liedteal Meeting. The semi-annual gathering of the Medical .racuaUty of the county took place .on the 7th of June at Brooklyn• The elands were portea- UM of rain in the morning, and In the comae of the forenoon dispensed some genial' showers, most grateful to the husbandman whose thirsty meadows were giving promise of only scanty returns in harvest time. It rained quite hard about the time to start for, the meeting, but most of the Doctors thought a little clear rain 'water would do them no harm and accordingly headed their faithful equine eolaborers toward the quiet Inland village nestled among the hills where Drs..A. and C. were waiting to svelcome them. A few however as they saw the big drops coming thick and fast, shook their heads sod too timorous to start concluded to stay at home, predicting that the meeting would be a failure. The afternoon however proved very pleasant and the attendance was quite large, being members present from Montrose, Great Bend, Susquehanna Depot, Gibson, Cllfford,'Hopbot- Anm o Nicholson and eacteryville. Dr-chandler 4111entli Orange; M. J., iras pitmen and invitell to perticipate in the proceedings Roger's Ball furnished a cornmodicms place for the meeting and for the clinic, at which a good ly number of patients presented themselves for examination and advice, but nut near as many as though the morning had been pleasant. Mr. Bullard furnished the society an excellent dinner and seemed very attentive to the wants of all his guests. Several cases of interest were presented and freely disdussed. Considerable time was taken up by a case of' discipline, in which the party against whom charges bad :wen preferred, hav ing a second time failed to appear before the society, there seemed to be no alternative but to adopt the resolution of the State Medical Society at its list annual meeting, viz : "That Dr. John W. Cobb be expelled from this Society, for unprofessional conduct in advertising." The membership of the society has so increas ed as to entitle a representation by tour dele gates la the State Society and that number were electdd to attend the meeting at Williams port on the 14th of June, Inst. Besides a good meeting, the brethren had a pleasant social visit together, and all started for their homes at a seasonable hour hoping to reassemble at New Milford on the first Wednes day of Janurary, 1872. 8. starrnera A correspondent of the Candor Fres Press, Speaks us follows of Starrucca: .111 r. alitor:—The village of Sterracca, where lam spending a portion of my time, lies in a harrow but fertile valley, among the mountains of . Wayne Co., Penn. liking until recently an inland borough, its resources have never been flilly developed. branch of the York & Erie Railroad, called UM Jefferson Road,'runing through here now Dom Carbondale to Suscplehanna, has, put new life and Lope in the people, and everything ap pears to be moving now with zeal and energy. The Starrucca creek, running through the val ley, empties itself into the Susquehatina,river, near Susquehanna Depot. The scenery along the valley is wild, romantic and grand. Tan neries, Mills of different kinds, and manufactur ing establishments are located all along the val ley. At this village there is in successful opera tion is very large tannery owned by Mr. C. P. Strong. He eiuploys about SO hands, and turns off two hundred and fifty thousand dollars worth of leather 3 - early. Mr. Strong is a thorough business titan, and engaged in every vod work to make the world move and society better. He hasven us the site and one thous and dollars to sards the new church we are building here. This is really a very rough country. We meet hills mountains, stones and rocks, everywhere; but we have a very social, intelligent and glorious people. One singular feature of the country is the many lakes that lie imbeded among the mountains, and on the hills with good tertile land all around them. In the town of Preston, and adjoining the borough, there are seventeen lakes, covering on an aver age about fifty acres of land. Large quantities of fish are.rought from - these lakes every week. Messina Turner & Underwood have a fishery here where they breed trout. They have now on band about twenty tbourraixt, great and small. An Appeal for Atd. The following appeal for aid for the victims of the great coal mine disaster reqlres no endotse mistt : Prnaros, May 30,1871. la behalf of the grief-stricken community, paralyzed try the repetition of the disaster at Avondale, we appeal to you for substantial aid. Ot the 03 miners who entered the abaft at this place an Saturday morning, 43 have been taken out safe, tut many of whom =mot long' sur vivm---;,' Those -who have already - died will. be belied-O*W. _They have behind themflied olifil4nd 38 fatherless children. ' in their beithlf witAtsir'your charity. Six months enforced idifipess tun; - made the community poor. Those who bad the ioherewitimil to gore have given drirlpg Abu witile r z, until their benetictions have extranated their ;thinly. Arany are still on the verge at starvation, and now, Jost as reamed latrortras begun to dicer the heart, *r ate kick eardown by this awful calamity. Will you give us your mite to relieve the widow and fatherless? All contributions may be sent to Theodore Strong. President of the ran National Bank, at Pittston. Conorrrrra.