• cimittsuilisalt " Att• the coping October ,election Abe citizens of Pennsylvania drill vote upon • the qUeition of calling - a 'Convention ',to . sitnenethe State Coaititutioa, under the follbiving act passed' by the, last Legisla tere: An act to authoriie a po p ular vote upon the question oft:ailing a Convention to amend the Conatitutibli of rfnnaylvtutia. Szczto.x.l. Be it; enacted, 40c., That the queation of iXillinga -convention to amend .4hevoristittition of this-commonwealth be atibinitted to a vote of the people at the ..igirteratolection, to be held on the second Tuesday of October next, the said ques tion to be voted upon in manner following to wit: In counties and cities in whicii slip ticket voting is authorized by law, votes for or against a convention may be expressed and given upon the ticket, headetbor endorsed:whit the word "State," and not otherwise; and the words used ehatl be "Constitutional •Convention,l, or 4 ‘igula4Vidol*eiltion," sitd iu ieoaUttee 14 - diteriees' in' which gip' ticket voting shall not be authorized bylaw, each elm tof voting upon said question shall cast a sepeniteliallot, endorsed. on the outside Unoustitutioal Convention," and con- On the inside the words 'for a convention," or "against a convention ;" and all votes cast as aforesaid shall be re ceived, counted and returned the prop er election officers and returnved judges us votes for governor are received, counted and returned under existing laws. . Sec. 2.. That the election aforesaid shall be held. and be subject to all the provisions of law which apply to general elections; the sheriffs of the several counties shall give notice of this act in their election proclamation the present year; and the governors hull cause all the returns of the said election, as received by the secretary of the commonwealth, to be laid before the legislature at its next annual election. MAGAZINE NOTICES. TUE MOSTULY NOTELET? FOR AL - - GI:ST.-1f the good things in The Mouth ly,Noselette" were only generally known throughout the country it would circulate by the hundred, thousand copies. But it will be known, and that, too, in a short time, for it is gaining in estimation quite 'fast.. 'Sea stories, adrentiare's, lore stories, poetry, history,•biography, etc., etc.,- can he found in each number; and now here fit,the August• issue bright with good things; just such as the public relish. ConIV 20 cents a.number, per year. Sena I cents. for specimen copies. Ad dress Thames it Talbot, G 3 Congress Street, Boston. TUE- LADE'S FRIEND FOR AI:GEST, 1871.—A very attractive number—full of the good, fresh stories that people like to have for summer reading, and bright with illustrationSof all kinds. The steel plate, •• The Carrier Dove," seems to represent a 'fait...Parisian lady in the beseiged city, re ; ceiviDg d mes4ge. There is the usual Colored Fashion Plate, and numerous rood cuts of ladies' dress and fancy work. The music is the Bridal Galop. Au illustrated story by Daisy Centaur leads off* the literary department, and there is another by Madge CarroL Annie I. Afuzzey begins a fine serial, "Jealousy ;" Amanda AL Douglas continues her excel lent story, ‘• A Little Money;" Eleanor C. Donnelly has a pretty poem ; and with al variety of other interesting stories and poems make up a delightful number. The editorial department of this masza zine is to-some readers their favorite por tion. Price B,t. 50 a year (which also in eltidOs large iteel..eagraving). Four copies, $6. live copies (and one gratis), .88;5 4 •3'ke. Lady's Friend." ". stedahe ""Snt urday Evening Post" (and one engraving), *4. Published by Deacon & Peterson, Ebilidelphje, Single apples for Rale_by all and by the publishers, price .251,1euht. .-• umiNl NT GM TES .., 4 traszwo,c) poins. HO RA A:".t. NELLiso puElcr verminovisn. =ram =EMI Tinenty-Ta!o : State Fair Prep:lb:rens Awarded This Fink la Fianna Nonths—lara and MU. AISO - NaltrigßAPktilian, Inif&Rient Peery; Carimiter; Makin -sod Palntex tZeuid U. I*eerolbiag H O`W.S E R A K ,E 'litany ladies. particularly mothers catalog, template jug of , tired:lntim feeling, or oemplete exhaustion, onarising lathe maiming. On the Wile and mother do- valves the responsibility of regulating the duties of the household. Her cares are a/mesons. and the mental do 'Well as the physical powers are frequently called, into requisition.. She often dude tier slightest occupation a weary tea and existence a burden. while at the same time she has no regular disease. Hostellers Slomae.h l ltters,. If resorted hint this pertad. will Piece an on. I . iiiiing remedy for this annoying lasslinde; Theeflceta ' . ee this potent agentere woo seen jla thessayebeekami elastic step of. the bead of • thel family, all.with restored _, , - - . health and renewed spirits she lakes het accustomed oh: ''• , nladeln the Emily circle: -If ihialrimid is heed be reg. .., - Aches,' elerli.ased, ditOe delays/dm: ;elPPiclina WiltneVer he .randsh, eempiaiDed of, mama on* wooldbuoltndo not be ex- Lam p s sd a perbebeed„ hut Emu diseases folk wing. its - advent be A:ORIN. .... ~ avoided. As a medical agent it haste equal„ while its . :. pleasing flavor and healthful effects have made it a gen - - - , • . - • oral favorite. leis free from ail properties calculated to Impair the system. stadia, operatitantam at once - mild, soothing and efficient. All who bare used the meters ..... attsat„ila rirtues rad. cc9arnt444 , 44;pulh .. .. i ./.`i J, :/' " 7; 4 —I-2' Maid Ease, Serhes. Smiths, Grain Cradles, a char Itt and“ Asks, $ • t Springs. Carriage Bolts. Cs Bars, (Steel and brie) - 7,10;46.46. for Ci 43 Mig .121 .1 17, C 0 PP That altrarhfftvea en -ALARM WRISTLEI when the Coffee la' teadieletilleTablet TRIO NE end .70n wttl and the Coffee &luny!, rff ght Axes -•- thriad Snares, Batts: Picks. Hasps. • - - _. Locks. Sawa, , . _. Fu r ,. _'Snob}, ~ DesecKniritV , i -, : SnythS Stroll* Latches,' Paint*. Oils. Varnish. Sitars., , . , Ttn-Wsse. -- , LatopP.4lß. liantloss, /ally 5, - ien,tr; tiOTLI O:C017.1N/J5Li, A IttlttittlitkiltelrA SALE' OrMeal Satatereln wessaancostanardcr-of the thnon'a.Conet office! ggtaaatr . 3 . Valenneyletritit,,eold t oublle tiWttkirsotaely: BU .u al p. . 