The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, August 02, 1871, Image 1

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E. 'B. - -HAWLEY 2 Proprietor.
Ixtoineos Cards.
Dmrrner. Rooms at hln derelllnc. next door cart of the
Republican priming:on:lce. °Mee hours from 9♦. ■.
to 4 e. s. Montrose, Mey 9, tfqi—if
THE BARBEII-11a I Rat Hal!
Charley Mortis le the barber. who can share your face to
order ; Cute brown, black and grlzzley hair, to his
otScejavt ap ' , Wes. There you will find him, over
. Gam's atom, below lllcKenziea—Just one door.
'Montrose, Jane 7, 1871.—tr C. gORRIS.
S. B. dc A. 11. IIIcCOLLVISI.
Arrontrars AT lA.. °Mee over the Bank, Montrose
Pa. Montrose, May 10, 1571. tt
Eta. opened an ofßee, at the font of Chestnut eireet, near
the Catholic Chnrch, where he can be consulted at all
Montrose, April %, 1811. ly
ATTORNEYS AT LAW.--011ice over the store cif`Wsn
J. Maltnrd. 013 Public Avenue, Montrose Pa.
Ilientrose, Mardi 1. 1571. If.
located Martel f in Montrooe. Pa , where he will prompt
ly attend to all callo In prof•.+inn with which he may
be favored. Oaten and residence welt of the Court
Bonne, near Fitch & Watoon's °Mee.
Mon trere. February tt, Int
FITCTI S WATSON. Attorney,. nt Law, et the old office
of Bentley S Pitch, Montrose, Pa.
1.. 7. Prrcu. [Jan. 11. 'll4 v. w WATOON.
Dealer In Boot, and Stmea, Hata and Calla. Leather and
rindlnea, Main street. fat door below Boyd'• Store.
Work made to order. and repairing done neatly.
Dootrose, Jan. 1, ISIM.
Attorneys and Cnnn•eilor• nr Llor. Office the one
heretofore occupied by It. B. & G. I'. Little. on Main
sffeet. Montrose, Be. (April VI.
B. McKean& C. C. Farm's'. W. IL 'West',
Dealers In Dry Goods, Clothing,. Ladies and Misses
fine Shoes. kis.. agents for the great American
Tea and Coffee Company. [Montrose, De
Shop In the new Postotlice hnildinc. where he will
be found ready to attemi all who map leant anrhine
In RID tine. Montrose, Pa. Oct. la, 11,X9.
Hardware. Ram Caps. TinotA.Shoes. heady Nlade Cloth
ing, paints, ODA, etc., Non - .llilfonl, Pa. [Sept. 8, 'll9.
PHYSICIAN fr.. SURGEON. tenders his services t•
the eitimens of Great Bend and vicinity. °lnce at his
residence. opposite Barnum House, G't. Bend village.
Sept. Ist, if
ATTORNEY A . LAW. Bonnty, Pack Pay. Penetaa
sap Eaem on Claims attended tn. OfPee ar
oar below Boyd's Store, 14 ontrore.Pa. [An. 1.'69
1111. C. SUTTON,
Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent,
ant fint Frlend•vllle, Pn.
rr. es.
r,,,, of f
Great. Bend, Pa
A:,l ELY,
Q. 9. ...9.u.celcrani.e.c." - -
Ain. 1, 1e69. Acldreee, Brooklyn, Pa
F\9HI(INAULETAIIOR, Montrose.. Pa. Sbop over
Chandler's Store. ..(!lorders tilled In first-rate style.
Cuttinh done on short notice. and warranted to ds.
et Malta stmt. Montrose, Fn. fang. L M:9.
DEALER in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Crocker)
Hardware. Iron, Stoves, Dra gs, Oils, and Paints
&rotund Sbnes. Hats& Caps, Fors, DODO° Hobe*
GrOcertes.Provlsions.c...e., Near Milford. Pa.
DEL. E. P. F 1 ES,
Iles permanently located at Friends villa for tbe par
pose of practicing medicine and surgery in all Its
branches. lie may be found at the Jackson House.
°Mee boars from if a. m., to B. p. m.
Fr endsHlle. Pa , Aug, I. 1869.
buslneita attended to promptly, on late terms. Ofdee
' Srst dim/ north of • Montrone Elute)," went aide ar
PublleAvenne. Montrose, I. EAug.1.1869.
Dularce Srcr.otrn. Clusits L. navy's.
1171. D. LUSK,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Montrose. Ps. Ogee comm.
, 'lto the Tarbell House, near the Court lipase.
Aar. 1. 1810.-0
dALETt in Dregs, Patent Medicines, Chemicals
Liquors, Paints, Glis,Dye stuffs. Varnishes, Win • a
Glass, Groceries, Glass Ware, Wall and Window Pa,
pas, Stone w are, Lamps. Kerosene, Machinery Oils.