-420. F. Gaines, B. Biven, W. 3 Bruce, Hughes, H. D. Lane, 0 Heffernan, Abet Byron. Important ittillehool Directors, We coppy the following from the late school lawaor the information of some of our tchool boaids, that they may know what the law re quires of them: It shall be the duty of the board of directors to . publish an annual . Statement Of the amount of moneys received and expended, and the amount duo from collectors, and setting forth all tbi &Miele operations of the district, by one orialore publications In one or more newspapers of the County in which'tLey reside It there is an aniount of tax collected, or any amount due to the district it is to he statedasi "amount of yet due" at the foot of receipts, and so car ried out, and if there is an amount of debt yet duaby- the district, it is to be mated as" amount yet-due for-" and to carried out at the foot of expenditures; in order, in both cases, to bal ance the account in accordance with the facts. If there was a building tax, and a house or hottstacrected during the 'year, the amount of the building tax and of the portion of it ex pended—M-the year for this purpose, is to be stated in the same way, and With the talassenon hand, or thetlextler this purpose, if any, under proper beads " receipts" and " expenditures for building" as in CM of ordinary school tax and expenditure. ' "Pennsylvanin School ZournaL" It is wry important that threctors and Teach ereatould understand whit they can ofthe Achool _ Work in our Mute, as well as to- melt Inform . , tion inntin=ig the annum :meat and ursine: ti Bnitab } e for Schools. Unable linggesdoni arietiatainedificach number of the 4tfalofJoirro ol, It Is the direct orgun r at Vie 40104 2)6. partnient, It is of value. to every. one nutunktind with our School teachers esmially seek this or some other means of hiformation in EO - 60), itininOnt,y,wt.ii - has Is (Ikons ,4 4 =xisii upon ginde - - of Certith'afe and saccese In tie School ream. Arrirgrisusitt are snubs: I csa-'lllFans Tke Anitalltir , to lat 145. a. jrpar.„ The twentieth, sttl,nllr ceissmeisceS . lsith 344 14 7- ntuitiek6itilj 'twill - forward stittuntitkini for those wishing fek tbe neeetl:l3 abaft.. tam. Good work. Con teachin g by Pap, liVieltertaunn. Hat(' &a!, ','bun be obtained of BOOkienen, Te l nl s*Un i nf th is PVA. 47 0 1F- 4 X/Ctr • PAM - Tbo *my ore. Uwe ,71 4soa!l joke iitold %tie rat Ad= t. to bearrktall kftiatnin:. liwirmaistratiela3ia4 se" ffnesue4 , sAttatqrr 'Pr lra peAai toiii. the tdeessanl P 4. %kr betilitilit• ed at' a biiili - rtau tovt . 6l4li, holltiA 6 /4 1 / I ._. father . pursued, and ter, a.. 40 yinsg• stei Inciettsed the distance - Siree*thete ; but gradually etiength f.**.tOlig, and...when ha reached the bill and•begaiiioakcend be loon last hls Vantage ground. .I.lelireriignearer the irate fhther approached, and am he came within arm's roach of the little illgitloe ‘ who Alta ready to LB from Vabsteditm„.the boy' R olehly faced about, dropped upon the Ound, ttud 'with an Indescribable cast of countenance, exclaimed: " Pappa, that-makes it l" Tbis " ohm . . ming 'qv :the , subje c t" was so extremely hulk:rims dititzthe fatbelt laughed heartily over the strategy which his liopefill son exhibited, and the rod Raj not used. The Ladei! pitanct - ,.: - 3 The July number luta a •Wity.aeawneble pic ture, a fine steel. plate—" Alpine Tourist" A breath of mountain coolness seems to.greet us from the icy_and snowy surroundings of the two pretty young ladies who are evidently enjoying a summer in romantic Baritieriand. - The color ed fashions are graceful and "Stylish es canal ; and there IS a pleasant share scene of three maidens sitting on the melfa delightfidly at ease, with the sea for a becitgreund. But the stories are especially welcome is bat weather, when above all things one wants to be entertained. Price, 50 a year, (which also &eludes a large steel engraving} Four 'copies-L. $0 ,00.- :Rive copies, (and one gratis), $8 00 The Lady's Friend" and the " Saturday Evening Post" (and one engraving,) $4 00. Published by Daten & Peterson, Philadelphia. Single copies ibr sale by all News dealers, and by the publishers, price 5 cents. BUSINESS LOCALS. N. Y. & E. Time Table. The following will be of interest to our read ers, especially those wishing to connect with that road at Great Bend. We are Indebted to the Bend Agent, for the following: TRAINS EASTWARD. No. 4, Night Express : : 2.37 a. m. " 8, Cincinnati Express : : 7.29 " " 88, Way Freight, : : : 10.80 " 2, New York Express, : : 1.47 p. in. " 82, Accommodation, : : 41:130 " " Steamboat Express, : : 9.17 " TRAINS WESTWARD. Na• , 7., Night Express, t - - 1.521. m. " -.0 .i Emigrant, : : 13.24 " " 29,„AecommodatIon,,, : : 913 ” " 97,'W* Freight : : : 1.07 p. jn. " 3, Mall and'Etpress, : 8.50 AU of the above trains atop at Great Bend and carry passengers. ' Festival. The Ladies of Si Paul's Episcopal Church, Montrose, will hold a Streatham and Ice Cream Festival, in the basement of the church, on Thursday evening neat, June 15th. , . Teinperanco Convention. ° The Thirteenth Quarterly Convention of /. 0. of G. T., of Susquehanna county, PS., will hold its next session at Lenoxeille, to commence June 21st, 1871; to remain in session AS tong as business may require. One holt of each morn ing session will be set apart for religious exer cises. G. W. C. T., Chase, will bepresent during the entire session.. G. W. MectEr, District Secretary. Wanted A Phonographic correspondent--object, im prorement. Am practicing Graham', System Address, H., Box 14, Montrose P. O.—tf State Sunday Selo*, Convention. The Seventh Annual Convention of the Penn sylvania State Sablrath School Association will be held at Allentown, Pennsylvania, on Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday, the 15th, 14th, and 15th of June. All the earnest Sunday school workers of the Keystone State are cor dially invited to be present. Each evangelical school is requested itei wad two or more dele gates. Those who propose to attend should no tify 3. J. Breirson, Allentotyn, Pa., who is Chair man of the Local Committee of Arrangements, on or before the 7th of Jurm. so that entertain ment may be secured, end orders for excursion tieketa procured and forwarded. - Sunday School 9mvellihm. The annual meeting of the Stisquehanna Coun ty Sunday School Association' will beheld at Susquehanna Depot, on Wednesday, the 14th day of June, 1871. The meeting will be open ed by an address at 1014 o'clock a. m. District Corresponding Secretaries are requested to make full reports of the schools in their townships. Every school in the county is requested to send at least two delega tes , and all Pastors are Invit ed toattend.. J. Gregg. Esq., J. H. Cook, Esq., and A. C. Purpi , Esq, are appointed a commit tee of arrangements. WM. JESSUP, President. D. K. OAKLEY, Recording Secretary. Montrose, May 31, 1871.