The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, August 02, 1871, Image 2

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    Zhe gtontroot ginnocrat.
nroraritoszi, PENIVA
wszoNIZSDAW. p 6 EST 74;17
--- - .
lir A Full Poll of the Democratic Vote „„gA
- "will Secure the Election of Our State..
.Or Ticket by a Large Majority. ,
or Let Every Democrat Remember that..ol
Ur and Impress the Truth of it Upon the _el
rir Minas of His Neighbors !!
bemoerntle County Convention.
The Democratic voters of Susquehanna
county are requested to meet at the place
of holding elections in their respective
districts between the hours of 4 and .6
o'clock r. st, on Saturday the 19th day
Of August next (unless otherwise ordered
by-the Township Committee) and elect
twtr delegates to represent said districts in
the Convetition to be held at Montrose,
on Monday, August 21st, at 2 o'clock p.
m., for the purpose of nominating candi
dates to be supported at the ensuing elec
Au nt - ux.—W illiam White, D. Linabury.
Daniel Seely.
AroLAcox.—William Creigh, P. Fitz
martin, Timothy Kane.
ARARAT.—B. H. Dix, N. J. West, L 0.
BRIDGEWATER—GiIbert Johnson, E.
Beebe, Simeon Lewis.
Hewitt, P. 11. Tiffany:
Cuocoxu - r.—M. J. Gulden, M. J. Don
lin, M. Stanley.
CLIFFORD2—J. Stephens, Martin. Deck
er, I. J. Cobb.
DUNDAFF.—C. C. Church, Dr. J. C.
Olmstead, T. P. Phinney.
DIMOCK.—C. C. Mills, I. Main, William
FortEsT Luc —lsaac Strange, M. Grif
fin, E. Griffis.
FRANKLIN.—J. L. Merriman, N. P.
Wheaton, John Watson.
FUIENDSVILLE. -- James Meade,' Hugh
Duffy, John Foster.
Clusox.—J. H. Claflin, E. Clinton,
George Roberts.
Ilateh, S. Barnes, L 1L Smith.
GREAT BEND BORO.—L Rickhow, rt. S.
lIERRICK.—J. M. Myers, E. R. Barnes,
.henry Lyon.
HAILi'ORD.—W. B. Guild, D. M. Farrar,
Jackson Tingley.
ILtuuoxY.—Richard Martin, H. H.
llobard, J. Storer.
JACKSON. — L. Griffis, T. W. Clinton, J.
J r ..` Dix.
JESSCP.—Zenas Smith, W. C. Handrick,
G. IL Harvey.
L.s.Tnnor.—Alvin Brown, Lyman Saun
ders, William Gardner.
LENON.—liiram White, Michael Whit
ney, A. L. Jeffers.
- LIBFKrY.—M. L Truesdall, L. W. Al
len, William M. Bailey.
LrrrLY, MEADOWS.—I.. B. O'Dond, T.
Conumgham, J. IL O'Dond.
lliionatrowx.—Thomas Colford, Tim
othy Monahan, 0. E. Smith.
MorrnosE.—A. IL McCollum, C. D.
Lathrop, H. J. Webb.
. EW MILE° RD TO W NSII Ir.—Ezra Beebe,
I. D. Foot, F. Aldrich.
NEW MILFORD Boao.—F. W. Boyle,
William T. Ward, George Hayden.
OAKLAND.—J. Tillman, L E. Shutts,
E. C. Legget.
Ursa.— Albert Pickett, A. Carter,
James Logan.
SPRINOVILLF...—WiIIiam B. Ilandrick,
S. A. Shook, S. Quick.
liam Post, W. Barber.
'SILVER LIKE.--Joseph Ward, L Stone,
D. T. Donovan.
Tuousox.—C. Stoddard,lL. S. Aldrich,
J. P. Whitney.
C. M. GERE, Chairman.
-If the reader will open at random any
of the newspapers of the Cameron-Quay I
ring printed within the last month, says
the liarrisbrug Patriot, he will find,. in
various forms, the charge that General'
Itl'Candless; the Democratic candidate for
Auditor-General resigned from the service
of the United States daring the most
critical period of the late war, because he
disapproved the change of base on the
:flut of the Lincoln administration from
o war for the Union to a crusade against
slavery. A baser slander of a braver and
truer soldieohan this libel of General
M'Candless by these newspapers, was nev
er uttered. Gen. M'Candless did not, at
any time, resign from the army. Ile serv
ed out the term of three years for which
be entered the service and was mustered
out with his regiment, June IG, 1864. Let
"Bates's History of Pennsylvania Volun
teer's confute the calumny. We quote
from that work, vol. 1, page 590:
"Thirty-first Begiment—Second Re
serve, Colonel William M'Candless —Date
of muster into service, May 27, 1881;
term, three years; promoted from Major
/9 Lieutenant Colonel, Oct. 22, 1801; to
Colonel, Aug. 1, 1802; wounded at Bull
Run, Aug. 30, 1862, and at .the Wilder
ti,eaol 'May 8, 1864; mustered out with
,f4datent, June 6, 1864."
