cider Vilna John Brown 1 CO.
W Oda Theca Will B. Crosse= ' . DO
Beet 3mba Nage Beyer lts Carpenter -- _
Stt 101bo. aside awn. Jacob Tewksbury ' 3 CO
Jasers..-13. LL Lim& W.A. tkorsama, C. F. nod. 4
OM Milos ferry Conklin ' ' 8 00 1
IdPlowing W.Lester... ...... ............. 608
88 Plowing C. J. U.
BB Ulf ter ...................... 400
Itti PilmbagJobtil3llllo - - ..... ICS
J60‘088—.6. It. Patrick, Ileary ShenstaaAlituass Car
- WAuran Manx
. ..
Fastest Pair Walking form Perry Conklin au)
Purest Single Ilona John naming= 9 r 0
Pukka Maim ander aaddlell. 11.11arringtoa.. - 1 0)
Va.teat Walking Man'Z. A.l.lndaey • ' 1 Oil
Jimaga—D. A. Latithro. W. 1L Jones. 8 L. tbol.
Contains no LAO SULPHUR—NO
entirely free Item the Pohimous ;and
Health...destroying Drugs used in
other Hair Proportions. •
Trassistreot and tless MI instal, it will not soil the
Anon tsbett.—pcztettly SAFte, CLEM; sad EFFICIMST
It testae:J .
2nd prevents the tar from becoming Orgy,
Imparts a soft, glossy appearance. remoras Dandruff, is
cool and rerreantog to the bead. cheeks the Hair from
001 Inger. and restates It to a great extent when preen&
tardy lest, prem.:eta /lease/vas. cares all humors, en
taneons ernealons, and timataral heat, AS A DRESS-.
DR. G. MTG. Patentee. Ayer.)lass. Prepared only
as PROCTOR =mimes. Gloucester Gaseacbuletts
The gamine to pat op to s panel bottle. wads enpieealj
tot la, nth the =ma of thearticle blown In tne glean
Ask Your Grin:dot for Farm's llinzazunsk.
sad take; no other.
Or Send too three coot acne to Proctor Bentham
for a.wrivottsto an the/Inn= Hair." i nut tolfronitico
It lot:tains is worth POO CO to say perm. •
Stp 17,1821. • ty
Ike "Pail Scams" may lastly-be styled the great
medicine of the world., fur there Is norm local the globe
Into which it Minot found its way. and been large])
awed and highly prised. ,worcover, there Is no dims to
which It has not teemed to be well adapted for the vase
of a considerable variety of diseases, it Is a Speedy atm
sate vaned, for burns, scalds eats, Mahe% wounds and
merlons other injutios.o well setter dysentery. Wardns_
and towel comsints generally. 111. admirably situated
for every race of men on the fate of the Mote.
It is a rely signitiont fact. that notwithstanding the
long retied of years that the " Pale Killer has been be.
fore tbe world. It has never lost one shit of Its popular
ity. but on the contrary. the call It, It ban steadily th
CrOmed from Its drat diamvery, and to no previons time
has the demand fur It been so gum; or the anantity toady
been so large, as it Is to-day.
Another eignilicant AM Is. that nowhere has the Path
Killer ever been in higher repute. or been mere general
ly need be fatuities and bully ',than Ulm' bee:there
a, home. where it was dart diwarrered and Introduced.
That the Pals Wier will twine to be, what we hare
stykd It. vas MIAs? atemmatz or eat worm, there cilfiz
net be the ybsdow of a doubt. -Prosidenas.ddrallwr.
T. D. TAYLOR, so long known to Binghani•
ton ea one of the most popular Cutters, and
fashionable, Tailors In this section of country
has formed a co-partnership with E. F. New
comb, of Montrose, and they are now prepared
to furnish men's wearing apparel of all kinds,
and in style and woripmoolip superior to any
establishment in this section of country. We
to all oho rimy favor us sci' tti their patronage.
Shop at Post': old corner, 0/1- Public Avenue.
Mcmtrose, Oct. 10, 1810.--:it
ham Tan The eztfinslae Patchett
Establshment. ,of W Whom W. Smith, baying been
matted and greatly hopreeed. thelnalnielae resPeet
rally anncenteeste the ealsene of Mantras, anti vieini•
ty, :bathe to cornatantly mains and keeps on hand the
lave/tend beetantottunearat
N°1171=1..63' XIC°I:7'3FII.3O
to be found eartther all tide ortiew Talc City.
Deska.theans. Tawelenekto. Lounges, Pootstoole
Caaert.atd.Pier.Toilet,Diaing. Kitchen stul
extendon tables. • - .
Csains—Cane and Woodocat -V =kers, cane. Vet
and %Vaccinate citatory varlet/ and style.
hanged Tete.a.teteo. fm.lobed on , sllOll node:a—
-1 Cane 'Metal:al/I Itsecrted. - - • -
elate acrearialicatl-elieven and beef ID matte
lain now anahledtiaipple eiyanidateeto Atha nen
reosotontlaleane seat dud roof hostie tnenefesture.ableL
will ha futatel greatly seperiat to those formerly, to
market. and peters said at* lets price.
gzsdy tando canto on nand at Intedthed al
abort settee: limn alcrve In readiness If desired. •
tracyoloy nave bat earefet and experiteteedaortmea.
Intend to do my acuAccrell, and sell Was law as etns
be ands& - •
• • '• A IL GIAM if.
...leattonc o V4 1.4 1.883. , •
*an Lusazi.
4aia Strut, 11 doors beim* Boyd'a Corter,ionfroi
, . •
Wean emptattlyree tylagt er
new have heatt,
afresh steekoteoadi )asst h egaitchwe vi)
L' . = r CHU" CEEAPI
lovenh ovv etehiega inpiedsci.
• 00010- 21416,' ;
COFFEE, 8110414 . .
