The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, August 02, 1871, Image 3

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Sailors' , hats are voted absurd for maidens of
Our grandmothers' lace-collars are again in
Dfaek grenadine is a fashionable material for
afle - moon toilets.
White breakfast robes are prolusely embroid
ered with black braid.
White muslin or tulle is the fashionable materi• I
al fur evening dresses.
White flannel breakfast jackets are pretty and
stylish fOr young ladies.
Pearl jewelry is very much in fashion this
SC;150:1, especially pearl necklaces.
La Seville, a bit of head gear, more a hat than
a bonnet, If among the styles.
Tortoise-shell bird cages are among some of
the recent London importations.
White leather harness has been introducetlby
a sporting man at Long Branch.
Dame Fashion's latest edict cautions ladies
not to wear linen collar, or cuffs.
'Drab Is the aristocratic eolai for coachmen's
tiiirety titttoog the Newport cottages._
Parisianhonnets of white lace with o,range
blossom ornaments are in vogue for brides.
'Light-colored silks are much in favor for
afternoon or evening dre.sses, espmially blue and
A portable croquet pacilltou or silk cads
thirty-fire dollars, and is warranted to retain its
Aristocratic matrons at Newport are wearing
coronets of diamonds and other precious stones.
The "A.bysinia stretch" has supersedes! Grecian
Bend among our fashionable
The wedding "trousseau" for Miss Throckmor-
ton who was married on the 19th inst., cost M
OOD in gold.
Wide hemstitched handkerchiefs are once
more in filshion, and arc ornamented in the
center with initials or monogram.
A pretty bathing suit for a young lady is of a
white French flannel, bound with blue, black,
or red braid and made with tight sleevi....s.
Fashionable colors for summer gloves—Pt:My
color, strawberries and cream, smoke color, tea
rose, primrose, pale tan, and oar color.
Traveling suits are made of plain materials
and subdued colors, a fact which will be hailed
with delight by admirers of sense and modesty.
Canning Fruit.
We find the following in the " Rural Home."
It may serve as a guide, hut haring no pesonal
exlterienee in that line wanannot warrant it:
Cherries, - - 5 Minutes 6 Ounces of su-
6 for boil- 4 g,ar to quart
6 lug. 6
S " 8
Ittopbcrries, -
Straw bcries,
Plums, -
Pcie Plant Slierfl, 10 " 10
Small sour Twars, " 8
Bartlett do. halves, " 6
15 " 4
Pineapple, allied , 15 " 6
Sour apples, inart • d, •25 "
25 " 8
Siberian or Crab
Id " 8
11'il•.I griia•s,
Tornairn , ,
15 " 10
4tuz cy nlil 1,
Vice hi High Places.
"Pet" If:listed, whose murder in a
house of ill fame in Newark, N. J., on
Sunday, the 2d inst., by another libertine,
is the latest sensation, was the pet of the
White House and a power behind the
throne during the I.lnc(iln Administra
tion. lle ediild make and unmake Gen
erals without regard to their qualifica
tions, and his control over the Presiden
tial household rendered him equally in
linential as a lohbvist in both houses of
Congress. Het was 'the first to make
Far against General McClellan and
finally prevailed upon the President to
"swap horses" against his own COU ictions.
He was the gallant of the femtle Presi
dent to tier theatres, concerts. circuses,
&T., which led to much scandal at the
time, and this nilbecuming intimacy was
only cnt off by his disgraceful death ; for
we see it stated that upon Mrs. Lincoln's
arrival from Europe recently, he went
down the hay to meet her in 'the steamer.
Unlike the Lincolns, Halsted was an ac
complished and polished man, just the
one to impose on simple-minded people
Oddenly elevated as they were, and we
ltrustjtis sad fate may Le a timely warning
to many otflers following in his course. It
revives many recollections of the Lincoln
Administration that had better be forgot
ten, but may save us from anotheregnally
as bad. Let General Grant immediately
dismiss the horse jockeys, stock gamblers,
defaulters ar.d sporting men generally
who have hint in their hands and betake
himself to better company. It cannot be
expected of him to make the White House
what it was previous to the Lincoln inva
sion but he ten, if he will, improve it some
what by excluding from it those whose
morals are subject to sharp criticism. lie
is now going it loose at Long Branch for
getting all the duties of his high (Mee,
indulging in horse-racing. lisping and
dissipation generally, and his best friends
(who are not in office) admit that instead
- of being a model for the ambitions young
men of the country he is setting a very
Lad example by his mania for pleasure
seeking and money waking.----Doyleglown
Democrat. "
Cosi or LIVING.—The cost of living
is kept up by the high prices which are
demanded for nearly every article, wheth
crscarce or not. These prices, says the
Hartford Times, were originally carried
up by the war. High rates were then
charged, and justified on the ground that
taxes on the dealer made them necessary.
Most of the taxes have been taken off, but
we have failed to notice a corresponding
decline in 'prices. We know of, one arti
cle in particular which is extensively used'
by onr citizens, that was raised 20 per
cent. during the war on the ground that
it was taxed to the amount. The tax was
long since taken off, but the 20 per cent.
advance remains.
Panvrit-Inliusli, July . 13, Mrs. Arletta,
uC Jacob Barker and daughter of Belson S.
; 611)d Polly M.. Turner, aged twenty.seren
robCE TO EtllLDEtts.--Tue school tarcit.Oti of
Fmokito township wlll meet on the grocmd. to let
e J° of bonding - a new School Bonn., (tmlltir to
thtl one built et - Tho'Forts" district, last amour." on
the lauds or John Coors. oo Saturday, Almost nth. on.
For spoofficallonsptt open or address WU:IEL DAVIE.
.By Eisler o turd.- D. DAViS, Secretary.
AtuEtroter ATOVAL A ;SP: Rw.
_Stewart's -
ttaltie!keil - Slate Mandell;
wtment, lar...todttikiitrer,t
- 7, - . or ele,ptrt ttciv aid (knead
Sixth - Are; Qr., between 24.6 and 3 1 lima,- New
York, Y, Y., August 2, I§7l. Bat •
VIXECIMQ)2 . B ,i‘OTME. WtintAla LErrERS
Tebt,llStelltatrt9.l , lae estate of &Plum altose, latent
Bogert LaiLetosualttp, deceased. hare beta gnetal to
the subscribers. A persons indebted to ask *stale ,eas
me. t ed_te tuAt‘o Paull:Watt! payinegt , ault Wise bar,
Inh , claws or &mods spinet ate estate 44r !slid de,
cedent, wilt present the.sape without dotty. •
OHS BRADSHAW. itrAKEtiAli C. simitieg
JOU& Bityrr ..YRSDERICa. ILAY roN,
caw .. S au5411.1104 N•PAPO/04 . •
Fgrcat 14 ke,AkT• 1 ,./ 8 31 -4 W, . Atc'iteri•
Free Elblibltion• , - -
• • "' 1 By an ordinance of the . town Council of
• ' ' ' 310utrose, all running at large in this Boro.,
The 'Largest lot of living oysters end clams LmuSt be - rannled either with wire basket or
ever.eichthited at Montrose, cap na be seen by call. 7 i trap, fro in nic 15th trey of zaty 1 , 371, to theist
Leg tst:the Keystone Saloon. intro and see
the free e.r.htlitinn, every day and evening' fL . k il f ry 4 , 0 t 4 ' s i t B a l b i ;c. o f, ' 3 lli ro gY, t w rds ll e, k b j e u d iy e 11°5 1 0? e 1 .87 ° t4 1. 1) ,Y
Montrose, August , ran. Gm. C. ra . .v.
.. _
Temperance Convention.
The Fourteenth Quarterly Convention, I. 0,
of G. T. of Susquehanna county will meet at
the Good Templars' Hall, in the horo of 'New
Milford, an Tuesday the sth day. of September,
1871, at 10 o'clock, to remain in session us busi
ness may require. One hour of each morning
session will be set apart for religious sen•lee.
The Rev. Thomas P. Hunt, of `Vilkes•l3arre
and G. W. C. T., Chase, will be present during
the session. G. W. MACKEY, Dist. Seely.
County luatitute.
The Annual County Institute, will be held at
Susquehanna Depot, commencing at 2 o'clock,
ofMonday,Aniust 28th and closing oe Friday,
Sept. Ist. Particulars hereafter.'--
All teachers in the County are expected to
make arrangements to be present.
W. C. TienEN, Co. Sup't.
Forest Lake, August 2, 1871.
The Fair.
Susquehanna County Fair will bo held on
Tutsday, Wedueolay and Thursday, 12, 13 and
11th of September, 1871. BY 011.1)kat CV)I.
Bloomsburg State Normal School will open
August 21, 1571.—J3-12.4w.
To All Interested.
A. & D. H. Lathrop can be found at the office
of J. 11. & A. H. McCollum, ready to settle nll
accounts. Those interested will save cost by
attention. Brick Block, July 10, 1847—tf
Amin' gotitto.
Ibis to no other country reached the enormous prom,
lions it has assumed in the united States. Thin Is ow.
ins to the vast , neat of territory nod the comparative
thinness of population, which creates ilia necessity for
mono reliable remedy, that eau be applied at once In the
absence of professional medical ald.
Uenti BITTSELs has for over tell years been
regarded as
and is relied on in every emergency by thousands of
families to every section of the country. It Is not a
fancy drink, composed of hod whisky, flavored with art.
motion, to tickle the palate and minister to a depraved
appetite, but is a eareinily and scientifically prepared
compouuded extract of Itosta kerbs and Darks, pos
sessing greatmedical virtue. Its rare combination pre
vents the most effectual remedy vet discovered for all
diseases of the stomach, Liver. kidney. and Bowels.
Sold everywhere at One Dollar per Bottle. -
131.131.19118 D as a warning and for the benefit of
young men and others, who. tnffor from Nervond
Debility. de., supplying TILE MEANS DP xELFCCRE.
Written by one who cured himself, and tent free on
receiving a postpaid directed envelope.
Address, N.ITIIAB MAYFAIR, Brooklyn. N. Y.
Brooklyn, May 17. Is7l. ma
A Few Words to the Ladies
Many ladies, particularly mothers nursing, complain
ing of a hind, listless feeling, or complete eshanation,
on arising in the weeping. On the wife and mother de.
solves the responsibility of regulating the duties of the
household. Der cares arc numemus. and the mental As
well as the physical powers are frequently called Into
requisition.. She often Suds her alightert occupation a
weary task anti existence a burden, while at the same
time she has no regular disease. llostetteri Stomach
Bitters, if resorted 10 at this period, will prove an on.
ailing remedy fur this annoying lassitude. Thu effects
of tMa potent agent are soon seen to the rosy cheek and
elastic step of the head of the family, as with restored
health and renewed spirits she takes her accustomed
place In the family circle. If this friend in need he reg
ularly used. those depressing evmptoms will never be
complained of, raid not only would lassitude not he ex
perienced, but many diseases following Its advent be
avoided. As a medical agent It has no equal. white Its
pleasing flavor and bralthipl effects have made ft a 6.en
eral favorite. It is free from all properties calculated to
impair the system. and its operations ate at once mild,
soothing and enielent. Al who have used the Bitters
attsst its virtues and commend it to use.
errGettinz Illarried.—Elmaye , for young Iten.on
ttke dettglth, of norno, and tho propriety or imbropriery
01 gctioi4 Marled, with aanliary help t.r i.O
(eel unfitted for matrimonial impolite. Kent free. in
mivolopea . Adriroaa, 111/WARD ASSOCIATION
Lox P., Philadelphia. Po.
.:Fralooosabare Stage Normal Sehool,
11311 LITZIIIItT d e0111168C114. borriecyc.—The Faculty
Inkitution 11141 to be very thorough in their In
,drurtlun, and to look carefully after the health, man
urn and moraln of the atudenta.
Apply for Cstalt.oc to I 1 R.NRIC CARVER. A. M ,
H. J. IN m x 3 r3 Is now sellint-, nearly ell
Fonda In the ttrocery Line.
1 . 1‘..5e give fir a till. Yon will find at toy store
Choice Teas, such as
Green, Black and 'Japan Teas,
Cod nab. Mackerel, Lake Trent, Sugars.
ltice. Lemon, Extract, Starch, Vanilla Extend.,
Gold Medal Saleratus, Bar Soap, Toilet Soap,
Desicated Cocoanut, Geistlue.sCorst &web.
Farin ~ Java Coffee, Soda, Prunes Rio Coffee, Clfron,.
Kerosine Oil, Cheese, Suitor Curet' Rams, Flgi,
Raisins, Cream Tartar, Deoleated Cod Fish, Spices
Candles, Stone Ware, Canned Fruit, Mustard,
Crackers, Corn, Peaches, Tomatoes,
Grass and Cradle Cythes. Very Cheap.
2.luutrose, July Wu 1611—Ii. pi
Wanted..,-.gencles for Wheekrlnoo's
Sewing Machines, in ftrsaford„ Susquehanna and tuber
counties. Nu Cool tat reqotred—.r,, toducomouto are
offered. Wagon furnished. Address, Wtel reference,
stating former busi•mss experiences.
. .
911 Chestnut bttect, Philadelphlt
Philndelnhitt. July 19 IS7I. tw.
Tweaty-Two State Fatr Prenatal:tax Awarded Mb Fort
to FULL= !loathe—le/D and 18 0.
Aiso •
And Painter Should nave.
• rtevroatrimi s ,
nand ClisinCrittles,
/rau. chor Braw3), Axles.
• • S . et Sitektee•-,
ea t en, We.. et 1. pars. (Steel and Um)
- ' .Thecosaktcre • .
CI CI Mo Xis 331 CA- 1 17f3
Thai always gives an ALAIeld ,W 111521121 when the
Coffee is Itcay for the Min, TRY Offs And foti,lslll
dod,the Goers Always /11,:hfl •
APicks xes, ,
' Grind Stones, ,natt a;
' PAW', .
haws - , • Pitts, Knobs,, - ,
D rA w!)l 4 jr4a, Scythe Otani, Lacrics,
Paints, , -
eimea,TlA•wareb Lamps.iton
Itootrcse, deLt N 'PAL rpr çaWP,,
Muzzle Your Dogs:
B~7.3RXFS"y9 SE~LI'7B.
BY vlirtticeof writs isined by the . Conrt of Common
Plus of Susquehanna County and to me directed. I
will raping:ltalians by public 'endue, at the Con t Mouse j
in MoutrAsei ouSsittirday. Aug. 12th, thil,Ut 1 o'clock i
m., the following pieces mpann Is of land, to wit :
All that certain piece or parcel of land situate In the
township of Lathrop, in the county of Susquehanna,
and Siam of Pennsylvania, hounded and described at
follows, to twit: Beginntu,„_- at the road, the southwest
corner, by lands of Mrs. Bronson. and runnin north
eleven degrees nest along said road thirty-two rods
thence north eleven degrees west twenty rods tolantillof
Elisio Lord ,• thence south eighty-eight degrees east one j
hundred mid thirteen rods: thence south three degrees •
west fifty rule, theme north eighty eight degrets West
one hundred and silty rods to theplace of beginning, '
containing thirty the mite, or mod, Lie the ratite more ur
tees, it WI the annul - tenanc i es. one (mine house and ham,
, lie orchard, told all Immo, ed. ITaken In execution at
the cult of E. N Laird vs. :damns Case.)
A L nl—All that fettle pluee or parcel of land, situate
in the township or choopotn, tile County of Snrcjite•
11111111 A, and state or Pennsylvania, hounded and described
to follows, to wit: Ott lire north by 1.11145 formerly of
James and Born k Fortin. 011 the east by lands of Martin
, J. (Mitten and public highway, between raid land and
I 'suds of James E. t i nt - malt. tan o cat by lands of Win.
1 11. Unimak. (cominotily kn o w nas the arch aid hot). and
no the numb by lands of John Martian and public high
way known go the Melligau road, containlng Ind antes
of land, more or less, together with the appurteoane 'n.
two frame titre lung houses I orchard, and about 75 acres
improved.. being nth lands formerly owned by Dennis
Donley, dec'ett. [Taken In rgerittlon at the volt of
Hobert Wpm ere, assigned to Byron O. Camp, vs. Patrick
Donley and Martin J. Gulden, executor rat the estate of
Dennis thinley„ det'd.)
ALSO—AII that certain piece of land, situate In tho
too tislilp of Mow M Ilford. In tlit• county of Susquehanna,
und State of PeonsYlv•inia. bounded and described as
follows. to wit Beginning at a point to Cho middle of
Cite road leading, from N. K. Sutton's saw-mll to the
flail placers. tailrtit and opposite a poet and stones on
the east side of said rood ; thews. by a line of other lands
tit said Sutton south forty - three degrees cast out halo
: dred and sixty minibus to a chestnut sapling; I beneu by
land , . of E.S. Page north forty eel en de4iceri east
nitiely.three porches ton large stone set no tor a corner:
thence lay lands rat naiad Pago and by lauds of —Tosooor
north forty Over degrees west one hundred and sixty
seven perches to n ;aunt In the middle of said road
and thence along the middle of the road south twelve
degre. s we-t twenty-nine perches, south mid y three
and half dogroo% east t wetity.set en perches, south
lort; titan degress west twenty-four perches and south
eighty live and rehalf degrees west tonady•sevou perches
to the place or beginning. contatit lug eighty seven acres
of land. he the sumo more or leas, with the appurtes
natters, I frnnlellintre I frme barn and out Indldings.some
trait trees sod aboutfort pfive acres litunoved, fatten
On execution at the suit of George B. McCulley.' no. John
C. Dana.) -
A LSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of Laud, situate
In the township of Apolactin. in the county of ue
-1 and suttee( Pentoylvanla. bounded and descry bed
as follows, to oil On the north by New York State
line, ou the east lay lands of Patrick shvglinessy, on the
Smith by lands of Peter Reardon. thinnerly Richard
Clifford's.l and west by lands of Peter lteardon, con
rioty.f ur acres rat hind, no the same more or
leer. With the spporten.inees, one frame hone, two
fan e borne, one nano: hoginitise, one tirettard and all
linimo ed. [Takeo tin elect/lion in al suit or Teraties
Felton • &James Crimmins and Alexander Dewing, vs,
errimmus fa Bridget ertnintito.)
&List v- All that Certain phiet• air parcel of land situate
In the Township of Lenox. in, the Cinnite or Stisquelnim
no. and Stage' lino la. tem :111d derCrllien
an tat:lees the tairth the M Ilford A oivi•go turnp i ke, on the east 1:d the Totitluton it creek,
on the sunlit by lAnds of Henry It Iliac, and on the west
by the Itrenl [tend & Philadelphia turnpike, u ontaltihno
a bout sir mires of bind, be the sonar more or leer, will
the hpptlrt, miner, line Inilllellotew, our rrstne barn and
ottt din it'll te-f - , n few Irnit trees. and all im p• ;Tel,
elk in inn at !lie saint tit e. Wilson assigned to
%Wm. i'rosmion John t i ntnenoi.l
Al.stt the Intern-t it the defendant In all that
certain piece or panel of lanai situated in the Too estop
of Sod In the county of Susquehanna. and Stale
or Peonsylvanta, holooleti and described an (idioms, to
wit , at a post anal the south lineal
loot now el t hark, 1_ hanoberllll: 110 . 111, by •
other land j
stonth 115 two, hen to/ a pun , : the nee In Loot/. of John /
nohook went lit, in When; thence of np• nil to a pOst iu
lhr nue o(a ha 1. ornierly au nett 1, Jun. (itillurk, late i
nou of dolon onotoel A. SI . k 1111 /WV by land of o
no,d Shook Dort lo perch., to a rutin I ; tkencr b.:and
.1 8, le,ei er (Th•eur, runt eD perchen to a pant and //oral 1
ii perrhee to the aforenaool Cita nobertoo'n laud tod thence
ho N oio 1,01,1 eaoot j1,1} . 1.1.11 Itl the place I.f In,:loning
ennt.linlng: , acren,o(hood,to the name more or 1en...t0 It h ,
layt.urtetuoicuek, 1 frame boons, I I rum,, barn, R 01111: trial I
tr.en. end itinilli iinancre. In:torot ITaken iuernattune
at the null of Erantun Runt ra. Id. w. Poo lei .1
AL.BI, In 0 c Tin in piece' , or parcel. n(land,
anuat, in the 100 terellii of litinit. it the yadlnly Of
olueloato a. and Nate of Ivalloo, the first piere
bounded and olnneribed n. r. 41 0 ,46, in al:: on Oro north
by I twin of Philtil Cane on the 'ant land.,
Bonbtotoll, on tba south by lands of George tiardner. aud
on the West by land* or :Adeline Core, costa Wog alootot
33 acres of land be the acre or the alp-
ourtenitneen 1 frame hoot!. 1 barn, flail, houne.andabtont
511 fruit In tn., nreonci filer, or 1.1.1 W land bound
ed and tlencribed an folhown, to o : 1..1n time twill. 1, I
land:. of .11ontor M D
conald, on the tart by land, of Dan
Cane. tin the suet to by Lauda of Ildrnard Cane. tool on the
went by lan& of Juni, Irwin, contactual:: about 98 ue. ton
Dille the oploortenano en. nod part moot toed. ITaken In
execution at the snit a( Albert vn, Dav ea Cane.
Al,lll —Two .1.01 lute to outwit (lohnoto. Sn spucluttntaf
, 11,111nIt'd 011 111 , by land* of D. R.
11oltnen. r de. on the hp laucn of Charles (lines,
on the Snnl It by the l'unkhosauto,k l'nork road. rod.,
and int the Wren by fund. of And bay abut 9 ruck to
th e ,
ph. 1,,,11.1 / 111x. toonotal lulu *:_ a Jul bout ratan / n of land, '
In: ate name Inure or Ire, s n .11, a Wail thereon.
A tae—another plc.- , torjoarcel of land. en nate. in Sunni
6,11.01, &made.' a. : to❑ the north by the
Tnookto 1111 l t .irk road. :mh.,tl: 1.,. toe .., an the ea..,
by lambs 1.1 ollunt.:Onua I i pert he., on the
vital) hp land• of Dazed Tutoonn, s min. On /11 . went by
lands of II F, I foroad, abutai 1/ rents rc, Pic tot ,ee of he.
tanning. containing about WI I ool•. to( land, he the e . attle I
more orDowin 1111. pa.—tom of Frankoin Went,
and all onproot ed. (Takooto in execution at the an I of
..he I Denny t... W. W. ' ,Ilianta. adminiatrator of the
estate of C. M. Bennett e. liaten,..lll. and IL 0. Bennett.'
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of la.:a, altuate
In the too naltip of hush, in the count) of Susquehanna.
! and state of l'ettO-)l , ania. hounded and deaerthed at
i followe, to it It: On the north by lends of Althis Astor,
on the ,a-t and 'math In Ilona of %ewe rooky. and no
tile 1r...1 lie li I; ti , .13 . . 11.111,1111,1,: 91..11 one. half pee of
Lotelie Lice ,11110 more or 4.'7... %•11 . 11 Ale avpnricuances,
ne earriageehop, Illack rmith atop. lumber .h,d. conic
fruit tram, toil to all Improicd. 'Taken elevation al
the atilt of L. M. Sherwood to. Fred rick S. Raab, and
Albert Shaddock ve. Prederlek Mush ?
ALSO—AII slut certain piece or puled of laud, situate
in the township of Dituock, in the county of Setupwit.
anon, and State of Pennsylvania, hounded and de-erlit
ell as follows, 1,. wit : tin the north by lands tit Olney
Balky. on the Vast by lauds of Matthew Shut- nod F. it
F..11'. Woodhouse. on the south by lends of Win. Miles
and on the west by lauds of Sin-rt. Sheehan anti %I'm,
Mal,. vont:lining 112 ayes of land, be the same more or
less, wills the appurtenances 1 frame house, I frame ham
and shed, I frame corn-bouse. 2 orchards. and about to
acres Improved. (Taken fn cat endue at the suit of
Joseph Lluabury Sr. 11. T. Vitus.)
A Licit—All that certain piere or istreel of hind. situate
in the township of Auburn, iu the county of Smooch- I
fl1114:1. nod State al clod., bound e d an d d escri b e d
as follows, to wit: lin the north by 'ands of Wm. B.
tiro...en. on he cast by lands of Robert Manning, oil the
south by land.; of thin LaFrance, and on the west by
the Bradford county Hue, contaising about A 5 acres of
land, be the same more or lest, w lth the npportensinter,
I saionble stone quarry, and about to acres Improved.
(Taken in execution at the tuft of A. B. Farzo.nssigned
to Byron O. Camp v.. Norris Fargo. Philip Rosenbaum,
asslgood to Byron 0. Carrie es. Norris Fargo. linolley
Wakeman assigned to Byron O. Cusp vs. Norris Fargo
and A. B. Fargo. A. 15 Altman it Cu., assita..ed to By
ron 0. Camp vs. Norrts Fargo.]
A LSO—Alt that certain piece or parcel of hind, situate
In the botongh .of Montrose lu the county of Susqueb
sena, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described
as follows, to wit Beginning at a pont and stones on I
the old Great Bend road, north side j, and threeportion ,
from the tooth-east curler of John Bun's lot, and on the
fine of way to fair grounds, run north 251.4 degrees west
on said way 16 perches to a poet and stolies : titmice
north 4414 degrees east along fair ground way lo perches
to a post and stones, thence tow VAX d green east tr;
perches to a post and stones by said Great Bend /toad :
thence along said road 10 perches inn the place of begin- I
In". cots 1514i:tr., I acre of land be the same more use lest,
with the appurtenances, 1 two-story prune dwelling•
house, fame barn. shed pod out•huddings• some fruit
and chalk trees and all imprm ed. I,Taltell 111 execution
at the suitot Ezeitial Fritz assigned tla Sarah L. Mc-
Cain vs . Baldwin. Alien A; Slcualo I
ALSO—AiI that certain piece or parcel of land, situate
in the township of Liberty, fu the comity of Smooch-
aura., Sod State uf Peounylvaula. bounded and described
so to lows, to wit: On the north by holds of 1.. S. W
Truesdell, on the east by lands of Kirby Mansb. on tit
south by lands of the estate of Geo. W. Ciandail, deed•
and on the west by road andlands late of estate of James
Troodell, cooLdnlng about 57 acres of laud, be the
same more or lens, with the appurtenances, 1 frame
house, 1 frame barn, I young orchard, and abont 25 acres
improved. [Takeo In execution at the stilt of Samuel
Truesdell, ;sash ned W lleury O. Tyler vs. 11. it. Tewksr
bury L 11. Smith no. 11. A. Tewksbury.]
ALSO—AB that certain piece or parcel of land. situ
ate in ybe township of Lenox, In the tasuuty.ot Susque
hanna, and state at Pennsylvania, bounded and described
he follows, to wit: Beginning at ,tortes in the south Ilea
of lands of Alonzo A. Kennon, and northwest corner of
lands of Israel Gleason ; thence along same south Ry e !
degrees west 51 4-SOperches to stake and sienna,. thence
south 39,!4 degrees west 15 perches to cake and stottta
sciathwent corner of said 41tason's land; thence along
hue of lauds conveyed to Sirs. Saabs lInalluv; thence
north al de,grees cast 13 7-10 perches to !But tree in out
let of Bohn - woo Pond and corner of lauds conveyed to
Byrom ilobbs , thence along tarot: north 33X degrees
cast 31 4.10 perches to atones cant tide of said outlet ;
thence along runt- /101113 1171,1 degrees tee!. 40:.10 perch
es to stones on wort bank of , sald outlet. and In line of
said Itememn ; thence along name north 82,11 degree/
mutt Pi perches to the place of beginning, containing 14
acres tit/ ',cecina of land, be the vitae nailer ur tent, wish
the appurtenant., 1 small house. (Taken in execution
at the suit of iNitilam Barber Co. Ansel GI mama, Addi-
I sou Porter and Stephen (ileason.)
Notice is hereby givelithat all kdds most be paid in
cult on the day of sale. Wal. T. MOX.LEY, bberat
I SherifFs Mice, Montrose, July 11, 1011.
QIIEItIPP'S SALES.—By virtue writs issued by the
oCourt of Common Phan of Susquehanna county and
tome thrected,l will expose to sale by public vendor,
at the Court liouso in Montrose ourridaY..Augusts/aßl i two o'clock; p. no., the following describes:tida:a
or parcels of lied, to wit:
ALSO—AII that co fain piece or parcel of land, +Rd
ate In the torrusblp of New Dillferd, In the county of
Stuquelattrut,and titale of Pennsylvania,' bounded and
described's:, follows, to wit: Motioning at a post and
stones, tine north-west corner thereof. thence north-40N
degrees cast lot perches Pao postand stones, a coiner of
ileurynottgally Towner'`, lot; thence hythe tame south
lats , deor„ ens east 111) Perches tothe road leading from
New Milford to Susquehanna Depot; -.thence teeth Itlp
degrees west inperches ; thence south 47y degrees west
I 17 4-111 Derthes to a corner.; ttutoce.,,north 43,4 i degrcao
icolti.*•B.lo perclow,lo.l,4ll.Plattr. el t
tilotug 50 acres of land more or less. together with the
APPOnenalltet . , I dwelling house sod-about al acres Un
proved., (Take-trio execution at :basalt of ft'. D. Lyons
1 vs Mans F. Tooker.) Ww. T. MOXLEY, Sherd/.
Sherif* 011ico, Montreac, July ph son.
Ututjost rattunut trotwilowlrork with's' largo WO
Mittel to hie,
„atm' wock of choke goads. • '
;' , .ottWoicaitur.24.lda:r., • ,
.. .
pun Spectacle'!" a nuttpapplljor vile- by . g
NEW TOLLS PRODUCE nisnatier s.
Corrected weekly by William Ilodsdon, 231
Fulton St., New York.
Week ending July 2h 1871;
.. 7010
. 8011
. 22023
. 51@,53
. 10014
wg 10
Butter, pail.
" ...
Cheese, dairy, per lb
" factory "...
Ans. per doz
Flour, per barrel...
lCurelr us l b b.
Wheat, per bushel.
Hops, crop of 1870.
Beef, sides, per lb ..
Potatoes, per bbL .
Tallow "
gailroad time tabito.
N. V. & E. Time Table.
The lb/lowing will be of intered to our read
ers, especially those wishing to connect with Unit
road at Great Bend. We are indebted to the
Bend Agent, for the following:
No. 4, Night Express : : : 2.57 a. in.
" ti, Cincinnati Express : 7.99 "
" 38, Way Freight, : : : 10.30 "
" 2, Now York Express, : : 1.47 p. en.
" Acanumodstion, : COO " •
" 0, Steamboat Express, : 9.17 "
No. 7, Night Express, : : 1.52 a. to
" 9, Einigrant, : : : : 5.2-1 "
" 29, Accommodation, : 9.35 "
" 37, Way Freight : : : 1.07 p. tn.
" 5, )lail and Express, : 8.30 "
All of the above trains atop at Great Bend
and carry passengers.
STERN RAILROAD. Winter Arrangement
•r lines etleet Nev. 21.16:0.
of pa
Pitsnagr Mail
train. I STATIONS. I trai n .
A. DI. P. 111
Now York.-- ..... I 5,00
Nom Dam ton I 1,35
Manatika Chunk. .. 19.40
[Mtwara ~..Dlne... Itin.
St I ti,oo
11! /. 1 0
C If.
o 4.13
g 4,57
5' 515
,11.15 Scranton 4.15
14.35 DI lcboleon 7,55
1.00 Roubottom 7,1141
1,40 Montrone ....... ..... 7,15
4,10 Newlllllford 6,171
4,1101 Oreat Bend 6,55
P. ltd I *Foot of Libert,7-st. I a. 51
W. P. ROLW El.
no, 41 General Pane. and Tick,
BILLIXOS STROUD, Thant Agent, Muni
1,300 tulles under our management—sG° miles with
out ch eof conches. Broad gnkte, don hie tack route
to all points went, north-west and south-west. New
and reproved Conches are rim throitzh without chateze
to Rochester, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Cleveland, and Cincin
On and after Mondav,Doc. 140870. Trains will leave
Binghamton at the fulfuwing hears, viz :
t.aa a.m . Nlght FAutrren,(llondase excepted}
3:35 n.. In. Night Ex pren•. daily.
rral a. In. Itnil Train. Sunday* orrepteff, for Buffalo
nud DnntArk.
&An p. m. Elmira Accommodat I on. Rend ay except ed
5:1 , 1 p. m. Ddy Expred4. Sunday* excepted.
:kW µ in. Elides. Mail, Snuddyn excepted.
m. Sumhp otii l T l vit
1:05 p. m. Emigtdot Tlaln, da ly for Dm west.
3:03 a, R. NlEnt glpreso, Sunday., cx•eptrd.
0 a. in. Vlncinnati Exprts., excepted.
p. a.nndava except.A.
T::20 a, m• ACC munudatlTTn Train. daily ft. r Stmquelaan Ca.
S: m. Nen York MAii. Sundays accepted.
10:20 D. m. Lightning Es prve6.
9:10 a, in. Wny FrelLIM, Sundays exreptod.
07 - ..% rut Inca :tud complete Poc k Time Tahlo" of
Paseenger Train, on the Erie Itallorny and connecting
linen lout recently been publipbed. and can be had on ap
plication lo tho Ticket Agent of the Comprtuy.
L. D. nroKErt, %VM. If. DARR,
(Jinni Supl, (foal Paes'a Agt.
Per. 14, 1 niu.
lIILLINGS STROr Et, Ticket Agent, DoLtrosa Pa
On and niter Dec. .10,1erm. trains on thoLch,igh
Vslley will ran as fullowS:
nourn. I NOM.
p. m. p, m. a.m. a.m. ( a.m. a In p.m p.m
Elmira ..... t. 4. 53. 12 10 11.10 7.40 11.5.5 2.4 5.32
It'avmly 11.00 5.0011.45 BCri 820 12.40 2 :14
11.13 4.11 11.20 7 10 9.45 4.45 4.02 7.25
TuuLhAanock 800
I'l . 4+ton 4.45
Waco-Barre, 4.20 1.15 7.10 1.15 7.15 8.15
Mooch eltank p.m. 10.45 p.m. 4.111 8.12
41 5.35 8,25
158510i:hem ... 9.30 5.50 8.50
, ,
0.00 G.t) 8.30
1%1441014dd ... T.:15 p.m. p.m.
New York:... G.OO .
Mos log North—Rend Upwurd. South—Acrd Down
TI ENE)" C. TYLF.II has removed his Insurance Office
.to 'bet of A. W. Borth°lf, Esq.. 017 lilt WILSON'S
itAll.llWitE STORE. where he will ho ploased to nerve
his friends and the public I;i:usually, with
Fire, Life, and Accidental Ininirance—Policies,
written 71. Day, and loses promptly and honorably ad
justed. All my Companies hare been Tried mid found
IlbrthlN and ally one who Says Ilircrenag, does so lot
self' Interest. Please call and examine Statements.
&c. N. D. 2Lr. Bertha( will attend to any hotness in
my absence. HENRY C. TYLER.
lontrose. July 15, 1571, 4w,
MOTTS, WOOLEN MILL Is running es usual, rusk
lug all wool flannels, checked and white; also,
cotton warp flannel, the best ever made; all wool
tweeds nod casslmeres. A large Int of cloths on hand,
fur sale or to exchange for wool. Please glee me a call
before &emotion of your wool elsewhere. MEL IM
miles north of Montrose. J. W. MOT?.
3lont rose. June 7. ISM. tf
IWouldmy respectfully state to former
1 ensue. Ili and the public generally alai I am agniu
carrying on the
IN MONTROSE, and propose to do all WORK In that
Lino, lu a
And at Satisfactory Price*. Particular attention given
tot:l. - TM:O and sPECLAL CARE need to hare the
work ?lain for the penman who puts it togctber.
She'p on the ‘vest .fda or "Public Avoutui." over
Barns & Nichols' Drng store, suiloinlog the Orbec cl
Dr. Halsey. F. LINES.
Mututore, February 1, lon, ir
„Iji she eau lw consulted at her residence In
ter. cat the farm adjoining Ex-afteril Johnson. Best of
references given. A. TAYLOR.
Bridgewater. March .1- 4 . um. 1.1
JB. SLIER-WOOD. The only Watch Alskor—ln Mon
. twee—that han a Diploma of Practice. Office. op
no.con'n, Maine Street.
Montrone, Jane 21, larl. tl
poninance of no order of the Orpan'eConrt of Sus.
qui:henna county, Penusylvania, will he sold at public
sale, on the portals., In Auburn township, on Thursday
the rah day of July, 1871. at ten o'clock p. m., the to.
lowing teal estate of Stephen King, deceased, to wit :
A valuable Lltlll, situate In Auburn township, bunnded
and described as follows, via. bounded on the north by
lands of William King, cast by lands of /lay King.
south by lauds of D. F. Taylor and west by lauds of
Blninger and W. IL Christian, containing about forty
eight acres of land, tblrty•Ove gems improved.
TERN, or Sata.--One hundred dollars down. ksx) on
confirmation (many; $2OO in eta month thereafter, paio
one year thereafter and the balance In two equal annual
payments, with interest on the 'whole sum remaining
unpaid from confirmarlmt ar eaeh payment.
nfrOILFLY EMU, Administrator.
Auburn July 5, 1871. td
Notice, to Builders.
T _
ng sciromannEcroas of Bridgewater tiorpshlp,
will receive scaled proporabs for the building of a
new Salami Hone, In Heart InkelYietriet, Until July
41,441971; mid school hone to be'elittligy to•Ure one
lathe Babcock District. For speghlgerteg,pnd putt&
ours. cal on B. Thatcher,
Nontrtute, By order of the
Baird.. • • W. B. BABCOCK, Sretary.
Bridgewat ' er. lone 49,1911-
irESTATE of HARRIET tats of Na
Milford Boro, tiasquetunmati County. deceased:.
Letters of administration upon the estate et the A ber,
Muni d decedent liming been iparde4 39 the undersign.
altormnos Indebted to tho said master 'me hereby
nodded to trona; imModiato Ininrent. and Oman toning
gioinolumlost the surto to prenenc them dril anNfentt.
Wed for settlement. .E1.1.10T ALDRIC y
H, •
Nen " Administrator:-
—AtSher-Weefe , the Welch-Maker, dialti'e
etrtgt,***, Pe;
WILL SELL OR LEAsE,• for a term of Tom. the
propertj et the outlet OfJ,ones'aLekv, Ou IMO Lerma
as will 'rustic it :to object for any onu to undo with hoe
who desires such a property—There is
Ceriait+3ll4Clll, • . •
- -
With Three Run of STONES in it, in GOOD 011:DEE.
.. E3.416.W-711/I„.Z.TaXa,
(Molloy.) new gearing, in good running order, and 80
acreu or choice Farming Land, moony cleared.
Now la your timu, as the new railroad, about being
built enhance Ito value. For partlenlara look at the
progeny, rail on or addreas It. S. SEARLE. •
afontroae, May 17, 11171,--aw 3tuntrouo, Pa.
entirely free from the Poisonous and
Health—destroying Drugs used in
other Hair Prepartions.
Transparent as l clear as crystal, It will not poll the
finer I. fabric,—perfeUly SAFE,CLEINami EFFICIENT
It restores nod prevents the hair from becoming Gray,
Imparts a twit. glassy appearance, removes Dandruff, is
cool and retresaing to the head, chroke the Hair from
tailing oft, and restnres it to a great extent wheal proud
rarely lost. prevent, Headaches, cures all humors, en•
tautens cretinous, and cup:aural heat, ASA DRESS
I seoger
P. 111.
DLL G. SMITH, r.itentee, Ayer, Prepared only
by PROCTOIt .011.0T11/ SIN, (flow:ester Ilaneachatiotta.
The itenalne Is put up In a pmet bottle, made expre.sly
for It, with the name of the article blown In the glae4,
Ask your Druir.;lst fur NATUIM'S RAM Ittsrousalve,
and take no other,
5.40 I
413 ,3
tar send two thrco cent stamps to Proctor Brothers
for a "Trootirre on the Homan flair." Tho tricurmstion
It contains to o oral s.l , s) ix) to arty person.
The "13tva KILLER" mnv justly be styled the groat
medicine of the world, fur there Is no rev ion of the globe
Into which it has not found its way. and been largely
used and highly prised. Moreover, there Is no clime to
which It has not proved to he well adapted for the care
or a considerable variety of diseases , it is a speedy and
raft. remedy for bores, scalds, vino, bruises, wounds and
varlets otter into Het , . al well no for Ilyreotery. diarrlorm.
and howel compl.tint. generally. It admirably altaated
fur every race of „men en the face of the globe.
It to a very significant fact, that notwithstanding the
lett: period of years that the Nth Killer" has been ht.,
fore the world, it lets tier or lost oue whit of Its popular.
ity, but on the contrary, the Coll for It has steadily ia•
creased front Its trot discovery, and 10 no pr :I , lo'4lton°
has the demand for ft been to great, or the quantity made
been au large, as it is to-due.
Another siguidcant fact It. that nowhere hotiba, rain
Killer everlices la higher repute, ur been mare general
ly used by families and individuals, than Khan been herd
of home, where It was ilr,t 11-covered stud Introduced.
That the rata Killer will cantor to be, what we hare
styled It. TII ft EDWIN*: UP TUe wout.o, there can.
not tic the dradua of a daunt. -Proridence Aftrertiwr.
TUE aro prepared to fututett the .° razes of a rttoori
or quailt, at both wlndt,tle and retail.
S111:15 BROS., 31..matacturert.
3Tontrot.e, !Any t. 187,1. tf
TILE HOTEL Property, located at
Dlmock Corners, and nonf and favorably known as
the Lxwir Ilund.counect,d n Ith IN Lich ate about Twenty
Aernt of Vslnabls Lund.
For particular, addre,, or cult on C. C. MILLS,
Talmud:, Pa., Jan. 23, 1071. tf. Executor.
B ELOW COST.—Read prices,-
Fine 13 kr. Co/d• y.ll
$l4 Aluminum Gold - • • ISS
$l2 Pare l'olu Fiber- • •
$lO Orolde t told - -
'e offer to the public oar elegant astortnteut of
Ladled and Gent.' W..itchee and 01.11)15w:id other kinds
of Jewelry, at the lowest cash prices over uttered here
tofore topurehuserc.
Pull Ruby Jeweled Levee., id let. Gold liuntin,e, raced
Watchea, wariatited, o•nally bold at $ll. only lei rash.
Elegant Fecund Quality Is let. Gold. full Jeweled Lev
er Watches, wart-50k...1 for time and wear. 6 to each.
Extra fine Titan Keepers. Aluminum Gold, Hunting
rased, full detveled Lever Watchett, equitito gold in tip
imirauce and for wear, warranted, at t-11 and each.
Fare Coln Silver, Rusting ca 4.11, full jeweled,Lever
Watches, at and $25 each.
Fine Oroitieliuld Watches with extra due movements, nod SIE each.
Mao. Flue Gold ('hams, Ladies' and (lents', from hie
$l6 each
Rolled Plated One Gold Chain+, et 54, 6.5 mud tr, each.
OUR WATCHES are regulated and adjusted to keep
tithe to the minute before *en, to pnrchaseee, and if not
Wand eo, we trill take them back at any time and return
goods ordered from lie Will 1.112 , sent by Es.prees, C.0.D.,
with ptirliege to examine them before paid for.
In all cam ordering ail Watches at a time, the
vurchaaer will receive ono Watch of eamo quality
rinaaa state tho kind and price of notch required
and order dlrrrt !rum N. 00911;;er d: Co.
P.O. Box 21 John Street, N. Y.
few York, Jur, 2.U, . Sro
Blatchley's Cucumber
pu..a.s:izi C)wri&xtir...
"C7C7' cp c;• cl_ lumps,
tEASU It 1 N 11:1.V,Ii feet in length, or suilicient in
the aggregate for A WELL OVER 40 1111ILE.S DEEP,
Simple in cametruction—E ey in Operation Dieing no
Taste to the water—Durable--Reliable and (lump.
These Pumps are their own beet recomnreedation,
For sale by deniers in hardware and agricultural tmplo
meats, phanthen. Pump makers, 3c.. through the coun
try. Circulars, &c., fundehed upon application by mall
or otherwise,
Mingle Pumps forwarded to parties In towns where I
have no agents upon receipt of the regular retail price.
In itnyliw. be careful that your Pump bears my trade
mark as above, patented March 21st, as 1 guarantee
no other.
Gtr. SEllebtookk.logr.
Meg and Warerociat, 624 a: 626 Phlabert•Sc.,
Philadelphia. 'March 15, IS7t,-5m Pa.
manhood: How Lost, How Restored.
Just published, a new edition of Dr. CsAver
well's Celebrated Essay owl the en.fkot cure
C• without 1nc,11,114.) rtf NVer:.VATOIMMEA, or Sea:l
a nal We3k11,24, lii.liuttarylll4lAl Ltmses. bIPO
TENCT, 31cutal and I /neap/m . ov, peJtalcute to
Marriage, etc. •, flier, CONS:ThIPTION, Erularo r, and FITS,
Induced by self-indulgence or ~ential extravagance.
Pir Price, In in. bulled eat llipt., onl) r touts.
The celebrated author. In titls admirable esmy, clearly
demousiratre from 3 thirty y•:arti' nueceasful practice,
that the alarming; eneeque [ices of seltabuee maybe rad
tally eared without the dangerous use of internal medi
cine or the application of the knife; pointing out a
Mode of Lure at once simple. certain. and tactual, by
mane of which every salt rev, no matter what hla con
dition may be, may cure Idawelf cheaply, privately, Ind
o' This Lecture flunild be In the-bands of every
youth and everyman in Thu land.
beat, under anal, al rs plain orielope, to any address.
Port on receipt of Mt acute. Or two poetage stamps.
sO, Dr Calve/well's " Marriage Oaldo,"prico '.llcet.S.
daldtvss the Publishvr.„
IM bowery. New Yorlr. Poet Oilleo Dos. 4 5811.
English and Classical courses. Terms begin
September 7th, December 111114 and March 27th.
State appropriations for students. Students ad
mitted at any
C time. Apply to
HAS. 11. VERRILL, A. 31.,
Mansfield, Pa. Aug,. 31,18;0.--1y
-.."- . . . .
C. A. fitiCIECETT'S 'Dental Comas, New 1111iford,ra,
P4rlicalar attention fewu to all operations ou the nain t
pat tut& Artilleial li inserted_ in all the variodB
ylea nee , in use. ['area satisfaction guarantied to alt,
ewe , andsee tne, and satistYybanteiren. Witco hoops,
1.• Min each cls,y;:
Wan.ll. Jei(/' la. _ . .
cAtITION.AFainst Punstpaing, , a •Noie.ffiven..ffir
Patent, to I der Keen; tot One irninfred::l 3 l l 7,
T stall alai pay It unleba compacdby law. 'Sate 'yen
c1.16/1" . El 1611. W N.
April 26, -• Avr-
eilitutg gii'ointoo givectorij.
Toro lilies in thislDietetory,one year, slllo—
additional line, 60 eta.
hiruark PLARTEiL—NICI/OLAS , -oorAKErt.
? , Dealer to geolibus Cayagn Pinter. Ft IA ground,
0. 3.f. RAWLEY, Mont for Empire Smyth: Machine,
and American Base Darning Store, Alain liStMai..
N. t MOSS kw , Dealers In fly Good•. t(ate,Cip•,
Boole and Shoev. and Geneml Illerchandbm, on Wahl
etreet, becond door below the Eplecopal Chord'. •
UNION HOTEL, kept by WILLIAM . SMITII,.on ]lan
otrext, uear r 1 Depob•—•
- -
W. S. fdf:AD. Foundry. and dealer to Plows and name
ntunalla, one door from l'hinney's
- - - -
N. F. N.lllllElt. for:logo tlnkez end Undertolote, on
Main Street, two iNord below Munn s
McCOLLUM BROTIIERS. Dealers to Groccrtca and
Proviolong. on Main btreet..
D. GADGET A: SUN. Diatlers In Floor. Feed. lies,.
Salt, Lime ' Cement, Groceries and Provisions on
]Bain Street, opposite the Depot.
d; T. flATIll3:kr, lfnnn(actun•n of CPO,* and
ITnoleaota deolera to Yankee Notion's and Fancy
Good., on Main Street, below Eplacopal eharcti. •
MOSS 6 E.NAP. Leather Manufacturers and dealers
In Morocco ' , fallings, ,tc., near Ep!scups' Church. ,ff
AINSY a HAYDEN, Dealers Sti I) rap end 31edicinee,
and Ilannfacturere of (Inn, on Nola Street, new
the Depot.
N. STEPIigNS, 'nurse Shoeing an general Repairing
on plain htreet, south of the britge.
J. DICKERMAN. Jn„ Dealer in general merchandise
aud Clot Mpg, Brick Store, on Main Street.
L, S. LENSEIM. Manurdetnrer of Leather, and dozier
in general ?turd:taunts:, on Pain Street!
D. V. DO AN, Merchntit Tailor nud dealer in Ready
Mad. Clothing, Dry Guudr,tirocertua and Yrovinlyrin,
SI rest.•
lanufacoarer of and dealer in anreri
or }lowa and rastlN,^a.
EOWAI10:4 s ofiv.ts - r. 31,11d.leturera of Wagons
and Slelqhn, near the. Ingalle' Store.
ADEL 71.1121ELL.Irr 1
. 11 Dnv,
qoors. Paino, Dye Stnfr , . Urocuries, Jewelry
N.O.oue,cte. ocp,
Wilco ono
W,&. li. ('OO1 3 F-Tt B inkoro. Foreign Pos
oagn unilDralto on England, Irelond and.ScoO.
J. It. FLETCHER'S F.nting Saloon is Hot place to t:et
lon ('ream., llyt.ters and Clam,. to every ri) In. On Vain
STROUD & Fire ni.trt.:fe lnron
nuck, ai 4 o. Act! Rnilroall -out .IccldentTitkete
tuNew York and I•uitrdclpl,ia. Uttcc oue door earl
of Um Dank.
F. B. (.31.1,.+11)Litft, , General . liwttralacc and Sewing Ma.
chine Agent. Public A.. 1.1111!..
IIU It:NS & NIt'UOLS, the place to get Drevantl
One', Clgers, 'retrace°, Noce, Avenue. lipecta-
cf.!, Yaultee Notions, ac., [Mill.
WM. L. vox. laariletee ranker and cleller in all articles
usually' kept by the trade, opposite the Bank.
. _
BOYD tt, CORWIN, Dealers to Stoves, Ilardware,
and Manufacturers of Tin and Sheetirou ware, corner
of Matn dud Turnpike street.
8. U. otos, 3ierch2nt Tailor and dealer in
Cluttio, CilWalogr, and Furniiihing Good.. and
/igen i for Singer lanwinir .Nlautilrin, on 3.tain Strent,
Fordliain building.
A. N. DULLARD, ID=ler In Groceries, Provisions,
Ikboks,Statiouery slid Yankee Notions, at land of
entlic ANVAUC..
T. SPOILE & CU., Dealers tu Stores, liarthrors.
AM'loans:nil implements, Flour and Groceries, oppo
site Yarnell House.
It A
'Stable, YNSFinO R ruur oftiuD 5: ITC uk. building lIEL, Livery and Exchange
IaCASTER. PLASTER.—We keep on hand an ample
L suppltof Freah Ground Dayow.i. Planer, [or ode al
Montrute Depot, by TIFFANY
Iluatrole D, put. Feb. %DM. Ow
T. D. TA:IIAR, so Tong known la Ilingblust
ton as one of tho tuost popular Cutters, and
fashionable Tailors in this section of country
has formed a co-partnership with E. V. New
comb, of Montrose, and they are now prepare('
to furnish men's wearing apparel of all kinds,
and in style and workmanship superior to any
establishment in this section of country•. Wu
to all u•iso may favor us with their patronage.
Shop at Post's old corner, on Public AVI:111113.
Montrose, Oct. 19, 1870.--tf.
Pcusirt Tartu Name.: 'rho extensive Furniture
Entablinhment of William W. smith, haying been
refitted and greatly improved, the proprietor respect
fully anummeento the citizetut of 51...ntrune and vicini
ty, that he is eunntandy making and keeps on hand the
largest and bent asasertment of
F r ICT 3FL .00 - 11:1
to be found any whey this side of Now York city.
Desks, Wrenn, Toweiraeks, Loanges, Wooten:Iola An. Lard, PIM. Toilet, Dining. Eitchen and
extension tables.
CUM= and Woodseat, Dockers, Flag
and Woodstutts of every vailety and nt3 le
Sotaaand Tate-a-tetea. furnished un short notice.—
Cane Bela. chairs unmated.
A large assortment--eheapest and nest In Mirka
Cane Seat Chairs.
I am now enabled to supply my costumers with a new
substantial carte *cat ettair,of home manufacture. which
will be found greatly superior to thrum formerly In
market, and yet are sold at a len., price.
Of Beady made coffins 014 hand or furnished at
Ann notice. Hearne alwrye in readinenn if desired.
I employ none bit earefq) and oxperieneed workmen,
I intend to do to work vrell, and roll it as low as can
he utiorded.
Montrose, Felt 18, ISUS.
Math Street, fp doors buiod , Soyd's Corner, Moutros
Weare cpnatantly rec trlNwt ad now balm aulland,
atrealfstock of tioode In WM - norblch ivy willed)
fur viola ,ur oxela 'go orpooduco.
' we.tusre refitted and raado Additions to our Stork o
Polia,and ore now ready to torword Butter to the boot
routratoelon houses to New York,t roe of claire°, And
motel thortdadvaocomooto on cootigarpooto„ , : •
exo!oineoor Stoeti..beforo pad/4WD:else,
sineremodeonvfiweeroOrsedoes efthe _
of our floods. ; f
9. 9 4dtNra.. 7- • W: #•t0,08
Irobtrato. Atirtl 36; UV: , " ' • •
jiv., VANAMIEII4. X. D. etticeashilly traits
all classes a ChrOltne and Acute Messes. Bend
. stamp for circ a / 1 r containing. partlealsrsse4 . testi
r arlostsla. ' Address Des 6120, - Nes , Veal:. ,
SPRING' tali t
At LenfteLafi GREAT BEND.
At Lenhelmts GREAT BEM
At Leniteli;ei GREAT BE*
AB of which hale ban purctussed dosing
the lute decline, find will be sold as prices mg
conliogly :
GOOD CALICO, only 20 ands perm&
GOOD IIt7SLI,N only, 10 cents per yard,
GOOD SUGAR, only 10 tents per pound.
TEAS, only 90 cents per pound,
ILINDSOME DRESS goods for 2Sctsay%
St it of CI O 2 ELE icr
All other goods at corresponding
Wo arse mike a speciality of the Met.
PING BUSINESS, and will send to the
btst HOUSES EAST butter and all caw
kinds of PRODUCE.. The HIGHEST
market price and prompt returns
guaranteed also PAILS furnished
Parties übbing to buy GOODS CHEAP AM
find We
in Susquehanna County i 'fi) select ft= wtll4a
well to call at
April 3,1871.-4 m
ITFI nr Without Electricity, a:pitmans d W eveSSOS.
for llberuzaatistc, Meta ll ic lea iTheonto_pliellii
sa,_ At the foot of Chestnut stmt. Notttrose.n.
Mustn't, Aptit..ll,llll. 17.
xv - mlair
6ultmbtrg, Cos.
Anil wat
,2111 V AND rANOT Gomm".
All of the Newest; Handsomest Designs!,
And also ; a Fine Assortaxemt of
To wticti wo invite t6s ottentloa car rattans air
Me public:, In general, to give as a call sad Votiziatiai
do seme.before boyir f g.easewheve.
dtirrEYDl3/tO,2O3MHAM3 CLI.
,3103trovo, 3tey 3, lan
• (CUT OUT A.NO wag
TU TIXCB ENECONTIa 'And others who. WV W
long given roe their patronage, I . tender my tagt‘•
felt thanks; and invite a ecettnuence ottluriatuevmrldi
their influence, to thq , - „
. Amami in ittaithitzi '• •
of Smith, Cubit dt C 0 4 ,111 tradllf , Dtulnis street. Noe
York, where otdets steroid bet dsted Mute sad 4kt:ti
ed to the tinkle insure early &nettled, and 1 would add
to nil , ' patrons; and Wilton arltd" pus by OA the mbar
lade, Abut 1: ant itel_lo ltaunderaold,ll any fan at
woo emween In New York. or elsewhere, whims@ Os
me a pit :Out goods ant all new, and bought dm
cub, Lou !flouter by and Northern trado. . -
• ' 11:0:TYLIt1174gent,ind Amlstant
Ttantr w? Marsh 0. 1511. l. bare.
%talk/la 14/6 yff..
- V. iftl.,:to whom it may viscera :—Tltio
fic,th6ay that rhos Riven A.lmixtvo, - pixectromy,
Pa, the excluslyo coeUel of the sato of the above man.
ed tweedy to fhteepeitatuat (Toasty, sOlong es be eboolle•
to catalpa. la the bottom, sod ;hal la otilers ImatiOis
should be atldrateed bo him, to reeelire axtratios,
• X. X, T/LTON,PropX•IIO,g -
Xasqi itrn,
Is the plot* t+ buy
Boors awl tjHOES,
Great : Head, Pa.
A Loaz4V'"
Stock of
-4 CM.'