The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 04, 1871, Image 2

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    Skt pontrosi gnnonat
itoptiqosSr. P PAA,
POll AttraTop. CIESE4AL, -
CAPT. J3MEB 11.COtopsn,
or I.Aariorsatrootrir,
YOZ smarm
, 1
- rim atnzeiertmrs. •
i'DAlßgat BREWSTER—Montrose:
FL G. SICERDLiIi, Tankhostrroek.
- r:II2O.ItII2:P;LrfTLE-31ontrose:
7 0 31409711? Tumonswa.
von iiii6Curs 411. • -
I; .._,Iltr.NRY J., WEBB—Montr6se ,
GAYLORD OURTlS—.Bnsqueliarma Depot
• you coicinsoysza z
;littEDITRIcIC TAGGERT—Middletown!
von 00trInir AUDITOR. ,
L. C. 834113—Bridgewater.
flfr A Full Poll otthe Democratic Vote .021
ivill Secure tbeglection of Our Statoja
rir Ticket by a Large Majority. " • .IEI
Di" - "Let Every Democrat Remember fhatan
or and Impress the Truth of It Upon tbe.43
iffr.Mixidant lla9 Nejgbbon It
C - "ElectionTtleiclay, October 10th,.M
We at this tithe:think it' proper to ask
a Lfow iinestions , to the people of this
eciMty,'and ;also, to present a few facts
iaseg,ard'to ibuit part of Radical legisla:
ticp, effects . the. immediate inter
ested this which all tax
payers of whatever party are interested.
If after the knowlggewhiCh the pi4O
pie - cf conutt, possess they still'
Foliose to remain in the bands of Radi,
cal: 4 ldatti'mony," and take all their legis
lative abuse there can be Co further
eiMpathy for them.
'Whiz passed_ the "unpatented land"
swindle, to extort money from the lawfit
owners of certain lands' of this county,
to 'swell the - corruption fund and carry
legislation lir the interest of soulless'
...,?Lss.—A Radical Legislature.
,Who circulated petitions -under the
aiitied:parpose of secarinr, a jury trial
in justices Cone, and then made it an
"omnibus" to.carry an infamous laU , to
impose a Sinecure law Judge upon this
abtrict;to enable them to give a fat office
ta'quieta clartiorOnsttorde of office seek
drna 1:...5.:.n no-2PR the
extra expense of threa thousand and fire
hundred -dollars?
Asa -A Radical political Ring, aided
and - abated by a President judge and a
Bradford County cliqae put up the "job,"
and a Radical Legislature made• it, a law.
Laid butnot least, who passed a'twivate
bill" giving to She jaw - yen of this county
the . proceeds of the* fines and forfeited
recognitances, a copy of which we publish
tul not long sin ce for the information of our
tiispayers ? . . ; •
Airs.—A radical legislature. • •
And we wish - farther to inforin the
people of this county that L. F. Fitch, Ile
pnblican nominee for state Senator; is.
Tazasunza - of - the "Legal \Aasociation,"-
into whose bin& these fines are to' be
paid, and the amount in his heads and . to,
be co'llected is. Tatar Tnotrsairii,
tens, all of which money 'ebould
Ipta;the',..eritfuty Trpsizzair, agiiist-.ia
defraying_ expenset in c'scrapin t ,cm the
Court:House andaid in releaving the tax.
birdend people of this Radical governed
county: VOtera of Susquehanna •connty
these areatitbbain Lett, which we ask you
to consider, before you cast your volea. on
Tueiday next. ,All ,of :this 'lam:lions
has..-been enacted within the
last fonrjreirs, tind.that too, with the aid
rineConitivittec ol Raditail legislators from
this ,AnatitY. Mr, Fitch who hail
been obliged to dance attendance since
Ilia Jsamination, to tbe every "whim" of
the Oradfoid clique, whp Ira tip the
Shieciirilaiv judge job,"? be,likely to favor
a sepoil of it? , Mr. Fitch who: is
Tvetunareriit the ',Legal Association" for
whose benefit the law. was passed, be likely
to favorite *pet 'when it ''won take
giooomit.of their, :ji_ocketi,:arid Cnt, off
an equally handsome, 'and"
coma inl-the_future? - •
1 his Ina which , rake° goon ty of
410e - goallaira The 4nemlier* of
dicide, or
nee it as icurruption fend, to eanTany
ponocpte4 scheme, against' the rights of
tho.lleoPei:anatiow even in the Radical
*kg; 6111 40 0 . 1 r4.1 13 4 ;re 4 3 P..J.Y:Iturat - ' ,
by their own inemhers against. Certain'
F l rtintasto the truth-of which we can
not say, for* propose:to Unite! nothing
'bur fnets; btit the : late ettsitlintdevelop
.4?ent,B 44i94 1 "circ41 4 " .:1 4 4* 11 3 .to
believe elaost anything : •
Voters of Elniqueliantui conuttv we
leave the above answered aud . unansWered,
questions with you for - YoUr hoesiderethia,
414 again,' VePe, W
4t . •firlat. we have before,
it .1) .”/ 73 ` Itle4sed"witt - ioto 'for the
co tiauce, of " I,taNeal rule.
most ToradoPs ap petite sumo fully =tiro"
Or "To steal is sradical, tO:foigise let
4-Pll--40engqiv**48; to - b 0- 17iotto of
igikt,o*fflici . f *tliat 44 • 44 4**ii!
ty-fito 4(ircilatitindy
4exelolied , ,aniong • Federal oti*ttpkleis,
pot one of them has been`loiosetated. '
The Tempereneei Qnegles.
Thocommunication . from
•nock which we i inblithed liseweel4,toncti
ing%the....temperance, - principles •O'f the
Radical candidate (Or *presentative Of
Wyothing;_Mr...Brunges, dna . the 'IWOi
went of oar correspondent, is mkt by a
very tame denial in.the Montrose Republi
can - „the _following terms, and as we
wont& tot Ixf..gailty of misrepresenting
any one we give it aplace.which. is all_of
the denia~i" 1 = .7
a Mr. 'l3irinils' - ClinAC4r7for' temper=
once and morality legend; to our know
ledge it has never been . .questioned: We
can, without,
,qualificatiotx, recommend
him to the voters of ,the district • as. a
strictly temperance man, and. one who, if
elected, will faithfully represent the
ple of the district." , • .