HAMS, PRIED. PR V 7 2 18,, -
CLOVER tf,Tniproy7stsa;',..ti.
:• itejair eietittell ands:ode adeltionoteattltoctio
Palls.and are COW feaLto 10TIVILI'd &net to bet t
coosoilindantwaseslß4 - zoo Tostittes ofstunter;l
varkeltbandiglirsexiestsiotrossUswaeste. • •-••
ceabradexambloatie ewe* .111cdoso pastbas . ll;ol46
statratutecorttleimottnelni Oftbil • '
QUALITY,. 'lb - I,o4lt7puvEs
• • wow • ,•
3 . / Pa* TIMM
NRCEISINITrusy. - • •
Chloral — tut,
No:tr o na:goys; on,upoasi •
- ;powERFEIf,..
. . ._ •
Vd in' prisate dwellings, hotels restaurants. public
sett I s , Pimples* Insane whams.' dlepensarier. Ails,
prl os. Isoorhouses, on shim atom-beat.. and in
Les ent-booYes, ['udely; to wanu.slosets, urinals,
yinda.iielreni, eesopooly,stables. de. • . - -
4 *petite i o cal contagious and payilleatlal awes,
VilVvisitsl 3 .ll l4 '''Tftwcrfaric - ...",40 .-- p.,:dogg;
-by TILDEN do Co., 170 Willlarni big N. W.
..14 by all drov,,,mts. . . . .
~...., ..
. - 1,003 . F . G1 TS.: - .
D bin Concert and Distribution for the Benefit
e the Foendlingdarin:o! levfork j ead ; Sold:' an d Bail o rs ' O r p han s ' H ome Washinton,
WILL RE GIVES.) atm not later than Novomber 2 1 1 A
1011. Entire number of tickets, MEoo—s.s each. I,
Oilla amounting , to *MOM to he awarded. Bond for
Circular, giving - list of GUIs and References.- Tickets
can be Wolof' . RILEY & SARGENT,:
comer Thirty Etat and Market streets,
. . .
.Or, • P. C. DEVLIN General Acent.
II Nassau Street, New York.
Ilon. If. 'IdeOCLLOUGII, Elkton, t
Maj. 0 EO. T. CAS PLE. Baltimore. I C °lnin.n4
lino. .1. S. NEOLEV, Pittsburg. Trustee. •
U. nuraitusores
HaeliCise coutaloleg one Dottie of
Pao Bro_d. Pronstul CU,
m old Bye u%iskey. I 0/d l'AbL *bony.
Finn Old Port Om Bourbon.
Gas need Paw and of.tho very Bra grualty.
Sant by Doren C. 0. D.. or Poo-of:leo order.
O. 11.LNDL132,02i, 15 Broad SC., Now .Tort.
A OrtiVEl VANED kJ the.
Tre1a3:114312:01. .1.51M , 10 0 13. creXatte.
wili•Pcricerion. BY Dn. Namara. author of Tits
Penitent Afe of Women... A relates to tAr mate see;
- Is cod of new Dieu•. delicate but outspoken: prsctical
mad popular, bluely endorsed; sells rapidly. Vold by
subscription only. Exclusive territory. , Terms illitraL
Price $3. - Andress for contents. dc.. .1.0. YEILGUIS &
CO., Publishers. Philadelphia, Pa.
40 ,„ 6 . The BEST minter OVERSHOE;
, tw. NO tRicKLES to break !
, 117410ZBLE t i o i ga
IREron on; norm To WOO Ask rOn IT;_
to goo $1.50 to Jaly._l4; 11:10 to
SHE BILEITIODIST. - Every - weak a- Lectent
Room by Ikeetter ; Sermon or wilds by
Taltna„.7, oecond only to Beecher In pbpulant.).
Willing n greet serial story expo-lag BA:crct workakro of
itoinsubau InJetacrict. and mucti_utlier good rending
_ oataktocukui Soacm4 : Sao -"rt•
For -ronrathing intsrotting,,odul your addres., 10
INGOIIOE GATFatt Frnkfort, N. It.
030. We Will Pixy 0130'.
Agent, PA per week to sell/Our great and valuable dis
metrles. It per
want permanent, honorable and p:csi
azt work., apply for part Galan.
' Addrria DYER & CO., Jackson, itlehtgan.
wELIALII COLLEGE. Birdentown. Pornisb
l: both* best ednetti mat adrantntw. togettaw with
plmittut bomb. Doitid and Thitlon,_MS VET ywa. For
tlathlognes. addrees net. J. 11. BRAKELkX, Ph. D.
$l7lOO PER. WEE'S.
Can be niadviti an, mart manicho cankeep lets
hi:mines. to hinoolt. `end stamp for particuLtra to
110W.AnD & CO.. Willlamtbory:, N. Y.
ORTEPEAST MISSOURI Forme and Indroproved
Lands,for ealn by/MeNUTT S. MOSS, Pub., Mo.
now,4t is done, and who doss it. The Alma nook,
191 paims, gory,mmsly ilhctmted with cuts, positions.
Sta. Scot by mall. IR-sorely e talc& (or Any sent. Onmd
Clrcbtar, frrr. Address
4roadway !gosh.
Acrents Read This
WE WILL PAY Agents a salary of 830
If Per Week bud Expenses, or at a large
commission to sell-oar new and wdrrfal I. vet:Alone.
Addresall. co., Marshall. o )I,la.
„ .
A Murky - man. while residing to South .Amerirs as a
Missionary. discover... 4 a sate and simple remedy for the
Cureel Nerrouti,Weatnese. B.rly .Beetty. iha.a. , C2 of
the 'Urinary and Seminal Organ% and the whole Min of
ditordare brought. on by baneltil and vicious habit..
Great numbers hare been cured by Ode noble remedy.
