The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 15, 1871, Image 3
ezeimemitumumuww,,., t r i o wßar,d im r. 4 ,l - 0 61 4 .04* . and land for-11 1 6 . 101,_ritrf #4. 4 - 4 0 *153111 fteltheT. w uttsogpttpitsiand stow Oorneri anWmliOszas of,l3enajaltlaKnzle, sas6 l4,g.Tnnia i ll4oAerthes'tilthCPlaCe of begtnning,.confabngllOS dercsand.4o'pereft es of Insid,Lbejthettettseinok ei,leis. - - The second piece cie.pale,elilsounded unillic S as follows, to wit :' Begitinilig ar e a pied and stones theiiiiiihireireiiiiiii iir EL IlTeTCenzitrs'old farm, (now 0f...W,m.,..11.. Janes);- ; thence, bv. lands: af . AiliniV4tink, iteith it ,l ile.ieetr... eaat tr2 , -perchier to a post and stones hi ;Mirth line of Wallace's tries *t line of Drinker's landl - 2,thedee casaliT--11niantlf . 881 1 'degrees - cast log, '-'310090-kitifilltid.iior,," limo Nriiith:l,l6 aoirces:wst 92 perches •to ›a posawswintwalarl thence by lands ofM. 'McKen zie, (now Wm. H. Jones's) north .88% degrees wait 100 perches lathe place of beginning, con- Macre . tdBo.weltes of land be the Vigipee ,or parcel, ,dlgiiinlng at a :sVetnitier,of„ said tielay4ailiFtinsold ter*.l,„S", , l istonea jiMr - th i iclaY--liiiitr) be cier, tieclia(ihth )I..tentitton4 a Intl; fHencl by de.grtes** 6 mceibiland of esit49-peO* 3 t o ‘west - t.cOrtier, of litleS;;:thinet , by degrees . west 15 of to I` nolitheatit !signer of said -. itito Va. '-' James Shaw fiarriftig tbehorth line of Ilse sardirfiiirlh 88K degrees west 115:perches to the place of beginning, containing 16 acres and 94 perches of land, be the same more or less, making in all 182 acres and 54 perches of land, be the same more inters with the appurtenan ces, 1 frame house, 2 frame barns, shed, 1 corn heilio-I..natllouseandotherout-buildings. tor- chard, and about 150 acres improved_ (Taken in execution at the suit of A. J. Gerritson, vs. James Shaw.) ALSO—AII that certain piece or parrelof land situate in the borough of Great Bend, in thtl county of. Susquehanna and State of Pennsyl vania, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at the southeast corner of lot bought b P. Doran on Washington street ; . thence a 321tes„,aoutherlsi L idIree:don 60 feet; t .. rly "diregtinn llarallel 'w itli Wit; t h e. li ' VI lei thoriorner' of lot 'hOn*hf by Murray ; thence in a northerly direction slon_glibWof said -Murray's lot 60 feet to lot of 11. 1 4 ... , Deran;.thence' in an - easterly direction along sail--IL P. Dream's line 120 feet to said Washington; -street and place of beginning, known-awl:A No-. 39 on- Wolfe:Mrs Village map, village lot, with the appurtenances, and all im proved. Also all that other piece or parcel of Lind situate in the borough of Great Bend, boupdolcand described as follows, to wit : north eilk Vial& of R. J. Eitevens.and IL P. Doran. easterly by other lands of Walter Painting south erly by Wiliam street, and westerly ffy lands of P. Curley, being 22 feet S _itches on irilliarn street and.oxtanding back. as far as the line of said Stephens and Doran, village lot and all improved. [Taken in execution at the suit of 11. P. Doran vs. Wllliain.24cElligott.) ALSO—AII t h e interest of Theodore Doyle in all those two certain pieces or parcels of land. the first situate In the township of Ararat and Gibson, in the county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fob lows, to-wit: Beginning in the centre of road leading from George Berry's to Joseph Dung ' s : thence north 47 degrees east by the hinds of Ilu- I fits and Caney Barnes B and 6-10ths perches to stones; thence south 43 degrees east 88 and 4-lOths perches by the lauds of George Bniein to the centre of road; thence along the ctaitre ' of aforetild road 124 and7-10tha perches to the place of beginning, containing 25 nerds of land, be the same more or less, with the appurtenan ces, 1 frame house, 1 frame spring -house, some fruit trees, about 20 acres improved. The sec. and piece, or parcel situate in the township of Ararat, in the county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania. bounded on the north by lands of S, N. Brooks, on the east by lands of W. G I)nyle anti' Shubnell3Wavin, on the south and west by lands of Justin L. Doyle, containi: , 35 acres of land, be the same more or less, with the appurtenances, 1 frame house, 1 (mine barn, some fruit trees, and about VI acres improved. [Taken in execution at the suit of Oscar Wash buns, administrator of D. M. Smilm deceased, vs. Theodore Doyle and Angeline [Foyle.] ALBo—All that certain piece or parcel of land I situstet- the township of Clifford, in the county 1 of Stniquaanna and State of Pennsylvania, I bounded and described as fullows, to wit : Resin- j ning at the southeast curtsey of C. T. Giflin's lot, thence by said Giffin's lot north forty-liftman:l a halfsiegrees sixty perches ton itemhick corner in the line of land of Pulaski Chamberlin, thence south 4814 degrees west along said Chstnberlin's I land, 40 perches to a stake and stones, thence wmth 43t1 degrees cast 60 perches to astake and stones, in line Of land of Ezra Trucwiale, thence north .16 . !-6, degrees east 40 perches to the place of begihning, min - tattling' 15 acres and 89 perch es of laid strict measure, be the same more or less, with the appurtenances, 1 frame house, 1 frame ham 1 young orchard and mostly im proveit--[Taken In execution at the suit of T. F. Johnson vs. Adolph Miller, Wm. Miller & Co. to the use of Solomon Bolton vs. Adolph Miller, J. C. Stewart VII. Adolph Miller.] ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Lathrop, in the county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsyl vania, bounded and described as follows. to wit: On the north by lands of VazzAkin, nn the rest by lands of -- Eltul anti —Osborn. on the south by lands of Harvey Taylor and on the west by kends of . Drinker. containing about 23 acres of land, be the sane more or less, with the appurtenances. 1 frame house, 1 frame barn, I small orchard, and mostly improviser—[Taken in execution at the suit of James Wilbur to this INC of W. W. 'Wilbur, assigned to Loren Wittot vs. Samuel Mead.] Notice Is hereby given that. all bids must be paid of sale. WILLIAMT. 310XLET, sheriff. Sheriff! Office;Mtintnase, March 13. 1871. r11011.0.11T0 emus,. Jr.—Thls celebrated horse ill tiao4 stirs housed bomber of am a-the pres ent 110404.talltine.reiug April Sib,al J. $ In McMuss. 0 9 hstssall of cacti ttoutity's Wed ne4mys. and Prlda)s, a the subscribers. ill West repidair.—Toronfa Chief. Jry was tired bu the fast wabioti. Tomato Chief, note cordmanding sfflO the 1,4001); he by Royal Geor;rt, • a d hi• earn by 81ack ...4. oat of an nelipse mare, Royal Georg e Was steed ho Black Warrior; he by imported TspDo " .; sad be by )deedorti a litt of England. Toncreln Cuts,. J1311.112= wan sired b_y the thorough bred Jefferson out of a 110. st! mare. Jefferson ea. by Virginia; be by Sir Archie. - the. .are of trWiltrery f aud rrtotbort of Americas Star—dam.old Favorite.