Signed by , senator Osterhontand others.
We gladly give both sides of the question
and•leave peopli.te judge for Weraselves,
but perhaps should State u,,few, facts
is relation to it for their information...
Three candidates were.before the ton-
venbon which nominated Mr. Brants,
both 'the other it being avo*ed temper
ance men one of Whosn was - Mr. 'Walker
of Nicholson, our late,- Nepresentative
from this district, arid both werc - defeated
in the Contention and ono- of,
was the . tempemnce . ,AneStien. ' he is
amusing tome the.fg4 Moral pirty" ready
to denounce temperance men for stand-,
lag up for their principles, and so soon
_iwak6 to find so many temperance - men
in the ranks of the,party which they have
so basely slandeTed.
• " _ . _ .
We admit it is hard. to- ride trio. horses
when theyare going irtopticisite - ditections.
The Radical niorements . on Os tennier=
ante question is but another ;denionstra
tion of the hypocrisy of their leaders, and
our query is to know. how many of Ake
rank and
, Sle-theresti who are honest : in'
their temperance princiPles? Are" yen
ready to say to tbeworld are the
same hypocrites that the :Radical -politi
cians are? If so do not ask the young
and honest 'reasoning mind to endorse
your organisation. •
This.fallelection will decide both in
this kmilty and in the State. .
, We once more call upon the grand old
party of true and tried Democrats of
Susquehanna county to Bally3 Rally I!
Bally! 1! We are proud of the- record
which yoti have made in the past, and al
though you have met with anticipated local
defeat you have aided, by your devotion
to principles, and the nomination of good
and bonesturen;in teeing', the majority
of this county reduced from 1,800 to 800,
which is.positive evidence that light is
breaking in even in this •Radical Section.
We hope; and believe thatit is anriceessary
for us:to urge upon yen argion at the
polls on Tuesday next, but, in : one .posi•
tion as "watchman-upon the front walls,"
eminflatl 3i. a 4.11 •rrxre elf
the night" We have the fullest assur
ance from the Chairman of the State
Committee, that defeat can only come by
inaction; that a full poll of the Democrat
ic vote as wa3 Made last fall, will place I
the State in the hands of . honest - men:l
Everything is enconra,ging.; . .
Let every vote be out! 1et7 ,.. n0t past
defeat, ..or any hinderunee preyent, nor
any thing interfere with your, duty as
“Freeman. . Tits rums:, or,
Linsurt is Enttsr/iLTIGLIAANCEe AU /KO . '
a trial of ten times has not proved satiny
successful risirne Democrats we 'will tri
seventy "times; - siren if necessary. The
masses are with rst° day arid,aU we need'
is a grand rally in onrown ranks .to en
sure'vietory. ' Neter in the of the
Democratic party of this State ; has there
beak more import ance attached to a full
poll of the yote than at % llim election.
All eyes are - turned to the Keystone this
fall for "as goes Pennsylvania so goes the
trcion - ,r lithe eselaination of bothpairtici.
The Whale'resirmaddlity nests upon those
who have:the Democratic .votes, whether
'Pennsylvania shill occupy the promi
position of Keystone in the grand old
Democratic Arch. Finally, "will yon"
as was said of old "lie supinely on your
backs" until the chains of Radical tyranny
are forged, and until the once free and in-
dependent States and people of this na
tion have - be Come Hopeless slates to Radi
cal centralization and cerroPtion ?
liberty as individuals,your libertynsan
dependent State is in jeopardy. On
Tnesday,nezt, should the military Satrap
at the bead Of , this government decid xo
minions at the , polls,te pa
-1 vent the free evereise - of one of your blood
bought liberties,ltiy Eadical legislation he
can do it and you have no'reclrest: Let
it Oren have been talked of - in - ,the • days
of Jefferson, Madison, and the Ling line
ornobla patriots of this country, that a
a President should be invested With: the
power - of suspending the. only 4zifsgrutivlOf
I personal freedom in a Republic, the writ
of Habeas Corpio, and , the men or the
party , who" advoeated it , would have hid
themselves in shame and everlasting dis
ginee. Present taking Grant to-day stands
inxested...with , this despotic ; authority
;These, among a long record of thietitik;
swindling and tlie itiot,t - festering corrap
tien; are tlie:inceritiiei.tliet:shetild cause
every,Dimbehit to `ente r has Protect tit . the
ballot. bin on Tuesday nett. Your liber
tY' is at l ittilte, lei nitinelfinketellif VC.
ter in this coutrtyAtif asset.
poys us sou 'tztponedthFo4 last = stO
to it , iltet:tito ietedoes not diminith j and
we Will .gnarutu teelon .ass,laige a flock of
Radical whipped'lchietattrati ever ottit
'borne to
_ .
from internal reroute taxed
irate :July 1, 1868, to: June . 30,. 4869,
factipope #veyitii, for the year ending
cine '00,18:10, - :1085,000,000; air_ id
-4'oBe, or
tlie „radicals have : reduced the. 'fates.
'What is: tfoitavith ,the - money? general _
Giant sliairtderti a portiort the
g*Polgligo jolh: &a 6
uo4' xpit'an
- stitirt)ther tifficias P 94444 re 14. 0 6 4. 1%
Alkales l l 4 Pe.ra..l4.D-thol Nit) Ili; 'As 101 1 1 4 $ tlaiea t o TeP*At payer
Publican riartYl t om :$ itoltlerio they will tat the people heavily - tlO'sfettl
orb-' !tug. for--stealing?- ; • the money. •
;—Whatreason have we te;:eti*ppose that"
.beer win made hithe tins .T he kangaroo
wog seen : to rick withlepe,land the hear
mu always ."
o‘Netaitnasterto LiAejtiarrhiliesP
A writerinfite. bleutrose Republican
saystkat ',nominations are like M.srriages"
in tile:Radiesd-party, and atpitipts to in
limidate the' ternperMice men :'who pre
poselnact, brined's, had Baia ',they are
"going back on their wives." Wo knew
thoiroaganization was kept together by a
strong party "lash," but we did , not know .
beforo that they had redunel it to" that
!in:1013 , 7 7', Upon what conditions is a di
ioiie-granted? if prostitution
ie any cause for it jitiy' will not re
mein out, long; forthey have prostituted
eVery Junction . ' of the: government to
their own base.ends,' end now - -they, pro':
Pave the same' thing on 'ternperance.
How de the honest men of the .Republi
can party, 'like such " husbands of, easy
virtue" as the present Radical politicians•
hero demonstrated the Ives tithe. - We
have always believed that were 11.011 7 '
est men in the rank' and f the dorn
isent party, and now this election will
test it. By your action next Tuesday, you
will demonstrate the fact whether you are
independent citizens or whether you ,ere
. "clay" in the hands of a . most corrupt
Bing of 'Radical."potters," whether tern
peranee is temperance or hypocrisy.
A Temperance Standard.
If a man will . become a candidOte for
office and place himself in the hands of
the RidiMl Clique' of politicians in this
district, to be moulded at their will, and
eau hold whiskey enough so as not to get
so drunk as fa be obliged to lie • down on
the floor 'to' take off his Pants, we can.
prove by the Montriase Republican, tuuk
hannock. , A:pub/icon, Senator Osterhout
and ,the whole pack.of- Ringmasters of
this district that is &strict temperance
man. We` make the above assertion from
incontroiertable facts given us by some
of, themost respectable citisens .of Fyo
ming tonnty, .and we here proclaim
andcballenge contradiction, that if drink
ing Whiskey makes• a- man a temperance
man, then Mr. Drniip„es, the Ring nomi
nee for We Assembly District is a tem
perance man, and Mr... Walker.„ of Nichol
soil, a total abstaiu ho was defeated in
the convention that norm ted Brunges,
in which temperance was one of the is
sues is not a temperance man. Now we
ask the men who advocate temperance
from principle,-if they are ready to, say at
the polls, on Tuesday next, to the rising
generation, - for whom they profess to be
laboring to save from the damning influ
ence of drunkenness, that a man can be
a:member of the temperance organization
and still drink -whiskey? This is a re-
sponsibility you cannot shirk. You must
make a picture at the ballot box, not for
the present only, butibr ivhich -yon will
bo held responsible in the future.—
What shalt it tie?.
How They "Denounce" Them.
"If a federal official steals, the admin.
tas4ranon rig °tree pontrown upon mm
and without the least hesitation of favor
itism." So says a Grant party -" orn."
The vigorous way in which the adtris
tletion at once pounces down upou
him," is probably illustrated in the mim
of 'PaYniaster Hodge, - who commenced
stealing even' before '"ofir Tllym," com
menced receiving presents from place-
hunters, After be had been stealing a
year or- so; somebody preferred charges
ugliest. him. The' administration "at
puce 'Pennced down upon," by paying et,
attention,to the charges. This, was two
years ago. • After two years more,of steal
ing, the amount of this federal official's
stealitigShaving reached the Vicinity of a
million,.' the administration: began
thank that if Paymaster Pledge had not
stolen himself rich by this time he never.
would, and so concluded that it was time
to T z taince down nn that" official thief,
Thousands of other federal afficialiere
sleiling daily, and if they don't contrib
ute liberally to the renomination of ,•Our
Ulyis,"l l the administration "pounces
down upon them." If they do contribute,
the administration don't ponuce.—Chkago
Bryber, Who is , stationed
at the Morris and_Essez— depot, in New
ark, IC , S.,'oliserved . Saturday itternoon
that a reirectuble loOking lady who was
standing on the phitfornt . there, acted in
a very, peculiar planner, and .politely ask
ed her what was troublingler. In reply
ing, she inquired if it had not• suddenly
grown dark, and stated that she ty.s ut
terly unable to see., .It - seems 'that: total
blindneis had come over her in a nioment.
The officer concluded •her. to -her , home,
corner 'of Summer avenue and Crane
Mrs. Black.
baPpilladical family iu New
York bare betim to perich on one anoth
er. Tom Murphy accuses, Greeley with
trying to disrupt the. Party. and the Tri
bune resorts by saying that Murphy is
- sill:thing but a getitleman or an hont
inti:l3.• That doting the'war - lie . was aeon.
ataetoi atid" robbed the government;and
. ,
escaped pnnishinent only by deitroyipg
the totibrie. Mcordstind ipiriting away
lasi* that he br4 a hand.iit all the City
Icing Jobsmnd Zrially that be is ti ceirtipt
ipumMsd not to, be trusted, ' Murphy hi
the imom friead - und cotifidential titb4er
orarantwid pre.him his. Longilrineb,
, ' '
To the Front!
The hue of battle lin:ached out.
The :initkii.oif tlto ilfmoemey -are in
motion. ' .
Every nitin,is qieetedtri do hit; . .,duty
and contribritil hismiter to hisure n grand
aid overwhelming victory at the polls in
. • -
Let a spirit of emuhitiOu and generous
. - riviaykitcoti tTeiwiietetfitivariUns
voting diyisiens k io , let Bch strive to
'o tilde the other in jun . :reit:Sing
of Deninertitie votes.
We lave a, cunning wadi desperate foe
to deal with, one who,
means to aCcomplisirdesired results. I •
Trickery und- bribery I 4 - ' • •
Corruption' in ;
koney; promises, and in • fact all 'the
enginery so successfully.practised in ,the
vase, its to bo used -fttow, in the present
'campaign, by the Madital lendent,' to' get
hold of the public treasury, and' plunder
.the people.
_Forewarned. let the Democracy. be fore.;
See to it that every man is at his post'
and understands his duty.
