The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 04, 1871, Image 3

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    ICANWEE is11111C; - -
A cowespondeut Ofiheiicrgituilton, HePubli
asalicroht*We, wrlbA'thefollowitigr' , "The
coquiiitexisesAist tosiotii Hollow remains un
staled. wItO haVe been Ogsged
in inniiigg i ty3,' kotialedlotedindk; in question,
ate litille,i*itgarattirescnted as
bettji tLfhapPyt*Selasor of saga, piously
asta at from tri0,060,066:"
So6 l ifts. igitoa , l4sactiiators: have been staking
out:HOfitsTtcrai s 0 tect frolifind itiorectdolv
Tisio t otecos, PrUiPect - Ivenue and Held*
Lane; pave been laid:ouvand eworytlting it)!
intapouttandcaanof babad for lovear ‘ atoney.
The heiskrii bang an to It with a clutch which
tints that which the King of Terrors is said to
exerfse upon &deceased African. Occastouat.
Suicide In Vi—Ti—
On iiktuFdas. morojog,lme 144 h Instant,, lays
the "lAm/ford Argus," our usually quiet town
NVt alt
ring that
~ Mrs . Martha
clt Ittngpifibrd, ppo :or out most
lisoesvOimsole, For. some time the greatest
exeltaMent prerdled, more especially as no mo-
Live couldlae obtained. Mrs. Gifford' had -been
for toluid . ,7o,!ipi'knitier or me m. church,
and Wiiii . reisrded osi ari : _sistiaitta7: cluistian.—
The hats 'as near as I can ascertain are as fol
lows:' Saturday iniarning she ate her break
falltiamMal, lighted her pipe, threw her shawl
around her and went out of doors. When she
had ban gone about half an hour Mr. Gifford's
mother -went In search of her, and found her
Minims Itrattunoccapied house adjoining theirs.
She took with her from the house a ball of tidy
yarn: bansaltich She made a, cord aufficiently
atrarog4o. hang herself; she then fastened the
cord over st bar, moved a Dila keg underit, plac
ed-a blocion top of the keg,. stepped on this,
placed the fatal noose around her neck, stepped
off, and her spirit went to explore tho vast un
known 'hereafter. Mrs.
.Giffurd's mil* soon
brought to the place a nei ghbor, Mrs. Ayres
and a niece of the deceased, Miss MarliGifford,
and thefsticceeded in cutting - bee-down before
any one elvieesehed 4lie place._ The deceased
was ahont fifty years of age, and leaves a hus
band who fi nearly distracted at thus losing his
althmodon. • A Coroner's Inquest was held in
the afternoon. The jury returned a vertlici In
secomi t ottee with the above facts. . pairs,
Wells, fleptember 18,187 L &ULLA.
Theo 441 Ohms.
The autumnal equinox may or way not have
alioidivisited us. Many assert that 'the steady
riltiK4t_ 9011Cek, before_
list made up the entli•
nodal s torm , but others maintain that it is yet
teottltte, It generally emirs a few days 'before
tre,.. l 4fet jibs Sete-When, the ran crosses the line
and Likens' tailor's year—once in March, when
ti lithiiltod the vernal equinox, and again in Sep.
teatinit , kekit is all the autumnal equinox.
fi" It alWitya produces in atmospheric change,
whiCA lemetimes manifests itself in high winds
and at other times in soaking rains. The origin
of inch atmospheric comincitions his never been
satisfieto . explained , but is supposed to arise
lkosst;tlie nodded tldal action of the sun and
aim:is - mon the'atmosphere action, which at the
Unica the equincixes is exerted-with greater
forcii4iiii at any other period of the year. .
Of one thing we can rest assured—that the
rummer Is now quite over and wo can look for
a decided change in the weather before long.—
We pc gradually moving towards the close of
the year. October Is here, and as Its days will
glide they will bring with them changes in the
Atmosphere—cold an frost and cutting winds
A prudent regard fur health and comfort would
dktate tliat we be prepared for the emergency:
*e should be careful in the manner of clothing
siva hiring one houses put in order. A little
firetiuttiojiniay save in caelitamily a cold, a fe.-
ver,A doctor ' s bill , and
,probahly a valuable lift..
s • ~.-.... vs. .0.-------•
P.atrld;e Shooting.
Atigeithatiiiin "Tele:limb" data not seem
to haves wirj exalted opinion of the law pro.
hlblthig the killing of partridges in this State
Illgflrl, as will be seen by the blowing ex
.4o„•tt paper: "yhe patridge law in
' Michigan - provides that no par
trialliNtalt ruv ,sAy , ktlicd until niter a
4 1 1964 ; ,Illilte,ircirs,iti Order, as the act says, to
give Oe„bird A multiply}, In these
swtheliebni,, sportsmen *fit tome to 'Wait
.1,813; The redly saferich . A iaar has been
yffinwit blrealsportimen,:which we
V*Eie neither Otte ITlslatores enacting time
: iiiattidurscrA they 'would have' known dna
Iffirtfirlifam er or even the 4'4,l l 'that dg
btrtlitage iii such anaielitius to di
udsgrifhilWttpuil„ ropna,d‘lOn. if, f wring
wergesas arc restricted within piopefi bounds.
1114 taelenseney Of some.of our winters that
tioeiheintailet - Heavy snows. long covering
the trOtittd:denrivilg 4 ke bird_, of foods 1, , F.P0P27
pseded by extreme coil , - extirpate the &mite,-
laud ?;hey will not recuperate piny , for three pr
Torii' yeamof-Oiorable winters, the new stock
being auPpro/dfront the solar 4, whertthe win
tag are anifiai i - -
Vowever true the "Telmrsph's" remarks may
ie . , etttadires'lnve " considerably Inireilsed lit
tlitteoloo 'WI Cglint.i . filace the.enactment of
- A -*-----44serse.-----
INIVIDEIIin . '104)&11. • •
The.fellaring Is the " =re = swatch
game between the ilantruse elltbenclthe ; Vrielt,-
40 4, Pifighssut9ii.'l3l3,ied et .liesi.3l.otottl
U. cniccera.% • r. a. n.
SEW*. •., P.T.r t 2 3 Wheeler. 7,, 2n 8 2
Tiateg: 8 I'lkipmen, - ' In 8 - !'t
vidtassan,-.:43 - .1. 8 J. Ilarel, , c- ; r
RCO; ` an. .4 2 11. - lbws. ;On 0
C4OIOIA Att fiedwick.
nL. 4 t `lt.r. 2' 2
'0 - Pasta, • • ts.a. 4 1
Ripiee; , L.T. -5 1 - Taira , -5: a
11$ P. 0 5 Roltert.c.r. 2;
(1#341 tat.: 21r 22
0,, a.. 0 7 1 8530-22
-4-3 4)•.3 ,2 ,11 0 JY.2' 1-40.
' 43l3l :airir , UlnlAler Harris Gere, scarcr,
..1.,11. Haut,
,E4Fer, 5ing14:2024614;-
11312P,°f414'0t" holt&
_ ^
. . ,
-.?Theablkneini list. of -intralcunn Airp7xded to
jriodeat t iOf Bdm:lnel:um tiO., we copy for the ,
grontehr, -.of our readeri :and. also _far ";
eats fire an-proud to say that this
empty is the banner county of the 'l4tate - ,fin
the; 'greatest amount of
premiums., Welire indebted ,to the: Scranton
Crtilioirritif; far h,eopy.of the list :
- Trim - 4h Bred T. Hunter; non
ieuis r iarshribirs
eueamittee refered Ist Atigli terms to: the
wed o f. Aubrey Smith, Susquehanna acrahlY ,
carde..=. 7 e.:lrristoplivr Byrne,
114.-rosejohli, Basel' co„ Ayrshire bull,VO; Aub'
M.,010.1111.1310tra co, Devongiire INJI,J11! ,
ti=rthiri; D •••• nsbirh..thar: 420.. c Arita ey,
r slo-...C.. J. Hollister,
.fleetla , Iteltk, 615; C. ;;11011131.0; EleizadWre
lain,l3l7f IV rad L. Perry, floptarttans, Darinun
.1 1 611 ,. : 1 5 telif.' niche; 1430; eb.'; Short
harrti 1t ; .11..bliOnerlhort horn heifer
Ira Simmer short-ham biller:osl IL LI
.110'hhort horn ball calf, 48; Jahn Bunter,
„Mer man, Dpriin. coy.lolQiJoluillimter
0i Poeta* Makelf, fig:Ovine, Devlin
ehtfh $lO4 C. Byrne, Motlttote *hest year
old 'Ayrshire:Ow, 24adge 24. V.;;.;' Bryce,
one two year old heifer, /At , one . ) , su .
old heifer, $10; C. Byrne, one five month old
, t hatl calf Oa
- airti;4 l ertila, tr.