- • Tower° CIIIIEP has trott d the best stallion time , ris record —bait mile, 1:814; one mile. ?---10; two mites. 5,7. Tomo ,ro caw Jo, eras bred by J. B % room. of Bloom's; Grove. Orange Co, i. 1.. In the prib; of 10 4 . &V tolt rfornatit Ittrottali,DlS stab Iv-Audit., bit pldigrer stock. sun adds.. D. lt. Melton. D. G. cosette, 0. Owen. or C. 0. Bowman, at Blooming Grovv. Tutor's CEIZT, haudt high, blood bay, weigne I.2faipastiecte. fine divosltiou and outride ed by the brrjodnYs. of horses Co be* fcry-mosmilar built ham: thrlat trrisrbeetlittahlt-d. but 'gives !dna cr grunt tpsed Juistusectarst be,otietWd. - Tituhise 7 Th withlotal 41.5. Lotter nala ow I. M. rItISSIA,I, Proprietor. - eILO.I7.II.AND .TIIIOTH V SEED, 'l.'or asktby , - •- N. BULLARD. Montrone,.Martb 36,187 L .3w• ESTATE of Poll y 81xter., late or,Foreoke t won. toteltnZt i rtge l it i gtintiVerreo_ • i d omth i ; gouged In the onoendened. novice gmrn w all perooke)odeblej!.so goo/WM .to , n)altu-issimediAte pay. Enetit,'te a 411K* chid[/ elpon't be wee. will pre. sem ehessakillyitathentataftitEl.dt dettleetteut: lIAUVEY BLEWSALL, or. Forest Lake March Ilk. 071. Execut 6w r -r •r- ferneltits tau 1A THE nu Ing i Ittft34.7. — OF 'BineVert t I .1) "ZrZILAL e. t • WttiCiPaP". l l-1 4 731230 EAstrairuktitsisa I'm lintift. fr,gt J3the ti=n pie for A WELL - OVESIOSIILES DEEP, Shopte-irreohnettetiotr—SreriWOP,4lool Giving 00 Tate to toe water —llarable—ltellswe rod Cheap. The/for/Wipe are their corn hest theOlttielk4,loll. roe edile4hY !leaders'!{ hardware and igrictiltetul mete meute . p:conbers. Pomp makers. through the MOD. try- Cutztlos% Au 4 fOrohthOltrAMPEaltl?°4lll or crthererlae. Rink Pumps forwarded to ratio , in towns ahem' tut we nosowiswitnosaaeipt. visits sessitseretill prim. in 'baying. bet oarehil tustpor Pa4ll) bearsysy trade swig es sisostits illittnntislittather• COMiiath , • - ' iitantrACTUkura, 011 iekgbiliOnt0 1 / 2 0 , 24 620 O aWrO l Vt r baulAAlLlks# 3 ,4_ , Vgi . + 4 4a , * 4- Dom.! zgivistuy roatitUriovrAAuPwr7,AßEL''" . ••••=a Mktidt i 1nt...4111$ I - Slr Carla IMetiareata rrittnlittlair -Wm* , ibtaidtrati—Voria,of &min tlf,ailoa,as ',pet m itttrrhcea Inane nattiest:if &bete in tairittfiry ItniTattellle TtApOt,nerNCTVIMA Itabirity; and p puflo • Marti cairn rdtv, 0000n1i 10 cl p ityl,. y : lb ot and ilj nteltrent prig% Inca . By p BOST J CitiAratiCWELL, M. It., Author of the 'Orttat Book " Sc. The u °rid tonnod mat r, in Mit admirable Leitarre clearly preset , from hi• own eapericure that the awful con-corienc et mtv be eB &Sally removed without madlclnt gaud without dan r grotht Furyaut opt , rations, boozier i mature ht., ninerin:•en d conliabt, point log not A 1110 d.• or mire at once cettaid and dye, two, by which malty cod ref no matter what Ms candid•to may be, 'fay - cure loirrutalf elle:air privately, and radiesily . Thlsb*, mu will prove WWI to thousand/I and. awn Mind!, ' , cat Under stet, in a plain catalog!, to any adilyto an rev, Ipt of sir rata, or two peatlt In waning by ad drc—tittl! the imblittere. Mao. DR, Vislinlini:S • MnftLiza Gnid,, • price anti &haw tht. Pub- Beher, 1 CtlAt4 J CLINE dr CO 131 Bowery, New York, Peat 'Abe Box 4 I. FINANCIAL, New 7- . 0 -- Gold Loan Northern Pacific RAILROAD COMP'Y. DECURED BY FIRST MORTGAGE 'LAND GRANT GOLD SAFE 1 PROFITABLE! PER3IINENT! Jay Cooke & Co. Offer fdr min AC par and acernett ' iotere.t the First litorrgage Land Grant Gold llond• of the Northern Paul itallroadt:oturany, They are free from 1:1111-.1 net& Tax. and an, Owned of the following &noun :no ion.' CUISINIII. sit*, PUP, and *IOW; Ilegiaterml 000,$I.WU, / ono With the e.inteColintle.see whit which o e Cron MeTl4- ed Government bon& to Capitalises and People. we now. Rifer the fel leet t nreetf;ati on; recommend there Northern Feel& Railroad hoods to our instals nun the general imbibe. Gu LI) P.Ali..ll6:ST.—Both principal and interest are payittile in Anterioua gold office of J•Y 1./mike 1 Co— N, w York Cll).—lb, pfrnripiC at the cud aI lrJ Tears, and the hiterest at the late of scree an . three tenths per cent, per annum) heityriarly, Oral of Jannary and Only. . ittAFBTY —Thelma& we are now etai lag. are eel:tired ivy eta seal wily mortgage on eh the ti ntocrly AM4 r.ghts ttio SuG heruMolly Itallroad C.miptoy, which w I elmlirace on the completion ut the wore . I it. nr fro Timnonnfl of Rond, with rolling till Other equipment s. vet. 1-ornoly•loo l'honeanO o. Lind to every ro of har.lsr-Orood. Tn., land, ; trtn hired at t. !Al.:111101111 111.: iv 01l to Mrre than Fi Mill L.; , totaststg of allarnale stalmot, re :whine e .Iv-to lorry mite. mi each stile of the tertek. anal en tend In a hated f.rtlle heft from Wisatnslo tbron,gh the ',the!. prinionsall Uttalesota. Daketta,, Montana, Idah W o, tlesygoa, aptlWatailszttml to Pa aia 1 It its thm I:lust-risme/it dins Pot llareet.ll , 1,31, 3 Mllltef the Kna,li of ate plaid, it thus amply prat ides 114 Itt.elr roll add I , roiffpll riy talent by an unre,rved dent of land. Inc (111”.1' • lin thte ever conferred Op./ a gnat hat I katt tl itOplTVlrttlent.. Pub Mt: ItTd.i GE —The Treaters antler the more. pas, are Messrs 'Jay Cooke of I . l3llngte'phitt. rind .1. ml4-ar l'homineon, President of the Pemmylvante Cen trul 11:h8) Will dinette and petatam ntad y represent the Interosts of the Ffret emze bond bother, mid are required a. see that the pride -eda f istol ...h., are used m pu and eatteellitm; the hot ds of the Company It they can be romriit foretomato, ly at not m than la per rer.t pre,. t unt , °the the 'fru-tee. Tire to ItiVund the of fund sales In United Stat. e hand. or Ilea! IC , o.ite )tart gage! , ( r the further wt-t.nrtly of Northern 'a , ale bond holders Apt., that they have at all Ilene. to these cam trot. en ..rarity. at kites blot Mies of over Ige 1 ,13d In ever) mu standing arst mon zstze 1, 01 , 1 1, •teles the roalnad Itself and ail tti egnitnitvuts and (rate Muses, I . ltoFrr ABLESE'AS.— Or cnor.e matt.' nz ran he raft, than the bonds .1 the United zstate.., n• t thor• Cr 1..1.1 In 1101.1,1;:rr a hor ~,,,,,,, and as the Natio.' Put siork I. hot that of preservitt:: It. 1-I.stenes. but that of I,EVELoPING A C •ATINCNT, o r rrmln.l thtp,e trb dostre to increaoe their Inc ,me 1 ,4 I; Of di II a prrmAncAl Inve.Mciat. lothile .1111 ILIVIA4 a per tect reli able vo-cortty, that: Untied Mate; at their average premium ti. Id the pr solo itarchaner lest than 3 , ...pyr Cen., gold looter eel Strould they be red...rand Inns,rear-, and epee,. pi, !omits be replotted. they would ply only 4t, percent . or if In three 'ears. only 3 , , per Cent. no the pencil premium would noennwlitte toe rank. ,Northcril ?MAC selliebt al pir in currnnev yield the int rotor 7 3.1 h love rent. gout lotcrevt allot-Intel. for Harty years. troc from Cultrd Stnt. s box $1 (so cnrren• cy ito,ented moo in I totted Staten yield per rny $1 1 4 / 1 1 currency invented tom fn Now. hero P.selli• :Vs w.ll 3;00 per 3 ear In gold, Sari. al Derr in n difference to none 11 income •.f nearly one third . he-kirs n difference nil to 11l pow cent. la principle. when both chin...out bonds ore rederthed. THIIS ILOAII NOW 11011-OLNO.