The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 05, 1871, Image 4
Vit e f am and efirtoidt• Management or Balky Mark% The following excellent letter on the managemen t of balky horses, we copy from February number of the Practical Par mer, lifho has not, in passing through the streets of Philadelphia, had their hu manity shocked when viewing the exer tions of some brute in human shape, with clubs, whips, or kicks, or in some manner trying. to urge the poor dumb, over-load ed beasts along the streets. Having a deep sympathy for the noble animal, we were iPly impressed with the lessons pub lished : "The first and better way is never to have a balky horse. If horses are hand led properly they will never balk. After a horse has been "fooled," as horsemen very properly . say, when a good horse balks,. it mg require a vast amount of cautions managemeut to correct the bad habit. Horses are taught to balk by stn. pid and cruel drivers, who have really leas good sense than the animals! they drive. Many strong and excellent horses are managd so improperly that they soon become —almost incorrigible balkers; wlereas, if a driver of ordinary intelli gence had held the reins, the animal would have always been as true as steel. H a horse is properly managed he will draw all his might, "trot or run as his driver may indicate, until he drops in his harness from utter exhaustion. After a horse has really 'contracted the habit of balking, the vice can be corrected only by kindness and gentle treatment. The more he is whipped, kicked, clubbed. and Hundred roughly, the more obstinate he will be. Hence, throw away whips and clubs, and let the gentle treatment bear rule. Then, beware of over-loading. A person can coax out of a horse a Service that whips and kicks never can secure. Always provide some means to enable a team to start a heavy load easily. Avoid sbo ping—if possible—where it will be Am cult to start It is better to let a team stop for a moment, ten times, when haul ing a load up a slope, than to allow it to atop in a place where it would be difficult to start The writer once was accustom ed to emery pieces of plank to the field for the wheels of the wagon to rest upon, whfte-it was being loaded with potatoes or cora, so that the team would move off readily with a heavy load, that they could never start, if the wheels had been allow ed to sink into the ground while the load was increesing in weight. When a horse balk." on account of exhaustion, allow the animal to rest until he has recovered strength to draw his load. Above all be ware of too heavy loads, of impatience, or roughness, arid of over-driving.—Practi cal Parseer." SERENO EDWARDS TODD The Use of Lime. A limestone soil is known for its fertil ity; also its durability. It will also grow a great variety both o I grain and grasses; As blue grass finds'its [ionic here. This is also the soil for,wheat, for barley, for corn, and indeed what will not grow on rich limestone soil And who has ever seen a poor one un ss made poor by er oessive cropping? Happy the man who has a deep, rich limestone soil ; some who have but a trace of lime. In the main these are not the most prosperous farmers these flourish more on a limestone soil. A stiff clay is not so good ; gravel or sand predominating largely, the same. The twisanited properly, however, form a fair soil, bat not so good as the firm, black. mellow limestone. And there are farmers who use-largely of lime (of course where lime is not present naturally.) and their reports are generally the most highly fa vorably. All thisivints to what we are to do. We are to lime our land, and we are to do it plentifully and periodically, for lime will liaturally work down in most soils if not in all,and thus iu a few years be of DO more avail. This is our disadvantage in not having a limestone soil; we must be doctoring it. But it is for our advan tage, decidedly, tied therefore we ought to do it. _ . lime/isbas a tendency to sink in the soil, we should always use it at the sur face. On plowed land it should be bar rowed in with the grain ; on grass land, sown evenly and closely, and of course re du6ed to a powder. In plowing limed land, it should never be plowed deep the first few plowings, though we like to see a little of the wild soil brought up when the lime is applied. It certainly has an effect upon the wild soil, as well as the elements and in the combination w;th them. Bach is our experience. Only we do not um enough lime, enough generally at • time, but mostly in its periodic applica tion. Apply now during the fall or win ter, any time. But the fall or winter is a time to scatter it on the plowed land and have its effect there with the frost and the elements, so that when the spring comes for harrowing there will not be only 'a mellow condition but a benefit; and the summer through this will go on. It will not hurt any if there is enough to whiten the field, as is sometimes seen, but it will favor the crop and the land in a drouth, as it will reflect instead of absorb the an n's ay. But meadow and pasture will 're ceive it in the fall or winter,equally well ; and if the ground is not frozen, a little harrowing will be of advantage, and where manure is applied with the lime this should be done. But spread fine, dose and even, both manure and lime. Make this an important point for such it it Yon want all your substances which you add to the soil aiffased through it, be coming part of it, In lamps this cannot be; even if the lumps are quite small they want to be pulverized.—Cur. Country Gen &mow A.CtOREIEVO:NDEYrt of an English paper ea:eating -the-protection of the crow, states that, having shot crows in a corn field, ha opened their stomachs, in expect ing to find them full of wheat. On the contrary, he discovered that they contain eda large number of caterpillars, whose ravages upon the crop were:quite evident Before farmers become perfectly ruthless in their destruction of birds round their, farms it might be well for them to repeat this experiment, and ascertain which are theirfnends and which are their enemies. Fmk Bird maintains.- that the pima" to "sit down" and "sit op" are 'met Ile-sus he used to "sit ttp" with e pi thirty years ago. lake the stain of anyfra it from al l y LAC, put the garment in a Teasel, ponr baD'ng iritat• mat, ,and let_ it stand till .001, then wash out, and the stain is gone. —We should care leas• about growing old, if otlicls did not see it. gnu Nittrtistmads. $1 TO $lO PER DAY. blyz4...sto who came la owning baear nuke from 115 t $l O per day ICI their ow nbadiltlee. Full pardealare and Inanictlatia tent tree by mall. Those In need of permanent. profitable work, should addoisa at once. Oroaris Brun= & Co., Portland, Maine. 40 WEEKS FOR ONE DOLLAR! The RWRAL HOME from April I, 1811.— A First Clam Elcht-Page, MTh:altered and Family Weekly. Specimens Free. HOPKINS & WILCOX. Rochester, N. Y. rim a. is. mews Family Physicians 90 LW pave; sent by twill free. Teeetuus font to ewe all disease* of the pcavon ; silo. bale, tics.eomplesloa. Write to Tit Howsdway. New 'leek. HAND AND MACHINE .SEWING. J. & P. COATS' 3E3 31MI 'T° SIX-CORD IN ALL NUMBERS, From No. 8 to No. 100 Inclusive. Xfocorlcaao Sy ALL DEALERS Di DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS BLOODIIIIGTOM (ILL.) NURSERY. 1 97, Tesenti,,ntl= ItgrieMTkurt,=ll Would )on know what, when, how to pantl Fruit, shade, evergreen trees, roots, grafts. seedli%Osage plants, apple seed, early Bose potatoes. eh= roses. greenhouse and garden plants, dc., de., FLOW and VEGETABLE SMDS finest, best collation—sorts and quality. Send 10 cents for New. Blestrated Descriptive Catalogue-90 pave. Send stamp, each for Catalogues of Seeds, with plain directions-64 pages; Bedding and Garden Plants—At pages, and Wholesale Price List-44 pages. Address F. E. PUCE NIT, Bloomington, Illinois 81333=103 I 03333312)19 2 IMAMS'S Glaniestent wanting ftesh mad reliable Seeds LU should bay of the growers We grow the finest ye. riches of Beet, tMbbage, Carrot Seger Corn, Kale, Let tere, Melon, Onion,_Parselp, Radish, S&lnach, Squash. Turnip end other Vegetable Seeds, talognes with Price List mailed Dee. WADES ARMSTRONG, Seeds men, 1100 Market street Philadelphia, FRAGRANT SAPOLIENE CLEANS Kid Gloves and all kind* of Clothe furl Cloth. Mg; removes Paint, Greet,. Tar, te... instantly. alibi:tat the least injury to the Roast fabric. Sold by Ont=ists and Fancy Goods boulers. FRAGRANT SA. POLIKNE CO., 33 asrelay St., New York, 43 LaSafc-St., Chicago. 1826 rsilatElviaETAlLE., 1870 The uld rtandard remedy for Coo#.• Cold., Coneomp gam -tiothistg Better," evroza Boos, Co., Boston V I UROAE, now made In 10 bonm, wltbont drug. Partlcolus 10 dente. F, kuts,Ctontwell, Conm 99999999 99999 TO THE WORKING CLA.9.9.—We are now prepared to ihroteh yli clam , * with constant employment at home, the whole of the time or for the spare moments Bosh:tem new, light, and profgahht. Perilous of either yea easily earn front dOe. to $5 per evening, and a pro portional man by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls ea p nearly as much as men Thu all who ilea this notice may send their address. and test the business, we make the unparsned offer: o such care not well satiated, we will scrid 111 to for the trouble of writtog. • Fell particlitini, a valstable sample which will do to cammence work on. mid a copy of Tits Peoples Literary Companies—oneaf the largest and best family newspapers ever published—ell MO tree by mill. Ruder, it you want permanent, profits ble work, address B. C. ALLMMg. CO., Atignsta Halm. PSYCIZONEAN CY.—Any lady or gentleman can make 61 .100 a month. secure IMF own happineas and. Independence, by obtaining PSTCI3O.W.ANCY. FASCINATION, or sOITL CHAIIMLNO. 400 pages: cloth. Fsli instruction. to vac the power over men or animas at will, how to Memorize, become Trance or Writing Medium., Divination, Spiritualism. AleheMl philosophy of Omens acid Dreams. Drigtuna Tomas Harem, caulde to Marriage, &c., all contained in this book: Napa° sold; pricely mail, in cloth II 55, paper meets $l. None:—Any person waling to act as agent will receive a sample copy of the work free. As no cap ital Is required. all desirous of genteel employment ehould send for the book. euclosing 10 ctn. for postage. to T. W. EVANS & CO., 41 South Bth St., Philadelphia. A VOID 410C1(11.—A victim of early Indiscretion. causing neurons debility, premature decay, de.. having tried every advertised remedy, has a pinto means of self-cure. which ho will send free foals whew saffivers, Address J. H. TUTTLE. TO Nassau Feh. Istont.-4m. socooDoo Worth of Goods in stout for the opening o the Fall Trade of 1870, in a fall and general assortment of Ladies and Genf Dress, and Inralsithrg, and Fancy Good, In Empress Cat 4s, Deaner, Iferinos, Cakos„ Shawls, Corsets, ontersed Felts, and !Lop Mims Ladles and Gen!. Fart. Buffalo Raba, Fancy Lap Rolla, Isla assortment of aafttA, eautinarra. Jaen.. Domestic Cbttons, at, with a general assortment of Hata and Cam, Boots . Shoes, Oils and Paints, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Stoves, Iron, Lc., furnish ing a superior opportunity for selections, and will be sold on the most favorable terms, by MC. 33121-ELVILTI"I" New Milford, Broi. x,1870, DOWN TOWN NEWS MINER AND COATS,, 'lain Street, 5 door' below Boyd's Corbel', Montros FLOUR, GROCERIES, AND PROVISIONS. Weasel constantly roe tilne a nd now hare enttand, afresh stock 01 Goode In e, which we willsell CHEAP! CHFAI CHEAP! tor cash ,or each& +go ormolu... • GOOD TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, - MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, FISH, LARD, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER & TIMOTHY SEED, ate. We,tutee refitted and made addltlona to oar Stock o Pala. and ars now ready to forward Butter to the bin t commission bowel In New York,tree of charge, and nuke I lberaladvaneanients on consignment*. Call and examtn a our Stock before purchasing else where.andconelneeouraelrea of the GOOD QUALITY & LOW PRICES of our Goode C. G. 111MIER, • - Montrose, April 16. 1869 DMITISTRY. C. A. EMCRETT'S Dental Rooms, New =toed, Pa. Pentad/oat tend= given to all operatitnia on the Bata ml teeth. Artificial - Teeth blunted in all the laxities ylea now in one. Perteetwatistaction gnatnntled to all. and see ma. and satiety yourselves . Omee hours. oars each day. Win. 5. ISZD —ly IL B. TABBOL WATCHMAKERANDJEWELER, Susqaehanna Depot., Pa., Dealer in Wateben, Clocks Jewelry, an. Re pairing promptly done and warranted FINE SILVER GOODS! made a speciality; Silver 'Detached Levers for 012 00. American Watches, at Companies re duced prices. llSrdoods ordered for parties, Dom New. York, at less profits than if kept constantly on hand. Bad 18 caret Rings . for Si 25 perroomy weight. A-11. TARBOX. Susquehanna Depot, Jan. 85,1871. tf • • V A I'- Ever7klad ofTealostaiketjast airtrad;2l4 for West New York wholesale ;Moe— Abe a ISM* sortuseol of COPITZ. Bay or ow aad aave ABEL TV .•••11, 1 0 PM. CALL AT ROBINSON'S Eataii -7L -1 0'10 %Lel 'lll EMPORIUM, 88 Washington Street, Binghamton, N. T. The Largest Stock, the Best Assortment, and the Lowest Prices of any house in the city. N. 11—All Goods sold tramanted asrepresen .. Binghamton, Aug. 24, 1870.—1 y Lyer's Cathartic Pills, Pat aD the parpolea Of a Itive Perhaps no one met& tine Is so —Nemeth, so tthitesd by body as a enthantia,nOr 111.3 ewer any beftao so mammal. Ity adapted Into use, in 7 ' l r atuntee mmt rrl= I but Aldan* prugatins / TM obvious ree antis,thattlls a mom re. • liable and fir mare rho. - bud semedy than any other. Those who have tried 11, know Math cured them; thaws who have not, resew that lt cures their neighbors and fronds, and all know OM what It does onto does always Lt never hills through avy WU or neglectof compothket. We have thousands opm those smuts o certilleates of rem cams of the f suel rie l ed l ea= are t Leurr e ln Adapinri all mots and conditions In all climates; eatallthlng neither calomel or any deleterious they any be taken with meaty by anybody. AWIr Mating pnateress theme= fresh and makes them gamma - to takaothile being purely vegetable on Mem operate b can arise flom their po meth any smantity. !bey y Chdr wered bananas on the bxternal Mama to pargrihs blood and stbaudate ilt into Maltby action—remove the °betel:Mkt= of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body. restoring their bromism sates to health, and by oaretethsg, wbsmear th ey add t such derange manta as are the first origin of disease. Minute directions axe gtvan In the tomer on the box, for the fia e: llawing complatats, which these rW cur— For plepest orlodisrestless, ZAMlesee saw La= and Noes of Appetite. they should be to Almniate thou stain ach and restore Its Maltbyloms zed action. For Liver Compledes and Its various symp. toms, Bilieres Illeadeche. Sick Road lecleas asamillee or Green m ove. Cella and Billams Waram, they &booth be Jo. dkiouslytaken entesch case, to earrecithe diseased action or remove the obstructions which eastern It. For IDyesatery or Diarrierat, but one mild dose Ls momally required. Tor lithowseetissa, Moot, Gravel, maws of she Heels, Wham in Me l = Back and Lofts, they should be continuously taken, as required, to eMnm the diseased action of the system. With snob change those complaints and Ihropolleall Owelltaps they sho abai st shook! be be- Urge and Nomad dates to prO• duce the east As drastic roe Illatommelas • lagree should be taken as It produces the desired s3sai by erni z Mirt As a Diatom Pill, take one or two pro mom digestion and relieve the stomach.stomach eamaional dose stimulates and beads Into healthy action, Testo the res the appetite. sad bwlgorates the engem. Ham It is often = l = l'l 4.l. of these Pine makes ham lin decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating Mims on the dines. Ove apparatail. DE. J. C. ATMS ID CO., Practical Cesmaists, 1.01117 ML. WI.. V. B. Sold by Abel Turrell, and Burns & Nichols Nlontrow, and all druggists and dealers every oilers% [Der- 21, 1870.--y === Guttenberg, Rosenbaum J 'Co Would reopecifully call soar attention to their Fall and Winter Goods which for variety of Styles never has been excelled it this place. Oar assortment of DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, CLOAKING MATERIALS, FLAN NELS, WHITE GOODS, DO3IESTICS,:dx. fia Never IN7amis Metter. IN MILLINERY GOODS Trimmed and untrimmed Ladles' and Child' Hai.. Moment. Feathers, Week and adored Velvets, idobous C. dc. never more handsome. DC Ladles' and. Children's FrIt3IIIIII2CO GOODS , Skirts, Corsets , Glerres., Handkerchiefs. Collars and Cuffs, Merino Wrappers. Hosiery and Knit Goods, cheaper than for the lasi ten years. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! For Men. Youths, and Boys. a full and ccrmplets stock_ Men's fall nits from WM to $3O. OVERCOATS I OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS! W. U. COATS Of all the different gradea, and at all prices CWT'S, CASHIMERES. BEAVERS, it. for Custom We take ammo' cudgel rIP Sumas to oi l i er ID w go orodt rtyle, and warrant good didog sad ostlafeittory Mlle ea Flannel inlets, Kelm Wrappers a Draw. em. libindkcreblers, Boss, L iam and Riper Ovilam 6 Carts, 13aspeaders, Gloves, Umbrellas, Trunks 6 Satch els is great variety. jggil t. of mew e d stslonnd groat In rad. Co Our Stock las bon *sleeted with ewe, and as we bur aer goods IsbaTe Ves we frequently web= 10 to 20 per comb As we ask as mai agar. gtn above =SU NW lir am or will tall* we can In dad lastly promise got good twrgsins, and will cake it got wrar tend to with us. All We est isn es% ergandindkus of oar go*. and essoulioa alltittes. Vmdzos. OetlXitl:;i ;914 a:4 ;I;fg Whose you will find NEW STOCK OF 0 GOODS ILATS MID CAPS, N. L. DESSAVEL fathead Shut Zablo. ERIE RAILWAY. tsomnesunder one management—M miles with• out unease et coaches. Broad image, double track route to ail points west, northwest and south•w est, New andumtured Coaches aro run theme' without change to ftester, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Cleveland, and Clucin -201 Oa and after lionday,Dea 14 11310. Trains will learn Sambaartea at the following boors, viz: GOING I•caT. 11:35 . NightExdress, (Mondays excepted] CT a. m. Njsat Express, daily. II:34 m. Nan Than. &Ledo% excepted, tor BOW° andl)nnkirk. pea. Elmira Accommodation, Sand ay excepted, 11.114 p. m, Day Express.Sandaye excepted. ten p. m. Express nail, Sundays excepted. 1k513 p. tn. Way Freight, Sundays excepted. 1:03 p. m. Etnigtant nolo, daily for the west. Itos a. m. Night Simms, Sandals excepted. 7"46 it. to. Cincinnati Express, Mondays excepted. p. m. Day liqpreas, Sundays excepted. T:4O Accommodation Train. daily for Susquehanna f 043 p. in. New York Mall, Sundays excepted. I0:10 p. m.Llgotalo Exprem,nally. ohlo a. m. Way Fre ight, Sundays excepted. .BAGGAGE CRECIIRD TKROUGH. WA rodeed and complete Poeket Time Table" of Passenger Tmlns on the - Erie Railway and connecting lines baa mmently been pnbli (Med, and can be had on ap pUcallon to tbe Ticket Agent of the Company. L D. RUCKER. WM. R. BARR, Genl Rapt. Gmal Paaa's Apt. Dec. 14, 1870. - LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. On and alter I:ICC. 23, 18.0, trains on the Lehigh Valley Railroad will ran as follows : DOWN TRAINS Leave Waverly Juno lioll E. R. W. 6.35 a. m. 3.53 p. tn. 6.40 p.m. Athens 643 " 1.33 6.50 " Towanda " 4.16 " 7.30 " Laceyvilto 8.35 " 5.:23 Skinner's E.l 6.40 " 541 " lieshoppen 960 " 5.02 " hiehoopany 9es 6.10 •' Touk'nock 933 " 940 " 1... AB. June. 10.30 " 7 10 " Plttaton 10 40 " 7.50 " Wllkerellarre 11 00 " 6.15 " White Haven 1922 " birch Chunk 1.40 " Allentown 2.37 " Bethlehem 5.50 " Easton 3.17 " Pbtladelphla 6.03 " Ar. at New 1 ork 6.55 " UP TRAINS.. Leave New York 6.00 a. In. Pulladelphia 7.33 " Easton 9.05 " Bethlehem 9.35 " Alleuttwn 9.49 " Chunk 10.55 " White 11en15.16 p. m. WilkceEa'e 1.30 " Pittston 1.50 " L. AB. Jon. 200 " Tonk`nock 954 •. Idehoopany 8.20 Bleshoppen 871 '• 'Skinner S. 3.4.5 " Laceyville 949 " Towanda 4.59 " Athena 536 " Ar. at Waverly Junction, E. li. W. 5.43 " prlito change or can between Scranton and Now York. or between Scranton and Philadelphia. December 50. urat. THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN .. Ar ISERY.-Just published. in a Sealed Envelope..— .MIL Price 81x Cents; A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorrhata Induced by self-Abuse. In. voluntary Mmisslons. Impotency. Nervous Debility. and Impediments to Marriage generally ; Consumption. Nit- Germ and Ms; mental and physical Incapacity, Ac.— By DOW. J. CCLVERWELL, M. D., Author of the • Green Hook, - Ac. . . . The world-, entioned author, inehts admirable Lecture clearly proves from his earn esperienen that the a weal ermsegneneem of seltebuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous ea cal ope rations. bungles. Instruments. rings and cordials, point ing out a mode of care at once certain and effectual, by which every iinfercr. no matter what his condition rnty be, may rare himself cheaply, privately, and radically. TA. bemire will prove a boon to thousands and thou. sands. Sent under seal, Inn plata envelope, to any address, on receipt of fix cents, or two privilege stamps. by ad dressing the poblisiteme. DR. CULVERWELL'S " Marriage Guide," lance .211 cents Address the Pub limbers, Att. .1 (LICE & Elowerv, New York Post OtMce Dos 4 686. cc,, 7n tuco.„,„ Gibb Chestnut Silent 8 street, EWING MACHINE Philadelphia. " I give my hearty preference to the Wilcox A Gibbs Silent Sewing Machine." FASs - NY FEU. "The weight of reliable evidence being overwhelming for that of the Willcox & Gib! Silent Sewing Machine, I decided upon it, procured it, and am more than eatiofiei" GIIACE GREMCWOOD. I have the Wheeler Si Wilson, the Grover & Baker, and the Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machines in my family. I use the Wilcoxk & Gibbs most frequently, thinking it for superior to either of the others." Mos. HENRY Wenn BEECHES. u My wife would not accept a Sewing Machine of any other patent as a pfft, if she and receive it on condition of giving up the Wiliam & Gibbs." REV. OUTER CRANE, Carbondale, Pa. "The Willcox A Gibbs is the may Sewing Machine ohm working is so sure and simple that I could venture to introduce it into Syria." BEL A. T. Pnarr, lincrimar7 American Board. ° We have used various Sewing Marlin® within our family, but It is the unceitrious opinion of the household, that the Willcox & Gibbs is the best of them all." Bee. J. B. Holm; Brooklyn, AS. "For simkfficity and mechanical accuracy of contraction, I have seen no Sewing Machine equal to the Willcox & Gibbs." Ernes Lams Of the renarylranla Central R. B. • A correspondence on the subject of Sewing - Machines ts respectful ly solicited. • D. S. EWING, 720 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia Dec. 28, 1870—Sin PURE LIQUORS sznrs NATIVE GRAPE BRANDY. distilled strictly pore ; and a variety of other Brandies. Lueluding Cherry Brands, Cider Brandy. Cc. Nearly all the differ sent kinds of km. Holland Gin, old life and Bourbon Whiskey. Alcohol. Purr Spirit. Bay Rum. Ate.. constant. ly on hand and (or sale by - Montrose. March 24th. ISM. .x...m. x:ais au zaza 'So :ism. f7PTOEETE THE TOTH! 11001 E. JOHN S. MUMMA. Proprietor. Eight Ineges Imo tele Haw daily. easneeting with tho/1). I. It W., the Erie. Led the Lehig-- tf Valley Eat- Val 7 Mint CONGRESS WATER, at TURRELL'S HIM T. 1111.11801 D'S COMPINND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. Component Path—Fluid - Extract Rheu bars and Fluid Extract °dam ba Grape Juice. FOR Liver Complaint , Jaundice, Bintons Afiectio9a. hick or Nervous headache. Coltivenesa. etc. Pato. ly Vegenole, containing no Mercury, Minerals a: Del eterioui Drop. Time pills are the moat delightfully plessent 'Er/re tire. superseding castor oil, malts, magnesia, etc. Tll . lb is aothhvg more acceptable to the stomach. They jive ci t . tone, and muse neither muds nor ping pains. i 7 Th are composed of the finest In gredie nts Alter a few days' use of them, such an My ration of the entire system takes place as to appear miraculous, to the weak and enervated, whether arising from imprudence or dis arm. H. T. lialmindd's Compound Plaid Extract Ca tawba Grape Pills are not sugar coated, from the fact that sugar coated Pills do not dissolve. bat pass through the stomach without dissolving. consequently do not produce tho desired effect. TUE CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS, being pleasant In tuts and odor, do not neces sitate their being sugar coated. ruler: FIFTY CENTS PER BOX. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S 11.101ILY CONCENTRSTED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Will radicals exterminate from the system Scrofula, Syphilis, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Sure Eyes , Sore Legs, Sure Mouth, Sore Head, Bronchitis, Skin Disease, Salt Rheum, Cancers, Ranolnds tram the Ear, White Swell ings, Tumors, Cancerous Affections, Nodes, Rickets, Glandolar Swellings, Night Sweats, Rash Totter, 'Hu mors of all kinds, chronic Rhematism, Dyspepsia, sad all diseases that Lave been established In the system fur years. Being prepared expressly for the above complaints, Its blood-purifytug properties are greater than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla, It gives the complexion • clear and healthy color, and restores the patient to a state 9( health and purity, for purifying the blood, re. movitiveall chronic eunstitutional diseases arlelo" from an Impure state of the blood, and the only tellable and effectual itIMATI remedy for the cure of pains and rwell log of the bones. Ulcerations of the throat and legs. Blotches, Pimples on the Puce. Erysipelas and all sc-ly eruptions of the skin, and beautifyi-g the complexion. Price 11l 50 per bottle. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S M"lazicl. 3311stresot 3011a.c3Ialm. THE GREAT DIPRETIC, Has cored every case of Diabcfmt in which It bas been given, Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder and Inflam mation of the Kidneys, 151censtion of the Kidneys and Blindder. Rettation of rrinc, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder. Calcahn Gravel. Brick duet Deposit, and Mutinous or Milky di•tharges. and for en feebled and dellimte coustlintions of both sexes, attend. ed with the following splint Arm: Indisposition to ex ertion, lass of power. loss of memory, difficulty of breathing, weak nerves, trembling. horror of disease. wakehiln.s, dimness of vision, pain in the hack, hot hands flushing tf the tood•.drreees of the skin en:wok.] 0u la face, pallid countenance, universal hositude of the muscular system. etc. Used by persons from the ages of eighteen to to ent v five, sod from thirty-floe to fifty-five or In the decline or change of life; after confinctuimt or labor pains; bed wetting In children. nclmbold's Extract Rocha is Dismalle and Blood Pu rifying. and cares all diseases arising horn habits of dis sipation and excessea and imprudences In life impurities of the blood, etc., supereeding copaiba In affections for which it is used, and Syphilitic affections—in these dis cases used In connection vs ROllO \Cash. LADIES. In many aftectisms peculiar to Mies, the Extract fhb Buchn to unmanned by any other remedy—as in Cbloro sis or Itetentton, Irre.-olanty, painfulness or suppression of customary evacuations. nicersted or Schloss state of the Uterus. tacorrhtea or White... sterility, and for all complaints Incident to the sex, abetherariang from In discretion or habits of dialysation. It is prercrihedex tensi rely by the most eminent physicians and midwives, for enfeebled and delicate constitutions, of both sexes and all ages (attended with any of the above discasto or symptoms). 11. T. ELELMXIOLDI3 EXTRACT RUCIIII Cares diseases analog from Imprudence, habits of dis sipation, ctn., in all their stages, at little expense. little or no change to diet, no ineenvenience, and uo exposure. it causes a'requent desire. and give. strength to urinate thereby removin¢ obstructions, preventing and coring attic-taros ofthe Urethra. allaying. pain and Inflammation, so frequent In this chute of dinenee, and expelling all poisonona matter. Thousands who have been the victims of Incompetent person., and who have paid heavy fees to ho cured In short time. have found they have been deceived, and that the "polecat" has. by the u. of - powerftd as been deed op In the system, to break out In a more ag gravated form, and perhaps after marriage. USE EIELEIBOLWB tiaTRACT Buctni for all affec tions and disease. of the Cri nary Organs, whether existing In Dale or Female, from whatever cause originiting, and an matt e s of bow long standing. Price, One Dollar and Fifty Cents per Dottie. HENRY T. REALBOLD'S 13IPROVED ROSE WASH, cannot be surpassed as a Face Wash, and will be found the only epMlle remedy in every species of Cutaneous Affection. It speedily en:idiocies Pimples, Spots, I Serobutic Dryness. induration. of the Cutaneous Mem brane, ete.,dispels Redness and Incipient Indammation, Hives. Rash, Moth Patches, Dryness of Scalp or Skin, Prost Bites, and all purpassa for which Salves or Oint ments are used; restores the skin to a state of purity and softness, and intures continued healthy action to Its vessels, on which depends the agreeable clecrnese and stratify of complexion to much salvia end ad mired. But however valuable ass remedy for existing fecte of the skin, H. T. Ilembolt's Hose Wash hue g sustained its principle claim to uhbounded patron age, by possessing qualities which render it a toilet tip pendage of the moat Roperlative and congenial chan ter, combining in an elegant formula prominent re quisite., safety and efficacy—the invariable llCCUMplini ments of Its use u s Preservative and Refresher Of the complexion. It loan excellent Lotion for diseases of a Syphilitic Nature, and as an injection for diseases of the Lroury Oripine. arising from habits of dissipation, I used In coneectioti with the extract. Bucket, Sarsapa rilla and catawba Grape Pills, in each diseases is re commended, cannot be surpassed. Price, One Dollar Per Bottle. ABEL TBREELL Phil and explicit directions accompany the medicines. Evidence of the most responsible and reliable char &ler furnished on application, with hundreds of thou sands 01 living witnesses. end upward of 30.000 unso licited certificates sod recommendatory letters, many of watch are from the highest SOUTCOII, Including emi Dent Physicium, clergymen. Stateemen, etc . Tho pro prietor has never resorted to their publication In the newspapers ; he does not do this from the tact that his articles rant as Standard Preparations, and do not need to be propped up by certificates, Henry T. HeLmbold'e Genuine preparation. Delivered to any address. Secure from observation. Establithed upward of Twenty Tears. Sold by 'Wog gles everywhere. Addreu letters Par MfOrmatioo. to confidence to BENDY T. ELELMEOLD'I3, Defgrat and Chemist. On Depots:-11. T. ElatußOLD'• Drug and chemical Warthouae, No 1,94 Broadway, New Yolk, or H. T Bzumoura Medical Depot, 161 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia. BEWARE OF COUNTERFPJTB t Ask for amen T linanour's 1 rake no other: CONCENTRATED A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WADDED'S 01LIFOZNIA VINEGAR BITTERS f. 4 Hundreds of Thousands nesitet , ,mourrizz IEI 14 WHAT ARE THEY? IR! .s!! 13:7 . g g V r.; p 1 0:11 g g"a 4 ty 7P AP g A gq 4. 5/1a -Ica .all ;I,Qa E Muth o ME. 2 =Kr ARE NOT A VILE e 9 FANCY DRINK, i; sw ot Poor Ram. Whisker. Proof Svirlts sad Refuse Liquors doctored, Weed and meet. teed to pl..te the Rao, Celled "Toithrs.""enPPctiz• as," "Restorers," Le., that Iced the tippler en to drunkenness and min, but are s trim liforielee., made Don the Native Roots and Herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They aro the GREAT BLOOD PITIIIFIER and A LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLES perfect Renovator cud Irolgorater of the Systeme, carrying off all poisonous Matter and restoring the blood toe healthy conditinn. No person can take these Bitters according to Lame lion and remain long nnwelL 0100 writhe given Ito an inferrable thee, provided the bones are cot dmtroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital argent wasted beyond the point of recall . . Far Inflummatcry and Chronic Rheuma tism and Gout, Dyerpegnin, or Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent and intermittent Fevers Inseams of the Blood, Liver, lildneys. nod Bladder. than Bitters have been most themes. fuL Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. which is (generally produced by derszoirinent fitter Digestive Orguno. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Dead oche, Pain In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the cyp ß oes, Deerri,,,,, Soar Erectedons of the ltomach, Dad taste In the Mouth, Bide. Attacks, Talpimtlen of the Mart, Imlicenreatien of the Lungs, ran in the regions of the Kidneys, and o hundred other painful symptoms, ore the offsprings of Dyspepsia. They inslgorete the Stomach and stimulate the tor pid liver and bowels, which render them of unequalled eillMey In_ cleansing the blood of all impetrate% and imparting new Ilfe and vigor to the whole system. FOIL SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Triter, Salt Rheson,Blotches, Spots, Pimples, rustules, Bolls, Con bowies, Ring-Worms, Scaldllead, Sore Eyes, Rusty. alas, Itch, Scurf, Disedloratlom of the Skin, Rumors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever 1111120 or nathre, are literally dug up and carried out of the system In a short time by the use of these ratters. One bottle to such eases will convince the most Ineredsdous of their carer:Ws effect. Cleanse the Tit Wad Blood whenoser you find its goiptultics Mating hrongh the skin In Pimples. Ernl7- Clone or Boma ; claim It when you tad It otmtre.etcd' and sluggish la the veins s clear= It when it la foul, sal your feelings will tell you whoa. Seep the blood posy and the health of the system will follow. rill. TAPE and other W0R3.18, larking to the system of so many thousands, ore eat:tally destroy ed and rumored. For full dlrectlona, road craftily the circular around =eh bottle. printed Co four lan. gageo—finglloh,OCTlZSll, French and Saadi. J. WALKER, Proprietor. IL U. lioDOti LLD it CO., Drogrlsts sad Oien. Agents. Ens Francisco, Cat. sad Claud Si Coenteteros Street, New Tort. or sow irr ALL DRUGGISTS AND Dr 11,- r. Oct. 2U—y empetc SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR 1317 MLSSEI cb MTIC/29CC01-aSi, DRUGGISTS, Would reapeetfolly say to the pnbli,, that in addition t their usual areortment of they have Palate and 0111, Varnish, Dye-Slue., Wines and Liquor.. Patent Medicines. Spectacieo, Rye Pocket Knives. !Luzon , . Violin UnitarString.. Alen. jti.t received a fine lot of Revolver.. Gun Cap.. lien Wadding, Cartridge., .tc. ire keep alwaya on hand and for 'male. Blasting Powder, thin Powder, Mike Powder. Totacco and elgtira of a su perior quality, and a general .aortment of Yankee No. duns. VET Bu a Ni Remember the CHEAP CASH DRUG STORE o m chols. A. B. BUMNS, Montrose, Dec. 14, WM. AMOS NICIIULS STROUD & BROWN'S Fire, Life, and Accident GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, 21ticra.trcals43. Home Insurance Co. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus. Insurance Co. of North America, Phli'a, Capital an!dSurplus, 2.000,000 Franklin Fire insurance Co., Fiala, Pa., Capital and Surplus, 9,600,003 Lycoming County Mutual insurance Coot Money. Pcnn`a. Capital and Surplus, Connecticut Mutual Life insurance Co. of Hartford. Conn., Capital, 30,000,000 American Life Insnrance Co., Philadel phia, Capital, Travelerelusurance Co. Hartford, Conn., Insuring against all kinds of accidents Capital, Hartford Fire insurance Company, Hart ford. Coon.. Capital and Surplus. $2,000,001 ggr Alibi:tithes! entrusted to oar care will ho attend. ed to on fair terms, and all losses promptly adjusted. Elf — Office first door east from Banking Office of W. 11. Cooper & Co.„ Turnpike et. tdontrose,Ta. STROUD & BROWN, Agents. M. C. Simon. Esq., Pricadoville, Solicitor. Cu►s. 11. Sarni, Montroge, do Inuairoa STnocrto, r ert► 1.. Dacron Montrose, Po. ,Jan. 11. 1611. • • FURNTTITHE ESTABLISHMENT OF WILLIAM W. SMITH. PLZIIII3 Tans Nonce The extensive Furniture Establishment of William W. Smith, having bean refitted and greatly improved, the proprietor respect fully announcesto the citizens of idontrose and 'WM. ty, that he is constantly making and keeps on hand the largest and best assaortment of W11:714. INT Irri:T3R.lEll to be found anywher this side of New York City, Desks, Divans, Towelracks, Lounges, Footstools lee. Center Card, Pier, Toilet, Dining. Kitchen and extension tables. Clunk—Cane end Woodseat Rockers, Cane, Flag and Woodseats of every variety and style. Selesand Tete.stetes. furnished on short notice.— Cane seat chains resealed. SPRING BEDS. A large assortment—chespest and beet in the mark: Cane Seat, Chairs. I am nqw enabled to supply my customers with a new substantialestne seat cludr,of home manufacture, which will be found greatly superior to those formerly In market, and yet are sold aisles. price. CANE-SEAT CHAIRS RE.SE.ATED. or Rear Hearseffins on hand or tarnished at start notice. al= is in readiness If desired. I employ none butcarefal and experienced workmen, I intend to do my work well, and sell ft as low ism be afforded. • WILLIAM W. SMITH. Moatroaajfeb fB, 1868. • JEWELRY.... THERE WERE SOLD IN THE TEAR 1870, 8034.1 OP Clutchley'is Cucumber erNiaI..7OEIONLVILD/3 'Wood. mumps, miIt:SURING .118.566 feet In length. or saidelent fa DE the aggregate for A WELL OVER.4OILB.IB DEW, Simple In consruetion—Easy In Operation Oltlag so Taste to the water—Derable—Ealtable and Clutap. These Pumps are their own best reCoMmendatien. For sale by dealers In hardware and andeultnrel Imple ments. plumbers, Pomp maker., de.. through the coun try. Circulars, &e., furnished upon application by MAI or otherwise. Single Pump. forwarded to puttee In towns Where 11 - have no agents noon receipt of the regular retail paten. In buying, be careful that yonr Pump bora ray , trad e mark as above, es I guarantee no other. . • . C 42.4131. G. Mtle.atcatalico3r,' eIAtiIIFACTUBEit t Oftlee and WAreroom. 024 & 620 PhlibertWlty Philadelphia, Much 15, 1871.—in rt. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, MANSFIELD, TIOGA OD- PA. English and Classical courses. Terms begin September 7tli, December 12th, and March 27th. State appropriations for students. Students ad mitted at any time. Apply to CHAS. H. VERRILL, A. M., Mansfield, Pa. Aug. 31, 181'0.—ly HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOCI ATION, For the Re!lntend cone of the Erring and llnfortniudt,oes Principles of Christian POilintlinopy. Essays on the Errors of Youth and the Follies of Age, In relation to Marriage and Social Evils, ethil unitary old for the afflicted. Sent free, in sealed envelo Ad drces IIOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P. cipbta ' March 16, 1676.-1 TALBOT & STAMP, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Flour, Salt, Dotter, Park. Zara, Ram, Salt Fish, Tallow, Candias, Crackers, Cheese, Coffee, Spices, Choice Teas, Sugars. Rice, Dried and Canned Fruit. Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, and all other articles usually kept in a first clan Grocery and Provision Store. Vra will mark our Goods as low as wo taw afford, tad PCB for cash, or emahauge for woduco. Moctrose. Sept. 49, 180. —tf A BEL TURRELI„ DRUGGIST, TROSE, PA to continuAlly roxelvinz And keeps constantly on band a toll and desirable aa sortenent tit genuine DRUGS, ALEDICHIES, CHEMICALS, tic/toss, Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs. Teas. Spices, and other Gro ceries, Stone i 4 ore. Wail and R indow Paper, Glass ware, Fruit Jars, Mirrors, Lamps. Chimneys, Errs rene. Maehlocry Oil. Tonners' Oil. Neutsfoot Oil, Re fined Whale Oil, Sperm Oil, Glue OP, Spirits Turpen. tine, Varlli !II et , , t ynary Seed. V inegar.Plitath, Concen, ra led Lye. Azle Grease, Trusses, Supportert,kledlca- Instruments, Shoulder Bracer, Whips, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Lead, Gun Caps, Slatting Powder and Fuse, Violins. Strings. Bows. etc. Flutes, H Fires. etc., Fish ooka and Lines, fur and Toilet Soaps, Hate 011 s Gals Restorers.. and RaLr Djcs. Brushes Pocket leuires, Speciscles.Sllver Fluted Spoone,Forkal Knives. Sic. Deatist Articles, a genemi assortment o • FANCY GOODS, JEWELRY, sod PEEFT7IIBIIT AU the leading and beet kinds of In short, nearly every thing to restore the lick, to please the taste, to delight the eye, to gratify the taces. and also to conduce to the real and snOstanUal comforts of life. Ennmeratlon Is Impracticable, as It would an a newspaper. Call at the Ding and S guiety Btote of ABEL Ttrasitu. Montrose, Jan. 5, IErZO $60.000,000 $4,000,0(0 DENTISTRY All those in want of false Teeth or other dentalwork should call at the office of the stabscribere, who art pre pared to do all kinds of work in their line on short notice, Particular attention paid to making fall and partial setts of teeth on gold, silver, or aluminum plate; alio on Weston'e cast composition ; the two latter preferable to any of the:cheaper subsiances now need for dental plates, Teeth ofyoung persons regulated, and mad. togrow in natant! *hope. The advantage of hAringwork done by permanently to. rated and rospotwlble part lee, most be apparent to AB work warranted. Please call and examine menu artiste work at oar office, over Boyd & Colt hard. ware store. Montrose, 1,%9.—LC ATTENTION ! WE'LL GIVE YOU a FITV T. D. TAYLOR, so long known In Bingham. ton as one of the most popular Cutters, and fashionable Tailors in this section of country has formed a co-partnership with E. F. New comb, of Montrose, and they are now p to furnish men's wearing apparel of idl e = and in style and workmanship superior to any establishment in this section of country. Ws GUARANTEE SATISFACTION to all who may ihvor us with their loatroulgi Shop ut Post's old comer, on Public ATOM. T. D. TAYLOR._ E. F. NEWCOND. Montrose, Oct. 10, 1870.-11. ABEL' TURMILL; fu Jut retturned from Nos - York seith'slagge as &tont° Ms usual stock of choice goods• „ Montrose, Mts. 11, Mk A. TURTMT.T. PATRONAGE SOLICITED I=2 NEW GOODS PATENT MEDICINES W. W. SMITH & BROTHER