'frasees, Guns, Ammunition, Knives. Spectacles
Brushes. Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Pe,rfa vt v. dc.—
being Tone of the Most on:across, extensive, and
valuable collections of Goods In Susquehanna Co.—
Established In 1848. [Montrose, Pa.
AT L.W. °Mee over the Store of A.
Lath rop ,iv the Srlet: Block, Mantrose, Pa. [stirG9
,b , 4CIiGEON. tenders his professions
services to the citizens of Montrose and ridnite.—
Omee at trisresidenee, on the corner eimi of bayie
Bros. Foundry. [An. I, IFIGSh
PIIPSICIAN and SURGEON. Montrose, Pa. Gives
especial attention to diseases of the Beast and
Lunge and all Sorzleal diseasee. °Mee over W. B.
Deane Board. at Scarte's Hotel. [Aug.]. IaPP.
DEA aciRS In Drog*, Medicine", Chemical*, Dye
s:ails, Paiute, Oils, Varnish, Liquor*, Spices, Fan,
aM.cles, Patent Medicine*, Pcrrnmeryand Toilet Ar
tielcv- £ Prescriptions ha:chilly compounded.-l-
Pciblie Avcnne, above Scarie's Motel, Moutroee, Pa
A. B. Mena*, Amos Mumma.
Aug. 1, ISO.
PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, respectfully tenders
professional services to the cilizen of Friendsville
and vicinity. 03Y - Olfice !nibs °face of Dr. Lest
Boards at J. Ilosford's. Aug. 1,1869.
Wholesale & Retail Denleitsla
maim March SC 17
' , Amara HOME mAlroPacruul
CIII.IIGEADLE Speed load Doable Drive Wheel. It
holds the Great New YorkStateNatiopalneetlem I
Alsoithe Great Ohio National Pretelama; bald at Mara
Old. fa 1879• • • -
•The myint beiwplo.compaet,removedentirelyfrom
the drive nbcokr;oll4 cordoned in • nest case. In the
centr edust. ITI of the SChlne, offectualbr ancontNy It pun pit
and •
The opendlon can be changed instantly from a hfsb
speed to one a third .lover. without step. thlts 'P pd.
tog Itself to bad places - and light and bum scam
One cantor 'lowan:up Is perfect.' brats and orap
pdftt :knife-head. It la beyond_doubt 'Ma litropged
1.3 KW tu Ufa world, and you can dePfMATlP:ritrbrAt
perfectly Cable Wrier,' gantlet*.
• ammo, Nay 3. - witg
Notco sorsa.
rm sitting alone by the window,
Dressed Just as I came from the dance,
In robes even you would admire—
It cost a cool thousand In Fromm ;
I'm bedlamond out of all reason,
My hair is done up in a cue;
In short, sir, the 4 belle of the season"
Is wasting an hour on you.
A dozen engagements I've broken;
I left in the midst of a set;
Likew6e a proposal, half spoken,
That waits—on the stairs—for me yet
They say he'll be rich—when he grows up—
And then he adores me indeed,
And you, sir, are turning your nose up,
Three thousand miles off, as you read.
" And how do I like my position ;
" And what do I think of New York ?"
" And now, in my higher ambition,
With whom do I waltz, flirt, or talk r
"And isn't it nice to have richest'
And diamonds, and silks, and all that r
" And arn't it a change to the ditches
And tunnels of Poverty Flat r
Well, yes—if you saw us out driving
Each day in the park, four in hand—
lf you saw poor dear mama contriving
To look supernaturally grand —
If you saw papa's picture, as taken
By Brady, and tinted at that,
You'd never suspect he sold bacon
And flour at Poverty Flat.
And yet, just this moment while sitting
In the glare of the grind chandelier—
In the'bustle and glitter befitting
The " finest soiree of the year,"
In the mists °fin gaze de Chamberry,
And the Boot of the smallest of talk—
Somehow, Joe, I thought of the" Ferry,"
The dance that we had on "The Fork."
Of Harrison's barn and its muster
Of flags festooned over the wall;
Of Hie candles that shed their soft lustre
And tallow on head-dress and shawl;
Of the stein that we took to one fiddle,
Of the dress of my queer vis-a-vis;
And how I once went down the middle
With the man that shot Sandy McGee.
01 the moon that was quietly sleeping
On the bill, when the time came to go;
Of the few baby peaks that were peeping,
Fman under their bed clothm of snow ;
Of that ride—that to me was the rarest ;
Ohl—the something you said at the gate;
Ah, Joe, then I wasn't au heiress
To " the best paying lead in the State."
Well, well, it's all past; yet it's funny
To think, as I stood in the glare,
Of fashion and beauty and money,
That I should be thinking, light there,
Of some one who Unsuited high water,
And swam the North Fork, and all that,
Jttnt to &me., with old ellauglttos,
The Lily of Puberty Flat.
But Goodness! what nonsense Pm writing!
(3lamma says that my base is still low.)
