tile tank: anktivEillt Cost of a Small Cheese Factory. As many farmers are making inquiries abontinitteeitifd. - 611ecie 'facto - ries, they will be intereated in . reading the follow ing estimate of. -the cost of a small cheese factory, which-we 'clip from the Manu facturer and Builder: " Ear 100-cows, a building 60x26 feet, with 'l6 foot posts, making it two stories, would be required. Take 24 tecrfrom the lower story for a `ma - e room,' leaving the remainder and upper ,story for 'curing rooms.' The per stoky should be partitioned the same as t4p lower. The 24 foot room over the `make room, should be plastered and furnished with stoves suitable for curing early and late cheese. The cost depends npon the prices of lumber and labor, which differs in localities. A rough, substantial building, which will answer in every respect in most localities, would cost $l,OOO. If finished with paint, etc., $1,300. It could be furnished with vat, tank, presses, hoops, scales, etc., for $3OO, making .in all $1,300 for rough building, and $1,600 for the finished one. For two hundred cows the same sized building would ansirer. For vat and fix tures, $5OO, making in all, $,1,500 for rough, and $1,8009 for finished bnilding. This is the size of many that were. built in this State this season. Stock compa nies are formed by those interested taking one or more shares, which may be $5O or $lOO each. A committee is chosen by the shareholders, oho superintend the build ing of the factory, hiring of help, etc. A dairy of one hundred cows can be man -aged by a man of experience with addi tional help, which could be hired at from $2 to $3 per day and board. For two hundred cows ho would want additional Aland, which might be a woman, and in experienced. The question is often ask ed : How many cows must a factory num ber to pay ? For an individual to build a factory to work up _milk for others at $2 per hundred, which is the common price of making and furnishing the cheese all boxed and ready • for market, he would want three hundred cows or more to make it a paying business" Pruning. It is not every one who grows trees that understands the objects of pruning. If the beads of young trees are pruned and -the branches shortened when they are planted according to the instructions we have, from to time, few branches will re quire to be cut off at any time afterwards. Indeed, no tree should be allowed to grow co as to require any great amount of pruning at once. Fruit trees, that were set the past spring and duly pruned, will now require oceasional looking after; where a branch appears sickly it should be cut back still farther to a vigorous shoot, and where any superfluous or interfering , branches have put forth they should be , cut or rubbed off, always having in view ! an open, well balanced, symmetrical bead. These remarks arc equally applicable to all fruit trees. Trees that were set in pre vions years require similar treatment. If fruit trees are treated in this manner from the time they are planted until they are six or eight years old, they will present uniform. handsome tops, with fair, smooth branches, with no wounds or scars to be healed, and the fruit will be large, fair and well.flavored. No instrument larger than a pocket knife, or an ordinary pruning knife, should over be used. Practicing this mode of pruning, it matters but lit tle when it is done, but if a largenumber of trees are to be pruned so as to render it a business, we should prefer to do it from June to mid summer; then the tree is making a vigorous growth and the lit tle wounds are readily healed. Old trees, that have long been neglected, until their branches have become so thick and their beads - so close and compact as neither to admit the sun or a free circulation of air, can never produce large, well flavored, or finely colored fruit Such trees requires pruning, but it should be done with cau tion and not all in one year. For this kind of prunniug the winter or early spring is the best time.—Rttrol World. SEASWING WOOD.-A writer in an English journal informs us that small pieces of non-resinous wood can be sea soned perfectly by boiling four or five hours—the process taking the sap out of the wood, which shrinks nearly one-tenth in the operation. The same writer states that trees felled in full leaf in June or July, and allowed to lie until every leaf has fallen, will then be nearly dry, as the leaves will not drop of themselves until they have drawn up and exhausted all the sap of the tree. The time required is from a month to six weeks, according to the dryness or wetness of the weather. The floor of a mill kiid with poplar so treated, and cut up and put.in place in less than a month after the theleaves fell, has nev er shown the slightest shrinkage. A PERFECT llonsE.—Oue who is con sidered as authority in horse matters, states that a perfect horse is one about fifteen and a half to sixteen hands high; a lengthy, arched neck; sharp pointed ears; a large, fall hazle eye; broad be tween them; not too long a face, but a straight one; a large, open nostril; strong under, jaw to masticate his food well ; a good round body ; a big, full chest; large around the girth, denoting plentrof lung power; thin withers, and an animal standing erect on his fore le a Such animals it should bethe object of breeders to produce, and this requires both judgment and care. A Logo JOURNEY AFTER WATER. -- 1 Some trees send roots out a great distance for moisture. A little less than twenty years ago, a Californian planted a weep ing willow on his place near the well.— Two yeas ago the water began to taste bit- ter and otherwise unpalatable. He hired a man to clean it out, but it has troubled him all along until recently, when be sent another man down into the well to,see what could be done, who went to yolk, and succeeded in bringing up about six bushels of fine roots, ranging in size from a pin to an eighth of an inch. The tree had sent them down outside the brick wall, a distance of twenty-three feet until they had reached water, when they had forced themselves'between the bricks, end literally filled np the well a distance of three feet. They had formed a compact mast; just fitting in tightly, and had to be raised out with hooks.and a lever. —And old traveller,_ at presentrsojour ning here, tells a pretty tough story about being lost in the woods with his do„co.' wherebe could find nothing to eat, and bad to cut off bisr.dog'slail, which h e boiled for: hhlLself stubfterwsixds gave the dog the bonel We•would - rather ..borrow s`2o thaii belkwo that atm-. Astral Tragedy The most awful and appalling tragedy that has stirred the hearts of any com munity in this section for many a year if ever before, occurred in Effingtoncounly, about two miles above Station 3}, on the Central Railroad' about 3 o'clock on Mon day morning. Ash, formerely Ash, the wife of John H. Ash, formerely of this city, killed her three children, and afterward committed suicide by administering a sufficient quantity of strychnine to produce instantaneous death. It appears from what we could learn from a gentleman who was an eye-witness to the horrifying scene, that - Ash, formerely Miss Laura Dasher, of Effing ham county, has fora short time past been slightly deranged, at least she was sus pected °Hieing in this—condition, from certain singular appOrances and conduct noticeable to those nearest her and in most continuous association With her. However, nothing serious was apprehend; ed, except that her husband felt a little anxious about her, and communicated with her brothers on the subject. This was all. No more serious apprehensions was felt, although her husband cOntinned to keep a strict watch over her conduct.. A short time previous he had purchased a small bottle of strychnine for the pur pose of destroying the rats and dogs that were rapidly killing off their poultry. This he secreted in the night time, taking the precaution to lock it tip in an old bureau drawer, hiding the key in a place least likely to be discovered bvhis wife, no oth er person in the house knowing of the hiding place. Sunday night all went to bed as usual, though before retiring Mrs. Ash sat down and wrote a long letter, but did not Sus i pect anything, although it contained an account of her feelings towards certain members of her family, with whom there was some unpleasantness. Mr. Ash took all three of the children in bed with him self and wife. Mr. George Patterson, a friend and relative of Mr. Ash, occupied an adjoining room. About three o'clock on Monday morn ing he and Mr. Ash were aroused by the cries of two of the children, and entering the room found Mrs. Ash in the act of ' taking a spoon from the month of the oldest child, a little girl, who had :strug gled and resisted until her cries woke her father and his friend, both of whom feel ing alarmed, asked her what she was do ing. She replied, "Only giviiig the chil eu a little powder, and I am afraid that I have not given them enough." They begged and entreated her to tell them n hat she had given them—Mr. Ash tast ing the powder which lie discovered on I the month of one of the children, discov ered that it was quite bitter. She finally took him to the bureau drawer, and showed him the bottle of strychnine from which she had dosed herself first and then each one of her three little ones. it was but a short time after this before the mother, a young woman about 25 years old, and her three interesting little child ren, two girls and one boy, were lying still and cold in the arms of death. Dying in rapid succession, one after the other, the mother, although the first to take the poison, lived to see her children die, and then.followeil them herself. It is said the struggles of the poor little crea tures were awful ; the oldest falling back wards, was drawn together in such a manner that her head and feet - nearly touched each other. The afflicted father held his little ones and hiaiwife in his arms till they breathed their last. The time was too short from the discov ery of theNletil to procure any aid, al though a physician was immediately seat for. He arrived in time to save the fit h er, who in his efforts to discover what the drug was, had swollowed enough to render Lis condition dangerous. Mr. Patterson came to this city yesterday af ternoon to procure coffins to bury the dead, and as soon as ho returns an inquett will be held previous to the interment. A Monster In Kansas. The excitement produced by the lynch ing of Martin Mera, in Illinois, for the murder of his little son, has hardly sub sided when a tale of brutality comes to us from Kansas. On Sunday, July it the town of Fredonia, Wilson County, was excited by the discovery of the dead body of a little girl,aged six, the daughter of Richard Handel', in his house, six miles from town. The body was a mass of bruises and cuts, which indicated that the child had died from violence. Before the death became known to the authorities, the body was taken in charge by some of the neighbors and buried. On July 10th the Coroner held an inquest. The body was exhumed, and the physicians agreed that he: death was the result of "kicks, choliings, and cuts from some blunt in strumeuL" The jury therefore, brought in a verdict of "Death at the hands of some person or persons unknown." Rich ard Minden was arrested on suspicion of being the murderer of his daughter. On the examination a little son of the prisoner, aged 12, was examined, and testified that his father very frequently whipped the little girl until she became insensible; that he very often denied to his family the food necessary to sustain life, and that it was no uncommon thing for him to whip the entire family in a most shocking man ner. The boy also stated that after his mother's death, which was occasioned some time since by inhuman treatment, his father would frequently designate what should constitute his children'sfood during his absence, and then leave home for several days, get drunk, come home and whip his daughter. On the morning of her death the father dealt out the ra... tions his children should consume (lath , the day, and started off on one of bi b s sprees. At night-fall he returned, and' finding that the children had eaten more than he gave them, he seized the girl and beat her with the shoulder-bone of a hog in a terrible manner until she sank in sensible to the floor. He then seized her by the throat and choked her until life was extinct. Ile then cautioned the boy that if he breathed a word in regard to the affair he woald- shoot him. The boy also testified that his father whipped his wife while alive in a very brutal manner. The boy's testimony constituted about all that was submitted, and during its sicken ing details the people present were in a high state of excitement, and it was through the strenuous efforts of the offl cers of the Court that they were prevent ed from executing summary punishment on the murderer. The excitement, as - the 'facts became known, increased,. however, and at last accounts there appeared to he no doubt that Handel would be lynched: —Laws are like sausages—the leso:ysii know of how-they amiFusde the bettetycns like them. . . envOtt it , Thsoarora. ,, Academy, ACADEMIA, PA. The Stith School-year begins September SM. Location healthful, attractive and well adapted to physical deed opcmeut. Free from loafing plows and saloons, the ip finances are moral. More than 8,060 young men base here been prepared for Colege or batistes. Terms - moderate. Apply forSTON circular,. to D. D. EA. 31. J. J. PATTERS N, A. SI. Mutual Fire Insurace Co At Maxtaboek,Am,been . doingl , .bustnestrthletpane it has laid no 4taintsinenta, and The average rate or aesessment (hulas the thirty-ono years has been 23-4 re.II CNN?, ♦ TEM'', The assessment for the year Just ended is 9 1-4 pan emer., and tae Mown , kat. a clear evrples orer all atibilitles. OIL SALE-200 acres superior Wurri Os' Tim. Jurn land, near Lockhaven, Pa. Fire thousand acres nexus= TINDER land. Potter Co., Pa. P. W. Swum, G"lVEll"ECranttstllle, Pa. ROOT BEER This wholesome, agreeable, and refreshing rummer beset , age can be easily made at about 4 eente per gallon, with Ascuineuen s Innate, (koala(' Hoot Beer Extract. Ask for it at your atom, or send M cents for a vial and directions to 400 North Third Street, Philadelphia. A GENTS WANED for tho •X•ririamiesztaaitsiosica'ro. COUNSELS ON run NATMIE . ANO DTOMNE or TUE MASCO uxis irtrisenoa. BY Dn. Naruars, author of " Tha Arica, Life or Inman." It relates to lAr mots sex; Is nil of new rani; delicate hot outspoken; practical an popular , highly erkioned ; sells rapidly. Sold by subscription only. Exclusive territory. Terms liberal Price Address for ontents, A.c., J. O. FERGUS A CO., Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa. Agents Read This ! vu E WILL PAlt_Agootm a salary of $3O TV Per Week and Expeoece, or dins. • large commieslon to sell our new and woodernal InTentlorie. Address IL WAUSELL.S.9OOIarekaII, kick. - 11111101 t MARS. Shrewd but quiet men emmake n fortune by revealing the accretof the bovines& to oo oqe. • Address , .EDII/k2.81318, 688Broichows1. Olow Yok. 1.008 CI, XM. IC IE3 . riRANDt 'o O rrECONCEST4ndlDistribution tor the Dot f tho Fonndliug Asylum of the Sierrs of Charity in the City of New York, ano SOLDIERS' and SAIL. ORS' ORPHANS' HOME, Washington, D. C., to ht held in Washington, D. C., under and by virtue of a permit from lion. Commissioner of internal Revenue, on TURISSDAY, dei.r dith, positively. After the Concert, the Commissioners will award to the micamshil fickebboidant, 1,003 GIFTS AMOUNTING TO $200,000. 25.000 Tiunryu,only. will be sold.At $5 -each. Hon. kleCtlLLotleu,v/mi.211.. : 21a..10r Moat CATTLE, Baltimore, Rich.. Commissioners. lion. Jas. 8. NEGLET, M C.. Pittsbnrh. Pa., Trustee. References:-'Major -Gen. U. Tinnier. U. S. A., Wash ington, D. C. ; lion. Jal. S. Negley, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Find National Bank s Hageretocrn, Md. ; Appleman Co., Bankers, Havertown lion. U. J. Break late Atter ney•Cimeml Baltimore; (7, F. Abbott. Es 20 P. 0. Avenn-, Baltimore: John 11. Fowler, Eeq. ; W. . if. My ccudßro.slfachange Place. Baltimore. Deed of the Reel Estate, eectlo,xl to by counsel, In kends of the Trustee. Tickets and eirentant ran he had of P. C. DEVLIN, General Agent. Stationer and Printer, No. 31 Nassau Street, New York. Tickets rent C. 0,1) , If desired. Send for Circular, containing . description of prizes. Tickets for Sale also by RILKT Sartuatr, at their News Stands, Philadelphia. llarrisbargh, Yltitahnrgh, &c., and on line of Penn,ylva.nin Railroad and connec tions. ROSADALIS • THE INGRthIENTS THAT COMPOSE HOSADALIS are published on every package, there : t .re it is wt a nicrot preparation,: 1p . . PHYSICILNB PIIEURIBE If It Is a certain cure ihr Scrofula. Syphilis in all its forms, Itheuma• tine, Skin Diseases Liver Com plaint and di!seaace of the Blood. • :::E DOT= OF BOMA= I .. •Oo more good than ten bottles of dery -Syrups of fiFisaparilia. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have flied Rossdaris in their praetko for the past three years and freely endorse it as a reliable Alterative and Blood Purina,. . . , DEL T. C. I PUGH or flatboats . tra.T,I.DOT N. N, „ • " •') •-• • ; • r.o;DANNFazir„" .P R.SEARE.S cit.llßehosszvalsi McCARTHS., Cohonsbls, Tlt. A. ft ROMER, prom% N.C. USED _ADD .EHDOESEP BY L a rugspite-soNs s ranlime,, - F. w. smrrn, Jackson, Nicks • - F. WHEELFS,LIinkCrhis. 11 HALL, Lima, Ohio. CRAVEN & CO., Gonlonorrilla Va. , SAM'L. G. McFADDEN, Alarms, boro, Tenn. Our spare will not allow of any az: landed remarks in relation to the virtuesof Randall& Tothe podia) Profession we iv:au:ldea • Fluid Ka tmai superior to nay that' have nay and in the treatment of diseased Blood; and to the afflicted we Randall'. and you will bo to health. Bosadalls U Sold by all Draggistr 414130 ,Par boUX., JAIN'? -I MIiCISEENT34 Co; ."` drawafaaagring Dasustessi, lD Baltimnre, d ly 19.1M1 A $20,000 Worth of Goods in store for the opening of the Fall Tradeof Is7o, in a full and general assortment of and GenC Dress, and. Furnithisg, and Fancy Goods In Empress (o 1 ss, DC3114. ifiVillOS, Ponflos, Catexa, &taut', Corsets, embossed Fa., and 11-op Skins Ladies and Genes Furs. Buffalo Babas, Fancy Lap Hobe.. ape!! assortment of MAI. Catsinseres. Ladles' Cloths, Flannel., Hosiery, Domestic Callous, fie, ec. with a general assortment of Hata and Caps, Boots d: Shoes, Oils and Paints, Grocerim, Crockery, Hardware, Stoves, Iron, &c., furnish ing a superior opportunity for selections, and will be - suld ea the most favorable terms, by . S. 33171:LPILITT. ew 111 Mud. 1501001819 N, Good NMI to the Bolditcs of The War of 1812 ND THEIR WIDOWS !—Congress has let:early palm y& ed • Law Granting Pensions of Eight Dollars p month. w•ereatteriscrassiServionottilatty Darla: a For mazy of -- Yt:All procured Litt Verrants, - from"1•30 to 1856. and my records and papers, then made, furnish row the Important factsueccissary in Procuring Pea. slops. and persons bringing or vending their cialmi to my office can have the free benefit of my records, and their Madness will be promptly attcadmito at mars cr. tabard by the lawL. P. PITCH, Idontruae. March W.. 1871. aw ITALITARLE FARNI FOR SALE—The V subscriber offers his farm at Silver Lake, Susquehanna Co., Pa., contains over 180 acres 100 or 103 of which are clea red anti under cultiva tion the land is well watered itrid good fdr either grain or,grass, there are between two and three hundred grafted Apple trees on the place besides peach, plum, and pear trees, the tam is conveni ent for churches and schools with good build ings, 180 rods south of Quaker lake, the farm is a good onc.and admirably located. Addressor ap• ply to- MAURICE M. DONNELL. Silver Lake;SuNtta Cce.Po.4.larch4P7l. Bm. • . • .IBELELGIntiaI:LVIES S— - I3EST ,DABOAINS" TOWS CUOICR FAMILY GROCERWS,PLOUR I PRO. 'VW onik , Thiact and Canned,lhult, -Vegetables, te. at the Road of Navigation. hipps,um • r ,Notaroes. February - 2a g• • - . P, PEBBLFI-13PECTACL, ES;zalfrio - coin won Spectael6e,a key et Ppit,t9i sae be e , Ilicnatseee; Noy. 10, 1009. ell :11, TUE ... Ayer's Sarsaparilla , - 1011 IMEIZIMNG IMEEI BLOOD. The reputation this ex. cogent medicine enjoys, It la derived from its cures, , ~,/ glf . ,. ~ many of which are truly tare,,,,, . ... • -: mare,. Us. !nattere d :l . oy 1 . Case, where the syste seem m .... .... 41.. i.5...31 - --. pecrrunrifieriPthman'd bare b b r it. 4 „... Bcrohilaus erections and _ ~, . v - f 5 q.,..,.. disorders ,w Melt were o - p ~:lor„..''' - ' ,'. pa rated by the scrota. _„ , .... ' ' lons contamination until they were ch painfully af fl icting, have been radically cured in an great numbers In almost every sec , liah of the counlrf , that the pablio amueely need to bo informed of its virtues or uses. - . . Scrofulous poison to one of the most destructive enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfelt tenant of the organism undermines the comultulion, andinvites the attack of enfeeblingor fataldiseases, without exciting a suspicion of its presence. Again, It seems to breed infection throughout the body, and then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly &ram Into ono or other of its hideous forms, either on the surface or among the vitals. In the latter, tuber. cies may be suddenly deposited In the lungs or heart, or tumors formed In the liver, or it shows its presence by eruptions on the skin, or fool ulcer. salons on some part of the body. Bence the acme sional use of a bottle of this Sarsaparilla Is ad visable, even when no active lymp e toms of disease Er . r . d2 . gr s t a generally re firuf I d wi th ( pellet, Lu atZ m at . .rr. mire , by the use of this SABSAPABIL fit. Anthony , . Fire, Rose or Erysipelas. Fetter, Salt Rheum, Scald 7/ead, Ringworm, Bove E yes, Sore Ears, and other eruptions or visible forms of literofrthstrLdisease. Also In the More concealed fcmns, as Dyspepsia, DroPsd, Thant Diemen, Fits, ISpilsy, Neuralgia, and the various Ulcerous affections of the MUSCII. lar and nervous systems. Syphilis or Venereal and Mercurio/ Diseases era cured by it, though a long time Is required for subduing these obstinate maladies by any medicine. pat long continued use of this medicine will curs the complaint. Leueorrheets or Whites, Gloria* Ulcerations and Female Diseases, ars com monly soon ;dieted and elfin , • r fecund by its 'mitring and Invigorating erect. Inmate Mee. %toms for each case are found In one Alumnae, sup• plied gratis. ITherrus whims and Goat, whoa caused- by accuronlatitms of extraneous matters to tho blood, yield quickly to It, as also liver em.iPielints, Torpidity. COI. gallon or /oilman mama of the Liver, and Jaundice, when alights., as they often do, from, the rankling poisons In the blood. This SARSAPARILLA is a great re storer for the strength and vigor of the system. Those who are Languid and Listless, Despots dent Sleepless, and troubled with Nervous Ap prehension, or Fears, or any of the affections symptomatic of Weakness. will Sod Immeittxi2 relief and convincing evidence of Its restomure power upon trial. PREPARE]) RP Dr. Z. C. AYES et CO., Maas., rractleaZ and Analytical Chemists BOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS Sold by Abel Torrell, and Burns & Nichols Montrose, and all druggists and dealers ever? vebt-ro. 1 Ilcc. , 1870-7 =kr C. 3E'. sßowiv►a YOUNG AMERICAN I_. I INT I Za. 30 PT 9V To offering this I.lniarent to the public, es we do in felt conlidence, that It most supercede all other° now In use, as an internal remedy, for the care of all diseases la the reach of that classof raedicines, wets safetyassert, without the least fearer' contradiction. that It tow& un rivaled In the list of medical compounds externally op. piled for the care of disease, • Peeling therefore t h at tt Is anoeceseary to pill a mined, so eminently woodertnt In its effect... so mysteriously infallible trelie powers of relief, causing the deaf to hew, the blind to tee. the nor. sous. drawn sod crippled rhertwatte to walk crew and re joice %mkt to the power and vi,gewof manhood, this pre. parabola W offered to the public on be own merits. ant claims no volcanic orlOu or easential oils of the Arabi an deperts ; bat ow the contrary Ia what Its imports, amt Is a rare combination of the powers of North Amerl• can products. New Tars. Dee. 11, tem, This notice te to Inform MI dealers In proprletary medicines, that sre hare established a Depot In Susque hanna county at Montrtme. Pa.. for the male of Dr. C. P. Brown's Young Arnett.= Liniment, and that Mr. A. BALDWIN Is oar agent few that purpose. WARD. IMWTHERLAND & CO., MU Witlimn Sired, New Yolk Agencies will Anon beestabilrhed at central places to every townohip, and pnbliohed in the list below. iam ready to furnish it at wholerale prices to ageot.. Port ers and circular. sent free upon applicatiou to the cub- scriber. The Liniment In now for Wont retail by tho follow ing agents, to wit: Burns & Nichols, Montrose. A. Terrell, E. L. Adams, Auburn 4 Corners. Noah Baldwin, South Auburn. Waltman & Voeberg, Skinner's Eddy. • D. C. & F. 11. Fonibam, Franklin. J. Borrows & !tons, Stevensville. L. M, Sherwood. Itualwille. It. T. Banded:, Springville. Tbayer, Irbnock. IL B. Lkardelee. Little Meadows. Robert Winters, Friendsylilu. • M. L. Ball, BircbardvUle. D. A. &. Titsworth. Brooklyn, Pa. L. B. !Undo, Pactoryvllle. W, R. Curtis, Balky lloUpw. E. Id. Tiffany, Liopbottom. J. B. Very. Montrose Depot, 0. M. Bewley. New Nllrd. T. D. Enaterbrook. Great Bend. Tewksbury Brothers,Anburu Centre. Avery & Banamont, L'amptown. Stevens & Leebody, 10k Lake. N. Granger, Rush. S. R. Stevens, Lacyrille. A. J. Slivers. Rant SpringbilL J. L. Merriman. Upsonville. J. W. Rosenemnte, Fairdale. Any persons In townships not above nametl, desiring an agency, may obtain it by addreeeine A. BALDWIN, General Agent. Bontroee. ABEL TURRELL KEEPS constantly on hand one of the most numer ous mdlectlons of DRUGS & MEDICINES In the country, and bestows especial attention to se lecting and buying articles in this department that are pare and genuine. lie also keeps a great variety of tuports AND WLNBB, bought either direct from the distiller, or Importer, and warranted strictly pure. Also, a fall assortment of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Lobrlatttng Mils and Dye-intlita Grtmed es,' Wall Paper, Wan, Wall Violins, Pistols, Guns and auunnaltlon. A. ellaltietY of Gold and other JEWELRY, Yadkin ery, Yankee NOTIONS, ate., and otter goods too an moons to mention. Daring several lean past persons hate been In the habit of forming elubs,aild sendingtothe Great Amefl ennTeaCompany, New York, for their .Dippltes et 1 ea and Ceffeeifor faadly„tir. „ •- . • Abel Terrell Is now supplying the Declito-Use Teas and Coffees: at his store in Ittsatrese, at the same pilaw that these clubs and other, poisons_ Ps/ at the store of the Company In New York. Thus, purchassrs willisve the express charge, trouble of Otntibiait and risk!l sending, by ba7isg of ABEL . TIMICRI r . Naiittete,l% RE T. tEMBOIDI -UNWIND FJJUID Exrilt4o CRAPE PILLS: Coinponena Parts—Fluid Extract Rhea barb and _Fluid Extract Oataw ba Grape Juice. Lloll Liver Complaint. Jaundice. Billions Affection., Lick or Nervous Headache. Costiveness, etc. Pure. ly Vegeta'.le, coniainild to steratry. MIDMIS or Del eterious Drugs. These pins are the most delightfully pleasent pur ge tire. superseding motorail, salts, waves* etc. Th.-re is nothing PION acceptable to the stomach. They give tone, andFcanse neither manilla nor &spell:as. They arc COLIMO•ed of the Anent ID ente Alter • few days' 'f them, such an to tfon of the entire • time Ss toappetr minientotts„ to the weak and enervate whether arising from imprudence or dis ease. If. T. Befmbold's Compound ptuid-ftwam, Ca tawba Grape Pills not eager •a...." from the him that sugar coated Pills do not diesolvie, but pass throne' the stomach without %dissolving. consequently do not produce the desired elrect. THE CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS, bemirpleasant In taste and odor, do not netts share their being sugar ectatelL PFCE. FIFTY MN • PER BOX.. as." ^ Restorers,* an.. that lead the tippler on to and rain, bat as a trna Deactea, made ---Thi g k rte NOD. Roots and Beebe of California, flea tram all Alealtalle Btlamlnata. They are the GRUM BLOOD eusnnan. and A LIFE GI min PUITCIPI.Ba perfect lanovator and In rater of the liyatinejearrying off all poisonous and restoring the blood to a Maltby condition. Noperson can take tone Inners acconling to disco• Lion and remain long suenclL 9100 MINI given loran Inrurablo cam, prodded ass banes are not destroyed by mineral paten or ether means, and the Mal organs whited beyond the point of repair. Par Inflammatory and Chronic Uhemanv slam and Bout, Dyspepsia, or Indicating, Dillon., Remittent and intermittent Fevers Ellaenam of the Blood, Liver. Kidneys, and Madder. these Bitter. Wm been moat mums- Bach Diseases sr. caused by Vitiated lIIORLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND I Blood. whloh Is generally ;Induced by derangamal of the Digestive Organs. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S LUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Will raclicelly exterminate from the system Scrofula, Syphilis, Fever Sores, titers, Sore Ees. Sore Legs, Sore Mouth, Sore Bend Bronchitis, Skin Disease Salt Rheum, Cantors, Runnings from the Ear, White Swell. lop, Tumors, Cancerous Afiections, Nodes, Rickets, Glandular Swellings, Night Sweats, Rash Tester, Ru mors of all kinds, chronic Rhematiam, Dyspepsia, and all diseases that hairs been established In the system fur Beingptepared expressly for the shore esmrpialnis. Its blood-porifytog properties are greater than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla, It gives the ceeaydration a clear and healthy Milo?, and restores the patient to a state of health and parity, for purifying the blood, re moving all ehnonlc eotatitutlonal diseases arising from an Impure state of the blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the care of pains and swell- Mg of the bones, Mcerattnell of the throat and legs, Blotches, Phapdes oa the Tare. Erysipelas and all Scaly eruptions of the akin, and bmustitytag the complexion. Prim $1 50 per bottle. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED .iM/11111.C1 3St2 - 12424 3311.031112. THE GREAT MIMETIC, 800 Cared crazy case of Blitheles in which It Ins been given. Irritation of the Neck.pf the Bladder and Inflam mation of the Kidney*, Ulceration of the Kidney. and Bladder. Retention of rriar, Disceses of the Proarate Gland, Stone In the Bladder. Calculus Gravel, Brick dust Deposit, and Mammas or Milky discharges. and for en feebled and delicate constitutions of both sates, snaffl ed with the following symptoms: Indisposition to ex ertion. loss of power, loss of memory, difficulty of breathing, wok nerves, trembling, horror of disease. wakefulness, dimness of - vision. pain In the bad* hot hands, flushing of the body, dryness of the skin. eruption on the face. patild countenance, universal lassitude of the muscular system, etc. reed he fferrone from the nom of eighteen to twenty flve, and from thirty-fire today-five or in the decline or change of life; alter confinement or labor pains ; bed wetting in children. Heimbeld's Extract Rnebn Is Diciestle and Wood Pu rifying. nod cures all dismiss metallic from habits of dis sipation and excesses and imprudences in life, impurities of the blood. etc., sapecteding copalba In affecticms for which it Is used. and Syphilitic affections—in these dis eases used in connection with nelmbold's Rose Wash. LADIMS. In many affections peculiar to billet, the Extras.' lin- Ruche to umainalled by any other remedy--ea Chloro. ids or Retention. Irregniarity, painfulness oryuppresaitm of customary evaceatlans, ulcerated or "'chime state al the Uterus, lueorrhcca or Whites, sterility. and for air complaints incident to the sex, whotheraziyine from In discretion or habits of dissipation. It is prescribed ex tensively by the moat eminent physicians and midwives. for enhcbJed tend delicate constitation.s of both sexes and all nes (attended with any of in. above diseases or symptoms). T. nrarnour stitnec? SUCIIII Care. disease, mist from imprudence, labile of db. alpatiun, etc, in all tbeir saves. at little expense, little or no dam= In diet. no inconvenience, and noarpmeerre. It mosey alreqttent desire, lindens 'trend, to urinate. thereby removing obetructione, preventing and miring strictures alas Unettua.allayina path and inflammation. PO frequent In this class of disease, and expelling all poisonous matter. Thousands who hare been the victbne of hmotopetent ammo., and who have paid ban fees to berated la a then time, have found they have been deceired,and that the" poison" han.by the use of" powerlbl as tingenta." been dned op ha the system. to booth out in a more ag gravated frgip, Mid and after mairriage. USE IfELMBOLD S EXTRACT DUCIID for all affec tion, said dleca,et , of thethinaryOrgrme, whether mining In Male or Female. from whiteveramse originating, and no matter of how long standing. Price, On* Dollar and Fifty Ceataper Dottie. BERRY T. RERBOLD'S INPROTZD ROSE WASH, cannot be as a Face Wash, and will be found the only spec remedy in every specks of Cutaneous Affection. It speedity nadir:ales Pimples, Spots. tkrobntic Dryness, ladstrations of the Cutaneous Mem brane, ete.,dispels liedoessar d Incipient Inflammation, Litres. Rath, Moth Patties, Drysiero of Scalp or Skin, Frost Bites, and all purposes Eur which Solves cc Oint ments are sad; sesames the skirt So a state of purity and softness, And intarra continued healthy action to its vessels, on which de . -panda the agreeable clecraess and vivacity 01 eninplexton so much sought and ad mired. But however valuable.. a remedy for existing defects of the skin. U. T. Ilembollls Ross Waah has longenstained its principle claim to unbounded patron age, by possessing qualities which render It a toilet ap pendage of the most Reperiative and congenial chant. ter, combining to an elegant formula prominent re• qnisites, safety and efficacy—the It:wadable itecompenl• mots elite use as a Prosessatite and Refresher of the complexion. It lean excellent Lotion for diseases of a syphilitic Nature, and as an Injection for diseases of the Urinary Omani, arising Rum habits of dissipation, used in ameectioa with the extracts Dacha. Sartatpa tilLs• and entawbs Grape Pill,, In inch diseases as re sommended,cannot be surpassed. Price, One Whit Per Battle. Full and explicit directions accompany the median's. Evidence of the most responsible and reliable char actor furnished on applicstWn, with hundreds of thou sands of living witnesses. and opwart.of 110,000 mow netted certlacstes and recommendatory letters, many of welch are from the highest sources, including smf next Physicians. clergymen, Statesmen, etc. The pro. prietor ftsi neve" retorted to their publication in the newspapers; he does net do this from the Owl that Me articles rank as . Standard Preparations. and do not m% heed to be propped up by cmtill 9, Henry T. Ifianbold • amino Preparatictp. .to Auiriodressi" femme from obserfifi r t Established opwud of Thant, Torn. Bold .0 tits eVarghere.--Pii. lvters for Wormattao; w° II4O2 co.Y I BRAY iigtlONWPAtklgg/fitant ow / pepotii-11. Tjllki.itompliDrogrirottboliela. wou4osso, .No 694:Ninsawas. New so* , or B. T. Iliaisozz's MAW Depot. Sax& 7ind4t, 07` Catinlla737lli Ask "14 Item 7 Ussissitari rake so Othat A GREAT MBICAL DISCOVERY Di. WALSIOVS VINEGAR iBITTERB tg - ilituulreds of Thousands • qf ~,,' $ t -Dew ere . . ni m =itz.bypTander• r co ' 2 0 il DlZi 0 Fi ll 11°; E. • " .6 g a p 6— S. a IT g i i e 0 a s v i Q a C 1.211 ill Pi 2 s E : ; i. „, kti a L'l; d II b. a z 1 er a • • MET ARE NOY A VILE a. 111 U a a FANCY DRINK. Pgi liidiii . Poor nom. Whisker. Proof Solrita Rod Rear° LIQUOS I doitarcd, spiced oadrinxt... lined to please the lute, anal Totten," Appetit. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Deed sae, Pain to the Shoulders, Coughs,"fighthen of the Chet; Dimineu, Bout Eruetatidas of the Stoma. Dad lute in Mc Month, Unions Attacks, Palpitation .of the HMI, Treeora.orton of the intim Pain In the intone of the likings, end ■ hundred other panful iymptems, are the ofiliprinpsof Dylpepairt They invigorate the Stomach and atimulato the tor pid lira, and bowels, width renderthem of anequalled lacy to cleansing the blood of all Imptattlee, and Imputing now life and rigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES. EraPtionA Vetter, Salt iftwitra. Blotches. SO %. Pimples. ?Minim Hone Cie baneln,lUng•Wotita, Scald-lead, Soto Tyea,Eryalp. ilea. itch, Penns, Diseelloratlero of the Skin, Limon and Dlaemes of thebktn, of whatemirname or nature, are literally dog up end culled out of thoeistarri in a abut time by the use of these bitten. One bottle is suet, eases erill conainco the most incredulous of their suralihre effect. Clem= the Minted Mood whenever you God Ib Wombles bursting .hrough tho skin in Pimples, Erup tions or Soros; cleanse It when you And It obstructed. and sluggish In the Sabo; ciennse Itvrhen It Is bird; and ycMr lalingu will toll yoUsslunt. Loop tho blood pus and the health of the system wN follow. PIN. TA PE and other WORMS, lurking In the est= Ot so =my thotuands, are eirectually destroy ed and removed. For foil directions. road cartdelly the circular around each bottle printed m four lan gunges—Englisb,Guman, Flynt; and Spaabb- J.IVALEILII. Proprietor. n.u, mcooNALD a co., Drogylats and Gen. Agents. Gan Francisco. Cal., and Si !Lod 54 Coco Street. Naw Tort. Sir - SOLD DT ALL DRUGGISTS AND Dl^% I rr% Oct 2Z.—.y impetc SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR 'h ~t, 331CrEt2 4 17191 idb To-scvscia..a, DRUGGISTS, r r id a :=lly :T t Jo the pnbao, that to addition t runs DRCGS AND :ITEDIDRCES, they have Points and OIL. Vornl,h. Dye-Stuffs. Wino and Llonorg, relent afrdirinco. Spectneleo, F:yo Glasses. Pocket Knives, Enron,. Violin .1k Guitar St ring,. Aipo.jio.t received a doe lot of Revniverk. Grin Caps. Oun, Wadiling, Cartridge', &c. We keep &hinter on hand and rorNale, Blasting Powder, Gun Powder, Rifle Powder, Tobacco and (Apra of a su perior quality, and a general assortment of Yankee No. dorm. riffrnemrmbeT the CHEAP CASH DEI 13 STORE • Bungs A Nichols. A. B. MUMS, Montrosit, Dec. 14,1 n). A3lOll N 11,31111.8 STROUD Sr, BROWN'S Fire, Life,. and Accident GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, 11Scrzwitx•cossme , . Paw. , ~, CAPITAL ItErunSMITED, over nomeinearanee Co. of N. Y., Capital and Sunda,. $1.000,0X0 Insurance Co.of North America, Phil's, Capital anidSorplas, 2,000,000 Franklin Fire Insurance Co., Phila, Pa., Capital end Surplus, 2,030,000 Lycoming Coma? Mutual Insurance Co.of Money, Penn a. Capitol and Sartain., 4,000,000 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Dartford. Conn., Capital, 20, OIAOO American Life Insurance Co., Philadel phia. Capital. 1,000,000 Traretert'lnnmence Co. Dartford, Conn., Insnrtngoiminet all kinds of accidents Capital, 700,000 Dartford Me Insnranee Company. Dart ford. even., Capital and Surplus, $1,000,0111 flrAllbmeriness entrusted to our care tenths attend ed to on fair terms, and all a:rays promptly adjusted. IM - Office drstdoor cast from nankin; (Mace of W. 11. Cooper & Co.. Turnpike at. Montrose. Pa. EPPROIM tr. BROWN . . Agents. M. C. sorroa, aaG. , Prienderille, Solicitor. CHAO. H. 8311TU, Montrose, do BILLINGS STROUD, Criansna L. Hamm Montrose, PO. ,Jan. M. 1871. - - • 1_ EIJMNits," Q i A NEURAL SJOOO WILL BE PAID. . . MO any person producing any medicine 'bowleg half many living. permanent comas Dr. "TITLED'S VEGETABLE RHEUMATIC REMEDY. Used inward ly only. A pleasant medicine, free from Injurious drugs. Warranted undtr oath,, to have permanently eared Min every. 100 patients Dental In the past ten years. (Sea testimony). It Is the aciontillo prescription of Profess nr Jot P, Fitter. A.D.. a graduate of the University of ' , Pennsylvania. A. D.. DOl3,—now otio of Philadelphia's oldest regular physicians, and Profaner of Chemistry and Tozieology,—whe has made I'lenralgia, Chronic and ladematory Rheurnatirm the apeciallty. r of his entire prfesaioneJllfe—ts fact vorichatfor by lb* elgnatares ao eomPatWillE earb• bottle Of many. peominent renowned. physicians, clergymen, andolber testimonials.,Topro• tat su ff erers from pobtonont quack nostrums and use lose expendltitre of money. a legal signed guarantm, stating =Mt number of trottles warranted to core, will be forwarded gratin to any aufforerbending by letter a All deViol l Of Maine. In Menet fathire to sure,, antociat d positively refnuded.• Mede sent' any' where by save's, collect' on delivery. MIRIAM' invited tO write for advice L all information. and medical 'Wake ned 1 4 Mee, 29 South Fourth Phltaaelphin, Penns, The. remedy's sold or ob , , pained by Drugglais, Aprlll9,ll-17. bt ; : : #13)31, Monttose ra. • - A. Liminnts, accessfall Vett* all cloaca of unmade and Mats Dame*. Send • Ill=rf7=rattnitiCifirk,l434"l4. UDITOR'S NOTICE. UNDITSSIO/44:1, an Andttor , appointed by the Coon of Common Pleas of Susquehanna connty,ao make distribution of Umtata! arising from Seerirs sale of the real estate of Riles E. Smith and Retry Smitti, hereby glees settee that be will attend to Itto duties of Ms appointment at tds oak., to Montrose, on Monday the Ifth &Wet:ems. iSIt. at fac e 'clock. er e, at which time sad place r all personsrested e requested to present tbeir claims py ,forever debarred hum amine In open said dad. — NAT SI; Iffit-41, A. W. naaTuckLY, TIOWARD,SANITARY AID ASSOCI— ATION,. ~ Forthe Itallerand cure ofthe Sittig and UnfortunatiNon Principles of Christian Philanthropy. In r Bum the &rom Youth and the Pottle, of Atio elation on to a ,Idaniage and Social Evils, with ranitar aid for sin afflicted. Sent free. In sealed envelope.. Ad dress 110,WARD ASSOCIATION, Box P. Phlla&lphlu TALBOT it STAMP, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Floor, Salt, FSU4or , Pork, Lard, Ham, Salt Flab, tallow Candles, Crackers, Cheese, Coffee, Spices, Maki Tow, Supra, Thee, Dried and Canned ` Fruit, Tobacco, Clan, Snuff. and all other articles usually kept to a aria elan Grotery and Provision Mom We will mark our Goode as low u wo can afford, &ad sell (or cask, or excliaoge for produce. PATRONAGE SOIJCITHD TALBOT t STAMP Montrose, Sept. iv, Ino.--it A BEL TITRIZELL, DRUGGIST, MOETROSS, PA.- I cotitinnally recehins. NSW GOODS And heaps constantly on hand • tan and desirable/is ortment ol genalne DRCOS, MEDICINES, CIIICMICAIS, LlQtrOlts, Palest', 01Is, Dye-Stuffs, Teas. Splees, and other Bro. curie... Stone 11. are. Wall and Vi ludo. Paper, Glass ware, Fruit Jars Mirrors, Lamps, Chimneys, Kero sene, Machinery oil, Tanners' OIL Net:depot Oil, Ba nned Whale Oil, Sperm Oil, Olive Oil, Spirits To.rpen rine, Varnisnes, eirnary heed. V r.Potarb. Coons., 'rated Lye: Axle Grease. Trusses. Sepporters,Meillai- In otrnments, Shoulder Braces, Whips, Guns , Plato*, Cartridges; Ponder, Shot, Lend, Gun Caps, Blasting Pouter and Fuse.% folios; Strings. Bows, etc. Plated, Fifes. etc., Fisk Hooka and Lines, Bar and Toilet Soaps, Bate Oils, Daft Restorers , and flair Dyes. 'Rushee Pocket Knives, Spectacies,Sliver Pitted SpoonsAtrks, Knives. inc. Dentist Articles, a general usortmind of FANCY GOODS, Jr,wELRY, Ited PERYIMRT All the leading and beat ktada of PATENT MEDICINES, In abort, nor? y every 'brag to /adore tie Ott, to please thtt taste, to delight the eye, to gratify the fattey,, mot alto:. to conduce to the reel and substantial comforts or Ilk. Enumeration le Impracticable. as It would 1111 a newspaper. Call at the Drag and Variety/Mao of ABEL TYRRELL. Montrose, Jan,k, 1 no pLTIIE LIQUORS SEELI"S NATIVE GRAPE BRANDT, diettEsd strhetlfprtre ; and a variety of other Brandies. including Chen 7 Brandy, Cider Brandy. Cc. Nearly &lithe di:ar gent kinds of Rom. Holland Gin. old Rye and Bourbon. Whiskey. Alcohol, Pure Spirit, Bay Rim dc., constant.' ly on hand and for .ale by Montrose. March 24th.1801. ADEL TEEPALL *P.a.. I=ll3 mi seT_. amt coI:TAKEO. OrPOSITE TIM COMM Nor'; BIONTROSE. PMiN`A. JOHN S. TAIIBELL• Proprlittor. Elzht Sucre tare this Ileraee deny, eenneetlagiiitll the I). L. S W., the Erie, end the Lehigh Valley Zan ways. (Alb 6,l=r—lf GOLD JEWELRY A Eew and br,ut, supply, Montsoss. son. 21. MID ADEL TVERELL. A. B. TARBOX, WATCHMAKER AIiDJEWELLR, Susquehanna Depot, Pa., Dealer in Watches, Clocks Jewelry, &c. Itch pairing promptly done and warranted. FINE SILVER GOODS!' made a speciality; Silver Detached Levers for $l2 00. American Watches, at Companies re duced prices. • lar GOCKI9 ordered for parties, from New York, at less profits than if kept constantly ma hand. Solid IS caret Map for $1 75 per penny weight. A. R. TARBOX. Susquehanna Depot, Jan. 25, 1871. tL $G1.000.000 T EA Every kind ofTes In market jut anfeed,nall or ne• at New York wholesale price.. Also a finesse mrtfoent of COFFEY. Buy of ar and save -e sees C duns. ATM TZ —At Sher-Wm:We, the Watch-Maker. !Jaime street, 31tnttrose, Pa. CONGRESS WATER, at TURITELL'S: 11000A.D LETTING—The Soperrisont of Bridgewater' ..I.lh win meet at the house of James O'Brien, in North Bridgewater. April "9th, at 1 °lock p. m.. to - let MO . betiding Oa road leading from Jas . 0 7 Thien'atoTbcanso Hickey's. To be let to the lowert bidder. i3IiE{VSTER. Montrose, April 19, '7l. E. IL IMISWSTEIL 2w NEW WALL PAPER, Jost arrived. snd Winn cheap py Montrose. Aprlll9, AD= TMAMML.. Agricultural College, of Pontaltranic, Tll/3 INSTITUTIQX win room° 14 - 04 : SPRUNG TERM OF 5).4 *EEEI3i On Friday, February 10, len, For Boni al Circular, catalogue aild other hi. forantticat, Address, • • • ' THOS. IL 111311110WS, President, Agrioultural College, P. Co,, Jarr:s s ;lo7o.—tr. Centro Co” rri.• ~., BLOOII,I4VGTON. (ILL). Mites' tii • • •,. t , .1 I 973nIttititit . 1.1:1111:raPZ ' .. , 4i Wonld )o 0 know„witot.'whez. no* _ _Pto p 1 t(.-$ , ' i shade, wirergreela 41 •.'nl. root,, oink anal posi, 1 Wants; apple sae& early Rase potstoelhAlt:l4sArm i w .1 , ofivinvivi vffiv:actlcaLu quality.' Bad 10 toad fur New, Illuatrsited Catalogue-00 papa.. Send stamp, ea& toe Catalogver4 Vti ft ela i, with pkil ia dinftlott vitt= adV44,.., 4 . 4 . 101. Address F. eiritil; Alocualvolhilliodiverf; )I•Freti Jaw . i v i za t z t jzz e ur o t w u t t i vi egu i T triO. low MIIIOrd, Odl, ,! rja4 - ! UNA DIULLINI EN JAMES eAI.PII