The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 26, 1871, Image 4

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    Zile e f ann and tirtoide.
The'Uone Disease.
This ve - ry: remarkable Malady which
has recently made its appearance among
the horses of , the.istreet railway compa
nies, and the large livery and sate stables,
still continues its ravages without the
slightest sign of abatement. It still baf
fles the most eminent and evperienced
veterinary surgical skill in the City,
notwithstanding the cases bare had
the most remitting attention. Yesterday
a dissection of an animal recently deceas
ed, belonging to the Third avenue line,
was made and 'a careful examination and
analysis of the contents of the stomach
elicited nothing by which the origin of
fatal disorder could be traced. The food
of the animals, the corn, oats, and even
the salt, have all been minutely analysed,
but the investigation resulted in no ini
"portant disclosures. Several new reme
dies were tried yesterday but proved inef
fectual in even mitigating the disease.
The veterinary surgeons make the very
• equivocal statement that they do not ex
actly nnderstand the disease, but add that
the disease is not contagious. From very
authentic sources it appears that up to
last evening the horse plunge has attack
ed from seven to eight hundred horses
most of which were owned by the street
railway companies and of those seized
with the disease over one hundred per
eeut have resulted fatally. Of course
some of the cases have been cured but a
thorough seems indeed to have been of
rare occurrence. The Third avenue is
said to have over 290 horses down with
the disorder, the majority of which doubt
less will either die or become utterly
wortblessin the future. They lost twen
ty horses on Tuesday night, and a num
ber on yesterday. Their line with its
three thousand horses, it is said has al
ready suffered so severely, as to withdraw '
the usual afternoon cars from the road.
The Second avenue shows by no means
any more gratifying exhibit. As already
stated, that it was among the horses of
this line that the disease originated, and
since its appearance they have averaged
ever one hundred on the sick list with
comparatively few cures. The other lines
and the west side of Broadway and those
across town suffered proportionably. It is
also mid that the only lines that have been
fortunate in not yet having the dread dis
ease to visit them are the Fourth and
Tenth avenue and Bleeker street lines.—
N. Y. Times 15th. .
Timothy Hay.
Timothy hay is much more valuable
when cut early than when permitted to
become ripe. If seed is needed, leave a
portion for that purpose; but the main
caop for hay should be cut when in blos
som- At this period the plant contains
gum, sugar and starch, which later be
comes changed into dry, harsh nnnutrit
ons, woody fibre. For this reason, cut
early in July. There is a very prevalent
hips that the blossom erases the hay to be
aunty, and of disease to horses
fed on it. Heaves are said to be caused
by it. This is an error. Any dust made
by the dried* blossoms must of necessity
be shaken off during the handling of the
hay; turd if if 'Were norsie, the dust itself
-mould be harmless unless taken into the
'hinge; Which 'Continued; of course would
be hurtful. There is no necessity for the
lay to he fed in such a manner as to allow
this. The injurious dust is that caused
by the damp and mold. This is hurtful,
in a high degree, and care must be taken
to put the hay in the barn free from mois
ture. Timothy hay is very easily cured ;
we have cut it in the forenoon, and had
it well and safely housed before night by
having it well spread and turned during
,ttwd*: illay so gotten - comeont
green and fra i graut, Will spend hell, and
sell well. It is a common idea that timo
thy is hard on the land. When permitted
to ripen its seed, this is true, as of any
other grain crop ; but when cut early is
not exhanstive. Cutting early spams the
soil, gets the bay out of the way of the '
wheat harvest iu good time, and gives the
farmer more nutritious feed fur his stock.
.Trs it
•INIO 0.------16
Tus floors OF SIIEEP.—The Ohio fir
mer thinks that for rainy day work in
summer there is no better job to be at
tended to than getting up the sheep and
clipping their hoofs into shape, if it was
"not done iu shearing time. That journal
says that a sheep's foot needs pruning as
much as a fruit orchard, and it a sign of
bad husbandry to see a flock of sheep with
all kinds of hoofs, some turned up like
the toe of a skate some overgrown, sprawl
ed ont like a calm shell, some: ,turned in
lliatt'drieditp sind - of apumpkin, a very
dewirittz the neat shapely foot that
sheep Amid wear. A frowsy, shelly,
overgrown hoof is always catching and
holdinglil*lU that the sheep is liable to
cifehToid hnmora iri his foot which is
liable to lead to serious results. Long
tanned up, toes.„are, .a nuisance, often
&ffeliing tindeF Toots, and giving the
sheep a hobbling gait. All the shell or
overgrowth of the foot which is not in
tontacewith the quick is so' much dead
rubbish, and can be taken off without
_ .
sufficient humbug who took up the busi
ness otphysipian - andpretended taa deep
knowlei ,ke,r to theireariirg ait, — ivaTi called
upon to visit a young man with apoplexy,
Bolas gazed long and hard, felt his pulse
and pocket, looked atbis tongue and . his
wife, and finally gam vent to the follow.
ing 'sublime armour: •
"I think he's ag, one -fellow." •
" No, nor exclaimed the sorrowing
-wife, " do not say that."'
"Yes," returned Bolus, lifting ap his
hat and eyes heavenward at the same time,
"yes I do say so, there ain't any hope,
not the leastest mite—he's got an attack
of nibil fit in his lose frontis—"
"Where?" cried the startled wife.
"In•his lose frontis, and can't be cured
_without some trouble and ux:reat deal of
pains. Yon seahis Whole *. eiary system
ut deranged; . filitly;lds vox PoßolY is
Venire. on advalorum; secondly, his
:cutacarpisl cotenant- has swelled could
net more; thirdly, abd :lastly,
his solur:xibilue in.a - concussedstate; and
ninst got any money, consequently he's"
rUlx 3 hilL
,1 1 :4 1 4.111•••OP- Teem -Pat a:piece Of
Atileirrirae thettiza.ant walnut into II plat
EiatatetbniterlAslollo f4ettitketpteet
.: weighing the mouth
veltiott *kit: -pmerve - the teeth, taxi keep l eg
'the itiothaabe4nttitill harden The gates:
—st correspondent of Me Ettal(B7Gifechats-
' Oa the 26th of last month a little
cdild of Mr. Henry Detweiler, and
the'ither; who 18 a ponriabeiiii - g. - man,
not owning a plot in the Phillipsburg
Cemetery, had its remains interred in that
portion of the cemetery for single graves.