Instead of my triumphs reciting,
Pm spooning on Joseph—high-ho!
And I'm to be " finished" by travel—
Whatever's the meaning of that
0, why did papa strike pay gravel
In drifting about on Poverty Flat
Good night—here's the end of my paper;
Gocid night—if the longitude please—
For maybe, while wasting my taper.
Your sun's climbing over the trees.
But know, if you havn't got riches,
And are poor, dearest Joe, and all that,
That my heart's somewhere there in the ditches
And you have struck it—on poverty Flat.
426 PIC 0 •19:71:11.111.
The fanner sat in his eas 8
y chair,
Smokinging his pipe of clay,
While his hale old wife, with busy care,
Was clearing the dinner away;
A sweet little girl, with fine blue eyes,
On her grandfather's knee was catching flies.
The old man bid his hand on her head,
With a tear on his wrinkled face,
He thotght how often her mother, dead,
Had sat in the self-same place ;
As the tear stole down from his half-stint eye,
"Don't smoke!" said the "how It makes
you cry r
The house-dog lay stretched out on the floor,
Where the shade afternoons used to steal;
The busy old wife by the open door
Was turning thespinning-wheel,
And the old brass clock on the mantle-troy
Had plodded along to almost three.
Still the tanner sat in his easy chair,chair,
While close to his hearing breast
The moistened brow and the cheek go fair
Of his sweet grandchild were pressed;
ills head bent &ram on her soli hair lay—
Fast asleep were they both on that ernmer day
I.tvitico, and ,Witiciono.
-An orgm much wed nowadays- nasal organ
—At a printer's festival the following senti
ment was offered: " Woman, second only to
the press in the dissemination of news."
—A ,Nova Scotia correspondent gives a little
iragnvint of an overheard conversation: "What
kind of a stone do you suppose they will give
me when I die?" "Brimstone, of course!"
—A merry, light-hearted damsel rushed into
a colored citizens arms at Savannli, exclaiming,
"Oh i you are my long lost brother." She soon
discovered her mistake, and-rushed off in a con
fused manner, accompanied by her long-lost
broMm's pocket-book. •
—A young printer east of tut, was sitting by
Lie girl, with whom he was quarreling, when
she remarked that he was nothing. He said he
wouldn't admit that, but he would say that he
Was next to nothing.
—A man praising porter, said it was so excel
lent a beverage, that it always made him. fat,
"I have seen the time" said another, "when it
made son " When, I should like to
know ?" • Why. no loner ago than last night,
against the wall."
—A gentleman in Chicago, who was arrested
far cruelty to a miserable looking horse, was
asked it heerer Whim. "Ever fed him? that's
good 'tro," was thereply. " He's got Gimbel
and} half of.oats at home' now, only he ant
got time to eat -, „
--sJohnny.wheee Irmo pa?" Gone fish
ing, sir." l" was , gybing yesterday - , was he
not r. ' 4 Tes; istr.` "What did "be eata."—;
"one catfish, the Itoetelwelbo, teltMettooth%
ache,ll3Dl some Itttleoesr• Ills saysbi Wel Web
fits to today ; jest wait, 1,111 begets hew;
An incomplete work, entitled "Lives of
Notorious Criminals, at Auburn, N. Y."
by M. Newton Clark, Chaplain of the
Auburn prison in 1848, and after that
time, contains something new about Rull
off—and so curious in some respects, that
we print it. The manuscript is in posses
sion of a daughter of Mr. Clark, who
lives at Chesaning, Michigan. The ac
count of Runoff begins with his arrival in
the prison, one Saturday night in 1848 :
To complete this miserable day, I went
with the warden and turnkey to see five
prisoners who had arrived on the evening
train and had been chained together in a
dungeon for the night, for the prison was
so full there were no cells ready for their
occupancy. One face among the five im
pressed me forcibly, and he must be some
thing very striking to impress one at all
among so many faces of every nation,
color and temperament. This particular
one looked up quickly as we entered with
lights, or rather he turned his face toward
us, and then quickly turned away, resolute
ly facing the wall. Curious to know what
he wished to conceal, I went directly to
him, accosting him with : "Well sir, what
is your name ?" lie looked up with a
kind of idotfc stare, dropping his chin.
But those eyes, even the iron will which
every lineament of his face betrayed, could
never quench their baleful fire. That the
idiotic expression had been assumed for
the occasion was too apparent to be re
garded a moment. You might find him
in an insane asylum, but never in the
idiot's department. So I repeated my
question somewhat authoritatively. Ile
answered, "Runoff." Runoff, and what
else? I asked. "Rana," he repled, and
having caught my eye he again turned
SUNDAY EVENING.—The peculiar im
pression I received last night, concerning
the convict Runoff, was by no means dis
sipated upon seeing him this morning,
when he was at Sabbath school. He was
sitting at the foot of the alphabet class,
grasping his primer as firm with his left
hand as though it weighed a hundred
pounds, fastening with the index linger
of the right hand each letter as he passed
over it, as though his very life depended
upon keeping it there. His hair had been
cropped close to his head, revealing the
sharp angles of his cranium, and no 'man
with such a development of brain could
have other than a stormy life. His eyes
this morning were dark gray, though
when I was conversing with him this
afternoon I again thought them black.
