• • Ocre i 's New's Sled Hooding Rota kiniivr open, Daily and Weckal l opetis; ot 141 kinds, also A No. I Cig-ars and Tabasco always on hand. Droop in and fletkprl: .- 7 HERE. MontroseAgS,4o,4";, • - TficSuinnicDreriiitTiD be In 'ay t. 1811 . ,Aud mgrntinue.wettlas-^,lnstine don in the common English branches, also In With Orpeli, Eleitnan ) .Botarq, Book-Keeping, and - sir/ eithriiiiiiiichas, as ralyt.be:niiiessiiry. ElietAi7llterut4teAtEirrislialkistrite- win ll> , celva . erttentlon: 'crittlen; troni $3 00 to $0 00, d , ;; . -i..tAr on the ed ancemeut or tire, pupil. ro-,-/- KritirtdrmOtincli4 'eprit L, lei. 3w • 'gale& u 3 IS.. :amid imwomag Atoieq N ur - Ati 'abia.puoic '1.1.1..n9 uull `s,pooAt.ratis ' l3 da pup watt% PS inn; "-aciiivtleam-vacki..4%44, slaq.ngst asotn fhlost EON in atm oils unr,.. 7.11.1aM 1.11!01 Irestehetiethingignations. 'fee Spring Series otEsamination.s, will be held Al follows Liberty, Lawiviße Center, Monday, Atitil 17. New Milford, Bora., S. IL, Tuesday. " 18. Susrea Depot, Graded S. H. Wcdnesday.'• 19. Gibson,Rennedy S. H. Thtrraday, " 20. Clifford, City S. 11.. Friday, " 21. Rriendville S. IL Monday, " 24. abb, Snyder S,„ h„ Tuesday . , " 21. nngrilla n AN oliow S. IL, edne.,lay' " 2G. Brooklyn, Center S. H., Thursday " 27. Montrose, Graded. S. IL, Friday," 28. Each' Class will be formed at 034 o'clock, A. 31., and it Is necessary that applicants be present at that hour. No extra or private Examina tions. Teachers wild prorido -themscbms with paper, pencil, pen, ink, and Union Gth Reader. W. 0. - ..Ttl,Dints, County Supt. Forest LAD:cottteri.Atog,44 - IBWss.--'•- ~ . • . • Jury 1M ;..Mitorit Term. griJi."o7Mo.tvitons-2d 'week. Aubuniirne. Deerfield, larea Hyde, Henry i. Lott • Arret—Slierman Williams. • Apolecon--31.1chael Heffron, Asahel Graves. Brooklyn--Orrison M. - Holaway. Bridg,ewater—Airem H. Hibbard, Enoch L Cool. sl Dundaff—Joseph Babum, Arthur Ayres. Gibson—Neatuaa F. Chitin, Geo. H. Picker ing. Great Bend bur.—Thomas Gillespie, Or lando Chamberlin; Vincent Reckhow, Charles S. Gilbert. Ilarford—John L. Tiffany, Ira A. Parrish, Dennison K. Oakley, Elijah'V. Decker. Harmony—Jacob Taylor. Jackson—William 11. Norris. Lathrop—Addison L. Morgan. • Lenox—Stephen Bell. Montrose—George C. Hill, Dennis Kerrigan. 3t iddletown—Roger Tice- Milford tp.—Wm. IL Harrison. oakland—Alnirm Barnes. Rush—Frank H. Granger, Andrew H. Hib bard, Samuel Smith, Robert Hillis. Susq'a Depot—Thos. McDonald, Peter Tate. Silver Lak,e—Martin Haagen, Thomns Rog ers: • Elptingrille—Praucis Blakeslee, Albert A lloot. Weather Repl Ending April, 1, 1971 11.. T TrnE. DEG. STIED. WEAT TIER 7 33 13 37 9 32 7 311 12 42 9 44 - 7 39 x.w. '- 12 50 9 54 line 7 30 ~w- Wedne.(ll3 12 35 30 " 24 Thu r,LL,,,) 12 66 9 59 Saturday, 7 62 NEW YORK PRODOCE MARKETS. Corrected weekly by William llodsdon, 231 Fulton tit., New York. Week ending April IR, IR7I 40(iti45 . 35qt/0 . Iktl6 . 141g18 . 18(419 4.75C50.45 2.Z342.30 95(01.00 . 51€g,5.5 89490 . 10@20 . 10a,14 9412 2.00@3.60 9010 nutter, pall Cheese, dairy, per lb factory Egg., per doz. ... Flour, per barrel...... Corn meal, 100 1b5..... Wheat, per bushel... , Rye Oafs Corn Hops, crop of 1870.... Beer, sides, per lb ..... Hop. , Potatdes, per bbl. . Tdllott X7E1.96•17EZ19 , . Benny—ln Gibson, at the residence of her son, February 21, lerl, of appomexy, Mts. Dorcas I/ , widow of the late Rhodes Berry, need 71 ears 9 mordhs and 2 days. Dear Mother, thou art gone, but not forgotten, thy memory will ever be enshrined fin the hearts of thy children as a loving and faithful mother. #pccial Ttolirro, Bear in Blind. When disease has undermined the booth, and the Pbyalea:vyvtern has become prostrated, a •ettmulaat that 1.111 not only strengthen, but remove the cause, should hr immediately resorted to. Mental distress Is also a tre :fel coerce of the breaking down of the constitution, and the ravages of this enemy to health arc truly alarm ing For all such maladies Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters Lave been found unsurpassed, By acting directly upon the d•gretl ve organs, they remove the bmey, disagree• able feeling alter eating, so often complained of by per sons of detteata temperament As soon at digestion In restored, the patient Ands bis strength incrthsing, and Mr general health improved. Thousands of persons certify that it may be felled on la all cases of weakness or nervous, debility attendant open sedentary habits. The generslitv of Bitters are so Ci.greeable to the Unite that they are objectionable to • week stontaeti. 'Ms I. not the ease with Bonier's Bitters. which will be toting mild and extremely pleas ant. Balsamic plume, barbs and roots contribute their restorative Alma to render It smelling and strengthen. lag. Its tads iv the only pare stimulant smich bee ever bone proilinced. 'containing noloall oil, or any other del iterions element. The most rarefte and thilltal cbem. Isis have analyzed the Bitters, and pronounced them harmless This le =lei/tine testimony, hot the testis many of the hundreds of tlionwsnds who have ex-peri shed the preventive and curative elects of the Orval Vegetable Tonic and Alterative of modern time. I. still more conclusive In Fever and Anne. Dyspepsia, Bil. lons, Nervous Complaints. Chronic Complaints sod general debility it is nearly Intallibleas anything In els fallible world can be. of rirGetitligig Priiirted.—Esszys for young 3len,on the delight* of home. and the propnety or imbropriery getthig auicrtal. with imultary help for thorn vino feel unfitted Gar matrimoninl happtheas Sent free, in rested envelope.- Addle., LIO WARD ASSOCIATION Jinx P.. Philadelphia. Pa. rifrllloomabarg State Normal School, and Lrrnittla & COMIZAL3AL LoqTruTz--Tko rotidtl °Min Inatirotion aka to bo very. thcmxtrzb In their to. 'unction. =A to look torefally attar the health, man nen and tnronls of the stndepto_. Apofy for l Catalcsils HENAT CIAIIVER. A. it.. Soot. I.v Prinelpnt voa SALE I—The Subscriber hu on hand I.' for male one pair of males, time yea= old thi! , ..Spring, _large size well broke. ALSO some..boray thus left r aaid oats may he found at Wilson's more in Montrose, S. V. Trumbull's, Fmnklin, John Trumbull's Bridge water. Pricesittr bug r. oats, jbe liorwaysysep or; the Fiturem,ill which ease some rules and regulations, such ag were published last fall will be otscessaiy. Come and ge your oats . without money. There are sever al kinds of oats claimed to be Norway, =buy of therm must be spurious: The best kind for - tis to sow is those that will yield the best. My eats yield for me 1 4 more than the common per Acre, and I think they wildolt for yon: One bushel per acre is enough. „ JOON TRU...18M1.;• f r. trPse, 41/141, 5".;i0f."--te; ' gitutotg. i-' .- ' • • . 5 nEtAWARE, - LACKAWANNA and Two sna sn Mu Direetory, one year:sl,so— eitttitioisaltitie, 50 do. ~, i 7 Au! WESTERN RAILROAD. _Winter Aryangement - , 4 52! Pkungerllll,l effect - No!. mom 1 ; . . . 5 — NEW MILFORD. 4 ' 1. .7 i ~ 4 4 1 TRALip I.EA*79 . • , ' . ' • . RASTWARD :. _ CAYUGA PLASTER,--NWEIOLAB BIIORMARRa.' 21774. A 1 D L •-, I ~,,, , ppd. , ilagenidaa ek ll .o PhAster• FP'S / 4"ra; -, tan . • , thairi: [ ' STATIONS-1 it i lL2 P x 4 a l g r 0. IM. RAWLEY. Agent for Empire Sewing Machine, A. n a A-.1%,..,,, f0 ,,.._... .P....!_z_- P. 11/• 1 and American Iliac Burning Sto•l, Main t street; ii :,, ' . ll;;;' , ..ui ra ila . :,7l,' :1.3.2 I ,: W. - L 1.10.58,.db CO , Dailarain Dry Condi, Ilata,Cairr. g IK,) • . r a n 4l% . ( ! h i r g, , ,;;" 13 ' 40 ; IlOcneand Mine., andllineltriderchalidlue, on Main ..a 8,20 Imo 5c „.. m0r.. ......_ .;; ; :1 1 013 .1.3 , 033 " , 0 1 2 . utreecaccopid donatbelow the 'Episcopal Church. • t ., 4,40 IAM s ateholsein.,. '.. ,' '9.ICA bein .:, f , ~ o 4.30 1.00 UnpbOttgitil I 7,M3 6.13 2 trAtos HOTEL, Imp; by WILLIAM' SMITH, on Main 4 4.57 1,40 Montrtiiie 7.15 4,15 Ds seem near rue Depot.-* ', 1 NIS 9,10 New Milford ...... - . . 6,15 4,110 0raajMeru1L......,,,. 4-. A L IIP W. Ii,MEAD, Fotnitlii. - 6,o4l4ta!Orin Plows nrd giber & Pal IP. M 6, F00t.0f Liberty-it. ra.i.t rJa I uteii.p,one anuorons rhino* u wel, Main gk, • w-. F. normsu.. N. 4% RlMBRR,'Caritib Sinkiallql Undertaker, - on ii ° II . .?.INGS STROUGDe."'gclP t aand T icket Arent.. Arent,outman, Pa. Main Street, two purl belastiMiley's Mum. .•_ RIE RAILWAY. McCOLI.UM 131i0THERii; Aroccdes 'and Pixiyisions, on Main !stunt, H, GARRET & .SGG,,!' Dealers in P i tour. F. Meal, SAD. :Lime, Cement. Groceries and Provisions on Dein Street, opposite Die Depot. • W:,.4 T. HAYDEN,' Ittannfacturent. of Cigars nod Whottisnim-dealers Y.i ekes Notions and Fumy good& on Mato Street, Inlets Episcopal Church. • MOSS & KNAP. L'entherldannfacthrors and denier, in Morocco Finninte, Se, nen: . Eph.copal Church, • AIMEY bearerifit gligs and/do:1101es, and Manufacturers of Cigars, oci 39tInAtreef., near the Depot. W. STRPIf SKR, Horse Sheeler sod general Repairing on Moto Street, south of the beige. J. DICKEILMAN.Jin., Dn.tler ingeuernl runrchandiec *nilClothing, I.lrlck Store, on Nftilu Street. • WUIPPLE S MEAD, Dealers In generalDerehendlse on Main Street. GTZ"F—A.T TIF2sTD L. 8, VENIIEIM. ltannfactritir of tdattier, and dewier in4fencrat Atnrcha.udian,on,lnaln Street! U. P. DOR AY, Merehrint Tailor and dealer in. Deady ItheleetOtTiThf, Dry Oooda, Groceries and Proviatons. Mans !Street.* • . _ . LEisioxviLLE. ❑IRAM WIIITK. 'Manufacturer otand dealt, in euiteri or Plow• and Caating.. GIBSON. EDWARD 4 d BRYANT. Mtnufaeturer* of Wagons end Sleighs, near the Inane' :store. MONTROSE ABEL. Trnitsi.L. Dealer in Ping.s, Medlclneft, LI Tsars:Paints, 01Is, Dv Sniff+. Groceries,' Jewelry !Notions, etc. totep. WEBB Sr riERE. News Office, and linters In Grocer. les and Provisions, Crockery. eta, Public Avenue. JAMES E Alt MALT. A t tbrn v nt Law. Mace one door below Tarbell Mune, Publw At rune • H COOPER k to.. Ilenkerp, Fell FOrt.l2ll I'n• fags Tick -tee and Draft, on England, Ireland and;Sco‘ J. R. FLETCHER'S Florin:: Saloon is the place to get lee Cream, Oysters and Clams, In every style. Un Main at recce• STROUD & BROWN. General Fire and'ILIN Tatar ante Azento ; Railroad and Accident Ticket* to New York and Philadelphia: . (Mee one door east otthe Bank. efl A NIVLF:It General Im:trance and Sewing 3la chine A.gent. Public Avenue.• 'WRNS .t NICHOLS. the place t. get Druz. end Meth elec. rtzur, Tehneen, Ihpe, Pocket-lhaate. Specie cle, Yankee Nnuen, .t . I•uhlir Ateen, L t•rty. Ham,. ma to, and detb, in lilt ertlrb, übutilly L.—p: by the tr.tclo. opv.1•11t• the f:Abit. • Boy ronA IN. T,-Arr. to S•ov,. linrfl‘vare, •nd Muntifactorerr of Tin and Sheet: run warm, corner of Main and Turnpike rtruct S. II 3.10 INK, Yd,chint Tailor and der In Cloth.. Trtrnmlnv. and Furnl-hlwz Goods. and Agents (or Singer Sewing 31.tebine, on Main Street. Tenth:4m hnildinl A. N. iirm..kiti). Denler in Orocet , eo. Book+. Stationery and Yaukea Notionp, nt hcnil of Prthllc Aventir.• T. SPOUF. k I'o Dealers la Slates, Dania - see A7rieoliuril implements, Floor slid t;, , ocrr.ee, tippet site Tarae!: Douse. RAYN , SFOIM k MITCIIg i L i Lircry and lizchuoii . c ethic, in roar of „13,1 i... J. R. DtWI r S CD_ Mahar, In Dry God., Iler4 Ira, 3nd general incrriumtdien, turner, near Brick licir akertigmento. TWELVE PHOTOGRAPHS FJE 81 25. IWILL make [seek e Pholo.nph• for $1 25. from aay oar of the that 1 now hare on hand. The money maat conic with the order, and w ith •txty days from tilts date. After that time, photo graphy, it all be the came price ae heretofore. with me. G O. SWF: ET. Photographer Church 111:1. 5u...pv.11...13 Depot April It. 1,71.--lw DISSOLUTION filifFt firm of McKenztr, Farout .t Co.. la thia dot dip ' I.riven by mutual consent. The c.ok. and or count. are in the hands of the aocrecriinz firm. for im mediate frith:meat Montru.e. A.pril 3. ISI NEW FIRM THE Bo.lues will be continued by McKenzie b Feu rot, with Increased facillt4es for doing hotlines' , . and lessened expenses. are shall he able to sell goods so I..tr Unit it will be a strong inducement to boy of us, to those who wish to earn money by patronising , the ready pay syst....co. McK SZlia. C. C. FAUlt(tr. April 11., 1S V. 3‘• NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN hat Letters Patent hare been teemed to th. M /nitro,- 11.4.11r0ad Comoa. ny. and the .nlietr.ber: , to the Capiral Stork of mid Conrmny are hereby notified to meet at the Hotel of P. F. Bra-h, villa-e of Springv !Ile, Su-ouchanila County, On Thursday. April 71, IKE at 1 ri rI nk, r r , for the pit rpooe of organizing :he Company by the clue. Lion of a President field twelve DireaAory. BEN' - B. F.,BLAII;ESLEY. $, ?And?, IMI=;1=11 11. C 71 L.F.L. W. U.JEssI:P. CISAHLE:S L. 11RniVN, Commis.,Toner• [Attest.] C. L BROWN, SerrettaT. Mont ra.e. April 12, IS7I. To the Public „r Hereby certify that I have for reseralyeary. ktnwn an article put up and prepared by 3I et, A. H. Ta bor. a • a remedy tor - IST VITUS DANCE,” and bare oboe:yen ita efficacy In many taaea, and they were alwaya, bene. Lela' Knowing ite eunrpoaltion and mode of prepara tion, I can truthfully roach for Ita virtues and efficacy. Great Bend, April E. PATRICK, Y. S. MARSHAL'S OEFICR W. D. te Pennsylvania, Pirrone - an. March, 77, 1871. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE: '1 bat on the Yid doe of March. A. D 1871. a Warrant m Bankruptcy was i.e:ned against the Emilie of Maul) N. Walker of Gibson Ton n - ship. in the Connty of Snequebanna. and State of Penn• Icania. o ho hae been adjudg,ed a Bankrupt, on bin own petition ; that the payment ot any debts and delhery of any pnipert V belonging to [men Bankrupt to him or for his nee, and" the [molder of any property by him.are for bidden by law; that a Jfrrrlttg of the Creditoro of tate Bankrupt, to prtive their Beide. and to chaose one or nitre assignees of hit k.state tri9 be held at a Coact of Bankruptcy. yo be holden at the Office of E. N. Willard No. :Dn. Lackawanna Avenue, SUSIILOII. Penn's, before E. N. Williard Eva, Beglater, on the 2Jth day of April, A.D. 1871, o'clock. A. a. A. Aftat DOCK, 4w. U. S. .Varobal, no Jfeonenger. LOST! -A Pocket book on Saturday, March 17th, some where between Dimock corners and George Frinks on , Wyaholing Creek, con taining thirteen dollars and fishy-two center Any one finding the same will oblige by leaving it at A. Lathrep's Store Montrose or with the Subgeriber on Wyalusing Creek. Iw.JOHN KELLEY. VOL' WILL TAKE NOTICE!That oreetfog of the Susq' a County Agricultural Society, will be herd 14.. the Coutt House In Montrose, on Tuesday Ere. April 11, 1871. A general attendance is earnestly desired. Iw. (1. TTLEIT, Seep. ICOTIOEf--31cetin,,W of the Directors of the ./. 1 11 Odd Fellows Ball Aumelatioa, will be held at Odd Felkturs Hall on :Monday April 17,1871, at 714 o'clock, P. SU April 6th, 1811.-2 w. C. IL Swill; Itkey. irssor.rnos.—ne Bran oTl.Witt Co., fine I this ear distils) vcd by mutual Csm Seta. Either paw ner is nutlaorlial to fettle the at:matte of the Lite trial. JANIS. R. DtWITT, PERRY ' llontrcese,Elatch -JAMES R. DEWITT Will continuo the isisheees. the . Old Stand, where he will be ham to in his old friehde and All Who wish to Iniy fp his D o lin B. . EWe f goods. ITT. Xceiron, Notch V. VII. JAMES Gal Nora to' eibtlral4orattlhe War iduith , AND THEM WIDOWS I—Cortyperetute recently pass. ed a Law Goading Perwicrap of Laght Dollars per month, where there was a Service of fllzty Days or more. • NOVO IikEMENS• • ' . For num f I procured Laud Warrants, from DiXo rtrarDWiLL REOZWE fil__., 6 POStha._ tT.U.lsigzr . endpapers , thitiudro fatesh w E r torah* tal and buildings fice ool ....nunse vow: en Important tads mauler to Prop:Div Pen• on the premises , - Alderscat Jolaiaaw- West , una.m. dorm. and persona admen or sending their claims to near the Jessup•itne at the reeldence of said Johnson . . 7 o w. c ., wire th , ft . hamitor . secarda,an4 the MetaV to be conipleted Cher badifese writ tie PtoniptlY attendeno at Wee_ ins on liettlider. liprliith,,lFlL and ready for aeceptance by the first dig el Otter tou sit d b y mak,. L. F. FIT= nett. DLitt and epecift dew an be found with' Mater 2 .0 . 4 . 0m 04 0 , 0 rt. fit . of the Committee. HENRY C. MELD. E , - pmoclr. lipircb V., 1.511.—aw 313! K. Co BO m W mi . ttee JEWELRY .. ...A. IVARE4I.IIJ ,Sidivoite Zito Tabito. 1 6 300tnlies under one wintusgetnent—Ft6o miles with out choir of rosettes. Dread Wine, demists tr iek route to ell :Joints west, nortkwest ands outhwest New sod improved Coaches ore run through without change to Rochester, Buffs)°, Dunkirk, Cleveland, and Cincin• On and after Monday,Dec. 14.1 M. Trains will leave Binghamton at the following bourn, viz: ri.ma . Night Exdrasa, (Mondays excepted] a. m. Night Exprcas. daily. • 6mo m. trail Train. Snndaya oxcepted, for Buffalo. and Dunkirk. &31:h0.m. E inure Accommodation. annd excepted, xtot Matt. Day Express. Sundays excepted. tt pc-m. Express 111atl. heydays excepted. tut p. In. Way Freight, Sunday. excepted. l:tM p. m. Itaxigtant nein. daily for the west. OOINIr EAST. • 1111 a. m. Night Expreea, Sunday! excepted. 7:20 a. N. Cincinnati Ex preen, , Sinnday. excepted. p m. Day Sgprce•, Sunders excepted. 7 .. . M a. m• Arc opmodation Train. daily (or Suequehanca. p. m. Neve York Mull. Sundays excepted. 10.20 p. m. 1,4:m1110c Rs preeo, null . OIU n. m. Way Freight, sandays excepted. B. GGAGE CRP:HUED THROUGH. r 47 — A rn. Led tied COM pieta .• Pocket Time Table — of I'+e , eu;;.•rTra in, on ;be Erie• Railway and connecting beep he, recently heen pnblialied. and can be had 'DU ap plication 10 the 'tirke t Agent of the tunipany. L. D. RUCKER, WI& R. Gen" SOLI t. tienl Paaa'a !4, la7o BILLINGS STROUD, Ticket agent. Montroee Pa I EIITGII VALLEY RAILROAI). On and after Dec. 20.1610, trains oa the Lehigh Valley Railroad trlll ran an follow*: Leave Waverly June 11on E. 11, W. G 33 R. in.p. m. CAO p. m A three 645 `• 3.55 '• Towoneln 7.95 " 4,10 " 7.30 " Lar.wvilie Skinner's [Cy ti 40 " 54t " 51 , ..hoppen 9.00 " 502 '• 51,hoop4ny 9115 •• 510 •• To k'r ode 935 . 640 •• 1.. S. it. June. 10 1;0 " 7.40 " r•lt•ton 1040 • 7..4) •• %VIM.. Barre 11 " 915 " Who., Haven 13:@ ` Ntr Cheek 1.40 " Allentown 2,37 •• Bethlehem 2.50 " Erwo on 317 " 7•lolsdelphin 5.05 •• Ar. At New lark 8.113 Leave New Ynrk 6.00 a. to. I . ,.llndelphia7.Bs " 19.981 in Raton 901 " 1 46 p.m Bethlehem 935 " Allentrwn 9.49 " 4.00 1.1,11(1,0”k 19 55 •' 4,20 " 11 - bite Ila'n 12 IS p. m. 6.45 Wilkee Bee 1.30 6.5 n Pirt.t.Ml 150 " 916 " 1. d 11. dun.'_ 00 11 ToB.l.Cm.cit 2.54 . 1 645 " Ydehonpany " 'hi,,hopven 397 ,• Skinner • F.. 3 42• Lareyeille 3'49 " •• Towanda 4.59 .• •• At h enn 539 " r at W:lverly Sumjou. R It 1{.5 45 (Nr - No Hl:lnge or ears between Scranton and New York, or between Scranton and MalariaJAlL In7o. SPRING 1871 ! SPRING 1871 ! At Lonttelm's GREAT BEND At Lenhelm's GREAT BEND / At Lenbelm's GREAT BEND. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTH ING, HARDWARE, CROCKI:RY, NOTIONS, HATS and CAPS, MTBEII C. C FACIVAT, N. W . Mo. AIN All of which have been purchased during the late decline, and will be sold at prices ac. curdm,,ly GOOD CALICO, only 10 cents per yard GOOD MUSLIN only 10 cents per yard. GOOD SUGAR, only 10 cents per pound GOOD GREEN, BLACK and JAPAN TEAS, only 90 cents per pound, HANDSOME DRESS goods for 35cts a y'rcl 8 Suit of CLOTHES for $lO. All other goods at corresponding LOW PRICES ! We aLv.) make a speciality of the SHIP PING BUSINESS, and will send to the beet HOUSES EA.ST butter and all other kinds of PRODUCE. The 111011 EST market price and prompt returns guaranteed also PAILS furnished and MONEY ADVANCED, to CUSTOMERS when DESIRED Parties wisiling to buy dOODS CHEAP and find the LIinGEST ABSORTN2NT in Susquehanna f:ounfyilo select from will do well to call at E3X3 Great Send, Pa. Apfil 5, 1871.-4 m. TO MST, Acooly DAIRY FARDlll 34 7: L o po rt fro mirn m ten to treaty , COws, tt Mitred. THO Chownat, larch 29, Val. EMECIEM Is the place to buy BOOTS and SHOES, CARPETS, WALL PAPER, OIL PAINTS, &C., ,te ' STORE, MiCD nEirrornal, Ttst4Wane• of kactoli Alleem it; the felleteltit - :person& bleb tiled tiler petittoes with the Clerk two= of Quail= Scalene of the Pewee, la Stitt tar 11411 . 9 . 49ra of Nasenetuteas, for Licensee to keep Tavertie. Kiting Houses and to sell Liquors by reeeekk, >o eektatere.47 • J. 0. Dollard. Brooklyn, 'ham. 5...11. Lewin. affront, • • • e"..Tmorb. John Fosmie, u ' - Timm. don Vernz a T:illo noW.. Ohatleeo. Bittigi4. .., ----- • • - • ,'• ...... B. ri.,Aohosee, - • Timis. RenryAexert, Great ad $m Tonal. f l .7:Vget e er#47 I t ter=7,. '.: . : :•:.: :: ~ . ~...lrerti•- • Oconee McNamara. Cleeat_Bitad n0r0......ity . -maramv. !rah H. Smith. Ghat M , -Tb Timm John B. hb00.,. hiettick,..,4, .. ....... ...TIIMIL Judson BromW. Forest L"., i , •• 4 ........T*TaniL 8 UZabigh9P7. 41 . 44 ".• •4,•.6.• • • t :•••••• . TIMM Enid wHatarrh, Lathrop.... . -I:rt...ma C. M , gagu, Montrose • ..,.. 70 .., 4 _ John N: Tuba, Brim a 20eh0t5... 31 4 " 04" -".... ---71 Witeawirs. Abel Turrell;Montrotp, .By Measure. Ain, & Hayden, New Milford Bum, ' By Measure. Wm:Smith, Nov Milford 80r0...„.. .... : .... Tavern. Philander Phhiney New Millhrd. 80r0,... Tavern. Charles Mona. Bush, Tavern. N. D. Sayer, Matt, W. 11. Sherwood, P. E. Brush, _ _ , ....arena', Sprh., ...., Jeremiah Step. .*ms. Sprinollle tavern. Denote Casey, Stumebaxisa Depot, By Measure. Francis P. Lynch, nuaquebann Depot By Ileum, Thomas Fenian, Susquehanna Depot By Measure. William Howarth, Surtehanna Depot,... Bating House. John P. Hea1.d0...... Bating llouse. prank Hopman ' rt.... .... do...... Rating Ironic. Michael Doyle 5i0.... ....do ... .kotinz_HOOM. Martin (liming do do . Torero. W. W Hotchkiss do A.M. Ayrer.DundnEr.... do Jacob Decker. Jcsatip .. do Wm. H. Packer. Milord. do J. W. 4 / a sthma, Thomann... Jo9cpb D Limberyolubarn T. J. Barnes. Ommt Bend.... 1261=101t1X1 L. F. lto•engraut llarford Wm. (low. Ilarford Jar Thompron, Dimock do W. J. Fbdior, Brooklyn do U. B. ELOilill;Clork Montroge. March 72. 1271. 4or (~ZHERIFFS SALES.—By virtue of writs, Ls 1D sued by the Court of Common Pleas of Sus quelumna County and to me directed, 1.,wi1l ex pose to sale by public vendue, at the Court House in Montrose, on Friday, April 14th, 1871, at 2 o'clock p. us., the following pleeta or parcel"' of land, to wit: All the interest of Randolph Snell, in all that certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the township of Rush, in the county of Susquehan na,and State ot Pennsylvania, bounded and de sribed.as follows, to nit. On the north by lands of Esther M Blakeslee and John P. Devine, on the east by lauds of John Devine. on the; south by lands of Sylvia Stevens, and on the west by pub. lie highway, containing about 20 acres of land, be the same more or less, with the appurtenan ces, 1 frame house, 1 frame barn, 1 orchard, and mostly improved. [Taken in execution at the suit of Sumner & Smith, vs. Randolph Snell and J. Stalfoni A LSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township ofelifford, in the county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Begin ning at the southeast corner of C. T. Glilln's lot, thence by said Gifthis lot north forty-threeand half derees wed 60 perches to a hemlock corner in the line of land of Pulaski Chamberlin, thence south 464 degrees west along said Chamberlin's land, 40 perches to a stake avoidance, thence ;south 43W degrees east 60 perches to estake and stones, in line of land of Eaca Truesdale, thence north 04 degrees east 40 perches to the place of beedis, rung, containing 15 acres and 89 perch es of land strict measure, he the same more or less, with the appurtenances, 1 frame house, 1 frame barn, 1 young orchard and (nosily im proved.—[Taken in execution at the Snit of T. F. Johnson vs. Adolph Miller, Win. Miller & Co. to the use of Solomon Bolton va. Adolph Miller, J. C. Stewart vs. Adolph !Mina ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Lathrop, in the county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsyl vania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of Van Akin, on the east by lands of Estus and —Osborn, on the south by lands of Harvey Taylor and on the west by lands of Drinker, containing about 23 acns of land, be the same more or less, with the appurtenances, 1 frame house, 1 frame barn, 1 small orchard, and mostly Improved.—[Taken in execution at the suit of James Wilbur to the use of W. W. Wilbur, assigned to Loren Wright vs. Samuel Mead.] ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the village of Springville, In the county of Susquehanna and State ot Pennsylva nia, bounded and described arrinllows, to, veil On the north, and east by lands of P. E. Brash, on the south by public highway, and on the west by public highway. containing shoat One half etre of land, be the sanienrarsorleitiasith theappurtenances. 1 store and dwelling:house tl baeksmithshop, 1 tram barn and out. building and all improved.—[Taken in execution at the suit of Albert Beardsley, assigned to A. Lathrop, Zophar Barnes. ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the township ot New Milford, in the county of Susquehanna, and State ot Pennsvl ania, bounded and described as follows, to wit Beginning at a point in the middle of the road leading from N. K. Sutton's saw mill to the Hall place, (so-cilled4 and opposa, a post and stones on the east side of the road; thence by a line of other hods, of said Sutton, south 43 degrees east, 160 perches to a chestnut sapling, thence by lands of E S. Page north 47 degrees east 113 perches to a large stone set up for a corner; thence by lands of said Page and by lands of -- Towner. north 43 degrees west 167 perches to a point in the middle of said road south 12 degrees west perches, south 83 1-2 degrees west 27 perches, south 49 degrees west 24 perch es, and south 8413.; degrees west 27 perches to the place of beginning, containing 87 acres of land, be the same more or less, with the appur tenances, 1 frame house, 1 frameliana and oat buildings, a few fruit trees'nnd about d 5 acres improved. [Taken In execution at the suit of N. K. Sutton, vs. John Donal ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the Borough of Susquehanna Depot, in the county of Saar:suction= and State of Pennsylvania, being the ninth part of village Lot No. 37, of James H. Smith's lands, made by Addison McKee, bounded and described as fol lows, to wit Beginning nt the south corner of William Skinner's lot; thence south 5444 de grees west along the north bounds of a street 34; feet to the east botinds of a side street or lane; thence along said lane north 35 1 4 degrees west, 40 feet to a corner of Margaret Guillo's lot , thence along the same north 54.' 2 ' deco rs east 39 1 ;1 feet to the west line of aforesaid Skin ner's lot ; thence along the same SOL . :11 28 de gree; and 30 minutes east, 40 feet and 4 inches to the place of beginning, containing 1400 square feet of land, be the same more or less, with the appurtenances. 1 store and dwelling house, some ornamental trees and all improved. Also all that certain piece or parcel of land, sit uate in the Boro of Susquehanna Depot, in the county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsyl vania, being parts of lots No. 59 and 60 of Mc- Kee's survey of village lots for James If. Smith, bounded and described as follows, to wit; Be ginning at the northwest corner of lot No. 62, (noW or formerly owned by Skinner and occupied as a barn lot), tjance south 51 1 ; de grees hest 13 feet along tire line of Daniel It. Pope's lot to ti corner in line of W. Forbes' lot; thence along the same south 35!1 degrees east 34 , 4 . feet to a corner; thence south n4' degrees west 78 feet more or leas, to the cast hounds of the four rod road, leading from the River road to the Lenox and Harmony Turnpike, thence along the same south 59 degrees east 70 feet and one-third of a foot to the north bounds of a ttio rod Woe , thence along the same north 6434 degrees east 66 feet more or less to the south-west corner of aforesaid barn lot; thence along the same north 6544 degrees west 99 tact to the place ofJape% nning, containing nearly 10 square rods of Bind, he the same more or less, with the appurtenances, 1 two story dwelling house and out-buildings, and all improved.— [Taken in execution at the suit of W. W. Welsh, s. E. W. Forbes.] Notice Is hereby given that all bids must be paid in cash on the day of sale. MK, T. MOXLEY, Mini& gliCtill's Office, Montrose, March 20, 1871. COURT Pll,l)=3l=ON IIIerIIEREAS, Tbo ilooorableT, D. Streeter, President af the Court of gagster Seseioneof the Peacnotnd Coma of Common Picas and Orptutas'Coartin tbaTer taunts Jadicial Dtatrict, comptaed of. the =untie. of tharfehanns and bradford, and the Boas. B. T. Ashley end !aided % Agattalate Judges fitulattensnon County; hare Jutted. their precept s to, ate directed, for holding a Court of Quarter. eicasionsi Cdlate on Pleas and Orghatts• Coati, in the Boro of hioatrote and • county of fluaraebtatuai on the MI Monday of April, being the 10th 47: Dints is fizaszT Great To the '-Ooronor and Ju4 fleet dr-the Pence of- raid county of uuhanea, that they maybe bereft) ttreir paw, polio*. et *o'clock to the afternoon of 'aid day, irfth the renorda Ind Intird 'Moos. and -other teettandninaaar Miss thlogs which to their otateet apttertedti to be P. And those 'who ire *tend arr -wgolzan 'the primates that etiestrban ho intha jail er said Mitt, eitad• henna, anctrrhethere, to Itratecuts pe;thddtaa irill aas Dated id Montrose, the 90th or ![arch, in the year of our Lord one thoatand eight trandred seventy-one. • • Whi..T, 1110 LT, ff. nVirlitcOnice, Nentrtati, Karen 90 , f ull . Sheri (LOVER AND TIMOTEF SEED, For I._J gale by A. N. BULLARD., routiot.-t. 3!alc 13,1871, iw 11111CUMEttil. • • • willtittand err a orimrsa therpres ent season. commencing Montrose, on neturdry of each wish • X.inenril Wed nesdays, and Fridays, at the subscribers. In West Mina. Putorme..—Toronto Chief, Jr., Washed 47 to Cut trotting stallion. Toronto Chief. now the season ; bo by-Royal George and bis dam by - wood. out of en Dell ma George wee sired hy meek War rior • OW ',Wet be by Messenger, of Tomono Mum ales. bun was deed Ivan bfolUffarooft oat of JlY,Afeoffnotann ay4lngou tha rt ' s tfy lithr Afebia, the alrehrillir uadry, and gotodelre of Anuerfean Staf—daso, old Pitfolflo. TOSOIGO Cum, trotted the best Wilion time MI reenrda-ballmile, 1:8X ; ono mils tag; two nate. at TOIIMITO "Sfa ,Iras trod I . Vroom. of Blooming Grove, Orange Co., N. Y.,in ate win of ten. Any ono wanting information with mud to Is pgrea or stock. Can addrese D. IL Radian, D. 0. Coulter, O. ofrovi loos!as . wo aka, I atiorkaaterialib:tatiod NO. webrbs 1.200 pound& dim diepeaßkus and le enneldered by rho but judges of hones to be a very muscular built horse. Fie has ;ie..er been trained, bat gives signs of great speed. An inspection ts Timis.—Tobldere - britb that M. Ufli4 rules es cue. Maury, Insurance money due, Mardi let, tall- J. M. CEDMIAN, Proprietor. Elk Lake, Pa., Raub 15, 1671—tin. Tavern Tavern. Tavern. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE—The subscriber offers hls farm at Silver Lake, Susquehanna Co., Pa., contains over 180 acres 100 or 103 of which are cleared and under cultiva tion the land is well watered and gOod for either grain or grass, there arc between two and three hundred grafted Apple trees on the place besides peach, plum, and pear trees, the term is conveni ent for churches and schools with good build ings, 130 rods south of Quaker lake, the farm is a good one and admirably located. Address or at)• ply to MA.DEICE M. DONNELL. Silver Lake, Susqa. Co., Pa., March 8, '7l. 3m. New 7-30 Gold Loan SAFE! PROFITABLE! PERMANENT! • . Jay Coolt_z Co. Offer for Sale at Par and ACeractl 7 Interest; 'the FillgT fIORTGATIE LAND tif(ANr 491.1:1 Northern Paoifko , RAILROAD COMP'Y. THESE BONDS are secured, first, by a Flro Nfortgage on the Railroad Itself its rolling stock and en equipment'. eeeond, Are First 'Mortga g e on its entire Land Grant. being more than Ttrenty•Tivo Thonsand Acres of Land to each mils of road. The Bonds ore free from rotted States Tax; the Prin cipal and Interest are payable in told—the Principal at the end of Thirty yearn, and the Interest Seml-annually, at the rate of Seven and Three-tenths per cent- per They are issued In denominations of $lOO, Wl' 10, $lOOO $3,000 and $10.0013. The Trustees under the Mortgage axe Messrs. J. Cooke, of PhiLidelphla, tuft J. Edgar Thaw. Prosident of the Pennaylvanla Central Railroad Company. . These Northern Pacific 7.30 Bonds will at all times be tore maturity. be receivable at ten per cent Premium (or 1.10), In exchange for the Company ',l Lands at their low. eat cob price. In addition to their sluolute rarely. these Bonds yield aw Income ismer. we believe. thanany other First Class security. Persons tickling United States Five-Twenties can by co n verting them into Northern Pacifies, Increase their yearly Income one-third. and still have a perfectly reliable Investment. HOW TO GET THEM Tonr nearest Bank or Banker will supply these Bonds In any desired amount. ander 4nr.steededdenamlnallon. Pomona wishing to exchange Stocks or other Bonds fur them: can do ao with any of ogr Agents, who will allow the highest current price for all Marketable Securities. Those living in localities remote from Banks. may send money. another Bonds. directly tens by egress, and ere will send back Northam Pacific Bonds at our own rick. and wlthont root to the Investor. For further llama. lon. Om:clatlecs. mope,' etc. call on or address the under. elitzed.or envoi the Baia! or Bankers employed to eell this Loan, l'or rale hr PUBLIC NOTICE. IWould respectfully state to my former Custamt re sad the pablie generally that I em again carrying on the !FM LORING BEISINESSI IN MONTROSE, and propose co do all WORK in that Line, la a FASHIONABLE, NEAT. 'SUBSTANTIAL MANNER, And at 9 itisfactory Prices. Particular attention given to CUTTING earl SPECIAL CARE used to haTe the work Plain for the person who puts tt together. Shcp on the weft side of "rublk Avenue." over Items Nicnoll Drug Store, etoining the ()Mee of Dr. Halsey. F. LINES. lonrtove, February 7, 1871, ABEL TURRELL L"' ER'S cnnalantly oatt hand one of the ?hoot tomer 11 one collections of DRUGS & MEDICINES In the wants'''. aid bestoSes events! attention to se lecting and buying articles to this department that are pure nod genuine. lie also keeps a great variety of tiquons AND WINS bought either direct from tiro distiller, or importer, and warranted strictly pure. Also. • full assortment of Paints. Oil!, Vatiifilles, Brushes. Lubricating Oils and Dye Stuffs. Uroceries, Mill raper, tam., Kerosene, Violins, Yietols, (inns and ammunition. A tine variety of. Gold and other.JRWELRY, Pertain cry, Yankee NOTIONS, Sc., and other gouda too nu meroue Lo mention. During reveral years past persorre Pure been In the habit of forming clubs,and sending to the (]runt Ameri. can Tea Company. New York, fur their supplies of Tea and Coffee, fur family.use. Abel Turrell la now anpplying the people with these Tem and Coffee., at him atom in licuninte, at the same price. that those club. and o'her persona pay at the etore 01 the Company to New York. Than, parChalwrs x ill mve the expre.a charge, trouble of clubbing and risk of sending, by buy'sg of GOLD JEWELRY A Sew and large supply, Montrone, Nov. 24, 1269 ABELITURRELL ST. VIM' DANCE CURED 10p7 MRS. A. A. TAYLOR.—NO CURE NO PAY.— hltecnn ha consulted nt her residence In Bridgewa ter, on the farm adjoining Ki.nheriir Johnston. Best of references given. A. A. TAYLOR. Bridgewater. March 22, 1871. tf STATEMENT OF CLIFFORD TOWNSHIP BOCNT Pl. - ND, As presented by the Board of Direct ors, March Slat, 101 l : Amount of Bounty unpaid, March Ils; 1171, $1,655 00 Amount in Collector's hinds, nut collected 070 47 Amount Ten:mining to Liirector,s bands..... 318 Ifft Amount to be provided,foc 866 83 T. d. WELLS, SAMUEL ARNOLD?Auditors. T, W.,ATELNSON, 1 Clifford, North 51.1871. W. F. WILSON, Clerk, PLASTER, PLASTER—We keep on hand an ample supply of Fresh Ground Cayuga ?looney, for male at Montrose Devout; try TIFFANY b VILSSISIL Montateso Depot. Feb. BOOM 8w A CARD. iCtT OUT AND KEEP 4 TO THOSE MERCILNTS And others who hairs so fit i ngraill u ar t i h tVa r i c23=in i of y e, h = their influence, to the . SPLENDID NEW millawma STORE, of Smith, Cohn & CO., 19 and SI Mane street, New York, where orders should be dictated to me and direct ed to the firm, to Insure early attention, and I would add to my . patrons, and to there who " grass by on Me other side,' that lam not to be undersold, by any big or little concern in New York, or elsewhere, sopleaselire me a fair trtal. Our goods are all new, and death for anth, for the nearM. C. n by ad Northern trlde. TY LEIL, agent, and Assistant Montrose March M. NHL Buyer. r WATS OF FRANCIS.OIARR late of Apolacon Laicism:tap, Susquenanna Cotmly. Pa., deceased Let ters tot Administration upon the above named dec edent having been granted to the undersigned. notice is hereby r t vi t = al.iLerecren and th ose t is os .. tleatate. to make Wi chita. agetillt ttte 1 10 .6 theos dtd7 sa I . l k ll. - tbr rettiem ! mt Id the undenigned. FRANCIB CLARICar.: PATRICK Wank!, admultitteten, slaw Bfanirose, March 20. 1871.-41 w &Wawa. (mem CONGIIE Es W ATER, at TURRELLS FINANCIAL Urn. H. COOPER & co. Montrose, Pa ABEL TURRZLI, llonm*,, Pa. _ •=1:1/111,111=164 , - • -Marti iddlitunen ' to, •ILF le- VanllaCOUDOtaXilteV;Vl Wait Alpo to or. der, dud IMlMKor,Reddeont :1114 414%; ern door wadi of the (Athol: e Church. *9 2 drodkiddreft 99 -INTL - --• tore.. - 4 - ivice ow rim Awnsto Senlipikktof sate mop moms mar, tetum, Iciptirdorn. ontrgernatek 1871.—1 M 4:11:11c00t,LIIIII. VD* :" BUD AND CLOVEN fIRSD:.4Largo. 4illoollo* .• Tureen. Ilrares)bi. • vAixor ssa I4OVER &MOAT .s.,i_t' EITANLYWID6OII.4 Warn= it *UAW* D • suaiga,TUanstz. ipreatidtkra um. 4w. .kiiilo2lSiolillEMPU -- rue, TATE'OP WV/URI BALDWIN, kte et Ararat llii townrhip, ,Penbrylvards. decessed. .Lidtera testa. znentery upon... Aka estate at the abuse ogliond deeedast having been granted to the undersigned. sentfre is glean to all persona Indebted to the same to Make Immediate payment; itad those basing claims erpon the same gill present them dpky autheatkated for settletttent LEONARD 0. BALDWIN, La rcntor , , LfIIAN E. BALDWLN. Ararat, February:L.4 ACDITOICS NOTICE.—The unemlgned en. Auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court of Busquehannn Count), to dlsttibute the fond In the bands of Elliot Al drich, J. W. Casalngton and Ell Barnes. Executors of the last Will and Tegtament of William C.-Wood. do ceased, will attend to the duties of hie appointment, nt Ills allot. in the Borough of Montrose, in said County. on Monday the 10th day of April., nest, et 13aVeladit nt.. when ill newtons mayprewut their dab:us - or be %r -over barred. - JAMES B. CALISULT, Montrose, February EL 114. Auditor.® vxgouToirs NCTCE.—Letters Testamentary la the 1.:4 estate of Jeremlah.Meaeham, late of litonttose. quehanno County. detente d. haveng teen itatdedfto the sehlaitter. all pataotia Inddifoo to aald - eitate afc requeeedto make Immediate payment. nod all persons haying claims agalnat said decedent will present them without delay. ALFRED BALD IN. • • hloatrose.hrarch & 1 311—ts Executor. A UDITOWS NOTICE —The undersigned, In Auditor. Mk: appointed by the Judinea of the °inhume Court of SawnMinna County; to distribute thnde remaining In the hands of James Wortion, Administrator of the er tato of Sala Payne, deer...ed. will attend to the duties of Said appointment, at bla office. In illrfeefose, the 6tb day of April. 'Si.f at I o'clock In the ffetifbon of that doe. at wh.lelaProno and plus all .persooff lotorewed will make known their claims , 3r be forever debarred from coming in on paid fond. W. A. ‘MOSS.IIO23, Montrose, Mark 1,7571, 4w Auditor. STATE of Polly Slyter, late of Forest Lako totem .E 4 ship. Pennsylvania, (based; Letters Testamentary upon the estate of the above named decedent, haring been grunted to the ander.lgned. notice is given to all persons Indebted to the ...ma to snake Immedtatelpay moot, and those having claims upon the same. will pre sent them, duly authent !tutted. f..f settlement. HARVEY BILLESALL, Executor, Forest Lobe Earth 15, lien. WONDER OP THE PPORLD.—Ptliaburgh, Pa. January 2q,1871.—T0 Ilhom It mar concern : —This Is to sadly that I have given A. BALDWIN, of Montrose, Pa.. the exclusive control of the sale of the above nem. ed remedy In Susquehanna Coeur. PO long as he chooses to continue In the business, sod ihat all ortlvrs hereafter should be addressed to him. to feeelve attrui Inn, March , 187 L 3m 31. M. TILTON, Troprictor. 211 DAIBY•WOM&S WANTED—A neat, tidy. abic•bodled R0M.117, to as. shit in the dairy andgeneral work of a forrn.hou.e. To a competent person who to able and aiding.good wage+ wilt be evert. Apply lb Mr". 11 J. Webb. Mon. trate or to the pubeerfher, on the farm of Mre. Henry Drinker. in od/li:ceater. near Montrose. Bridgewater, March 22, 1371.—tf E. J. NOBLE. REST BARGAINS IN TOWN IN CROICE FAMILY 01 OCEITIF.S. FLOUR PRO tisk:ins, Dried and Canned Fruit, VeggrAblto. et the Head of Navigation. A. N. RULLARU. Montfort, Fcbruary'22. 1871, ^ 9tl ROAD LETTING.—The Supervisors cf Bridgewater will meet at the house of Charles Sprout, on Saturday, April 15th, at 10 o'clock A. at., for the purpose of letting the making of a road from his house to a road lead ing from Montrose, past Myron Baldwin's, one mile and ten rods in length. 11. BREWSTER, ) Z. M. BREWSTER, • '-. SuPervis. - - , JAMES CALPII, t`r' Btidcwater, March 6, 1871.—aw. TILE 31 lift 1I A LS A E P . P & R c.. In g stusqu;;lla n tfn i a L} Co 4 t/t Es ; • Mkt notice all( in pursuance of the eti , PTIII [Kt. M As• sem , dy of thht Commonwealth to provld • revenue to meet the demand, upon the Trelvan end far other per. poses the undersigned, Appraiser of Ji err-unite taxes for said county, has prepared n list of Merchants trad ing In said county. and placed each merchant In that class which to him appears Just and right accordlog to the acts of Assembly, to : APPlrrt. 'Reese & Tingley 11 P C E L Adam . 04 11 NII Finn ..... ... ......13 LENOX Wm. White 14 Black. Berhans, 6: Clear 1 H 1.. Lott . . .. .. ... • • 14 wai 1 . „,„... c- 12 France & *wi , ber • ...^ l4 Grow.tßrOther.. 12 titwrge Brown.. Cw4e. Arten.o. 0 T2' Johnson. ... 13 C C Worth . ... .. 13 arnutTown. Payne & Illosham. . 12 , parrick White 14 BooostiN, NoNimosc. J 0 Very.— . •• - • 14, 0 R Lyons 42 Co.. .. 12 TltTany & Cramer.... 14. z Cohn, J H Page. l4 :Wenb & ()err. .. .... 14 14 031 Du1a 44 1441 . 4 ...... ••• •1 4 te B chanOLT. . 14 C 110g , . ,4 •••-, ' • ', 4 1, 1; if - Isbell ~. . ....I.! Kent A Eldridge. .. • ••• Lyons, Drake & C 0.... II Wm. Cntrer . 13 ' I t o &Co ... ... .. i 4 D A & A Tit•worth It n „,. 8 ,, 4 , t. s ,;„i., p . . 4 .12 ceLi..X.OIII.T. .Wm..l Mulford .. ... ...II 31 Hickey.. ~ .. . 14. A N ItrillartL.. .... .. 14 ct.teroun. ~' Stamp & Talbot . 41 TJ Welk . • "13Vm. 11. Floyd ek Co . II T F Johnson. 13 l' N Stoddard . .14 .1 N Baker... . . . 14 '.1 &J T 80yd.... . . 14 PH Gardner .... 14' 8 ii 8‘,.,r„. ..14 II A William. . • • • 14 Miner & Coat... . 14 0 Wells & Brother /3 1E'Raeun . 14 DUNTkArT. il N ma " ... 14 S G Weaver pm 4. ••• . 14Iw w 88,,th 13 I E Davie. / 4 / 1 r 0 Vordhard.. . . Henry Spencer ...... . ... .141 w B Det ...... ... ... 1 1 E P Chambers 1 ., 4 :13 M Wilson 13 , A Rielnirdeon " A Turrell p m 4 14 THEOMI. Head, Griffis & to p m 4 10 Wm. II Thayer ' l3 Gritenberg, R 0 s 0 0.. Mlles & Sherman / 3 boom A Cii ,10 11 Blslievie" ,- • : ' - 14 1 4 .1 eKentie Fsraut & C0..11 Stevens & LeenocY 14 1.1 R DeWitt & Co 12 ronger Laae. 14 ! A Lathrop.. ... .. ....10 VI L Ball . . L B Silvers. NKED% 21 sew straconn AIM, a Hayden p m 4.. 14 THA D 0A F II Vonibam... .13; J 1 - 1 k 44,111 . 11 .ir 10 urrunes Atkins. 14 J L liferrlanati EH Merriman. . la 11 Herritt p m 4. . ... . .13 14 David Summers p m 4.. .14 THIENDSTILLE H L Blowers.. ... . • • - w I, 11. 8 . 8 6 c o 10 ~iT 1103 den.. . . . I 4 F./ Gomm M MeMannes. ..............14: 4,3/..;14,1'. H anley •• • . 1 1 1 1 Wm. Bottom pm 4 • ~i,Joh. ~ ......,..n .. I, ....,cr,Wintars.. '''' AlcCollnre .3 . l3rother . IV onear lirSo. ~,, 11 Garrett & Son 11 R Stack . .. Whitto; & Preston ....11 - 34 P 1 T° l4 -,- 1 7 4, 0 L ,L k : 4 4 . . 1. • • •14 R 14 Clark .... Ili T T Mun.m. T D Esuobrooit p rn. -4 31 UT h ' 8, re. u Cy .. ...... —4 1. S Lenh•lm. grow. W .3 4 olst. 0 1 4 4 1 ,L II Sherwood & Co __All Wm. C Mclntosh . M C 31e4.'reary . 1-0 'NN, 1.3 , m 5 , j . :r cr l 4 4 . n•i 4 . .•. • . 7 4 4 11 Thomas Crm.ack.... .. .14 Walter Palntin II lITHINISILLE. Wm. 8a1dwin...,..... _l4 J Al K° r o l 3 .i ,w4. . 1 1 4 4 H. P Derail.. ... II A Clark ... 14.1 t./ F Spenter .. . . 14 14 '11 Hendrick . .... 11 George Wel.Pell L W Chichester. I .ljHungerford A Meeerole .11 ~ i llemac Mellenile . . . 14 11 C Bronson 14 II 3 Hanna., ... .. ..14 1 y ---13-'1340.- U F Fawn.... . 141 SCSQUEI,I.•PrNA DEPOT. Of lEKt. Giiiel .3 Page ..... .......13 Caoperatlve Company .. 11 tll Lyons . . . ... .....14 George H Vi'ritn p m 4..:.11iW 8 Beebe pm 4. ... 14 James Feller rliC Fernan. 14 Dnnn a . Co.. . .. .11 11 Covey .II D E Ilnl mes p m 4. ... It George 11 Crandon. .. 12 Kennedy & `nn p 23 4....11n4 Allen .14 Milliken .t. Smiley pm 4 Id Myers Mortis._ . .14 Wm. D E)mer . .. ... ..I4 Thomas McDonald . .10 11 31 Tingley ... ....I 1B F Smith.. ..... .. .14 naICIONT. 31 J Pend.crgmit... .... ..14 11 W neont ,t.. Co. . 1:1 Joh% 'nervy 14 J B Steven...—. .. . .11 Union Store Association ID . . . . ...... . .1 Sr hlnger A Co 12 Walter Barber . . 12 SA Lyons & San ... ..121D ti Lyons.. 14 891 Monnon .... .... .11 , C J Lyons.. .!. . .. 14 C J I.yone . ..14 Lenin Freeman . 14 lISIIIIIM. it P Dore .n. ..... . 12 G W Potter & Co 12 Decry C Lea p m 4 12 11 C Spencer 19 Jam. Dell 12 llorec,NicholsitCo p ut 4.10 W J. rukenbt ri 14 ILLAIITORD. F B Thayer 12 J C Edward. 14 McDonald & K we. .....11 0 Pante & Son.— ... ..11 Y D Lyons II E T ilenny. 12 A II 'Tarbox L R Peek. .... .. .....14 G L Adam*. .. .. 14 14 11ro. B McGrath... fi II Wm. 11811 fs T Smith . 18 .1 W Matte Jones b T.nncr T J Conr Cc . Hinds . ..14 Mien McGuire 14 Daboock t Newton.... 14 Guilt:labor:. Rose n ssextteeil baton.s Co M Benson 11.1CAJ II Cook . D Roberts ...... . . .. . 14 d e Foot ......... . . ...ID Norris & Frcneh IR D A Lrons ....... .... 13 d Y Potter- 14 C A Miller 13 .11..7ft'P. JC & J li C00k.... . .12 John Warner... ... ..... 14 M Mill:me ....... .... ..14 . .. J 11 Rosenkrans pm, ....1d ohn W.Osborn • 11 .1111311 TI Mrs It E Forbes. 11 Joseph Webster - • 14 A C Backman 14 D D Watford 14 FHA= LAIC. A A Beeman...... .. 14 T fiulllvan 14 urrias nsanows. K G Meek5r...,.... ...14 R B Beardrlce..... ... 14 Dean's Mahonj.. 14 1.1 R Oartldd ..... ... .14 Mrs. M Gage.,.. . . .14 LATUEOP. - 7nOUSON. Hell & itrothere 12 0 I. Lowfa.... ..... . ....14 EM. Tinny it. CO.. . 101 F M Gellert . . 13 Classification of Vanden of Merchandise. SA, lars than $5,030 class 14 ••$ SPA lase than $lO,OOO - 13 " 100(0 " 10.00( "11 " 15.0(0 ' " TO MO ..... .. ...... . " 11 A 3.1.003 ' " 40.4301 " g . '40.000 ,* And then Jadgee of the Court of Common Pleas el Enid eooohi pill hold a court of Appell at she Court Bernie in Mot trol!e; In and for tat deotrty, nit Tuesday. AptillEttf.lB7l. at; o'cloric p. or.. at varied titna and Pigtail:4 %AggietelsaMta described , deemed:and Clow ed ga, „pr tbett ag oh or attorneys. may ap' pert: ta d a f from tag asansemant i ay think ProlleT• . WORMS. ..iTsoltattn.Alszeti ff.ltrttrAw - Meteanlllo.Appralear. FERLIL:p. x. SPECTACLES—aIso coin viscsowissimaays sirppit. ofsale !rim. ItqUEN.• TMEII HE nOTEI. O .Pro ko iti va located 'Tat Dime* emirs; sat MS My mys La the Lewis BOLA rearward wl *titbit, OM Tireatr acres of Veneto Lad. For partied's:o eiditrFarcall KILLS, DlErack, Pa„ 1114 1.01; if.,secator, =or. a. 20. 3113111.42VeRTIXPOI Tomo, 4411ambeg 0 _ 3E4 X 1W 2311.1 C MlVff '111.4 In offence thL Llelaent - la Vlmi zc Zttl.; , ..llllala Poll confidence. that Um= en e OtMe WV le am as se tort real resahly; lir era Ottawa la the roach of that class v ow', 1111ftritielgii nttbout the lead tear of that It nada im rlTsled to the I* of mod CarnpOOndi =AI 11 0' . plied fof the , ore pf &stave, Feallng thetelb= o n Iv nnoeceleary to tt hsa rre t t:ll ea erne? to Its effects so mysteriously DWI( In its itcrwero.of relief, loan, the deaf to ;the b d s e e ; ,ttre TOO. &min nd crippled rhethenttt to IraTiceiCet and ra. Joiee nest In tie power st.tv of moboodjlapta. paratton to ffeetcd 16 the pnlftbn ttd °len coeHts, and claims Ito volatile crigle Ot oilmt n? ilk of the tilltbrf en deserts ; bth on the cdotrary Is whet its tropottli, sod Is a rare cOrtabltattlon Of tho *Alert df iffOrda Andollf can prodicti. , •.. 'Mid, Dec. 14, lea This notki to te t te/6Ra aft desteis to Otoprlatart medicines, that we have establtibea a Dipot Canna county at Montrose. Pa. for the sale or DI: L C N. 8r..11 . 0 Ynang meettetb Ltalatent. Old that Kr. A. IiaLDWLY Is caw agent for tlx:rettes. WgR.D, SO 06/11.41W0 ADO., I*l W Shen; Ma Toff Aitrictel will soon be cstabllstied at ceptizi Sian tel every toirtiehip. and pubtilhed In the Hit below. ready to ftinstatt it at Phelan!, prices. to agent& Petro eta and circular* sent tree upon applicatlan to thte lab; scriber. The Liniment is now for Waal. retell b 7 the Cele!. log agento. to wit : Burns &IS iehols, Mantra**. • -- A. Turrell, L. Attune, Auburn 4 Corners. Wirth= White. Materna Centre, Noah LiuNein, South Auburn. Waltroln A Vosbarg, Skinner's Eddy. Keeler a Veagthn, Wyehising- D. C. A F. U. forth:am, Franklin. Dr. V. Unmet, Camptown. J. Dolmas A Sane, Stevensville. I. NI. Sherwood, Ituvhville. B. T. Hendrick, Springville. William Thayer. Dlinbck. F. B. reardviee, Little Meadows. Bobert Winterv, Frieudaville. M. L. Bell. Blrchardville. Titeworth. Brooklyn, PI. L B. Hind+. Factoryerne. W, H. Curtis, Banc] Hollow. E. hi. Tiffany. llopbottom. J. B. Very. 'Montrose Depot. U. al. Hawley, Now Milord: T. D. Easterbrook, Great Bend. Any pernons In townships not above mind, desidasi an agency. racy obtain it by addregaink A. BALDWIN, General Agent, Mantras*. Pa. Jnn iI, iSll—Sm FARM Solt SALE, Containierg one handfed and fifty AU% and hundred under improvement—with good build , ings, orchard, &c. &c. Price too, and" term* made eary. inquire of L, F. FITCH, or O. V. BEICTLLI 3loatnraa, Jan. 4, 1871—tf ``LW WALL PAPER, Ja•t arrived. and auLlind rheap by Montroto, April N. 1319. ABEL TERRELL: A. Family Atodielnn—We call the attention of our readers to the a vertlsements of that 4111rOrit0 home remedy, Perry Davis' PAIN KILLER. It has been be: for the public over TUIIITIC Treallt, and probably has a wider and better reputation than any tftifef proprietary medicine of the present day. Al this period there UV but few unacquainted with the meritsof the Pain Minn but whlle some extol it as a flalmentr they know little of Its power in easing gain who:tinker' irate y. while, cohere eve it internally ilith Emit itit6nE but ma equally lgnorsot of Ire hellion Orton "bee syphed Terrell!. We therefore. wish to say to tent lb i.s eqn Ily etiecessfol whettertrsedthhtntallyorexternally, and it stands tooley, norivalledhvalithegroet catalogue of Family It is enmtlfitt eildente of Int virtue se a standard medicine, to know that It le now used in ail parte of the world, and that its solo I con tinnily lee - moping. No curative ag;.t has had lush widespread vale, Cr given east universal sattsfactlOn: ft le a pct el y vegetable compound, and perfectly safe, even to unskillful hands. OFFICIAL DIRECTOSIN COUNT! tirFICE:BR. Prerldertt Ridge—non. F. 8. Streeter. Arrotiate Judger—A. Baldwin. R. T. Ashley, . rrulhonntary and Clcrk of Cortrta,,T. F. Shoemaker. Rrgieter, Retarder. Jrd —llerittin R. Lfone. Pletrict Attorney—D. W. Scoria. Trearnter—lleniattffn ?Midden. Sheriff—Wm. T. Motley. Deem, Sheriff — M. B. Helene. Surveyor —James W. Chapatati. . . l'ammlaalouerr—Seel Shefer. T. Ellis, PtesetTed Binds. COffmnittidders• Cierk—Wm. A. entafetorm.' Jury Comenlislonera—F. B. Streeter; ex 0047, Daniel Itrewoor, Wm. A. Crorruom. Arptitore-1 , . fi, Ch.:ocher, Vat)! !Leyden, BILIOneS.; Coroner —Dr. C. C. Halsey. OFFICERS tf.t. Amactxrcva, socisre. Wm'. IL Jessup, President; IL 11. Jones, dames Mai fries, Vice Prrridrnts; Ge0..11. JesstliA Correrfpondlna Secretary; Henry C. Tyler, Reearilln Sedalia . ); a. IL (Jere, Trearnrer: 11. R. Barrington,' A. Baldwin, IL U. Skinner, Exetutire Codninittee. MONTROSE & BEIEDGEWATER ASTItIM. Titalt-rarta.—John Trumbull, W.L.Coz, 8. lasgaoti —R. Matthew Sotretha7— Benj. L. Baldwin. Stewattl—Dui Id Martin. Phystman—Dr. J. D. Vail. BOROUGH ovricsßa Bergen—C. DI. nem. Councii—W. A. Crourithe, W. W. Watson, A.. 1, Gerettaa. Wm. U. Jesapp, 0.-Nr Crandall, J, P. Sirdemaker, D. Drewatet, P:Atolls. If. A. Detre, Constable—John C. Howell Hl Conrtable—Charlee J. Whipple. School Dlrectora—Wea. U.Jearrip, J. B. DeWlit. W. W. WIII11:111, B. The (Cher. D. F. Amalfi, C. C. Ualael. MLNISTICItS. 1 1 ,1 , t0tetion—Ite4. Jacob G. Miller Boigoi)pol—Rov, E. A. Warrtner. tiaptiet—ltuv. L. IL Ford. 3tvdvAltst—Rcv. King Myron: cathollc—llev, J. Slattery. AS§OtTATIO.NEI Wstren Chapter. No. 180. tneets at Masotti() tian e Thursday of each month oil of before MI Moos. Warren Lodge. No. 240. A. Y. M., meets it NUMMI 11411 the firvt Westuesdtry of coal month on orbdorg fop moon, n the Second Wednesday thereafter. Montrose Lodge. No. ILL I. 0. of 0. P.. meeti Al Odd FOlews Ilan every Tuesday evening. St. John** Encampment, No. SO. Mega al Odd nil lowa Unit the ad and 4th Friday mit mohth. yto,,•can Degree Ledge, No. 7. meets at,ode Mow. Hall the Crot and third - nifty totth flonttti. Montms. Lodge, I. O. oT 0. T. medial. Geed Tamp , Inns 11611 every Alundity evening. Good &merits, Tempt° of Honor. No. IG ;nests IG Good Temptart' Jl* thofitl Friday °Teeth month. ATI - ktl'lON ; WE'LL GIVE YOE a PITS. 4 T. D. TAYLOR, so keg known in-Bingham+ ton as one of the most popular Cutters, and fashionable Tailors in this section of country has formals co-partnership with E. F. New comb, of MontiOse, anti they are now prepared ro (urnish men's wearing apparel of all Model and in style and workmanship superior to any establishment in this section of country. Wa OLTARANTBE SATISFACTION to all who may favor us with their patronage. Shop at Post's okt corner, on Public Avenue. T. D. TAYLOR. L F. NEWCOIIA Montrose, Oet. ID, 1870.—tf. ABEL. TERRELL; —•. ; • uwortrettaziall erica Now rods With slit. ail isursal stock of chele• goods :Homan, N. v. 2i, ISA