The charge for interment of a' child,in
cluding the digging of the grave is four
dollars, which amount the Superintendent
of the cemetery, one Peter Lerch, demand
ed of Detweiler the day after the funeral.
The afflicted parent unfortunately, did
I not just at the time have the amount of
money with him, and in consequence was
unable to meet the demand whereupon
Lerch abused Detweiler most shamefully
and informed Messrs. Winters & Bro., in
whose employ Detweiler is that if the bill
was not paid by the following day he
would disinter the child and set the coffin
out-side the cemetery; - Mr. Winters told
the brute ho should write -a receipt And
he would pay the chi n, mile did not want
Mrs. Detweiler to hear of his inhuman
threats; to this proposition, Lerch made
no reply, but jumped in his wagon and
dsove oft Later in the day, Winters
again mw Lerch, and asked for the bill
and receipt, and only left him after the
delivery of the same was promised. It is
needless to say that Lerch failed to pre
sent the bill, for the reason, probably, that
he was ashamed of himself; but in the
following day he called upon Mr. J. P.
Leshle, the Overseer of the Poor, and,in
formed him that the remains of the child
would be out of the cemetery, unless the
bill was paid at 3 p. m. of that day, and left
a receipt to be handed to Mr. Winters in
case he should call. Incredible as it mar
seem, the brute did actually pan the
cemetery. disinterred the corpse and set it
outside the fence. After the accomplish-
Ment of this noble deed. he presented him
self to the Overseers of the Poor and un
blushingly related what he had done. Mr.
Winters was sent fur and paid the demand
when Lerch returned to the burial
ground, placed the corpse of the little one
upon a wheelbarrow, 'and wheeling it to
the open grave, unfeelingly dumped it in
and again covered it up. We are plumed
to learn that the citizens of Phillipsburg
are now giving the affair a thorough in
vestigation, and should the Facts of the
case be found as represented, legal pro
ceedings will be instituted provided the
stahite books contains any law that will
reach a brute of such low degree.—East an
Switches and Chignons.
Of the manufacture of switches and
chignons," the following is stated by the
Boston Commercial Bulletin.: The first
Switches were made lu Central Falls,
Rhode Island, by a workmen in one of
the flax mills. For a long time all that
were used—the number of which at first
was quite small--were made there. Af
terward a firm in Providence commenced
the manufacture. The price then was
from $7 to $9, realizing large profit to
manufacturers. Switches then retailed at
$l. 50 to $2 now sell at 25 to 37 cents.
Several parties started in Boston employ
from ten to forty men each. Some idea
of the amount manufactured %n be found
from the experience of the largest of
Boston manufacturers, employing forty
men hacking and finishing the jute, and
fifty to sixty girls in the manufacture of
chignons, using ten bales of 300 pounds
each, and 3,000 pounds of hair per day.
This firm used over 600 bales (180,000
pounds) in less than three months at Linn s
producing 250 dozen per day of switches
a'one. Much has been said of the pres
ence' of insects in the jute, but it is prob
ably without truth. In the large amount
used by this firm, no sign of one was ever
seen, and the article of jute is as clean, or
more so, than human hair in the course
of manufacture. There are also many
'switches made of the fine glazed cotton
thread, also of silk dyed without washing
out the gum, which gives it the nearest
semblance of hair of any article used.
Much of this hair silk is woven the same
as ribbons, and afterward braided, like
wool into chignons. Jute is in a great
measure superseded by this article, owing
to its extreme cheapness. At one time last
summer the stock in market was almost
entirely used up, from the immense quan
tities used for this purpose, causing it to
advance nearly 50 per cent. in price.
Forgot Ilh Test.
The Second Presbyterian Church of
Danville, Ky., being without a pastor for
the present, the different ministers of the
town, especially those connected with the
theological seminary, preach alternately to
the orphan congregation, and lately it was
Dr. Yorkes' turn to deliver a sermon to a
large assembly. In an eloquent oration
ho uttered the words of divine truth,
when suddenly—horrible dictul—a mem
' ber afflicted with a bad cold commenced
blowing his nose most violently. A terri
ble blowing it was, such as you never be
fore heard in all your life, and such as the
poor Doctor never hopes to hear again.—
It evidently had swept the whole of the
beautiful sermon out of his memory, and
having no notes about' him, be tried in
vain to restore the beautiful connection.
But, alasl he could discover neither end,
and the frightened Doctor exclaimed
"Brother McMullen, will you oblige me
by repeating the text?" The reverend
brother arose, although awhile; stammer
ed, hesitated, and sat down again; he
gave it up. - "Please, will any one in the
congregation le fme know my text?" Af
ter a long-pause, a student said : " First
Corinthians, x., 16." Believed from a
great burden, the happy doctor opened
the bible, but only to find that it was a
sad mistake. " This is not the right one.
Please, can any. 01113 reeifflect!' the text?"
A dead silence followed._ Professor Beat.
ty, of Centre college, rubbed' his head in
despair, but be neither ,rubbed ;the text
into or 'out of it.' Bev. 1.4. Johnion and
many of his brethren, together with the
whole congregation,- all-were unable to
find the lost darling. The laughter which
followed now was indescribable, and quite
time pissed before" thet house .Voula be
called to order. It beitig finally restored,
the Doctor called on Mr., McMullen to
close the meeting with prayer, and all ad
journed; 'perfectly convinced that they
had listened to one of the most remarka
ble sermon - ever preachod, Louisville
-OrnmeT#al• ,". ,
VATEBBiLe,s - Wzirmit -- Commodore
lifulderbilt's money has now, taking hail.
road atoelui at present - quotations; ran up
to nearly $85,000,000. -if he lives • live
yeArs more { his revenue . aad. Latereattoort•
ey will bring the_surn np., oae hundred
millions of dollars. The old manlives in
the hope of attainingthesOfigures.- -
Tqlqe:,Creani...Yeask.l34king. rowder,
can be eaten with imptatitywitt emphded
by all.
gitut givertiottututo.
