taut and tiroide. 4owln~ and CUMni Corm'Fodder: Corn, planted after the - first Week in June, is likely to be caught by an early frostand iwured.. , /iather than plant la ter this period, it tratild be much better to sow it for fodder. One acre sown with three bushels of • corn, in drills three feet apart, and kept well cultivated, will yield as much feed,on land of equal quality as three acres of clover or grass. We have heard of nine tons of cured fod der being taken *om a single acre. Of course this must have been en exceedingly rich land; but Why could not any farmer make one or two apres rich enough to do this for himself? We have cut at the rate of four tons per acre, and the crop did not look welt enough to satisfy us. If the seed is dropped at the rate of twelve grains to the foot, and twelve cured stalks weigh a pound, which they should do if five or six feet high, and as thick as one's little finger, the crop would yield nearly seven tons per acre. As soon as the Wes namt appears, the stalks should be cut up -or crsdled, and permitted to lie for a coup le of days to wilt ; they may then be gath ered into small bundles, tied up, and shocked, well spread, and opened at the Amts for The admission of the air. This is an important point. Corn-stalks, thus grown, will contain much sug ar , and need to be perfectly well cured, or fermentation will set in and sourness and mold occur. When sufficiently cured, the stalks may be stacked or put away in the barn. They will need a ventilator in the shape of ~three rails, with short pieces of board a 'foot long nailed to them, to keep them apart and make a sort of pipe. This gums: be set up in the center of the stack, and the stalks placed round it, lints out want. If they should be put away in a mow, two such ventilators must be pro vided. The top must be kept open. or only lightly covered, as much damp air will escape. Such fodder will be found equal le ordinary hay; in fact, better than most hay. Cut up with a stalk-cut ter, wetted, and sprinkled with a handful of meal—or corn and oats ground togeth er—for each head of cows and calves, and it - bushel basket of the mixture given at each feed, it will carry such stock through the winter in excellent condition. Milk ing cows will improve by changing to such feed.— Warkine• horses may be kept in good condition on three gnarls of meal and a bushel of fodder at a feed, equally well as on hay and grain.' A still greater econpmy might be secured by steaming; - but with a small stock, and on average farms, this process is impracticable. :Improvement of the Sell by Idle. etianlosal Means. atmust, be evident to every one that, ether thine being equal, the permanent ly productive capacity of the soil will 'bear a direct proportion to its depth. By deepening the soil the cultivator can change the character of the land itself, 4111241 w alter both ifs physical qualities and change its chemical constitution, and thus fit it for bearing other kinds of pffinte than those which would be found naturally growing upon its surface ; if those should be considered desirable, he can Very easily increase their productive pess. But be cannot deepen the soil with outincrersing his labor, which is the first consideration of the farmer, especially here where it bears so high a proportion compared with other countries; and in no other branch of business is the strict est eebnomy so essential to success as in the one we are treating of. But here science comes to his aid and warrants the outlay, and suggests that, if he deepen his soil, his plants will hare a wider range for their roots in search of food which SUP.Ove.inetras4 growth,.that the por tion of the subsoil brought to the surface by'deep ploughing, will receive the amel iorating influence of frost and rain, by which previous, perhaps hurtful proper ties are altered and washed out, that in times of dronth those roots can seek the grateliar moisture which is being condens ed from the atmosphere within its cooler depth; and be finds his account in the in kireamd product tAakis crop. The same scieliceivill suggest the fre quent stirring of the soil to expose fresh particles to atmospheric influence, the use of the subsoil plow, and, where neces sary, draining which .has been attended with :so much benefit wherever employed. Again the cultivator can improve nis soil mechanically by the use of a different kind of earth from the one to be improv ed. Fifty loads of stiff clay to the acre, applied in the fall, to a light sand, to be ploughed in the spring, and one hundred klintls of sand applied to - heavy Clay land, and spread any time. before ploughing, Will be found to have very beneficial ef fects, and this mixing of soils, where nec essary' materials are not too far apart. (wl icli. very frequebtiv not 'the :case) a#ords of the cheap means of improving the soil, especially as the operation can be carried on at each times when the -hands and teams might-otherwise be idle. " A still further adiantage attending this methodis, that twenty per cent. less of =Mare to the acre will be attended with results in the production of a crop.— Journal of Chenzistry. Mow to Keep Cellars Warm. The following -2method for -ol)taining desirable feature, is given in the Scientific American. The experiment was tried by it'gentleman with the cellar of an out -1 ouse;inwhich on several -occasions veg etables hare frozen; although the cellar was fortified against frost by a process known to the farmers as "banking? The walls and ceilings were pasted over with four or five thickness of old newspapers. curtains of the same material being past ed over the small low window on the top Of the cellar. The paper was pasted to the hare joist over head, leaving an air epee between them and the floor. He reports that the papers carried his roots through last winter, though the cellar was left - ntrbanked; and he is confident that they have made-the cellar frost proof We do not counsel - the special vie of old news liaprs for this purpose. - It is jitst as well or Wr to use coarse brown paper. Virhatfprer, paper is employed, it will' be accessary to sweep down the walls thor oughly, and to we Avery _ strong eize to told the paper down into the.depressions ttor: the wall; every air spaced beneath it is an additional defense against the cold. rural New York yOnth_latelLurent" 0'4104 bis - bride and conduct her to the ' ter ; ,+only.tti.find':tbatshe.hadeloped . and ied.auother fellow the previous night ire did not tear bis hair huy but just m. narked, ‘!Pj ;ore nu glad she via roan. lied-kit night instead of to-nigh: if she is of that disposition." Western Justice. Several years ago, when the West was comparatively a new country, an individ ual presented himself at the door of a tog grocery in a settleuient since abandoned; and asked if there was ajudge in that pliice. Upon being informed that the store keeper himself was a judge, the stranger proceeded: • "Well, judge. you see the !heti , in the case are this: I was truvelin' along with a partner down here a piece, and he show ed me a silver dollar which he had. Well I popped -him under the ear with my pis tol. Then I took his silver and tobacco and cum along alone, but I got to thinking the matter over, and I don t think I did just the right thing by my pardner. lIIy conshens has been troublin' me, and I think cough tto 6 2 hung. Now, Judge, if it wouldn't be to much trouble, I'd like to have you try me and have me hung. If you doubt the facts in the.. case, there is the dollar I took From my pardner, and you'll find his remains down the road_ a piece under a log. I'll feel obliged to you, `Judge, if you'll have me hung. ' The judge told the stranger to make himself comfortable over at the hotel un til he could send some men down the road to investigate the matter, and if they found the body he would call a jury and try the stranger as was desired. The dead man being found the judge sammon ed a jury, and sent word to the stranger at the hotel,that if he would step over to the store they would give him a trial. The stranger appeared immediately shook hands with the judge and jury, in vited the court to take a drink, uud ap peared gratefully and satisfied with . the proceedings. The trial proceeded socially, and the tender hearted judge brought in a verdict of guilty of manslaughter in the first de gree. A look of anxiety, which the stran geehad worn up to this time, faded from his face as he stood up to receive his sen tence. " YQII have been found guilty," said the judge, "of the crime of man slaughter, for which you are undoubtedly penitent." Here the stranger again be gan to get anxious and uneasy. And if," proceeded the judge, "it meets your approbation, we will try to hang you next Saturday morning, st 11 o'clock a. m. In the meantime, try to make yourself as comfortable ,as possi ble." The stranger looked a little sad, and the judge asked him if he wasn't satisfied. If there was anything he could do. for "Judge, I hate to be particular and fus sy," said the stringer, "but haviu' the ager and fever, the chills come on at 10 o'clock in the mornin,' an' if you could have me swung off before that I should feel oblig ed." " Of course," said the juill , je, "we always respect a party's feeling. No trouble at all. Come round at 9 o'clock, and may be we'll get through before church time.' Sunday morning at 9 o'clock the stran ger came out of the hotel and proceeded t) the grocery. There he met a deputation of citizens, one of whom threw a lariat over the tree, and as soon as the stranger had taken a chew of tobacco and shaken hands all round, they hauled him up. Restoring Spring Elections. The bill passed by the Legislature at its last session, restoring spring elections in 1872, was signed by the Governor on the 28th of June, and is therefore a law. Why Governor Geary kept it so long be fore giving it his approval is not known to the uninitiated. The new law, is as follows: Six-flax l. Be it ended &c., that the fifteenth section of an act entitled an ad further supplemental to the act relative to the elections of this Commonwealth, approved April seventeenth, one thousand eight.hundred and sixty-nine, be and the same is hereby repealed, and that in the year Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, and annually thereafter, all elections for city, ward, borough, township, elections in the diff erent cities and counties of this Common- wealth shall be On the days and at the times they were held as provided by law in the different cities, wards, boroughs, and townships in said counties, prior to the seventeenth day of April, Anno Do mini one thousand eight hundred and esixty-nine, the date of the passage of th act aforesaid. SEcriox 2. That the term of the dif- fereut city, ward, borough, township and election officers in said counties to be elected at the elections to be held in one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, shall begin when the term of said officers now in office shall expire, and annually thereafter as provided by law prior to the passage of the act of seventeenth of April, Anne Domini one thousand eight hun dred and sixty-nine. Provided, the terms of assessors for the present year shall ex tend until their successors are duly elec ted and qualified pursuant to this act; Provided further, that this act shall not apply to any, elections provided for by special laws since the passage of the act of April seventeenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, and that the said elections in the county of Clearfield shall be held on thelast Friday in December, in each year. The hours of opening and closing the polls are unchanged. Assepors for the present year will hold their offices until their successors are qualified, thus con tinning them until October, 1872. Bocket contributes the following sparks to a Boston paper. Notwithstanding darkness reigns, it may be a very dry night. the color of the wind was discovered by the man who went out and found it blue. In the course of a week you often find a fine day. Don't be sheepish enough to think it bell-weather when the church bells are ringing. Yon must not expect yop are going , to sea-a-foot when the waves are running The fog May be missed and yet surround na. You cannot see any better with a light breeb, nontellithe weight of the wind on a balance sheet. - - Chickens are not always plenty in foul weather. When the mercury stands at ninety de grees in the shade, you had better sit down yourself; you msy sit up,•however, all eight. . • If you are out in a ,driviag sbur,don't attempt to hold the rime. -When you am in a melting , -mood; it may be because the heat iglu-tenet". .- 71urri-ames need iot,bi' .looked fr stiokey weather. glav gdvationutnto. Tuscarora Academy, ACADEMIA, PA. The lath t3chool•year begin' September 6th. Location halithfrd, attractive and well adapted to physical devel opeme.nt. Free from loafing places and saloons, the in. filletlCCl era moral. More Ulan 3 1 ?00 young men have here been prepared for Col ege or ulness. Terms moderate. Applyfur circular, to D. D. STONE, A. M. J. J. PATTERSON, A. SI. Mutual Fire Insurace Co years.dtoc.k, has beim doing business thirtyone tilx years It has laid no assessments, and the average rate or assessment during the thirty-one years has been 934 mummer, a 'mu' The assessment for the year Jest ended to 214 ran awe., and ths Company has a dear surplus Myr an tia4litka. L'4oll. isems- 4W acres superior MITTS O. Tit. X: stn land. near Loekhaven, Pa. Flee thousand acres Hawn' Meant land, Potter Co., Pa. P. W.lihnuezn, Geologist and Engineer, Pottsville. Pa.. 111 00i BEERThis wholesome, agreeable, and refreshing summer hewer • age can be easily made at about 0 6 coats p_or gallon, with Ascnicaasim a lanuan'o Genuine goot deer 'Extract. Ask for it at your store, or send IS cents for iv vial and directions to 400 North Third Street, Philadelphia. A GENTS WAR . f o i the A.L Trees:us euterlceza calLeiliree COUNSELS ON TUE NATO= AMC) IiTOEINE Or via !Uses. Liss Firm - nos. Br Ue. Narnr.ra, author of " The Physical Life of Woman." It relates to the mak se Is fad of new acts ; delicat e but outspoken ; practical and popular , highly endoked; sells rapidly. Sold by subscription only. Exclusive territory. Terms liberal Price $2. Address for contents, lie.; J.. G. FERGUS & Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa. Agents Read This ! MOPE WILL PAY Agents a salary of:ISSO U Per Week and Expenses, or slum • 1117,S COMMiIII4OII to sell our new stud wouderfttl Inseutious. Address M. WAGNER & CO., Mundial!, Web. MILLION DOLLARS. Shrewd but quiet men can make a fortune by revealing the secret of the business to no one. Address EDGAR 81188, 688 Broadway, s•Now York. 3.. cs a a elk- x. we .11 B. GRAND GIFT CONCERT andlDistribution for tho Ilene& of the Foundling Asylum of the Sisten of Chnrit) In the City of New York, ono SOLDIE'RS' and SAIL. ORS' ORPHANS' 1101 IE, Washinuton, D. C., to IN held In Washington, D. C., under and by virtue of a permit from lion. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, on TIIITIISDA T. JULY rth. positively. Alter the Concert. the Commissioners will award to the successful ticket-holders. 1,003 GIFTS AMOUNTING TO $200,000. 25.000 Ticwwrs only will he sold, at $5 each. Hon. It. Meem.i.ouun, of Elkton. Ild„ Major Gam T. Ceerm.r.. Baltimore, MEL, Commissioners. lion. Jsee S. Neater. C.. Pltteborgh, Pa., Trustee. Refetynces:—MaJor-Gen. D. Hunter. U. S. A., Wash ington, D. C.; Hon. Jas. S. Negley, Pittsbumh. Pa.: First National Bank. Hagerstown. Md. ; Anpleman Co.. Bankers, Hagerstown ; Hon. li. d. Brent, late Attor ney-General, Baltimore; C. F. Abbott. Es to p. o. Avam, Baltimore: John 11, Fowler, Erg.; AV q., . U. My ers & Bro., Exchange Pince, Baltimore. Deed of the heal Estate, certified to by connect, In hands of the Trustee. . • • • Tickets and art-Mars can be had of P. C. DEVLIN, General Agent, Stationer and Printer, No. 81 Nassau StreeL Now York- Tickets sent C. U. ,if desired. Send for Circular, containing description of prim. Ticket's for Sale also bPRILZT & SARCIENT, at their News Stands, Philadelphia. Harrishargh, Pittsburgh, ate... and on line of rennsylvanLa Railroad and canner.. MM. ROSABALIS THE INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE ROSADAIIS aro published on averypaekage, them fare it is seta mast preparation,: consequently PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT It is a certain cure for Bagfuls.: Syphilis in all Its forms, Shaman. tism, Skin Diseases, Liver Corn . laint and all diseases of the Mood. OUE BOTTLE OP BOSADALISI will do more good than ten bottles or the Syrups' of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSIIGAND have used Routilarui in their melee for the plat threeycars and freely endorse it as a reliabk Altsrativo and Blood Purifier. DR. T. C. POOR of Baltlencla. DR. T. J. BOYKIN, IDR. R. W. CARR. " D 6. F. O. DAN N.F.LLY, DR. 1. y & SPARKS, of fileholaaville, DR. J. L. BIeCARTHA, Cobunbl4 S. C. DIL A. 11. NOBLES, Edgecomb, N. C. USED AHD EBDOBBRD BY J. B. FRENCH & SONS, Fall Rime, Mass. F. W. SMITH, Jacksnn, Mich. .9 A. F. W HEELER, Lima, Ohlea. R. HALL, Lima, Ohlo. s. • CRAVEN & CO., Gandensvilla, V&A BAWL. BAWL. O. McFADDEN, Marfrear . porn, Tom Our spate will not allow of any es: tended roinstke in relation to the virtuesof flosidalls. Toth* ladled Profession we itionntro a Fluid Es. trietsuperlca to my they hare me used in the treatment of disused Blood; and to **afflicted Ire = liossdal th.fs, sad you will be to hea Randall, Is sold try en Droggiste pie. $1.30 per batU. Address Dll. GM= & CO. diserleasrivg Chesaitec Ilairmoss, my ID. MI. ly Baltimore, 7 500,000 Worth of Goods in store for the opening o the Fall Trade of 1870, in a full and general assortment of and Gene' Dress, and Fun/Mug. and Fancy Goods In Empran Colts, Deanna, Merinos, Footing, Caicos, Man*, Corsets,embasuct Fdts, and &cp Skirts Ladiss and Cos , , Fuss. Bytrato Robes, Fancy Lap Robes, OW assortment of Cloths, Cassirnems. Ladles'Clottui, Flannels, Harkry, Darnestts Cottons, Qv, dz. with a g.e.neral assortment of Hata and Capa, Boots & Shwa, Oils and Paints, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Stoves, Iron. &c., furnish inr a superior opportunity for selections, and will be sold on the most favorable terms, by S. 331:1XIMILX•Iur cw Millar& Nor. 3C WM, PEBBLE SPECTACLES—aIso com mon Spectacles, • now supply, for sale joy E_ Montrose. N0v.10.1869. ABEL TURKEL Good Neva to the Bolden alto Wee of 1812 ALNDTGtiII3 WIDOWS 1 --Congress has recently peas. ed a Law Granting Pe/Minns of Eight Dollars. :I n. month, where there wassflerstce of Sixty Days or c et r. For mazy of you I promised Land Warrant., from odd to Mid, and my records and papers, then made, famish now the important feels necessary in Drorarlog Pen. slow. and persona bringing or sending their claim, to my ales can have the Tree benentof my retards. and tbeishasiness will be promptly attended to at rates es. tablised by the law L. P. FtT °l lontrase. Muth 0, MI. a' VALUABLE FARM FOR PALE.—The subscriber offers his hum at Silver Lake, Busquelmnrus Co., Pa., contains over 120 acres 100 orlo.l of which are cleared and undercultiva• Lion the land Ls well watered and goodfor eithez grain or grass, there aro between two Ind three hundred grafted Apple trees on the placchesides peach, plum, and pear trecs,lhe hum Is conveni ent for churches and schools with gOod bttfd 100,130 rods south of Quaker lake,' the farm Is a good one and admirahly_located. luldosul or sp. to_ MAMCE M. DONNELL. ilvetLake. bustia• Co. Pa..3larch.B '7l. Sm. zsalti:34l.3:rwes BEST;BABGAINS IN TOWN IN cSOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, PLOVAI PRO. visions, _Dried and Canned Pratt, Vegetable*. Le. AA, st the E teetteesac nds! beverfth Itastlirs. • A . 11.11IILLAND, CALL AT . • ROBINSON'S SOUTHERN TIER PvC:TPLIVI r rIaIA.3II EMPORIUM, Washington Street, Binghamton, N. T. Where you will find The Largest Stock, the Best Assortment, and the Lowest Prices of any house in the city. N. B.—All Goods sold warranted as represen ted. Binghamton, Aug. 24, 1870.—1 y Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, moth as Coughs, Colds * Whooping Cough. Bronchitis, Asthma. lad Consumption. Probably never before In the whole history of medicine, has anything won so widely and so deeply upon the confidence of mankind, as this excellent remedy ibr pulmonary complainta. Through a long tortes of years, and among most of the races of men It has risen higher and higher in their anima. lion, as it has become bettor known. Ito uniform character and power to cure the various affections of too lungs and throat, uive made it known as a re. liable protector against them. While adapted to milder forms of disease and to young children, it Is at the same time the most effectual remedy that can be given for Incipient consumption, and the dam. geroul affections of the throat and lungs. As a pre vision against sudden attacks of Croup, It should be kept on hand in every family, and Indeed as all are sometimes subject to colds and coughs, all should be provided with this antidote for them. Although settled consumption is thought in. curable, still great numbers of VIMs where the dia. ease seemed settled, hare been completely cured, and the patient restored to sound health by the Cherry Pectoral. Se complete I. Its mastery over the disorders of the Lungs and Throat. that the most obstinate of them yield to it. When nab , leg else could reach them, under the Charm Poo- Coral they subside and disappear. gingers and Public Speakers and great pro• tection from It. .dathmo Is always relieved end often wholly owed by It. Bronchitis Is generally cured by taking the Cherry Pectoral to small and frequent doses. For a Cough and Cotd, no better remedeean be had. Take small doses three tunes a day and put die feet in warm water at night, until the disease Is broken up. For inftaninza, when It affects the throat or lungs, take the same course. For Whooping Cough, give small doses three or font times a day. For Croup, giro large and frequent doses not! PM disease Is overcome. Zit family should be without the Cherry Poeta. rat on hand to protect them, to ease of attack, from the above complaints. Its timely dm often spare, the patient a great amount of suffering and risk, which ho would Incur by waiting until he could get other aid. Parents, keep It In your houses for the exigencies that arise. Lives dear to yott may be saved by it. So generally are It■ virtues known, that we need not publish certificates of them here, or do more than assure the public that the best qualities it over possessed are strictly maintained. Prepared by Dn. J. C. Area d Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Maas., and sold all round the world. Sold by Abel Turret), and Burns dr, Nichol+, liontnase, and all druggists and dealers every• where. . 1 Dec. 21, 1870—y ar O. F. Mirt.CPl7l72J'a9 YOUNG AMERICAN 'l_4 I. 1%/' I WC M 1\1"r in offering this Liniment to the public, as we de la MI confidence, that it must supersede all otkere now In use. as an Internal remedy. for the cure of all diseases le the reach of that elms of median., we can safely avocet, without the least fear of contradiction, that it stands un rivaled In the list of medical compounds externally ap plied for the cure of disease. Feeling therefore that It le unnecettaary to puff a remedy ro eminently wonderful in Its effects, No mysteriously infkilible In Its powers of relief. causing theoleat to hear, the blind to see, the oar Tons. drawn and crippled rheumatic to walk erect sod re joice again in the power and vigor of manhood. this pre paralton Is offered to the public on its own merits. ani claims no volcanic origin or essential oils of the Arabi an deserts ; but on the contrary Is what Its Imports, ant Is a rare ecnnbluation of the powers of North Amer], can products, Sow Toni. Dee. 14, BM. Tble notice to to Inform all denten , in proprietary medleinee, that we hare cetabllehed a Depot In Sumar limma armory at Itoutroim. Pa., for the sale of Dr. C. P. Broern'eliming American Liniment, and that Mr. A. BALDWIN la Wagent for that parpore. D, SOUTUSIILANTI & CO.. 131) %intern Street, 'New York Agencies will soon be established at centml places In every township, and published in the list below. lam i ready to furnish It at wholesale prices to agents. Poet. ern and circulars seat free upon application to the sues scriber. The Liniment is now for saleat retail by the follow log agent., to wit : Boron A Nichols Montrose. A. Terrell, • .. E. L. Adams Auburn 4 Corners. Noah Baldwin, South Auburn. Waltman & Vosburg, Skinner's Eddy. D. C. & F. R. Fordbam, Franklin. 1. Burrows & lions. Stevensville. L. M. Shenvood, Rushville. R. T. llandrick, Springville. William Thayer, Dimock. Ii B. Beardolee, Little Meadows. Robert Winters, lerlendsvllle. M. L. Ball. Birchardville. D. A. A.. Titesorth. Brooklyn, Pa. L. B. Minds. Fuctoryvllle, W, R. Conic, Dailey hollow. K M. Tiffany. llopbottom. J. B. Very, Montrose Drool 0. M. Hawley New Nllford. T. D. Easterbrook, Great De.nd. Tewksbury Brothers, Auburn Centre. - Avery A Beaumont, Chtraptown. Stevens A Leebody, Elk Lake. N. Granger, Rush. S. R. Stevens, Lupine. A. J. Sitcom. Past bprinzhill. J. L. Merrimac, Upsonville. J. W. Roscncrants, Falrdale. Any persons In townships not above named, desiring an agency, may obtain It by addreciinff A. BALDWIN, General Agent. Montrose. Pa. Jan.ll,lM—= ABEL .TIIRRELL HBUS con:fenny on band one the most numer cue collections of .DRUGS & MEDICINES in the country, end bestows wlperiol attention to sa letting and buying articles In tan department that are pareandgemitue.. Gelds() keeps a great variety of WV/048 AND WINES, boned eitheidleent froth the Willer, or Importer, and eructated strictly pure. Alsool fail assortment of Paints, One, Vainlabes, Brushes. Lubricating Oils and l i p traceries. Paper. Ohm, Werosene, Who, Pistols. Goes and lita=alo4l. A Vine "midi ofGoldand other JELVTICLIW, Patna. ery, 'Yankee NOTIONS, be., and other goods too on. ingrowths mention. Dunn several yesiipast persons bare been In the habit of forming Clubm,mid sending loth* Great Anted =Tee Company; New York) for their muggiburof Tits and Ccgree,for tandly i nsa Abe) !rump ilium eapplyinil the people 11 M than Taaandcogca,atbinswrein Nantrone, at the tanta pima that _thew mbt and ether pinions pay_ at, tbmi stars tho cannOlnY In Sew York. ' Ttnts, paintimato "La an=nilAtbaite, trouble of clubbing and alaltat aligns at ABU rilialll4 itentiimi.. Pe; HEM t mos COMPOUND HUID EXTRACT CA.TAWBA GRAPE PILLS. Component Parts—Fluid Extract Rhu barb and Fluid Extract Cataw ba Grape Juice. 1 VIITt7 Complain; Jaundlt Billions Affections, 1: Il nick or Nervous endache. heel:mm.oe. Pure. ly Vcgstaqie, contalnlvg no Ile ry, Minerals or Del. eteriuus Drugs. These pills are the most delightfully pleasant purga tive, superseding castor oil, suite, magnesia, etc. - Thrra is nothing more acceptable to the stomach. They give tone, and cause neither mull nor ping pain.. They are composed of the finest in gredients Atter a few days' use of them, such an Inv goratlon of the entire system takes place as to appear miraculous, to the weak and enervated, whether arising from imprudence or dis ease. 11. T. tielmbold's Compound Fluid Extract Ca. tawba Grape Pills are not sugar coated. from the fact that sugar coated PM, do ant dlasolvv,Wat pass through the stomach without dissolving, consequently do not produce the desired e ff ect. TIM CATAW BA GRAPE PILLS, being pleasant in taste and odor, do not neces sitate their being sugar coaled. PRICE FIFTY CENTS FEU BOE. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Will radically exterminate from the system Scrofula, Syphilis, Fever SOIVII, Ulcers, Sore Eyes, Sore Legs. Sore Month, Sore Bead, Bronchitis, Skin Disease, Solt Rheum. Cancers, Runnings from the Ear, White Swell. trigs, Tumors, Cancerous Affections., Nodes, Rickets, Glandular Swellings. Night Stews. Rash Tatter, Hu mors of all kinds, chronic ithemailsm, Dyspepsia, and all diseases that have been established in the system for years. Being prepared expressly for the above emnplaints. Its blood-porifytng properties are greater than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla, It gives the complexion a clear and healthy color, and restores the patient to a state of health and purity. for purifying the blood, 11 , moving all chronic constitutional diseases orieln4. from an impure state of the blood, sod the only rellsbie and effectual known remedy for the cure of pains and swell ing of the bones. Ulcemtions of the throat and cgs. Blotches. Pimples on the Face, Erysipelas and all scaly eruptions of the skin, and beautifying the complexion. Price $1 GO per bottle. HENRY T. lIELMBOLD'S CONCZN - TRATED Nalmalci Elstrobers Mivaszasu. THE GREAT DIURETIC, given. every case of Diabetes in which it has been Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder and Inflam mation of the Kidney.. Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder. ItatentiOn of Utinc, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder. Paladins Gravel, Brick dust Deposit, and - Mucuons or Milky discharger. and for en feebled and delicate conallt talons of both sexes. attend• ed with the fallowing symptoms: Indisposition to ex ertion. loss of posses, lose of memory. difficulty of breathing. weak nerves. trembling. horror of disease. wakefulness. dimness of vision, pain in the back, hot hands, flushing ef the body. dryness of the akin. eruption on the face. conntenanco, universal lassitude of the muscular system, etc. Used by person• from the egos of eighteen to twenty five, and from thirty-flue to fifty-live or In the decline or change of lite; after confinement or labor pains; bed wetting In children. flelmhold's Extract Dacha is Diuretic and Mood Pu rifying. and cores all diseases arising from habits of dis- O i n t s i ela d d, " e7c.rsupent i Zl P n iu g d cri:l6:ln iif a e ff i eTtCo . u 4 s l' g which it la Seed. and Syphilitic affections—in three die macs need in connection with Rome Wash. LADIES. In many affections penciller to ladles, tFe Extract En- Becht; is unequalled by any other remedy--as in ehloro sly or Retention, Irregularity. peinfolnes. or suppression of customary evacuatians. ulcerated or Salm state of the Uterus, Liteorrhcra or Whites, sterility and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from In discretion or habits of dissipation. It is prescribed ex tensively by the most eminent physicians and midwives. for enfeebled and delicate coustittit'ons, of both sexes and all axes (attended with any of the above diseases or symptoms). H. T. 13ELVISOLIY El EXTRACT PICCHU Cures diseases arising from Imprudence, habits of Me sita:Won. etc.. In all their stages, at little expellee, little or no change lei diet, no Inconvenience. and no exposure. It an eV , frequent desire. and gives strength to urinate. thereby - removing obstructions, preventing end curing strictures of the Urethra. allaying pain and iDe4MTALIOD, so frequent in this class of amuse, and expelling all poisonous matter. Thouasnds who have been theliettro. of incompetent persons. end who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, have found they have been dectived,and that the " poison" has. by the vision( .• powerful as ringenli 4- been dried up In the system, to break out in a more ag gravated form. and perhaps after marriage. USE lIELSISOLD'S EXTRACT MOM for all affec tion. and diseases of theUrineryOrgens, whetherexiiting In Male or Female, from whatever cerise originating. and no matter of hnw long etandlng. Price, One Dollar and Fifty Cents per Bottle. BENET T. lIEMBOLD'S IMPROVED BOSS WASH. cannot be surpassed as a Face Wash, and will be found the only speoille remedy in every species of Cutaneous Affection. It speedily eradicates Pimple., lawns. Scrobotle Dryness, Indurations of the Cutaneous Mem. brut, etc.,diepels Bednessat d Incipient Inflammation. Hives. Rub, Moth Patches, Dryness of Scalp or Skin, Frost Bites, and all purposes for which Salves or 010t malts are used; restores the akin to a state of purity and softness, and futures continued healthy action to Its vessels, on which depends the agreeable clecrness and *deadly of complexion so much Fought and ad mired. But however valuable as a remedy for existing defects of the skin, H. T. flembolt's How Wash has long sustained Its principle claim to unbounded patron age, bypossessing qualities which render It a toilet ap pendage of the most Ituperlative and congenial charit ies, combining in an elegant formula prominent re quisites, eafety and efflcacy—the invariable accompani ments of its use as a Preservative and itefreeher of the complexion. It lean excellent Lotion for Macaws of a Syphilitic Nature, and at an injection for dise.ases of the Urinary Organs. arising from habits of dissipation, used In convection with the extracts Bache. Sarsapa rilla. and catawba Grape Pills, in such disease* as re. commended, cannot be sqrprissed. Price, One Dollar Per Bottle. Fell sad erpllcit directions accompany the medicines. Evidence of the most responsible and reliable char acter Ihrniahed on appliaufon, with hundreds of thou sands of living witnesses, and annuli of 60,1:00 „Deiced cadge:ma and recommendatory lettere. maw of winch pro from the highest sources. Including amp neat Pboteisue, clergymen. Statesmen. etc. The pro. victor has never resorted to their pablication in the newspapers ,Ilse does aot do Ms from the tact that his articles ran k, as litandsod Preparations. and din not need CO he Draped 19-44,4;erilficaulp . Hoary Ir. Uelipbold's mine Preparatibn. I/dirtied to sisiaddieri. tketliti ream duriatA : &tabu l a upward of Treaty Tears. • Bold by • gists millthere. Address letters - tor :sformatios, =Mum to HART . I , ,,lll4,!thoUricprtiggist a*l Cbe Only De 11. T. fisiziassVa &wind themkal Warehouse;'No'6B 4 Bratlway.:New. Tffilf,or Ibuntoues Waal //spot, IN Boa* Tana. Stith, ,Patsiderobls. =Mg. Or PODITITEMPVIA; ht BMW 7,lftwaimalo yaks ity cum A OREAT MEMCAL DISCOVERY ter. wAtaar:z mtsasonsms. VINEGAR BI - - - : ' 4 Hundreds of Thelma:ids:, 11 - , * 6*a Deir = l .lkrateil" d " . lit , ge t ISI WHAT ARE THEY? Ts A 2 .4 9 .z r 9 y 2 a ii 11 I :; . 9.. za Igg ' Co e A 1 t a .7 • • a " 1111 2 2 Fi sag 1;p 4.4 pl 1 a 01; oi l TOBY ANC NOT A VMS E !, 0 : i Il ea FANCY DR1NK._;. 5 ..6 ifi alsot Pont Mita. Whiskey, Proof Spirits aad Bairn Liquors doctored, spiced and sores cad to phase the two, called" Tonics,... Appota era^ "Restorers," ea., that lend the epplcr on to d soo ksoncss and ruin, tart are a tree Medicine, mode Qom the Native Roots and Limbs of California, freo from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They csa the GEEAT BLOOD PIIRIFIEIt nod A LIFE GIVING PIZINCIPLE a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off ail poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take tbese . Eltters according to dints Mee and remain long unwell. MlOO will be given fordo Inca:roble ease, provided the bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the Thal organs wasted beyond the point of renair. Par Inflammatory and Chronic Itheumn. Oman and Gout, DyntrepoLn, or Indigettleu, Dillon., Remittent and intermittent Fevers Dimwit., of the Blood. Liver. Kidneys, and Bladder. these Bitters Lave been most seesaw. fal. Such Diseases are canted by Vitiated Blood. which to generally produced by derangemmut of the Dismally° Organ■. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Bred ache. Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Cheat, Dirainess, Sour Eruetatidrus of the Stotruseh. Bad taste In the Month, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Mart, le eflon of the Lungs. Pain In the regions of the Sidney's, wads hundred other painful symptoms. ore the oraprinus of Dyspepela. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the tor pid Item and bowels, which render them otnnemsalled Manley In cleansing the blood of all impurities, and Imparting now life and vigor to the whole system. FOB SKIN DISEASES, Emotions, 'Letter. Solt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Mont.% Pustules, Bone. Cap boucles. Sing-Worms, Scald-Bead, Sore Bice. EflOP. ales, Itch, Bourns, Discdlarallons of tho Skin, Demon and Diseases of the :,kin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dog op tusdearried out of the rystem In a short time by the use of those Bitters. Ono bottle in such caeca will convince the most incredulous of their curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated flood whenever you And its Imgrtulties bursting ]rough the ekln in Pimples, Erne• (ions or Sores; cleanse It when you hod It obstructed and sluggish In the vans; clean= It when It is foul, sad your feelings will tell you when. Rasp the blood pure and the Isadth of the system will follow. PIN, TAPE and other WORMS, luting In the system of to many thousands. ere effectually destroy ed and removed. For fell directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle. printed fn four lan guages—English, GC119221. French and Spanish. 3. WA.I.G.F.F., Proprietor. G. 11. IicDOSALD /A CO, Druggists and Gen. Agents. S Frandsen. Cal.. and 113 and II Commerce Street, New York Pr SOLD DT ALL DIMGGIST3 AliD DE4T rrn Oct, 2G—y sm pete SIGN OF THE GCLEEN NORM 8 I:MILS 013 c% 1V'1C.,33.03-BEI, DRUGGISTS, ; le n r i t mer m tlh o lly :a n y , o r the pablin, that In addition t Pt7RE.DRIT.S AND MEDTCThE3 they have Paints and Oils. Varnish, Dye-Stuff.. Wines and !Armors. Patient Ntedirinee, Spertneleo. Era Glasses. Pocket i II i itl.olll. & Guitar Stru;ta. Ain...just received • fine int of lt,rolvon.. Goo Cap. , . non Wadding, Cartridge., fie. We keep always nu hand and for :sak, Blasting Powder, Gin Powder, 'Rine Powder, Tobacco and Cigars of a an perior quality, and a general assottment of Yankee No Goes. HRTRemeasber We CHEAP CASH DRUG ST.OUE o Bows it Nichols. A. D. BURNS. Montrose, Dec. 14,18'. AMOS 1414:110L9 STROUD & BROWN'S Fire, Life, and Accident GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, aQolltrooo. Pc►. CAPITAL REPRESENTED, over Home Insurance Co. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus. $4,000,000 Insurance Co. of North America, Pura, Capital and Surplus, 2.000,000 Franklin Fire Insurance Co., Phil*, Pa.. Capital and Surplus, Lycoinlng Counts Mutual lasi:lmes Co.o f - Money. Penn'a . Capital and Surplus, Connecticut Mutual Life insurance CO. of flartford. Conn.. Capital, SI, 000,000 American Life Insamnca Co., Philadel phia. Capital. 1,000,000 TravelotelOginrance Co. HartfOrd, Conn.. ossoing against all kinds of accidents Capital, Hartford Piro I:leonine,' Company. Trait, ford. Conn.. Capital and Surplus. $2000.000 orAll business entrusted to unr care will he attend ed to on fair term*. and all losses promptly adjusted. faff - 001ce flretdnor ca•t from Thinking °Mai of W. Q. Cooper ,L.Co...,Tornpikest. Montrose, Pa. STROUD ft BROWN, Agents M. C. ficrrroo, sag., Irriendsville, Solicitor. COAL. H. SOITR, MOLItrOEC, do BILLOIOII STROUD. Montrose, Ps. ,Jan. 11. 1671, 1 U _ M ATIS M S SJOOO WILL BE PAID. .EuRALCIA PO any person producing any medicine showing half as many Dvfrig. permanent amass Dr. PITLEICB VEGETABLE nazttmArw REMEDY. Used inward. ly only. A pleasant medicine, free frominholous drugs. Wanented undtra2lo; to have permanently cured D 5 In every 100 patients treated In the past ten years. (ties testimon_7l, It Is the scientific prescription of Protest, or Joe. P. niter, M. D.:Ariniate - of th e University or Pennsylvania: A. —lltrar ontrof Ptinedeiphial oMsstreraler physicians. and Profaser of Chemistry and ..—wbo bee made Senates, Chronic and Indontstory 7133Gh Quietism the speciality of his entire prfesatanslllo,—* fact 'conchal the by the signatures ac companying cub bottle ormay. , prminent renowned phystelans, Clergymen. and other Ccsamonials.. To pro. tat sufferus from poisonous attack nostrums end nos less expenditure of money. 51ml signed gearente . eta:trend number of bottles watranted.lo =re , will be tonviodol gratis to say snares sending by letter a full description of sliktlon.. In case of Allure to core, amount paid positively refunded: • 'Medicine sent' IMP 'where Dramas. collect endeavor. Minded invited to write (or advice ; all Information and medical advice sat by letter gratis. Principal odic°. 29 Booth Pattiz *tact, Philadelphia; Penns, 'no remedy is sold or oh. tithed by Druggists. • - April 10, `ll lr Tor Eels by ADEL TUMULI., Montase Pa. .7-At Sber-Wooirek the WateOlgacrt *no exit, MOntioie, Va. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED, LI. an Auditor. appointed by the Court of Common Pless of Susquehanna county, to make distribution of the fund arising from tilueritrs sale of the real estate of Eliza E. Smith. and Harry Smith, hereby gives Wales that be will attend to the duties of his appointment at his °Mee. in Montrose, on Monday the 19th day ofJune, IVO, at I o'clock, p. tn., at which time and plairevall persons interested are requested to present their,elnims or be forever debarred from coining In upon wild fund. Noy Si, 1871.-4 w A. W. BERTROLF, Auditor; HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOCI ATION, For the liellefand cure ofthe Erring end trnfortuaste" Principles of Cbriettan Pisilantbropy. , Emma on the Errors of Youth and tho Follies Of AO in relation to Marriage and Social Evil,, with units, old for the afflicted. Sent free. In sealed envelopes. Ad dress HOWARD ASSOCIAT/Oti, Boa P. Philadelphia. TALBOT & STAMP, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Floor, Salt, Duna, Pork, Lard, Ham Salt PIA, Taa►r Candle., Crackers, Cheese. Cores, Spices, Choirs Teas, Sugars, Rice, Dried and Canned Fruit. Tobacco, Maui, Snuff, and all other article■ clonally kept In a first elan Gram and Trainor' Store. We will mark our Goods as low as we can aford,Wiel sell (or cub, or exclumga ter produce, PATRO! , IAUE SOLICITED 3tontre,se, Sept. 29, 18Z.—tf / 4 BEL TURRELL, DRUGGIST, MOXTROSE, PA Ir continually receiving And keeps constantly on band a full and desirable as surttneut of genuine DRUGS, MEDICINES, CREMICdI3, LIQUORS, Paints, 011 i, Dye-Stull*, Teas. Spices, and ffitber ere. caries, Stone Vi are. Vi all and W indow "Poe:, Wass ware, Fruit Jars. Mirrors, Lamps. Chimney., Hera. 'elm Machinery Oil, Tanners' Oil, 2Z ell fleet Oil. it.. tined Whale QM, Sperm Oil, Ohre 011..Spirlis Turpen tine, V arnisneri, Cynnry Seed. Vinegar .Potu.b, Canoga, ra led Lye. ikaif (A - taw...Trustee, pparters, edtea- Instruments. Shoulder Braces. Whip., Gum Pistols, Cartridge , , Ponder. Shot, Lend. Gan Cap., Blasting Ponder and Fast., V plias. Strings. Bows. ele. Fife. etc., Fish Hooke and Lire.. Aar and Toilet Soaps, iiatr Ode, Hair Iteetnrers. and Hale Dyes. Breslin] Pocket Kni Speriaele*JMlver Meted Spoous.Farki. Knives. .t.e. De..tiet Articles, a general aaeortment of FANCY GOODS, JEWELRY, and PERFUMERY All the I sadists. and best kinds of Is short, overly every thing to restore the sick. to plealOthe tame, to delight the eye, to gnat? sluardudy, and also to conduce to the real and aubstalit al comforts otlitc. Enumeration Is impracticable, Si It would 111 a nevrapaper. Call at the Drug and, Variety Store at Montrose, Jan.e., 1859 i s piTRE LIQI7 RS. SEELY'S RAT GRAPE BRANDT. -distilled strictly pure ; and a riety of other Brandies, Iscludins Cherry Ilmntly. Cid r Brandy, Cc. Rearly illthe direr sent kinds of Rum. Tol land Gin, old Rye and Bourbre Whiskey. Alcohol re Spirit, Ray Rum, de., tummy t. ly on band and for eby ABEL TGREGSLL. Montrose. March 24th.18fi3. Td RS ma - cotraiKES. MONTROSE. MORIN S. TAIIIVELL. Proptieter. EtSItI7T:H7.Td ts g to the L.li.,t ,IheVi, g 7rai„t w.,.. [July 6,lBlV—tt ' G OLD JEWELRY, A Now and largo supply, Montrose, Nov. PC DM ABEL TUMULT. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Susquehanna Depot., Pa., Denier in Watches, Clocks Jewelry a Re pairing promptly done and warranted . FINE SILVER GOODS! f 60.000,000 made a speciality; Sliver Detached Levers for $l2 00. American Watches, at Companies re. dared prices. 133" Goodsordered for parties, from Neir York,tat less profits than if kept constantly sot hand. Solid 18 caret Rings fort' 11 &I' pway weight. A. B. TnBOX.. Susquehanna Depot, Jan. 2.5, 1871. tf. . . TEA' Every kind or Ten In market4tuit aniirad.aall az Imes at New York wholesale priee.. AISO et Swum. 'limn:tent of COFFEE.. Boy of me and saineeitpria —. C chars. ABEL Tyßo." —At Sher-Wood's, the Watch-Maker, Mabte street, 'Montrose, Prt. CONGRESS WATER, at TURREPjEt TjtOAD LETTINO—TIie Supervisors of Bridgewitel lb will meet at the house of James O'Brien,in North Bridgewater, April •Jitn, at I °lock p. m.„ to let lbw banning of a rand leading from Jan. O'Brien's to Thom= Rickey 's. To be let to the lowest Iddder. JANES CALM!. HORACE BREWSTER. Montrose,Aprill9, Z. M. BREWSTER. Sw en..ru.as L. Bnow. NEW WALL PAPER, Just arrived. and selling away by Montrose. Arall'in. NIL ABEL pampa.. Agricultural College, of Pansyltazia. THIS INSTITUTION will reopen lbr : the SPRING TERM. OF 24 WEEKS, On Friday, February 10, 1871. For geneal Circular, catalogue and other In. formation. Address, THOS. H. BURROWS, President.' Agricultural College, P.D.. Jntr 10 . 10,;;:41: Centre CO., Pa. BLOOMINGTON. (TLL) - NURSERY. 1.911' YealiM= is ent:: re.umit Would )ou know what. woes. hart to pint I,lrnsit, shade c evergreren.tr is, roots, grafts, ecwitavero applo seed, early Bore potatoce, awn greenhouse and garden plontr, ae., ac., FLOW FEORTADLE fiNEDB finest. bed colicction—stnts l a ell,. Bend 10 cents for New. Illustrated Descriptive = Bend stamp, each for Metopes of li t =aireetione-64 pekes ldtag% rden Planta.rde pages, andMtiolessle p Ga ars.. mares q. Eamr.anz, voominitto A n.binals, •-. , • , ABEL TURREL4 • A liasjust Attuned from Next Torkiriih tab* mi &Into hlsusualttaApt dmiGeloo4l. -Kowtow4tort. N. MI TALBOT & !MAIM NEW GOODS PATENT MEDICINES ABEL TURULL. orrosrne THE COLT? DOUSE, A. B. TARBOX,