—Work was tietun in July last on the eastern portion of the 1112, and the money provided. by the sale to stockholder* of some six milltituauf the Company's lamas, to. hnild and rya,io the toad from I she Sup. rigor across to the Red Hover of the North —IM miles The eroding tin this division Is now well advanced, the rot, Is be o: raphtlyhthil several,thoneatui men ate atarork. un the and Omni the are? of Almost neat this Immo, taut nect °ldle road-will hr. In mil operatlun,. In the Mentilirnn ontere have brew went to the Pacific roust for tree owntneueeinent of the work on the wenter n end., early hurt .g. and thereafter the wnik will he 100-h d. froth eavtward nod westward, wilhas much 'peed as mar he rOlC•i%lan With solidity and wise erollornr. tiEVIIIVAI3I.e. FOR LAN Ll..—Tneae bond. will be at all timea, before maturity_ receivable •nt 1 101 n pay. meet fur the Company's Mode, at their lament mph g&cn AN GE AIII.E —The registered bonds ran be exchatvol at any time fur coupons, the matrons for regutereal, and Inuit three can be etch Inge., Ile other,. payalile.prinelpal and thtermo, at arty of the prhulpfle dounclat centre , . of Europe, In the coin of the various European COUnlrles. HON TO GOT' s a.—Yenr nearest Rank or Bank re wilt aumaly these Luanda it. any desired amonni. and orany mauled dentunt nations. I Willthile4 to ex• ctrlng'e stocks or other hand' for thew, rin do on with any 01 oar azent , te:to tell! JilOW the highest current price for all marketable vecnritice, Those living in localitica remote from bank. • may send money. ter °firer taint's. directly to ns by ranee., and we te2lll send back Northern Nellie bonds at tote own Half, mint without cart to For further informattotr., phsroptdele. maps. etc.. call on ir address the and,raigned, or any of the Ilan k• or-Bunko ere employee to veil this luau. • rots Peal Et Jan. IL—awls/lu. L urn. U. COOPER ec co. Idantro.e. Pa OFFICIAL DIBECFOR r COUNTY OFFICERS: PreeWent Jake-Hon. F. B. Streeter. A.rociate Judaea-A. Baldwin - . K. T. Aehlet. l'ruttionotary and Clerk tc/Coartrd. Y. Shoemaker. BeglAter, Boarder. de -4 evnt.' E. Lion!.. I•lotriet Attorney-D. W. Searle. Trearnrer-Beslorron 431.dden. Sheriff-`Rm. T. Morley. Depmf Sheriff-4.1. B. Heinle, toirreerw-ftlamen W. Chaptmat. Stiener.i. T. Preiferverd II I ndo. Commlpsioners' Cleric-Wm. A. Croeomon. Jury cominholohels.--F. B. Streeter. cealfteko, Dffhlel Bsearmuff. Wm_ A. Crosamon • '• Auditors-F. B. ch/od Teter Hayden, n.2dJunes. Loroner,Dr. C. C. /false,. OFFICERS OF MlitlCUL'FtiftAL SOCIETY. Wm, 11, Pfe.lertn; 4 .mms.Jssme.. ow, vfre• heiidente ; A, Jemeop.„ Con p Secro..yls firelry C. Tyler. itumtexdur.; Secretary; C. M. Gmv. Trmiparer; 11. 11, Iforrlur„tuu, A. Hrlelnln, 11. Li. alO r, hi-Luca:lva Cummillce: • -- ausTiersE & BRIDGEWATER ASTIOr. Ibust-rour.-Jbbo Trumbull, W.L.00x.8. /AnCdull Tr•trarerus-8. Tbatclo-r. Secroury- 134Idrt In. bterrarcl-DuillSnrtln • IMyatt:m-IN. J. 11. .•EtfIINJUGII OFFICErtB. C. Dl. Go Couuclt—W aft.nocll—a.. W. W. Watson. A. J. tieerilsop, Wm. IL .Icsanp : C. M. trund.lV. J. shoemaker, D. Bronnacr,D, 11. A. Inman.. enlitillllte=4ollnl7 - . 41~1:- 111=h eon.table—Charles J. Whipple. r c r mju i thregung,...-Wm. IL Jeveup. W . , WaLtou; It. frtnnebrz:ll. , V. A55t1a.C.:1C.1.161601.: MINISTERS. .PrePßlterlaor..-Rev.,/aenh a.. 11111Frr, Epi*oopal-licr. Warrincr. Itaptiot-Rer! L R Vafft. Elsaß v .. _ CathoficAlev!J.-bscfery: •'r• • ASSOCIATIoNE. Warren Chaplgr, ;Cp. MO. meets, at Mosonfe Ball on Tharsdey ofehett bfotafi 61Y Or tverdlittiftlinoun. Warren Loge. No. 440. A. Y. M., meet* at Masonic IlarrtArreht 'Wedseadof of vita maul: ea' ookietDre roll anoetl.atiO the eeFoutl WetluFr day thereat( r. '.4itintnliel.ielire. No. O. F., =cies it Odd roomt-iyai lx T9eietv eventzig: St. 'John's No 50. tneete;At tdalltatJtAlNtrl*Ast cacti ultkath. -; • BA:I,IFM Dm. et Led,, ,, t,. N04,--mncla at Odd Ifelloere Batathfi4e add tblrtYriday coati taiatk,', •• Atotterpro.i.okaa• O, or 4..7.4incei*E4 tars frAll every Monday eiening: Ckiat trambrherVolopttt of Honor.- no. meets at CidodTempitult Iliattboad Friday of tsar arOntb. •• • DysPePtftnieltfdra-Eteadid Monster, iron), winefi - pearT7 - 01 fithe ff thebutnan to Originate: -rtiwPeruila, §Yrnp,,,PrOrOVsolurbiiittlie pro toxide rion; is fi lOng-ttliSintid*RSEVllMPr ed rernedrforiftia :distriog compla:mt ; oared thotnite*Orll LOtheYtira4- , 454 fisaid. • Jnitort - Air*" oi •• • - r ; 71,,1'4'.11 • if. .. ;• : r . , o^ 7 knct , g .44,1 Dfroca°rzimd StelqrtiS.P— each adelitkinidlifia, 50 Mall Pa mingr - Mall Panuger train. train. STATIONS. train. train. AV.- lii. •A. Di.. , P. at P. M. ti .42 • . 1 4 1:: Y ll i s T m k. cir;rl ..... I s ' n° I • 1.33 7. im 13,08 Ilanunka Litinniz.. vi 0 alt 13 Delaware.— Dlce: • as, g 3,40 11,18 ScrOnton '. 'ft M 7.115 16 ` 4,2) 10,83 Nitholion 7 .63 5.40 10 c tire LOD Itectiotioni - ',..... 7,88 .J 3.181 g % 1.37 1440 Monitore 7.15 4.15 m 5 5.15 1 2,101 Now Mulford: . .., .. .... UM 3,45 I ; 4,13 2,80 I Great , Bend,, I ' ' ^0 83 keu i t a P. 31. P. M *Foot of Lnoccli-v. 1 A. 51. P.M. i W. is'. uoutist.t. , Gent& Part. andTicitirt /tam W. 8. MEAD, Pnnndry. and dnalet 1n PM a and ntlier:l ---=------ "."."....." 33.9.1 t tia - 416 EL3:2V 3 atenttle, one door from Phinney's ilincl7Main et, ) IiTENV 314,P0R15,-; CAYUGA PLASTER.—NICtIOLAS snoEm Ag. DwkWe Ingangine payttga Plaster. Fresh gratinif, ' 0. M. HAWLEY. Al,ent for Empire Sowing Mart Ope, and AmeejOnTB4r - B1:0nIng Move, Nth/ Street, W L MOSS ,t CO , Donlon to Dry GoodP, Donp,Cops, Boots and Sttoop, and Ciroond. Mervboodloo, oo Abdo street, second door below tha Episcopal Cbtnth. • UNION ROTEL, kept by WILLIAM SMITH, on Main ot.rret, gear the Repot.—• . . N F. KIN lINR, Cartago 'taker and UndrrtAker, on 11. tin street. two doors 1)00W li3Wit . y . n Store. lIce( BILOTHEIiS. Dealers in Grocer'. and Provislont. MI Melt II -treet.• . GAIDIRT & SON. Denim* in Flour. Feed. Meal, Salt, Lime. Cement. Groceries and Peorialoos on Main Street,oppootte the Depot. W. d T HAYDEN, Mnnnincturern of Clpro and Wholconlv ,lonlern In Yankco Notions and Fnncy on Xt.tln Street. below Eplecopal Church.. MOSS b KNAP. Leather Manntacturare and deafer! In Morocco Flndinga..te.. near Rl,laraartl Chum:ll. • AINEY & ITAYMiN: Deafen. la Drawn and Altaataurr. and Manntactarers al Cigars, on Alain Stroll, near the Dapot N. STEPRRNR. lioreetthneina and general Repairing on Main Street, booth of the - - - - - J. IIICKERMAN. Jit., Dealer in general merchandiae and Clothing, Brick Store, on Main Street. . . WMCPCF: & MEW, Dealerortn general Merchandise on Main Street. GREAT BEND L. S. LENISEIM. MAnufactocer or Leather, and dealer in general 21erchandioc. bn Main Strret.• II P. )R AN. Merchant Tailor and dealer In Ready Made Clothlng, Dry Gouda, Urocenoe and Provicione, Main Street.