Promoted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and un
fortunate, twill *Ord the recipe for prcpar!nr. nod wine
this medicine. , in • .stailed envelope. to any one who
need. (ton= or CIIAZICE. Address Joy. T. INIdAN.
. Station O. Bible IlouseisN.Y. city.
Worth of Goods In-store for the °paling o
- the ISM Trade of 1870, in 'a tall and
gencralussortment of ' 1 '
ikeniddre, and Jrdini onipitt •
Zakpois - c4aPt. - Diarqx , . Merino,'
Cat" SAW*. CorsAs,mom, rats, 40%4 Attu
tansead ow. a Au*. AufatoZ*,..rosey Lim .
AcEa, aitdt once:sent ro , SiDlefa.
14 dilie.0 0 flatnarittif. , &tin, _
~.Iklnagao ~oglarts, ote, ' ; '
with a goierat casoitalcot of lints and Cats,
Boots et Shoes,: QIN and Paints, - Grocerus,
Crocion-I; ibrlsrare; Saw* Amdah
l:oga; supctior'opporiunity tor selections; and
will be sold oa the luau favarAke ten* by
ev zw:m. pr.*.
ILnu- oa Nana College, Arinville. Ps.: Far eSXa,-
lispiss,i.WdrsssZ. it. lisszort, LIS s Presider.
published o . everypackage, there.
fore Hie note secret preparatioa,
nuncios PRESCRIBE 1?
I I is, a certain cure for Scrofula,
Syphilis in all Its, forew.Rlieures•
titre. Skin' Diseases, Liver Coisn•
Blood.. awl: all' &scarce. tif
OATS BO TLLE OF. nasezzas •
ill do more gaol than ten bottle
of the ' Syrups Of Simpering.
lammed Rocidaraintheir practice
for the past three years and freely
andorseit_ esp . reliable Absinthe
and Blood Purifier.
Dn. T. C:Ptnlitot
DIL Ft. W. CARL . P..
Dtt.l. S. SPARKS, of NtihelasyMe,
B. NOBLES, Edgeeconb, N. C.
1. B. v 5..., • a BONA Pall Elia.,
Mats. ' $
P. W. SaflTlT,..tackson, Mich.
. F. WHEELER. Lima, Ohio.
IL HALL, Lima. Ohio.
CRAVEN & CO., Gordonsville, Va.
BASPL..G. hicitADDEN. shlsofrep
Ovir space will not *lbw of any es.
tended remarks In relation to the
'fruitier actudalls. Tette Medical
Profession we guarantee a Veld Es.
tractsupenor to any they have ever
aged in the trtiontent of diseued
Blood; and to thealllicted we=
It csattalls, and you will be
Itosadslis Is sold by all !
F . ice, $1.50 per boUls: Aare=
aR CLEZENTEht CO..' -t
- Naststatiring Canxid:,
• ' DAistioat, 36)
¢l7 19,1671. 17
1301017LERN TIER
Tffiviitaxiancri* / *;
28 Wellington Btieet;
Binghamton, Y.
Where you7tl And
The Largest Stock, tiott Best Aasortlikent, 4 and
the Lowest PrkssY or any house in the city.
N.II.—AD GoFda void ivprinied asrepripi
Bingtiarntat6 ( Aug. 24,197.0.1-:47
/. Ayer's
P' air igor
V so
/ For restoring Gray Hair to
its natural VitalitY and Color.
I drceing Which
3 ct once agreeable,
healthy, and effectual
• - for presarvlug the
- • hair. Faded or gray
hair is soon: restored
Co its original color
' i mi resu th the
o g f losi: sruth. aiul
Thm • hair is thick
en ed, falling hair checked, and bald
ness often, though not always,.cured
by its use ; Nothing can restore -the
hair where the follicles are destroyed,
or the glands . atrophied and decayed.
But such . att. rennin can be 'saved for
usefulness by this applicatio n .: Instead
of fouling the ha i r with a pasty sedi
ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous.
Its occasional use will prevent the hair
from turning gray or failing off, and
consequently prevent baldness. Free
from those deleterious substances which
make some preparktions dangerous and
injurious to the hair, the Vigor can
only benefit but.not harm it. If waited
merelffor a
nothing else can Ass found so desirable.
Containing neither nfl nor dye, it does
not soil white cambric, and yet lasts
long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy
lustre and a grateful perfume.
, Prepared-by Dr. LC. Ayer & Coq..
.PuLcncm. Asp Azurrneu. Cmanns,
Bold by Abel Innen, and Barna fa Nichols
31ontrose, and all drugOsta and dealers every
where. Inez 21, 1870—y
La X X Mg. MI re . IV
In offering this Liniment to the piddle. as we do In
fall confidence, that It mat summie all other* now In
one, as an internal remedy. for the care of all disown In
the reach of that class of medicines, wean serelyasert,
Ochont the knot relent contradietion. that it stands un
rivaled In the Ilst of medical compounds externally sp.
pltodfor the cant of donee. Feeling therefore that
Isolates/ay to puffs remedy O eminently aro:dealti
in its efrectemerysterbraly infallible in its powers of
relief. cruang the deaf to hear.the blind to roe, thence
coos, drawn and crippled rheumatic to with erect and re.
joke again In the power arid agora manhood. this pre
paralton to offered to adiputdie on ifs own merits. ant
clams no volcanic orlgtnor essential oils of the Arabi
an deserts ; tato tae conttzry ls what - Its Imports. ant
Is a are emaddnallon of tbe pOwers of Ninth Arne*
an products.
• Nam Toni. Doe., 14. 1311).
This notice tr to Inform all doakon fn poptietraT
enedielne• that we two established a 4:repot In Basque
henna manly atNontrooe. Pa.. far the onto of Dr. C. P.
Brown'. inting Amedosa- Liniment. and that Mr. A.
BALDWIN to air agent for that purpose.