041 4 00101 MM1 tittisetwhilad.AeCaWK ISOM. A valuable torm, situate Auburn township, Inn and dosmibedsis falielliterbt. ;unlade opal mutt, landbeit-Orliftil Elk; etssA•by-lands ne , j3sElLlng. woad' by land* it.E4ilyieellndatest b.TAanda •I• nininger and - N:8 Chtlatten, - enntalning•anont Atm , akbearetootlantinlOyebre seem itninnett,— - Teams N but—Oue hundred dollars down. $$X) 'on thototter.4to3 one yeutherealteratle , fte•b4k.e la twOnaleal anonel PolunSidn3slith-inknigho44lo,lll4 ll e snot reroalnlag talaatl4Slolßbitearn: liol4aion,."tpl•4 i . ' f u 4 t lr E 7t.i 6 p o r W e ,a IcAtiq l ap C Pnide i st a m 4.1.4 e 1 W "1 = . 4 40_ •r . • t a i lu l t i Poiret recenae -ta,ll4fAke r 1 Mt*VWM : s T 21448 c 7 h 1 a4 .nal k d e- I " chooliati tt be e to the ebb El*//0,6*. t Meseta, - ip.otepeellltatloaa and startle: a,U 6n U.7.tellebet. Xontrose. Wee Of the .00.4PMAriO 5 retaa• • gAn sof JIAUBUIt LltztatUritilite of /W lifordßora.agodianatb Coooty.,; m etetsid,, „.'' tea of utualutilzatlati upon ttie rm. or Upstate ;Itin.d decedent laded beau mated - to thei malredan ca. all persons tadebt to fairdiftiVelaite ilea Dopliad 19 matedraedlat6 patateat. Aid 0006 iliWg e it t lz ar ite .. 4ea r titbr ap.thftA. ow, , New billiotataat 11 - .4%41* ;A • 004 1 1/Erillbli t ' ; 'canmetoug Augttit 1411 Y 18 7 11 _.GRAND nrsio!ta: ,Auburn—Lß. Boardslce Bridgewater—JaincsD. Gocidwin. Vhoetinnt—Martin J. Golden. Forest Lako--Chitster Wright" J. F. amen. Franklin—Fitz H. Fordliam:. , _ Gibson—Gordon L Ab l 4SLewls Great Bend , townshl as. Johnson, Oliver Trowbridge, Edward II anon. Herrick—Alfred Ogden. Lenox—Hiram White, W. Green 'Gardner, Jas. Clarkson. LathropL-Truman Belt. - Montrose—Christopher H. Gere,'J. H. Rayns ford, Chas. N. Stoddard. ! Middletown—D. Thomas. New Milfordlownship—M Harding. Oakland—Nathan Skinner. Hush—DavidGAr tr in i .Eben Cobb. - Trtsvans noes-Ist week. Arsrat—Abner B. A • way Apolacon—lns: Do*, l'itrick Ryan. Auburn—John Bushnell, Royal Carter. : Bridgewater—Wm. T. Ansa Clifford--Jarnet Decker, Henry Rivenburgh. Dimark—Frederick Fargo, Leland Blakeslee, Isaac. P. Baker, Frederick A.lllnstry, Geo. antis. Frlendsvillel—Silas Baxter. Forest 'Lake—Henry Bolles. Great Bend--Nelson Baker,Johnt Johnson. Gibson—Slog Howell, Moses Chamberlin, Coe B. Roberts. Herrick—Lucius H. Dimmock, John B. Lyon, Jr.. Sanford Burns, A. P. Bunnell; Ilarford—David L. Hints Jackson—Aden H. Lannbco, James Y. Pot ter, W. A. Hamilton. Jessup—Lucius Smith. • Lathrop—Dyer Williams,Edson Tiffany John, Lord. Little Meadows—lrvin R. Beardslee, Liberty—Spencer L Luce, Lenox--Oliver W. Loomis, John C. Utley, Albert Titus. Middletown—Orange Baldwin. New Milford borough—K. A. Johnston. • • New Milford township—S. Green, Robert Brando, J. W. Walker, !Ammon ringlet% Oakland—Daniel Mathews, Gm. F. krazor, Rush—Henry R. Morse, a. S. Hillis. Silver Lake—Joseph S. Gage, Jeremiah J. Donovan, Mathew McGrath. Springville—Jeremiah Stamm, George 13. Kittle. rt.urcmtc .tantittr-find Nrcek: Auburn—Geo, B. White. , . Brooklyn—Stephen Wihtama Cluteonut—Jas. Patch, L. Mclnerney, Chris toplierMyrnm • Clifford—John Bolton, Wm. R Coleman. Diniocle—Elijah Lathrop, Dorr.3lelc-eettr ' Frieinbrille—E. P. Hines. Formt Lnke—Elblia Grl s , John D. Taylor, John Itradshate, Great Mend—Richard Gillespie, .Thos / 1 4& Gibson—Emery W. Ressegule. Harford—Franklin TitEmy. Liarmonhas. Cole- Liberty—Russell Southworth, Sam'l H. Roe, Lewis A. Tompkins, David Bailey. Little Meadows—Thomas O'Dowd, jr. Lathmp—C. W. Parker, Loomis Wright, Wm. Mks. Lenox—Sylranus Tites,Muniplircy Marcy. Middletown—Thtnnas ColfoN,jr., Montrose—Antos Nichols. New Milford township—R. Page, Nelson J. Burlingame, John A. Dim Oakland—L.lllas. Beebe, Fernando Brush. Springville—D. Thomas. Thomson—L O. Tiffany, Frank A. Crosier, N. N. Stone, Stephen Jenkins. BUSINESS LOCALS. Muzzle tour Dogs: By an ordinance of the town Council of Montrose, all does running at large in this Boro., must be muzzled either with wire basket or strap, from the 11th day of July 1871. to the Ist day of Sept., 1871, or they will be deposed of by the High Constal.lt. 'Montrose, July 10, 1871. The Fair. Susquehanna County Fair will be held on Tmsdav, Wednesday and Thursday, 12, 13 and 14th of September, 18;1. Br °noun Con. '_Col lee. Bloomsburg State Normal Felnall will open August 21, 1871.—jy19.4w. To All Interested. A. & D. FL Lathrop um be found at the office Of F. B. & A. H. McCollum, ready to settle all m.tunta. Tlioastinlcreated will save cost by attention. Brick Block, July 19, 1847—tf SToss—Bucorx—At goon's Rotel, Mnntroso, June 27th, 1871, by Rev. A. D. Alexander, ltightm Stone of Stephenson's, Pa., and Mrs. K Brown, of Rush, Pa. TEUWILWIEU—LISMET—At Mei M. E. Parson age, onlbc 19th instant, by Rev. A. D. Alex ander, Francis Terwilliger, of Greene, N. Y., and Miss Charlotte Lindsey of Rush, Pa. Special gteticts. TIM BALE OP PATIENT itsoicrirEs. Ibis in no other country reacia.d the enormous on:por tions It has assumed an the United States This I. ow. Ind to the vast moot of territory and the comparative ablormuse of populatina, which creates the immeeray for ramie reliable remedy, that can be !applied aroma In '.tee eloatice of profeasioltal medical taiaL Iltsuura's Elena firrrstui has for orer ten year* been receded as . 118 GREAT ROVIBIERIOLD 1/1131/EDY, and is relied on la every exoemeacy by thousands of families In every section of the tonatry. It Is not a fancy drink. composed of bad whisky, flavored with aro. wades. to tickle the palate and minister to a depraved appetite. but Is a =irefully and scientifically prepared wompoundett extract of Roots. Herbs and Bettis. pos sessing great medical virtue. Its rare combination pre sents the most effectual remedy yet discovered for all diseases of the otomack, Liver. kidneys and Bowels. Sold everywhere at Ono Dollar per Bottle. , TRZOOFIFESSIONO OF AS INVALID. pusi t ls.tjErr ye warning and for the: bereflt of yaano min and dhow, who suffer from IGerrons Debility. Ctn., emptying Iltd 1121311 - 01411LICVEr. Written by one who aired himself, and sent free on receiving , a post-paid directed enveicnie. Addrese.biATLlAN ILAYPAll4,ltrooklyn.N. Y. titrookbm, May 17, It7l. Cm A row Wards to the ladies. aettlitillarriellw 44 o lo *6 , o l th=,cm dighul Enc. Lod pftescity,ert et, ting malt sannaly 110 Pi^ Mos who *IWO fot mailitootptimppiocimi Sent (Me. to hletaPer 4dderaikagWAltckitBtitlAT/011 =I*debhUIVPAL 1 poly and ' illCadataaUitie.Vandty In alb Wia~ef~t tathelr la. Widish. and Said* caralltUy Allca the. tuadlli, amp nerannelnatrabs at the . ;• . ;;; AppylorC.:Ulnaeio 11F—YarICAIIVElit. r t s * • lIELAWA'RE.;LACKAWANN ;LP WESTEMS ROLUOAD•irt4tSi - i - m ^ 47 70#44 , Rt.. 2 !.. 1,1- A- , ~ - • .'' mciinire mum's--- v • 0 47 1srAnbanri , train * it: o l i c V , •: 4 1 ,t0 Itsi t, ... ,,,,,,,:i. ~..:,,,.......;„...." AU iktu"sk.. , , ,, i 0 1 2 -WO 00110n1 k 1 1 . 3,4. im a . ...-.„„ - 4,10 iiir • . •tv-• , POI td Meaty -AL IMC itill2oll*TsP#WlldPil , 07100. 1344 mw.l Nos" . A Icoo :us it 1 m ILLI; oo etS. Las 1 6115 tif piq .e . l .... timped by,tha,Cuirts (daimon County and to QM affected. I g447ZIMPILIO ',endue, netheCOnii Home WA UM. On Kai Y.iiiinint 12th. 1871, at o'clock p. m" the following pieces or parcels of land, to wit: Jai that, certain Weep or pared of land Minnie IR the ktanarriship. of - .Lathropilin tile county tat linsobsbana, and Stater of Pennrylinnkk'botlilded and desCrlbed• as • :MUM* td : Deglnningyst the mad; thCsantturest curlier, by lauds or Mrs. - Bronson, and running north • ou.rtm sbaareets west along said road, thirty-two ,ruds, • the n. eleven degrees west:twenty rods to binds& lilt a lord rthente south sighty-elght degrees mitt one hundred and thirteen rods • thence South three degrees west filly-rude; thence nettliselghlyeight degrees west • one hundred and sixty rode to the place of beginning. containing thirty-Ova stems of land, be the same more or less, with the appurtenances. one frame bonvo and barn. one orchard, and all improved, (Taken In execution at the suit of N. N. Lord vs. MarcusCasol, ALSO—AII that certain pleat or pared of land, situate In the township of Cboconot, In the county of Rl:Nue, banns. andBtate of Pclutsylvanlm bounded and described as folkOrmto wit: On the north by lands formerly of James and Patrick Yuma, on Use Mat by lands of Mania J. Gulden and public highway, between said land and lends of Jamm E, carman, on the west by lands of Wm. 11. Carmalt. (commonly known as the orchard lot), and on the eouth by lends of John Marina° mid public high ; wa), known so the Milligan road, containing 1,51 acres of land, more or less, together with the appurtenanc--s, two frame dwe ling houses I orchard, and about 75 acres improved, being the lands - formerly owned by Dennis Dopier. &e'en. (Taken in execution at the suit of Robert Win , ere, aseigoed td Byron 0. Camp, vs. Patrick Donley and Montt, L coldest, executor of the eetate of Desserts Donley, deed.) ALSO—AII that certain piece of land, situate in the township of New Milford, in the county of buequebanna, and State of PcnitaylvaitLa. bounded and described as Wendt: 11%inuning at a point in the middle of "tea road leading from N. K. Sutton's saw-mill to the liall•placo(so cedled)and opposite a post and stones on the emit *Woof sand road t thane by a line of other lands df said Button south forty-three degrees east one hum draw and sixty perches to a chestnut minting; thence by lands of K. 8. Page north forty-ecven de.aces emit tducty-thorn perches M a large stone set op for a corner. thence by lands of said Page and by lands of —Towner north forty-three degrms west one hundred Ind sixty seven perches to s point in tho middle of said road ; and thence along the middle of the road south twelve degrees west twenty-nine perches, south thirty-three and half degrees west twenty-seven perches, smith forty-nine deerese west twenty-lour perches and south eighty live and ahalf degrees west twenty-seven perches to the Place of beginning. containing elghty seven acres of land. be the came more •or leen, sith the impart, sauces, l frame house 1 frme barn and ont.bulldinge,stime fruit trees and about forty.flve acres improved. [Taken in execution at the suit of George 11. McCollum vs. John C. liana.) A LSO-- All that certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the tow :Ishii, of Apolacon, in the county of Sus tme- Minns. and State of Pennsylvania. bulimia:A and described as follows, to wit the north by Yew York State line, on the east by lands of Patrick ghaghnesey, on the South by lands of Peter iteardon, (formerly Richard Clifford's,) and weat by lands of Peter Imarsion, cue talniug sixty-I ur EMITS of land. oc the same mom or lees, with the appurtenances. one fr.one .house. two Caine barna, one flume hog•house., one orchnol and all improved. [Taken in ex cotton at the rout of Terence Belem en. James Crimiuthe and Alexander Dewing, vs. James Crimmins S Bridget Crimmins.] ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate In the Township, of Lenox. In the county of Susquehan na, and Stale of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as foliose, to sit; Un the north by the Milford & Owego turnpike, on the east by the Tanktmun 'a: creek, on the !moth by lands of Beery Miller, and on the west s bU o ti t e: i .l . re n a ;. ttta 1,-es, in the aponttenancee, one Inoue house. one frame born and out-bn tidings, a few fruit trees, and all imp. oved (Tak en in exceution at the eult. of U. Wilson assigned to Wm. A. enisemon VP. John Cameron.l ALSO—AII the Interest of the defendant In all that certain piece or lootrei of land situated to the Township of Spring, lie in the county of Susquehanna, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded aud described as follows, to I wit: Beginning no a poet and won. to Mo south line of lot now di Chariot Chamberlin; thence by other land south 145 perches ton port; thesis by lauds of John *Moak wort el perches; thence :11perch to a post in the tine of a but formerly owned y J ulio Bullock, bat now of John & Samuel A. Shout . thence by laud of said Shook north 94 pertlys to a corner; thence by land of Sylvester Gregory Cara sr perch.. to a post and north 51 perches to the tifun-sald Chamberlin'. laud and thence by said board cast 43 percher, to the place of beginning containing:i.e acres of land,bethesame mare or less,wlch appurtenances, 1 frame ironic, I frame barn some fruit • trees, and about Where. Improved. [Taken on execution at the cult of Erestue Ruse ve. E. W. Fowl/ A Lso—.• II those two certain pieces or it., reels ofland, moronic in the iownship of Rush. in the county of sue quelemna, arid Stare I/1 Pennsylvania , the trot piece houladed and described ay folios+, to wit : On Ibe north ' by finds of Philip Cane on the cat; by lands of Lemuel Bushnell, on the south by lambi of loort,, Gardner, and on the wee! by lands of Adeline ease, cmita:llll g about 3:t sere* of land be the I.lllr or Ives. wield the np• purtemances / home hour!. 1 barn, grab) house, and about 50 fruit trees. 7 lie sowed Wet,: Or pare, lof Laid hound- ell end dencelhed all follows, too wit : On the nm th he ' tends of Joao:. McDonald. on the east be lands of Davta COW, on the 0011111 by lauda uf BMll.lLtd duel ou the 'trek by lands of John Irotri. containing shoot M sores with the appurtenances, end part Inman ed. Taken in execution at the suit of Albert Picket vs. nested Case. ALSO—Two entail lots In Swab Gibeou, Snort:it:ham:a comity, Ps., bounded on the north by I.IIIM of D. E. liolretee.2.4 r ds, on the east by lend* of Cherie. Innen, on the South by the Tuukhaunock Creek road. rode, and on the west by lauds of Asa Day, about 9 rods to the place of beginning, containing about 49 rods of land, be the atone enure or Less, wait a small barn thereon. ALSO—another piece or parcel of land, situate In South Gibson, bonded as forbore c Ou the north by the Tunkhstanock Creek road, about T perehes, on the east by lauds of Wm. 11. Cullum, about 11 perches, on the south by lend. of David Toblue, 8 rds, on the west by land. of R F. toured. about 11 rods to inc pi ,cc or be co wing, containing about et/ rods, of land, be the same more or less, unw m Om posses.lon of Franklin Wnol, and all improved. [Taken in execution at the IM t ut Joel Denny vs. W. W. Williams. adruhtistrator of the estate L Bennette, decletsed, end U. D. /icor Mt.] ALSO—AII that certain piece or parreluf laud, situate in the uownstdp of touch, in the comity of Sump...haulm, and suite of Penueylrauta, hounded and deweribed as follow., to wit: On the north by lends of Miles AIIMIC, MI the east end smith brland• of Zenns Cooley, and on the west by highway, cramatning nhont one-half acre of land, be the came more or less, with the appurtenances, one carriage shop, black smith shop, lumber sheds, some fruit trees, sal ell improvi.d.'Taken Ito GlI•COII013 at the suit of L Al . Sherwood vs. Frederick S. Rush. and Albert Shaddock vs. Frederick thash..l ALSO—AII I bat certain piece or pa ;eel of land, situate In the township of 1/Imock, In tbc cow, of Susqueh anna, anti State of Penusylvitula, hounded and de-crier ,di as follows, to wit : On the north by land. of Oluey I Bath,. on Urn east by Buda of MaUhcw story end P.. , E. N% . Woodhonse. on the south by lands of Wm. Miles 1 and on the west by lands of Morris Sheehan and Wm. Miles. containiug 11l acres of land, be the same more or less, with this appal-immures I frame house, I forme barn and abed, 1 frame corothousc a n orchards, and about 65 acres Immortal. [Taken in execution at the snit of Joseph Lioatitn7 vu. B. T. Tillman.) ALSO -All Oratecrtern piece or parcel of lead. situate -In the township of Auburn. in the county of Susquele naus.end State of Pcmasylannia, hounded and described ea-follows, to wit: Omaha north by .' ands of Wm. 11. tines= an he east by.lande of Robert Manning, CILI the south by lands of Ilbt LaFmnce, and un the west by ! the Bradford county line, cootair in; about 26 acne of I land, be the sameanore or less,with the appiartensmes, ' t valuable stone quarry, and aout 10 acres improved. [Taken in execution at the suit of A. B. Fargo. assigned to Byron 0. tamp vs. Niiirriii-Fargo. Philip Rosenbaum, assigned to Byron 0. Canty vs. Surrie Fargo. Bradley Wakeman assigned to Boron 0. Camp vs. Nbrrls Fargo and A. B. Fargo. A. Waltman A Cu., aasieraed to By ron 0. Camp vs. Norris Fargo.] ALSO—AII that certain piece or pared-of land, samara in the botongh of litinitesea In the 'Ceara, of 15115.111eb• Irma sotto/am of Pennsylvania, bounded and described 4 fo llows,. 1 ..11: Beginning as, a post and stones on thoold Groat fiend road, north aide : and three perches . from the south-cut cocci. of John Cox's lot, and on the lion of way to fair growths, run north 2.5. X degrees west on said way 16 perches ton post and stout.: thence north IfilM degrees cast along fair ground way ill perches to a post and stones, thence south 25,is' d frees east 16 -perches to a Pont and stutioeby weld Great Bend Road ; thcaeoalong said rood 10 pe r k s to the piece of begln- I Ofintaluille.l acre of land be the same more or less. talth -the appurtenances, 1 two-story fraute.theelling house. 1 Woe bathg shed and out-buildings, some fruit 'and shade trees and all Improved. [Taken in execution at the snit of Ezekiel Frets rthaigned to Sarah L. Mc- S4Linn.. Baldwin. Alien at dlctlaiu J • ALSO—AiI that certain place or parcel of land. situate tnyte township of Libeity. to the county of, Susqnch anna, and State of Peunaylvataia.bonntied and described as !odours, to wit: On the north by hands of L. 8. %V Truesdell, on the Mist by lands of Kirby Marsh. on th south by lands of the estate of Geo. W. Crandall, deed, and on the it mit by rued and/ands late of estate of James Truedell, deed. cuntaiulng about 57 acres of land, be the same more or less, with-the appurtenances. 1 frame house. I Irame barn, I young orchard, and shout 25 acres improved, [Taken in execution at the salt of Samuel Truesdell, sari: ned to Henry C. Tyler vs. IL B. Tewks bury, L B. Smith vs. H. B. Tewk•bury.l AL6111,-All that certain piece or parcel of land: 9 itu-- ate in the township of Lenox, In the county of Susque hanna, and Slate of Pent e 3 hauls, boundetlanddetwrthed as followie to wit: Beginning at stones In the south line of lands sat altinco-a. Rem.., and northwest dirtier of lands of Israel (Beason I thence along same tooth $5 .dargreeawast 51 - 440 perebee to stake and stones; th ence south 85 34 degree. meat 80 perches to stake and etotiEW sonthwest censor of said Gleason'e land; thence along line- of lands conveyed to Mrs. Ennjs Hardin, ,T, tamw north - 23 degrees can't:7-10 perebee Pa blur tree In out let of Robinun Pond and corner of tends 'eonveyed ha Byron llubba, thence slung eamff north 1834 degrees dist Id 4-10 porches to stones east side of said outlet: thence slang mane north 1:114 , cleglrues east 46 5-10 stench es tomones on most bank of wild outlet, and inline at Mild Ranson r thence along same north ON de•-re,, es easetriperches to the place'of beginning, containing 14 acreaW Perches Of land, be the came more or less, with theepponeninces, 1 email house.(Taken in execution at-the suitor William Barber vs. Ansel Gleason, Addl wan Porter and Stephen Gleason.) a.41440.-411.1-that certain- piece of parcel of land. situate tathotownship of Yrankils ha the amity 'or Einsqu banes, tad State of Penn ylianls, bonded and described as lisllows, to wit: On the-north and east by Lands of P. Lines, =who solattrisylanda-of R. Seaman-end chinch lot, and on the west by the highway, containing about@ i sacs of land, be the same more or lees, with the appor- I tenened, 1 house, I barn, some (roil and ornamental trees, and all improved. (Taken in executiou at the suit of Ferdinand Whipple vs. Harry Smith ) Notice Is hereby given that all bids most be paid In cash on the day of sale. fp WM. T. MOXLEY,Shenff. Sheriff's Odlce„ llontroecatily 10, le7l. QIII3.IIIFF'B SALES.—B 7 vine° of write issued by the i ~Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna county nod to me directed.l vrlll expose to sale by public veodue, at the CoOri Rowse In Montane on Friday, August. lath,-, 1571. at two o'clock, p. m, thefolkesingdtherkbed pieces • • L1C5....A1l testes •isin piece en* canceler land: sins • I Ida ta: thaloamoblp Of liewillifod. to-the comity' of I ilkumuchanns,•aml !Matelot- Pennsylvania,' bounded - end tielleribed as follows, fulfil : - Mae. thing at a post and 141o11131: thenortforind Wither thernof,lhence north OK , der, cateast-002perthesettospolitand stones, rannar at limy andßally Touters' lot; Shame bytheesule Oath ' UM-degrees esa t - 150 perches to the ined:leadingdrom lltublUlbrd to Stisucitanna -Depot ; thenee 1f sout h retn "di% • derteeti west ti pactimit thento 11011thr473(110 West 77.310 petelles to a cotter; thence north SU depose weal ins 11.10 perches to the place of beginnino, con- Mg Rig 00 acres at lead statutir DA. tikkethuont-blhe llppurtellinees, idwelling house and About SI Sera ins ' pure. (rakes' in animation at ape wit of F. D. Lyons n Rana Y. Toohar.), i 1",!....; All that certain piece or parcel of land, situate lo the boro=ffaulfilford, In the county of SitecLettanos i: -rll l lll, 'Ai i aril: . On the in e 4bylands of aadtdwnd srolowl;alfitt, Aostsboaisitbylbe parsonage and'--. Atithicit. On the . Mlit7e7.l:=rhtl e ag e tigyar UZI: -rIWI =fp Ofiltia Mitfalittlin ilp _ - 141 1 400 Vluil=rif rowlflalliteri w all ,MaX.. i mi .. AAhestiltrof ....eilL! !Wi lt Wx:T. 11151 .1 op, ~... . 011,0,0,00,mamisilea.„ ..., ..,...„. ~.... ....„ :„.....„...,,,, .:„ I r k 4 itt i MIKAAUZIEL - ' Tro;Mary Atte - Shy tearfiel eyes?* Said Betsy Jane, in sad surprise. " My Mistress' cross, my bread wont rise -1 our Mistress never scolds ; Your bread is always done just right, While naught I hear each morn anti night 'Now, Ann, do make your biscuit light,' Alas! they're leaden rolls!" "Oh," quoth the other, bowing low, "Would you the wolframs secret know, wkiel, makes my mistress kindly grow, And warmly vindicate us, Which makes our rolls so snowy white, Our pastry ever sweet and tight— Gold .Medal Salerstus . SSW 11011 H rizopy.on iantusrs. _ . Corrected weekly by William flodsdon, 231 Fulton St., New York. Week ending July 22, 1871. Butter, pail ... . .... ...... 23029 " firkin 2.7030 Cheese, dairy, per lb ......... , ..... ... 7010 n factory " 8011 Egp, per d0z 22 0 2:1 ~ Flour, per borcel 4 75(01.45 Corn mail, 100 1b5.... 2.2002.30 Wheat, per busitel...„ ~,,,., ... 1.2001.50 1 Rye .• • . . 0.501.00 Oata ~,, 51055 Corn o 89080 • Hook crop of 1870 160_1120 Beef, shies, per lb ........... 10014 llogui, •• 0. • ~,, a• ... marr S'ordroai, per bbl: 2.00103.00 1 Tallow " °N..„ ..... ... ::, 0010 litiv dvertioeturnts. H. J. W sss Is now selling nearly all kinds of goods In the Grocery Line. Please give me a call. Yon will find at my store Choice Teas, such as Green, Black and Japan Ten, Cod Pirh. Mackerel, Lake Trout, Sugars. Rico, Lemon, Extract, Starch, Vanilla Extract, Gold Medal Salc:atlas, Bar Soap, Toilet Soap, Devicated Cocoannt, Gelatine. Coro Starch. Erwin r. Java Coffee, Soda, Prunes Rio Cote, Citron, Kercatac Otl, Cheese, Sumo Care[ flit. it Raisins, Cream Tartar, Dcatcated Cod Flail, Spice. Candles, Stone Ware, Canned Fruit, Mnatard, enacts, Corp, Peaches, Tomatoes, Crane and Cradle Cythea, Very Cheap. Montrose, July M 3,1871-0. Wanted RELIABLE ENERGETIC MAN. to tate agencies tor Wheeler& Wilson'. Sewlow Machines, In lindford, twousiehanna sod other counties. No Capital myolice—grost indocenarets ere onertsl Wagon forixiehed. Address, with reieronce, stating runner business experience.. PETERSON & CARPENTER, 911 Chestnut atreet, Philadelphia Philadelphia, Jed, 19, N4ailroad gime tato. N. Y. & E, Time Table. The following will be of interest to our read ers, especially those wishing.loconnect with that road at Great Bend. We are indebted to the Bend Agent, for the following: • TRAMS EASTWARD. No. 4, Night Express : 8, Ciuchanati Express BS, Way Freight, : : " 2, New York Express, : " 32, Accommodation; : " G, Steamboat Express, : TRAMS IT Egli' ARD. No. 7, Night Expre s s, : : 1,52 cm. " 9, Emigrant, : : : 5.21 " " 29, Accommodation, : : 9.35 " " 37, Way Freight : : 1.07 p. m. " 5, nail and Express, : : 8.50 " All of the above trains stop nt Great Bend and carry passengers. ERIE RAILWAY. _ _ • I,ll . lomilea Under one management—SW mites with out ch., coothes. Ltro.tdguage, double track route to ail point: wrat, north•w'ent lititt ;want-west. :tow and mproved Omelets aro rah throtitth without chan••e to Itochester, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Cleat:laud, and Ciuuln natL On and after Ifonday.Det. I OM. Trains will leave Binghamton nt the following boats, •1z: • °MX.) WENT. 3-.33 a.m . Night Exdreee, (Mondays excepted] SYS a. m. Night Expreaa, feat r. in. - Mall Train. Sundays excepted, lbt Buffalo. and Dank:Tic 3.) p. m. Elmore Accommodation, Sand ay excepted, .ant p. m. Day Expense. Clundaye etcepted. NIX p. m. E :rpm , * Mail, Sunday* excepted. ry m. Way Freight. Sundaes excepted. 1:03 p t m. Emigtent 'halo, daily for Lae west. swum last. Say a. m. Nrgiii - Expreee, Stuidais excepted. I:W7 a. in. Cincinnati Exprnse, .7.l.tMare excepted. 151 p. In. 15.. y Nqpress, Standar* etcept.d. 7:10 o. rn• Arc .mmndation Trean.dialy for Susquehanna. it t 3 p. m. New York Moll, Sundaye excepted. 10.00 9. tn. Lightning Expreecnillt. 9:10 It. m. Way Freight, Sundays eteeptai. .BAGGAGE cliscEsp.. 711 ROUGH. In9""A resisedand ebmplete Packet Time Table" of Passeager Trains on the Erie Inallemy and connecting lines has recently been published. and can be had on ap• plleatton to the Ticket Agent of ttit Company. L. D. RUCKER, • • DARR; Pen. riel2l Sop% _Gail Pass's AO. 14. DKR PILLINGS STROUD, 'Mad Wet, Montrose Pa IrEH IGII VALLEY It*ILIOAD. _.4 On ainrifter fle 4. 0, lint trains On AbiLeAfgh Valley Railroad will run as follows! PrOSITELammo. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.ra. l l o.ln. • m: p.m.p.m Elmira 9.45 5.55 11.40 970 7.49 11.58 2.48 5.10 Waverly 9.00 5.1:10 11.45 KIM 13.81 12.40 880 CPO Towanda !... 8.13 4.0:1 11.9 7.10 9.25 4.43 4.20 7.. Ta Tnnkhannock O ro am. Pthsthn 4.43 Wllkw.Marre. 4.21 1.15 7.10 1.15 7.15 0.15 Mauch Chunk p.m. 10.45 p.m. 4.10 8.15 A I lentoan... 9.44 5.35 8.25 Bethlehem.... 0.30 5.50 9.50 9.00 .. 6.43 8.50 Philadelphia.. 7.55 pan- p.m. licw York.... 5.00 • Xarlog North—Bead Upward. Sour,b.-Read bows A CHANCE TO ?HE "BIUCE." ENRY C. TYLER has removed his Insurance (Mee to that or A. W. Bertbolf, Esq.. OVER WILSON'S lIARDWRE STORE, where be will be pleased to nerve his friends and the public generally. with Fire, Life, and Ardelental Luyarance—Policies, written 7b-Day. and toms promptly and honorably ad justed. All my Companies bare heel Tried and found WortAy. and any one•who Sap Differently. does so for pelt Interest. Please tall end entitle° Stmements. the., ge. N. B. Sir. Berthult attend to any hotness In my absence. atsrittY C. TYLER. Motrors. July 12, 11tTI , 4w. WOOL-GROWERS TARE NOTICE. ItgOTTS. WOOLEN MILL Is mooing as usual. mak- ITS lug all wool gannets, checked and white; abo cotton warp flannel; the bent *ter made; an wooj. , tweeds and casainserea. A large loteif Ctothnoa ban for vole or to exchange for abut. Mims eve me a ea before dinponing of your wool clamber°. Mill. IS' miles north of Idcmtrono. IV. MOTT. Mont none. June 7.11311. tI ~.:PUBLIC NOTICE. -I-Vionld respectfully slate to my former Cnatomt es end the pnblic generally that I am aindu carrying on the TAILORING BIIAIStgBB, fY MON'iIIOSE, and propos° to dO ell WORK In that Linc,in a . • . FASHIONABLE, NEAT, :SEBSTAETLAL MANNISH, And at Satisfactory Prices. Partien laz attention Oren t4CtrrilNti *ad SPECIAL CARE need to hare the acortc Plain for Manama who puts it together. *Amp cnt the west side of .PUMIU. Areite:" over Borns k Mehole' -Druz Store, pelynatqg the (Mee of pr. Dams. :,„ P.llllBB. • morirtoeu, rennutry 1811. , • if 11$13. TAYLOR.—NO CM NO pAy,— .1013bocaff be col:molted at licrlasidlm,ce fittfgeffi 'ou the tam Adjoining Nx.thetiC Jabnoca. Best of refetoncea even. • • J.Woormar.,Tducb •f . 17 , 11010111111MICIL - ..',.; . ' 1 T . ' 8; ettgllVOoo4 . beonTj mos :4lF.4.tose-4hat hl meows 0!"1 1 . 2 0. 1 2 4 "- 'Oece• cli positoßscosei, Naisa WORM ' u na1841168., Ngstniver 44 8 001, /Sib 2.67 a, m 7.20 - 10.30 " 1.47 p. m 6;50 " or. VITUS' nesdi'men 11PCONt ecalLT...l9 ers.XB2ll.4lerital I WILL BELL Olt LEASE, for a term of ream, the 1 prop/milli the outlet oflonetra Lake; mime% terms I wfll make tt an object Ibt-suroue to lokdo with me who desires Etch a property. There AIL .arrlinillf.!flinily - With Three Run of STONES in in GOOD OD= • .421. E3411.1717.11Ma1ap (Mollay,) new granng, In iriiod running order, and 80 acres of choice Aiming Laud, mostly cleared. Now Is your time, no tho new railroad, about being built will ouhanco Its For•particolsro look at the property. or call on or addrroo • S. tIEARLIg. Montrose, May 17, 1871.--3 w • • Mantrose, Pa, NATURE'S HAIR HUMANE. Vontainifio LAO SULPHUR—NO SU -1 OF LEAD—NO LITHARGE— , •EVIVITIIATE ft stmt. and is °lithely free from the Poisonous and Health—destroying Drugs used in other Hair Proportions. Transparent and clear as crystal. It , wlll not soil the dnest fabric,—perfee Sy s A FE. CLEAN and EFFICIENT —dtslderatums LONG SOUGIIT FOR AND FOUND AT LAST It restores and prevents the balr from becoming any, Imparts a soft, glossy nppatiance, annoy. Ikuldrulf, Is cool and refreshing to the bald, checks the flair from failing off, and restores It to a great extent when precut. tdrely lost, prevents Headaches, cares all humors, cu taneous eruptions, and unnatural hest, AS A DRESS ING FOR TEIE GAM IT IS THE 11/IsT AIeTICLE IN THE ..ILII2IiLET. DR. G. SMITH. Patentee, Ayer, Moot , . Prepared only by PROCTOR BROTHERS., Gloucester Massachusetts. The genuine Is put up Ina panel bottle, made expre*oly for It, with the name of the article blown In the glass. Ask your Drumzist fur Narenn'a Bun R22ITOLIAT/VIS, and tofu no other. Pr Send two threo cent etamps to Proctor Brothers for a -Trestlele on the Human Hair." The tnformetlon it contains is worth ow oo to any person. Mny 17. 1871 The "Pans Kna.en” may justly be :tiled the great medicine of the world, for there Is no re_ loner the globe Into which It has not found Ito way. and been largely used and highly prized. liorrover, there la no clime to which It has not proved to be well adapted for the cure of a comsiderable variety of diaeasts It la • speedy atm safe remedy fur burns, maids. tuts, bruises. wounds and cartoon other injuries, as well as for dysentery, diarrhea. and bowel complaints generally. it is admlrablyeltuated fur every nice of men on the face of the g •lobe. It lea very signititatif fact. that notwithstanding the long period of years that the" Palo Killer" has been be fore the world. it has nest lost ono whit of;itit popular ity. but on the contrary, the call for It tots atm:tally in creased trent its first discovery. and to no fin:vino, time has the demand for it been no great, or the quantity made been en la c, as It is to-day. -. Another elguldetint feet is. that nowhere ha. the Pain Killer ever been in higher repute. or been mere general ly used by families and individuals. than It has been hero at home, where It was drat disnavered and introduced. That the Palo tidier will contuo to be. What We have styled It. TUE linear wiintrbin eV rue WOULD, there can not be the shadow of a doubt. -Proriclento Adrertiger. REVOLVING HORSE-RAKE. WEArc prepared to tarnish three rakes efl eaperl• or qaa.lity, at both trhoiestle and rota% • SAYRE BROS., Ittaratactorero. Montrose, May 3, 181 FOR SALE. THE HOTEL Property, located at Dirnock Corners, and long and iavorable known as the Lewis Hotel, ctuneeted with wide), are saiont Twenty Acres of iralunhLo Idad. Yoe particuLars address or call on C. C. MILLS, Mt:mock, Pa„ Jan. 2.5, 1871. tE —,Ezocator. WATCHES WATCH= t . BELOW COST.—Reed priced.— Flno 18 kt. Gold - • • 1140 li 'Aluminum Gold - • - - /18 la Pure Coin bilver - • 15 10 Orolde Gold - - • - • 13 We offer to thepublic our elegant assortment of Ladies' and Gentn' Watch. and Chalon and other kinds of Jewelry, at the lowest cash pricer ever offered here tofore to purchasers. - Full Ruby Jeweled Lovers. ISkit. Gold Hunting eased Watches. warranted, -Tomei ly sold at $35. only slu each. ElegintSecond Quality. IS kt. Gold. full Jeweled Lev er Watches, warranted fur Iliac and wear. $l3O each. Extra Fine Time Keepers. Alumluom Gold, Hunting wised. full Jeweled Lever Watches, equal to gold In ap pearance and for wear , warranted. at attend $lB each. Pure Coln Sliver. Hunting ea cd. fall jeweled Lever Watches.= pi and $l5 each, - Fine Orolde Gold Watches with extra doe movements, at Slatted $l5 each. • - - Also. Flue Gold Chalon, Ladle,' and Genie, from $lO s..eacb • , Plated flue Gold Chains, at $l, $5 end $ll each. DEE WATCIDIS are regulated and adjusted to keep Elbe to the minute before eent to parchuseni; Mad If not found so, we will take them back at any tidie and return money.. • WE 'REQUIRE 'SiO MONET IS ADVANCE, rind all gond■ ordered from us will by rout by Itzpress. U. 0. D., with privilege to mumble then before paid for. In all easaa ordering ail *Whim at -a tilne,_the puroluiaat ariateceiva. Quo Watch of *amp quality Ma! Plane elate the kind and 'price of watch required, and (Inter direct 'from . N. 0111rager dr Co, P.O. Bon men, 21 John Sweet, N. Y. New York, Jove MBE Wllllll SOLD IN THE NEB 1870, 0,1341 Blatc' blers Cucumber •PPILZI-731E1 112.41,2711-13.. NATc:ocrtfi. Imiu.riarkgs, MEAsranco 213 0.5 feet In length. or sufficient In the a•••wegrate for A WELL OVER 40 MILES DEEP. Simple to construction—Easy In Openition Giving no Taste to the water—Durable—Reliable and Chaap. These Pumps are their own best recommendation, For sato by dealers in hardware and agricultural imple ments, plumbers, Pump makers. Bc., through the coun try. Circulars, furnished upon application by mall or otherwise. . . _ dingle Pumps forteardcd.to parties in towns where I hove no agents upon receipt of the regular retail price. In buying. Ito careful that your Pump bears my trade mark as shave, pateuttal Match Mat,lB2l. as I guarantee no other. Clisivissi. G. 331rstola_letv, MANUFACTURER, 4 " Mea and Waretoom. 624 & 026 Phllbert-St., Mat01014, , M0rch16.1671.-6m Fn. Manhood.; How Loat, How Restored. i ( s. . use published,m+. a new edition of Dr. cra weirg iit colebrated Feeey and the mike( CUM wit medicine) of SPgratIIOIIMICGA, or Pellll• cal Weaknese, Involuntary Seminal Leaner, Into TZSCT. Mental and Phyreall Incapacity, Impedimenta to Marriage, etc. ,• also Coristmerear, Enterer, and Prim, iptineinr_ by eeltindulgence or [Trust extravagance. or Priec, in a sealed envelope, only 0 cents, The celebrated anther, In this admirable ratty, clearly demonstrates from a thirty yule.' auccesand practice, that the alarming conatapences of seirabuse may be radi• miry cured without the dsugemus am of interred medi cine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of Lure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by mmuls of which every Ballarat, no matter what.bla con. ditiod may be, ibuy cure himself cheaply, privately, mid radically. • ISM - h is Lecture should be In the bands of every youth-and every man in the hand. Pout, under seal, an A plain. envelope, to any address, popfpdd an reeelpt of air cents, ortwo poWage stamps. Area, LW ettiverwell's ••lianiagnGulde,"price 23 hete. " Address the Publisher. ..-' 01AB, o KLINE a-CO. .- 121 Bowery: Now York Pullet/111m, Box 4 MC TATE NOiLIIAL ~INNSPIELD, 7100 A CO- PA. EOgnal Aflaelassiottcourkum Tarns begin Septinnber 7th, December 1201, mad 3Larch27th. Mate appropriations :or students. Students ad mitted at any time.. Apply to AdL, Mansfield, Pa. Aug. 31, . pNTESTRY. • C. A. SACILET7I3 Rental Ito.ima; 14ew Milford, Pi. Partieuirtrettention Oyez to all opentilana on drmast ral teeth. Art Metal Tceth Inserted in all the, various manow 1a alio. Perfect ea detection guarantied to all. gadget COO, 11.11 d SlltlitryOUtlllehrodf. - 003-00 bows. .. oars dich.ov, ; • • t 6 tP•N`itrP, ,, -;.T.•. ; - , ANotrifffien for ndred Dollars, as / absU ROI 7it mites ono 14417_11v Note giv7.. n M.,7 1 11. 870 . • - ' • ta - * I4 AS iL.WEWASI.; .14eir Ilford, April - ah , • /mg Count potato _Mint g. Two linos if I. IA irectory, one searay.so—. each additional line.bO els. • • NEW MILFORD CAYUGA PLASTER.--XICHOIALB ?JIMMIED. , Dealer la geardae (-Vega Plaster. Fruit gronad., 0. M. lIAWLEY. Agent for Empire Sewing Macigne and American Base Darning Sines, Mmintlizipoi„, W. L MOSS Dealers In Dr 7 Gonda, Ilani,Cspo. Mau. and Shoe., and Gamut Mcichandlie. on Main street, second door below thelKpbcopsi Church. • UNION HOTEL, kept by WILLIAM SMITH, o Shim street, near rbo Depot.—• W. S. MEAD, Foundry. and dcaler In Plows and other utensils, ono door from Phlnney's ilo!el, Main St. N. F. }MISER, carnage Milker and Undertaker, on Main Street, two doom below Hawley's Store. • McCOLLUM BROTHERS, Dealers in Groceries and Prowtalons, on Main strcct.• 11. GARRET S SON. Dealers In ?lour. Feed. 141 bait. Lime. Cement, Groceries and 'Wasiak:els on Minn Street. opposite the Depot. W. IS- T. HAYDEN, Maanfactaters of Cigars and Wholesale &slurs in ;Yankee Notions and Fancy Goods: an Main littent.'below Episcopal Church. • MOSS & KNAP, Lcathcr Manufacturers Chur ch .ears In Morocco Findings, dc:, near Episcopal • /WWl' ?a HAYDEN, Dealers In Divas and Mediator*, and Mannfactarere of Cigars, on Main Street, near the Depot. W. STEPITENS. Iforre Shoeing and general Itepafrlng on Muhl Street, south of tbo briage. J. DICRERMAN.Ja.. Dealer lu gonernl merchandise and Cluthinz, Brick Store. on Maio Street. GREAT BEND L, 5. LENIIEIM, Manufacturer of Letsther, and dealer In generul Merehandlre, on Malo &rect.* U. P. DORAN, liercluint Tailor and drat& la Ready Made Clothing, Dry Gouda, Urucerlea and Provisions, Main Street.• LENOX:VILLE. lIIRANI WHITE. MIIIItIrACturvVf and dealer in surd or Plow„ nod Caating.s. GDISON EDWARD-. BI ANT, 3Lannfacturcrs of Wagons and Sleighs, nc..r the Ingalls' Store. 3IONTROSE ADEL TrERELL, Dealer In Drn,,,, Medicines, Ll qnors, Pallas, co ils, lly.o Stuff., Orneerltar. Jewelry .futions, etc. nep. al, . JA3IES E. CARM ALT. Attorney at Law. 'Mee ono door below Tarte:A Roo...l'llWe Aventic. • W3l. 11. COOPER S, CO.. OAnkers. soli Foreign Pon. sage Tlck_ns andDrolts on England. lroland and. Boa t J. It: FLETCIIKIt'S Eating Saloon la the place to get Ice Cream, Oyatera and CWus, In every style., On Main street.* sTnoti) & BROWN. General Fire and Life Tmur ance Agents also. sell Railroad and Acoldent Tleketa to Nev York and Philadelphia. °thee ono door east tha Bank. F. It. CHANDLER. 'afters' insurance and Amy*: Me chine Agent... Public Arcnue.• BURNS 2h NICHOLS, the place to get Drugs Aug Moil clues, Cigars, Tobacco, Plgee. Pucka-Hooke, SPectu clue, Yankee Notione, fie., Public Avenue. W3l, L. Cox, Llama,. ranker and dealer In all artistes nonally kept by the trade, oppoelte the Bank, • BOYD & COBB" IN, Dealers in Stoves. Hardware, and Menafactnrere of -Tin - and gbeetlivir ware, earner of Bain and Turnpike etoces.. 8. U. MORSE, Merchant Tailor and dedier fn Clothe, Triennalnge.. and Furnishing Goods. said Agents for Singer Sen . lug Machine, on 'Main Street, Nordin= building. A. N. lIPLLARD, Denier In Groceries, Provisions. Rooks. Stationery and Yankee Notions, at head of Public *venue• T. SPORE &. CO., Dealers in Stores, Dardirsro. Agrlcaltund Implements, Flour and Groceries, oppo site Tarbitil House. ITATESFORD & XtITCEEL, Livery and Excbange Stable, In rear of Bank building. • FASTER. PLASTER.—Wo kocp on hand an ample P supply of Fresh Ilroand Cayuga Flamer. fur sal° al fontrose Depot, by TIFFANY & CILARINEL Montrose Depot. Feb. 8,1811. Rw JEWELRY ATTEN:TONI WE'LL GIVE YOU "FITS." T. I). TAYLOR, so long known in.Binghata ton as ono of the most popular, Cutters, and fashionable Tailors in this ecetion of country has formed a co-partnership with R. F. New comb, of Montrose, and they are now prepared to furnish men's wearingapparel of allkinda, and in style end-workmanship superior to any establishment In this section of country. We GUARANTEE SiTI,SVACTIO3.I to all who may favor us-with their patronage. shop at Poses ohlconter, on Public Avenue . T. D. TAYLOR, E. F. VWCOMIL Montrose, Oct. 19, I=l.--AL F URNITURE ESTABLISHMENT OF WILLIAM :W. SMITH. PLZASZ . TAKE Nonce: The extensive • Furniture Esteebitumen, of William W. Ontith, having been refitted and grwaly .Insproved, the proprietor tespett fully annuoneeeto the clitsens of Montrose and Metal -I.i, that b e to constantly making and keeps on band the largest and best assrartment of rwrr.ri. INT xucomr.ra.it to be !minden:whet. this able of *ew York CIO.. Desk:, Isane, Toweltacks, Lounges, 'Footstool's &c. CtilAir Lard, Pier, Toilet, Dining. Kitchen and • extension toles. ..•..., CRAMS and Woodseat IMegerri. flatie Flag and Woodsents of every mutely end Style: Bonistaid Tate-a 7 tetes, furnished on lidera ,botiee.— Cane !teat chairs resented. SPBEDII3,' BEDS. A large assortment—cheapeet and beet. In marke Cane Seat:Chaira. I am nob enabled to supplvmy customers with a new ICI substaxitlalearie seat elistr,of home manufacture, which will bettlund gteatly superior• to those !formerly In market, mid yet are sold-ntwlese price, CANE-SEAT cIIALBS ROAEATED. pr. Ready made canna On hand i urntsbed at short notice. Ream alias Ye tri readiness I! desired. /'employ none btu careful and experienced Workmen, I Intend to do my work well, and milli; allow cacao he afforded. . WILLIAM ' Montrose,Feh 18, DAL ; _ • • . , • " ' DOWN .TOWN:NEWS... . • -1, t . - mum Strinit,fdqovi tuilow eoriipr,motat f 4 FLQUIt, I dItOdERIES; - 4‘liV , Phil •r l f V el ‘C t ' 2,l:V. V 3 i fi n T i M %I:al b :: V t a g Ir . 0 jai" V&A' • forcieb;br.sxchii , go orprodnee. '• ' GOOD' TE4 S, " COFFEE, ,511044',"' MOLASSES, SPICES,. . ORE, LARD, HAMS, DRIED 4 FRUITS, CLOVER cE TIMOTHY SEE7I,"-itri: 4kozbirerielltEininudniediaddltlotintontrr gltbtk a sranowirondyin f orward Ito teen to tbdinn AuFrolislon haulms In .Now Yotii„lree of,cllnrAn,,lnd win. I tbdnoladvancOmnate on tonifonnentil: Imandnenor Moen. Derain fliCinlPlngeine whore.andFnayjnceyanrrolves nabs VQOP: . I2I,TALITY - & di Oni4Jiadir.. ' • !,, g'; 0, • ,e. 5 lic.l4Coii i ni Iliontr9On. AVM 2 ,4 6 t.. 1 .4 • , •• • " ilsr. - Naminnerest:: ittaft. beats elailea,of circ u lar sad Acute DlOCalti.• Aoad • sump for circular rcnitafulucparticularl cad real AildrusSoz,lllllo,7ow Yalu SPRING' 1971 t - SPIRO° . 191,11 At Lenhelntos GREAT BEND At LeilttelAN aREA.T BEM DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTH. LNG, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, RATS and CAPS, All of which have boon putcl,o624nrt4 the late decline, end will be sold at prime se. cordlugly GOOD CALICO, may 10 cents per yird GOOD 311.75L1,14 only 10 cents per yard. GOOD SUGAR, only l 0 cents per pound. GOOD GREEN, BLACK and JAPAN TEAS, only 90 cents per pound, 11ANDS031E DRESS goods for2Scts arid A Suit of CLOTHES fbr $1 All other goods•at corresponding LOW PRICES ! We also make a speciality of the MP- PING BUSINESS, and 'will send to the beat HOUSES EAST butter and all other kinds of , PRODUCE. Tho 11:1013744% market price and prompt returns gaarauteed also PAILS Anahied ‘, anti MONEY ADVANCED. to CUSTOMERS when DESIRED p a rti es Trighing to buy GOODS CHEAP and Ind the LARGEST ASSORTNINT in Susquehanna County, to select from will do well to call at . April 5,1871.-4 m LAMP'S 1111IDIOATED BATHS, WTur or without ffiNftideves the easedinissills e for Ithennuitins, Xese wad tftuictiiiiitio es, At the toot of Chettuat street, 11catrolurrm. • - Mantra., April 311, IHii. 17 A. TURRELL NETVP GI.COCODEL 6attrubtrg,losta6nnin &M.* Having • And 11%11 SPRltimummunooDs, ,MILI,E.NE.Ry GOOD!, DRY ANzo reawcnt alpiyas All of the Newest,.Handsomest Designet And . ntro;a111813 Itasortmemt of BEADY ffinwourrsma To . rblets we Welter tho ;Mention td. out patron/ ata the public to preen!, to glvo nit 'a oiti end addiida the ume before baythir elorsitterer. :-• ourrEsaurnoatoguattlithOgi Montrose, Mu Vint • ICHT OUT AND 1/SICP4 o THOSE ExitbilETs Aid witilitea l loos deco ins shelf POMPOM 'l' Actdocit7 MS* elt tb i tko, and Invite a continoanco bf the t oarw?. num= NEW HAliDlVAßlrrreili %; at manly : eon, & 7a cod 431 Duos ateeoti-Iftwr Yottorhete orders attotdd bi dTetated to 000 004 10010113. al to the Ann, to Imam early attention, arida weal add to my patfone,.and to. thoes-who." fatio by on the GEM stde, that y, ane nom be uma,anbi, b y any big et little concern to Yofk, of chwerbetwieolthowo Shy me a fair trial. Oar goods are all new, and bought for . cosh, for.the near try aod Northam trade. If. tf.; MAIM. Airco; ondAsaktlat rn" SOnttOlb *MOE, IE4.- 3 . 10 , WILa Watu fs arinsoursbe i al ge9l 6 o wwm m__y comma ;to 00 catift• Esti A,HALDW'efilhaeltted% 104, tho ewanstre control o f - the sale of weAoto_ lott tamed,' la SasonettanniOoanty,oalealpao mil , Ig1 1, 111 1 1“ to conEauttin Ow badness, aadtheta Ot'.ionOt amildhot sboald be addlowed to him, to foecir Etwatan, ..11„ X. ViaOw. Plo7ti~ t' • March 1t.1671, At Lenkehnis GREAT BEND, 'ls the place to buy BOOTS end STIOES, CARPETS, WALL PAPER, OIL PAINTS. &C.. (W. sTozu; Great Bead, P,a. A Large &Wed Stock of f ~ .... ..; MMIMIEM;I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers