epfikatted, and. 5611 hatO,kiltOi‘ledge rot tam: Tai stay, mace vaiontanczti-to thls 'Court and we will .talca such action as the case Thawagainst berseraelng, , ln`thlS State, Is' .tdillatfthlng. ; L AI long ago as ISM - fled It has tirnaleedin.ftfil fen* eteralnte.) It:WaseAltdcd . • "All racing, running, pacing or troe of , ili7 y ares or geldings, for gurney,- or, that or other valuable things, shall and ere here ',declared common nuisances and of anm against this State; and the authors, par. ._. ties, cent/bras and abetters thereof, 'shall he ITrecated, and proceeded against by Indict-, "this, vie desire you particularly to observe 'dist that the racing or trotting of horses "for rot' ottiefialuabla things,7 Is a , comutsm tl*ll*liii entiumbr ; and secoudi 0114ter deptged 1 kitlft3 el,'rittillo pipit* ' itriverairl alsettols,"`are liable WU-proceed --e4 against by Indictment ... „. , , , „ Bht in addition tri this, theseenntViiectiori' of thWlditlifeidet, provides "that isaeb home; urge or geldin~ or employed by-the Owlierthereof, ofwkh his consent; In any race. on which. any beteit iffsgs4-; Shill have been laid; Of itil Purse or.stake shall hit - eche= Mac, shall be liable to be ibrfeited for thaproper. county, within vitt ~ such horse, mare or gelding shall have been eins grhalerimontriuy lathe forgoing.prwitilons;.and the said horse, Mate or gehllngsoferfeited, Shall at any time within two months thereafter be seized by any.overseer of the poor* , or supervi sor of the highways of the township in which sotttrace aballtrive been run, or by the sheriff, or by any of bin depulties of thecenntrwithin which such - township shall be Ititnated; and in esse of - seizure as aforesaid, the officers° seizing shall 'make Information 'thereof to the next court of common pleas for the county, and such curt shall proceed to hear, and decide upon such seizure; and encase such horse, mare or gelding shall have been adjudged to be forfeited, such court shall order a sale. thereof - at ' public auction, and shall direct the proceeds, after the costsot condemnation shall have been-deduct el, to .be paid to the areainues of the , proper county ; " ' ' So that, avutlemerovefind law enough here, It ienforcedi•to prevent horse racing or trotting upon any wager, in any part of our comity: We junta the sections entire, to show how the law makers' regarded this matter fifty years ago. IheyptWrided; as' efore observed, not only for I * the punishment oft offenders; but also for the forfelhans of the h , es. • .Nny, they went even Anther; chid prod la the Sth intaffth sections of the same act, at every person contributing lopaskoun tiPoftio, `' t be, run. paced or trolled 43P, 7 or printing. or setting op advertisements • Ideliddidogthe lime land' place 'of running or batting Of Any,horsa„ or allowing sod Over. tisements tote put upon. his tlwelling or ma ted% should heaubject to eettallt penalties, - to litLinoovetud In actlcnis 'debt.hy shy person who lidehltinetwthe sanie. ' ' .. , Borsorsoingi - for wagers, is to-day what It IfasYearftgb,, Its:character end Influence up ,s4Aipclqw:a re unthanged;. err. although some rosy regard It as a harmless 'recreation, and claim Anats,ohjcptis the- Improvement nf, the trtahltnf homes; &c:, yet we must not forget that the tawteciares It to"oe,a misdemeanor—an of fense against the State,' arid,' in - la administra tion of justice, we have no rigid to regard it in any otherlight7 7 lt is -a -- misderriCisnor, and the persons engaged in it are liable to be prosecuted Fatteseeeded - against : lif Indictment ; and 'if goornoww,gi or olfeotes against this law, kith:your 'Aiiity. to . ma.h.e presentment ,to this Conra,-giting the mains of the persona who are tlM4santhorsi.parties, contrivers and abettors tberi l o ti,-- --...- . EXOD Posted. This is an age of swindles. The country is full orscoundrels who depend on their ability to cheat for a livellitooci. Among the most dangerous Ippesters is the counterfeiter, who Ls e6sthilially jlevising means to 'circulate bogus MOM BlleMatlny. Al! soon as , the . : various character of . one note is discovered he sets his 'tillttto . ***geitang oat another. Aniong OS Welt counterfeits ht cirenlation are $5 bills ailliisiinth national beak pf , New York:: They streowgoettimitations and are very likely to decelie: They can . be rcadily,detected by a monninstimi of, the. CagniTings 0 the thilebf the female - figure apiinlate . leff, Which Is scratchy and but of proportion: There are Bev " fßtutterTP-it-IsstiesUF raked States treasury i3Wesitheja* proiniitent -being VII - bills, of dfraudnientPlate of $lO Adhal States troisury notes has jest come to Ileht:Yiit itdoes not:come up - -to,'the second Pbtletlo l .sltaha Imitation is good.: ..There are , nehdterof $lO ITnitectrltates tressarry notes Itt', 3 44 ll 4 l 4t u el: u u wen executed VIM the ltatt,tritsertamoty tell-the ditTerenco be eetl r.dre eetittrat.ind the gamine. _ Alarge istenheOf r s4o treastoraotei, eiecnted, in knrtalhtatancehavepassedesseurdne.. Twat , tY gin Var Xilt Jethe...aarne Ideneteinatkan_ 'of ) March 11,-1863. areeztensively circulated. There tire oleo 4 rAUAtirr of XI and $l. following is ,a list of.thicounterfeit hank natialetich are else said to be freely circulated : trittbillsoi the llrst nadorial hank of BostoC, liastachnsetta;VOon the,Peortlyrationalhardt of Philadelphia; $2O . on the Fourth national bank I.44l4tuaLielii: 8 5 ,0 n the Pe -6 Ple's Ra" thnisibankot Michigan; $lO an the, Fannies' and Michank*lank id-Poughkeepsie ; the Al. war ciqiustic. bank s ro, bins l:Std - altd, , o Wbtetiestceconntyzational bank. There area ninasherOf:arell . esscated - cOunterfelt notes•ou the Xatienal - Pnlodr , hark,Liederpark, - 'Utica city 14 1 t 0 4 3 4, Valdt,.9 l re4ds national bank -and Okada national bank,='frlr' s 'VO;slo and $5. ; 7,ivirriG4t the plough, .'' .. : • ...,;,Wittilin s fow,; N..: -:' . .I;.=..Divihier niiig Yirttis• - ' . iiiiiria*rir gin thebarn,\ .., .. _.dirhappy,to It churn.. \ . . 1870. \ 1 ' '' . Neineigone to see tiresliii .' -: I- 1 Daher at the piano ;'' • --. ' 1 lladam gaily dressed in satin; A.ll the boyalearninglatin; .- • ' ~ - inth &mortgage on the farm: : , 1 AV'. TO ?resident :Wdadrlghni city, the Oththeditylang enoing,h Wrdnivr . ta1144-SCAW, Th l 4')irV i tts 0 0 0 PY.,lvtien Ire cortOW that, he bad been absent froth - his alai the thitheimones tory/blob he was. paid. -Mexican news papers' are ~?gaitt dire ctunit tet the annexation of Mexico: to the Alictifienieb 'boutman)--Aroit ofteiptstsould think, get .wet;do Sou tibt? Artiesa boatma.n-7Yes,:y . pr hopor,-FP does werrf-rsieweriy -Wet, =let-4 but dt3i - Just now, yer honor, and no = w a ke.; . : . .."--The:Western roads are intrOdneing upalrMantock;eifs." Each . hog -has. xt bertli to himselfiand a Turkish bath when heVtf.lt -Ts .nraktonneetient sehoothoy has written. ttimpositiotton'the horse; m which iie nip it is animal baring four legs,'"oni at - eMlinorner.7 ' t:eitice . b!:anty—a pretty c(insin. . . sit* soya raosn,roq nanturga. Corrected weekly by WElliani tiod i sdoc,',Mt. - Fulton St, New York. - • r Week epdirtr; ftt, 10, 1871. Bs t ipafi .1 Checr..sl.ll374:erlit. - rtctal7. - ; -- Ems, ppl'4lo2. .; ....... . .. _ , 2%1.'29 Mow:, *r barrel - Coraip=l,loo • 2..