-Bw. Eleetro Thermal Baths. The various schools of medicine class It among the most valuable - remedial agents for certain chronic diseases now in use—.to be found as the foot of Chestnut street, Montrose. mayBl.ti To Whom It '.Tay Concern. A. & D. R. Lathrop have closed their bushiest ) and would now notify all persons having any account with said firm to call at once, and ar range the same, by note or otherwise. A. de D. It. LATIIIIOP. Montrose, May 24. 1871.-3 w. For Sale John lt-Ilaynsfard has for ode two good and stylish boggles, which canbe purchased cheap- For particulars, 'es at Fetord k Mitchell's Livery Stable_ _ I EIIIGII VALLEY RAILROAD. 1-4 On and after Dec. 93,18 W, tratEre on the Lehtat Valley Ilatlrces6artll riln as tutheern: atom.l •09199. p.m. V. en a.m. l'etto. a 1,. Elaitra 4115 Ism 12,40 50.10 1.4411 58 1.43 9.80 Waverly ..... CLOD 6AIO 11.45 tI.C6 8.91 18.40 en 11.811 Tovranth 8.19 4...1) 11.93 7.10 9.95 4A5 4.118 'LS Tookhannock li tO a.m. ... .. Wilke*.Barre, 4.90 1.16 :SO 1.n5 'rib &lb Maze* Cbatk p.m. 10.45 4.10 .6.llratawn... ... 9.41 . 5. %VI liettdaheal.... 020 5.60 . BEO Easton - CM SA) '0:60 Philadelphia.. 0.416, &IS 10 New Yark.... 6.00 p.m. 11.46 a.m. .al. Moring North—Head Upward. South— p ßead Dowa Faancrr—Atertar-At St PattFaChtutit, Mont rose, on the 7th.inatanteby,Derrk&A..--Warti , ner; Iff..Cbspinati Paurot arid" - MW. ceornella Austin, all of .Nontrose. - Mustronn—PtemettrattAn on the 7th iestant, at the residence ethe bri‘eit Sather, by Rev. George Forsyth, Clinton 31tanforoi, of Starrucca, and Joanna Pickering, bf Jackson. Itanzen—Wazattorr—ln Jackson, M the, resi dence of the bride's father, Dr. William W. WheMOttiMalthr,SßAttllOF, topok , fitiLlikk* V.Aalthcalatlitsrth baotfkk , 401 . i„41V, Wae4ox , -rroftzsan:424okitts.. dentietteDr. Wil !nett* tjArk A r t,.,:mettigl,,,,. ton Oa, mffltliarc: 101114,!, 1 ) E 61331 " 11- .azni, 4 1 #Pil e ,4 , ,1t o rg . u pg ---, about 21 • --- NoxiliAL-80110014 1 4. - 1if',47041140,17 012.CCO:1 0 4;, Eaguarifitteusiddal contseg. - :: - .Toctictlegm segemba tvi,DOcie±44 tab, Ifirettinth: StateaPPratmfttin!Untions.z= i eitd7 YajttOY AM ~ _ lE, Mittifieit P 1144641, • • • gppmiSmc.fAcl4l' . '''' itsormwor • Alum.= IV r -0, : : mum A tir it a k 2,35411201 - 4 -44-1. swab OM, I let.aattus • ;.- ' ' AI:* b. Wnllam3Bodsdoo, 231 :, i ;-", sf. „..... 43 .....:,. , ...., ~. ,• • ~.., .... . Tabus:Bt.,' NeurSce% ' . .. ... Week ending lasSi , 10, DM, tliittil pill i .4.. , ..4..1'.'5.i:. 24622 ._ 1 " ' nail* :.;,..;...Z.... ,- ,.1 . : ik . MX Clitese, dairy, pc: . lb • , ... 7-8(412 OO ._ : ;." Sacteory : ........ ..... ;,.... .tEsloi, per doz.': .. t ...:...: .. '.'....„ ./.:..' 21714118 Flour, per barrel . .7500.45 CCoroMK 100 'Mg:. i• • ...4 , 4, •?; v... 2 "r 1 4-2 k 4112-3° Wheat per ImAel - -- - L 20031.50 RP - .." 050 1 - 00 41 Oats 9 • ... .. 5105 Corn , ........... ...... 40 Nom, crop oflB7o 16@20 Beer, sides, per lb ........ ........ .... 10014 ogs. • ' . - •-•-• 9®12 Potatoes, per tin .. . - 2.001413, 1 00 ...... ...... 1)6 90 ' • SHE OCNEESSIOHII .0P AN INVALID. YausRED es warning and for the heeent of plow mot and others, who soder from Nervous Debdity. Are., supplying TIM lows ror smaccatt. Written by one who cured himself and sent free on lottivier a Poat.piad dlkCtlO eavalope. • ' EArbolin, NATHAN ZIAIPAIR, fkoaktftt. N. T. Er. 1.4 7 14 Mer 17. . Chapter a Rom Space U valuable to a newspaper, end It le therefore proposed In this advertisement to condense & variety of facts, important to the public, into a smelicrunpasa.— These torte refer to tlostetter's Stomach Bitters- , orbit that celebrated medicine Is, and what It will du. In the hest place, then, the article it a stimulant, tonic end al terative, consisting or a combination of an absolutely pure spirituous agent with the most valuable medicinal vegetable substances that Botanic rmenrcb has placed at the disposal cattle chemist sad the physician. Them in gredients are compounded With great care, and in such proportionsas to psodueoa preparation which Invigorates without exciting the general system, and tones, semi ales and controls the stomach, the bowels, the liver, and the minor secretive organs What this great restorative will do must be gathered from what It has dune. The ease of dyspepsia, or any other form of Indigestion, in which It has been persist knlly.administerad WittlOgt arectinus radical cars. is yet to be Meird from, end the same guy be said of bil ious disorders, Intermittent fever, nervous affections, general debility, constipation, sick headache, mental difabtlities to which the feeble are so subject. It puri ties all the add* of the body, Including the blood, and the gentle stimulus which It imparts to the nervous ay► tan Is Dot succeeded by the slightest reaction. This Is a chapter of fact which readers, for their own takes, should mark and remember. EtrVetting Nissrrieds—Haasy• for young Ren,on the delights of home n 4 thy propriety or linhropriety of ceding married. irltiteisiltary help - for those who /eel unfitted tor matrimonial happiness Sent free. In sealed envelopes' Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION hex P., Philadelphia, Pa. 151ir Bloomsburg Bente Normal Sebool. and LreirnAny R Cottimactst. Istrrrnarn.—The Faculty of MIA institution aim to be very thorough to their in struction, and to look carelkhy after the health, mut nen and morals of the students. Apia, for Catalogue to HEM CARPER, A. W. SCOLI6-1, Principal gtailtoad Shut Sabi/IL nELAWARE, LACKAWANNA and A- , WESTERN RAILROAD. Winter Arrangement of pasenger lines eflact Not. SI, TRAINS LEAVE WESTWARD. I EASTWARD. Mall Pasnogr Mail i Pasagar train. train. , 1 IMAYRONS. I train. train. A. PI. 51. M. P.' IS P. PI iIB.OO I Now Y0rk..... . ..... I 5,00 11.15 I Sew lianirWon.... I Las 15.09 i tti2 • 1 trira k rt -- , Nit. 7 7 :. I ale' 3,20 11,15 i Scriiitan I 9.15 7 2 1 0 5 . .ft 4,20 1 Ass 1 Nicholson.... 4,54 1.00 I 11.0b0tt0m.......... 7,88 5.11 0 g 4,57 1.40 Montmxe .. 7,15 4,15 '15 1;141 82111ilerelartgri.-;....:,..... 4.54 3414:21 3, P.m.. P.M I *Foot at 140 . 