~i 4sauputtikma
flaurt&T tunllBocietr,29_Yoire m 13,41001
,ah drive?. $0; C..tolvia, one
fhtliteetsi ;1 5 I '',11211/fler, Nohtrine,
paelraid, 4slo. • - ;
r and Crack rade Cartk. , --11. a Skinner, cot
Boni illiaiottghlied * -'altlir, $l5; ir IV Skinner,
best 4witer,. :45;- 11. M. likituser„--Dcumahlre
cow, *HAIL .0. -- Coleln,,Dhnoelf,' Durban' %Loner
*/)10; C:J.Moilisteribcst. short lent heifer; ;a
Rig Bred... Hones, Mali nett adta.--E. L.
Weeks, Monts:kW, a , year ,nisillon. $2O f -Win:
Scott - Cliffoittsecond-lsest; 410; - John -Brawn,
Fonstlakei.besthrood mare, 4 year- old, UN
D. P2Gaidner, Clitlordomcond best do 10- John .
Brant, - pest sucking horse colt. $l O .
- • Naelecillatbd.4l". a Conldill,P 3 4trose, on-
pair,VO, . - ....
&altions and Maret.LW. C. Chandler, J . -
'one *stallion, 10fear old, heavy draiti - P5;
- 11. Page, Jackson, stallion, $10,„; P. IA Gun er,
Clifford, mate) la 'T. -
. , /Vitibi,-11. L. Sfeeks.Moitrose,bat , As,
$3: E.l~ Weeks, best five ducke $5. \
~ ,
Beitniky Ohdlrotlit '4Haellinis.-z-No prduma.
The Committee Make 'special m*l= .of Tile
Wood and Ilubbardmachines; 4 / ,
Threshing Machina ex.—The' Committee ,tai
comesended the, awarding'drmcdals to Sayre dc
Brun, Montrose.. -
Ansiieultured /Mgt . :meats and - 44er sordid Arid.
c. ,
a.-,A., P. Keeler Montrose, beat Laif akin
leather, $5; A.l;'. Keeler, uppekleather, # IL
B. Jis e ua., best collection potatoes,llB. • .
V - Les.—W. EL.Jctssup,Vontrase, turnipi,
$1; V. B. Jean% white. corn, $1; W. 11, Jes
suN carrots, 1111.1. H. C. Jessup:Montrose. $l.
Fruita-11 - :Q varietiets
of winter, apPles, $3 t- Mk Bald win . collection
ppmmtcse tolite, - :Lidicen, ete.:-Blis. 6...D. - Bmwn, Little
Meadows; ltomomade carpets, $p - Mrs. P. E.
Potter, Gibson, airpets,.ss . ; Mrs .; J ames -Bun
nell, plain linen, $3; 31m lamea - 134niaell, do.
'Timone- blankets, $5; 0::N; ,TlEratty,;:vrtiOlci
cloth, $5; .Sindey leinO,' Lenoi,,,full cloth, - $5;
Sim J. E - Ackerly, xrtie coverlet, 53; Mrs. J. F.
Ackeriey, Immo-lade sattlnet, $5. _ _
Needk Work. &Tab:odder', etc.—Mrs: Trow
bridge, bead basket. • .. , -,-._- .. •!
R 'hating ;it ork - Oroteliet 'rte.—Best zephyr tidy,
Mrs. L C. Crocker,•s.lTpncl best Afghan Mrs.
0. Trowbridge, $1; - Best `crotchet basket,' Md.
R. Crocker, $1;. Best display of knitted work,
lini-.11-Vitm-ter,V;Beit crotchet single article,
MhskElla X. Vid.litit, $1 i''''43c'st, knitted '
artichOtia:ll. Cracker, $1.:;.• .
Ali-Wlaneous Articka.-11.0rOcker. Montroee,
improved whililtree coupling, Bronze Medal.. ,1
QUEHANNA.--Fecer and ague nlong the
Susgnehannaliver is unusually prevalent
this fall, thousands of people being
afflicted with it in 'different towns 'from
Middletown to Milton: ':'There are 500
eaSeDi in Sunbury and 300 •in .Nirthum
bertand. In Milton on- Sunday last, one
physician is said tobave visited 90TatIert tr.
dawn with the disease. Ague also-pre
tails to a certain -extent in Harrisburg.
At Iltildwin; a few mites below Harrisburg
nearly one- half of the employees of the
steel works, numbering over 100 person ,
have been under the inllueuce of the
shakes" for the past-few-weeks.
—The - Crispin girls of Lynn held anoth
er night, awl • [brined
themselves into a- Secret association, bOO
strong, to resist the 'oppresividetnunds,"
oremployers. They have put the heels
of their boots d.iwu to have things their
own way hereafter, and have declared war
—offensive and defensive—and who
knows but now they are preparing wax
al end to hang the operators with.
Public Sate.
Th undersigned will sell, by Auction, on his
premises In Rush, on Saturday, October 14, 1871,
at 10 o'clock, a. m., the following property
Twelve cows, 2 two-year old heifers, 4 yearl
ings, 1 two-year old bull, 2 dun bull calves,
1 yoke ;oxen, 59 sheep, l honuis, 2 colts, X act
light double harness, 1 buggy, 1 lumber wagon,
1 cutter, pair of boll-sleighs, and other things un
Ttatus All sums under 0,00, cash ; $5,00 and
over, ld months' credit. with interest and ap
mrored security. B. 0. BERTHOLF.
-, East Rush, Pa..,-Oct - 6 . th, 1871.-Iw.
To Contractors.
Proposals will be received up to ail 10th of
October, 1871, for the construction of the Mon
inosc RAILWAY front-Toustiatcsocu To 3f03-
vnoss... Profiles,Vankspec . itlcations, &c., can
be obtained .14 , applying at tbe Engineefs office
in Tunkhannock. Assailer, Ju. Engineer.
The Now Departure.„.. . • .•
„. .
Oysters have departe d from .ttssir shells, end
are now arriving at .the Ecotone Saloon, with
Vie husks off ready to serve out by the piece,
pint, guru* or thousand, and nearly every other
way, come on. N. B. Clams In abundance.
Montrose, October 4,187 L GECL C. HELL.
tilontroar Railroad Company.
Suring To STocstuot.tottot—Stoctholders of
the Montrose Railroad Company, are hereby
notified that the second instalment of five dol
lar per share has been'called for by the Board .
of Directers, payable to the Treasurer at his
office in Montrose, on the 15th of October. .
t r „„ ed • James L Blakeslee,. President,
,'Wm. H. Cooper, Treasurer.
* 0-
- Mattfrose; September 13,187L--2w. - • -
Ncitlee. •
All,persons indebted to the undersigned are
hereby notified to make inmsedintir setUemmt
of the =IQ by note or otherwise, and a we
coats, IL L. Left.
Sept. 6,
Cemetery Assoeiation.
We, the undersigned citizen* of imnesborg •
and surrotuidingicountry. call upon - all citizens
who teei interested in timin,,,.. op the ,puiesbato
cemetertfci ineerns atlhe 31.7..."Cliiireli of this
phce '.onlilic 7th' day nt October' atit4 'at 2
o'clock, p.
„ta„ ,to take into, consideration the
subject of tte-rtillgan Association tippOinting of
flogs, for the same, and adopting by All
whcitindetatand tile ind condition or our centt
tery will, we hope, feal.deePly Interested In this
movement. Let thE
, friends of improvementSicittim:R.:l. Kellogg,l. A. Lyons, M.' V.
Norton, Noah Nisbee; Idgaz •Thormui, H.. IL
Hobart, Thos. ',Thornton, • Isaac Mead, • Sil is
Winters, Richard SlartinALmon litarne*.ll. . J.
Taylor, - S. IL 'Nantes, Jacob , •Taylor Lut's e r
Barnes, J. M. Thomas,..E. Youg; Gm eo -
_4l. Mc-
Kune. &A l Toyotas, N. ,F 4 cpluort, and many
others. ,
September 27 1871. . .
Dander andibßlizent ,
Noticels here y given Hestia order to -re
the reptrtsandinsinuations of tivab in the in
surance busits: ' the - undersigned betel 'stk.
noonce that they late; fur the • put two years
h c ed
inhaled against e derange done ' by lightning
to property ins , whether fire ensues or not,
in companies log over ten mi ll ions in ass.itts. ,
That recently a. P our leading companies Stave
embraced that Nesturein tire insurance. • - •••. ,. f ,
September 2741871. &noun 4 Brows.
Etst or Trai,erse Savors -
Dr 3302 tQlsefFe,_!t an adjourned Court, at
p l c
Month:ea..= e Ode ** o ll4# . of• 4 :!eteter,'
IE9 :..,.., ~: ,7 ..-: . -,...-. i . - j . , ' ~:., ' ...: ./.. ' 7-:•':'
Ariants--- Car ie:l.: 7 -. ' ---, -.: ~. :
BuiDutwaTatt-+Thittlaull ilarriitita*Daniel
B Prinit;Chqrlo4A, Brirottt: , c;. - - , ,,'.. .: . 4
Bieeittals."-.lotae.. "Va*Akkazi.' -'--._ i '
Csinnitrx :i , --.n Bapy , . .r 7 -. - -..-- -,.
ituusocu-lp Burdick. -,-',-,---.. 2 T
Plaate." ei - Cliiiter:-‘ --"` --, '
rasaiums4 ue.l , Halsey; • .'"
lOU= , LI% , 71104=5 MVS9I2,
Canaus-Thouttur _ E mma, Edwin 4:7 Inton,
.William ' -
..„-, ''.„, ' '''' '
-- GLUT BI:OW—, Reuben N . VOL ' :-, -,-; *
GREAT SHOW soiv).--Ismac Earldm, Alfred
- nesillea. Barnes, Anatia Park irr. '
Lianrannit.. I& Wiltuna. '.'• ;>..-, ~ , :... , '
daerana-charies B. Bennett '', -. :• ,
L' 3oll
.•, Userir - J. Ca iasyer Btazer: "
Lasoz--Cha )I,..Candd .:.. , ~ _ •
.IdiDDlrro --,Tobli' S, 'Davis, Abilati Spa,
(aid; Peter Dowd, Chadea gab*. :,- .
'New jkinyonb nono.-Ifelson Eager. - • •-•
'. .Evant-;Ethroid East, It!: en's Fargo. lane=
-'l3riquzussal. Dirror-Gayiord Cards..
ernrsornaz — J.' !Compton, ; Chandler - S.
&iamb: - E4Ry4rd I.;
Boardman, -..' :E d •
a.'.r. l 1-
-- , --s w wa l e Ea.-Easialaircei : Pctriciin t
-4L live may up vith ; the times I
Who! The :manufacturer fJ. Nkomo
TayloA „grailn - ':.)retrit Bakit
Try ind pow *lll gdulls us 4 it,
valuable &ries die- front the
cflecte of colic:. The Wet thing to do =in'
nun .thie kind, is, to_pour a ..hottle.g
-.7eNnson't nodyneLinimen! into
necked junkbctttle,adLtutlf pint of mo
lasses and :wattor:..`thetf'pottr,..the'• whole
down the horse's throat. In ten minutes
the horse will begin toleat
Poisons' Pstrgetice,Pilts - will greatly
relieve,, if not entirely cure, dyspepsia,
when. everything else 'fails,' They have
been tried in s some; detiperate•_citses, and
have given more relief than any other
NIMIF WORK PlttelißCE Annals.
Corrected weekly by William Ilodsdon, 281
Fulton St., New York. '
Week eilding,pt: 80; 1871
2.200 8 - 80
• .
. 16020
. 9(4112
Batter, pail .... . ..
" firkin '
Cheek, dairy, per
tame" ,
Ems's:per doz - .
Per barrel
Corn mea/,100
Wheat, per !abel.. ...
Oats • "
Co llo m ...
ps, crop or 1870 . .
Beef, sides, per lb ......
Reg% •
Potatoes, per bbL
Tallow " .......:
In Brooklyn, Eclßanker 2G , 1871, James G.
Packer, aged 53 years and 0 months,.
Opeciat gotiito.
wan so num.
In encases of Dyspepsia, Liver com Plaint and Kidney
atesises, Mimi iaY Ben f drain *fit be found a reli
able remedy. It tuts been before the American People
for over ten years, and ls nowyecognised as a dunked
preparation. It is sold by Draggiets everywhere, pos
sesses the =flames of the people in a greater degree
than any other patent medicine, and le endorsed and
recommended by Phyalciana in every gentian of the
The ffiessenger of Health.
& lame sized Papa. dismiptlre of disease, Its origin and
cure, will bs mailed tree to any address, on application
toDr. 13.11. Hartman & Co,. Lancaster. Pa,
Embalm= of Health.
I. a blearing vaniclizated to few. ET= those Whet:Lave
been favored by nature with slew; =stilt:llona Mid
rtgoroua frames are apt to neglect the precautions no.
misery to preacme these precious endowments.
deed, use rule, the more healthy and robust a twin Is.
:he more liberties he is inclined to take with hI. own
in b r f l Ate toNtrw m tt.
10g10 0, 11 ., 11 . 00 b r . iti n o v a i tara r Zwr o l: „
hulk op, by a prtiper use of the means which science
has placed at then disponi 02 to have • much better
chance of long. the. and exemptions. from .dlamse and
pain, than the most athleticof thole fellows who are fool.
ith ghongh to suppose themielvrt Invulnerable, and act
It la not tno moth to say that more than half the pee,
pie of he ctidliged creakinevi fa occalforrat tonic; to .
enable them to support tht atraki upon their bodies and
minds, which the feet 11th of this restlesektreisecrwinns.
In fact.. pore. wholevome.nnexcitlng tonic is tbegrand
desideratum of the busy millions, and they have the ar
ticle In lloatettet's fitomacb EMU». It Is a. stoniest
medicine:l. a.. it Imparts permanent strength to weak
aystemmacal lovigorates delicate conatitutions. Its rep
elation and its sales havestmellly Incurred. Comm ll
the preparatinns bore twat Introduced ad aidrine.
and as far as the public is cnnvirned. ad aarennam.ln the
hope of rivaling It; bet they have weither per abed In
the attempt, • rtma lett Cu In the sear. It tow been the
swat medical success of the present centary. and It le
quite certain that nh proprietary medicine in this tame
Is widely lartern. or as generally etecd. — ' • ,
liFbrnmg presses. running ineekantly .(linndaya
the whole: year through. barely *apply the do
etatfor the Illustrated Alonnue.ln wbtchthe imiurr
and Meant the preparattneurre eel forth, too circulation
now beteg over eight millions a year.. .
rotrausuez as a Warning and rov the .benrat of
pawn 7 mm and other!, who suffer from Nervour
',applying Iva Reiss or mamma.
Written by tree who cared hir.elr. and writ free on
receiving a port-paid directed envelope.
Addnoo. NATHAN ILAYFAIRr. Do ktyn, N. Y.
Brooklyn, lay IT, ISM Gm
ilirGettinglanded.—Essiys for young Nen.=
the delightsof home. and the pregnety or lentropriely
or genie: 'Married. with ranitarr help for chore vhu
reeihntlUed nir matriothaltd happlean gent-free. In
aealed envelopes. Adams. AIOWARD ASSOCIATION
Lox P., Philadelphia. Pe..
VIT" ' 131nonnal 'arg OW* lantana* Sehooll,
and Conant a USICIISRCUL lasstrtnr..,The realty
atlas frott.%.o aim to hegreat tboannen In Melt In
assankmand. tolook .carenallt .attei the health, mon
mss and astrale at the attelena...
- apply tar Qualms* to sway years's.. A. :
sew-As—lv „ PrlncipaL
A lIDITOIES NOTICE.—The undersigned. so Midi
/A. tor, appointed by the Judges of the Coen of Com.
moo Picas of Susquehanna county, to distribute thi
fund, to the hands of the edutiolttrator of the eadte of
William H. Williams, dimedted. will attend to the duties.
of his appotatmel tat tbd Mace of William H. Jessup
Esq.. In Montmse. on Thursday. the yee..od day of Nu
trember oat- at ems o'clock to the afternoon of that day
All parties laterestea ma required to appcar and mrsci
their claims-4W the abate time and pl me or be threes ,
dlebarrib aC. JESSEP,..taulltor.
umTowS SOTIOS —Tins Cindcrelgiai, au now
tor. eppointsd by the Omni- of Common Pleas al
valimebantis count,. to distribute hinds arising from
Stterifra Sales or real estate of John Cameron. hereby
git es wake tbst be will at the dud., of his ap:
polntmentat tibia:lce In Montrose. cra Wednesday tbi
Bist day of Senrember. 1871. at oae o'clock to the after
seen ei that day. at
time and .plate 'all petiole
interested Wend and make known Wel r ar
be former debarred from coming In an said
• .L. : • • seams B. CARN r'.
ALT, Audito
Montrose, September:7, lent. the
TRATEDL.—Came into the tnelothre of the Babirith
er. to /West Lake. on or about the 20th day of
Mt, mown, one marked with re I paint and the other
with tar. Any person pwrlng property and miss
charges can take them away.
toad Lake. Septa. 1811.—Ow.J. J. LaNNan.
lr , Would respeebfully Mate to my former
JL Cuouncars asOrtht rablfo gentendly flu I am scab)
AI"I[OSTiQ wd impose to QV ill WO= In: ibM
Lim is a
Awl at tt.itleraetarritteee Aartietttar attention given
toCEITTING end SPECIAL CUM aid to have the
Volt Plata tbethe person who pats It together. .
tamp . en the *est elde of "Pane Aeenne,"•aret
name& N'tehetelting State.s4jolulog the tomes et
Df,ifelley L 12488.
Xoneteeti, Yetentrit, ten, ' . • • tf
pailroad Wine Zabito.
N. T. lb E. Time Table.
!ma sa saarwann.
No; 4,lilgbt Express t e. t 247 a:m.
"B,.Ciationati:Eaprostr; : 7.2 g -
O _ . QB, woy . Freight,. ;!!` 3
,-2, New Yak Ezprmts,, ; jo,
0 • 82, Accommodation; -i; .-.. 6;50
1"0, StoOnboit..Faiittsa,"
.` : 9.1:7
- - .
7,111.04 Expiar,
,; -,:."1.5,21*; "
" Enggrult. ; 324
" Accommodation, • : 0.33 " :
" 07, Wriy Freight I I 1.07 - sal
.;.• 3, Mail _ :'; 1 400:n
All of the itbdvp trans ,btop et Groat Bend
and entry cif ;"
10;:kAlfitILETTIS Denial, Ilams. Brw,3lllford".
ilajthuilaysttention' emtottiioperaitaniotiibtitiskti
3314cetit.. Arinkie ceh Wonted. 11_1, ihe
TICS glow Ii ase4. rertecsimtistaction guanunted coin,
11610 aqi 45. It lia4 sstP l 7,l o .4r.* 7.9 Zr / 1 . 6 . 1 FL
orussadooly. '
• 154E0 4 ;
IPS Pursuance titan Act of thrtetteetai AlleMblY of MO
.11„thunmonwealth of Pentisynoptiai entitled Its Oct ht.'
lating to the elections of the Contimonwrithts, illP11 10 " 111,
the ad day of July; A. D., OM 1, W. T Moxley, niep
Inherit of Soigoehaituaeounty. lo raid Commonweal*'
do hereby give notice teems Electors°, thecottutyaforw
eald.that a General Election Witt beiltald in said county i
TladdS7tog d lska?fßOteitr,lB7l,
tbalng the eceorid T el in tattilib,l et which
time tithe following *Littera wiltbeebected
One person to O i
till the otbee of Senator n the Leolitv
tore or Pennsylvania tor the distriet composed ofibe
counties of flosqnebturaby•Ycartio and WY-
Two persoas to Oil the Caro of hietnber of the liaise
of Itepretentati yea or Anutif)Tredbniptie die/stet coin
posed of the counties of Putiouktipo.a. and Wionling.
GU person to Freflilltlintaarlts
atidentruty of - ti berntakv)-
One person to 0.1 this a:lee oTri - nontr of Viliti - entinty.
Two ;Arsons toll] the office or Asia,:clata Judge for
'said county.
One person topil.thinfliOtWdattSy Gommtastoner
Weald county, : - • •
. One peniciato. OD the (Our of Minty Surveyor for
raid county,
Oniaperson to 011 the alas Of County Auditor for said
lasi, give afficiatuotice totherfaectorsof goisgehan•
na cotinty. Martha followintlist bas bast pasted by the
Leglstatnre of Pennsylvania: '
An Act to authorise • popular Toro noon the question of
calling a convention to anima the Constitollon •of
Penntylvanla :.• •-•r
Sermon Be 11 ,- emoted by Me And Haute of
Repeasentatien of the anus owirealth of Paine:remota to
General Amodio, met, anent fsAirsbysnacied by (As au
thority of the sante, That the question of calling a con
:Motion to amend tbh !corrothrtilen of Ibis Common
Wealth be submittal toe vote ot,theLmtele et the gene
ral election, tube held en the seSen Tuesday of Octo
ber next, tbo said question to be vol opon in the man.
ter following, to wit: 10 counties end Miles In which
slip ocket-voilugis 60W:unload by law...voice far end
tonion a re'otlon maybe &prettied and given upon
he Uctet. headedor indented with the: word_ LOltatril:
cud not otherwise, and the words used stoat be coo
slit ottani convention„t` and nod arneath.“ for a convert
lion", Of magi - Ilan,' convvntlen P. and In counties or
districts in which slip ticket toting shall not be author
ised by law, each elector voileg upon said question shall
cut a separate baltbr endorsed no the outsloet7,' coast!.
lathiest ounventiou„" and cantahltrig on the 1111da the
words fora coineutitmlor ,. against a convention, "
and all Votes rant AS eforesald shod be remised, counted
and Rtintiffdlifthe, onager eleciltrOLedamsraittut - return;
Judges an votes for governor are r‘ocived, counted, and
returned rimer extetiag-lavna •. t,
tecuos it That the election.hforeliald shall be held
end be subject to all the provlsiedis of law which apply
to general elections; Otte-er of the, savend coula
aie,,,Lussien?,ofi action- hi:their election
prochunittlOrethtent r, iind o the(govainershall
caoth anal:dime
_no4 whithusald elerUoninsmetedtied by
the greretary oruse.Oommontresltb, to be laid before
the Lizioluturrkat Ito neat annual Oration. ,
JAMS 1141111OiNbidn10% e Epits
of Representat
Arweete mecooo•day- °Ninny, 'Ann° Ilubsini
one thensenteight toindrod and seventy-one,
The•ElrottoUtoethe dlststotmothpased 01-the town.
IWO or dpoltecos will be held at Mathoesofislydosepb
Beebe In said tenrnabfp, • ••••••
The Electlon.for. the distOl the town
ship of- Armutwill be hold et- helm cause oat the
Ewebyterilln thdcsfilo W 1 71 1,1 411 ) 4" " " , "`IL
• Tbo election for tlio. di arra composed °fah° Worn
shiptitAnittirntWill. be badly& Its house of JitMes Lott
in wild , .„ •
TIM I.lmiloss for 'the composed of the Sown.
ohlisOLßrldgeoralervolil beheld at the Court holstein
Borough of Of lb:retrace. r •
The Election for the 'district .cOmposed of the town
sblpntlinsolgyu•slili)se pia fel 11114 of Junes U.
Oalltual ha said triatisielp„
The kettete•lor tbi alstrlcrieraricd.ofthelown
ildiiicyf 4ueenuteri II be held at a aclool ho9so Fie!!
Edward Onft.'sfd'eald ferwttelfirs, •
Tsi-m=3oa. tor no Oho fict, cariposed of 'Motown
ship of =out will be held ed. the hopes lace of Jobe
11..WetIon in said township, — • . • ,/ •
The Election &raked - hada ecounosedof theitormagh
of Venda will he Lola et "the Doodad Efotel" in sad
Bortiopts•'` , ij f•
a It
The. Election for .the,districteedenesed of the km
ebip. itictodd Went douse late of T. J.
•:il , 11 . ..• • '
TbeElrxilon Ibrthadlstrictsonrgese4q(*.towinfif i r
of Forest c Leke erill no 'held itt: the house of Jelin .
ftenuttin said tosenstilit. r
The gieculun fors,e mania composed arum hiwitihip
of Pritingh Ilbehl itabdlithno4toustt tear Jacob
allard'ailo said township.
The llcethin rer tbd dtstrlctebOxpoirewor thaboronh
of nieodivillo will beheld et Us9,1c1;ool Immo in sold
'borupgb • ,
dtimsa.simiposestar the borough
of Great Bend Wilt„bebeid At the boeselatowecayted ny
David Thomas In fold bobingb.
The•Electlowfortiteelliblateniepose ' d Of thetasniship
Of Gonitilend will be held at the house/ate oecoplartity
it Barnum. deceased.
The Weill:in ferthe-Aatrict ciapposied of the lowneldp
of aith4nAiiibosetaitithaEhiltlidt-qo won
Co - viks - i4pr: • ..
The Eletthlti for the districtxoentgrat4. Mite town
shit) of Mefferd wilt be held itillo'hOWie lite of N. W.
Waldron In sal. toehrible. . 7 .:;,!..w., , .! - .!. .',.
The election for the district composed of the town.
obi ti or Harmony will b ?held - et rho kumse'or-8. Winteiv
In Skid tywnship., -: , x • , - . • ~•-_ ; 1, •
The Eletelon for th'e elletricrinetwed et the touroship
of Herrick will bolibidleX brill gist. occupied by
John Wilier tn .rill joarosbip. _
Tile hatctien- fee the!Olattickeatepossid or , tbe•tawn.
..hip -of Jeckewi - win be held XX
,tird bone of Jbleph
Geary 1ii.0314 itionflOP. - •
'The E to
lectlOWctinedliblettionparled .of She :twin
nhip of Jessup will be held .at the house of Daniel Hoff
in said township. ..I_ -..,. „•,--.: js - . rep,: ezi
Thug/eerier:l for the distil tretiMpirkd of the owns hlp
of Lenox war be htlo,s)&3,llll4os4,4Arlardy . a mythan
in said tomato._ ,
The Motion for the district composed of the town-
Alp of Liberty will haheld-atthaholite of Calder Hark
tam levied hiss... Alp,. ,
Toe Election fur the dirrriet comperied of the township
.f Lathrop a ill be hell at the Hillsdale school tune In
mid township.
The Election for ihrielistilit composed of the boron eb
4 Little Ileayours will he held at the school house in
mid borough. " " -
Thu Megaton ferr_the.diatrict comporred_of the town.
•bler of .shdeletorko'bri.l bottehru the abode of this
.are In said roweahip. . .. .
The Election for the district coMposed of the borough
4 tiontrose stilt bo brid 44 the loiirrt Ilona In said
• r0ugh. , .._,..: it ~
The •rdectien for the district composed of the borough ,
• 4 New HON, d 0111.110 held at the house late of John 1
esozotto oaUf-b " ")o4 ' . ZuCial" s" -
Thi , Electidefeldethixd - po Ce a the want.
.hip of New Word will be held at the limos of Phi •
under rile baronet:col New biliNal.
The Ehoton fur the distriet composed of the tom.
•.hip of wetland will be held miler house late sat Thom
~, sold towashlp _ ..
The Election for thedidrict' er talPh.ed of the -towt
ship of Hush, will be bell St thes•Adiese of,it. XI: - Soy
ter In aid townitdp.„
The Eiestiote for itto Melia COthritured Of the town ,
.hip or Soringvjile wilrbe treld i st Ile,honee late of
.pricer lbaspla rialdkoinsidO.
• Tap Elex.tion foe the district vitatiosed ottfuri town
tido of Silver Lake will k l.r .,t the touts. by) of tt.
detieriglos la sabot., ~ • •••' 1 , ' •
• The Election, ger the.. di bt tosponl orther lloc,
sagtr of onsanebasnekeillhe:hed, , at Wl' bulge lately
ocopledby.eklilialthinlsildliirrongh. , . - 1
-Thy Electionlooth ' egirV i ceprstedor the tom.,
-biped Tbonsini•Will held o bubo tats o f Ches.
erStbdasniter, geld loWethlfriA ' - T - •.. ' -
I also make known and gi vetal tee. as in and by - the
:3113 action of mildest of July 7. 11[71, directa..- , that
:very penotrexcept Justices of the Peace, who shall
told any office or appointment elf pradt or tows cruder
:he United States. or of this Stale: or elf any'elty or in.
•Yromiteri district, whether a aeonaissioned °Mum ye
dreutrato boor attell berelnoloyew under. the legiela.
be.jediclary or egecutiverint of this - taste or
ll died Statos,orairy city or Incerpecoted district ; and
lan that every member of +Congress: and of the State
Legislature. and of the *elect eecommon (munch of any
urty, or commissioners of any_inepronnited district, Is
' •ry law incapable of hi:riding or ingercleing at the same
mar the °Mee or appointment oriudge, lnispector or
clerked any electiorsof Air .Poooreonweeith. aid that
"co Inspector or:fudge crofter officer of say ouch elec.
doe. shall be eligible to any orliceil i wn to bovoted for."
il7 the actOf Assembly! Jutem, Itt. also made
-the ly - duty If every Steryor,,Studiff. dermas. Jittike of
ao-Prilogi tiscietahle.l of efeil.. city, county, township
or district within this bemmonttallia, whenever called
upson by any officer of sn a IttliMo s or by three gnat ideri
electors thereof, to clear try prlndols or etrontla to the
ssittettsr of the place of Geacril Election which shall be
I .itotracted In seek a My to i recent voters from pis
pro:whine the same: and it ehall.l arthe daty of every re
locurre conitable ofet vre ipeal district. or township
within this Common , to be present In person or
ny Deputy. at the:prate' ' heldleg•Eiceilotrs. in scar
ward. district or township; for the worm , of- Weser. ,
mg the peaces* aforesaid: '- ,
~• r. • -
Alto that in the 4th scalars 'Or the Set at Aselembly,
entitled...a act relating-to esetationeyelud . for other
perpa.e," appeeeet'enpli t ile, lemon leenactedthat the
sforeseld Ititi section,..• alinidliactiestrped es to pre.
vent any militia Ohba or Itorongh officer berm, areitig
, or Judge, Inspeotor,or Cleft eideggeneral or special
election to thin torniriemwealtil." • . • • -
Paestum to the proviabscontlitica in tbriilfilh arc
ilea of the am aromald: tho..redgcs attire efforeard
•lietriet xlisil milir-ctSerlY take tUege of the dertldeare
or return of the electimr PP thertinropectlve'di•trtele.
and produeethest ice toCetina of one cadge from each
d!strlet, at the I:mitt florae; (iliac borough-of Moat-
I owe, on the haw dirt eller the day of- election' being
Feld.... the It di of Oct, next.
a:Ll: l'l'3.'lr' Oni - 14 '
du and perfor m he dot Mitred by law of
old Judges , Abss that where noir:dee by,sleknese or,
unevuldaoreitceldentle abate to Ittedd aid facetted
of Judges. theta theeerillotra - brittlamaibrersald that
'' be taken charge of krone' of theinspottore or Liens of
the election of Aid dirrilitl'erhei ehuti do and perform
ikeealoslisiltilied organ arld, s nrita•role to attend.
By AELAct,..of Aueutqly impretted•lbe; Ilth dot or,
P0ri1.1669, It Is enacted that at 0 •10 electiom hereafter
held. ander the laws of tide ticsamonwereltb, the polls
aballha.opens r kretwoed the hear* of eix and seven
o'clock... at., 'add tit/teat 1 o'cbtk, p. m.
llyan Act of Aasettibly of lierefido.lBll6, citified, ate
• Act regulating the muds of 'reeler: at all eidoloos to
the several counties of the csoittreawcalth, It is enact.
es Villotraif Cr CT' fri •,r - ....„,,, .....'
flliendoir 1-beitenaCedrteWeenatrestod.Hoase
of Representatives of the tkonansuwolth of Penney!.
witalteln Matra , eakmblyinerr and itl - hereby beget
") by the authority of the Plait I , rThat.the- gaolbird
voters of the severaltentmes oflhis Commonwealth.-
at all geliefinildwaxlidpi tiproti•or.., ndspecial eleckluna,
are hereby: 1 •Me.„‘Por.',Antharite4budrequitcd to rote
by thitete. printed. or weittra„,severalry classified as
totiorrevrklree, funtet. ellail - teltb'e.a.• tito rumen of xii:
[ ittit s tes Orgopria *Wolfer. sell toiliejabied, 'Wilde
. judiciary. ', one ticket "hall embra 0 the game t of all
mate officers soled:44.nd liblriedi'VritietriVaiXie ticket
shall emblaze the tiscartorkilcOlpijy afficerkeotedTur;
Ancieding Otileirof abietter,"ktfoinbet, nent•membere of
- rruerantily,, If pita for, and thierabyre. or owerets. if
l voted feXrard thchlrence.lerftl • • Ws tleitetibelleaw
bracelhe MOWS of-ell tordnall PilberalrarcellurJ snd
be labeled Shoraship;” oho 4 et Khali embrace: the
% itui
=Mesa aU borough ofilmre va t er and shall perky'
owed rtro t zVisallrit.Slieleeles. be 0cP 94 44'P1.
it fliclaer'nto 0 frtifhtli Attliturotat 4the2Fassiir
x •lidiftd 9CAPD villtSO LIW45 l l4 : 2 l 4O "' ''''
' ' • • '
"•iieriO. i. TAP rightOl'Cibiettelf the lidifetiStii4if
, to Tatathall got ba den le ; ,or!abildriPol• by the
' tri, i lfr tt ;,„ c • • ; l' U niU •
M dd a CV r di yay t o rtiade”-grob,,alor•oyr-.
' hiereari. ThePangress•_ol
balk Irthitt to-she'
-force this *Webby ripproprititetx.ratatiotr."-•• .- -e;
''erfailtertefertg,TtreCon Ittaotthe United- Stater, oil
the therthetut , SLuth, IMO. paean tb aec. antigen "An ,
- Ad fa etitheeefeellgtuaf ehl-veenr Sas Vatted ado Us
vas telecom:o4=w of wirogarbandfor *Maps"
inset.- eltraltnntatt wean 4 atillonput Wads emu rots
tows:, • • i • in,War , ..r,r,.....,•:i..r.rt , i. •
esamitallegs_of as #bitel Mobs ef MHO= en Claigrerr
diflgariest.ililit an cumairos the Muffed Statism who.
SOW. of shall bentherwile 'anglified bLlar telleteld ger
election by the, peep's, in any litate,TerritorT., district,
county, dry, pariah.township sr.hool district, nitorldp.
alley or other territorial sob divisions, ithall be entitled
and alloWette vote at all such electluns. without dlr.
tine-donor race, or color, or previous Manton of set
.vitude; any Constitution, law, chatem.,lmagthi or r e
lathat of any-taste_ cir lerritoty, or On Sit: w i der'
..23 & . .t. th . e .t r 4 ntatzt=Meigi r liri bat. if-t' eon - !
n er tbetudidrity of the Constitution et tans Ofny I
13 or the laws of any Tcpbor7. nee ett le ef „ohm I
suZ .
be legated to ber gout as a premennlsi to or traeibleatitm i
fat voting. and by molt Coastitetlen or law WWI or
officers arc or shall be chatted With the earenteme hr
dude* in bunts/dog to clUsens an oppentoolty toner
form suthtererequilite; or so become quagga to vote .
It shell bethe duty of everv_such pawns end officer to
give trial! clUsens ,of the Dotted dtldee Lite , tame and
equal O pport uni t performer's!' pre revisals, and th i
become qualified to vote without distleMitus of tads.
colon so previous ceeon sd-acri knowingly if ley.
such Denim or °Meer dual Waite or, omit to
give full effectio lids section. be go% for every each
offellne. toads Mid pay the unser Ore hundred dollars
to the person aggrieved thereby, to be Movesed by an .
action on disease, with null costa and such. allowance
for ceased Amiss the court shall deem just, and shall
also, for every each offence. be decreed gent"' of a mis
demeanor, and dull on Mottled= thereof, be Oiled not
lees thaullvaltandred dolls:son be hncgoottednot less
then one mouth arid I:MC=ore than one year, Pt beak or
the discretion of the court." - - -,- - L , .
Andohavds; It is dielaredisythe seemed section of
the VI article of the Constitution•of the United ankle , .
that. 'This conotltution, sod th e laws et the Ceded .
States( which shall be made In pursuance thereof, shall
be the supreme law or the inn 4. • •.. • - .an y.
thing In Ms tbmitruthe Ws ffissemf amp &fats to af am ,
traryeattiVistanding. ' , •
:-.Clecf, whereof, Thelegislature of thisCommenwedtb. -
on the rth•day of Ap 11, A. o.lBffo, - passed au Mt en
titled "A further supplement torte set relating to elec
tions in this Commonwealth." the tenth sections of
which provldee as follows: -, r .. ,
...,zerricor In, 'that eo much of every net of tieeembly
otherdes that onlyhite freeman snail be entitle' to
be eetblierte as raters; or as debiting to uutra at
be y d
or l o b o'seci elettlon ol tide Common Wealth.
and the aurae ' , thy repealed.' and that hereafter
ail freemen, without dletinction, or bulcir, - thall' be ete ,
rolled and registered according to thee provialens of the
Drat vectlint of - the act approved . - seventeenth 'April,
leen. entitled "An Act Myth. e supploromMt to the. act
relating to the elections of Able Commonwealth." and
when otherwise qualified under tattling. laws, be en
titled to vete at all general mid special eketionifin this
CominWesith."- -
The said above melted amendment and acts mildbe
• executed and obeyed by all anessomiregisters of Ald
er.. election officered ant others). that the rights and
privileges guarentded thereby maybe itecuredtoall Md.
ens of itifithirumenwerath entitled to the same. •
The begat dal for the fourteenth aciatorlal dlr.
tries. compan.4 of the counties of Bradford. tinemithan
as, Wayne mid Wyoming, will meet at the Corot 0.0.1.
In the borough of Tunkhannoc/t,i on Tuesday, Oetober
17, DM. - . -, ,
The return Judges for the repreicatative district, Como
pored oftbe.conntior of busqueluintui and Wyoming
will meet at the Court llcoasetu Tiniktumenclr, on Toe*
day, October 17, lell.• - _,' -
Omen ender my hand at my .onice, In the borough of
Montrose, the 113dayof September, Anne Domini 1871,
untie the year o th f
the Commonwealth the ninetprentth.
WM:T. 110X1.11Y, Blheriff.
liontnieNeentember r. 11371. ,V td
. .
ea asert46
The Two Finest Bpildeugs in the County !
• The Larpot Stock in We County.
The CHOICEST GOODS, Lowest Prices.
Grand Opening of
.I.Vlth an almost entirely New Stook of Splendid QOOdai
‘apotially and cuol'ally valet:od for TULI •u t
Millinery Goons, Heziery, Trimmings. --
' GOODS! , 1,1
Carpeta, 011,Gloths, Data and Cape. Ote., ate., Gt.
A Splendid Maar:moat of" DILESS GOODS. Diiiipidalpg
Dram Slke,lletinere , }tmpre.• Cloth Samba.
- zinnia Poplitm, Japanese Silkl., Branch'
Silks, Plaidaonperlorin
A Splendid ltstorttnetia of Black 5184 BlllitAn
Alapatnia, a -Speciality.
IRE Orn O i Niti r,
cP ma co *Xi xx Z zT 'Q43
And Owirantaci 2vsr . Piece Vs B.U.
we hive tie iViv;.i iteiWritaiins-ot floods failure.
wear, And /Rolm Clothing to 'o,daill L
routed, to Flat .,
Onr .oeads are bin 20tacroio to. Mption;
Viin Buy Goods In I.arneßnardltles,-
And can'AFFORD TO, and DO BELL
TIISJt cnsann Tam .onrisopy.
. . .
A Word tabs Wise 1.5106] 61 .ciu and eza7dm
and couvinee 7ounis.veg.
Whales, le House, 101Drtano Street, New York.
158 Water Street, Elmira. N. Y.'
: . . No. 111 titan Stock. Elmira, N. Y.
Susquehanna Depot, Pa.
12ontrosa. September 20, MI.
A VDITOIVd NOTICE—The anderatinediin'Abdltor,
appolated by din Orphan's-Court. of Sillsitnebitnns
county ;to distribute the fonds in -trto handeoPthe Ad
ministrator or tbo estate of-Catharine MeGratti o llecess.
ed.will attend .tu the drake of his appointment. at his
otilen,lo Uontruse, on Wednesday, the Itith day of Co.
tuber, IBM. at I o'clock p. in., afwblity nine and ruke.
all peranne tuterested in slid rand. mat Want their
claims or be tomer debarred from miming In on said
(nod. • B. U. CAMP. Auditor.
_ .
fiber 20, 1871. . Oar
t:SCO tulles under one smatsgement--840 miles with.
°Matti • tdconiber: BMA gulklei double Inch route
to sit points West, tiorth•west sruktotithle est. New
mprored Catches Art run through without chant
to Uwanstet,Datrain, Dankirt, Clevniand. lindanan•
On and after Vondnyjleo., Vain, Winlest; o
Din-hatoutfattho followittOourai. TIC
co=o en',
t 55 a.m. Flied Exdrese. Mondays excepted] '
SZ a. m. Night Itzpreso.deliy, . , • •
M. 14 (A. m. Slnll Trate. Seadays excepted, for Dsdk
sled DonkLek. %-
MED p. m. Elmer' Accetamodettee.BoedeptiXtepted,'
4:04' p. szt.Day B.spress.buiday•ezcepteat.
912 Reform's Mall, fiend4ys excepted;
'4.33 p. ex. Wily Prefght,tiqedays'exeepted.
1:115 p. ct. Smlpt4tli Tulin, daily l'urtbawast."
• -
ids 1. is. Wight RiprAst, Sundays eiSepted,
7:^.6a, rn. Cloth:Pan Naprera. Ilsadaya, excepted.
rat p. is, Day. karPrel:r. 13 undays aseeplait.
7:10 a. or Aso:ausadationTralo.4llllf^ro:l 2 :lolll=l::
8443 p. rs. Naw York Man. 11004ays okeepted.
.IctSop,m.LigtantsurEspress.nally. ;
2:10 s. Way . Prolg64,ziandays excepted.,
. .
Or* Ited.sett4D4iooplate.PackftllitinTabW.:-o
PasseageT Trains onttm We hallway *ad tot:meeting
lib MILO meal beep bifftted, sod cart.bp:had,otLap i
pileatlootutho icketottba.ComOuly.., , : 1„... ,
. 1.. D.ILUCKER, • ,ISIL R. DABI - .'1
• °till 80% - . Clen'lllut 6'440,.. '
Dm 9, 1610. - • _
-11,10ANGSleni 0 . 1 gDi . 1 014%. Aleut. Iforabgb rii
• •
• , • M
r)• • ,
tido ato be consulted at dor iosideneo in ilritkowa ol
ter. on tdo farm adjoining Eapnttorig Jobnoon,tiott
tupridro tou getr tes giv atff en. Slant. - , 187 7 ,
• - , - -4.l4TAT•lig t
- . -
-" - • - - lc
-„Si!tatM • S., it
wriigivfaizxztr.OvE„, l *., -‘,414
Theunderslised Mee tommazteett the budtteas
ittcbable axed Banking; at My,/ XpAird. ft, pada, [he
be 'Meet red
and tereat P 4140 &Moat= Date, Qt txt_
and are tolicitcdtnuagl Doaleuntaillens.. >a “.•
DRAFTS Flouabrandtold
farts °I the'UNIT44 511 PP,Alvi.cOPK.
'Dunn 1361 b. EtsatincarrAricitaziiiq
BONIN BULK= no4SQLlneiid*CllfOhlt WAILED t
and Jeul cat Ittanhs.Per dale;
Atr. chsiolitakfre tor piisonso minium) tOtho
badness. —11,11.:4;11,19/3 &
Naw.Millord,Anztuit , • 11 , '
:-.T" 11N3a53 3 3 co: solusie mania
woe Test eat US 21
Greene Black cat Japan Iron,
Cost ViajaisateT4'
Klee, Lamm, gorisielg "
Goldlierlist •11101irscrPeralletyp
litlca4 0444. i'ioc44lthivorn *
00.3!eid6dretith.? Ace troe.
Kerosine 011, Clime, Rots; Caret Kum
Katsina, Cream TartyflPCSlC2lo , CRI BM, e t rees,
Candlei4one nom:,
; • ,
Emma ! , „n4i-270.4r,,,
DLAStia. ElL4—klrs keeii 00 title at 'ample
L suppiq Freak,timan4V4fogaPliixtuf. for Edo la
Ifonuts. ot, V.YrdbIYJA CRAALITt.
Montrose cwt.
an drksiltor, rappolatedly the, Court or Conopoo
Pleat of SaSquelninsitOnalty; to 'snake dlstribeli6ll:ol
thetttndlirtslngfroinßnoriXa &Ilea ;ha watt-adaptor
Jartles*dger *Bridget. CTllllMllii,beiatil Oen:lmM*
that aveWltglbr thaties of .ItisappoloteneniSt
tho'oaten - at FlUteds W teouad Montraio: ea klifedsses•
day,Oct. I 114,101. to'eloek. p. at, at.irbteb Erne and
piseirrall persons interested ere neerpied ' Gt Plasm
tbet4clerTtsr,boturairef debarr.d frum coming=
said rand. ` W,WATSON; 'A
Sept. 13. 1871.--417 ti „r; ti" ; ;'
BUBSCRIBE/1 is enabled to rarot,h and.put sot
a second guilty of Auollog Matti almost a• cotap oa
Hemlock thlogle. alto Cr t quality of blau, 'red 'and
green tints: at rodwolptiqeme ;for patticalita oti
WILLIAM fiAMCMIWOUT,Montioto twill's CO.. Pa.
September Int., -•
thoodr How .Lost ßea t o.
JartTpubliebed, a iiew edittiertor ,Cravni,
diVTl=. ;be rndicitL cur,
teggeigl=o "reonauw.a.
nal Weekneee. Ineolantarythefilhal L eelr. tire.,
SLIMY. Mental and nye:cal Inca,. lopettintetaitd
itarrlage, etc.; a ls o pecanarttutit ILCINtY ,
induced aelf-indthgencet or tie extraeag.tocct :
ca. In • *Wed enrckpri only a.centa..
bated pathor.-tntldaadtalratria WU. 44E17
dentonstraV• rtadn 4 tAirti Stare. inccerstal prnatlce,
that the alarmtagcnnacquenete , of liar-abuse maybe nab
*Any eared without the dingenxia tan Jot !Varna ntedt.:
dal or the application of the knife; pointing - out a
mode of Anre pit once simple, certain , and ellecAnal, by
"nettle of Ittilitti eretl enferer.l3o - tdartcr. mina hia Von.
ditton may be,snarenzaldroseir cbcaplz.privntelvand
_ .
vir•Juts L6et- u'ro - abbald" be lir tile liande'Otilety
Tooth - and every man to the land.
Bentainderseal..n any scleraa:
qi xs . 4 at! f?r n eti ftcC re' t er o .frtra.4fotlryp v gat m eg:
address theFltdallthatei • e t t i s 4 i ,"
137 Bolfitfy Diewlerit.ll%lttreMpo.r. b'Bo.
TIM; t
LuiritiLE SAL be
• att
fler*, lll 44.o ll .,Vake ,
BoscpiehanctS centaius - Mist
100 OM of-whichareclesial an( Idea
tion the land is well watered and good for elthbx
grain or 'grass, there artibetween Awn gad three
hundred grafted Apple trees on the place besides
peach, plain, and pear. trees, the farm is content
eat forohurches and schools with' good .build:
Inge, 120 nods south of quaker lake, the farm Is
a good one and :admirably bleated Address ortip
ply to - 3IAVRICE"3I. DONNELL.
B.llirer Lalte, Snsga. co. Pa.; March-8 '7L Bm..
1111.SALLE::',' '
locatc4 - at
Tg.iloek Cortiera„and long and ta7onaldilaionaii as
the Lewis Hotel, connected 'Kith whir.r. are abeat.Twenly of Valuable-Lod •
• 'Pm' particalarrtkture,•ol.4llo3, . 11 / -1 40.
: - .XMOrir- Pa:, Jam. =. 187 I: ' .C...
A SM.-REIM NOTlCS.—NOTCSieherebygl yen - that
isiliAlleory'Ackere, of the borough of-Great -Band So*,
ow:banns enbety, - Ps.. by decd. of Tel entity assignment
has assigned altom:-ml apron
Henry Ackert, A. P, /Med born,
to said county, In trust , fur the be At tAnCnitlitolt
of the said Henry Ackert_ Au wEon.thergare.lodat:
Mt to the said Hew, Ackert, will make titypseat to the
linikAwagnee. molthosaluoring cluitnsor peinands, will
make known ttici same witlidnodelay, _
A. P. riTSPilhiliS, Assignee of ITinliry Ackert.
• Greet Bend, Aught 1. lBtl.-ang,3o.nes.
i.iL6throp Ibllrzahip
•ELIALANcs, t Jui . ike 90,1910:.„ - .42Z0'03
La Interco. on bonds' • St4 eJ
13y addaloaal tour handretrdolLarchat eatlsrattory- - :
accatintad fur u 'Mad- SaCtstarta'a repots ..4N04
• • -,•• • .it
iEro: , ve2 .
, • z33),4,31313
'Amount aeyrorided far,
scar co!Teat as we= get itt It this „. .10.151 90
a min-wooly.
. . .
1 4 4r0.P-.Au4+4f 1S 1 .7 -3 n• AuAt4
&Mile* Onvicis. oonsiAlziAte , icths triht
ship of rtiendevilie. burgarlianna county. Fa..
ceased-.Ceteris-Admintrtration upon the estate of
tee, sheer horned dtccdttit. hatingbeee granted to the
undersigned; all perso.talintebted to the Laid mar e Sir
hereby endued to Make Immediate payment, and there
having claims -against-Mb Mtn.' to present theta.dsly
authenticated hie settlement. JOLIN F. GitIItSIAN:
Fricadirrille, An,, 1871.--Cw. • Adnulnictrater.
ESTA.BTASHEKO 70.55"..A.71:1101AZED
We tranmet a G oven! Bankinrf*wine"; edit:mat Lfml.
• - tattoo to our Liability. t-,
Eni*1. : 1 11 14 023 / 7 4 10 WgDiMPECW
- DE P C IS !Tr
40 . .peralti Faid on Dauxand WlthosietTotik
Pomona beeping accounts with UI eieidepoilt and drali
the men as with any other bank; "rid one ettatotbere
wlige accommodated without extra charge of discount
For deposit, inem points In .theCcount convenleickt
(road atm y , ports
owlidged and
remittance' In paytneU tr.. or by draft.
Drabs torpraln
Aill?atts' to£2Eve.
• EtelietictrUi made with* ellturuharge Vasa*. mt.
"PASSAGE +nexus to and hem all parts of Europe,
Xirlt Clue titeamer,F, ;alba time"
, ikritufaNfiazto.;-P. 1.4:14:749p.
Trotameztort to at eitote of "Jddstm Stone, LittO of
Roma LolvitOstiObtp, doectited; beta ` grantLtfld
the Omen Indotited tooatd•cotatb ore
mogootod lojmoko Irompttlotops„meot, nod thresetav: -
log eloLOordczositd• option tlm'eaLote of tho sold do.'
eMent, torfecit the same without &IV,.
Forcet Late, Aug, :.r.tecntarli
AiliEtZ#A - 01 . : IV"
liasjut retumiattmto - Nar toic4oll4l4ling ad
dill on to 6 ilinsuesl 4 . l l2 l4, lka 17 4 5 , - . 1
1 1 t‘.;:l.'i 4‘2 `6 1 411
-8074411a - SANITATdAIRAMS
—wriorri • - : •
Eca theinellefand nice 0 I this Frappi t ,D4Patntiapitim ; r
3 -.:Priao9/41WChiblIWAWWW4.7.3: '
r Ur ti !it ' ra ! :
atdia olikied„ ,, tire*, knisegateav, •Ad •
dror .. II93yAfarAWOOLILTIWii /133$ P 44111041141.-
jlt: vA, affil . • . stun / P
414 ohms of ClUtum 4 • rid Acute Discavu. 13a, •
• luttortfacirritar eromainlnitiptrilaborveval tcsti
y rrilDC)"l
A.. 7, =kW% i'AllgNen*WiraPe
Stathitte Praaleuxalnararlit Is .
xlpFi Zwasnai- 4 / 8 0 a54110,-..
a • . •• • MPG
".ut 'gat:ref:7: Ter Canftur.
4041:Wars Stionkil •
xacmcmvizta '
.R S,E R.A eS!
1 161;81 B;iel;Beit es. Ba i m s anthi
4 1m:0A,
• • curiae* OultuteleW BUM Mad Sid Logi 't
2ittesi. 4 icar
Citfl Si ,: , 7E* •0 ir •
mit iterays Azasx WPM= Celan Os
cutaviuTteudy for the Talk Titic OXIS *47U* 114
, - _ma tho CoresAiriiißightl '
• .
Azofe Otitatito;tis,
Vicksi; /LOW. •
thy*, Yu" r • , .„, A. !,
DrllWlttlitii, SUMO 1.501,11 i, .
Amts. ' Olit" -
Stovall, Ttn•kam - ' 443,114” t
*'y •
Teil.lootbs ragewli.o.
led I. am prepared to grind your Grata or saw Lerst4mer
to a rorkmaselike manner and on abort Zioape.
base tbe best Maelilne tar dentin Vlbeat.B7ll4
Battlabeat. that= ba Molted. Corp / 100 bOteijj ,
&steed. salparticuler attention eq.= 10 iflittdl o l. .
'Hoping to receive • liberal share of pa teass4 unit!
.al.l wishing MY thing la wth* to giro mes • •
BTOZswotetaiePt. . ( 1g0.% in s.:
- cow' Azi,irsittszsapiKorizar - "
- otaaoocai
aAD tax ipz.zaom STUMM vas maw.
ckn'axrd after September lat the Inderalcoeli Ittair L
Cu " II r °6 0001 far MO *ad lea se - 4
mt UM.; t to tend p. tad keep tot•tly on tand
Uoodt. aromies, Haas and Cloak lat3r.te- Notices,
Croctffy. Poet tad VlityazdaTl goo* tynally l_ceptta •
Cutuary Slum. • - 8:1 WIT;
AO= center, sepOth,lBll,-Ir • '
- • P . OARD..:-•-• •
tctnr •• •
81111 7110•48 um( INTh And 'Othent,wlto hart 110
long given me It sr patinnillie, 1 leader - my Wirt
klt and Intl , a continuum , of the eszee,
. _
thCifsll4ll/ V , V . 3 •
Or Gentili, Cohn di CO., Z 1 and 81 Doane street, Nov
York. wbero °Mita rhould to dictated tome and direct- •
ed to he army to insure early attention. and 1 would add.:
1 0 11l Petrone, and to those who "rpm DI ea the other
Wee'. that ilt tot,lo be smderield. 118 Y-tdir ele
hula concern In Now. Tera, or Citation. eo Plea" ere
ma a Car trial, Oar goods ate all new, sad nowt Mix .•
web, MOT alettear by and Northern • •
31. TTIMIL, Agent, and dielstant
111tintiose Witch 1871.,
ViirM O
B Or TUB WORLD.—rittabtimb.j*; .
L, January 28,1811.—T0 whom It mar coacern:—Thhi
ts to . cetlfy that? hare OM A. BALDWIN. othlontrose..
, the exchm ire control of the salon( the above nuct.'
ed romedy In Snemteltanna COnltr, to torgas be chows*
to condone to the bushman, and that all orders banana;
thontd be Ith:roar 1.1 to Cam. to tfteiTlS attention,
- 31. M. TILTON, Propnet6r;
. . .
Notice. to. Builders.
MITE SeIIOOLDITIECTOUSI Dridgawatertawstsblp, •
A will receive sealed vapors% forte building of •
ticboolltatiss, hawse to
District, wall Jay
tiskum... &lid school housa to bo..omUu to the on*
In Old Babcock District. Fur speclOcations and panto- ,
alsnr.. Isaac Jkanatcher. %Montrose: By odor Of MI
Woo). R.,.,/4113C0VE,, Soar tan;
mooonosr....Tooo ISM • gar.-
tv . STATE of 11ARRIZT Lititllllolll3, sate Of Nov
.E.llitlfotd Bozo, basqueluuntsti CatiotT. hemmed
i Lette denttestdloo opoothe Matter the &here
tathid basins bow granted to the undetatettt
ed, all persons Indebted to the said .estate are beret*
nettled td mate lsomelfete pawnent. IMO those t a xa
Clams the same to prep ent.theso duly
teed fps eon= ent. • • ELLIOT .a.LIMICIL • •
blest ssltford,June 21,187 L-44 Admieuteatee..,
IV ITU. or Without, Eleetzkin,as Ore pigs d=tri:
U for Ithettinstilits. anginal aTil Mirage
is. As the foot of Chtitiqg stfre;, Pa...
Xastrose, spritss, - -
.111741ITCTIES I • WAS $ ......
LOW CCiST.--n#. 1 P0 03 ...7. , .
, '.... ~,-,'
B Tins' IS 'k. Gold I'_, - - . •
: .. 1,41 Aluminum Gold : •.' -.. -, ; 13
i.,. tn Pare Coln Miter :-; - - ~.-.'.` "S 11
1 • 10 Orolde Gold- ; •- ' - •:, -'. -,- :-, •
u r
a offer to the
_poblle oar citron astortMent of
'Ladles!' and Gents' SI, atchesstld Chalna and other kinds.
I •
'ofJewllry. at the lowca t
t cash prices asigpfpredl two ,
I tone to oarchasers,- •
' . Fall Witty Joweled Levers. IS kt. Attlltitlng"Pnled
, Watches. uirrahted, tiOndlysoldat . only go etudt,,,• r
, - Elegant fecond Qoallty IS kt. Gold. f JasralsdAv..
'er Watches. warranted forums and wear 111.10 each. •-,,,
4Ett ra•Vlno Tinto Sampan. Alumbuta 0 0 1 1 3 . i1l antis lC
'eased, tnU Jeweled laver Watches. equal to to 11 9 ,
l'prat.tum mid nit wear, traminted, I% gt 4 a EIS pen,
POre Colo Silver. Mantua ca MI, toll jentehnl, Urea, ,
Watches; st Mit and IGS each. • , . - •, . • ... ~, •. • .:
Fine ()rattle Gold Watches with Cites dna nloTtoltonts. '
lit Wand $l3 each. .
...' ~ ~ :.- • • .
1' Also; Tito G 034.1 Chains; Eddfme. and Ocutajalrant Pt.
R 611.4.1.12 ted Ana Gold Chains, atilt , Pend Oar*.
OUR WATell r 5 e el mutated and adjusted to keep
Emit to Um minute before sent to purchasers, and .tt not
round so, we AEI take ItirM heck At any tlualt And reldrll-•
' money.
-REQUIRE-NO moirEv IN ADVAECE,_and all
go ds ordered from as will besent by Enna- 111.u.0.1),..,
w itumiyikg? to ..,,,Ainett. bdora pald tor. ~ ,
• In Itlngegprdering six vralto'l4 . timii.Als•
mlussia vw rap f $
pp Wa d as an-msiqAt7 . .
• Please 'state thoklnd Ind mdcdtt watch ionedisk •
and order direct R a. , 0 algae * from Co 1 •
Y. Q. Bon VA. , . tt to In Attest, N. T. •
NswAatle. Javan, ISTq- ' • ' —• • , int _' ..
8 3 ;e 3 1* 1 - •
. .
patcbloy's -Onottiqba; •
.FPXI.4O4..Tii;II ( C) •
WC.ttott PP p 3
Eisimixo 91.1,91C1 feet length, 0? efficient in
Moine agprrgate born WaLIiiIVER4OIIIL6B
simple in conatrUCtionr-EAT In Orntlen Olving 11 :4
Tiote to the wates—Durabla—itella le and Cheap.. • ,
• Thus Pinups; ars trier own' ben reemetisoudintles..
Pot sale by dealers In hardware and ,anyieullund Midis
zest& no:umbers Pump tanker'. ite.. thronsb Deno
try: Circulars, &a, turnintied upon wrangles still
Singleo Moos foinnuded to wa th rm tonna wholOW
Me noncom open lately% or Slur MILT nrtall pr
In brryitigi, pe carend that your Pump bears iny *add
mark as 'Snit e,.patnzinsil Ytrcte 11it,1311, an cannoning
, Pbofliqe:o!! 32 4r t °ri' ' '
. ArTVEilit t
• tithe and *aretoord, GU dr 40.140barillisi t
,llairadetytia,mwttomm...,ltin".: • . •
j egsti
'ciy,targalur4Vo '. men%
cludinga givat variety
:Ira now and 0194.
aos:lltx.tW loranne.:bat.
=tit *MI SIVA AP mac.,
TIO4IA. cp. ;A:
English and Classicalsoursep. Terms' beg
taetember ith,Deceinbeellthimdllaio27th.
lititaappraprlationslor students;
jarred* anyilme.: Alitylv - tb '
, •- • CHAS. U. vtutura: ‘ , **,
" Mansfield I'm Aug. 81 1671.—1 T •
• TWAVATIT'"i us"
, PEST A . W
AL, CUOICB rAmLT: airoczva., nom t Mut
titioneThiedthdCaVliro. , A
kith° mast Nattga ~
Wro o 4,o l T•briunN 42 .± l! gcr
r Gooe'Semi to Vas toldttcs gibs Wip or ins •
wa2 am o =vut i c 2 2
t om t if e g g :w i l t. ;
mon& ptiiitt.OZMl4tierricoollLits ► or woo.
Foma, at - you 1 piocstrvd Lard tan s a te , trout IA
tar o kspa pit 'teams - Ana palmy: the:iambi mratak.
now Ma Important acts oectwool In Protector rwo t
atom and person , Moe' ca - ocnding-tbbir Ca= tq
cambial can tuna the nto mulls or my words. Ikuli
thctr boohoos will be promptly . I,lendrtl to sr Vales - v :
poopeo, • • .
• -• • • ''' ' ' •
if"V, •• •
Ike Oftirtt,
I Milt IZAISED ras