'Joseph Farewell, Mayor of itoik !litittd, l M lie.; Ifino . Bragg,llSqo3ingor, and Messrs. Pope Machias, Mame, lumber merehanta, _fully• endorsed the Sheridan's Carahl Conditton Powders, and have given, the proprietors liberty to 'else Itallitglg: recommending them. is a bad thing. but you WO better fight than not to have J. Monroe Taylor's Cream Yeast Baking Powder. XtRX.B.Gh-.1313. • Itt . ertnitnsav--M.Taxirr—ln Scranton, August 29th, nt the re deuce' of J. A. Scranton. by the Rev. A. A. Marple, C .1. Richardson, Dig., of Chicago, to Miss Precilla Mylert, of Scranton. BUSINESS ., I6OCALIii. Notice. All persons indebted to the undersigned aro hereby notified to make immediate settlement ror.thel sitroo' by nOta pr otherwise, and save u - , . .i!Otda. .._ . • . 11. IA LOTT. ',. i Simi. 8,1871.-4 w. aiver=list Association. The Susquehanna Association of Unteersm lists will bold Its session for 1871 at 114tphot. tom, on Wednesday and Thursday, September Dtb; and 7tlt. Churches, Societies, and Sunday Schools, aro requested to send full delegutionA. 11. BoUtiliTON, 04prtember 6th, 18T1 Biennial Examination. All pensioners must be examined on or after the 4th day of September of this rear, and they at vegnited to present their pension certitiea:cs to tho examiner. 'Montrose and Conklin !stages Leave '3fontrose on Tue:idayA, Thar, , ,lays and Saturdays, at 7 o'clock, a m , comic, ring at Conklin with pa&se age r train for Bi at t ton, at 10 o'clock a. m. Itetara Rain.. day. Leave Conklin at 2.50 p. m., on arrival of passenger train, leaving Binghamton at 2.20 p m., arriving at Montrose ar6.30 p. m. Passengers by this route, can gn to Binghetn ton, have three hours there for and re turn same day. . a D., & 1.. SEARLE Jr. Montrose, Ist ;10, 14•71 Penn's State Agricultural Society. The Exhibition of this 'Society, for 1811, will LC bald. at. Scranton, on. Tuesday, September 19th, Wednesday, September 20th, Thursday, September 214, Friday, September 2241. The grounds aruapaelows the buildings and acorn moclations ample, and the premium iii liberal There is no charge for entri,x, except Horses 'en(ered fur speed.. For catalopm; or other in :.rormatitin, address either of the Secretaries, at Scranton,. JOIIN C..110E11114, President, D. W. SEILER, lhet Secretary. raziivnat Meet/NEST, Car. Secretary, April ill), 1871.-4 w. - •Thundnringli and Ltv,htningt. ;-:lSint. AND DEATIL—You can act your proper .- ty [unwed apinst damage. by Lightr,iAg. 11rEi tiiismesi or nritl, and fire, in Mii..r.tos Co.'s at tIENRY C. TYLF.R . N. Agrnev, Mom rttse, Ako—Lireaad ..ccident Yoh ies, in.nicd ith N. Y. Itita.te !lutptyntite, 'tare Ming. 2:1, 1571.--11tt Butter, pail " firkin Cheese, dairy, per tL " factory ". Eggs, per doz Flour, per barrel.. Corn meal. 100 1b.,. Lou by Fire. . 15 - beat, per bm,hel On .We.inziclay, 2,1, about loalf-past ltye one o'clock, my house er9 dise , ,vererl to be on I hits MlLy . one orktny ne,i,Thl,tors, who immediately Corn gh,ye the alatna and hasn tee 4 to tbe fire to ren- llp4. crop of 15;0 denessistnnee, with his force of lour hired men. Beef. sides, per lb Water being very handy. and plenty of help arrhing from the other neighbors, we sueeeed- Pot.itoe , , per bid eel in staying the 'lames, abler binning nearly t all the north side of the roof, and a p ;rtion of the Inikuth side, re:whine down through the ceil ing of the second story. ea serious d.inta , re to my house and a pet - lion of my I'm-nit:lre 1 et once notified the cent, A. \V Stiles, of New Milford, with whom I was insured, in the r. e. FAenot. ('leveland I n,nra rree Comp.m . , at once' r11:11 OT. game an d exam i ne d th e hoc and a di nt , te d t h e Dealer. to Dry (loads. Clothier. Ladle and Ithtece t Itt .Arocritale imme,mtrfectlysatbfaetor,lr,,ceiving money' '- Tea :,a h""• agant.B tor the zre Coffee Company. plontruwe, I , ap. I, Al, ro in one week. Stich pmpinegs is very rarely met with, and I would cheerfully recommend W. IL. CROSSM.ON, all who have property to insure, to give him a attar „„ at La „.. otna , at the t h e call before looking elsewhere, as yrei t. ill be mare W A MU, to meet, with prompt and sati.fac-t ,, ry :olJust c Efiefit. G. %V. ENTUOT. Gibson, Angtro 23. 1k:1.-2w - UP:I7 ____ , aabstory of. . the War in Europe. .. _. The National Publishing ('o .of Phila.lelph is, basiustkautsl a Yety valuable likti,ry ~f the late Witt be t w een Germany and France, from the rpm& of one of our most popular writers, Mr. Junes V. McCabe, Jr. ' 4 ' In a largo volume of 800 octavo pages, the 4titbor tells a wonderful story—all the stranger ANiillttlielt iti - truth. He tells of battles which hale shaken Europe to its centre, and the con remcif which, even we-of the Western ..t pettitain 'kelt' of patriotism, heroism, mill raddif,antlatatesmanship, never surpassed in 4itliStOriThe author writes with the weight 1'...407 - Of truth, and the great merits of his ws 4 isolkiltrells reliability and strict impartiality. Irak is complete in every particular. It the causes of the war, and the events w eh Prededed it ; the l opening campaign. and the first reverses of the French : the effect Of thasereversssitipon the French !tenpin; the fmn ,....0 t. - rible disaster of ,Sedan ; the capture of the mi peror Napoleon , and an entire army : the Revo lution in Paris ; the rise awl- Mrmation of the Republic; the flighf of the Empress from Par is; The siege and surrender of Strasbourg, and theirmatier,fortmases of France; the triumphal . Olthitee df the German armies to Paris: the ef forts of Bazaine , ,,to escape from Metz. arlh the final surrender or his army ; the investment and ~..4 Adage 9f .Paris ; the dotaileal history id this great win ; its plans, sorties, battles, successes and -fitilinits; the course of events iu the beleagured city, given in the form of a full diary of the ergintsot the siege; the campaigns on the Loire, stand Other portions of France; the peace ne ,totiatisis, the surrender of Paris, and the trt..-a -tyr.theiraval history of the war, the diplomat ic history on both the German and French sid e s; mike history of the formation of the greet German Empire; .the proclamation of king William ~ E mperor, and the retaliation of German unity ; tabeirentsr of the civil war and second siege of Paris, its terrible smarm of bloodshed and .vam damn, with a minuteness. graphicness and bril lian , which leaves nothing to be dt4irtwl. So f jute eni, plenum can afford to be uninformed * .:.to e,iients Which haVe left so deep an it n % silulluulemon the world's history, anti few will fail to read This splendid work ; or, Lavine read it. to endome it as the*iitifard American History s.Elee-War- . this' age orsenttional literature, We can not too highly commend' ithis• brilliant and - thoughtful iterative to our readers. The book is handsomely bound:tarui Illustrated with 1.50 maps, portraits, battle scenes, and views of the -principal localities connected with the war. No , rritse. has-been spared by the publishers •to rake , it 'worthy of the -support of the public, .fati li'e Piartei for it an drarriense sale, especial- i y is its !Ow price brings it witbn the reach of a. Itli for sale by subscription ours-, and Mr. X' ~ k ,"%lr,, = *N' .'kkO is the .authorized age agent for irliftold and - the adjoining townships, is now pittrassing - forit. FILM la ILIV:i Y. 41-4- Imp n i k l ,ttletone ninnugenkent—EGO ,utilce rriiii. red 4airais cs:: iticOgnirie.lloilbk.tnekicaue at! au. , , cortb • Weal and eQUI.b. wed. ...Nor t '.l 4111044; %Atha awe rui thrukUn irlthatir clusie ra ester, Bulfa4o, Dunkirk, elev.:Dud, and C 1114111.• 041141 atter IlOnday,Dry. 11, Ono. Trains erlllleara RinclnunbatriD the Inliotring bourn, vir.: • ;,, • noisy • r.dd a.m . Fi g M lastire•er, (Mondays excepted) la; th. 11 Eni s r, daily. Tea . Eidndays excepted; Kim Buffalo, afe Dunkirk: , . _jso a. pi, Mount Accom mudatinu.S and ay ntueptea, — S.3DQ, inatay ExpremnuOdayreicepted.• p. m. Expreee Mad. Sundays excepted. !,1111trVar A __Frrip p l u rdliMteetitett' • . - . dadylaithe west. h I.secn • Sundti. exexpfed • T 76 s .48nernt Stptnee. endxyi e xcep ted. iirVviiLlitty'buireiki,Einudays excepted. ;1111Cgix - ilteintnidentiou Train, deny fortimeggpluinnii, .1R46 Syintire excepted: 1, 11010p:in; - Lightning Expreee,Wliiy. 0: - 41.1iVrPielsnt, thindnyir excepted. - te,r. CHECKED TMOUGIII. .• awl completA 'fl'ocket.Tline Table" of rasecagerTnitnetituthe Err and connecting itscatairrecentfrbt‘en pulin shed: and can be Ind an sp.: • jithilitiontailte Ticks': Agent, Of ttie complitay• • • • 11. D. atrareg ' it PARR, - ir Gee) bop% Genii Paes's • Opt AtVisno...;?' • • CGS smourh-vtaug •Aginti Met.tgigg Pa 1, - , -,eViptdat..4loticeo::: , 4 EqtrAL. ; In alleteasnr Dyspepsia, Llvereouiplalbt erUl Mae" Macaws, fdranutres linen Vrrrens will be found a reli able remony. It has been before the Amalie= people for over ten . yeara, led le tiOstreerrOaeil M 1 1 / 4 standard preparation. It Is sold by Dragglata everywbere, pos. senses the confidence of the people In a greeter degree than toy other patent medicine, and Is endorsed and recommended by Phyalchns In every , section of the Umntryr The reasoner of Health, A large sired paper, discrlptive of disease., Its origin and cure, will be mailed free to any address. on application to Dr. P. li. Etartaian d; Co., Lancapter. Exuberance of Stealth Is a blessing onuchasfeilto few: Even those whohave been favored byttature with etrorg constitutions and Agatha. nuclei are apt to neglect the precaution, no. cessafy to preemie! these 'precious endownients. deed, Ks a rule, the ['Tinto healthy and robust a man in, the more liberties he le Inclined to take with his own physique. It la some consolation id the naturally's - I'2k andtheble to know that they cab be so irorliornfrd and built up. by a proper use of the means which science hiaalittcral'ith then* disposal. as to have a much 'heifer chance of long life, and exemptions from disease and pain, than the most athletic of their fellow; who ore fool ish enough to suppose themselves invulnerable, and act accordingly. It is not too moth to nay that morn than half the pro- pie of the civilized world need nn tweaslnnel took, to enable them to ettpliort the strain upon their bodies and minds. which the that life of this maless age ocandons. In fact. a pure. wholesome...unexciting tonic Is the grand desideratum of the buoy million., and they hale the an tide In llostettet's Stomach Enters. It Is a staminal medicine, t. e., It imparts permanent stretp,rth to weak 04theis:and invigorates delicate constitntions. Its rep utation and its sales have steadily incrensed. Competi tive preparations here born introduced ad fibituni, end. and as far as the public Is concerned. ad nauseam, In the hope of rivaling it but they have an either perished in the attempt, r been left far in the rear. It ha. been the ereat medical PUCCI.4.4 of the present rectory, and it is quire certain that no proprietary medicine in this coun try is widely blown, or as generally aced. 'Tea lightning prelims. tanning Incessantly (Sunda vs excepted.) the whole year through'. barely sapply th e de :nand for tho Illastrated Almanac. In which the nature and ones of the preparation are set forth, the circulation now being over eight millions a year. TILE CONFESSIONS OF AN INVALID prELISIIED an a warning and for the berralt of young men and ahem, who suffer Dean Nun 0115 de., enpplylng VIE Ku.!. or ORLIKTML Written by one who enred himself, and sent free on receiving a post-paid directed envelope, Addreis, NATHAN 3IATFALII, Brooklyn, Y. Brooklyn, Iffas fon Vir - Gettlng narried.—Dirrays for young tenon the delights' of hrime, and the proprnety imhropriet y of niettinn married. with sanitary help Toe Move si 100 feel unfitted for matrimonial Mumbler., Kent free. In Boated earetopea• Arldreas, lIQ %VAUD ASSUCLA.TION Buz r., Philadalphla, Pa. - arix State Normal School, noti LlTtioxiii hOoialencw. ISSIITrIn —The FunMy orthim Ingituti.n trim to be tory - thonnigh in their lo vtnictirni. nod tolook encrtnibr allot the health, toot Here and morale of lb.• student, ArrplT (or (Vitsiogno to [LEERY CARVER, A. If Soul. '.'..*-1v Print:4.l NEW YOUR PRODCCIR mAnicers. Correml.wm•kly by William •limlm.lon, 231 Fulton St., New York. 'Seek ending Sept. 2, 11471 24@.:12 10_429 6 0 9 BglU drrttiscntents. L04:01 IS & Li SR Attorney. at Lax. ofnee'l4n. 24 Lackau ann. Avenue Scranton. Pa. Prnctle, In the .•ver., I Court% of Lu algae. and Sn•quehanna Counue.. F. E. Loon's. tql a won Sept. fth, I f OTEATED.—Cana the int Pon, of lb.. StA ,, eritr. cr. ju Forret Late, on or 111,0111 tbe e.nth day of July, two ewr•. "tie tu.arked with ry i {malt anal the other null tar Ant per.en proving propeity al,ll paying rkar,,, , C3l/ t.tke I hvm aN.ir , J. J. LANNAw. Foreat Lake. teept 6, 16: . arr. READ THIS. I HAVE LEASED T 1 Mills n,t ITcsise•ves Lailr..o. A lam prepared to grim" your I (rain or Lumber 3 Inn workman lilt manner and , o 1 rhort Notice. bare the best .Ifachlne for cleaning Whets, RN and Duckwhent.that can be pmenred. Curls Meal bolted. it desired. dad pin ienlar attention giVell to grinding feed. (taping to receive a liberal chars of pa rannge. f invite oil wlrbing an, thing In my line to glee me a mit. thidgessater.Seph 8. Gnu. S. FISK. OE YES, OH YES r. Cl:Lewiaag - AND THE LIVE LION STUFFED WITH STRAW, () ” arid alter Septeruher Ist the uncierslgneel is going cell g ads ,crtctly for ready wry, and e 'II sell live Bet coat. cheaper and I,,ep aunrqabtly on hand Dry Goods. Groceries. Boots and Shoes. Youlcer Notlota. Crockery. Pork And lieh. mid all goods usual's kepi la Country start. 11, 1;e LOTT. Auburn Center, .rpt. rdh, Int-1r Tamna FOURTEENTH ANNUAL FAIR. OF tItE lIAUFOAD AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Will be held on the New Fair Grounds on WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, , 8 e p-t be r 27 & 28, 18 7 1. opmlizsin Taisat. Claae I.—nataxs.—SnbAlrlelon 1. , ist 2,1 Best draft or farm stallion. over foot pears old $f $3 dO road stallion, same age ' 4 do .pair of matchedAortes 4 3 do pair of bones fOr all work 4 3 'db single driving fumes V 9 do brood mare and colt a 2 JIJDOES:,-S. 31.11rimdr—,13napk; Stephen Brundage, G.fbkdnft.LJ..llnbemik..Marford. . Clam I.—Subsilvielow2.—oovra . rtati arias. Best par 8 year old Ist ild do 2 yea: old con 2 1 cults $3 $2 do I y', edg colt 2 1 Be, pair 2-.?? uldralts 3 do pale mules 2 1 do 3 year old colt 2 I Juuor.y:—llomee Seymour, Neig' Milford: Jouthau Gardner, Bridgewater; Units Moor& Burford. Chan 2.-cArriz,rci.a.awans.-Sub-division 1.-ncrauxe Seat durham hull over 2 years old ddr ,7 1107.7.124 , '40711ef1ngil • Old"• aci ',id, - . .- . .ig Tieirthi7 7 ' ,--,. ,Y ' ..'; i i 1 d to , -do call _ 2 1 d fdo= - :' cow Orer tbree_yqr a 01/ . ... , - • 3 2 d ; do — hello 1 'yeatold .. , -- , :, • 32 , d t',, do, 1141191 MK ; -.• ' 9 1 ....• '' i :': 1 ficii-4421411211 2.—lmods._ Elegtde42l3l22ll,Ovei 2-years old ' ' 4 3 dd: dal-, do -• 1 year old 11 do; _ 4O'. - do calf - I dolk cow over three Yeas old , do do 'heifer 1 year old du do Wier 'calf 1311Welaiort &—iu.ociugirrS: Ltad du =mover 3 irs old 3 2 -Beat bull overl iriniold 4 ,do bull all 2. 1 do do ty'r.uld 32 du better call 1 do bplibrorer 1 y'r old 3 6 •.- • rablavisloa 4.—srancume. 14 2d , dri corr oser3 y'ri 3 2 . Beet branyctlierlsold 4 9,. do ball calf 2 I do 'do •I fr old II rdo hclfercatf 2 1 012 halter. let qld ' 3 2 ...:11fincizs:,,Prip.n4 noalei, Elarlord; Lewis Brainard. Ralston ;Charles Pertgo t roohlyn. .. Sob-413)1*n 6.— f lurs Dtreluaus. ' . 1,0 kol 34 .I rts old heifer 2 1 Poet Maim* 2f rs 240 r 3 2 , cl , l 1 7 • r 014 heifer 2 1 dq 1.4 2y r 014 L 1 4*r calf 2 1 ao .bUli MII 1 q llitop yeafflng2 2 do.. Oqw, . . 3232 :da toye2 cokes 3 3 49. 3"'Fa Ora rierro; 4 3' ~ ~ - 13b-diviston G.—gator =volts, ••• • " Ist 2d do 2 y'rs old beffez 9 I gist 991162er Sly're old 92d0 1 y'r old heifer 9 Ad • I:4llll2r.ald' - ' 2 1 do belfry oaf 9 do ball call 2I do three yearlings 3 t' cc '"C .Tl , pu 01 44e 11 4 941{9 1 ti .1 do threecalve . ; 2 oo ftw,Anuit Bonita, Eirecgdp , St-2 4 1 BOP , LIR.o . *, ;so Mel, Gthz4n : - Bob4l2istoo 7.—nortv22. • . • to 21 do Ily'rft old heifer 2 1 Bell, bill) 0rt , 21 r zAid 2 I do thre..4yougs lln 2 1 do' cow - 9 1 do* tlarcotalveo 2 1 Sub-division B.—OXZX MID STSSIU lel2d Best pair working oxen, 6 years old or over $4 $3 !do working oxen 4 yearn old 4 3 do fat oxen • 3 .. .. . . do ~ stews 8 years old 3 9 , 'do Steers 2 years old 3 2 do Wean' I year old 2 .1 do sleet talus throael 2 1 Jrtlarlt—ollrer Lathrop, New Milford; Naamou Claillo, Gibson ; G. H. Wllroarth, llartord. Chu. 3.—amEr AND swum. Beet One wooled bucks do three One noted ewes • do do do do lurkbe do middle wooled buck do three middle wooled ewes do do do do lambs do coarse wooled bock EM===2= do . do do do . lamb* do bock Inmb it oath do breedintr sow . • do nprlow pig 3 9 do full pf 6 toot leas than four) 3 1: JUDO CS : —No men Tipsloy, Harford ; C. U. 311111.,r, llarford , Homer Tingle:4nm A/Alford. Ilest pair turkeys I y t , do p.tir of goose I yf do tour ducks I S Class 6.--orttarat. Ist 2d the ear 1 yf Best rick winter wheat I ,t i f do half bushel back do pick spring wheat 1 h wheat I do pock rye I S do lick clover seed 1 s do pot} oats 1 ..ka do p ck timothy seed I s do hair hoshal corn In do tick dui act.d 1 .4 Clara 6.-11ItTr AND VIDITAIILLS. • Best too applcs.at least do X On. potatoes,2 or 3 rarities, not less more early:Aim 1 X than 1 doe of each X. do tr aster equaah X do winter apples du 1„ do umpkin's M du pears X do II heads cabbage M do quinces 4' do It onions X do peaches 3, do six beets X do drapes iy, nit tomatoes SA do and greatest vatic- do sod greatest varie ty of fruit X. ty of i egmobles I If Jrnors : —E. V. Pecker, iligford ; Joseph Pow to. Ilarfurd ; E. J. Tyler. New Milford. Class 7. nerran, Manz son noose. let 9tl do cheese 3 9 Best tirkin hotter 3 2 do loaf wheat bread x dopail hntlitr 3 a do lout graham bread ,ii do Jar hotter 9 1 do Indira bread g do roil butter 3 I do soda biscuit it Class FL —rtifcr,a, wIrEAT Myna, IitoNCT, SOD sttaan. , . 101. Id du 10 lbs. caked or Best eider vinegar ~4 eared ak;ar 1 X do sack what( dotty 1 X do Ili Ins. drained do wiut plant wino X sugar 1 X do PI Ibe. honey 1 3d do maple syrup 3d Floor to be Manufactured In the County. Jonuca :—Borace Bennet, Gibson; E. N. Carpenter, I.l..rford; ilcary Norris, Jackson. Clara o.—LirsTUX.n, ee. Ist 2tl do 2 calf skins 9 Best 'I sides harness do assori mot ofsklns 2 leather . 2 do patrol doe boots 2 do 2 stdeo upper loath- do ptir coarse hoots i et- 2 1 do carriage harneon 2 do V. sides soleleather 2 do set team harness 2 Articles In this clan, to be 'Manufactured la the County. CI,. 10.—AtillIal-TVIUXIIIPLCIIIENTO • CARILIAGES. Beet common plow, Fill hill plow, cultivator. corn shelter, straw cutter, horse rake, horse hay lurk, and churning machine, each #2 e do minting machine 8 do threilitue power 8 do °pelt bulgy 8 2 du double carriage 8 :: do singlo carriage 3 2 do market wagon 9 2 do 1 , 7.1ber Wagoll 8 2 do *iodic slettih I do luta agricaltaral lawremenrig 2 WACOIIV. and Carriages to be new and exhibited by the manufacturer. (lass 11 —4 ARLYET Wtl Best specttueo cabb ',l work EI do !el of chairs do roeklug chair 1 do Ist:win,: rnactdoet I I do china du butter pal) denoks;-11nrnpbery Marry. Lenox.; 7H. L. Catlin Bridgewater; A. Tacker, Brarford. 251-; 26 4.7)0 , 4, 4:I 2 20la 2 AI 1 2 11 '1 In :low. I 110 . 11; k !.20 . 10( 14 ilvt, I" Olh 1,4) Class 12.—DOXterlIC riooDo Brat. 5 yartla ven.den dinnel $1 Si tin Mc rtrii4 plaid domed 2 I do 11, ).1 rds full einth 2 I do 1.11.11 . .ipult•n blankets 1 % du nix pair wouleirao,a I ,S do two pair, woolen mittens 3 S. tin sample woolen yarn I ~,, Si, tire yards linen elm h 1 I do lire yarda linen toweling , 2 I do t.n y.irds woolen carpet 2 I do rat. , carpet 2 1 41.71110142 , : —A11,1112 Darrow. Durum] ; Mrs. llarvly, Grinnell. New .lltlford ; Mrs. S. It, Gal,, Darfur& Clasp 12--on3mlKrrai.. NIMDLZ WORK. Beat palebworit quilt $1 td do spilt of any other kind I k , Si,, bed ppread I I, do worked ',kid 1 4, do works il ro:lar :ti k. d t special n nonrated embroidery 34 , • Si., footdmen wilP embruldury X i: eld ?sonnet ,te la do ladles' touque X k. do 1,,,tt hood ',. n do tTely er,,,, .t 4 %I du doe shirt ;4 • CLA+I I l —rarvemos, rtzeeset*. se 110./ dental Mork fa $2, hro/nx., do od paintlng 2 11 do pktura• frames 1 3.; du paltam2 at any do %mitt/rot flutrerx I „4, . , th, kind 1 S. do tlorul . desizn I .1,., do drawing ,. 1 ,V 1 do exhibition artifact d o ekhihition of pho- al dowers and Walt I 3.; tographs and aro- • JVDOES :—llt•nry 8. Sweet, Darford ; Mrs. Dexter Carpenter, Xtch.,l,on ; 3.tre W. B. 0 u Ile, ilarford. IMEMIS2 Clorm I.—PWWINO. Bert $7 Fon rth do S•ccood beAt'plowing 51Fift do Third du 4 , ,51 xth do Junorcs:—N. Tomplan. Ilarford ; (Alford Reed. Itur ford ; F. UU r . lidrtord. , Cold or AIMA)IOEIIIEXTS :—►lor+tce Sweet; Win. E. Tingley; R. l;. Harding. Class 16.—tiirmrsznArzn AIITICLVI. Jt•Dass .—A. Ilammuud; A. J. Stcreas ; J SUPERINTENDENTS, Gen. Supt.—A. Carper ter. Supt. Ilorses—Elmer Teal. do Cattle—Geo. A. LLadirly. do Sheep. Swine and•rooltr7—lt. L. Tingley. do Floral S. H. Tyler. Mips Addle Carpenter Supt. Slechenurs' no thdrl tiau—A. Sherwood. do Vet:rouble Unit—norms %Judaic'', (tenured Police—N. Tompkins. RVLES AND REGULATIONS The Plowing Match e lli be Leld on Russel Darrow's harm near tfrrfurd village, on %Cedric. Lay, Sept. lath, Pal, The entry fee will be one dollar ($1 W.) Exhibitors wishing to compote for piemiurns aro re quested to have their animals and article. catered on the secretary'e hook, on the lirst day of the Pair. If possible. They must be entered and an the grounds at Id co'ciock of the second day. N o animal eon coestmto for two ircutimas. Superintendents of the several departments will have Ail articles systematically arranged. The ofkcere and Superintendents will be known by their official badges. A satheient police forte will be In attendance, from 9 o'clock of the Seal day until alter the reading of the P"cminces the "canal day, to Protsci the properly of WS eshibitars, No petit - I:don will be made fur stalling stock ovor do yturr. old. Pll,lln , exhibiting full blond otoek for premiums moot oho.' their pedigree to the onilatlction of the Judge,. Na anima! or 4,11.1c1e shall have a premium Awarded to It unless It in deemed worthy Although there be hem, competition.. theJudgges re rung at Seer=y: op in ee ncr he . fore II ulron tfur Single lictsis, 25 cents; children trader twelve years, to cents • team, 5S recta; slngic hors., ea cents; wits tinder two years, Tree ; clergyman and their ramtlies ad mitted free. lira R. Panama, D. L. Hinz, Executive Com. JACESOIITINGIAT. tODIRT M. JONES, President, IRA en RPENTER, Vice President. 3. 0, TAXTER, SeCrettlrj, gailroad Zinzt Zabito.— N. V. 4 E. Time Table. TRAINS EASTWARD, No. 4, Night Express : : 2.67 a. m " 8, Cincinnati Express : 7.29 " 88, Way Freight, : : 10.30 " " 2, New York Express, t t 1.47 p. m. " 33, AC.cRITHROdatiOR, ; 6;50 " " G, Steamboat Exprtas, : : 9.17 " TRAINS WESTWARD. No. 7, Night Express, : 1.52 a. M. " 9, Emigrant, . : 1 5.24 " " 20, Accommodation, : : 0.35 •, " 37, Way Freight : : : 1.07 p. m. " 5, Mud and Express, : 8.50 " Ail of the above trains Mop at Great Bend and carry passengers, lr EITIGII VALLEY RAILROAD. .L... ch, sad after Dec ON MO. 'Mini an the Lehigh Valley Railroad will rail as lullows i - worm. I farm. p.m. p. m. a.m. a.m. I a.m. a tn. p.m.p.m 'Elmira ....... 9.45 5.35 12.40 9.10 7.46 11.55 9.43 5.:11 Waverly 9.00 5.00 11.45 9.05 8.210 11.40 3.96 am) Towanda - BA .4.90 11.53 7.10 9.25 443 41.20 7.Z Tookhannact 600 am. Pi:lgston 4.45 Wilke...Barre, 4.40 1.10 7.10 1,15 7.15 2.15 11attela chunk p.m. 10.45 p.m i 4.10 0.12 Allentown_ 9.44 5.53 6.25 Bettlehem.... 9.30 5.50 940 Easton 9.00 11.2) 8.50 PIA nulelphia .. 7.95 p.m. p.m. Neil , York.... 6.00 Moving North—Read Upward. Ilarill—Brad Dawn. T EA Every kind of Talk Inalketsinit *nivel:l4nd . or saco at. New York wholes* prim. Also • dour tortfooot of COFFEE. Bity of me and save e ttaa it clam. ABU Avi,120 4 1.111 V $ 1 i I 2 I 1 3 2 2 1 Claes I.—POULT6T. do gee fowl* I do are Fining chick ea/ I lyr do butter firkin • ,% do Pvt hon.. •hues . k. do lot tin were .S 2 do cook stoi c fur coal 1 do do do uuod I du parlor atuo 1 ADMLMSION B. L. BALDWIN, A7TOILVET AT Law. Montrone, Pg. °MCC Pith James E. cannot, Req. Montrone, August so, MI. tf. ASSW 'SEWS NOTICT.—NOTe6 La hereby i'lves that Henry Ackert, of the horongli of Great Bend Sus quehanna county, Pa., by deed of voluntary, aasignment, has aasigned all the estate, reel and peraonal, of the said ' Henry Ackert, to A. P. Stephen.. of Great Bend born, In sold county, In trust, for the benefit of the creditors of the said Henry Ackert. All persons therefore, indebt ed to the said Henry Ackert, will make payment to the said Assignee, and those having claims or demands, wilt. make known the name without delay. A. P STRPIIENS, Asidgnee of Henry Ackert. Great Bend, August 1, tall.-aug,Bo.tiw. Lath:l)p Township Bounty. 13 A ILA XCEouprovlde4 for, Juno ;1.5„110,... . Interest de 'gouda.. " 814 t r r.l ly a/kWh/nal tour hundred dollaro nut oath/factory accuuutcd for,ao etated lu Secret...n/2'a report 4410 00 MEMEM2=I Amount unprovided for. June 10, mt. being an get nt It thin time. ...$2151 90 11A111; F.L WitIGIIT, JOHN Wool), WIl. STACNTON, Lathrop, Anglist 23, 1611.-3vo Amittore. QTYLAYED.ctutte into the enclosure or the au boon b• er, in the township of Ihtsh, Surquehanuah county, August 11th one Red Yearling 'tenter with white switch. Any }lemon proving property and paying charies, ctn take her away. 1). U. hN 1 DKR. Itnnit, August 2.1, 1872.-8 w• irSTATE GORMAN, late of the town. •hip of Frier!.levllle, ttrnmnehanrret county, Po.. de• ceased: Letters of Adtniuistration upon the estate of the above named decedent. having been granted to the undersigned. all persona indebted to the raid estate are hereby notified to make Immediate payment. and those having claims against the same, to present them duly authenticated for settlement. .1011 d F UtiltUAN. Priendsville, Aug., 23, tall.—Cw• Administrator. Painless Extraction of Tooth, by tho Uso of the Hit:cons Oxide Oak. DR. C. S WEEKS, Dentod, New York, wtll be In Mon trote„ from ftegart t 1 to September 2, and will en. _tract teeth olio the rem of Gas, for such as deotro It.. 'tie Das unlike Ether and ('hloroform, Is perfectly sofa najdeseant to take..-ffhat mf•ny who hare taken lt dun tug Dr. W.'s ace or at% tassul:yoarly vielta to Montru, eon give all neeestotr) Information m tlo‘e wowing It, Nr2 , ly every one all And tr•urighboto , to whom-he has udgfattletertrl ft.,• , • • _Room. It Dr.Sinitlen Dental &nee: Conn Oom 9 ttitien., (1 . T . L1 or, by .opeitatment, - Montrose, Anguet ZS, IS7l:—tf: LAOtamireci - vgavir BANK, 9 - • o..e..przco eta,riciterosicia. do C/o. ESTABLISHEDI; .Iµi.-IUTIUHIZED CAPITAL UN LIMITED. mr4vrniaz LIABILITY ItictremeactsGenerel alukin Buslncep, without Lim I. int lou In yvr Sir PEP, cnei.l.\ - iT.re EST A LLO WED ON SPECIAL DEPOSITS. • AIT Deposits Pnld on Demand Withcmt *Notice. leraon her,heal'"oDotswith nsc.tn deposit and draw the raml la s a ITO r Iy other Lank• Heal upr crietomert ietll !n• colromanedate44llhdot cam charge of &maul Pr excbaoge. ANC ES Eor depm.H. from points in the routitrr conyontr nt to rnifrmol...lll by rx pm.. promptly ncluaotriodged mod ronaittm34, tu pa) moot tn.t.lo ¢ curremy yr by draft. prp t , (or All .Parts of Europe. • .Conoctivas made without other charge than the 'mu to ratrs'of , PASSAGE TICKETS to and from all part,/ of Europe bf First ('lawn Stelim.re, ett tqo lowest rates. Scrnatuu, .IttgtVit 1.71. • Silo/le t ,f3c51140.0 , 1, Und.rbignod utll opau n Select School la I J. Friandsville, en Monday, September 4th, to cnallnue Thlrt , :co WeritP. Turnas,- - otnalink 4 aagaer t 3 no av Fri Alit:n.lll6, 1,1:1. 6w. ';:SAVINGS RANK vcr x co rt. 3;:b . The nuder.tznefl torte emninenevd the Thteine.% at fizchplge.and !tanking,tt Sew MLINni. Ya., uauk, the name and Nyle of SAVINGS BANK of NEW MILFORD Deposits vlltl. itecel rt i from 10 Cents. upwards, amilawast Paid an Snap, from Ante of Deposit! ACCut."Yrs. c;ccickrt to fit ; lIT sill,. taken, and are eoLtetted from all Business Mrs. DQA FIN lion._;ht and Sold.'unA . Z.!ollectiolis Had ml ail Par. Of tab UNITED STATES and CANADA. DRAFTS SOLD ON EU Ru PE -GOV NNI ENT BUNT) 130Illirrr c. 41 0w..., s..A ,•I:PoNLS (•A.SIIED Mink+, ('ontrorts, Deeds. ort gages..ludjment Note% mu! .1 utticur I:lanks Poe 621 c. re- Mr Chase will rive hi, pc rsonsl tention to the bhsitieN4. v. IL. CIIIASE A CO. M11f0rd..111,71-t lfi, IS7I. :tsr NOTICNIntere-tml to Note or Book E Account or l'oi,rnirt. Itt the Eptnte or Judson Stone, tleeeneet.t. ore hereby netttled to meet the Executor, at the bon, of Julio BrAdohow,,iu Fure.l Lab, On saw r thy . A hith. for iiarlemeut Any permot wirhing to make pay meet prt.llolo , to that lime. will Ay to Juus limamtu.nw. By order of the Execntore of the En lace of Judnou Stone. tecomsed, F. DAYTON. Forest Lake, A ugui.t.; 4, 1571. NSa -Tarr wrimew ca Tit. 7:30 GRADED SCHOOL, TIIE NORMAL TER COMMENCES KEPT. RI 1611. A z Tow Dipart.mnt Styled the 845a.citommi0 Delp arlanci. xit WILL be fanned, in addition to the other Depart meats to b.. inter th e euperetsion of K C. $ Miu.xn, A. hi.,-who hy had many years experience in touching, and lee gratitate of Middleburg Coiler. Ile will also instruct the admbera of the Teachers CUM*, in the theory of teachlig. Thus is placed bekirethetptiplis of New Milford and vicinity the advantaee of a College education without the great oxpenvo of finding await from FOr Nosier (nom _circular, to RICIIABMSON, Principal. F. W. Do 5,4. President. C. BARLoW, Secretary. New Milford, August 16, ISM. 4w A DWINiSTRATOR'S SALE OF Emit listate.—in LS. pIIfIKII/JICC of an order of the Oman's Court of Sete quettanna county, Penuseimnia, will in sold at public sale. on the premises, in .(u hunt township, on Thursday the 27th dny of July. 1571. at ten o'clock y. m.. the 10. lowing real estate of Stephen Kim:, derear.ed, to wit: valunble farm, aititste in Auburn tntent•hip, bounded told described as follows, via. hounded on the north by lands of William Eine, east by lands of Ray Ring. south by lands of IL F. Tuslor and west by lands of J. 'finial . ..me and W. frf . Chtistfoi, containing about forty eight acres of land, thlrty.ll. , e acres Improved. Testae or bets.—One hutdred dollar? , down, It.:300 on nondrMation finally; Vail li ale month thereafter, ',MU One year thereafter and the lalance In two equal normal payments, with Interest or the whole aura remaining unpaid from confirmation /11( cacti payment- KlNt.i, Administrator, Auburn July 5,1811. Id VOTICE TO BIIILDEB.S—The School Directors of 11 Franklin township will meet on the ground. to let the Joie) of building a nay School Hoare. (*hailer to the one built at The Forth" district, ltot Antrimor,l en the lands of John Court. ondaturday, August lath. 1071. For bocci heat lo rug roll npon n address DANIfiL DAV Di. By Order or Milani Montrose, Auest 2, loll; D. DAV IS Secronry EXECUTOR'S NOTICIL WHEREAS LETTERS Teetameutary to the elate of Judson Stone, late of F^".l.lAtk" lowochiP, de d laced, have been granted to the subscribers all person indebted to said emote are requesumi to make home to payment, and those hav ing claims or den:Duels against the estate of the raid de cedent, will present the rue without delay. JOHN BRADSHAW, WAKTCACAN F.HANDRICE JULIA BUTTERFIELD, • FREDERICR DAY lON, GEORUE R. JOHNSON. ,JSRM AII / 10 SPOED, Vorcrt Lah tao, Aug. 2, I--nw. Executors. STEW2I.IIT'S Marbleized Slate I:tat:matlore. Very large asaurtment, Including a great variety elegant new and Or - 10- nalaUfgrt.i. T. B. StEWART, it Co, odo sixth A vubtlr. bet. Nan York. Aug.2,'7l,:ka t Ow It. J. W . kind. of uoo l :le hi th7 ll P 7;132. Pleare glya me a call. You will find at my gore Choice Tau such u Green, Black and Japan Teas, Cod Flah. liackaral, Lako Trout, Sugars, Rica, Lemon, Extract, Starch, Vanilla Ext rad, Gold Medal Salcratoa, Ear Soap, Toilet Soap, Desluted Cocoanut, Gelatine. Corn Starch Patin Java Coffee,lioda, Prtates Rio Coffee, Citron, Kerosine Oil, Chemni, Roma Come Hann, Pigs, 'Raisins, Ceram Tartar, ' Deeleated Cod Ptah, Spied Candies, Stone Waro, Canned PM:, Ilneard, Crackers, Corn, Peaches, Tomatoes, I==IMI Grass and Croat. Cythea, Very Cheap liontme, July 6, 1871-0. FLASTETL—We keep on band an ample P eupp of Fresh Ground Carma Planet, for rube it Mositross _pot. by TiFFA,Ny CRAMER ilfontroaoDepot. Feb. 8, Urn, fig LATROP'S MEDICATED BATHS, WTH or without Electricity, as thecaged'm"d" , for Rheumatism, Metallic end Chronic Dims. 011. At the foot of Cheetnot street, Montrose, Pa. Montrose, ApoilW, 1971. 17 T'E"qi7li7" Cir COO=OlE3. MMM=I Guttenberg, Ttesenhaum i t es. flaying And well SPRING& SMER GOODS, MILLENERY GOODS, DRY AND FANCY GOODS, All of the Newest, Handsomest DesiL,ms! And also, a Fine Assortmemt of READY MADE CLOTHING ! To which on Invite the attention of our patrons and the pablle In general, to give as a call and to examine the same before baying elsewhere. OUTTENUERO, ROSEIIMAX3I & CO. Montrose, May 3, 1371 A CARD. LCUT OUT AZIEI KEEP.) TO 111057. 31ERCIINtd And others who have nio lonp, given me their patronage, I tender my it en roll thanks, and invite a continuance of the same, with their Ituluenee, to the . SPLENDID NEW HARDWARE STORE, or &nub, Cohn It CO., 19 and Al Duane et reef, Nen York, where orders Should be dictated to me and direct ed toil. Mtn, to insure early attention, and I would add to my patrone, and to those who pass by on the robot solo," that lam noUn be undersold , any big of link romcarn In New l ork, or elsewhere, no 1:::111:re give ow a hair trial. Our goods are all new, and tight for moth, for the near by and Sorllown trade. hi. C. TY LER, Agent, and Assi+tant Montrose !Myer. WONDER OF TES WORLD.—Pttio„,„b Jahuary 25,1811.—T0 whom It may c0u tt ,i...„ . ...,..Th1s Is to retlfy that I have given A. ISAI.DIS Ph... the exclusive cimtrol of the safe of the-ab w rttssam. rctrrody in rillequehAnna County. ro long. he < l lOO.l. to continue In the bosh/ens, and that an orders hereafter i.hould Ito addressed to him, to rmeivo atletitimt; 31. 81. TILTON, Proprietor. Varch Sta THIS WAY, GENTLEMEN! 1-I.stra3ooll , HORSE HAY FORKS ! A, J. NELMS. PATENT urrrnovED. Twenty-Two Stole Fair Premiums Awarded Tlide Fork hl.Fittgen Months-1863 and 1879,', ALSO NELLIS GRAPPLE PULLEY, An Implement that Peen. Farmer, Carpenter, Mason and Painter Should Rave ritev•olN;PrisLC HORSE RAKES, Rana Bates, Scythes, Swaths, Graiu Cradles Iron, (.1 cher Brand) Allen, 1 et Sprinze. Carriage Bona. Cl' u Bars, IStcel an 4 hut.) That always gives an ALARM %VIIIETLE! when 04 Coffee to Ready for the Tilde. TRY ONE and you will lth4 the Coffee Always Right I saw.. Ftlse, Knob., Dray; Knivora, Scythe Stones, I.:Ochs', Paints, 0111, Varnish, %urea, Tin:Ware, Lampe, &a. Montrose, .7413 , 1, 1871.-U. DOTD & OORWIN PUBLIC NOTICE. IWould respectfully state to my former Cnaterm re and thu piddle generally that I am again carry IN; up the TAILORING BUSINESS, IN MONTROSE., aail propoto to dp all worm to that Line, Io a FASIIIONMII.E, NEAT, 'sMtaTANTIAI, MANNER, And at Sittlaitactory Prices. Particniar atteatirm gicra to (INTIM) and SPECIAL CARE used to hart, the work Plato for the person who putts It togothor. Shop on tho rest aide. or "Public Avenue." over Bunn§ C Nichols' Drug Wore, tulloluing the Wilco Ut Dr. Halsey, P. MRS. ilwartusc, February 7,18T1, ST. VITUS' DANCE CUEED By HRS. A. A. TAYLOR.—WARRANTED O ita tibectits be consulted at her residence in Bricigewa ult. WI the farm ndJoininß EX•dberilf Johnian. Mot OT refonmees given. A. R. TAYLOR. Bthieunruter. March 24 USTI. tf ' ABEL TERRELL, • Hu just rani:wiled from New York wilh to largo cd dtriosito btfsnestol stock of duke goods. 1,490tr0g0, Nem Z 4.11052, liaceived A Large Selected Stock of (irtnd ?tou M, fl4p. Notice to Builders. HE SCHOOL DIRECTORS of Bridgcwatertownship, JLwill reeelve scaled praponals for the building of s' new School House, iti Heart Lake District, until July Ulst, tail. sold school house. to he similar to the One in the BACOck District. Fur specifications sod partic ulars. cell 1,11 B. Thatcher, Montrose. By order Of the Board. W. E. BABCOCK, Secretary. Bridgewater. Jane 29, 1871. STATE of ILUIRIET LILLI BRIDGE, late of New Kg Milord nom, tinsrmehaunall County, deceased: Letters of admlnletnttion upon the estate of the above namtd decedent haring beau granted to the undersign ed. ell persons Indebted fo the Ald estate are hereby nottfled to make immediate papriMit, and those hat in do-3ms against the tame to present them duly ardltenti „ oohed fur settlement. ELLIOT ALORICII, New Milford, Juno 21,1071.-6 w Administrator. NAT lIME'S HAM RESTORATIVE Contains no LAC SULPHUR—NO SU GAR OF LEAD—NO LITHARGE— NO NITRATE OF SILVER. and is entirely free from the Poisono,us and Health---destroying Drugs used in other Hair Prepartions. Transparent nod clear as crystal, It %%VI not soft the fluent tly SAFE. CLEAN end EFFICIENT --dlaideratunas LUNU SOEGIIT FUR A\l3 S(rLXD AT LAST I It matores and prrrents the t ti Limn becalm:lg: Gray, Imparta a hull, g,lwasy vgearancc„ reannven Dandruff. it cowl and ug to the heml, ducks the Bair ham Calling car, and rtElorre It to 3 great extent when 1,141113- tu rely loaf. prevent, Headaches, cares all humors., en. lancous eruptions, and unnatural heat, AS A DRESS ING FUR THE BAIR It IS Tll2 BEST ARTICLE IN THE MARKET. DR G SMITH, Patonbrt, Ayrr, 7.11),5. Prepared only br Pnocroit DItOCIIF.Rn, filoner,ter ItinsAaChnaeltr. The tp.nelne to put up In a p.mei bottle, made rapre•ely for It. with the name or the article blown In the glee.. Ask your Drntitilet fur N.t.rota's nE,TWIATIVE, and take no other. or - Rend tn., three cent ”ttmou to Proctor Drothers fora -.l' rent inie on the Doman !Intr." Tice information it euntalnn in worths.l'..(l lk) to any pennon. May 17. Ital. iq The "Para Kto.no" may justly ho styled the great medicine of the world, for then• to no ro_lun of the globe Into which It lon not found Ito way. and been larjely uord and highly priced. Moreover, there la no clime to which it has eu proved to lie well adapted for the cunt of a considerable variety of diecases , it In a speedy and safe remedy for harntt, reolde. eats, brakes, wound* nod ntrions other injuries, ne welloO for dywentery. diarrhom. and bowel compbtluti generally, it le Admirably situated fur t very race of nom on the titer of the globe. It in a very sign itienotino. that notaithAtuudfne the _long periml of par* thowt. the'• Palo Killer" lease been he , fort the world. It hue never lost one whit of lis popular. Ity, but on the onntrary. the call for it has ot.tdily to. creased flora its tlr•t discovery. nod to no prevlons time hes the demand for It beret so feral, or theouantity made been so large, es it in today. Another olgoilkoilt fact k, that nowhere bas the Pain Killer o'er been in higher repot:. or been mere general. ly used by fnntilles and indtvidnal•, than It into been hers at home, where It was fret dircovored and introduced. That till: Patti KO/C1 will tannic to he, what., have styled it, TUE "'MAT Kauct}Cur rate WORLD, there can. not he the minutow of a doubt. -Prariden. Adrerffeer. FOR SALE, THE 110 TEL I'rop!rtv, located at Di.noo, comet.. and Lai. met lavoraitly hmarn at; the Lew 1. 1 hrtrl. ~nected *nit a halal,: :thorn TN, cut! Acres at Valuable Lund. • Par pa rtienLar, adnre-a roe call - on C. C. Dlnatek, Pa., Jan. 25. tall. tf. Exeettivir. WATCH.ZIS ! WATCHES! B ELOW on —Raid prir,q4.— M=MMEIM Poreltim Coln silver ... ittl) Orohle Gold - - $ll We offer to the public oar elegant, assortment nl Lathe,' and I.4ellte ted Cl+\lns and othvr of Jew elry, at the lowest cash prices ever offered hero. tofore to porrhasoro. Fail Ruby Jeweled Levers, is let. Gold Hurtting eased Watches. warranted. u.u.111) sold nt $l5, outs t.. 40 each, Elegant tecontl quality IS At. Gold, full Jeweled Lev er Watchot,. warranted for time find wear, fla each. . Extra ?toe Time lieeper.t. Aluminum Gold, Hunting eased, full Jew clod Lever Watcher, equal to gold In ap pearance and for wear, warranted, at SI4 and SIS entla. Pure Coin Sliver. Iluntint., ea ed, flill jeweled Lever Warne., at fit and $l5 earls. Fine Orolde Gold NC niches with extra Me movements, at VI and $l5 each. Also. Fine Gold Chains. I..adies' and Ceuta', tom $lO $l5 each Rolled Plated fine (told rbolne, at $l, $5 and SR each. . OUR wpivith.S. ore and adjueted le k ,,, p thee to the minute before rent to purelig.eri,uud If not fouud eo, we.will take then, hark at shy thee And levant money. WU REQUIRE NOCSI ()NEI' IS ADVANCE. sod pll goods ordered from ti. , CI I,e 'wet 1,, E. pm.S. C. U. 0,, with privilege to cram: or ottAk, f1.10,..1.6141. for. In all cases ordering six Watches at a time, the purchases will receive one Watch of same quality free: Platte othte the kind ilia price. of watell mph-ed., ut.d order air,. Irons& co. P. Cr. Box 5:1,#;. 21