074.10. .a.ll P.M W. P. EIOLWEIL general Peas. and Pica& 109 STROUD. Ticks% Arent. Sinai ERIE RAILWAY. 1.300 mile. under one management-- GO mUeawlth oat chin it of coaches. Broad ktuktm, doable track mate to all points west, north•west and sontb.west, New cod mproved Borienes are ran Unwept without ebange to Itoeneviter, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Cleveland, and Dineti natl. On and after ilonday.Den 14.1870. Trans wiliteave Binghamton at the following holm. viz: 255 . Night gxdremlaxidaya excepted] In'2s fa. m. Night Expremi, fly. 6;34 a. m. Mall Train. S ye excepted, for Derain end Dankl sic imp m. Aemoromodstion, Sued ay excepted we, p. Da) Exerts.. eundsy excepted. Rll p- te. Express had, Sundays excepted. r•AS 3 1 . AL WAY Freight. Shutte eleePtelL 1:05 p. at. Ninigtant T:stri, de ify Yet the wen. 001313 VAST. !COS a. m. ?nett Xzpeess, Sundays excepted. .7% Cheetenatt Mrpreoe, Ilendaye ezeepted. 131 p. m. Day ftepre ,s. Sundays exeept , d. 7:20a. ur Ace mupodatton Trato.delly Ine 9usenellzata. 8:43 p.,172. Neer York Malt, Sundays , excepted. 10:20p. m. Ugh:lllex Expss re. Moly. 9:10 e.:te. Way Irreleit..gandaye exerpted. XAcaActs taEctrzto TMROUGM. Vr'A rerfamiandeomplao - Yoekot ThnoTable of PamongerTenina che Me nativity and consenting linnatasomentlybeen puttlibed, &Meseta bad On Op." plleatlosloCurricket Agent of the Company. ' L. V. IMICRTIf. WM. R. CARL tlen'l So pl. tierrl Paseo AO. Dec. N. 1870. MiLIiiidiFFITHOUD, Ticket Agent, Montrose Pa Sir. b. ZP. 11232‘01X71Nry Intiffattac thfa Liniment to the erne, as ma do DI fan elalfatease„ that karma ell afters new In tie*"aniimmital reined troths cars of altdisesses to • the Tench °Mau close of meal:Mak we Metslyassort, without the least learnt contradiction. that Ii amide on. rivaled In the list of medical compotords externally ap plied for the core of disarm. Feeling tberefene that It Is unnecessary to puff a remedy so eminently wonderful in its effects, voloysierimmii Infallible to Its powers of relief, causing the deaf to tutr,-the blind to sec, the ner• 'roes, drawn sod crippled rheumatic to walk erect and re joice again in the power and vigor of manhood, this pre penitent I. offered to the public on ice earn Inertia, ant chime no volcanic erten or oniential oils of the Arabi dnerts ; but on the contrary is what innairta, ant is • mire eeitolibmtlon of the powers ofNorth groorg can protium. Dar Tom, Doe.. It, Mg: We voiles into Mama all dealers •to propntetary medicine.; that volume eststattheit igggeot to toque hum taunt! ittlgoatxtme. for Mania et Dr. C. V. Btortel Dam, Atetartaati Liniment, and that W. A. -gritiDIFID to car oval tor thfiptrpore. WADI, SOUTHEITLADD 11'rego.. • wlluatistreet,74.« oft .41.(3.1nei. Agencies will soon is .r al mini place's la every townallip, end pub in tbe UM balms. lam gully to turniall ua irbolembr prima to agents, Post a% sad *calms attna. trea GP= Lmeal ettriber: rinoti bar 'RIB'S nllabyliiit Sabath tqg avito. 4torkt: • • BertmL2vlchols, Allbarta•COMMlS. - WBablerim &dab A sberm Waltman Vaeburg,Sbanner's Eddy. D. C. A P.ll. Forams, Yrrolltilm J. Barrows A dons. titevemmUle. 1.. 1111, aberarood, IL T. Hendrick, Springville. D E. B. Demce,Llule th arare. Robert Winters, Pile X. L. Ball. DirchanlyUle. D. A. C. Tltswortb. Brooklyn, Pa. 1.. B. Hinds, Factoryville. W,ll. CnrW. Bailey Mallow. S. N. Tiffany, Unpbottom. 14.1lawley,kantilL. ' • ...ftate°7 oo ‘ eriarghtli, • lirdlONMOMlW l o llll gOlgiriew At Y "716 4=A =* • ( 12 4 0 1 410 a ~411.44=8406~1.11.- • • • .1 4.4 l 14,1 , Amy pawns la tairnebips not assedokidslag agency, may obtain it by addressing 62.1gUiVIEMAtiegtok, Arit=rows zroncs. - THE UNDITIMICINKII, I/ 441 W - by Albs Orio4c42lcipswav w & _ i mos rtalasiot , gamq.m.ilit ,oqz.. Arg7.-24, w . 0,00,.....";. ; ~ t, ' , . 4 _ , : .., ... , . . _ .. ~ C %kl - § x._a •- „lipecial glatiao. 00130 Inert tut Adrortiotuusto. YOUNG AMERICAN Se3l . - ATOOLVitirgilnit - TARN NOTICIE: - '• 111=Trool tla r n i nels, ct l t i ecked a in 2 d as w a l:lte ; m also ak , cotton warp liannel, the best ever outdo; all wool tweeds and cassimeres. A large tot or cloths on «hand, for sale or to exchange for wool. Plense give toe WI b efore oi rtro g e o of you wool elsewbere. 11111,IM miles north or Montrose. J. W. MoTT. Montrose, Jane 7, lan, Cheap Platform Wheel Churning Machine— ," Cheap aka delehl vitlO fact tr ed alle air sale by the subsoil:off. MI order'. proMptly GEORGE PALMER, Little Meadows, Pa. Jane 7, 1671,-4are A ODITOR'UTIMM — Tho nuderilpied an Auditor, A. appointed by tbeOrpban's Court, of Susquehanna stA uty.. t o di s tribute the thuds in the bands of the Ad mluistrator of the estate of Rev. flogh Monahan. de o:seed, willet.lntithadntles of Istaappolutment, at Alli ",offinedh Kola rtrb, thertZthßaY or aoll. RM. at I o Clock p.m., at Ch time and place aU persons inte rested In said fond must present their claims, or be fur ever debarred from coming Id on said fund. " D. W. SEADLR, Montrose, Jane LICCI.4Iv . Auditor. THERE WERE SOLD IN THE TEAR IND, 8,841 Blatcbley's Cucumber V%TOOCi rollX113.1:1a, MSAED/11RO 213.568 feet in length, or sufficient In the aggregate for A WELL OVER WEILER DEEP, Simple in ecinstructlon—Easy In Operation Giving no Taste to the water—Durable—Reliable nod Cheap. TIMM Pumps are their own best recommendathiffi. For ule by dealers in hardware and auto:Maud Utopia.. mutt, ;gumbos. Puma makers, &0.. through the coon try. Circulars, Ac., furnished upon application by mall or otherwise. Single Pumps forwarded to parties In towns where I have no agents upon recept of the regular retail price. In buying, be careful that your Pump bears my trade mark se abuse, patented Earth list, 1871, as I guarantee no other. Clkiwis. G. 1211amtc3.133.453r, BLILNUFACTUREta, °Mee and Wareroom, 621 & 620 Philbort-in., 1' fl Pc Manhood: How Lost, How Restored . . gtJost' tortillehed, a tiler million of tin Wo ol , rlll i til:Ut DOClrCl i ne) OT 4 41 cu T d o ld" oi 'di"l 4 o i nal Weakness . , Involuntary Setubal Lo's,eos,r :ca l TODDY. 'Mental arid Phral Incupacit , in ii ,,dtp,.. t‘ , Maniere, etc. ; a l .° astrarnort„ and Fm, Induced by aulf-loduhretiCo or sexual extra vagaece. Or Price, in a scaled eurelope, only 6 CoUtO. The celebrated author. In this admirable wway. clearly demonstrates from a thirty years . aucerssryj immu ce , that the alarming consequences of aelitabusc may baked'. rally clued without the dangerous use of Internet medi cine or the application of the knife i pointing out a moan of woo at once 'Wyk., certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no nuttier whet his con dition may be, may cure himscif cheaply. privately, laud radically. fir Tbis Lecture should be In the bands of every 'oath and every man In the land. Fader seal, .n s plain envelope, to any address., yes OD roCOlpt of six emits, or tou,postrige stampa. so, Dr Culver weiP* , rNarriaseatabie,"priwa Meats. Address the Pablisher. cuss. 3 MINN A CO. , ' Inßowarr. New York Post Lidice Box 4 5801. WILBUR'S Ulna MOWER, DuLflq* as s. itIANUFACTURBD by IWilay Eureka lireVer k o.l4 . ta N ßrer Nazostaekt Comtism I...utb 320011911:5211:20141CS2i s Th e runts Mower has nothing in common with other noicianc . except the .uto of the ordinary cutting appa ratus. The wheels are luge and net directly back of the end. of the cutter-bat, which bcousequently directly in front of the machine. The =Rabat Is either ?opt ROO Or Six Peet long. can be net to cot any requ ired height. and ls tamed by the driver to pus obstructions with perfect case. The machine has no Wel pairing, spur gear being used throttetout. the advautagea ui alt./Wed bar without lb objectlonsbio featu res. and readily adapt:a Itself to the htleaveritiess of the ground. llf a les us pleasure to be Able to state. that where the lu has been lased it L. rapidly superaeding the awk aw wardl are t hat i nged side cut machines and we are well ts growing popularity ban . , excited much op position. We thetefure ask dust the fazugeraof the country will piard against any unfavorable preittillees from the state. mettle of Inter - Witt:Ll partiv...imiging only of the merits of the machlue from personal experience in its use. The bar being in front, nbetarica are more readily seen and avoided than when the bag la at one side. The pitman works at tig ht anal ea with the knife. con Bequently there I. not I. jar which is *o nupieassot and obiedlototble in all machines where both are in the wonelinc, It Is always le the some relative position to the knife. sad works equally well whatever the position of the cutter-bar. ?he tbadthe car 'keened, obstacles can be removed from thesards, and the bar folded without the driver getting It I. readily:Vie:ma out of zeta by hand or foot, and back:aerator Spar • ' I. ehitely no side drab. It rides very easy, and affords gre bac ase, ...he darer than any caner machine. rite horses are pieced far apart, with long neck-yoke and uvular, and in are, the maculae le driven line a etdiehill plow or a horse-rake, back atid forth on the come sick or the piece. One horse walks to the standing tress entirely beyond the cut, pressing It down In the opposite direct/On, from istilch the next cut will be made. The other walks lu the cleared track, outside the stand- fag grass. Nither horses nor machine go on the cut gram,. which Is left Deady standing and will ewe yams rapiglg and scistigy hilt }sheUJl frillier Is sled sitar a side-drat inowar. The Eunits.a is admirably adapted to mowing side hill. and lidod grass,. In both cases advantage can be taken of the moat favorsblt side of the piece or lot on which to work the machine back and forth. It is eroilly managed, and with a corresponding aspen ditnFeaf potret,cula a :rasa Isiotsr Grath Shan any oar er in use. —"Zhridoe.. The Eureka Is so simple in construction that we are enabled to offer It at a price conch below other standard machines of the lame .paclty. ova rams lOi raz coasNo zworal xma roa cm. No. 1 Mower, 8 feet Cuttirg Ear, Mammoth Slay. $ l3O 00 - I -" 6 " Ftandard Stu, 14500 " 0 4 " " BabrSiZe. 100 00 Thu Celebrated Marline q be obtained of s. R. R. Chow Gleusood Jams; D. Walker Herrick .. . .. - .... .... Charles Moore . Gibson &ed also of the subscriber. tiller Milford. fiusdirchsh• tuteounly. Pa. D. W. KIM May 31, 'll-41. Oaf:meg AO . for Northern Pa. A UDTTOR'S SZOTICIAS.-Flotinole hereby Oren that ,tlfk. the undersigned. en Auditor, appointed by the Grotto! Common Pleas, of tinsquehation County, to dis tribute the fund arising from the Sheriff's Sale of the real estate of Aarou Edwards will aliens' to the duties of tile said appointment At his office. it Montrose, on Tuesday Meath day of Jolts pert, at o'clock, p. in., at which time and place. all parties interested In raid fend will present their elnime or tie forever debarred from corning In upon said hind. J. W McCOLLUbt Munirose, May 10, 1Er71,-4w Auditor. A DICHISTBATONs SALE— asA ESTATE.-Pur. aunt to an order of the Orpao'e Coon, of 9n•gae bonne county, the undersigned Administrator of the el. tate of Wm. Crime, late °Mho town thin of Ruth, In told county, decanted, will sell t public tale, on the proud- MN on Thu aday the Bth day of June, lOTI, at I o'clock, p m., the interest of the late WilLam Crate. In the fol. lowing described teal estate, sitatto in said townahip of Ibtah, described as follows : &waded on the north by lands of James Strancy and George Dramman, on the east by lands of William Whitney, on the booth by Lands of Nathan Goodsell and N, D. Snyder, and on the west by lands of Jacob Drotzman, containing about one hundred and teem, (101), =Mi, being the mane land now in p.m:v.lon of Patrick Croce, Terms made known at Moo Of mkt. Dated May Mt. JAMES REDDING, Administrator. Bosh. Illy 10, 1871. • aw freuomirci c azure Jr . —Tbis celebrated horse will stand fors limited number of men e the pres ent season, commencing April Sth, at J. ts Torben**. in Montrose, on Swords, of each week ;kiondus Wed nesdays, and Friday., at the subscribers. In West Dimock. Pipuirou.