The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 15, 1871, Image 4
Vic e lm and tiroide. Time to Prune Grapevines. It is now a conceedeil point.with most grape growers that the beet time to prune Is just as soon in autumn as the leaves have fallen. That time has now come, and thine who have grape vines should not neglect a day ere performing the work. In this connection it is also well known by all propagators that cuttings made in autumn before severe cold weath er are much more sure to grow than those made in mid-winter or in early spring. Fall pruning is also advisable because now the operator has more time and will be more likely to use thought and com mon sense judgment in his work ; two important things requisite, and better then all the instructions that have ever been published. HOW TO PRUNE Is a matter about which grape growers are not united, but all agree that the vine, native of this country, requires more room to develop itself than those of Eu rope, and, hence when pruning, nine out of ter; operators now leaves canes of seven to nine buds long, where once the prac tice was to leave only three. All the strong growing sorts, such as the Concord, Ives, Martha, Telegraph, Wilder, and all the Rogers varieties produke imperfect bunches on the first or low& buds, and their blanches on strong laterals from main canes of the present year. Hence these varieties should be pruned with long canes, on which are from three to four laterals cut into three or four buds. This will give from fifty to sixty bunches to a vine, carry the fruit beyond dirt and afford so much for the vine to do in the early rising of the sap that the fruit will not he likely to slough in the setting. There is another class of strong growing vines like the Clinton, Norton, \ u-ginia, &c., which, while they need to be pruned long, yet bear their best fruit on the spur laterals of two year old wood. The Ca tawba, Delaware, Miles, lona, Walter, etc., make yet another class whose best fruit is grown on the canes of the present year's growth, and varying from the old prac tice of pruning these canes to three cr fenr buds, most growers now prune from six to ten buds, and then as soon as the blossoming season has passed and the grape set they cat away every other bud, more or less, aceording to the strength and vigor of the vine. fn all this of grape pruning, as we have said before, there is more due to the good sense and judgment of the operator than to any definite rules, for it is not often that a dozen vines in the same row will bear a like filament.— There is one rule, however, that must be followed, viz: in cutting be 'careful to leave two inches or more of wood beyond the last bud, ortherwise a warm wet spell followed by severe cold is alm?st sure to injure the bud. Starving the Orchard. It is the theory and practice of some orchardists to starve their fruit trees. nn der the impression that it makes them healthy and productive. The theory looks plausible. It is said grpwth must be checked in time to ripen IA wood, so that it may not be injured by the cold and frosts of winter. Hence the predetermiried and, systematic plan for starvation is entered upon with a will. Accordingly the cultivation is stopped, the orchard sown to grass. the crop cut and carried off the field and nothing re -stored in the way of fertilizers. The results at first are apparently fa vorable. The growth of wood is surely checked ; fruit buds are formed in great abundance, and the prospect is most flat tering. For a few seasons the fruit is fine and in great plenty. But very soon appearances change; fruit small and knotty, and less of it.-- The trees make a poor growth, show evi dent signs of weakness, disease, and sonic actually die! " What is the matter with the apple I trees ?" We answer matter enough. It is a clear case of starvation. The old theory' of half starving trees to make them healthy, is "false as fair." Who ever heard of halt' feeding or half clothing children to make them healthy, and vigorous and strong? No, men of full growth, as well as children, must be fed liberally if they would maintain good health and a long and useful life. It is so with. our orchard trees, Let them have all the food that their many fibrous roots will take np, and 'that their leaves can digest, and you need not fear the result. Your trees may not bear so young, or so abundantly 'for the first few years, but they will endure and survive your generation, supplying fruit for your children's children. Young orchards may be cultivated in corn or potatoes for the first three or four years, then sow in clover for two or three years ;in the meantime dress with plas ter, ashes, and superphosphate, with such, and so much stable manure, from time to time, as can be spared from other field and garden crops. Turn under the sec ond crop of clover every third rear. Watch the health and growth of your trees, and adapt your culture to it. Treat them as you would Tour children, and they will grow up to bless you. Protect Tour Eyesight. Milton's blindness was the result of over-work and dyspepsia. One of the most eminent American divines having for some time been compelled to forego the pleasure of reading has spent thou sands of dollars in valve and lost years of time in consequence of getting up several hours before day and studying by artifi cial light. His eyes will never get welL Multitudes of men and women have made their eyes weak for life by the too free use' of the eyesight, reading small print and doing fine sewing. in view of ' these things it is well to observe_ the fol lowing rules in the use of the eyes: Avaide all sudden changes between light and darkness. Never read by twilight or moonlight, or on a cloudy day. ' Never sleep so that, on waking, the eyes shall open on the light of a window. Do not use the eyesight by light so scant that it requires an effort to diacrim ina, 'Never read or sew directly in front of the light of a window, or door. Two much light creates a glare and Tains and confuses the sight. The mo ment ion are sensible of an effort to dis tinguish, that moment cease, and take 'a wallt.or ride. Difirictrmts.