When I had completed the arrangement
of the class, dud got everything into
working order, I stopped before Runoff,
asking, can yon read? "No, sir," he
answered meekly. Did Loa never go to
So,, 6 ,
school? "No, sir" When., wen , you
born ? "In New York city." Do you
want to learn to read the Bible?
sir, if I can." If you can, why can't you ?
"I suppose it's very hard work to learn to
read," and he drew a long sigh. Do you
know your letters? " Not all of them."
Say what von know. He commenced in
a loud, hesitating voice, saying a a b b c.
He shook his head, doubtfully, and as
though unable to go further, looked up
appealing to me, with his finger pressed
firmly upon A, as though he meant it
should play no tricks upon him. The
game didn't work, and when he next saw
the Chaplin lie began in an angry man
ner, "why in God's name—" Here the
Chaplain rebuked him for the use or such
language. "You see," he said apologeti
cally, "I forgot that I am no longer my
own master, but why did you send me
from the Sabbath School ?" Because I
knew you was trying to deceive me—you
overdone the matter altogether. "Chap
lain," he continued meekly, will you let
me join the Bible class ?" Tell me
. why
you told me you couldn't read. "Truly,
Chaplain," he replied earnestly, "I thought
that none but those who could not read
were admitted to the class. So when the
turnkey put the same question to me that
you did, I answered in the negative, and
when I found myself in the class, I
thought it would be impolite to contradict
myself." But why did you want to join
the class ? "Why, Chaplain to be obliged
to sit three hours in a Methodist class
meeting, and have to tell the state of your
mind, and hear others, would be bliss to
staying here."
Abruptly changing the convermtion, I
asked for, what crime were you sent here.
He gave me one piercing glance, and an
swered quietly: "They accused me of
burglarly."• And were you guilty ? "The
jury found me so." Aud I have heard to
day, said I that you are also under indict
ment for the murder of your wife and
child. I was watching him closely, he
exhibited no emotion save of intense scorn,
as he replied: "I suppose the hounds will
next accuse me of murdering all my rela
tions because they don't happen to know
where they are."
One chapter tells how a woman, calling
herself Alice Ed wards, calling at the Chap
lain's house in a destitute and dying con
dition, and during the remaining week of
her life told the sad story. Driven from
home by the cruelty of her father, she
started for New York in search of employ
ment. On her way she fell in company
with Runoff, who easily won her youthful
confidence, and to whom she told her
story. RuHoff had assumed the name of
Edwards, took the girl to his house in
New York, and provided for her wants.
After telling how Edwards furnished her
with dresses, and went with her to several
places in search of employment, the result
of which search showed that she could
not get at honest living in New York,
she being but sisteen years old, she con
tinued her story as follows : Mr. Edwards
said that I could stay with' him and keep
the parlor and chambers and he would
take care of me. I told him I nerercould
do that, I could not live there in that way,
I would starve first. He asked me why I
was afraid of him ; I told him I was not
afraid of:him, but of what people Would
soy, and d know if my mother was living
she would, never let me. do. it, 'He tried
to 'talk mo out of , mytoolishnese, as he
called-it; - but - when he found; how - stub-
Win j wasdieseked ate if I would be
willing to stay there as.his wife, which
after another lengthy talk I consented to;
and we were married that night. I sup
posed it was a minister who came and
married us, and then went away. I had
lived there about a year, when one even
ing a man who was in the habit of visit
ing there, stopped me in the hall and ad
dressed me by my given name, and told
me that he loved me better than any one
else did, and wanted me to go and live
with him. I was so angry with him tbst I
could hardly tell him that I should gb di
rectly and tell my husband. He held me
back saying, "And who is your husband ?"
"You know well enough, you wretch,"
I cried. "No; on my word I do not,"
he answered, without getting angry.
"The man you live with you were never
married to, and he who married yon had
no more right to than I." I was too angry
to reply, so he went on : "If yon don t
believe me go into the little closet over
the library that Edwards calls his. This
key will let you iu ; you will find a hole
through the floor where you can listen,
but as you value your life, don't you make
the least noise. I was stunned, frighten
ed, angry, still anxious to prove he lied.
I took the key and went, found them
making counterfeit money, learned that
Edwards' true name was Rulloff, and that
I had been most terribly deceived. She
finally escaped from the house- Rulloff
was very angry, and offered a reward for
her, alive or dead. After various adven
tures, the poor woman had come to Au
burn, having heard that Runoff was con
fined there. The Chaplain adds :
She was becoming drowsy, apd I knew
by the wildly fluttering pulse that what
she said she must say soon, as I asked
her; "Do you hello° he murdered his
wife and child ?" She started quickly
up, and gaspingly said: "I know he
would have murdered me, if he could."
This story had been very painful and
I tedious, as she told it with her hesitating,
I coughing, sinking and gasping fur breath.
At last she sank into a heavy stupor,
breathing with the greatest difficulty, yet
not seeming conscious of anything. She
never rallied, but her pulse beat faster,
and her breathing was more labored, un
til both ceased ; and man having no more
power over her, could never again make
the fragile frame quiver with fear at
the sound of a strange voice, or the trem
bling feet fly from an approaching foot
step. To-morrow they will carry her to
the stranger's last resting place—the pot
ter's field. After work hours I went to
Rulloffs cell, called him to me, and said :
Rulloff, did you ever know a girl by the
name of Alice Edwards? He turned
white and red, and then rested his face in
his hands, but soon, with a masterly effort
of self control, he replied with a faint
smile, as he looked up frankly, "Why, did
you ?" I knew it was useless to attempt to
make him acknowledge anything, so I
said, a young woman calling herself by
that name died at my house, yesterday,
she was burri‘ol to-cloy Rho oomo o o-ccit
ogu, She was indeed an object of pity, sick,
wasted, hungry, with barely rags to cover
her, leaving her without any protection
against the piercing winds and pelting
" Well," said lie, impatiently, "what has
this to do with me? one might suppose
that I had quite enough to bear of my
own troubles without being afflicted with
other people's distresses." Had this been
no concern of yours, I replied, I should
not have taken the pains to tell you of it.
"How does it concern me ?" he asked
sharply. Because, said I, she spoke of
you in her delirium. "Only in her deliri
um," he replied in a sneering tone. No,
I answerea, with some asperity; she told
of her life with you, how you ruined her,
and then sought to kill her because she
had discovered the fraud and surprised
some of your secrets. For a moment, I
thought his curiosity would get the better
of his caution ; lie wanted to know more,
but I was determined not to tell, unless
he asked. Then his countenance assum
ed social appearance as he said: "Of
course, whatever this or any other person
might say of me that was evil, would find
willing ears and ready belief."
People are not apt to tell falsehoods
when they are dying, I replied. "I once
knew a woman," he said, "who thought
she was misstress of King George, though
she had never crossed the water, and in
dying she repeated begged her medical at
tendant whom she imagined was the dis
solute King, to have mercy on their
children, and remember they were his
flesh and blood." Not long after this lust
incident, we find another attempt to arouse
this obdurate man to some kind of sensi
bility. The journal says: "I was inform
ed to day that a box had been fished up
in Cayuga Lake, which.was lost after com
ing to the surface. The general belief is
that it contains the remains of Kulloffs
wife and child." So this afternoon, as I
was passing Rulloff's cell, I stopped before
it; he was standing by the door and bade
me a pleasant "good afternoon."
Without returning his salutation I said
hastily, "Rullotf, the box containing the
remains of your wife and child has been
found in Cayuga Lake." lie smiled and
said quickly, "you are always finding
something pleasant that belongs to me,
The next thing I expect to hear is of a
whole regiment of infants to whom 1
have given existence and then served them
up in all manner of ways, even to such a
fricasseee as the woman of Jerusalem
made of hers."
—The latest experience with kerosene
oil, was the trial of its effects on a two
years old negro child at Wilmington, N.
C. A negro boy ten or twelve years of
age was passing along with a can of ker
osene oil, and seeing the child playing in
the street ? caught it, and deliberately
holding open its mouth, made it swallow
a considerable quantity of the oil. At
last accounts the child was very sow, and
not erected to recover, it mouth being in
a horrible condition, and itsetomaeh bad
ly swollen.
—Them are questions so indelicate that
they merit neither truth or falsehood.
—Resist fearlessly the opinion of the
world provided self respect grows propor
—ln coliversing we • should study not
only tio3 character but also the education
of the person we address,
Blue Lawr.
The following is a transcript of some
sections of the primitive Judicial code
which existed in the State of Connecticut
during the time of its first settlers and
theq immediate desendants, and known
as the "Blue Laws of Connecticut:"
1. file Governor and magistrates Con
vened in General Assembly are the su
preme, under God, of this independent
2. From the determination of the As
sembly no appeal shall be made.
3. The Governor is amenable to the
voice of the people.
4. The Governor shall have only a single
vote in determining any question, except
a casting vote, when the Assembly may
be equally divided.
5. The Assembly of the people shall
not be dismissed by the Governor, but
shall dismiss itself.
G. Conspiracy against the dominion
shall be punished with death.
7. Whoever says "There it a power
holding jurisdiction over and above this
dominion" shall be punished with death
and loss of property.
8. Whoever attempts to change or over
turn this dominion shall suffer death.
O. The judges shall determine controver
sies without a jury.