—Teronto Chief. Jr.. was sired by Ito fest trotting stallion, Toronto chief, now ainumsnding gkld the season ; be by Royal George sod his dam by Black wood,_ out of an bell se mare: Royal George was tired by Black Warrior; be by Impo rted. Tlppo ; and he by Messenger, of England. TOROSTO CORM ollea. danNINI3 sing by tho thorough bred Jefferson ant of a Mitiesty mare. Jefferson was by Virginia ; he by Sir Arcble, She sire of Sir Henry, and grandsire of American titer—dam.old Pannito. TORONTO Cots? has boned the best stallion time on record—half ono, 19X; one mile, t two mites, fel. '• TORONTO Curer in , was bred by J. B. Troom. of tgooollllg OroTe. Orange CO, N. Y., In the spring of IBM any one wanting Information witbregard to his pidlgree or stock, con address D. R. Hudson, D. G. Courser, 0. Owens or C. D. Bowman, at Blooming Grose. Tonosnres Com, fu Is 161( hands high, blood bay, wehrto SAO pounds, dna disposition and hi considered by the beat edg es of horses to be a very muscular twilit .bone.ll nants-been trubled, but-gilts-signs of Peat , Per - _ Inspetaski Insollelted. l , ritnetn=rotnente with foalgillff Miter ;ins tomer/. Insurance money due, March ink, 0179. I. N. CRISMAN, Proprietor. Elk Late, Pls., March rs, ten—ans. uprrotrs NOTICE.—The underaigned. an Audi ttwOupprobtred by me Judges of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Susquab one county. to distribute the fonds in the Sberill's hands, arising from the sale of the mid e l ute of wj 11; ilsrotoriti attend to the dhtles of Mould appornfieent al the Mike of Filth k Watson. In lout/oge e on Wednesday the fiat day of June. isn, at I otinbichr the iftarnoon. at. mitich time autipiaterall persons toteruated are newest od presoottfwar dolma. Montrose, Jona 10, 1811. W. W, WATSON. INUVED EBBW • -man= Hats surariannutt , • ramansAsta f cee6 had badge I*lva WWI. It 114/ boldsatattrentweeloattaateNattaastrreaduta t • Meanie °Ma Ph l 9 W IC "' P ! e lt i l a S".. s4l6lll P o Itait ItICI. p c t a laXa Mantua* tdarytiad as 4 Vbstala Ras t r e ttre r tg i adr oxi md a rt6 4 :tianat tatindeola captra of Me ataetdad, - effettaillt gut ' hattuit•A rad yd dn i . atataadd pa etaddle - fordit Map al tb 4l i Pe ai ha a a a,histi aaskirer jai cipmakyt, 1140 111 Whowartd.aPa ddaidOlidaPal 81721111=3. pint inantivArt. and Me l l— l ikth i Mihutctoristricands MAI—% —Weigh/ ono thousand sorent,pdvo !musts— 4011 PA A noted work gorse—Oreattltsength—Excellent • cum Sptended Traveles.:4l•73.CS ZIA) 31 SIDO 3 XIIP bus. Shot by Ottlittles Yaw iforse. "Mate IL" • • He bus been handled and trained by Iltr F. ORITA PITH. who now Ito him In thane. Cond, and sae him. On Ttinrsdass. //delays. and etunideyson..7. St. UMW& stables. In lionowas. AA other As" it Cligran 2 Contlm Tema $lO to Insure. C. M. CRANDALL. • himatrooe. Ray 17, INl7.—tf • Propristim obAu, WHOM IT MAT CONCERN.—Whereas,myT odfaalarriet 151.. has left my bed and board without any jail cease or provocation, I do bereby forbid any person or persons 'harboring' or training bar on my as amid, so 'milk pay no debt. of ber contraction. nerriek Centre, • /Lay '7l-3w M. J. VAN HORN.. ROAD IXTTING.—The Supervision of Bridgewater 171 towneldp wilt meet at the North School flame. on Satarday, May 1R.1871. at I o'clock. p. m.. so let the lob of making a road from the North School Bons% landing , to the bootie of Cluaks Z. Tyler. HORACE BFIEWSTER, JAS CIMPU. Z. Id. BREWSTER. Bridgewater, May It. 1871.-4 w Bliperylaars. o , ol=l. ELAX.m3II or .T.VELELISIZIs WILL BELL OR LEASE, for a term of vein, the 1 property at the outlet ofJonees Lake, an tech term. it will make lime object for any one to trade with me who deem* inch • property. Them to - ' With Thins Bun of ISTOTIZA in it. in GOOD 03D38. AS. 13E%. (Malley.) Dew gearing, in good running coder, and 80 scree of choice Fermi - us Land. mostly cleared. Now Is your time, u the . new railroad. shoot being built will enhance Its value. For particulars look at the property, or call on or address 11. B. SZAMLE, Montrose, May it, 1871.-3 w Montrose. Pa. NATURE'S HAIR RESTORATIVE,. Contain" no LAO SULPHUR—NO SU GAR OF LEAD—NO LITHARDE— NO NITRATE OF SILVER. dad is entirely free from the Poisonous , and Health---destroying Drugs used in other Hair Proportions. Transparent and clear u crystal, It will Dot lOU the attest tabeic,--perfectly ULF& CLEAN and EFFICIENT —dlsldeuttuas LONG SOUGHT FOIL AND FOUND AT LAST l It rotors and moult' the hair from becoming Gray, Imparts a soft, glossy appearance, removes Pending, Is cool and refreshing to the heat check:BOn llatr•troN CsMagog, and restores It to a great extent when prema. tardy last, pros:eta Headaches, cares all humors, cu• moons eruptions, and unnatural hem, AB A DRESS. ECG FOE TUE HAGS IT IS TUE BEST ARTICLE DI THE MARKET. DR. G. 811tTII. Tateatee, Ayer. Mass. Prepared only be PROCTOR lIROTIIEILS, Gloucester Massachusetts. The genuine 1. put up Ina panel bottle, made <wend, for It, with the name of the article blown In the glass. Ask your Drlggiel for NATURE'S liana aIdISOZATIVZ, and take no other. far Send two three cent sump. to Proctor Brothers for • *.Treattele on the Human Hair." The Information It erontalna fa wont 000 oo to any person. I:= , . ..-• - , -...._, . ; ,.. 1 „ , ,.... a ....—..,...., _ ~:-. •,' >:c . .• cz.- ..-/' ri.. . ; ,.. ~,' • ...c. L'i 1840 .. , 1870 ‘.-. A.., -____......._. ..........,: „..... • •-.... ; : 1.... The Pere KILLIII" may justly be styled the great medicine of the world, for there Is DO rrecion of the globe into which It has not found its way. and been largely used and highly prised. Moreover. there IC no clime to whlgh It has not proved to be well adapted for the corn OT a aanstdesobto en, levy or mamas , It bill speedy and safe remedy for borne, scalds. cuts, bruises, wounds and simians other Injuries, as well as for dysentery, diarrtices. and bowel complaints generally. It Is admirably situated fur every race of men on the face of the globes. It Is a very significant fart, that nagiilltdlisit the long period of years that the Pain Killee• has been be fore the world. it has never lost one whit of its popular ity. bat on the contrary, the cell for It has steadily In creased from Its firm discovery. and to no prevlons time has the demand for It been so greet, or the quantity made been •o large. as It Is to-day. Another significant feet Is, that nowhere has the Pain Killer ever been in higher repote.~ atheist mere general ly used b• families and indleidmils,thati lams been here at home, where It was that discovered and introduced. That the Paln Killer will cowrie to be, what we have styled It, Tar sneer assumes or ens ITOOLD, there can not be the shadow or a doubt. -Providence Adoertiaer. I\TMIAT 40rCPCVEIES. 6attraberg, Ilostutranm t Cos. Having A tarp And We!! Stock of SPIN & SUMMER GOODS, MILLENERY GOODS, DRY AND rams' GOODS, All of OM Newest, Handsomest Designs! And also, a Fine. Assortment , READY RAUB CiPMEISI To which to invite the attention ot. oar patzoni. is 4 the panto: to general. to give to a call lad to inandno dm same bakire baying Ortnalstre. GUTENBERG,T ItOSlttattlni.. CO. Mon May 4 ion • - . . Ws.totte ratted mut-made iddliJ ono to our Mock o „ ^ - • . .. . roticsatt IrsuovtoeSdrto totoltdidotter tts tttit Vett' , . somadottoo haunt IS 114:4 lotit.troltif Oar:hood . ittakeitberstadvsocoments oscotdstontents. . .. ”. *. Coll sod szatstoeour Stixir - beton poreasslogolso nun , sodotssolocoroStOles antis - . ---- ~;., .. ...2- -.,•.„, , , , - o - --.', -- , GOOP, gATIAL.. a ,. ,_ 4l b: • i 4 0 55 1 1 RRIOES. allireielMlerßOlßMßAZllvo: , t 'is unix& .....: ° ' 7 l ' . :; Av.'succykrii . .. . ._. ~ •,--, WLlVlttilitmunigsktrior ift9StillPtik, Strattolisb MOO ILI*: IS!. _ I ;.:1 , _ , (i. i 3.1 `VI - 1 ..1 . to? , a tit, what emit__ t . 1 , ~ .. , - illifalW 5 4 31 Posagas , ► .4.ositellikests,itieWitelt-Xaket, street, Ileratarkrs• Vattutg - -41tioiritso glinctorg. Ttro lines Li, iltis Dire/s=7/, orte year, 11.50- earA acklitiortal /ins; SO - NEW MILFORD CATIIGA. ri.d.STNIG'II O LAS sronsmusn. Dealer In genuine Clings Plater. Freeb ground, 0. Y. iLAWLlT r Agimiter Empire Demring Mactiall B tad Amerfetn oa BurttecMole, Wiz street, w. L moss & et) , Dealers is Dirdoods. llau, CRP , . Boots and Mit:my, and General Merehaadtaq, on Nan Meet, mixed doar below thaSpiscopal Clicuch. • MON UOTILi., kept by WILLIAM slant, as Main airt9t. fleet the Depot. —• . W. B. MEW. Foundry. and dealer to Flows and other nbenalle. one door from rhloney'a Had. Kato dt. N. P. 813113814 Carnage Slater sod Undertaker, on Main titroet, two door* bolo , . Ilawlny'e , otor*. McCOLLUX BROTHERS. Dales to ()mentos and Provisions, no Main aueti.• °UMW a sort. Dealers In Floor. Feed. Veal Salt, Lime, Cement. tanneries and Proti/loas on Main Street, opposite the Depot. W. & T. fLAYDEN. Illsonlacturers of Clew sod Wholesale dealers in . Yankee 'Notions sod noel Goods. ori Maio *tree*, below Episcopal Mitch. • • MOSS & SNAP. Leaflet Manufacturer* and dealers ID ilosomo Finding*, &e., nen Episcopal Cburth. • AINEY • HAYDEN, Dealers in Drees sad Medic e**. end tiannfacturesa of Claws, on Main direct, near the Depot. W. STEPHENS. Horse Shoeing and general Repairing on Slain Street, smith of the brlege. J. DICRERMAN. Ja., Dealer In general merebandlse and Clothing. Brick Store. on Main gtreet. GREAT BEND L. S. LinfilEl3l, 3tanuracturer of Leather, and dealer in general Merchandise, on Main Street! U. P. DORAN, Merchant 'Tailor and dealer 1a Ready Made Clothing. Dry (locals, Urocerica and Previa lOUS. Main Street.• LENOXVILLE 11LRAM WEIITE, 311nnticturcT of and dedlcr In ourri or rdorrs and Castings. G IBSON EDWARDS & BRYANT, Elantibeturera of Wagons and Sleighs, near the Ingalls' Store. MONTROSE. ABEL TITERBILL, Dealer In Drugs, Medicines. LI gnats, Pilaus. Oils, Dye Stuff., Groceries. Jewelry Notions, etc. L4EII. 21, 'lO JAMES E. CARMALT, Attorney at Law. Mee one door below Torben ttoa•c. Public. Avenue. • WM. H. COOPER & CO.. Bankers, sell Foreign Pao. sage 'nada and Drafts on England, Ireland iLad Scot landp J. R. FLETCRER'S Eating Saloon Is th e place to get Tee Cream, Oyster, and C . Ia aceryatyle. On Main STROUD B BROWN. General Fire and LID insur ance Atte_nts and well Railroad and Aceideatt Tickets to Neer York and Ptilladelphla. Oates one dour cast alba [lank. P. U. CGANDLEIL General tnsterauce and Sewlnc Ida Grine Agent, Public Avenue.' BURNS & NICHOLS, the place to get Drugs end eintni_Cigass, Tobsege, Po&et-Books, Specta ales, Yankee Notions. Sc., Public Monne. W3l. L. COX, Harems maker and dealer in all articlea usually kept by the trade, opposite the Bank. J• BOYD & COMVER, Dealers In Stovcs, Hardware and Manufacturers of Tin and Sheetlron ware, came of kinln and Turnpike street. _ _ 8. H. MORSE, Merchant Tailor and dealer la Clotho, Trimming., and Pornletting Gouda. and Agenia for Singer Sawing Machine, ott Matti Street. Fordham building. A.. N. DULLARD, Dealer In Groceries, Provision,. Bo.tue, Stationery and Yankee Notions, at head of Public derentra.* T. SPORE & CO.. Dealers In Strives, Hardware. agricsdtexal Insplerasuu. Flour aud Orocerdra, oppo ■lto 'Parnell Reese. RAYNSFORD & MITCHEL, Livery and Excitan^e Stable. In rear of Bank building. ED L&tiTTIR. PLASTEIL—We keep on band an ample sapplvEab Ground , Cayuga planer, fur sale at Montrose t, by TIFFA-NY ( IL A IIEII. Itontmue t. Feb. 8,1811 rEWELRY ATTENTONI T. WE'LL . GIVE YOU " PI TS." T. B. TAYLOR, so long known in Bingham ton as one of. the moss popular Cutters, and fashionable Tailors in this section of country has funned a co-partnership with E. F. Now comb, of Montrose, and they arc now prepared to furnish men's wearing apparel of all kinds, and In style and workmanship superior to any establishment in thlssection of country. NVe GUARANTEE SATISF ACT lON to all who may farm . na with their patronage. Shop at Post's okl corner, on Public Avenue. T. D. TAYLOR, E. F. NEWCOMB. Montirose, Oct. 19, 1810—tf. FURNITURE ESTAIII.ISIIMENT OF WILLIAM W. SMITH. Pczsas Taws Nance The extensive Furniture Itatablishment of Willtaut W. Smith, having been refitted and grmtly improved, the proprietor respect fully announces to the citizens of II cartvoso and viein 14. that he is constantly making and keep* on hand the 'argent And best aseerni=mt of PrET FL ATYTZTFRF to be focrodanywher this aide of New Tork Lay. Desks, Vienna, Fowdeacks, Loung,es , Foot atoole Ac. Oett ard les C, Pier, Toilet, Inning. and extension tables. CHAIM —Cane Roam, Cane, Flag and Woodreata grievery variety end etyle. Sofasand Tete-a-tetes, funtlithed cm abort notice.