%©.9.80. 'Mtg. per bn.ta .. .. ; 121:14514$ By* . 0 •. . - • x : ...85®1.00 Ost4 l 7::'' - ; te-m ' moo .... 16020, Reccidfles,pvb . . . ',16g1 - 4 *gm Potatoctilaper bt4. ; Tam. RESS 4 'l A- in sale' by, Vivuni. coneorirtii_ . trpuitiv - 4sypt.:26, . Efttiqe4lconvellflione- . •Ail ofjou licit thinki • listeg Ottbe notes of the, qprvin, • ourielf ana , fonly,ttre respeetnallY tasted to attend musical Convention to be halt! ot. the 34E. Church , New Blilford, Order thellitretton ofFrof Hew, of Troy, Pa., ccimmenclhg Sept: 20th, $7l, told clotlnvizitli, concert Saturday evening. ' 7•4-B•74:hi°*ll.o each or two \dolltie.,per votive will panyou thto.thle•pemdlle ofc - - ; Br 9nrcutiolf ctr. .13cittember 20th;-,11171j 1 > t • '1 r ,-. ri:qttb ie ) firilkided.4 l3 l 6 lt.iol l lePtigo. VP* poetin beaulAnd PMclicirl! or*, math , ins smpaaa - the p9 i robles,of thti New nstat meat:- Their pre-mulnerice tiszer,Sil sluilltirspro , thictlens Is hatuarkelmowsne Of the dariwiseri they were tirakuttereir..Thelucharm it as limit and their lessons arias 'applicable. Caned Orth hir sortie passing liiridenr - of the remote-Bast; 'they exactly Meet.the:netlessilida z ot evil/ -Jane: None whttstuZAlOM Cali faikte rerogrilic"i ' wisdoritmetti a Wgridly Pout or3iew,""Pt.thel bprecepts they, eulcakttut reore.tlian;theystan s:inclifferent tii,the exgplitti t e,gince ot,fhti.:lsaf nttiv.rile Wldeluthciiina eonnyed.,-,,11ut-.wirile few ornone canned the parables without gath ering:something of the' meat -truths 'they -were deafened tolliustrateionly tirritartifie student Mkt driactkun theth , tliiirlalllignififor eh, there as have niit' . iinftiree nor' WO Ishii- I ty - to'ped &rite their inner receSscitst eh it Wo rli as 'Bishop SieVens'lms large, yalt4,While:eyen to the advanced 'Strident and piiateptirrigaisnre it WU; prove,a,welconui assistanw „Tlip, dish- opmanifesto a mare ..111tut_ ere:Loy, sympathy wattle Spiritist-theparables and is , singularly clear insight Into their meaning.iln each , cue prefacing tls capealtitartwith•a thwerphrtiktory remarkswnabling the reader' to - 04arly eißtipre bend I hetirenmstantierminiter which the para ble *a called forth'ind thatrurg,e. employed. he'preceela ;o,!liA"01 kits urisis:,i anilto Untold the great'prinerplm under l ying every Portien of its structure.' This lie does in thesimPlest.:but withal elegant-and foriibletlangtmgc,** tifest lug his usual scholarly gimp of his:subt - -shis l ot nsual earnestness audi restiveness of manner. There is no disphry.ni tweeters nor attempt to make it a Storthintaelet " real nritictge. Its. purpose being tininottly Trictlef I: tti b 'tnanper of its execution 13 Web as brings all 'claises,Cul- • turcii and nneulturol.Withln ilabiathficial , idle. erica. '.lle Underatarids the spirit of the t agettnd adi - iressitithicosclrto It _ He is alive tether:pro gress of meats; and Ids:remarks tare uttansce timely andtamvinciam ' These. thritures-liffest ' the work with unnstutl value - 410.41watt seeture for it Wide intention. l ,.lii bringing' it'Mt -the publishers lutt egoista' mach ' liberalitOind taste. • - It is'elegant4 , Prihted upon:ll64'49Pd paper, embellished with isetrierous lirirJY*rleu ted steel engravie,„;s, and handsomely, haunt in crimson AO geld-- , -"PhadtklDAM inquirerm Miss C. B. Drako of Great Bend is canvassing neat, fin; tbls - : tv,Ork.iiiia.voll give aim icaple en oriporineity to ciainine the,vrork., . September ;m: - • : . , Couipactily... • 2 r.m m fenocKirountms.i7-Stoekholders of the Montrose %limed -Oornpsny,- are - hereby notified that •the second Instalment - of five lam per shnre. - has beentalled ter by the-Board or Dlrertera,-.payable to the We:tuner , Whis otpm in Montrose, on the 15ttcof October.- b James I. Blakeslee, Brtsident, gnu" j Wm. IL Cooper, Treasurer, Montrose. September 13. 1831.-2 w. Notlee. All persons indebted to the undersigned arc hereby notified to make immediate settlement of the same I tvrioto or otherwise, and save oasts. H. L. Lorr, Sept. 0, 1871.----tw. nietimat All pensioners must be examined on or after the 4th day of September of this year, and they are required to present their pension certifies :es to the examiner. —THE OPEN prob lem, yet endorsed, of-mach interest in the scientific world;.yehtim to be the result of the 'Centrifugal forces from the earth's motion on: its '-ittes, - ,,,vbereby currents from the pole constantly carry mentions 'of ice 'iiray to= thec - lee' belt: Whether this is troAflifol, the superior ity and economy , of. J.. Monroe„ . l`nylor'a .Gold Medal Salerattis is beyond doubt, as a fair trial never tailsVrove and estab lished it a resident in e household. —We would not ricommend the fre quent or constant, use.,of any medicine. It it important to take 'even a good arti cle, judiciously., Parione.Pur,galitie Pills are safe; prompt, and reliable, as a lazutive or carthartie . , Base ball is undoubtedly - &ood . exercise and capital amusement, but it often occa sions butiged eyes, broken. shins-and:bits tered hands, We can tell ye*thakin all such 0./..se s if Johilson'a .4461:Vize Liniment is resorted-to, itmill xedude the swelling and stop the pain. Buart—Dastnow—On Tuesday; Sept. 12th, iv the residence of Marvin Bash, Esq., MiSS Ca lista Bush, and Mr. C. Yi. Darrow. Dsratcn—llowman—ln Bridgearaterfica• Wed nes.lay, Sept. 18th, 1871; by Wt. 'D' i *Alecri ander, Mr. Jerotae, E. Detrick, otAnburn, and B. Morrtirttof Bridgeirater. jPriater duly rtmer9berPll- • - • TrrYANT—Met.rs—, Wyalusicit,;brater. D. D. GraY, Sept. 14th, 1871,, Mr. Dison IL Till faay,of Hophottom, and lass .3.l.aryM. Miles, of Wyalasing - • • - • • 3insanD-31crir-,lfy Jaq.. ac e. at fits residence, in Lathrop. Sept. 18th; Mr. Eugene Millard, and lmograte Mott, .hinh of Wzgrox— Forest , Lnke;- op the 81lEintt.',' Caslktra, son of Nathan iyestorchallta Llab . year Of UV age : , - • - • - Ert,i-La.‘l3llvei Late. on the , 18th That:, Mr.- bucbael 1141, 'nodality yean‘,_, Itourzricisr-in.Teasnp, 9eptemtici : l4ili; Dom, or,DdiviOt Ziot4o,a, thi,..4tA - .yeg of herage.- .4: • gattrail Ai. IL - 4p E.llEltue • musics r.thrihnir: " No. 4, Nigi:t Exprews_ 11 : 2.57.1 n., a, a neinnnI LEIPMSS--1 1 \ ' 1 . .. " 38, Way Fret,bt, : - 20.20 " •" 2 New York • ...42p..m. • " ie4*mtitosiation. - " 6,l l 4 _4 lll l 3o attxPtet4 , :. , f 3 , • 114 . 06 , zrrwaux, = nu " f 9 ~tz.k.;', 2 Zt. " 12, A tleo _ " Freight.: " , th MAU zuidE..v.r.m,4l. 3 E 3.6 0 2, Alt fitigratiari-tEika r ;tiip alia,Bisii . - ancirinypassetwerk • : - . , • . • . • • TitEIIGH TALLEY.ItiIIttROAD., (i end alter leet.' o .ltrok tratn*lza, ta4oo Talley 114 1 / 9 20 arnicasajolloyri; Btinfta ' : . 0.01;641 , 1411.131,4 ' • 11.45,M tug . 11.63 i 431120 9AX116.00 TTAS_ 8.03 .820 ,t 2.40 82a VII. Towanda 4=1140 7.10 - 9= 443,00 Tukturmocit:GOCP Pitutoti WilkesZtarir,',l46: Ninth Ctraztk_p.m.ll43 . Allentmom..;. , 0.41 . Bethlehem:..: . - 'Ulta . grMe. Phttadelphia.i.,, 4.10 . e ', 15.55 15.53 • TpXl.• 15.354 . .. t - 1 4 0 Tin g Norikt- 31 . 