There is not a single namemi the State
or Conntytieket but an honest man should
feel proud to vote for.. , •
Then, let noon suffer to the extent of
a single vote, and .ahua .tus you would
poison,- the .man-who :deface
your ballot .by.scratehing a name there
Let, every De Mount. make the triumph=
ant 813CCC133 of the whole ticket a personal
!lent up the young men and get them
enlisted in the fight. '
Counsel with theelduien,and let union,
harmony and Democratic. majorities; be
synonymous termsin eveiy township of
the county. , •
Upon the:result la this and a feir other
counties austilptible , -of proportionate in
creasein -their majorities, the redemption
of the Commonwealth froinjhrdical taxa
tion and Oppreesion—froni - :.the - ,sh.ial
corrupt politicians and htnigersOn;" it bps
fed oatof ,theligl,!lia;.erilk
. 4peUdel
United, determined; Individual effort
will accomplish this and reward "those
who live battled for it, with : such a
victoryon. the -of Cletaher,' as Will
forever wipe ont.thesubstance and shade's , "
of Radicalism in the County and State.
This is no time• - forlaggiu'ds.:- •
To the front, then, every, Democrat,
and let the result aot.only be an.
Overwhelming Democratic Tictpry, but
a total and complete route of Radimilisat.
—Lycoming Staiward.
Radical Frauds.
Will the Radical press con tin nolo clam.
or about Tammany, to the. exclusion of
more recent frauds of a startling charac
ter, in their own party? They have been
sadly duplicaled within the last few 'days.
J. W. Norton, in. the New York Post
Office, is a defaulter in the sum ..of
3!1,86.,'Nis :deficiency _ has been ac
combating tor some • time, and yet no
notice was taken of the matter by those
in authority. They were too busy in
electioneering fur the -re-nomination of
General Grant to note the abstraction of
a hundred thousand -dollar® from thii
-Post Office funds. At last, however, the
matter unearthed:the culprit named, the
mime exposed, and there we suppose. the
matter will rest. following this, is the
defalcation of a-paymaster of the United
States army., He appropriated four linnJ
dred and fifty thousand dollars, and notifi
es the officer in that department of the
fact. As in the, case of 'Norton, the
fraudulent acts intim detected Paymaster'
commenced years ago, and continued hp'
to the present,' tilde:- He , bitight stocks
and 'gold with government fends, and -was
known npon the streets as an operatbr of
that diameter. Hat the gorcitinienttookl
no noticeof that •Liet,' but supplied hire
most liberally - with—fonds. - The
master.-in his owirSefence, states that if
Hodges failed repler" his accounts to
the I.retisury Depaitnient,lie was pot • so
advised, and further deClin*rthat 110 . in
timation - from that. Department flint any
examination had been - made to- how that,
Hodges was guilty'of 'any false 'Statement
of his money 'or .of any neglect
in not rendering - his 'weekly statements,.
was over received. He punned his course
unchecked by accounting dffieers"of the
Treasury Department" The Motley, used
for` purchases of stack Lind gold*imiblitig,
it also appears, was - drawn i
n -Mish from
the Treasury, and in large' stints. Here
again, was, a failure in.the - Treasilay to 'en
force thh reqnirments'oUlaw . god regtda:
tion. Hodges' dislahrseinent regnired not
a dollar in cash. 'All should have',beeti
made - by checks. But money iyas giveM
CM', attention pail l to'diSbirserpents, and
the end is stated'O a'roblOry of nearly
half a . million. A, Receiver of public
money' in gashirigtenTerritozy is num-
ber three on the luiL'Afels idefirdterto
alarge amount;aild "Salomen:the -Gover
nor of the TerritorY;:iebilis to be a party
to the fraud. Itppearsl that' the first
named °Wider was; suspected, some time
. since; of being'aAefitlter, an& accord
ingly, the TreasurY Departinent dispatch
ed a special' ageat - to the Territory of
Washington, to investigate' his - accounts,
and ypon.exattiiriation of the safe in, the
Receiver's office ;he - discovered' metier- ,
atidum checkesigned by (30v.. Batmen to
the amount of it4OXSY:for'
. moneys -be
longing to thb-goveinnient, Which the
Receiver, in vielafini',Of the • lair; hid let
UM have. Similar,' cheeks - signed' by .
Governor Salami:Mit • einifederates) repre
senting several thousand - dollars" more,
were - also discovered. : Gov:. trahunOn;
finding he tailbeiadetectedeudeai.:
Ored Wink . lhe'afFair 'conetalea:"
even went - SOfar' at..tiv Offer "the' special
'agentcif the'Treastiry:a MAIM'
brit* lie:Wanit not zipbrtthe'real quote.
The fintivere-repOited to: President
several',Weeliti "irgb i lnit ther,"rernoval'ilf
as yet po nutibelailke4fillAti ti#4lAti.)
ter end liie'Xullty; patties aret;pjtiyini . the
fruits, Pt TtKeir, friniddleitr transacticink,
These are' the latest' fraiidi on the; Ratlioal
tidier the acimiint;
is .81I6,0Q0i . aill Illidge'S'.4ls/ 000 iPe
as dis.coVered,.and Evans' m oney is;
opo,ooopliiki)l4l2loiltiiell -put' Otto
the deficiencies, tlitY'Fedeial • Iteveniie
oulieeraM ogl,oolo, 00000 'Oberlin
WitehlukkeTerritery-Will anioni4. - to - at
!east t 30,00. Wan these radiate isip.
ed. frpot.thi - Rard;le.Wilr be time , for the
Radical prestito-tarn,ltioraliiti; bit-not
' until then.--Age.
"Aunt iferuebis."
The Reporter mass meeting has been
held at Towandand Buell an . outpour,
ingot- -the penPlestich enthnshism you
pinnot 4Ce imagine! ITtiti t affair
lasted all Or, Saturday afteineiM, L ans
briiiie - otit a - gala - in 66 evening: No one
pretended to know _ swhen would end.
The Court Rouse,iilloweiliiellsociti iitor
lyfultjonoLtolqleptby Jeriuha Grew
came forwald upon theitavid, tlinenthnsi-1
iifiViiiidientWsvaatrtmtim—Thirold-wo. , '
map is a marielons creature. We van as ,
sure our friend,`dr: WilsOk of <0;;:,
Jumbia township, tiMt Aunt Jerusha
twins her memory :to .an astonishing de
gree-. She repeated one of the old time
campagin Speeches without any
part. An astonlibing me. of. memory is
old Aunt aernsha Orow.—Argus.
Rem, of Radical 'tenon:lt
Radical joarnala emistantly
minding the penile that their's'istil pat,
pf 010 ality, economy, bouesty . uild to
':—Cdnefal 'Whittaker, Postmaster aE
• Hartford, Connecticut, embezzled' 8100,r
000 of government funds, and the di;ient
Republican's of the State wanted -.him
turned. out of office. Grant's admini-
. . . . .
trution, however; considers him • too. vai
uable do - auxiilitiTrto lose , • -- ..1'
—Assistant Postmaster 3obn W. 'Nor
ton, of New York, amzost eircellent Rad}
cal, determined to carry ont the return'
principles of the Radical leaders and
thereupon stolei $1,15,000 of the. public
funds. lie was never arrested, and, is now
laboring zealously. for Grant's renomina
tion. 'Ms is anotiter tally,for mfona,and
retrenchment- 4 • • •!.
—George 0. .Evans, one of themostitc
coMplished Radicals in the Stab. of Penn
sylvania, was appointed Special 4gent.Of
the States ' fur the collection of war claims.
Re went zealonily to work, and in three
years succeeded in stealing $363,523 85. not necessary for us to say that the
Radical State-officials allowed Win ta es
cape,-and a portion of the stealis-now be
ing used by theßailical Committee in the
State canvass. ' . - ,
—That'unbleinisbeil Puynms
ter J. L Hodgeoot to be bebihdllip
patriots, Coneludell appropriute Jis4s ,-
000 of Uncle Sum's cash, which. tie did in.
the most artistic ifyle. No further Up :
paint/I*a f(4.BtPliPg., APP.O.O7P . k theme
selves, be put in the Sabbath day writing.
a " oonfession." , -; WIT the Radi
cal papers in the country lifted np their
hands piously and 'said " Poor man !
what a pity." This is what they Call mil
itary service reform. A good thing for
the reformers.
Civil Service'Refartif has grown to
be on absolute necessity. No man re
mollies the truth of this remark' more .
tban • Gleerg,e Chorppennibg.
Believing, that,'"O man of words and hot
of deeds" was. the. counterpart of .ti
gard'stirdeit, he'haude out qty accotial,to.
the amount_Of $500,000 for seivices. a
mail carrier which . he `hattuever pi;rferm
ed, got Congress to it, pocketed.the
money, and 15 now singing the piaiss of
reform,, and insisting upon . Grant's renomto
inatioh, as eope hut a refiirter. and a
c 6 iuiag ligtit Itadiell party can do.
Geof'e still eipects to realize handsme
dividends upon his economy and reform
—The "Golden Rule" is not only, ta
ble to be broken now and then, but some
times , totalle smashed. nr, blontgotnery
Gibbs a boioin.friend; of :the Presidratial
houiehold,'arranged - the latter feat, some.
time 'Since. The. government vessel , of.
that name was wrecked and robbed of
$3.000,000 of United States. treasure;
Shortly. afterward he purchased son*
magniticient dresses for. the Mrs. , .Presic ,
dent and Abe. Miss -Preeidents and ,the:'
Presidential •,sistera-in-law and. temale:
consins.• . _ Mr. 6ibbs observed that reformm'.
was au fail in the civiland military ter,
vice and concluded to introduce. it into
the navy. , • .e c• . -1-
4 1'wenty Millions 'Of dollarals'a strialf
sum bf money in Uncle Samnere"riockel;
so the Collectors or Ititernal - ReCedue
concluded that,,instsratich•as hs
miss it, they buldlippropriate it to t 1
own' use:' .. This"they did; disiditieqt
among end" . other in sums - rarging . from
t.en - tholisied ball 'thillion - dollars
, SeCretfiry Show 'his
aliprectation of their zeal, made olit'a list
of thSid, 'with' the ithiontit assigned";to
each'•iit!Viiiiit It: to 'CotiOsS with liaii
corripliments: The eiaet looting of 1141
little ideal i5:829,700,tih3 33. 'Some cresii
grained Demecrati suggested the picipti,'
ty of arresting the defaulters rind Tria lthin•
thena'aisgorge. The prepositfori was re!
ceived with horror. This noble army 'of
reformers must not'l4 interfered yriGi/-!..
• Greeley on Groat •-:'
Mr Greeley of the I; rranne is:
er exteoSiye tour in the West.' By . some
the object of the tour is said to , be in!, re.-
!titian to the Radical viudidate tor"
fiat: Piesideny: This is probable.',' As
mutter's now stand, Mr. ClMeleY;:enuffa
defeat in The air, and heila'hei opjia
Gen. Grant in the most positive tiinner,
Not long ago, a privatU.supper tvzis: Oren
to Mr. Greeley, by a' number of his friends,
at the Tremont House, Chicago, when
John Wentworth asked the sage of (nab
lingua the question': Suppose we throw
Grunt over !but can we do? ' Mr.fireelev
replied: 4 4111 mint is to• hate a :gooa
man n'om in atede who t iflelcetid, will , con- .
'sent to giv.ilup the' office at> the- of
his term. Besidei, I= want to nominate a
man who,-if elected, will elevate the (Ace
to where it was itv , lbrutei- days; fa man '
who will not take - presents . or use the
military or his , tiffice-liolders' to advdnce .
hitfown aspirations fur a second termiand
in the tneautime neglect the interest of i
those whose'rule be is. Besida,ll want 'lt
in* who, is above mere please re-hatitlng';`
a man alio. will= not 4 ,4ratildie -- atir . cw.
!Mali of . bitt term amid ',the. follies
frivolities 'Ofleutering , plaiitioKftfldhe
who, When' upon a! expression ;
of views uddbtfief subjects
br - hationhrt interiA'ttite Ord thet iir
thO watt the' tople Want,"tiOr
his :fist ;We' tahr4
atbitvit the" Mud - Of tv: buvglik
*Ant, yOo;.gatletaiii, : your
the,'Weat that •Ivei' ttre'lzs-!
Ing - thfightutuinst Grant:to the'exteritbf
or indifferent. buti'tc tiro' hid own . -worlie4
we ureloittito 4 11,,, , ht it out on this title.'
