alit tam and t f iroide• Rats andlltee—Vermin proof Walls. Constant complaints are made through the press of the increase of rats and mice throughout the country. The only way to get rid of them effectually is to so con struct our houses, barns and other build ings, that they cannot harbor them. To insure this, cellar bottoms should be ce mented, and the walls also, unless they ere solidly laid up with brick or stone and mortar. Every basement of a house where the sleepers are close to the grotind should be filled np between these to a level with their tops with cement or grouting, and the boards or plank then nailed on, leaving not a hair's breadth, if possible, between the grouting and the floor. Neither rats nor mice can thenget under. We built a set of stables in this way fifteen years ago, and no vermin have ever found barber under the floor nor have gnawed through it. Sometimes they have got in through a door or window, but by removing any thing standing against the walls, behind which they have found temporary shelter, so that a small terrier dog could pass around, he imme diately caught them, and there was at once an end put to the nuisance. If the wall of a house be of wood, be fore lathing and plastering inside, lay a coat of mortar and small stones or ce ment four or five inches thick, level with the floor of each story, between the studs and flush with them, or what, perhaps, would be better, fit in pieces of two-inch, hemlock plank. Neither rat nor mouse can gnaw through hemlock, for it imme diately fills his mouth with sharp slivers on attempting it. Then if they ever get into the cellar or basement through a door or window, they cannot ascend to the up per stories and find shelter and breeding places between the lathing and siding. If the walls be made of bricks, they ought to be built up hollow; the plaster inside can then be laid directly on to them, which leaves no harbor for vermin. If the walls be solid, as is generally the case, they must be furred out, lathed and plas tered; but doing this, fill up the space between the mop board and wall with ce ment or strips of hemlock, and this will keep out mice. The space here, are hous es are commonly built, is wide enough to admit rats. Rats and mice are destroying millions of property every year among us, and besides are very filthy and loathsome. But yet we continue to go on and make nearly every building we erect a perfect warren, shelter and home for them.—Am. Agricultzerist. Treatment of Foals. The foal shortly after birth is liable to constipation (stoppage), from the hard, black, glutinous fcecos that naturally ac cumulate in the intestines during the lat ter months of the foetal state. Sometimes, when the mare's udder is swollen and full, the milk is drawn quite freely several days before the foal is born. The breeder ought not to forget that the first milk, or the beastings, as it is called, has an aper ient property that appears indispensable to healthy action of the bowels. If con stipation from that or any other cause succeeds, an aperient should be adminis tered without delay. The hard, waxy, fcecos should be got rid of. Linseed oil is the safest and most effectual agent. It should be given up with the yolk of an egg or in thick gruel, in doses of two or three ounces. Ten to fifteen drops of aniseed and a scruple of powdered ginger may be added to the mixture. Vs ith view to hastening the operation of the physic, an injection, consisting of a pint of warm water, with au ounce of epsom salts dissolved in it may be admistered evrey four hours until relief is secured. Souring may arise from various causes; the milk of the dam may be too poor or too rich a nature, owing to sudden chan ges of diet; etc. In all such enso , i proper management of the mother is usually sufficient to correct the functional disor der of the foal, and so long as the latter is as usual, the owner need not be alarmed. But if the animal begins to droop, refuses its food. and is in evident pain, and the faces watery, foetid, or clay-colored, not an hour should be lost. The proper treat ment will consist in the administration of carminatives and mild astringents. The following is one of the most effectual preparations we know of: Take of car bonate of magnesia and prepared chalk, of each one ounce; oil dT aniseed, half a drachm ; tincture of opium, two drachms; syrup of rhubarb, half an ounce; water, twelve ounces—mix. Dose from one to two ounces every eight hours. To RELIEVE CHOCKED CATTLE—Hav ing lost a heifer by chocking with a tur nip, and having one chocked since for which I found relief, I send you my rem edy for publication : Get eight feet of telegraph wire, double in the middle, twist it together so as to leave a loop in it.. Take the creature by the horns and run the loop end of the wire down its throat and pull it out, and the turnip will be pushed down or pulled up in its mouth and give instant relief.— American Stock Journal. A GOOD WAY TO COOK CHICKENS.— Touching this subject, Mrs. Ingolspe writes: "Fricassee your chickens, taking care to brown the skin nicely ; season to taste. When done set by to cool; then remove all the bones ; put back into the dish in which it was cooked. Take a chopping knife and chop finely, leaving in all the oil of the. fowl • if not enough of that add a piece of batter. Then pack closely in a dish, ad you wish it to go to the table, and when your friends come to taste it, my word for it, their approba tion will more than repay von for the lit tle extra trouble it has taken to prepare To SPEEDELT REMON't - Couss.