04 Ur** flota4-Dit4njilinu ide ineloguzia tie liabistieb' 91V711ist Lao e , f thi tea OtAbOUtee - inth day of Jaty; en. MO one marked with red saint and the crater :with utr..z.6.l4.prrsoneprognik : vmert z w.p utw charger can take thsat f4 , t tiv :,,, r _dAzr ." L aI,,T i'l .i If,- , : .11:11oaticiza.1Pratolessisest r ic•az SA lio - EQUAL. : ~ . -! TN Perineum bt an net of the General. Aasetableof the 11141Fiscs v ysperprig LtrroiFplOatl.ciptl w6"7 - Iturfollo w elr " l u tiggnt u ' lu a 1 ';,,,.. 1icr % i. i!flaseil , ". ! .! ...0.1 1 40 11 i7ir. iiViie toiza ii 4.... .the el day or . .rtily.T: ii., , n ,,,er.z.,./.7,,,„ 4.1.,a... itiAbdict.6b.-thN..,,i , *.i:6,6 1 1 :17414i.;31=1% iregag Volillg t o- 4 rkcriertr yeentialllttnetf *IVII.2:141 . (114 , l ttpt* !aid. that a Gemmel Election will be held In mid county . PAgrattan• l' /rt ie ' ft " b'3% D Ogg liti 664341 * 'l ' 66; ibei2 l ll ii e r i leco dliVie?drtirrb". um, . aVi e s ft..tadtrinetbilOPTTlbtiter degree iltee - aat hillo - tiinAoteicers 4,lll i' be eleerer, l ii z'll c t i : which ' 'than 1464 V it 7 iineh/66 ` 11'; ' 41i1. end " k t am l • *lig:Frog iivsir u ge/Pet at :Z2lpitA zer ic.. l itt . irc o r 4argo cr j, a ri atu !ij o ri. . e i m . ect ib a - ar..140 eno t aUes of stiodeh . -13radtattl,' Wert!, and W 4 lottntty ‘ r,', •', ii* --.,..;b• . -1 ;''.!: AO , -:- S :,: -- 'Tt i 4eieOtti to - liflibe4lliei; o6fitabet: - tif Me Honed , m poie*o. of ma th . r . . ,of R,.llrreeeateti eel of Panneyhteittfor the d filet Col3l= . . °toe vomits IT tspl44 prate g. Jk Lif Mixed paperollectlptlveofdlsostie,lteortslospd lo ertore r to o tta deep Wk. tetriet Attorney for Olro b wp . l ; ,B4 neAn,O4 .4to tosuiy !LON loyornleyoestftm "on c oPe u r t io: to A E C °A l oe of Tl4eirsll:err of laid ette . ty.. to w. 8. i . if o t t o o to -.,. C o . :W ittat i o t,.. po., .. , . . - Two persons to All the ofttee of Aseoclate Judge fur eap-soUnty ... y : f,, I ,f, ±' $.,,,.• :-T Iktntersnco of Health. is a blewintwatehisafentatfew. Even these who have been favored by natant nfit4 strong constitutions and Tlgoi:OCil trainee are apjoo neglect the Recantlons ne4 er.arary to preserve these precious endowments. lan deed. It** rule, the` more healthy and robust 'a man let the mOrellbertlesheis Inclined trijalte, with hisonwo physique. - It lissome eoneolation:to themanrally•weate .lindfMittle to Eapie.that. BOY °GOO fildnelL'otate p pla d . ltoilt up:-by..o. proper tam of the raransarhich cnco :Ime placed at timi - ,1 141Pc!gal• .tof to: hr'9. 4 . math:Pe- 114 r chance of long .11f0, and erempil i ou t Air • t) , VM S ' e t 1 12, ItUM Al 4 ll " plegt e gtit r lTlVOlD:ll7l4 9 4lC4 ICCanij it IA Z di t 49{ ,' ii 1 .1 6. Ulf - Pio oi sbo clytilzedlrroWntm an occasional toule. l lo enable them to impport th rain Imola their bodies and minds. WhicitAlte fast liferbf thia ranee. .ago twat'. our. In fact ispore.-wheleseme..onencitinglonicr email .desidenpum of the bosy miltions, and they so the ar ticle In ilestette,'s Stomach Bitters.' It Is starultini medicine, I. e., It Imparts permanent etrength systems and invigomles delicate constitutions. Its rep. elation and its sales have steadily Increased. Comprti. tire preparations have Tema Introduced ad &Wean. and; and as far u the public I. concerned. ad natinnme. to ibt hope of rivaling it; hat Mel have all either perished In the attempt; erbeen left (hr frith* rear. It has been meat medical samosa of the present century, and hi gene certain that no proprietary medicine In this co to Lry_ts widely known, or as generally used,. lluilognrerem. running lar,cmattly„Ounde excepted.) the WhOlet ratiratirough. barer simply the ! inroad for the Illustrated Almanac. in which the natant , and uses of She preparation are etzt forth , the circulation; now bvlug.over fight millions • year. • I 5 • • • —rat coreasiorts ovltr-larvelni. ae oirarning-andfai the bolt of 1 1 .1 „ , .sticoyomoiund alert. _whit ender. lisal 'Nervous Debility, eke.; Supplylng.wii atone or sonrcanz. Written by line who eared himself, and sent free on readying a postpaid directed divelope Addresa, NATHAN ILLY,VeIRi, Bo kirit z ,it: Y, Brooklyn, May 17,1371. - em IllerGettingfaeried.—Essays for yoner Slen.on the delights of home, and the propriety nr Imbroptiery of getting married. wit!' sanitary help for those who feel unfitted for matrimonial happinest Sent tree. In sealed envelopes. Addresi, LIOWAND ASSOCIATION llot P., Philadelphia, Pa. ....VW:MI*O=II 'aim State -Normal School, saak Lrrs.pauu geltsurarus. larrretiu,—The Faculty ofthls Institution elm to., be very. thorough la their maks, and tolools 'cattail: after the health. men nem sad morals of the students. Apply for Catalogae to ILENRY CARVER,. nzr,' SB-tv. . . , . Principal; tout guoincoo girsttyirg. Two lines in this Directory, one year, $1.50 &felt additional tips, sQgt. NEW CAYUGA iIITICSTER.—NIOIIOLAS BEJEMAEER Dealer qr molar Cayuga plastar. 7 11 rail ground. 0. N. 116WLEY, Arent roe Entpue Sewing Marline, andertenn-Basentiretint Stove, Math Street, • 41.-KosB,s . .onotebotiisvocar.tickliSoi. Boots and Shoes, and General 31crebaddlre, on 31ain streetoecond door below the Eploco* Church. • UMW./ TEL iapf. bj irltLIA - • ,on ]Lain strvot, neer thq.Depo , . R: 8. 188.1.TcY4)Allary.xn8 Oder to Pi ie mad btbir ....-gteaulte. ciao door, from Ptqunefe 11 4 r1 Mau lit... Y. P,N.lllllNR...daniltie Alikir nod Usdcrtakii. of Kan INte#.; (If 0 doors Wow Navarre tituro., . . IicOOLLAIN Dar Ithas. • Dealers in Oroecilcs mad Provitinne, on lista - MOSS S KNAP. Leather Vanufarttirers and deniers lo Morocco Findings, .ke..,llenr Episcopal Church. • AlIffEY b lIATDEN. Dealera . ln Deans and3fedleines, and Idanufaetarera of Cigars, on Main Street, near the Depot. STSPIIENS, 'Horse Shoehmr, end general Repairing, °lilies Street, south of the brloge. J. DICRIELIIMAN: Ja,.Dealer In general meretundlee and Cletblng.ll4ek Store: on • Itr Street. GREAT B L k LENREilL'Xiliatoctarer 'of Loather, pail dealer %,,,Itt general gerebeactlee; an gala Btreet..• • D. Y. DORAN'; Mereltant.Tallar and dealer In Ready llndeCtothing,Dtiti z onde,yrocericsandProvhdow!, litscet,!. , ,„.-, Lti,';okvittr:: HIRAM WHITE, Manoractaror iland dealer to word or,Ploirs end Castings. GIBBON EDWARDS & BRYANT, Efannflettirers of Wagons and Sleighs, near the Ingalls• S tore. bIONTROSE ABEL TLIMMITIX, Dealer in' Dru..,,s, Medicines: . Li.; ours, Psivti,' (Mb, Dye Steffo; limeades, Jewelry; metimnr, „Ise?, ,21, CAttlIALt Attimey at law. office 'phis taw bekm Tarbealimee. l'ablicAreaqe.!, • STROUD a BROWN. Deveral Pire incur* Mato.' ante Ants ; also. aril Railroad and AccldentTlaketa • to New Torkand Phibuielphla: ()dice onc door cad of the Bank. P. B. Cffit.NDLlni. Generallnittrince and Bowing Its chinedgemt. Public Avenue!' 1 BURNS ein 6 A NICHOLS: the pluck, 1.5 elim, irrinitg'gracco, Pfpn, poeYet7eirair•dl tlol3l,4t., Pablie Arenue., -- -Pecta _ VilL, L. COX), 1i1111241111 maker and dealer In articles ; .m 1 ' 1 "/ kel4 b. 7 thaantde. opywlle the Bank. .: . BOYD Ali 2 4:108,Vi1ff. Ocala* Sioves. Etidoraoo, and • • ofactorini of Tld and Shoed-radium, corns Of • sod Toruplird 'Lova. r: • , NOME, ninrebant,,Tallor,-nad dealers rin Cloths. Trimmings, and Vornisbing. Goods. and . Agents for Slum niewinslisehine, on pan 'Street, Ac N. BULLARD, Dcater , lb 'Clourrfes; Provisiono. , .Books, Stattoacrysadlulkee Notions, at tout of Public Atexr,c!c.