• LENOXVILLE HIRAM WHITE. Mannfactnrer of and dealer In coped or Plow. and Castings. GIBSON EDWARD• lIRYANT, M Intent:Wrens of Wagons and Sleighs, tro..r the fogalle' Store. MONTROSE ABEL TURRF.LI„ healer In m e dieleee. 1.1 von.. Paints. Oils, Dry Sniff-. Groceries. Jewelry Notice., ctc. up, I. '75 WEBB 8 GERE. New,. Office. and dealer* In Grocer lea and Provlainue,Crockery etc.. Public Avenue. JAMES F. CAEMAI.T. Attorney et Law. Office one door below Parboil Hoorn. Public Avenue. • COOPER & CO.. Rtnkern, F Porelan Pap gage Tick le and Draft. on Englund. Ireland nod Scot 1.4 r J. FL FLSTCEIIIR'S Elwin:: Saloon Is the place to get Ice Cream., Oysters uul Clam, In every style- On SLID street.• BROWN. (;euernl Ffrc Mom , mice Arronr. Ifnilrond and Ace.lent Th ket• to Yew York and Phrl.rd, Iphia. on en one door en..t of the lintrk. F. R. CHANDLER. (t•nrrei Devi:Rance n ntl Sew Ing SG Ag.•nt. Public Aver.... • Brit NS .t 51C1101.... the place to Drtig.aptl M dl Cent, Tob.ecc", Pipe, Pocket-Rooks, Bpecta 'l4fikett Notlune, kc... Pobllc kveone. WM. L. COX, Ilarmes maker and dealer In all articles nasally kept by the trade, opprolte the [Link. • BOYD & COBB' IN, floater' , In ',Oily,, ffardsetire, and Nannfacturere of Tin and Sheottrou ware, corner of 11.1 In and Turnpike street.. S. U. MORiF., Merchant Tailor and dealer in (Inio. Trimmings. •nd Fiirnlshing Goods. niiii Agents for Singer rft!WiDIF Machine, on Main Street.. F.Drditurn A. N. BIT MA RI). Dealer In Groceries, Prori•lon•. /looks, Stationery nod lalrlice Notions, at head of pcodic Avi•noe.• . SMIRK tt CO., Otsiters to Stove*. lardrtnre. Airrleo)ttrvil Implement,. Floor and oppo rllc TprleCil flop,. It A I'VS FORD t 7if ITC❑EL. Livery and Exchange Stable:ln P.m. of Bonk betiding. • J. R. DE W ITT Dealer.. in Dry Good•, Mar d WAIT nod general rneretlawitte, corner, near brick NEW Iron& PEODOCE NIAEKETS Corrected weekly by William llothalon, 231 Fulton St., New York. Week ending March 8, 1871 Turkeys, per lb. ............ ........14 to 22 Geese " .... ........ ........12 to i 4 Ducks 10 to lti Butter, pail ... • 8:4040 " firkin . 32001 Chetse, dairy, per lb 13d10 . factory n 14e:016 Eggs, per doz ... , 27(g2fi Flour, per barrel 4 75dG.45 Corn natal. 1(X) 1b5..... ........ ..... 2.201g.2.30 Wheat, per bushel 1.200111.50 Rye 95g1.00 (lets" sts 51@35 " ( 'urn t 0.1490 Hop:. crop or 1870... .A . ;It .. . . ...... 16(g.0 Beef, side., per lb 10(g,14 lior, . . . th.g.l2 Potatoes, per bbl. 2.000/A.ho Tallow ••• 9410 ,Sprtial °tiro. Cheering Patti for the Bilitras.—Elery day demon. strafes more dearly that liver corrfp'alat, In nil Its dis tressing loans, can be coatrialled and cured without dif ficulty or inconvenience. It Is en obstinate dierase. bat Ito olritlnaey le not proof against flepertintfcimils, rem edial and reetumtle, operation of fl.irtctes Stomach That genial corrective compels Cho organ to do it. duty. It dice! secrete regutarly and healthfully under the Influence of the Bitter, Their diction 'brings It back tram a 'latent rebellion into perfect harmony with the laws of health. If there le costiveness!, It dis appears: If there Is ride-ache or hock athe. It ceases: If the skin and the whites of the eyes nee tinged with rupertlunne idle, they rectivartheie natural hap; If the apetlte it gone. It rettirtie 1 ICthe digewion Is Impaired, it4s restored; In brief. whatever the symptoms of the complalrt may be. sod whatever the phase It has as mimed. a curs is curtail. iinch are the uniform effects of this prepifration 'there Winds dlwmaittr has been al. rvely developed; but In emu." where there Is merely a constitution:TT tendency to' ti'''er comp! 'lat. it may be prevented tbroagbout life b' the regular hoe. In email qaantltles of this palatable antidote. These are pro,' en facts, and shodrd be serlovi4ily pondered—or, rather; erect upon—by all persons of blifons habits. oeittna Married( —Emirs for you'll, Ven,on the 6,lmi:tool bornro, cud the pn.mrony or Imuroprlety of artimx married,. with onnltary help for those who (eel autltted or tostrimonlai happiorso Seat free, In Pealed envelopea - Adoreas, 111/WARD ASSOL3ATION Box P., Philadelphia, Pa.. miloomsbnig State Normal Settled!, and Laraasar Coaxsuciat laar*rdiro—Tbe Paeulty °fads bastituthdt aka to be very Inonnigh in their Inw vt.rnetion, and to look easefully after the health, mut nets and morals of the students. Apply for Catalogue to IILEXILY CArrElt, A. M.. Sept. 2&—ly - ÜBLIC SALE!—The undersigned will sell 1 by Auction, on the farm known as the William L. Post farm, near Montrose, on Thurs. day, March 23, 1871, at On o'clock, A. M., the following property : Oilis pair of Maims, I two yearold Colt, 5 Cows, 4 two-year-olds, 2 ,reart , - tugs, 2 shoats, lumber wagon, buggy, double harness, lumber sleigh, whiffictrms; neckyoke, plows, drags, drag teeth, eultivotor„grain cradle; cider final - Miffs, hap; Mid' ther trtielett.- TESUS . :—AIt sums =get. 0, 7 0414 .ttnnd over, 9 months' credit, with interest ruid profc4 icteurity. A. REYNOLDS.. lloptti*Olatch 2wt i• VALUARLE: -. ?..kR 1 51 FOR BALE. —The 'subseribet MEN farm at &deer Lake; Susquehanna Co., Pa., ciantsins'oret . 130 - twres 100 or 10 i of which are cleated and under (=ldea fictiftftlatill is *DoirOcOiljuAgOodloreittriT grain or grass, Jlkm,are beturemtwo tincrlbtki3 hundred grafted live trbitioirt , the place besides peach, plum, and pear trees, the farm is conveni ent for ehurehesiusd schools' , volt h good, .build- Y 1 0`,1 3 0 nls„uptdir orqualterlakeobo'farni la Areckiti 6 . 1 P I . 44 4 lPiritblyi4Xited:AMWs otar. - • "MAIIRIOEikf. - DOINFMLii_ -611serialmeStisqa.• Cowl*. lrgc4V,V3.',Plio *kw ,y4,64 - 41;zu4 7 ; LAW4I,II.4,LACK,AiVAN and WESTV:RIP 12 1 1LTICNVID. - Winer 'Arrangement' of peteangerlitice - kaTt TltAiNta LEAVE WESTAV A ItD BEST . BARGAINS IN TOWN IN curacz PANILY OCEIMN. Picrum PRO ft. inn!. Dried end Canned ?Tait, Vegetable.. itc. a.. the Bad of Navigation. A. N. BULLARD. Montrb.e.Yebraarfti. 1071. Ott nOAD LETTING.—The Supervisors of 1% B r idgewater will meet at the house of Charles Sprout, on Saturday, April 15th, at 10 o'clock A. sr., for the purpose of letting the making of a road from his house to ri road lead lug from Montrose, past Myron Baldwin's, one mile'and ten rods in length. : IL BREWisTER, Z. M. BREWSTER, Supervis- JAMES CALPII, om. Britlen - eta . , Marelt 8,1671. L-aw. FARM FOR SA LF.--On ihe old Milford - and Owego road,nne half mile east &the Univer salist Cnureli, in Brooklyn, conminin ,, eighteen acres, with house, barn, and shop, all in good repair, for particulars, enquire of the proprietor on the premises. C. C. DA.LEY. Brooklyn, Marsh; 8; 1871 2w. n ISSOLUTION:—Tbe firm of Parmeter & Shelp, recently , enwaged In the bleat Mar ket business, is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. The books and accounts of the firm are in the hands of B. Thatcher for immediate col lection. PARMETER & SHELP. The business will be conducted hereafter by the undersigned, who will try to please all who may give us a call. DAVID P.kR3IETER March 8, 1871. 3w ERCANTILE APPRAIMIENT.—DEALF RS IN OA MERCHANDISE.. :he.. In sniquehanna County. Mkt:notice th gt In purouancr of the veveral get, of A.. „.1,1, of th!. Commonwealth to provide revenue to meet the demand. upon the tra.taury and for other par. pope, the under..hmell. A ppralner of Mercantile Lanes for ea id county, hen prepared a Het of Merchant, trod. leg In said county. and placed each merchant In that dare which to blot a potters Just and right according to the act, of A pvembly, to wit: ARMFUL 'Reese & Tingley ..... .. 11 E L Adams . 14 N Mvinn , ... .......13 P C BoAnell 14. LLMOS. Wm. White "'Black. Barham., &Clear 1 , II I. Lott .. .. . • .. • • 14 water f • France & Swisher 14 t; row& Brother... ......14 George Brown 14 ,1Vm.,P. Cole 14 iruzu*. T A. Johneun C C Worth 13 1 1 BIDLIITOWN. PUYOR S. 141034 MM.. ..... 13' Nada , µld. • 14 BROOKLYN. I NONTROSZ. Jll Very.. .... ..... • . 141 0 R Lyons. & c 0..... .12 Tinny & Cramer. .. 14 'Z Cohn 14 .1 II Page . ..... .... 14 w eh lob th, .11 0 ,1 I 11 ..lawY. ..... • •• • 14 Ir 13 4 'handler 14 C Rogers _ . ..... .. 13r r. 11 ihno .. .... ......14 Kent & Eldridge 1 1/.14 . 011P, Drake & Co 11 Wm. crave, . . . I, 'S.yre it 045. .. ... ... —l4 D A 4 1 A Tll .wor th 12 tirtri*&. Nieinds p m 4..33 :...,, ceocor. c-r. Mll logo)._ . st' m. 6 1 tint ford.. , 14 ' A N Bollard .11 14 cm Moan, , Starmn4 3 albot. - 14 T J Volt. ..... : .... ...; . .14 . wm)J ~ Hoyt& C 0....., 11 'r F &Milton. ....-.:%.4' , . illitc rapJoda, r d . 13 J N Baker. • • 14 .1 & J T Boyd. ..... .. 1..14 PII Gerber . ..... .. • . 14 SII More", 14 II A WIIIIAmo .. .... ... 141 11'h r ir & Coat, . 14 0 Weits - & Brother..... .13E 8.,,,,,,,, rd... .. . , ... 1.4 DVNILLYT. I N Balla. . 14 S G Wearer pm 4 .i. ~„ 11 1 $l7 smith. . ~ ... .. 13 I E DAVI,. ... . ..... .. .. 13 re p rird bi u ... . 14 Henry spent., ...... ."...14.1re ..• -- .... . I II •.1 , . E P Chambers !.1, S3l Wilson .. . ....13 A Richardson • "1.4r Tnrrtli p in 4 ........ _l2 W. i i i , T ,V . `:' ,.. ......... I. ...&l i t u ra i d e . n rl b r ,l llllls Aco p m 4.10 ...'. R 0 sen. to Miles & S/ 14. rntall••••••••• 14 ..bn0n1";00.... .. : . . 11 /11.110,11 ' . . •-• • • • 14 Veit mono, Potent i s . C0..11 Sievers; & Leehod, • 44 .1 11 DeWitt & tal. 12 , ratterretat 11- I'L..iliriir . . .... .. .1U 141 L 11.111.... yna vtu4x, i NEW NtLronn • Lll Sllvern. . . . ...... li tAini s, 4,4,3 „ ,i p 4r4 ... 3 4 14 DC& P 11 Fordhein. . .1:1' 3 p1.. 6 rrin...•../r•• • - •• 10 Ell Merriman ii : ..34111/O1 Atkins 11 .1 I. Merriman ili II Bnrritt p m 4, 13 II L Blowers .141.1avtd Sommer. p m 4.-12 W L Mose & CO 1/101ElflEiVILL06. P 1 111 1 1 .17 131 3 ..... •-• ' '' '.. " - Trgri hoop. . .... 14 111 McMentibs...••• . ...... 14 .0 04 Hi 1• 1 1.! Wm. Hakim p m 4 la .. - Robert Wintan. ... ...... 71 J.4l^ .•.lfm's I! MqColitim A Brother.. .. J . . 011 EAT BEND. II Stark 11 14.11,111 & hon.. .. 01 10, . Wilitimu a Prosloo. ....13 P 1 T" * ."4 . - • • -14 /001.0.• NO. R S (. " 1.1 V.' • ' "I T TMu ...„. ...... Ti) Eeletirrme p m4;....111 m „ ~..‘,. , .. 4 L S Lon( Ica ...... ...... 13 r'• N. 313 13• Y W A 4.1 n ..... 11 13.000. wm C io r i n i oe . h" . . 14 L 111 Sherwood &Co 11 14 1 N Gran.....or p m 4 . 13 M . ' McCreary.. . 44 111 i 1:/ Snyder... .14 Thorne. ermines EPIIINUELLII. Weller Ninth. 11 Wm. lieldsrln.. .... .. .1411 44 K ... 7 , 4 1.44. ,..... . .. 14 11. P Donna 1111.4 t Spencer 14 11 Clark 4 - ;, „ A 4 . 2 , 4 w m .,1 4..... .. ..... 141 It T Hendrick......... —lt 1. W Chichester l 40 l000te Meneroln 14 II & Bleserole..l 4 1 D C Bronson. .... .... 141_ ,_ II 0 Hanna . 14 c Darnell ': . .... ~..14 U F Farga.. .. .. . ...I • 51;,4QtensIssIA oce&r. autsmi: ' Glllrtd. 1... gr, . . .13 Cnoperative Company-, 11 L4l Ly0n5...... .. . .. 14 l'lrome IT Wells p m 4....11 W 8 Breit, T .., 4 ".. . .14 .14m. Pnller ............1R 1: Pernsil. ...........14 Dunn/ Cu . D E Ilr „men p 111.4 11 B. Cacey, 34 IA (imore 11 . Crandall__ .1.3 K , nn y k !Mr rl ni4....14 I Allrn.. ... ....... ..14 41.111.1 ten A Smllvy/p m 4.18 1114 - erv•Morrlo....„. _l4 Wm. D Eymar . ...... ...14 :Chomp McDonald . .. DI II M Tingley , ' 14 II V Sgtittti'.. : ~........ : .14 rear lituvr. ... .11I, t 1 AmdrizmA.....i., -.14 II W Brant d Co.. ` Jalbel Virg. ” . ... ...14 .1 B Stevens 11114411 a re AiWoctittfon.lo ....14 ''..14 . 13 .....14 .1 Schlnger & Co. (Walter Barber --_ 12 SA Lv(ins'l. 7 l3on. D 14 Lpino . 14 S m alnwpm C J Ly.m..... . . Lew . Preeman 14 tretsflocß. 111 P D0ren...... ..... J. 12 G W Pouct & Co.— ..12 Iltna (' Plap na 4—,., ..,2 c C gpen.Nr . .. .. .. ....1.9 datne4l' 001 'l2 Moroe.Nlthol; ...... 'm4.10 11 J reketibpry. 14 11..slownp. FII Thayer. .. 12 .1 C elkiorcto.. ) t ...14 lacEpritt &K me .... II 0 Po))ne it S_ oo . .. ..14 F D ,onA ti E T 'rural l y,— ......... 12 AIS Tornoz . 14 I. R P 0 ,41.....:. :.1. ~ . tin 1.; &limo ' 14 J NV .P.' bite ..-- ~......r......44 gro.S. McGrath_ .... ~./4 Jnner & 'runner A 1 jiCIO. BAT . . 14 T .1 , 'err & Ce 12 4/ T Smith. 13 E S IlInElt.„ .... ~...... 1 Elle* - 7ilcOulre 14 Babcock . Nost . on 14 Goetenlur2. 11 osc n. 1 4AC41,44041. , Nan 1b t:0....,. ' H M Benson 11 J C & d 11 Cook •. 12 D Roberts .. . . .... 14'J C Foot Norris & French... ....121D A I,one .. d 1 Potter. . .. . . ..14'C A Miller JIGSSUP. J C k J /1 Cook John Werner. 14 152 Mille, .. ... .. J 11 Rosenk tuns vnY . . 14 , gin W Osborn... Ltnettfe. Aire E E Forbes. Joseph Web•ter 14 A C Perlernan D D'etanfoTll - 11 SILVER LA . A A Beeman, 14t'r Sollisan 14 Lerrett. ottercors. K ft Meeker Ati E B ileardtdce . • 14 Denials Mah0ny..........14 D H Gard Id . - lel Mot. M Oar" .............1t LAT11110r. 1.20 7N0 3, . Hall " Brothers • 12 1 0 L Levi. 14 E M Tiffany A Co lUIP M. Hellen 11 Classification of Venders of. Merchandise. Male, lane than $5.000... . . dant+ 14 - $ 5'.000 lose than slo.olol - 13 " 10.1100 - 15.911... .......... ... " 12 " 15.111111 " 201X1(1... ll " 21.003 " " 30.0110 .• COM " 9 " ,10.0qj " WAN/ 5555. :... .. ..... " 3 ;(4'initi 7nneeW-6( the (Merl of CotrittO4 Pleas of *aid county will hold a Court of Appeal at the Heart Bonne in Ifourreae, In and for raticedifnrj, on Toenday, April 18th. PM, nt 1 o'clork p..m.. at which limn and place any of the Merchant* deectlbetr, defined, null eines. t 4 its aforerald, or their ag nis 012 attorneys. may lip peat trod appeal floor said Aseesnnent If they think Pante/ft CILOAhE HALL, • • iselrsolY; March ir 4871.-4311 Mercantile Appraiser. .. __ STIIGUD - BROW NTS , rlr44 -ilk, rind iiefdent GEXERAL , INSURANCE AGENCY, • 211EcoritroAser .rrefiv q.144.TV, $80:400.000 dowel ' CyslA. T..Capftat acid - • "- WWII ) loeurance Co7Or ttofth - Rmertelt; rndra„- Capital and fierplus,,ooo , Franklin Fite Ineurance Co., _ Dili , Pa., Capital and Sisrplak,•• • AOOO,OOO Lycoroingcoputy,llmuallnaurange Co.of . , . Money, Knin'ti. Capital and dorplas. CA90,000 Connecticut 31t0001 Llte lororaneetb. ' • • Hartford. Cane., Cap!tal, 30,000,000 American Lite Naomi:lee Witt. Capital, - ..