—There are many who, in their eager desire for the end, overlook the difficulties in the way; there is anoth er class who fee nothing else. The first class may sometimes fail; the latter rare ly emceed. gar Nvertiottutisto. KU WARW. Extensive nye of there watches for the last M. JI. teen years by Railway Conductors, Engineers add Express Men, the-most exacting of watch-wearers, has thoroughly demonstrated the strength, steadiness, doz• ability and accuracy of the Waltham Watch. To sails. ty atilt elate itrallthese aspects,, Is to decide the mum lion as to the real value of these timeleepers. More than 600,000 of these watches are now speak ing for themselves In the pockets of the people—a proof and a guarantee of their superiority over all others. The superior on:animal= and greet. extent of the Company's Works at WalthamittnalMes them toprodool , wate.healt a price which rendersconapetltion ratite, Intl those who hey any other watch merely pay them 23 to 50 per cent, more for their watches thee is necessary. These time-pleces combine every Improvement that a king experience has proved of real practical use. liar. tog bad the refuel cf nearly every invention In watch making originating in this country or in Europe, only those were finally adopted which severe testing by the most sidling artisans in our works, and long use on the part of the public, demonstrated to be essential to con. rect and enduring timekeeping. Among the many improvements we would particu larise: The invention sad use of a centre•pinton of peculiar contraction, to prevent t amage to the train by the breakage of a main-epringe, is original with the Ameri can 'Watch Company, who, having had the refuel of all other contrivances, adopted Fogee patent plaice as be fra the best and Walton. Hardened and tempered balr•sprtbgs, now universally admitted by Watchmakers to be the beat, are need in all grades of Waltham Watches. All Waltham Wahhes have dust-proof caps, protect ing the movement from dust, and lessening the necesal ty of the frequent cleaning necessary in other watches `par new patent stem wieder, or keye less watch is al ready a decided meccas, and a great improvement on any state-winding watch to the American market, and by far the cheapest watch of its quality now offered to the public. To those living in proportions of the Onit ed States where watchmakers do not abound, watches with the above mentioned improvements which tend to ensure accuracy. el rani incea,durability andsonvenienee. most prove invaluable. The trademarks of the varloaa‘stylcs made by the Company are as : American Watch Co , Wa!Math, Mass. Amn. Watch Co , Waltham, Mass. American Watch Co., Crescent St., Waltham Mars. Appleton, Tracy A Co., Waltham, Mars A rrwrlcan Watch Co., Adams St Wahhara, Mara. Waltham Watch Co„, Waltham, Aare, P. 8 Bartlett. Waltham. Masa, Wm. MI ry. Waltham, Mass, llom • Watch Co., Borten Mass. . . . ~ .. .. Eza nine the rpelling of the o native raven:illy before qz. Any variation evert or a riugle letter, indleater a eonnterfelt. For salo by all trading Jewelers. No watches retailed by the Company. An 11lo.trated history of watch-making. eontaininc mach nectul Information to watch-wearers sent to an 3 &dame on application. Robbins et Appleton, General egrets fbr Aratotcan Watch Co., IN Broad way. New York. afif i jO/ • At • 4 / T HLOttl u e:t and ;ta r t c e i o rc n u te r. “ d ... .) r l i t• o rea ao ntile College In I', DUFF & SONS. Pittsburgh Pa, HARPERS' EDITIoN OF i UFF'N EWOKKE,ErIigG !On pp. The most comprehensive work pohliphrd. Cow taloa National Wok, Railroad Bookkeeping, &e.. UNCLE JOSS'S Trunk Full of Fun. A PO t.w it i LFO th i te l?4 , l . ll t te c t ,o -e m la i n c n a r t S,o ltAt e. d Humor. con , Cruel Sells Slue Splitting Jokes, Humorous Poetry,44daint Parodic, Lintlet.qe Sermons New Cotinundrnme and Idirth-enn roh tug Speech. ever publinhed lutornterneti with on done passitat, amusing tat d Wax, Feat. of Parlor Mag ic, mud nearly hu Funny hogr.iritigs. illustrated Co, • et. ?runt 15 ctn. Sent by man, poet - age paid, to any pat, of the United State.. on reeetp. of price. DICKIiNS 6 FITZ° Publinherr, iS AIM St., N.Y. Dn. S. S. FITCIFI'S Family Pbyalelan; 00 pale,; by mall tree. Teaches. tio. to cur. nil dito - a.ev of The per on ; chin. hair, E}CS,Culllpitilartl. rite to 714 Uroadway, New York. BLOOMINGTON. (ILL.) NURSERY. 9 T . 11 „. v .."..% 1 6011 A,7::. Beet Stock ! Low Price+!— Wonld on know what, when, how to plant! nit abode, evergreen toms, roots, grafts, selings, Osage planate, app.e seed. early Roe potatoes. shrub+. MT.., greenhouse and garden plants, Qe, de., FLOWER and VEGETABLE SE;RDS ! finest, best eollection—sortp and quality. Send 10 cents for New. Illustrated De.eriptive estalogne-99 pages. Send stamp. each for .011n1..gues of Scuds, with plain directions-64 pages; Redding and Garden Plants-... pnges. and Wholesale 'Price List—St pages. Address F. K. PHCENLi, Bloomington. 111.2101- GREAT OFFER—Horace Waters 491 Broadway, N. Y.., will dispose of One Hundred Pianos lifeludeon,,, and Organs of six first-U.les maLera. inducting Watery', at Extremely Low Prices, Fur Cash, During this Month, or will tate a part east and balance in monthly or quarterly entailments. For Seven Dollars Per Line, we Will 1j NSERT AN ADVERTISEMENT ONE MONTH In One ilantimi and Nifty-Five FRA Linn Pennsylvania Newspapers, Including El-men Dailies. We rota to the publisher of this paper., to whom our rcuponsibllsty is well known. X.alstst Efeaa.tlPree. Address GEORGE P, lI.OWELL, & Co., Advertising Agents, Nos. au and 4.1 Park Row, New York. $1 TO $lO PER DAY. MEN, WOMEN, who engage In our new I:ropiness make from Wile 610 per day to their own lomiitme. Full particulars and Inattuttions sent tree, by mail. Those in need of permanent. profitable work, shonhi address at once. Oconee Sunman b Co., Portland, Maine. INDEpillaig FORTUNE XMT .IPCO'CrWIL IIiTC)2VI'XiEg3 CAN be 4e.Jn a quiet we./ kV melt ttutt are capable of keeping the eccret. Address JAXES GOODWIN, 67 Exchange Place, New York. 1.82(3 avriln"vislirliii, 1870 old .tandrud remedy tor Comr,tts, t.:4,11041X1p. tiOIL ...Folding Delter," Clams Bo os, & Co., Ltoecou. iiiiiiiiiiiiii TO THIS WORKING CL&SS.—We are now prepered to famish all classes with constant employment at home, the whole of the time or tor the spare moments Business new. light and profitable. Pereuns of either sex easily earn trom P. to $5 per eventne. and a pro , purtional sum by devoting their -whole time to the business. Boys and girls es n nearly es much as men. That all who ere this notice may send their address, and test the business. we make the unpanilled offer: o such as are not well satisfied. we will sends 1 to pay for the trouble of writing. lull particulars. a valuable sample which will do to commence work on. ant a copy of Ties Parples lAhwerry One of the large.? and best Wally newspapers ever pnbilsbed—all petit free by mail. Rader, if you mutt permanent. Praia hie stark, address a C. ALLEN & CO., /Lopata Maim. Etzraip/coviazemst 3154:zz -633A **Lary per week, and 'expenses, paid NJArnts. w onreew and useful discoveries. AddreneWWl= itCC!„ Marshall, Mich. A VOID lIIICIES.—/. slettai of early Indlnretton. OIL amain' u.r.ona debility. premature decay. /Lc. baling tried every -advertised remedy. baa a simple means of cetfatre. "blob tie send fteet tobts fella tr. 'offerers. dame J. H. TEPTY 1.8.111 Meese Street, New York. Feb. Ist; 11371.-4 w. , „ FOR RALE. THE ilOTEL Proprty, located at Dunodr. Caren; and tong and Isiorably knosmos She Lewis Hotel.ecarietted with whitb us about, ?mem Ateet Of Vahtible Land.< "Dr particulars Wm, condi ea O. C. ]ILLS, vimock 4 Pa o Jaci, It% MM. tL EnCidar. 7/1111117011 . -sma.. iv( ACCOUNT -.eV- poor health, the wartedber cents bla ban for male, situated , about three alike welt of Moottose,betirega .the .old Owego and Chewing° Tunadlow. Waldo& land of containing about 134 scree of lan& a 5 urn Imparted. the residue irdi timbered, adoptable buildings choke =had Granola and wee watered with tattier twat and 1:t ' inire of Ow eabseribet. oa the liotti finu, or of J. dint& at Bead Gans a 00.'55 store, roldeaunna .Aistippreset.keTagres,lfftl. ewe CALL AT ROBINSON'O SOUTHERN TIER P 1 1711.1V1T 1. E7111. 332 • EMPORIUM, • 88 Washington Street, Binghamton, N. Y. Where you will find The Largest Stock, the Best Assortment, and the Lowest Prices of any house in the city. N. B.—All Goods sold warranted as represen• ted. Binghamton, Aug. 24, 1870.—1 y Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Far all the purposes of a Laxative Medialne. .., Perhaps no one merit ' eine is so universally re. ", grilled by everybody as a cathartic, nor Wes ewer any before so universal -, ) ly adopted into use, In I T, ? everj country:Lad among , all Mena, as MS ugh" \y .-s - j but eMclent purgative e Pill. The obvious rea. eon is, that it is a more re .- ‘.....=•-•"-' ',--- liable and tar more eget. teal remedy than any • other. Those who have tried It, know that It cured them; those who have not, know that it cures their neighbors and Mends, and all know that what It does once it does always that it never falls through any thult or neglect of its composition. We have thousands upon thou sands or certilleaum of their remarkable cures of the followingg complaints, but such cures are known In every neighborhood, and wo need not publish them. ddapted to all ages and conditions to all climates; cantabiles neither calomel or any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. The.? U sugar coating preserves them ever fresh and makes them pleasant to take, while bees purely vegetable no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. They operate by their powered Influence on the Internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate It Into healthy action—remove the ObStrealoeB of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health. and by correcting, wherever they exist. such derange ments as are the first origin of disease. Minute directions are given In the wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which these Pitts rapidly cure For Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Listlets. mess, iglwarethr and Loss of Leastwise, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach and restore its healthy tone and action . For Liver Complaint and Its various !Trap. toms, Bilious Headache., Sick Eteadactie, Jaundice or Careen Slickness, Dittoes Colic and Dillon, Fevers, they should be Ju diciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which canoe it. For Dysentery or gatiarrhina, but one mild dose is generally required . For Ithenmattsts, Gant, Gravel, Isaird. Cation of she Heart, Pain In the Side, Deck and Loins, they, should be continuously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints &rammer. For Dropsy and Decorates! Swellings they should be taken In large and frequent doses to pro duce the effect of a drashe purge. For Suippreasion a large dose should be taken as it produces the desired effect by sympathy . As a Dinner Pill, take one or two Pins to pro. mote digestion and relieve the stomach. An °emotional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels Into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Bence It is odes ad vantageous where on serious derangement eletg. One who (eels colarably wall aft* e finds that. oss of these PUts makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the diges tive apparatus. DII. J. C. AVER. , gt CO., Practical Chemists, IrOFIJ3L.L. NABS, U. D. L. Sold by Abel I ant/ burn, a: Nichols Montrose, and W 1 druggists and dealers every where. [Dee. 21, 1870--y Guttenberg, Rosenbaum d 'Go Wartld rerpcetfully call your attention to their NEW STOCH OF Fall and Winter Goods Ishlth for variety of Styles metes hes tr.s- h this place. Our aszortracut of DRESS' GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, • CLOAKING MATERIALS, FLAN NELS, WHITE GOODS, • DOMESTICS, &c. &c. Nowt Wass Setter. IN 3IILLINERY GOODS Trimmed and untrimmed Ladle.' and Child Hate, Flowers. Feather., bltek and colored Velvets, . iobona, de. tic. never more handsome. IN Ladies' and Children's FraNIBI7ING (MODS , . Shots, Corsets, Moses. Handkerchiefs. Collars and Carta. Merino Wrappers. Hosiery and Solt Goods, dumper than for the last ten years. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! For Men. Youths, end Encys, a fUll sun complete etock. Men's full sults from $:0 to M. OVERCOATS I OVERCOATS 1 OVERCOATS I Of all o:m4lday:a grades, and at all prices CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, BEAVERS, de. for Coati= We take mean:ova anftet op garment', to order to good style, and warrant good fitting and satisfactory wort. GENTS' PTOINISIELNG GOODS Willie and flannel Wets, Merino Wrappers & Draw. ers. Handlnarbirta. Bowe, Limn and Paper • Ilsr• C ls Variet ad ingynat s, Baspendrm. Gloves, Umbrellas, Thuds. I &ten y. LUIS AIID CAPS, Men and Bois, of the latest style and great in rail no . Our Stork bita been Wanted meth doe, and as weban oar goods Wargo annotates we frequently me from 10 to lid per Cent. to buying. As we twig's* mall a mar. RIB above east as any dealer can or will take. we ran protabot goo good borpine, and will =kelt fur par how; to ded with ea. All Nee *ski. a till, elaadnation Grout stock: and iiotasolo".9firiCell. It I. iitelilAVEß. Ito Erase, CetLW" gatiread Zinn Zabito. E RIE RAILWAY. I,sooruiles tinder one managetacut-1360 Mike Irith• out chin aof amebae , . Broad gunge, donhle knelt route to all points west, north•west and sunth.neat. Dour •nd mproved Conches are run through without change to Rocheater s thirtalcn Dunkirk, Cleveland, and Cincin nati. On end after etonday,Dee. 14. ink Traizis will leave Illngharnion et the following hoar*, via: CIOISO PEST. 4:6.5 a.m . Night Rudman. Mondays excepted] 8:Z a. m. Night Dupree,. daily, 6:U a. m. Train. Sundays excepted, fur Deal° and Dunkirk. p. ca. Edam& Aundostuadatted.fietad aczcepted, " 14 p. 13 • DO ExPrns4. l.4 undapexceptu dad p. m. &spree , ' !dal Bundsys except.° 245 p. at. Wey Freight, hundays excepted. hrD p. Emigtaut da ffy for the weeL COMM lalIT. krei a. m. Night Rsprese, Seedily* excepted. 1: a. to. Cincinnati Exprere, Mondays excepted. I:61 p. m. D.,y Egpree-aant.deyr except. d. Irzei a. in Aec otlusodation Train. eke lly tor Susquehanna 8:15 p. m. New York mall. Bnadays excepted. 10:20 p. in. Ltgrontog Expro,owy. 1410 a. in. Wxy Freight, oendaye excepted. BAGGAGE CUEEEED TIGIOUGH. Oft — A rev:sett and complete " • Pocket Tirmt Table" of Po..mger Traina on the Erin Railway and onanecting h... recently necn pnbli.bed. and hn had on op pl teethe:l 1.. the Ticket Agent of the Company. L. D. RUCKER WM. IL DARR, tintt'l dupl. Don't ?amen Agt. Dec.. :4, Wit 7 EIIIGII VALLEY RAILROAD. L... Oil Awl after Dec. RO 18.11, trnlna on Via Lehigh Valley [Ullman will ron as follow*: DOWN TRAINS Levan Water') Jinn. than R. IL W. 6 1$ a. m. 5.25 pm. 6.40 p.m /ohm, 645 " 11.85 50 " Towanda 1.26 " 4.16 " 7.30 " I.aearillie 8.83 " 5.36 " Monne?. lry 8.40 " 511 " Meshoppen 0.60 " 5.02 " 111elan0pany 908 " 5.10 •i Tuutenoek 031 " 6.10 1.. B. Jout. 10.30 " 7.40 " Plll,OOll 10 40 " 7.80 " Wllkwe Marro 11110 " 8.15 " White Haven 12. M " h Chunk. 1.40 " Allentown 5.18 " Bethlehem 2.50 Beaton 517 " Philadelphia 6.05 '• Ar. at New 1 ork 825 " UP TRAINS. Leave Nev. York die a. m. I . ..lladelphta 7.8.5 " 19.09 m. &non 9JO " /. 4 t.P m. 13.thl..harn 988 " 895 Allenttwn 9.49 4.00 •• huh Chunk In 53 " 4.20 " Whtto 12 18 p. M. 5.43 ' 4 Dab 1.30 " 9.38 " Piti.ton 1 . 50 .. 8.15 " I. &B. Jun. 2On " 6.33 " Tunk.'nock 2.34 .' 8.46 lilehoonany 1.20 " 10..hoporn 3 " Skinner'. K 3.43 " far.. ville 319 " 1 o ands 4.59 " Athens IS 36 •• Jr nt verily Junction S. It. W. 5 45 " ennnzr of rare bet...ern Kt - Tarlton and Neu York or hei..rn .ClllOOll anti Philadelphia. Ik:camber 20, 1670. WOffice, 720 illcox &CTibb Chestnut Silent BStreet, EWING Mink Philadelphia, " I give my hearty preference to the Willcox & Gibbe Silent Sowing Machine." FANNY num. " The weight of reliable evidence being overwhelming for that of the Willcox &Gibbs Silent Sewing Machine, I decided upon it, procured it, and am more than satisfied." GRACE GREENWOOD. " I have the Wheeler & Wilson. the Grover & Baker, and the Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machines in my family. Ime the Willcox & Gibbs most frequently, thinking h far superior to either of the others." bias REMLY WARD BEECHES, " My wife would not accept a Sewing Machine of any other patent as a pift, if she must receive it on condition of giving up the Willcox Gibbs" /GEV. OLIVER CRANE., Carbondale, Ps. " The Will COX IS Gibbs is the only Sewing Machine whose working is so sure and simple that I could venture to introduce it into Syria." BEV. A. T. Pawn.. Illaskmary American Board. "We have used various Sewing Machines within our family, but it is the ustartimous opinion of the household, that the Willcox di Gibbs is the best of them all." Ray. J. 8. Houm Brooklyn, 11.7. "For slmtdicity and mechanical acenraey of oonstrucuon, I have seen no Sewing Machine equal to the Wil!malt Gibbs." Eicocn L Of the PromilmisMil B. B. A correspondence on the =Meet of Sewing Machines is respectful ly solicited. D. S. EWING, 720 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Dec. 28, 18.0—;Jm PURE LIQUORS. assurs NATIVE GRAPE BRANDY, dlitltkd strictly pare and a variety of other Brandies. Including Cherry Brandy. Cider Brandy, Cc. Nearly Blithe differ• sent kinds or Rum. Holland Gin, old Rye and Bourbon Whiskey. Alcohol, Pore Spirit, Bay Rum. tn., constant ly on hand and for sale by ABEL PIITRRELL, Montrose. Ruth 24th.1810. TEL 1 2 L.13 12 Mat.. 33 C01:71111. cnrroerrs Tzrz cover coves, DIONTIWSIL rENN't.. JOBS 8. TAUDELL, Proprietor. Eight Stages leave this Hones daily, connecting with the D. L. & W., the Erie and the Lehigh Valley Rail ways. 18:0,-tt ALECTIIRE To YOUNG km Jost Puffiged. in - Barker En artope. A 441,42 anti. A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment and Radical Care of Sperroatomtors. or Seminal Weakorsor untaq Entis.lons, Srxual Debility. and 'l npedididula to marries efarntliy:„Arn - oasttem.e o:titan:option Epilepsy. and fits ;Neale sod Phlment 10 ° 0 0at.7.• suittog from Self-Abase. —fty ItOttlitcr,J. ,t;VL VERWELL. IL D.. SA hot of . the, 4 7tirenn Dhnk. At. The. warldwenownrd author, tblesdral table Lent are. drawly proves from Ms own experience Last the awful COLIMNI tient? • et& U Atnistrunry be ago sally rn otorrd wittutut meditinee„ and without dangerous any. Mcid oPristions. bounties, ia , trnmenta,' flans, or ear ai.. palatine. Dm a mode Maws at onen certain and cffcrinnl by Which every sufferer, no tast i er whit his condition may be, nisi car , himself chrepl.terihrsiely.. and radical. Til 13 TeCILIDE W11.1,1%0Vb.d BOO R. TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS . ' • _ .. °eel andPr sent to any ddIVIIP.III p) in .sintlea settle. on the receipt Of sin Cee or two. pinup Oa. pa. AIM. Dr. Cularrwell's _." price 23 cents Address thernidishers: ' ' CHAS. J..KLIIII CO. IST &mat Nap Terkjiast Once 8ei1,114.00044, HENRY T. HaMBOl.Ol COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. Component Parts—Flnid Extract Rheu barb and Fluid Extract Oataza ba Grape Juice. T,Mt Liver bereptalnt. Jaundice. Billions Affectlone ick ar Nernotot sradacar. Cootlverena, etc. ?roll 17 Vegeta le, eontaltilug au Mercury. Minerals or Del eteriuua Drugs. flees pills are the most delightfully pleasent ergs , t ire, stiperseoing castor oil, sane, triaguesia. etc. %eh re le nothing more acceptable to the stomach. They glee tone, aid 'muse neither nevem nor griping pains. Tlwy are composed of the Guest ingredient. Atter a lee dnys use of them, each au lump:motion of the entire aystem Lakes phut, as tuappi-Or minieulotl•, to the weak and enervatea, whether miens from linpruuettce or el— ease R. T. Ilelmbuid's compuuud Plaid Extract Ca tawba Grape Pill. are not eager coated. from the tact that sugar coated Pille do not dissolve, but pass through the stomach without di/oohing. ,-tessrquentl3 du not produce the &aired effect. TaR CATAo Bet GRAPE PILLS, being pleasant In taste and odor, do not noire.. elate their being eager PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOX. HENRY T. lIELIABOLD'S 111011 LT CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUB EXTRA.T SARSAPARILLA Will radically exterminate from the ytcm Scrofula, byptlle, Fever bore., Ulcer*. Sate E.T.A. Sure L,se. num Mouth. bore Iltutd, Uroocutu., Di, ate, Suit itiietn, Cancers, Rouefuze 'rum the tar, White burl' iegs, Tumor., I..Stmen.llo AaceLiu., Nude.. Itick,e, Um2dol2o Sooillug., Night 6.omc Web 'letter, 112. Mors of 41 kiaide, chronic ItheM. t 1.02, D)Ppoveln, sou a.latelueni that 4200 00c0 caLOOllOO.l to tai. eyeteln yams. Being prepared expressly for the above complaints it blood-purify nig properties are ere ater than any other prep,rtitin at &sewn:trills. It gine, the complexion a clear and healthy color. and restores the patient to a state of health and purity. for pertly-log the blond. re morina all chronic constitutional di•eas es a ri-ing fn an Import state of the blase. and the o• ant effectual known remedy for the cure of paler and sa . ell in of the bones. Ulcerations of the throat and legs Blotches, Pimples on the Pace. Erysipelas and all sc..l) eruptions of the akin, and beautify', g the complexion. Price $1 50 per bottle. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED Fluid instraxet 33'22.0,3:au TRH GREAT DIURETIC, floe cored every cape of Diabetes In vrhich it has been given, irritation of the Neck of the Bladder and Inditm citation of the Kidneys, Ulceration of th e Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of Urine. Dleettees of the Penetrate Gland, btone In the Bladder. Calm:doe Gravel. Brick du•t Deposit, and n nen°. or Milky di charges, and for en feebled and delicate conetitoneae 01 both +earl attend ed with the following ay pt .me: 1..41-no.4lton to co• union, lom of nowt , , love of memory. dtflicnity of breathing, weak nerve, treinbling, harm: of lIIPCAVC wakeful...en, donnees of a ision, pain in the heel.. is.n bands. hacking of the body, derivee of the skin. erupti o n tn ths tea., pat 14 countenance. nnivera..l la.eittide of he mnpenlar eynlem, etc. Deed by pereone from the age.. of . Ightern to twenty five, and from thirty.five to fifty-five or In the decline or change of life: after confinement or labor pain.; bed wetting In chlkiren. Ilelmbold'S Extract Bnchn Is Dlnrel lc and Mood Pn rlfying. and sores all dlinuses nrOina , ft •nt bablu ~f di.. *tendon and racerses and Imprudence. In life Impadoca of the Mood, cnnalba In art• coons for hick It Ie need, and hyphlldle afrretlon.—ln oh. se dir e:lima loud In connection o ith hose Wash. In many affections pouter to ladies, tie Extract fto. Enehn Is unequalled by any other remedy as In Chloro sis or Retrolion• I , 7—r nlarits. painfidnes. or suppression of mommary evuttations, ulcerated or fieldru- s tar e of the Uterus, Lnrorrtora or Whiles. sterility. and for ail complaints Incident to the sex. whether misfile from in diseretion or hxhits of dissipation. It is preserined ex teusisely by the most eminent physicians And midwives. for enfeebled aid delieste cored ftnt'ons. of both sexes mid all ayes (attended with any of the above diseases or symptoms). H. T. BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT /311C111II Cures db. noes arising from Imprudence. habits of dis sipation. rte.. in all their stages. at little expense. little or no change in diet. no Inconvenience. and no exposure. b causes • frequent denlre. and gives strength to arcuate thrrebv -removing obstructions, pn-veor inn and curing *trivia res ofthe Urethra allaying pain and Inflammation, so frequerit In this ninon of disown, and expelling all poisonous matter. Thousands who have been the victims of inentnipetent persons. and who have paid heavy fear to be cured In a short time. have found they have berm dec. teed- and that the poison" has, by the nor of'• powerful as ringents." .een dried up in the 'Tam, to break out In a more age graveled form, and p. Soma after murky. USE BELIEBOLD'S IaTESET BUCIER for all &free- Ilona and dismiss+ of theVrinaryOrtarts, whether existing in Male nr Female, from whatever rause origination, and no matter of how long standing. Price, Ono bolter and Fifty Ventsper Bottle. DERBY T. 11E11BOLD'a nunlovED BOSS WAS/1. cannot besurpassed as • Fare Wash, and will be found the only specific remedy In every *pocks of Cutaneous Affection. It 'speedily erstekatics Fimpice, opot., &robotic Dryness, Induratkina of the Cutaneous. Mem brane, tot... dispel, Hainan as d Inciptent IndultamDoti, Hires. limb, Moth Patches., Dryness of ocalp uy akin. Frost Bite., and all purposes fur which B -Ives or Oint ments are need; restores the skin to a state of purity and lushness, end intures combated healthy action to It- vessels., on which depends the subeeishle clecrueie and viva lsy of ta.taplexion .o ranch sought sad ad mired. But however valuable as u remedy tor exi.ting defects of the skin, 11 T. ilensuoit's nose Wash It .• beg etotained to priuclp.e claim to uoboun -ad p..troce age, byte...using qu.iitlea which render it a totet op. peudagn or the most Itoperietivo sun congenial dome ter, combining in all elegant stimuli* prominent re quiets., tact: and ellicscy—she luvarieble ouump.mi meets of It. ace us a Preeervetive and Refresher of am tnplexton. It tsar, excellent Lotion for aleenaCa n 1 a nyphilitic Nature, and as au Injection fur di.c.nou attar Urinary Organs, arising fruin habit. of dluipstion. °our In coorealdoo with the extracts Beam. tiareapa ft la and cutawba Limp° Pill. In seen diseases ae re commended, cannot surpasstel. ?rice. One Lollar rer bottle. Tell and eahliett directions secompitey the mssildnes. Bridence of the mint re.puniiiiile and reliable time tinter hintisbed on application, with hnodr de or thou. sands at living witnesses. and onward of 80.1100 nava Veiled .eertilltaites and recommendatory lettere, many of snitch era horn the highest seamen. 'imitating eini• pent Physicians. clergymen. Otitetimen. ate. The pre- Prietor Wormy retained to their publimititm in the newspapers; ho dOtia not ao WS from the Diet that Ida Articles malt an. Standard • Preparations, and do Dot hoed to be propped np, by certificates, Mars? 'l7. HobOold's Genuine Proparation, Delivered to say addters: Dearelrmn obserritt ri. . goibll.bed agarerd Twebry,Yesys, Sold by unr. 40sts eseryebens. Address letters for!otbrosattuo; b „bp,dbobe to ;WOW T. URGINSULDIT, Drusaliterbt tteudst.:' ' Ordy Veyorei;•4l..T: lizr.rserielbrbgaid ttumitsi Wsaftousrr. - No-Abe Drossorso, IWter York, or.ll. T tlz "' 2 WWI Depot. South , Taub: Phtlaeel MPIn OP was coMilatliasi Halt KOieel amp Oka A GREAT MEDICAL MOM Dr. WiLLICEWS 011.12URNZAS. • VINEGAR BITTERS f, g Hundreds of Thousands i. . th az oi are ibetz . ...2. e. it Vt. 134114 11 az . • to , v til WHAT ARE THEY? ~ ,;is 0 110 4 4 -5 0 ili ..5 Ili E L r gib .-. osto it ' WI -c 4 i lt ? ia.e. o : ti a fi f e Ell Q . ; .4= 142 2 rg 1.1` . ..e c r i.P 'CO 4.1j1 0 ” ra EL' • NI: 7 _ E e TREY AVM NOT d 1 - 1.3 os u-2 FANCY DRINK. E S tw o of Poor Uom , Whlokey, Proof MAIM* Laid actual, Liege= Coctor,l, apiccd and swaa. cued tr please tbo tr.stp, called 'realm." aro," Ecotorcre," ac.. that Iced tba tippler cn to fltsaikamcas and rola bCt bra a into Mcf...ctne, rrLo Rom the Loots and Luba cf California, tape from nll Alembello Stlantlania. T:cyan tae OUEAT BLOW) PITUIPLU:s and A LIME GIVING PIIINCIPLEsper - e. ct Peserratcr and IrmlParater of tho Spawn. carrying off all poisonous =tier and motoring tha blood to a hurley cocailtam. No pavan can tato them Elitafr scrum:lag to time Yon and remain long antral. 811:0 will be given for an Inoceranto ease, provided the bones aro not destroyed by cdderol polo or Wave means, and the Taal 0r:.... vostod beyond tho point antral, For Ddininenetee 2 7 and Chronte nbemsta. lilam and Goes, Dyer:wind:a. ar Indigestion* Itensisiaus and Intemnitteet Payers Diseases of the Mood. Liver, lilt:nolo, end illtuhf et.. there Bitters Lava been moat aneecca• ful. bath Illsettaes ore canted ty I - tented Blood. istach b peaerany produced by dmeniammett of the Dlffratlve Organs. DYSPEPSIA Olt INDIGESTION, need fete, Pain la the Lhoublers, Coughs. ThfLthces of the Chest, Dberlooss, bora Exuma:lam of tho timber-b. Pad taste la the Mouth, Dillon* Attack s , talsoltellcia of Oho Eleart„ ILlLwatestlan of the Lungs. Psis la tba legions of the Elchaeys, and &hundred other pain al symptoms, arc tho ursprings of Dyspepsia. Thy y Invigorates too litcrosieb and atintulata to. tor pid and bowel... Web tender theta oftmeocalitd al: Way to cleansing toe blood of all troperlties, and bnparUny new life sad vigor to the viliolo system. FOR SKIN DISEASES. Eruption..ltikt. Bak rbtliCa, Blotches. EPota.rilliata. I conics, Dona, bunnies, Dir.;;Worma, Esald4lonid, fora tres. Drys* alas, Itch, Scarfs, Dlacilloresions of the, 151 , 1 n. Maori and Diseases of the I.kla, of whatever cam or eaten, are literally dud ap and canted out of Ma rota° to a slam time by the use of these Dltteip. Ono bottle la nub cam will convince, Mc =mat Lacteal:darn of their carats effect. Cleanse the Vlllated Stood whenever you Ithd Its tosparities bursting 'trough the shin la Maples, Crap- Cons or gores t cleanse It when you tad It obstreettxt and stugattsh to the reins t elesnao It when It la tool, and sour feellnge will toll you sawa. Leep the blood pare and the health of the system will follow. Pl7l, TA PE and othor AVOU.3IB. Instant; In Ms system of so many thousands, are effeetwally destroy ed sad removed. For tall direction, need etwef - -ny lta elrenlw arotmd each bottle, prthital to fens lan guages. Engllsh.Gernian, preach and Spanish. J. WA.1.7.131t, Proprictor. U. U. MCDONALD A CO.. Droggiato and Gcn. Agents. Ban Frandieo, Cal. Strew'', New Teat- J:7 - GOLD DT ALL DIDIGOISTS AND DALE 1=11:1 r r EA Every kind of Tee In market 'Do for wl+ at Now York wholoaala price,. Afro • dnea• fflrforot of COFFEE. Boy of me and ...Ivo ..•poca, charge... ABEL TOUREI.L. )dootrose, Pa.. Aprll2o RNLI. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. COUNTY 0: P 1 :SAS. Prerident Judge—Bon. F. ntreeter. Aron:wt. to Judger—A Baldwin. It. T. Arkley. Petil honotr ry and Clerk ut Cnorto -J F. Shoemaker. licgirter. Recorder. s —Jerome R. Lou.lo rirti ICI. -.a.m.-y-0. W. Sne., Trentaror—Bod.amt..6l.dtien. Sheria—Wm. T. Motley. Deptey SherllT—M. 1.1 Surveyor—J.lmm. W. eimpmnn. Sharer. J. T. 121110,Preserved Ind*. Commirrionere' Clark—Wm. A. Crossmon. Jury Comtnireloners—F. B. Streeter, ex cogielo, Daniel Brevetted, Wm. A. Croromou Auditors—F. B.Ch rndter. TT2CI Boyden, 11.}11.Jones. Coroner—Dr. C. C. lintrey. OFFICERS OF AGiiICULTURAL SOCIETY. • Wm. 11. Jeasnp. Prmident ; O, M. Jonee. Jame* Kee eon, Vire Preeldrnts; Bee A. Jespup, Curn opondlng Secs-tory ; Henry C. Tyler. Recorning Srereiery ; C. M. Gem, Tremurer; 11. It. Harringtun, A. Baldwin. U. B. Skinner, Ih:zeal:iv* Committee. MONTROSE t BRIDGEW ATER ASYLITM. - DmrcTints.—Jahn'erttrohnll, W.L.V0z,13. Langdoa. Trnaserer Tlllactk.r. Secreb.ry—ftenJ. L Baldwin. Steward—Darla Idan/n. Phyeleuto—Dr. J. D. VIM. BOROUGH OFFICERS Borgne—C. 31. Here. Council —W. A. Croamtnn W. W. Watson. A. A Gerritson, Wm. H. Jessep, C. 11 Crand 1. F. Shoemaker, D. Briswette,D. Austin H. A. Deane. Comes ble—Jebn C. Howell. 11101 Con.table—Charles J. Whipple. School Directors—Wm. H. Jessup, 3. R. DeWitt, W W. Watneu, 11. Thatcher. 1). F. Aamln, C. C. Halsey. MLNISTERS. -Presbyterian—flea. Jacob tt. Miller Rpisottpal—Res. R A. Ws:finer. Papttst—Bet. G B. Ford. Methodist -Rev. King EirrelL Catholic—Rev. J. islattery. ASSOCIATIONS. Warren Chapter, No. WO, meets at Masonic fall on Thursday of each month on or before fall moon. Wnrren Lodge, No. 740. A. Y. It, meets at Illasonle Gull toe 11114 W ednesday of esch month 00 or before full moon, and the seemed Wednesday thereon, r. windrow , Lodge, No, 151, I. 0. of O. P., meets at Odd Fellows Dail every Taestiny evening. st. John's Encampmad. No 60. meets at Oed one flail the Mond tth Frldsy each mobth. Rebecca Degree Ledge, No. 7, meets at Odd Fellow Hail the first and third Friday each month. Montrone Lodge. I. 0. of G. T. meets at Good Temp. tang Hail every Monday evening. Good Pioneers r Temple of Honor. No. 16 meets at Good Templars' ittelld Friday of each month. The Montrose Democrat , 111A118110 oT WIIO,IIIAIDAT KOISSMO, AT 31011111.0111 SCIKII7IIOIAVAA COVATt. Pa., PT 2EI. 33. 33.13.1P1VZ.331r, ar rss swum IN ADTAPICX-011 S2X AT AND or rean noses of A4Ve11111111g• Those.tbutbs Inch asylum. atlas, make a Rime. One square, weeks or less. ; zoo. VP; mo. IPA/ ; ISO; I year. $6, •One.etnth md.. 1 tn. SAW; S mo. ; e U l O. Ptak 1 year. IMI lATt .CO. 1:MOVOr COi” IMO. $6.50 ;II ma. $16.66; 6 om. 1120; year— , $11„. WE column.' too. 'MAXI ; S mo. 1125.60; 6 me. 665.0 k I year, Ea 1.60. One coimtm. I ma:IMAM 6 m 6. $$P 25 ; 5 ma. $60.00; year $100J5). Auditor's - Neaten, $1 SD ; Executors' and Admlntaxo. tors' Notices, $3.00. All ommutientons of .11tatted'or Individual Wend. 10 as. per line. Obituary Notices,, etc. LiPa. 21.arlia11s and Deatit.Noliceo frac. lop 'Pi : anal** executed oail7 and promptly is Desis t %sorrel. Now: JusUces*, Conitiables* Ocituol so other lauteforsale: . . GOLD -JBWELRY.' • --:, • NSW logrisepply, imstring, 1114 ris • Len rautzta. • MIZZE • , STATE NORMAL' SOHO& XABIVIALD, DO- . English and Classical COMII3. Tem. bar TAk September 7th, December 18th; "and Harchln. State appropriations .br students. Students ad mitted at any time. AyplT to CHAS. H. V EEILL, A. N., Manstleld Ps. Aug. SI, Dr/0.-1y HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOCI- ATION For the WI! fend aue of the itiyktnilyn lethememew PHncllpiuo!CLilsda*Phhla t6[op7. Enos on the &roma? Tooth and the UAW aria,. In relation to blattt end Soda Retle, with tollies NM tot the atllleted. Sent tree. In sealed ewe dress I/COWARD ASSOCIATIOR. Doi P. Much le, Ao.u.—i. TALBOT & STAMP, MCERIES & PROVISIONS Floor, fish, Batter, Port. Lard, Barn. Milt Flak Tallow. Candles, Crackera, Cheney. Coffee, Bplato, Oates Teas, Sugars, fire, Dried and Canned Fink Tobacco, Cigars, gnat and all other articles usually kept Ina Orst alas Onliney and Provision Store. We Will mark our Goods as low at vs cam slant sad ell for cub, or exchange kw produce. PATRONAGE SOLICITED IJ-' Montrose, Sspt IA, 1870.—tf &BEL TIIIIRELL, DRUGGIST, MONTROSR PA Is continually roestvinZ NNW GOODS And keep. eon•tantly on band ■ full and desirable 11l aurtmeo of genuine DRUMS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. LWOW. Puihts. Oils. Dye-Sings. Teas. Spier.. and ether Oro- Stone Ware. Wall sod Window Paper. Wyss• ware, rrult. Jars, Mirrors. L.arops. Cu,.hiney Kens Marieloery 011. T..nners' Nutiefout Aotd Mode Oil. Sperm OIL (Ave 01 . Spirits Trirpen tios. Vart.irries. tynirr) S..d Vinegar Potash Coutes. PI led Lyc Act n.uso, Trospre. Supporlers,llledits- Instruments. Shoulder Braces, Whip, Guns, Pistols, C•rtridges, Pols der. Shut. Lead. Gnu Cups, Mania; locder and Pass, Vpdans. Strings, Bows. elm Flu is. Vifes rte. Fish limit. slot Lotes.ltsr men Toilet Snaps. Ka.r Oil.. Hair Restorers. and Usk Dyes Brushes, poeuet Kutse ,Speemeie,Silver Pleted Sporis t iorlsl Knives. dc. Death.% Articles, • general asserUueLtof FANCY GOODS, 3EWELRT, and PERFUSSEBT AU theteadlog end ben kinds of PATENT ItEDICTATZ In vhort, Dearly every thing to rester, the sick, to plmoe the taste. to delight the eye, to gratify the film ' , and at.* to °endure to th e mil and sobetautial etitetatte td life. Enneteratloo le Itopracti, able, co it woold a ueorpaper, et tbo Drug and Variety Store of Mitt TUItitILLL, Montrose, Ja3.5. Irk DENTISTRY All those In want of false Teeth or other dents/welt should collet the ogler of tha sutweribern, who an pre pared to do all kinds of work in their lineen shortnotiee. Particular attention paid to snaking fell and pianist setts of teeth on gold, stWer, or altiminson Otte • Ow as Weston'', east composition the two tatter Preterit& to ant. of th*heaper substances now used for dental plates. Teeth ofronngpersons regulated, and made togrow natural shape. The advantage of haring Work done by permanently Id eated and responsible portico. most be Igypa tent to all. ' AD work warranted. Please call and eantaine 'new ofplate work at our office. over noyd a Ml= ware store. w. w. swim a BB dr MM. lioatiose, Aug, IR, 193.—1 f ATTENTION WE'LL GIVE YOU "FITS." T. D. TAYLOit so long known ittDingbsin ton as one of the most popular Cutters, and fashionable Tailors in this section of country has formed a coistrutershlp with E. T. New comb, of Maumee, and they are now p to furnish men's wearing apparel-oral= and In style and workmanship superior for sn establishment in this section of country. Wit GUARANTEE SATISFAGTION to MI who my fiwn as with their $p Shop at Post's old corner, on Airman T. D. TAYLOR, Montrose. 0ct.:42, 1870.-4. CONGItEBB WACEB, at ,--rTURRELLI3. A . BEL - TURREtiti," dltinti to !do US Rock of 00101 VOL , l• • r ,ilootrowitor.U.,lB66. • ! A- • . lEWRLRY • TUMIELL Da U. TI.AYEB, • - ECLECTIC I . II73IC,O',4ItIITYROPON. , Etreis hte tiforeialaai eertkitstothitialateilAptithl -1,1,4 a4pgyiltigauitiej......l2XVlAW tals reitilsoco. wet sboors.= Ps. WM* Stiliostaislttidolotsots week. ... , spoelat stunting Elven to the treatment of Chita Nettioce. , ,Artylotc. Me& to ittirame the W aaw bull rlifleicistre ars vs isthee to eel lite atrial, Blocs say local * Et- thte _ chitty, 1 ham tressed - eveeeerflitty mule utitertroret - throw - of 1.../gowSpiton.- Female Vtclor4; PTV, 'PON: Pm,. EL Vltasthume. EL - • • • ' z - Fatioawtfken to baud oft tesitostoto --matet their EWEN ' • 11114xlimatitEla. - - • • 1411111/041110 • .