* T. , SPOII: • 0 - Wm Itc Stove, Eirdwaie. Z rfat •rd implementsqlonfatidoror,coccoappo, RANNsporara sn'Tengto, nye?' !aid ,t.zellitnSe Itttaldean rehrof B,akttiyalng; • - ' • • EMBIIMMIN PUBLIC NOTICE. 'llTSPonld respeotfullystate to lily foriner Costmarn ino.b".pnop - o . mrs44:. eat,. I tua moan -"Tittkiklalll7o Ittli;liirtsl3" atia mime -to 4ilawourisr, FALIIIONABLE, NUT. 'SUBSTANTIAL UAITNIUL , Art 4 Rioter:tom Pr4exr rittiwir Wootton slam. kiIr.VTTING Cad: bPECT.4I.I. CARE-Illied to tame the wortrilain forth. potsortorioptits u togrthrt. Shop on the west dde of talk: Asenne, 4 ewer Burns b Inch, obe_prug Store, adjoining the Omar ct DrAllUsey.•__ I:44NES.. Aforarcoo: rfrooretr% tt 4,dittitiottnen6. - - Ode peril:tato WI MO Mlles of County Commissloner , I °read connty. . Ono person to 1111 the *Mee of Dainty Surveyor fbr said county. 1 ' , tor One person to II M 1 dace orthltunty Andl r sad I also dtre.Triiielat riiilielothe no oPSusqehan.: to county. that the following Act has keen pruned 0 7 the, Legislature of Pennalouilat of he Act to antbmin a popular vote thhe question or willing a convention ,litameteir. onstitillion of Pennsylvania:. •sso ... s • • ni:1;;;:.:. ; Minim 1. Be if emitted bp Ida to mid Hours of Representatitvir of the fbmistostweath of l'onngtrania la General Aormbly met, and itis ?linty mooted by tole au tterity of me same Thettheritteridell of calling *con vention to amend tha constitution elf this Common. . wealth be submitted to a vote of the people at the gene ral election, to be held on the Wand Tuesday of Oct°. bar nest, the said question to be voted upon In the man ner Wowing, to wit.: • In counties and Otter to which; slie• ticket 'aline is authorized - by late.' vet 'for 'had 8 4; 1 11:1r g f raVue=illt r trib l e " wofd " 8= 1 • and not otherwise • , and the words used shalt, be . con sthettonal cones ohm," end undemtath ... fora conven tion" or "antitrust a convention:" and hr handles or dlatricts to which pliptlcket toting shall not be author ised by law, each electorvotingoPert told /Pedlar' shall east a separate - ballot cndonted en the diftside "caned. tottered convetition,"and eontalning on the inside the wont. "for a convention" or ..agenst a convention." and athrotes east thalbeesahl shall bcreedirtdosointed and tetrmiedkot th*proper electlea Oftivars a odyeinrn I tudgitiaanates fdegovernotatarighlred, talltitthand returned order existing laws. , 100110;5 S. That th e election , aelmaildelmll be bad , ancilso subject to all the previsions of law which imply to.generalciedlonwo the therlife of thilliental'coun. the shall attn./miles of Ott action In their election prochunationtlie prestht yestlbed the governor shall cause alt thereto:us ot the sol d election, as received by this S.:votary of the pommonwealtte,to ba told before the Legislature at tinned sienna' cicalae. " -/ , . , , ~. ;Alas I,l,7lo,l3pettker of thence:lse , , `rof Itepreeenrtbres... WILLUMAAVALLACE,EeaIser of the costa amotevarD..Thu of-Ja: 2 7 Anne 90mint one Umtata elgh and sevent *one.. TlM.Elocillor. for the Markt COMltes BM town ship of Aeolzn ',lithe lipid at We of Joseph' Bothnia said made. i , Tbe Elect' for the district eorefesed of the town. ehip of Ararat Will ha bold st Itio scowl hawse ittlF. the /Presbyterian-church In said township. ' . •, The election for the district Composed of the town ship of Auburn will Inaheld at tholottel of ;amen I,,Mt Inlaid township. . y • _ . , .. Thfirsiecu (1, o. for On distr composed a t' the tools- , ship of Bridgewateeer ill be held at thathidit Dome:in the Bormoritot of;Montrore. 1 - _ The Election km the district =Moored' of ttin ship id: tireddin will beheld aftba heliah . ef4lPCo.Y. Ballard In sal loWoshitie , . „ _ Thy Electhon•for the district ' cempoacil fifth. tdro shied' ChoOdad will Ito hold. the cani al Bolan near Edward Caehesta said township:,. • _• , .Tea Election for the. district ebroltdcd of the them shiner Cthiford will:be hold at the boo th l at e of John liewetson lo sail township. . , _-_ . atm Etectiou forties district compdsed of tikakearow•D of Dandier will he bead at the Dead= jlotcl, 2 lismadßoro, ta WlOtt for the s m ilstrietmWself o tha Theitrorn. ship of Dimoek wilt be held anena Abase laca erg; it. Bahrocittervaldtownsbna, . -•• the.- os - ' The Medias for thethlSi aereedPqtedof the idivellthilit of - Potosi iate will be held at the haw of Jahn S. Towne theta township.... .. .. • The Electiou fertile antic; eolaPaver . tbgt tointiblp of Wreathe veill beheld akthajicload. . me WM-Jacob Allord"a in valatownstdpo .-. . o. • , - The Election for thoduirdet CMorsoved o(thefeaiinn of Friendarenle will be , het at the oshoelhousein mild boron The lealon for thedittild toropmed of the bermigh of Great Bend will be e h the basso lotuses:opted by David Thous* In eadbmoegh.. - • ~ , ~. The Election horthadistSCiselerdcle et 'the teare c ah/P of Great Bend will be held at thohomeriate Wend by E. Ilarnotn.doccased,,, •..,-- s . • . . .Tbe bleetion forge Mattel Mimes/wed nr Ina townlll4 l. of Othoton will be held to the Academy Building In mkt i° .Phl i tgtrin s floe ' lligilia744 ' alu ' ell ' ed ofqll ' o ' tevell shiprot Barred will Wheld it Boatmen late of li. N. Wit dent in Odd tent:lade. ' , r,- is,-S".._ - • Thiablection for the district coMpored of toe town. shill of.lthrlatoty will be beldatthe booth dB. Winter. in dela townetne. . .1 , . • , Abolficetlen for the district composed of h e l p wDable sat Derrick will be held Ina building late othinpied" by John Miller to ealiktownstilei r. _. , The Election for the district composted of the town ship of Jackson. will bit held at that:rowed Joseph ' Only to said township.. , - ...,. • • .2'hetElection for tho illetricttoMpoeth - of rho town. shlp of Jessup will be held at the home at , Daniallitiff in maid tow:kohla .. , The Electhrtiftabedistifet eamj>o4l4-orAitacrnittap of Lams ellihe hada tile Itrumadr Gone a Brother. in said township. The Election for the dishier eameored ot the town ship of Liberty willtie held at the bouseoft.lavin Mark. 'ham Insole town/AM.', ' , The Election rot the district composed of the township of Lathrop will ho harlot the tilllsdale school Louth In sold towasOlp. The Election for the district withered of the borough of Little Meadows will be held at the school house to sold honthetn — - :72 "...- ,--"' _...- 7.. - - The Election f it s the - 111;4Am comprised of th - e town ship of Middletown will be bold at the hotiso of Otis Roes In said township. The Election for the district compered of the borough of MoutrOso wilt be held at the Court Boast Itosad borough. The deetlattforlbe_dittricf-tillthoted 9f the,borench of lievrldlida wilt be bad at thskhotmeilate otitolus Paurot In Said borough, - - The Election for the district composed of the town ship elf New litlford-wili-be-treht at-the house of Phi lander Phioney, In the baronet of New Milford. The • Eleclon for the district Composed of the town ship of Oakland will be held Mae Immolate of Theta es Monson In sad township ~ 4 The Election forth° diatricteomeoset of the town. hip of Hush, will beheld at the bonito Of N, D. Soy- Ides it sald township.' --'- . = , I The Election for the Melilla erdnosed. of the'town. lible of Belleville will bil bold' at Dm henna fate of Spencer a Wog In gold towable. , ' - - '., The Election for the district composed of 'the team @hip or Silver Lake will be belelnetnetanao ate at en. Metierigles In sold tolvashres • ' _ ' The Election for the' dlstrlet cisol of th e Bor. oughof Stniquebanultwill be held at the booth lately occupied by Wiliam Innalth rhsraidllotnegh; The ration for the district compared of the town-, shied Thomsen white held at the bolase late of litho. ter Stoddard In said township, I also make toown amlgtftt e nottce. as In and by the lath motion of said act oi,Jcily it DM. directed, ..that everrpefOOD CZOept. Justiech of the Peace. Who *ball held any orrice or appointment of profit or tenet older the United State, or of idle State, or of any city or In. cooperated district, whether a' eOntuilsaloneci tinker or agent ,who la,or snail be, employed ether thu tcgtala tive.judiclary or executive department of this State or Called Stater, or rosy City d Inearpomtetl district; and also.that every member of Congress, and, of the State Legislature, and of the select orcommon council of any city, or commissioners of any Ineorpwated district, la by law Incapable of holding or crew-tang at the ramp time, the thither appointment' of Jaage. Inspector or Methyl anyelectiou of this Commonwealth,- and that no Inspector orJadge or other officer of arry such dect don, shall beatable to intiyonice then to-beveled far." By the act of Assembly of July 3, =./., It is aloe lathe "the dot)°, every Mayor, Shedd, Antennae, Jtiettee of the Peace, Constable, of every thy, county, townohtp or district within thhiCemmonweatitt. whenever called neon by any Witter of an eleotioa, or by three qualified elector* thereof, to slur ny window or avenue to the window of the place or (lomat Election which Moil be Obstruetut in sucks say as to aroma voters from sp. Preaching the ntScrebs/1 be thedoly of may re spective Ornate Is of tack wardi district or township within this Commonweahh, to be present in person or by'Deputy, at the place of balding Elections, in such ward, iitoiliCl or to tenable/ for too emcee of. presens bottle emcees aroneeam , , Also that In the Chsection of the net of Amembly, caltled.An act relating to excel:Ohms and for other enrpoece," approved /width% ISM, it la enacted that the aforesaid lath sect ion..shall not _arm:trued al %OPT& I vent mIIE3IIEI4 dater or bonancm=mr from serving as JUdV, Inspector, or Clerk at any general or epaial election in this t'omMonerealth.". -r , . Pursuant to the provisions maiden& tailtaltth see. ti.m of theliet aforesaid, tho Judgee of the aforesaid district shall respectively take chame of .the Certificate or mom of the election of their respective districts, and produce them at a ineeting of one Mace Irons each di at the Court Boom, the the' Botoogh of Mont rde, on the third day after the day of election kelng the-present year. CO rider. the 18th day of Oct. next, 1 Oda! to do and perform the dupes required by taw of wild edges. Also that where,a Judge by Mamas or eu,, teemed le mettle le attend said meetlth of J gm, then the crellarate or retest stercnid MO be ta en cheroot' by cum of the In recants or Clerks of i dith the?elettitin of Mkt distilbt, else. hall do azd Perrocm dila* requited of mid J ntradir Wetted!: Aprilo2 Act of Assembly OpprOted the 17th doy of April, 1869, It is enacted that at "all elect/ore hereafter held, other the laws Of this Commonwealth, the polls shall be opene.i between the home of six and men o'clock, a. mi., and close at 7 o'clock , p. tn. By m Act of. Amembly of Match 41,18W1, entitled, an Art regehltingtheraottarsd.totthg shall eleetiona In the severAcoonticeef So Cpreettodynalth s lt,je. criaci"- eel as foler• — ' - - .13 on I. Ile it enacted by the Smite atid•Monses of Inseementatives of the Coondonwerdth of Penitsyl; vial to_General assembly met, and It I berth; enact. th by the anthorjty of the tame. That the qoalined voters of the several Othatief_ °Uhl& Ct mmonwealth. at all general. township, borough and special elections, are hereby. amines:, authorised arid required to vote, by eieseea.prlnted, or• written, forerally elateteled ne follows ; 10th ticket droll mobrace.the names of all Judges of courts voted for • dal to be tabled, outside -judiciary;• one ticket that embrad the names of all state officers voted for.end labeled, .rtotor "ono ticket shall embrace tbonames of all county odicersvoted for, Including °Mee of senator. member, and members 01 assembly, 11 voted ter, and thetnispro At' Camas. if voted for,abd be labeled. 'tonal," one tleket snail etn brace thenantes of air thernshlpethemilt vetedlor,• end be libeled **tom:ship • 4 oneitleket shalt embraCe • the mum of all borough lamas voted for, int shell be le -1 beled " borough t" and each chow emit na depositth In ileparatirballot-Dozes,". ~ ' , . , • 1 , , • Wonatioa, The 0 Illcenth Ile enament Of the Consthr nation or Om Vatted States Is as [animal • • . I 2 "Jrzffnli %. The right of' eldrens ape United Staten throw obeli' not bo dean i or abed by the Valloff dales, ortry adybutte, on ecthur,4 o thee, throf.or pre. Viola tondition of nerd toile.' ... , , 4 131crian 2. The (magma eta • nave pourer to 4/2. •Gam thiaarttela by aparopriato legislations":.; ' , , And fritfrffo, The t r oll •'relief the latticed fifers, on ' the Slat day or „Muth, um. posudaa Act, etillkd ~4.0 ,Aet annfortelltowilla of eiltaeuee' role linled iWanno to -wit Jet efetestaddacsqr this NelOn.and,fordMorpor. pates:" the Int end second intelthlth Of Which mess rot , nencreorit.,ritiotadeeldit,ta•StnotecneirrouxgrEer earitatineseirlditlalled,STafis of -Amyl= he 0:4797e1l assentiat, That an citizen, or the United - States, who are, or shalt hot:thereto qualified h . l l aer to retest ney i electlonby the people, to stuflinate, retort, district,' eeeeit•-eitYitiallidt, tonmehlr Khoo strict,. =unfelt. alit y or other torrijorlal sub-divisions, fluty be entitled 1 andallOwna tit Vote at pil spelt.elections, without die ; Unction of race, or color. or.previons condition of .ser• vittiditialarConstitution, hthritristOin - litegth of /ego. baton of any State or, 2 erritcoy, or e NT.I or tinder 1 authorityrto the contrary nOtwitneten rge. - .Szcsidat 4. uisd-24 II Attila meted, T la wsf hy.or ' , ruder, th e atitbenif Of the Cementation or of any Sloth. or the laws of any Territory, any 'act is or shell • be /centred to be donnas sprerevalslto or qualification for ream and bynneh Conettlation or law„ nervous or 'oaken ris on, bo charged with theperformanee •of duties io g torn:burns an opportunity to per. , (dim actions nfsitm ey or to become analleod to vote, i LIVI.II :34.'„, 6 i,'1.6,n, gasit4ll,:fir.:l ...........mr°D=4t: i-foTushcittic.PArizq„ =le.. Intler,. color, or previous condition of servitude ; and °lf any inch person Or °fa= than tether , oe knovflogly omit to glee lull effectto thhiscetion, bp shall, for every such .thfones,forfelt and pay tbo runt tif dye hundred donate # to lii epeftotf egailefed there . tote recovered by an Sellout:lm thecae., WlTlrfull to and. nch aid forcOunsel foveae the en= Triteem tetti and ' , ben also, fusel oath offenett, deemed guilty of a infs. demeanor. end sitslienrconeiction.thtreof, he fined not less thentive hundred' of ,or be lemma:melt antler, thin Otte month and la In tbsti. onoyear, or both, at 'the, discretion - Of th fat.'. ..• . , . ,_ .„; , • • Andultnrat. It is •Ilare4 by the accona aceilover lif article of thediMstitation of (battened Stet' .; that, nine constitntion, sod thentweof the .11alted' Futon winch than be made In pursuance thereof, shill , he theintiltelne law of the land. • . ' 0 Ir . ' any , thing in the Conathitionor ktsca .. qf ony.Stafe to Ohs con. ~ trarynotwiListoutbg:L . - .: • ' 'ettf thereat, The Legislature of this Commonwealth,. on the lithday of Slott% A. D. 1870, passed. en An: en-. titled "A further supplement to the act relating to eke- - lions in this Cannmob wealth: , the tentke%ne. of 'Which provides ea follows: - .. 'Saurian ID: That strmuch . of ' every act of A enitly' as provides that outy.whito freeman shall haentitled . to votttor be registered as voters, ores claiming to vote at any nonoral.9r speclar electlOn or this Catomo= i l e li Do and the camels hereby repealed , and that , ad freetneo,"witbout Mennen= of color, Sher be ee rolledindregistered according to the provislime of the drat section of the act approved - seventeenth Aprils ItEt,entitied "An Act ftitthrt 'woolen:mild to the act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth." and Whenotherwlso qualified under exlstir4ltan, be . en- WIN to vote atoll geneml Mid special onoth this Orentionortalth," ' - The eitd abos . ereetted imendluen.t and arta mist be' executed sod obeyed by all assessors, registers of vot ers, election - at:cm. and others, that the rights and privileges guaranteed thereby may be secthrod to MI el it gems of th la Commonwealth o:Willett° the 11.1111 O. The return judges for the fourteenth senatorial dls- , Wet. annealed of , the counties of Dredfora, ttnismehaw,* se/ Wayne and Wyomin , tow mensal the Coot Donna In the twarough of Tnnlsbaoouch, at Tuesday, October he return Salim teethe representatleed (strict, com posed of the counties of Susquehanna sad. - Wyoming will meet at the.Conrt Meseta Tankhannoraten Tues. day, October Omen under my band at.my Olen,. In the borough of Montrose,the ISM day of September. Adnottemloiltl7l, d in the year of theememonweallb the ninety•fourtb. WM. T. MOILEY;She, • riff. Septa:niter 20; nu. - 3,Elo‘ll3liimatioci 3.13.1514: GUTITHEIEN,ROSEHMUM,&io 3111Coliatrc,ste,"-:' AND STISQUEE4I4iNA DEPOT The' To LARGEST STORES - in The County! The Two Finest Buildengs . in tye,Con' The Largest Stock in the Comity. The CHOIOESTVOODS, Lowest Prices Grand' Opening of OUR NEthW STORE m;;TRosE! 19 opt. 28,187=. With. ,an almost enti rq7 New Stack oteplindid 000da, especially Dud CAttlaMy Selected for Tuid ARK sr I INTIVETOCK COMM:MI 'DRY, GOODS, CLOTHING, MANGY GOODS, HiAiaesl.Goot% Boderymimmiligg. GENTLEMEN'S & LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS! Cape", Oil Cloths, Hats and Caps, etc, ate, etc. A SplndiivoildaggfOclgi):9.C%oteln Poplins. Japanese, Silk:, 'Brussels I • •Biltb , Pliddr,ndperlor In nu ll % Splendid Asiort,inent of Black Silk, Mack:. YE. GFA c YFUJIE ' OIIR oNms .ca xx •14 muttktumueo syekineaf_v -- elfen. We .Lava the Lamest Anertmetit orGoole for Men's War, aa4 Make Cloctslcue Up„ Order, - Mir : ranted to Fitt CifY — STYLESAro_ COUNTRY ,PRicEi . . . . . . . , .. thir goode are too Xtuncrotoi to Mention: We DO Good. In Large Quantities .- • - ;... , And can AFFORD TO.lind DO BELL` ',. =MI cumuts •TIMN ARYBoi) 4 / N 1 ..,. . . _ . . "' - 'A Word Softie:Wise is dadk!nois Cell aiNresollao and amylase- nursers& • -. . cumeintittitG, BRAiiBlbsTr° fionee, 2 CPaPtt" bbe,et• Viittork. - ;ZS Water Streaks 64%. N. • No:2 Union Mock, Blabs. N.Y. ,* Saquetranna*Bmot,742. - Moamar. 8 tag ej,t27:Taph,' AIIDITOWS NOTICE—The undersigned. an KUMOr, appointed by the Orphan's Covet; of tiumnetianna county, to distribute the funds In the panda 'of the Ad. ministritor of the estate or Cothatine McGrath, decals, ed. will attend to the duties of his appointment, at hta Montrose, on. Wednesday, the lath day of 0a tobcr,lB7l, at I o'clock p. m. at which time and place. all persona Interested In eild - fund mast prevent their. claim or be farevar dubs:To:Lire= coining In on said fund, • • • • O. CAMP, Auditor. • Montrose, September 20. lErrl: ", 4vr E mE RAILWAY. ander one management-460 miles vlth ont chin e of coacher. _Broad-tinge, doable track route to pit Wats west. aorta-Loot and sontb•west. • Neva Sal mproved Coaches are ran thionzta Without charms to notheater,Dealo. Dunkirk, Clayelard, and CI meth. oatt. On and alter Ifonday.Ehx. if. OM. Trains wffilara Dlngtusznypn at the fdlowtng hours, TiZi , „ . . , , t cra . - 70KitExilyeas, - (ltoedayieiemiledj te22 Expreleoletly.- • • • .-- • 0;21 a.ltt. Mall Trap: Baculays eteeptdd, f 92 ThalLeo. • and Dunkirk, - , . . • :30 p: m : EttaimActortamesdttoe, Semi ajecicaptut. • & - 04 p. m. Day Etprese.Sdndaye excepted. 0:12 p. m. Expreeallall,:tieadays excepted. Sts2 p. EL, Way Freight, Sundays excepted. 1:03 p. m. EmlglaexTrafts, daily for the west. . • ' . GoIN7I nil. • • &05 S. Et.. 711211. Express, Bandar" excepted. , ' 7:Z16. mAllfielnnatt Express, tlsedsiss• 141 p. ex. Day Egpretriliundayscseepted; 1:20 n t ur AcoammodstLon Troia. delis f4r9Oveltants, Fka thin. New York Mal; Sundays excepted,: • • lightning Expresso:fatty, . . 410 s. D. Ws, .Ereight, dandaya etteptad; • ' " • • ;BAGGAGE CT:MCKIM TIMOUGIL ' • ordlrovliedaDdeomplete .• Time. Table" of l P in as es c o im e t t e Tan yb e o c t n h n E t ka ed ta o llw d y n d o cn densp g . plitatiou to tho Ticket Agent of Gm Company. L. D. nucKEn,- - • uerasup.t.. • I nas'aAgt. • Dee. !A, ink - BILLINGS BTROUD, Ticket Agent, ifilntroso vrtusqoacgantavr A. - A:g —wAggN, Stir can be eon no t.cd st restdenal Irilridsl Ater. on the lane bajo.lolo4 .140berla Johnranr - liCti refereartaigtren. •• TAY/Ai Htidgettatei. grinb 18Th:' - ' • giu':o* - 0,• , : - ::• . i 2 - sAvitsyqs bit4Pmar __..— . - - • - Thel -- underohmeti U . re 7 -erm'emeedr ti::+,l lLtion neF,:. radiants and..Unol4gr o atlsaw It Ups'. Ro....¢Flar Atta zsmaand Win pt. .--,...'-t.- ' - • ';.' -, ,• 7 -=, --. b, ,D , . c ' s is" ; inktriegA 6 tll'. 'tr . titA',; ~., cgouarreonblett to mumr.cHEMlllubC., stiVergie eqed - frouton.Bartore Moi--,; , , ..-: -, -, ..; ... . - 'Dill seri a l. ina , go ta; it IF Volta faVi - Xi* on oil Darts 0 the IJIIITEP sTipags . , and CANADS:' ~ DRADTS:SOLD 'oil teitiiol-OGOYICIINDIENT ; ',.; BONDS 8080 OT in 4 SOW. asitetlPONS DAJEGIED t I i . 411anitea'atenii.,,Titt41.4 iktOjiagA Jpdimene 'Nonni ' 1 and Jlittlecolnanks rui SAN- ..,, ~,,, ..1, ,6 7 ,:;.t i .-- Or-Mr. elmea wllitlya toe iCrecmotilittittion4oltta=l buolnee.. ' , ..__. • ti• - ffi . SII.,A I .MA .' "V ' I • NOW ifilibil, &lipid i 0,1813. ". - - ' :St - i±_t i - • • • Itt IV. E3Zi•jEttli•iiiini a . l leirl i ian : • •: q ~ kitilll,44 {:00i1•1•01.