Tuscarora. Academy,
The Sikh Sehocd•year begins September 6th. Location
healthful, attractive arid well adapted to physical deal
opement. Free from loatln,a places and saloons, the in.
Sonnets am morel. Mom than 4,1330 young men have
hero been prepared for Cot ego or bigness.
Terms moderate. Apply for circular, to
D. E4 - BToNic, A. M.
Muttal ;Fire Insurace Co
At Woodstock," has been doharg business tbtrty-one
years. Six years It has laid no assessments,. and the
overage rate of assessment during the thirty-one years
hail been 23-1 van Cart, A Milli ..The askenctil (or the
yett Just ended is 9 1.4 ran cur., and fhFCbutpany has
a clear empty& our 44 448444401:
'DOR 6A 8--20 0 sacs sdpettor Wurre Opac Ti
Lam land . LockhaTett, FlTtiboolod acres
llstttuce land, Potter OA% P. W. stir Arr 4,
avolostet lod Enginter, •
..,-..- [ Tb Ii wh h o ur lloze &n : t 7r ,v b!e.
can ha ea:lire:lV. bout
4 , E • magi Apr gal , with
Aattutsaaca 'X ilittaXres Genuine Snot ricer tract.
Ask for it at your store,or - *end 25 cents for a vial and
directions to 400 North Tldrd Street, Philati • .phia.
um; ForteTioa. BT lII' Mamma; anther. lof .11ts
Pllysical Life gl Woman." It relate. to the mak sex;
la fod of new frets • &Bade but outspoken; israetlcal
and popdar , h endorsed; aella'rapldly.. "Bold b,
sobsetithan only. xcWris territory, Terme liberal
Price ! 1. Address for.tonte.nta., 6e., J. G. FEBOUS
CO., Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa.
.Agents Read This !
litrE WILL PAY Agents a salary of $3O
TV Per Week end Ex or or altos, a taro
conardratmt to sell our new and won or fal Inventions.
Adders* M. WAGNER & CO, Marshal , Mich.
Shrewd but quiet men eau make s fortune by revealing
the eceret of the briefness to no one.
. Pow York.
1.0 0 8 40- X 36 1, 'V ES .
GOnly CONCERT ard,Diatribution. tar the
Ilene= of the
Foundling asylum of the Sis'ers of Chnrit)
In the City of New York. and SOLDIER' and SAIL
ORS. ottpllANS' flO3tE, Waitblogion, D. C , to in bald
In Washington, D. C „ under and by virtue of a permit
from lion, Commissioner of internal Neve:nue, on
TIIIIM/DAY. irtY 27th, positively.
After the Concert, the Commissioners will award to
the successful ticket-holders.
1,003 GIFTS AMOUNTING TO 5200,000.
251000 Ttrsa-rs only be sold. at 85 each. Ron.
H. 3iet•rittocon, of Fakton.lild„ Major Geo. T. C
Baltimore, Md., Commissioners. lion. Jas. 8. Neaps's',
M. C.. Pittsburgh, Pa.„ Trustee.
Reforences:—.ldajor , Cien. D. Tinnier. U. 8. A., Wash
ington, D.C.• Hon. Jas. 8. Negley. Pittsburgh, Pa,;
First .ration al Bank, Hagerstown, Md.; Aputeman
Co., Bankers. Usgerstown : HOD. It. J. Brenklate Attor
ney•Generat, Baltimore; C. F. Abbott, P. 0.
Avenn., Baltimore: John H. Pirsier, Esq.; W. B. My
ers &Bro.. Extbange Place, Baltimore.
Deed of the Real 'Estate, certified to by counsel, In
hands of the Trustee.
Ticket...ant circulars can be had of P. V. DEVLIN,
General Agent, Stationer and Printer, No. 13 Nassau
Street, New York. Tickets sent U. U. D , if desired.
Send We Circular, containing description of prizes.
Tickets for Sale also by Ilium 6 5.11213 ITT, at tire!?
News Stands, Philadelphia, liarrtsburgh, Pittsburgh,
de., and on luxe of Pennsylvania Italiroad and toonee•
published on emery pular!. Hone
foro it is nor a secret preparation,
It is a certain cure for Scrofula.
Syphilis in all Its forms, neural'
limn, Skin Diseasm ' Liver Com
plaint and rll doses of the
will do more good than ten bottles
of the Syrup of Sarsaparilla.
l hare tired ROsadalis In their praetias
for 'lto past`throo years and freely
endorse it sa a refill& Altman
l and Blood Purifier.
DLL. T. C. PVC: IC of Daltltarrn.
Da. R. Iv. cnna.
DIL J. S. SPARKS,of NichoLarrMe,
kIeCARTIIA, Columbia:
S. C.
DR. A. D. NOBLES, Uprose'', N.C.
J. D. FSENCII & SONS, Fell River,
F. W. SMITH, Jackson.
A. F. W GEELF.R, Lima, Ohio.
EL HALL, Lima, Ohio. .
CRAVEN & CO-, Gordemmille, Va. ,
SAUL. G. bIeFADDE.N, iderfroree
bore, Tenn.
Chu space will not allow of eery ox.
tended remarks in relation to the
detuesof Rosadalls. Tothe Medical
Profession we parader a Fluid Es.
tradmpedar to any they have wee
used in the treatment of diseased
Illegal" and to theraffiletild Ire4sza
lth i
and you will Do
Beardslts to and by all Orrigestir
rim 411.4 4 3 per balU.. Address
D 3. CLEICEMS hco *
2114mlattartag Chemistry
Baratioas, .1110
uly 17
Baltimore. .7
Worth of Goods in store for the opening of
- the Fall Tradeof 1870, inn Pollard'
general assortment of
Drat, and Pterntslility, and Feeney Om*
In Bosoms Cat s, Deaner, Merinos,
Calms, Shawls. Cbrsets. embanni Felts, and ll.op Skirts
Ladies and Goes Furs. Beak Robo, Fancy Lap
L'abes, opal assortment of Coals. Canrinieses.