10. No one shall be a freeman or give
a vote unless he be converted or a member
in full communion of one of the churches
allowed in this dominion.
11. No one shall hold any office who is
not sound in the faith, and faithful to
this dominion ; and whoever ,qives a vote
to such a person shall pay a tine of one
pound. lor the second offence ho shall
be disfranchised.
12. No Quaker or Dissenter from the
established worship of this dominion shall
be allowed to give a vote for the election
of magistrate or uny officer.
13. No food and lodgings shall be al
lowed to a Quaker, Adamite, or other
14. If any person shall turn Quaker he
shall be banished, and suffered to film]
on pain of death.
15. No priest shall abide in this domin
ion. He shall be banished and suffer
death on his return. Priests may be
seized by any one without a warrant
16. No one shall cress a river but with
an authorized ferryman.
17. No one shall run of a Sabbath day,
or walk in his garden or elsewhere, ex
cept reverently to and from church.
18. No one shall travel, cook victuals,
make beds, sweep houses, cut hair, or shave
on the Sabbath-day.
19. No woman shall kiss her child on
Sabbath or fasting day.
20. A person accused of trespass in the
night shall be judged guilty, unless he
clears himself by oath.
21. When it appears that an accomplice
has confederates, and he refuses to dis
cover them, lie may be racked.
22. Na one shall buy or sell lands with
out the permission of the selectmen.
23. A drunkard shall have a master ap
pointed by the Eiclectmen, who is to debar
him the privilege of buying or selling.
24. Whoever e ublishes a lie to the pre
judice of his neighbors shall sit in the
stocks or be whipped fifteen (15) stripes.
25. No minister shall keep a school.
26. Man-stealers shall suffer death.
27. Whoever wears clothes trimmed
with silver or bone lace above two (2)
shillings a yard shall be presented by the
grand Jurors, and the selectmen shall tax
the offender at the rate of three hundred
(300) pounds estate.
28. A debtor in prison, swearing he has
no estate, shall be let out and sold to make
29. Whoever sets fire to the woods, and
it burns a house, shall suffer death, and
persons suspected of the crime shall be
imprisoned without the benefit of bail.
30. Whoever brings cards or dice into
this dominion shall pay a fine of five (5)
31. No one shall read common prayer,
keep Christmas or Saints'-day, make mince
pies, dance, play on any instrument of
music except the drum, the trumpet, and
the jew's-harp.
32. When parents refuse their children
suitable marriages the magistrate shall
determine the point.
33. The selectmen, on finding children
ignorant, may take them away from their
parents and put them into better bands
at the expense of the parents.
A Quaker Printer's Proverbs.
Never sendest thon an article for pub
lication, without giving the editors thy
name, for the name oftentime secures
publication to worthless articles.
Thou shonld'st not rap at the door.of a
printing office, for he that, answereth the
rap sneereth in his sleeves and loseth
Neither do thou loaf about, asking
questions, or knock down type, or the
boys will love thee like they do shade
trees—when thou leaved'.
Thou shonld'st never read the copy on
the printer's case, or the sharp and hooked
container thereof, or he may knock thee
Never enquire thou of the editor fOr the
news, for behold, it is his business at the
appointed time, to give it to thee without
It is not tight that thou should'st ask
him who is the author of an article, for
his duty requireth him to keep such things
to himself.
When thou dost enter into his office,
take hued unto thyself that thou dost not
look at what may be lying open and con
cerneth thee not, for that is not meet in
the sight of good breeding.
Neither examine thou the proof sheet,
for it is not ready to meet thine eye, that
thou mayest understand.
Prefer thine own 'town paper to any
other, and subscribe for it immediately.
Pay for it in advance and it shall be
well for thee and thine.
—Not long ago &gentleman bad occa
sion to reprove his littlelhon,eged five aud
a half years, for an offence which bad on
others occasions called forth words of car•
rection, The parent closed with,"Now,
Willie, I don't want to speak to you again
about thisV which was promptly and very
decidedly responded to as follows: " Nell
pa, I doesn't want you toP' There Was
tiothing farther to be Rid)"
Words of - Marcus Aurelius.
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, oue of the
best pagan raters that ever lived, was
Emperor of Rome from A. D. 160 to 180,
when the Seven Hilled City was mistress
of the civilized would. His life was
moulded by the philosophic teachings of
the stoics, whose leading principles were,
that virtue is the only thing desirable,
and that pain is no real evil. His book,
"Thoughts concerning Myself," although
composed like Caesar 's Commentaries
amid the distractions of a military cam
paign, contains thoughts worthy of note
even in these Christian times; for it was
written by one who was, as Gibbons says,
"severe to himself, indulgent to the im
perfections of others, just and beneficent
to all."
On tho duty of untrersal benevolence:—
" Men exist for the sake of one another ;
teach them, then, or bear with them.
"The best way of avenging thyself, is
not to become like the wrong-doer.