•131vesty /4¢ I'lcsAo give rag!, tall. -1.441 , 04,4 12 4.41 0 7 PY , IYA; - - : 1 ,, , ' - Grep i lalack :Erna Jatze,Teas, - . ' EMMSEI Cod r,96,14,4,3,01.1. Klee: /.4.44 UoI Me. a 1 gatchiilip; ° Difeleated Coctinrmt. Colatine. Corn Starchy, rarlanaass Corkoer44. : Vr•rnlpllttoCorcee,iirrorr„ Korvin() 011, figaitar,Nl.naaiss, Rale Crcito Candlr, SiciliolVito;:" : _ . ,eii;aprOir* 4rd, • Crock-En% • ;S: • ore* 414 Cheap. lloilltore,Jolitjr, atr:-.it, PLASTER, PLAATER,:-IVe tern on Lind 41 mina. *apply of Fresb Ground Cara c n s plater, for rode es MontrosoMenot, by TIFFANY &CRAMER. -VIM:kW* Mcf9I'.7 . OI: I I:VIII:LL,K ?Pir...i.d.470 - AAFDITOWEK INOTidit —ln W./UM/P:0' 1 On 0 , i.s.,sti Auditor, .appoloted by,the.Copri u l. Compton 4 5 Pleas orStaignehattasSocati. to ms O. balkis of the thud Seeing from S,4llTassle olb al estate or anes-sad:: Bridget , l Ciimallits; rfatittajlidlice that he wlll attend So the dudes of sappolotnacat at the odlcsof Fitch.dtdVtettil itiltOuteaveesidiSVedhea • day Oct . IItti,ISII, at I o'clocla,J.Ja,..pt which thstrand• place, all pcnionajotoreetre.reqaititot tO-huoieut their claims,oshe7cscif erticharr,tl tram coming in spoil said flid— -. W. W. IVATEPN,:ladlior. . Sept."l3 f itit,--iti — Z . • , ---.—. '''''''''!.• ILATE 11001111 b. TfRBBL49CI2fI Co bib 63 2. wand quality...3(.l3°olm Slatut *taunt. gurcbusb'a* Hemlock. eblngle..elro . qaellty -.of blue. ircli .041 d Breen reduc-41pricer', .For paillmlute cat ce N WILLTA HAVGLIWOUT, MoutroPe EisusceaVo.:Tir. • Moutrus4Scptantier,l3,337l,•:: .• Dlinhood: , HairAosti "Ilow;Restored. dot pi:Milne& a new edition Aft?llr.-! Cake: WeW* Celebrated. „Reny and 11? tap. tpdicol . cam (witaodt medicine) of liratmaromortr_i, or Simi. matWiltness. prrolutitary Seminal losscarlatror ypacy, lleatalandTbiteat Ipeaprally...l4pedleacnta to Marriage, etc.; 'alro conamarvom hettersT, and rag, todrinedaty eeltlndolantios or sexual extraysgan2m ., M. - Prim Ina sealed envelope, only Ozonic - The eclebratedanthor. in this ado:14010 esizay.4early demonstrates Loam a thirty years' sticeciorful practice, tantThatarrmingecamentientea araeltalteue amyl:m=ll. ealpenrod_witbontthedaagerrots - nse a; II4e11:141X9e0 Moo 'or the application or - th d' knife imintinn dot a mode or ~arc'at onco'sironts; eartatti• and efrevnat - by means of NOWA every sulterer,oo matterwhat scan dition maybe, meteor° himself eheaplydrira'ely, and radlsally. • g4r 'L'hia Lecture libou -lAlo4tanda of every youth and every Sent. under seal, in Vain tistoropo,so any address, postpaid ortronelgt ()tett gents. 'yawn o etampa. Also. Pyrnieervrall'irldtkartiliglA i>'ibg3 min Addfraa , tato Patin/lino, *-+ - MAIL ,t co. • Welyrtriewlr Pas flags liat,ChSti. VALUARLE—FARIr:; FOR • .BA-LR4he _subscriber offers his4arra at Silver 'l;tike, Susquehanna C0., - Pa.; contains, over :130 acres 100 or 10.5'0f - Which :reek:l*d and uriderettltiva, tion the - land Is well - watered andgoedfo44ithia• grain or grass, there are between two and three hundred grafted Apple trees on the place besides teach, plum, and .. pear tron;thelann conierd: ent for churches and schools milli. good -build. 'rigs, 130 rods south or quaker lake, therfarna , is agoodonn and'aclinhublylocated. Address crap , ply to ,• • HAVRICEIII. DOP.'NELLe Silver Lake, Swum Ca Pa.illsrch 8 nrn; , M;:.ll'o.ltti; ..:_l'iopertk, , T.tocattVat aack Corner?, sad lem, , and taaorubly hum u tho Luria Itotol.nonneetul vrith tablet - ant pant %trent:, Amu et Valuable Lad, 0 Far partlealans adartu ar call C. C. MILLS : . • Pmork 7 fa- Jan: Zona: • • . : Executor. A SSltt NEWS NOTICK—NOTCS Is herebysrivess that .bL. Henry Ackert, or the borongh of Grate Mid Stis quehanna county', PA.. by deed of coluntaryassignmene, has essigned all the estate, real and personal. of the said noun , Ackert, to A.Y. Btephcas,gi .CI rot,Bend bore, in told Csinnty, lb trust. teethe bettetit•of the creditor' of the raid Unity Ackert. Ail persons therefore, ludeht• edio the said Henry Ackert, will snake paymiret tothe said Assignee; and those having claims or demands, will make knewathe same witboat &Jai' , • • P. - liTfiPflkiqS,Assignee Of Malty Atka:T. Great Adeedittguist 1; • • • • . . . 11.thtrep Tow:ship • SALANCEI, nnorunided tor, Juno 23, 1137 CF,:..,,, t 0 .F.00 Innerut on Bonds. • • ,314 yy IlLadditlonnl tonrlntodnni dollars not antinr4 pry': • necontited for an utttO4 to Set Intatioll report „ 011 rcee74ortglttea. $14.3 1 n t 7',1!31i TS laiunint unprorldpd fur, Jazie 41 .—...'-'11,935,171°J.43N:'." Auditors. LaiktOP,Mlu ,I;ISTATEI ktfASCIS; ?mix. late or the town. .14 ship of Frieinissille. geckstais coenty,'Pa.,de• ceased? , Utters or AdministrateM Jipor,t . Etterstad of .the — dbove named decedent. herbs:them' granted to the undersigned. all'persons indebted to the said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment. anditierSe having chime azalust thvante, to present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOLIN MAN. Friendarille, Aug, :APS:I.—Gm* Administrator. LikcautwAtizrA . 17 cart..41.2.1-wc)247.- . • • ,Gl.4pCir a Cl p4:l2ll6l,oFelp.latet go. ESTABL, iSILUD 1.855-.4l;llllCiidtEDl DIDIV/DITAIF .we trAnsart‘i a eimpatharNlig Dustue; 5 oditi . 0 P..4 1 4 11 . cuing to:our PEPORMPz,v4tr,s 7 A l,l 4 . vP'##44it \ •.; DEPOSITS. !c, , • 7 , oAllpeposlteraid - on Demand WithoutiZeticei. el i'enfores kcepinzieenantar with. es i4tt cherub* , u with any other , bank;' and onc , ,etiatoiners will be amgenniodated withouteztra . eteuge oi'dlseuant or exchange. \ - Tr • ItiarrrAxcar - • For dome, from potp4 ha the exittey - eitedelencto` rallroa 143111,..7. eVeera, p_Mnpt Ott= tedgrd and remittannea paynienpnadni; cranny , eb:by,,ye .,. , Alt Parts\ of 'Euroj)..(44- - :::.!:. •iu nstero exchange:- - • • TA.6111.013 TICKETS to and Nan:rail pixtttit ttutp2S, by Nirat(lixer bteantens: at the hairnet:nide.. Serantan August tiHNECUTOtt'S NOVC2, J WHEttr..AS Testrunentarito.the testato of udson Stone, late of Forest Lain tonnairrp, d ecelond; love ItUfwgrante4Ao theaubretlnercnil persona Indontoi to said eatate are requested to snake Intmedfato payment, and those tom tog claim, or demands azal_nst ttlo criateiflCHLAOJArt adent.:-trin WslotTho ;gine nlitiotrph JOHN BRADSHAW% I .Off.Alifillft.N. HA DRIB JULIA BUTTERFIELD, PIIHER:Illelt. DAYTON,' ` GEORGE a..tosonsost. - Forest Wee, ectitoo.- ='~:sre`a~kts~ ,Zattrto . ixedßlate 13streraztictIsh. —Verrbrge guirorten t Insiudittyagreat stria i. ,17atr.170: , ?- 1:43:141 7 rkkli:6 1 0: :OA 61xdb:/tvettee, bet, with„ and ggthilit Trete. - Retrfork.. - itt ",-.3;11.3za . . ABET, TUB,RE.L.ti' A.KI , t- Jla.ja.t2igtbinail fro . ailtaw TorjcArlth 3 a tarp ad cUtinu to Ms nmai gocic of F.l , l9tp . goottp,,. MoutrOrP.VOTi MUM • , _ . , • ' ' ati ND " Ttill irli WlDO t tri 3 81:1114C1 14-Cc°4lt. Citi-kilLF'"oiillruY-17Pul:11; ' , : ,L..„., . ~.—Li;v ea a Law GLauting .. rettslii .roco mi: rsi 1 g 7. ..., r or It f rsxk. ... 0 - Au , - r . ..• 1 4, 1 ' sAri - LT. - _AR' TALLEASS ., ,914., ,,,, _ „. .. to t zm i lv y tg l rei ttiod rpar, ,,,.., ;, ,,, h. , 49 ,, t4in ~.,:. /1 . - - ' • '' 'AVON - '',l'": ,- -- - t3,___ , ,: , AO i t a l akit i art et o w a,.„„„„ guy b ?rocci,.. m .., ~,,_ bb pnibmilmok.r. -;•• rz 7 ):-,,, stoa t - - h 0 i,,,,,, i0 I ko; et a Itelle'fineH, : tim,,,,0 . f 111 , 0- 1 • 17440 L,D .. 3.4.. Fa.) nor : t h crP ortin t r i g i,,, bebol i n igr,.., y 74_ ~, . 5 ,, , , 3 • '''' ..: .* Prin tb c olinon," ° " — or . foll — tli aiskiller- t . 4 l A'd Ot...•itg., , 1017 "„ ha w. bail r eff ,ill bp . 4 13 rdrup ,, . ty.. , ikt . tt ,. tt , d u ct! . ,r}7..,......ral tatttf.,....,...,,!,..:,. L„, F gat i , th .,"rtb r oxiad-pdai :ens; Av toz72-A-,.. ii0 , 4.40-,fibims,,,-.