This is the record written down by a
33.21:Heal historian and stamped with the
approbation of a Radical legislature. The
ring newspapers are thus convicted, by
testimony which they dare not dispute, of
a deliberate and malicious libel upon the
charaoter of the gallant soldier whose fi
delity to his country they attempt to im
But this is only 'stating the crime of
theselicentious prints in pa#. Their
wanton misrepresentation of 'the military
irOord of , Gen. M'Candless is an indirect
.attack tipon the whole of that gallant
body of soldiers known as the "Pennsyl
vania 'Reserve Corps." Gen. McCandless
:Was'ope - of the principal officers of that
65ips;:cOtamandiog one of its brigades,
nmaittiog with it uotilits time of service
capired and sharing its perils and viva
#36B to thO last. 00- -irCandk BBl l -1 the
€ 11 7 11 . V when -I:elyisy . lvania' Res e rve
11:11 When; therefore, the'. sing
journals denounce him because he re -
nained in the service end) three years,
hey condemn in effect, , the remainder of
he surviving officerk and then of: the
Pennsylvania Reseryci Corps. -
No v let the patriotio , reactoriturnagain,
to the quotation made afi-o%:elrorrillites#
History and note that at BiAll Run, Aug.
30, 1862, and at the Wilderness, Nay 8,
1864, Gen. M'Candless w•as wounded.
The soldici who is calumniated by the
canting-knaves of the radical- press, shed
his blood: for the flag to whielt they would
bare intellig,ent pe - ople believe he was un-
true. He bared his breast to the . storm
which the cowards who malign him durst
not face
the brand of dereliction in soldierly duty!
Oh ! shame that the needs of party de
mand such prostitution of the press!.
A son Impeachment.
The last Piepublcan in giving "a little
advice" to the Radical delegates who arc
to compose the' next convention, among
other things let slip the following signifi
cant paragraph :
, 2. Be sure to officer your Convention
with fair-minded and capable men—es
pecially secure Secretaries who are not
only capable but willing to keep full and
correct minutes of the proceedings, wlth
tallies of all the balloting's, and furnish
the same for publication.
What is meant by "securing Secretaries
who are not only capable but willing to
keep full and correct minutes of the pro
ceedings ?" Is this casting any reflection
upon former Secretaries ?
How about the convention of 1869. Is
the editor using Pllftle "soap" on the
members of his party who were basely
counted out by the• officers of that con
vention and whom he wantonly slandered
with the most lowlive abuse of which he
was capable ? Let them , beware, snakes
always charm just before they bite. It is
some satisfaction however to see him ac
knowledge, even at this late day the dis
honesty of his party leaders, but it only
proves the old adage true that "necessity
is the mother of invention," and only
shows that a little sea-sickness caused by
the bowling of the storm of indignation
about the Radical craft which makes him
think of his "latter end," leads him to
adopt a true prayer for deliverance, but
should the storm pass and he escape, he
would be the same cursing hypocrite.
Let all honest men beware!
Williams, James
. ,Another leaf is added to the chapter of
accidents and casualties which has made
the present summer memorable over its
predecesors. On Saturday, a steamboat,.
While lying at a wharf at New York, ex
ploded her boilers, by which one hundred
and fifty persons were killed and wound-.
ed. A portion of the upper deck, crowd
ed with men, women and children was
blown into the river, and all perished.
The scene was full of terrible sorrow and
suffering, and those who escaped unhurt,
will not soon forget its horrible realities.
"On horrors head, horrors accumulate."
A cry of_distress from-far off Tevas min
gles with that from New York. Nine
teen persons were killed and wounded in
that State on Saturday by a railroad train
being precipitated into the Narasota riv
er, by a bridge giving way. It was a con
struction train, bound North. Had reg
ular passengers cars been attached, the
loss of life would have been far greater.
A Man of the People.
M'Candless the Democratic
candidate for Auditor General of Penn
sylvania, is a practical machinist and
railroad engineer. At about fifteen years
of age ho was apprenticed to the celebra
ted firm of Norris Brothers, engine build
, ers, to learn their calling. He remained
with them for five years and became a
' skilled workman in every branch of the
trade. lie so conducted himself that at
the expiration of his time they gave him
a certificate of first-class capacity. His
intelligence, industry and skill had so ele
vated him with his employers that the
Messrs. Norris selected him to take charge
of and deliver to the New York and Erie
railroad a number of engines they had
built for the company, and recommended
him to General M'Callum (then superin
tendent of that road and during the war
brigadier general in charge of military
railways) for employment. He was em
ployed to put these engines into practical
working, and during 1854 ran an engine
upon the Mw York and Erie railrDad;"
between Susquehanna, :Penna., and Hor
nellville, New York. In 1655 he was em
ployed by the Pennsylvania railroad com
pany, and ran an engine between Phila
delphia and Harrisburg. The ,necessity
for skilled labor in the shops at Parks
burg caused them to transfer him thither
and he Worked at his bench in keeping
engines in order for the road for several
months. Owing to the refusal of the
codipany to promote him., he being then
but twentv-two years of age, he left their
employ and commenced the study of the
law with Moses A. Dropsie, Esq., of Phil
adelphia. -Of his subsequent career as a
gallant soldier we have already written.—
—The Western arthohe says of the Or
-We question their taste in celebrate
ing un event which though remote, is still
remembered with passionate auger by a
large number of their fellow citizens; but
in this difference our- right of .triticism
ends. They are not us for
their taste. There is no law that we have
heard, against folishness which is mat
tendedby an overt breach of the . peace.
The Orangemen have,as much right to
celebrate the anniversary of the battle of
the Borne as we Catholics have week
bmte the Tope's Jubilee, SG Patrick's
Day, or any other festival, and they have
a right to choose any method of 'eelebra
tins it which pleases. them, so long . as
their programme does.,not, include slot!
mis s conduct or web / oral)) , interference
with the - property or pergme of .their
And now he is rewarded with
A Horrid Explosion.
Mad Dog!.
Mrs. Caroline E. White,' President of
Woman's Branch. of Pennsylvania Socie
ty fin/prevention .of cruelty' to animals,
thus ref, an naticlin the Pres.,
headed 'Wad Dogs," and. beginning as
"As the heat of summer advances, the
danger from rabid dogs increases," etc.
It is certainly time, in view of all that has
lately been said and written upon the
subject, that this old Sap6rstition witlfre
,mrd to mad,doge should be. : done away
with,' should not lend itself to keeping
alive unjust and cruel prejudices. In the
spring of last year a convention was held
in Paris of the medical profession through
out Europe, and the newest discoveries of
the greatest light among the deciples of
Fecalapins were discussed and made pub
lic. The result of their investigations in
the disease called hydrophobia were pub
lished and were enumerated us follows :
First. Hydrophobia is a disease of vet.?
rare occurrence: Second. It is more
F.common in winter than in summer.
Third. The use of the muzzle is calcula
ted to induce hydrophobia. In a lecture
delivered on this subject in Baltimore last
summer, the lecturer, a gentleman who
hod devoted much time and attention to
the study of thisdiscase, repeats the above
mentioned facts and adds : "Fits are a
certain sign that hydrophobia does not
exist in the animal suffering from them."
In a conference with S. Weir Mitchell,
M. D., be affirmed it to be the result of all
investigations that hydrophobia was more
likely to occur in winter than in sum
mer. Now with regard to the first state
ment of the convention of physicans iu
France, that hydrophobia is very rarely
met with, we have abundant facts in our
own experience to support that thyorv.
The late president of the gentlemen's
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals,S. Morris Waln, examined the
books of Pennsylvania Hospital from
the time of its foundation, about ninety
rears ago, to the present time, and, in the
record of maladies which had existed
there, found one case of hydrophobia.
The dogcatchers of our city, who are con
stantly coming in contact with the d0g.4,1
and who (before our society substituted
nets for the lassoes in use for ther appre
hension) were bitten every few days,
sometimes in a very severe manner, never
knew a case of hydrophobia among their
number, nor was there ever even a report
of such nature. Surely, if the bite of a
dog is so exceedingly to be dreaded, these
men who are bitten so often ought to ex
perience the dire effects resulting there
from. Then, in the name of justice and
humanity, let this crusade against these
unoffendmg animals cease. Let it not be
sail that the streets of Philadelphia are a
hunting ground for these humble, devoted
friends of man, and that they are only
secn but to be made target for a police
man's pistol. Our society takes up those
running at large in a legal and proper
Ferry-Boat Disaster.
The following is a late account of the
ferry-boot disaster, which took place in
New York on Sunday last: The first hell
had just been rung, when the explosion was
heard, and the scene of confusion and
horror which resulted, baffles description.
The boiler bursting carried away the whole
of the boat in front of the steam-pipe,
and scattering tite debris on all sides.
Men, women, children, horses, ivagons,
boards and chairs were hurled in the air.
Nothing escaped that woo on the r.,,,ra
portion of tho boat. The passengers in
the rear, rushed for the entrance en masse,
but very few escaped without severe in
juries. The scene was frightful, and
many fainted from fear. Bodies, debris,
and portions of the wreck fell among the
' passengers and increased the confusion.
An examination of the boiler, as it now
lies in the bottom of the beat, reveals the
fact that the explosion occurred at the
rear, and that a piece about four feet long.
and two feet wide, was torn out of the
jacket, and thrown one hundred feet on
to the dock at the barge office. Another,
and larger portion of the boiler, was thrown
directly forward into the bow of the boat.
In Bellevue hospital at midnight there
were twenty-four bodies in coffins. and
ten in slabs, ull frightfully scalded, large
patches of skin being torn off in many
places. Since nine P. sr. there have died
at the hospital Fanny Randall of Sixth
avenue, Margaret Carverne, aged two years,
1 Christopher Houch and wife, Mr. Allman,
Sarah Phillips, a baby, three unknown
men, and one unknown woman, and
Matthew Mabony and John Gerrity, both
of Brooklyn.
The surgeons at the different hospitals
say a majority of those in their charge
will die. A crowd of people estimated at
15,000 is congregated around Bellivue
Hospital, and a like crowd around the
Park Hospital.
July 31-1 a. m.—The most reliable re
turns of the easualities by the explosion,
give a total of fifty killed, and of wound
ed about one hundred and twenty.
Where to Stop at Cape May.
In one of our exchanges we find the
following, which, from our own knowl
edge and experience, we aan freely en-
"Do you want to visit the one spot on
he whole Atlantic coast which furnishes
he best bathing? If you do go to Cape
May. Nowhere eke is the temperature of
the water so near what it should be to
make a perfect ocean bath, nowhere else
is the surf so flue and nowhere else the
teach so safe. Do you went to know
where to stop when you get to Cape
May? If we. can tell you. Go
straight to the Columbia House. It is an
admirably constructed hotel, with com
modious and elegantly furnished rooms.
It has around it rows of flue shade trees
which protect its occupants from the rays
of the sun, and through whose leaves the
cooling, breezes from the ocean come
creeping - with strangely , soft and soothing
whispers. Its lawn is the most beautiful
on the island, and nowhere else is the
bathing E 0 fine as just in front,of this
splendid lawn. The table is furnished
with every delicacy which the market can
supply and the servants are polite and at
tentive. The house is the permanent re
sort of many of the best people from
Philadelphia and other parts of Pennsyl
vania, while Baltimore and different re
mote localities are-well represented... Its
proprietor; George J. Bolton, is one of the
few men who knows how to keep hotels.
He has three on hood at present, Bolton's
•Hotel 'at- Harrisburg, the Washington
Hotel at Philadelphia, and the Columbia
R ous e; and the traveler. who stops once
at either one of them will be sure to go
back again.: Just now Mr. Bolton is gtv
ing.his personal-Attention to the Colum+
bia Rousei and ita perfectoundition s h o w s
thatitha eye of aim/Ater - fa over . Ile
sure t0..g010 Cape ..May, and 'when : pm
get there be suze *put np with:Wee:
An EncourngingOilgn.
One of the most importadt signs of the
timesyand one.which indicates, in a clear
malan,er, the shadily
,aprirmching down
ofthoepublican party,is to lie found
iu the toad of the indepententilepubli
can press: 'Disgusted with! the . unhfiash-r
ing political corruption viiich they are
too honest to cover up, fearless party
journalists in this city, aid throughout
_the entire country, have, tor the past two
or three years, raised theirvoices ill pro
test against the enormities perpetrated
by the Radical party. 'They. have de
nounced many times, in far too feeble a
manner, the plundering of the public
treasury, and the wholesale bargaining in
public offices; but the party of power,
strong in its very corruption, impudent
and unscrupulous in its measures, has
treated these admonitions with contempt.
The Republican leaders, with a madness,
compared to which the conduct of the
Scriptural herd of swine was wisdom,
have attempted to read out of the party
every journal bold enough to criticise, even
' in weak terms, their corrupt actions and
' plans. The ring organs of the party, of
which there are a couple of notorious
ones in this city, call their former asso
ciates and friends renegades, apostates
and other hard names. In reply, they get
the name of 'corruptionists,' 'swindlers,'
and 'office-holders.' All this goes before
the public, and the reading men of Amer
ica are not such fools as hair-brained pol
iticians and careless editors sometimes
imagine. The American people are of en
inquiring turn of mind, very frequently
inclined to reason about affairs of ibis
kind, and first conies the query, what
causes these hard words between those
who so recently united their voices upon
all political questions, and bolstered up a
common cause? To the think in o rr mind.
but one answer can he presented. The
undisguised corruption of the party in
power, has disgusted those among
who would be honest leaders of public
, sentiment. The political managers have
, refused to pay any attention to their pro
tests, and cooly ignore them. Circum
stances of this kind awaken the minds of
the multitude much sooner than un
meaning resolutions, and specious promis
es of reform. The election returns each '
succeeding campaign show, by increased
Democratic majorities in Iteptildioan
stronghuhls, that many who have differed
from us on questions now buried by (the
past, are ready to unite with the great
Democratic party in a crusade against the
iniquities perpetrated by an organization
whose only aim now is political power
and government plunder. The Republi
can masses are rapidly finding out the
dark tricks of their political leaders in a
way that cannot fail to bring conv:c
tion—through the columns of the bide
-11 pendent papers of their ow n party.
Four Quarter.
The Cause of Crime.'
Noth withstanding all the facts which
tend to show an increased civilizatien, one
extremely hard fact remains: namely—
that in no period of the world's history,
have wc ever been treated to so many sui
cides, and domestic crimes of all sorts, as
at present_ The Sabbath, too, seems to
be the day chosen of all others fur the
commission of these tragedies. While
progress has been made in the arts and
sciences. in moral and mental philosophy
—while broader ground has been given to
the social and religious questions of the
onm pa rath clv lick tattc•atiull has
been paid to that part of man's nature ;
which seems to demand the excitement of ,
alcoholic stimulants. Temperance re-
formers have utterly failed to inspire the !
respect of the masses. Temperace lee
tures have been delivered ad libilam and
ad narwam. lirlust seems to have been
the only result. While statistics shoo
that there arc more intoxicating liquors
partaken of than there was fifty years
ago, there is not a sufficient increase in
quantity to justify the present increase of
crime and mortality. Fifty years ago de
lirium tremens was comparatively un
known. Itum made no such ravages then
as it makes now. Men drank, and men
slept, and men worked, but seldom stagg
ered or became insane. The adulteration
of liquors is at the bottom of this in
crease of crime. The mental and spirit
nal do not, cannot long survive the poi
of men's stomachs. Moral decay
and death are just as sure to follow the
sunset. Whaterer may be said on the
subject of temperance (mid words fitly
spoken would he of infinite value) one
thing the drinking publje, should fully
I understand—that there is very little pure
liquor to be found in the country of any
I kind, from grape wine to alcohol; and
that strychnine is no more fatal' in its re
! snits than is the popular liquor poison.
Measures should be taken. and that imme
diately. to examine the different kinds of
intoxicating beverages for sale in the
country, and a law made to punish those
gifilty of adulteration. In no other way
is there any hope for the health of the na
tion.—.N. Standard.
passed by the last Legislature exempting
members of the National Guard of the I
State from jury service. It extends "to
any commissioned officer, non-commis
sioned officer, musician, or private, of the
'National Guard of Pennsylvania, who has
uniformed himself or shall hereafter uni
form himself, according tO the militia laws
of this Commonwealth, and, who shall
faithfully serve as a member- of said Na
tional Guard, but each and every such
person shall, on presentation to the Court
of the certificate of his commatding
cer if a non-commissioned officer or pri
rate, that he is an equipped, active mem
ber, in good standing, or of his commis
sion, if un officer then in commission, be
exempt from service as a juror, if he so
desires during the period of such military
TAXES TIE EN OFF.—The last Legisla
tare passed an act, which has received the
official signature of the governor, repeal
ing that portion of the act of April 29,
1844. relating to the tax of two per cent.
on every dollar of salary and emoluments
over $2OO ol persons holding public offlc?
or offices held under corportions, The re
cent act also repeals the tax of one per
cent. on incomes of tradesmen, occupa
tions and professions over $2OO. In
pursuance of tho Jaw Auditor General
artratift has addressed ti•notice to the
cOmmiSsioners of every county in the state
calling their attention to the act and re;
questing them not to collect the taxes
mentioned,. and.where it has been done to
refund Olomouc!,
—lf "you do not desire a deed. :• to be
known, lease it undone.
—Vanity feeds upon the - crumbs that
fall from the table of flattery.. — '.:*
gond ontelligenct.
Rim. 'L. S. roan, Pluto!.
lON is. ID. KEW 7 NISL
rtArrin ountor •
Sabbath Services
Sabbath School
Prayer Ilmting, Wednerrhty-Evertiup,
Sabbath Services Second Sunday In each Mouth
Sabbath School... ........ boron} Mars
Sabbath . laM A. m. And 7M p. m.
Sunday Sawa.
Week-Day Liervices—Fridays
30.45 IS. m. and I'M p. au
h . rl:lyer idecting,Tbundays-
Sabbath Servietat
Sabbath School
Pnpa Meeting. Thursday Evenings
Rev. .1.9/ Mrusit.
10.95 a. ra. and Vi p. m.
la 15 p. m.
p. at
Busincs Notices.
—School Directors of Franklin will meet
Saturday, August 12th, to let the building of a
School . house. See Advertisement.
—Stetvarfs 3farbleized Mantles advertised.
—J. Bradshaw and others give notice of their
appointment as executors In the estate of Judson
Stone. Sec notice.
—"Free Exhibition" Hwy Stone Saloon. See
local notice. _
County Superintendent announces a Teach
ers Institute at Susquehanna commencing Aug.
closing Sept Ist. See local .notice.
As it is considered impolite to go where you
are not invited, our subscribers may consider
that our business men who advertise in other
papers but do not in ours, do not want their
patronage. Our readers can think of this when
they come to trade and govern themselves ac
cordingly. Patronize those who think enough
of you to invite you.
Reform Needed.
The Illontrose Repo&lkan of this week says
that "the Republican party must begin by re
forming itself." Tally one truth for Homer.
Various Items
—The common salutation these days on our
streets is "Have you got your dog inu7.7.led."
—The arrival of the potato bug is reported in
this vicinity. In lowa they climb tall trees and
with telescope "prospect" for distant "patches."
—We saw yesterday a ripe tomato. The seed
producing it was planted March 9th and the
plant was transplanted to the garden May 2.111),
and the ripe tomato was picked July fllst. The
variety is "Keyes earl• Prolific.:' It was raised
by 11. C. Jessup, Esq., 3iontrose.
lion. Wm. J. Turrell having recently purchas
ed the property of Wm. I). Lusk, Esq., In
Montrose, has commenced repairing by giving
the law Mike a new coat of paint, very much
improving its appearance.
S ((((( lay School Plc Mc. j out, and a chase commenced, hut lie (diled his
The teachers and scholars of the Baptist Sal— pursuers, and at our last accounts had not been
bath selin,ll held a pie ale at Salt Springs, on ' captured. The one who was keeping watch on
ThuNday last, and judging from appearances, the outside was arrested, and gives his name as
we conclude that it mast have been a successful Alex: Stevens, of Owego. lie claimed not to
and pleasant affair. The teachers scholars and ' know who his companion was t and said he never
friends met at the church about nine o'clock, ; saw him before.
and formed in procession, consisting of some
sixteen or eighteen double teams, headed by the
pastdr, Ike. L. B. Ford, and several single bug
gies, all crowded with merry boys and girls
with significant banners and flying stars and
stripes, all brat on a plea alt time, which we
arc hdinaned they had; nothing intervening to
mar their enjoyment except a shower as they
were returning home, but as nearly all were well
protected from the storm by covering, it only
served to increase the frolic and fun of the hap
py children.
Amending Pleading'•
A very radical but a very sensible change was
made in the law and in the practice of pleading
in the several courts of common pleas of tins
commonwealth by the last Legislature as ap
pears from the following act which was ap
proved May 10th:
Sec. 1. That iu all actions pending or here
after to be brought in the several courts of this
Commonwealth, said courts shall have power,
in any stage of the proceedings, to permit an
amendment or change in the form of action, if
the same shall be necessary for a proper decision
of the ease upon its merits; the party applying
to pay all costs up to the time of amendment,
and the cause to be continued to the next court
if desired by adverse party.
Brooklyn items.
You will find account of strawberries raised
this season as follows: Joseph Lines, Jr., pick
ed from 30 a 60 feet of ground, 2214 bushels : his
entire crop amounts to 70 bushels. Lewis Lines
raised 10 bushels ; Charles Richards had 10 bush
els; Albert Mack picked 10 bushels; Angel Ster
ling had 6 bushels; Joseph Lines, Sr., 4 bushels;
G. W. Palmer 11 2 bushel. Whole number of
bushels 12114, with 11i acres under cultivation.
Parties raising a few quarts in gardens are not
here noticed.
—The auction sale held at Rogers' store, for
sonic time past, has at length closed.
—lf there is a working Supervisor in town,
we should like to see his face once more. Should
we have any friends intending making us a visit
soon we would advise them to get insured first,
If possible.
—Nine-tenths of the haying is done up in Ju
ly, this season.
—L. L. Lloyd, the Liberian Missionary, of
whom mention was tnade in the last DEMOCRAT,
presented his "cheek" at our place not long.
since. After he returned from church, where
he delivered his lecture, he stepped up to Mr.
B.'s son and requested a drink, saying It was
his usual custom to take a little after spetking.
The son informed hint they did not deal out
liquor on Sunday. M.
Brooklyn, July 28. 1871.
Narrow Gunge Cars. -
As much interest is manifested in the "new
departure" in railroads a description of the
narrow gauge passenger ears, etc., which passed
through Harrisburg a lew days ago for the
Denver and Rio Grande railroad, may not be
amiss. The passenger cars are thirty-five feet
in length, seven feet In width and ten feet six
Inches in height. On one side of the aisle is a
row of double scats and on the other a row of
single Seats. The seats are as comfortable and
roomy as those in use on roads of wider gauge,
and there are sails for thirty-four passengers in
each car. The smoking cars are quite a novelty
in their way, having twd elegantly cushioned
seats running from end to end back to back,
with others of smaller dimensions disposed
about the comers. The finish of the Inside and
out is elegant, and seats being lined with fine
pluSh and thepanneling and other adornments
are highly polished and artistically painted
The center of gravity la kept as low as that of
any ordinary railroad' car can Ile by reducing
the height orthe sills to twenty-seven inches
above the rails, which is eighteen Inches less
than that on brOad gunge roads. The tracks
upon which the passenger cats rest are con=
structed in the most substantial manner, Mid it
only requires an examination to prove to the
Most Incredulous that these cars Will be ibily as
sate as any others—as little ' liable to upset or to
meet with any of the accidents Which are et&
ternary on railroads. - The baggage'eara attach=
e d to the trains are models of 'convenience. '
farm will send the campaign 'DEMOCRAT
foi tine° months on remipt of any anti
Pay the Printer. •
In the Columbus Republican we find the fol
lowing : The great curse to a country news
paper is the babit they all fall into, ortrUsting
outtheir papers. Every cent of the ante* of
subscription is needed to help pay the ;running
expenses. When a subscriber withholds pay
ment, it detracts just so much front thegoodness
of his paper. The editor, inste;d of having his
mind on the lookout for fresh ideas, fresh news,
is studying how he Is to get the money, to pay
for that bill of paper, or for the quarter's rent
due to-morrow. He can not help thinking that
his-subscribers do not care for hint, if they du
not come around with the money
,and an lie gets
to caring less and less whether he interests,
amuses or instructs them. There are always a
number, good, honest men that pay promptly,
always in advance, who are awake to the fact
that the printer needs his pay, and to such the
printer feels grateful, and the thought of such as
these encourages him to do his best a little long
er. An editor hates to turn his paper into a
dunning circular, Just as much as prompt payers
dislike seeing the duns week after week. Al
though these duns slip oil their consciences as
water slides off a duck's • back, yet it strikes
them Just as much as the water does the duck.
Pay the printer, gentle delinquent reader, and
then if the paper is poor, yon may be sure it is
nut your fault.
Thieves In Great Bend.
We understand, says the Binghamton Lemkr,
that one night last
,week some thief or thieves
made their way into Barnes' Hotel, Great Bend
village, and while all were wrapped in the
arms of Morpheus, took from the good Lost
$lOO. The same night they entered the house of
Rev. Mr. Rankin, the Presbyterian minister,
and relieved his pataloons, which laid on a chair, the bed, of They also entered Mr.
Simi - ells residence, and provided themselves
o ith preserves, fruits, etc. No truck of the
thieves could be found.
Sunday morning, July 20, in broad daylight,
a bold robbery was attempted on the opposite
side of the river in Great Bend. A couple of
young men approached a house, and it being
I perfectly quiet they supposed the occupants had
goue to church ; but while they were examining
arming the lady of the house came to the door
and asked what they wanted. They nswered
that they wanted something to tat. but as they
acted so curiously she did not Mel inclined to
allow them to enter. They went to the adjoin
: ing house, occupied by Mr. Samuel Govel, who,
with his tamily, were attending church. Seeing
one of them hanging around Mr. Govels yard,
the gentleman of the house where they at first
stopped, examined into Ric affair, and found the
other person was in Mr. Grovels cellar, en
tering through a window which he had knock
, out. Finding he was discovered, he crawled
Attention Soldier*:
An appeal, more than two years ago, for a
list of Soldiers of the Union Army, furnished by
each township of Susquehanna County, has re
sulted in a response from has than half of the
townships, so titr as is known to the G. A. IL,
or to my , elf. Lists of the following companies
(townships not given) are at hand :
Those of rartaillS Dimock, Lyons. Gates.
Mortis, Stone, Tyler, Beardsley, Halsey, Jessup.
Whitney and VanValkenburi.T. Also, a list of
t ‘le nty colored men who went from this Comity
to join the 5-ith Mss. Regiment, and of nine
moru who went to Philadelphia for enlistment.
Front Little Meariows and Friendsville, I have
Only ita. at volunteers; ro,m snsrf a
Dc-pot, a notice of twenty men in Sickles' Brig
ade; a list of volunteers from Dundatf; and lists
Of the drafb.,l and exempted men of the county.
Doubtle , s many of the dratted became volunteers
—it would be gratifying to know their names. ;
I have chat purports to be full lists of soldiets
from the township.; found in the first paragraph
below ; from those in the second paragraph no
lists have been received :
1. Ararat, Forest Lake, Great Bend, Horror& ,
Iterrick, Jessup, Jackson, Lenox, Liberty, Rush
and Thomson..
2. A p tlac on , Auburn, Brooklyn, Bridgewater,
Clifford, Choconnt, Dimoek, Franklin, Gibson,
Great Bend bum', Ilarmony, Lathrop, Middle
town, Montrose, New Milford and Intro', Oak-
land, Si l ver Lake, Susq'a Depot, and Springville.
It is evident the lists ha my possession cannot
serve as titafi , r the. Cuunly; and, unless nearly
full information is given,.an important chapter
must be missing from its history.
From Bates' voluminous Record it is impossi
ble to determine the representation of our
County ; only township and borough lists can
show it, not only because very many of our
men enlisted in other Counties, but in Regiments
belonging to other States than Pennsylvania.
Will not soldiers immediately move in this
matter? The Company and Regiment of inch
one the list desired, and some items of his re
cord, especially where life or limb wassacrificed
in the servicr. E. C. lit, c>
Montrose, August 2, 1871.
830,000 on a Spree.
A short time ago a stringer entered the ticket
office ril the Lehigh Valley Railroad at this
place, and after looking around for a while took
a scat on one of the of the settees and soon fell
asleep. He had with him a package, loosely
relied in an old newspaper, which be threw on
his seat before letting himself down. While
dozing away he kept twisting his body about
In his seat, until at last the paper covering of
the aforesaid package sprung open and disclos.
ed the fact that the contents were nothing less
titer. greenbacks—some of the hills visible be
ing of the denomination of $lOOO. An effort
was at once made to rouse up the man and
make him understand that his carelessness might
lead to his falling into the hands, of sharpers
and vultures constantly on the move in quest of
such prey, but he was so deeply under the in
fluence of a promiscuous assortment of liquors
that he was "not himself at ali"—in fact was so
far gone that he could neither stand up, move
about, or be made to'understand anything said
to him. Being perfectly helpless the depot
officers took. charge of him,g4thered up his,
money, (estimated to be no less than *30,000)
put it securely in a paper bag, and - then placed
a guard over him until the next train up 'came
along, for It had by this time been ascertained
that the man belonged in Wilkes-Bann. On
the train coming to hand he was given in charge
of the conductor, who to.make matters- safe
locked him and his pile up in the mail car.-
4/leritoten Dem.
Coal Excitement,
The excitement over •Indlcatlens of med. at
Osborn Hollow, .that nearly distracted every.
body in that vicinity several years ago, has been
revived, and the nerves of the farmers ire - to
be again tried by visions 'of sudden wealth, A
few days ago some miners were brought up
from Pennsylvania to:-prospect nbont , Ott*.
plity, and they art so firm in the belief that
coal abantitb under the:hills near Osborn 'Hal
low village, that shelle mill be sunk to test, the
eanwtnessof thc!Oiew•
ABerriek has been erreetcd on the farm of E i
Qilcil, near the Methodist Cherub, and Tuesday
boring was begun. The miners have form
seams of the slate rock that overlays all coal
beds and say that if they are deceived by the
rock SEVIN be'the first thee such a thing has
happened in coal musing experiende.
No one should be so skeptical as to discour
age the enterprising people of Osborn Hollow
in their latulible efforts to bore down Into the
earth to find hidden treasures, but the men en
gaged in the work would be sure before they
spend much money in boring, that they are not
the dupt.s of others who want to dispose of farms.
The Osborn Hollow coal mines may prove:to be
al.uit such an investment to those, who take
.li. in them as the Killawog oil wells were.
N cc reserve continent upon the effect It will
ha% t upon Binghamton, until after a thick vein
of coal has been tound.—llinghomfon Doily
Who to Patronize.
Proprietors of grocery and provision stores
who do not keep their cellars and other re
pasitorWs for meats, etc., free - from de&tyed mat
ter should be ktrupulonsly avoided by home.
keepers when they make purchases. Fresh meat
or vegetable; placed near foul air almost
immediately receive the germsof contaminatidn,
rendering them altogether unfit for human food_
Buy your meat, fhb, vegetable; and provisions
where everything smells sweet in the neighbor
hood ; otherwise you lay yourselves and amines
open to the germs of disease. All the garbage
from provision stores should be removed every
morning, and the entire premises sweetened
I with lime water or dry lime, or at least thorough
!ly washed with water. The stores not corn
plying with these necessary sanitary precautions
should be shunned as dangerous to the public
A Warning.
An article in the M ,log Registry concludes as
follows :—There is a large hole in the side of the
Pocono mountain, north of Stroudsburg, which
ought to be photographed for the good of the
farmers of - Pennsylvania. It was dug by the
farmers of the neighborhood, between 1840--
ISIO, at the suggestion and under thesuperin
tendence of one of those wandering charlatans
who declared that he had come upon the track
of a silver mine" on the north flank of the Blue
Mountain, where the Aquanchicola creek flows
down towards the Lehigh Water Gap. Ile bad
-tl,llowee IC across the creek, and across the
hills about Stroudsburg, and over hill and valley
for twenty miles, and found it "strong" on the
steep side of the Pocono mountain. With this
story he lived on the people for more than six
teen mouths, and suddenly disappeared after
they had spent between $1,500 and $2,000 (a
great slim in those days and for such people,)
and could give him nothing more.
For the Montro4e Democrat.
The New York ftlot.
Ma. Enrron :-1 low amusing it is to see with
what spleen the Republican press of this whole
country, Iron' the New York "Tribune' to the
most filthy sheet, :attack and villify the Irish
Catle,lies in relation to the Orange parade,
in New York, un the 12th of .Job. They un
justly attribute the shedding of blood solely to
the Catholics, on that miserable occasion, while
the enlightened portion of the pass know full
well the aceumiion to lie false, yet they are glad
to have some pretext whereby they can Tent
their accursed spleen and sound the alarm foi
the lesser and ignorant portion to follow and
join in the cry of down witlythe Irish Catholics.
It is to the editors of the "Tribune" a well known
filet that the Catholic Arch Bishop and clergy of
New York, previous to the day of parade, ad
monished their people not to interfere in the
least, or go anywhere in reach of the supposed
line of march; it is also a well known fact that
i there is a party of Irishmen known as the Rib
', !women, who are antagonistic to Orangemen,
and like the latter, a secret oath-bound class.
This party is denounced by the church and ex
csimmuideated front her pales. Now, if thtmo
lti6lionmen throw obstacles in the way of Or
ange parades, how are Irish Catholics to blame
for it. The Republicans arc welcome to approvo
of and land the Orangemen in commemorating
the downfall of their own conntry,irritateing and
inflaming the passions of their countrymen by
displaying banners, playing ptTensive music, 'Ja
i tending to provoke them; but, as liar as Cattle. -
lies are concerned, they care not if they march
every day in the week, or as the saying is, hem
to bedlam, as they only show to the true
American people their treason, and
against their own country, As well might , the
" Tribune," & Co., place laurels on the brew of
the tortes who (Ought and combined against the
Father of his Country, WASHINGTON, or laud to
the skies the action of the hellish miscreants
who headed the Wyoming Massacre, as to pat
these Orangemen on the hack and encourage
them to trample on all dcency, in this country..
I But, says the Tribiine tt Co., the Orangemen
have as good a right to celebrate on the 12th of
July, as the Irish Catholics have to celebrate on
the lit hof Mardi, etc. It is well known to the
American people that the Irish Catholics turn
out on the 17th in honor of their Patron Saint,
the great apostle of Ireland, St. Patrick; ir_
doing so they do not utter a word of reproach
or derision, display no barmen, play, no music
distasteful or objectionable to any party or sect,
but with n profound veneration tor the occasion,
act the best they know how in a peaceful chrh
tian manner; while on the other hand, the Or
angemen took out, on the 12th of July, firtigi
and banners in honor of a foreign despot and
the massacre of thar own countrymen at the
battle of the Boyne, Ireland, nearly two centu
ries ago. If there is n fair comparison by the
Tribune," then let the American p °pie judge
for themselves. It would seem, fro the bane
of this cowardly press, that the esthetics
were the most degraded people on (girth; well
that is. natural—we cannot expect (anything
from a mule but a kick. Why don't the "nib.
tine" & Co., tell us something of the Irisheath
olic in days gone by ? Where did they standln
relation to freedom and liberty under Washing
ton ? Where did they stand in the last rebellion?
Who carried terror into the ranks of the enemy
under the green flag? Let the "Tribune" &
Co., make a comparison of this with theirOr•
ange pets., A;t 011SERVEIL
Silver Lake, July 25, 1871.
Hendricks for the PreeldenepN
,At a meeting of the Democratic State
Central Committee, in Indianapolis, July
25, the following ,resolution was unani
mously adopted :
" Resolred, That we , recognize :An the
Hon. Thtimas A. Ilentliichti, the unanii
mous choice of the Democracy °A-Indiana;
as their -candidate fur the. Presidency. in
18;2, and recommended that every honor.
able. otfart be - made by his' fellew-citizeue
to: sootWhis norntpation and eleetuin.'!
3.1 - YsTEnY„,—The -greatest- mystery ,
thelvoOd".to us is that housewiree:will vie
any other lightening, save J- Monroe Tay:
lor's Cream Yeast Baking Powder. •
—A want has been felt and eiraessed
by physleigus, fur a. askll3 and reliable put;
gative; snub a want is now supplied
Parson4 l: Fnivaliva Piik•
Henry 11,- . lkind, of Jefferson, , Maine,
was curd of spitting.,blood; soreness and
weakness of tbo stonikoli k by, he pge
Johnsont4 - 4nodyne Liniment. •