••• • 7. 1,000,000 Tratelere:ln in ran ce Co. Hartford, Con n„ I naoringagainst all kinds acattedfil Capital, 70b.000 !, t Hartford Fire Ineutonce Company, Yrt. nut. ford Conn...Capita/ad Surplus: 103.0a6.00n .137,—m)hustse.p.srittosto4ca UP, WE.Will att•md , pd to oriTairtermi; rtfid nil promptly adjoined. firtlfflta firialli'oiestf trot* flAnkidg Mira 01 W. IL CaopetA, Co,,!Fornplke KM:tante, Pa: STROUD . ft BROWN, kg - ents. rov. rale eltor. • CUL' •d 113u.bnros . SKr. latt. • Fdi SALE. troß.prcipp in rty,laaatecl • at - ntmOttr CatiieriOtild Ihn% 'mown IL. the IRWIA ifotvf,coruiecoxtrlt wblClI are about Tvtsaty 4 . l•44.ol7 o tratiAna , . 0 1 1. 111A4Pa;,;7ask. 23,a IBM 4 Wafter. .1• .7 A UDIPW4.. c)44,11 C,E,,Tho—uuder- R- giglirClittfr" tiptintetra - by no' Orpbnil's Court of Susquehanna County. to din , ributo the lands in the harms Of the. administator of the estate of W. K. rem. ood, deceascd. will attend to the duties of his appoint orent at hoe office In Montrone. on Thursday. March, 919, '7l at 1 o'clock. P. is., at which nom and piece all persona interested will present their claims or be forever debarred from claiming Buyer said hind. W. W. WATSON, Auditor. Montrose, Fohroary 8. 1871. 4w EASTWARD VSTATE OF Stif.MAEL BALDWIN, late cf Ararat Penntlyirentaa &tattled, Letters testa mentary upon the estate of the 'ounce milted decedent having bceo granted to the undersigned. notice Is given to all pereona indebted to the same to make immediate payment. and those haying claims open the same will ',recent theta duly authenticated tbr settlement. LEONARD O. HAL WM, ; • Executor/. LYMAN E. BALDWIN. ; Ararat, Felomary 22, 1871. Am/Trot: 4 s NOTICE.—The undetnlgnietl, an Ana: tor, appointed by the Orphan'. Court of Susque hanna Connty, to di.iiibete the Inneln the kande of the Administrator of the ramie of John Hays. dece”ed. trill attend to the duties of We appointment, at th. office of W. 11. Jessup, Esq., hi Montrose. OP Tuesday the 28th day of March, A. D.. 1871. at 1 o'clock, p. m.. at which time and piece all person, Interested In said fond will present their claims or be forever debarred from Cowing In upon maid fund. 11. COOPER JESSUP, Montrose, February 22, Int. 4w Additor AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—The abersigned, on Auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court of Susquehanna Count,. to distribute the fund In the hand. of Elliot Al drich, J. W. CosSington and Ell Dienes.t.recutors of the jast Will and Testament of WI !lam Wood, do- Ceased. w 111 attend to the duties of his appointment, at bin office. in the Borongh of Montrose, lit raid oounty, en MOlldoe the 10th day of April, neat, at 1 Y. o'clock p m ril persons may present their claims or be for ever barred JAMES E. C A RNA LT, Mom now, February al, OrCt. Auditor. Ali utruit's NOTICE.--Tier,under signed, it ppoluted an Auditor by the Orphana• Conn or Susquehanna county, epen exceptions to the final ncceunt or t be sotoluistral lot of E. W.:smith isElmln letratoi of the relate of Melinda Duane, deceased will attend to the entice of tits appointment at hit office. Montrose on Saturday thy let daY of April. A. D.., 1871 :it 1 o'clock p. to D. W. SEARLE. Montrose, Feb:l.s. 1871. 4w Auditor. e.t2l.rolt'S N tyro Testamentary le the Es earkte or Jeremtah Meaehrtmelare.MldantroseJAare quehannn County. deeene 4. haveng been grokted (o the eetweriber; all . imretme hwiehted to sold relate are requeemitu make immedlate.paYmeht• add an - Ditit. o %. 6snme claims against said decedent will pereent the without delay. • • ALFRED DALDIV/N. rd treee, March A, IS - 71 ticv F.kecakor. UDITUH NI/TICE..-The andereigned. on Auditor. s4qllppoiiitcd by the di..ocea of the Orphans' Court of ii Cllll.lll County; to di:trititottoida remaining In the il:llPit. of Jame* Worden, Adni Inlitrator of the w ilt.' of Selo P..yne, decraewl. will cttcndto thedrdiel of wild appointment., at. tileollice. in liontrosc, the 6th day of April. 1671. at I o'clock in the fteruoon of that day. nt which time rind.placo all perilous interested will make known their elairms or ho forever debarred from coming in on said fund. . W. A. CROSSSION. Montryse, Marti t,18:1, 4w Auditor. COMMITTEE'S SA L E.—Commlt tee R&M' teal estate. Notice to hereby germ. that to pursuance of an or, der of the Court of Common Pleas of Suegclehaana cenote. I will_ on Wednesday the 15th day of Marts. 1871, at 10 o'clock. a. to.. upon the precaleca. In the town of Jackson„county of Surquehinata and State of Penns)rwinia. expose the undivided half part of the followininduce, parcel or lot of land, the estate of Lett Barrett, a lunatic, to public rale. described as follow', to wit: Bounded on the north by land. of Calvin Morse, on the east by public highway, 'iodine from thc.Jacksoel cud New Milford road, to W. 11. Norris' Mort"; on the south by laud, of J. R. Barrett. and west helan& of Or en Barrett , enotainingone hundred acres of land, be the tame more or lest. with the building' , and appurtenanCi es. *ell Improved: On which Is a good house. /ten barns; orchard. &c. Terme of sale—Onu hundred delimit to be paid on the land being struck down lieu hundred dol lore on the confirmat on of sale and delivery of deed and balance in totes civet limn oat enetaimeets, with interest from date cf wile on all unpaid 6M0011t..1 not paid on giving dead. to be secured on bond and morfaage, of Judiftnene bond upon the premise*. 1 will also, expose to public tale. at same time and place. the foil iyoing. personal property, to wit: I'm, cows.? tWo year old heifers. coming Lei Oda spring; Y. yearlings. one year old colt. two horse carriage, sec of light two bone 1.1711 . 11%, harrow. plow, trots cut new. in cradle. two stoves and a lance quantity of hay and other article, not mentioned. February 10. 1871- OREN BARRETT, Committee of LEN 1 BARRETT New Milford Feb. V.. 1871. EW a Lunatic.. PIII3LIC NOTICE. IWould respectfully state to my former Customi rs and the public generally that I am apt% curry tug cm the TAILORING BUSINESS, IN MONTROt 4 _E, nerd propose to de all WORK In Oro Liao, Ixf FASHIONABLE, N'ICAT, 'SERST . ANT - UL 3IANNEH And at Fottsbetory Priors. Particular attnotkut given In 4 '1711:ill end ,WrEt:IAL used In hoe the work Mau for tho person who puts it together. Shcp on the west aide of "Public Avenue." over Dern. 8 Nichols' Drug Store, adjoining the Oflicp of Dr. Ilaleey. P. LINKS. Ylonnose, Febrtsry 7, 1871, tf WATCIIMAItERAND'JtTC'ELER, Susquehanna Depot., Dealer in Watches. Clocks Jewelry, &c. Re pairing promptly done and warranted. FINE SILVER GOODS! made a speciality; Silver Detached Levers for $l2 00. Ard'imicain Watches/ at Companha re duced prides. 'Goals ordere' (or parties, from New York, at less profits than if kept constantly on hand. Solid Itl caret Rings fur $1 15 per penny weight. A. 11. TARBON. Susquehanna Depot, Jan. 25, le 1. tr. . VARM AT AUCTION.—In pursuance of an IV order of the Orpharis' Court, in andlor baa quebanna County, I will expose at public suc tion, on the premists, at 10 o'clock, a. m., on Monday the 2Uth day. of March next, all that certain farm or tract of land, situate in Dimock township, in said County, bounded, on the curt by lands fbriarly owned by JAM Poster, north sad west by lands of F. IL Hollister and C. J. li south by kind fbfinnirly of J. Morse and Wm. I). Cope, containing 150 acres, More or less, with the appurtenances; a frame dwell ing house, barn, sheds, good orchard, with graft ed fruit, being the premises of which Hobert Foster, late of said l)imock township, died seiz ed, in his demesne as of fee. TERMS or SALE.—The widow's portion there of to be secured by bond and mortbmge,Anterest payable annUnfly to the widow of said dbeedent, Jane Foster, during her lifetime, principal, at her death, tO Milton H. anti George a ' , muff . ; one Imodrelll &Mem to be lead at the striking down of the property, obe-fonrth on confirma tion of sale and delivery- of deed, balance in one year thereafter, with Interest to be secured on the premises: JOHN F. IftNTER; ),F;xemitors of Rob. Jr/I N FOSTER, c ert Foster, deed: Dimock, February 22, 1871. 4w lAIiGE CLOVER . & TINfOTHY -.4 SEED. For Sale by STANLY TCRRELL. warrant ed CLEAR nt' DAISES. STANLY TURRELL, Forest Lake, Feb. 21., IS 1. 4w. ABEL TURRELL . EEFS ennelantiy on hand one alba :duet nnmcr H ous cuttections of DRUGS & MEDICINES In dm country and thatowPeepeelar attention to an %eating and buyinli articles In thla depareniela that pro pare and germae. Ho also keeps a great variety of mums AND WINER; • bought either direct from the distiller, of Importer, and warnaded•arrtetir P Alto. a fall aeaortmeni of Paintig . Oils; Varnishes, Brunie , : Lubricating Oils and No Stuffs. &traceried. Wall Paper,Glass, K•eruseue, lolfase Platobi. Guns and InUMULtioll. A Ono variety of Gold tied (AM iIiiNVELRY, Pertain cry, Yanneo NOTltfita, Ae., and' Mbar goons too no morons to mention. During several rears put persons haws bees In the been ul furiniug eletw.entseudtog Caine Great Arnett- C.AO Te 3 Cuinuauv, New York', fur thus 'appal-et of Tea nod Coffee. fur familLuen. , • Abel Terrell Is now supplying the people with these This and Coffees, nt sls mute bluntrlmet St the same prices that these clubs and wrier persons pay at the store 01 the Company in New York. Thus, purchaserd apl save the exprers charge, trouble df clubbiag an* risk otscading, by WlWl:fur . • ~ 01.0srer csasti. Tizaatirjr CILED, For Salo ni Lathmp's store. -March 01,1871. 8w C. D. LATH OP. . ..4" 4 -• A. B. TARBOX, , - 1' - • wctire red.& thi OM addletal did alit Steak o Palls.azi4 are now ready to I onward Bettar to the Ire' t copfadastatihnitae. In !few York,tree of thin*, and Make I I beraladvilltteat en If on eansty,faindltra: z Coll and oaandrutoar Steak before orrekaal .. ag else. wbere. Odeon, taeltpumwellrearof 'lief GOODqtrALITY , - dr - LOW PUjogs 1 -C.•• ' • • ':. of tar do6dd, ,' - ' ••• 1 ‘,.. Apra, Ivramt,l„. G. NUM% '.. • • • . -• . --- W. B. CO/Liill Monfoed. Pa t NOtroset; epill lb. lad% " E. -'.' ~.•' ' • , .a,:: IEiSTATIE„NIrrICpit. STATE,RETEE, MI TILLMAN, late - or Saiiea D4'o4' tiviget co—deett. Letters ormiselnlstratton upon the estate of Meehan named dem:dual:miring beengranted to the undersigned. notice is hereby gitten Ithd all Demons todehted. to the same are requested to bike Immediate payment, mai those baling datum tip* ehe UM presest them du ly authenticated for seulemeut Sem • I. I. TILLMAN . . Adttee , en Depit i Jan.IIL 1:1r. C. 21 0 . 13X5LCAVVIN'fc7 YOUNG AMERICAN L X .1 4 07 I BE NI isT ..xs . In offering fhts Liniment to the pahilc. et **e do 1n fell coundenrec that It mutt etipercede all other' sow li use. se an Internal remedy. fur the curvet all eliisseset to the reach of that elms of medicines. we can safely assert, without the least fear of contradiction, that it Moods on rivaled in the list of medics! compounds vairrnally ;p -otted for the curs of ditesse, Feeling therefore that It is unnecessary to pnff • remny.eo emilleatly wooderfal in its effecte, so ntysterionaly Infallible In Its powers of relief. causing the deaf to bear, the blind to pee. the ner. toffs. (Dupe and crippled thesusatte Wirral' erect mad re joice again in the power and vigor of manhood, title pry parpiton is offered to the public on IN own itierlie. and claims no Volcanic origin or mown. Mal oils of the Arabi. an deserts but on the contrary is what It. impurte, and Is a rare combination of tbeimitere Of lititUa Anted,- can products. Nair Teak, bee. 11 , IMO. This notice Is to huffffitt all dealers In proprietary medicines , . that we have established a Depot to Nampo-- henna county at Moutrore. Pa., for the rode of DJ. O.D. Brown's Young American Linimen t . and that Mr, A. BAILDW IY la one agent for that ptirporos. WARD. SOUTIIERLANII g. .1;0 Winton Street, Now York Agenda.. will soots beestabilehed M wandfames in every townidap. and pal:helical in the Hat bean*. lam ready tp faintish it at wholesale price. so agents. Parst ent and circulars sent free wpou application to the ran scriber. The Liniment is now for saleat retull by the follow. log agents, to wit: Burns & Nichols Montrose. A. Turrell, E. L. Adams. Aubnni 4 Corners. William White, Nubian Centre, Noah Baldwin, South Anbarn. Waltman & Vosburg, Skinner's Eddy. Eerier .t Vaeghn. Wyannitug D. C. & F. IL Fonlhatn, Franklin. Dr, V. Hornet, Campton., J Durtmve & Sons, stevrausaille. It, Sherwood, Braebvilio. It. T. Hendrick, SPfinif+ lll °. William Thayer, Dirnocik E. B. Bearaisiee, Little Meadows, Itobairt Winters, Friendsellie. M. L. Ball, Blrchardville. D. A. 'Ellsworth. Brooklyn, Fa. L. B. Hinds, Factoryville, W, H. ettniP, Sultry Hollow. E. M. Tiffany, klopbottont. J. B. Very. sioutrose Depot U. M. Hawley, New Sigurd . . T.l). Easterbrook, Great Beni?. Any person in townships not above named, denials: on agency, may obtain it by acirarcesinc A. BALDWIN, Granerai Atrai. Manama°. Pa. Jan.11,1871-3m FIRE! EIRE! I.lltE!—Yuiir house may burn Heil. Seek refuge at once, either In the SUET , . Security. N.Y., - • . - $2 Iluu,tuu uo Manhattan, • - • - • /,51-aI,UUO nU North American, - e " t• Auti Hanover, - • UU Philadelphia, • • • - !WAX) tai hinterprise, - - Or Norwich, Conn., chartered May,l9ll, the oldastStock Co., ela Ceo n C n m t p i a t c e, A c c ure , ea n a d b orveel ae l eold e a c v t ianbgl iebbeeedn tried and proven. Look out for little new wild cat cont. palates et:winging up all over the country juel to make money. or ' , mid your appinatione, and I win see that 100 are fairly dealt with. IIIiGNItY C. TILER. Flee. Life and Accident Tunarance Agent, at tae outse of' iv. D. Lusa, Esq., Montrose. lehmary I, Mid.-it. FARM. FOR SALE, Of One hundred hnd Seventy-five Arta sit uated between Silver Lake and Mud Lake,loo acres improved, and nearly aH the remainder in heavy hemlock timber ; having thereon a Food house, barn, shed, granary, etc., orchard of tri• apple, cheny f and plum hoes ; watered hy flavor failing spring. and creeks. Price, $25 per acre, sonic of which can remain on mortgage. ALLEN J. SIIELDOW, Jan. 4-3wlwein Silver Lake, Pa. FARM FOR SALE; Containing one hundred and flay acres, one hundred under improvement—With good build ings, orchard, &c. &e. Price /me i end terms made ease. inquitt of L. F. men. or G. V. BENTLEY . Montrces, Jaw 4, 1871—t! DENTISTRY, C. A. SACKETTS Venial keetko, 'Kart 3111forl, Pa Partletilntatientl6ln even (0 nag:Tenet:44oi thil natu ral tenth. Artillan] ' Path Lueerted fnAll ramose yha now to enc. Perfect vatlnfArtion guarantied loan, Cue and eon tn.§. and entloff yonninken . Wilco bows: _ ours each day. hiAn. 5, 151%) —ll FurtNritniv ESTABI,ISIIMENT • OF WILLIAM W. &WM. rtzerx Tax! Neese': TIM extensive Fennell, PleVililishment of William W. Smith. haying been refitted 'ad spltatty the proprietor respect. (Oily anholineertill fine eitliend of Alifirtrote and vicini ty, that he Je constantly making and keeps of Wind the largest and hest arlsortment.of 3+icrzzI..KIVIEYARL'E to be found anywher thin old. of New York City. Desks, Divans, Toweiracka, Lounges, Footstools &c. Csinter ard, Pier, Toilet. Dining. Kitchen and extension table.. CHAIM —Cane and NVuodoeat Itoeiver,Canc, Flag and Wmidecats of every variety and style. Saltation Tide-a- ctea, laird:fated. oit cans ebhfehatee retested. E • '" : • SPRING r-BEDBI, ••• • ; • A late atitiditenciii=Cireafteiit and Deal ICY the tauter Cane Seat Chair& Lam now op atiicd to an ppir my clistomera will a new substantial cane seat chair, of home manufacture, which will he round erkatly anperfoil to Kama foretell 1p market, and yet are sold at a leile prfee. CANE-SEAT CHAIRS RE•SEATED. Or Rego -mitre cothe 061110 ff, p fujidelled at abort notice. Deane alwrys in readinere If &Melt I employ none but careful and experienced workmen. I Intend to do - aty work well, and sell It as low as can be afforded. WILLIAM ie. &VITA. Montroxy,.Felle NEW WALL PAPER, tuft offload. sod telling rhropby Montrofe, Aptil Z).114V. ABEL TORRELL, DOWN TOWN ..NEWS MINER AND COATS, Main Street, b doors below OnYell Cotner, Nobtrewe 1•LOUII, GROCERIES, AND • PROVISIONS. We are conetnntly tee; Wing lid naw baTe pnliand, strain stock of lino& In ouxll2 eortdeli we eildiell% 011,EAP CIEPAI CHEAP ! lot oneli.or yids Igo errtiodied.. „, 000.1) TEihsi COFFEE I s VOA It, MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, FISH, LARDI, AMS; .IYRIRDI 2I I7tI77g; CLOVER27II'O7III SRELI, . . . PEBBLE SPECTACLES—aIso corn' mom %lefty-Ina. A now sopplT .~ fnt wevrosomor.•2o , olo..„ 7 S 1 LL • o‘kli /it • raft l ',(14 , ;:•-• 1840 ;) i 87,2 . Th. PamZnasn la by sielesrsal homed ailowid to Imes woe fm Itself a ',foliation trnsurpaseed In'hho Eta tory sr method preparathots. Ito hastantaseen smog in the aradlcation and **deafen at , Palsla.6ll'l s 14 bm* Nods forrnsAnctdsnt, 11,116 batman faulty, sear - ...Itched mitten and' Serbs] tectlmnay of Ibis ..Ines In Its favor, have lien, sad are IMO** best attertlse mentor. The Inzredlcats of Ma Panein,L44, Wig Dun, Vsuarance. reodbr fta perfectly eciftrasd selastidus• remedy lalw.o listen:l3lly, an well as (or eate* 'PO' cations, when coed setordlig to 4/caesium.. Wlts stabs upon linen Rest Ile ries Is readily removed by WaslSlng. with aleohol. This eledlcfne, jotay celelriatml for As .. eiireior vs' many of the sfhlctions Mei/lclo this Zooms famtkr. has now been berate the Ohb/fe oversew:et ton fonnd Ito Senylatp almost every cornessillbmwenf: and eltereter I; has been told& the sante eletelde ; 4 •1 3 ., messed 01 Its medical propertiat,' ' • In eta /Welt. ohms prompt actlsto masa Skil brit.* is repaired. Ile rain 1111cr Is Ineatiabla. i t ts doWd to•tanisesuas street In Mitering Padilla trld II•soft" Cal. and whrn need arrnrding to dirs•Slotis,' • 111114'to Its muse. a 1 . 64 N ICILI.Eft. -- -- ?OW 1114, The amid err . • Ad T ue k lICU amid fm:4l: alock 7" rese • ir otu,cEzias dr rnairtigates; which *III be rad et a IoW fitnte Coe VIAL a tun cruet, anialrs way be foungl iiour i Hams ; Drild Boryi , Bmsfati • 17ifilovi add' : „Ns, Atisektiotd. Tow, Corr*, Seg.ta, meo, Moe, Worrteralel re - Seccci,. • Prxeher, Prars, Pica Apple!, !tweet ColE. 'NEM' Ina, gnincem, and Pltutm. Cocoa, Paine. Extract I.emon;ctc. ate: ell limb or SPICES. Qµnm, Oronto Toti. oto. CROMER!' Ai GLA2IIWARH. A.l chew's: and Smelting Trial.., Mt Alt of whieli case Le wafrauteCl se Int duo geed, *ft away. to addltkrtv to the Grocery trade, we 1111111 rturthiss, Cleo. C. Hill's Ilvwe Willis, where yon had • (00a Pe1,(14 , 11 of Ktatinuary, Book.. Nally, Weekly Lid knottily Paper.. 31shasirtes. Books spd vipers sad SO hold will b. ordered and furnished oastont notice with out extra eliavr..o. Special care given to orders. NS trmd Ws to show pootle--rs• dm? la and see Mr yourself's& LZ — Gontle delivered without extra Marge.. - WAnci. r C. U. Gans, i Mantroke, Xliy 111, 111 110CE17.1 ES • Tea, Coins% Sugar, Riot, talcratnic Crickete r Pepper, Spica, 124n0r, Cinnalnoh, Ftnisius; Zon is Currants. Tapioca, Starch, Vinegar, Clasp! Cream at:Tartar, Soda, Cream Yeast, Corn Starch, Farina, Nutmegs., Mace, Chaves, Ciotals B (IS, Chocolate, and the beat, Molasses in the world, at the i tore of Ate, *palm - kV, 'Montrose, Mat: 39 r ?CO: SIGIO OF triE MIMS 1041109 Would reopertfully oaf' to tko ypblb, tial4 tketromfol asoOrtmeat of runelmats AND 11/51UUlYill, tkey have Paints awl Oils. Vandal, Dye-Stan. Mini and Llquore, Patent 31edleinha, Spectaciett, Nye litarees. Pocket litaircs.,lntzors, Vielts • Guitar Otrlnge. Aloojnot rocelree • - a ane tot of Rut - Oven , . Can Cape. (inn Wadding, • • . Cartridge+, &c. keep alwiri on hand aid Pr l'astiOnsvilcrs Gin Poodo.. Itale Powder. Tobacco and et ail•J piriar quality • soi • conceal az...ancient of sake . • done. • to liesm.l.4lr the CIITAT cAsn DRIPS STOW, 6! Bura• b Nlchole. A. B.; • Migatrows, lloc. 14.1Vit. A 111164 Zs IMO-Li: FLOUR I FLOUR ! Froth f is duy fo'rward, in gli2flialt Plait rf retail at - • WHOLESLLB PRICES. We bang oat na falia coloYs, but-aloft PO *hat we say. . iiirhife making Inour a ipetkilty, ov skint* FEED, .116 all; SALT, LIMB CiRMILYri GROCERIES, PROrlauns, Will be kept fa and !old it very mall. prellte. 11. GAll.lLtit New I.lHforti f March A , 1170.--17 0910;000'' . • WlStill of Goods In sture , Air the telltig the 'FAT Trsident 18'70; In a 1111 'aid general assortment 'of true, and ASV/10141w, and ;Ring fgetAitt.': In irmpress Ciotie , Dews, 01.444.9f•t;14#414 Cam, Altmete. qmelP. Oillotie, ffi_to_qiii4 /4 0 01110 Lodi. s (1441 trekti Prungluirgo goeog,raii{i f - d oAri, afsw iimorhnfne ofgemi,lekiefileris, ' Latlies'CL9Uis, P7anpeG , llogerli. DpeweNeyi:CtlitotttofeAtq-A tirt a: *neat asiminleht. of hat' ItatteirlA,' hoot); & Flakes, Oils and Paints:l , o - ,Croe„kery-, hardware, Staves, Iron, &a furabh ing aup'etiOr oppottunity for selectiont,' - and will be sold on the most tittorable terms, Ililtord4OT. Oe. UT 211551 wawa a salq. DRUGGISTS, I.erdire atel Gong EERIE am. zrermatzTV4