— Cane seat chairs resealed. SPRING _BEDS. A lartovessortment—cbcapest and best in the marks Cane Seat Chairs. I am now rasbkd to supply my customers wilts a now eubstanthalchne seat chalr,of home manufacture, which will be found greatly superior to those formerly In market. and yetare sold Ma Ivo price. CANE-S4S'A7'OIIAIES RE-SEATED. 12IP" Ready made eoliths on band or furnished at short nottee. ife:lf BC Minya In readiness If desired. I employ none but careful aAdesperlencedwarkmen, I Intend to do mywork well,snd sell It as low as can be 'forded. WILLI4M it'. SMITH. Mantroseareb 18. 1868. Received MeTected DOWN TOWN NEWS. • MINER AND COATS,I erten. e dean below Bores conscrolentras noun., GROCEIttIA AND PROVIVONEr; ' • Weate eoeafantljltib Mewl of stoWhife Omuta. • trash itock of Gotias In owl it e Edell we rllleell CkLEAPI, care' i caratpl ter asob .or eac4a tre onnossote. ocrou 7E46, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, - risH,• LARD, DAMS, DRIED 'Runs, -0400-4.-rlmotiHr,,9smc ac. 400elaltrliaT4 1 4: ' , '''t) rv.; ~A I foe relanisel6.llrwtretcitl jlirtlitk filii .. r.!.llot*PWi. i WILING 101! r;n At Unbent , ' GREAT BEND. DRY eeltos, GROCZREDS, cum& ECG, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, HATS and cAPS; All of which Lave been pun:based dating tlate decline, and eal be sad at plena ac dingly : GOOD CALICO, only 10 cents peryird. GOOD bIUEILI,N only 10 cents per ystid. GOOD SUGAR, only 10 cents per potmd. GOOD GREEN, BLACK and JAPAN TEAS, ouly 90 cents per pound, HANDSOME DRESS goods for 23cts y'rd A Snit of CLOTUES ftPr $lO. All other goods at corresponding LOW PRICES ! We also make a speciality of Uta,8330 PING BUSINESS, and will send to the` best HOUSES EAST butter and all other kinds of PRODUCE. The HIGHEST market price and prompt returns guarantewl also PAILS ftindabed sad MONEY' ADVANCED, to CUSTO3IERB when DESIRED. Prinks wishing , to buy GOODS CHEAP Ind find the LARGEST ASSORTNHNT in Susquehanna, County, to select from AM do well to call at April v, 1871,-4m STATE of Polly Sister, DIM of Forest Lake towa rd .h 1 p, Penseyhauls, Sawed; Utter" esfhiftentaf7 upon the morte of the above named SeiShiest, having been granted to the undertt9ned. notice Is gives to all persons !Adel:sad to the same to Mlle immedletelpay - Mont, and Mom having clams upon the same. will pre. se.nt.them, deli authenticated, f.o. settlement. HAMBY BIRDSALL. itsetsltOlr. Forest Lake Mardi 15, 1571. IFF TITRRELL WOHDVE OP THE WORTH.—Plltetargb, Pa., January tt., ISI.—To whom it my eancern:—Thla la to eetlry that I have even A. BALDWIN, of Mont:nate, Pa.. thee:eh:have control of the vale of the &bole mete. ed remedy to Sotquebitene Camay, to Magee hothouses to continue in the tautness, and that ell orders beteldter .hordd be addressed to him, to roads. stortdias. M. M. ITlSON,ProOdetor. ilss Much =', MM. • • 234kitcar8rcw13 t jEST BARGAINS IN TOWN' IN /Li cnoics - FautLy Gm:warns% LOUR I,PBO - .I.lona r Dried and Canned Slug, Vegeta F tdea,llo. .0. the Head of Ns en, - A. N. BULLARD. .14antro.e, rebrnarr22.. LA/PROPS MEDICATED Bar* WTytrn or Without Elpstrisity, as theme &minds. ti for Rhsumasiet, Metallie Chreediteetes• es., At the foot of Chestnut street, Montrose, Montrosa, /torn M. rm. . Iy -- • - ,-, A vnoN A zz i ni t purozia Note Alsilm . lo, to - Ater - IV:et k, for Otlandred Dollars, as I gall cwt. mit' cogessrCoroPsUratkwr. 351411 2 147 1 s Newl67l W! Iwo 151trord. April !41871. • • - Iwo I. o 1710 SN uncerrrn And Others elhn bate . an bag given me their patronage. 1 tender toy pat. rot thanks, and Invite a contisOrance of the mom rWlth their influence, to the. SPLENDID NEW ,• of Smith, Cohn & CO., 711 and 81 Duane atter!" . .FeW York., whcro order* should bedictateel to Me illaikrett eri to the MTh, to itteUtO eitlT attention, and f woo: add to toy patrons, and to those who " pats by on the othur ride, that lem not to be undersold, or any-bk -ex little concern In New York, or elsewhere, to pletnegies me a !kir trial. Our goodnare all new. and bought for mats, for the neat by and Northern trade. u. C. TYLER, Agant,ald Matelgii Montrose Alarth 162 L *RM. L'$TAT$ OF FRANCIS, CLARK, lato I/iodic/Mt 1j townsfitp, Surgnehancla - COlmty.ra.,deelseed; Let ters al Atizeintstration upon the above named decedent haying been gloated to the undersigned. notice le hereby given to All pcmona Indebted to saki estate, to make im mediate payment. and thosoba.lngg claime against the some to prevent them duly antbentlWed for settlentalli to the undersigned. ' FRANCIS CLARK, Jr„ PATRICK eir tam , Administrator*. nee Manineee, March g) 1871.--43 w tatamplo cOseifik PUBLIC NOTICE. Would respectfully etite tb - my former Custom es sad the Flak paatally dal lam again camlna tut the _ • t • T ALLO'RlNGreestr/458, SN MONTIIOBI., and propcittrty dean IVOIIB tat that ins , , . FASIIIONAHLS, NEATrOURS'idNi"LAL lIA.RN, IR. And u Sanaa/atm Priem Part attention, iglu;gtain toCQTIIIia ud nPECIALL CABE lured to tote tb• work Man tribe pearl whos/a It. togatiati. , • sbry•on the west side an..rone Avedlop," ante flume. Nichols' Drurftse; stoTelsitt the - Ogles of Dr. Halsey. :P ZDTta. Menrtoee, Fetinxisy • , • 17"ALUABLE _ FARM, FQ)I BAl4—Tha V subscriber offers t l >9 lltrat Wm Lae. iinactuehatirta 'Oct, Pa.;,:toritalst orb 180' Lehi 100 or 106 of whichait elated ankundetenltlvia- Wu the land is well watered and good ihr either grain or gram, there anktettweta two and throe biladred grateditipple 'mo r on the, place Wades pearli4itunt,ontl pear triee,the tawn ia &wwa eat for chtirdletand reboott arltho good WM- C ivt. 130 rods south bf Quaker lake , lake , the three to oipt4 admlrobAlocated.-Addreseor sp. s p : to , ,11AulucE DOMIRII.-• 1 z Pa.;Mitrehl ' ' 1011 MIL -41.121111r4Wital&:6E0M itia- r ti42411 ."Whi"011041"114414,01 somip es ea en aC. Uri SPBINO gni : Is the piece to-buy BOOTH and ffHOES, CARPETS, WALL PAPER, OIL PAINTS, swim, , Great Bead, Pa. ESTATE NOTICES. OABD. Lcvr our AND Kzes.3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers