The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 26, 1871, Image 1

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TIANOPLEI, Proprietor.
-- -gdOitttSs
ATTORNEYS AT LAW.-oMcc owcr the to at 'Wm
J. )11/1 , 000, On Public Arcane, Muntrow
W. CanSMON. B. L. Busarnt.
iloatrosp. March 1.1871. lt.
Unstaoraimcbleaselfre Pirrctas AND SIMOZOL nu permanently
Mentruee, Pa_ where he trill prompt-
Mad to all (albite his profession srith which be may
med. Office arid residence wefts of the Court
near Fitch .8. Watson's office. •
Montrose; Febnury 8,1871,
rm.!! & WATSON, Attorneys at Law, •t the old office
of Bentley a Fitch, Montrose, Pa.
L. r. rota. [Jan. tt, ILL
br.tler In Boot. and Shoes. Mats and Caps. Leather and
Findings, Main Street, ibt door below Boyd's State.
Work made to order. and repairing done neatly.
lidobtrose. Jan.l, Id7o.
Althruaya and edamflora nt Law. Mike the one
heretofore occupied by R.O. & G. P. Little. on Man
street, Montrose. Ps. [April ht.
a. LITTLE. aro. r. LITTLE. t. muumuu.=
licXemtra. C. C. Femme, W.. 41. ateCata.
Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Ladles 'and Misses
tine Shoes. oleo, agents for the great American
Tea and Cone Company. pdontroee, Pa WM.
snAviNch AND nem DRESSING.
Shop to the new Posh:dace bending, where he will
be (nand ready to attend all wbotnay want anything
to his line. Montrose, Pa. Oct. 13, 1569.
AUCTIONEETt—SeIIeDre Good., and Men:heave-Aim
attends at Vendace. All ordereleft at my house will
receive prompt attention. [Oct. 1, I£43!l—tt
JlAnbrars, Mo. CSps,Roots.Shoes, Ready Mode Cloth
111 g , Paints, 011 s, ets.. Nos Milford, Pa. I.Scpt. 8,
riIYSICIAN & SUTtGEON, tenders hie serriees to
the citizens of Great Bend and via-luny. Oficn st his
residence. opposite Barnum Clouse, O't. Bead village.
Sept. Ist, 180.—tf
CtiAMBERLIN S .NicCOI.LI.:II. Attorney' and Coun
sellors at Late. Office in the Brick Block 'over the
Bonk. iliontrose Ang. 4. INCVI.
A. Cuaxitzatxx. . - J. B.
DEALERS in Dry Goods. Groceries,
crockery and glarstrare:table and pocket cutlery.
Patna... oil*. dye atuill4. Data. brontA and chore. belle
leAther. Perfumery &c. Brick Block. adjoining the
Bonk. Montrose. [Auguet 11. ]tn*A.—if
A. Litentne, - - D. R. LALIIII.OP.
ATTORNEY; Ai LAW. Bonnty. Bart Pao. Penglon
and Exem nn Claims a:lei:Ara tn. Ofnre d
oor hnlow Itoyd's Store. lion troor.Pn. [An. 1..67
Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent,
Frlend•ville, Pft
126.v.X0t1. 4 0.XVocar.
13 teat, Bend, Pa
17. 9.
azigl Mt(
Ant% 1, 11,74. Address, Brooklyn, Pa
PASTIIONAIILS TAILOR, Slontmse. Pa. Shop over
Chandler's Store. All orders filled In first-rate style.
un ;dna done on chart toilet. and warranted to fit.
et Main street, Montrose, F. )an. 1. ISCO.
DBALBBIn Staple and Fancy Dry Goode. Crockery
hardware, Iron, Stoves, Dro kw, Ohs, and Paint,
Doot•and dboes. Hate & Caps. Fora. Dutra to Robes
Grocerter.Protiitieda, , Le., hew Milford, Pa.
Etas perettatrettly Inc:teed at Friendesille for the par .
pose of praCliclrre medicine and surgery to all its
Branches. Ile may be (mind at the Jackson Liocum.
OM= hours from 8 a. DI., to B. p. m.
Priendsville, Pa., Aug, 1. 1889.
bootnera attended to prafrapily. an fair terms. Office
Arai dnar north of ' liancrora Dotal," areal side or
rublie Avenue-, Elcartranc, Pa. (Aug. I, 1803.
Phrwsgs Statalrfr. exult:bit L. Bsolnt.
P. Offree oppo.
site the Tarbell neat die Cadet Howse.
Actg. I. lel9.—tt
DEALER to Drags, Patent bledlenes, Chemicals
Paint4.olls,Oye Staffs. 'Carotene., Win
Grocerted,gg l / 4„ in Ware, Wall dad Window Pa,
Der, Stone-warn, Herotene, Maebinery 011 r.
Trusses. Onus, "flew Ulan, Knives. Spectacles
Brannen, Fancy Oooda, Jewelry, Perfa
being ?one °Mit mon DUIDGTOII II . - extenelar, and
vainanle coneetletra of Goods in nnegnehanna Co.—
Established in ISO.. [tlontroae, Pa.
ATTOILIEY AI 44 LAW. °Mee over the Store of A.
Lathrop, In the Mitt Slott, Mont/ore; Pa. tanra4
FRYSICIAN & StiIIGEON, tendert hit protections
Mr.TV!Etd !A the eltinent of Monti -of e and vicinity.—
OM= at his residence, on WS corner east or Storrs &
Bros. Fodadzy.
PIITSICIAN and strwrcs. Um:Arose, P.
especial attention to disonses of the heart and
Lungs and alf Stiratcal divesses. (Mee over W. B.
Deana Boards at Searle's Hotel. [Sing. 1. 1809.
DP: oRS fn Drugs, Medicines, elmmicals, Dye ,, Paints. Oil., VarnfiL, Liquors, Spices. Fancy
arl.ticii, Patent }Medicines, Perfumery and Toilet Ar
tlcies. Preset:pitons carefully compounded.—
Paulin Avenue, above neuries Hotel, Montrose, Pa
A. B. Bcnser • • • taws Nicam.s.
Ang. 1,1 S
DB. E. L. . 1 is
rarstcwi .It, SURGEON. respectfally tenders tits
profcasicniallervices to the citizen of Friendwrille
and vicinity. pvol:flee intho (ace of Dr. Lost.—
Boards at J. Rosford'e. nog. 1.180.
in. R a ni Bir;;Ir, returns hie thank. for the kind pat
raaage that tim ezahliel him to get the beet rest--he
01 i ksiev, gum to tell the whole story, but come
Szai gee riiejefirriirmi Oral the Old Stand. No loud
tatighhaz wowed In the Chop. [Aprll it, 18.0.
6.0343T0NA PAL
Ina:At & Retail Baikal=
enntnn. Wadi . 1908. IT
Apia'ltaral College, of Pe=lylvtuila.
THIS INWITTUTION wW mopes far the
On Friday. February 10. 11371,
For ;meal Circular, catalogue and other
formatron; Mdresa,
THOS. IL BlTRBOWS,Presideut,
Agricultural College. F.
An. 23,1870.—ti: Centre Co., PA.
IDLAITSR, PLASTER.—We keep an band on ample
=at a*Yn n ab Gl nand Clings ruler. far sale aS
Naetroas . by nrIWIT • MIMI-
Latrine ? TeX AIM Ow
- Vilteo Corea. -
Spring's First GI t.
BY WOMB= P. 6.41C09T1M.
Oh! Spring, if thou hadst nothing brought
Save thy sweet self to win us,
If only thy fair hand had wrought
A spell of beauty in us,
Need were that we should sing thy praise,
Who thrill to thy caresses,
And feel the gladness of thy days
That all our being blesses!
For we bad thought thy coming slow,
And had no heart to wait thee I
Forgive us, love, since long ago,
We all went out to meet thee.
We went by each untrodden way,
We sought in silent places,
For well we knew our patient faith
Should find thy flower traces
And, hidden half by sere dead leaves,
We saw a vino-life growing;
Sure never tidiest Autumn learn
Awakened joy so glowing.
Hereafter Summer's roses may
In red or white salute us,
But this is memory's crowning day,
The day we found arbutus!
Oh! clover on the meadow slopes,
Oh 1 daisies by the river,
Oh! little bud to light that opcs,
Oh ! ceder green forever!
Not one so wins her heart to-day,
As this, Whose brown disguises
Of withered ltves and lances gray
Gives us such glad surprises.
So shy and sweet beneath our feet,
Green leaves and waxen flowers,
The snow-white, blushing pink to meet
Such looks of love as ours
And Spring no more may hide away,
Nor shun our smiling faces,
Since lingering wheresoe'er she may,
We know her tristing places.
The April rain!—the April rain!
I hear the pleasant sound;
Now soft and still, like We littledew,
Now drenching all the ground;
Pray tell me why an April shower
Is pleasanter to see
Than falling drops of other rain?
Tin sure it is for me.
I wonder if 'tis ref lc so—
Or only hope the while,
That tells of swelling buds and flowers
And Summer's coming smile,
Whate'er it is, the April shower
Makes me a child again;
I feel a rush of youthful blood
Come with the April rain.
And sure were I a little bulb
Within the darksome ground
I should love to hear the April rain
So gently tailing round;
Or any tiny flowers were I, _
By nnturr swaddled up,
Ilow pleasantly the April shower
Would bathe my hidden cup.
The mall brown seed that rattled down'
On the cold Autumnal earth,
Is bursting from its cerements forth,
Rejoicing in its birth,
The slender spears of pale green grass
Are smiling in the light,
The clover open its folded leaves,
As if it felt delight.
The robin sings in the leafless tree,
And upward turns his eye,
And loving much to see the drops
Come filtering from the sky—
No doubt he longs the bright green leave,
About his home to sec,
And feels the swaying Summer winds
Play in the full-robed tree.
The cottage door is open wide,
And cheerful sounds are heard 1
The young girl sings at the !leafy heel
A song like the wilding bird t
The creeping child by the old wofn silt
Peeps out with winkles* eye,
And his ringlets rub with chulfuy hand,
As the drops come patterir' kg try.
With bountling heart beneath the sky;
The rfuM..t Ley kr out,
And hoop and ball are darting by
With many a merry about—
Aye, sport away, Ye joyous throng";
For yours Is the April day ;
I lote toZ;te your spirits dance
In your pure and healthful play.
Prritito and Wititiono.
—ln the question of beads or tails?--
Grant invariably says tails, if they are
—Money that is not IS money,"—
money loaned on call.
—Never attempt to form an opinion of
a woman - by her
—To make both ends Meet, have the
butcher take out the bone.
—Cure for the car-ache—get a pretty
girl to whisper in it.
—Why does a railroad colguctof punch
a hole in your ticket—beam:este yorr Isn't
pass through without.
—Court is a verb, active, indicative
mood, present tense, and agrees with all
the girls.-
—The man who gat wise by eating sage
cheese, has a brother dieting on hops to
become proficient in dancing.
—A clergy - cum at a publie . etectrtion,
prayed that the spectacle might impress
those present with the shortness of life.
—The Commissioners report that San
Domingo is perfectly healthy, but—" ac
climating is necessary?' TWt7s what's
the matter!
—Mr. Jones, told his wife, that if she
did not take care, he . should lose his tern.
pet. She replied she wished lib would,
and uetef find it again.
The Safaiday Review says: "The
only feet that can be predicted, with any
degree of wrifidemte, of many youths, is
that hoiridetree deev not seems to hive
designed thew foranythingin puticabte
Detriritboyipmonited hit tnothet
with a new chignon; and was fetterdedk
being valle.d.a--,ood, boy, but wheti
missed her new emer boiler, which had
been sold to buy it with, the changed her
opinion (many,
The April Rain.
- :',_s'o*li.o - $.:',,,„. ; .•)
Two young people, as young people
sometimes will even under the most dis
advantageous circumstances, managed to
separate their sweet selves from the cold
and unsympathetic throng, and strolled
forth languidly arm-in-arm, and calling
for water-ices, disposed themselves under
some trees, and by the dim light of Chi
nese lanterns, followed the prime impulse
of their respective ages (20 and 25) and
began to flirt.
Glances, sighs, soft tones, on the part
of the maiden.
Byron, satire, and stuff and nonsense
on the part of the Captain.
The Maiden found the Captain hard to
In fact she totally failed to manage him
as she had been accustomed to manage
the others of his sex who dwelt in her
universe, and she therefore became piqu
"Capfain, pray let us return."
" But wily, please ?" returned the im
movable man of Mars "they are playing
a waltz. You never dance that, you know.
The thermometer is eighty degrees, if it
is ten, in the hall, and there's your shad
ow, the monstrous Major lying in wait
for you. lam sec him from where I sit.
It is either the glow of his epaulette or
the morning sun, I'm not sure which."
The fair Maiden sat down again and
pouted. She did it without a thought,
and for a moment or two was oblivious
of the meaning of her own act. But
suddenly it brdke upon her astonished
senses that she had surrendered to the
wishes of the Captain for the fifth and
sixth time within twenty-four hours, a
thing she had never been guilty of since
the stern age of school-mistresses. She
questioned herself: Was it love? No.
He was nice, bad money, a grandfather,
a position in life, and a mustache—but
no; it could not be love. If it was she
must endure it. She was not to be snap
ped out of the glorious atmosphere at
helledom, at twenty years—no, no, not
she. But she must subdue the Captain
for the sake of her reputation. He must
be taken down. Her reckless thoughts
reverted to a former, conversation with
the self-same Captain, in which lie ar
raigned a comrade for dueling. That
comrade was the self-same Major of
whom he had just spoken disrespectful
Here would be a rare novelty. A duel
about her. They needn't hurt each other
very much, of course; if they only "pink
ed" their individual opponents, it wouldn't
suit very well. A sword thrust through
the forearm, which no true man would
mind very much, would be so delightful.
It would add so much to her already wide
spread fame, and then she would go furth
er still and marry the victor; that would
soothe him a hundred times over. She
delicately and cheerfully hod her first
" Captain, please tell me, arn't you a
fencer ?"
"A little, a very little of a fencer."
" Dear me, you always say 'a little.'
You play chess 'a little; you a ride 'a
little,' yon sing 'a little,' you act theatrical
'a little,' you dance 'a little,' you make
negus 'a little,' and all the wide world
knows that you do everything in the most
splendid way; and now you fence 'a little.'
No doubt you could bring your man down
at twelve paces easily."
"Yon confuse swords and pistols, as
you will be likely to confuse your humani
ties, if you allow yonrs-df to speak of
'bringing men down.' It doesn't. come
well from lips like yours."
This was severe, and the Captain was
not surprised to be instantly commanded
to give his arm to lead the ruffled Prin
cess back to her congenial waltzers. He
did so, and retired to the garden again—
in love.
It was no tow state for him. The
valorous Captain had fallen weeks be
fore though no one knew it, and he was
just beginning to discover it himself. For
her part, she was the rriost entrancing
creature of the season, or any season.
Money he did not care for, though he
had a vague idea that she wanted for
none; but it was the never dying sparkle
of her pluck and spirit that consumed
him. She was nearly always brilliant,
active, keen and alive to the present world,
and she always dressed like a queen. The
Captain loved taste and brilliancy, there
fore he dreamed of the divine Maiden,
the diamond dust of whose hair still
powdered the sleeve of his coat.
She, for her part, rested her languid
eyes upon the tall Major, rtho instantly
flew to her. lie bowed and used his vali
ant heels to bring her flowers, her fan,
her partners, for which• he got smiles.
His military form swelled with pleasure,
and he regarded no one else but the divine
Maiden, and the divine Maiden regarded
no one else but him.
She took his arm and walked to .and
"Hal" vtlilepered the Captain to him
self, "this is meant for me, us an offset to
the tortftiskra of humanities/ " He laugh
ed, but began to have a scorn and con
tempt for the Major, who smiled and
was happy. The Captain foresaw that
the morrow would being his turn, and it
surely did. He basked in the sunshine
all the day. She was cool to the Major,
who began to have a scorn and contempt
for the fatored Man,
The lovely maiden had a bosom friend,
a minor star in her galaxy, in whose car
she privately whispered her intentions.
The - Minor Star screamed with delight,
but added with a serious look
"Bat t my love, the Major is a fire•eat
er," .
"Indeed. he is a brave fellart But I
au Sure the Captain would also eat fire
if he only had the chance. I'm infatuat
ed with him, and, my darling, Ido think
that mountainous Major is a Wray f'
litre she dandled her fan, fingered
her tinge, looked complacently upon - the
folds of her dress, and edentate:a the ad
ditional importance which would accents
to her forproducing passions in the minds
of Wert Which would rise to the fighting
point -
The Captain had donsinfeie4 of4i bei
PAY APRIL 26, 1871.
and the Captain.muit pay. She loved
the Captain; and would marry the Cap
tain, but the Captain must understand
who ho was getting. Ho must under
stand her power; he should not be allow
ed to ignore it. She would give this one
grand exhibition of her skill and mastery
over the sterner sex, and then surrender
to the Captain, covered' With glory and
"fiat bow?" demanded the Min - or Star,
all a" lqw with the prospect of a plot.
"Easily, my love. You age not so ex
pert as your best friend. Come and sit
• She did; and between the lovely in
genious two there was fomented a plot,
the explosion of which shook socieci to
its foundations, and laid the marrying
pluck of many a hardy man in ashes.
Inpursuance of it, the Major was again
installed in the-position of first waiting
maid and was regularly succeeded on the
following day by the Captain, and, as a
natural consequence, the two resolved
that unyielding hate must ever live be
tween them.
Now, the Captain had two ways of
looking at the affair—first, with the cal
culating eye of a man of business, and
second, with the eye of a societvman,
tormented and angry at theinsolence and
airs of the sublime Major, who, when his
star was in the ascendant, vas an unendur
able ass.
Matters grew black. Eyes, whispers
and music did it. The face of the fair
Maiden slipped out of etc minds of the
two men as a first consideration, and
antagonism and rivalrycrept in. It got
to the pitch of high /words, angry looks
and polity slurs, and courteous insults,
and the Maiden, with her single Minor
Star increased to hull a dozen minor stars,
looked ou with high delight for the ca
It came, precipitated by a pair of horses.
Neither the Captain tier the blajor had
his own and they were obliged to hire.
The best at their disposal were those of a
stable keeper.
The Captain coguged them for the
afternoon, but the Major took them in
evrly morning, and drove with the fair
Maiden, and kept Per and the horses until
the beasts were toe tried for further use.
The Captain greb/ irate. The Major
laughed. Then the Captain grew satirical
(his strong point), laid then laughed, and
the Major became furious in his turn.
Beauty was in raptures. Such a high
sense of honor! Such courage! What
a splendid Captain ! What adorable Ma
The Major received a delicate note that
evening, which threw him into a fever of
anger and excitement.
My dear Major A—: Pray be care
ful, Captaia Z— is terribly enraged.
You may reweive a challenge it he is not
merciful. Yours in anxiety. Blank."
Merciful thundered the Major:
"merciful ! By heavens!" And lie sat
down and disnati. 4 - 4 -• challenge within
an hour.
The Captain, smoking in his chamber,
also received a note from the same mes
senger, and read it coolly. lie then seiz
ed the boy by the collar, shut the door
and,took donna cane, and by the further
pers:nosion of Money, the fact was de
veloped that became from the Maiden.
" Hum !" said the Captain, and fell in
to a deep reverie.
lie accepted the challenge or the Major,
and named swouli, and stepped over per
sonally to have :u interview, in consequ
ence of which they named rather a singul
ar place of meeting.
" We shall be (Lime, sir," said the Cap
tain. "You may provide the surgeon,
and we-will go at four P. M., to-morrow."
The Major needed, and straightway
began to brush tip his rapier exercise,
with the help of two brave dragoons.
The Captain had some little arrangements
to perfect, which he did quietly. He
persuaded an, intimate friend to invite the
Maiden and two of her particular friends,
whom he had noticed as being active in
making the breech between the Major and
himself, to a picnic on the following day,
on the grounds of an old estate some miles
out of town. Ile told his friend the rea
son, gave his strict directions, and then
went to the house himself and pitched
open a long, darkened, unused and unoc
cupied dining-room, with long shuttered
windows, as the place fur his meeting
with the Major on the morrow:
lie locked and bolted all the doors,
nailed up all the windows, and left but
one mode of egress or ingress to the apart-
Ile then returned, flirted desperately
with the Maiden, prostrated himself more
deeply than before. Then he retired to
smoke and to laugh, while the Maiden
and her companions grew a little more
anxious at the curious stories floating
about, and while the Major lunged and
parried the livelong night before the mir
TM next day the galldrrt forfr started
on their picnic.
And at three by the clock, three more
went secretly out by a rocky way and
reached the house.
The faithful friend whispered to the
Captain that all was arranged, and the
men went straight to the dining-room.
They passed' in and the Captain locked
the door behind them, softly. It was
somewhat dark, end the Captain threw
open the shutter& The three ladies were
present in a corner. They all wondered
and demanded explanations. Said the
Captain, promptly.
"The:Mhlor and myself hate been in
duced to quarrel by a person now present.
I wish this person now to see the effects
of her planning. No one can leave. I
have the only key in my pocket. Draw,
Major P
Bewilderment seized upon them, but
the Major knew his opponent and obeyed.
A hundred thousand piercing screams
arose to no effect. - •
The Captain was resolute,
They crossed ,and went at it. Both
were angry, and both were good swords ,
men, One of the Minor Stars fainted,
but they kept on fiercely. The Major
was unlucky and got ottiglit, on the
thotdder. -They tesbxl, and then went
on. Another pink for the Major and the
blood flew pretty freely. - -
They were desought to stop on all sides;
both * - cfused. Oily the - Maiden, of the
three ladiesi were cognizaht of the com
bat. She was pale, rigid, and calm.
The Major fared worsed; the other
shoulder suffered,. and then his side.
This ended him, lie dropped his sword
and whispered "quarter I"
The Captain then approached the
Maiden, without his sword.
" Maiden, you have done a foolish thing.
I have seen through it aIL You were
vain. I. was weak. One of the instru
ments with which you tried to gratify
your desire for mischief is badly hurt;
the other leaves you, trusting you will
make better use in the future of your
beauty, wit and heart."
All this was gallant enough, and gal
lantly was it taken by the bright girl who
heard. The Captain went away ; but in
a year back he came, and did the sensible
thing, and by no means an unlucky one,
by the lovely Maiden.
Living in Washington.
The amount of money spent at the
Capitol for hotel boarding or at house
keeping is astonishing, as will be seen by
the following extract from a Washington
letter to the Deloware County "Ameri
can :"
Senator Cameron and his wife board at
the Arlington Hotel, and pay *450 per
month, a very small sum for a Senator.
Senator Fenton, who stops at the same
place, pays $lOOO a month. Little S. S.
Cox, the biggest, Democrat in the House,
pays $l2OO per month, and .the other
evening he gave a $l5OO dinner at his
boardino. house. How long will a mem
ber's salary last at this rate ? Mr. Hunt
ington, the Cashier of the first National
Bank, gave a dinner to the Japs, where
there were twenty persons present at $5O
per plate, or in the aggregate $lOOO. Dr.
Helmbold,"of Bnchn notoriety, was here
for two weeks, and paid 806 per day for
board and lodging. A parlor and cham
ber in the second story of a first, class
hotel here, rents for $450 per week, or
$2OOO per month. Many of the Senators
and members who keep house live much
more extravagantly. Senator Chandler
lives at the rate of $35,000 per year, and
Gen. Butler spends four times his sulaci
as a member. One of the colored mem
bers pays at the rate of $l5O per week,
and another's expenses are probably as
great. The other three colored members
go it oh the economical plan, say $3OO
per month. By the way, we are promised
a new hotel here to cost at least one mil
lion of dollars, to be the largest hotel in
the country, and to be near the Capitol.
The proprietor of the Arlington says it
will pay, and with his experience he
ought to know.
Royal Wedding Dresses
At the wedding of the Marquis of
Lorne the prominent ladies appeared iu
followin ,, costumes :
The Queen wore a black satin dress
trimmed with ewe and jet, and a diadem, w nue tulle veil.
Her _Majesty also wore a ruby and dia
mond brooche and riecklace:
Her Royal Highdess the Princess of
Wales wore a dress of rich blue satin;
trimmed with blue velvet, and train of
blue velvet edged with white Brussels lace
and blue featli..r trimming; head-dress,
blue feathers, pearls and diamonds. Or
naments, pearls and diamonds.
The wedding dress of her Royal High
ness Princess Louise was of a rich white
satin, covered with a deep flounce of Hon
iton point ieee, trimmed with cordons of
orange blossoms, white heather and myr
tle, and a train of white satin trimed to
correspond with the dress. Her Royal
Highness wore a wreath of orange blos
soms and myrtle, with a veil of Honiton
lace held by two diamond pins in the form
"of daises. Her Royal Highness also wore
a diamond necklace, to which was attach
ed a large ornament of pearls and dia
monds, with a sapphire in the centre, the
gift of the Marquis of Lorne; and a dia
mond and emerald bracelet given by their
Royal Highnesses the Prince and Prin
cest of ales. Her Royal Highness like
wise wore a diamond bracelet which had
belonged to her Royal Highness the
Duchess of Kent, and the one give to her
by the people of Windsor.
On leaving the Castle, after the mar
riage ceremony, her Royal Highness wore
a white corded silk dress, trimmed with
swan's down and fringe, made by, Miss
Gleve, and a white chip bonnet, with a
wreath of lilies of the valley and orange
Her Royal Highness Princess Rertriee
wore a dress of pink sdtin, trimmed with
Brussels lace; a wreath of white heather,
and emerald, diamond and pearls orna
The bridesmaids' dresses were of white
glace silk, trimmedwith satin, and a hi-,
nic of gossamers and fringe, cerise roses,
white heather and ivy, with wreath
correspond. ✓
Overtasklng the Hind.
Recently there has been quite a com
motion in Boston in regard to studies in
the Boston Latin School. Perhaps no
school in the country has a higher reputa
tion for more thoroughly drilling its
scholars than this. The teachers, and a
few pareuts,however, began to remonstrate
with the directors on the amount of study
required daily from the pupils. It was
found that from eight to ten and twelve
boars were required by the scholars to
prepare their recitations. Not a. few of
the scholars have been hopelessly ruined
from their severe studies in that school.
'Numerous eases ware given where soft
ening of the brain was the result; a few
became inmates of the mama asylum,
others at an early age became unfit for
any active duties of life. Some of the
ablest physicians testified that the course
of studies was too severe. Perhaps teach
ersend school directors in other places
might learn a lesson on this subject.
How often may young and delicate boys
and girls be seen on the street lugging
from three to six books to and from
school ? If those are the studies to be
prepared at home what must constitute
their whole duty during each day? It
is time for a reformation on this subject
all over the country. ,
—Why is a man never knock:o 'down
against his will? Because it is impossi
bly in fall Elnlep
voLvm - E. Numßgt,".
The Texas Cattle 111114.
Texas alone has 3,800,000 cattle, divid
ed into 950,000 beeves, 950,000' cows, and
1,900,000 young cattle. The plains on
which these cattle roam, contain about
152,000,000 acres of ground. The prin
cipal pasturagea are on the Nueces, Rio
Grande, Gandalupe, San Antonio, Colo
rado, Leon, Brazos,*Trinity, Sabine and
Red rivers. The cattle are owned by
scores-of ranchmen,r each one of them
has from 1,000 to 75,000 head. On the
Santa Catrutoa river is a ranch contain
ing 84.132 acres. It is owned by one
man '
Richard King, and has on it 95,000
head of cattle, 60,000 horses, 7,000 sheep,
and 8,000 goats. This immense number'
of live stock, requires 1,000 saddle horses
and 300 Mexicans, to attend and herd it.
Ten-thousand beeves are annually sold
from the ranch, and 12,000 young calves
branded. There is another ranch on the
San Antonio river,. near Goliad, which
grazes 40,000 head of cattle, and brands
11.000 heads of calves annually. Mr.
O'Conor,the owner of this ranch, sells,
$75,000 worth of stock each year, and his
herds are constantly increasing. In 1852
he began cattle raising with 1,500 head,
and his present enormous herds and
wealth are the result of natural inefeabe:
On the Gulf, between the Rio Grande
and Nueces, is a ranch containing 142,-
840 acres, and owned by Mr. Robideattx.
It is on a peninsula, surrounded on three
sides by water, and, to enclose the other
side, has required the building of thirty. ,
one mlles,of plank fence: Lavery three
miles along the fence are honses for the
herders, and enormous stables and pens
for the stock. There are grazed in this
enclosure 30,000 head of beef cattle,- be. ,
sides an immense nn'mber of other stock.
A ranch on the Brazos river contains
50,000 head of cattle, 300 horses, and 50
herders. John Kitson, the owner, drives ,
10,000 cattle to market annually: Ten''
years ago he was a poor farmer in Ten
nessee, but selling his land, and going to
Brazos, he succeeded by dint of hard la
bor in getting together' sixty cows and
nine brood mares, when he went to rais
ing stock. lie has now 20,000 head of
cattle,.worth at least, 8150,000, and he is
still only forty years old. This man is es
tablishing a stock ranch in the South
Platte, in Nebraska, where he now has
5,000 head of cattle, and next spring will
bring in 10,000 more.
There is a ranch on the Conch° river,
Texas, where,l am told, one man owns
70,000 head o steers and mikh cows.
The best grazing counties in Texas are
those of :Throckruorton, Stevens, Jack,
Young, Callahan, Coleman, Brown, Tar-
rant, 'Ellrath, Comanche, Palo Pinto,
Hill mid Johnson. These counties lie
along the Rio Grande ' Nueces i Gaudu
lupe,- San Antonio, Colorado, Loon, Bra
zos, Trinity, Sabine, and Red rivers. The
stock from these counties are driven to
the Gulf in great numbers, where they
are slaughtered, packed in steamers, or
put on alive, and flipped to NC:7 Yarti
Boston, and other northern markets. A
great many cattle are driven north on foot
by way of Abilene, Kansas, and Schuy
ler, Nebraska. Some follow the Pecos,
and pass into Arizona and California;
others keep along the Arkansas to Bent's
Ford, thence across Colorado over the
Black llills and into Wyoming, and on up
into Utah, Montana, Nevada, and Idaho.
There are some drivers whose names I
cannot mention, but the whole number of
cattle brought north overland from Texas
during the year 1870, did not fall short of
100,000 bead. Of these 20,000 went to
Montana, 8,000 to Utah, 8,000 to Nevada,.
9,000 to Wyomjno', 10,000 to Calif9rnia,
11,000 to Idaho; 30,000 to Coloreds
and New Meal . The amount of money
handled along the base of the mountains
in transferring this stock was over $l,-
250,000. At Abilene, the great Kansas
cattle market, over 200,000 head was
handled. Tho shipments in Svtember
reachell6o,ooo head, and•in October near
ly 75,000 head. This immense trade mar
bo estimated when it LI stated that It
took 11l cars per day to transfer the stock,
and one bank in Kansas City handled
83,000,000 cattle 'money. In Nebraska
the cattle trade with the South is just be
ginning; yet last year 27,000 head
changed hands at Schuyler., and the First
National Bank of Onuilia handled 8500,-
000 in consequence of this trade. It is
likely the trade at Schuyler in 1871, will
reached 100,000 head of cattle, and it will
require 81,500,000 to carry it on.
Large cattle trade May seem, it is yet
in its infancy, not only Texas, New
Mexico, Colorado, on the ,Platte, but
throughout the United States. The rap
id increase of our population, both from',
foreign and domestic sources, demands a'
corresponding increase of food, and at
present there is no pronnet of eattlo that
is anything like equal demand. Beef can
be raised on the plains, and delivered at
six per cent per pound, and until that is
there need be no apprehensions of crowd
ing the cattle market. The beef can ever
be had in our day so cheap at six cents
does not seem probable, and yet even at
four and a half cents per pound, large
fortunes can be made in cattle breeding.
It is only on the limitless plains, where
I land is of little or no value, that stock
can be raised to advantaged But even the
plains, boundless as they may seem, are
fast disappearing before the advancing
waves of population. Texas, the greatest
cattle hive of the country, has during the
past year received 300,000 settlers, and
already cattle growers there feel that they
must soon look elsewhere for untrammell
ed ranges. A few more years like the
past---a few deductions of a million acre
of pasture lauds in a single season, and
Texas will be no more a grazing State
than New York, Pennsylvania or Ohio.
Yet compare these, States, and how do .
they stand now? New York, with her
settlement 250 years old and a population
of 4,000;000, has 748,000 oxen and stock
cattle; 'Pennsylvania, with over 3,000,000
people, has 721,000; Ohio, with 3,000,000
people, has 749,000; Texas, with 800,000
people, has 3,800,000 cattle alone.
The great Platte Valley-has over 8,000,.
; 000 acres of rich pastures; but how .longi
!will these acres remain - grazing. grounds?-'
The Union Pacific Railroad has already;
divided, these lands from their eastern to
their. western nitremity, and, towns : and
villages are springing upeverywherealong,
its iron tails, and farms MT beintopened'
on every side of them. It is-one eaagger.
:Won to say thatthe population of the
United States before the bloseof the pres
ent century will probably tench 100,000,-
000 of people. Then them trill be no
West to settle up, "no great stock ranges,
but farms and - edies and cities and farms
everywhere. I predict that: those men
who begin now by raisittPeattie oti'Gov•
ernment lands, and are Wise ehotigh to
buy a portion of these lands as min as
they are offered for tile, Will fled before
they die that these lands will be worth
more to them
.then their herds ever could
have been. The far-seeing. Ohio Senator,
Benjamin Wails, once said thgt he believ
ed " within the present century every acre
of good land between the Missouri river
snot the California coast will be worth fif
ty dollars in gold? Wild as this declara
tion at the time seemed, it bus already
been realized in many portions of Ne
braska and is likely to eonie ttue in all
our St;stes and Territories west of the Big
Great, then, as - ure the fortunes
which are being made in cattle, still great
cr. will be the fortunes made in land.
Those who are wisest will make all they
can on their cattle, and the moment the
lands are for tale bay a 1 they ean get, or
en if they have to sell a part of their
herd to pay for the lands. The' Home
stead lair precludes the possibility of get
ting tench land in one body, btft 6q buy
ing out settlers at fair prices, suftitieut
grounds for grazing purposes =I be had
for many years yet.
The Love of the igettet(thL
What ere half the crimes in the world
committed for ? What.brings into action,
the best virtues? The desire of possess
ing. Of possessing what ? Not mete
money; but every species of the beautiful
which money can purchase. A man lies
hid in a little, dirty, smokey recto, for
twenty years of his liter and IntlWl dp
about as many columns of figures as
would *reach round the earth if they were
laid at letigth. He gets rich: What does
he do with his riches ? He buys a large,
well-proportioned house; in the arrange
ment of his furuiture.he gratifies. himself
with all the beauties which splendid col
ors, regular figures and smooth .surfaces
can convey ; he has the beauties of Variety
and association in his gromids; the cup ,
out of which he drinks his tea is adorned
with bmtitiful figures; the chair in which
he sits is covered with smooth ' shining
leather ; tablecloth Is 6f the Most beautiful
damask.; mirrorsreffect the light frOM every
quarter of the room; pictures of the best
masters feed his eyes with all the beauties 4
of imagination'. A million of human
creatures are employed in this country in
ministering to this feeling of the beanti
fol. It is only a barbarous, ignorant peo
ple that can ever be occupied by the ne
cessities of life alone. If to eat and to
drink and to he warm were the only pas
sions of the mind, we should all be what
the lowest of us all are at this day. Tho
rove of fhZ) ticautiful calls Man fo fresh
exertions, and awakens him to a more
1 noble life and the glory of it is, that as
painters imitate, and poets sing and scu
lptors carve; and architects rear up the
gorgeous trophies of their skill—as every
thing becomes beautiful and orderly and
magnificent—the activity of the mind
rho to stilt greatet avd to better objects,
Four Pins.
The folloting eharft. eteristie French
story, whether tree of not, or merely built
upon the well-known &stile story, has
sufficient interest to warrant its repetition:
In 1648, the Count K—, who al
though d nobleman; favored certain libe
ral principles of Government, became in
volved in certain political troubles which
Prussia would only remove b,y the strong
est repressive meanies. The incipient
terfoluflori was suppressed with aft iron
hand and not without bloodshed, and,
while pleblan captives suffered death, the
count was conveyed ro a distant Rotre
mid therein • consigned 'to a dark dismal
dungeon. Ilaye, Nedra; and months did
the Count pass in his living grave, depriv
ed of every succor and vainly hoping for a
trial At last, fcelliug not only that his
physical strength was departing, but also,
that, irr the tearful silence and monoto-
ny of such an existence, his mind was
losing its normal balance, ho became des- -
penite for some means of exercise, both
bodily and intellectually. The hopeless
ness of atteturdent at first drove him to
meditate suicide; but in the moment of
wildest despair came the thought destin
ed for his salvation. Four pins tvhich
happened accidentally to be in the lapel
of his Coat, had fortunately escaped the
scrutiny of the jailor. These were to be
the means of the deliverance of-his spirit.
He threw the pins Upon the hare floor of
the dungeon,
and then employed himself
in seeking for them iu the darkness.—
When, after a tiresome search he succeed
ed in Ending them all, Ito threw them
down again, and so again, and • again, re
newed his task which was to save hint
from going melancholy mad. All day
long, sitting, lying or kneeling, begroup.
ed ana l grouped about with his' hands on
the earth for the pins thus intentionally
scattered; and the fearful yet beneficial
toil served for no less than six long, weary
years to save him from paralysis and in
sanity. At last, in 1856, his prison doors
were thrown open, and' he was given his
liberty on eondition of his immediately
quitting Prussia forever. Glad to be free
on any terms, the disentornbed hobleman
only paused to Gellert for the, last time his
saving pins; and then, taking them with
him, Joined his devoted wife at an• ap
pointed place, and hurried` into France.
The Conntes4 on hearing story, be
sought him to give her 4 1 10 - pins as a
precious memento, and caused them to be
set in a broach, henceforth tohe worn as
her most - cherisbefloritament.. This ex
traordinary piece of jewelry, Bays a French
paper, of course has created no little in
terest in the high'social circles in which
the lady .moves. 'lt is composed of, a
ground of` fine lapis lazuli, surrounded by
a frame of magnificent ;brilliants worth
$2,000 Containingnndey a crystal, a star
fornied'of four pins, which in appear
ance differ in no way from the ecusimois
ones ill-use.
—lf you don't mean to mind yournerel
Vueltas, it win not pay you to-advertiie.