13) Wllllanz Street, Now York-
Agencies will ,on be eitabibthed et tented places In
every township, and published In the list below. lam
ready to forslah Lint wholesale prices to agents. - Post.
emend circulars sent tree upon 1PP110410,4 to tba sob
scriber. •
The Liniment la male Ste sliest 'retail by the lollow.
ing agents, to wit:
Banna,bikhols, gontrose,
A. Turrell, , .
B. L. Admits, Anboin. 4 Canners,.
Nosh Bekiwin„ South Auburn.
Waltmarr & Vosburg,Sklnnets Eddy.
It, C. & F. 11. Fordlouu, Franklin. ,
• J. Burrows & done, Stevenevillit.
,L. M. Sherwood, Bushville...
B. T. ILvadrich, Springville.
Wllllem Thayer.: Ditrioek. .
B. ILDeardafee„ LltUe Meadows.
• , Robert Winters, FHeadrvllZe.
D. A. a.
Tltsworth. Itroolays..PS. ,
W, U. Curtis, Bailey UoLlaw. • ' •
E.M. Tiffany. Hopbottona.
J.IL Vwxy. elootrose Besot.
,O. Bewley, blew ,
T. D. Basterbrook, Greet,ScsoiL • ,
Tewksbury Brothers, Suborn Centre.
. • Avery iltowumoot,taimptowni. • .. •••
Stoy,na & Leebody,lik We. ; ,
B- Granger. Bosh.
A. J. Slivers. Hass rip
J. L. Ilenizavi. Upscgr:
J. W. liusenalurts. Vairdale. • , „„ •
;Ay persons In townships not **We cane d, 4 ,610 g:
in agency. 911 obtain it by addrenthr
A. BALDWIN,. Gomel Apro
KEMPS = 41 E24 ea bad ciao 'Onto' ntestiisi` ist;
one collections of
In the aoantry. and - bestows medal attealloa 40 se
lactlag ano bu
jmraandgmarns alleles In this dspintinest that-re e
ge 449 Innli awitat *let . , Of —• ' -' •
• • ' - LIQUOIL3 •:
,bougi n eiitter din:afro= tbedietler. Pt finicater;u o3
varrantedatrlctyPare:,::. :.
mso, • Tall assultiaeat Paints: Valulabes;
Thaultasasatolcallki um, ita• po- swap: Uraparles,
WeUPaper Glasai Ktsaseaa; .P4t.04, Guts
end lacqxuPlition- .' :
. .
- A Sao .
otOolditillothet rowlaar.ltrfunk.
ay. Yankee sem:mac" And 01 4terPode too"'
meroctoo motto. , - ," • ;
Phial etyma yowl vast panne Waken fit th*
lukhit pamlagdomedseelnagLOtbs Great Am
esaTea One Awl , . Kr* troth. /az 41,41 P 90, 5 4. c *
Turk fa acne affatioto that People 111fatifia
Tess cad Caeca at bloom is laaatreatt, MOO same
prim Mt Mao elate Toth.= pay aa
R ore cd the Conismuy atm -Thus, ... .mrfers
win me the raven .thaaire.trosado elabblagsed
49tettoat. Pa.
. .
:. -- 11011ittinaltirt;, , ...:'
. .
CAsponent Parli—.Flnal I. Extract Illicit
' figrb ani - Euid Extract Oidaw
ba Grape '
~pittdrerOompytnt.'laaddlce.tffllona Aneetlntr.
L' nick or Nervous Mesdache. Cost, relic's. etc. Pere.
ly Vegeta coutranlig nb Mercury. Miners/a or Dot.
derive,' Drugs.
r .i' °- ~~ D ..
The phi 'are Blotto:1st dellebtfelly pleasmit purga
tive, toperse•Ong castor ell, sake, magoala.etc. Th re
Is nothing more acceptable to the ounnach.. The' , eve
tones and - cause neither nauela norgrl plug palns. They
are cOreposed or the Wiest ingredients Alter • few
days' Wm of them. inch an Invigoration of the entire
system, takes place as to appear tulraenlona, to the weak
and °nonrated. whetberarlelnatrom Imprudence or dl.
ease. • li. T. llelmbolcre Compound Field Extract. Cs
usba,Orepe PUts-aronot saM4r coated. from the ram
that sezar costed•PlllS do not amulet, Maws lbroadb
the stottmetswlthers dlaantslum eammapsently do not
produce the dcelrc effect. TILE CATAWDA ORATE
PILLS, being pleasant In taste and odor. do not neer/A
-*oot° their belegabOr craned. PIIICEPIETT cryns
HIGHLY. oiscos-ineitts corromin
Will =theft ester=ftere Miss the sprain Scrofula.
Srptrills, reser Bores. ISlcers. Soto Eyes Sore Legs.
Sore Mouth. Sore Mad Bronchitis, SidsiDlsrase. It
Rheum. Cancers. Usonlftge trout theirs/. White Swell.
inspi,.Tamirre, Q=01.61211' Affeethius, 'Nodes. Rickets,
Nlght-Sereits. Resh Teeter. Re.
wow dill Mods. &reale Ilbermattsru, Dyspepsia. and
111 diseases Cast bate byre eitabitslied the system for
Being prepired,rtpfesrly for the *boys complaint..
blood.purifytng properties are snider Marl any other
preparstbrit of &impartils, gives the seriph:slop
steer andltralthy color. 'arid fester& The patient' Cos
*tateof Stealth and parity, for purifying a lso blood. re*
Marlin all chronic coastlttalorml alveste* arivicg tram
an Impure state of the blood'. and the pliab le and
effect:oil Semi moray for the cure of painevand
ins of thr tams'. Ulceration* of,theciltrytat sad less.
Blotches, Bimplss on the Face. Briorfpelas and all rexly
star:dont of thr skin, - and beautify' , :lbw eueopleatou.
Price $1 ISO per bottle. . .
'z 21 361-7F.ticrirot 13vvalta.u..
Oas-cored every ease of Dinh ass la which it has been
•gltell. Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder and Indust.
Molina of the 'Kidneys. Ulceration of the Kidneys and
Bladder, itstention of ane. Diseases or the Promote
Oland. &one In the Illaddey,i i lrlina Gravel. Brick dna
reettl t an er d 'a derleo "c l u eeo ai n o s i llttlo y ur catireWes'd. •
tdwishthofollowlogsympt •nis: spoSii lon 'aux.
ortien, loan of powen. loss or memory. diclictilty of
breitthlng. 'weak nerve.. trenibliog, horror of dlsesse.
wohefainesi, dimness of vision, pain In thellock. hot
hands. noshing of the body.'doites. of the shin. eruption
on too Coco, pallid cuanualatow, universal ;lassitude of
the muscular system. FTC. •
Used by persons from the ages of eighteen to twenty.
lire, and from thlrtydisirtolifty-five or ,in the decline or
change of tie. after ecnidzientent or labor pains; bed.
wetting In Chi ldren.' •
Unimbohrs Extract Bodkin Is Diuretic aitd Blood Pu
rifying, aortal:ea oil dioceses miring tram habits of dis
sipation and excesses awl intpradencesto .11sitsritres
of the blod, etc., stipettedlng copalberhY &Maims for
which* Is used, cod Syphlhtie offeettonf—le three Ms
.:eases used In counectiou olth lleimbold'plieseAllsah.
. .
is Twiny affectionspet - IM= to India, tie Extend Ttu-
Bache 1 • oorotuttled by nor other remedy- os to Chloro
rS, to nefebilos: trlrgularlte:pnlnfalotosorsoppeesslon
of enstoinari turnstiles. Olerntted or &biros stets :of
Latorrhtes or Whites. stertllts. and for all
complstots Incideat to therm. Isitetherarfsltte from on—
illserctinD Orhablto of, dlssljetticis. it Is prescribed ex.
teradvelybyttre Most eminent pbyslclausandmldstire..
for - enfoebred sod delimit° antstftat'ous„ of both sexes
old all sonns(auesded wlttkooy of,the sboTei. l . lll 9 ll .Pk gr
ErmAcr rit'env •
Cures die. sees arising from Imprudence. habit, of dir
slpittlem, little expease. lithe
or no change In diet. no Itteralltatience.and oo Mature.
It cinema frequent desire. and gives strength to urinate.
thereby removing oblernetkew,• pnrrenting and curing
striciumeof theirrethts.atieylog cab% and irdisminatim;
so frequent In this chois of disease; and couching all
Thousands who hav - e
been tbe victims of Inca ' mpercut
perrone, mid who have paid heavy foes Who cured In
•short time: have found they have been deceived.aud that
the .• poison" bouby the motor- powerftd ate rintoottv::
beer' doctor, in thesyston; tobrealt out in a more ag.
panned RIM. and pvrhaps after. monism. • . •
ÜBE lIEL3IBOLD'S PaTRACT Bilelll7 far all age..
timistind diseases orthettricaryoe,gana, whethereesting
he Rale or Female, fronowharever cease originating, and
do Cattier or how Img standing. Price, Oncitoilar and
Fifty Ceetsper Botha. ' • r , • .
t• / - r— •_l.
HEN= niatßoLolrnelloYso BOSE WASH,
eaniortie •
lanfietlesialt;Wnetwilf , hOihntrWl
thei.ooly . e e remedy every specks - of Cutaneous
Aireciloo.L It Speedily' rradiestot Pimples, hoofs,
Sawbutie Hmese,lndnrations of the Cele:woes limn
brans, AWL, Oreels ltalnovg dinclioot 04awnantlee.
VsSt Ms. and all porposes fur whleh *Wires 'or thuu
meats ara;nsed• restores the skin to a stave of purity ,
1W ahem; and , tentirenutentineed healthyam - tub to
its vessels; on watch depends Rho agreeable tivergiai
endwise , fly or rednplerlon so omen sought and ad
mired. , Bat however veleable,as a remedy for existing
dards of the attto:llT:llembotra Ruse Wash hos
lung snotained Its principle claim to unbounded patron.
y possessing qualities which:render it a Mixt. op.
ge of tho moat Woheriatlve Mid congenial chasm.
combining town. eleven formula prtanieent re.
qe lords, Safety and ellou7-4 he inverlable,accompaul•
Militia( Its see ass Si"'narrative and Refresher of the
oomplexlem , a Isar.exeellsba topolkies_dlsentes. of n
g ens bil 4= iti d
slrg an grAtil.f.tli ' Vpar,
offil In encirection with the elands Swam, Swage
dila. and' eatawba Grape Plitti„,,in sorb disease* as re
commended, cannot be surpsseed. Price, Use Dollar
Per Soule.
;',l ;-. iii,...,
Yell end explicit directions Writ 7 thoesedicilies.
-Evidence of tact:lost respeasiole ti reliable that.
after tarnished on applicetion; wittl b sands, of thus.
Selo 0 Jirlog witnesses. sod opwa orscoop now.
Witte certificates sod reautuncodat 17 letters, many.
of ittdelE are rtom.tlitt highest Soo tocistilea , em. •
need ili Tektites, clergymeu, titaicem, etc, The PTO.
PrittOr MN sumer resorted to - their 1, hlteatlets In the
newspapers; be docenot do this front the Ma that bit
articles rack as Standard Preparatbetis i , fiisci do not.
aced to be propped iip by certtficates,l , ~- ,
• D
maw -nebiarobre denifte
,fleit t a to =I aims. Beam 11=6 Aseiriiian't
: fratabilebed upward ni Twenty Yuan, Bold by brit,
4 1 fts ?trp/TIVAN iiftretcleMirt Sztralfonnatlois.
tont:lona fp DBaCat I . 4lF4.ll6o,!irAtitslls
Only Depoitit-0. u lcer Drxitind
Wirehoooo, - Ne 04 newt ?four Yotle, at T
•iltwootnt itedtttl pepol," tat fiForpF Tenth • Ittott,
• DEW,M-0? COVNTRAMThet Ertiir;'
thturawee ttkr oo o4port,
; , 7 4,x, c ip.A.: :,
aA l ' - ; Hun dreds of Thouitazdv-1,c,, ,, .
tr .... - ---...,, to their ronesx- '-': gr.?'
'ai: -
C e Py2 , '
elf ,
i 0 ;1 41 -'
• s u e 4 '.
13 5 a Elf:
Sat Or'
zli /Er
1.E.3-. f
a 4 V*.
i §' E. i'L''
erg a.- -0 I'
CI i ' .TDET ARES Vox A VII.E, . .. .1 .
a , - , _. S 11.' PI C.V DR f fll it: P_ ~..
*.lt•at-rear Zeit. litAlalkey:-.Piroor some
and Rause Lknoradoepacd,nteed ands's - mt.
'snot to Moon the taste. cantd*.l'ontes,"Pdpocatt.
ul." "r 0 4 1,4 = 5 ." ot,,AftAs Wu! Ina uppkz on to,
boatmen and tvb, ant co a trio Idcaletnt, =do '
*amino 3411» Iloota sad rabid' tallfomla, fire
front All Alcoholic Stlooplants. litor aro t..
GIVISLI FUIECIPLEa pc.rfect Itooontor anti
=ot ttokaratem,carryins of allpabonoto
ifroatozing the bloods* a tunatbyeoaLgoa.
Soaciaon to tato Moo =Was azoot(Jag to Croy'
ton and rentatolong anw.lL
safe ordido glvenforon AseMrside moo, provided
do bona aro not destroion er mineral onions of
*Oa mesas. and tha real organ, catch beyond tba ,
point of repair.
Vox Inesientoutone and Clirolde Ed ammo!
ihnLlszo mod Goes.. floodornolo, or lodinoorine4'
Bannitseid sad l a t e radite a .
Diseases of the Blood. Liver. Kldnemeind
Bladder; these Munro boys boon sat moms
InL Back • Mitoses onl, - cstsall ty Vitiated
Blood. width is dencralli ;nXincedlq donmgennad
oitho Dlnestlve Orsono.
DYSPEPSIA OD motoorricrs, Sect
wo, rilo to Da Abtraldcra, Conghs,ltabtacio of the,
Met, Dlraheas, Bow Erecta*Wte of The Mama,
Dad tato laths south, =cm. Attack", ratan:Sat
of the Heart, IsAakstastlop al tat LoasA, Pala La ea
futons or the Ektosits, load totralrod other catzdol
criaptcaao, aro tha othortalta of /Wt.*.
Tbry tattgorato the Stomach lad ottmolato tct 4 i
louver thebcoralsorldob rszdarttaa ofenescasActl
ameae7lA clesastag , the Wood at all tsar =Stk.; shCI
ItoputJag rum leo arA tlgor to the vholcsysteaL
FOIC SKIN DISEASES. Ernotharts. Settrz.tei
likeoso.l3iotcloto,Spots.llaaphaa ractulcs.llCA,Con:
Uncles, Illskliorica. icalWler.A4oro E7esah7stol
alas, Itch, Scioto, PLacdlaratlonset the title, Motu*
and Dlacatelofthe bkto, of arkotocaroapto or chum;
aro MANI,. dog np attA carried out or tho aloha la
abort Mao by the alp of thewlgttcra esie WU:a La
oath cases trAL coact= Do Lott taasitecloos at tbel
Claim the Vittelett Egad ertr=ever yon Mid its.,
**tallies bunting *Anti:With', skin In rimples, rszy"zr,
tic= or dotes ; cleanse it steer lon ladle ototrr-etod
sort illaggtth la the relent cleanse linbciatt3far.l,
antirrar taoltnptlll tell Ton orbits. step the Mead
pea and the health *HU alateem,m folleW.
PIE, TArgiadouterWOßllls, hailturin lb*
systems of isoknsay thousands.cro effectoolly distlek ,
ol sad removed. ?or tail directions, road eEY.
the circular oredind eaCh bottle, prlntaal So= lea
geegth—Engilth,Geitoen, Freed, and tosntilk
J. MLLE= rropsider. I%.II.IIDOSLLD lk Co.,
Den=lzta and Om ddesits. dna Trandied. COL
...101 . Slam% LI Commarco 13Ssoct, Mw
gr tow.= ILL DrItGOTSTS ASD.
Would moerttally ay to the pabl4i, that la addltloa t
tbdr ant/ ainartaient of
tine,. bare Paints and OM. rarntats, Dye-Stair,. Winn
and Ltquors, Patent Atedielnes , l'SPeetneoCEPl"
Ptaket Ittnteea Pawn.CinUn db •
pnltarStaings. Ineeteed -
seine tot of Revolvers, Gun
c.,a. Gina. Praddlng,
We Veep aline ell hand eed feeeele. BlotterPowde;
Gen Powder, Mlle Fattier. Tobacco and Elgin or a ma
perlor quallir. ad I gamma aseurtmeatet If eragfe-2!10,
Burns. & Marrtful' o's bel the CAEII 1:14VO yrfititro,
Montrose, Dee. 14,1574 . .7 AZOV 31(71114,S:
STitOtTp do BROWN'A •
LIN and Accident •
• .. - •.:1111 - aza.tai•Opiso ° .
. . ittimssusrpp. over.. 1.01i1)00,001;1
floinelniaraneeCo. of ?I, Y,Cspitsd and
Sarplu Co.of. • 114.950.0t0
Insurance. Minh America. PblFa. .
Capital anOBnrpins. _ 9.1100.006
Franklin Fi re Inonranee Co.,..Phlia, Pa.,
• Capital and Surplus. t 2.000,C00
LytomingConnt? /Actual Instuansa Co.of -
Manry.Penn a. Capital and Pandas. 4.0 T 000
Conn =tient Mutual Lifr lasorancro CO. of •
Hartford: Conn.. Capital. ' 07.000,001
American Me !Daunt:see -Co.. Plilladel; •
• ,phin, Capital. - • -• . 1,000,000
Travelarrlniortufee Ca. nii,tro - rd,
Insuring a:rains t all kinds of - scold ants
Dartford Flre - Immranee Company. Dart- •
ford Conn „Capitation/0001ov. - Ape„coo,ann
rer-milmitre.• ant:meted to oar care Mill hr tttnd
od to DO fair term s. and ail komp. promptly adjusted.
, Prlntler ere4tlAnt Cl.t. from Banking (Moo
11. cooper & en.,TuroPtkost. Montroae, pa.
, .
. Coat 8. gm - 7n- - Montrose,de
. .
..Dratxas - 13rit4nn, -• r Cdaniite L pliOr
Montrose, Pa: ,Jap. 11, 1P11.% ,
til - - ........
lum wrilow , , ,, . „,
~,,..,-_....,..,....._:-_ ..
-- ,, ---toRAL-
f6 - 00::..WILL - 8E..PA11),1 - - r- .°
..,. .
....,. . . .....„
rile any venues oroditentg any uzezcula stuaricitealf
1. its num.." living: permanent cores as Dr. YiTt..SIVA
VA wrap LS 11UZUMAT10 BSIIen. ••. tue4 bwa n s,
ly Daly,. AO:Limo rettlldne. trecfmmlnDutom , drums.
Wammted end. r WA. to base pernutocutly cured OO In
erery , loo patlents.lnstril In Dui part tru years. 'Pee n
tmtunoe )..ltt the isclindldeprerriptlett of Profess
or ,Ws.,P; eltlaral.D:rszradaatt of tagelLislyerlity of
Itimsylrania. A, D.. Inliff,—now one ul_Prilladelphigi
°lda' =slut Ptirrkfans,.and Profctoor,ofgirmis
aa4Toldcolpgy wbehaamadeßeuetgle.Chrenlcae
Intlemarosy ltlicustatisnii-the rwelaitt y-of by eotlm
Prteesinall lea lageht4 rut by thseismstnressc
companyinp rub bottlestf Any prominent renowned .
pbtsklants Clergymen, and tuber tesUmotibtts:' l'opro•
stet sufferers from pobicsums quack nournmc and use.
lets exprodUuta of matey. A Imiint.siffuedtjeeralatee ,
Vann crut gumbo at begin womtntAll to CCTV, Will
be forwarded grade to any sufferer !mulled by letter a
fn4 description of afflclforw, In ascot Odium to Me.,
amount paid posillfrJ, iefuaded. Yedietoe sea eny•
where bywnwski r cotlcelentlailvery. , Minded lortird
to write toe atbrjost aB InfOrattlea 41/d I: 1001 M adnes
surd by lettorcrans. — Prtucipsi tees.' eft lieldb Postiti
street. Polledispedt, Penns, , Tho tamed, II PIA 4r Ob:
teagit:V.Pringt4r: ,?••
4 t • :-ADEt'
• •,-.-A TURKWXnativirq PR.
oa. Ossaci , of ctmm'
•neentib, --""iitHatt•
thireferdar 07
843 ei29, ew Te a.
d. It.,TABBON;
WA 'r C 1131,6.1 C ER AND .1 EIYELBTI, •
Susquehanna Depot., Pa.
Dealer to Watches, Clocks .Telvedr;, ite. ',Eft
palling prmnptly done and uarrarneut
Prig . E 4.1.1iNT t o n', (y - 01)ili'
Made 'a sPecialiti J3ilvet Detached Leseri
$l2 00, 'Americus Watches, at Compaistos tea
Goods ordered I,r pasties; trout Now
York, at lam prolita.thart If kept.eonstintly
hand. Solid 18 caret Rings for ig 75 prtpu,l*
- ' - - • • A:"a TartutrlL •
Ekumaclumna Depot, Jan: 20; 1871; tr.
mar, salt, trap; tit* •'
Cratkera, Meese, Callloo, 813lesa. Qatar
Ten, llama. Ricer Drlcil, Asa Causal - _
Flalt. Tobacco, Cl,gars, Eundt.
and all a1l!<1 . allleles usually kept In • fins elan Grafri
dad Prstietost Mori. • • ••- " •
We win Ma vear Goodish low ea We aleiircisa,44o l ll
sell ter easb, er reetwege let prodeps...
T. 14 1 11307. •' STAMP.
Manircle,_3apt, 73,
BEL Tftati
AIM 000pI
And keep. cbmitantly elripsd aMI tad dhitplikta,
r ourtineut of gra taws
bimras, asEDicimai;
Paints, ON, Dyedtindr. Ten a. Sppten, sad :other 0f.. ,
cerow, Stone- Witte. %Yon and Window - Patrer.ldhonde
warn., • Fruit Jar., rllrrurs, Lamps.- Cbinown, Late.
Gem,. Macnlocre Oil, Milner*" cll. Ncanloat 1 11. Itr.
..4 who.. Oil, Sperm Od, Ohre 01 , .• SPOITITOrProo.'
don. Vorn len es. 4, not ry nn4VlnenarPnta.b. Covewa,,,.
tented Ede. Ash Iirease,TIOISVP. Boppontr•olledlett
furtnnuents•dhonlder Once., Whyri•iniat....Plashr‘.
Cori ridges. Powder, Shot. Lend. tom Onpe,lltasttpl
Powder sod Ptee. Dora ate, Via' a%
Pdeo rtc.,.Pleb llonkrand Übe.Bor and TolletdOnpl l / 2
dor Oil.. Ilair RastUtelY. and Mar Dyes: Brelibild
Pact et Satre, Sprenwle..ditter Mend Spocrm , ,Porka. •
Knirce. ae. R l.lAnlci c e, a gcnergdwidariottli of
AscY f7CfODS, naricirena izsinnsaiiinr
All tbeleallTag ermS beld *di of
In shod, niZtly eye ai tbng to rtittmdilm elek, •
please tho toto rb doileit thi•ye, te vat* alai fines
aud CO coVtlose to the hal cad sobttaottal anaterj
ar Ewa:Lennox, 1. Impracti. abla. as It would "
-a 'lamp:pet: tbaDras and Viuirty stogisg
• - • 'Al l6 4 l l4alaPil.: „"i•
Moartftiatteras.l.lB7o, -
ptritE uquoits, :
SEELY'S .NAfIIE GRAPE,' 1511AND3r; distinct
wimp, paYt.; Mid a isfietf. otter Draadits: tatladtas
chcssi lirandy. Ciao Braady. Am ; Nearly slltk* Wave
ut Via& of Ram._ ItullAnd Clio. old Rio sod 110Ittbpii
Alcohol Yore Spirit, Bay Ittust.A.c - 4eastsuasu.
'l7 an baud and for Gala
' Ann wanins..
Montrose. Itarehlitb.fargi.
yids. wr.jf - - 123„zir.a c)lore9ait,
Ottoell76.TUl COL= VOrli.
....., . . . , .
. soilr S. TAriiitrii..' - viv'prpnevw. , -'
. . .., ,_ . ,
Eftht Stem Irealre ibis Illchne 611 y: ieeneetteertaf
the IL I.4'L NV, the - trie, wiut the , Letslgh Toil no ! .
, ntls. Vats 6.lM—tl . .
Gct X. . 4 ) JEW.EIortY, - ;'
• •• A Few and lairesapply,
Yontross. How. 21, , ttriiIIELL.:
CONGAEBIS WATER, I .'., -. - 1' , ...%
• ' et , ITITiIiEIJIA, :,,,,.
- ''."
rpOAD LETTING- I ..The Faperefenra or 'Wows et
*lO meet at the bones of James Wild*: 111- Mor*
itridt•etra ter. April Win, at-1f eloelep.sts.: to let tb
belittle , . of • road leading , from/att. 01firteeitto
lliekey r s. ZS be let Pohl, !natal't
-, :trAMER CALP3I.' - - I •
Montrose, Aptill3, 'II. 2: 31: !111.11W111T.11...-.
.11 'Jost - err( ted. irid seillniretrati ~ 4
U0110011*.APTir49.1 , 1144 al* l7 ,
ifigilotaparat thilliige; or.SiciylSM l
ViST1111710;i . wilreopen tont!,
: .
'On Priday r Febrnaiy
For gencal CirenlaivFaaingar.ancl
Unination; Addnass, , - o;s: .. gr
- • TUOS. IL lILTIIROWS,ProsicIent;
Agricultural Collegt.:PZQl...-:4
'Jan. 2,5, 18704—tr.. Ccuqc:C?..,
BLOOMINGTON. Vit.) .121:111SMIT.',
can few, GOO Acre* 7riGrotabouirr,.
urtmtnr-311 Aar,— Britt Gluck r-Ing Ds
Would ;on tame' what; tttun.'huw . to yqlantb, t.
*bade, evergman tr ea. frotr.nrafttr.scelltaqs, paste
plant'; apple seed. earliMutsputarr. - r.ehreb•irfriel,
gretnton.e and garden vianto, ise , WIJOWEV.ana
VEGF.TABLEBF.B.V 4 T luest,beet enllcett
quality. 13,70 to cent, for Nurr.lllrutratedriercipffr*
"a° 1 °".., 11 6-90 Plea.' Seta *WIN fot.Cutidunes
of are as. villa pan directionu-64 pages., tkuldbigitnit
Garden Pbuts—.43 rage...and ttlial,lol6 Plite - I.IG-111
Arldrerr fkr riIrENES, Biota& irres,Uarralfr.
Envy ktri'd of Tea% trufact.plt
nr oat:. at New ft .7k albokiralg.t Atter &Oft*
strifiait . ..oi2CUPL , FZ., , lt - out% *az=
gc4are. ,
• -
iNrE giriiiirdi to ttarotsb' thew sakes °rip rod.
11 •or WA -My, I& bolo Crtugesalo aid net*:
. -
. Itonizose. - Uti 80/11,_ - It •
-, • •
t(laWaifeiciusx I.lill4oroortin,fliPipaLipp*.
I tztraii woe Suagel., eve=tt oaVutlin
'cotton° pimp tone. bolt Ivor 4:ardor - on nr
roroolrio4 polonrs, !anoint of ;Wallop lan
for ralo
or, to archon* for wool thale *tit
before litrpoolmor r,ur %tool iILIJV
Eilloo mother Montrose.- °Mt
._Soatioro, Jan! 408:1,' s
-SPECIAOI4II;S.+ ,copt
• mu %wade*, • nay! supply. far 11101111 C,,,
..." 0 " M 1 14 .4 4 " , * •1460,,, 7r ' . MR4 TU.WW4,
. . . .
A.:ttaiarn"9 paw stoop - si ttfliciotoo.h.
fieritiesistkkithitistvei to al) °poi tiers Aluithairair
1211,eatb.' , Atttachl ,Teetb immix* Is a ge zna d M
mtp=pg.f i ntravithcsion
1 coil : ,