—Bathe the foot or feet well in warm water about half an hour before going to bed. When the corns have become soft, by bathing, shave down the borne)" parts smooth, but not so close as to produce blood; then _moisten the tops of them and rub over them a little lunar caustic. The caustic must be gently rubbed on until saficient of it sticks on the corns to change them, first to gray and then to a deep black. Pat a little cotton over them to prevent the stocking rubbing them. In afew days they will come out by the roots. To Mays Ban Ann FROM mu Bons& - r -Drop sozne,quicklime on the mouth of Aheir neat, and wash it with boiling water; dr,diesolve some camphor in spirits of wiae,.thekinis with. water, and pour in to tlieirirannte; or tobacco water, which has been, found - effectual: They are averse to strong. scent. : iOamphor will prevent their itiWting a cupboard, or a sponge saturated with creosote. Scottish Romance and Reality. A correspondent of the Springfield Re publican writes from Scotland : To tell the truth about it, the Scotland that's invested in romance, that lives in the memory and in the air, is very differ ent from the Scotland that's on the ground as you find it. Conceive yourselves dally ing among the honeysuckles that over hang the doorway of a beautiful cottage; conceive yourself going in and finding the bible and bottle together, and thinking the place is kind ro dirty—this is really very much like going to Scotland. Who ever has read Waverly, the Scottish Chiefs or the songs of him who signs himself with a dignity that seems unaffected, " Robertoßurns, Poet;" is prepared to be lieve that the "Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life" must be a picture of genu ine simplicity and happiness, of which by no means the hard conditions of the sub ject rendered it necessary to paint evil lurking in the midst. He does not, for instance, suppose Seater Johnny and Tam getting " num) happy," a case of wide ap , plication, but attributes all the bad to the invention of the author. Yet Scotland is more drunken than Ireland. Each drinks about 5,000,000 gallons of whiskey a year, but Ireland is nearly twice as populous. Scotland has twice as many distilleries, but Ireland brews and drinks much more ale. For evry 240 inhabitants in Scotland there is a house licensed to sell spirits for consumption on the premises, and the combined family wine and grocers' trade is very large besides. Scotland, indeed, has a pledge on her unenviable superiori ty, being in possession of an ebony whis tle won at a bout in the time of James the Sixth, when, in the train of Anna of Denmark, there came to Scotland a Dan ish gentleman of gigantic stature and in ordinate love of drink, being iu short, an immense walking hogshead. He had drank at various courts of Europe without a defeat; but challenging the Scots to a contest, the conditions of which were, he should be victor who continued longest to blow the whistle, a Scotch baronet, af ter a contest of three days and three nights,left tin Scandinavian under the table, unable to pucker. The whistle was, at last accounts, in the possession of a Scottish AL P. . Hot toddy is poured every night down the throats of noblemen, clergy, judges, laborers, ladies, and stran"ers,, who soon fall into the habits of the country. It seems, however, not to be drank with des peration, but from hereditary habit and and strong liking. Nowhere but in Great Brittain, where the Times says, drinking is the crying scandal, will you find so many dry-looking mouths, so many flush ed faces, so many lips washed and rung ; and Scotland in this•respect, is as bad as any part of the kingdom. Another bad thing. According to of ficial statistics, the proportion of illegiti mate births to the total number is, in Austria about 11 per cent., in Scotland, Denmark and Holland, about 10 per cent., in France and Prussia, about 7 per cent, in England, Norway and Sweeden less, and in Ireland, which preserve her chas tity while suffering every other degrada tion, least of all. Within fifteen years the number of illegitimate births registered in Scotland amounted to over 150,000, and many doubtless escaped registration ; while the Scotsman, the chief newspaper of Scotland, estimates that during the time over 100,000, one-third the first' births after marriage occurred within six mouths. This number added makes over 250,000 women unchaste before marriage, or 17,000 a year, besides prostitutes This immorality, by which say one-sixth of all the children are born before marriage or within six months after, belongs, it is said, chiefly to the lower classes; but it will never do for nations to ascribe guilt to the working people, and then call themselves in any degree rid of it. How to Get a Dinner. A party who travelled about pretty ex tensively was greatly perplexed to under; stand how it was that other persons were waited upon promptly and well served at the hotels, while he was almost entirely ignored, and could scarcely obtain a square meal, complaining to and swearing at the waiters as he might. At last hie eyes were opened to the dodge of feeing the waiters liberally, and being of an in genious turn of mind, he determined to improve on the plan. The next hotel he-dined at, ho took his seat very pompously at the table, and took out a well filled, pocket-book, extracted threrefrom a ten dollar bill, which he laid on the white cloth beside his plate, and placed hie goblet upon it. In an instant almost he was surrounded by waiters, who seemed to vie with each other in attentions. Every wish was an ticipated, and all the delicacies of the kitchen and pantry were placed before him in tempting array. Having fared as sumptuously as a prince (to the envy of many of the other guests), he took up the greenback, and beckoning to the nearest waiter, was immediately be sieged by a half dozen or so. Holding the bill in one hand, he pointed to it with the other, and inquired of the crowd: "Do you see that bill ?" "Oh 1 yes, sir!" they all exclaimed, in chorus. "Then take a deuced good look at it," he replied, "for you will never see it again." Saying which he departed, leaving the waiters aghast. How A Dutetimtin Got Even. Out West there lived a jovial Dutch man, whose name was Hanness Von ShrimpetiffeL He had a wife. He also had a little grocery, where beer and such personal propert_y was sold. He gave cred it to a lot of dry customers, and kept book with a piece of white chalk on the head board of the bed-stud. One day Mrs. Shrimpetiffei, in a neat St, took it noon herself to clean house and things. So she did, and she cleaned the head board, and with soap and water set tled the old man's accounts by wiping away every chalk mark. Pretty soon, be fore long, the old vender of things came into his house and saw what ruin his frau had wrought. Then he said: "Mine Gott, fran Shimpetiffel, for why you make a ruin man of me. I guess not? You make wipe away all dun name and figures what I -owe dem fellers when% going to pay me before d_qget ready, and I lose more as swie hundred ttoiler • The frau left the room in fear and dis gust. When she returned, he had reeky ered the head-board with marks Then she said: i'llatmeas, you base make dem all right again, don't vs Ten, mien, tester *ad, I make de fl,g• mean righti - batilvft down some pet ter namesaa demeldfellera Tot you wiped out'? gitui g,dvatistmtuto. THE scnooL 111°.2.,``rfoielt Atrir 'IA' Meg. tricd,=.ll Mitlllalf • College. Poughkeepsie N. Y. It is the Old. ,fle e . But, mart rertronabler radical lin the United States, and the only one providing situations for Grad uates. Neter to patrons In every_kitate. Address 11. 0. EASTMAN, U.. 13., President, HOLIDAYSIIIIIIG SEMINARY. BOLIDAYSIIVIta Vs A• BLOOMINGTON. (ILL.) NURSERY. gr . !! Yea . r. 607 1 A c i Ll. 11 , 11 , , ,h o:k a rt .I, l:p r ist Would ,on know w e bat,.wtten, bow to plantl Fruit, shade, evergreen trees, roots, grafts, seedlings, Osage plants, apple seed, early Bose potatoes, shrua,roe. greenhouse and garden plants, de., dc., PLOWIRB and VEGETABLE SUDS I driest, brat collectionscesand quality. Bend 10 anti for New. Illustrated Descriptive Catsdogne-90 pages. Bend stamp, each for Catalogues of Seeds, with plain directions-6i pages ; Bedding and Garden Plants —V pages. and Wbolisile Price Llet-04 pages. Address F. K. PIICENIIC, Bloomington, Mimic 7ZI3r. C/FACPCIEVEI NATIMT3ZI tv TAB.. ESTABLISHED DMZ A remedy which so , has been tested for ten years, and proved In Mott sands of eases capable of curing all Diseases of the Throat and Lunge; performing many remarkable cures, merits a trial from all who are suffering from similar af fections and vainly seeking relief. Will you let prejudice prevent you from being cured also. Coughs end Colds.—Toe Druggists ray It cures them all Asthma.—The relief and cures of It are marvelous. gronehisls.—Every sufferer will end relief and core. rOatithlthentit—Require only a few doses. re.un Diseaso& — Ras cured eases pronounced Incur ab Debillsy.—lt renovates and invigorates th e system. Liver Complaint —Meat Effective Regulator of this n Ciipagsla—lte healthy action on the stomach cures It. Appetther.—lt in health-giving and appetite-restoring. Urinary Orgtuis.—Action on them is marked and ,prompt Dr. Crook's Wine of Ter Is rich in the medical quali ties of Tar, combined with vegetable ingredients of un doubted value, which make it unsurpassed, not only for the complaints enumerated, but it Rapidly Restores &s -hunted strength, cleanses the stomach, relamen the Liv er and puts them to work, causes the rood to digest, and makes pare blood. anJ begets a vivacity appreciated by both sound and nick. If oo are afflicted In any way, we know if you try the Life-giving Tonic Properties of Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar, you will add your testimony to its great value in eoniectitig any "ills that flesh is heir to." Prepared only by OLIVER CROOK B. CO.— Sold by Druggists everywhere. HALLS PORTER, Jdnetlou City, hennas, holenale Agents. For Serofen, Scrofulous Tumors Scrof uloos Diseases of the Eyes, or Scrofula in any farm, Rheumatism. Diseases of the Liver. Dis eases of the Skin, Eruptions, Pimples, Boils. Tetter, Scald Head. Ulcers and old Sores, or • any disease depending on a depraved condi tion of the blood, take Dr, Crooks Dom - . • ia pound Syrup of Poke Root. Ii Is curabln• I ed with the best took preparations of Iron ' known, and Is the best Alterative and Puri tier made. Cleanse your Blooa- Try one 1 1; bottle. Sold by Druggists. Prepared only by OLIVER CROOK A CO., Dayton, 0. USE THE RED HORSE POWDER.—MI and .10 packages , . Red Horse Trade Mark.) Homes cared of Glanders.—Aaron Snyder'. U. S. Assistant Assessor, Moont .Etna. Pa., C. flacon's Livery and Exchange Sta ble Sonbery Pennsylvania. Hone Cured of Fbunder Wolf & Wilheltn's Danville, Pa.. A. Mil's, Merchant, Washingtonvtile. Pa..J. Nice Sloanaker'a. Jersey Shore, Pa , Hone Cured of Len!? Ferer—Hers & Bros, Lewis burg,. Pa. Home cured of Wk.—Thos. Ciingan's Union Co.. Pa. flog cured of Cholera.—H. Barr's H. et A. Cad wallader's Milton. Cote. cured —Dr. M'Cleery. J. H. M'Cormlck's. Milton, Pa. Chickens cared of Gapes.— Dr. D. T. Krebs'. Watsontown, Pa., Dr. U. Q. Davis, C. W. Sticker, John and James Finney's Milton, Pa. thus deeds more conic' be cited arbors stock was saved by using tho Red nurse Power, prepared by CYRUS BROWN, Drat:gist, Chemist and Horseman, •t his Wholesale and Retail Drag and Chemical Emporium, Broadway, Milton, Pa., to whom all orders should be addressed. FOR $ EVEN. DOLLARS PER LINE We will Insert an advertisement eMe MI SVC CP IST •1" In One Hundred and Ping-Class Pennsylvania News Papers, Including Eleven We refer to the pnblisher of this paper, to whom on responsibility is well known. List 1514orkt Iroo. Address GEORGE P. ROW ELL & CO., Advertising Agents, No 41 Park Row, New York. - 1826 Trajl. l 2 FL" vg174114. , 1.870 The old standard remedy for Coughs. Colds., Consump tion. ....Vothing Beller." Crrt.s.n BROS. A Co,S Boston. FRAGRANT SAPOLIENE CLEANS Kid Gloves and all kinds or Cloths and Cloth ing; removes Paint, Green Tar, &e., Lash/nay, without the least Iwtorr to the fittest fabric. Sold by Draggles sad Fancy (Wads Dealers. FRAGRANT SA POLIENE CO., 3.1 Barclay St, New York, 46 LaSalle-St., .Chlcago. 1 ft A DAY FOl . l ALL With Stencil Ton le. Ad t 4. J. I.J dress A. K. 6RALIANI, Springtenld, t. Buy thu Apple Parer, Corer sad Slicer. Price $ 00. 325 A MONTH Horse and Carriage furnished Expenses paid, H. Shaw, Alfred, Me. Agents ! Read This ! WE WILL PAY AGENTS A SALARY OF 690 PER WEEK and EXPENSES. orallow a large Commis. pion to eel] our new and wonderful Inventions. Address M. WAGNER A. CO, Marshall, Mlch. CUT THIS OUT! AND send Twenty-floe Cents fore Ticket and draw a WACCh. Sewing Machine, Kano, or some article of raids. No bhmts. Six fur One Dollar. Address, PACKARD & CU.. Cincinnati, Ohm. AVOID CIUCHS.—A victim of early indiscretion, causing nervous debility, premature decay. dc.. having tried every advertlsk remedy. has a simple means of self.cure, which he will send free to his fellow sufferers, Address J. El. TUTTLE. Nallfati Street, New York. Tel. Ist, 1571.--41 w. $20,000 Worth of Goods in store for the opening of the Fall Trade of 1870, in a full and general assortment or Ladle / and GenC Drat, and FUrnaharg, and Fanq Geode In &vat; ant Deanu. Merinos, Ponlibs. Caicos. Shamir, Corsets. =Dotted Fells, and /Lop Marts Ladies and Gags Fun. Blaralo Robes. Fancy Lap Bohm a full assortment of Cloths. Coalmen:. Ladies' Cloths, Flannels, Hosiery, DOlll4laC Cottons, efe, with a general assortment of Hats end Caps, Boots & Shoes, Oils and Paints, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Stoves, Iron, &c., furnish ing a superior opportunity for selections, and will be sold on the most favorable terms, by 8. Bv3FLPI. ITT. ew Milford, Nov. 30 1810 DOWN TOWN NEWS. MINER AND COATS, Inain Street, IS door, below Boyd'e Corner, Mootroe FLOUR, GROCERIES, AND PRO VISIONS. Wears constantly ree tying t nd now bass unhand, afresh stock of Goods in oxalis e,which we wtilsell 'Onrsal . CHPAI I CHEAP ! for eash,or exctut orproduco. GOOD TEA 6, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, FORS, FISH, LARD, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER t e TIMOTHY SEED, &e. WeLtutire redtted and made tdditiob te one Stott o Pans. and are now ready to forward Batter to the brit conadesion houses in New York.' ree of charge, and mekeliberabldrancentents on consignments. can and esamineour Stock before purchasing else where. andconrince yourselves oftbe GOOD QUALITY db . LOW PRICES of oar Goads. C. G. 3GIGIG, • • . • W. E. COATS Idauttoss. eorA 15. lea DENTISTRY. c. A. sa.CEStrB Ilental Roan, Sow 110totd4Ps. i j artkmbliattellEr Iten to all Mentions on OM Oita tsl tenth.- AM now to VAL Perfect satisfaction gnszeutkd to alla ems mdse. me. and sitisly peirselres. - Mete boars. oars each day. MM. 0, 1870.--17 CALL AT • ROBINSON'S SOTJTBERN TIER 37'171 2 t1V1T17X-t.3123 88 Waahington BMA Binghamton, N. T. Where you will And The Largest Stock, the Best Assortment, and the Lowest Prices of any house in the city. N. B.—All Goods sold warranted asrepresen tea. Binghamton, Aug. 1870.—1 y Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color with the gloss and freshness of youth, Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald. ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles • are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keepit clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, end consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. • If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., PlucricAL AND ANALYTICAL Caxkurrs, LOWELI. BLISS& PH/011 MOO. Sold by Abel TurreD, and Burns is Nichols Montrose, and all druggists and dealers every where. [Dec. 21, 1870-7 Guttenberg, Rosenbaum d fo Would respectfully cull your atteitlon to their NEW STOCK OF Fall and Winter Goods •hkh far variety at Str%rs sow has beam irzsellml it this plus. Oar aesartmeat of DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS CLOAKING MATERIALS, FLAN NELS, WHITE GOODS, DOMESTICS,:&c. &c. Mrecrea- Waal Sotter. IN MILLINERY GOODS Trimmed and untrimmed Ladles' end Child' • Rats, Flowers, Feathers. black and colored Velvets, hipbone, lc. de. never more handsome. IN Ladles' and Childm's FUTINTSIITICO GOODS, Skirts, Corsets, Gloves. Handkerehtat., _Collars an d C o ifs, Merino Wrappers, Hosiery and Knit Goods, dumper than for the lasi tan years. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! For lifsu. ?oaths, sod mss, s MI sad onesslste stock. Ileo's fall salts from $lO to PO. OVERCOATS I crualcostS I oVIrEcoATai Of all the different grades, aad at all prices CLOTIIB, CAI33I:IIEMIS, HEAVERS, ac, tot Coot= we take measures and get up gartaantill to order In grad Intel and warrant good fitting and aattataetary work. GENTS' .11TIBNIMING GOODS. White and "Lumen frattsMarino Wilmer@ I thaw rs, Handkerehlefsjloon 'Gina Ann Viper Callan I els fn peat m Cuffs, Suspenders, smskj.VlD Tina, &Batch. isty, awn AID Ws, Yes and Dots, of tho wig style sad great in tart uo Oar Meek bee beat sainted •ltb are, ad u weber 9 Ar Pods incoVillt trequatle pm from As we ask as eeteD • mar• its abate antes we &air am ar VW terrors an PLOY Pomba tog root hussies, sad Ida MU It tor ABtato ato au With • AB W• mk b. ml, essisissUsa atm do*, sad eampalege 'Wm It. B. DISIMIII4 ir.attote. OttlArnr. lIENT T. 110.110L13 COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. Component Parts—Flnid Extract Rheu barb and Fluid Extract Oalaw ba Grape Juice. • VIOR Lim Complaint. Jaundice, Billions Affections I. Oick or Nervous Headache. Costl►en•ss, etc. Pure ly Vegetable. contalnlair no Hereary. Minorsls or Del anions Drugs. These pille are the most delightfully pleateat pugs tire, superseding castor oil, salts, magnesia, etc. Th. re I. nothing more acceptable to the stomach. They dye tone, and cause neither usual* n i tneriping pains. They are composed of the finest In lents Alter a few days' nee of them, such an Inv ration of the entire !system takes place as to appear 'arsenious, to the weak and enervated, whether arising from imprudence or dis ease. H. T. Helmbold's Compound Fluid Extract Ca tawba Grape Nile are not auger coated, from the fact that sugar coateti Pills do not dissolve, but pus through the stomach without dissolving•~ consequently do not produce the desired effect. THE CATAW BA GRAPE PILLS, beingpleasant In taste and odor , do not neces abate their being sugar come& PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOX. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA WIII radically exterminate from the system Sabrala, Syphilis, Yever Sorra, Ulcers, Sore Eyes. Sore Legs, Sore Mouth. Sore Reed, Bronchitis, Skin Disease, Salt Rheum. Cancers, attuning. tram the Rat ' White Swell. legs, Tumors, Cancerous Affection., Nodes, Rickets, Glandular Swellings, Night Sweats, Rash Tatter, Hu mors of all kinds, chronic Rhematism, Dyspepsia, and ail diseases that hay* been established to the system for years. Being prepared etpressly for the above complaints. Its blood-porifytng properties are greater than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla, It gives the complexion a clear and healthy color, and restores the patient to a state of health and purity, for purifying the blood, re moving all chronic constitutional diseases arising from an Impure state of the blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure of pains and swell ing of the banes. Ulcerations of the throat and legs. Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Erysipelas and all scvly eruptions of the skin, and beautifying the complexion. Price $1 50 per bottle. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED 7Pll.lsici Elas.tres,et 33v.i.cx1iitS. TILE GREAT DIURETIC, Has eared every case of Diabetes in which it has been given, Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder and Inflam mation of the Kidney., Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of Urine. Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, Btone In the Bladder. Calculus Gravel, Brick dust Deposit, and bluenous or Milky (Ibl:bargee, and for en feebled and delicate constitutions of both sexes, attend ed with the following ltutispoeition to ex• ertion, loss of power, lose of memory. difficulty of breathing, weak nervea. trembling. horror of disease, wakefulness, dimness of vision, pain in the back, hot hoods. flushing cf the body. dryness of the skin. eruption on the face, pallid countenance, oniveraal Luganda of the muscular system, etc. Used by perrons from the ages of eighteen to ea enty five, and from thirty-five to fifty-five or in the decline or change of ; after confinement or labor pains; bed wetting in children. Belmbold's Extract Bacha Is Diuretic and Blood Pu rifying. and cares all diseases arising from habits of dis sipation and excesses and imprudences in life impatities of the blood. etc., superceding copsiba in affections for which it is used. and Syphilitic affections—ln these din eases used in connection with Ilelmbold's Rose Wash. LADIES. In many affections penciller to ladies, the Extract Bo- Rocha is unequalled by any other remedy--as in Chloro els or Retention, Irmalaxity. painfoiness or snppression of customary evactuthms, ulcerated or Se-him state of the Uterus, Lucorrhira or Whites, sterility and for all complaints Incident to the sex, whether arising from in diseratlon or habits of dissipation. It is prescribed ex tensively by the most eminent physicians and midwives. for enfeebled and delicate constitutions, of both sexes sad all ages (attended with any of the above diseases or symptoms). H. T. TIELBROLD'S EXTRACT RIICRU Cures diseases arising from Imprudence, habits of din sipation, etc.. In all their stages, at little expense, little or no shun re In diet. no inconvenience, and no exposure. It causes& - frequent desire. and gives strength to urinate. thereby rewoving obstructions, preventing and curing strictures of the Urethra. Allan n g pain and Inflammation, so frequent In this class of dieeare, and expelling all poisonous matter. Thousands who have been the victims of incompetent persons, and who bare paid heavy fees to be cured in • short time, have found they have been deceived, and that the " poison" has, by the use of powerful as ringents." been dned up in the system, to break out in a more ag gran led form, and perhaps a ft er marriage. USE BELMBOLD`fi EXTRACT BUM!: for all affec tions and diseases of theUrimuyOrgarts, whether existing in Male or Female. from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how mg standing. Price, One Dollar and Fifty Cents per Bottle. HENRY T. DEMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH, cannot be surpassed as a Face Wash, and will be found the only specific remedy In every species of Cutaneous Affeetion. It speedily eradicates Pimples, Bpoti, Scrobutic Dryness, Indurations of the Cutaneous Rem brans, etc., dispels Redness aid Incipient Inflammation, Hives. Bash, Moth Patches, Dryness of Scalp or Skin, Frost Bites, and all purposes for which Salves or Oint ments are used; restores the skin to a state of purity and softness, and futures continued healthy action to Its vessels, on Which depends the agreeable clearness and vivacity of complexion so much sought and ad mired. But however valuable as a remedy for existing defects of the skin, IL T. liembolt's Hose Wash has lung sustained Its principle claim to unbounded patron age, by poseessivg qualities which render It a toilet ap pendage of the most Ruperiatice and congenial chars combining in an elegant formulaprominent re quisites, safety and efficacy—the invariable accompani ments of its use as a Preservative and Refresher of the complexion. It lean excellent Lotion for diseases of a Syphilitic Nature, and as an infection for diseases of the L'sinary Organs, arising from habits of dissipation, used In correction with -the extracts Bache, Sarsapa rilla- and catawbs Grape Pills, In such diseases as re commended, cannot be surpassed. Price, Ors Dollar Per Bottle, loU and explicit directions accompany the medicines. Evidence of the most revmstble and reliable cher seer furnished on application with hundreds of thou sands ol living witnesses. and upward of 110,000 unso licited certificate' and recommendatory letters, many of welch are from the highest sources, including emf. vent Physician*, clergymen, Statesmen, etc. The pro. prising . has never snorted to their publication in the newspapers he does not do this from the fact that his articles rank as Standard Preparations, and do not need to be propped up by certilizates, Henry T. Ualmbold% " amino preparation, Delivered to soy addreve. Severs helm o observat4 Established upward of Tweedy Tears. Bold b alas everywhere. Address letters tbr tot eosideace to Ham T, WRIABOLVS, Druseet sad Voiert:-11. T. listssotee Bret : sad etteediA W No ISIN Broseiray„ New Yolk, co 11. T /I .. Xadkil Depot, Da Sollth 'Youth Street, tat OS cotTNTINSEITti I Ask for Brim T ansrpoura 1 who so otticri A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVER! Dr. wALicaws O. LIMCIIINIA T 1 1 \ eI • ' BIT RS d tiandreds of Tlumutinds lA' „,,,, 'a I bear let.? Canters thetr Wanda. p. Camaro =acts. ; I.E i WHAT ARE THEY ? 1g 0 . - '3 . ; i I. 10 • li i i I ' l 0 . 7 ill ., 0 .. 2. 0 LI 1t 1 5 P ' • 2 & 14- 0 . C.) 2 o 1.1 :i ii g 2 ii e ; 0 EP a ; X. 3 f / ir F org g o '2 i 9 ' 'E I THEY ABB NOT A PILL es FANCY DITINK,I4I . ..ot Poor Rum, Whialtem, Proof Spirits and Befoul Liquors datorad..plead sod smut. mad to please the taste. caned" Tonics:. Appetis er,. .. floptorese.. she., that lead the tippler on to drunkanness and ruin. bat ens Una Bedlam. mad. from the nem Itoota sal Verbs of Califorankfroo from all Alcoholic Stimulants. Tay are ma GREAT BLOOD PUIIIFIBIL and A LIVE GIVING PRINCIPLE a perfect ranoratdr and Licigorator of the Iligeteso. carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to s healthy condnion. No person can tato these Bitting according to chum lion and remain long navelL 6100 Idaho given for an hicarable cue, prooltiod the bonos are not deatroyed by mineral poison of other cleans, and tho vital organs srastod beyond tae point of repair. Per Inflammatory and Chronic Rheuma• Item and Gent, DiMartmitt. or /ndiddittleet Bilious. Remittent and intensdittent Foyers Diseases of the Blood. Liver. Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have been most success fa Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated blood, which is generally produced by deranges:sat of tail Digestive Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR /YRIRESTION, Real selte, Pain to the Shoulders., Coughs. Iletti B c BB of the Chest, Dirose.t, Sow Eructations of the Stomach, Bad taste to the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpdatien of the Beset, le B , suvetion of the Lungs, Pala in Ca regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other palatal symptoms, are the offsprings of Dytpopelse They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the tor pid liver end bowels, width redder them atm:squalled efficacy In cleansing the blood of all impurities, and Imparting new life and rigor to the whole system. FOIL SKIN DISEASES, Es - options, Vetter, Salt rheum. Blotches, Spots, Pimples. Pustules, Boils, fad boucles, Ding• Worms, Scald Mead, Sore Eyes. Ey U. alas, itch, lictuft, DisaMorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the hkin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system In a short time by the use of these Bitters. Ons bottle la Inch cues will connate the most incredulous of theS mantis* effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you Ind Its impurities bunting !rough the skin In Pimples. Erup tions or Bores ; cleanse It when you nod It obstructed and sluggish In the veins cleanse It when It Is foul. and your feelings will tell you whim Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. PIN, TA PE and other WORMS, lurking In the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroy ed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle, printed to four lan raacce—English,Gernian, French and Spanish. J. IVALZEIL Proprietor. IL 11. JUDOS/11D it CO.. Druggists and Gen. Agents, Eau Francisco, eed m end 31 Commerce Street, Now Tort.. LT SOLD DT ALL DRVOGISTI3 AND DEAIEL& Oct. 2G-7 ampete SIGN OF THE GOLDEN NORM 2SITTLIVIEI elb N10ZEC13.4 13 , DRUGGISTS, Would respectfully say to the poblla, that In addition t their usual assortment of PURE DRUGS AND .31EDICLTES, they have Paints and Ons. Varnish, Dye-Stufh. Wines and Liquors. Patent Medicines. Spectacles, Rys Warne, Pocket Knives, Razors. violin GultarStringe. Also, Jnet received a fine lot of Revolvers, Gan Caps, Gan Wadding, Cartridges. Se. We keep always , on hand and for 'sale, Blasting Powder, Gan Powder, Me Powder, Tobacco and Cigars of a en• perior qtiallty, and a general aseortment of Yankee No- Ufa.. Or Remember the CHEAP CASH DRUG STORE o Barn. et Nichols. A. B. BURNS, Montrose, Dee. 14,18 M. AMOS NICHOLS STROUD & BROWN'S Fire, Life, and Accident GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, 71licaxtrcbese. Pa.. CAPITAL ItErRESIOrTED, over Home Insurance Co. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus, $4,000,010 Insurance Co. of North America, Pbil'a. Capital anidSnrplus, 2.000,000 Franklin Fire Insurance Co., Phila, Pa., Capital and Surplus, Lyeoming Connty Mutual Insurance Co.of Money, Penn a, Capital and Surplus, 4,000,000 Connecticut Mutual Lifelbstitance Co. of Hartford. Conn.. Capital, 50,000,000 American Lite Insurance Co., Philadel phia, Capital, 1,009,900 Travelers'insoranes Co. Hartford: Coon., Insuring against all kinds of accidents capital. 200,000 Hartford Fire Insurance Company, Hart ford. Conn.. Capital and Stirplus, $2,030,000 elfrAll business entrusted to our care will be attend. ed to on fair terms, and all looses promptly adjusted. OrOffico Oratdoor inset from Banking Office of W. H. Cooper & Co., Turnpike et. Montrose,Pa. STROUD 81 BROWN, Agents. is. C. . 11. Sarni, M Breton, tsp.. Friendsontrosesille, Solicitor. Cass, do 13nr.nros Sermon, CILLIILEI L. Bzows. Montrose, Pa. ,Jan. 11. 1971. UMAT 'SM IP I SJOOO WILL BE PAID. T D any person producing any medicine showing half as many living. permanent cures as Dr. FITLERIS VEGETABLE RHEUMATIC REMEDY. Used toward. only. A pleasant medicine, free from injurious dings. Warranted under oath, to have Immanently cured Win every 103 patients treated in the, past ten years. ((yes testimony). It in the 'elm:tine prearription of Profess or Jos. P. Fitter, M. D., & graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. A. D.. 1831 L—now one of Philadelphia's oldatt regular physicians, and Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology who has made Eenralgta , Chronic, and Inflematory Rheumatism the speciality of his entity prfessional life—• fact 'toadied Car by the signatures se eompanying each bottle of aunt wminent renowned Plikrtielans, clergymen, and other tesdmontals. Topro teet sufferers from poisonous quack nostrums and us• less expenditure of money. • legal sign_ ed gnarante stating ran number of bottles warranted to cure, nail be forwarded grade to any intilbrer sending by letter • fall description of diction. In use of failure to etre, amount paid positively refunded. Medleine sent lint where by express, collect on delivery. Aoudad invited to write for advice all Information and medicated** sent by letter gratis. Principal oface. 29 Booth MOM street, ligilladelphla, Penns, Tho remedy is sold or ot) , tallied by Druggists. • April For Bale by Ann TURRIILL, Montrose Pa. ABEL TMIRELL, Nu rettursed flea Raw Tark millet Imp ga Monti:whim nail stock of ebOino goodi. liclotrome, Far. Si. Mt THERE WERE SOLD IN THE TUB 1810, 8,841 07 Blatchley's Cucumber grzt.zsammi•: - D na.Asaais. 171i7c) c•d 3P12.332.r0g5, IL( EASITRINO 215,566 feet in length, or sufficient in AU the aggregate forA WELL OVER 40111LIE8 DEEP. Simple in constraetion—Easy In Operation Otvtug on Taste to the water—Double—Rellable and Cheap. These Pampa are their own beet recommendation. For sale by dealers in hardware and agricultural implo- Mote. pumbers, Pomp makers, Cc.. through the COOP. try. Cfrettlan, Ac., famished upon application by mail or otherwise. Single Pumps forwarded to parties In towns where I have no agents upon receipt of the regular retell price. In buying, be careful that your Pump bean my trade mark an above, as I guarantee no other. Chas. 131catict12.14,3 0 ". M A NUFACTURER. Odle* and Wareroom. 624 & 026 Pkillinereeets, Philadelphia, Merck 15, 1871.—lim Pa. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, MANSFIELD. T/OGA. CO• PA. English and Classical courses. Terms begin September 7th, December 12th, and March 27th. State appropriations for students. Students ad mitted at any time. Apply to CEIAS. 11. VERRILL, A. M., Mansfield, Pa. Aug. 31, 1870.—1 y HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOCI ATION, For the Belief and cure of the Erring and rofortunate,as Principles of Christian Philanthropy. Eager' on the Errors°, Youth and the Ponies of Age In relation to Marriage and Social Evils. with guitar aid for the emitted. Sent free, In sealed envelopes. Ad dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P. Philadelphia. TALBOT & STAMP, GROCERIES & PROYISIOMS Flour, Salt, Butter, Park, Lira, Ham, Salt Fish, Tallow, Candles, Crackers, Cheese, Coffee, Spices, Choice Tim, Sagan, Hite, Dried and Canned Fruit. Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, and all other stileles usually kept in a first elm Grocery and ProTinton Store. We will mark our Goods es low as we can afford, sad Bell for cash, or eachsaga for produce, PATRONAGE SOLICITED Montrose. Sept. 49, 1871:1.—tf & BEL TrItRELL, DRUGGIST, MaNTROBE, PA. le continually receiving NSW GOODS And keeps constantly on band • full and daatnkl• u sortmout ut genuine DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, LIQUORS, Ratite, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Teas. Spices, and other Ore eerie', Stone Ware, Wall and Window Paper, Glass ware, Fruit Jars, Mirrors , Lampe. Chimney.. Kero sene, Machinery OH, Tanners' OH, Nesistoot Oil, Re fined Whale Oil, Sperm Oil, Olive Oil, Spirits Turpen tine. Varrilsnes, Cynary Seed. Vin egar.Potneh. Conceal, ire led Lye. Az!. Urense, Trmees, Supporters, Idedies- Instruments, Shoulder Braces, Whip., Gnu., Plato's, Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Lead, Gun Caps, Blasting Powder and Fuse, Violins. Strin7s, Bows etc. Mies. Fifes. etc., Pleb Hoots and Lines. Bar and Toilet Soaps, Dar Oils, Hair Restorers. and Bair Dees. Brash's . ] Pocket Knit,. Specinclet,Silver Pleted gpoone.Forks, Knives. /Le. De-Alla( Articles, a general assortment of FANCY GOODS, JEWELRY, and FERMIERS All the leading and best kinds of PATENT 2dEDICTSES, In !short, nearly every thing to restore the risk, So please tho taste, to delight the eye, to gratify the fans', and also to conduce to the real and substantial comforts or life. Ennmeration is Impracticable, as It would fill a newspaper. Call at the Drag and Variety Stare of ABEL TUBBELL. Montrose, Jaa.8,1,70. ptlIE LIQL - 011S. iliumrs NATIVE GRAPE BRANDT. dirt Med strictly pure and a variety of other Brandies Including Cherry Brandy, Cider Brandy, Cc. Nearly 'lithe differ sent kinds of Rum. Holland Gin, old Rye and Bourbon Whiskey. Alcohol, Pore Spirit, Bay Rhin, itc,,ttnistint• ly on hand and for sale by ABEL TtIIMALL. Montrose. "birth Sith, 1869. P/ 4 .4%. 1=1.221 El ZAZA ME OgsF7• arms= Tits coast notes, $60.00e,000 MONTROSE., PIMITA. JOHN S. TABEIELL. proprietor. Eight Stage. leave this Renee daily, conneetingwith the . D. L. 6,W., the Erie, and th e 6, e 1 LeB7 V— high Valley Rap. ST. VIM DANCE arrow TIT ame. A. A. TAYLOII.—NO CURE! NO PAT.-. Bhscan be consnlted at her residence In Bridgewa ter. on the farm adjoining Ex-Sheriff Johnson. But of references given. A. IL TATLOIL Bridgewater. March 22. ifti. tf GOLD JEWELRY. A key, and urge apply. Mantras', Pio?. 4i. 1889 ABEL TIIBEELL A. B. TAIIIIOI, WATCTIMARE ANDJEWELER, Susquehanna Depot,' Pa, Dealer in Watches, Clocks Jewelry, &c. Re pairing promptly done and warranted. FINE SILVER GOODS! made a speciality; Silver Detached Levers for $l2 00. American Watches, at Companies re duced price& co , Goode ordered for parties, from New York, at less profits than if kept constantly on hand. Solid 18 caret Rings for $1 IS per BOX._Penny weight. A. B. M Susquehanna Depot, Jan, 28, 1871. tf. FARM FOR BALE, Containing one hundred and fifty aeres, one hundred under improvement—with good build ings, orchard, &c. &c. Price tote, and terms made easy. Inquire of Montrose, Jan, 4, 1871—tf NEW WALL PAPER, Jut intend; 9d selpncaltstl e is uutm Montrose. Atirtll9..Mt, ao, ei_ONGRENt Vir4W46uum Bitter-Wood's, the Watch-Maker, - Mae street, Montrose, Pa. TALBOT d EITAMP L. 'F. FITCH, or G. V. HEMET