This' 'Wiwi 1 whet* Mr. "Greeley itiltittts,
bikeiligeted' from him' iu
ri.lation4ci.tliti Grant thnp 'efcit 'TO*:
IMMitiatiim•Mid re•electiOnd 4- 4.4,95."'
the -Friel
.flowu with Itediettlisto:
- °
--- . . i
-Secretary Bontwell s preparing n
-l e - IkPa - the plittonat. Finances, to be
deliv*il in 94 1 - 4 during the present ea
'saes.?:-` ire ocotillo attention to thsfolioti.
fig itateAvtiffrolm the Washington tßit-:
triod uldlordinarily bar eqpPosait
tliatßir go ereitittnt, having bought-1:
one year 8123,328,100 of its own bonds,
weillCtifth - S - eifir of the year; be - that
much less in debt; but by referritgto
the first page of the Secretary's ttN .„ it'
that year 91y„.4111,6A1 1 91401 The
question now is bedrie of the
822;000,00iinfAreftuce 7, It theft bonds
havkaot been : za - n i c:elp4 ittCp,lit than?.
If they II ave Citne . ol4 not
the.debtereduced - tl23)ooo,o*.iastead , of
8101,000,000 ?" '
011imp,000 4 Dropin the ttackee. '
If Bcii(l,idGo'Orgsqot:to, 01;000400 - Of
stealingc.un , tht ., 2phrricifCtors,,
etc., to what extentlnay not- ho himself
and hisiminediatesubordinates,:who bold
high revel in Washington, he defaulters
to the Governineut ? • ' "
.The'immense tnonetary transactions of
the- Treasury Department! istei4ears
hgive ample Opportunity to dishonest of-'
de's to commit, knaVeges - such stu
pendous.charucter that' tied! ft2,l;ooo,find
:---great as it is:—greitter, th.ity;the
annual expenditnres. of the, : Isrational
.government in the earlier aiahetterdaya
of. the Republic-would. be. time _drop
in thetucket .
Whitt cheeks - and /seances, 'what oppor
tunity of investigation 'Of the'actnal'con.. ,
dition of the Trematry , Department, what
security have the people?' Noneltt-all Y 'A
Congressional' Committee. , partisan 'in
character;•appointecl pro'bably td shield
dishonesty, shares perhapsuof -the spoils,
reports . everthing Here is security
for your grant farms oretfisefficed to the
highest biddettw Goteritort and State of
ficials shiel,l l ,','rrither :than , expose :fraud.
Iloutwell eoufesies 8 - 21"9,2100 ? !St lunch
is unconfei sed? Titer rc:,(06,0` fear
the wortt. ' It will never .be ku,own to
what fearful ertent the people have been
mhbed corrtipt' officials are.
kicked Pa i f.or:Office: and "is. lhotengh„
abide `by honest tep - esental
tives, fresh:from the peoPle.filiabtiie
got* _gnielligence.
itarrisT entrAcrt Itrr. L onn, 'Pastor.
Sabbath Services....' ...... 00% t5.131.:611d 7 p. tn.
sabtatth • ...19 M.
Prayer ]!leogfig, Wainced.4 E yes Tup
Sabbath Sertribea;..6.4o..BecantiSanday to - eaeb.ltatith
Sabbath School Itatbodlately before Mae*
Sabbath Sortblea.... 10X a. ra..od 7X ? ta
Sunday Shbool• ' • m.
lied -Day Sartiattt—Ptldayb
Sabbath acrttata:.:. .. .. .. .10.45 a: Ist: and 7.80 p. in.
Sabtalth school .. .. ... .... p.
/V ci. • • r p. m.
PriesurtEßlAN CUUUCU MIUla
paohatin Oentem • 10.4` " ' dok. m, nod :ti:ti p, m.
Sabbath %anal ' ' • • 1,15 p. m,
Pnuar,Moceln,g,.Tbonsdny P. en.
Various Items.- I
Victoryivill perch upon theDernacratinhan
her if we taxi get the cote out. ' Let alot one
voter be absent. . •
--Our citizens were fitattle&On .Priday
lug last by ttar.tolling of, the Court .I.4auso belt,
and it was announced on the streets. that Elder
Albert Post and "a stranger whom imbed taken
In," were about payingtber lastreSpeCts to the
(*..4 body of mdsoney:' k small number of
mourners when it was found that
Mr. Post au7t 111.117rieml 4a not Rot the'" corpse
ready. "- 131) tliiP s tlceind
protege art; away dt SiitTie6ut,
arc unable to bring • altaut a,iueral
they succeed. baforo our neat Axme, sro will In
form our rattlers., • • , •
—There is a temale eround,h?osel is
Our streets, and IMLbeP doing P-4°9'"gfir
three tveeka,anct-go, fer; the t*sefit'of t.he
:rising yonth, , and: the-.morals of our boroothe
'authorities should take wholesome measures to
,rid our town of this nuisance: • We• think it of
.fhll simuch imiiottturce as q wiz:ding dogh."
• —We call the attentba‘df aufeltlindiri i tire
'661 tbsilffoilise is io haie i`railtrai r lilgond
any further,,doubt. ,A r li,payilling,persons„rue
reioested to read prOpoiS
turother colemn. • 4 : s t
; —pursitizeasswerearousecion Monday morn
ing last by the sudden alarm of fire, which prov
ed to be thebouse,of: old lin•lteynolds; living
on theontskifthOf the bore( 'The , thrive vri,ere
arrested Were , doleCtEcii , lllll - wer`Oid the
roof ;6•1-Pe414 'Th tire: 004tal
froin 4Ol l. in tbe.ORMIPY.: '
learn that the stOre:of Francis fiormau,
of friodsville,deceased, in sybkh . Mr.:LCiormari
was killed by'llghtniiig, 'was tbtatly destrciyed
by fire on' Siinday evening lest. 7 Tli'e full panic-
Mars le the. case we aro unable at this
time. '
- 7-Thechlanery:.beloang to I...,B..tentielln,Of
dratiatencl, - Wai destroyed by fire One dap )eat
week...-Wc have not, leerned-,the' ilwas
Insured by Strund, & Brown, .of„this ,Place: for
$20,000. • =
-,We have in our offictutPalPitia,--talaea by
1113Alleyi:Aoldyrizi..1 41:4gems.tqr.w.144 'has a
perfect human face, with &cry feature firmly
denneatcd.--the hole
delineated military - chapeau. Anyone 'doubting
tbil"staternetit 'edit ht our °Med ifid,sc:on
viniiiiitiernietreft: 'not the iOrdi:pitinP•
k in-held that '44 )er.tx wrnedlvith,a military
elumeati. ,Ouo',Devir,saya perfect pic
ture of Grant, which intarprptaticM blather sig.
nide:mt. ;."
—The "Tenng 'hTerts' Lectrwo , Assesiatlon"
have appoloted..n•Contmittea-,te wait upon the
people of this vicinity to asTrtairrif they desire
a lecture Voulle. sad .K. 80,: bort:A:my. season
tickets can be soa Upon your action, depends
tallqre thLs worthy :enterprise.
—The lifeihnCiliit.Mitn,*ety hcid at
the restcynßc.OF 6.*priikci 411.7 eirenhire.:
- L-+Tbd flat: , Annua Pergoleorthe Moditoso
Fire peportin'elli tieik idtiee dii - Fridni Litn, l ''" ,
~..41114.- "
80 autorial 'Co *rare a c /BP 1•4 :'• !--..
- 1. 7 ,7 1 ° 4 1?1 1 T ed , Beu.ntbrul , cfm,r,credeo . c;fAiie'
diOci.tu4 ,l , ll ;Giesi ifdeiVe.p..l,o;l4:. - tho l
2Gikor,Beptenther, y!The Object oftlie.tneetlng
tens to ,000rotowith Alto 11e1oPtionHOtern'inif
Co., to ratify the action otthemeetitigatTunit:
hantcoitirtinAvi!4li'befhfe!,itkihstr'qijiii wnsi
, not the w repreTeoted,,ttild the ieiale.v,c .. 4 aitoan-
Imola JlAn j iillilibll 'Or 4 1 . 1: 2 iitiitens ql.,the
office's x Wig'lo44l l ."lll,i - nitiOirielco.tbe:
confer - pee r i t 1 1 114 ,rli ave,
the int& 'lettering ieTiOrtS* ".51401, qe:fle
10ca11q , 3 5 . 4ere is,'PqßcC 3 s/c/ , fs l toho Iffivei
the p'eople - orthli,eottoty, itohnitendekzettloo
on 24.11tephent :./117,134ate Tarries:Ad' It
talent, hintesty end tho irtiejtitlidificeit4ne for:
the poilthith -end kis it tOwit: o f . ettenttkiTlO It ;
Wt. ,7:fothini,` . 116 bniCtir ui iOnntieitiOh.,
et eitiOtt ADO" li 4sii)titi, And' ther6:ll4, h(Fd
OA I ' llad,MeXt•Will r0NT 4 4, 4, 1 1 0A 1 ** 02 0
htelißikto*li.o.444ca 4 l s *-.. A6.110:51
-Aaron'. Z Is the tiateho.ord. . . ',
"Neighborhood TatUP
A wonderful dialogue under tho above head;
appeared in Yene4laffireFl+bann. PirPnriing • v
To havolaktm plane between a Republican and
Denwierm, - Woon'the bitaiskunce question._ For
dor m l
jOn Of , the readers of that paper wo
wil 'Say. the " neighborhood" was the. '
Rozkkati • , and thikpartles to.the coloquy '
were Homer rind little Charley. Homer took "
tlwarl. ef,„1,.. HopoblismnrMtd . Claarley . played
The editor Of the ./:4714. 1tems lays great stresCo
arthWEETlVittlSkipArfitrlrho made11411 1 0111;e:-
id making outAtukilp e &intim :mu -s. temper- , -
once man, wdiio l l26l4 aid to dip' tlich:narees.".
We find that afterthey have held their eon.--
vention, 13tike &V IM pall;
Claris artystilag to . carry their polat.-::
:wheams begaro that time, they are mere.:trp.t teg.
bse the nate' 0t"Th'9 0 h, 1 9 1 441-Sqgirt Pe r ' -
baps it A. ,
,M4eftly at. the --
office or Fitch dr Wation, he might'. isacertehL
who 'llroottbot" in, (and PellinPn not.)'
Be Ingtiont..
Republicans, wateb theyens, and see that no t ,
spurious irotes,ana east. Vie have Vinson to . be;.
have that the enemy will 'be more than ,
tteßvenncrunscruptdous on Tuesday next. Loo .
out for ways that are dark, and tricks tharattsrl
Rqiutracan: '; 7, .1: • '
Theite auflicien t warnlngt;or the Deras. ,- •
ocreey of SusqUelianna county, to haiet,theii •
eyes open on election day. Dhlyopeyer attend:-
a large pubno . &tliering :Akio yin lave
posted in large playcards, "13eware Of
cis r They illy always Wiitten hi the Iliteirisa
themielciei, btici idtiCareanad Mit Itriflieileflr — ' l
to'see you feel fee youe tuotiey;so that they 4eti3•>; ,,
be prepared tcisteal IL • The Biptiblocin
38 fine dcidges,,but the above Ls a Mato* 011:
knowing what they hawo done in this -
Did knoildgfoo keit the parly• ithß.4l •
ed of aleitruiey6pr Lai atones - at th'e StntOCiiii
flat wilt reFort, to, anyinentlts prcipar
Po.sure,hyitiCeTeetlori orbonest metL' We are
glad Indeed for, the 'tiro* warnbig,anilita eV
to Dusocrata"l3s VtorLawrr, Don't let ttipt •
cheat you- out of your . , last "right
man by a " §ptuiotmlickett. • • •
gioiokiya Item. • • •
C: Wilson raised' a potato Weighißg:, t:W. 44 ,
pmaia4 thirteen ounces.
—The neat Pcesbyterintschurch is now - tinder. —
. • coat, of mortar inside end bids tairtal
be au otnamcnt, to the village.
. . .
—William hosbeen slefiftWlioina,
(largos!: titicrir e olighili .
-43. W. Pitimer linegre itTy loipicried that:kit:.
side appearances of his - house with a few coati
of point.
—Smith:' lave rented . trie:t6per
rooms" hi • 11. ldeWeals bei building, end en,.;:
eaged to do all kinds of paintbig. L the
improved style. .
—Os, 'Wednesday last the Odd Follow Lodge .
in this place Ives put to working order.. n the
evening, twelve new members wereinitinlisd.,
Polsiniisus Thzshrooms.
As many of our:People have a fondness for •
these el ,egant esculents, it will be well' to • heed . '
the se:arninkchavered In the fact' tlue, a, young
lady named caroline, Hurd, white stopping
centjy, i at the residence or John - Erwin, near ••
Philadelphia, Firtook of a dw' li"of What .wits'
SuPOcea 'to bd mushrooms, which prodtlet4 •
sickness, and ultimately caused herdeath: . This ,
mistress of the inansion had others of the fsmti •
ly who eat of the dangerous vegetable weiiliiiadir
sicit, but all of them except the one abovetuttif
ed, soon recovered. Weltavfe beard it said that'
the wild musltroard li-froTin in the shade .oE. \
treeS;t4o palacatoas ;wedo • nOt • knit* ••":
true this -may ir; but it has been ascertained
that all those eaten hi the above casts were gash ,
cred In the aliadcrottre' and , Wen extulabi'
by caliinetent:judzeaVelbm being prePartd for •
the table.
Death of Centenarians.
Mr. Tlmorby.lirelley, who was,lol . yrare - 014-
oA 1he.2:70 of Jdy,,187 . 1, died nt 'the:Tesideopt *
of lds von in , iiieltols COrners, Pd, seven idles •
tronilinlilibero; on TbursdaY last'
Mr. Ebenezer Maur; of Blisliequin, Pa., Ls its
ctlOnaiiste became one bandto ye:Lea:lax
Tuesday, fie . piernber 5, 1871. . •••••
Tito•Comlng Comet.
ll 6 w. onitswaY, toir -
the perehellori, whiels:rt will reach-ln,Seittariz .
next. — Thaeoreq-wili be, telmeopically
some months previOio but is 'ttei an Ape; cc,
specialtnterve,s toihose whine'r /slop Is was
by iriSlitiZerita t :. Astronomers •
Itp point' their telMeopes to the 'ne1,67...
where thq comet 11111//e*OPIkeTI4:..:A . a
short,pericd-4mly three yeam and a .miirternli.,
The , le . 4:4lslfkucei *Ol the son thirttitom
millions of miles, or bont the wrinige,distance
orMetiniy - "Tim mdest distaneelStitritilitiC .
dred and, eighlinertiftailllotri or ;ides, or more}:
ttiaritour ticks that of thn UR*
kineipilly„ of interest beams" Att :Period' or
revolution has diminished to Q( fthogt
three diVs In . the.pisCelglity - years,. ether whiAt
is generally: el:envied Its:furnishing the best 'proct
or the thenfrAluit the regions of spaiotirel
. 111.04
with a material" ithdirreopebre utzetardhig th 6
motion of the oodles composing diesol!Mpayst4ll3-.,
Of course this resisting taidium
anqualrefts hisfiriiiii;tiamseetiaMdltdias in.
- 11e , eiPeriene0by odr
earth in the course. of thousande-Ofligen„. Oat:
the result, though long deferred, is none the At •
inevitabertb; plumb: and cornet:WHO be.
etrentugy pfeclpltnted,lnto the estn.;-
ffinliclonsa Milsehtell.
11..4 •
g r
The follov!bauie of melictus omlseldersials
tried itt the District Court, ketd in iltelgitambsA
lastSvecks - ;Alrneroo Robison against iltillinin
191,,Crortit":- This action was Proughtjo.
the',lnitte';ed an orchard of young' apple tretts„ '
which Croak hired Tomp. Hullto'girtile, - it*lt
IliPtibefed IlOtir the; evident:a,
that Croak polsopedi theft:WO I.9 l lW gi t
jest returned from State prison , a
Rubble, Ma then lifter idling - 61m drank ldts4 •
him to giMe thci-trees • far,.01.: AM ; stftertmd
I .l;ffyillOt and elliorcred Oentnitted ,the.
'critne IXB„ll t ieheidt,,Esq. Michels:ls Le.
quainted With, the ilevektpuit;*
and it ivai'tirringed bring o civil putt against. ;
Cronk recovei' the Valuo of .
llttifitestinitehy',coold be easily ltotocaebed, a ,
null) stra*gi irostisisiteit to, ti7ll4llllchtudYl
to. pioente Jito Crildepee,inceStstitt .to; 41'140.
Crook. Atimc Year ago it . wa s artanged . tiult
6 ,4rAlkig4triltnrlMl_ OP' 10 6 4 1 . 11 0 Steb,bliM;
0:4 1 r 11 10 • PnvFll'a Pager trigll l3 1 4 1 ;
ifberti irall • Seid
cell Crook and ilemand payment o treitler*lnd
!IV MireXiMtir°r4llll;
pl ibl y nutn tv _ 'the,
mbar d• the: ito at ; theiwsici.o
hea4faillAto , V 4 ted_ Ae.tectin*, 'itßy_
, rendered verdict, efliWanciA,l4o 4 ool. 4
tiff, , that beinglhit proved value of .ptas tweak,
Ilitisiiithia - pnaildesihat the jadiar*
agemarbalrebled .br. the ,tatut taint at
.paollgions tolsoblef like ibta,,
tniporuum ~. .-,! •_ , „ , 1 , ,-, ," ,,. ', 1 .:
1-- C2 13 Rtr, Qull7nos Purled ,5 11°1,,Mk•
lug Ito - stamp? on notes, under WOO: IThe-nroi:
4004 Z ii am niung - aeitie- Rivenue'Aimplis<
flac k
r t gtottet ticl elpl4* . ltsitlfi 4, When ebune t
is:C a r ivillsou ' lliage4ie.h. - jkinao4%.
urctiKs Wee potonvitrelet Svc . tent iffajW,'