The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 05, 1871, Image 3
ftOM - '§tiohulo Tao Una in this Dirt:Oen/I one year, $1.50 each additional tine, 50 cis. biIrAMD earuca. PLAST. ER.—N7CROLAS SHOEMAKER. Dear In genuine Cayugartuter. Frtelt ground, 0. ii. WPM% !tient ter fireptre Soaring Idecilne, and American niSC Unplug Stove, Matti Street, IV.' t )1099 &CO .Daderain DryGooda.nata.caPit. Seem *Ad ening, and Gemini Iterehandise, on Main grant, tettnllkdOnir below the Erntopst Church. • MON HOTEL, kept by WILLIAM S3UTII, en 'Stain Awe. oestryba Depot—r W. S. MUD, lirmindry, and dealer to Fiord' and other atandb, one door from Phlnney's tioLet, shin st. R. P. EIMER. Camas* 'Maker and li adertakar, on 111 !1141 Street, two doom below Hawley • ,btum. Xedolll3ll satorftEßs, Dealers za Groceries cml ..fteetstcci, ottittaln etttect• U. mini um a SON. Dealers In Floor. Fred, We 1, Galt, Woo, Cement, Groceries. and Crovielons on Main Street, opposite the Depot.. W. a T.: nelbEN, Itannfacturcro of Cigars and Wholesale licalcra In Yankee Notions and Fancy Goods. 1311 Main Citron, below Episcopal Church, • MOSS a SWAP. Leather Maoctractarers and dealers In Morocco Findings, &c., near Episcopal Chatth. • JANET' /A tiAVDEN, Deniers in Drugs and Medicine., and Maunhteteters nt Cigars, on Main Stteet, near the Depot. W. 13TYP1110419, Norco Stoetnz and general Repairing on Wain Street, south of the bri e. J. DICKILIMAN. J. Dealer In _general merchandise and Clothing, Brick Store, on Main Street. WIMPLE & 11E10, DiWen in general Iferchandloc Ca lain'Street. • GREAT BEND. In IL LIINTIEILL Manufacturer ;I Leather, and dealer In gettentl IterettandtmLotiMalp Street.* . „ U. P. DQUAS. literrliout 'Tailor told dater In Rewiy Made Clothing, Dig Cloode,Grototion and Prolrleion., Alain Stmt.* LENOXVILLE rune*. wimp,. Manallictorer otand .dc*fin toped or Rowan rtd Castings. 7 GIBSON EDWARDS A BRYANT. Ilennfnetarers of Wagene itnd ehdets.Acar the ingathe Store,' 3IONTROSE. ADEL TERRELL, Dealer in Drag*. litedicines, 1.1 quo's, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuff., Groceries, Jewelry Notions', etc. i.ep, AN, "TO WEBB /l °ERE. News Office. and d+nlern in Grocer. tea and Previalow , . Crockery. etc., Public Avenue. J. 11111.216 R. CARIIALT. Attorney at Law. OClce one door below Torben Rou•c, Public Avenue. • WIC II COOPER Lt. f`o.. IlAnkers, cell Foreign NIA sage Tlek-Us and Drafts on England, Ireland and Scot landr J, B. FLItTCTIER'S Rating Saloon I. the place to get In Cream, Oyster, and Clams, In every style. On Maio street! iiTROUD & BROWN. licrteral Fire nutria* Tann, Inlet Atvata ; 160. Sell Railroad and Accident Ticket liorkaad Philadelphia. Ofiice ewe door cant 'etch* got. P. 11. CGIANDLER: General insurance sedSimlng eta Agent, Public Avenuc.• BURNS a xtCuoes, the place to got Dregs null hlsdi eines, Cigars, Thbacco, Pocket-tioulie. Specta elek Yarikee Nations, Sc., Public Avenae. WM. L. COY. Rana.a ranker and dealer In ell articles timely kept by the trade, opposite Ow Bank • TIOTD a CORWIN. Dealers in Stoves, Ilardwarn, and Ilanafacturen, of Tin and Shectirun ware, corm, of Main and Turnpike street. $. R. NORSE, Morchsnt Tailor and dralrr In Cloths, Trimmings, and Furnishing Goods. and Agents for clinger Sewing Machine, on Main St rect. Fordlum building. ♦. N. BULLARD. [teal, in Grocerio", Books, Stationery and Yankee Notion', at head of Public Aveuoe.• T. SPORE d, CO., Pc.ll,r, in Stnvep, , IllardwAre, Alrrirsltural Implements, FlOtt' and tirneemer, oppo nite Tarbell Houle, RATNSPORD & MITCDEL. Livery and Exebanze Stable, In rear of Dank budding, • J. R. DtWITT S CO.. Dealer:. in Dry Good., Ilard ware and general merchandise, corner, 11.111 . raid, Block.* araiNG IS7I SPRING 1871: At Lenhelm's GREAT BEND. Ai Lenhelm , s GREAT BEND ♦t Leubelart's GREAT REND. Is the place to buy DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTS. IND, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, HATS and CAB'S, BOOTS and SHOES, CARPETS, WALL PAPER, 01 L PAINTS, &c, &A.; All .of Which have - been purchased during the late &eine, and will be sold at prices ac cordingly : GOOD CALICO, only 10 cents per yard 0f../0110 311 1 13L1,1c only 10 coats per yard. GOOD SUGAR, only 10 cents per pound GOOD GREEN, MACK and JAPAN TEAS, only 90 cents per pound, HANDSOME DRESS goods for Vitts a y'nl A Suit or CLOTHES itir $lO. All other goods at correspondhig LOW PRICES ! We also make a speciality of the SHIP PING BUSINESS, and will send to the Lest HOUSES EAST batter and all other kinds of PRODUCE. 'the HIGHEST market price and prompt returns guaranteed PAILS furnished ; and MONEY ADVANCED,. to. ;, RP.STOIGERS when DESIP.EIS. z parties wisbdtig to buy GOODS CHEAP and tins thp LARGEST , ASSORTNENT In 6uaslgthtuu►a poTinty, to select from will do Isrdlioo4l. of L. B, LENRIRM'S STORE, ti r 61rd1 . ..1P a. L USTI—A Pocketbook on . Sataiday; Aintrrh lith,.somo where between Dimock comers and George Frinka on Wynlusing Creek, cult tainhag thirteen dollars and ftfty4*o cants, Any one finding - the same will'obliprifyliaring it ut A. Lithrcp's Store Montrose or ;pith the Subscriber on W.plusing Creek. .30111.1 KELLEY; OU WILL TAKE NOTICE`!-That a Y meetin of the Susrf a County Agricultural Society; will' he' held at the Court Hotta In Montrose, on )Tursday,Eve. April' 11, 1011: A general attendance. la eirneatly timitcd. Htucnr Elecy, MO'rlet !—Mecting of the Directors:of the 1' Odd yellows Hall Association, will be held at O&1 Fellows Hall OD Monday A.prll 17, 1871, at 714' o'clock, r. sr. April oth, 1871.-2 w. C. IL Bum f `Jelly. rk, OR SALE 1.--The Subscriber kits on hand 1: for sale one pair of mules, three years old this Spring, large 'size well broke. ALSO some Norway Oats left, said oats mat be found at Wilson's store in Itlontruse, S. Trulubulfs, FranklinoTobrt Trumbull's Bridge water. Price 81,00 per bushel, or .1..1 . the oats, the Norways yield over the common, in which essesome rules - and regulations, such as were published last bill will be necessary. CeuneMad get your oats without money. There arc sever al kmds of oats claimed to be Norway, many of them must be spurious. The best held for us to sow is those that will yield the best. My oats yield for me 1 , 4-more than the common per acre. and I think they will do it for yen.- One bushel per acre is enouh. 'JOHN TRUMBELL. Ittontrose, April 5,1871.-3 w. I N,ISSOI.XTION.—The firm of Sen. DeWitt & Co., boo I/ this day dissolved by mutual coma:lnt. Hither part ner is authorized to settle the accounts of the tato dr= JAM.hd. R DeWiTT. FERRY TINICIi&ART.. Montrose, March 20, 18:3. JAMES U. DrWITT NUJ continue the business, at the Old Stand, where he will be happy to soy tits old Molds and all who wish to buy In hie line or good JAMES R. DEWITT. Montrose, March `M, 18;1. ' LICENSE PETITIONS NOTICE IS 111111.EBY Thatin Parftwee an net of Assembly, the following named person have filed their petitions with the Clerk of the Coot o grist ter ne,sione of she Peace, In and for the Comity susquchanna, for Licenses to keep Taverna, Entlß [louses and to sell Liquors by measure In said courtly : J. 0. Bail:rd. Brook/y.14. r.. B. John Fuger, Frientistitte, Ann Tierney Frlendoville cSarles B. Moure,litbeon, S. FL Holmes. Gibson • . . . . !leery Ackert, then Bend Boro. —Tavern I,' tehael Kelnw Great Bent 80r0,............. .Tavern J. .1, Stratton, ( , owl Bend Boro Tavern tienrge McNamara, Great Bend rem By ligortr)s. I rah 11. Smith, Great Bend Township Tavern John M. Myers, Herrick Tavern Judson Stone. td, Forest. lake Tavern Eltaahrth Harr, Jackson ............ ..............Tin ern Dux nl IV lima. th, LaLlaus.l t•. M. Roon. e=n=;= Abel 'Curren, SlUnircru . .thley Llayden. Nevi Milford 800 rimith, New Milford Duro _ . Plalnderlthlithey Nen. 24 iltoni !Toro, Charles Morse. Wash IZCIMMOMID NV, . • ..... .... • - - P. E. Brush. 14mm:rine, ....... ........ • . ...... Tavern Jeremiah Stephens. Spraa,..,lHe Tavern Deunia Care 3, Suagehamm - Depot, By ph centre Franc!. P. Lynch, husoehana Depot By• Messnre Thomas Fernon. tinsonehanna Depot, By !Hectare W I ilmm Howarth. gnscnehahuts Depot,....Eelingthairse John P. Kent, ... ....do_ _. ...... d0......E5t10g House Frank Hapman do d0......8ating [louse AI Ichami Dock do do Eating/Jaw,. 'Marna Llerihm Tavern. W, W du ..... . ...Tavern. A. II ..s.yrer, Dnndaff do .la. - • , h I , ecker..l,•.up do MM6== MMOMMI Mei=llll2ll DE=l!=ffiS Emmsneera EMltM== PMI=ZEM Jar ~,, Dintock V. J. Feuer, I:rwoklyti EIIIMOME X2EX3 E1.XZ.Z. 0 ,151 E3.4l.X.aErEg. BY V IIiTUE WRITS rattled by the Court of COM -1111“1 vie.. a s.wqua,,,nna County and to me di- Iveled. I 1111 i 1,1101.1. to Salt by polibc render, at the tour[ lion, in %Imams., on KstortLt,r. April tich, at one o'clock P. NI., the following described ititxce or parcels bld, to nit : Al. 0111 c-main niece or parcel of land senate In the too - or Great Bend. In the comity of Sin.i t nenanna a, I Slat.: of Denorylvaniai known the eh} th Skin- I r I ban Am. 11 domted by raid Elijah Skinner to George oi and by f..41C George W. Scranton to Eli. T. Yiii•o e i a. d lol e rar. Tliterins,and now in pos.carton of On tat r ii ,I.houoded on the north by lands of Mosta Brown. t hi card by land. known an the Young. Skinner and 'l'oan . tea at , ein the south by lands of A. T. Trove hr: der MI6 l b Ittantitig. and on the wet.: by fends of A T. TN,. bridge, David Thomas, and Uto late Jebel Me- Catrey, dee-awed_ containing 400 nem,. he the same more lie les, and all the right, title, Internet and claim of raid E. T. Soong, and Edtow Thomas In the limiter ly occepied lio the raid Elijah Skinner. and the water and mill privilege appertaining thereto, and in clout five acre. of Land on which wild mill standr, under and by time.. or a lease made and execut d by 'Moses Brown to George W. Scranton fur raid privilej„, and said flee acne of land, being the same farm and tract of land, aiwai I il and milt privilege which John Young. Lich Sheriff of Susquehanna county afon.aald. conveyed tw the raid Beni train S. Bentley bearing date the lath tiny of datinary. IS6O, which raid Bentley and wife con % eyed to raid leans D. Ittied. with the appurtenances. three dwelling homier, four hornet, one saw-mill, out buildings, orelorde and about *el !serer improved. [Ta ken in execution at the snit of°. V. Bentley en. letac G. !teed and Marshall Frink, Ernest Zieman, Oster hem t. nod 11. J Preston, Terre Tenants.) A I.SO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Bridgewater. in the county of SO s qnclianni and State of Pennsylvania- hounded and etc .-Tilled as follows, to wit: Beginning at a port, the tier: h-cost corner of a lot of Intel now or late of Daniel sonde; thence along the ant of said Searle lot south tin degrees and ri minutes west, flit perches to a poet; thence north 111 minutes west itS!i perchel ton po-t; thence north lilt degrees men° minntes east. 191 porchea to a poet ; thence smith thirty minutes tart, ti 33 perch er to -he place of beginning. containing 91 acres, with allowance. he the same more or kas, with the appetite fiances, 1 frame house , 1 frame barn, I wagon house, I orchard, and about TA acres Ina jortivial. [Taken in exe cution at the salt of Jackson Baldwin vs, Alfred Bald win.] ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land altnate In the Bert/Sigh of Great Bend, in the county of Soren and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and dere:lb. lid as follow., to wit:- Beglnulning at a point in the .isterly ride of Main street In raid Borough, at the junc tion of Water Lane with raid Main street: thence east erly along the sontherly video( said Water Lane 140 feet to land contracted to C7rns Decker; thence along Dock ties line Kimberly 31 Oct to land contracted to A.. W. Laren hoe; thence along said Larrebees lino westerly 130 feet to raid Main street; thento northerly along said Main street 31 fret to the place of beginning, containing 31 4 .0 square feet of land, he the ramie more or teat with the appurtenances. 1 frame dwelling bottle, and alt lin proved.—[Takew In execution at the suit of George Bork n-n, Newton W. Dey - oe and Wolter I'aintin, assign. ed to 1. J. Stratton vie Newton W. Deyee.) ALSO—AII those two pieces or parcels of land situate In the township of Rush, in the county of Stitortetranna and State of Pennsylvania, the first thereof hounded and described as.follows, to wit: Beginning at an iron-wood In the original cast Uncut' the Robert Carson warrenteq thence north 20 degrees went MI perches to a beech; thence north 34 degrees east along the line of said Car son reirvey to die corner of Pete: Hoadley's land, thence ewe to a post inn range with the lino of lend known as the Francis tract (being the Rani:tab !Ripply warrastm); thence south, still in the range of the west line of the Francis tract to the soptheast corner hereof, befog the aoutinest corner of the Justice Nannies warrantee; thence west Moog the tooth line of the saki Justice Frank's tract to the place of. beginning, containing ICU acres, be the same morn or leas The second piece or parcel thereof adjoining the above described piece of land, hounded and, described as folknrs, to wit: Begin ning at $ hemlock tree sorter, a cattier of land of releg Medley [now deceased); thence east 140 perches to • post, another corner of said Readier* lands thence south II degrees west 4: to a point thentesouth Z 3 degrees east petehea to a post t thence south lB perch? a to a hemlock tree, the soattictun corner of the original surrey: thence west IGS perches to tk poet, the southwest corner of the original surrey; thence north 17 deees east, 143 perches to thebeginnlng, foutainlng lap acres and 103 perches of land, aria measure, be the same Mora or excepting and reacty.tag oat of that last above destribed land to the nee of the school began where it now stands, being half an nereiwitictrGeorge Little deeded to the echool directors of Huh township, tar the site fora school house and no other purpose, and • aleo the priviteg of keeping tip a mildam as it 'toad erect de on the Id day of. April, 1313, and taking the Watcr as deeded to Lyman S. Caner by the said George Little for the aforesaid purpose and no other, with the applarte fiances, I framehonse, 1 frame barn, and other out bulki. Ingle I orchard. std about. 103 acres .im)rosed, [Taken in execution at the suit of R. O. Moore vs. John L. Moore.] ALSO--All that certain piece or Tamale land situate ID the forreship of Rash. /a the openly of firuariaehamta and ittate.of Pennsylvania, bounded on the north hy iandenf Denjamin Candela, on the east bytands of Md. ow Norton, on the south and west by lands of Albert Aighrwtftbbsed; ow:wining tOil [scree [of land, be -thesememmeor less, with theletwelecia 1 fame hotute i I learnt barn. pad outbutl , a orchard, and about 75. acres improved— [ Take n s exectdion at the suit of D. P. &Tabard, areeed to A. Lathrcip„ fo, el. A. Sleiettladr & D. It. LatbrOp,tra.ti. A. Shoemaker, D. liankinwn. es. S. A. Shoemaker:and C. P. Read, ad. mintetratorof Simnel Roberts:debetsedi drained to A. J. Gerriteon, Ts. S. A. Shoemaker.) Al+so-..A1l that certain piece or parcel of lutillattate in the township of Rash, county of Susquehanna., end State of Pencuryfrualy bounded on-tine north by lands of Jerry fdartill.-onthe cast by lands of. John C. Graham and ,Charics Gall Wigan, on the wouth by bads of Jamea Logan. and on the neat by lands of --'Madison. cen. Laing Rai 410 A heat be Mamma Mro pr less, with too pppultenancei: I frame Weise, I Mune bun, I small orchard;qindithont Satter% twproved.--rfalten lit haw I ration at tote enit of Theodore Devine, nee of0.11.1tob: [ art', Gcorgeld. Gieltun,J. - ALSO—AII that cerasto piece et parcel of land situate :Lathe township* gash, to theconntroffinaquchartrta and Statebf Penneybranla, bounded on the north by , lands of Edward , filion.:; on the east by labatotliaory Grecs, On the south by hindecdJucob Brobanee, and: on thearttst by lands* ,lexpea Loom denrtinbotarrtees of ' Land, be came mom atm, witatsapphrtootatai, and about eight arias fraproved.-1 tit eaecutionst the milt *amen Logan, guardian *Alphonse; D. and Phil lip o:Green, va. U. A. aretb.ll - 81,130.411. that certain piece of land:vitamin tit: the township of Antrtun, In the county of Susquehanna and ' State of Pennayiesnia, bowled as oho north by lands of SEW Reynolds, an the out by lands cf Jame* Logan, on thesMOOt.WiandanfiVilliitet.DindLit.Midellat by landabY N: Bennett; eontalnblg - 53 acres of inoddbdtflei MOtioattOre Tics*, with theappurtenances, 1 framtsboase,lyoUnatOthard and all imprenofil Fen in executienal the Mitt Of.Pftellx Reynolshl4 ti? use of C.V. Latham; re. Thounta Tionlin 2d..1 s ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate liythotaernahlyrof Springvilig in the county of Ketone. lutrltt.S.4lld Snag Of Pennsylitaola, bendded On the mirth' try beds Of Henrry Ken, do the cast bysland* of ileihni Ike on the south by road larding to Nichbison had Ism..: to boundry between raid and Dennis Johnson, and wen by lands sd-Wllllam Gates, contain irereo aortae of. the 'eame_more or less laith the apparel= minces. email frame house, 1 small frame - barn, an, about 25 acme itapowed.-el.Takettin execution at tt.e suit of E,..R:Brtnuillntartigned to Kirby linnisell, vs. Susan V. writtiriartnd Wallace If. ., T.] ALSO—AII that certain piece of Land. situate in the, township of Rush. In the comity et Snramilhannsi and Suite of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol iose., to wits On the north by landsof George Hervey, on the east by lands of DenJamin Otis no the south by Lunde of S.A. Shoemaker, and on the west by Lands of Remy Deis, enutaining about 50 scree of land; be thrr Fame more or less, with the appurtenances, I framer house, I frame barn, 1. frame corn honer, 1 Turing or. chard and about 40 acre, in3proved.--.lTnken 111 execu tion at the sun of AL W. Smith, to the nee of 11, B. Searle. vs. Cliaries Darrow and 11. A Roberts.) ALSO—AII that certain ploec or parcel of laud altexte Nth° townshlp of Frankltu in the county of Susouelin title and State of ?curtsy - Nari, bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the north by lend of Raymond Smith. on the cast by the public highway leaf:111 4 1 to the silage of Great Bend, on the south by the public high.. wav leading to Snake Creek', and on the west by lambs of John Johnson, contninleg SS acres of land. be the same mom Cr less, It be leg the same land which Joseph L. Merriman end wife grouted and conveyed to said Harry Smith by deed tinted May tons ISM, with the op purteuances. I.rrame house, one barn and shed, 1 wag. onhomie, 1 orebard. - &O., and mostly lmproled,-.4Tak. en:its execution at the cult of Memo. Tyler, executor of Jana A. Dinsmore; deemed, tessigned to P. Whipple. vs, Mitre. Smith and Darryllmith.) • ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land, actuate in the boningh of Priendsville, in the manly of Susque hanna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and doecrib. ed as follows, to wit: On thenorth by the public. highway leading from Montrose to Owego, on the card by_ lands of Milton, on the south by lands of S. T. Morris , and on the went 'by lands of Thomas flagon. Wm. Duff am, and tot mid by Sheriff to N. U. Warner, contain. log S scree of land, be the same more or lest. with the appartenences I framer house, 1 frame barn. some Milt and ornamental trees, and an ittreoved,..[Taken in ex ecution at the suit of Mathew Mclnerney vs. litmus Cook.) ALSO—AiI that certain piece of bind situate In the township of Lenox, in the county of Susquehanna, and State of Pronsylvsoin, bounded on the north by the rant branch of the Tookhannock Creek, on the east by lands of Charles Wilson, on the soath by laud of Alva Cook and John 11. Cook, and on the west by lands of Barney and John 11. Cook, containing If; acres of land, be the manic more or less, with the appurtenances. 1 dwelling bonne, I barn, and out.linlidings, 1 orchard, and all improved. ( rekeu in evlention at the suit of Silas Hartley. vs. P. 31. Robinson and 11. N. Mutt., and John Millard, vs. Barry N. Mott and Emery Ilardi 0g..) ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Dirmacitin the county of Stiseueluso. ea and State of Pennsylvania, bounthel and described as fob owe, to wit : On the north 65 lauds of James A. Banned, on the east by lands of Israel Reynolds and Iro Butt...on the south by lands of Wilson Burch and Marcos Hinkley, and on the west by lands of Ellsha Tittiny and Peter Simpler containing about 97 acres of I land be the same more or des. with the appurtenances, one frame house. I frame barn, I corn house.] horse barn, I blacksmith shop, 2 orchards, and about GO acres Improved. Ards, all that interest of K E. Moore in all those other two pieces or parcels of land situate in the township of llimock, to the county of Susquehanna and shoe of Pennsylvania, the first piece described as fol lows, to wit: Beginning at a birch tree in the line of 'tartlet Bolen's line, the south west corner hereof; thence by land of said Dolan, Nell Shuman, and John W. limy. south degrees can 110 perches to a hemlock stump; thence by land of said Gray south to a post and stones near the south side of the road ; thence by laud of F. A Matey north Si degnos west tin perches to a put and stones in the line of T. 11.. Williams; thence by land of mild Williamsand.Bartlet Dolan nforessid north 7 degrees west Si perches to the place of beginning, containing about It acres of bind, be the same mere or less. The second piece or parcel of land adlojning, bounded and described AB follows : Degleuing alralhake and stones in the line of J. 13. William's Llt.d abd tit( northwest cf Sidney Spencer's land; thence north 7 degrees west 14 perches to the southwest corner of the' lot above described; thence along said lot line South 041)4 degrees cast Ott rods to n stake and stones; thence south 7 degrees east 14 perches to a stake and Stones; thence north ts;}l degrees west 40 perches to the place of beginning. containing a acres of land. he the same more or lees, will, the appurtenances, one frame tone frame barr, one block-smith shop and net tin ildings, one orchard, and mostly Improved. t Taken in exerMitsto at the suit of A. Lathrop es. E. E. Moore; J. ft. Dewitt & CO., vs E. E. ; Sayre Bros., to use of T. Spore, As. IL K. Atoore end E. E. Alnure.) Tavern Tavern Taveta Eating Howse Tnvan Tavern :By 111easure 13y Ala turn. 2th.anare .Tavern - Taterci ALSO—AIi that certain piece or parcid of land situate In the township of Clifford. In the county of Susquellan oa nod State of Poinsylrattla, bounded on the runt h lands of lturr:esa Smith And E:las Stephen a, on the south west and nest by lands of Iteory Cuddeback, on tilt northwest by lands of Caddeback and highway leading from CIIILTurd Corners to Lestoxville to lands of Nets.on Phillips. on the northeast by lands of mid Phil lips to centre of road from Clifford to Leuosv ilk. thence south along .Id road to the place of begmoing, eon. taming about 32 acres of land, be the same more or less, with the appurtenances. 2 frame houses, I barn, some troll trees, and about ti acres haprored. duo, nil that other piece or parcel of land sitnate In the township of Clifford, In the connty of Sosonehanita and State of Pennsylcania, bonded and deert bed a. fe.llows, to wit : Beginning at A post nod climes in the pootheneteriy corner of the farm formerly owned by S. 11. Tompkins, deceased, and toy him convered to Norman White; from thence south 511 degrees weld o and ftllis perches to post a nd stones, tit. toad southerly cornered the farm cone-ey d t o n. U. Tompkins nn,ss,hl rn.1,1 Nrman y'hite, thence north 61 degrertt w •-• wept .17 and 10th, Imre ies to post and elect,, the most northerly Corner of lands owned by John Smith and adjoining lands of sold Nor man White; thence north Mt dr:trees and In minutes east to the line formerly the ea-tern hen :dare of l the farm deeded by S. B. Totoplon, aforor,tltl to cold Nor man White front thence south 41in, degroott reef to the piney of begtnoinz, contalnlne about lo acres of land, he the Sam- morn or, with the apoortonanteo. (Tak en in estcollon at the limit of t 4 tt.o art c•. Win. F. Wilson Ittchnot 11. Wlisi , tl, ore of 1 , II Ttmle, .F. Wilmot tiro. A. Utotevy cc. it, F. NV noon., ALSO—A/1 those tno certain pieces or parr,-le or land situate in the township of Gibson• tone mite from South fib -on on the Tmikhannork creek road,) in the county of Sn.onehanna and State of Penn.ylvan in, the firs:: piece bounded and described as folio. e, to NVil 1 Begin ning at a corner to the center of the Tankharrneck creek. In line of Cachet Pickering's Int : tholee ahnnt north weetabont2s percht-e to corner to line of ll.ltonner's hind to an ironwood tree standing nu a rock; thence in lire of H. Bonner's land, about northeast about 40 petyles ha a corner in John Pelton's Bre; thence by said relron's line shoot sonthea.t 59 perches lathe centre of the null:hon. Duck creek; thence down the center of said creek about 50 perches to the pLice of beginning, containing about Me acres of land,be the came more or less ,with the a ppurt en; mecca.] dw ening house, 2 bnrne,l sound archard.a ;Id most ly improved. The amund piece or puree' bounded as top e Iowa; On the north hy lands of Fitch Resecguie, on the southeast by tan Tunkininueck creek, un the s.inthwest by - the above deecribed lot. on the west by liamilton nner's land, and un the northwest by James Porter's and Widow Walker's lands, containing about 22 acne* of Lind, be the came more or les*, with the appurtenances, one saw-mill, one aditnet shop, one duelling boner, one small shoo. one small orchard. and about 11 acres Improved, (Taken in execution at the cult of Wilber Gardner re. At. N. Walker ) ALSO—AII that certairipleCe nr namel of land sitnate In the township of the county of Sasonehlona and State of l'enns3 tennis. bounded and described as foliose,. to wit: On the north and cast by lands of Itoewell Coleman, on oho south by lands of Joseph Mc' CormicAt.nnd on the west by the public highway, con Mining 6 acre. of land, tee the mum mare on lees, with the apparcnances, one small house, one small barn and shed, and all Improved. (Tak , n in eggetttfna at the salt of ItoswelPeoleman. assigned to J. )f. Part en, Ulrnm Morse and Baldly Morse) ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Herrick, in the county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsyl vania, formerly known as the Mott Tavern Stand, mare recent as the Tilden stand, and lastly as the Edwards stand, in the Vil lage of Herrick Center and on the line of the Jefferson Railroad, bounded and described as follows, to wit : On the north by lands of Morse, Nichol s& Co., on the east by lands of Morse, Nichols, & Co., on the south side by lands of Morse, Nichols & Co., and Israel Rounds, and on the west by lands of John M. 3lyreil, containing about 25 acres of land, be the same more or Ims with the appurtenances, one tavern house, one dwelling house, two barns, wane fruit trees, and all improved. (Taken In execution at the suit of I). C. Roberts and others vs. Aaron Ed wards.) ALSO—AII that certain piece pr parcel of land situate in the township of :New Milford, in the county of Susquehanna dud State of Pennsylvania, hounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a post and stones the northwest corner of lot N 0.1741; thence south 45 perches to a post and stones, standing in what is known as the old road; thence a west erly conne following the centre of said old road 57 perches to post and stones; thence south I degrees west 8$ perches to a post; thence by land of Pierce Dean north 8314 degrees west perches to a post ; thence north degrees cast 141 perches; thence by lands of J. P. Yard ing south esli degrees cast 118 perches to the place of beginning, containing 70 acres of land, I be the same more or less, with the appurtenances, 2: frame housus, 1 frame barn, I orchard, and about 50acres improved. (Taken in execution at the suit of Albert P. Dewey, assigned to Rodney Jewitt, vs. Harvey Baker, and Charles Wilson, use of Link and Powers, vs. Harvey. Baker.) ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the township of Auburn, In the county of Susquelianua l and State of Pennsyl vania, sounded and described as follows, to wit : On the north by lands of George Place, on the northeast by public highway and lot of Charles Jayne, on the southeast by blackwalnut road and lot of Charles Jayne, and on the northwest by lands mf B. J. Carter, captaining about 2 acres of land, be the same more or less; with the appurtenances, .1 franc • dtVelling • honk, - (arid half interest in 1 crania barn), 1 blacksmith shop, some fruit trees, and , all improved , (Taken in execution at the suit of Oliver J. Reintel to the use of Allen Jayne, vs. Wm. r(''seen awl D 0. Cooley.) ALSO—AII those three certain pieces or parcels of land, (comprising one farm, and yi in& contiguous,) aituate , its.the. township--ot Rndgewater, in vie - enemy or Susquehanna, and State of y! moist irrasistiorst piece bound ed and described as follows' to wit : Beginning at.a post and stones in a line of Bettajah Me iCetute!s land, (now .19m. H: Jones's;) thence cast by lands or au= 47 perclies to a atak*and stones comer; Shame south Allouds 1, of saidilusan,Wallace 27 and 5-10ths perches to at:dreier ; Mince east by,htids let e -of Thlneas Ames, Jr., 48 stake and Wilt) coln• er ; thence north by lands formerly of said Ames midland formerly olAolirkßeard,lei-ligautd 10ths perches We post andatoncs corner; chclace *won by huldi nttsolettea post and stotiMftener ; and thence south by lands Of Bensjah Bferbsie, (now Wm. 11. Jones's,) 140,Terches to the place M of beginning, containing I sem sedr4o perch., es of land, be the Bomb' more or less. • Tbst second piece - or parcel, bounded andelescribeette followtoofwit : ,. Beginning at a post audacities the reurthWisit censer ot 13, latellc4zie'p old faro, (now of. Win. IX Jena* ihenco by lands ettf . John Young, north 13.4 'degrees east 02 perekes'l to post and stones' Cut north Ihse of Waller-4a 1 tract and south line of Drinker's land; thence. along said line south 883 "degrees east 100 perches; Thence' by land surveyed by James Yaw south 134 degrees trett - 02 perches ,, to post and stones; thence by lands of It Map; tie, (now Wm. H. Jones's) north . 135%- degrees west 100 perches to the place otheejlaning, min t:doing 57 acres and 80 perches' of land fie the same more or less. The third pleiqe or llama described us follows; to wits: Beg,inning at a post and stones the northwest corner of said: Janice Shaw's old farm ;• thence by land • unsold of J. W. et Ix, B. Wallace north 13 degrebit. east 28 perches to a post and stones In :purge 1 line of tmct ; tbenee along said line by land ,be longing to the estate of IL Drinker, dee'd, smith • 883 degrees 00'perches to a • ror3t and stones a corner of !token ' Kbigskey'S land; thence by land of said Kingsley south 1 % 'degrees West — lt I perches ton post and stonts: th=ce by land .pf ' said Kingaley south 80 degrees cast:4o perelom t o I corner of stone stall, the northwott, corner of Perrin Well' slam, where he resides; thence* lands of said, Wells south 1% ,degrses west 1 perches to a post, the northeast Corner of' said James Shaw's farm ; thence tdotig,thoncirth of the same north 8834 degrees west 115 perches to the place of begin n ing, containing 16 acres and 04 perches of land, be the same mornor making in all 182 acres and 54 perches of land, be the same more or less' with tho appurtenan ces, 1 frame house, 2 frame barna, Shed, house, I milk house and other out-buildings,l or chard, and about 150 acres improved. (Taken in execution at the suit of A. J. Gerritson, vs. James Shaw.) ALSO—AII that certain Mese or parcel of land situate in the borough of Great Bend, in the county of Susquehanna anti State of Pennsyl vania, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at the southeast corner of lot bought by If. P. Doran on Washington street ; thence along said street in a southerly direction 60 feet; thence in a westerly direction parallel with Wit limn street 120 feet to the corner of lot ben c lit by Murray ; thence in a northerly direction along line of said Murray's lot 60 feet to lot of IL P. Doran; thence in an easterly direction along said 11. P. Dontn's line 120 feet to, said Washington street and place of beginning, known as lot No. 39 on Wollcott's Village map, village lot; with the appurtenances, and ail hn proved. Also all that other piece or parcel of land situate in the borough of Great Bend, bounded and described is follows, to wit: north erly by Lends of It. J. Stevens and H. P. Doran, easterly by other lands of Walter Paintin, south erly by Wiliam street, and westerly by lands of I'. Curley, being 23 feet ti incites on William street and extending back as far as the line of said Stephens and Doran, village lot and all improved. [Taken in execution nt the suit of H. P. Doran vs. 'William McElligott,J ' • ALSO---:All the interest of TherwleteDovie in all those two certain pieces ot garrets ( ( Ma, the first situate in the township-,or Ararg..ltdtt Gibson, in the countvof Stwittehanna and State of Pennsylvania, IMunded and dmribed'ns fol• lows, to wit: Beginning In the centre of road leading from George Berry's to Joseph Dunn's; thence north 47 degrees cast by the lands of Ru fus and Cancy Barnes 8 and 6-10ths perches to stones; thence south 43 degrees cast 58 and 4-10ths perches by the•lands of Georms,, Knight to the centre of road; thence along the centre of aforesaid road 194 and 7-10ths perches to the place of beginning, containing 2.5 acres of land, he the same more or less, with the appurtenan ces, I frame house, 1 frame spring-house, some 0-uit trees, about 20 acres improved. The sec ond piece or parcel situate In the township of Ararat, in the county of Susquehanna and State ot Pennsylvania, bottntled on the north by lands of S. N. firrx:s, on the east by lands of W. G. Doyle and tihnhael Baldwin, on the south and west by lands of Justin 1.. Doyle, cuntainig acres of land, he the same more or less, with the appurtenances, 1 brae house, 1 frame barn, some fruit trees, and about 28 acres improved. I . 4tuk In execution at the suit of Oscar Wa§ll- .....s, of 11, M Smiley, do ad, vs. Theodore Doyle and ,XngetinelroylC.J - Notice it, hereby green that nit bids ninstthe paid in cesli 'on the day of4ale. WILLIAM T. 'MG,CLRY, Sherijl Sheriffs Office, Montrose, Starch ta. 18i f.' QIIEIIIFFS SALES.—By virtue of writs Is. kJ sued by the Court of Compton Pleas of Sus quehanna Vomit). anti to me 'directed, 1 will ex pose to sale by public vent - Inc; stifle Court I louse in 31on trust!: on Friday, April 14th, 1871,,at 2 o'clock P. in., the tbliowing pieces or parcel. of land, to wit; All the interest of Rant - 1010h Suelljfiall that certain piece 'or payee] of lend, eituatil .th -l itie township of linsir, in the county ot-Sustniellan na, and State at Pennsylvania, bounded and ile sritteddrs follows, to wit: On the north by Wade of Esther M Blakeslee and John P. Devine, on the east by lands of John Devine. on the] sonth by lands of Sylvia Stevens, and on the west pub lic highway, containing about 20 acres of land, be the same more or legs, with the appurtenan ces, 1 frame house, 1 frame barn, I orchard, and mostly improved. [Taken in execution at the suit of Sumner At Smith, vs. Randolph Snell and J. IL Stafford.] ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Ulillord, in the - county of Susquehanna and State•of Penusylracua, bounded and described as follows, to wit; idattgl....n ning at the southeast corner of C. T. Winces lot, thence by said Gifiln's 1431 north fortpthremuid a half degrees - west 00 perches to rthemlock corner in thelme of land of Pulaski Clutmberlin,..thence south 46% degrees west along said Chaufberlin's land, 40 perches-to a stake and stones, 'thence south 43!‘ degrees cast '6O perches to astakettird stones, in line of land of Ezin Tnicsdele, thence north 4.6“ degrees east 40 perches to the place of,heginning containing 11l acresaud 89. perch es "of - land strict measure, be the inne tnore,or less, with the appurtenances, I. frame bowie, I frame barn,'„ I young orchard and mostlylin proyed.—[Taken in execution at the suit of - T. F. Johnson vs. Adolph Miller, Wm. Miller & Co. to the use of Solomon Bolton vs. Adolph-Miller, J. C. Stewart vs. Adolph Miller.] ~ ALSO—AII that 'certain- piece or parcel of land situate in-the township of Lathrop, in the county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsyl vania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of Van Akim on the east by l a nd s of Estus and —Osborn, on the south by lands of Harvey Taylor and wipe west by lauds of Drinker, containingabout ' 1 23 acres of land, be the same more or less, with the appurtenances, 1 frame house, 1 frame barn, I amalf orchard, and mostly improved.- Token in, execution at the suit of Joules. ,Wilbur to the use of' W: W. Wilbur, assigned. to Litton Wright, vs. Smut, head.) A.LSOAII that certain piece or parcel of land situate In, the village of Springville, in the county of SuSquelitinna and Statenf !Pennsylva nia, bounded and described as-tollows, to wit: On the north and cast by lands of P. E. Brush, on the south by public highway, and on the west by public highway, containing about one half acre of land, be the same more orless, with the appurtenances, 1 store and dwellinglanne 11' backsmitlislidp, 1 tram barn rind -ottt building anti till improved.—[Taken In execution at the ' suit of Albert Beardsley, assigned to A. Lathrop, vs. Zophar Barnes. I ALSO—AU that certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the township of New Milford_, in .the county of Susquelntnna, and State of Pcnnsyl yenta, bounded and described as follows, to.wit : Beginning at a point in the middle of the road leading from N. K. Sutton's saw mill to the Hall place, (s ailed)and opposite a post and stones on the east side of the road ; thence by a line of other lands, of.said Sutton,. south 43 degrscs - east",loo perches - to a-cheritnet. sapling ;-4. hence by lands of E. S. Page north 47 degrees cast 93 perches to a large stone set up for a corners thence ~by_lands -of said Vogt and by lands of iz 6 -- Towner. north 43 degrees west.lo7. perches ;to a „point in the middle Of said road south 12 .degrees west '29 percheuf iaruth 83 ;14:degrees •west 27 perches, south 49 degrees west tiperch , es, and setith.Bs3i,ildgra!• west- 27 penises to the-place of beginning, containing ,02, - .acres_ of la *he the same more of kee,'Whlt-Shtf'ePPur' tenancesii 1 flume house, /Aketnerbatft - Betont' libildings; a Issilruittxees and about reaf.itcres iniptovikti Trakett In nteentl6n4l4.ttafAit of 1 If. - E..c.Buttortiladin Rana,"ii': -. . - i - • : '.., , ;;.i.:i. t.- A, - I,Bo....Au.eibst:certain. ' eetiitptircer 'of ' lindijitutita :Wale Borotig '.'nt lattsquelniulos .13eWtr in the county of Snannehantua and Vats of Vennaylvatiis; being the south - put of 4111,fr0 Lot No, 37,'0f Janus IL . Braith's istitti;lnade Ey Addison McKee, hOurided'and 'described as fel lowis-tsi wit : ' Beginning - at the sOutli kilfner of William , Skinner's - lot; thence south-54Wde gmee west , along the north :-bounds of , Istreet _B4 feet to' the cast bounds of a aide street: of . - lane; thence along said lane north 863 demm .wast.-.4o.lesto.4o.&neriter-afMargamt-0 9 .19,9* l'orrtlietiFirillatigtlielaintrnorth 54K &rem' east 39% feet to the west line of aforesaid Skin ner's lot; thence along the same south 28 de gress and /10 minutes east, 40 feet and 4 inches to the place of beoi, nixing, containing 71400 square feet of land, be the samd Monier` lass,- with the appurtenances, 1 store and dwelling house, some ornamental trees and all improVed. Also , all that certainpiece or parcel of land, sit uate in the Bpro of )44qm/twins pipot, in the county of Susqu4.llanne find State46f Pennsyl vania, being parts of lots No. 69 and 60 of Mc- Kee's survey of village lots for James H. Smith, bounded and ddierThertialla wit: Be ginning at the northwest corner of lot No. 6.2, (now or formerly owned by Skinner and Peoulded as.A..harst_lot4th ‘ ense.nuth 511.1 de- P/ 21 :"est-ill-rfitehOltiWilnen ITaric. ope's lot to a corner in line of E. W. ernes lot; thence along the same south 3.5 t degrees I Cast 34% feet to A cower ; lliew.e.south 54% ilegrem wed: 78 Ida! m'utd or less;Lto the east pounds of the four rod road, leading from the liver raid to the Lenox and Harmony Turnpike, thence along the same south 19 degrees east 70 feet and onohiel of a , therswrds,bounds of a two rotrlane ; thence - Menet& Batik north 54% degrees cast 60 feet more or less to the south-west corner of aforesaid barn lot; thence along the samenmitt 24 1 .ittegmetorst 99 feet to tho place of 'begfoning, elontldnilig nearly 19 square rods of land, be the same more or less, with the appurtenances, 1 two story dwelling house and out-buildings, and id improved.— [Taken in' xecution at the suit of W. W. Welsh, tie. E. W. Forbes.] :I ef . Notice is hereby v en that all bids must be paid i 0 cash-on the' of sale.. i ,- . --, . - .... W,3 N. : PtIOXIDEY, SherilL Sheriff's blilce, Montrose, March 20,1871. rpouoste'vetues t Jr .- 131st eel ebtaccd 15orso 1. will stand fora limited number of mans the pm. ent season, commencing April Rth, at J. 8 Tarbell's. - in Montrose, on titibrdoy,of 'teat w rist ; Mmidea!sWed nesdaye, - and Fridays , at tho subscriber*. Cu West Dimock. Fac Hance. —Toronto Chief, Jr., Was 'street bit_the few the lesion ; he by Royal George and his dam by Black retiroKdrAk IscalOttlentarbiartAnonALed y bile.-fiVetrtatLessi br-Iteparienertpco ikantkpaility iferesener, of England. lbetowele-en ter, Ja'catearsno si edby Lba Ohonbel brod Jefferson oat of a ilaj.t mare. Joaersoll wit Vlrginisq-ito byntgairottie, t are of Sir Henry, and grandstroot American old Favorite. Toncorro Orme ban trotted t t stallion time on record—half mlirt, one ailyo; two mites, fel TOZoNTO eadrat-Jit into bred 34,... 4 11,,,Nt00m, of Ilketriing atcre4 . - ornage . .co., rr." ill the'EPriPS. of R 4 un.. Any onowantinginformation with - regard la din obit:roe or nook, can milkers liadeatt, G. Carus, o..oartabsos C. D. Itorallir cat - Aiktomleg Grove. , Tonairew Carer, - 8a„ Is tan hands bb, blood bay, fhtlAdiipatiMoliand , te taitaidenea by tire - nest jedges of bones rte-be horse. 'lie bas never been argued. - kat glees aigna or gin= .peed. An lavecttea IS MACAW. , • .1 t.„ Thitita.--To Rowe britkival it& ~. .o i itat Pack •41 1 t 4 1 1 a lantern' Lnearaskeenkszy du. March • • ..31,01U.SiltiN, Pro sa tease.: Elk Lake, Pe., 311areh•13, CLOVER :42110 , TIMOTHY' SEEb- .For ado 2 4 1 .; 31.cnitroseilinrch43,1.871.„. V-SLIIABLE FARM' FOR SALE.-The subscriber lerers hit arra' et Silver Lake, Susquehanna Co, Pa.oandains. Diet 180 ikeres 1000ritaint ivltith ergetaired ann-tnidereukiva tioh the Isuitrit wen Vtterriland good for tithrr grain or grass, there anbettrOelt Oro Ina three hundred grafted - Apple trees on the pLacebisides Peuen, plum, ang pear films, the tennis conveni ent, fun chureteit strislect_feeli with I,',M rods south of quaker hare,.tho tatutds a genitOrnnWeeiratAlseatt l / 4 1:tAthiresstrear ply ha 3ritmcz arvoNnue, Silver Lake, Suns...Co.:Fa, Mardi 8,, IL tat. .-.: ~>..1-41et1 iT.~~t!~Y~t--~~.. .t;;r_e.: r. X** 7-4 Q. 003:: 74.04. 11 rxtoritazi.tx:lsumior Jay Offer for Sale at Par and . Accrued Interest, the FIRST 'LAO, liONf .BONDS OF. . ?TM Northern Pacific RAILROAD COMFY, rir ITESE . BONDS are ieenrea, fir3t, by Riot Mortgage on dot Railroad itself, it s tong stock awl all ciptlpments sewed , by First Mortgag,e Ira cutirtiLmod Graut, more Riau tweoty4wo Ttputioand Acres of lead to cacti :vita nt road. The Ikmde; are free from tftlifdd.Siates Tax ; the Prin cipal and Interest are payable in Gold—the Principal at the end of Thirty year. and the Interest Semi annually. at the rate of Seven and Three-tenth. per cent. per annum. They nee leaned In denominations of $lOO, S7AMO. $lOOO $.1,000 and $lO,OOO, The Tru.tces under the 310.0:gage are Siesxr.t. J. Copioe, of Thilathelybia;a4cl J . B.4ar Thou:4s,4ft: Went of the Pemiaylvttnla Cetitfal Railroad Company" These Northern Pacific 7410 Bonds will at all times be fore maturity, be received* at ten per cent Premium for 1.101, In exchange fur the Company 'ti Lands at their low est cash price. . - In addition to their absolute safety. these Bonds yield an Income ltrger, we believe, than any other First Class security. Berson. holding United Mates Five-Twentles can, by converting them into Northern Peebles, increase their yearly income ono-third-And still have a perfectly reliable Investment. lIOW TO GET THEM! • Vaar nearest Bank papp . trtha , e Bata! In eA aayflrely'amatmt, end of nay denomination. Persons wishing to exchangs otocho ar toner bonds no these, can do m with my of our Agents, who will allow the highest current price the all Marketable Securities. Thom Wag la lomildes remote pm Banks. mayeend money, dr other Bonds, difectly tons by express, and we will send hack Northern Paeltle Bonds at oar own risk and without cost to the investor. For farther Informa tion, pamphlets, maps, etc., cell on or address the under, sbpea.or soy of the Banks or Banker. employed to sell thllepset.. • For sale by . wer..n. coot's= ai co. • • Ilontroso Pa. PUBLIO-NOTIOE. IWould respectfully state to my former Customi r and the public generally that I em again carrying on the TAILORING BUSINESS, IN MONTItOSIt, find ptopota to- do all \Mtg. In that Line, In a FASHION NEAT. 'autstelinkL ILLNINEII, And at S itisfactory Price,. Particular attention given to CUTTING end UPSCIAL. CARS need to hava the work. Plain for the penman who snits It Together. Shep on the wept dde of "F.'nblte ACCI1110." cod' Byrne it Niehois' Drug Store, adjoining the ()Mee c' Dr. Habey. P. LINES. Monnost; February 2, 1871, ABEL TIIRRELL T 7 Rue &messily ott tissa f sassf Most unmet ous collections of 131i1JOS 4."VDICINEs in the cnpnirp. and bestows especial attention to we :gilt rind Kling - slides in this deportment *hat' are pereand centime.- ;-- Ile also &ceps a great variety of • LIG/0011S AND WINES, bought either direct DOnfille dlaßlltd,ror itePOrter, and warranted strictly pure. ± Ade& a tall &segment of Paint*, ON ~ 'Wanganui. Druaties,LAlgreating_oll6 and Dye -KW iiedderies, Wall Esper,...ablaif, Kerosene, Vlaltipo, l'lstOU' Muir 'and ammunition. One variety of Gold and other JEWELRY, Pefnm• ery, Yaniceo ZiOTIONS, ite., and Miter goods too 1141 memos to mention. • '•• - • Daring Several years past persons hare been In the .babttotformlogclubs,endseudthe witty Alreat /meth, tan Tea Compare New Tort,' fiinketreappliirk ot Tea and Carte, rot raildlYsllee.. Abel Terrell is vow supplying the people with thaw Tens and Coffees, at his store In !Kant:one s at the same prims that these clubs Azaother persons pay at the store of the Company In New York. Tiros, purchasers will sire the express charm trouble of clubbing an 4 risk of sending, by buy , eg of MEM TrMliasia.l ' ''A'NoiraodloorkosPrif.; Montrose, Nov. IN, uom L VADAKIN. vonpiti t i t upus 4 r.Atirt i l= der. and warranted. Holdouts .014 shop, fissi dam "Gotha tltespeolhoehartAe: • !t• V . ti m 14 0 12tme«Pdarch 42141871: - • frAft:4ol 7 FlVllNftliffa ft:uglier 4ete.Yor chertlfiteeton efri relate. Eqtilrit of Mogrbse,lltrrth 8.11(04041:Dt. - M ~ TIIIANDIVIOVER SElLD*(talleY. rril°l 11 atie dbylltaalerlartelL - Veretle by • •• • , • so. Mil Iw. • YU;' . „ T TlllOlll 'X tacro:;: saisawbromum 'r RELitAlliiiit4t ed CIMAII, of .DALIZIL • - •• • !MAMA TUIta&LJ4; most • • ESTATE NOTICES. ecif, Ark ba,aMerelP, Pearmyrimata. cleemoed. Lettarl'imm. mentkrywpim•the estate °tam Ahura tamed &went having been granted to the uaderalomd. notice to Of OA to.lllMOOlitiltagibtabtooo.ollll/o to-malmbarmanate paymmat, and thou, having chilmw upon the tame trill promut them duly anthenticated fur eettlement. ASIII.I3ALDWIN. • Vr — nrre , ... , Aram , February:4 1871. A VD/TOll l 9 NOT/CP:::,-Tltc niersigent4 an Aidboy 1 - 1, appointed by-thet Otephen's Court -s ef - Sureinhintna d dletrlbute the feud In the hantlt of Eliot J• tiltilarneetAttecators of the inlet W1)1 and Teibitnent of Wllliattre,Wood. do- teased. will attend to the Malee of hie eppointment, at bliroalco; In the Waugh of biontrose, enig Cnianty,, on 'Lander the 10th day of April; nest, ill l'Ket'efaek p - in.. when ell personae may prerent their etalmetor be (gr eyer bewalatte:.o-; '; • JAhliZt Moottose;relintmli, ten: Atianor. LXECUTORIS Neregoi.-Letfi , hrTenrZeatary lb tbe collate of J.:rerolah Slrochnso, lato of Muntrove. bus. iv:chasms Ceuta,. deeeaa d. tumxng oor+grunol io tito tirNortbi:t„ all, parson* Indebtaita esialia • min - 61%d to make immediate pap:mat-Am _mita Imelarelalacia:avalaat aalddeeedent wul ti_lvatait Jam with - Out delay. ALI , IIXO BALDWIN. Montttioildfircli 9,19 N —Aw . . i kk ODITOR'S NOTiCk.—The andet4nettattAndltoy. li ep,uted by the Jud,, , rt of the Dipheus. Court of l i atectuu Cututtr: to dist:Mete rands remetutug, to. the nde or dames Norden, Adrololetrator of the a* t.t..of AMA p.m.., asecas.W. tilt amend to Medi:Met of said appo intment. at his office. lo Montrose, the oth day of . 6t 1 o'elock 113 the • Itrrooon of that day, et slde.3l Moe and place all pumas interested trill mate ititorrn ;their clams or be torerer debarred from coming in ral said Nod. W. A. efIOSS.IIOI.I. Montrose, Matt 1, IS?, 4rie Auditor. rtSTAIT. of Poll, Sifter. late of Forest Lake town -2.7.‘ ship, Pennaylventa. dossed; Letuas Testamentary upon the estate of the above named decedent. baying been granted to the undersigned. notice Is given to all persons indebted to the some to make Immediate pop. Meat, and those having claims upon the same, will pro sent them, duly authenticated. f.,r veulement. iIARVPS 13111DnALL., tzeentor, Sorest Lake Unruh L3,leql. , , , 6w WONDER OF 'THE WClTlLDPitt,btrult, denary w,1671.w0 whom It marenneertii—Thle Is to edify that I have given A. BALDW IN, of Montrose, Pa., the ezelnsive eontrof of the &Ile of the above nem. ed remedy In Susguelutunn County, 1141 int.: 111 be thoosef to continue in the business, and that all ordrre hereafter should be addressed to him, to receive attretion, M. M. TlLTON,Proprfrtor Ilateh T 2. ISM, DAIRY-WOZ6N WARTED NV A ZTI ED n iTt:dTl e t; t nUti d ePo l e b reTs i r d orL d f w ale ni cm " :l:3::: Toe competent person w ho Is able tent willing,lmA wager will be glvrb. Apply to Mr*. 11 .1. Webb, Mote' trove or to the ottheerlber, on the farm of Mee. honey Drinker:in Bridnecrater, near hfontrote. Btillgernitcr, March $7 , 11371.-Itf. 13.44.1 1 1 t 4:IIOaVEIS REST, :BARGAINii IN TOWN IN CIIOICRv I 1 LT GIIOCINRI.E4. FLOUR t PRO charier, Delefietvq) Canned Feeit, Vegetebler. he. Itt. the 1 eys.4 of Navigation. A. N. BOLL,SHD. FebtreerV. 1511. "Ihr • OAD . - LETTDI9.—The Supervisors •of .I.ll7llridgewater.• will meet :at the house, of Charles Sprout, on Saturday, April Tithilnt 10 o'clock A. at, for the purpose of lettinif the making 'Or a road from his house' a a road haul log from Montrose, past Myron 13aldwtife, one nub and ten rods in length. H. 13REW TER, Supervis- Z. 31. DREIVSTER, • JAMES CALPIL "s• Bridewater, March 8,1871-3 w. msBCANITLE_APPRAISMENT. — DBALERti IN 118RCUANDINN. ae., Ia tinaqoatutritca 'County, take notice that In pursuant° of the 0.1,111 lieu of As , seashly of this Commonwealth to provide revenue to meet the &wade npon the Trait:fay and for uthor pur poses. the andersVued, appraiser of Mercantile taxes for sold county, has prep trod a list of Merchants Had. lug in said county. and pieced each merchant to that class which to him appears Jest and right accoediag to the acts of damnably, to nit : E L Adams P Wm. White it L. Lost Prance a, Swtrher George 8r0wn.... Reese 11 N 31 ... ;. , I .LfanL Black. Dorhanr,* Clear 1 IS P - 1110r ifirow d. Brother... ..... . 13 %rm. F. Colo 14 Y Johnson C C Werth .111 Payne & 131oxham. 12. VIDIZTOWN Patrick White OX2nOlll. lIROOKLT3. I .1 II Very 141 Tiffany d Cramer 1l J II raga.... ~.. ...... 14 : 0 NI ntiLmay. ...........141 C Roger' 13' Kent & Eldridze ..... .. 11! W. Craver .. -.., . , ~..,- , 13. 0 A & A Tit.twortic-...,.1$ 1 B R Lyons .12 Cu.. . ...... 12 Z Cubb 14 Webb & Gera 19 F 11 Chandler 14 L B Isbell : .1. 14 Lyons. Drake & Co 11 !& 1 3T092 CO - .1 - ,. 14 • 1 Bartle a. Nietiols p 111 4. .11 . Wm..' Mulford 11 A N Bollard 94 Stamp 12 Talbot 14 Wril, 11. Boyd a C0........11 C N Stoddard..... IS .1 42.1 T 80yd...... .. ...14 9 11 Mora, 14 i Slleer & Cuoia 14 IE Bacot, 14 4 N Bullard 14 W W emltb 13 CO Fortnum 14 W 19 Deana..„ 14 5 SI Wilson 13 • A Terrell pm 4 1" Rend, Griffis .it Co p to 4.10 Guttenburr„ rt wean- lio bat= & Co f flimm i raran! & C !....11 IA Labrop 10 MIMEO T J T 1 Johnson.. ........ ...13 J 1.1 Bator... .......... —ll l' 11 Gardner ..... 11 A Wilniass Wellst Brother 13' G Weaver p m 4 14 1 E Davin Henry Ptieneer 14 E P Chamber 5...... ...... A Elebarilsou 131 ntroelL Wm. n Thayer 11 Miles. Sherman Blakesteo 14. sonarwas. 14 X L . L B Sticum ern sutrorm Ainr.y & 1123.0=1 p 01 4...14 IA Dickrrmal.,Jr 10 James Arklux 14 la Rollin p m 4, 12 David Summer, pm 4...,19 N P J Gonna vitl o ' 1.12.1111 1 11 ~ Moro I•Knep 14 II Meliorate , •ai; m Itasrlei . II Wm. BEiram P rd 4 ..... • ' l John Dame. I A Robert WlDiare.. ....n? nun• 11 1 1 ;ee n : m. lll2 i n: a Nun ti II R Stack• • 4}P 1 Taaryeck 14 Whlllui A Fri:ate& Ft S Clark.. 711.A.WEIJN. D C & F 11 Foralban... It H. L M St enituan 3 edman- • •• • • • • • .. 1 1 4' L ]pokers....... 31no, 11 Tabor . EMU, L 11 Sherwood & Co 13 ,N Granger p o 4 11 'N D Snider... 14 i j Room, •,14 Alger &, 4 14 Spencer. T flwedilek,... .. ~. 13 Ilungerford & 11e1c . role..11 !wow 114risuIe 14 1 Z Barnet 14 T D Estabrook p ra L S Lenh,tm, 8 1 W A t plat- n Wm. C Mclntosh 14 C McCreary 14 Thomas Crewel' 14 Walter Palntln.... ..... ..14: Wm. Baldwln.. . ...... —l4 l n. P A Clack 111 Cenma WeescTl .14 1. W D C Bronson 14: 11 ...... :• • • ••14 111.7MCCUA30A DETO? IGlliet & Page 13 1.. If Lyons.. 14 1 Vtr 0 Beebe p m 4 .. 14 1 C.Fernan. 14 I B.Ceary "; .....14 . Georg* II Crawls') ' ' 13 / Allen , . . . , .... 14 317er. Morris.. ~. .... ...14 Thomas MeD0na1a.......10 13 F Smah 14 31 3 Pemtergait..........14 Jobs T1erny...1i.... ....14 Union Store Asiaielation.ln Walter aarber....... 12 U S Lyons 14 CJ Lyons' 14 Lead's Freeman 14 U P D0ren...... 12 Henry C Lon p m 4 11 James Bell 11 13 .1 Falkenbary....—..w.l4 F 11 Thayer. 12 2leDonald & K uie.......11 P D kin* 12 1 A B Vnrbox... ..... —....14 G LAditnp.. ... ~......14 it fI. i.ENceriifa...., t .,....14 Wm:Ball " " 14 0 T Smlth 13 Ellen 11cClalter.'4::: ..4..14 Guttenbniß.f lAD 5 0 31-,1 0 Seem & Co J C lu C Foot! Cook 12 .1 I) A 1.50n3..,...,........ ! . / . all ~..13: J C & .1 II Cook 'l3 It Millen° 14 MrA RE Forbes 13 A C Parteman 14 -q... - " *Mum List. • - . T Sullivan , -' 14 K 4 Bata ... - t • a Masts Ma1um............14 . 1114, 21 0gige.•..a...,.34...14 smozsost. ' ..,....: ,12 G L . 1"14.,.. ....... ....1. 1 .10 P ' ' lnnen O F Fargo, 14 011150 N, Cooperative compeny....ll 3 ticorgell Wells p m 4.... 1 11 Janees Fact Ihinity,B4l7e„„i. D p,m 4 " 12 Kennedy & Son p m 4....14 Milliken & Smiley p m 4.10 Wm. I) Eyiner 14' It St TI mley 14 11•11310:1T, El W Brant & C 0... 12 J 11 Stevens 14 J Sc blazer & Co. 12 S A I,yus 9 0 4.- NI M o anion 13 C d Lyons..... ..... eft.. 0 W Potter & Co. .. , .12 C C Spencer 73 Man e,ls.le.h.ll.lCop in 4.10 .1 C Edward 5....... ..... 0 Paves* . ... .•.14 L Peek. J.... 14 4.17,1Ckg4 Jones & Tanner II 3 d Carr 14.............. Babcock Newton 14 JAMBON. II nenson 11 4 I) Roberta 1 Norris & French 111 Y Potter 1.1 JUSVP. John Waring' 14 EOSCIIt.T/1 1 1 11 p 14 I.I2ELITY. ismm;aiWetniter 14 I/ tit:1001: - . . : cl 4 AA =T n . ITS Beisrdidee.. R Garfield 14 LAMM? Mal & prOtheri!.. WOI ' PtMIM Classificattea - ofirestbandiss. Wei Ina than $5.000 ....... ~...„.class 14 $ 5.000 lam than' $10,001,7 - . • - 0 ;11 ••1 0 -5,0001 , ." • -0:1 ~.• .... 11 1 mat), •• 10 •• soot) ••='. ;- - 0 + - 1 • • 0- , ....... • - "; • eq.CP) t - .-p .... ... . • " 0 -,.And _then, Judges of the talk of Cdramon Pleas at eonaty hold Court at Mimed It nOIIINMIIIIOOI , fOIIO. La sad CderstCouttr, CA Tieldil April nth', PM, at I o'cluelt p. tn" at *Mat Valeria place any of the klerebenta.deautbed, defined; teleri• ed u starerstd: or thotrerstsor sr tarasu;:easy sp! 'Peat ••• appeal %mould ; seiresateas i paer *pi tr"l4l. .iltta Mira d' - titet. Vrositi BEL - Ras lust rettanked WWI VorTosil ;4111AVitliti picot) ktagnal geodr f: .:145 0 ?? 0 ,?irlibrAstuour. ,,-1 . . r! ST. MSS' DANCE CUBED T jl i;.ip t./. ' am TALLOR.—SO CURS NO st PAT.— aket.tmkitatogla ler, on the rum s . 4lJoinlbg E X -ntorltt refereliCaf A , 2. 40 1 1 0 X utidaesser. /lam; tat 4i • ;•; M - STATEN:ENT OF CLIFFORD TOWNSIIIr eultp.quiplesputbs oni. March slst. Attionot of Bounty tmpald, March 21st, 1271 .$1,656 Amount to Cnticctofe Inmdal not conotted..t...l 111001 Amount retanlnlog Dlrtxtor,e hands ' 'Surto Amottet to bo provided far St! '1%4 WELLS.. ' • • isAmomAnNoLO ApblfOiF "1", W.:ATKINSON 4 . ff M4rdt 2ts VAL , 'WOEINT, ark- rlir Elk P LAITEIL—Ws: Rosy band aolWr peticrest: (poop Como", Osier, lbe baton* t, by :MU/ JIOILLIII2IOff ''2l ,4 F*'4./. - ' t, 2N 4210tUrr;10 1111TLE1732."; r,•.! rnoworosporo WILL IMAMS ratorotiulv t for foretrblog resterlaland buildlet sthoorhotuee oo the 'premien:sof' Atte:Tinny/amen, Wer.'ltlostai Om Atte Jeuupilne, nt the resldeoca of ash, Joharop,-, on Saturday. April oth,l2V. the same to betree, tad ready fur acceptance by the first day of bor. Deg. .12an and epecifiratlon, ran be found ern .01thips of the Lb:emitter. lIENItYe.I3.IIEL/L4 • Erunalm 5 m. 4 aarCb:43;l,Bll COMMitti, • r: -4; AL opa, PAIRY eAß3l,—Will put 0xi:fr".14 4 41,. trivatt Ctroas. dtirflea. • - - Tuoluis rt. DoxxkLl744 ' CtiogorM,,Marr4..2l, rt . Opod 11010 Vs-the Opldiect ant WAL4f 1844 d, D TiLEIRWID OW S t—Cou=sebsepreattiPetett, ed L*v Ornotlos. Penelope of V OA. Dollars mouth; *bite tern wee dOeryleebt Sixty Deys or lipeolibi For many of you tprotorrd Lard Warrantwarorni lOW to INN, and my records itid papal* then triode, feltablet bow Ma Important facts siccolasY, Plunninit ti 111 4.5 slum, end penults brthiting Or:lending Tani' ou ay Ognclb tan hare thlf nos. btoentOt toy .t .'toil their tro•lneee,will be promptly attended to at rates tablteed by tholsw L. P., !WM Xontruse, leach 44,18:1. -41 P. COURT PROCWWION. vannEAs. Tbe RT.' of•Ltor (Minor quarter herisiontref thel'enceismstri Court of Common Mo.. and Orphans' Court in theTtiSK tectith Jadltlal Instriet. dileaposed Of thel'lnintithhVlX ., BasquettaallA and A.racitord..and the Mena, L.T. Aslalgrf and A. Baidteta, ' Aaroclatty Judges 'in' 'histionernoinfr County, have Issuedtheir directed, Mar bolding a Court of Qaarter Sessions, Common Play ad t Orphans' Dunn: In the Hoe° or Montrose and otnintred' , Parenebanna, on the itd /friday of April, 181, itbalfas , the 10th day. Norma m !learn Gime To the Comm. and•itti= tie. of the Petro of raid county of Sosunefranna. that. they may be here to their proper perilous, at t o'ciceleth tho afternoon of said day, with their taCords and band. Oleos, cud other reinenabrantes, 10. do those tblrtgo which to their (Meer, appertain to be done. Andtboans ' who OM bound by naxierti. Wanes against the prisoardsfr tbat are or shall be la the jell of said county of Basque. bonne. are to he there, toproseente solifuttniai "slaw be Just. Dated at Montrose, the With of Slartlit, fa' the' Test oar Lord ono thousand eight hundred and - seernirtrian T. MOSl.Eilif„ Sheriffs Office, Montrose, March so, ismY. Bher • „ OIiTAND - To Tilos liitIRCIIVIV And, others. erlin long giveu me their autumnal!, I tender my brad, reit thanks, and tusks a confesses of ths•sstrut, witla their influenee, to the . SPLENDID XXIV EARDWItErSTOBE, • of Staub, Cohn .A CO., ltft end 'St Don de efiedi fiteeirt York, where oniers should ha dictated to me antlAillieesl 3 Let to the arm, to insert. wits auentign, add I wollididtd towt patrons, and to thotwwbo r pushy wrap mbar' stile, that' lAm not to. be underpaid. trY•ani,bli dr, little concern In New rurk,•or eteent re,'soatessegleir , men fair trial.• Vet geoids aro nll "'nisi and_ Atist#t - Ince. deb, for the near by mud Northern ludo . "" • . TYLIOL; Ageisti Montroselldrelt:Altlit. - , Bayern' E. J. rrOBLE ST.A.TS OF FRANCIS CLAIM, late of. Apojaeoset ZS toololltp. Suoquetuttaia County. Fa., deceased: Lot, • tars 01 Administration noon tile above named:decedent. having been wanted to tana undct7lgaed. notice IS hereby ; , Oka to all persona tudebted to told estate: to Mae tm." mediate payment. and those having claims apattnal UM, same to present them dttly . tuttltentiCalto fur rettllostllial, to the matersignivi. FRAIVCLEI CLARKar., .•-• • P.ITEUCIE. WALnitp: Administrators, mete. liantroae, March V. 1911.-13 w tartomaelo mow*? FOB SALE. T HE 110 TEL Property, Ideated at Dimock Corner, , and long and orahly known as the Lewis Hotel. connected withrincliare abooMon!lq Area of Valuable Land. Far particaluma satires. or call on C. Dbuock, Pa„ Jan. 23, 18ii. . U. • Expcayr., 7:lr. NO. S. XiX1.470121711V113; • • • • ; 1.1 X IST 31/r• 1%171:1114 In offering this Liniment to the yrnbltc, u we , dttlffr full confidence, that It must supersede all otherenoar Ita use, as an internal remedy for the cure of all dfseateettr the reach of that elegant medicines, eve Call safelytiolert, without the least fearer contradiction, that it stands anaa dralrd in the lid of medical compounds estfrually plied for the cure of disease, Feeling therefore that It fs nnnetessary to paff • remedy so eminently trolidetflif In Its enacts,r.o mysteriously infallible In Its paean al relief, causing the deaf to bear, the blind 46 see. the net. as. drawn and crippled stennuttle to walitereet and re. Juice again in the power end vigarof mnabood. %Mope*. paratton is offered to the patine on its torn meritlf..ll4 admen° lateen icort6n of-cmanala ells of AlleArabi an deserts ; but on the contrary to what Its InipOrtic`sajt I. a ram conaLinattouof the ignite:e'er IftottrAmittY cassrproducts _ Ills' Tons, Dee. It, ' notleo to to inform an dealers lopreetari medidnm that *above 'catabliebed a Depot In envoy! henna county at3totitrosse. Pa., for the ante of Dr,D. nrowol Young' American Liniment, and that DO. ‘64 BALDWIN i. oar Win for that trot Led t 4 P- SOITTILEIND 4F.'CO4' Iso William Street, Nair.yorkd • • , , • -.1:!„1 Agencies will Roan be established eiceniint gaits In every township, and published !sane list =totem; Taal reads to famish lt,at wholesale prices to agents. rest. era and circulate scut tree upon application to, the into scriber. .; Tbo Liniment IS now far sale at. retail t 7 the ;WO7 . trig agcntr, to . . Danl. & tactlOis, M'Otltrellste A.. Torrell. • " • ' XL L damp,,Antiorii Comets: i %Vinton] White, auburn Centre. Boob lleldwin, Booth Auburn. -; • • ~ WalinalD oeburg,Skioner'eltchfi.' Reeler A Vitagim: Wyalasinr . • D.C. A P.ll. lordbm, Franklin. Dr. V. llama, Caloptowt J. Borrasca& rkela. literality - 111e. L. M. bbenrood. Rushville. R. T. tioadriek., William Thayer. Dirunck., B. B. limmlotee;Little/leadtwre , Robert Winters. . .11, L. Ball. Illrehurdville. D. A. .1. Titswerth. Brootlyit,' Pa, •-' L. B. Binds. Pactoryville. „,., W. U. Curtis, Bailey Mallow. B. M. Tiffany, Hopbottout, J. D. Yety. Montrose Depot. • . 0, et New Milord. T. D. Eosterbnaki Oran Bend, . Any pchruin 18 townships not above itartiellalthetAril au Agency, mar obtain It by addressing • • 4. BALDWLF, Moutra!•,.,P;ii, , NEER don.ll, 1871—Bak FARM FOR SALE, Contatniag one hundred-arkd uttpwareg,,i)iie hundred under improvement--nith ova build. Ingo, oKchard, thc. Se. Ptieolowesind UT= rand° etzsq. Inquire of. •.:• • L. F. Facri ( • - or (.4. V. BENTLEY. Montrme, Jan. 4, 1871—tr 'EN WAtt . PAPEtt," .764uj !Ad geratm flteala Biontrofoatpfll 1 . 81 . 4., - ,.; .141,EL .MUMbLI. • • o\2l AiAvT.i - -14;7 1- 4x - P•k A _ f .• '49 1840 5 18 , 70 ,- f_,- -.,' 2. '; ;- tae Pant Enazu is by universal =nen allotted .ter luisetrpn for Itself a tepumtionuniarpasseGin tare el tardiest ProParationon :Ito Insiaaisar sous 4 &et in the eradication and,entinction of Pain in ail Its la 'Mons forma Incident, tetbe unman Mmily,antrEaltuip solicited written and , verbal (Mimeo,. el tinentsnets lotto favor, hava:bUmt,,, and are tts Own best advertise- Tina ingredients of thd,,Pata IttLinadindy Vlore/aux, tondo it a • perfectly safe's* a . remedy takentutesitalifi llte ItreM, fre___Mm. , AMllVi "it album, ultetinaod incoming to IRIRCIWTIC , , IT 11 'ttpo4l' linen Munn' mot bt readily stun 4,34 by laftlibibg Tblo Medicine, 'lttaitY fi Hite Unralio y man al the atikams ilieldentinthanucatanilMilly. Ono now been befotaLlteptibiluotor TAM= to ak and has found,ita vtayinto almost everycontet of the world: Amid liksaWlttiatirtamEted« .. „ tftitalutm PRltircla-ts a:- in any a itt i tattrete P p7nalp the ay r¢d ;.h e *moat ustalltaneotts agent In Enlisting Pain to truly tranvia , fat, and hen used acenrding to tits doss, ID gpttl its name. er.ALLEU44II. .130k1 graPOOT " I " w ri o. corn ntonspetuelto; a otwalpplr forVITIF via P21:1 X,T11:. , ?4e1 Not. A.lBto. Otr . t JEVELRi6„Tinualaz i'•••••-• • • e• •4 A CARD. YOUNG AMERICAN .."Inf,r) . 17' , . : ::,! I. : All