Leafier' Cloths, Flannels, Hosiery,
Dtantsfie Cottons, de, de.
with a general assortment of Eats and Ceps,
Boos &.Shocs, Oils and Paints, Grocenes,
Crockery, 'Hardware, fitors, Iron, /km furnish
ing& superior apportmity for selections, and
will be sold on the most favorable terms, b '
S. 33
X. hard. Nov. 30.
mon Spectacles, a new supply, for sale by $
Allontruae„Nor.lo.larA. ABEL TURREL
Good Now to the Solace dile War of IEI2
k ND THEIR WIDOWS i-,Congress has recently paw
aa. di a Lm Granting Pensions of Eight Dollars
month, where there was &Service of Sixty Days or c Or
Pot May of you I promised Land Warrants. from lose
to rrsa t sod my records and papers, then made, Amish
now the Important bets necessary In Procuring Pen
slots, and persons bringing or sending their claims to
my adieu am bare the free benefice/ my records, lad
their business will be promptly attended to at rates - ea.
tallied by theists L. F. PITCH.
Xeatrose. March 22.1871. • 4w
VALT.TABLE P. 4.1131, • FOR BALE Tie
•subar.riber Wren his farm at Silver Lake,
Susquehanna Co., Pa., contains, over ISO acres
100 or 105 of which are cleared and under cultiva
tion the land is well watered and good for eithgr
grain or gums, there are between two and three
hundred grafted Apple trees on the place besides
peach, plum, and pear trees, the farm ft conveni
ent for churches and schools -with good build
ing% 180 rods south of Quaker lake, the turn la
good one and admirably located. Address or ap
bliverlake, Bogs. Ca Pa., March 8 - '7l. Sax
' * 33.6saiLar - Aammea
V. 4 = 4 tr a ii i t e cal 1 2 Z ult. V A7.4 8 .
t g
a L i t
Notaxote, :dram 1
. •
. _
88 Washington Street,
46, 1
D •
B ton, N. Y.
Where you will find
% ."
The Largest Stock, the noir Afortment, and
the'Lowest Prices of any hook% the city.
N. B.—AR Goods sold warranted as represen
Binghamton, Aug. 24, 1870.—1 y
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
M Par
aleal. the papaws of a lakathre
„ Perhaps no one mall.
:`,` eine to so universally re.
imbed bed by everybody as
J a cathartic, nor was ever
any before so universal.
ly adopted Into use, in
every cotmtry and mem
all (+sues as this mild
\ i , s bet efficient purgative
/IS. The obvious sea.
eon Is, that It is smote re.
liable and fir messages
_ - Mal remedy than any
- • - other. Those who bare
tried It, know that It cured them; those who have
not, know that It cures their neighbors and friends,
and all know that what ilidoes onto It does always
that It never fills through any thult or negicetof
its composition. We have thousands upon thou
sands of tertiffrates of their rmearkablecurea of the
fallowing complaints, hot sorb cures are known in
every n ei ghborhood, and we need not publish them.
Adapted to all ages and conditions In all effrestst;
containing neither calomel or any drkICAOLIS
they may be taken with safety by anybody.
sugar coating preserves them ever fresh and makes
them pleasant to take, while beinginuely vegetable
no barrecan arise from their use any quantity.
They operate by their powered inthionee on the
internal viscera to purify the blood and seremlate It
Into healthy action—stands° the obstructions of the
stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the
body, restoring their irregular action to health, and
by correcting, wherever they exist, each derange
meats as arc the Lira origin of disease.
idbmte directions am given-in the wrapper on
the box, for the following complaints, which these
Fars rapidly enre :
n For ese, Lan Dyspepsia or Ihsdlgretloss, Listless.
guor and Lam of Appetite. they
should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom
ach and restore Its healthy tone and action.
For Liver Complains and Its miens symp
toms, Sitio= liesselasebe, dick Headache,
Jaundice or Green Nil nom, Billows
Cello and Billow femme, they should bo Ju
diciously taken for anti cast, to correct the diseased
action or remove the obstructions which =se It.
For Dysentery ar Diarrhoea, MIS one mild
dose is generally reqpirol.
For Itheamattetts, Gout, Grave!, Palls&
ealloa of she Beset, Pain in she aide,
Hack and Lotus, they Mould be continuously
taken, as required, to change the diseased actionof
tho system. With inch change those onuplabas
For Dropsy endllropelesd fivrelthogre they
should be taken In largo and frequent dose, to Fro.
duce the effect of a drastic purge.
For Suppression a large dose should be taken
as It produces the desired effect by sympathy.
Asa Dinner PIII, take one or two PUls to pro.
mote digestion and relieve the stomach.
An occasional doso stimulates the stomach and
bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite,
and invigorates the synem. Hence It Is often ad
vantageous where no serious derangement exists.
One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a doss
of these Pitts makes him feel decidedly better, horn
their cleansing and renovating effect on the diger
five apparatas.
DR. J. C. AYER ,L 4 CO., Practical Chaufah
Sold by Abel Terrell, and Marna & Nichols,
Montrose, and all druzlista and dealers every•
where. 'Dee. 21, 1811:1--y
Z3z- C. M" , . MR.01;172%7,0
ME X 1 1 4' X It& M IV tTI
in offering thlt, Linimeut to the public, a. we do In
full confidence, that it mum anpereede nA others now in
nac. ae an internal temedy. for the care of all ilfaeases in
the reach of that asset medicines, we am safely assert,
without the Irvin fear of coutradietion. that tt stands ['ti
tivated In the Ilst of medical compounds externally ep•
plied for the care of disease, Feeling therefore that it
la unnecessary to wife remedy No eminently wonderftd
in Its effects. so mytterionaly infallible In Ito powers of
miler, calming the it of to hear, thablind to ace, the net ,
soap, drawn and crippled rheumatic to walk erect and re
joice again In the paver and vivre( manhood. Oda pre
foratton is offered to the public on 11, own merits, anli
claims no volcanic origin or essential oils of the Arabi
en desert, but on the contrary ta what Ip Imports. Ant
Ia a mre combloatlim of the powers of North Arnett
can prodneta.
Nsw 'roux. Dee. 14, ISM:
This tootles Is to Inform sl3 deniers to proprietary
medicines , , that we bare established a Depot In &I've.
harms =anti at Montrose. Pa., for the sale of Dr. C. P.
Drosois Young Ameriean Liniment, and that Mr. A.
o f s ort ic h r st i o
13) William Street, New York
Agencies will soon be established M central pbees in
every township, and published In the Ilst below. I sin
ready to tarnish It K isholcaale prices to agents. Post
ers and circulars sent free upon application to the aub
The Liniment la now for labial retail by the rolluvr•
ins agents, to wit:
Bums S, Nirimis Montros e.
A. Turret,
E. L. Adama Auburn 4 Corners.
Noah Baldwin. South Auburn.
Waitman Si Voriblikinners Eddy.
D. C. d F. IL FoWtam, Franklin.
J. Burrows Sons. Stevensville.
1.. M, Sherwood, Rushville.
IL T. Hendrick, Springville.
WiMean Thayer, Dimock.
Iw B. IN.mdrib...e, Little Meadows. •
Robert Winters, Frieudaville.
M. L. Bell. Blrehardville.
D. A..b. Tilaworth. Brooklyn, Pa.
L. B. Hinds, Etetotyvliin, -
W, IL. Curtis, Bailey Hollow.
...KM. 'Many, llophottom.
J. B. very. kluntrinue Depot.
0. M. Hawley, New lialrond.
' T. D. Easterbrook, Great Bend.
Tewksbury Brotbers. Auburn Centre.
Avczy Natimont, Clmptctra.
Stereo, & Leebody, tlk Lake.
B. Granger, Hush.
S. R. Stevens, Laeyville.
A_ J. Silver*. East sprinehill.
J. L. Merriman, Upsouviile.
J. W. Roneneranta, Folftlak.
Any persons in townships not above named, desiring
en agency, may obtain Irby addressine
Jan.ll, - Montrose: Pa.
ABllt T u itRELL
TI SEPI3 constantly on hand one of the moot neuter
.1.1 l ous collections of
to the moan and bestows especial attention to se.
telling mid buying articles to this department that are
pure end genuine.
lie also keeps a great variety of
- 149,17.0113 AND WINES,
bought eltlier direct from 4ne distiller. or Inapprter, aid
warranted strictly pore. ' • -
Also,* felt assortment of Paints. Oils, Vanalabes,
Druches, Lnbricating Oils and Die_dtuffe. GrOCefici,
Wall Paper Glass, Kerosene, Violins, Pistols, Guns
and ammunition.
A line "witty of Oold and other JEWELRY, Petftnn
ap) to Yankee p . 210T1015, t.c.. Lad othergoods too nu.
Ent . etition.
Daitok; aunt! yt:4111 put putout bau bead Wale
aykradim daba,utit saathog web' GreatAntal
can %A Connatur, , Prear York, fur "bat supplies of Tea.
atut Coffee, tot kullnue, the
Abtl. Turret is pow supply* e people *ft then
Teas so 4 CIO" at bta store to Yon orou at the saute
prtua that: Vasa slabs sulitt~ pitfoOol ifyaly at lbw
Um al tba Company to Now.liotit.. Tbuounbasara
Vtli aatoa ttotaparustbalzerg troPblo . at goobioi, Cul
tiaktif ilitidlos, by boytosoi - .
'AM Inntititl4
Sontrosit, Ps,
REMIT T. 1111180111
Component Parts—Fluid Extract Rheu
barb and Fluid &tract Oalaw-
ba Grape Juice.
LOB layer Complaint, Jaundice, Billions Affections,
r Nick or Nervous Ileadacho. Coeliac:ins. Me. Roo
t,' Vegeta , le, eonielnha no Meteor', 311benle or Del
eterious Drugs.
These pills me the moat delightfully pleasant
t superseding castor oil, salts, mammals, etc. grit
is nothing more acceptable to the stomach. They_alse
tone, and - came neither numbs raping piths. They
are composed of the guest in testa Ales a few
day.' tom of them, much an Inv lon of the entire
system fates place as to appear miractilone, to the weak
and enerrated. whether arising from Imprudence or dis
mae. It. T. ffelmbold's Compound Plaid Extract Ca
tawba Grape Pills are not sugar mated, from the fact
tint sagas coated Pills do not dissolve, trot pass through
the stomach without dissolving. consequently do not
pus:lnce the &aired effect. TUE CATAWBA GRAPE
PILLS, being pleasant In tarts and odor, do not neces
sitate their being sugar coated. PRICE FIFTY CENTS
Will radically exterminate from the system Scrofula,
Syphilis, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Sore Eyes, Sore Leas.
Sure Mouth, Sore Heed Bronchitis. Skin Disease, it
Rheum. Cancers, Running. from the Far, White Swell
ings, Tumors, Cancerous Affections, Nodes. Rickets,
Glandular Swellings, Night Sweats, Hash 'fetter, Hu
mors of *II kinds, chronic Ithemetfam, Dyspepsia, and
all diseases that have been established in the system for
Being, prepared expressly for the above wombs' eta. it.
blootl-pnrityni: properties are greeter than any other
preparation of Daraspartila. It gives the complexion
dear end healthy enlor. and vesture* the patient to a
state of health and pmity, for purifying the blasod , re
mining ail chronic constitutional diseases arising from
an impnre state of the blood, and the only reliable and
effeetual known remedy for the cure of paint and men
the of the bones. Ulcerations of the throat and legs.
Dietetics. Pimples on the Pace. EryalpeLes and all scaly
eruptions of the akin, and beautifying the complexion.
Price $l, 50 per bottle.
FRuici lll:tract 3131.scrIsta.
Ilan ennui every eau of Diabetes In which It Ass been
given, Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder and Warn
ationn of tha Kidney,. Ulceration of tbe Kidneys and
Bladder. Itetention of Urine, Diseases of the Prostrate
Oland, Stone in the Bladder. Calicolos Gravel, Brick dust
Deposit. and Unctions or Milky diechanos, and for en.
feebled and dellatte constitutions of both sexes, attend
cd with the following : Indisposition to ex
ertlon, Ines of power, loss of memory, difficulty of
breathing, weak nerve*, trembling. horror of disease.
wakehanres. silt - Dome f viefoo, pain in the back. hot
hands, fimaang of the body, dryoraa of the skin. eruption
on the thee, pallid countenance, universal larattatie of
the mnecular eystem, etc.
Used by persona from the ages of eighteen to twenty--
are, and from Many-five to fifty-five or to the decline or
change of ; after cox:Ulm:mem% or labor pains; bed
wetting in children.
lielmboiffs rained Dacha Is Diuretic and Mood Pu
rifying. and cedes all diseases seising frets habits of
sip:lion and excesses and imprudences In libt impurities
of the blood, etc., superec4lng eopalbs in affertsons for
which it is used, and Sypblletle affections—ln these dis
awes used to connection with flatruboles Rosa Wash.
In many affections peculiar to ladles. the Extrnet
Bonito le unequalled by any other remedy—as to Chloro
mis or Retention, Irreue.. Larks, paint:Mess or suppression
of customary eveatatians. Ulcerated or &biros etate of
the Memo, Locorrhera or Whites. eternity. and toe all
complaints Incident to thews, whetberarisinr Rom in.
dlemetion or habit. of dissipation. It is prescribed ex.
tensively by the most eminent physieMns and midwives.
ibr enfeebled and delicate WlllMittleooll, of both sexes
and all arcs (attended with any of the above discuss or
n. T. funamours =TRACT BIICIIII
Cures diseases arising from Imprudence, habitant dis
sipation. etc., to all their stages, at little expense, little
or no change in diet, no inconvenience, and noexposure.
it 0111111t1.1 frequent desire. and ghee strength to urinate:
thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curing
strictures of the Urethra, allaying pain and inliamtastion,
so frequent In this class of diocese , and expelling all
poisonous matter.
Thousands who ham been the victims of Incompetent
persons, and who have paid heavy fees to be eared in •
shun time, have found they have been deceived, and that
the "poison" has, by the use of . powerhal as Anginas."
been deed up h 3 the system, to break out In a mom at
granite& form. and rhaps after marriage.
dens and diseases of theilrinaryOrgana, whembereabllng
In Male or Female. from whatever curse originating, and
no matter of how long standing. Price, One Dollar and
Fifty Cents per Bottle.
cannot be sprpasocd as a Pace Wash, amtliwill be found
the only s e remedy in every special of Cueous
Affection. It speedily eradicates Pimples, tea
acrobatic Dryness. Induration* of the Cutaneous Man
bnuse,l,etc., dispels Redness ar d Inciplatt Damnation.
Rives. Rash, Moth Patches, Dryness of Scalp or skin.
lost DIM& sod all purposes or which Salves or Ohs,
meads are used; restores the skin to a state of purity
and eeriness, end futures continued healthy action to
Its vent* on which depends the agreeable cleaners
and 'treaty of complexion so much sought and ad
mired. But however imitable al a 'remedy for existing
defects of the akin. H. T. flembolt's lime Wash has
long sustained Its principle claim tonnbounded patron.
age, by posesain,g qualities which render its toil e t ap•
peonage of the most Rape:futile and *monist chars.
ter, combining in an elegant formula prominent to.
quietism, safety and eillcacy—the invariable secompant•
meats of Its use as a Preservative and Refresher of the
complexion. It Isar. excellent Lotion for diseases of a
Syphilitic Natant, and as as injectlaa for diseases claw
Urusty Organs, arising from habits of dissipation.
used in conrection with the extracts Ruche. Saraaps.
dna. and catawba Grape Pills. In such diseases as rer
codune, cannot be surpassed. Price, One Dollar
Per Bottle.rnied
ran sad explicit directions accompany the inodichres.
Evidence of tbo most responsible and tellable char
meter fernistord on appllao, with koodreds of thaw
sands of Wring witnesses. and upward of 10,000 man.
flailed certificates and reenutossodatory letters, may
of winch are from the highest warm. including ead•
trot litataseco, etc. The pro
prietor has nom' resorted to their publication In the
newspapers; he does not do OM from the tact that his
;added' sank as .Btandard• Preparations, sad Mx not
need to be propped ap by scrtiacslas,
aOuT T. Ifelmbold% amine
Delivered to soySem° bons obeeen s q
Iletattttetted (wean! of ?treaty Peon. • Odd by
gists evetrebere. Addreee letters toe tato •emOoo,
imams°, W PlPfla T.=mop% Dn4111404
coal i Depot E-11. Tgos rw sozwatiriton4 oticultail
wankona, Moist zromo. New YoUr.or
Vitioposa• smos D9fre. SI South To* Bwa4
macaw OP COMITSRPEPrat hi gins
linurtaxest mks ea otitti;
Dr. wALL-zr.. a:um:ox*
g Hundreds of Thmuuldir
• -
Et t r artritreeV 44' .
t 2
; r
e h ;
1%1 t's•
; q aa
GI •
'4l gr
N g FANCY...,,-D.RINK,;
moot riper ,num,.•••isiter, read' mirk"
sad Rem Ltanosseeetoscamked and outset ,
ened to please the taste,
era," • rtenorers." ec.. that lead the tippler on to
dranksaneos and aro s trots Itedielaa, lando
troto stie Notts* Boots and Herbs of Gallthrula. free
all Alcoholic Gil tnithszut. They ass tlo
GIVING PRINCIPLE • parthet Esncrrstor sad
Invigorator at the Briton:, aught: oft all poison=
scatter sod rostrata; the blood to a healthy condi:low
No person eau take these Bitten% according to Oren
nen sod =en long anwelL
111011 wanes given Loren tamable ease, provided
the bones aro net destroyed by adatral poison or
other means, and the snot organs coated beyond ma
paint et mar.
For I elimantatory and Chronic DA arum.
1h mad Danl. Drelicrimin. or Indlimatiou.
Milos" Beasittem and Intermittent Fevers
Dioramas al she Blood, Liver, lildacro. and
Bladder, these Bluer. base ban moat eurcess
tol. each Marasco are caused by Minted
Blood. which is modally prodneed try dadiumemna
OHM Dlitralive Ositahos
ads, Pah la the teatadtel. Collictul,Tightatese of the
Mask Dimino, Sour Eraciandos of the Stomach,
Dad Lute in Oho howl, &Mos Amain, retaliation
of the Mara, Inftsumeatics of the Limp, Palo in tee
Ittglotla of the Kidneys, and a hundred other manful
symptoms. me the etatahags of Dommia.
They itortgorde the Stomach end sthredate the tor.
old liver and bowel., which render them efamequalled
edam , la charodas the blood of all Ltsperities, and
imparting nes life and vigor to the whole system.
YOl2 SKIN DISEASES. ibmitions, Tetter,Ealt
=slim Dlotchea, Spots, Ihnpica.ltatules,Dolls, Cos
bancles, Dird-Worms, Scald-Dead, Sere Eyck Equip.
elm itch, Scuffs, Moeller-Alma of the likln,ltuniora
and Dtl of the Wan. of Manner name or nature,
inuany dog up and carried out of the ottani n a,
ohm time by the use of time Intim One bottle In
ouch elms win cunt= the mart inetudultsia of Cods
sestattro affect.
Cleanse th. Ifllalted flood sturnerer you and lia
tmearitlea barsUng _trout the ably to Pimples, Ernp•
tioas or bons I cleanse It sten ran gad it obeuteted
and elate to the Tens t elesaso it when Ms foal,
and Toot dellays vial teal you sten. Seep Ito blood
pan sad the health ease ante= vill
TIN, TAM sad other %MUM% hating In tho
speed at so many thconeads, are eitectually destroy
ed and ramoved. For toll directions, road cercfraly
the eircsdst moved each bottle, printed Ile Star
gaups—English ,Gcsaan. French sod Eunnist.
I. WALEEd, rroprictor. U. It. McDONALD d
Druggists and Can. Agents, San Francisco, Cal..
and WI and St Commerce Atscet, For York.
Oct. 26—y . saftpetc
.- t ~._
81CLIFLATE0- -gib 2,2 - XCeMECIPLEN,
bauaozsirs.. -
tospeetftilly tar to the publla, that to addlttoo t
their digs] assortment of
.thry tune Nitta and 011*. Varnish. Dye-Sinfa. Wino
and Liquors, Patent Medicines. Spectacles, Rya
tiLassea. Pnclet Relives, RazolvAtiolin
Alia.lend received
a tine lot or Revolvers. Gun
Caps.' thin Wadding,
- • ..Cartrid,7l,
Wu keep WIMP on hand and for %ale, Meeting Powder,
thin Powder, Powder, Tobaivo and Cigars or a su
perior quality, and a tetieral artiortutent of Yankee No.
dons. - .
ilfrlteteeteber the CHEAP CASH DRL7O STORE o
Wain" Mambo • . •
A. B. MUM,
Mention, Dec. 14,1870. AMOS BRAWLS
Visa, Life, and Accident
mcastarcbgescr. Pa►.
Home lasuranceCo. of N. Y.. Capital and
Insurance Co .of North America, Phil's,
Capital tadSorplus, 2.000,000
Franklin Fire Inaaranee Co., Plain, Pit.,
Capital and Surplus, 0.000,003
Lycomlns County Mutual Insurance Co.of
Saucy, Penn a Capital au d Surplus, 4,000,000
Connecticut Mama? Life Ina arm:lolC°. of
Hartford. Conn., Capital, Mk 000,000
American Life lawman° Co., Philadel.
plata. Capital. 1.000,000
Travelers'insurtmee Co. Hartford, COWL,
Insuring against all kinds of accidents
Capital. 100,000
Hartford Fire la Intranet, Ccrmpany, Hart
ford. Conn., Capital and Surplus. 0%000,000
iftrAll business entrusted to our care saline attend.
ed taco fair terms. and all lasses promptly adjusted;
H .
Office' draideores•t Ag Olidar of W.
11, Cooper co„Tarnplke a Montrose. Pa.
R.SROWN, :Agents..;. ;
x. C. Rovtow. tsp., Pritmdsville, Solicitor. • -
Cocas. H. Sena, Montrose, do
Bus.nraa Snoop. - Mumma L. Murex
Montrose, Pa, ,Jan. 11.1.571.
VAT' s "'
/Pp any penan turtduebig any medicine slhowleg.balf
1. as etaniffirinz permanent cares as Dr. /maws
lteely, ,- A *mutt medicine, free from Inbuiousdnio.
Winsated under oath, to halo pessasam fly amid Shin
every 100 patients treated In the past ten year. (Sea
tartlentaiy), it IS the seleizeseriptlon of Prole*
or YEW, M. D.. • of Me Uniceralty Of
Pennaytyanbt. A. D.. 1 —now' one of Pbiladelpides
oldest resins playstelantyand Plinfenor of Cbendsul
and Toxleolort.-0 1 )4tiamittlettientalini4 Chronic snit
Intl Rheumatism the ebeelitllty of Ms entire
prWst Infe—..6 fact toadied for by the signatures se
eompanying nob bottle of hinny pteteleeeg renovrned
phyeteleho fleriDlein.es4teher.tesittotttehr, Toole•
tette from polstutoni queek nOstntins end use
leas oh tine of money, a legal signed guarantee,
owing east number of bottles tramuited to mire. wlll
be forwarded, gratis to_
- apy enterer vending by letter,
pin dearylpttom of &Zenon. In ease of failure to . turs,
anntant takipositiccly refunded.' /WWI° sent' any.
wpm by orpressicolleet ondelivery... =Wed lathed
to write foe *deka:lilt information sad zetegeal advice
scab. tenor gratin; . Iglneinal - Opitei 1151 - ,l3oetkrourtb
a m t., Wiedeipbta. .TA 0 0 -
- Am4 ; 0r4 . 0 .4 ! r.• • • • P
';',Y••614•14. : i,.:46100,040=1144t.6...•?ihtt:
rhitAirtioil* Awry ,
A obi-6*s Vir "Ems — tango,
‘ll. ita Amino/. Op:vistad by she Covet' of COWAN'
Flas of tionnebasina coonq, to mats distribution of
the fund seising hem Solailra Me of lb* real antatint
Elia Z. Smith and Harry liailtb, bcrcby ulna notice
OW be *III snood to Ono Aviles of his avpoiniaseat at
e ke, Ind Motn, tros teei,. .o n a l
lwoio day
thres i a f it dde • / p l o a f tia;n as
v ßM ono o ar oe ted arogoest d fo p rese nt
A i
their claims
of be forever debarred trout coming In upon said land.
May 24, 1871.--4 w A. W. BERTHOI2, Auditor,
' ATION,* ' ' - '
~ .
... , ..
For thane Hefted cure of the Farilig and Unforttingto,en
Prtnciples of Outran Philanthropy. ,i , • : ,
' Sanyo on the Errors of Tenth and the Follies of Age
In relation to Marriage and Bmial Evils. with sanitar •
aid roe the aillieted. Bent tree. in pealed entreek Ad
drenollOWAßD MiSOCIATIOI.I, Box P. Pblla&lphia.
T.4.L.80T & STAMP,
Plottr,Salt, Batter, Pmt, IASI; Beat, Salt nth; Tallow
Candles, Crackers, Cheisti, Carer * Spied. Choke .
Teas, Sagan, Mari Dried and Canned .
Pratt. Tatman, agars. Said.
and all other uncles usually kept lea Ord clue Omer,
and Prorislon Store.
W. will mart our Goods as low u we can
...Ord, WI
sell fat cub, or exchange for produce. •
Montrose, Sept. IS, 18:0.—tf
le continually receiving
And keeps ronstantly OD band s fall and diebildiss
aorta:mut ul genuine •
Paints. Oils, Dye-StnffiTriss,Mpices. and etkiar Gra.
caries, Stone V. ma. Mail and Window Paper; OW*.
ware. Fruit Jar., Murat., lamps. Chimney, Knee
aene; Machinery OM, Tanners' Oil. Neahifoot on.
tined Whsle Oil. Spann OIL Olive Oil, fifdrit•Trupto
tine. Van:dance. yaary Beni, V inegar.Petaek.Cllo,ll6
;rated Lre. Azle (Areas*. Trusser, napporiers,33edles.
Instruments. Shoulder itranca.Mbire. Gans. POWs.
Cartrid:cs, rondo.. shot, Lead. Gan Caps. Mitstkag
Powder and Vu.., Violins,Strinv. Bons. etc. hive..
Mae. ere., risk Hooka and Lines. Bar and Tonetasapa,
flair Ode, Hair Reetorare. and hair Dyes. !Maybes'
Pocket Enlace. Ppectacler,ilihrer Plated Bpoont.Vorks.
Knives. dc. Daati at Articles, a general asiartmont of
All the leading and best kinds a
In short, needy every tines to restore the elek,
please the taste, to delight the aye. toaatl the Woe.
and also to conduce to the real and estbstantial
of life. Enumeration Is Impracticable, as It :=Z
• newapypirr. Call at the Diu: and Variety Stare at
strictlyparer arid a variety at other Brandies, ineladlai
Chrrry Brandy, Cider Brandy. Ce. Nearly allthe differ.
neat kinds of Bum- liollarld Gin. old Rye and 1301111,11
Whiskey. AlcohoL Pare Spirit, Bay Rum, rte., essaarans.
ty on hand and far sale by
Rontniae, March 11th.
W.A. 1 3 1-131111 MaXa 811011311XXX•
orrosas Tax corer noes,
JOIIIN 8. TAIIIIELL. Proprietor.
Eight Stage. leave this Muse daily, eanagettag with
the D. L. b W., the Erie, and the Lehigh Yalley
I (July d,l t 1 •
A :Veer sad Lrro eapply,
Mosireoe. Noir. 94, 1201 ABEL TIMM.
Susquehanna Depot, Pa.,
Dealer In Watches, Clocks Jedelry, *a. Re
pairing promptly done and warrante d.
made a speciality; Silver Detached Levers for
$l2 00. American Watches, at Companies re
duced prices. •
Gonda Ardered for - itartles,fTwirii: New
'rink; at leis predita than If kept constantly on
hand. Solid 18 caret Rings for 111 75 per penny
weight. 'A. B. TARMX.
Susquehanna, Depot, Jan. 25, 1671. tf.
Emery kind of Tea In marketjust arrlvedokad
or saes at Now York tabotesala. Also a Snook.
tartfneat o f COFFEE. Buy orate .
and sass
_e res.
—At eher-Wootre, the Watch-Maker, Melee
street, Montrose, Pa.
ROAD LBSTING—The Stipentscare of Bitdmindet
11l will meet at 'ha house of James O'Brien, In-North
Bridgewater. April Zdth, at I °lock p. m, to let Ike
indicting of a road leading from Jo,. O'Brien's to Thomas
Ilkkeys. To be let to the lowest bidder.
Montrose, April ID. ti. Z. M. BREWSTER. ter.
Jost mind. sad rellagsheilAg unau
•Montrosa.epriMlB72. , ADZI.
Item, of Panniylvaida.
Tms INSTITUTION will reopen the
ou r7lll4.2obmarrlo. 1871.
Forseeed Chtular, catalogue told other
Gatutettati. laldtats. _
THOS. 11.111:111110W13,Preilie—
"' • AvicultF4 9 01 logN
Jaa al• 2870 .77= Cllt!vrox,
-131 " ni gk.r 15 . 1 5: TAW - F tlaSE— T l
i t« i iii ir uits r a c s*Vittitr A 4 AI ; iM
oo ,on know what. *Pa. taw zr , 1 ,4
shed., "veteran ft -to. roar; latenc lam
plat& nplatutited. mit Hat liatitS t /Or,
manna" end ME ntento,eo LOWa l a
VECISTABLES enest„liest co Inalts
oath,: Send Ideal far NewallattentaDorertitt".
Dilate-n.. 40,, peeve. need stang,,, eat tor Qantas
of kale. WWI pbuti - diresttans-Gi mos. 1103 Ins as 4
Waft" Plian- ape eno, andlnoleeale-IA nit-34
Poirw,;46lzoinFilkefflz,, tpoomb maws.
*Aim* , 46511 up
oilmsek .s4*o reffr
mon" No
'isms* is