The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 26, 1871, Image 4
Eht turn and efirtOidt• save the Fertilizers. Much Matfer of a fertilizing character . is suffered to go to waste on farms for the' lack of a little care in gathering, preserv ing; and applying it to soil, Being dis trib'uted in small parcels at various points, it is regarded as of little consequence; bat if brought together the severel amounts would assume an importance which the separate parts failed to indicate. If the parcels of manure one frequently aeon about sheds, hog pens and hen roosts, door yards, and the like, were carefully gathered.and applied to the farm and gar den, the products of each would be mater ially increased, while the cost of the gath oringand application would be fully repaid by the superior healthfulness resulting from their remdtaL When this refuse matter is not in a proper state for imme diate use, it should be gathered into heaps for ferchentation—the masses being aug mented from time to time, as material ac cumulates, till the preparation of the wheat ground shall call for its application. Save all should be the ruling idea with the farmer.—Agriculturalist. The Way to Blanket Horses. But few persons comparatively under. atand'how to apply a blanket to a horse to prevent him from contracting a cold. We frequently see blankets folded double and across the rump and part of the ant mars back, leaving those parts of the body which need protection entirely exposed to the cold. Those parts of the body of a horse which surround the lungs require the ben efit of a blanket in preference to its flanks and rump. When we are exposed to a current of cold air, to guard against anv -injury from contracting cold, we shield our shoulders, neck, chest and back. If these parts be protected; the lower parts of the body will endure a degree of cold far more intense, without any injury to the body, than if the lungs were not kept warm with suitable covering. The same thing holds good is the protection of horses. The blanket should cover the neck, withers, and shoulders, and be brought around the breast and buttoned or buckled together as closely as a man buttons his overcoat when about to face a driven storm. Let the lungs of the horse be well protected with a heavy blanket, and he will seldom contract a cold, even if the hindmost parts of his body are not covered. Many of our best teamsters pro tect the breasts of their horses by a piece of cloth, about two feet square, banging down from the lower end of the collar. This is an excellent practice in cold 'then, as the most important part of the animal is constantly sheltered from the cold wind, especially when travelling toward a strong current.. The forward end of horse blankets should be made as closely around the breast of a horse as our garments fit our bodies. Most horses take cold us readily as men, if not blank eted while standing, after exercising suf ficiently to produce perspiration. So long as the horse is kept in motion there is little danger of his suffering from cold ; but allow him to stand for a few minutes, without blanket to protect his shoulders and lungs, and he will take cold sooner than men.—Erchange. tifects of Tobacco Growing. A corresnondent of the Boston Culti vator gives the following testimony show ing that tobacco as one of the crops in a judicious rotation does not impoverish land : In 18E8, I took a crop of tabacco from a piece of land, containing one and n half acre—the exact amount I canunot tell, as it was housed and stripped with other Jots which I hal. In the month of September, sowed to white wheat, and harvested thirty-nine and a quarter bushels of clean good wheat. And now, on June 23d, I have taken off four, large two horse loads of hay, from this' and a quarter acre, the rest having been fed to my cows. Some portions were badly lodged, and lay so flat that even the the mowing machine did not get near all of it. I expect to get as much, or more the next crop. The quantity of tobacco grown on this piece must have been as much as 2,600 pounds, and was sold for twenty-five cents through. In about four years I shall go over the same rota tirm again, i. 0., tobacco twice, then wheat, And seed down, and mow again. The abate is the way our tobacco lands are running out in the Connecticut Valley. 'NE CATTLE DISEASE.—From near the State lihe, dividing New York from 3fas sachusetts, the cattle disease which caus ed the death of several head of cattle at Egremount Plain, a year ago, has reap peared. Dr. Beebe made a post mortem examination of horses, and pronounced the cause of their death to be the cattle disease. Last fall it was thodght the death of cows possibly originated in ft:ed lug in meadows which had been overflow ed by the October freshet, but the cause not existing this year, the theory is ex ploded. Upwards of 20 head of cattle have died of this complaint since its first Li j 1 laox Afroorin PEACH Tutts.—At a recent meeting of the American Institute Farmer's Club, Mr. Wagner who lives ou Long , Island, about fifty miles east of New,York, exhibited some pruning from his orchard to illustrate the effect of put ting iron around trees. Ho took an old place with twenty trees in the orchard, full of dead limbs, with yellow leaves and the crotches oozing thick gum. lie gave the earth it good top-dressing of iron. breaking up old plows and stoves and scattering thefragments. The effects have been marvelous, the trees have renewed their; youth and now look strong and thrifty - The bark is tight and the leaves are greed, and the borer has disappeared. He thinks the slab 9f iron furnaces, ground.' tip and spfedd on orchards would'proveit valnablo feitilitte for fruit trees of All kinds. Query? bow would iron ore. do; Cutting of The Wrong Head. An old farmer was out one fine day looking over his broad acres, with an ale otitis shoulder, and a small dog at his heat They espied a woodchuck. The .doglife chans and drove him into a stone= mak *herb atiod immediately conunenc ,ed: .The dog, would draw the woodchuck eta from the wall; and the woodchuck would take the dog back. The old gentle- Enuea qmpathy getting high'on the side of tluillog,.thought he would help him: So putting himself in positidn with the us r.the dog, he waited (of the ei twintimt of the Woodelinek, wild he *mid cut hint , dottni So in encttfinity and the struck, but the it - chuck gathered up at the Same time, took the dog in far enough to receive the blow, and the dog was killed on the !pot. For years after, the old gentlemanon relating the story, would always add: "And that dog don t know to this day but what the woodchuck killed him." Marrying Young. A few days since a well•dressed and handsome youth, of same eighteen years of age, appeared before one of our sister city magistrates and asked if he could engage his servicesto perform a marital ceremony. The reply was in the affirmative, and the young inert left, buta: shortly afterwards returned, accompanied by a sombre looking female, middle-aged and dressed in black. "Is this lady your mother ?" inquired the magistrate. "Oh, no, sir I this is the lady I desire to marry !" replied the youth, and as the lady drew aside the veil, disclosing a. countenance wrinkled and sere, but on which for the moment gleamed a sort of icy smile. " Indeed!' " Oh, yes, sir." " But are you of age ?" "Not yet; but this Indy is my guar dian." "And she gives her consent?" " Yes, sir." The magistrate was in a quandary. He didn't know exactly what to do. He ha ted to sacrifice the youth, and join the bright-faced May to the gloomy. icy De cember. "Isn't this rather a strange un ion ?" he asked. "Not at all," replied the expectant bride. " I have a large amount of prop erty which I desire to leave this young man. As I have relatives who might dis pute the will ‘vere I to give it to him as a legacy, I prefer to marry him." "Are you content to marry this woman for her money'?" asked the justice. "Well I wouldn't marry her for any thing the !" frankly replied the boy lov er. "She ain't pretty." And without more ado the ceremony was concluded, The Art of Cousthlng. A country gentleman lately arrived in town, immediately repaired to the house of a relative, a lady, who had married a merchant. The parties - were glad to see him, and invited him to make their house his home, as he had declared his intention of remaining in town only aday or two. The husband of the lady, anxious to show his wife's relatives every courtesy he could, took the gentleman's horse to a livery stable. Finally his visit became a visita tion, and the merchant found, after the lapse of five days, besides lodging and boarding the gentleman, a pretty consid erable bill had run up at the livery sta ble, Accordingly, he went to the man who owned the livery stable and told him when the gentleman took the horse h would pay the bill. 'Very well,' said the stable keeper, Understand you." Accordingly in short time, the country gentleman went to the stable and ordered his horse to be got ready. The bill. of course, was presented to him. 'Oh,' said the gentleman, my relative will pay this.' 'Very good, sir,' said the stable keeper, `please get an order from Mr. It will be the same as the money.' The horse was put np again, and away went the country gentleman to the store where the merchant kept. `Well,' said he, am going„„ now.' 'Are yon r said the gentleman. 'Well good bye, sir.' Well, about my horse; the man said the bill must be paid for his ketping. Well, I suppose that is all right, sir.' Yes—well, but sou know I am your wife's cousin.' • Yes,' said the merchant, 'I know you are, but your horse is not: A Man With Six Wives. The Erie (Penn.) Alvalch, "shows up" the matrimonial adventures of a trav eling 31. D., whose pompous manner and volubility of tongue have given him the name of Dr." Whistlewind; bat whose real name is Lyman P. Taylor, who is the husband of six wives and the father of children innumerable. Among his vict ims is a woman ip Troy. The Doctor is a shoemaker by trade, and his first mat rimonial venture was with an actress in a circus. The charms of a pretty Quaker ess induced him to desert his wife and their two children, and he married the former, living with her until her death, which was caused - by the explosion of a kerosene lamp. The Doctor next married his seri ant girl. He then eloped with a patient from Syracuse, a Mrs. Dasenbury, for whom he seems to have had a genuine affection, living with her for the long I period of fifteen years. The Doctor next turned up at lansingburgh, where he represented himself to be a widower. He was poorly clad and seemed to have suffer ed hard tunes. He there opened a medi cal office, and became acquainted with Mrs; Francis M., who became his fifth wife, and who, since 'earthly" his true et character, is likely either to bring him to justice, or to make the country too hot to hold him. He married her in Troy four years ago, one of his sons and a Mrs. King being the witnesses. She was worth $B,OOO, and gave hirii $l,OOO as a wedding present to set up a country shoe store in North Corinth; but he ran through it, laid around drunk, and in a few months had only a few dollars left. Before leav ing North Corinth; however, an officer mime with a warraut tit obtaining goods under false pretenses. lie appealed to his wife, and she paid $475 to save him from punishment. While getting ready to em Erie, wife No. 4, - Mrs. Dusen bury, made her appearance and demand ed that he should come and live with her. and her three children. He denied in presence of No. 5, that he had been mar ried to No. 4. She said she could bring proof enough, but if he would do some thing for the support of the children she would not prosecute. He had swindled a shoe manufacturer in this city out of over a hundred dollars worth of goods, and these he packed in a box and told his late companion to take them and sell them-for the benefit of herself and child. ren. lie then Started for Brie with wife No:s, but after a Abort timeTmarried a sixth wife in that plate and put for vats unknown. The lad tinifi be Was heard from, he was ih Bouth Bend; Indiana. 'The Troy lady end Wife. No. 4 ,tife both atter him, and he can hardly hope to cape—at least fiddi the clutches of the former: I\7OT/CE t 1 tfd'gol thei liffecton of the 11 Odd Yell/Ate' Will iiiiidelatickg _be .hell at Odd Allows Hen tie 'Moltday.Atell 17 • 1871 -at.73" ig: 1 . • rflrdt!, 1/371.—=24. • &et* &el% gew Attrationituts. $l. TO '4310 PER DAY. IigN,..WONEM who orlioWeinournsw tautness soaks bozoto $lO day In their own Incsittles. Fall particulars NU te S r Mitt tree by malt. Tema In mud of ruminant. roars work, &mai addrass atonce. Ormuz &ram a Cto., lostland, 40 WEEIDIFOR ONE DOLLAR! Th 9 ANKEICAN UNIIAL NONE from A{3llll, M.— A lint Clue Elett•Page. Artlealtand and Family Weekly. Specimen Free. HOPKINS & Roanler, N. Y. DDs.9. 9. FITCIIII Family IThydelso ; 90 pages; lent by mall/tee. Teal bats bow to ears all Mimes of the pavon ; Wu. lair, eyea.cotoplazltnt. Write to 114 Broadway. New York. HAND AND MACHINE SEWING. J. & P. COATS' 13 DES SI °P ' SIX-CORD IN ALL NUMBERS, From No. 8 to No. 100 Inclulve. War SESekie 133 r ALL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. BLOOMINGTON. (ILL.) • NURSERY. 1 9 .., YU eni 6OO Aacs . I Be l at Stock! i2 Low t r . ! Would ion know what, when, how to plant! Fruit, shade, evermeen trees, roots, grails, seedlings, Osage plants, apple seed, early Ilo.c potatoes,shrobs, gmuhonae and olden plants, de de., FLOWER and VEGETABLE BUMS finest, best collection—aorta and quality. Send 10 cents for New. Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue-00 pages. Send stamp, each kw Catalogues of Seeds, with plain directions—ad pages ; Bedding and Garden Planta-1W pages. and Wholesale Price List-24 pages. Address F. K. PMENIX, Bloomington, Illinois. 1513.133:115 z ISLIEIXECIISS itrAMEET Gardeners wanting fresh and reliable Seeds MEL should bay of the growers. We grow the finest r. draw of Beet, Cabbage, Carrot Sager Co. rn Kale, Let. teen, Melon, Onlon,_Parsalp, Radish, Spinach. Sash, Tanalp and other Vegetable &NIL Catalogues with Price Llst mailed tree. WADE ,t ARMSTRONG, Seed. men, 1103 Market street Philadelphia, Pa. FRAGRANTSAPOLIENE (ILIUM; Rid Glavin and all kinds of Cloths and Cloth k./ ing; removes Paint, Grease Tar, Ac.. instantly, without the lean injury to the finest fabric. Sold by Dntuesteand Fancy G oods Dealers. FRAGRANT BA POLLENS CO., 33 Barclay fit., New York, 48 LaSalle-Bk, Chicago. . 1826 PO " IiII T LIR " 1171.8114. , 1.870 The old standard remccir for Coughs. Colds, Consump tion. ••.Toilfing Better, Curtin Bnoa, 6 Co., Boston. V I MOAB, How made In 10 hours, without drays, l'artlonlara 10 cent,. F, Saas,Cromwell, Conn. 9iiiliiii99l9l TO TILE WORKING CLASS.—We are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at home, the whole of the time or for the spare momenta. Madness new, light, and profitable. Persons of either see easily earn from Me. to $5 per evening, and a pro portional cam by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls as n nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their addreu, and but the business., we make the noparalled offer: o such as are not well satlefled, we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Pull particnlara, a valuable 'ample which will do to commence work on, and a copy of The !r pi e Literary Companion—one of the largest and beat family newspapere ever published—all rent free by mail. Reader, if you want permanent, profita ble work, address B. C. ALLENI& CO., Augusta Maim. Elswcztoararicir.—Any lady or gentleman can makem a month. secure itvir own happiness and, indepen dence, by obtaining FSYCHOMANCY, FASCINATION, or bOUL CHARMING. 400 pages; cloth. Full Instructions to floe the power over men or animals at will, bow to Memories, become Trance or Writing Mediums, Divination, Spititusliem. Alchemy. Philosophy of Omens and Dreams. Brigham Young s Harem. Guide to Marrlag,e, Ac.. all contained In this book; mono sold; price by mail, in cloth $1 2.i". paper covers p. Hansa.—Any person willing to act as agent will receive a sample copy of the work free. As no cap ital is required. all desirous of genteel employment should send for the book. enclosing 10 eta. for pa•tage, to T. W. EVANS A CO., 41 South Sat St., Philadelphia. A VOID QVCKS.—A victim of early Indiscretion, 6A. causing nervous debility, premature decay. de.. having trite' every advertised rctnedy , has a simple means of telt-care. which he will rd 'aifree to his fellow sufferers. Address J. U. TUTTLE. ;a Nassau Feb. tat, 1871.-4,0 r 000,000 Worth of Goods in Marc for the opening of the Fall Trade of 1870, in a full and general assortment of Ladies and Graf Dress, and Furnishlug, and Fang, Coeds In aons, Deana, Merinos, Andlns, Calms, Shasta, Corsets, =bossed Felts, and /Lop Skirts, Ladles and Cents Furs. Buffalo Robes, Feeney Lap Beres, °fedi assortment Candmeres. Ladies*Crollus, Flannels, Hosiery, /romans eselons, d'e, dr. with a general assortment of Hats and Caps, Boots it Shoes, Oils and Paints, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Stoves, Iron, sc, ihrnish ing a superior opportunity for selections, and will be sold on the most favorable terms, by MIC. mrcrmia.x.rp. ew 1,11115=1. Nov. 00,1110, DOWN TOWN NEWS MINER .4.21" D COATS, .Sala Street, 5 doors below Boyd's Corner. Montros FLOUR, GROCERIES, AND PRO VISIONS. We are constantly ree lying a nd now have onhand, iamb stock of Goode in our lit e, which we willed] CHEAP! CHEM ! CHEAP ! forca.b.orezehATo orproduce. GOOD TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, • FISH, LARD, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER ce TIMOTHY SEED, .fie Wn.bsee refitted and made additions to our Stock o Pails. and are now forward Butter to the beet 'commission houses in New York.tree of cbarge, sad mskr I iberaladrancemente on consignments. Call and cumin eon r Stock before purchasing else where. andconvinceyourselses oftbe GOOD QUALITY it LOW PRICES of our floods. C. 0. MINER, • - Montrose. April le- IMO DENTISTRY C. L. RACKET 'S Dental booms. New !Mined. Pa. Parties's/attention e' co to an operations on the nano cal teeth. Artificial - Teeth tniertcd to an the various ylea now in use. Perfect satisfaction guarantied to all. Vote and see me, and satisfy younelves. Office boon. ours each day. Wan. fi„ 180 —ly A. B. TABBOX, WATCIINAICEBANDJBWkLEII, Susquehanna Deritti:;N: Dealer in Watches, ClockJewehi, Be pairing promptly done and Warranted. FINE BILVEB, UOODSI nude a speciality; t3svef Detielial berms for $lB Olt Anlerlean Watch's% at Catlffinks re. dttilekrieek &deed forir p titri ffoM . New York; at led pitfall hand: Solid 18 caret if constantly on t Rings &r ill 75 Pg_PeonY. Wei ht; _ A. B. T.6.8.50L ciaftnelnoratt . Saii. 25,1871. tr. EA ! via* kind of p . Diaitotais those, =a 97 moist Sew Yolk w 41 , prke.. Also • trio is , artfoest at COVIIITS; Bds of %and aircw&mi mar: • AniturmarA EU TV "vt. CALL r AT ROBINSON'S SOUTHERN TIER 39 1 11:171..myritri-cm • EMPORIUM, 88 Washington Street, Binghamton, N. Y. Where you will find The Largest Stock, the Beat Assortment, and the Lowest Prices of any house in the city. N. B.—All Goods sold warranted as represen ted. Binghamton, Aug. 24, 1870.—1 y Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Par DIMIESOIIof the 'Throat and bap. inch 'as o=o4 Calla. linicagnis Cough Bronchitis. Asthma. Probably never before in the whole history el medleine,has anything won so Widely and so deeply upon the confidence of mankind, as this excellent remedy ler pulmonary complaints. Through a long series °freers, and among moat of the races of men it haraisen higher and higher in their esttma. Lion, as it %as become better known. Its uniform character and power to cure the various affections of the lungs tad throat; have made it known as a re , liable protector against them, Mite adapted to milder firms of Mame and to young children, it is at the same tine the most effectual remedy that can be given for Incipient consumption, and the dew gums atrectittis of the throat and lungs, Asa pro. vision against Sudden attacks of Croup, it should be kept on hand In every fatally, and indeed as all are sometimes abject to colds and coughs, should be provided with this antidote for them. Although settled Consonsption Ii thought ln. curable, still great numbers of cases where the dbs• ease seemed settbd, bare been completely cared, and tho patient rtstorcd to sound health by the Cherry, Pectoral. do complete is its mastery over the dlsordeca of the Lungs and Throat, that therinost obstinate of them yield to it. When not* tog else could reach them, under the Chewy Pes feral they subside and disappear. gisscperirWad Puetis fipaakors And great pro teetion from 11. Asthma Is always tellaved and often wholly awed by It. Drorsehttie is generally eared by taking ate C'kerry Peetorat Memel and hwprent doses, For a Cough and Cold. no better remedy eon be had. Take smaildoses three thnee a day and put the feet In wade water at night, tmtU the disease Is broken up Per influarurs, ',hen It abets the threat or Naga, take the umnree. For Whooping anyk., give mall doves three or four times a day., rot. Croup, givelarge and frequent doses until Cho disease is mamma No thmily should bo without the Cherry Porto. forl on hand to protect than, in case of attack, from the above complaints. Its timely coo often spares the patient a great amount of suffering and risk, which be would incur by waiting until he coal get other aid. Parents,kcep it fn your homes toy the asigencies that arise. Lisa dear to you may be saved by It fio generally are its virtem known, that we need not publish certificates of them here, or do more than imam the public that the best qualities it ever possessed are strictly maintained. Prepared by Ds J. C. Am & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Maas., and sold W round the world. Street, New York Sold by Abel Tourll, and Borns & Nichols Montrose, and all druggists end dealers every where. [Dee. 21, 1870--y Guttenberg, Rosenbaum d 'Co Would reepeethilly all your attention to their Fall and Winter Goods which for •arlsty of Styles clever has Dolga excelled le DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, CLOAKIND'HATERIALS, FLAN NELS, WHITE GOODS, DOMESTICS,:&c. IVerarer 117 1 17 ams • Matter. IN MILLINERY GOODS Taftautad and untrimmed LAW and Child' • Hata, Flowers. Feathers, black and colored Velvets, blehons. Lc. &a paver ajar. handsome. IN Ladles' and Children's FCRNISIIING GOODS. Skirts, Corsets, Gloves, Ilandkerehtvls. Collars and Cuffs. Merino Wrapper*. Hosiery and Knit Goads, cheaper than for the lasi ten years. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! For lien. Youths, and Dope • Nil and complete stock. Men'a tall sotto from 1:0 to sm. OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS! I=l Of all the different grades, and at all prices morns, CABSDIEILES, ISIVIVISES, Ate. for Custom We take mamma and get tip garments to order In good ork. style, and warrant good llAing and sattaractory w . GE (TS' FURNLSII7I4O GOODS. White end Flannel Shirt; Merino Wrappers & Draw era. Handkerchief; Dom; Llrom and Viper la4lars & Undo, Burpender; Gkrres, Umbrella; Tnanka & Satch els in peat moiety. Yea deg*, of the Isfelf dile and grant In •ut ao Oar Stock has been selected with we, and as waft, our goods In largo ate we frequently gave from inliasing 101010 Ear ant. . As we ask as man stow gut ithoyo coot so Au: 04oz auk ar wUI Saks. we out PINY disomtpo good bargains, and win nuke it for - 7 11 1 4-' l4 "haduiviii • gAdt . • - 44 ask toil W. 4ft thit and comps:Lan ollototot ti, Mir+litirk. TOW STOCK OF MI, place. Oar assortment of IleTs AND CAPIN HENRY T. HaMBOLD'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. Component Parte—Flnid Extract Rheu barb and Fluid Extract Oalaw ba Grape Juice. FM Liver Complaint, Jaundice, 131Ilicum Affections, Blck or Nervous Headache. Coitiveness, etc. Part ly ilegataAs, containing no Mercury. Athletes or Del merlons Drugs. These pills are the most delightfully pleaseet p_urga live, superseding castor oil. salts, magnesia. etc. There la nothing more acceptable to the stomach. They give tone. and - cense neither omits nor griping pains. They are composed of the finest ingredients Alter • few days' use of them. each an invigoration of the entire system taken place as to appear miraculous, to the weak and enervated. whether arising from imprudence or dis ease. H. T. Itelmbold's Compound Plaid Extinct Ca tawba Grape Pills are not engar coated, from the fact that sugar coated Pllis do not dissolve, but pan through the stomach without dissolving. consequently do net produce the desired effect. THE CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS, being pleasant In taste and odor, do not neces sitate their behig sugarcoated. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOE„, HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S lIIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOtNJ FLUID EXTRI4'T SARSAPARILLA Will radically exterminate from the system Scrofahs, Syphilis, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Sore Eyes, Sore Legs, Sore Month, Sore Road Bronchitis, Skin Disease, Salt Rheum, Cancers, Runnings from the Ear, White Swell ings, Tumors, Cancerous Affections, Nodes, Rickets, Ofandtalar Swellings, Night Sweats, !.eh Totter, Hu mors of all kinds, chronic Itheinattsm, Dyspepsia, and all diseases that have been established in the system for yaws. Being prepared expressly fir the afore complaints, its blood-purifying proyeets ore greater than any other preparation of ehriarrtUA, It circa the complexion a clear and tabby co or. and restores the patient to a state of health and purity, for purifyfog the blood. re• moving all chronic constitutional diwaries arising from an Impure state of the blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy fur the cure of pains and swell. Ing of the bones. Ulcerations of the throat and legs. Blotches, Pimples on the Face,. Eryelpeles and all seal/ eruptions of the fkin, and beautifying the compleXlon. Pries $1 60 per bottle. ILENRY T. 11E1,31BOIAYS' CONCEN'TRATED 21 1 11.zi.c1. XClstrek.cot 33u.cilsio.. Tits GREAT DIURETIC, Ras cured every care of Diabetes In which It has been e'en, Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder and Inflam mation of the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of trine, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder. Calculus Gravel, Brick duet Deposit, and Mucnons or Milky discharges, and for en feebled and delicate constitutions of both sexes, attend ed with the following sputa ,ros: Indisposition to ex triton, loss of power, lons of memory, difficulty of breathing, weak nerves, trembling, horny: of disease. wakefulness, dimness of vision, pain In the hack, hot hands, flushing of the body, dryness of the skin, eruption on the race, palild conntenance, universal lassitude or the muscular system. etc. Used by persons from the ages of eighteen to twenty eve, and front thirty-five to fifty-five or In the decline or chancre of life •, aft., cotelinvment or labbr pains; bed wetting In children. Heimbolers Extract Dacha Is Diuretic and Blood Pu rifying, and cum all diseases arising from habits of o strAtlor t s d es:lex e ce w ases .. and I: l ?mde o ner b, l n n i lif i t i e fr inz . nri i ti fo ce; which It Is need, and gp m isillN i c llff:tlons— o In these dio cesans cued In eunneetien with lielmbelers Bose Wash. LAMPS. In many affections peculiar to ladies, the Extract Pe- Roche le unequalled by an, other remedy—ss le Chloro els or Retention. Irregularity. painhalnew or suppression of cuetomary emelt:Winne. ulcerated or &hints state of the Uteri o. I,ncontrea or Whites, sterility. and for all complaints incident to the ger-. whether adder from in- Memnon or habit& of dissipation. It is proscribed ex tensively by the mostetninent physicians and midwives. for enfeebled and delicate constitutions, of both seam and all apes (attended with any of the shore diseases or symptomsy. • n. T. LIELIIBOLD'S EXTRACT BEICIIU Cares diseases arising from impredenee, habits of dis sipation, ete., in all their stages, at link expense, little or no change In diet, no inconvadence, and no exposure. It amuse frequent desire. and gives strength to minats thereby rese.onog obstructions, preventing and curing 'dictums of the Urethra. ellayingpaktand Inflammation, so frequent In this class of disease, aid expelling all poleonaus matter. Thousands who have been the victims of Incompetent person., and who have paid heavy fees to be cured In • short time, have found they have been decayed. and that the " poison" has, by the use of " powerful as dements." been dned up In the eystem, to break out In a more ag gravated form. and perhaps after montane. USE lIELAIBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCEIC for all affec timn and diseases of the ri nary Organs, whether =tering in Male or Female. from whatever muse originating, and no matter of how I,,e g standing. Price, One Dollar and Filly Cents per Bottle. BENET T. DEMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASII, cannot be surpassed as a Face Wash, and will bo found the only speclac remedy in every species of Cutaneous Affection. It speedily eradicates Pimples, Spot., Scrubutic Drytiesa, Induration, of tho Cutaneous Mem brane, ria.,dispehr Redness ar d Incipient leihmmation, Hives, Bash, Moth Patches, Dryness of Salves or Skin, Frost Bites, and ail purpose. Err which or Oint ments are used; restores the skin to a state of purity and softness, and futures continued healthy action to Oa vessels, o n which depend' the agreeable clecruess and vivacity of complexion so mush sought and ad mired. But however valuable aa a remedy for existing defects of the skin. IL T. Hemboit'a Rose Wash has long unstained Its principle claim to unboundedpatron age. by possessing qualities which render It a toilet ap peter combining n In an of tho most Ruminative and con-anis! chase elegant formals Ambient to easitea, ferrety and efficacy—the invariable accompani ments or Its use as a Preservative and Refresher of the complexion. It luau excellent Lotion for diseases of • Syphilitic Nature, and as ab Injection for diseases of the Unwary Organs arising from habita of dissipation, used In convection with the extracts Bubo, Sarsapa rilla. and catawba Drape Pills, in inch disease.* as re commended, cannot be imputed. Price, One Dollar Per Bottle. Fall end explicitirections accompany the medicines. Evidence of the most, responsible and fellable char acter ihrnished on application. with hundreds of thou sands al living witnesses, and dotard of 1110,00) tune. of t i o ed m c b e a d o D s o te m e th em e and i r g ec h o e m st m s e o n u d rc at e o s ry ncudisng mnm neat puteidans,ciergymep, Statesmen, etc. The pso prietor has never resorted to their publication to the newsimPern be does not do this from the fact that his artielos lung as Standard Preparations , sod do not wet to bo propped up by caliticutess, Henry T. lialmboldt inane Preparatipn. , • Delivered to any address. Secure from observatioD. Established upward of Twenty Tons. Sold by Lint. gists wrelywhenr. • Address letters for tntoonstion, In CbIVO t to OEM T: HEL11801.111; Dtbgedtezd ' ly lie:pdhii—li Wlll4•arth Ti di Erni andthe • saal anol Ems Tout or r T 41=54 Won% Taa l is t. BAWS I M COIndidtPLITBI Ask tot flint ? ilualsow'el take nu other • A OREAT MEDICAL DISCOVER! Dr. WALICE:ro.I C. VINEGAR BITTERS Bundr . edsd Thousands r . %Woods:. C. P`f 111 MIR i __a 11 0 ■• k t gag ■• n r. Ivl r../ Pe 4os li4 aa ot % 0 E TEM AIM NOT A vas l ' l e FANCY DRINK.Pg ibei• or l'oar lbws. Whiskey. Peon( Beillia and Itefinia Liquors doctored. rotted and Nec t. mod to please the tuts. celled a Toolcs.""dpperz aro hanonsts," ed., that lead the tippler oo to drunkonmess aad rain, but aro a into ifedleine, ZW4I:I from the Nunn) Hoots cad Butts of California, [lvo from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are tho GREAT 11100 D Pill/IVIED. and A LIDS GIVING FILINCIPLE a perfect neltollllo, Ltd Invigorator of tho Systole. carrying off all poisonous matter and in:storing the blood to slieslthy condttion. No person can tako these Bitters according to Circa thin taut remain loop unwell. 8/00 Irina given loran incorablo me, ;marbled Da bona aro not destroyed by mineral poboo or oil= moans, and tho vital orgaas wasted beyond do point of retudr. Par Inflammatory and Chronic Rheum.+ time sad Dont, Dyspepsia, or indigestion. Billens, Remittent and intermittent Foyers Diseases of the Blood. Liver, Kidney., end Bladder. these glitters have been most succors. teL Dinh Diseases are caused by Yltlnted Blood, which is geninnitly produced by derangement of the Digestive Orgsea. DYSPEPSIA on ISHIGESTIOY, Head Rho, Pain In tbs 13betilders, Coughs, Tightness of the Mies; Dinsiness, Sour Eructation/ of the Stomach, Bad taste In the Youth, Salons /Maas, NVIIOIIOO Of the Heart, Infilimmation of the Lungs, Pain In the regions of the Eldncys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the enprings of Dyspepsia. They Invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the tor pid liver and bowels, which render them of uneenalled efficacy In cleansing the blood of all impunities, and Imparting new life sad vigor to the whole system. BOIL 5K131 DISEASES, Eruptions, Tette?, Salt rheum. Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Platnles, Bolls, Eta boucles, Ding-Worms, Scald-need, Bore Eyes, Eryslyv elm, Itch, Beres, Dlsosioratioms of the Skin, humors and Diseases of the bkIO. of whatever name or nature, giro Messily dug up and canted out of the system to a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle to such COMB Will COISTIZICO the most Incredulous of their Math, affect. Cleans the Vitiated Blood whenever you dad its Impuritlrs bursting brough the akin in Pimples, Ern,. lions or Bores ; aurae It when you And It obstructed and slugglsh is the veins; cleanse It when It Is foci, and your feelings will tell you when. Seep the blood pare and the health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPE and othm- WORMS, lurking In the system of so many thonminds.lll9 effectually destroy ed and removed. For full directions, real carettily OA circular around each bottle, printod fu four inn. au4gt ..- agltah,German. French and SPkuask f. WA.LICEII, Proprietor. R. 11. IdcDONALD it co?. Druggists and Gen. Agents. Ban Francisco, Cat, mul ICI antl.74 Commerce Street, New York. ED - SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALER& Oct. 213—y empetc SIGN OF THE GOLDEN NORTAR • - _OO XSTJFIL.IVEI/ - ma-rearscizAeo, DRUGGISTS, Would respectfully soy to the ptitlto, that to addition t their asnal assortment of PURR DRUGS AND ITEDICLNES, they have Paints and Oils. Varnish, Dye-Stuffs, Wines and Liquors, Patent Medicine*, Spectacles, Rye Glansora. Pneket Ralvre, Razor., Violin & Guitar Strings. AI., just reeelved a tine lot of Revolvers, Gun Capv. Gun Wadding, Cartridge*, &c. we keep alwaj~ae on hand ant for 'vale, Elastfng Powder, Gan Powder., Rifle Powder. Tobseen said Cigars of ■ en perlor quality, and a general assortment of Yankee dons. rErßemember Ms CIIEAP CASH DREG STORE 6 Bums & Nichols. A. B. BURNS Montrose, Dee. 14, 1117/. AMOS NICIIuLB STROUD intolviVs Fire, Life, and Accident I GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, rhScoaatz-creso. .W.l*. CAPITAL. REPRESENTED, over Homelnsurance Co. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus. $4,000,0t0 Insanities of North America, Phil'a, Capital and SOrphts, 2,000,090 Franklin Flrelnsumnce Co., Philo, Pa., Capital and Surplus, I.7COMIDS County Mutual Insurance Co.of Money, Penn'a, Capital end Surplus, 4,000,000 Connecticut Mutual Life insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn., Capital, 30,006,000 American Life Insurance Co., Philadel phia, Capital. 1,000,000 Travelers'lnanrance Co. Hartford. Conn., Insuring against all kinds of accidents Capital, MAIO Hartford Fire Insttrance Company, Hart ford. Conn., Capital and Surplus, $2. 1 :00,0013 Err All business entrusted Co oar care will be attend ed to on fair terms, and all losses promptly adjusted. Or °Mee firstdoor east from Banking Office of W. EL Cooper & Co., Turnpike it. Montrose,Ta. STROUD it BROWN, Agents. M. C. Parrot. asp., Priendsvllle, Solicitor. Cnas. H. Satan. Montrose. do Elmusas &runup, Crum.= L. Buoys. Montrose, Pa. ,Jan.ll. 1871. FURNITURE ESTABLISIIMENT OF WILLIAM W. SMITH. PLNAIII rrszts ISOTICI : The extensive Fan:More Establishment of WlMem W. Smith. having been refitted and greatly improved, the proprietor respect fully anaemia:ate the citizens of Montrose and vicini ty, that he is constantly making and keeps an band the largestand best ussorrtment of ' Cr 1ir17.1=1.30 to be found anywher this side of New York City. Desks, Divans, Towelracks. Lounge/ Footstools ac. OrCer Lard, Pace. Toilet, Din leg. Kitchen and extension tables. Calms—Cana and Woodscat Rockery. Cane, Flag and Woodsuts of every variety and style. Sofasand Tetot-tetes, furnished on short notice.— Canesent chairs resealed. SPRING • BEDS. A lugs assottment—eheapastend best in the marks Cane. Beat Chairs, Iran tow enabled eastomeri with a new rabstantialesne seat dist ,of home manufacture. which wilibe Mind greatly superior to those formerly in Inarket,sedyet are *old et a 1080 Vice. CANE-SEAT CHAIRS RE•SEATED. or /lead, made coffins on hand furnished at short notice. Hearse gimpy, in readineu If desired. I employgone butearcihi and experiencegwOrkmen, lintendto do Mywork woll, and sell it as low as can be agerded. . WILLIAM it 74 slam montraseivoteito. JEW.IIIII 'MUM /Hess Weal; soil IN ins YEAR islo, 13,841 OF Blatehlers Clitownb6l a r.n9E3 0• • =Se . TRiTc)c)4l. I m uacaroms, IUFEASERING 213468 feet in length. or sufficient la IVJL the aggregete for A WELL OVERSOMILES DESPi Simple in o3nstniction—Easy in Operation Giving ou Taste to the water—Durable--iteltable and Cheap. These Pumps are their own best recommmtdation. For sale by dealers in hanlware and agricultural Imple ments. pumbeni, Pump makers, through th e coun try. Circulars, Lc., furnished upon application by mall or otherwise. Single Pumps forwarded to parties in towns when 1 have no agents upon receipt of the regular mail mice. In buying, be careful that your Pomp bears my waif mark as above u I guarantee no other. Clowns. 8. 3 3 / 4 014.0211./InVir ItANUFACTIIIIER; Office and Wetmore, 624 dr. 626 Plallbert4ll.4 Philadelphia, March Its, 1871.-3 m Pa. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, MANSPIELD. TIOGA CO- PA. English and Classical courses. , Terms be n September 7th, December 12th, and March 27th: State appropriations for students. Students ad , nutted at any time. Apply to CHAS. H. VERRILL, A. M.. Mansfield, Pa. Aug. 31, 1870.—1 y HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOCI. ATION, For the Itallefand core of thc Enincladynfortnnutte,off Plinciples of Cbristlaa Itillirtibropy. Down on the Errors of Yonth and the reties of Age In relation to Marriage an Bertha tells. with senile aid for the atilicteLL deni fret. In pealed envelopes. Ad drove ASSOCIATION, Box P. Philadelphia. TALBOT & STAMP, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Flour, Sall, Mater. Pork. Lira, Dam, Salt Fish, Tallow, Candlap, Crackers, Cheese, CoZee, Sphxs, Choice Tea., Sugars, Rice, Dried rod Caroled Fruit. Tobacco, Cigna, Snuff, and all other articles usually kept to a - drat class Grocery and Trovielon Stoic. We will mark oar Onods as low no wa an afford, and sell Sorel:ash, or excbause for produce, I'AfRONAGE SOLICITED Monteoee; Sept. 29. ISO.—tf ABEL TITRIIEI,L, DRUGGIST, MOXTROSE, P d. Is continually rocehring NEW GOODS And keeps constantly on hand • full and destrabla ra sornneut ol geuuloe DRUGS, ILEDICENES, CHEMICALS, LIQUORS, Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Teas. Spices, and other Bros cerise, Stone name, Wrill and 1% indow Paper, Glass ware, Erna Jars. Mirrors, Lamps. Chimneys, Here , sene,lllar.hinery Oil, Tonners' Oil. Nesisfoot Oil, Re fined Whale Oil. Sperm Oil. Olive Oil, Spirits Turpen tine, Varnisnes, Cynary Seed. Vinegar-Potash. Calmed; ra led Lye. Axis Grease, Trusses. aupporters,Diedies. instruments. Shoulder Braces, Whips, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Lead, Gun Caps, Blasting Powder and Fuse, Mulls,, Strings, Bows. etc. Flute., Fifes. etc., Fisk Books and Lines,Bar and TolletSospr, Hair Oils , Hair Restorers. and Bair lives. Broglie-al Pocket Reds.. Spectacles,Silver Meted Spoons,Forkii, Raises. be. Deatiet Articles, a general assortment of FANCY GOODS, JEWELRY, and FERFI73IIERY. All the Loading and licit kinds of PATViT MEDICLIKS, in short, nearly every thtng to restore the elek, to please the taste, to delfght the eye, to gratify the fancy, and tlro to conduce to the real and tuba:andel comforts of life. Enumeration to impracticable as it would In a newspaper. Call at the Drug and Variety Store of liontrose, Jai:1,5,1450, $6110(0400 pURE LIQUORS. antra NATIVE GRAPE BRANDT, distilled strictlypare; and a variety of other Brandies. Inch:ding Cherry }trendy, Cldor Brandy, Cc. Nearly all the differ• sent kinds of Burn. Holland tile, old Rye and Bourbon Whiskey. Alcohol,Pare Spirit., Bay Rum, 4c,, constant. ly on band and for sale by ADEL TERRELL. Montrose, March 94th„18039. ,i;•sci9 - - I 1840 / 1870 AFamily Medicine.—We mill the attention of on? readers to the adecrtieem cuts of that favorite home remedy. Perry Davie-PAIN KILLER. It has been be. for the public over Timmy Tisza, and probably tout I wider and better reputation than any other proprietary medlcineaf the present day. At Ulla period there are but few unacquainted with the merit/tot therein Elliott but while some extol It as a liniment, they know but little of Its power to cuing pain whoa taken Internally. while others nut It Internally with great succees, but are equally Ignorant of its hailing Marten when applied ax. Mentally. We therefore. wish to ray to all tall It N cqu Ily sucraysful whetherueed Internally or externally, and It elands unrivalled bv all the great catalogue of Fondly Medicines. It la endlelent evidence of tin virtue as a standard medicine, to know that it Is now used in all parts of the world, and that its vale Is We. 'tautly Increasing. No curative agent has had suck widespread sale, or given Ruch unlearnt satisfaction. It Is a prt ely.vegetablo compoilnd. and pinball sal. even in unskillful bands. BT. VITUS' DANCE CU*Eb Y MRS. A. A. TAYLOR.—NO CURE NO B abeam be consulted at her residence In Brlciaroww. ter, on the tam adjoining ilis.dtteriff Johnson. Best of references even. A. Az TAYLOR, Bridgewater. March 224 1811. tr GOLD JEWELRY. A New and larre enpplt, lionteckseiNoe.ll. AilegtiNtudir IMATElftgrt 01.CLIIPORD.110111111IP BOBNY FUND. As presented by the BALA Of Threat. Gm March 11141411: Anoint of Bounty nnpslo.l.lereh 111t.CO Amount In Collector's horde, net eolleeted..... MO 41 Anoint retrillning In Dlseetet,s Candy MS 10 Amodnt to De presided for t- ,_• • 13/1101BL ABNOLD Slidlterr T W.:ATKINSON - Cibbra. M l l/1 1 11,101. W. F. WILSON, TALBOT & BTAMr. AI2tEL IiBBJULLS.