"Accustom thyself carefully to attend
to what is said by another, and as much
as possible be in the speaker's mind.
" Be pot ashamed to be helped, for it is
thy business to do thy duty like a soldier
in the assault of a town. Therefore, if
being lame, thou canst not mount upon
the battlements alone, but with the help
of another, accept help.
" One thing here is worth a great deal,
—to pass life in truth and justice, with
a benevolent disposition even to liars and
unjust men.
"As a horse when he has run, a dog
when he has tracked the game, a bee when
it has made the honey, so a man, when
he has done a good act, does not call out
for some others to come and see, but goes
on to another good act, as a vine goes on
to produce again the grapes in season.
"Benevolence is invincible, if it be
. . .
" Man is a citizen of the highest city.
of which all other cities are but families."
On submission to the order of nature :
"Observe constantly that all things
take place bT change, and accustom thy
self to consider that the nature of the
universe loves nothing so much as to
change the things which are, and to make
new things like them.
"We are all working together to one
end, some with knowledge and design,
and others without knowing what they
do. But men co-operate after different
fashions, and even those co-operate abun
dantly who find fault 'with nature, and
those who try to oppose and hinder her;
for the universe had need of even such
men as these.
" Whatever may happen to me, it was
prepared for me from all eternity.
*" It is very possible to be a divine man,
and to be recognized as such by one.
"There are briars in the road. Turn
aside from them then. Do not add, 'Wh d y
were such things made in the world ?'
For thou wilt be ridiculed by a man who is
acquainted with nature, as thou wouldst
be ridiculed by a carpenter and shoemaker
if thou didst find fault because thou seest
in their workshop shavings and cuttings
from the things which they make.
"All things are implicated with one
another, and the bond is holy.
" Death is nothing else than an opera
tion of nature ; and if any one is afraid of
an operation of nature, he is a child.
"Run through thy little space of time
conformably to nature, and end th:r journ
ey in content, just as an, olive falls off
when it is ripeeblessing nature, who pro
duced it, and thanking the tree upon
which it grew."
A Ventriloquists Joke.
Last week, says the Troy Press, a well
known amatuer ventriloquist was passen
ger on board a Hudson River railroad car.
which was in charge of Conductor Fele&
As the train proceeded the ventriloquist
began the imitation of a rooster in a sort
of "clink-et-te-taw" style. A couple of
repetitions brought the conductor into
the car in a hurry, tollowed by the brake
who insisted that the " rooster" be
taken into the baggage car, where he be
longed. Of course none of the passengers
had a " rooster" with which to accumo
date the zealous officers. The conductor
and brakeman then waxed wroth and
vowed they would find that rooster any
way. They walked up the aisle, carefully
glancing at the feet of each passenger for
the basket or parcel in which the "roos
ter" was roosting. In the middle of the
car they found a woman within, big bask
et in her possession. "Oh ! here is the
game (rooster)" said the conductor, " let
us put him out:' .I:he ventriloquist sat
quietly opposite, and threw his voice ap
parently into the basket. "It's here
sure," with a significant glance at the
brakeman, and, addressing the lady; he
inquired blandly if she had any objections
to the removal of the basket and contents
to the baggage car. The old lady didn't
understand the jcke at all, and thinking
it against railroad rules to carry a basket
in the passenger car, permitted the con
ductor to take it way. He had heftily
started for the doof when the "rooster's'
voice was heard in the rear of the car.
This was too much for conductor F., who
suddenly comprehended the joke—and,
quickly returning the old lady's basket,
"pointed" for the nearest door, as if on an
important and pressing mission. The
passengers set up a loud laugh as ho die
appeared, and the employees of the road
have taken up the "rooster" story at oc•
casional interval% to the inexpressible
contempt and disgust of the vigilant car
Recently a heid of two hundred and
fifty buffaloes was driven into the Missouri
river, near the Whetstone Indian Agency.
A few reached the left bank in safety, a
few others were killed in the river, and
the remainder of the herd perished in the
waves of the treacherous, rapid' river
which at the time was swollen by the ,
flood, and their bodies floated with the
current. The Sioux City "Times' says the
robes of the animals cannot .bo much
damaged by theirtransit in the water; and
the body , of men who Can` secure • the
whole lot of buffalos% can realise at least
61 1 500. They float in one large body, like
a raft, which they closely resemble in 'the
lirrgltuun Toting.
Mr. Seward early in March was in Cal
cntta, and the editor of the Calcutta En
glishman was so much interested in Mr.
Seward's recital of his visit to Brigham
Young that he furnished his readers with
this account:
"I knew you years ago in Auburn, Mr.
Seward' and we ought to meet as friends,"
said Brigham Ydung.
"Surely you must be mistaken," was
the reply, and Brigham colored a little, as
jealous of bis powers of memory or his
ability to speak the troth. In a tone of
self-defence he went on to say to Mr. Belf
ord : " You studied law with Judge Ma
ier in the State of New York."
" I commenced practice of law with
Judge Miller," said Mr. Seward, and Au
burn has always been my home
Brigham went on to tell Mr. Seward
whom he married, and named. ono' coil
nection- of his after another; till Mr. Sew.
lull began to perceive that ho was really
talking with a fellow.toitnsman, if not
an old neighbor. Coming a little nearer
to the mark, Brigham said:
"Don't you remember - the man that
laid and arranged your garden ? I am that
man. Don't you recall the man who built
your house? I nun that mechanic. lam
now one of the richest men in America;
have built this great city, and have more
than one hundred thousand followers (lit' ,
ciples of the Church of God of the 'Latter
Day saints, settled far and wide, of this,
turning the wilderness of Utah into 'a
garden, up and down here for two hun
To cap the climax, no soon t i did Brig
ham Young understand the his fellow
townsman Seward, the lawyer, afterward
Governor of the State of New York, then
fur years Senator in Congress of the Unit
ed States, then member of the Presidentls
Cabinet, and Secretary of . State - Prima
Minister for the whole country,
Lincoln's double term of service, was
about to visit British India, than he cor
dially offered him a handsome letter of
introduction to one whom he had long
since known as a friend, so he said, and
who should that be but Earl . Mayo, the
Viceroy and Governor of India! The
letter will probably be presented, if
for the fun of the thing.--Cincianali
Perpetual Weather Table.
It is quite possible that the study of
the following weather table may be of
mach benefit to farmers and others, if
they only follow the admonitions. - It was
constructed by the celebrated Dr. Her
shel], upon a philosophic consideration' of
the attraction of the sun and moon. It
is confirmed by the experience of many
years' observation and will suggest to the
observer what kind of weather will prob
ably follow the moon's entrance into any
of her quarters. As a general rule it will
be found wonderfully correct:
If the moon changes at, 12 o'clock
noon, the weather immediately afterward
will be very rainy, if in summer, and
there will be snow or rain, if in winter.
If between 3 and 4 o'clock, p. rn,
changeable in summer—fair and mild in
Between 4 and 5 o'clock, fair, both in
winter and summer.
Between 9 and 10 o'colek, p. in
summer fair, if the wind is northwest;
rainy, if south or southwest. In winter
fair and frosty, if the wind is from. the
south or southwest.
Between. 10 and 12 o'clock p. m.; rainy
in summer and fair and frosty in winter.
Between 11 at night and 2' o'clock a.
in., fair in summer and frosty in winter-:
unless the wind is from the south or
Between 2 and 4 o'clock a m., cold and
very showery in summer, and snow and
storm in winter.
Between 4 and G o'clock a, m, rainj,
both in summer and winter.
Between 6 and 8 o'clock a. showery
in'snminer and- winter. 'l,
Between 10 and 12 o'clock a. m., show
sry in summer and cold and windy in
The Petrified Pore“,
Discovered last June, near Calistoga,
California, and which has attracted - great
attention in that State, is not as wonder
ful a curiosity as has been asserted. The
Alta California says that the name adopt
ed by common usage conveys anerroneous
impression, as there is no t'orest nor any
petrified tree in an upright position. Parta
of about twelve trees are lying down,
scattered over a surface about three hun
dred yards square. Neither petrified
branches nor leaves have been discovered,
and the petrified trunks vary in diameter
from one foot to five feet, the greater
number being over two feet in diameter.
The largest trunk is fifteen feet long and
five feet in diaineter. The petrifaction . ,
however, is complete—all the woody fibre
having disapptured and having been re
placed a gayish crystallization, mainly
composed of carbonate of lime. The
o arain of the wood is distinctly preserved
in appearance, and knot holes and fraotureit
are found in it—being occasionally lined
with transparent crystals of carbonate of
lime. Every stone trunk is broken across
transversely, the fracture being more
smooth than if it had taken place when
the tree had been in acegetable stile, but
not so smooth as if the trunk had been
sawed. The first notices of these petrifil
ed trunks stated that live Hier& had been
discovered entirely surrounded by the
crystallized carbonate of lime; it is now,
however, contended, with great probabili
ty, that these little lizards had crawled ins
to the crevices of the petrified trees for
the purpose of obtaining shelter and that
too only a few months ago , . •
Banir WHAT You SPE/Tu--Th ree•
fourths' of the difficulties aratniseries of
men come from the ,faet that they , want
wealth without earning tame without
deserving it, popularity . without temper . •
ante, respect without virtue, and happt
fiess without holiness. 'The Milt& wbo
watitii the best thiags and is 'Mini*
pay just whatthey are worth, by honest
elfart and hard self-deniala , will haie no
ditliculty in procuring what be %Pats s#,,
last. ,Itis tho men who wait' geode
crediti'tbst arc athibbed and dii 4 PPoidtfir
autoyetwheloted in the ee4: •