- 4 , 0 .., • -•-., ••. 7 .— _ . . 4re, jai krillgliD ielc d.e d. it,le Brr iA ti T ec tols. l- ; " 8 ezi 0 . r. e4 . 1. , ,77 ., . .. 1. 10 - ...,,.... , 12” 11 ; -gatitIC , =um .1. "AharzaralasterFurnaliorm ,3.l,Ainatvar-;i Timutp•ftro state fatcrreuttama i &si ca .ttaaseo Aterataimmips4l . =SIM S i•, . I , ft ... , L'.~~e~ , A".:r21770 , :? , ;- AL= r •-; NELL'S ORAPPIttlitUr. .tr An Implessiont,'PirtiWi*lic**Cllll = • It It • Iland Bald, M J Ra hon,(A•Choent*l44xl4ll!' rr.• - ,c; - 1 1 Carri; ‘ , ,, tt Bolts:a.^4-41irerAtittallildticej MX=MMI 11141C01a5 . 4, 1 677,i i:..4 z:-.:,...!:1: :-, vg P ' CO CO Mr° 3as Crolo „c• peat always gives lire iadatN.#l6lllll Ist* is porco Is Ready for the l'sblok,Timots )4.1a 1: . 1 1 4 414c40*1wii444 1 /ki • - • g thindStejtakr- - 'bath/ • Haw, E • ;' . - Ifobobeolb Draw Kt BVBlEEtasert.:‘,.! - E. t - Ezr,LattiMo PairEt.s„ „v. 0 1 •-•E Vandab l ie. - likry4o .14 /..f) . . . .AR4t t aria.. , C a,.:;t :.✓s to ~X3 ..f - 7 tlontio~te , lTl~l.+~ii - 4 : ` . l .. . nwiz.muslEuxcits,,,m • , same- a"..va'coxuveir saitsr.o. red IneptrillainferhaynniGrailentninitailini In • w - nrtinns , •;lln? nnan4erand. metier F/1ff11 . ?. , ,- . :, a— : 7 ,44 13 / 4 cil.9 l7( !ifiD"'' • bare I,liAnst manninn thiainvanuak4iiit BllckWhPllfahnlnsranamenFO. Corn Meal Ita to oh It dot !red, a dr particatar atteatim gNen to grtadag4o, !today° receive a Ilbergatisre of patronage, Ilea= oil wioulacany fait: tat collide torsion oto a call. nringetrater. Sept. pop s S. ME. e.:9! 1 :1 7 .PCP8 Y.W.Y,. tb MEDI DEAD zosrar "..;`• eNzi PiE LIVE LION stivitinvirs,SZELM nand after September Isitha tr4s; N..)! to tad goods otrictly for ready poy,_aad *a I plc pp r., Cent a - ben - far and keep-;conatantli,ooldond Pry °MN, Grneertea. Boots ao ab „oat 'Yankee Nottans. rety..Pork andyieb, Mod idt Rod!, wanaltylt_o•Ad • Country Storm • • -- • ; LOTT, Auburn Ceritzf;Sept.lab.,-18:21.—dr: • , ton our • Vito Imam MERC/INTti.And bird go X. long given me thelnwdlentage, I tender MY t relt.thanta, and invite a rmittnnanew 0 tbei,sainei SPLEZibill swsesn~ stoat. timith. Cohn & CO., 79 and Ed Dnane NMI york, where orders should be dictated to me =adhere . huh(' stem, to theme early attention, and tined sell roylatmpa,and to timed etas ...plea by on 3twother Meg!latleetilo berailarraldfirs ant big or Milo concern In New Norii..Ar me a fair trial. Oor goods pro nil new, and °origin toe matt, for Menem by and Mirth= tilde. A • •31. , C.: TYLISIL,I6gent, and Aide tant.. Montraeeliarth • WONDER. OP TILE WOlLlD.—POssbaaglw Pa. Jan nar9 28.1871.-- - foyrboin Itmay concern :—Tlits la to ectlfy that Ittave even A. il..iLDWIff, of Mantra*, pn,:the eacloalre'tnntrol of the tale of Ike epee 'ma. ed remedy la tinyquenanns County; tua ?nos be to contlnge In the bnelneleoind that arl Ordm 6=l shoulit. be ttld.realed to him, to twelve atteallon. • ' • 31iI, : AL.2.I..TILTON, rt cipsietot,i' tth 04 IsTl'"' , Notice •to. Bullderi: E SCI 1411 1001,BOTOnS ntigierieit:eitwinethrP , drill reeeme echleil preemie tat the buthiln,.... of• new School Stowe, in. Uwart Leta Mettle; natilioly Bet, MU: eatd manta bone* to_ be similar ..to. the - One In the Babcock, Dleniet. - V el' sPeelficktion• 411 4.Vartitr ohm, ea On B. Thstenc_lfontrese. By order. or the Bon: .W. E. EAEcOCEr Own'etlia,, 4:7 , Brklgewster. ODD 1871 : - ;ow., vsros .et. uArnirrr LTLLTBEID,Mliitet'ot Nov, JU Milford Ban% NoAtnehannah cdanty:deeensede Let ters.of edualnlitration upon theostate of the abmp musk d decedent haeleg been granted to the indent:l. ed. all port out indebted tO tho said estate ere .bereby notilled.totaake hazttedlede payment, and those haring claimalqatnst.tha eame 'Arent them dell entbenti eaftel for settlement :' LAVT.A.J.D.Wak, RFT! Ilrbtd; Jan o'2l ,Adattntsbeiboi. VATROPIS ZEDICATED /ATMs:, Tintlit:vVlthootElpetrie*, tiitheatedetttapQk IT Sorithentattiltr, Metallic and ChrOldefriifti• Of. =At the tooent Chest:Mt- etteth itolltrMe, PL- Stoat •• e, hiptilZ,4ls7l. • ' t! ;17, ' WATCHES__'I WEVINCIMII 1 ; B . now cosr,2aidpiees:-: - ----: 13. , Fltie 18 kt:G.ald' V-. - ..! i 1: . '... ; Lis , - "Atemintrel Gold 1-. .., •,„ , • 18 FP ' ' Pere Coin Nitre '--.. 1• %. • 15 •%, 10r , - Otolde Geld , , , . . ' . I direr to ltkOpubllti • oar `elegem , astOttment 'it 1. UMW and Um Gl' Watcheliand Chajtts and other Muds or, •ictrtitY, at the ;GT1'04944 Micsa{cretiMare ?eta. tared's° purchases. , Full eMby Jeweled Lavers, 18 kt:Gald tfeatlitr ch iON4 1 Watches; werrantseLltstuilly geld c 75 at , truly each. ,- Elegant Feamd (NATIO^ 18 kJ. Gold. Pall Jew ed Leer ,er Wetchesoterranted fur time and wear. I.7leatb. , Eitm wine Time Keeper*, Alamitzttyi Gold, Mutin g 4 fall Jeweled Lever Watches,ea:ll62ol4ld a nominee and for wear, vrarranted, at 14 i'•1111 llea? ..ptire Coln Silver. Hunting Co cd, laweied L e ver - Watehes, at $l3 and VLI each. ~- • - - ,' : r Flu 0 Urelde Geld Watches withextrit Mae inOtetttentsi 31814 and file each. . , ..'. , . - . , • Moo, Flue Golg Chalae.Thdles` and &reale, Lem gllO Rolled ' , laird lee bold Chain', at $4, s3and ea each.: 1 , OUR WATCIIr.S are regulated, And adjusted to keep time to the taindte before sent to purchasers, and-It pot, toned so we vollltatotheut back at any and ream , WE, REirntElati MONEY IN ADPINCT., and oil goodsx Ordered hoe:ns trill be sent by Korea s °. 5L D.„ valth privilege to esardne them before pald Let. - 'ill all nein clitieting stlzWatchea at a tittle • W ater villeaceive ens 'Watch or um. 9, tr Please state the eta artd ihfce eitratcitttdreas-, and order direct. trace ' ' le. ofilticer & 42,, 44 P. O. Box 5110. :. , al John Street, ki. r: Now York, June 48, 18:1. . • , . Mx . .. TREKS WERE SOLD IN TEE TEA 1.1870,, a , Blatchlefa Ciicumber=t.--- ~ i 1E3 ,- ; .:•,: , .., ~,,,,,,,,, 1 r '., ''. V47c•caci3Pinvitiova 1112AEL'IVIEG 913.50:1 leer In lenutb.`eri strelelmt he 1,1. the kurceste Apr A WELL OVERAO MILES DEEP. blraplo In essernleflorreassiln Oparatton Meisel or Tag 40 the aster -Durabler-itellatdeautd Cbsap.- - The __Pe Pumps are tette 'own beat rellommestlslitoO; 1 , sale by dealers la hardware and al&ntdtatlid tailds. , in ti. plund,cre, Pump slalom its, t so the court.: trt, Circulars, Ac., farntehed upon applicalitut by etlxll4 or otherwlas. , Single Promo ,factrarded,ro attltal la Until srlters I re no agenta neon reeetot or iba hrtolit TOLD PrICP., Ib buying. bo eiVellit fiat yoorrurap bears in,y. ma°, 'teas aboarritalfhltp2ht,lB3l, as I guaruttecs "titer. '''' ' ' ...;," 4 ' • * : • ' ,' '. ' •Q etlittifei:g 4 a 33iCittillaCtg. .... 1-, • , • , -7" is II.II3UPACTCIatte; eciand Ware an% 024 & 020 Vbl;llbort-112., , Plasaciptifsi VarelnOSTl:ldrst,' *-. ' . •Pa. , * . QT ATE NORMAL:IS * 011004- • • ,-itaxsunnumnoon -Engiistiund;Clasalcileemrses. Tams bgiu - September "itn, - December:l2or, ondltinth_ Suite Appropriations :01'111t11 . 10CrItII: .B tuttcpyilmii," ranted At anyilme.'"Airk r bitO" '•,'"7 - 3 1 eitasjt mtli4lXll.; 74ansgell,f; Pa.:S.ll;4i; ISM-17: . .13.44.3SLIGKOL61:INTEi REST. BARGAINS :-.IN-vTOWN,IN.: 115 CUOICB Lon ,GfickeEttio. -- notru I. puck - , shuns. Acted It nit apned.ftlit,;Vtptables,_LAte m. r.t1 1 0.11074 , 3 .15. MD I • Notitsceq..reMarra:llfit';.l,, '1470116it.', 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers