TWENTY-FIFTH -A. re iv :Er Ma X' FL °FT II E SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, Will be held in 3108rrnonn, On TUMMY, WED NEPDAY and TEnnuiciAY, SErremßEß 12, 13, and 14, 1871. X P TCZEL.II.II3:III. List DI VISION L—ll cases. Best Stallion, sire or bast rattling colt raised in county $5 bi 3 Best henry draught Stallion $5, 2d Vt. 3d 2 •' quick draught stallion . 5. 3, 2 " Brood mare and colt 5, 3. 3 " slu ale gelding over tour yeacs old ratt ed in county .65, 2d 8 Best single mare over four yaws old raised In county 5 8 Best single borne not raised In county 3 " fair matched hersesor mazes ratted to coon.. $3, 2.1 $3, M I Best lair matched horseaor mares not raised In MID 3 Best pair g $3 three -years old wits 1 '• pair two-year old colts 8 1 •-. three-year old colt 8 1 " two-year old colt S I " one-year old colt. 2 1 Jtoora,—Darld Summers, New Inked. J. a Good win, Bridgewater, James Sterling, Brooklyn. DIVISION IL Class I.— Durham. Best &wham bull two year old and up ward• is, 2d t , Id Best yeralutg hull. '• durham cow four years old and up wards $5, 3d 193.3 d Best durham heifer throe years old $l, 3d •• dartuua heifer two yearp o/d 3 derham heifer coo yeatbld .• darham hull calf 2 2 . 4 durham heifer calf. Clasp 2.—Grade Da tams. •• cow four yams old and upwards •• heifer three, years old. •' heifer two years old " three yearlings •• four calves " bull calf bettor calf MSNIMISMiiM Class 8- —Devon& a Best ball twoyrs old and upwards. $3, Id VI, 3.1 1 yearling bull 3 2d 9 .. cow four y.`rs old and upwards $.5, 2d, $3, 3d, 1 tbreo-year old heifer. 89d 4 two-year old heifer 8 9 - one-year old heifer 2 1 - ball calf I 1 - better call 8 1 Class 4.--Grade Devon& . . ... ..... •• cow lour years old and upwards 3 " heifer three years old 3 - heifer two years old. 3 - three yearlings a - four calves.... a ••bull calf I . •heifer calf II .1 l." ON cs.—J. F. Gardner.Blidgemiter, F. M. Williams. Montrose, Fowler Peck. Hartird, Gass s.—Oxen and Stem. Best pair wetting oxen over four years old B,ld I Best pair steers three years old 8 Rd 9 6• pair steers two years old 5 9 cohe fat cattle 5 8 " tarier or cow 4 1 Clus 6.—Alderneys. Best bull " COW heifer three years old. •' heifer taro years old.. better one year 01d.... heifer calf •• bull call ... Class 7.—Aps.6ires. Be hall 5 3 tow 4 2 " heifer three years old S 2 •• belfic two years old 8 2 •• heifer one year old 3 1 '• heifer mlf 2 1 bull calf S I .1 roors.—F, H. Uollinter, Dimock, Wm. B. Jones, Bridgewater, Milburn Oakley, Brooklyn, Class S.—Herds. Dee herd of short home and their grades 10 0 •• herd of dermas and their grades 10 5 Not. 1.5 than ten owned and exhibited by one man. .It - coen.—N. P. 'Wheaton, Franklin, Abner Griffin. Forest Lake, Rodney Jewett, Brooklyn, DIVISION lIL Class I.—Sheep Bret' fine wooled beck... •• three fine wooled ewes... •• three floe wooled lambs_ coarse wooled buck •• :Met coarse wooled ewes.. `• three coaree wooled lambs. mtddle wooled back— three middle wooled ewes. three middle wooled lambs hock lamb of each aii:DGES.—Patrick Borns, Chocont, Willis Babcock, Bridgewater, Allen Shelden, Silver Lake. Best briar. I , OW pigs over three months..., fat ho, class ll—Poultry De 24. trio turkeys • trio of dark brahomaa trio light hrahmas " trio Black span's& •• trio aorklins " trio homburgs ••'trio leghorns ' •• lot of Bawls owned and exhibited by ono man J7l.ol.—Dantel Stewart, Bridgewater, Obadiah Bail ey, Brooklyn, David Sherwood, Rash. DIVISION IV.—Etwis Psulnrces. Clan I.—Eta:ter wed Chem. Best tub or firkin of June butter tub or Arkin of September butter 4 il 0 ten lbs. butter mode by girls under eighteen 2 1 ° cheese, not less than 2.5 lbs 4 3 Chas 2.—Seeds. Best bushel corn in the ear 02, 2d $l. Ild 30 ets •• X bushel white winter wheat.... W . $l, 50 eu •• x bushel owing wheat. 2,1, 50 ens " X bushel rye 1 to els •• x bushel oats 1, 50 cts Jonosa—Perry Barnhart , Montrose, D. re. Lathrop. Montrose, D. A. Titsworth, Brooklyn, ass.s . ?l,—Finit. Vegetables. be. Best assortment fall apples winter apples .• aimortillClllt pllllll guinea " and great variety of vegetables " three cabbage heads " ten rutabagas ........ three whiter squashes...... " three pam•hlns " twelve cmlons •• three heads cauliflowers ° ten beets " ten tomatoes • _. .... . . _ .' X bushel potatoes tine - assortment grapes crown In county I 1 .' eider vinegar, not less than I ga110n........ 1 GM *• ten pounds maple sugar II 1 ten pounds honey I I .1 VDGME-.11. R. Reed, Philadelphia. W. A. Crounmon, Montrose, Wm. J. Terrell. Montrose. DIVISION V.--Mmtaraernacas. Class I.—Cabtant.Work and Carriages. Bost dtuble carriage -. single carriage— Intoner wagon 6' democrat wagon 66 double 11411.-- ............... 6• single desk. •• table. 66 bureau chamber set Class L—Farm Implements and B *mattblag Beetl=g;wh " cultlvato? " corn shellet..... " straw CUtter.... " churn power—. " firkin " horse rake...... vrasttlng madam butter pall. Class L—Loszater ie. 13. , t pair fine boots. pair coarse boots •• three sides harness leather three sides upper leather.. " three sides sole leather.... c t double turves§ 3 1 • ect single barmen 3 1 Jct.:lEs.—E. 11. Rogers, blordzose,John Lake, Jessup, A. I'. Reeler, Montrose. DIVISION VI. Ciro L—.Dattioette linagsetturs. Beet ten yards flannel. tee yards woolen carpet.— ..... . ten yards rag carpet par woolen socks. .......... pair woolen mittens exhlbltlon woolen articles " ten lards linen cloth . . " ten garde C1i61161112e cloth.. • ' piece toweling._ new"— I fik. Jrnozo.-31ro. Robert Kent- Bridgewater, Kra. 0. K. Ttliany, Dimwit, Km. S.C. Conlriba„Dimack. Claee Arta, Ornamental Needlework. do. Dee% dental•lk Yhotugrdpho,. ~p atcharoa-quilt •• quilt spreadof any other kind.. Bed Udy chaltcovor tt tine embroidery t• chair cushion " knit ottani collection of flowers. bouquet. exhThition of engrarimm • " lamp mat 1 50e " specimen of worsted work. I 60c Ornamental needlework I 50e " penmanehip I 50e dtrouze.—airs. O. V. Bentley, Montrose , Mrs. J. B. 31eCollam,51antrore.11ra J: Webb, Montrose. DIVISION VII. Vneanmersted Artldee. Jopaza.-31. C. Tiler. Noottooe. Berl, 13116Aee, riciadsvilk, Mrs. A.N.8e1144 Mo3Arose, lam Kam a Autipp, Mont , x'..plf. The Plowitit *OW will be kb! it Yeetluee on Tuasday. Etnadet_of:th"Foirj, ..elLothXll P. ID. Ping 11.6 J unti LE: •B. hem.' tress, A. H. Patddr, Moms rur.t, Hairy Sherman, Yositrose.. SUPERLITIMILM. lieuctel *uperintendept—W. T. Maxie?. Superintendent of Cattle—F, S. Prink and John Prink_ • Sheep and Swlno—J. Harris. Farm Imtlements—C. Sherman. diechanit a and Dairy Ball—S. Langdom Fruit- Edwin Lathrop. Vegetables—Edmund Baldwin. Ladies• V. Bentley Um. Satan Case lira. G. A. Jessup, Mr. LI. F. Turn.ll. U. C. TTII.XII, Secretary .V1.123.0ns 42:1 FLorgulaticaasies. 1. The Committee and Secretary have an office on the Fair grounds, where the Judges are requested to meet at 10 o'clock on the 3d day, and their names will be called and vacancies filled; and they sill be furnished with the Books of Entry, when they will proceed to de cide upon the merits of the artichs and animals entered for premiums, and report in writing at 1 o'clock the third day. 3. It is important that all persons appointed on Awarding Committees should be present at that hour. The Judges can resort for instructions and to make out reports to the office. 3. Any animal entered for exhibition In one elm; cannot compete in any other class, except as one of a herd or for sweepstakes. The award ing committees will be Banished with cards, designating first and second premiums, which they will affix to the animal or article according to their award. 4. The judges shall in all cases withhold pre miums when the animal or article is not worthy, though there be no competition. 5. Exhibitors wishing . to compete for premi ums mist have their animals or articles entered on the Secretary's book the second day of the Fair, and a card, which will be received from the Secretary, K C. Tyler, must be placed on the animal or article to be exhibited. They must be all on the ground for exhibition by 10 o'clock, a. m., of the third day, or they cannot receive a premium. No animal or article can be removed before the close of the exhibition, except by permission of one of the Executive Committee. S 2 3 1 3 1 2 a • 1 • 1 6. It is very desirable that all vehicles entering the enclosed ground should be kept in motion. 7. Superintendents of the different depart ments will have all animals and articles system atically arranged. The officers of the society and superintendents will be known by their offi cial badges. & No premium will be awarded to any person exhibiting articles or animals not entered in the name of the bona fide owner of the same. 9. Premiums not called for within six months will be considered donated to the society. A sufficient police force will be in attendance, day and night, to protect the property of exhib itors. Arrangements are made for keeping stock over night in covered stalls. There will be a committee at the entrance of lie Fair grounds to direct all persons driving in Stock over night. Stock can be entered twenty days previaas to Fair by calling on H. C. Tyler, Secretary. ' No provisions will be made for stalling stock over two years old. Thosedi-it-lug in stock can be accommodated with pasture as follows: Those coming from the north and New Milford at R. S. Searles ; from Brooklyn, at William Jessup's; and from Springville, the Wyalusing, the West and Owe go Turnpike, at J. B. Tarbell's farm, formerly Peeldn's .. 1 . 1 . 1 1 All the Judges and Superintendents that are here In time will receive a ticket for free dinner. DAILY ORDER OF ARRANGEME.NTS, The gates will be open from 7 o'clock a. in till 5 o'clock p. m., each day. September 12, first day, forenoon, will he de voted to arts grog the grounds and buildings. Two o'clock If? m., the plowing match. Wednesday, September 13, second day, enter ing of stock end all articles till 12 o'clock m. One o'clock, Walking horses. Three o'clock, walking by men and boys. Third day, trim 9 to 10 o'clock a. m., sale and exchange of stock and articles. At 10 o'clock a. m., a grand .cavalcade of horses in harness, entered for Mmiums, will take place on the track. At lOW'o'clock, at the call of the Super intendent, class first will assemble in front of the Judgm' stand forexhibition and final inspec tion. At 11 o'clock single and matched horses. At 11% o'clock, colts. At 2 o'clock p. in., the address. At 4 o'clock, announcement of the premiums. To conclude with au exhibition of general driving on the track. ADMISSION. Membership tickets, (not transferrable), will be sold for $1 00, which will entitle such mem ber to admission during the Fair, and also to two single tickets for his family or others, and such single tickets will be good for one admis sion only. 4t 3 4 3 a a Single tickets 2.5 cents for one admission only. Children under 12 and over 13 years of age, 15 cents. Clergymen and their families admitted free of charge. All double teams and carriages driven in, ex cept those takingin articles for exhibition, will pay 25 cents each. Single horses and buggy, 13 cents each. Any: person on purchasing a membership tie.ket, will have his name registered in the Treasurer's book, and also on his ticket, and be come a member for one year. General Superintendent —W. T. Ifoxley. Superintendent of Cattle.—F. S Frisk and John Frisk. Sheep and Swine—L Harris. Farm Imple ments—C. Sherman. Mechanic's and Dairy Hall—S. Langdoa. Poultry—J. W. Chapman. Fruit—Edwin Lathrop. Vegetables—Edrunnd B Idwin. Ladies' Hall—G. V. Bentley, Meat Susan Case, M. G. A. Jessup, Mrs. IL F. Turrell A. BA:LIMES, H. H. HA! U. D. F. Anse , Executive Committee. IL C. TTIA23, Bourotary. ' W. H. JESstrP, Pres't. 11 1 1 bac 00c GOC 1 50e 60e 1 50e 50e THE SIAMESE THINS.-It is reported that one of the Siamese twins is lying at the point of death while the other is en joying his usual good health. Several years ago - the Siamese twins visited kurope and consulted the most prominent surgeons of Scotland, England and France, in order to advise as to the !prac ticability of cutting t e ligament. The most skillful surge° of the United States bad previouslydecided that the risk would be too great to justify them in performing the operation, and the foreign surgeons arrived at the same conclusion. It was, however, decided, that in the case of the death of one of the twins, the op eration would have to be performed, but probably with less risk to the survivor. The statement that one of tho twins is dangerously ill, and that the other is in rod health, is opposed to the general impression that the Siamese twins, having the same emotions, feelings and sensibili ties, are also affected with the same bodily maladies. This Exocon.--A piece of "iron pa per," a thousand of which were required to make a layer an inch thick was sent from this country to the International Exhibition at, London in 1861. But English workmanship has now attained a far more remarkable result, inethe pro duction of a sheet of iron so thin that it requires four thousand eight hundred such to form an inch in thickness. It is the thinest sheet iron ever rolled, and meas ures ten inches in length, by five and a half in width. It weighs only twenty grains. 1 coe .....a 1 A gentleman who had taken the horse cars for the Worcester depot in Boston, incumbered with manifold bags and par cels, reached the bellrope with an effort when he wished to get off, gave a vigor ous pull, the result was a sharp ring from both bell& "What are you ringing both ends for ?" was the discourteous and surly inquiry of the coductor. "Because I wish the'car to stop at both ends," was the quiet reply that left a convulsed tar load and discomfitted conductor. 604 604 604. 1 504 604 Robert Hull did not lose his power of retort ern hr madness. A hypocritical condoler with his misfortunes once visited him in the mad-house, and said in a tone: '"What brought von here, Mr. ?" Hall significantly touched his brow with his finger, and replied : "What will never bring you, sir; to:, much brain.* A. Bi,Luww, Rica:Rive. LIARRINUT°N . }"Committee. D. F. AUSTIN, w. J. JESSUP, PresWAIL Ittv Agutdionututo. om asslpum - • ;tA:•;4. 3 Asr AnA =XIDIEf==Z=M • \olbt g I+lll2, • Ili "--T. DII.ltAl r. TrterNi+t, noaloq. Hermit u1.11.1e , I bv I r It. W. I I /7 filicap. / JC34 lataTZT7 S Cs., 1.4.43t4.4.1, Muss. :4:01.1 by tirtitzihts. Tifsearora Academy, ACADEMIA, PA. The 116th School year begins September 6th. Location healthful, attractive and well adapted to phyatehl devel. opemeut. Free from loathe: place. nud ealoons, the In. hummee are moral. More than nro poring men have here born prepared fur Col ego or einem. Terms moderate. Apply Mr circular, to D. D. STONE, A. NI. J. J. PATTERSON, A.M. COLLEGIATE and Commercial Lustitnte, New Haven, Connecticut. Preparatory to College, BUM :mak Scientific Schools, 11. B. Military and Naval Acad emies. Fall session, thirty-sixth year, begins September 18. For catalogues, &c., address the PriocipaL 110FIGHTSTOWN Claseicul Inetitutc.—A good naid AA rale Boarding, School lor young men and boys.— Terme moderate. !lend fur a circular. Rev. J. E. AL SIANDIM, Principal, Illghtatown, N. J. GiMULE COLLEGE Bordentown, Furnish . tho beet educational advantages, together with a pleasant home. Board and Tuition, Itini per year. For Catalogues, nddresallay..l. 11. 1310.11ELEY, Ph. D. SCHOOLEY'S MOUNTAIN SEMINARY For both sexes. A thoronzh and superior School In all Its appointments. Thirteenth session opens Septem ber Stb. Rev. L. 1 STOUT EY:BURGH, Principal, School ey's Mountain Spring, , s, New Jersey. EBAIION Valley College, Annvtile, Pa. For ma logaes, address L. 11. Itemmosto, A. M., President. VIRGINIA !FAR MS, &C. F°24.l3Aed—Felo"„finer.."lrll' " MM. snd F'un. NOY, No I,OUO Cary Surer. Richmond, Virginia. . Busoevs ' UOR CASES, 11. 111.13N1 FAMILY LIQ Each Cate containing one Bottle of Old Palo Andy. Holland Oil. Old Eye Whiskey. I Old/rile Sherry. Fine Old Port Old Bourboa. Guaranteed l'ure and of the very Beet Quality. PRICE SEVEN DOLLARS. Sent by Express C. 0. D., or rust-office order, 11. UENDEItnUN, 15 Broad St., New York. A GEM'S WANED for the •X• cat lair*. COUNSELS ON rue NATIJIM AND BTOMLNE or Tut NANA?. LINZ FrNeTION. BT Du. lisensin, author of " The Physical I.lf. of Truman." It relates to the male sex; ie Ind of new facts ; delicate but outspoken ; practical and popular, highly endorsed; sells rapidly. Bold by subscription only. Exclusive territory. Terms liberal Price sd. Address fur temente, be., 1. G. FERGUS CO., Publlshere, Philadelphia. Pa. Agents Read This ! E WILL PAY Agents a salary of $3O Per Week and Expenses, or allow • large conuniesion to sell our new and wonderful inventions. Address M. WAGNER it CO., Marshall, Mich. $BO. We Will Pu p $BO. Agents $3O per week to sell our great and valuable dia. coverles. If you want permanent, honorable and p:cas ant work, apply for particulars, Address DYER & CO., Jackson, Id lchlgan. A MILLION DRIBS. Shrewd but qnlet men con mnlte a fortune by revealing the secret of the bneioe to no one. Addreen EDGAR SIMS, 688 Broadway, New York. MADAMS THE INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE ROSADALIS are published on every package, there fore it is not a secret preparation,. consequently PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE 11% it is a certain cure for Scrofula. Syphilis in all its forms, Rhaama• tism, Skin Diseases, Liver Com . lain t and ill diseases of the !food. t 4 ONE BOTTLE OP BOSADALIS 1 trill do more good than ten bottles of the Syrups of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Rosadalis in their practice for the past three years and freely endorse it as a reliable Alterative and Blood Purifier. DR. T. e. PUG H_of Baltimare. DR. T. BOY Kix DR. R., W. C ARS: DR. F.O. b:kNNELLY,_. Dlt. J. S. SPARKS, of fileholosillle, I I M K :I:L. oCAIITRA, Columbia,' S. C. i DS_ A. B. NOBLES, Edgeotab, N. C. USED AND ENDORSED BY J. B. FRENCH & SONS, Fall River, Masa. F. W. SMITH, lackaan, Mich. A. F. W REELER, Lima, Ohio. B. HALL, Lima, Ohio. 4. - CRAVEN tb CO., Gordonsville, Va. BAWL. G. McFADDEN, Martina:, boro, Tenn. Oar 'pace will not IRMO of any en: tended remarks In relation to the virtues of Rososlalis. Tothe Radical Profession we guarantee • Fluid Rae tract/13ml°, to any they have over aced in tho treatment of diseased Blood ; and to the afflimad we ma Rosodalis, and you will be to health. MMEMMi DB. CLEZENT3 it CO. -4 Xaaafadmi■p Ilat Tatou, AO Baltimore, do 0240,000 Worth of Goods in store for the opening o the Fall Trade of 1870, in a full and general assortment of FZEM Dress, and Plernishing, and Fancy Geed' In Empress QM 's, Deanne, Merinos, Posting, Calms, Shawls. Cbrsets,msalcssed Fills, and !Lop Skirts Ladies and Gen!, FSns. Thejak, Robes, Fancy Lap Robes, oft& assortment of Clarks, fasslowa. LadiesTioths, Flannels, Hosiery, Dawns Cottons, dc, ste. with a general assortment of Hats and Caps, Boots & Shoes, Oils and Paints, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Stoves, Iron, &c., famish ing a superior opportunity for selections, and will be sold on the moat favorable terms, by H. 331:Txa.rtxricAr. or =Goa. Igo'. 30./870* PEBBLE SPECTACLES—aIso com mon Spectacles, a new supply, for male by Z Montrose, Nov. 10, 18GO. MULL TURREL VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.—The V subscriber offers his farm at Silver Lake, Susquehanna Co., Pa., contains over 130 acres 100 or 101 of which are cleared and under cultiva tion the land is well ivatenal and good for either grain or grass, there are between two and three hvadred grafted Apple trees on the place besides peach, plum, and mar trees, the farm is conveni ent for churches and schools with good build ings, 130 rods south of Quaker lake, the fann is a good one and admirably located. Address or ap ply to MAURICE M. DONNELL. Silver Lake, Susea. Co. Pa., March 8 '7l. 3m. REVOLVING HORSE-RARE. yin Are prepared to Punish these rakes of a gaped Ty or quality, at both wholesale and retail. tIAYEE MIMS., Manufacturers. Montrose. Ma 8.1871. 11 WOOL-GROWERS TAKE NOTICE. MWOOLEN MILL Is running as usual, mak. 1,1 log all wool flannels, eheeked and white; alio. cotton warp donne!, the best ever made; all wool tweeds and casslmeres. A large lot of cloths on hand, for sale or to exchange for wool. Please give me a 'call before disposing of your wool elsewhere. Mill. Lit miles north of Montrose. J. W. 11077. Montrose, June 7, 1271. ' tf CALL. AT ROBINSON'S SOUTHERN TIER Pgarlavriricri-e.m EMPORIUM, 88 Washington Street, Binghamton, N. Y. Whore you will find The Largest Stock, the Best Assortment, and the Lowest Prices of any house in the city. N. B.—All Goods sold warranted as represen ted. Binghamton, Aug. 24, 1870.—1 y Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is won restored to its original color with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick ened, failing hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Jts occasional use mall prevent the hair from turning gray or frilling off; and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair,. the Vigoi can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr..). C. Ayer & Co., PRACTICAL AND Alum-rim. Cansms, LOWELL, MASS. PRICE ELM Sold by Abel Turrell, and Burns & Nichols Montrose, and all dzugziain and dealers every where. (Dec. 21, 1870--y 7:ox- C 7. IP. 131=1.017171V'SEI YOUNG AMERICAN pleiroosi eiTiv,usbzie In offering this Liniment in the public. as we do In Mil confidence, that ft most npereede all othere now In nee, as an internal remedy, for the cure of all diseases In the reach of that Masao( medifines, we can safely assert, without the least fear of contrirliction, that It stands un rivaled In the Ilst of medical compounds externally ap plied for the care of disease. Peeling therefore that It Is unnecessary to puff a remedy PO ' eminently wonderful In its effects, so mysterimudy Infallible In Its powers of relief, causing the deaf to hem, the blind to see, the nee , sous, drawn and crippled thematic to walk erect and re joice again In the power andvigor of manhood. this pnv paralton Is offered to the pubic on its own menu, and claims no volcanic origin or essential oils of the Mehl an deserts ; but on the contrary Is what its imports, ano is a rare combination of the powers of North Armori c., products. Nry Tons.. Dec. 14. 7870 / This notice Li to inform all dealers in proprietary medicines. that ere hare entatilhdied n Depot In Simon. Mans county at Moutrone. Pa., for the rale of Dr. C. F. Brown'• Young American Liniment, and that Mr. A. DALOWLX is plangent for that marpcnie. WARD. SOUTIMIRLAND k. CO., 131 William Street, New York Agencies will soon be established at central places in every township, and polgished in the ilst below. lam nail) , to tarnish it at wholesale prices to agents. Post ers and circulars scut fres upon application to the sub scriber. . . The Liniment is now hr aale at retail by the follow ing agents, to wit: Burns A. Nichols, Idontmae. A. Turrell, E. L. Adams Auburn 1 Corners. Noah Baldwin, Sowh Auburn. Waltman G Vosbrdr, Skinner's Eddy. 1). C. & F. H. Fordlam, Franklin. J. Borrows dr Sona,fitevensville. L. hi, Sherwood, Itisbvllle. It. T. Ilandrick, Sprngeille. William Thayer, Maack. IL. B. Beardslets, Little Meadow!. Robert Winters, FneudsvMe. M. L. Ball, Bircharridlle. D. A. A. Titsworth,Brooklyn, Pa. L. B. Hinds Factorwille , W, IL Curtis, Balls! Hollow. E. H. Tiffany, Hoptottom. J. B. Very. /dontroas De• 0. M. Hawley Newlilid. T. D. Rasterbhpok, (In:at Bend. Tewksbury Brothers, Auburn Centro. Avery dr Deaumout, Csmotown. Stevens Loewy. Lilt Like. N. Granger, Rush. 13. IL Stevens. Lacyvilla. A. J. Bllvara. East SpinghliL J. L. Hardman, Upstart - 11e, J. W. Rosencrants, finirdsla, Any persona In township; nut &boys asmoVitatirinir an agency, may obtain it by addresibur • A. BALDWI2I, Gamma Agana, Jan.ll,ll37l—an Montrose. Pa. ABEL TURRELL • KELP /15 .... c l ac "ttli on hand ono of tho moat Darner DRUGS & MEDICINES In the country. and bestows especial atjention to so. lecting and buying articles In this department [bat are pureand genuine. Ile also keeps a great variety of uquons AND WIN:ES. bought either direct from thothettllex, or Importer, and warruntedltsictly pure. Also, a full assortment of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Lubricating 011 s and Dye Staffs. Groceries. well Paper, Girds, Kerosene, Violins, Pistols, Guns and ammunition. A fine variety otOold and other JEWBUZY. rerrom , cry. Yankee NOTIONS, itc., and other goods too an. mesons to mention. During several years past persons have been In tho habit of forming clubs,and sending to the Great Ameri can Tea Company, New York, fortheir it/ROD:sat Tea and Coffee, for familLose. Abel Torren Is now supplying the people with these Teas and Coffees, at his store in Montrose, at the same prices that these clubs and other persona pay et the 'tore of the Company In New York. Thus purchasers will ease the express charge, trouble of dubbing and risk of sending, by buena of ABEL TOBBIILL, Mantra's, Pa. HENRY T. 11018110'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. Component Par6—Fluid &frail Rhea barb and Fluid Ertract Galan?- ' ha Grape Juice. FOR Liver Complaint, Jaundice, 131111ous Affections, Sick or Nervous Headache. Costiveness, etc. Pore ly Veceta , ie, contalnhg no Mercury, Minerals or Del eterlous Drugs. These pills aro the most dolightftilly pleasent Emelt t ire, superseding castor oil, salts, magnesia, ate. Thrre I. nothing more acceptable to the stomach. They give tone, and cause neither Imola I , r . ..wiping palms. They are composed of the finest In lents Alter a few days' use of them, such an Inv goratien of the entire system takes place as to appear miraculous, to the weak and enervated, whether arising from imprudence or dis ease; .11. T. Ileimbolffs Compound Fluid Extract Ca tawba Grape Pills are not sugar coated, from the fact that .mew coated Pills dm not dissolve, but pass through the stomach without dissolving. consequently do not produce the desired effect. Tilr. CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS, being pleasant in taste and odor, do not neces sitate their being .agar coated. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PEE BUY. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOL7ND FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Will radically exterminate Dem the system Scrofula, Syphilis, Fever SOICS, Ulcers. Sore Ryes, Sore Legs. Sore Mouth, Sore Read, Bronchitis, Skin Disease, Salt Rheum, Camas, Mornings Dom the Far, White Swell logs, Tumors, Cancerous Affetaions, Nadia. Rickets, Glandular Swellings, Night Strad., Rash Totter, Ru mors of all kinds, chronic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and all diseases that have been established in the system for years. Being prepared expressly for the above vampire alit. its blood-purlfytng properties are greater than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla, It gives tho complexion a clear and healthy color. and restores the patient to a state of health and parity. for pnrifying the bleed, re moving all chronic eonstltutional diseases arising from an Impure state of the blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy few the care of pains and swell ing of the Mmes. Vlcerstlone of the throat and legs. Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Erysipelas and aft wady eruptions of the skin, and beantifyieg the coloplezlon. Price $1 50 per/ bents. HENRY T. HELM BOLJTS CONCENTRATED Fluld Mists. evert 331.2/241su- TIM GREAT DIURETIC, Has cored every aria of Diabetes in which II has been given, Irritation of the Reck of the Bladder nntim motion of the Kidneys. lieerstion of the 'Kidneys and Bladder. Retention of Urine, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland. Stone in the Bladder. Calculus Gravel, Brick dust Deposit, and Uucnon• or Milky discharges. and for en feebled and delicate constitutions of both sexes, attend ed with the follow sympt.dits: Indieporitton to ex ertion, lose of power, lons of memory, difficulty of breathing. weak nerves. trembling, horror of disease. wakerbiness, dimness of vision, pain in the back, hot hands. flushing of the body. dryness of the skin, eruption on the face. pallid conntenance, Enlivened lassitude of the muscular system, etc. Used by persons from the ages of eighteen to twenty rive, and from thirty-live to tiny-dee or In the decline or change of life; after confinement or labor pains; bed weutng la children. llelmbold's Extract Br[cilia I. Diuretic and Blood Pu rifying, and cures all diseases edging from habits of excessesdß :lriattotit;totiodd,m, .p a e n m d iz i ro g d w en pa cr u l n n in life ec im t Lu n ti . b ro es r which It Is need, and Syphilitic affections—in Buse dis mans used In connection with Lielmbold's Bose Wash. LADIES. In many affections peenliar to ladles, tho Extract Oa. ttneho is unequalled by any other remedy--as in Chloro. Sin or Retention, Irreiptiarity, palnfninessorsappression of enatornary evarmatlems. ulcerated or &him. state of the Uterus. Incorrhsea or Whites, sterility, and for all complaints Incident to the sex, whether arisine from in diserstion or hablta of dissipation. It is prescribed ex tensively by the malt eminent physicians and midwivn. for enfeebled and delicate constitutlone. of both sexes and all ages (attended with any of the above diseases or symptoms). B. T. HELDBOLD'a EXTRACT HUME Cures diseases arising from Imprudence. habits of dis sipat ion, etc., in all their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience, and no arpoanro. It cameo a frequent desire, and gives strength to urinate. thereby removing abstraction., preventing and curing strictures of the Urethra, allaying pain and inflammation, so frequent In this class of disease, and expelling all polearnons matter. Thousands who have been the victims of incompetent persons, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured In a short time, have found they have been deceived, and that the "protean" has. by the use of" powerful as ringenta," been dned.up In the system, to break oat Ina more ag gravated form, and perhaps after marriage. USE lIELMBOLIFB EXTRACT BUCIJU for all &dee. lions and disavows of thethinagOrgans, whether eklsting In Male nr Female. from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. Price, One Dollar and Fifty Cents per Bottle. HENRY T. REMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH. =not ne empueea as a Face Wash, and will ho found the only specitle remedy In every species of Cutaneous Affection. It speedily eradicates Pimples, Spots, Screlbuticik7ness, Induration. of the Cutaneous Mem brane, etc., dispels Redness ar d Incipient Inflammation, Hives. Ranh, Moth Patches, Dryness of Scalp or Skin, Frost Bites, and all purposes for which Salves or Dint manta are used; restore, the skin to a state of parity and softness, and futures continued healthy action to its vessels, on which depends the agreeable eleaness and vivarity of complexion so much sought and ad mired. Bat however valuable mi a remedy for existing defects of the skin, H. T. Hembolt's Rose Wash has long sustained its principle claim to unboonded patron age, by possessing qualities which render it a toilet ap pendage of the most Ruperiatlve and congenial cham ber. combining In an elegant formula prominent re quisites, safety and efficacy—the invadable seccrmpani monis of Its asv as a Preservative and Refresher of the complexion. It is an excellent Lotion for diseases of a Syphilitic Nature, and as an injection lb, diseases of the Urinary Organs, arising from habits of dissipation, used in concretion with the extracts Beau, saran.. Alta. and Catawba Grape Pills, in such diseases as re commend, cannot be inupsued. Pete, One Dollar Per Dottie. Full and explielt direction/ accompany the medicines. Evidence of the most reeponalble and reliable char acter fernished on application, with hundreds of thou sands of living witnesses. end upward of 110,003 unso licited militates and recommendatory letters, many of winch are hum the highest sources. including ern: nerd Pity/Wane, clergymen, Statesmen, etc. The pro prietor has never resorted to their publication to the newspapers ; he does not do this from the fact that his articles rank as Standard Preparaticuis, and do not need to be propped tip by certificates, Henry T. Helmbolire mane Preparation, Delivered to any address. Bemire from observation. Established upward of Twenty Yvan. bold by Druk. gists everywhere. Address letters for information, fit confidence to HENRY T. RELMIIOLD'S, Druggistand Chemist. Only Depots:—El. T. UnicsoL D's Lints and chemical Warehouse, No 571 Broadway, New Yotk, or H. T limastow's Medical Depot, 151 Bomb Tenth Street, Ftdbutelphis. BEWMRE OF cominowradl Ask for HUNT T llytataow'al Take no 0OM; A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALE Ewa • • I Gat BIT RS 4 Hundreds of Thousands 21. 1 t" Dear Vh1=1 , !:: U R? II WHAT ARE THEY? 3 ; 4 ° "3 11 r. -es a 5 ; s a c r, o. 4 el A C " P ti, s 3 Sa TREY Alll3 NOT A VILE 5 . es FANCY DRINK woo of Peer Rent. Wittakey. Proof ' Ogees and Renter Liquors doctored, spiced and erect- sued to please the taste. called •••Tonks,..Appetbs• era," " Reatontra," ea. OS %ad the tippler on to drunkenness and rain, bat ere a true liettkine, made from the Native nOOlB and Rests of California. (Pep from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are Its GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER end A LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLE a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of tan Spam. carrying off all poisonous matter and iv-storing the blood to a healthy conditlon. No person can take those Bitters according to disco- Con and remain long unwell. $lOO wfilbe green for en incurable ease, provided the bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means. and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Per Inlintamutory and Chronic Rheamnv Mem abd Goal. DYSP.PoId. or Indicomiee, Bilious, Remittent and intermittent Fevers Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder. Men Bittern bay* been moot itd. hush Diseases ars ceased by Vitiated Blood, which le generally produced by derangement et Ma Digestive Organs. DYSPEPSIA OIL lEDIGESTION, Mak eche, Pen ta the Shoolder CotCW. Tightness of the Chest, Diketrim, Boor as of the Stomach, Tad taste In the Month, Illllosis Attack', Palgtetkos of the newt, lelse , .'.tion of the Loop Pain In the regions of the Menem and • kindred °Mgr painful egaiptcons. ere the ofitgeinks ef ri7fixTele. They tostgorate the Stomach Mad stinudeno lbw tor ghl llser and Dowels, which nnadcassossoftmequadted cliacacy to cleansing the blood of ell imptaldes, atuL tinparling now life and Tiger to the whole miens. YOU SKIN Erspiton‘Tertar,delli Sham, inotctses, Sport, Ptcoplcs, ?wades, Beds, Ort. lkmeles, Blug-Wcvms, gertd4lead,Pime Yr:4DM elan, Itch, ScurO, Thartibrationa of Um Sldn,llincortr and Disuses of the Skin, of vbatever cams or Datum an Urtrally dug up and canted out of tDe.,stem In short Unus by the use of then bitters. One bottle such calm win convince Its mostincriodukrus of their sun:tire idlscL Clasen the Meted Mod whenever yew Seel Ito torpsuithis bontbg lhrough the site ill Myra'. DlM lams co Bans i cleanse tl intim you find It obstreciad and singillsh to the rains, cleanse U,shin It la foul. and your hangs vill tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system eII:ULM:Iw. PIN. TAPE and other WOIIII2B. 1 .1 1, 1 1 4 1 .1 lb rotem of so surly thousands, are effectually destroy. ed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the eirenlar around each bottle, printed to font lasi ensaga—Engilsh, German, French and Spreads J. WALSER.. Droprietor. IL IL McDOISA.LD 4, C 0.,. Druggists and Gen. Agents. flan Trandsee, e . and 43 and 34 Commerce Street, Nov Soft. P sou) BY ALL. DRUGGISTS A3iD DEAIJS:A Oct. 26—y ampetc SIGN Or THE GOLDEN MORTAR .. =~ ':~: ..: Y~ . 6 pu RE LIQUORS. SEKLY'S I.•ATIVB GRAYS VllllNDl'dfotllledl .ttictly pore ; owl • variety .3f Wirer Bindle., Inehadlu g Cherry Brandy, Mier Brady. C. Nearly 011ie differ.- sent kinds of &bar firdbrod Gin. old Rye and Bourbon. -Whlelrey. Afrottob-Puse Spillu,lls*kam,te,obastast ly on bond and far We by• mrcrilmrss eQ7 2tcrscrBozlg, I ABM. WIRT= Illontrow. Thrreh ?wow DRUGGISTS, Would rretierthilly pay to the publb, that hi odithlon t their usual armoruneut of PURE.DRCGS AND iMEDICINES, they have Paints and 0110. Vernlah. Dye-Staff., Wines mod Lint:tom. Patent Medicinee, Speetaeley, Eye Glarree, Pocket Knives, Razors, Violin & Guitar String... Alvo..inst received a fine lot of itevolvera, Gun Cap.. (Jun Wadding,. Cartridge", &c. Ws * keep always on band and Mr 'sale, Blasting Powder, Can Powder, Mao Powder, Tobacco and Clore of a su perior quality, and a general assortment of Yankee No tion.. ['Remember the CHEAP CASH DIM° STORE • Burns & Nichols. A. B. UtTRNS Montrose, Don. 14,18:0. Altos Nu:MA.B STROUD & BROWN'S Fire, Life, and Accident GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, ilacoatrcoese. .11Pcs. CAPITAL REPRESENTED, over Ilomelnsurance Co. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus. 114,0013,0(.0 Insurance CO .of North America, Mira. Capital an t .dSarplns, 2.000,000 Franklin Fire Insurance Co., Philo, Pa., Capital and Surplus, 1,500,000 Lycomlny County Mutual Insurance Co.of Money, Penn's, Capital and Surplus, 4,000,000 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Hartford. Conn., Capital, 11, 000,000 American Lite Insurance .Co., Philadel phia. Capital, 1,000,000 Travelers'lnsurance Co. Hartford, Coon., Insuring against all kinds of accidents Capital, 700,000 Hartford Fire Insurance Company. Hart ford. Conn., Capital and Surplus, $2.000,000 rermi badness entrusted to our care will be attend ed to on fair terms, and all osses promptly adjusted. dome u firstdoor east from Ranking omen of W. U. Cooper &Co.. Turnpike et. Montrose. Pa. STROUD tt BROWN, Agents. M. C. Sorrow, esq., Frlendaville, Solicitor. Cuss, 11. Sanyo, Montrose, do Rouses &mono. L. Damns. •Montrose, Pa. e lan. 11. 1571. UMPT ' s M • i Sjooo WILL RE PAID. o any person producing any medicine showing half T as many Bring. permanent cures as Dr. HITLER'S VEGETABLE =MIA= REMEDY. Used inward. ly only, A pleasant medicine, free from Injurious drugs. Warranted under oath, to have permanently aired 961 n every 100 patients treated in the past ten years. (Sc. testimony). It to the scientific prescription of Profess. or Jos. P. Filler, M. D., a greftate of the University of Pennsylvania. A. D.. teex—now one of Philadelphia's oldest regular physician*, and Profemor of Chemistry and Toxicology.—who has made Neuralgia, Chronic and Indemaiory Rheumatism the speciality of his entire prfessional life—e tact vouched for by the signatures ae eompanying each bottle of many prominent renowned physicians, clergymen, and other tesihnonials. 'Tom. teat sufferer* from poisonous quack nostrums and use less expenditure of money. a legal signed guarantee, Wallas exact number of bottles warranted to cure, win be forwarded gratis to any anffercr sending by letter rail description of 'diction. In Med failure to cure, amount paid positively reihnded. Medicine sent any. where by a:peen, collect on delivery. AMlcted invited to write for advice; all infOrmatton and medical advice sent by letter gratis. Principal once, Di South Fourth street, Philadelphia, Penns, The remedy Is sold or oh. Mined by Druggists. Apri.ll9.ll-Iy. For Sale by ABEL TURBELL. Montrose Pa. jIL ID" successfully treats all chums of Chronic and Acute Means. Bend stamp for drualm contstningyasticalars and Um* 'wallah Addict.° licz 4130,7 w Tuik. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. TEE IMMENCIQUD, AIL an Auditor, appointed by the Court of onellase Plass of Basonetannaeounty, to maks distritalles Of the fond aris th g hum Suairs sale of ths red Nana or Eliza E. Smith and Reny Smith, hereby gives motley that be will attend to the duties of his appointment at his °Mee, In Montrose, on Monday the 19th day ofJn lON, at 1 o'cloch, p. m., at which time and place, alt persons interested are requested to present their darns or be forever debarred from coming In upon add fiat. Nay 94, LISO.-4w A. W. MTHOL7,, Mantes. HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOCI ATION, For tbir Relief and cum of the Erring and Unibrhansge,enn Principles of Christian Philanthropy. Essays on the Erforsof Tonal and the Follies of Age In nffailon to Uarrlage and Social Evil.. with sanßar aid for rho afflicted. Sent free. In sealed earelopes. Ad deers 110 WARD ASSOCIATION, Box P. elphls. TALBOT & STAMP, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Flour, Salt, Butter, Pork, Lana, gm, Salt litsh„ Tallow Conan', Crackers, Chore, Caen, Spices, Owls* Teas, Sugars, Woe, Dried• and Craned Fruit, Tobacco, Cigars, Saul, and all other articles osnally kept in r first chart Grown, and Provision Stony. • We will mark our Goods as low as we ow afford, sad sell for cash, or exchange for produce. Montrose, Sept, 29, 1870.—tf ADEL TURRELL, DRUGGIST, MONTROSE, PA. a continually receiving. NEW GOODS And keeps constantly on nand a 1411 sad dealeiltla so sortment of genuine DIIHOS, HEDICINES, CHEMICALS, IMPOISP, Paints, Clihs,DTe-Stalh,7eas, Spices, sad Maar era. eeviee. !mita e mare, Wall and Window Paper, Glass ware, Fruit Jars Mirrors, Lamps, Chimneys. Hero sena, Machiaery Oil, 'runners' Oil, Neatsfoot Oil, itip tined Whale oil, Spasm Oil, Olive Oil, Bpirtto Turpes. Line. V eflit enee, Lynary Seed. V inegar „Potash. Conellis waled Lye. Axle Grans. Trusses. tipporters,Medlea- In mom , ents. Shoulder Whirs, Gans, Pistols, Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Lead. Gun Caps, Blast's , ' Powder and Fate. Violias. String*, Bows.ett. Fifes. me., Fish Books and Lines, Bar and Toilet Soaps, Usti Oils, Bair Bestoren. and Bair Dyes. Brushed Pocket Knives, Spectariet,Bllver Plated fipoons,iforks, Knives. Be. Dentist Articles, a general assortment of FANCY' GOGIRI, JEWELRY, mod PERFUMERY- All the tenting and best kinda of PATENT lIILDWtM, In short, nearly resa ‘ tbmg to restore life le e k please the tame, to del ight the eye, to gratify die fancy. and also to conduce to • real and substantial mutest* of life. Ennmention Is Impracticable. as It would a newspaper. Eall at the Drag and Variety Beers of MILL Montroteollas.),lM. 1V.49.1:133 El .M. 7-e $0V!!311. OVPIT3II2 TIM mew, fferlEr MONTROSE. NOWA. JOHN L. TAMISILL. PEopristear. w a ys. . [ t 0.77,7, - ., the Rte, and duy 6 the LelifaM49ls9 , G OLD JEWELRY. A Now nod logo *apply, MoOros.. Nov. 24, 1869 ABEL TITEEELL. A. B. TARBOX, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Susquehanna Depot., Pa., Dealer In Watches, Clocks Jewelry &e. Re pairing promptly done and warranted. FINE SILVER GOODS! $60.000,000 made a speciality; Silver Detached Levers for $l2 00. American Watches, at Companies re duced prices. frer Goods ordered for parties, fk New York, at less profits than if kept coasts:4ly oat hand. Solid 18 caret Rings for $1 75 PeT.P I I 26 I - weight. 11. TA,RIBOX. Susquehanna Depot, Jan. 25,18:!. t TEm Every kind of Tea In toarkoLinst ardard,avil or sae. at New York wholesale price.. Also a Come mrtfoent of COFFEE. Boy of me and MO 1111 C chars, ABEL TUiuMl 11= —At Sher-Wood's, the Watch-Maker, Mains moat, Alontrose, Pa. CONGRESS WATER. at TURR ELL'& TOAD LETTING—The Supervisors of Beidgewster R will meet at the house of James O'Brien, In North Bridgewater, April 29th, at 1 o'bxk p. ra.. to let the building of a road leading from Jas. O'Brien's to Thomas Likkers. To be let to the lowest bidder, AM ES CALSII nottacz D88'241'331, Montrose, April 19.'11. Z. M. LIBRWETia 111 NEW WALL PAPER, Jost arrived. and selling eheapti um Montrose. dnriPla. . ABEL T m um Agricultural College, of Pennsylvania. THIS INSTITUTION will reopen for the SPRING TERM OF 24 WEEKS, On Friday, February 10, 1871. For geneal Circular, catalogue and other . in- formation, Address, TllOB. 1L BITRROWB, President, Agricultural College, P. 0, Jan. 23, 1870.;0-tt. Centre Ce„ FS. BLOOMINGTON, (ILL.) BIDBIBMIT. 1. 9 sort Y ment-all A stges . lett Moat L01 1 1=20.. Would you know what, when. bow to Oulti FM% *bade, evergreen lII*, roots, grafts. *amino. Om* plants. apple seed, early Rose-potabres,sbrabs,yeana. gresubouso and olden plants,,Lo, rte.. PLOW= ma VILGETABLEfirafGer I finest, best collation-4Mo Mid ty. bend ID cents tbr Now, Illastrated Descrigare orrue-4) Doges. , Bend stamp, earls for Catalogue of S c eds. watt - tato dlreettous-elpagosa s eddln and Garden Plants-8i loges, and Wbolesaie pages. Addeo:or. rutErax, Bicasanstwomaahl. nAIITION ni t a Nota 4 =l4 ‘,./ patent, totetee r nrearnsadaed is I atoll sot pay a unless compeliAlbylaw. Ogilvie spewy lea 1 1 .145 il. WUNA. UM% AprO 444 1871. TALBOT a STAY!.