The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 20, 1871, Image 2

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    bite ~~a~ux~o~c -~' ~euiacriit
•3QOflTBbaBf plumps
FOR AUDITO atznatit,
-- 11D4 "WrkLlAlt — aranbriEss,
.04 P,T.,J
°P,''L'V/s , s"Gatc9Mr./c:
..: L,,f
4 1 4 E yrEPIESNR-Aiieiit 13ciuti
• , :•..i Pallet "t% ddclapp itecciiraenixi.) d..:'
4i 7 1# 1 4!t;..
P. ,- *Tr!Pt 11 94.474:
" -• .•'.
''''Pon • 'coircrt TUV/o=n:,F,.. .
AzonaE mecorix*-2...mmgfori.,
OATIAORD. CllRlTS—Susggebonno Depot.
iOl4 CatUr:CONE= •
JitEDERICIV TAGGtRT--sEddlkpynz',
• •, • r ; • .
~ • , VOA 0017RTY AMATOIL ' -
' L. C; 1331M.—Ilrixtecrater,
for Poll °fire Democratic litotouin
D r Mill Securer tbo ection of Oar 43tatojell
rir Ticket by it Largiatority. • \ : • .;i241
Let c'ery Demoe Remember tliat,ja
abdimpress -the Trull:rot it Upcba.thcjEl
lariruids of Eils"iglibOs II " • 14E1,
garE)eetiCkii Trietiqq, Odoier 10th,.&11
. ,
, •
.1067 tX, 454sti-zo VOTE..
14 6 voter's- of \ Sumutharktus: connty.
Your attentim is d irected to: the ifollowi
lowing,- explanation 'of ; the ,; rigistri! la'w
4ta .ie - *litilY• l in .'4 l 'der.',to .asuettain
what ig Pifir-du4 ik.tbeFreraisei, anti_
sea that yourmames hrth,,placccl irpon the
assessor's mital
NAll:llAintil • sec'
that the Republican legislature, has :im-
PRed Avon., them: , Let
them comply fully-with - the law; 4n order
that they may iotsti - fbzifi c party 'which
has always 'stood thus.: , : • ~,
EXAM:T.I7ITUE 4£4 . .SEZIet3 •PSTL-04e,
of which is postOA on the house where:
the.elecilonis tohe held, and the other, is
assessor!a hands. Noa have a - right
to examine them free_of charge. • • •
Thesell*should contain your
tianiaa ol all other qualified
tera in the, district; they should' state if
you'are a house-keeper, the - number of
your house; the street it fronts on; yeur
occupation if yonhoard, , where and with
home yorihear,il; . if you,•work fur extoth...
er, • ,your itaLopposite
your unite shiruldrbe written theo Word
. „
yoti hit : O*l3,'zio.taz7apif4, there
will alio.apppa,F4eletfei,i 4 • sou
14vo itreiely•doolawil yonfibtehtion to
come a tit4i - kiTtile 7et1iff" . 37.1":,
IF' yon are betieen. - tienty-ono and
twenty-two pars old,:the . word age.",
IfYottlieve rhinered-. into: A . 14. district
since the last election;, the letter "11,"
will appear opposite your name.: Miz}c
itYcaryisy•soriai dory 19 . *p.,tkri
your name is oa.the7+sG, : •
Do not Matterifo , angitnui else.
Itairrd GET 3tin find
your' ame is not on the - list; D yourself ;
to the assessor, andtmilie 'your;:ekiiin
He•Aii.. henna add'yottr.
name. He eannot question your right.
Yon need not -4iseuts•.ihe snintit, With,
him, 3ronr "ilaineqnettoakh:',-
also yourPeciset resiiStkoc;:
etc. He will mark "G. V...l.opmite .Tour•
llpme~- -
, ATTEND TO ' TMS ," 97Citr3 .0 0
delaffintifferr lays: 9f,Pikeleol4o4;;PY
maylP° s e_Plir.l ll 4 • 1!, ;.,
lilktpua4zED: r ounceNs.,-;- - Y;kariax!ttet
Itiov.7youn•!ipatere - t9 . -"th6 'siasesi94` in
orair to 'You .
registered. ';-. •
A r .3**t-ellat - '44k 4 :ol#49iF , lliet
papers",fore„ . ty :elictiOnarotkumst show
your fi nt pa ge to the eitsester.
Bee that yarrlames are ea the .;--
,T4. l ese4of - - yort.who do met-deed tot
a ru7st, pape_rs" and iritead;, to
,* ,raettirel:
bed before the election;giould‘ g,et,natur
sliced first; imaiodiately;4U4o-tO the US=
sessa with your papers -1J"
All naturalized citizens ' *Hid fe* ll .9l:
"chars" milk then:
_to the petAe r .,xiiieio
the Y I *P b een TotiPlfoX ten:years illthe
same district..-. - '
You mud lab yonstfrinOers..ifk you,
even if your name 'the
-Do not folt d a is, or Sony peralennill
dePtiie /94rNote. •
TAl=.O.-The4aw urelaticin of `the
have paR neitherstato i or ' goptity tax,
assgrseciniThin Fit4d
an i - • •• • . ,; •
...74AVatirJe:s4 remai with 4on ete
Do'notdeliy regiateringnikyingioni ,
taxes; attend to the matter ncrir. forfslx
soinethinOnarpeinnt hereafier:
—Gem MeCandlessperrornsidiris
tary services eilhe stan-
Ws, pFitoFraediiii ii.ioetlipal direetorof
an' 1 9bialawitai :Can:W. McCandless
was proinoted because : of biz brace` deeds
fas acoldiew—Doctor''-Stanton' lieciqiss:
was the "nephew of his nnele,",fheSecie
'ta r ry of Wet. 'denetal McOandiess , ;:patne . ,
oat the aerrice Asittpx-inainsed= body
and Inspired :heal tb - Dostor. - Eltinhon
with:good -ban`i*lnt
• .2:
::-Thirgtgatt retmply ir-Oifi4 s igive
Gc:*eindr 1 ' .40 : 3 0%4AW 0 4ti, AO a
hile, tor tientiliiiiternor, 39,627. A.
J. Janie., will 130 Fecibtaly stite. •
alifomitt _ Ua='~;ue ' Repablican.`
"Not one Republican paper in the
State has shielded or even excused the ap
,panntPdefolcation of "Ink the, ...s.war
claim tvit. TlieEtafe officerkareltxtV
ino43 arrest and'inanish him lie is
found to he guiltiby tbe proper authori
ty."--Wontrateitipubtiban„....o- -L
The above; which is the most brazen
faced amtflagrant, of_misrepresentationa
that even has appeared in the . Montrose
Riiit.iiiird;iikeepy from yesterday's is
sue. That the people max belif.ryjzslpf
the le- - / - wcolllify — ortiNill crrian ashen it.
says that "'tide 4)6l . ".lFlyablicaWpfßie ' r
the State has - shielded, or -min, piCused
Clio 9 1 ' Efaux,'.'.. eopyr. the
following- from. the loading jounnali for
the State e who were neat enough, tat.' tile
Capital to th9,/i?trile6
pf ``,lfilig" 80, ai itPe , tc;!.`o o Poit?!.tiO
the Odßor of the RequbileamAiti, andslo
few otherci country' journaki, before they
received their instrdetionsTrOM,the . :State
Central Committee tiibi,* 4 l =
87 . E14, r
"Arlerapest , Aem-pOtl
The Governor appointed Mr. George ,O.
Evans who undertook the-here:T.lam task
with, zeal and ability.P4—Harrisburg State
Jouraal o v, tt fc 11l
"'The supposed -defalcations of Evans
is no Alealcation_at — alL''--Piffsburg ,
e We. , ,
"Thebest:and most alma:lams answer
to the' unfoundid, my tat and erientnai al
legations are that George o.Erans is area .
now at-Harrisburg trying:to • , settflo all
claims the State may hare .egainst ;bin]."
—"Phi/a...inquirer.; • --! 7 - -
When it; becime "apphrent'that' pie
littl.atCnipeSP ) was 'ecriaid r ,:t , 4 . bast";
Mhe'Radieit Vea - 1 ). 4" inC.0...4a - iatitie .
air. 44 hide off from-the whole Bakal
ate go weient, anleps somethiag ;'it:ai
done to give it a little vent, apd t tittei t tlM
thief, gv* z had been ; 6 491044 64 ' 6:
to escape; undoiditedly,beetki ashisted by
LA official con federates; . and =secreted: by;
em, then their elbwilme ' wag steeled'
t l i,
' 'hot pursuit.' '
_lsitiere'd'Ailiiii, ".Weinahi
, o l k• child iti the Keystone' §•* - 4!),,,cwiti
Mit• iiainlY, see through , the :Miserable
pus& with- which. Itadiaalisitilma'attemp-r•
telt° envelope this frand P• If they' ,iier,e•
V i P li ' ited 0 0r ' 1n6 " 1 91;Pi1. 4 1044
inv titoii to 4,111 '44 Fa.4.AritrAntdity,i
andiaveits dsastrnns effecta..inpon—the{ ,
coming election, there'woulifbeilo litii* 1
city for a reqnisitiok , 'Cip - #W - ,ftlie.'shite :6,1' 1 1
New York toi the ilelivert,gt ,t,iii#,:i k istri
all.hctiest Ineu 1 .- iteuilitut,- theAnthoritia
atHirrlsbUii haTelnewn L ail ', , the •whi!el
and, still know; to=day -When, tiiis.'gians!
is,*and"ciinlii haigtrcitight hhti fiqustic' 'c,
had they, so desired, lf the 'people., arc
satisfied with`this 'style, jet them continua;
it, if. 'lei. votefor Meraridlem, - that -thel
state accounts, so'• &Cell inidiipialated' b!
the "Rine Miisi Pia.ittl l lo 0 0 ft°, 0 144 i
AdditiifGetierar w4. l ii not ,iM4ell , fisi
. I•Mitieacca :of,ta 7,dishottiest:-. Ilathistli
clique. - , . * : ,!. • : • : '% 3 ' - ' " ' ' ,
Another Ven.Pixt . ;
We de; not-see thitt 'NT.; Hoffinan or!
any - other - DeniciciatiC'tifeCeridNew York!
mite'er - city !has - tatceirnartititere_ ,
to arrest: of‘iniiiisli the - rogues who haro;',
as is - well' knewn;liiinderp4 ,. the oP
millions, in the niost 'bare and,:flegitioriS
mintier. Therein "is !the t: diff erence' h 6••!
tween the Iteleiblieiniofhiers of"Peti neyi;!
rania and the Democratic caws of Ne vi
YorkifsatreSs "
The al is aUetho;:spiendid„aitiltr:
not - off - foss rialinrntint,: !hut 474eliberate!
! and intnetigsi misrepretentatifidfrom.'tho'
tempest Lost pot"-'of the '4'T - tit/lolly
whe# - "its -1 re de !
seo l 4 Viste-meet;,
ingin_New York,-havecartainly afforded
! an exaniple of pronipt
tion. They liailie'paitiedOnt the Ilfirpok
of, - flit s
itIPP tii'f=t'tnii7.of.eisciiti duty.
are brought into rthti,CCsir.4' where' they
must ansivet the-,-bhur
them.:: Let theikhaie - jtiStitio : nio r re;
no Jess. °,` no T Elotn ; . tha Democratic-'
:,get- any !symyeth3ri
unless they esti dateiTi-lit,l , by liv-v.indidti:;
tion 'of theniteliek'frobillie charge
. K
"robbing the people "''
7 _, . 1' , ,„
'Judge' Bari:raid las alrcady,lMPosid2, an
~ , , .
injunction _moon •the- city -atitharities •• so'
tha in oToither action of the °Medd . Carr
ieoijoi 4 izelbo . VoOPFoiri6,td; .:- - i'l;:-;
judger:Barnard; in ' corive4xudit - alter}
is decision; said';-"My :duty 4 wiis so. clear; , hat I Cold not : circa?? It, Thelisponsi
ilitysof my decision, .ihrepting,.4 it,:cn
strionbly does, the:
I goverment ; . of our city, ikvtith the thert:ollo hhie stolen the
,ef" the tax-gofers,, It , . does" not
rest on the administrators --ot the - List..
They have no' tdtetnative hut Id do "That,
they believe to - be their sivortAity.......;,,The"
theory that gr:Ccinnolly. - is,only - partly;
responsible is abstird.-The whole respon
liiity for the: bignin of , the: warra nts, fells open - liira. . - The Brayer ...certainlY
countersigned, theta ; lot 1 4o lof beliovo
the MaYor;ley. an 'exercise . .`ol7 humanen ,
durance or mental vigilance,' "cati Atistahi
anything like a ' thbrongh auperibiloiCof
the Controller's addennts. any MOM tEinn,
President' Grant can exercise, a : thorti,hali'
Supervision over the'acconCts of the ;lii,-'....
tionol TreasurF . Pio eXeoutivenii/40:Vl
a dertiiin allowance or - ros. ,- , to ,12ii pi*.
..: ,:, - ~.; : ,'..
In reply - to a 'g.itry.'prithe',,,_;rei;OM.
"Can this perpetual injunction , dun ail
1 441issolved ? 1 . - Oudge Batna' ia 'rglk
"It can; butnot till the_General term - Cl'
the . Ciprehid.Coprt, 'Which - n*4,ln'. De;
iiethber, - Itit' practically people. bike'
alreak got,every reihedY 'thii-lair,: ..can
lleporter4s there, any., pasSibleCecape
for the city authorities I nim- the,p . o. r
foots" of' this injunction r ' - • , . " - . ~,,
' ;Judge Banarl—lSdhe Fligieyir ;.1t .is
impossible., The - People, through the /a.F.,
courts, havktord*tely stoPPoo'oh3l°Bl
.sitaity_ .ef.ftirtlictitettn*; Theo, the
present Crisis is`taksell the. city. - gortrit' 7 ,
1 ment will Ch tii'tiskal,,liiit if, will haid.
1 beeh pnritiva. --;- i' . .' ' - "..- "s; ' -
,Ali to l!rio to 4ir.-,ti .. :-,thO-oclito4f, the :Reliogioco,lsiti Iceeptis i
..gtesi:pot.' 7 , boil._
r 1 • A
ing, for.all that, e potinrout . of. t-shows,
clearly that be liailiii'ireriiike'rqt - thO4*
`tmliti:if his: 6"irO' Igiat:Coilid*lih'iCries
, 4el'arnthate in litiliesiO divert die eyes of
eyes' of
the people from their all important duty
of arresting the'lladipal-thieves at liar
risburg?..,e Ne7,-Ytirk thleves will be
Alien! o f lethe honest people of
that siaopr intorest is at-home first.
...)11!ovF , the nimeyYitoca.
e 1,000,000 of the people's many stolen
from the deabikf:Rdpiti UR c(,
$2,225,000 missing whjla SecrOary .
Hier Spinner:"
... „ f ; '
AMPOCV?P3AiEffiff g,-/11 , 1116,, lPAst,:Qilice
Depai u
tmen m i finp
; '''s3.od 4 ooo'ioigaing • - 11 e
of arms, Yeateiliqa -1 0 11 . 1 *0': 6 tY
000 obo.ojoiati;4' oii - ti -- ao•oid of Ai,*
ofArgoolifisio ~ ;1 4
';.$20;ODO,000 inlainToir*ouptor
lectirs atinteriialtlievenue.ilO'vil
During tho.past:t"i o: y cAra theitece l ititi
from ens tams; interll til d
otheri 6 4of-i' ,Agg, l : o 4*_ Ark 00.566,000.
Oz.:this oduLtibout,woo,ooo;oo has been
appropriated to tba:paymenplif llio
anal debt, 'the
00 0.07 -l e#o4. 0r.C10,(190,-
000 unaceountelfor. ;;3.1s it. any itonder
that Republican. ogloololderacan afraid
to 'kei3p,:eitgiipl io'3ll idOtheini of'
expenzivehoil4 . ,livorie. Ip'Fl:4l4B,:' and
Mimes worth hundreds ,thontiambi
dollars? is it any iwouller. tbat. alt. the
leading men , of the Republiaari are
livrog'in a style
from their Willie's, aint yet Making
money Is lt ,IIPY IN'imilerH - .that. million
aires in civil life-becomo hankrtipt in en
deavorititito line in the dame '..etyle -a(
government btrirlale:4lla are' t 'sop i tofect:toa
reeeivPo 3l ricii., l +P; 0 00
year iait any. wonder 'that liepublican
State Agentsrllbo-havizithiled in gift
enhc .t*iiniatls s3 s2oooo M ik300;:
,t4StA . ,! qitb)qt:!*l'4lfai4l::§lltt;a
centareofinitl to:pmeeente. such riAgents
for embezzlement? • :•'.
63300,000,b00.iiiissint irrtfo:yeal'ral
'an4 110,60q,00p ,mtirp, of joiernol rev
caei.pissing tinder very ,ettspiciOns. cir
cannstrincesi ; • • •
• . •
14 it any wonder thrit,t,Tyineat, 44n;
dadsthai, are,cenplaining ?
Is : it any wondei:tliat- honeet.,rpen :are
leaving the Republican:party and rallying
under the banner of ibe.DzmacranY ? '
, •
••Al °°
A 4 .48 Oie,WllOV.,Mniwini Of loan* .
taitipaikby..,the r nirthern t i entral ;railway.
company forthe,year , lB69.o)o:showit .by'
the' repoitor , Audjtik'th-2 ifartiitife
Malliis - tsidd . of the great
nue poiredinto the freairtry,bjr the rich
and, owerful railroad eorpomtionsrof. the
State.. Some ..of ihem;:indee4 do pay:
lame Mies whielilhel-esolteint,l r f r3 l
the people itieilarges" on "local freights.
Pmt, the, cantri4ntiark ' of Aba, : Northern
Central in 1869 was one 'hundred •dentirs
and' eighlech •‘1 - • ' - •
. .
It'Veco!iiies aPparent itiongli' now irhy
th_ e7 : ia:ff , iPPoh the PaiCiJ‘
the ringto inalieHector•stiititou auditor
general;: He; too, traiuld settle the ton
nnge - Of l the' Northern Central at one
hundred dollars and eighteen and
might possibly by ib.,s-..* ..
Fei4siok of Yr
Quay, be induced to . let ether .corpora
tions In on the harrie faiotable thrills. 'lt
will hover*jo elgei
to theOftlie &at ' He
17. °00. 114. 04 1 r#°(litiPgI - " -
lirgivisfliqg Patriv.
The betebrated wit; Hon.. Pr iota
Knott,,Or•Kentuc y, , as been wahine , a
slNecb•tletscr.iPtife of Iriotlical. vandidute
in that State, tibia was surely •-. iniended
fdr on Dr. Stitritoil-' 77 :the hero who• never'
Fair Zeiviatwho'iitiiaifilieltatiicitl can
didata for. Auditor General of Pennsylvii.
i nia,, We therefore correci s . saystU Blooms
;Wig eglumbiahisome eitnicts :from , the
'speeeli tolinit the ease of Dr. Stanton, as
, will b4feeind tfiloii;''Orir'rmidii:for .1;e
ink so pit#ipuluz,.inf,,giving the:. radio.
,'some information inlttard to the history
1 of-the &diml candidate, is that his shp
po#Crs refuse, to dififf ' The public want
' -light, and; light, they shalt have: , ' *,,
*hat_ deed* of prowess ' P.r... Stanton.
viiiiht ,l3 are wotl uporithez.ory geld s what .. slaughtered; eehels . might
have gone down beneath the biting edge
'of his trenchant tildde l had be ever. sue
' ceeded in meeting.hil , cotintrfi , ,oB "op..'
em - the perilous ridge.of battle; • the ppen
of history will nevertell; for. ere'
am-opportunity .to,.quenel his .blazing
brain ?in the blood ''ortsaitora, •ho vas
ixd;ed,goza the path- ofznzartztil :glory ,t 9
the,nripu iirduomt ~.dittiese.of a. contract
Surgeon. 'Now we much needed. hissers
Irises in the,hospital.:,;,l am -willing to rid..
ad - that there was net tinetiterclneter4e
all be length and' breadth of the ..Com
m, =malt, Rvioß.Teeze toEriexb %q
e ui
ea le of discharging: the distinguished
functions of contract Slirgent Yet. 1.4 4 12
Ite L t butdePlore,the ' , inexorable necessity
which hire to init. tbe• tented.
°field and bid fardweltfozerer, r to ;"all - ithe
, nomi) and cimansainees,oftlorious wet:7
lit -fact I consider .the- f absenee..of-Dr,
Stanton' from the aimpas the ,direet :ca
lamity that could. have .befallen-,our ; be.
loved cciuntrY- ander the circumstances,
for Ism satisfied thathad the Confederate
leaders been, contlficed that there was no
;Wier Means of esciping a direct conflict
with pr. Stanton tipoo Vic . open nell;
they r
ould , have laid down their grins. at
ionce ! „ 1 Bgt whin Zet w ilobi,Lsopinnd Bean,
reg'ird• ascertained th 2 4:be!WP , S , ;pok :OW
; : the.Federat foreee;Oey pliONtlpp,,Wk.
courage-and detereamed. to prosec the
wartek the bitter end::. : ," !- •. ;.> ;
L It can, howci:er,_ be, raid; Of. Pr, .thili ,
;Oeina it can.of htltlelr; Wit Art heroes
iof equal 'prowess and - yendwir i; tbat. Arken
i hia_tpar : dinamfd eye rested npowthe war
(worn f 011328; of our,
.soldierg,'.he -.had- the
proud satisfaction •ef;lrnorting ; Oat :be
'l:wirer:led them. into.dmigef rprhia life.
But while I could dwell forever with ha
creasing raptures upon his delightful
theme, I 'could not withhold a Btting
nary , areii us ta-polittcip: EndoWect' by
nature with agegfils'capable imbrrk
ing siogitTgrasp gveyeti n of gear
erninentaricience, pe • Ire liztaleen
a perfect political kideide ope, exhibiting
every : conceivable variety of combination,
every Priricifile'ainrtfnet'Of
lient.ixcept tke,Ben*i.atte•litirfy.f 'front
.the hour of hilltirth to the
_present mo
liretifrdiWerfrfsriltiya 6rlifiro -
lerryonth 'a Mine brilliant °semi?!
lineation of the old litierWhig:party than
id Telly: g (1E11856 theinstramenf revolved,
and behold 'all res2pleidiint , glories:kof
KnowiNothingitint an 4lb - the+ , gOrgeous
sheen of:a:thousand glittering .spangles.
In 1860 it revolvbiltagaiiil.,aud-.lo4the I
simple but. `comprehensirnicreed of the
Abolition disiiitionastilfcmhdr-im- him • a
hoi'#friendein 1866 thennachineturned
apt n,:and , the.dint n old :the , Radical
partpfell feeblynpon his vision: i 1n3568
ocenrred another revialution.of tha: pro;
tOan:table, anit.therc.*cm all, the: multi;
Pied horn= of Radicalismiti all the: in.
tinni nuares: of cbiotin ;;Whai
sh all :appear , Whdu at shall:make. i another
foublutiontis:beyend therscebt inf.fee;
bleinniginiition to conceive.?. Perhapsthe
instrimentoxiill'explode like a titmend:
and meteoric nerruseation • when. millions
of , triany colored snsrks-will Niagara mei.
ment on the tnidniiht sky,andthen leave
the uniierse tort° ,W•and ,eternel darkness.
• Tbakpr. ,Stanton-ever.mettnt to kill
t3Ori a reliali - nobbdy asserts, snit it Ivonld
• laaAiticalt,it'A prover that. he ever, cured
anybody. main husiness, iias,that.of
a contractor:44ml loplolly.7:1The title , of
Colonel which the .Thpublican'paPers -h_e
ostr'iiii:ilui,i,swa4Thgnioatf-pith the
fact that lie' . 4teir,..the Pa'yflt(Calanel as
compensation for his services as medical
dontractoe.t'-Qiiakers'neap-not fear •to
vote for hini.on- , aeconnt' ot, his : Military
title 'for ti c e'never . peiferMeit thatio4 fieT
away in ell fire severe engagements of , the
Pennsyltatiia 3leserves , ,u Stantort3 :more
wisely kept at'ar,iafe distatiee 9140
ill . li_e'roti6,dandanger
9c l3 !4:)iliefc gopd .Ifrillg.-i16!‘014Y.,
and - shontingployalty, there 7as: a resell
lovelier hasi netts fighting . • iebelS -at
Galtyslturg?"-filaCthi,feSt: of the 'history
or Dip t'Or ftti.;
tur9:oecaaien,.. .
Itadlcal,i!Tempcipne, rp*A.".
Atappb, F4ff i RAO Or : t.lie editors
of :ThefEeptene Good Templar* pap. his
inspects to the RevelP. Coonilie after the
following fashioii • ' 7- • ",
.` ,
V.crer. P;*Cooih;'.l . ,;havOlialteatly sub
mitta; for . Some, tinie,tOsonio very hitt&
assaults npd9, T11%1,4 meinbers of a eorfut
ring pt 'who air trnr.ylehl
ing a Inoeiefangeroni:tad".dbraoraliiirtg
inlarteE6 w i thin tlid linos of theOrder.of
Good .
11 . 1, am , not, m;r,in T OTmed,.. yOn -among,
o AO's;.liaTe 101? 1,4 reeen:tly assail;
ing and slandering niC,p,erionalty : -2-bT
letfdra individnaW•thia Otlieprise—
charging me with e'orription,iniiaeerity,
and so forth. ". • " - •
' iiput(lt TIVO' Iffitnlea "challenge to ven
tilatethe question of personal sincerity
and honor between as, so far, at least, as
the geod of dm tetaperance canse may de
mand. And noir; without needless wards,
I propose to preeeed to business kl,olice.
reasonable Mauna of spade
in The Keijsftnie aogd Teitipta,r is at your
service to prove yO . ,nt `assertio n s as to my
corruption, insincerity and treachery; If
yod,know a single flict kind. You have.
kiionli.tne personally far ever, tWenty-dTe
years) calculated to excite evcu the night:'
est suspicion that , l. ever receilied bribe,
sold, my infineuce;:oi did any net, to war
rant you in tisaailing
state it oprialy, and *IC ,board, like:,a
Secgiidt I. Mad!, • ,
tl!e • eyes of
the ,benist, - Wdll-tneaning and confiding '
G_ood Templari, *blank upen,yon and a
few. other hightitled de,intigagues'as Mee
of `honor, and purity. I.
repose to lay ale.w;:,Stitbtirrta facts before'
the public to shOtrttjto fa the •cori,UPt pci::
Abisto I
Called upon
, to n4'111 . 0,600 reverend anone,gsperl tiperi John lit,peraol.
sing? tlie the, , present'politipal
campaign, for a " !OOP tAn ce be
appropriated ~by tha lie ulilin Stater',
Committee, or, in Other'wor
wird .3'9#01.1:4),A1 . 40, It Extm;AAS'er.
rA•rurF.}...ol, o,r 'Tit .. 11E-
P*OSs,fAlql,ll Pos
ses-Edon fedtsltufe'slilicieuVlo; give ,a
interestineacOnint of the, fritter
neinterview hetireenlhb two temperance
! lights, referred WO 010.04 part, atid - the'
collector 1 1. tlieport-',,of
the ;ilier Part
RO. call neon'
'sokt-"tti make *Lied the - Chkgcsi 3 Orinsinua'-
tieris,yeitt hare ,reCentli ;Wd 16
a 6 l
and.,tmlja YOtiflo this 14n, TAto show pots
ap 03:aIrazenlataitt iletnagogueatutslatr
deroi,,tl4:dise , 7oAiily: - ,tbecententiptnf
alLiespectabin ,meind'•frortien:
After this exposurs,
,tinderstodd. why •ReNr.T
:.: Coombe and.
ReneittOwenitire Sir "ranch opposed' to
the uida gilded; "MO`vierajni on the Part
bably-kable OW. \iugyPruir:.
.tiotraitsrwhat. MY: , a
I";f4aptraneajaa4l:-' ar rothetovorflg
. "14/i#o*i; yith• Aiick tO#
pe'raneo element ' in ` iiia ; into ea )' of:: tile,
7 1
14ablicAn pairty."
•-. • •,-A-Atringer ono day , phasing throng
Smith street, iviti*Seized'iipOn by.ri bai'kei.
of, a ,o,kthing- s etore,, tyho ,withont', epre' r
hiony, 'itilleri/inl, Wit)
s tit phol3; an be-,
Sate pufgng pPlikii•gne re'say iiole'cioth?
ing. ..psing Old'ad, ilifiriii, he trade little
restatanee,.bOt „islik'dittermati'-if ha iris
master of,thii'pliee." :. '' "..”':,M.%
-'..l`rei:3lrrssatlie'liarlier,•‘!'but I:Alvin'
briiiihipi'itipn'etlinteli ! " ',' ,„:','''' - , '':. will;
.The . :•ro`ori;ret)ir44-withilit.i:inis fr„ . tO
wh.Ortil'ke:POllia:E4nieliii4icat: ~- ',.' '.
Ir. "Ate yen: wasiwor:44 - toto*s Ir','' '
1 " Yes,. sir, *bat 'edii I ap.iiie-koir' ~ A
" °WY; he teplici"j&stlioldyolietriati
a =mute, yltzle kg o out, 1.. - r -••-• • JP ,
;' ,1 , , ,:,--4--4,9a.i '..,;,.' : -:'
StitinO,A man • je-:Lowcili
took,ont a tea:triage certificate rer,
•centjy, and on visiting bisafriaAcedlound
tier nrehriated.l' Ha At t. oace,,propesed
another woman ten ~yeara Inungeri
accepted, rot another. certificate.) and sae .
married, all The Barrie day-
Htudlg Frightened.
."The friends of the defaulter Evans hi
Ehiladc,lphia,Are r scarplatlO: ros-
Oct it thEinsifin elect9ii,.aur aro-, .-
.orting t0',41 means glover ite eat.- Til
.AaihirigtO4 Pafrilolls u th -in ortyr,
A.-proii-ufAheir sh t iling oat* hey;.qtr6
asking the aid'of the Federal Government
vitidoritfignitendAn-vicr‘i - iiepresenta ,
gi a parin Q r j. ,,f i. ti k e.Eiltli 1 c?ngressional
Distiiet rlitrelVll. lifiliAl,tfie candidate
4 ,164 4 1 -4. 44 P 1 - e imAitS4 !' It • -•-• .)" '
the Candidate for - So*ifiiir We be - e:tiliiio
to nrio there
-tali-6r ge - va , iiiiiegibli6rtlinTliiladelptiia
Natiifdd,. t lirliTelicailittrtfiatifit- the
employmgrA 4 s4.ll. l Inr&eq.gtlnkher of ati- .
ditional outside
. hands. In other words,
la* litirali.ei"OriOta . i?.' l l
*l4 Al l ,ol4. l 6*Viiriii 0.4 g
io: l l , ace.4.43i,flictois*k':-.:4hk, o spilli* AO,
Quin Mibanihr&tilfeatly.'at , tW..iPitiladeb•
phis etfierirnited Stateiti tea;
t , ,very,'eppsut#ier~
in la -R?vtnTA to emw_r W;0!11104
nr,vegetti les,lrtnti, eggs a i naficarlyffsgy.
p 0.4 3, ...tneiomt
*OO4. :,Thgre eaniht nat.t9 te:anyaban:
cicinnteOpf;the effor,t unfit Pi is" . result;
tteeoreplisheA. - Alif.the ; r)
piuetioed,ilponpeeialTiby,,the MetOiuref..;iioOrtighing.hor eontemphife, yieyr of. the i posil l
bilitY,Of.fatnie:,punt,49nt.,. - .Thp - Oie;
in Fhich fruits:, are Sent are,of..4lC . sizes
shapes; „T
and shapes; filled.,in;:alr sorts
or Ways. Case-s, Oflye . ,:satne . , niwthei ..01.
NM , thriellb svc. ponuds
fritit, though the quality ovafie the.sTr4R,
The fainily,whe
gets. from one iconsgn l
men( gal,oom for ‘ the mo ne y p4ul,fhan
those wh§:li4y,,from,nnathei,„. tlie,:iiri , 4lix! •
• CO who As. r mosthOneit getkl . east.; : p re:,
mium iSthus.r4idtqc,lleceptlon . , to'collrit
by no worse *Mick and_;the wOyaror - 44
the:cm:warn e,r,
stances, dOes
cheate d. Jlppie and'peir . 14a 6t4,`arn
size as. eloier leaves4,.:.4l.,
barrel o( dOK. nOt.".knew. 7 ,Wliefß,
tiOs ‘ is getting tivoor,;(firee'hailiCli..;;,, Vey,
people slop to think. abont, TlAile; 0; • theAfAadvtip.f. I,i4rrei.or,
4000. Or i't l '4 tr4.lit? that. iso. Cpgw 3f
a producer is ) 10 1 1 ePti,clum • 4 ? •P e n
apples, to ..roarket in barrels: containing
twoand a tali' tAhree hiisli4theic. arc
plenty. of dealep idislionest enough .to
transfer them to harrels that' contain but
two bushels; and a' barrel Of, apples : is.
barrel of appleS,,no matter .What_iti.size. : ,
Either there should be 41.bariel. stiff
fied,, or, the r .frpit.shOuld
Lg q
i woi foe eggs, a i s onethel• inaple. , Stied
i; - 3 , the doncii i .iti
same persons, p ay
small nifilr icqen
in,inati.wee'lota ortc. 7 l. lE4o:fine,'
half less.. 'wqght,) isjimnfy.
than the ' Tit . int., Otly, S i najost.
6 the ben ininer t buttO the poultgreti witO i
keeps large - arid - nripi&Cd breeds ot ebielE
ens Trge„the•deu PV; eb l i h ..#k ls r e I
per doien,fei,toe e
ones. Some retaiterslle;bat the retailer,
pays the 'ConimisSion. merchant " - no., more
per dozen for a barrel of large eggs, with
the ,doieriS It contains Marked on it, than
for small ones. Egge packed in ty.barrer
shotdd be- before packing,,ailih
the net' weight litaiked; on the barrel,,sst !
that the commission inerchan,t MOT know
what bejoselling;„and, the re:Oiler , 04u!it
h'e is bnxing; .
We might large, the same rci.sons rpy.
packing vegetable s of .411. karta t i There ,is
a:.reat7dilierenee inthe'reaVitilith of f etti . :
paragns,,rhiibarti,'Oyery;radis c..e4
pat on the. inarlict.„ ye - anderc.ttandwiit.
a difficult irefor4 thikJi,.fb.`.:acc9MPrish4,
that it inneiiatidn which,. to rercoltt,;
titinory,,hut it ig . neYerjheleASA*rolutielti;
which to be undertaken unit may be.'Stiece:sse.47.i...
'Ton WINTER Usk—As 'the period has',
arrived when people are busy in 'colitiii=
•iag , hoW_ they ,can carry' the_ delieaci'es'of .
summer over ,into,. .0,
61'dt:0.411d, folrow,
lug recipe fOryreserVing . .that .popular 'OS::
culeiit the tomato; tor" fall itia winteense.
may ho regarded as seasonal*. l'hiii 'le
the if is 'don e - :' -Dissolve 'a • iAleuplal.
of ,salt in a
,gallory.,,of mater.. rick ripe
omatoes but not over ripe, leavinga little
"of the stem on., Ale tomatoes .mlisf i lie . '
• keit . 3411 coveieli n , *4ll the liria.;., and.
i) f
t,o l ..lirillkeepl.Mi g 'ipriS g or'leingit%,' s; ,; t ;
Peaches make an,expellenet, pickle, ttmll
iy_hd Prep:ire& ir(J,hls•.'inanner:.'kul - e '
imy . finantity : Ottimi peaches just nbefre•
4:they ripen;. stiCkinto 604: one ' . foUr 'or,
'five,l'oveS;.:inake ,a,„Syriitot tnrecT, pints
'of Iritied*araf s tlire6 potaitls:Of.Peaehes":
.andcinarnon KyMiiliko.• '34Mg - ,•thekyk i ,,
'tip to a boil,', and, none. hat _ s triver, ,theU.
,Ikpat,f,ll6.piropess for. three .ddYs "M" until
they are Shrunk - on 'fhp:fdt: ,Atte;lbe 1 .
scald they, ithould'bh j syell ,ph Qiwni, l in . '
'very",,,edeol.tdellartiiitil'4o weatlfef irets,ll4
They:. hill 1e ready to upe,,liowtSfetyltf.,4'l
feW; days after theyare pickled. {'
BtER:7-Codigc37lble, . exciteitepf,,
be6il create} ailing
beer.bY G etizte.ptcnt trido
Dpat4:6f :IXOI 0, to' th`e,CfiVet:
ttiat,.t a malt dust ' 434rztyls .. .;istMO
lia:s011 tli6brewln g,irocesy be;
come _ Ip . onous ,t)49y1..-
'6t1 A 14111,3 P . ' # l4 q at : 10 re8 .1 b s rsere
liecn Plvauck grains ,
'Vie; brewei:s . -- proijaced :testinioqy, to th6*,.
AVIA Ilirmalid4sit 80611 tpcnigOies,_
anil opitthifm . nytlcuTlioiscsehs
vsai f t tieiptifilill4tfire or, La oqfpu-pii#-
hey, a.:stut'fu d'apne4r,
'Es'y'd ITO anti' pidd ",supjeOt: cßperi
vp fßnewlyiena , Eathe,f9o. oF PAP*, ,t 94
Olwea k .regf ", vr.Y;
Ataili of .eiieryAtyaiid month
Imo, more "Of that' deadly drug
p,ractico ticitraWe ag,catjthanle4evel l
,opC4 V , 4olo"tOar t by . the tnifly t iNK pro.
ce s a oraft4ll,e broygreo '
PA'ssliS• 61437.7T19:4: DAUM f),X
,ydpera that alas gentleinarthisitea
xashivigon 4ithev-'dy,,bitt
qt&K(er'..4, fairy it 0 6 '40. 00,:,11
- • le - 1 4 !',11 ;', tiQe44-19 1 -ushlicanairfcr bet do Dicks - - 1 4 3
mirth *act ar.iemovoi Ms watch, which sheigmes
:oft7lP'YouDgAnierieCi 4 1 7 bitithan poartitepprodiplifoltr,tho•Pcxt , 4ll44",bekind
ne prao'rejiroved jpet Fo.toth. of Jult for. tig,,,T4okoly.wlimnie!op wow oto)o
poking bkragfA., far. - 0 $2OO watch from a 7n th o'
and Obit, 1114 ?ay' of At:omm CfayaLliglrgaAa taw yr! aa.?, • - -
Italependpace,aqd pi* thlintligg, out • z2s
of 4tlf ingui to. - sana2usitrel":viltstacdi •
A\ BE4 , lows asitvxaia. •
Berirki c ' 4, - ''nii. t. n. ionn.l4r.
Sabhattleisk 6 ;1) -
I t s icn :
1 . : th c on—. ••••••
P r M , ednesday Evenings 4, 73 i
. A.TROAC CU. • Thev.-.1. EL&
‘abbstla Se 1 "- Sewed Sunday lii.”l, itnut,
Sabbath School ' - Immediately before Macs
...reccizur e CDUSILL ). DEr, E. A. WA.narnrn.lieetnr.
iErs ' ina 7gfro.
Wer..k.Dni Sorrices—Frldryg
Sabbath .... • ............. in. and 7.oup.
Praia 14eatleir,:rharsd5p4: - " """ ' - 7 - 40
ruzsurrErMeattuwit 4.4 ate J. O. Simla&
Sabbath Services 10 45 Mite. sod 734 p; ca.
Sabbath' &, ,-" -
Pil AMU:7Y
1iVM514114:4145544/V92ktincar,Oa Itlspr
Iradirantleittte: r .
! li Z44bafefidenieddilielintirid'istibliehliers
from ilii4iFtth4titiFifiei&kMtitiAmbliF
due, irYntl'Ortabati WV . 01YAve
but because we need, and must lutVetteknoney.
C: i ta °- a tidd- dr i . ° A h iftr'i point~bent °
as'u(iUitth die re
r.??.sip.7i*.l.9pAism4 fiT! Oi l ttiFfi i i*Pg*
"Act" authorizing a vote ulionth t t ditiiptiOn, of
SI,WPrzAL 4Y9.1.110'49,41442.4.A5f3,44 FoAsti.
- 7 -Remember A- If. Bullard at, tite,beail of
Tialgi4Telltn•VMYY:arf OreParo, t°4 711 ,
ail lands of fruits and vegetables, ti lt- and - of
Wg hf43uallty, : •, ; l4 h4sott hand 'some of the
most delichati graites: Wciftttox;rei-vre hive
A " is iNg!iFTa.Pe."
ofbal tlie
iazgesf "sat e " tlkeylniie"beed
in for many'a 410: - ieinping
!Ine qmpl a. linFleipreparatory to ki3Ong lin new
coat . Senalrit: = "
"Tlidietkr (011ie' (leiter) , of ceil
by tho too, is now in operation. Tbe.Legisla
turd ntlYs'Staloints ifochletl : thitt 'ovoid ileiler
inanl;Within'theitilfeittinSt deliver
to ti s'cas
tomers234o Ibs. of coal for a - line, = anif'not 2000
Uftel liteglita,4.:;.•,!3 it z!i:rl t
A man is going about thesonnticruanding
ri*Pcmietic. peas vale' ase W . :register
ithiadvertisements printed on its,pages, he
'cbrintinff Wl:id:the pacifies! .Tl.loholcl keeper
• who uses such registers only .locw.,sm,
theycdstriothidg4imd ram tvisiesll34 3, Mae
cept apoor thing;dati:gitt rang:Q=4w faro
:good one.
;,:F l rllAl s .4verstn7. o re Pri474I I P?:Mar,FIL ,
:association was held Sept . 12th, 13th, niid
wl;4 tpo Baptist phylthat jlerriciiv . lll : Brad
ford county , and was largeli'titt,CiAed, and the
eaF . F.FeLles, tp,KeiNlista ; Nycre4sniiinirissiir,e,ana
interesting charucte:r: Bin:Mims were pmaciird.
d O n gl 4P 3 ,te rVi = l : l, YYgr:„ . .k less f . s.G 4YA§P!4 ),
:Fora, tan - ib'anit ss4e:gcisichi will
1 / 0 .4 1 0.4t. 1 Xa . 9 (..c9P 3 tatAci 4 F. oe. 'AY a'n'T
ay In Angssi, 1879. F.
• 77,7"" 411 , - "•" -- = - , .
341110 'Men:eay that ; frOni"
'llAyl t g+luts.:ollg:Pl4 l reNfey*sln cline
moms as ts sudit'lN uitiVeiadcnstimi -. SA 'Ame?
ca, .6"VerOnjurious, (jilt° a
'Fitnpi/cr o,,fvcry perions,.. complaints.
arid oth7ercam plainiThrsde," and - eVen,
dheir 7 .actlon Is prolonged.. In nervous per
sons, nniuMies'i, convulilons; nod loss Of voice
may occur; but the
us c.ffect state of
sleepine j ty,ll,93ls- - a - nd rata latlon of
the action of the -lipart...4llli most 'a'elcterious
flowers are the: lily, byeelth; -nom 64114,Inutus,
carnation, rose, honeyenckle,„Jessamires and xio-
What's In tt
Shaki2speare makes one of biacluuneters pay,
'`What's itt a name? rt rose by _any .other name
would ,sraeif as sweet.".. In slew: of,axistipg
Oomplicstions in bipedal ,noutenclatiire. mei=
inclined to think there is very little if anything
in a 'tiaine.'"AS int; Instaltet , i" Efetry'Werd
Beecher was latelisireslid tarkfetilliag intan.
Sal City. Chailei fined far ' &yeti
to a cow on t!eid Istind,'"the = tother daY,' : and
(31 4 4 ti , **Ps 04 . 1 4 191 4Fr. 1 1**ct!'.0 31 "rP 1 . 1 Y ,
of ,Chicago, Louis Napoinn,liaS . turned, u p a
bric-layen.lp ; Minnuspui.,,.plyisca, takes ,pres
eats in the . White Ho* qpq,Fal „Ward ; Everett
has just been arrested in Brno - Opt for pssing a
counterfelt,o3bill of. the - 3terchantaYliatidnal
Bank: Surely, Waits very' litticarm name, as
' =if • •,;:.
Sadden "of Mire:
The eammtmity - was startled on Eridt'l ymbrn
frig, Sept. 80i:by thesudden , death of Mrs. r M.
A. Wright; Wife of Col; H. B. , Wright: *na
tive at Wilkeshatie r daughter.of Julm. W..80b-
En:, one - maho eariy residents of the
town, when 'there 'We - terbitt fete Inliabitants
Mrs. Wright bad, 'aten
' icinglife among' irlehds,
SO was lovc4 ited'reipecif:d •bili large eircie:
She was as well as usual on Thursday ' niter
nodn;busy ulth tiousehald - cirri:Ca& 'ln' the
eveningiatiad ,!PoglAti 11 ..1 20 0 1 w! Ple
way 8,4°-14 e0 c % al* r*Aiing;
house was so, unwell that herlrfPida-coildtpted
her home. ~She'sitosi- lost .cottsciOsnep, l ,and
early next morning (tie. It was )atid to have
been disesiocif the Matt: , b Stuilikow`-tb
her )susbaid and ,family —Wdkeslarrram'ea
, • .
I :Thclihmettli.:-,
, .
' The planet t3aturnaliowa:conspictunitt..ob-
led iA the naming *7i:beteg tiursonth
o'clop.,ieet'itOit add licif . '664t)
mom theli644On 'Aid 'to !
13iginiiiiik7;:''Hit .
1 1ing3 Ittrlliart pas,lt on for
' tii but illeinitinVit.ThenineneriTre
lquiresitto Wit leitstithritniketWgifkr
cnry is notri near . .-a9idsgeetinst eastern
gation froni`the
west °Ai - in:25466'r , elyznings, , n
niter suiniet, for than or four days. 7 grits
sediS irith'th •aaionl .eSoO-WItCA th'esho -is
clear, and may bo known by-thieved* ibrih
Usti -..slottlielliteeelelit bet*. tile
I sun. tie is now yisiblo its straornkig.:4lo4l
New' Ifodau.
iierff,4ffing ~,Itoitge„4o-qiP? 'iP,'4 t .• 15
tactiecd 01 , 1 CTS I
a lad P She ctitera "' sari onaiiik greii
, ihn'ith&
I pituSsid;'. The geeilTiiiii'nfOilannithiliChei
AtWeestieg`ilieiiiiie-ti?uterg he:
alkiw her .tol.:2811, -, 13;f1;thsAiriiidi* ,
qltrjaathis requeit:is rdsotrantril;•iintillshatbe , ;
„einnis sehte4 ; ;Presentlythe Ws that tit;:nit .L its
hp!, air enough E s the car, and rei4uests the gen'=
thoindadci% , :ellitaC oncoAlses
{'mtlous Itcme.~
--Game Partridges are not fo' be' shot In this
State, for the tlext - tearline ppirldo inlho
4 .- - -T6aempernneit.Conventlon *Mat Ind at
*millitfprd on liopday last, eaeed ,Tifi...--=-
*ory, Susqueltann . Depot, foiVreasetier,
adirled L. Q. Sitilth, Detneeratto nominee
forAirdittir. TEriadue of the efilets were
left open for Indepchdent action.'
tititag;, :l ;e lo— trirla
pity,kl). 13.,DeWittottlessuprtowyttfirIftaap
,cart&verrinfrateriousty, ort IthurdireVattng
lasi i fmmln front. Of Miiltbas stanOhira'
rigectil'Arifea — tritronter, and
natural surtospokwa . sokst . irigkeen stolen
and handbit; were Issued,. ofrel nt-tt reward of
itsCtroi. lEdlic - afetY;filif
was ascertalnelitiar beelybken ttp near
`the 13nalcii6eck h.WWfitlib
itVas found attached alf
. ?4*.l7 , ttlarcasnreite
0iv4.14.t.t. • —•
==lOnr corral pair provettierreo6l:lltattpt.
TleSivathir iitairltheinost
tit:4IIE 7 (IISA of fraltsl . mal veetabfrOti4.o
any-previous exhibition, intl.the shOvv-otifock
of all ktrls....frai:llWeifiat toanilortner year,
N:ethiggylhOig the whokthne*6 . ceittTX33
the pleasure, of all co3eerned,-natilThtnsdlty4t ,
tOia-,;:a9oltejait Or, 1746. ti very sqipps apegr
• Vat-
Pck , AownsltiP, :NYb/{l3.l?U‘„Was-driYiPg44iiii
t;itui:und spirteirpritr i . offtay:ebitapritid!yher
Gat on the Esiriroenti;the aspic of-talacit
yoke cam o peif 7 th tibia to the
00 1. 4ba; frightening thCteaqi. - whleTt
managable, threti hurr-anii syoneg girinidtng
w4hlr4 oat a g ainstlst ?Fsl'.. 4 . 4 .4 s #.l/Aa
taring his arm at tlmelbow, and,s4mo*hei Arsj•
luring the girl. : Ile I now, keireTer, , ,retirrat . -1
hi his phySleindasdolng as ireljea
important: to , Drntrtalito. :
It may not be generallY Irtat - Vatitiber7
ry, lemon'tindliatrityropsooilltrestre. sato or_
removed for consamption,_musbho It.t 4 tured ed.
carding t'O'trie'welght'or the li.Ottreifpeathi eim-.
clostire with Its contents, iitietNerttio:orth*fra
is sold with its contents 00-sfilnahed by the
purchaser. •Preparcitmustant, aluccariatostos
must - alSetOlitaltioia lliti,,W*lti# l ,
tier. , Proprietors of •sotla fesuttalositho trump)
facture, raspberry and Other OSiimi tot Uteri:Ts
fbnnntins only nn po not sV'str . efferfc,,znale.
or.r . emove !i?r consumption suey
required to staniii.them., A , hottlet, "
of syrups etc , not 'exeieding,two 'i)Mulna . fet
weightfrAtthtli 6hWeentistainp; tdid fat)erery
' a l c irt, l6 . ll 4ls l3 *P.F. PuettmLatViti:iettd
Chump', ;.• ;"
1,144 i elC4infept •Tirevails In. - Birigfilftn!ert
,coneenting • the .eliarges of erneltf pracirett
ag4 l *.ilicPCY. 3 1F- Yan Epps; stliqi4t4 l s, l 4.
of the Susquehanna Valley Home, A .charitabki
institution toi , ihllaren. • Wei: ' the Inmates.
Frederick tratitintniti* mneyitiri;-itlefounq
u' weer. ago with a h navy'log' of; wood 'cbaisl
to his neck, andAtiO.. ionrinittees, one , oLiilue
gentlemen and the oilier or ladies, are now
enotged_ in egmlning . the aft:airs: f the. 44131 e..
warrant has' been
.El)Ps: . Who is now Irr' Boston.' • The pririelpig
charges aromatic by a respectable widow, 31ra.
Mary Beeknam, who .worked at the- : blamer
Muinth., an'd then left beeansialo
c' uld;pol'ca
dure to see the inmates abused as tliery were.";
Iltatortiititite ,
Last week, on Wednesday- night,..about . ilo
difileulfy *turfed a tho:Psle bole),
between Chas.:`Sisk "and ,Hartey Buchanon,
which SlT:died very, serioustOar thelatteri444
makes hlmu vne e'yed-inan, The
. f.acts f the .
!natter, as near as lare , catilliam' aru as follostur
Mr. Enchain:li, nittAt;betifiriadilLisithfied about
some change. lii a deal - fo?ritiftioi•iitth SA: tor&
being somewhat - intoxicated, anti,- 'when so; :al
ways ripe for a fight.; commenced abecolog.Siski
in a very,earsiii and fisiilttnitrialier,
Mullah' to-such - in extent that Sisk 'Snake be.
mine a r,ood•deif enraged hi:id:threw an
sand at Bue„htfxterOvldelf kit hien in - Blusln i tesq
though Intrting Min not. much if any,:ilislizt
which a generq,onOttugyt:eorpmensell,
glassomare Iva, freely used as adalles,Buchunan,
throwing in return, at -.bunting. , ktmp.
The, fight was..aratort duration, Isaireer, 119 -
°titer paitles ( ritcrferrt# mild put Bue,bartut put.
4-,dah r rilfthertrat scuts discovered that-ha-I'4
Idstbis riiht eye.' llorc it cotta iint:thatei
yetainytiteri„lii. this the saptiOstruly vtl
tied lhattlip)viiii of thetraielrekiarls Judd,
and taay itprtiv ea ' .
Disposition-or_ Floes 4rie.. ;•-,:., .-.. , - ---
` .Al. many of the people of . Stisqueliaiftwitc. a
ty May, be.ignorant as to the:distil:shift' - WOO
fines and "forfeited recrignbCincrat ;bilpoiimiiiiia
forfeited in the several - courts of thiscountweso
publish belowl'a"iii&iitil3llllKirtsfred by the
Legislature of .1.8C7 lbr' ttC ; benefit of Sgicitig..l
- lawfms,deerning it - our: dirty! to
inform tire People what iheitialrifo"kii7loo,,
done thatthey may to:tile - better prepared ; t6-- -
demand of them what they sluff tki in, the'lii,
ewe:. ; , ~ 1 .,. ."
_-.. ,
Ax Acr relating to - the aircedtionr,Of tnesruid
forfeited recognizartens, in thaconnty oijinstpro r L
St arrow, 1, „Bs ,tt enasteii bj thsisnate *MU
Honeseßet;mieni tatiretibithe-dmitiOnactlA cr .
ThiargtOrnio in Germ»! Assembly iner,ltraft , Wks
heivivi criticise by d authority ej the earner That
all ants and forfeited recognizancei.Whielk-blatil •
be hereafter impond/ or forfeited, in any of - the. -,
courts of Sastinclaustrunnry, lialukly l a i r
directed to ho paid intothe state- treasury, whati,
be keivettand collected by thedistriet attorney,
of said county, and paid eves' to thetniSstirerbf
this-Susquehanna CountY Legal. Assocititio'bXer
the use of said assoilstion...,_ , . .if !:.':1.1, ..--
SECTION 2:, The district attorney, sri:l4l..rcecrcif f ,
s u ch -fees for the tiolicetkes °Usti farfelted mug,.
nizmwes, as the court of common pleas,shalini
lorri i but no fees shill be Charged - or allowed for
the receiving and paying over: tO_ 'thri:;*trapler .
'VI said association •of any tines Whicktuay..l4 4
onisitteirunaldvdorwmilessibimmtosiootaxiLikt './
leered by him, upon process Issued tor that par.
, - - ' usa
'. -':' " `'-'''' ' JOHN r. GLASS, ' I 2, '• .
' Sp9,ker of the liotieb Of Repnrsentatives. ..!
.., -
r . II '. , l' :-: ..
',414 8
, ~. - Spt4koz' of Shat fi
- : .ki:Vitiitti - fl'4lieiricrity-eoveniliAtiy of Fob.: ,
1 natty, Anno Einatini impitirousand eittittrbrmi ?
dyed and sitty-sev,en. -, J:4O. W. o.}.Mtlf. .-* •- ,
.1, ,
........:. ' - 0 ,...i,--.......:''''.\ •.,,,- t,', , ,
Ifitmickiriacon noixnuiii., - , , , , ,-. ~, ‘ ~.., al.
' 1 The (bile itijaalstvir.ita tA're :*fit!i *livered
*fore the Grand jury of BraditidicountY dur.
ingffiiiiha l ftiireisiorti itilOWandalry*li.lll*ol)...,
Judge lito!FoNy atut iyo boiti tile iobjei:rvifit en:
i& 1
terSeCrolislytko,lEs;4 o iViliV4o o , ll. . „0 1 , 4 * '.
1 pie at , Dirt statifte boas Loom:mitt', laws
for the proteicticat'Ocs.ooiiii which ject&iedlY
would ho found AMply sullicimitt qes earteet Iv ~,
hirge autoAitl33;grAWl4'ev.ll.;;;;,H - ' - • ' ; ;
9144= 1 64! - 9A otnitter4 -0 -h-nnist*
ourgeralraelli!...9cau 1 4 ittr a * -t**-- - 7
subject of horse racing an wed o o so
now. InhtivablibuiltattitebOolicklitilsbittlfteit ' .
„noconly_makir the trottingtradvanning2ol:7'
soi,-Ttrrillol;lo74V gthefyllinfible , thillg3elliVW
',Ramble ofteruro, brittiut borne titemseterts ,
be salsa/ analorfeited.' Constablcsitra cot rtoti' 4
required bylaw to makb any' retarOglatio I •
to siii4 cogs. ,VrtiftOrtizeOsAre turiPi
Ix:cadre prosecutors In cuseSotthid lring„ 4
evil istecco. WS iliOlatiftn,lann in- au/ country: -a
PY, ttm4quirett, to..'VegoOiNr- 1
welt asiwao tbiop•Wtilott'Yott kttowtorbot pre,..,
Sestabk t ati , 0057 tlibp : lslicii,m4yartc vs :: .
yoo %%minor Ad beaco wwiftortt It-ouz duo
qlci tlayour AtiontioArliraidox - Ittcflaitleta:. -'
.yylatirili to thla - sulie4t, to-.lllatlf oky:ortioot4 . -
, . r.,1; , .' I.: - t
.. ... r•-• ~,.;: -., • r -1:, , :- -- -%
. .